Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 29, 1859, Image 2

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Cnuicluini Cljronirif.
O. N. WuKllEN & J. B. COhNLLIUS.
i fiiiiMMrix.
-t nl b rt
f-Ul -! M tl,r Vfl-. ilN III
FriTilniii. n:iliii!i:il: Slumy. set-limml !
The riiizein ot I'hi a It Ifhia and the wr
a.t mnnties of thi CoHHiiotiweaiiii a'UrhH to
the Penp'e's p:irtv. and all other- uaoair -posed
lo the unwise aid exiravacwH nif,t
ure ot the N.m n;il Adiniiii sii n, :tie rf
q'leteit in sf nl deU atrs, t-qtial in utiiul:rr In
iheir representation in the (Jeneral Am-i! lily,
to a Convention in b todd at II w h i-m ;
Wttixi-siiAT th k Nth or Jt k. I ."', to iiotni- !
tiaie candidates for A nr li'-uenl an I Sur
veyor HfntraU I" he votd fur at the (c neral
Llectiun in v.xi i-tober.
IIKMiV M rTl.I.ER, Chairman.
Wn. U, S-crtttirij.
tV The Siandm Co mini tier T I "ii i ti - n n
ty are invited to itiei ai the iltitijloH Hoiie,
eu'ihiirr. at I o'clock, P. M.. on Tnes-'ay
of May Court, (17th.) t take snch atimi as
may be deenv'd iirrny leWtive to l'e!e
gates lu the Siaie Convention at ll-ti nbi.L',
and also ti consider ihe rallnt ot ilie usual
County Nominating Couvuitu iu The Com
mit tee are-
Messrs. O. X. Worsen, ieo. F. Miller, Ar-
chibaM Thomas, Ahram Frrderirk. Mieh,od
Kleckner, II. K. Sanders. Slo-m Sniselinver,
Samuel Swenslr. J.. I. Korey. C.nra.1 sfhec-
kler, James Irw in, Win. I. Uuti?al. James
tftJlir last year's County Convention
Duuiuated Messrs. Geo. W. Chambers for
Senatorial, and dames Wilson for ltepre- !
rentative, Delegates to the nixt State
Convention. Mr. Wilson Laving fcince
deceased, I'nion county has no nominee
for Hep. Delegate, aud Snyder county
having recently by its committee nomina
ted Henry K Kilter, , if Jut.i ita nom
inates one this District will be fuily rep
resented. Centre is entitled to a Itep.
Delogate, and Clinton and Lycoming lo
two. Coucfding I'nion county the Sena
torial Delegate as is advised by the Wil
lumsport 7 Venn (hen each of the six
counties (Centre, Clinton, Lycoming,
Uuion, Suyder, and Juniata) ciuid be re
presented in the State Convention by an lahle advantage, when we consider the enor-
indepeudeut delegate. We trust that this mous prices at which lumher has been sell
ffc . ... , in-. It will also ultimately lessen ihe burden
arrangemcut V be aciuieseed in, and , ,;lxal ,, ,ht. wtll;le Ci n.mun iy, ,n
thus all needless expense, contest, and conseijuence of bnm;iii into .v-iive ue. and
l.OKsiblc difficulty avoided, la the busy ; enh.inc,i.s the value and consequent rale of
. ! asse-ineut ut an extensive enpe ot rouiiU'V.
easou just at UauJ, tocail rogubr (.uuuty ; uh-ch. hen lot.. re. ha-, heen rate.l an ! tax-l
CuUTeutio&s would be utiitatUfartory, as at a mere notnmal value. It will not unly
i f i i i4 i mm t" Kiieral wealth of the coimtrv. lo
comparatively few would attend, ihe ti air ,.f .haps a hundred thousand
Committee of those counties which have dollars or mure, hut w ill contribute materially
not acted, will, however, exercise the 1,1 lls ''d""try. by civimj acme, profitable,
and constant emplovinent lo hundreds of
power confided to them as they doom ai wr,if an(1 ,.., ,.:n, lumberman who will
visahle, and wo trust will agree upon the break ihe solitude ol this primeval forest
aie molt IikI .dun In e.,r foil
aud judicious representation.
Asotiiek tiiKifi Name I'raucis Jor
dan, Effj , of l.cdford, is proposed for Au
ditor General. His experience legal and
.u6...j,, .u u. u.
,r I l . t r .
. ..
Ftrikcs us place him iu the front rank of
candidates for that oOi :e.
the Philad. gentleman '
If nominated
, , T '
rOUld "htl'l Jdll-
PAN a hard road to travel" against. His
election would give entire satisfaction to '
all parties as far as ho is known. i
fi.N4 hi hr (...veroor. ;
A law was passed at the rcct ut session t
of the Lesilature'autb')iz;na the arp iiut-1
. ... tt n fc 1 I'.; . l t ii ,t
uu. u. .'iu ii omul jaw iuiic ill mc ,
county of Allegheny; and t.ov. lacker
.... ........ ......I ....... , ..........
Governor has certaiuly ben fortunate iu
this appointment. Mr. Maynard's piali-
ficatiuus for the position are preeminent,:
aa is acknowledged iu all ouarters. 1
T,Vr 'V,, , ' ;1'ilrdof(.mm,ss,,,ners.whoperlor.ned,he,r
of V illiamsport, to dl the post. The I anltii.ns duties, in surveymi and Iayin" out
' i-i,i. of littuor is a cominun uuauee, aud that
XSTThe trial of Sickles for the killing ".b,cl, h' ' Umn nf the b; f" ny one Lad a right to destroy it. The
of the dishonorer tf bis wife, resulted, last 1J; The crew of the "Leho were jecisiori renj,rea this morning aeknow
Tucday afternoon, in a verdict of ' Not I 'r,ed CharlMlon, b. C, this month, be- led-es that property in Ii,,uor can only be
,s T i t i f're a Court and Jury, all of whom had taken and destroyed by the process of the
Guilty, the Jury having been out only : , ., ' ' 1
..... ni ... . , sworn to support the Constitution and ,aw-
about one hour. The verdict was recetved . q rha TMmooi ; w tho o, j Dem.
with outrageous applause, and re- , went to -.he Jury, and PP of Virginia, has cautioned
tired to the bouse next Ins former abode, 1 -,, . Mr- Letcher, the Democratic candidate for
pale, tired, and thankful for bis deliver- ,bouh as P ' as the BaQ '"' US la tioveruor, against endorsing ,li0 lluchan
ance. The trial commenced on Monday i " cnui-h 7 "ere nr.,,,,1,,1. Thus an administration, iu his speeches. I'oor
the Cth, and has excited a large degree of ' H ,bo law reek,ess!y h'ei the old Kuck ! has he fallen so low that oe
public attention, not only among the cor- i oiiou''' borriJ' "icteJ Avlib-, will do h.ta reverence ?
rupt fashionables of the Key and Sickles j oratel etl Ct AV. W. Seaton, one of the editors
t ,1,. ...M t.. w... " "r"".T.. .m, ,. 'of the National Intelligencer, with a few
1. , " -"o - ' f"P---
tion generally. 1 here is a general con-;
miction that Sickles was tot so blinded ,
with rage that be did not know what he
was about, and it is certain he did not ex-'
press, at first if ever, any remorse for the !
deed, which aent to the judgment without :
: k ,. . ... , '
w..u.uS . uu,.u Ue ..s pcuap, a, g.JOu , .iiu au associate .u .wsconsin vj v.vvv anJ llt Sou thi-rnera are on their
a himseif : but the degree of bis excite- majority proving that they have the ; way there with blaves, from every South
mcnt was such, and such the detestation 1 reliable power, if they will but be wise ; crn State.
of th crime avenged, that a jury wbieh is - and vigilant to exercise it. j Baltimore, April 22. Kcv. II. V.
allowed to have been composed of respect- T . c i"' "i " T- T i i Jbns, Hector of the Emmanuel Episcopal
able msn, after a trial aud under a charge ' ,.-U,'3 PreJ'ctei1 at tLe Church, and bro.her of the Assistant
not disputed as fair and legal, Lave ac 1"', , of thow 00 tbe ""P cf Virginia, died at six o'clock this
quitted the manslayer. The precedent so rU,C,fr ,h,e 1 'ke 8 1 S"U mj"'' "e i m:'rUm- r- ,f '.hM w,asa Foment
justified i. a doubtful and fearful one, but "1,fDj",S tbrC ,U r'Di2e for a fillibuS- i f 'be Ll"SCr'al CLurcb'
those guilty of the crime thus reven-cd ' tC.r'EE "PediUoD Saicst lbe nc,rlbern A dreadful explosion occurred in the
will do well to beware i cxican Slates, and conquer it, as rccotu- Lnght-hopc coal-ptts, in Chesterlield coun-
" mended by Pres. Buchanan. Loekrid-e ! Va ' 00 Wednesday. There were
SrThe latest Foreign News look more and his Arizona "emigrants" are to co- n,en .lnP 'bc ,!,ft at ,,ber -
warltke Austria d.cimes the proposed j operate. Thus another Texas steal is to ! i' "
leace Congress, unless there is a previous I be managed. I T. i . .
and simultaneous disarming. Her ProPo- . ' ' The whole family of Pr. Junkin Pres-
aitions are not acceptable to Napoleon, but, , Pft-pt'l 20,1810, ThomasWildey and j '.'J" "?t.on f& a'' luclu"
. . ' i 1 i r l?....: :.. j .... t umc the Doctor bintsoif. were i nmsnn.
nn u.. ... ...l.. . 1.
b l-t - i
Seeks delay. The Biitisb i'arliacient was
to be dissolved about the 21st icst. Judge
Haliburton has been knighted. Commis
sioner Wm. B. Reed had reached London.
The Iiecor.1 r.f il. V:... w;iv..
Barre, has been enlarged ,! rL-.A u.
type. We know of no more flourishine
o I
country paper, and none which keeps its
columns more pure from illegal, demorab
iziog, deceptive, and non paying adver
tisements. New York, April 50. The Havana
mail bag, brought by the Quaker City.was
found yesterday, among the rubish at one
of the public atores. The mail was not
ii jurcd.
., M.....L!. tu i. f opmr.
.... .
liy . compromise at Hamburg, the
.,.ic!ioli of the MT.ll State Koa.J was
Ll, r,.f..rr,d to CmmUsioner,-
. . i. , er "u, .S1,ucr
. Ie-r. I-raucis . . "er, m. j. t ,
auJWm. Kelly, of buyJor couufy, J
Wm li.Kaso, Abraham hi.ip.nau, J llam-
mutij M'Corinii'k, and Andrew Sej of
NortbuiubrrlaLd coutity. Tbise gentle- Democratic Central Cmiiniitiee, I., he o.m
. . ..: .. 1 . ,.f i.i.f1 i if ll!iv.t eersims. I encU-.e a I il t'l
irit'Tieiiit'rtii I n il a vilw dim .in ici u
tin- ro:i 1 on Monday of lat week, and
'.. I ..1 : T.,n-.!.. r.f Tl.Sa i. ml 1. 1I .
3 . .
dreidid (we bear it stated, unauiiuouoly,) I
v , . ",
that the road shall be built. It is to coin-
lin-uee at Sebroyer'a Gap, (Jreen tiiwnsbipi '
i.hlliiil UUUIIil. luu luiuujiu mi, iw.li buu
. .... .
il .Miles township iu leutre county, tan
across Hartley, Lewis, and West Uuffilue
townships in L'niou county, to the K.mg
b r mad on spruce run. The road is re
ported to be a trille short of teu miles in
length, of whieb Greiu township has 1 to
1 J inih s to build, Miles township about
li.'aud Hartley, Lewis, aud West r.uflalie
about 5. It will be a pretty tough pull
on the people of those townships, just now,
but this is the mode of settling the fjues-
ti u agreed ujmu, ami they will now have
fcI,Hr frclil)"" fur us in Lcwislur
, . . . , ....
wIlJ hve bn K-J"fc' Prt'r, Wcli i,,r Sl'v'
.ral vears for imrr(fvcuicutd tiuitu ab uiucb
coutested us this has been.
r. R Tin i.i tti-nrn; CHIioMCLK.
The New Stale Road.
The Commissioners, designated in the Act
of A-.eml!y, to iew ami lay out this roaii.
h ive met, and performed their duties hy run-
nin a route, and returning a survey and
drall of the same, lo the Courts of I'nion,
Ceiilre, and Clinton counties, accompanied
u i tli a report, allowing the road. This is an
enterprise of the hij:het importance to the
citizens ofalare portion of the aforesaid
counties, as il opens a direct and much shor
ter communication Irom Lock Haven to
l.ewihiire and .Milton, passing ihroii'h one
of the finest lumher regions iu the isiate, and
at the same lime a!l':rdiir.; the farmers of IJuI
faioe valley convenient and eay access to
every variety of buildmi; material at reduced
prices. This, to them, is of almost incalcu-1
!, n,,sV "U: 11 inuuslry.auj tlie Sound
f the saw-mill.
The construction of this road has met with
opposition by some, who suppose that it will
I.- Mimewhat oppressive on a few districis.
This may in part be true, but we must reniem-
i.er tun .... en.er.ise. uowever erral or nene.
in-mi in oie ..oiiiiiiuiniy ui ifliEC ii may ue,
- i --r. ."'"'."
nrsi, upon some persons man tuners, i ne
idoect, mi would annlv to everv mad wc
have in ihe country; and if it be a valid rea-
son, and ar-ument, aiainst ihe constructs
ol roads, and they should not be grained
,h.,i around Co.n eoiintv l,..,la,. -nl,l I...
wilderness, and the plow-share of civilizaiinn
, ha, , ' """i e" X"S'n ,S"'!'
I here is no ihuiht but !hoo? iliincts, wlurh
e,onsiW them-elves aesnevea hy ihis road,
wilt, in the md he vastly bentiifti, ami ami'lv
repan hy lhe peh(.ra, (l0i, whlCM u Wl, c
frr upon our common coiimry.
T o much praise ran nt beawarled to Mr.
j miii .i an, w 1 1 o nrsi conceiyeu ine uiea i
,i . .i.., , I ,
this heneficent nnneet. and to whose enrr"v
and thronjh whose liberality, the work thus
1,11 II.1S l.ec-11 H CI: 1 1 III II 1 1 S II II I . UN II Fll US III Ilie
the road, with much dispacth and arcuracy. 1
Ixtkiivkjikst. ,
Of CmttsE ! Nub: dy doubts the prac-
tice in the South of the foreign slavctradc.
" --st .a,., lU0 ..epuo-
licans of nconsin and of Michigan were !
so confident of their strength that they
did not do their full duty, and each lost a
Congressman by their neglect. This
.Si-y, they rallied and carried their Su- !
preme Court Judge in Michi-anby 15,000, ,
.- . , 'r.,..'
ui uAiuuiure, uruauizeu m i-
n ,f n P . ... IT , ,
! v. v.. . . iu luu ij. c.t uuuer a cuunci
from I'reston, Ping. Forty years have
pased, end it is computed that the cele
bration of the event will find 200,000
members in F. L. & T.
,arSe Portion f 'e Methodists of
T"M. """ in filI'sh;P w'th "U
nrir.niT.tiin nf .t.A M IS Ol t. .
organization of the M. E. Church, and
refuse to join the "Church South." Mob
ocratio proceedings against them, and
gainst Bithop Janes, are noticed in Texas
rui xiso. The first and second weeks
in June are claimed by many as the best
timn in th. ... t . .i
... . ? Iur rraninZ tas 1 ear i at
and the Apple tree.
Democratic State Central Committee.
I .
) j. w. Fo, K,a. , S.r-Thc Demnrrat.c
- S..,le Convenuoi.. ralle.t to r.n.licate Drum-
! cr..ie P, aIa,s, the treachery an.,
' pruciiiuons of the IJenrral AliniiiiMration,
aH) ,tt resjst) by a (.-iinitive autl ihf.rtih r-
, anization, thp alla(.ks of ,he same power op -
he rights aBll M.rmgiity of tl.e f.a.rs,
having recniinnen.li il the appointiiieiit ol a
i ,
..i , (..
mat ci'in.iuiiee, anil ii;ive ie;u jiir.jMuc- i
akin' yi'U M accept ihe puM of Chairman,
In asking this I lespmiJ n ihe unanimous
. .. . . .. N. .
wish ol oor liirints in ail pans ui u.t iMaie.
I, js ,.rwr i!,;u should add that I regret
beiii-' uiiatile tn inor ase ilie niiinher nl Ihe
j j
.!... :, ... k lire. It
the Coiiveiitiioi 1 1 lilty-six.
Acinic three null-
ttie.l ail'hlionai Deitioeralu'
uanies were leu
and hive heeu em to me as nieiuhers of ilie
coimiiiiiee, but I have concluded to ai'here to
ihe rtcouiiiictiildiiiui ol ihe ('olive nio-n.
Jlepectlul ly yons,
Al.li.X. M KI.NM'.V.
I'res't. of the Il.-moeiatic iate Convention.
Juiis W. FiuiM.r, Chairman,
n. rlis A. J.,r.l in .swart, John II. Hollo-
WilV. tieore l. I.:ilim:in.
I.ehi-n Ki.l.en I-:. U rir-ht.
MiiiiI-jiiiihtv .1. II. lireilenhaeh.
' t 'hesu-r U iliner Wm ihiiigion, (icorge V.
Iielaware Joseph I!. Moriis.
scion i k : s ll. t:
Christ, John Harlan,
(;.,,i..,- f ii,
I.ancasiei -- J .hn S. Hoiiqherty, Mamuel K.
Keller. I. 1 1 II. -II.
Daophin-i:. I.. Or.!.. J. W. Brown. J- M.
I. nl i lelphia -ln Sherrv, Cien. Northrop,
I'.. H. Wrl.h, W. S.C.nh.iM-ll, K U fbl. r.
I.urue Aiiim-. X. Mi-y.crt.
Monroe. S. Oiehrr.
Carhon iliiam Lilly.
S'iMi'i"haii,!a 1. Streeter.
Tio-a-J. . Kv.in.
Ciimherlan l (ieo. W. Nhariier.
X rihiiniherUinl-il. li. Masser, IChcrt It.
Iliiijiiiit,'tl.in T. I. Carnphell, John Scoti.
Chnit'ii J.imo Chaihaui, U -x I'. Canticlil.
Camhria John F!ai.:ari.
Ceiitrf Jatues iircl.ni !, A.!am Hoy.
I.yfuiuiii - .l.iuo's (iainliic, J. W. M.iynarJ.
Pt'iry J. II. Ounliar.
A!if -.'h- uv V. lien net, Sainti'! Harper,
James Irvm.
Wei:noielnn.l -John M. I.'.irl.
Fayette W. Wlntioii Kcihck.
jS. iiieret J. W. It;t r.
liuller Jainfs Kn'ilin.
KrieJ. W. l)oti-l;,s, S. T. fioulnch.
Arm-troi.i-J. K. Caihutin.
Clarion K. I. Ciant.
Jf'M'M'soll li. J. X U'iloI.sOtl.
Warren I. V. Jiimu's.
Klk Charlrs Horion.
litair I hoinas M'Failane.
The rr-ntletnen coinposin the D -inocratic
Stale Central Coiiiiniiiee are ri'i'iesied to
meet at ihe J.i-mu House, Altoona, lilair
county, on Wednesday, the founh day of .May
next, at 2 o'cloi 1:, 1". M ., to prepare for the
caiii.ai-n,accoidiii- tu the insti uctiotis of the
J'HIN W. FOIINEV, Chairmen.
Leavunwiiuiii, April 'J5. Advices
'rotu I tail, ri ceivt d by the overiatid .Mail,
represent affairs in the country as wearing
a v,.ry tbreateniiig aspect, anil seem clearly
lrt .., (,., ;tI,...Wk , t . ,.f- ,,rt l.,,!,,,.,! '
Courlaa, mn -tern? u.tice. Jud-cCra.
; justice.
ueubaugn iiiscuargeu Ilie t.rauu jury,
they refusing to tin J any bills and using
every other means tu screen the parties
aeciistd ol murJcr. I'Lern if a serious
niiundtTstni)lin letweeu (jjv. Cutuiuiug
a ti (jen. Jjlin.toa.
Mkmi-iiis, April 22. Intelligence las
been Reeive.l from Iuke rroviJenee,
Louisiana, that two boatt were .werit into
thcCrcva.e, tear that place, ou iSatur-i
day night, by which thirty lives wire lost. '
Tin. ..nl W.ta t.i.l..ntf..l to I !. Mmf ,.f
L,i,h.lll. .,.) ,..,f.,;n...l nun t.i.l.nl
of coal. Several new and disastrous
." tcpotteU below ,
Lako I'ruvideiicc. i
..... ...
llosTOX. April 25. A full bench 0f I
the Supreme Court, this morning, deliver-J
e'J an l,inioD' f""ifying the opinion of j
J.uJt'e 'S,law t0 ,he '""t that the selling ;
(jf va WeJLt!il, t u, ,a5.
celebrated his pollen wedding, having I
been married fifty years, for about which '
time he has been connected wilh the In- '
A Nebraska paper Fays that Slavery is :
a!ady established in the Tike's Teak re- I
gton that the Mexicaus are there with :
ed by a slave, a few days since, with arse.
, y , . ' . - -. r
nic. I hey all recovered, however, as the
dose was so largo as to act as an emetic.
The Port Gibson (Miss.) Iievnillr gives
an account of the death of Sarah Holly, a
freo woman of color. She was the widow
cf Christopher Hoily. At the time of her
death Sarah owned a thousand acres of
land and thirty slaves.
Mr. Letcher, the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Virginia, is dangerously
sick, and has given op his canvass of the
The steamer St. Nicholas exploded on
the 20th iust., near Metnpbia, when 52
persons were killed or arc missing.
r f;k: t. t ti:
" .-jituipau tuu ivcpuoiican majority
the late Slate election
UUO and 20,000.
1 .. .
I The kausas hi, fjjs uio iriunni,
HUJ ou t ic.u uit.
the I'cp.c w.uM lav. , . ...-.
dinvvntion to Ir imo a Mate t oiitiiulini,
called out a vi rv vote ; liri, biciic
i tleru waJ ;,.niJS p t., tl.e
w . s,cilal i,,,,, !e (,y W!M ,.
' . . , ,.
wc Iuve heard, the o!u tillids -J.T-.0 f. r
... I tl. n.riMi.l il l.. e,:ll:n.
a L'u .u , - r
toll aud Kiekujnio, of unbksied im im iy,
are the only t.i lis hieh (lave a maprily
. ., .
. . je B( .ltlv(. ,),. . y tiek to l.ui-banau
j ( j"; )1(11.r,PV
au ,e ' .... . ..
(!onvLLlion is lo iilv I "iir I linu-auii .
wuun j
Wow is the Time.
All seasons are good for advertising,
but the spring is usu illy the very hi..'.
Ilull times arc as g ml as any other I ..r
the advertisers, lur what little is going on
they get, and while others are gruinbliti,
they pay their way, and wilh their news
paper for a 111-1 preserver, swim nil the
t, p cf ihe water, while- olh. is are sii.kii g
all around. Adveiti.-ing is tl.-j very Mm
shine of business, and tbo-e who ii-l.'!''c:
to nrnlit bv it. will, alter a life ot ilullu- s
auj atJsu,Miij. diruuvi r tl.e imp riant se-
cret. ,Lat business man makes very .1
out of this world unless he lets peep
k te is in jr.
TAe intuit is tj.jt.s .Ivc-l" tint
fay, ll.u oltl or-jiti of lo!k, I'ii-ree,
and upnu its nun is ctali:ilici
Contitutidii,'' ui:iler the m-i c uf
(len. (-eor; WasLint;n li.i.vm m,
late of li.-ilfopi, I'a. Having t-hak'
is n
i: ., .
ti ..li
all (he I-V
tlestruyci '
J. 15. I opt
e Soil principles of i'olk, and
'the ("uiou" iu its ii.flu.-iice,
i a new paper as his "oic.an,"
s.iine in w tuties, may tiek'e
by pl.i
the tars i f the people into vtn g f r I s
party again. ' of, no nn-li a "Coiisiitii
tion," like his I'liiiu is a thaiu and a pir
version of nanu s.
Union CminlvCmiri Affairs.
I nii3i iiut 4 oiiil Eioi laikkalitwi
f wrii r.ia: s. ihe n. ,,. ai;m u.n.s.
Pi f-i h nt Jii.f'.-f h-r the 'Jin!i Jii f:-! t!
Li.trict of i'l'niivU'aii.a, i oiii;mim- I ot iso
rounhes ol l iiion, M:ll!ni ami N; v !cr. itn-i
Phi ne linn. an. I .No W Si mo F.-t;s.. A
r i.ite J:i!'s in I'm a eoimtv. hai- imo- I t'lftr
pi'fct p:, t.' ariiiL' ilati tin -'th !av t Ft l;'y.
I"-', aii-l to me ! n et-ti. l r ih h"! 'n.i: ! a.t
t rph.iti-s Court, Court ot t 'oimnoi, I'iea-, I r
atol ii imni'T. ai.a f nfi al at! r
ai l-ltl Ki. t-r itic cotin'v ol l"MX.
on the TlliK!) MO.ND.W ol M V (! -.ti- .he
!4li lav) l.!.;iii't to roiitiiuo oin' vi U.
Xotice is then-lore hiehy yivtn to thi Cor
oner, Ju-tiee ot the lace arnl Cnta!.!' -. in
atol for ihe rnihtv of 1'iiH n.io appr;:r :n t:i r
own proper persons uilh thrir nvorN. i n p t
silion,examinaiions ati.l o:h'r reno-ini ranres
lo lo ihost things ulneh of their o!!'.-e- and in
their behalf appertain to be done; ;unl all Wn
nese and other persons prosicuiii!i; m b- h;iif
f (;,, Moi, ,-alih air iin-t any p
r-on or
,.....,.. ., r.. ,r,-,l i
liwii and ih'Tf
aticinlui-r. atui not .b't'art wnhotit iea w at tlo-ir
peril. Juror- aie p'.ur-t--.l to lo pum'tiia: in
tlo-ir atUMi'lanee at the appoiiited tune aiiii fa
b!e to imtiee.
(tvt'ii initler tnv haiol anl se;il at ihe hrr
ill's IM!ice:n ! -u-i-buiy. the Mihi'nyif A
prii. in ihe vear of our Lord o::e llitU'-nn.!
etht hundr'd an l iifiv-nine. and th ei;h:v
tlrt year of tlw Iiid'-pcndciin- of the Cmird
Stales of Aiecru-a. CtuI s;u tin Coriino n
wealih ! JuN CI.'OstiKOVK, h-Tiil
Applications for Tavern License.
Xoiiee is hereby ir.ven, that the fl!ow i:
rTtr"nns have hVil ih"ir nfinoti- f.r Tavei
License with the L lerk o
the Coint of t iar-
ter isessn-iis i
and that said
I Ihe I'eaee of I "111..11 canty.
peiiiions will l-e t resenl. d to
,,. jud,cs. f said court, a, a cuit of Quarter
Sessions ol the Peace, at l.euisbutu', en Mon-
- ' I
day the H.lh day ot May next.
.Y-tii'.. i'f
?f;tiranr. i.'..iiiinf.
I.. Killer New Columbia.
Ann Cinier
Jonas Fisher
Philip Di ner
Priscilla ech!cr
Charles Crotzcr
Will, am lob. If
William W elle
Jonathan Hoch
I'ayid Slltzer
K. C. Monre
(iidenn Hiehl
or-e Kreisher
Peler W'ehr
Henry tiihson
Charles I). Cox
A. .1. Wt'i.lc nsaul
White Keer Mills
West UulValoe
Harlieton Borough
Hartley Township
Fast lltilldloe
Lew isb'i. North Ward,
It. li. II.I-1 do
Sauiuel llaiiui New llerlin
Michael Kleckner do
M trhn Kudy ftnfialoe
April S6.K5. SAMCKf. KOIH. Clerk.
Trustee and Assignee Accounts.
OTICF. is hereby given that the follow
ing I rustee and Assignee Accounts
have heen filed iu ihe Prothonotary I 'Hire of
Union county, and that the same accounts
will be presented to the Judges of lhe court of
Common Pleas of said county, at a Court to
be held at Le isburi, on Friday lhe SOihday
of May next, for confirmation and allowance.
All persons inn-rested will please take notice.
The account of John Ilechtol. cotnmiliee of
Mirnr-.t Tttylor, a Lunatic, of W est Uullaloe
The aeconnt of John V. Parher. Assignee
of .lumen I) t'i.mf.f'rtin. of Iturlaloe township.
The account of Thomas Ilebcr, Assignee uf
Henry V. -ri... of Lewtsbur.
SAMFFL l!lll'!ir. Prothnn
Prolhontary's Office, Lewisbury, April I'J.'.V.i
To the Keirs of Engcl Schrader.
I'nion County, ss : Nonce is
S.y.ereby civen.in pursuance ol an
oruvr irom tne itrpnans Lourt ol
lhis county, held al l.evvisburg lhe U.'iih dav ot
March, A.l). I rt.i9, that an Inquisition or Par
tition will be held on the premises ol lhe late
Enuel Mcitu.iit:H, in Hartley township. I'nion
county, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 10th
day of May next, cointnenr nig at ID o'clock,
A.M. The heirs and lecal representatives of
said deceased lo w it, Hannah intermarried
wilh Jacob sichawver.Caiharine intermarried
wnh Peler Cingatnan, which Catharine since
men .eav.ng enncreii. lo wii, r-iizanein mar-
rieil to John (learhart, Julian married to '1'ho-
-iiu .
mas Swanz, Frederick, John, Hannah married
to Jacob llries, Caiharine married to Aaron j
Kling, Man ah married to Jacob Heish, and
Lavina married to Joseph Kruner; the issue, I
not known, of said Frederick and John King-'
iiiau, wno are oeceasea ; JacoD rcnraiter,wi.o
is deceased, and left two children, Jacob, and I
Hannah who intermarried wilh Jacob Slock :
all residing in the county of Snyder. Pennsyl-
vanta, except Jacob Reish and Matiah Ins
wile who reside somewhere in the State of to give him a call before makni" their pnr
Michigan. aud heirs of Frederick Hingman, chases. Call at lhe sign of the l)i Wa'cb
deceased, who reside near Ucllvicw in the Market street, east of Second. fllecrsi'OH '
State cf Ohio are hereby notified to attend
as aforesaid if .hey see proper. i
Shentl, Odice, Uwiaburs. April I, A 1) 1W9
FAIJM Kli A1MML 2Ub.l.
(JTIi'K is lit-ri'liv shop, lo all nm-
t,i!iat ihe foHowiinr named persons
h;;ve sel led Iheir accounts in Ihe Kcister s
II lice at I.ewisl.M.r, I'nion couiiiv, and that
the said accounts will be presenied lore, n:',r
mali.'ii and alloe.'anee al the Orphans' Court.
I., be held ai I.KWIspi'Ct;, lor ihe i nty of
I in. .ii. on ihe third Krolay ot .M A V iu l,
hems ihr -iil'h day ol said month, viz:
1 'I'll" aeoilnt of Thoinas Tavl'-r. A Iniill
isli alor i f M-irgarit Tiri!r, late of West lluf
laloe l..wi.s,ip. ilei.i-asi-.l.
2 The account of John l're !eriek, Adniin
ltr.it 'r of liiurii t'ttitinrk, late nl Ilullah e
i d.-'d.
:i The account uf Abraham Mart. Hi ecu
tor of Hie las! will and n-stamei.t ol .A..i MurU.
lute ol Hartley 'I p.. de'd.
I The ace. urn .,1 sa 1 Voder. I.'unidi.m
of Ahiih Annlin Yi't. a niiii'-r ' h i I ot Mis.
I.ucy Ann Vod"r. late ol Uline He-i Tp.. de'd.
r Tin a-cotitttol Tiiniiias Cnu.no !rr. Kx-ei-nior
ol the last will and te-rament i f Mitrht
.Sioir.'i. late el the lior-.ii jii ot M illiifihui 'j. de'd.
li The account of Jame f. I.nin. one i l
lie- I'.xivuli rs of .li j-i.'.'Vr l''itti;i n, laie i t
I. i-u islitii de'd.
7 Ti:.-' account of James F I. inn. Cuariii
an of Jjti'mm .s;..r.., a minor ciuld of llau-
II. lll .-siioits, de'd.
s 'I'de aecoiiiil of .1 ,ii:.s K. I. inn (iuardi
an of .in .. ;.., .V. Ihr.!l. .Vffil
( '... an I ...'ol c,. -.7. imnor !..' !.-
.1.11 Calieel1. late ol V. I..t" H'-'T 'I';'., d'-'d.
II T:ie ,-iccoiitil of .l.iuii' M-mi'M loan.
A 1 ii;iii-iiati.r ol -Vjii'I' .. irljtml, late of
I., u r.'.i i; de'd.
Ml T:.e ;,..,..,nnl of Sii-an It l.'iier nn '
An!. CM' I'ol - Via'', Ai III! i II i. ii .iters ol t: e Il
t.ile ol J liiii'r, :re ol I'm 01 Ti-- ,lr
II To- ac. u.t !' ll-riiv X.di. A liinnis.
tra:..r ot H fj-imui SliutJniilii r, laie id IJuIi.tioe
Tp.. de'l.
I- The a-c u-.f; id S ii.ini-l S-o-Vs :n. I
S im.ie' llict.1-. Kx-rlltots of .L.Vj.h .v-.--.
I.lte 1. 1 keilv Tp., de'd.
t:t 'i'iie a-, .oiiil of J.icol. Itioii'-ii.T, A-l-imiilslr
ali r i f Ilie exlal- , j A .nnj K'.lli' rmnti,
I ile of Hartley T.. de'd.
It The accoii'.i of J Im 1,'id-r and Kred
ei i.-k ISo'cndi r. Ki-eniors ol ilie last will and
i-.s-airi- ni of ,7.iii late o! I.on. s-.ine
I.S 'I'he Acc. im' o: '.'.. r-e Kl' i Kn.-r. A !-
in m i -tr.i I. .r
I..H- ol Han
f the e-ta'e i, i '...- hi,, hi
v To.. .ti-".l.
i.::ui;i.i: ;i:ici:ii.!.. R-- -m
hi'- l l.li.-e. I.i . : L.ni A f-r .i -O. 1
V v : 1 1 in- ol sundry :t:. ii Veil. Fx.
l l. 1.1. s,-io i ll! I I liie t'. lir: ol I '
I'i-is. i i - ti 1 1 ! v ot I ii.o.,. ai I to lot
I. -a ol be expose. I to ; ul 1:,: sale or i
( iy, nil iiu- da:e and at lio
, I, ..hi
lo wit :
Uu M'iiiLiy, tin' uih .f M;ty m-xt.
:it t oY!ock I V, ill the ul !.. brnJ (,t U i,
t-','.. i:i tiit' loi'iitiiiii nl I.- i-si tu l', at 1 o -
. I'. M.. a ct'i'i!! ti.o I . l it. 1 V ina1- in
W.-xt ;.S;f., tou-n-h'p a;.d coistityof I
I'ihhi'ImI niT.h by put. lie Koatf. i n the
..ti tii and u t s; t y la in!" ot .ili.i;n
c"ti:.nr,i: i; aci" tn. i- or b .vr.h tor:nti'
v.-!.-r r h'-, uhric-.ti art' eiir!--i a Cr:-'
J , i. a ft itiio- : li iiiiii: hi u -', ii b taf if. a
w . t-i i' .1 u .i T r w .':t a i.-n V c . u ti Ii tiic
ai pott' tiLincc, a-, the pr petty ot l'h;rU il.
W'O at tbo Mibit' tiiito tin'! I;n-c
;iti,.ni'-r frit.no Had of I.ti. l, ::u,i' m ii.ni
tcy t"i:i(i p, in tin' c.ui.'i.- a:-r. -.nd.
I'oti-idr.l cm ..n a -rh-'obh.-n-- !..t, wv-i by
bin l i f J.ici o It.nauian. norih bv put iir
Ko.id and i u h l y I't-1 n- cr cU. eoiii:i;i.u.
'Z :ii-i" imrf i r If, u orr, n i "r-i: i a
uvo -torev h-i; h. u' ai d a tna!l --:a' !. i rh
i!i" j' ; pui tci.a'.ce, as the pj f yt-t : v t l (,',, rft
I. A ii t .Jiit' nit.rc-i in a '-'it.i;!i tt.icl of
lati t i!:ia!t' hi Utiiif It'-t r'J'p- eoiini-aioTe-
ud. h.'iitit't d tn'ith hv iand ol the s.-u;-ti-!
I lion Coini'.-inv. u'f"-t bv lain!" bi'c ot
Henry dr'-t., and other. h by l.n;.!.-
cf !.iv.d :-iiii:ji:"r and eaM by l;t:..l- I t..-!-roti
Il'irh'-r an! .,th'T, Ci nta;!.;; -j -0 acn
more or le-s. u-h'Tr-on m r-Ttr-.l a Ki i:r
rev Woidltn r.i. tt rv. a iu-t 'trv ile in,;
h u-e. Ir.iiio' -Tabh-, ai d t !.ei (.nt !.u.;d;t. j--.
with the a P 'tn irnancps. a- thi-j'Top- i ty i l ,.
JOM CftOSSCKOVi:, S'.,r tf
Sherifi's nj!i-r. l..-u-i!.r.i 2, Apr;! Jo. f:.9
Subfcsni in Divcrcs.
rv PI
ITA tl V by h-r n.-it mend Ni-h. !as
In lhe C. i in 1 1 1 1 . ii Picas of I'mori
I. T. li.ii To Charles (Jay: Take
1 uu are herel y coniuiaiided t i lean-I
ir in your pmp-r per-oii l.eb re i ur
s at I.ewishiir-. at a Colin of Ci mm m
. there t-i he he'd ,-n M. nday lhe lliih
a pp.
Ju I
I'lea day of May next. Is.".:., to sln.w e.uist., i( any
iml have, why the said I.ydia your u.fe
shi.uld not be divorced front the" hands ,,f
ii, .it 1 1 in i - in- contraeicd wnh you. aereeablv m
the Act ol Assembly in such ease made and
provided. .11 111 N fill !m;koV F.Sher.tl"
Mieriil's Oli'n-e, I.eu isl-nr;. April "o. s'"o
CTATCand ('.mnly Taxes. -PurMiant
lo Law, lhe Coliiiiiissioners ot I'nion
c.iintv will meet to hear Appeals from ihe
Triennial Assessments, lor lhe several Tow n
ships and llori'tihs as follows :
I'nion Hei rv (i.hson's Sat. Hit
Lewislmri; N.W Com'rs OiHce. Mon. May 2
Lewisbnri t. W. do do Toes. .May :t
Appeals open from !) A.M. to : P.M., when
ad may attend who ilunk proper. Hy order
of ihe Commissioners. LewisburL'. March lo.
A Kew Business in Central Ferin.
7hif puhlic ill X"i'rtil.S .l.7iltrs in pi:rticulir.
The tiiidersieni-d would resnectfuliv
jtp yinf. tin lhe dweller, in Lewishurg mid
-'yMirr.iuiid.ng countiy, that they have
opened a
Mr;ivtl:it & lldiiml s:if:iliiiis
and PUKsMNti estaldishment in this own,
where we are prepared lo txecuie ail u-,,ik
entrusted to our care. Havini; had 11 years'
constant experience in ine business in Phiiad.
C.iy, and l.eii.5 acipia-nted wnh Ihe most
approved process of iileaching, we are conli
dent of our ability to suit those who give us
iheir custom. By devoim-.. lime and aiieniioti
lo cur business, performing work ne.nly and
delivering il promptly, we hope to succeed.
W e also .Voir and Ui-l ,nUk FELT and
UFAVFIi llitt.
Our work is done in City slyle and at the
lowest City prices. We make the usual liberal
dediiclion to the Trade ami hence Miilmeis
will hud it to their advantage lo deal will. us.
We intend to make it a rule lo tin th and
deliver all work durnii; ihewci k it is received,
provided we cei n on or before l uesd iv '
St. .Mm St.. ts twern Itli auU jlu, u.uJ. vs. M,riii. rV
March 11, lMo'j
I.ewisbuig j
TIIOS. u. .Kii:it
I 1 A lllNt receiV'Hil a snlen.fi.l atitrlmni 1.:
ot the very l:est, cheaprst and inot
lasltiooab e Jrti i lrv in th nmrUi
Mock comprises
Itl'fSINt I'illN,
tar Hingrs.
I'ii.iter ISingrnt,
M''t' ItllUoim
Mlitlst X' 7f
which will be sold extremely low Yir Cisu'
He respectfully asks the patrona-e t.t all
his old customers ; and also invites new ones
f5 - - r - 5'o 4- llooUaniIn.heri,r,,..
ill "i r -!ol Him L-i.i.l nr. h...t i .
i - Lew,sl)urg Bookbinder, tuTiixUL
n;i:t H m it it
MS Tt. Iliidersi-'o-d keeps ron
' i r slati'ly on hand I'mirh Jturr i f
'-(riJ-.V ill s;-s? and furnishes every ar
. . -i 'e ii ipoied by ihe m.llui li a le.
C.o.-.pie.e "s.iii-:ac'..n C'larantced 1-r Itoy
arlutie sold. M:'l-rs who prel.T tne solid
lour, lit -ivini' I lo li m'H.lhs' toi'ti e, rj'i
h ive ll.i ir or l-'is elecll'e.l at 'he quart es in
Il nice. A Mr- ,s Vt V. II. KKI'NKU.
Apr:! I. is.'.'l ,
yor-;..', - .
New Hotel in nifTiir.burg.
TT" Till; Sllb-iriber Wi.ll'd te. ; eel I a I V
il- l-irm the Tiavel.uL' Tiodic eveive.-'i
ilia, he ha. ink. n and loted up the premises
iillii-nri-srliiii li, in ill'- crn're of
where be is
I an 1 I., accaiiii. I it- -'tis-
men a :i I ln-.oi i i
with II mid and
a cad.
cHARi.ns ci:otz::i
er- and travel
be-t nrtiiner,
i'l. a-e .-u t. li,.
OF II. ,n . Milt n. Money.
s ii-.iun . A - riniitil- 1 1. in I,
. irii
.. ll.-i in. Mil,! r.loii... Ilar'telon.iiii ' -'
111 I . i ' i. i i 1 1 1 . i , .1 . e ! . 1 1 j I . I liieu II I .
C.M's at Clil-MtU! I" "" loi n I'a t
'.vi ll i, tl.e p. isi ar, ai d ai-' n r--: r. r
:i - 1. 1. 1 1 it
i i.l, vi.se. Ai-.iiivsa l. :o- as .
met. i oi l.i'est
ly es on I out, v.-ry ci,'-..;
Hr '.nvri'ii miiy. 1. 1: v. i r: t i.
Til K HI. I) r-U
F I Ft. M
II" la- -
!...- I tin'
V III ll ih-l h.
a in i
l Hi Ilo-
Tailorinj Busii;efs,
kl. W tl sl.i !i I ol .1.1 Ilie s Cli--.
t.., !. u tii- y a i e j, i .
(i r
I -st -
i-V.'i y
a s,.ir
IM) .lIA. II
le. Mi ii's and I
e ft J" ' -Ii i'ti si,
t.-r in i .
tl si, , ; ,;. I,; ,-. , ..
C I'aT. MS.
j wills i i::-vi .i.i.,
.i. f. M il M i l.;..
1. !-.'!
o. Ill-
Iinportaiit to Fanr.ers St Cirdnners.
mii: s
r h i
u i ii in 'ti
if o.-;..l I
i ! t
1 !:.- . '
i-t ri;!i.at.- at ib
, i. I .. :
li U :
i'f the
ti. -
i ji'i v
i n.;ai't '
I and -
I.iiii d
A. s. KI.IMS.
Mtfflir.bur-:. Feb. C:.
rt: s.M.t:.
riTsri: i: Jtuiltiittu- !..
lei I In l.t I V I'n 1 il. '-p. Ft : i
Ile.ivcr. Kn iii.-r .V M'c
two iioriii.i: fi'.ami: n.
F-s and l.i'l. ea-h s'ut.ti.t I
r ?
: ai. d
I ea. h
.. ts on
,ii:.;l:es one . ti N ill, F, ut:!.
11 M. J.-iltl sliee'. !. r S:'o 1! .ill
of 111.
aliove H. Us. s ;.ri- 1 lo: t.
-' -iso, ior sale. : ur lot I li:.-.-
N, uh Fn:h ei.-n. JOHN liol HHTo.N.
I.ewisburL-. Jan. SO. Is.'.;.. A.-, t.t
'in: wen km
a ti T:i ci tl M
ei.d i i tne 1., hi
1 so ii ,i. : : i f l.A I,- h
I1I -
. N ni. d
al Ihe i a-l
linde,'. iu Chdl
Co. It will he '
F.-jinie of
Lewis.,,r. p.
id oil I i'IIsi i, ll 1 If :t-i ins.
e. Ii. Is.-.s.
.10 r Salr,
rpiIT! ivs-.!.'!,re of :h- stib-ct :!-er. on A-A
I Mari.fl strfft in 'he !... "h I l 1
l.ewibiti. Tin !n n is t l l;hH'K, urti
tini-liid in evt rv rfsf-ci.
TTiii- iit ha-i to be pa ! biveen t!i.s
and the first day i f A -nl n x' ; tl.f ba'aTire
to be pa d in two. three or five ic-.i. a- may
silt! the Layer. 1 -m.ii ti :.ii n at v i:rne.
June i-:.s Isaac u .!.m:k.
i-'oi: sai.i:.
i:iui:nci: or, Wdmim! m
it being a Hall Li tot lir, on !.
nib rial 'e Tw o-t,Ti-y lli,cu H"i
w i-l j
a coinli rtat e l wo.t,-ri y l.i,cu House, iran.e
Mable. c I Well of Water, and a varietv of
choice Fiui'.
Imiuireof .1. P. M I..M I iii FIX, Agent.
l...i-l.iir.-. is t.,l. r IC. is - tf
rpiir. subscriber offers f, r sale that large.
I new. modern built, double brxk house,
nearly opposite the new Presbytia lau church,
adjoining the res: lei.ee of I t. 11,1. .. 'l be
house is tin-it iu lbe 1 est style, rat pn-of. and
well i-ii.inled arainst fne. A gm I Well ol
Water, and Cistern i f never-lailing water.
Terms ti ade ca-v. and will bekniwuoii ap
plicator, to ' JON A THAN NLj-LTI'.
Lew isburg, .uz. t, ISost.
Hi: THO Il.Mi .IS oeeiirif! at pre
sent t'V W ash.u 'loii II an h, tis, n as a
."saioon. I hey are sui.aide tor S 1 I ( ) I 'S.
For Terms apply lo
Jan. "i. ls.s.
The subscnberi ll. rs lose. I ihe
are I.iick roundrv at Ihe west
ml of Matkct street, including
lhe Waieroom. Otliee, and Ihe
, iacliiuery attached also a large ami. tint of
j Paiierns for Patent Kishis lor ALTiciiliural
; .Machinery. Stoves, Ac. ll ts regarded as one
' ol the besi locaitotis for a gooif.sale business.
The Proprietor's tune is wholly engrossed in
another employment, w hich is ihe reason he
desires to dispose uf this Foundry,
I further particulars, address
l or any
f WILLIAM FKiCK. I.cwihnrg.
; Feb. I5S I nu n Co. Pa
run SALE.
' fi-V Half Lot on Market St., opposite
. Kilter's residence, wnh a eee.l Well , f Wa
I ter and new Hiable j very desirable for a busi-
"'V'"1"1, ' r''eee. (or hoth combined.)
iihii, oiner l,,.ts, some with and some
U's.'U It
yL'U'iniili'i'-j i' 'Az i'lTs
ll tlll.lMI i5.M
HAS liffa ri-inuiH In Iao-r's Lri ;
i:i..rk. on North Third s'r.e;.:i.i .'
in. in Market, where ihey pr-paic.; : .'
alt k .li ! ol w oik in lb-ir nut i n u,. . . ,
Oi ler, arid infinite lr m r. . . .
Ii.uiis firotii; 1'y aileioled lo.
Please cail and ex ittiit.e iir lnr-.
mi nt of F.. -.tares of lhe moM l; ; r .-.e ... .,
and l.nish. ' -
All wi rk warranted. Al... S;,i.i
(Ins d-iie to order. ;I.eis! Uig, A,t.t , "
'O ihe Cit-zen-. of I.ew.sMir? at1
11. I.. IlilH-S ti '- f It. e ! i- -
II If, III ll' IllVOre Hi ; f ... V;,,,;,
l.is.in.iii ot V. idox iiii,..' i,.; :.
,! ,..r a1 ti.- IV-t (HI., e. Ti:ai
j .i-l tu.'.o -. I, ' hop'"- , no t.t a e :.
d lhe -ui ..li: j.atti.ioii-.
N. It.
T . sit '
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til.lfim at.lt I. ic.mi.-.-,
i;!rripM. a si
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I-i Apt
tll!;i!:!s(l ;ito: s Xnlic f,
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K"i;i i;r
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OiV ks" t. I't I! t ilt I . ur
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I' I i :.I I t -:,t . I ... 1, . I- .
I .tl,' -. t It l .i - 1 j ...
::t 1 . I- 'I".- t '.
I ,-t i si,, i 1.. ;. r i ,. .".In!
1: i- i
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i n ihe Are tits. J. ca 1-1 !
n, i--
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AM I. X l.i. I.
AKK NOTU'K r The in, oi- . -: -
lined Asciiis lor ihe s., c , :
lil'OIS. CililfN & tviiitliiu i1
ol all stes, ma le i f the l est i.. i
work warianted. I Madebvl. !
I 7'.
Hii--he.sn,,e, Pa. and lor sale l.i-
': F ri CAI.LMVl LL. I ?-t ' -
AT A II Al'talV
SXtThv subscriber hns , n ' '
s.ie jltll ' IlliS:
i ller at a bare. un t, r i'a-ti
l. r a g.od lii UisE. Cad
IllIs.S It.
. r m . I
. -
I I 1,1'
B F.
t rt.ir.ti x ...
or if absent, ir.nire id W. H Kn n.
Crown, Jr.'s store. t'-''w'!i,iite. y
11 V doi.'l you sell cheaper !" Vi '
cheaper vet t W hy. I am ' T
seiln g Mli..lOKI 4tl. l.r ;
a per loli. at e.i ruing lo iianH 1 t.t ' '
an ar's credit : those are the prices t, r .'
or country produce. 1 will seif bv tie 1 '
load or l y lbe ion, and deliver a at i
within lbe bi roti"h lnniti. llain g v' - '
sctles, full weiehl will be eiven. '''
Hf.irk.milix Viml. and H VA'.. .-,"' "' r
Foiiiidiv purposes. Yard ou Water .':'-'''
near W ei.lensattl's hotel.
l.ewisb'g.M iv 27,'5Syl ti. IIOl.STIo'
llTLAtTLli and S.t IT cheap t,
tu:o. Hoi .-sfn
1 ilti: IIM K.-An ecelfn!'
ver LIAhll WATCH ter sa f
bargain mni so. Imiuireof
j A F. HKMiKMA.MUK. I.ew'sb.iK
' l ( r,I!LS- KarnilV Extra WLi:e
.IVV Wheat 1'I.CI 'K-ve-y ct.'"
article for sale by
M .rrh s (11 tVI'.KKI IV ele"-
TUtT.-A " black Lace VEIL, a t' '(';'J
j nines since. The tinder is rr.ptc-".
leave it at the C'irunuit elhce. i-Maith