Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 29, 1859, Image 3

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r -ithB"t tlt. I
f,etritnn . s .
.... rf -n
FRinVT Mo!.V.'(.. AriML J-', IS-.'
.11 .i, .l"n .- ..V -II '" - ' "'
S,.. ,...-...-.."'',"-
f"r-M.rMr" ' !,,,,-,r- " ,v"ul rr"1 vr u--"
MdJ-.l.r....J ' II" '"
'"j-St-e yew tiln'rliKrmt'iils.
now con.-iiierj'oly ari:ir.-eil tlio-c n
Milton ill tin: AM.'I NT of thoir sale.--,
iiad lirlicve i-au ami ht lli: l'i:i:
, .p. , , i ,(,.,, I .,,
for "noil liav. 1 iiO 'I-'" '!' I'll-h-i!t!
11 ' 11 n ,
this is th- natural wart, an: ol
caci L'V ami ihi ';!';. an.! we. iaasti.ii-
larire ai:.'i U"-m r . '.:li tli.'iu.
To leaeh this l.irf att-l e! :i :i " ; : J."
ma.- ol cu-.tt.tiKT.-. ..iv:t.i.-.;fj i - a
u-i-ful : ami In- who 0". s this, iim-t
kiltal.'y. an. I timely, certainly reali-
'- WA f'":,S- ,!"! ' !!l:,,Xi,'':,:
has l.ti'-v lhe 1 e-l !!-'Mi: Jeitr- IT" It
ever ct..e, ..-il ati'! a- it is -ent toil
oalv to tho-e who i' V, il of eot;r-i'
. l,- fir rif a.'-! i l.-s in- ( I
TOMICU- tii'i-e wh.i -joo.l L'.l-i::e.-
men ahvaxslike ! enaa' in t-o!!!.,'-;
. t 1 ... ..
WUII UK- li.fll
W.iney and who 1"
tle'ets. .
Mo.-t of our iia-im -- men sei U liii.-
flianm-l of .'..iHiiiunieatioil with the
crs and cm-amer-i.l-our conn-
iv and vicinity. Imt still there is room
in our columns for a f w nwre.
Min.iii.ix .V Diai's j.ay in s:;,l a
year fir the u-.' of -,, mu a room to
j, resent their claim- for imi'lie initio
and from their card in another
t olauia wc .-ui;iose arc f.i'.i-l.e l wr.ii
the investment, sh w'il as Mlili tin'
l.EAl'V I'.W SvsfilM they have man-
irm-ated with m mm h I.euc'U to them-
selves as well an to ihcir cn.-toiiiers.
Siultl Ira rlran I ... r, -iK,ii(l. ii. r uf llie I liranlrlr.
On our first ,i-e will he fo i'n! .mile a
readable letter ff ra .loll.N A. Ilail li, an
Jincineer i f the Fulton. His many ineiids
at home will rue; it with p. euii;ir inter
est, and every reader will r.i .ii'j over the
ch-sc i f the ii'iiii'l with a little r.e-t of
' . . ..- ,
litna' -atnat. d race I'l tlie Ulterior 01
P .u'h ti,-.;,-,. We have aisi a letter
hini of a s jh-c 1 f tit date, d-.'s-.-riUilig
. visit to L .,.i I, his pulae-, and his fami-
lv, whii'h we mn-t Jef-r until next week, '
," ' . . . .1 ., I ,u ,11 not
(jreint-itifr. however, Unit J,jl,n u.d not
"lose his hcarl" ou seein-the Ihnner ir's
(Jauchtir )
" V .V. win, uf, ' is the title nfasrniii
four column f lio, is-ued at Assumption,
wl.ich wetind filled iims-Iy with reports
in a nmnerel i 'jnish ..f the oflicia! in-
tercourse betwe, 11 the Americans and L 1
jirz, relative to lecet.t even's there. We
,1.1s n'-r, w:i- sent us by Mr.GriiT.
Treasury Department. .
BfTi.'! d. M.u l it, t-ui'irr.,w, again as-
Hums the char."! of lhe Stale Treasury of
!......, t.....U I-,.. .1.., multitude of'
1 ,..i
worthy and ciimp'tieiit men who have been
3 ' . . ,
rceotntiietn.eJ to liiui I ir atsi-at.ts 111 tne
,. , , , . , - 1 1 , 1 ... t
Tii-eh'r a of his du.KS, Le has -'.!-.. el
the t ,ovi inj
Cashier Tin nuns Vein ! -nn. of B-av-er Co.
Vlelk Jtl Ison Hole in -, ,-f III.. IL r I. '
ALU nT,--irt..-. or,h..mb.'M.
Alexander W.I....11. ol' Wa -I. : n-1 .hi.
Tltt'E. I.-t a your-; man ont-i bcc-ine
familiar with a revolver, and there is tut
a step between him and lhe halter. He
whr, hahitualiv cariies a deadly weap ,n
;,il let, upon his prsm, is already a ueir-
1 . .. i i .
mlv waits fir an orr-ar tuni'y and a little
more whisky than u-in'. Only la-t week
ball wis shot thron-h the wind ,w of .
building on Matk.t street, Lewishtirg, by
a boy. (What right hive any to sell pis
tula and bi kniv.s to 'hoy.,' of any fine.;
jbiyW'e understand that at the niftetir.-r
. ,i , t. .. ,.f ,l, I '..ion irv it
ot the i rustecs ol the 1 limn .-i.i.mary at
v ,, ,- ,1 .111.1,:..., ., ,r: ,f
eWl!r.,n, on the -H.h it.st , a Mr.es of
resolutions was pa-sed, the import of
which are to found a ''(Ytitral 1. titisylva-
,. ,.1 ..1 ... -.. i:..r.
IIS A oil', , ,u uv ..,..,, .
lin, provided llio ciliz tis of that p!
j;ive f-ulTn'ient enronrng' meet lor the cr.-c-
.: . r I.U lo.i'.l .o.s nil in enhnr.
r f r. 11 . 1 11 i' t . I
mem 01 rnty luousana i-i.iais oe ia,.-c. ,i
Whi tin r the center of our Ma'e is not
attempting too niiiDyclle-iateetilcrr rises,
" e 1 r 1 '
is a matter wjrlhy of cotisidi ratiju 1 Jet
wish Ihe etiterr.iise fuce.ss.
t-i.-On Saturday las', some of the
, ,
rn. untait.s that environ us had snow on
their saaiii.ils. A despiteh fro 111 Iledfir 1
H'Stl,at there was from three to five
liCt of rtimv ou the Alleghcnies. We
trust that the cold weather has now pa'se 1,
and ti.at hut little ,f any d.ima-e has been
J 11
Us that Paoiel Kan"hr, Sr., has set out
i0 Apple Trees within a few Tear. Win. I Hi
l'rick oiiO or-JHO, ic.
WTMr F W Puo.'lv l,,s' resided
wa. -ir. 1. n.lt.LMNK ins rt.tBr.ca
ns Position aa Cashier of the Luwisburti
1V ,- rr , -
junk-Li reeignation tv taku effect ou .
Vttdnc.tl.iy llilt 4,1. of !,r n. vt
J . j ... .
"Kemuvortii," and ' OLKNTIV Pt'R
R," Vols. 4 and 5 of Peterson'. 3 be
dition nf .ir Walter 5 ,. v t l
-Winn of hir W.her Sett a. Novel.-, have
Ivea reemtd. I
WPrfhinJis'n' in Lcwisliurs. Ilinhur iil 1-e formally di.-aU.t . n "' ,,a, ,,,t, , .'r.-. r, cee, ,om E ht.reLy K,ven lh lMlrr, ,,,,-; ' " rinm I Ht.ll BUUUd.
Nit lay llio litli of May next. SvtioJ "-Mt i.v t..m.?....n, -a .-.i.rt. i..ti-r- iiartioivars. apply nn uif preiius. I h- ... , .:.. 1 . i. .' i-. , u.,ii.i, 1 1m.urown Jr. ii lh. C. HuaUr,
F..r to,, or , ,,n years pst. t!ll.ri! on Tliliriy ,e i,,u ,.f :::.vUV:-.:.!':-.:,rr;s:, i - - -:!; :?r;t;,7-) I ..J";; ZlZl? :1 .m Votn.ha" h-'-h, Pa,. ,b, o,.
n.uire.1 a iou i.ut M-o i nit.ka-i. MaV( w!lcII a i ,r..s ,ubcr of i'rcachcri. :;.:r;..;:;:,.;;:v:";v:.:.':.:;:;;: i.c-isl.r;. s. .-;. " :. . ."r ' ":v": ran" ,he "r"1- r i.: ",no"w"
i . . 1 ,t . I I .... I ' - . i i t. r .! - .ti i-t . r il i .t. - -.ii 1 i. . i i .v.-. Ii i'i i i nt i:rs .inn i ii tJ ii um r-mil it. in iu i-i m "i ' " '-' ' ,"" ... , ,
the extent aii'l ;iulI Ol ll.l.l..i are csjh ' 1 M I e i.'Mnt. .;,., : v,; , ,;;., .., ,;. ft up mi -is i..irr..ul,.i.u,. ir,-.-ii. 1 prrsun imleliifil to sai.t e-tav ate rrquMr.ito ,:h "enn a lari-e a.nment nf
L.-ttiniilML'. ur M.-rcliailtS 'V,T !'. -I."' "Z lZV.'T,'":.l:"lVf AllC(i(Hl SaltVS ! lrici A..l.-y, Vwht. Vrw. Clir- make itnmHiaie Pay...e.it.ai..l ih-e tain il. WW aU !MIUIilr tMM.
tione tn 1'ruit, while Wheat and (,ras arc ,,ent am. 1.8 tlie reasons why the Iron City '' , . ,1, ,'..'.'.ia,r..;'i., iV-r. Th..s. tt.m.. 1 mix' I,P' fOllIK
coming f.irward as well as man could wish. C, ;:e-e 1,..-lour nines as ,., stud-uts as Kr n i, , r. . r M.ia, h.u k ai.,.!U, A I I I- ; -I-; . 1
c any other Con1111e1c1.il School 111 the I nited i ta.i n.ri. -. ( ( , Hi L.N I S l.ll III.M, I I I' t
teX-Ths plantine of Pruit Trees is a S'.ues. are ihe i,low,n-: It is the ,,y C... Hj.! x,".'..;.,'..,;.".'., -hI j FAMILY 1 1 liOCKK 1 KS,
, , ' lege ii, Piu-hurs lliat Hives three duly lec- in,..j.. ,. 1 vn.. M m:V a v iiitihi. -i iiiiir.i . I III' l'I" V P I-'
duty ton much BcpU-ctcd .n oure mmau- ,.s B..k-K. cp,, ; three daily recta- ,,,,..7, j 1 V jj I W ui'i,
nity, and wc are happy to see increased lions and an examination 111 I oa.merrial ,,, , ,., . , hir,i, ,,,. t ,,, ,. 1,.. j ...... '
. . . x, 1 1 - - r Calculations; lhe only one which repines - - . .... e. . es-er.ir.,-r r l.ll.
tttntln ps,d ,0 lt. Mr. Ludwig informs ' ... N1,.,,l(Il a,, ',. i " i S A l.T .v,-
MrL. M.I'e.M.,tt, the delivering ap. nt,
bMOurlU,Btsfl,rX(,.H-s ,i,.a;t,or
' '
S'hrneder's " Life and Times of Washing
... Tl.;. 1 ...,.... ...:..i
-'; ; i"-"
wi,h plain, clear tvpe, on clrmt pa-
. :' ,., i .
fr.d col, No. ts embellished by a
scl en Vlli. 1 uhlhetl by JohusoD,
Fry Cv, N V , at t't ct?. a Xa
'Iniri'h in Mif-
JvJf'TLc new Lutheran (.'Ii
A P.invil!.; I ifir .-i.ys that the- 1 eVi hi
f the Lae!;:;aai.a 1 1 1 .n mi -bu r ruiir a 1
in 111 nil! I .ie Hi' neeii tii aim -iv
,c .... 1 . ... , .
lix-l. I lie t'-iiij.itiv Iiuk auin-i'ily settle I
wi;!l ,jK. ,., .,,.-ity ,.'. .,-i-, an 1 tl,ei...il
rvll! tM- Mtil r. it LctweeU LaubaeL'.i
and Kjuim.s t,.re.
Tin pnoery .f .1 hn K. lletii'i', in Mil
tin Hi 'll till! T t.i.-e Iieefl ii i-Ii Ii 1 1 -1 V
' .......
l. M ine one wlin uteri"! t'.it' tvli the eel-
K-r dot.r, ai.d eatr.ci i If s.ine li,e or sis;
j. j;l c.h:it: . .
Tiie rui...l i;rll.r.n a...l .he L.t'cr.
!MIS ;,re J r, .. in-t,, I uild ea.-h a l...a-e f r
,ni ;,.j v. t .-1. ; , near J'Kees iu t.y-icr
e ,unty.
U'T I.yti.'ar in. A. .!., wi.l rem'.v
tr 'tii i iiivi-,i. l..e an t t.-tahli-l, a el i..-
eai m!i ' ,i at lli..etoll
n!y eiie lj-.ie!i itrir. j.-t.er 111 IjVC "mm
c.n..t,i.:;e ll.iul.i-, aalltirecOi.i.-i-iti.a,
(,r , m ,, . , ",,,, on ,an V,
iliv. hv a visit In, in a patty i f ili-tm.
em-i,,,! -'i,.ti. t. II. .n. i r ' t , M'Mi- '
el,-,, :, ! ! t.i v '. far, y, , Dr. Win. !
- ' -f '.' l
i ua.-tut... i ,u. Het.d, lb ill lijvii-I.i, (
i'axt .n, e , e at; ,si d l!i- 'any. I r.
il,,i, r, dei.v. r. -1 a', A 1 1 r.-ss in t.ie t'-jurt 1
il ai-e jr.-.m.- '.; it. i
A frame Ion-,, owtiel by IVivi 1 I'.
I. Hi,', al, 'Ve fan atii.i ill-', ;v.is I'-iet . V ii,-.
-T e.e.l i tire oil the llll'li u!. 1'lic i' Ul'
Llline. was ilitna 'y e,,l.s iniL.l.
I", I. Jamus W. in a.i.i.i:, f rinetly of
1,,,,-k Haven, ln.s 1 ,-n ant tut, d in I'.
pj, nt li'ielcoiaii, " m-ul fr the I niieJ
States at An'w-tp. Mr t li-.-lu was re-
!;!. y a iiijinuci' oi ine i Liiti.j .i iai.1
ell lie.
l'.air eliii li i n of a Mr. Jetties of liar-li-iiii:'
w,re rie.tilly bitten by ad.-,
uliii-!i Ml;e,, died iu .-..isins. An tinr
el, li i iv is a i Liiti u and anjlic-r laai iie
lia.s 1, rll killed there.
Hall. Sllie'll t'altit'PHl vi-itt'd IJcIIef'ttte
e..e....fv I ur ,s honor. .1 with t. ser. ..:..
" - .' "' w
ly the hti.-s ban 1 of that rluee, and a 'a
" t . .. i i. r : i i ....
n,.-.iioi in 4 i'i...i-u ii.on ,-ai.iuei i.iuu
to w im-h he Iritily replied.
.'a-le,"iu" for lare.ttiv, tseiped in day-
"." " ' "' ,!iL' --u"rl' J 1
Tlie Trial List of Snyder county Ins 1
c:i. 11 uin.d, and there are 117 Tavetti
'Ii-'-' '
'i hu s 1;., rvi-.ors of Clinton towosUip
, . . . 1 ,. '
iu .serve nmcii credit f.r the very fxevia-ut
. 1 .1
ami Mii s'.ai.Ii.il n.aninr, in whieli III,)'
.18 m.,v.a.aH.ii:i, ,,u r,.a,l r, the rail-
rj:,, tj the river bri i at Mutiey.
Simuel liaiaet, a member of the Hou-e
of Kepics-maiives tro.u ('.iil,,,n couuiy,
dn. j at Ilarrishur!, on lhe L0i!i in-t., of
trvsM.oias. lie has been m. i; fir t .to or
2Z :u fvJV' ur! uu l TnM
tinting llic n-Cviit s.s.-iou of the L"-i'a-
The M. K. Chupel in M,li!,"im will be
de.iie.ie! on c-umhiy tool Monday, the
1 V m . .
-1st and tl days id May next. Kev.
l'.;, ,r lin V A llecs- an 1
...... , . . . .
,,,. ;i,e exivcled U I aitiei; ate m ihe
. ..a V a (.s.
T. . it, t I'vOvn ll.A liprt nnl.i!.lea
' ' ' f.
" ' Jae-n Ka-tettor, ,,f M.-ar
alley, III 1 tola !, ;pm.i,a I, w iveiKSMt.e
ner-e-nvieted i f t he olletiee. '1 lie prill-
cited w itmss a-,inst l hem was dm. -.a
with T-oi.-oti'-ns Is'i'lor, f.- nn n iiieli he suf-
fend horribly.
,1'hn A. .1. ( iimtn :112s 15 ejettrnj. up a
map ol (Jolu.nhu and M mtour cuuuiies.
i- i. i i e w , . ..i
1. l.mhler oi ,.-;ort rixvu.ly
hl.le 1 a h-- that weighed ,il pauuas.
Ja-. b Woertior, of Wiiiianis..irt, was
-'-'d It, I.ls ueu o , .lut. iay ...or.,-
in g ia-t. The coroner's jury rendered a
Verdict dea tit li nn int. niji.ranc'.-. "
A lire in Jers-y S!i...te on Wednesday
ni-ht of last wei k, e iiisutiied the ctahles
or turns of Juliu Selrin-f, K-ibert Crane, "
M rs. M llephuro, and l'r. JlaviJsuu, and
11 ,;. ,
mj'irid several other building?. J o'al
,, of wllltfU ,af
tv, r , by insurance. The town Council
,.ir, r simj reward far the detection ot the
; ,.ii.,..
, j .
Any ot our readers allneted unh Seio.n l
(,r f,-r..t,ih'iis complaiiit-. will do w.-li to rea i
ihe r. mars 1:1 our advent-ins colunitis ie-
sp.-f im- it. Ilullinleol tlie nature ot this
- . rder has l.,-e known by
pe, pie, and
;,- ,-iear exposition ol 11 there mmi, will
pr"'' ";''';i'""'" .UV '""
;, .,.,,. 1 ihe si arelon- and ah.e 10.1n1.er in
w.ll('t, . A ti...t- ,-v. iy -ul-j-ct he n.ii-
ches : whatever ha- his attention at all, has a
er" it .1. a! ol it. he masfrs what he under-
tat.. ,.! i- ot.e who has a panicle ! ie,-l-
111- :,.l his ailiieied '. lion- in.iu, call look I'll
,,, ,..,.,, ,,., a!.r ,r ,. sick.
1:. ,-,. wnat lie says oi Seroluia. and see in how
lew w-.i.t- and how cleaily he tells us more
tii.iii we all have l,uovn ol iln- 10-1.111, us ami
u..l , ,.,.)., ., fl,ii-ut.!:,inj. J'u.
A ' ""7 J S' .. .. . '
a ci, asii r iiri-i-n ,s ru m-is-i in,,,,-
v exeieises in coutl
tnen - ii,) Corresn. tulenrc ol all its Mudenis;
- "ly one winch empn vs teachers whose
or are experHMirru mm aim 11m ni".t
Sra..ts I).pl...nBs ... those only of its
M0,ei, who arc cmpeient and sk.IIIuI ac-
counianis. J'ltltlmrs I rur l'rr,.
--' ' - - lit.
. . ... R . . .. . f ,h j ,
., r" "... ..
hath afternoon at S J o'clock in the Commence-
meat Hall ot lhe I n,vcrs,-y. A Kenorl wall
read by Mr. 'i'hos. P. Coulston 01, Modern
m pi in in, p " n - or .s nc ie u i 1 1 1 o .ii a nt j ie-
viva.- r;,e public a,c invned.
1J. Br,!syc. ,
' tT lr. Cowman is expected t.. preach f,.r
murium; and cvenim; next i his last nnlilic
service- here, previous t,. emerine: npmi his
duties as President of a Literary Institution
, in,i ,,.)
-' ' -
T.,,e :,..,,,,.,,;, i, j, lot,- been a "eon-
. ,., .Vlfllllv , ,.,.;,, ,,r ,,v 1P
Wit m -.a-i a-: I the p:it:-tjt. I h oires Hlcr-
t'' I !'V tile l)v-i;-i!i'.l !,ll-rs. sh,,ii!, -I'v
.-Lvsrs, tr.;,t'un.i.-r !i'.i-!is.a-v.r..r it
lriii. ilns 4ist'.isc i;i;.rar.sf 11 u-alily
i .. i
1 l.l- It- t tl:
til' .Il
lf j I - , J : , ,,f I,,,,,,,
ii r I'l'y,
nan n r-K. i.
. i .. .. I. ,. H.'V. K
, t I..M... .,, t.
I - I'-"
t.,- ,
-rv i.. .1,1 !i
W'r (1 i li,, I l;n,.li a l 'i,.:l r.ili i-.:t a
in, -, ! i-;,rv,,!. nt nail .1 i !;ar.ic',-r llian I . 1 1
i.i" - I a: ih" ,i: ':,'v ! i,'i,.-rv, an.! J;:i:h- r
i:i, '-. :;:,;, t.. i,, ,(.. a!.' m ir. .r j, -M.-r Oi a!-!--.
I -. v.'i v p - iVr i:t at liirnin v,n'
.i.!i.. Iti lie- i i u i. t!:,' i ne n t
kin' a Ii , .v tie- li i :,aii" nn I I , ii,.;',.' -n: can tin
an arl,.Mi snnir :e ;( e. t,latiei- u,:h i!,.-,r (.all
a'ltni j li' v;.'-v . til in !; i-iiij'i'.' ll '' a""',,l, n
liii-ir a"l i Ii : n-l - a-"! ai 'j'i.iiit.aar,-. i,,
I lie lael, li! I' I i in S. II im ... f 11.- li i : 1 1 -
in ir 'i'"-i, IJ.i i , in ! . l !., !i t '.-.viT'- l a
:';.ir ,'i, a. u l.n-ii is put nti in i-,,' : rm -t a
y . tl: e I, . - a - f eil'.'- in"..,'; I. i .-,ii i, r... Kpi-I-
f-v. .-r I i! n," It--.. .pa-!i,s erait,;--. at. I ali
: . i a - , : n.'i i lu - ,i . a A in. li, m' e:i,i
!: : i e :i ; i-i n. i :.-ti ' , v e : t I. w - in I 1-1 lie-1:-
,..n a m 11
I tl,.- I.ni.ilv ,1.1., n, II. Ilea-
Valiiiii- I, M I' ? I-.- ...
IV, I. n )' nt. flirty ni'v. V.t.. ai,l Mr. U.
1'. 1. 1-,, it. lirei.a 'a. Mi.-.r(,i. We ,iei,t
.11 . -nnine, ,tn... a i n'ai.ei ,.1 ,,'h-i nnlil vy,.
.. I ,,t.r. :i t ;:. l e. - . ; . ; . .,r t .n; i-,.t v.,
K.:...r: ,t .,. r. ,. II ,., ..r
lee.i t II f IV. I Tl. ... .. ..
, ie I
I it t
mi -.r I,..
il ii at, ,,1-c i-n..',i l: ,,. -i i...ii,.u
t.'l!'t-V.' ,rti' ..!'i T "t "'"'!" ''Z'
li:-t ...r,-..,,. - ; ,i.eh ... s.l. Ve
I--' t- ' '
I'.iaa:. in :r:tM. a io.n "
1..UI. i::.t. m it i 1 1 ;i i . i i.
. ,
.V, : :.v,' rV-,;;.! i.
nt, -I-,.. i.i.
i.. i.li .r. -. i
I ' I, ,!; .,,. !
.....V'r 4.."..
,.. ,
...Il., .,..1
... ,, ',,,'t,,
;lll;I.H-ni y KS,
a.." :l"t .Xl
' " ,00
' I I ,.,-1 . I-r ,1
( itn.i.i.
HiKEIV. a (.. linn t- iti'itM fr.-m -14
i e, . i.. ii.-r
losi'-lKii. "i'i
No. ..j t'li'-tiini m .
.:ir.'ot ii-M iliiM-.it 1. 1 ,-i.fi in
t -la.ia.. iina-.i'.'i .1 e,i.
: mi.m '.. . '. -iii. in.
vivwa va.,
1 fl '-y II I ,,..,
... .St. .,. ;'.,.,.,., ,. .
; I, ,T -,T-,I,-S lit Iltl v 1 i-r ,t I!
,' ,! .-III. ,,l, III ill I.:, I.:. 11 -I
.- ,1 r , ' . ,. lint t;.. r.. -.
. II, li e .- . !', , il. e, h, , e' I..T
lit. .,.,1 f l , t I.. :., .( O , I,
... .... ,., ,.,;, 1 i i. r ... , 11,..
HI, 1 ;. O. elU ft : - II,
1 l.l-
r -i ! -. I. :,:- 1 I
II. I... I,-. C- .fi
1 .111 M.
r. .i-v tl,- -.11;.
ju-t ' - I
I. II', .11. -I. .11.1-
C I I'll 1 all vv:,- y r- n, 1
-ii( , i . r,l '. .... r I!., r-.
I'i . I. l . l! .-. , - r , t . II t.. II,.-lia.l...
t. i.l .Tl. in et ! ,,1 r.-...., 1..
J D sI;;LOil'.-..,..,ai.i.rr.s. I
.In.v --. y.-,. . ' ... .V.. ,., ',,. j
TI..,r 'j?! i?...,!,tfZ.;,.i
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s , , ... . ... :. - ,....,,,'. i,.i ,. -1 .-.,
'1- YZ, X.u,
m.,.,i-,-.i , 1. !. ,.,.
1 '' '-' '" '-''' t :'" 1 ' "' :""
,1 .,..,....,; ,, .1 . , -n. a,. i..i-th.-1,,,,
"'" ' :1" ' '"" ' '' ' ! ' "r" "' "' ''"l"1 ' ""-
1: i.nt. w In, ., in . 1,.. pi....- . i ..:l.. r ,1 ! lll, t
Tl "T r- P-.-nver-.M v ill .r 11 lir.rt v.pn.l
j ,;(...r t..rii,,,!., ...it r , ,a
l: l ." '"'" 1 ", -a O"'-
, il,
.,!' nv , II, ,r
C 1,1 , i! I, lO-l-. le.l - I,.,
. - - lr,i hi I ii, a- nut ,r,,
, i um,..: in, a- .Tin..- it, f v
ine I ' na i:.,!' . , ' -l
lit ,1 in ol ni.e ii':!,.- .; . i .
" r'' .".,' IV-
X'ml'.:" i'-,'.-"I 'x''m-
, i,r,.i
ni-. !t, ..: v a , ', -. -n-'i.
p!',:.'; X-""l '" "
o, I l,.,.,l Ii.
i" t I -r
Iieil I- r
.r I -
,,: tl. .... , I
1. .,1. I, ,: 1,: I , !!,.
. i v i- ti..
. I....I I.. 11... ,
a... i .i a... I.
i An (loliiiate and Inv.-I, rati; las- of
L C.r.-i U ll,.- Potfr-1
" ..!.',.' J,. . ,,.'' ', ,,.
it. . Iie.u (li3-
'.t O- ..,!!.:.. 1, 1 1 11. .-e .1 ill-
? y y w,(.,. V;;-- ,
I I V tl,
I 111 ... t..
,.lo III til.
...I,,.. 1...
i. .-I'-iii. r
I Mll'i-Il
t ,i 1,, I t - 1 ,-v - i v kli' vrii r-tli lv Witt'
,..t "- r -r i- . ,.,t- 1.-1 i,-ia,. 1 ,.
i..i,-. 1 1, ,,:,.-,, 1 ti. ., t-i nin-r.. n. 1
,... ,,.,, . ,.. ,,,.. ,..:, . ,.,1. , , i.:,i,i,
1., 1 n. , 1-1.. ..,-
'Zt'ii t,,"-! u.L't"Z""" it"
no. .. 1 ai.i.u 1.1.1..
S. W . rW I.i: & .. Irrirttr,
kt.ti,-it tteir .v-rvwt,...a,i in t.,i..
..,.r.. I.v .1 V I ill- an I I. S. Cnla. II . alii 11, N-w
Mr- m,,. -I..,,. . ,-.,vT..s
...- , . , ,
?iCUJl.OLHHTi fil.ll'lSCt.
Citr 'ir'ni ri;ftf
Wheat !-.l,-'" to l.o'i Kl'-s -? 10
live 70 Tailniv 1 J
Coin TO Laid VI
Hits -la llaeoti Ill
riaxseed , i Haiti 1 :.' !
Plied A-pics. l,:,ll Shoulder 10
llutter HO (,'luvi l.-ced I,.,o
poll; ('.
lit K, Mv- Tie. jrti. 1,.-' . I - II. v. Or 11 ",,, TIHIM-A-
tt It -ox. 101,1 .- U iHV ILI. if l.l I. ,Ii,.I,ot . 1
P.01I mi 1 It. lino',
11, 111-,- VV-l k.l 1 I
I. ih . I tril "I... j ll.,-
,. . ,i
..!':: .V'; . .'V:'".. . r;". .V" " .7' .'. v, ,' '."
''-'---;', .;'''.;- -
tn "'' -,;,,,'
u.-.i, 1 .. t iii r.'iin.itioi rT-(iiki-n h"tn
iml int rnd in Hie ,ew;-T.iir "iii'ieM-oii in--' .n mi..
rJ...;.l:, , ,;.,..
t i.,,,,. i ,:, .,, j. i '- in inn; ,.l- Tr- .T'I, in-t . Aiirvt.l.
- - ...! l...lv r,... l.v,'mo,.-c. ..1 tl- i-i.- in-
t, ... .., Le,.t.,.,-., a,.-.t .n i.
" .. .
11, . . tt, .n. ...T.. ...... ....... ...... .
l.iai'us. t r..n riv it,.. Ji i,-,i. .1 , bun. iu-iu.-, nn.d ,
'-' "'il' ;,'l, 7... . . ,
i,n", I ' ' ". , t rfTh(,
."'"': " "-j, " , . ". '- .
.r.'tVtii'i 1,", u.L UM. :
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:?'ii)lin ti'liy 1 " J'U 9 Nil)
i'Hl JIAI bAlM1!
, . t . - i
1 I M-U t f.OODMAN liavejust
- I " i.i.t of rticwt
,V r
''," t-t-.r-Tv t.ut h,,...r.., t
or.,. , """"
line 1f cnu-
lOR SALE Tlic Fixtures of the
.1. wt-ll known ( 'I'lirHrin.uar v. Cake Ice
S.iinr.lav Alterfi'.en aii'l Kvi.ihii?.(TO
P MilllIUlU ) Apt,! -"i, u-iii I :i.-r.-
IltlW) A pi 1 1 -Z'.i. u-iii I..
I I r
.al. at tlii A tie : i. .ii at. I ('i.itni:i--tt.ii l
n I.eu-i - l-iirr. a iaaiitit v .,( la KS. i-imi; r.Mii
'I the iMla.ieiii :
,,. Il.le- an. I TcstaiLi'ifs, II u iie.'.-.i'-,UV
li',, .,:i!i- l-it;-"iati, Tailiily i'r-
i:res. S.:iai l; i. 1 1, ,! !" I.- . tal I ':iu-tiat:
I'r.-ari. D-ii - l,,i il i!,'i-:'iinai:n
lli-inrieal T. .i I'. . I, ,, Iii'. e. r- , r.-.l II' inns
A i i'lini I licl i,,:. a; a a-, ! a v.n ..'t v et II:.
taplii- .. vel, Ii:l,.rit -, Miimc II k 'J,y
II.. "k-. e.
A!s . K,'ii,!v Ma,,- c:,.thm. Ci ,i!is. V.-!.
in-.-. A.-. Cnair-. nip! t 'i'ik i.e
,si!vrr Watt'l,-Hardwire. ,r. Ac.
IniNUioW i.U. Amc:i
April sr. i
Ailinirisfratrix' Ujiice.
rIli:Ki:.S. Letters !" A ':n 'i:-lPOti. n
t., lhe 'ta:e ! iA l! II.W V.
.-t-,'ase,l. l.-,:e ,. Hai i. ti.n I. -i njli, I 1.1. n
c,,.:a:v. have 1 ii vi.iV ! ' la" i!.srril' r.
I V III- li"-i-!"r r,f sai.l
i iltl.' 1. Ill, :
!1 !'-"' '- :-l Miflfsiale are r.-'j
e,l t-, tnak I avna'lit. anl liln.e it tvili-el
a-jam-l Hi.- same ven! J-r nt ta.'in tll.y
auilet.t:ca:e.l f. r sett'eni.-nt. t..
lllll.ll.S '. II.W IIS, A liijTC--
, i an lei. '11. . tri 1 1,1--, .1
.M X It 1. 1 .N I. I i I ,
ami i.wniv um v siaia:.
V II (MX I.. 711 I.I It r peetfuliy
iiilei in-the eiliens ,, I.e ws.,i. - ai,,l
vi. ttii'v, that she lot- epTie! an ."t'.'ti-ive
M.lai.erv and Fane v SI..tf in l'. r'er's Hi,,, !-.
.V.itli id M.. i.e:,r the It.viere il tee.
where sl.e has t.r ;'' .'-'p I'm. I. at-',
e-tia ,e, lira ! an I I.-.-lnin la'.WIlls. also
a lau-e i-i of H T atiJ FI..T of van-
ous -,- and -!c,p.-.
DIJIIss TUiMMIMiS of every mlcr. am!
.:,....-..., 1. -. .-.. tv... hi..,,,... ir, .i,...r
WZM; ZX- ::IJ:Z;
iy li- .p.
in I a, -w.
m l-t.i
IIavihl' Tnr"lrt mv p!tr:,!!ni-
V. -k ...! l'hi'.. I. ,.:. I ..f. r l.n - If ,!, -t tl -I-
...a-..(!..,......,.. i'i.;.., ,. t. , i .. i ,-
i. r -: , k ir ,.. v h b 1.. .. ; t 11,. a. ...- . v. r I I i.- .1-
I.T..I in III.-1 av
..,,,. ....
I :itn a o prendre, 1 to ,10 a Kllnls el
u,,m1 bv ,.;.... ri.J.,-..i ! niry.
lwsM WM-U-ni r.i r.-ure
flint in
tt - m-t hi t. ..! sr: - vrar;.f.T.-i to c.t.- i-..i
f-.iU.-titv.tinu w ai.y - r-i, tyt.r:u- Hit- ::ti tt.. ;r j-.tr.
JI"T P'fi 'iVc !. .1 IiIFjC Mipplv ( f
IJiM'T Ali iMIittsili lilt' i 'IiuU'11
prices :
Cents' Call Hoots, .?:! "(1 a. C oa
,..i Kip do
do C litres. Callers. Calf,
.I . r.eeiii Leather liai'.ers,
do Hll.,l I 'l ies,
.!,, Kip shoes
do Sappers
Hois- Hoots. Kip,
do do Call,
V,., nil's li.,.,!-,
,1,. Shoes,
La, lies' Kid. r..., t Heels.
1 :ai to i on
- -"'I t- t I II
2 to S all
I s; ,,, .1 on
I I'll to - Iltl
",."i to I fill
l : :,n
n .',n t., a mi
on " '
in to I on
01 to I si
do do l.tee-O, ot spril'TS
' a. 1 7-
do Call skin la,el,..i,t heels, I i I
do Ctain do on to I .".il
do (ianers, En...i-h lasting. I .'.n to ' :t7
do il,, Freiicti lastiii" springs r,-i t l 25
do d.d. las.,,,-,, i, h-eis ii lis
do si.ppi rs. h. els laiiey I ai to 1 '..a
do I nrkev Slippers rn-elte on to 1 all
do C, ih and Ctrpet sutipeis .''Mo 1."
d .tellers , lis. Kid 1 li.l I , 1 .'(!
.lllssf.s KOI. I
,1. ,., .Morocco spring .,-,! ..,
( ill. ret, s shoes lot,. 75
,,';ol;::,";'"'--,"lr,"a"'- '
S!IMf IS';) ' '
),-..,. -ii . . .
I I receive,! a lai'ire as.-urtment of
F;Vl U I Tjib tQs)bb,'-
., i . .
nil' ,'
I ',1 II ! ttr-. ( hallies. .:Teo-e,. ( posso-
ver Moliatis, II -lejt-A; -,'.,, i;i. I'.oilai-I,
Siliu ("Imllie.. ''., ttiai lines. S-I ul, lie and
le.iek lo r."'.', II, re-o K,.l,es ,,.,,1 Or-an-
dies, very hand-aiue I'leiuh itriliiai, is prin-
ted l-eieal asa '.irea. variety of -.(..are
1 romol cornered .-I I.I.I. sll u L.
varvin-inpil.-eti oii, S-.:,a i.llr. ehe
s'i '. in , , n" , iv '
Sil U l.s. laee Mann.'s. bl.n-k X,-
blael; dean Ve,s.r-al Main',.-Collars, very
preav sell of Collars and SVeves from
.0 is.,, ('amine II '--. I.-n-e slr,
I lench Dimity. In. .my Hat.!-. Hindi..-..
chlets Irolil 0 1 els. to . 1 eaeh. etiti,oi,ere,l
Mats 1,-om i.ne.s. , S- per i.a.r. lie.obs a
-reat varoty l Fancy and staple ,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
s tec '
yueensware, c. kc, sic.,
all of which m ill be sold very cheap. Call
and. see.
Always on Hand !
John tt'.IK .lo.'iriMin nali.
J. &, J. WALLS
H AVII pist o,e,,e I at lhe Ion- e-taldi.Ii-.l
M AM Mi 1 I'll sil K E tin Market S.awic,
.. 1 .. . . .... I I....1. l- ..t
' " ' '
v,i!'(! V t 1 KI'MMI'l!
Ai.'W" i:n. UK.
ai an'r- In ihe s'a-iiti arwl in lhe nans ol I'Uf I
11 li I I OUOI'l.'
11 1
old pairons as well as m.y mitnterol new.
W have .11 hand
In siiorl evervthii'tr wanted in a Family .Mer-
canlile Establishment.
tiiile Establishment. I
.::ti tii pkoiimi: 1,0,1-1, t
, 1 .,.... I .. il. n...,! .,c,.,,, ..
..S.er.n: .i.ve'us a calland see ..l jud-e
r yourselves. J. A J. WALLS,
i..w,s,.u,. ' i ' '
-- ; -." .
. ... ., if -.- .i...... , . ....an.
1 .,.kih the ou'ner can h ii-e hv c .lone al
1 which Ihe own, r can nave In cl.ii,-, at.
lhe "...-,. . olhee and payitii: expenses ot
" - -
hi.,,!,.,.,,,,.,,,, ,Ur
C "V" , ' 7 , '
O -lc ai lhe C.iwiuA. Othcc ,
l.-otifident that I have fi-ervth.iitr li. 'tally VI" L' MU I E-' -I Y I' I'l'-' KOWRY'S SKYLIGHT GALLERY, has male the lollow.ng arran-ementj for the
;;:!:, ::.':uoV:;;r';oi::''i.a:;::rv:,'!;::,,:.;::;;r iv-- ( Y,KK JT-l,M'r?','!e.n'"i,r',Wi'rr,';re' c,Tn"sui:ar,.v Beer. M.to.. ,! ro
tr,',,,,,!,.,..,,,,...;,!..,.- ,'eii-.- t a M ma..., M.iio .,. I rtnerlv llouehton s hoe Stre, Matket ran be nj() va Wednesday and Satutday mor-
I.evv islmrtT. April tin. T II! anil White- Plastnr. and Coal. Tr!?!'':.- - n,n, of each week. a. the Marke. H.nse. on
. . . I ) f , ... tu iMta i i t in:, s .1 .1 nti 'till r. S, MI. I, A l. U 1 1 ..,, Market street, between Schaffle's and Wolfe's,
Citiicns ! Look to your Interests. J. . A, , ,,. M,prir Mv.r. ,,, ,,.,. Lew,-burS. Pa.
Family Grocery Store.
T. G. EVANS & Co.,
....... p. ...-a . ..r. nnnilllrtllA
UriULithlto ANU fKUlilUIMi,
Kuil-nn ini; Tr r.H'l- rommon tti the trad-. m-h u
(dRAlX, FLOl'lt and keep,
r-l(!R C'11FE"-K FL'"!!,
FUL'ITS, Ac. Ac. &c.f
.'t. . 1.'-
ant, J resen nil' mot;.-, j
l'atrs.Kaisins I'rotn (il to 1 J
tt-. in T lii., Fickiei of
all (le cril.tioli-i
o j;,s, ( i i i:r. si .....!.
Hl.,1 ,,-, i,,,,,, ,r lul.l (. in... .M....-U .... 1..I..I.V
AU.'., l't,,f ',1,i.r,rMA ( h :.'.' ...'.
"i nll II I I ;i't; 4,
'. ..' '..,',,.,... ' "
ft tit
Yi Mluw
IV ailtl ( i iiar M lire. t.1:y l.en i-! nr-.l niuti coniy..e.'ea-e,l. h.ve been Also a kllld of rC4 fr buiWing f nr
!. ll -lls;il '. IJllI 111. II- ittantr.l ;,, the iiinler-isned, hv the KesistiT ol p(.
are. lioi.v. I wine. . I in. 11 c in, tv. in il.ie f., 1111 c, Uu;ail persons and eiamine for noorseires. Prodnee
t it l'
;.., (),, J'.uiil. I'm- Oil, ( 'null', .c.
, J .,,,. Y;, I; T,'w I. inl. .f .
j. ',. ,' .... . . .,.,... ...
: ' "' "l ;l" ln,U' " l,L''' '-, t
(Tobacco ono Genu's, a choice muictn.
I.-, m...,i i. iv,.,,
it in i , 1
li ve. ( litts, ,ti'., always on hau l.
,,.-.. tl' livftl fr,e ft' rhr'f exist inters
, , J .
' I'" li"rnj:
- T . :,!!, ni i t,. ciiiui:. ri,
I. .,, t -r . .i: I t- ,:n .
""'','.'.!',." !'.'.!'.."'
linn an I- III.- i .t. 1- t .., ,n. I ,it--i,-'
, I ,.t ,. r,.. , r.. ,..: . 1 t-,u
w.- ,r. t i ,iia u;..r;i ar i-a.iarj tii.ud, t,.t..i'
1 ... in l ,
II. fin ,-i .,.e til' ni'tuiiir nf l'rulwe,
I i.-.i ... t.i ', i..iv t,..i:. .1-. "
i ..', I-
t:i cs- i i
- .
-' -
nt'..u,,. i.j,l ,:, n;n f
ri-t, l-,ioii.--s, t. ,,ur .-ntire ..,l,-t.,.-t,,n, m..l ur,- fully
,1.1, riii.i,..,! i. .t t .l-vi,t- Inau il. ihr .kt i -
i.,r;-r.aiil .,-.-emii-te u.sii ,'v,r.,.,.i w.- r,,,.,.
. ,r.-J lit lurui -li ear .Ir .11- v,'.l. . a - rv :l, n.-11, , ur oi.e
. : 1 ,i.,i."-. t n.. 1, . -t in 1. r c-i.. . r in . . i.an-r
ir w i-iii. Kv..,r.i.'..iiv r- .,1 ii ,ri. v. I ,.. ij-
.-. 1. Ian .1, iva.:,,..., l:..c a, Lu.ar, UiJ l.,;-,
T..a ,,. -...,,.ic.
i. !-., 1 iv c:,-l. f r all kin I. r I'n.iur-.
- o.:I.:i) I'DTATOES. Tlin-e Seed
o "',rllr;-."l"r.' -l
. . . ,
' .- '.s.e r.r.'is-l ,r.-. ... ... .-n-r .,ua..t
.a ii :,"h i...... t:-ii. .s.. I'.rii.
A s -.si arliel- J.iui 5 llj.ivn ft ' . I" r
CIHvila.KI.IN l.llo'S.
CVLUk,1.' A'AtU:.1' ..i! ii-a
- -
orilAltS! T.Ai:S! STEAKS!
llt aU k.uJjl lltt.risjr .'unlity. nn I at rv..-W.
t. u.'M.i.i.i.i. i...r .
s4 i-v ,,, .. i ii ai !.ii
I . ou..,i ..........an
Vfl I. He HI,.. O.ll , Y CHil. IT . . , ,.,
i iiamiii lil.IN l.iai.s.
11"E kf-ptia constant smii-Ivof We--
If t'ru Vila:!- wi.t ri. ..r: o"i i-i: ,,r
ciiAitiit la t iu; , s
",.'. "
fUMlS. live. Oats at
Ol:X, live. Oatsa.nl all kinds of
,1, 1.
en iMinaa t nti.vs.
i:(U'i:..coi;)S TWINE
. .' J Tssoittiiept of Iliv Pomp
t. i'i,,'-' ii. i i',.ri. tir.-m Tii'.'N,i'i
,,t i. . i.,k i.,n. -. i invinaa.is 111.0 -.
r - i v- .... i , i
lIMMIinil.lN IlIIO'S
I.' K I I I' I sj t f I.' I si II
. i-i-t ' i- t a, i ,
j nU ,m. ... . i i - . , acM i c, m a-
. " '" li: ' ' -'" ' T-i"n'--
is i.ii .-i, . Iv t.. Il,i- ..... u. AI-". sle. I. Il. rro, . s,.d
rE -nt a rn.mtl.lv -unidv fr.-l.
,L ii,. 'v ,.i -.V i.',1!,,.-.I,",.,,, 1
t i.i'i..r.. '' . a i viia 1:1 1 nn , -
.-I .A I'll l l
I.L killu's (if SlliefS Dried Al'i'Il'S.
.1 ' . ,. , ' ''It"
, 1 .'. aeh.- I', tmos.Cm iti.K.liaorh
I.a.s,,,s.( ,-k,: I s,s cheap-l .Iron., on.
Siaieli. raiina. K,ee Flour, Flav. no- F
tracts. Have Oil. Sap Sajo Clue-e. lire I
H'-el. K.-a.ied and ( round (', Il A 'ania'.ti'.e
Candle-. Talioiv Candle-. O n e s,,ap. II ,s 11
Soap, llelcrs.ve S. a,.. 'I', ,1.1 S..ap. Ca-'le
sap-I,a.rs (.iio.-olate, l.akel s( oe, a. I,.,.
km- S.,1,. Sal s.'.Ll. Soda A-ll. a-'on
v ie' 1 " ci """:-"""
s,,ii,i, l.--i..Iale Ceu,-,,t, ( aleined Pl.i-t. r-
Ib ans. !ro,i,s. Ilni-I.e-. A laru'e a-., , tinein
ol I ot.;M '0 tlllil 'real;.. fo .
f -r sale by C 1 1 A V II I.KI.IX 11 IIH s.
Levis!, ur-. April '-".'. ITdi.
It A D 3 C TT J CTfiB Z
Infill b I I I UiiC
a n r
1'.ST ol'I'ICE.
I.r.ilE siijijiI) nf llmiks.Siaiiiini'ry
I'. , iota"!-. . .1. ve. 'r-. . Toys. C,.iite,.i,n
,r. -,- ,. . , '
r . . I ois. l.oli,e,',i,,n-
t i i ,. Sins. Ilasio ts.
, i-l XICK CKS lor
HlltMles, 1-1-1
'il'' P
iti.!' l"ir.V!i:ri;(. POST OFFICE
I.l ll AM) r!.M:(ii!.r;ni i e ha. I at ihe
rtfT orrici;
j 'IXE Co', I P
1' be had at 1
"... ...7. .
INK .(.'(! I'l'NS :.-r I..ii!;e an-M ;.'n' v v,w
I - I . l.li.M. sells t,l I
i:i:i;l. sens ,,i CAMEOS and other
Ilreast Pins an 1 Ear limes can I-- had
very cheap al the POT OFFICE
)I "I TEIJ. Ee-s. I aid and Poultry lake,, in
) Exchange I, r Ooods at the
"' n."si. i'-iet. au,i
U I! I IE US lor Hooks or Hoods of any knot
promptly am tided to at the
7. 7.i,r: ". "7 1 : ; '
I Al'IES can tin, I the largest and '.. .isseit-
Ji ment of Letter and Xote PA I'I'li.Ilnve!.
opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE i
Vr.E openinr;. direct from M'CilIttm A
Co.'s Carpet Manulactorv. I.len Echo
.iinisi.eriiiaiiiown, i a . one ,., ,u- ...ni.-s, ,
and be-l assontiienis oUai'iH'Ssi ever bio'i
to Lewi-hui-, suchas
.". Jtittrtml, .il'inntil .it. lit..
,..,, , ., '.,"', ,
'"'. - "J '"
" " . ,. , , i
F:"' ''"' Curt h,.t,Kj,A::
Jjrch i;t is. X '
1 r
15 U V
; rpjIKV are the IV-t Calicoes yet of-
1 j to u,, puMie f-r th njr.
WHOLKAtMt A" t:Tft,
i .ni:r"KEST. akmstkum; a (;o.,
j IoiH.
Executor's Notice.
, .irtinw aaii,,l lh ,,ni.l U-1 1 r"-f
; , .
' JilH.N A MKKl'Z Kxeeutor.
I.ewi'Snr" Hi.nl II l".V. '
- - ---
Executrix's Notice.
-.I1TI.R .,, ,ha, ..,r,t..
"V-'TICE is hereby riven, that Letters e.
1' la-nentarv mi th- la-1 ill an. I le-tainent
.1 WW W'Af.TKK. lat-!" the t...r..ush cf
having r!aun a-j tifi-t I "tale will pre-ent
the,,, to lhe Mil, -en! er h r -al-ment. and
'h e own,-, '-aid e-iaie ate r."jUsted to,
. u thn v,'a!'v ainheiittraie 1 for settle- ,
me,,,. r,i;ii i; 'i iidmas, iiircmiu
l.enntmr-. April I-.,
, p,, . t Ts; J"; ri V York', at
I . ' ' ' , ".'. . ." '
V '., etv a hi.n l. i r -1 eis a enz.
., ,. mm, ..;r HEADS fresh ami od
For -ale at the l.einaaiir .Njrserv t v
Aptil '.a u .V i.i..
. , m i.' in r,i I , s lit ,
. ( aw iiuaui .
tSl. U..VJ ' Sill I
The nti ter.i.'in ,1 ha- , ist received
.;'a lot of lr..t. J. M. M. tinsnti'i la:e
: (',,i,:p .. ',,,. ,.r the Piano.
April Ml, Hl. THUS. OltlER.
ltOIr.lt 1K.II
AM' s7.'.l ir
I I I . I . I I . IS .
i.n i,nui- IS
Sj C M C
French Flowers and Plillinery Goods,
. . ., , , ., ...
inrtt.f tJ M11 1.-1 .t' -itti s's., s-jutli $.
I.wi-btirr, April Si.
utH Mini. ..,.. j.j.r.Lia.
I .I II I It X Co
'tfZ " -'"
Z I.ewilurs Vhms, Mill.
JX-''.-seecp constantly en ban Inr.d
.,...,o,n,. iaie n. order I I.h.i in.-. Mdins,
., ,
, - , ,
Miitl.l:nus .'I a, I patterns,
n.l all ,,.. ,1,,.,-r, ,.... l U IV urn used
.... 1
Ill lltllelll.2.
rr.piion s rn hiUi-l f.-r aif.
FtirtrVon X,rth xom,tre,Uewhburrj.
Apr. I Z'l, 1'J.
to the piet ir. s. I am now prepared to lane "', nu,m 41 Qaick Sales for Ca
ll I'lioiosraplis. lar-e or small, e.pial to Small Profits." Liaimne his mean
I'liouisraiiiis. lar-i
,hl. - anywhere. Also. HALLO-
" , ,
1 I I-. I hese pictures are c. lore l to rep-
re-ent lite, and are superior to an oil paintins.
ffivini that li lelnv ol expression and teatures
lh:" Cl" '-e produced only by the famera.
The-e pictures are patented, and I have the
exclusive ri.'ht l.,r I r.ion County. Call and
ei.iuiine specimens. April St, l-iSS.
" -
t'ltl-Al' !It CASH.
Ifl The nnlersi-io',1 has , n.r.pd a BlHIT
PL and sin i; s.'1'i WE in he K.n.m wit In
''' J- n"ll-',r'- "" "'( trrfl. where mar
be found II .m- Made and Eastern Work of
every di'-rrtptiun. at prices to sun the tunes,
and no nostake. Call and examine for your-
Work of all kinds made to order, and Re-
r in .,....i.,r-,', r-i r OTvT)
fi" u.t a MiM'k t'i i i'iiikn en r-T-Tl T.i
I.ew,s.0r?, April 21. :-:...
Cv (kmk lor the Million!
.. , .
StHI,,, I'Lii Ci .Qt
I 1 WE,,.., received ,he,r -ener.,1 supn'v
1 I ,t (I ,o Is f.r the SI'i.'INii .V SIMMi:i;
, Tll,.ir M,.,.k ,.lU1.;sl, , IU .- ,-, ,
H II jus, reeeivd their -ener.,1 supn'v
..t (i .,. Is f,,r the SI'i.'INii .V M'MMEi;
, I-.", i. Tneir -toek oviom. ii, part of t'(
:.,.,( i '.,1, a. .. ... iv.
iai"si aim tai'-l lastit-n in.. -n oi
AliZJ lfSiiJ WUl-
-uaJ-,-J 1 -'-'--' j
smh as Snawl-. Mam.,-. nks. i;,,e,e.. ',..
sue-. ,1, I.aines. I,i,:ta. Pr.nts of all
paiierns. Ki-.I-on.. I.a.-es. Ilonnets.
Bonnet Trnn:niiii;s. H, sirv.
tiloyes, Handkeielnefs, A'c
1'(J 'I'lll' 51''N'FI 1MEN
,,ev have a h-avv a-oron. , ..fVliolis. c.
M.r,.s. ,., .,. Ve-fn-s H..lfll-e
Crava's. and all ether de'e'ripllons , f '
n, , (a, ,',, v rr
;--,'al a.l take a look at our assortment.
aI., v wlt, v, r, nv,r(. , ,hi v ; n
,.,., n.,w fl.r. r -,- c.ointry Produce
taken as ,isii. J SCHKK V Elf .V SOX.
i.,.,irir i. rp ,s ,,
-- ' " :
Tin: irn 1 rrr . v-i .-, v -. , -7 :rr jn
,Ms, ,,.I..,.A I. ... I II.I. I. ; I l.l A.
lllos. lal'.tt iV. I'r.-i I nl. JNH. I . .1 A it l.s. A.-niary.
Ij.it.jl n.iiil uj s iii.ooa 1 darn r p.rp. ttial.
1. Ml. M E 10 make IXsl Iic
I ..... . ,
V . '-' L , n the m, rea- i.al.l- ie
1ii.NII.M E 10 make IXsl Ii.CE u
' '" Ci","il' beini: paid up .111 1 iin.sud t,..
ir-ih.-r u ri a i;irjf ain! rnii-i.iniiv irT-iraMita
K rvr l fmi.j, i-iicis a peiier. sccurnv to the
tuif iriMirei.
1 n pr'mttirn tnnsi te pari ytaiiy, Iiail
vrir.v. rr.nari'Tiv.
Tlie I, How. tig are a lew examples limn ihe
l.'ecister :
A ..,r 1 s
fn.,.r , ,...,0.-1 ',,, r.,t...l
, , ...r,.-, , I ., .'-. .,...1.-,.,,.
A.. -
. -!'-"
i.'. ID
he iiiniei-eiied 1- Acenl li,r the Com
pany 11, I 111011 c0111.lv, I a.,tiiroa-h wn. tn ap-
pl ;1I ,. ni ,r Insurance can he mad,
mechames a-, I business men ciuf.jiiy, desi-
ters iiidueetu.'iiis not equalled by any oilier
company in the I nited Slates.
Th.,. II. Wn-os. M.U.. Examining Physician
s. II.OKU It;. Aseni. Lewi-huie. I'a
William VanCeiCr,
TTOKM. at law.
- I i. i. inn P, i ,,0.11 o.,
t " lllhce opposile Kline's Hole!
si 4 ,
,... ... .... ,.
(. M-p. ,v-- HAitl'W A HE
1 ' -'
sl(K!I...d eta lirst late COiiK !-IO E at
In-i est, as I tsaiil tu close ml my sloek of
,.k stove.. JOM. M FADLI1X. :
Leu .sours. March II. I5H. J
rO'T: U'l N L. A PH i f Of SC-
ol--. hieh ihe owner can have by ca!l,n
, ( ftrf
HILMtM MO til,
STONEWARE mturer,c"
(oar Ui fuu ( , ,u,l smn tuut Mill.,)
Harrisburg, Pa.
A foil assurlmpii! i f Warf rr,uvnt!r oft
harni. Ware mai to orJer. firt Price l.isr
. iMn lhe prpnelur. cyir,irr, by Mail
promptly aucniled lu Sail?
I asr.rres. Ct.atias.s Vestmrv Caroetines.
Uaeh-it and lirown I.mciis, llulim j., fchir-
liotn. Ac.
AI-.0 a lar rarietr ft I.AhlF.S' DUE
i ':V-"5.fV.ii!j T.lVZV
...A:' : .. ...
A!, a)1 klr,,js f .ns,G
warr. O'ti'vare, Queens a;
f ,. u,!. Thaeeo.
uri'rrr rs, jiaru
and Ola.jware,
of a!1 klnJs uken in nchan-e for Cra.ds.
Lewisborp. April SO, lS.
'J. L .
! I US- MAIZE desires to inform her friend
--'1 ,niit sne na- J"-' returned from Phila-
ue. pnia with a new and elesant variety of
77111 J .Tl", '.(.ICf 'ftTlTlTf.
which she will sell at prices as low as ,ho.
at which they can be heiuht at any place in
t,iTrn. 1 hatiklul tor pal patrona;;e, .-he de-
s.rs a .n,,nii,,.. ,.f ,h. .an,. . t ..I.,
. .
sires a continuance oi tne same, at ine n,
stand, on Market street, between 1st and 2,1.
l.ewisborg. Apnt II, lt5'i3
r"lHE subscriber, having taken the TAX-
J -ERV at l.ewisbnrg, formerly 10 the
i icuranrv of Henry W'. Fnes. would resneet-
' "'T """" f.u,. nc
wishes to purchase a tinaniiir of
, T f , , - . . t VTI""
Jlj.-IV IV J..VI.K.
for whic h he will pay the highest price ; also,
" or.Kcic oak wanted i.,r Tanning
purnnses. Persons having Baric to dispose
, W1 peBe call and contract for lhe same.
He also wishes to employ several MILLS TO
(iKI.VD BLACK OAK li A UK. ant to receive
Bark at their respective places, for which a
air price wu, oe paia per ion. rersoos wisn-
In ... in ilrm.liika a, 1 1 1 nm,m il r. n
:,,, en?i:
: h.mi.cw
isburz.or address by letter. Mill
near me itauroau preterren. ne woold also
solicit a share ol puUltc patronage in h.s line
of business throuahout. as he is lietrrmined.
' . , ..,.:... i.r
" "', .
. n .--" 11' I'l.
Ap. 1353.
Lewishur. I'nion C-, Pa.
52lTn.lt UTl (
7 , . ,
1 Arranrmnts for the Jwr.
ACOB (J. BROW hayins supplied the
ewiahuti; Market for the pasts.ii months.
h, ai.d
Ap. I5.5!. I. s. ME K.N EK, Agent.
ct-finni. in?ai
5EC0WD x,AIs.
, FTER one year's trial, wc are satisfd
V that a Hal Manufactory can be sustained
iu Lewisbtirs, we aie now prepared with the
largest and be-t selection ol Spring Styles of
HA I S and CAPS ever brought to this mark, ,,
such as line Mole. Silk, lra Has. Drab.
vrt.ull,t wl l lt,mn 5,.il
ir nw f-rinx ana cinnnirr wrar, an
which will be sold at Citv Prices, for Cash.
"er motto -hall be, y j-rk siVs and Smail
Profits.', f which the pt blicshall be the judges,
Hats n.aae to order at short notice,
April 15, 1S3D. JOal. I.IBMOX, Halter,
" '
i nr
IUv.il lMSIC-KS!
at C. Marsh's I'lioap Euot & Shoe Store.
T IS T received from the Manufactories, an
entire X EW STOCK, to be sold at Aston-
.Mr ,
1-niV I.OW I rices.
Z:;tukI-3sG3''e'Z Z
K"' ,v M,- Buskins.cn.tom made 7 to 1.25
French M... K.d Lace Ben,-, do.. I.:.0 to l.f
Men's Calf Concress Waiters S 25 to 2.?.r
Dd cvervthi,,- el- in proportion, warranted
n- n,i as anv in i.ewtsiuiru.
TO (lAK ,XD AI.L-lK,n.r allot
or .-h.e nnul nainimns and pririne ourst.ek
,, ,,y where you think U. can do best.
Leme.nber the place, s.-n of "the
t-iri:i: r.ooT, :.xi'LitniXi;,-hi
opposite the Bank. (IIIKI'JS MAKsII.
. -
.ewishurg. April 15, 151.
Executrix' Notice.
OTICE is In-rebv uiven. Unit letters
Tf-tanientirv en th? lat ui!l anii ifta-
njfnl if JfMl. K. WILSON, late i.f
I'm n roiinty. li'-cseJ. have br en ffranre.l u
the nin!tr"isnf !. br ihe K''et'T of I nn n
coiintv. in ilnr term of law; ihrreh-re all prr
Mns ktU'Wini: thrmelvf s imlei Tt't to said
estate are requeMtM to make miiuetiiate pav
nfnt. and thte hvinj j?it claim-- atTcinvi
the ame are a!M requeietl to present them
properly a'UhrrMt-aifi tr se?rIniTiii.
A.KS WILSON, Lxecutrn
Hinlrton. April !, IS'.U
flllllri Ware is clear of all poisnneus mat-
If-r. The clnrnij; in mai!e .t f'ttmen wtt
m7 ef-ttf. Apple Itufit-n-r anviaiPir ie mnv
ir Kt;i-i in if with ptrftet v$ty. I t'fro i no
m it tiwr w m r-ipirn-n r.i trtit-n wr.
ill Ik .it Itiirt.r K.-.p mw-h lw,,-r in rl.i- m.b.ru.1
.1 ,ri. ... fi,n . f t,, h. .-n c. .mi unt
Itsl.l.- ,e l.riiS ..r-.. S in w-hsi.
H .-S..I.I ... sr.. k ..... 1 ,U ISTl,-t: ...I
n.Ov ,1 r,.,!.-,,..,., th.. -!,-.
U:r-tfa.-Io.i.Vil,rt t. ntr ,b- S,-ftm Kl.-nr Mill.
Hiir t
,. ii', ....i-r-o
... ..... .!. ,.,.(.,
lim'tMi rro-. r,.-..
II m'.
The llt-ftl Hvrhaml l.altsl Mil,.
thankful ot p"t .aror
wnutd tiw thai he ha- re
reiveii the SnriurASiirriiir
Fd'-hti'ii', aii'l is pr parej !
rrr, makk, an-i kfpxhi
f irmenis a onl. H
enilavor, a? heretufnrf. ti
execute his wofW Nati-lm-ii-
nly to all.- l.ewiburr, May 24, 1d-
BO IT the Kith of this month (. pril).
will receive
100 bus. Pore White Kline Flerceis.
inn ... y tvta..
uua. jeiary iuit ""a""
The sochI qualities of the Whit Mreer
are eenerallv known.
The Blue Ven-ers ar Inehly rec.'irmend-vl
as a hue, dry. hardy and probae p-.tain.
We -1 then, a. re,s..,t price.
ant rsee,- 'Kr,. er-'erel in ai-snee srn
h ,r CHAMPl:IMIX I-R-Vs.
.1 .
unit rinia a tin uruf nnnnn