Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 29, 1859, Image 4

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1 1
Hard Spelling.
lucre i too lit i Jt- attention paid to tbo
accomplish,,,,, of correct fpellini. A
correspondent 0f the Wiikcs-Lane C."u,
"lives Ihe following authentic return of
the Constable of l'rovideiice township to
the Court of Luzerne county, tubitim ft
liUratim, from ouc who ii ia understood is
still living :
"to the ouorablo Judges and Curt of
this quarter .Ssiou otie barstc Chill b ,r
tlie nam .,f the mothers N.mie is ii.me.-y
martin no Diar Kill uut of ;va.sii
liuoads ara p-i-abie the bridge .'itiiu
:erous j'asMti.
l'"ust 1'rovitieuce.
Augst G;ii llU.''
A fiiciid al.s.i j ut in Lis band a copy of
a litter adiiiesstd by the mother of a
Joung lady h.i was alt cudiug tLc Semi
nary at f tu one of the teachers.
Tbo irl bad liu le cumplaints to her ni -tber,
ho promj.tly SJt about a redress of
grievances iu the fuliowii.g mod.-i letter:
"11. Hired MjiIIjiji As I bad a good
ediea'iou my. if, i.m oreevrd lor to sea
in hat manor . ur irny is birr by the
but!j5. Aud it is my witch for she to
lepe iu the bid ,-i.e always d , and Uut
for 10 0 to si, pe ail r ,uud the beds iu the
lious,-, for to fide all the bus iu ,
lljnred .Maddam, which is riot rite, as
Jou must no. neither ought hc to be
witched 6j to do. And so do more at
i.resent. from II nr. d M-..I.I ,,n
Your bumblo sirvaut,
Octto'oer S."
These "spi ciun tits" will do. Heading
and spelling property arc essential to the
rudiieeu's of au edueitiou, and if these
are not altendc J to. all sulscijueut studies
are marred and bideted. !
: i-i , .
ucitm5 uut Oi v,io;e tiudiiers.
Got. I)., ol l-'iorida, was as celebrated
for his fta-ery as for bis rx.cutitre rp.ali- j
ficatiooa. Otvmoacroy.d of "ai.ina lis-
: "aping
tenors an acccutit of the strange things be
bad Sstn duriug bis pi rtrinaliot.s through
the far West, be said : "Fact, gentlemen,
the trees are so close' together iu Arkansas
that you mtiy travel for days without find
ing tbcm uiure than three feet apart ; aud
then the game ! such vast numbers of buf
falo, and bears, and wild cats, but iu all
the world I never saw such deer!"
"What of the deer, ; .v. 1).?" a-ked a
djuiut-red desccndit.t of Nitnrod, wliu,
to use bis own ex: rcssi. ti, '-d'rather bunt
nor eat, any time, an 1 s be bad."
'Ola, the biggest bounding l ucks you
ever saw! Why, uiy dear nr, the woods
arc perfectly alive with tin in, charging
about with great branching hums lull Juur
t..l.,..rl" ;
.... ., I ,
"c, nui, iniv. t. , it tne trees are
, J
Only three feet apjrt, and the deei s horns ,
'Mr, I Want you ti) tell tne bow are they
, , ,, ,
to oct thr-.iuh : i
e I
'Oh, well, that's thdr lo. k out I have
nothing to do with that '." I
llancrn r iduratlim Irish lb morratt.
In a manufacturing ullage near Hart- 1
ford, a Zfalou? Ieainrmtic houIniasttr :
devoted his evciiiti'-s. ft r fume tiuje before
the late tlecti u, to the instruction of a
company of Irishmen, iu order to lit thetn
to become I'eiuocratic voters. After gct
tiug thetn educated up M tbo require
Dients of the recent statute, which requires
to become Kinocratic voters. After get-
tiug thetn educated up M tbo require-
.1 .... . !., ..I l . , . .. i .i , . . ,-....,;.. 1
tutu, v. .U1G tJ nau me v ous.i.ui.ou,
he took them to Uartfjid aud Lai tbeiu
naturaliiod, aud relied with t-reat conS
, , . . , ,
dence on their Voting '-tbo itit ticket. ,
Wben election day came, however, the
achoolmaster a. r.n.z'.-d aJ mortilied to !
aeo nearly all bis bop. ful upila vote the !
ltenublican ticket. "The cu-ses." be said. '
"had lume.l -,i,.t I in. -,ft,r be bad '
uaa turned agjibat liiui, alter Ut hl ,
tpent more tbau a bundled dollars on j
.Lm The i..ei.l..t .1,.. the. nerii. of .
ducatioo totheiuoderii lietuocratic party,
- :
"Talk .bout mean men !'' sa.d old loi,
"Khy, there's that llili Johnson, be', the
meanest man I ever LeaiJ on. UlUvfasa
constable; be had an ex.-etiti ,u ag-nnst
mo for a little matter of groceries, and j
came out aud levied on uiy oi l womau's
ducks, aud wauted uie tu drive m up aud
catch 'em for biui, but I t. id hitu to Citcli
'em bitnsulf ; and so be chased 'em 'r uud
and 'round the house, aud every time he'd
catch a duck, he'd sit down aud wring its
bead off and t-Auye iin.'oyr '. '
The Dame of the Was1iiut;ton l.'uieu
hli been changed to Tht Vuiiftitutivn.
The editor cays that Lereafitr it will be a
"L6Wtpa er," and iu execution ot bis plau
writes a leader iu favor of the war with
Mexico not the ucxt one, Lut the last
one. His second tfi'jrt will probably be
iu support of the Auicti -an lievoluiiou.
Fast nun, those Govcriuueut tuitors.
The editor of the (I'oitlaud.) Dithm
ArtjU found ou Moi.d;.' the ii. Ieateuean
didatc fur Mayor iu the coint.osiiio room
of that paper, busily "sett, no.,.,, the tu- miNDS AND SIID!'S
augurai ol bis successful competitor, and Jj 'h.;ip lor Cash.
criticising it as be Went ai ng. .-o philo- j VILLIAMS,
tophical a citiicn should imt spoil bis con- Xo. 16 Xorih Sixth street, Philadelphia, is the
leulmeut by gjing iuto oirtss-. large-t Manufacturer of
No race iu this country i I be despis- j j jvT) Tpj IOUHDSj
ed, which makes money. If we had, in : and dealer in WINDOW slIADKs. of every
Koston or New York, ten t uracg outanps variety. He is ihe Orinnator of all New
with a million of dollars each, they wouid Styles, and has a line Stock to be sold at re
visit in the best society : we ahouid leave , dur,"', lrlj's;, , , ,,. ,
, . .i i i - ., Btilf. and all other colors of Linen Shades,
our cardt at tbeir doors, and give them ! Trimming. Fixtnres.&c. STOKE SHADES
tuug little dinuer f artiif. I Painted to order.
Modern I'eiuocracy bis changed the old
familiar watebwotd "Millions for defence,
not one cent for tribute " tt now reads
not oue cent tor triLute. " now tud,
"Millions for slavery, lut uut one cent
f.r freedom."
The Clcavclacd lalmlntlrr, a Demo
cratic organ, having read the returns from
Connecticut, exclaimed "Farewell, Old i
Nutme" 1"
" A certain preacher, addressing limaclf
t.i ladies who wear exaggerated hoop?,
aid recently: "Kemeiubvr bow narrow
are tbe gates of 1'ara.i isc. "
Ilriikiab cays that if bis landlady
imew t eati, she wouliti't buy tha article
...iled L'liiit and grjubi c ilc-.'.
1) VS f.,r a full course in the Iron Citv
I ' -.ll.,e.,..s, extensively patroniml and
i if.... i k.' i. ...i ... ii.a !.
led Siau.
;j:"7 .V.rs ntt'-mtimf lAnVy, 3lnr h, SfiO.
I'sual lime t.i eonitleie a full course, from
fi i i 10 u-ee!;s. Kverv Student, upon jiradiia
tm!:. in i'ttaranieed to l.e coninetent to manage
ttiir n .oks of any Hu-iness, and quahfted to
earn a salary of from
.';GO to MUSO.
Siiolents enier at any tune Mo Vacation
K.-ciew at j'l.-aure.
l-'ifiy-Oiie rri'iiiiiiius for Kest IVninan
sliip awarded in 185S.
t : .TilliNIrs' Sons received at half price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing,
e lu'n l. iler sljnip.. ami niMiess
F. V. Ji:.KI.s, I'tttshnrsh. Pa.
tr Tilt
MLL tniiinu'iif. on AIO.l)AY,AiriI
... , 7 1
... lso..,.o co,ie M weeks.
Iiio.ruclioti witl lit -jivcij in all I tie I? ranch-
fs "f a i!i..rou-h Aeailemie. Cootse; and
Vu"ihs desiroii- ,.f piep.ine.ir !or College, tor
i Tcacliin", nr for lnwin'o. will find it to their
afvanNti:e to enter ilns Ii.sum'.ion.
The ilible is a i.-.i book.
A lar-e Class of Voum; I. a lies is secured.
I I I lio.wper session ol 1. i weeks, including
contiiioenl expenses.
I'll Ml tt:V r l;.-H.lin--. V riling. IL fiui-r, Aritlimetie.
.1 I S lliri.-r, .i
. jj:, io
Al ANi-l.l. KNOI.IMI
HN'it AoKS. - - -
nil u,.t ilirtu.le.1 al..e,j .I...0
... S...U
No additional charges; aNo, no deductions
except lor protracted sickness. Tuition paa-
- JoN KA Midi. I'll,
April S, ISofl. I'rincipal
. " y 7U )r'Z'
1--1 r.I.M 1 1 SUIUUL-.S.
r j MI KSumrnrr Srssfon.roii.sisi ini: of one
1 'IV nn of E I weeks, will open on Thurs
U April -Kt.
l Ui.Lt-. Tuition for th" P. rion of 14 weHk JIO (i
J;.k.ui n ut, Jii rnry, cute unJ n -;urs '2 bo
ACJLh.Vl Tuition ft-r thr Sn-i-m of li wofk-t :
U-1-MC! hint lii-li.-rtuyiifcu. 7 (
AItmih-c.1 Kngliti d tHt
l,..w. r("lHH 4 Mi.
t un- mi-1 r.'i'iiirs
FL'M I.WSTITI TE Tuition r .. -H-n HwiJif:
i;.-L'iil.ir Cuur.-a in f
I'mit.iry 7
C.j.i.ir 'Jt
A- K. lii:i.I.f Treasurer
I.ruil'iirj. M.irch M, 1K.VJ
Ir"iT rcccivt'tl at the Lcwbiir-: IJ.ti.k (
St. ire Iioiii tlie late riiilati' lphiu 'i'raiic
a!f, a Iare coliccii'm of Hooks and Suiion
rrv, cutliraciiii; mum Hooks m tlie dillVrcnt
tli-pariiiit iits ol
,. ,1 ..!, ,,rs. II, so ro.s P. r ,..Z Tr.ts. I
:rnce aii l i.itTiitnre ; I. elision, haw
and Toimcs; Hi.sti ris, ntor. t in
,.,r...l :..,'.l'-..ri se'erre.l .et of Mis,.,!!!, J
ne.us I ks; Foe net and ramily Uibles,
rr, m ihir'y-live rents to seventteii dollars;
Encyclopedias; Ladies' Albums, (Jilt books,
Autooraphs, Aichnects; Dockets lor Law-
. ' , ,. ., ,, ,
vers and Justices ol thel eaoe; Day Hooks,
Ledgers, Composition books. Copy hooks,
''"' hooks ami Cocket Memorandums; Math-
etnaticat Instruiuenis ; Visiting Cards; a
large lot of Criieers' Cards, very cheap;
; ' Vi,,h a'"' N""' l,aP'r' ,r",m J."
2n .-. jnrijuirr Opaque, ll.tina-K, nc la
Hue ami ItuiV i:nvthifs fmta 4 tu I5rs.
Vtr ",fA'i ls,nk 1 ami lion.ls; a larce
assortment ol tiutnlav chnoi inx.ks ami ivc-
wards; Common School and College Text
bo..;s -.;. on huml.
1 hls "" k was bout-ht at very tow prices.
and is oilered so much below regular prices
as , malip an ,n,ur,.m,.nt t0 persons wish-
iiit; -jo,,il Hooks enher for the library, general
realm - ;, or a nanusome presenr. 10 ran otiorc :
, . . . Soerml attentn.n of I
Supermieudeuis ami Te ichers of Sunday
eh..ol is invited to our larse stock d s. s.
tlooks and Kewards always tn be toiind on
OHr sh,,ves. Slln,lay bcluol Catalogues fur-
nished free of charge.
.. M-n hants sopplte-I at tlw usual rates of
' .tiscounl. V . 1.1AM ."ill KKAl.
Lewr bor";. April k, i
rt'il.Slfr's B.itH-. K.K. I-icitjUai-f. '
' TW,.i, I
f.'hf Ti ;.i.b.lol,i i .in,I . o Mmnr
MW M L" 1T"
I li' subscriber is rtinntni a line ol ireittlil :
cars to and from Philadelphia ,rithul rc-lii,-;
'-f. and hopes to establish a food business
by P.o.npt delivenec a, reasonable ra.es.
,., J1; J",1" ! 1 r " !
ds Ac. lor
-h.iiilti be
i.Pu.,sbr2 and nnermed-ate pmnis
THOMAS n;iiMli:U, Uarnsbur-
I '.l int'.pd
VniOliOT (Hi hreed 13oa !3oi sp,
bred and reared in Canada, will stand
Im- st-rvice in Leu iMown and M:tl!in, the
proem season, from April 1st to July 1st.
An opportunity will he thus presented for all
lovers id 2tod stock, to breed from a horse of
acknowledged superiority one that has jii'-i-ly
claimed so larse a shaie of public attention
wherever he ha been pxhibired.
Tiie proprietor of MOKMAM, as a perfect
model iif his slock, bflieves that he fully
meeis the want 111 our IVtinsjIvania stock of
horses. He unites wiih 'reat muscular pow
er, the finest action. His perfect pentleness
peculiarly commend him as a model family
The attention of the public is respectfully
soiicite.t to an ex-nnmanon ot the petl.pree ol
AOUM, and lo the hi-h appreciation c.t f
the Moruan stock wherever introduced.
Call and see the hurse, and examine the
bills as to terms. e. A. LEWIS.
M'. I nron. Huntingdon Co., Pa.
IV IL J. W. invites ritizen-of this County !
10 ra" bef"re purchasintr. and assures them I
he c3n 5"' a hr"er arl"'le '"r ,hr mr"""V l1''"1
any other Establishment in the Union ,M,:t
LAW" OFl-in: 11KM0YLD.
John B. Linn,
1 TTORSCT AT LAW Office at
t hls nuu"e ou x- Market St. bet. 1st V 3d
' lwJurg,
C'liancr for a .oil Trade.
T HAVE about 1"0 Cords of WOOD whirh
I w ill trade for MANURE. I will deliver 1
half a ..,r.l ..f U" 1 I... 1 .. 1 .... I
of Manure. P'rns having mantireto dispo'st '
of f.r vvcdwtll do-a-ll ,,, nppiv soon to :
Just o.ciicd. opposite tlicltivierc
House, in the lluom lately
occupied Ly A. Singer.
VFl'LL and cuiiinlcle asstirtmont of
I MR such as Overcoats, Dress loats, iiust-
uess Coals, and Coals of every style an,. pat-
Also, ,
' a .ante var,e:y of Under C.,.,.,iS. such as
; Drawer. l..r.. Ac. Also, a hne .....rime,,.
nl H.tvs' IT nihil." (il IMC laU'RI MVlt's. Alu.
I s' '' 10 ai,v dh-red in this
In Ian, 1 have every wim:; n1' sarv
in the shape ot t'loihitio, which I olo-r at a
very small advaio-e tor cah.
I'illl.ll' (iODDMAN, A't.
t"7"AH kind- ot t'oiintry I'rodiiep taken in
exchange lor io ds. I.eui-hur. Oct. ii.
('(liiiiiiniiwcallli I:!iir;im c l'.,llarrib!)r
tll!:il !H) lll'lTU. f:itm.miii.
MIK subscriber
r ,s appomie l a -ent for
al.lishid ( ompanv. ulneh
this well esl
insures lliubliiis and oiher properly airainst
loss or damage bv liie, perils of inland navi
gation, irau.-.poitaiion, .Vc.,iiii most lavorabie
..i.nl- t:. .svl.'ov r vr.KOX.
r. fi.t i.i . i. ri i.ht:. I .
.v...:u.i.. .s '-.ia-;.... w : :.7.i.o;f.
J. 11. M I.AI (;iil.l.. Agent.
LevMuir!!, Feb- I. ":'- "
froia Philadelphia !
1 r,Vr , V
i rjHIK subscriber
, J m,, ,p , Ma, !
, n i i, .
rr ha-; jnt rcrivfil at h
i Roots and shoes, winch will be sold at ihe
lollowinu- prici s for ea-h:
Cents Call IIoois. warranted,
t.'.-nts Kip and iliu-k boots,
to ols' Calf (ijilcis.
Men's shoes.
sjt on to 0 on
J 25 to 1 oil
3 '.
t tin to 2 no
1 2.r to 2 fill
liols' IIOOIS,
. .. , ,;.lll(.rs vari, kinds.
1 ltd hi 2 oil
s 1 to
I CO to I 511
Ladies Heel and Moiocco boot
J-a-iies Knv
f -hIipc Slinnt-rs lo I
. ,, , i v: 1 nil t, I "S
U.mitMi s I.raihorl'.mts. U? I (MM,, I
I.:iifltN (ilill ft.'HHraiv V 1 Vtrnots l.lio n
Miv-l;nhiT.Liti .V Mi riCf( boots i- l( 1
I ,o
" ' ' 1 ' u t, , .
C nililren n Uoolv. Mmrs, or 'i-uirr .w to . .)
''he above ei,,,,Is will all be warranted as
All l-inds of M-n's. Ib.ys' I. a. lies, I,sSes,'
and Children's t .ots, Mn.es. am tiailers made
to order, of the very I est m.itetial iuid woili
mnnhip, and warrai:!e,i i,, i e saliMacin-ti.
lin-Aiuisu iri uiitly attended in. (iive us a
can. ja.mi:s set err.
ritcioiii. iiiui i..i. ii i. .-tsiiit
I have in their VAKDS, on South Water I
Mreet, Lew tshurr, a Jai ";e assort nifiii t
.IM; :. AMt COAL l,r a, coiui.riMn,
the fnllowiii" :
I on iiiii j.f .In. nini. H,,.,,;lw n.,,1 Pit .. ir !
', . . , ' , .
Ihe nail l tnem marly iwn ye;irs ir in-r, cnfi-
si-tin ol .-inch c mum on J.;.iil-.-.mr h ci.iumon
IJnard-. --inch, H inch ami iti h I'a tint I;
Weal bet board s, I'opiitr, l.iun boards, and
Sram h r: ;
Ut'olini; Lath and shingles ;
HHt.iHin li-ct of div Joist and Scanliing;
Hum "not! saweil II '-ii . la ck Hails.
X.-UOA7.Y r"I. of all size-., of the
verv best article, weighed or nieasiircd to suit
th' purchaser.
' -'" A'l the aboVP articles will lie Sob! very
low for -'a-h, or Kxchangcil for country Pro
duce. Thnnkfu! for past liberal prurnnaiie.we hope
to share a continuance and extension of ihe i
I.ewishur?, Jan.
T. .t It: I. MIsUIT.
I, lH.'ei
Just recd by J. jt, J.H tt.l.S,
embracinz the usual hnrc and well selected
assortment id FAI. I. AM) U A 7 1.1! (foods,
at fair rales. Cle.ise rail and examine.
Lewisburg.Ort. isjs
ook lliiulcrv!
r I Hi t. suhseriier liar in:
mihtl the entire
H....I, l.....l.., .,.. v.,sl I ..I V..r.l..n
iVrnelius and added to it Ins own tools, is
now prepai to 10
Hooli?. Jhifraiiic?. lnini .lilcts, Music,
Catiilogucs, NcMi;tit'r?,.'i'C
ri;her Full or Half-Fumnd, in vanoiis kinds of
l.tnioK or of Mt sLiN.und liitt-d with Marble
Caper of dillerent tiL-ures
Old Ilibles and oilier Hooks or Capers which
is desired to preserve as incniorials in a
lan.il. can be made more secure by the bin-
jer's skill.
j-, uiank Hooks. IMdes, Ilvmn and Prayer
n,it,ks, Ccket Hooks, Albums, Iliaries, Ac. i
I .!!' rfl fioiH I
, l-cl.l, a,! .ll.l,. rh,,,,, , order.
Mln; FOIITFOLIOS, Ac, made lo suit
cuMmners. '
I ..' A pood Bind'TV has Ion been
iu this vicinity, and I therefore respectfully i
solicit the public pair .na". trustim ihal my
eMienencend a,o,,on ,., business W1 Pive
sattsiaclion. I tntend to ch;irce m 'derate and
uniform pnres, on the Live and Let Live"
principle and hope to make it a ptrmantnt
h":'"T- , c. , . ,
i """"C ' '"rr '" " '.' in '".'. I
1 i.- Kent anil stncu- rei)iiirin" money, l e.ect
I V o.Y liF.r iYl.ltY of all work.t -
Itinderyin Heaver's w-ooden block, i. Third
street, four deors from Market srreet, near the
Chronicle oll.ce. CHA'S J. ST A HI..
I.ewisburg, April I, I S."u
rilHR subscriber resperifully takes this nit
ai((i vicinity in ceneial.and ihe Ladies in nar-
,,cuai. lhal ,e has oponed a I-!;ik(iy and
ot-lecl ioiiei ) . on Mariiet street, in Mr.
Heaver's Kuil.tin?. where he will be ready to
supply all who niny favor him with a rail
wnli ihe best of evervihin? in his Imp of bu
siness. lillEAl), CAKES and CONFEC
TIONERY on hand at all times. Hem-; a
practical Haker and Confectioner forupwards
oi iw'ii.y-i e years.,,,, iceis cennuent tnat all I
who favi.r linn with a call cr eive him a trial
shall not he disappointed. W eddintis and :
I'arties snr.n ed at ibe sh.rlesi tioiirn on il, 1
, , - s i
M1IS;I,C..1,,K1. (drn.o All .-. ..f l I
mental Work done tu order.
IS HEAD delivered at Houses at a!l times
when desired. CHAIILES HEINEK.
Lewisburjr, Oct. 7, Is57
TEL!EVESa!l pain anil stirennss in from
It S to ail minutes. .NVe an-llirr mlumn. j
''rice 50 rPr b"'"e onl'- Shipped to all .
parts of the U. S. F.rsaleby
parts of the L. S. Fr sale by
J Hakrrtrn. Uwist.urr: I Mfr.fc-1,1 iianek.nnf X R.ln
es,im, ,1,, vv i.m 1.1 mmh. nmf. ib.tei 1
ritKou-h. w It.-rlin Ita-rer. Morn- A C, Umti.-lii
lrxi rrrml-r. TurtU-tUap j V. tituinun k t'n, do
.1 li Put. -ion. K-llvTr I M hller. Mifflinbiirg
rutnmini;AtVi.lliirtletii j .il;ir":-i M Sti-- tlu
Ai H'.rou-n Sew BUk, Murkrl St,
"3 (tteD rinb i sixth,) l.KU fKCEG, Pt
JJlll iVO
for Justices nnd
iilisiuoies, iiirsiiie
..1 L. I
or printed to order, at tlie Chronicle Office
I)EMOVAL. Mr. A. I !H- It'll has
f removed to the house lately uccupiid by
Mrs. Kincaul, corner of '1'hiril anil St. Mary
streets, t n squares Nurih of Market St, ea-l
sole. OFFICE in same buildinz. South door
on Third St. Lewisburg, Nov in, in-i
l.U.MI'KIt ! LUM11KK!!
rpili; subscribers have for sale r-i-Trr!
(in lots to suit purcha
" FI lf
. .,. I I SI. OI.N.
i " " " - t , j
Also Square Tiinber fur Ilinldinss :
W hich aie oilered I. w for cash at ..yr Mills
on South llranch of the While Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley -arrows road at the end of our Road.
I '.' A Diploma lor a superior sample of
Clanks, and a fremium for Hails and Slnn-.-leswere
awaided lis at the last 1'niou Co-A:;.
Fair. JOHN MVAI.I. A HliO S.
Iv77:t Forest Hill C , I uion Co, Ca
; 1 -ijS J J'JslJJ I -"SII !
. f.p.sh M U K,.;I!i:,.
in assor-
tp.l napk.t-r- Nils l,2ati.l X The quainy is
A K.i sha.J. 1 err ii- au) r(..!ih lor "
March U
1S35J Spring Styles
Just leceived at CIBSOVS II T
Maiiiil.ictory. Call and see ihem.
,.f l.am n-tir Cil '. ( ij I'hilaili Ijiliiu.
n li li-i. I rn tn Mi'-r. .slut .ni lif" t"F n ioim" r
Vn r..,n..i ih ,.i...-,tio,, t ii... M-.i--,:
ir.-in tl..- I'Lit--.! Mud--, an.! ha.l t xt .-ri.-m-f mi !
r,. luf 111 lliir .ii:l.n-nt llii it.iif t..r m-v. ml i s.r-; a,
llllrt'r "I II-' AIIMI Ti-)il .M-'IM-II III-IIIIII.- "I I
An;ii ti' jil M-ilii-il Iti-nt-it.- nt .New
il hit'- it Mn--iii in tlicT S N:v i"f .-''rri
l,im"lj i th,- l,f f.i alt. Mil uu;4 ft .trn-i.,il fills.
pPItH i-nrf-t lu-.Ii' iin' alwayft'it luticl 'lirt-ct Ir-.m thf
l -lI.itt-.ir;.'' ii in Hi-- i-duntry Mini tin- l.r.nu. ,(
(iHr-Ien of tin- i n-1 -N.. i:itn( ui.-ili.iin- -r. . til-i-C. .-r
n fiiiin. n-ti-il. M'-li-iiif u'l 'nlv kIidIi will nt
l rt ;ik il.wu tli 'niMiIiiti'u. l-ut wnl r n..vntf 1 .-
t. m tr.ii all injur.. it liat mj-L(Mm-1 Irom nun. rI
y,,,,, nnniwHHi iTiiiri-filcn. -which t.. km ami h.-
4;triji: what .li-ra-r i"- it imtur nl rhann lrr re
MinrH know li-.l.f of th-rh.'nit'--.lfi.ii-littint ! tvi
, (lf . ,;ilIian l1HiyUl,. ,.,tllll lU,
M.a.i mi.J Uui.l- HTr n.-nl..r ut ui'l r-..iicz. t kn. w
hut ni.-li.n.- V .-ini.i.-v lit ruff di
Z-.i-n r-,..;r.
r-nl.H.-f nil H-ci.t-
know ut llo chi uiichI r'.n-tlHii"riti
t ii'j.'o)!-! ill nic.lii in-. xikI if w- art-
i, ku..i. .i-:-. it i i.i.iiiic to r.,r.-;,n li.-i
inii'ti r of lit.w o?o; it;u) hiiL' nmf Uiii' tin- fatifiit in a
)n ;.'Th Nii-I l-i-rfiTliy i-nr'-d .-omli 1 1 .11.
.M. I.iri. liol . , til,, rnttimi, itmt -tt nf nli.-nHtion an I
wt :li ot hi in i lot. hn-l: rt-inl' rr -r-oii- itn iit-:. I !.
it i ij-.. li'g I In- jili :oiiri'r jn-rt' rnnmr 1 L-'lutit n it.it-.
li-c v-is. t hut ih-tn-.-Mii th'ii ami frll ..-trovtr
ot hfjiMh Jiti'l li..-i nn--. uift'Tiniimij: th' t-ii-titiilou.
ai. l n-iirly cirriint: (h.llsiltlll to untiitit-Iy krran-au
-ln;li:itt. ;nl. I.t rur'-I
icni i M-.TI-H. in miv form orrnn-lition. ihrnnif ot ar-
nt'f, w:irrniiii-'i I'tiri Tiit-: rfi"fu. or i:ii:in -icki.i--. ,
all . Lm.tiif tatul -tiil.l.orn .-:.,. . of K.-m:.!.- .lm.--.-. r ..ti. '
rai!y r-nivri : alt Ith'-itin. an-l tTr i-rrripti"n of
i i..riionr-: riifurtifi mtui. i inn-, s, wi... t. n.tv-
tialll-.! all it.-vioii- nn.i al -kill, ran in ctin-tl lv ui v
I ,1.. sity all .liM-SM-n ,ves. f im Hmttltmi I run Im. rure.l.
I will r.-ni:iin in mv ofti.-..u -lir.laT at.-l ?tur-
lay, fr-.m y (.Yiiw-k A. M.. tr :t l. M , to Hrr.,ti.m.. I .t-
I'iiti'-iiLh fn in t ilt-ttii-i'. nnj r-msutt iu tl
hikI iii in. iu ltii:u;ii : will nuikf ri-tt- to anv -li-Tain
it p..-uir.-.l: m t- a l lr-M ti l.v lr-ttr, N..rth iTim-e
n. ar frultoti Hall. Laii.Ti-t.-r t itv. I'a.
. II. UITolt.M D.
i.ewisiu ih;, f Ao.v Co., r.i. '
tj. It. Ittti:wi:ii, l-i'0iiit?lar.
'PIUS House is llie larp'M ami nmst
L spacious in I.ewisbnrgr. and situated op
posiie ihe t.'ourt House, nn the most elevated
aud pleasant part of Ihe town. The proprie
tor, who has reeertly purchased of the late
firm of Law-she & Sebold, has spared neither
Pa'"s n"r f relitting and re-turnish
iii2 tne House.
lF .'lease give him a call and judge for
yourselves. LJuly I, Is.lsj
Caldwell's Mammcth Drug Store.
-i-iiivstiriivv! vii in ni-'irs v i
1 tii,iV,.r. i'.r.rc,a'. iiiri,., .in
l.iiTin a l.at tli. T mint nt CAl.tlW Kl.t.'s pruz St.-r.-. j
AI.1W KI.IS lKl'(i TOi: K IS TH K
Vj ,!,..
i.ln,-.- lo t.tiv H;,rrWn'. lt:,iie-. ar,J l.li-nn ir.1,.
I, .-
l.raosl l.-rtuin ry. Kitraet.. for tti- lian.lk.-r. bief. fr-.m
I.', rt- loil.ii ir hotll.-. warnnil.-.! iTm-I. ! :
l-r boltl.-. wurranlf.1 .k-1.
KT'l Kit l'AI'KK OF KYKKY ('t'Al
ity. size an I kin.l, nil.-J an.l iinrule.I, trmn ?l."Mi to
f ..'i i.r ream, f.-r ale at e.4 Low KLL s llruir stor-. .
riAi.nvr.u:s vnvr, stoisk is th i: :
I'ltirt ti imjr itttnifl. inn. uuy. nm , -i-n. nnr
"il. Kh.i l. r. nt-1 t!on-r-. Nvtu. K.ii-iit., Trim. . -.,.
poiiT.MoNNAlIvS, 1'IHSKS, A NO
J. 1'u.k-t lloi.ks,! blbr-nt kit..f..r aatr t.-ry rh.-.-ip :
Miw !
' j
ptotl aiti t.oe .-rtmit. nt nln.'vt any rTirt'. tit
t AI.1 m.i, . l-ruc M'Tf,
AIHKS, reinonilior that CuMwell
wiling Wi.rst-.!. r los-.Thrmil, l'roi-h-t .Will.-
rci-.-. r. tU-ltf. Hiilt'ii-, Ac, i-L'-st'-tr than th.'j
ti-rot!'-rl in l-wi-l-nr":.
WKLOPKS of evorv kin. I ami
l I IN Mleifs Clli-linttOill Iaif
AX iict". r. rli.j Hair it.-'.m..i.- f. r -i t
' -.M.i'w"t:t.i.-s iim. stnr-.
y ('V ; SKKT -Th71iuest and
1 ej. 4'. lo iL! lJ
'Al.liU l i t.'? Tnr Pf r.
"i TI LK Stint. I?o-;in Sunn ntul ft
J Urr-tin-ki-f Tt'iht -in. I K-inrv P- t
, -w r ip.,-i. i,,,,, i- t. , .
' AIL Oil, 1 omados .0.. "t
- -
i T ELMI5ULD"S ntirlm for snlo at
j J- L cai.I'V Vmff m.-h-.
y u,,vs.str..,.., .-!.., lugs..
L'rt-aiusauJ I!ruh-t
rUl.I.WKI.L'S Drug Store is the place
VV to t'liv nil Kin... of Fancy Nutifiiu for W Iiat-Notf,
'-litre litl.le-i, Ac.
OOKS! Hoolv? !! at citv wholesale ,
lit-arerthantli. Trnnt- llit m. whi-re
cl-r. a. I ALOW . .1.1. lirii) .-t iv. 1
itrurv,-2'"i"r c i
j. o. I.. t i iii 1 1 1 it-i iui iiiti tv i hl;
i I tl rv I ill: ,
1 J Ni'-!. Itliinc-Manirf. S ii". iir.i-vi''. A.
:. i...a,,:s, I
try ii- ror cai. in tt.-ii.iMt r.l.l. - iTllff siori'. t
C Mori. j
Ci.LI)Yi:LL'.S Urns Store is the
lmv t. t.uy the tn-st .quality of I'urt W in, l.i-lon
W inr. l.i-ki-y. ltmn.lv, & f,.r uie.lii-inul -piirtN'-t-N.
'()! Liver Oil
inie's pure Cod
Livi-r Oil. ju-t ns-riTeil an-l !r "alv at
( Al.liW 111. I. S Uriu Stnrn.
"VOHYYOOIfS Verali iim Viride. a
X nifili.-iiif tor Heart .li-i-n-t ;m l .-it ri.i. Il.-coni-liifii'l.tt
ly thi? luflical K.niiltv. WirnuiTcl ct.-. f.r
Hi If l.y -t'Al.iittKI.IS Im;r M.-n-.
Ari:iTI.; Ink?. Fluhl.i Ac Ar-
f f nol Ts .-. l. tinitfil 1 ri'ititT Klui l. Hu-i. r"-. l.ij..
,,!,.. : kl. J J,n,-t.. k .. ae.l ll.-Trr'a Ink. f.T
ai ei..-ap. at r.ti.liw n.i, s Pi,n st..r...
y,n ., e tT...rT!i
I ooi-in.-. i im, .-i ic .inn
kin.l.at all pi ire, at CAl.bW F.t.l.'S I'riu Stere
rUI.DU'KI.L'S Drug Store is the place '
mlirr.pvi-ry on.-ran he xui.E.lieil with an en-ll
ri' ty ot arli-leu. 'Vui- ami muke your wlertionn.
AT a meeting ofthe Board ofPirec;
Spruce Creek Railroad Company, a
h'-'olution was ad,
de.ray expense of s
on each share of sto
Resolution was adopted, '-That in order to
survey, .ss2.5ii be called in
' " rJI-" -nar' 111 siock siiosertnea on which
notlnns has been paid, and where notes lor IU
ner cent, have been fiven. one half ,.r va,,i
notes tie now collected.
In pursuance thereof, I hereby give noticd
that payment is required wilhin .10 days, ane
those nelecttng to pay will be proceeded
against according tn law.
(J. F. .MILLER, Treasurer.
Lewishnr;, Sept. 9. ls.-ist.
CJALT!! 1 are clearing out the last of
lGO Sacks at
1 "lifArr:Fn,,n.l ai . 1
V de.lnenon roa.l. . ,1,. ...... 1
llhMt'l'll VPPt.r i mv,
. ... ..
Lewisburg, Jan. 25, isb'j
. ....... .. ..l. ,, ,, tl,L 111.
FAOE 1I.---APIUL 20,1250
SA.-'Il aud HOOKS.
Hunks and Siiitti:i:?.
ritirnino;. Siding,
I'lamiii";, Ac.
F.r salt- at th.- It.inlw.ir so..-, ef
t.. wi.l.nn-. .t J.i
Tlie iiii!cri";ni'il liave as-
' . s' 'Ciaieil IUCIIsrrrs in
. .s.-riated lheinetves irnoro att-
jTiTi'iu iiership lor the purpose ol rarry--''-"--'111:1111
the l.umheiiuv, Clan.n;-,
and Carj cni ring business mall their various ,
biancb.-s, at the j
Lcttiiolmrg Gtctim pinning lilills,
where they iiin inl to keep a stork of Cine,
Hemlock. Walnut, Cherrv. Copl.ir, h. Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber. Flonrinz shel
ving'. Sid.uz. shinj'les, l.rMh..loss, Siii'blin:', ,
Feto-in. I'lc.kels, D.-oraud Window Frames, '
Doors, slum, r. lilmds, s.,s, Mimhiinzs,
Brackets, Ac. I'laiiinz. Slutinz, Scroll s.uv
iiil', c., done at short notice and all w-oik
w;irrai.tt .l to Sivr aiiiacin u, luui in ru e
j j. ;n-i i i-.im.i.i ..n,
MAI!TI Iilil'.ISl: l'H,
is i: i:i;s ammo.ns.
I-I.iinr Pl:.ni.- Mill.-. . ; r 1 t. Is .s.
8:V!0i) Wanted!
pursuance ol an act ol the last l.e?
Illie i 1 IV ItllM'IVnUia, the Coin In Isslt-lo Ts
ol I'nioli Coiiniy desire to ; oU moni y
In llo :il..n nonotiit in sinus m.l l..vs tl
, ... , .
1 "'' "'fi's t hv paul an nun I ! v. an I the
JTlLCipal Within IhrrP V'.ir-;. Imjllir-P c
j ! j I -L IIK, 'I I fUs urr f.
-Jnir?. I'a.. May -'i, lh.'iS.
N'OTAliY ri'IiLlC.
Villiara Jones,
. rpTAUX T'tr 1
: lKJivALl fl I Lil
- rr,,P!l.V altf'll.led to
aw. follfctions
Oiilcpon Maikcl
sirt, oppoMtt the rresl.v"-ri;!fi rhiitch.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
: r
f Th .sulocrit-er hns nn ban-1 a --pi !.
i tii.ii if li'ih Fruit and Ornamental
TK'KEs. Ac. Ac. I'morafiii the vtrv l---i
varieti' ol Appl-s. I't-.-irs. I't -aches, I'lums.
( 'Licrries. A pricnis, Xrr ari ie,(i :i pf-,ii cisp
berries, Ka.-pbernc!, Li rrAiil.-;, ;rawi.';nie''
hestnui. En-rowan Mountain
I.ar-C Horsp ('
American Motinlain AsluSn-rar Mai'V
Mountain Ash, S;i;ar Map'e
r , . , ,, in i .l i i i .
; f'-r street platitin;.'. hver bloomiii" Lose, and I rofr.v, an ! -th. r l.ui.J.njs. and n.e.r c. n-
j a splendid Collection Ot liulbollS and Other lenTs, at !o. derate ra'es. 11. :r.J 1 -Isn.ess ..ii
r lowering 1 lanis.
v Anrsery Urmiiuls rn the t;;rm ot Ja
F. L i ii ii Kmj. on X Iip Tu riuukt. u :! h i n half a
strict attention. I JJ'ltrm inntriuMy rAslf.
I.eu-isbur', Julv T. 1 ".
jriev Arranir.er.tS"-rtew Goods I
I US JIlIl I.. JIAWN Inning taken the
' i) well known .' K .'.' II I T .v'o .;, has
rctiited it, and nilt d m an e.viensive variety oi
if, Ctij'S, (tt nil 111' .s CA. d '-.
Also a lir-.o- and spier,,!,.! i,.- of Cl.oTlls
CAssIM LlillS, A c. w hicii he w ill imihr up
o-.rr,as he stiM cotiKntii s th' Tail, r::. Ibi-i-ness.
lie i prepared lo execute all w.-ik
entnisted to his care.to the salisiactioti ol the
.. U. Cut t in ato! Il'-palriti? r, d .i.e to
order. I.ewisbur', .A pi il 10, Is.',,
'"' ""
riMIE subscriber is engaged iu the manuf-
aClUi eol the
Latest .Improved
ii I-V T-r'k- P It r I. II .. i !mts l, leb bp nlT,.rs
' . ' ... , .
very reus,,,,,,.,, i.iit-s. . lr njit i'""
I larse number id these Iliiuers sold in tins
! ,. Itborbt.od and eoiintv. and lbt-v rive "i d
, , ...to l.esl t, e r.ers.oi
'' . i
u i-hinz to purchase a got d machine. wilt call
r ,,, liv 'lem.r , . p. r.v khy.
lv !.':
L.ntrelton P O. I'na n Co. Pa
ri a pTV yv yr VV POHAI
1)1 i J J J V illllj llUUJl
TuRT11 Street. Tlie suhscrilier
ll most respectitillv infornts i!ie eit:eiis ,d
Lewisburs and v.ciiiiiy, Iha he has on hand
and b-r sale a cheap lot ol 11 EvXiil UV,
for the Sprni" trade, eoinpnsint:
ItrcSSiri!' ami tnitlllion l.ureatl?, SOC
rctai'it's ami 11. .ok Cases. Center,
, . .,. ... .. .... .'
(anland 1 ut ialh'S, 1 -1 to n jr nnd
Ih-caklast Tallies, ('tij.lioartl.t, Cut-
tatre anil OtlliT lifUstoatl.-. Maud?,
!-ifas. ami Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited tr. examine
his work. as he is sure that they will tie satis
fied with his slock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. !.", IS.'iti
i James F. Lien.
J. Herrill Linn.
& J. M. I.IXX,
tttornejs nt L.ar.
fVl I'nion ('ounty, Penn'a.
J. SIFIlflllL LIW Commis-i.mk f.-r ttif state of
Willi IH.wrr to take ll, 'osilion. a. knoa Ii-.l-'e Il.s-.l.s.Ai..
PrAAm TTaii.pq an A C.nrizin Rnllfi.
ww '
IlickoK'j IaUnt Marlilnory
s . , , ,
V Haveoomilete'l nt'l-ansreilll'llts
? t ut di:ik nip iiriH.ui iium'iivh lm i uruun i.-.n-r.
T f ior ni:iin; liriH-in iiiin ii." una i iirt.un H.-nrn
In ni'.m,..p ....I i,..rt...-li, .r. t..ll..-rf.. ..t,..tr ,i,...,L. ,n t I.a I
in a m:.nttir Hiol iii-rt.-rlton liit Ii.-rti. im:itt iiiitilili in t hit
m .nut;., ttir- ..1 tln inii i-. ant nr.' , n j jir. -l tn Mi.r'.v
ltriH'in .MitktTf, V in-low r-lm-l lnnuf:ti tur-r-' atij .M. r-
tlinnH with auv .nmntitv f thi-ni t !iort itotiit.
Tl,.-v are UO..I. J.f II- I.-. Panel M.nr. an.l iu a aup,-
rinr uciunt-r. ,.n new inafMii. ry n.-ver Ih ii.,,. u,.,i.
!" make. . n .vwiy 1'ateiiie.i M.n I.in.-rv, the best
How.;. J:,n,h ami mnl Hcrtus
' W. O. Hit .OH
Hrr.iHirr,..r,. r.u,;..s A,utt in- bi- Works,
- - --
l.i:tVlei l'.ll.'irn,
il u: isHcitc. r.
ri' Office in the I niversity Buildin; t s.tj
I, and Jcitfliy,
l door West of U.uik, i
Also, particular attention paid to ItE
CAIRINti of all kinds.
I hir. !!... .V,. r . .1 r. r
the celebrated al Oil l.:.t..i.,.
nun win recominenil themselves lo
every one. Call and see.
Sept.9, 1S5k A E liEXORMANDlf:
1)URE and No. 1 Ground Cepper.
(iin?er, Cinnamon,;Al!spice, Cloves.
American ami English Mustard.
Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace.
Sup. Carh. Soda, Saltpetre, Saleratus.
Caraway and Coriander Seed.
Sal Soda. Indigo.
Ashton I.airy and Uronnd Salt, &e.,
ror -saie at the tajle Mil s No "Il an.l
2 IB North Front street, corner of New. Phil-1
jion.i;i woi:ri:ll.
I v Purchasers u-,11 it ... 1 it --..... .. .,.
inleresl b.,,1, ,.,, i ,, i . '
u,, i.i iu inn- r ,fse
-s..-.,s, .li. die waiianiett as represented,! r
' "lM " SWIC'W I'.'l
(K 1
i i: x x sin un -it i: x c
FAPiiLY sewing nAcnr-E.
i:i-:ATi:r:irn m ixnncr:
,ii.: m!!.-i nr:. 1 :
S. w.i..- M.rl.m
I,. lirT.Ml. I i;:
HJ.l U .
li.li-.b. :
VI I- ! 'I I' K
ii I'lt.M.o.. I' ii I I
ii-i f ( .. r. 1-1
li ut ' l.il.- -try r ri::;i k lV!tiu'
" I ..1 ' ,
rci: . - " '
. I ..r. MA' til N K
' I l.r. -.IT. ri t !!.
. II I...
:TiTr.. :
... n ... -I:
In- -
. 1 r.i- 1 .
. t V .
1; Hiiii.i J ii. i . I:
It j .".- oi. r
li l rt n-i 4ii.-i,t ii. ( -
i. :.t Mi l i.. . .1 i i r.
I lty an 1 i-i- o
ii' a- tiii-nt
iy ! ur-- toJ,
hi 1,1- ..-1 ii. !
t 1 1 "rati n
:;. It.
4 li.
1 l-i- t-
1.. .- ti.
.. liu- r,- in-lit m.". i t v itbJ I ' r. ; ;litt i f tl,.- w r-
I't-r-fis r iT-riir 1 1 c-c frlt-i-faifil M.;ct..i.t--.
from ilit i 'ii e tit I A .'hey, have (; i v liie
fri't'jhi ;o p;tv if' m H at i iir' ; nn r hai I r
I'Miii'. An i prr.tii r v;il "oiii vi.-it I.nvi
fui'j to sii, w it vr,i Ltiiti!;es ai.-l u' ! .v.
li-r-- 1 1 w . i 1 1 1 1 M.i eh i F'O - u ti I ( !t ii.Mi '
r:n.:.-i W O UU KuK.II.uri-Liir.- I'a
7 D at ' I " " ? 2 1 l?T 1 1 1 7
V M.l I kft sTCf-t. Ii XI tltuT In H'-nlli A
' UiMcr"- S' r. liKU Iill Kli, IV.
Wet Eranch Insurarce Ccn:rar.y,
; t V I.I!l'k I'd el). I'a., illMirt' !il i!
liu.Mims, Sn.res, M-ic.-.i.. !..-. Fai
w .iu.Mii Mt-rt--. .M-ix.i.;t.:i.'', t aim
Loti.l t-h and Mil
II -p. .I. hri J Ceaice
J. -ii t. Ii iiail
( has A M.uer
CI. i IV-t"
Ceo r 1' , 1. -t:s, n
1! ri C C Harvey
'I T Al.raios
1' J .l.iehii.au
V Ub -e
TI-- K ---h. p.
lion. ;. c. li : . i r s t-t.
T. T. ACIf Ms. Vice Pies.
THOS Ki'i't l!i:.N. S ,' .
JA.ii:s 1!. IIAMt.t.V. A-en.
C:T Leu:-! nr;. I ni. :, Co. Ca.
ryilV. alstri!.tT om- fjr
I t i.M. s i . carrv , -n ti.ei'J J,Sj&ir&
I.iiiiy lau-iai'-- J!mrt,
Thir-I sir. near MarL-r, a.-l i--; -, -ruliy
So!. CIS tbe paTonace i t hi. fill I; is ,,,) lii,
public r r.ii.v. ' Cil.M.I.Ks F.HI..-S.
I.e-.cis'.uri'. 'il.iV Is.'.tl
v v ha -2
Ih uj iiml L'i' in " I Hii'i in m
MarKet Srreet - - - Letrisburz, I'a. j
James B. Hamlin,
TTOr.NKV at I.AVr,
iTL I .' Oil'.ce on Si c. ! t r. west
door south of Market, I.t it islur :
bniotbl I in. .ii
Ai .r ISttrlli :uji. ' .i - a . , 'u.
sen; t
t: k f til
tlV b-r past patrenac-.
i.t. rni i
-ri;7 his lrie:..'s and the pul-!:( in r:eiie.
" 1 1 ra
tore ail k ir vis
t Ii : t be continues ti
ui !i a
1 u ii .).;,. s
C'o'hs. Ca-s-n-. r.s. Ti,, ,-'s v. --s.
Lia-il-.Cs nr.. I I'I.hm-s; a!s.'. ei.rn.i
I stockint: Yarns. II s i,iaeli;ret'-I-'it-z'
1 by
p"-t Use. and !ia :u; et:. ..
h, .'" '"rK'm'"- ,7
that lis wor:; shall
(eels sate m ;
t be surra-
Coii',:ri-. A "... .! .im
; ply ot the above ;,..! kept c. i. --an! y, n h.tn.
",r sa e exinantte I. rw.oi. at p
that ran not tail to please. Wl'ol.w.i!
Car.ied in the test inafii.erand on the st., rr-si
notice. Tones f, r rr ! n:-. ca-h , n ;i,e ,t...
liveryof then iN. M A K K HALFPENNY.
M infi-ld Mills, M.ireii .lo. It,:.;.
(-J,-,- s-i r: ..I.I..V :.::.)
V! ;jf I;t!n!.cr and .i tt I!) r.
Loouti 1 tiu. .1. r- ot 11 .- - On i r-.-. i tl. , nai i. J t ,
Mr V.. 1. r- t l.Vt l.-Ll ia,. 1
Clof!i, W'a'eh's. st-.. re:-a:n 1 on shut
in i:ce and w arranie.' to c i v e -a'l-lr.et;, n.
I -: An excellent a-svi;iii,l.t ol Watches,
C!oi U and .l-v.r'ry i n hand (7,.,..;, j.,r (V.-.rj.
C1I.T Fl! MES i t nil s,(.s majt w, ri;cr
Lewisliurs. pr.l S'J. lso-t
' t-l ViPifr UUl.fr
I mmm W -- W
u:viniji ki;, r.,,o! Co., rA.
ft. fa. I it tl'I'Zi' I.- l?l IftPII ia-f
l " '
riMIls house is heated in the very center of
the 111 s i lip. tn .ri i . . n i it" 1 1 i. . ., ,.
I " ...t
; '' l 1 M irkot Njuare. Il is fv t.dd
i Hie larsest and nmst soaciinis m !., ulmr .
n,i i,,.., ... i , .
' 1 .,. ' , rl".)"e-t and I est possible
1 manner. I he i. oo.l-.v are larce and airv
HF.I'X neat and clean. The T.i ;.: ,snti ad
wiiii every Iiixnrv the sea-mi alli-i.'s The
Iopiors I'onvm t y il.e 1 r, pruior out of ihe
""'"tii Hou-e m Ph. 1,1. The.N''.l.L.'aud
j ii" Her wilt r. ci.mmen.l theins, !; t.s.
I fr.'pne'.-r. hat 11.3 . i e to a rreat
expense in r.-i.:i.n; ami lutni-liirr; Lis 1 , .e
euipii-viii; at lar-e enst a br-t-raie Ci ok
an.l oit.er .servr.nts hn are aiui.iive and
iiiirt ti tr hi pes l.y unrc:i:iKii; aiten; mi tn
his pail to rei'e.ve a li;ueoi lio pu!-; c p..iro-na-e.
The puld;c will j a-e accept the s,n
ccte hunks of ihe I'lfpneu r lur the very
cencr.ttis patitnn-'e he ha rccfivr.l t.iuinj
the ti.ur nionihs he has lived in Lev. i.biirj.
Livu re H.-ttse. Auir. l.'i
- -v
:..,rN ..;!( ill
I is. . v"- .i ii i jenenr,
N t . '! second d-.or a! ove Thud.
IrKiX, J.'-' .S ou M..rket street
l&lzZ L i: W 1 S i; u 11 G,
Would resperifully inform the ptn nc ih.it he
has on hand a tine assortment ol (;;,! and
Silver Lever and Lenine W :,t. n .......I
o.L- l I1..I.I r 1 l ,. ..
- - --o.,... ...... .. ....is, oieasipin,
of the latest sivle l.'old an i C,,ineo Ei.rrinirs
AC. Wiucti he intern's to se,! vt-: -. eiie.in ;1is(,
a s.,,,.,,,!,.! ass,.ruui.t ,,; Eln-Riv an.i U'i. . f v
II. ur. .('CA.saiid'i'iine p,, i: ei i ;a ude
warranied to be w hat n i.s s,,.,! ,.r.
The sre.-ir. st care will be laken iu ISr iimI-
, J ... I f -
-'aiiii.- ot CI, cks, W'aicii. s i.il
' ' . uioi i-i'nilmi; jnar-rj 1 rj.v,.
s:,r,stiie,,. I
ke L in a e ,'!. I
. 7ive hurt
I'ine ti-uib;
to .now h. V. a'ches
j and Je..ve!ry.-Ju:y til, tsirf
I ftll.! irtt ?vans k Watson,
K--..r'11rflt . ( t ir- iitfi Tl.i' t k. -l. f .At. .',
-i Ir 11 I itf f r H iiii-nU'l sti.r--.lr- n -im't..,. jr, n , "
r-i; m .1 it 1 I ! iU.il tr. ny fa tL t u.t .j
with cci,' -nt" in ?o ii C'
" -'
i;vis ,v iso
i i ti,.
. lul h t..
-nr. - 1-n.- r,-tr
l.i-i r :i..iiit; ir i.i
t. ,r.tt:.-ili.
f th.-m a- .-fu 1 r.i
t r r 1 it.-- -.tu.fi.t :
V- A W TH-.X-.. I
n'tniii t-i -lut- t'-
. itt. - (.( tfi ' T ti.
i itii uii 1 I,
' U.t..lt. it.Jt.t. . '
.ii I-r -
' f' W !1 I, 'I,-
.i. : .;:
7 -. Wi 1.
( Lit litii::
I oiiMai.t v
h'uut'ful ah't ui:ntui: r.-:1
Iron -17-"tn r ot t. IN V t,;f.r !--:iaatf
i;,.ht ar.it st,T Fr-t rt,:.. Ma a
i!,il-r-ril Ua!.i!-i i us in if..- v t.i.;:-, ar :
i. i lit M:prir '.if -i-1 A , .1
li-c.ai!.t t-. ifit- f,.T:'V iti.. I -ti.-:.;:r t
111117. I V I. lU-'ra' : i;t-cr. i:.: "a
t'iit to a i. y a ! . r ;
(AH IM-'.TS.
J I, .M:ii.i.:.i. 'in. r. In. j. i ;er ar. '. it-i
c. IJ :r. in a t ve --r- rt. ur r v
cxpen-fs, ll'ii-p h;:s i of c fr.oi-:
tiaii Vfiif- ! i:.;:,ii':i:ti r'-p'Jia'ii ri L
ti.- it i ii - r :n :: i' "v.
I ; Witrtf.ijf r-trnu-Try ,
'"ci r. 4, i' . r a '. ve ( 'i. -'-r ut rt rt. .
1-r-rrv j- !.: i'r-: -treel i t ct.r. .1
WIILAI'KI.I h'f ::ni;;-"
' 're
ttMlf.O.S A HilfsVH
CKIIM IL l:.:i i it-It i: -OH',
I mi ii Hint.
i ip-iTi: i" ou i - - - i -: : s, . r Ti.i; a ...
r I -
.-, :,,
k Is t.
inn t i.
r -. A . -
- 1,- t p.l.- Iii :
- -or eib. r W
i 1 t. rv r r
1- "I -. l.hm u r :
:. i I : -
;r!.:-,.-. 1 r
11,, , . o
t r. jl.. - : . :
i -i:-. I. r.r.. rl v
r li- 1 1 W I. t
. :: I 1 I i I") I. r,
- :o, I I i. . s. jn-i i
ui :. ,1 -.
I-r -
.i.a i..
ll.Ats M
'. t :ir..l I 1., o;
ij. s. lav.-rekce's
Iaci', Ciintci-' 1 ai.l. and I'n-
Xo. 40.'), 'i.'it;n:erce Si., l'hi!;!.:i
VV Ca-h t nycrs iv.:; 1 :t f r :! -.r sl
ti i rai! I'll. .'a J. J. n I. J..":I v
l II;-. .-.!- j t!l 7..s v
HATS, I'Al'S. ami MT!AU" tioi:-',
tiT ,c tt-,,1, n.n.j ,...,.
..v. . yj ..ui ut a mi u aiicci.
t.. :-, a Mark. ; io.J Ar. h.
t 1
a .i;h i
: gekt s runrjisEiriG STor.r.
; rattnt Slioul.ler SH-aui Sliirt Mar.-.:').
' o. 1l !: nil! st. l liilai!.
OI'POMTE th- Washii-:, n I! .---
W IN( HOTFUw.iicive.ash : .
his personal snpervisi, n of li-.e I r-- ; r :
Ma:;u:jc:,ii ii - iii p.ir'tner.ls. Il, : - r
ci- i bri.t, d styie- t h.r'.s an ! t -:. . it
tiie rii: tt."i tu tice.
Pi rsons i! -s' i :r to order X. '. " ':t
, stif plied w::!i the t. ttjiola for uiea-:.r i -
aj -plication ly mail.
. C,.n.-!ai.t!y on hand a varied an : n't -'
of C iitleiiien's Furnishirr i
I 1 Wholesale Orders surpoi.i in . t:ti
terms li 7o2
American Life Inuranee Jt Tn;
(Capi'al Stock .-iiiii.i'i e'
ClOMPANY'.-s B'lihlir-s.Wali.t.'
corner of Fourth Flu h.ii ' ..
1 1- Lives insured at the useal M ;
or at .Ii int S-i ek rates al i ut -0 per
orat Total At-laa nre r.Tes tl.e '
wor!d. A. WH1LI.D1N. I'..
Joim C. Sims, .-s, c.
' li ', (ii:o. F. MILLER. .1 r '. I .
JIi'Ii'Ji's'A: v's'-fji'is's Ir;1'1, :.i .'.' i '.
s. W. C-'ll. sr.- .s; 4SI UlLMT s-I- . .
ill M. i.-,o.lie.
Asseis s li-.iol i.i. invesici in l .i. is. V :'
ft.:i-es at.u riner Cecil scetm; r'-.
RE YOl Lv Ktii At.AI.V-. I' '
EY FIRE ! Tiieie are but t. w ''
icceive syn-.p.iihy who incur ii-ss ! y i - -this
most r,-,...,.ry and ul..tantii:i
W e i iii-n see it announced that pt is, ii-uT
lost their storks of (iocds and Fu; i.iii.te.
re.-u ts of years ,f industry swer: tr. r.t ' "3
l,V lhe devi nrine; element ever tin
, " l . ' vm "' ""r-- "
in - in. im -c m fir. in vou in m trie
neiaence of servants aiiti ihe i mmi.i
. ii r t.":l.!.r. It ill nr. t .rt . n I. t- '
it' r-. Mtfl itra .t.:tr- ti f o: .ri
a!; ,m iir l u.-,ii. .- tilth--!, tt it.
It r. i.icf- I nt a ..tv .jfj.it.'
, ai d ,
to ir -
ri-.r .: . :r, in to -fl'--
ai l
h t;l Co iliMUTttlii . li; i n ).. :i,.. ;i ' r
V ;.. - Ii . ur Mtt-k is --uifc.i. :i. I.
'ti l- r.i;
in.,:r... fil ! I
1 ' '
yoe.vi um a i;t .t i a M I.
1'linM It'll Ti. s.'il'l-i'.
at tt-e I w. -l l.4i. - an I ,o. n lie mr.r I '
ami i'1. a, l I" il J, is i - it il.e j.ljii-lftirul .1 i-
KLIlt Ti'llS. . , .,
Hen Tl,.. It 7!- n are I .'-.ii . . f N. all I r! S "-8"
O... II . n I I I a . I' r -r.- I t .0 . ' " "
I ' . . I, .,, ,n. m I Hi Jl.si.Jrrfi. I 1 I I-,- I ''
Oiu. II. 1.0- I I ,.
l.,B.-:.l.-uffr.M.r!.r:-.-.'M lb' "
1 II." ,s 1!. H.ol.tNt fc, 1
ti W il It. liJil V lol 1,. rr. ,r,
J. VEUICI... I INN- n.
Hi .I '
; mm
w-i- .
VA,,,.,. J a-.w. ' n--n.i
I'll . t.M'i I.I II' A
i V a :'e ( L- ,
.lll.ei.'s, f;r