CHRONICLE EW BY U. N. WOUDEN & J. n Itidrprnilenl tamily Cijr ftimsbort, (Opnidc, "-rL!-tx?tT r-LViiT 5L-w-.--.rFit. J.wfVi'Vrdf It- tri.Jfurjyt'niun Co. Pi. ir. t i e p i!? ix vrroT -in 1 -r -t- rl- r J--Ti -i- Tt.a. " -. T ' ' l- f -r -i iu- nth-. 1 J 'l. r !itrn ii.-utli. o il- i.t ir t" r. 1 1.' 1-T t'-n ii i-if -itf " l'am. i? mu j .tt 1 ...if tip. "V f-illK U.'t'1! i tlifir It.iJu.v r- it ..:. - r-. r r wif-i tn-r t- ..: 1, . v-.!h -.1. ill ' --t p-r a f: :; r ni-Tii . l -t I t 11 , : a -1-i.r. -"- 1- - ; . ., i .r.. M- r-t -iit-. a . ,., '-,., ! 'i. f "';r. ' r : A , - 1- - r : i r'T. A r.j- n : . I i .r- ii t t iuntl. '1 ;.-( -. t. I ."'TlflA. ! -I v. ; - r - r - il :i-ini- 1 (-,... i- l.i-t- i hi IU- i : u iuM-rt itai' -r:i.lN i -.- . irrv V miTfrial f-T wt Comxjn;cj:. 1 T i- M : I I to -C V ;. I - ,-s,-.-ui.-J - at. f-i- ' Word pi A ornrllu. Tfili: CHROMCLK. Law School. It is a fid w -rthy of ousiJ;ration, that there i t.i an iu-.titu-.wo in the State cf !VioiTao: ;ouri U if l'hi!ale!.hi; xclUh is J.v t-J to tie cf law irj..v s-iip d, and fl luriahitig, in the K-o stone State. Literature, the arts.and tie sci.LC-'s generally are f .-stored by our pecqle, aud the sei ir.iij farmer is being edicated in our Agricultural College. Why is that sconce which concerns every dan, wouiiti, an 1 child personally, and every djllat's worth of pr perty they pos ses, the j r'.ncij K-s uf which, L rd Krs kine savs, ate fouu-iel iu the chirities of religion, in the philo- hy of nature, in the truths ef histjrv, and ia the experi ence of cuuui-u life why is this, the Ejt!s: and most important cf ail science?, w.thout a living, cr a f untain, .1 . n n-1. , r.-i T-trit::r - th : the stuJv cf law may C) to reap the rich fruits which a wed c-nd'jeted law school must jr.duce ? Nw K:clas-1 his Urge and flourishing sch-o!-, iu which the great stars iu the legal profess; n receive I their rt tuition, aud that direction in their s'uiies which has made tb(m stiiaing i The urish- State of New Verk ic2 schoe'ls. M icy surp r's two f the younj Nates cf the We-t have already established s:hiol, which, in their time, will produce fruits rich as those that now honor Yale and Harvarl ia New Knglanl, Albany aal Pouhke p-ie ia New York, and the University of Louisville ia Keutucky. The stu leu's ef the Southern States cnera!iv cue mrLward to pursue taeir studies, and Pennsylvania has now many law students in the old schools ia other States. Many of that very large cumber of young men who are now studying law under private tu'ers in the offices cf practitioners, who are too buy to pay pro per attention ti elementary studies or, alone and unaided, are endeavoring to fit themselves for the arduous an d responsible duties of the practitioner many of these, I say, are longing for an opportunity to obtain the assistance of experienced in- structors. A Law School in Central Pennsylvania is a great Jai-lrratum. It seems indispensable. Tho profession, throughout the State, would cherish it. .r. . j t ; t .1. Voxnetent mitruc urs ami a uu ard, would soon gather a host of bonora- tle,worthy, ambitious stuknts,who wou.d go forth from s'tcb. an institution with au honest zeal ta altnioisur tho laws cf the land in their purity and with fidelity. The charter of the University at Lewis- burg embraces ia itself provistons for a Law Department. Nd p. ace in the State would be better suited, in a.l respects, for a law school. A charter it ready for it, tha school is needel, the locatioa is the best ia the State (as proved by the choice and decision of the founders of the L ni- 1 Tersity,) buildings are erected, everything serenaded us; they were always numer is ia readiness. An able man to take the 0u, and particularly savage, but very Lelm, is the great want. May tho tub- many cf them lost their useless lives in jeet receive the candid consideration of their bloodthirsty avocation, one, twf, cr three such ; and the day we j Oa tho '-1st of January, the Fulton hope is not far distant when Pennsylvania proceeded, alone, to knock at the portals tcy boast of a great and flourishing law cf Paraguay, and test something of their tthool. LL.B. ficiiDgs towards us. As we neared fort 4 tiTthat TTiio THE HFiRT1 of HE. Humaita, and anchored within range of A Tsnminent Democrat ot narrisourg, v-o politically "looks upon a slave as he W5BH n-n a horse," bad recently a trial , Which developed the Man within bim. A faithful hired colored woman, who for j long years had taken almost the entire : barge of the family ia the feebleness of j tit wife, and who was bsloved by all the ' iildrea she had nursed from infancy, I taw upon the street a man she knew I . - . . I ata she was a slave ; and she soon heard : tLatthe humaa bloodhound were afier . . She dared not stay. Thea came 'it thought to the cousciencious Democrat: , caa.i i permit a memoer oi my nouse- -old to be ruthlessly tora from those she ' i-ves, and taken back to slavery? Never, Ji never ! Here, Cuilia Bishop is Oosty flee to a land that will protect j J-a troao. these persecutors and may t-e with ji'." The next train north hveyed her to the Brltlth dominions. aj the TJjfyH. K. CORNELIUS. c tni til Ihr rjrus) " PinifBll) "wViicr f Ihf lull", uiiifac UlNuU.-.thr inine l-tui Humaiia... Ih P.1PtfU-) NaMiti...Hij nf UIBpU B...AilH-a ranrr.antf u-lttra- of the lVplr. Ac. Ac i C.'rrir-"nJcDiv t: t!.r Cbrouicle-j j r p. Tvvrr. Fi tt- x. A? Mt-i. ! i.i. j. ;".. ) a e j Tlit "Pantijifi! War' is cndtil '. It". Paraguay is a magtiificeDt country, and with feelings if sincere .leasure that we 1 we;i Cta ;t (,c S1id of it that Heaven has can announce that our country hai gained l,;e;S..-J it in cverythiug except men. The another peace without the utJJii;g of goil u very fertile, and the climate exceed t'.jod. Our affairs with this country have iDgy sa;u,r;ous. It is almost enclosed been Larpily settle j,aul a treaty of friend- by fine navigable rivers, and its interior ship, cjuimerc?, and navigation, has been js wcu watered and wooded. In extent s;gned, to day, ly the representatives of ;a Lcarlj tiee as large as Pennsylvania. ca-U tia:ion. The partieuiars are, as a j., proV,aule population is about 700,000 matter of course, kept secret until it has 2j0,0m0 on our .Map. Y.vs The in reeived the sauction of cur government. bajJijau;i are a mixture of the Spanish, It is said to be (juite favorable, giving us injjani ac,l Seg,-,, races. Physically, a.l we have d-.-uiiU JeJ. Wheal last wrote to you, we were at Montevideo, but I prumi-td to write again when we reached the headquarters of I.o- r,z. The Fulton dropped anchor off the eity of Aa--uaiption, (the capital of Para- guay,) on the 'l i of January. Our Com mis-iooer, the Hon. J. U. llowliu, imme i a'.ely proceedel ahore, and promptly presented his credential-, explaining his misMon, and eimmeucel business. We Wire 110 Jays on our passage from the United States. It has been quite a interesting time, to all ot us. we have traveled is nearly iiine thousanl mile. V'e ran up this mastitfi.'e&t r:ve-r leisure sterrin at the priucipal cities, in order that our Com- dore and Commissioner might have an with the authorities. Our three interview steamer, Fulton, Harriet Line, and Wa torwitch, each of them having a brig-of-war iu tow, ascvndvd as fir as CrricLtts about the same time, drricntes is the cj 'ai' fa province cf tie sme name, and is situated ab.-ut iif'.eea miles below Paraguay. re settled, the After our difficulties Vi'a erwiteh was permitted to c .me up to A -sumption fer a few days, so that there them would doff but one or two pieces of , bill that disposed of a portion of the sur- i for attempting thus to divert the public very sma.l debt of deputed equity. It is nJ beast. j, tut there is the tame ten! are only two ve-.-sels of our entire fleet, f their street costume, excepting a string of p'i land we cow had, than to waste time ( mind from the issues which his Kansas a fine climate, there away np the La Plata, j i'n 'ice in common ta both the desireto nineteen, here and on the wayj that will be pertnitted, at present, to have a look at this CMiti.rv. Those beiow, will feel the d.sirt ointment irreat'.v. while we are particularly honored ia having saiisiied our curiosity Although the trip up the Ilio de la I 'lata has been exceedingly interesting, jej tUe scenery presented to cur gst-i has n 'it been at all in unison with the graa- detir ef the river. There is almost an entire abs nee of highlands. One batk is generally very low, and civered with nii:u f;u! ei wiiiAuiiaue fiiomai. u.i- age, but rather scrubby iu appearance, wui.c il. uinn is m..ii.i mm.1.1., uuii au abrupt precipice of from ) to 100 feet in height. S otuetimcs we would meander f r hurs through fine and expansive prai ries. The whole country is but very sparsely inhabited, and we have traveled fer almost a hundred miles without seeing a single house, cr a humaa being. The current a.ainst us averaged about four miles per hour. Ia many respects this river surrisses our-creat Mississippi and its tributaries. It is wider and deeper, and discharges into the cccan two cr three times the quantity of water. Its future is big with promise. Being very crooked, , itJ rjavigation in some places is trouble- some, owing to the sand bars shifting their position. We, unfortunately, occu- - l. piejaocnaouoneii mem, lor auoui four days, but cot eff with the assistance i-.ftna H irritt I..n ThF.ilMn w nn 1200 miles from its mouth, and although we draw ever ten feet of water we can yet safely ascend 1000 miles farther. This ehange from the storms and roughness of the ocean, to quiet river navigation, is relished by all of us, and it seems more j like a grand excursion, than a duty. Our band daily enlivens the ship by their fine strains of music, which is quite an agreea- j ble variation of our menotony. We an- chored each night. Then the mosquitoes i sa, V' "'j- '"o b- tion, the guns shotted, and every man it j Lis station,) the minute, that flew by were intensely eicumg to an oi us. euip was oa the shoulder" of each Jirty, and j wanted but a slight touch to bnog it to the ground. But, happily for many of us, wisdom has guided into a better path. We sent a boat ashore, and immediately received permission to pass unmolested. . . l-l.:. a.-. I his was a precursor oi peace, a m. ion , is the great stronghold of Paraguay, and j completely commands tho navigation. It j is fiuely situated, oa a high bank, at a ! suon cena oi me river, u uiuuniij by about seventy gun, maay of them being Ci pounders. To bavo takea it, (which we must have done had we corn- uienced hostilities) would Live been a very nandiome action I or our entire squad- ,.i - , . , ' roa and, ia tne opinioa 01 several ci ; our seniors, to have been balhed iu car ; altelutiti fof SOlSt) liiki WO'ald LulhaVd! LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, teen the most uulaokeJ-for treut. Of course, in the long ran, we would ha?e tkeo it, is well as every other military post ia the couatry for I am strongly ! improved with the superiority of the Ao- . I.i.fjjisnn race even aairiit heavT odJj. are 6a;j to be superior to any of the i otLer South Ameriean nations. The lan- gUage principally spoken by the people is j thc (Juaranui nhe language of the native lnduo?1) but Spanish is understood hj,.Lazi for the Landless," VS. Niggers everytoJy an 1 cimtnonly used among the j for the NieserleSS." hi;!ier classes. The religion of the coun-1 try is Roman Catholic, with a streak of 'free love" attached. The Government, although nominally a republic, is really a despotism of no light form President L ipii being the heal and body of the iovcrnmeut. When the people "think out loud," they think just as he does I He has the sway of cavi tation, manufac- tures and commerce of the whole State. The rriueiral exnorts are tobacco, verba- mate, (cr I'araguay tea,) bides, and tim- bur. 1'hey have an iron furnace, a foun- dry, a machine shop, saw-mills, and a shin vard. all undur the catronarre of the govcrument. Luropeau tn-ineers and master workmen are at the head of these establishments. The dress of the inhabi- ' tants is exceedingly jrimitive and adapted to the climate. Most cf the females go bare healed and bare footed, and are al- m.,st constantly smokirjf scars, both on i the streets and at heme. If many cf beads or jewelry, it is highly probable ' that they would represent the "fashions patronized bv Lve rrior to her mterview with that dinlomatia a.-ent from the "lower regions." Tii3 men, as a general thin . ") barefooted al-o a bat. a fair of pantaloons, and a shirt worn loosely over the pantaioo constituting their entire dre-s. "Thc few" of the upper classes, if both sexes, dress ss we do. The chil- dren under the age often or eleven years, as a general thing, go naked. I could not help but laugh heartily at the extreme j.iu-uues ui jumiia t mei as i was out riding ia the country. As I passed uiji, uc iu.s. .ijuiie u.u.ii uis u.iiy straw hat to me, kaving his body entirely unprotected from the fury cf the sun's nt. i yr.i If nr.f.f k..Ji l. : . .VIJJ. IJ ...... few. WI.aU in4..I.UUb wore around his neck f There are some well built, large and . f .-.t! . 1.,..,- V... - . 1 toiii.oi u y.c ujusts, uui, as a geueni thing, the reverse of this is true, even in , t0 Seward. Always impassioned and furi-As.-umption. Many of the houses are j ou? fce was bow extraordinarily veh.ment but one storey high, thatched with grass, j and having tho earth for flocr. The The soldiers furniture is scarce and rude. are hardy, anl have jroved themselves brave in many cf their national d:S;u!tie. i The-y are seen every where, as the standing ' army is very large for the number cf the 1 inhabitants. The people are polite and ' kind to us, and their reputation for hospi-1 : ti um; is cuuauie. mo p ipuiatioa 01 cs- i sumption is probably il0,0u0. The city i laid out in rwlin'ir h!n.-r. Kf the surface cf the streets is very irregular. 1 Mr. J. P. R. (one of Lewisbur's. bene- factors) would weep to see them, and I i almost believe he would volunteer to level ! them for Lopez, gratuitously, if he were here. But I am getting tired, and I am afraid . of tiring you also, to that I will close for j the present. Thermometer ia my room, j luio3 sufficient excuse for all mistakes. We expect to leave for homo io a few days, i Yours respectfully, G. Thorough Tillage. At one of the Irish Agricultural ings, one of the speakers remarked mt nuiu eua vu wcit aptnica in mis ( ,U , j country) : " hat brought out the im- 1 . , , ,1 , ' , " mense asricultural wealth cf Scotland? . L t I. ... t . II i l ... and what enabled the small farmer in Belgium, on seven or eight teres of sandy , , , , . , h,.e ,.! hia t. :,Tj ,hM wfl can Jo 0Q ,weD or ih acreg of jD d jn thu countrj , I w by a;jotr:D um tQ re 2 three-fourths of a lisht tillace ; o a fc1- ! remain in poor herbage, and ma- king the other portion pay the rent. It I wa because the farmers in those countries : he alluded to, made agriculture a ttuu. j and a jJeasure ; because the farmers till the land to the best advantage; aud be- Dg wu, j ke . ? 0De 5;n a lu f0fMssilia ul fc mejnj wju;J enJ ,, , . ili?a.a ihar-ju ,!.'." " t:f t AU in th .xtr-mi to till Et.-li-it- t-idfi ani ui' th-m ill; Si:rw. i.niQioU ami. .its t'J, Aii I n-r- jour h 'pt-s, atnrtlv. air, I .r ui on.- ff-rli Le arr?tei la. Xu-ru Uie liusa brraiila ul t-rrt-n" Can anything Le found ia the English ItDL'uane rorettii-r thaa the followiui ? c ... .-riie that iLi:-in a .tTinit lioar May otwo is- n-t: id tll-e lb- w lsi' cir. - ai. I in a hiran:, l'a li.e imreW'.ti u -ciii IA iU THE LOVES AND TEE ECHO. of lr. J'rhn M. H.rn-. lio .lie ! at l:.-iriuwn, Kn tuckv. in 1 . iibpuwuh.i;iSuirt.if UDO-'umon mvril. Lotrr. E.-ho. it.ri3u nTicrh. 'l.-!.r Of wUujou'rtt m&ir, uui wLt jroaaiT. Ekn. Air I Irr. Mi I-iir. IiT, an-i j:t liL-h. Fcho. i Hn. .,l-.H! LtKfT. rilqution UT- ri I l'iut:, au.-wrr m- mor.- ro(- ' Erhi. I'll' U; L"vr. T.-1I m. fair nvmj h. if Vr T- u cw u littt a k'iri a l'liet fLiw : Eh". IV'"' Lr. ?t what will ttini that fri-kiug odi y luUi Uir lulu vl IhiiHlulij 1 L-9fr. I'hft nt a hrarnlT hrr-w Is it Uvl aiiltr u p.ari a- itxvm ; ho. Jit J no Later. ll'T vf.: rvT .urh a tair? Are ix alar. Lr:eLlrrtLao ttn-j arr t r". In-lire! LvifT. F'-h, thtu ltpt ut pan't ijt. ir w '. ller J ili'? UlP alA.'a, Uril''" nrr ESo. Is iv "tit .r-r. Rut "tn. tlfu aa-T. prt r nnniyr, XLuua.Unui'btlKi Au-wr.' ii'to. An', tirt Washinoios, Feb. 27, 18o9. At the close of a weary day, I learned that the Senate was still in session on the Cuba bill. I entered the gallery just when Mr. Wade, of Ohio, cot the floor and moved an adjournment, so that be could 'peak to-morrow. Uut the Democrats, i having determined in caucus tbat they 1 would take the final vote on the bill at that 6ittinjr, though it extend inte Sat - , urday night, refused to adjourn. Mr. DoohUle now moved to lay aside ! Cuba, and take up the Homestead bill. The few Cubans who favor this latter, im- ' plored Doolittle not to injure the Home- 'lead, by antagonixing it with "this great measure cf foreign policy." He warned them that the country would regard this as a test vote. They winced, and the skirmish went on. Trumbull struck the admirable point, 'tat it was wiser to tako up and pass a on one wnica proposed to cuy more. a ouu wuie-u pre'posea to uuv more. Seward pronounced the Cuban foray a icre partiz in scheme, whose friends knew could not by any possibility pass the mere it could not by any possibility pass the lower House, while the Homestead could become a law, by the action of the Senate, in ten minutes. He briefly contrasted tue two policies one to eniarga the ao- aiain of the Slave power, and restore and maintain the supremacy of compulsory labor ia the tropics the other, to give land to the landless, and furnish homes to ; tne ffee laborers of our own country. He ta..iuii.u.ri.j ana re-pec. iui in tone ana language. i - ----- " " "'" know tbat Seward and ilson s:t on the rear row cf chairs, and Toombs, Wade-, til liectiruin im mediate! in frrmt nf v J them ia the next row-Wade having Toombs on his right and Becjumin on his luff TrtnmKa ArAtnii t.1. enAAAl. " -w. -'16 m.bdcvu iui.igi; m tone, vident in gesticulation, and abu- ia language, lie cal.ed Seward a demagogue a small demagogue said he despised all demagigues, detested small demagogues in particular, but more espe- cially pitied and despised those who could e driven by small demagogues, bringing fait 'n the vicinity of Wad.'s desk as te uttered the last clause. He accused tli. PnmiM;A.,n. v j . r ,-. m vwyt vl i-uwaruice, ' personal and political of skulking the issue of Cuba, and shiverinrr in thoSri1' r''t -a-""', shoes at its mere name. He run the i a in " m i,s.L 1 1". s ' TT, n.lS. 5 changes landless," and sneered at the "lackland- er," 3 ne called them, cf whom the Re- publicans were afraid, ka. -tre Toombs was fair.y ia his scat, Se- ""d, iessenden, and ade, sprung to their feet. It was impossible for the Chair to assign the floor to anybody but "tDe Senator from Ohio," for the tone in "hich he pronounced the formula, "Mr. resident . and the eye ho fixed on i - -- it -i t-...- nose and heavily upon Lis des, his eyes .- t , . , , , . . rivetiog bim, and tho hot words hissicg .t .... , . . through hi teeth, "Skulk, ah I thiver do i i we ?" The Georgian pushed bit chair it stands on castors a few inches further off, to at to give his Ohio neighbor more j room 1 Wade went on, leaping almost ! fmtn tfiA flmr mt mv.rv aantnna -lif.In. , , . ,,' , clainlv that thom'h ha wa lili a .r.' ff,,!!t l!ifi taunt ln. . , Breckinridge, said, as plain as words cou'd B " -eu, irum iu. lau ci iu , " m. .. , ,t4 UiS.rjai fDtnpiaoy. in a u:t 'u-t,rit ! nut -t in I ir'l l vv 1 e young man of 25 (and some i(Un; : the Board to revive aci pas some o.l . lr,.,,v. bv tae adaomistrators .f Mr. Eh.a uaer lt, "l must and Will have it. ade ! ,, . . v . c a ma that had r,revi,iua'v b, r, i v l- l" i i i e .1 . meet-! ,,., ,,, T, , ,.. iromen too,) alteekinj, not somewhere to c'allL c" nd previous.y bnen r.j-..ed. j y I reach, ho was ki.Ud by the ex;-!. turned square upon Toombs, and, bring-i , , . , , . If ibis ;atement is true, it rau at .east a ! .:,n ,,f , ..c ..0 tt r-J :a Ju't . i in-hi, fit ...I. ,it merely, but something to be o-born i .,J4r,i2il1Q nn Mr v'nt ........ ,.. f,. , V, la . . . i' i - o -- -j - nt.u.u mt .uwu .i a uumm . . ' . - w....a,o.-.ii, :o f rr in it.1 r :'D :ei from Toomb., .. hfj moM ra(her drire not joyous ss they go, but rather weary, .i ,,.,:Vi j ... . , ., Jharcard and careworn T How many - T-Ja i- v... which Toombs knew, because, once on a time, Toomb was abusing all Republicans in the most vituperative style, when Wade, his bands oa the arms of his chair, ready to leap to his fct, demanded to know, "Does the Senator include me in what be issayingr Lpoa which the Georgiaa responded, "I except the Senator from i Ohio I" Since that occurrence.tvervbody i thinks Toombs desire to cive Wade a wide i berth.) ! ' linf ' .nmi.t, Tk. ri. . auo ii... .cu.cuce ! went straight to the core of the snl i.-f . i . . ' ' i aud all the rest loilowfd it. "lou sneer i it ths Iloieatead 1:11, ttoij.-o it 1 APRIL 29, 1859. land to the landless, do you ? Suulinj ni'jy- ri fur the nfjyerlcs ! We go to the country npon it Land for the Landlesi j tinus Xiggers for the Niggcrless I" That held their breath. Now, some feet came down with one determined stamp upon the fl)or a few hands smote together but the Kits, in the gallery and in Senate, shouted with a mingled roar of laughter and cheers the President throwing dowa the ravel in despair. Having, in this phrase, compressed the whole argument j into the smallest possible compass, Wade went on roasting the Democracy about their "niggers." Mr. Fessenden was more deliberate. In deed, he was persistently calm, and pro Jo kingly cool. Ho told Toombs that Re publicans did not aka'.k or shiver on the Cuba fU.tion, but only meant by this course to take their own time, and teach gentlemen that the Senate was to be gov erned by its own rules, and not by the de crees cf a party caucus, and that tbey should permit the vote to be taken on the bill when they bad said all they wished j tj on the subject, and no sooner. I All this time, Seward tat quietly in bis chair. Those accustomed to read his thoughts on his face, knew he was biding ; his cpportunity to reply. I maKy, be ! took the Soor. He never sptke of the '. Senator from Geergii. lie drew bis chair i aside, pushed Wi.scn's cut of the way, stepped back a pace or so, forgot Blair's rhetoric.CamrobeU'i rhetoric, and Seward's ; rhetoric : calmly defined the different , kinds of courase. said he hored be had enough to serve bim as a Senator and a ; man ; then rose with bis theme, contrast - tug in glowing words the beneficent ob- jeet of the Homestead bill, with the per - uicious scheme of acquiring Cuba, and al- j luding to the President's efforts to clutch j the purse and sword, denounced bim in severe but strictly parliamentary language j ana uaanciai policies nau precipitated upon j the country; and concluded by comparing, ' in a few eicquent sentences, the principle which would give lands and homes to j and haancial policies bad precipitated upon which would cive lands and homes to freedom and free Iaborers,with that which would extend anl strenethen the curse and crime of human bondage among men. As be pronounced the closing words, be proudly turned his back upon the Chair, drew out his cigar case, and walkeJ into the adjoining cloak room. After another short skirmish on points of order, Toombs replied to Siward. He trie a auuse uiui ; uui ii was not iue vi-1 tnperation of a senator ; it was the ravings ui a uraeuau uu tue uoc. in tue iuiusi of this trust of rassion. ha shakin- his clenched fiats and curi o 1 o ly locks, the New v.l- ....;.. OIH LIUJ.V'I T s liaum .gllUll 1UV uu'll- way cf the cloak room, quietly smoking his cigar and calmly eyeing Toombs. It m .1 7 .. - 1 . 'T-J ataa tifi.V'iu luueea. cor. . j . i rioaic. The Rush for Pike's Peak St. . more freij . the water to I : , , v , , '. , , , , , the drays ; clerks calling, hands loading, i.,.,. .-, i . .j r - ,, ' , . 6 . Suutoera States tav ljiU a--;cst the) JaOLla, April 1. Iiiver bigo, and , m making a sum equal to - per , ., v .. coming; 05 eieamboats chanoine : cent, upon the industry of the country PcF--ar t.ata. c. we..7ta wverrxinjf ht ; levee covered with goods, from ! Why should be who pays, subject himsr'if , 'f 13 .r;''i:"',a t0 f'::ts s'""' ,h the curbstone, for a mile or 'J u", CIlrl "arge. t o f ay for L:m J""-" ""i-' -" l" draymen whipping, carts clashing, mules drunkard, the spendthrift, the idler, the ' The :st Agricultural Society fcrrced in squealing, carriers cursing, and police j vicious, the thief, the reckless, the care- ; i country was tne "I'hilai.l-h. a S.-cio-t.urim FrorriS-,!.'. n n I';'.-..1. ! less, the im rroviden t. th-i lazv. ar.i! thai ! tv fer Pr iuictr.' Aiorliiilture," t.tabiish- , I'eak, and his neighbor's coins with him. tf 7 , ' ' cartsi c"pet tags and camping tools, Lt all points on the Upper Missouri, Kan- -Nebraska, Platteiver and 'pike's Peak, Independence, Kansas City and "1 1 vrorth." (This last is so plainly Leactn worth, tha most inveterate deck-lubber caa't malts anything else of it.) The tight of such a youthful multitude J mm im wu i - in iui itauia ui nulla, im laiiu- - - . , , f ii i ii . . .- lated to awakea emot.on. cf no ordinary kind. So many, aud so young the hepe j of the nation. Bright, and itrocg, and " " "b" " " .una.-..., ( will bring from the soil, the shop cr the ' counter leaving borne and friends and mh lha rtiht r. .tl iK.t tun.. in.I.iO.a I social life to seek the means of eemfort ! for the luturel Here they are, with ci en i hearts and bonest faces, determined locks j . . . . ... 1 rd firm i-Aan1titnr V.jndir j tlioii" rnriH I ry w .u ui...... - - "'-"J lay their bones on the piains f How ma- i ny cf these pleasant faces will return- hearths are made desolate? llow many i mothers are left weeping ! heart-strings are broken? Uoir many j The Southern States are moving in leg-! islation to get rid cf their free negroes, by I banishing them, cr reducing thera again to tetter. The free Stiatet, as a rule, are ! ..11 w.liin. to wal.nnia this class cf conu- ot willinz to welcome this class cf popu- lation : aud so the poor ereatures have but a sorry look ahead Aiaa 1 for "man" ' inhumanity to man." By titj'-t uiUctiltie be not atsrcdyed, .i 1 - . . . .... 1 . nor liiagniiy tueiu uj wauvas -- -a,,, h. ... ,.,.,. ,!., -,.t ' Ju". '". , ' J ... . , . , ; POUdebC ad. put theta t u Ut t tones jht. There are cubhle kir.ns. m ev.n ro . latld Jchbi'.i ia tTiiy r:h. ESTABLISHED .it Sl-iO per J'lKlS l'HAK. A- thr.a.h .rtli tCnj- ! 1 A y.u.h lw t rr burn- rjr AU i OlrU UlaJt-r Ll- CX'Cf i - ITia hr- w Bt l, h w r? tru-r., ,r th- I. ft B'-r I i - TK-i. lie lurar l.t.Jt AlVi 9lK.ULrti tl.k 1 1 . . K it i H- leflfc: fcir y y-'Tn- " v n .'M. A .l tfiwa.r-1 in t i - - i. f:-'f. A ' c-. ttirbiO'D .O 'rrati'-T, AL.i J.vul hl t.-j;- ! r- -KkfV IV - .H V u' ! IVtt'-r tjy,' in .! i ui-rj -1 . 'j .I - jr- y 1 ytur w.r 1 'i - ; r ai i.r.nn- - .'.n; , llu'. iiil lL. lawr .t; yu:.. r , it lu-wan wm l1'!. . :l . fl-- Mb' tl- i.-i i"-.r.'' Ti. - .- :t.f 1 r-, At ). A :r-'r r tit I ttwa- f nr.l u:U, 1:111.11 ili-il-, n r - -. Aua ijU llf: jlUU i Th -TV fcT tbi; ! -.t;n Li;:-e ana 1 1.1. J i AUU Lr -ru -I'.k IV . ft I 1 alii ..-rsjr, . t.- AT, u 1 L. a.- h:ra tjr Peace with Paraguay. It is generally conceded that the U. S Commissioner liowiin, ailed by son.e cf the friendly powers of South America.ta. ; been successful in eoming to an under- standing with Luptx bight '-Kuiperer'' ana lis e.(o",.jy or mere cr less nait civiiizej amalgamation of Indians and Spaniards denominated "Paraguay.' . The fixtures fer the big shootin? irons which were accidentally l.ft behind, have ! been of as much rood ia America as if ! lugged beyond the llquator. The terms of "sati.faction" are said to be 610 000 f"r the sailor alleged to have beea "mur- 1 dered, other compensation for damages to the atcr Witch, and enlarged com- 1 mercial advantages to eur own and other j nations. The fleet which has been sent there, has cost our Treasury about a mil- ' Hon of dollars, and has therefore beea s pretty costly medium of getting pay for a wu4 uojb uaia uouotiess enjotu ! themselves hugely, and the "natives'' : have also been profited by the "war." ; This, the last and greatest exploit of Bu - uj our --uuja nave uououess enjoyea ; This, the last and createst exploit of Bu - cnanan s aammistra i.n was as bloodless as the brilliant achievement of Piene't fleets at Grcytown, and will reflect quite ' M "iue-a reaowu upon our national es- eutcheen. What Credit Co'tS. writer ia one of the journals shows the workings of the loose credit sv-teta upon business and the comma-;tv " He takes the article cf tea as full ws " i 'A credit on London at an expense cf : icree rer Cent : tne sh'rn.-.l t.i thi 1 I nited States is sold bv th imnirtir at a . o 1 ! ix months' credit, equal to Cj aud guar- i antee 1, per cent. Follow it n ia the hands I f . . ; Sgi" 'u cT'-nf aDJ 2 alrlatej. jt js nrw'ia ihV hands i.u.C. -t t- . " , 01 tue reialier. duXp'OCtlLf to lose a P'T ! tion cf bis sales, he puts on fr m 1! to l.jO taxed for the bcctSt ef the defaulter, the .ecutator the camtlcr. ;be rol-tic an the, -Now suppose we woo pay : cuy lor casa, WoUid w we n -t save a iar.-e ; portion of this expense The limitat.oa , OI credit wc u.a ii -ne tK i i V ft ioor1- and , cml the of r tn-Mtj i r.'rt a ; ttij this reform is tecde I, especially iu the j -ller tra.actioa, of life,' tfcajf-A copy cf the American Stwl irl eootaioioc a marked article fiV.-rabie to William L. Frazer f r Auii:r General, has been sent us. We presume, therefore, ! thlt our opinion oa the m.ttcrUdetired; ! 1 : , . . M- L - . . . I .... i ! sua w c Eiac it. .'ii. a caaer cieci'l .. ... . . . . i tajai t.vuiniit)uci v uui uautaasl UI , , Lel4 tbat offiee bu , ,J' , wai abolished by the Legislature ; yet, during thete fjw days, it has been Hated, i i .1 ... ... voratoie to mat great pribcip.e oi tt:s Loco party, plunder, to receive our up prt. We want to re no c.o iidate ru: u? J ou,r I ,rt7 "a ba "ot ac.eaai irdiril inj al.n ii ail '.-man Ii K- anr.f . , ', ' . ectiy honest man. If Mr. Frixer can L . i l i . ciear ms sxiris oi tne cnarg-s that hare .sd u, V'r"ible. the seventy six persons ia fivor cf ... " - - i.i...u-ia .-a 1.1. there is better maleriii ia Co Si-te. a"..'j"c tc airier. The absve is jat about what we were going to write in respect to one gentleaoan proposed fr this most responsible cilice. f BaZER, it appears to us, it altogether too anxivm ior preiirmrt, ta salt that BUi"oa la lue Fr"" emer-nry. - th oiE:9 k tha man aci Ljt the 15 the olEce." .1 T-;; ... . John ic"J!b ' MiDi"-r t MeXiCJ' Joat 10 c' ining a complimentary dinner tca- dered to bira at Columbus, Ga , nys the i Goveracier.: h.J to Mexico piicy, and; wuiie tacitly approving hit dune ia .uex . .... .. H iCo superseded iiua quictiy. us is ver) Very . .. . , I....... n. .,, ; ' ' . .. . , . . . . ..... . . -. . , .. .. ... . levere ca tbe AJiiuuit:a..oa. la lo Motile td rrsUiiie the edltotial chair of 1 . tie lie IN IS13....WHOLE NO., 73. l'rar, always; in Advance. - Death of a Flodern Nero. A late mail fr -m the West Coast of Africa brings tidings of the death of Gezo, the notorious !ave King of Dahomey, wh-i, fir upwards of twnty five years, upplied the demands of the Spanish, I'or tug 'se and American slave dealers who ia fest the Uight of Benin, ravaging and de vastating the interior far and wide, by hie slave hunts, to obtain victims f-r his L'a ropcan customers. l.ivingrton, llartb, T?owen and other re liable travelers bear witness to the im mense tjutakt cf fijurishing towm laid waste by the slave trade, and to the com-p-rative happiness cf the interior, where the clave trade does not exist. There ara the sites cf eighteen sacked cities within the distance if sixty miles between Bada gry and Abeeckuta. At the taking of one cf, Geij killeJ or captured ttrm'y tViKyinif people. The whole num ber destroyed in this section of country, within the last fifty years, can not be less than ILi'jii M'Uiin of souls I The result cf this was t) build up towns on the coast, er slave marts, which of course were ver- itable hel.j. A.gicrs, in its worst cays, was a Qaaker vi.Iage to tucn piacei as V.'hi low, Uadairry and Lag-. Murder, ; torture, and all the superfluity of such ' atnoniae Vice as cur iangjaQ, wants Dame :.r, ani our worst i.nners aaow- ' lodge cf, ran riot in those places with 'jtto, the bead devil of ttiit modern order j of things. Ia short, the slave trade, for which we have heard clergymen express 1 thanks, and which ignorant and besotted ! politicians of our own country aeet witla enormous blindness to reerl as a part cf the a Ivancing progress otJo sge, has had j the effect of turning estern Africa to veritable inferno. j But ia what are the Latnars cf Georgiai , tetter, after a.., t-an King Oexa . .Laaar ' ' white, and has some knowledge cf civi- , "zeJ customs; the loaaomeyaa is tiacK r- e o ,ra liie turning of peaceable village', ! lile Etealicg cf children, and every crima ' 4Ter known to can. Negri or white, ta r., au-i-w.6 ' 4Ter known o Eaa. Negri or white, ta .'-"l au. iu.u u they ar?, the wrttehed, tlustcnag Lamar : of ' "S-1 "t nori..y, ca a par his Hack ally, aad as s , he will he raiked by Liitory. Tnz FcBo Si.a via Trial. The Char leston Zl- rrury thinks the jury acquitted the crew of the slaver Echo because it w:uld have been iceoasisuot, cruel, and ! hvr oeritical, ia them to cendema mea typoentical, ia to death for j'jt'i ; a com- ' nan. j tAerc utl lisujht an I e:-:ry day. According to this d:c:iine, jurors are cct to le givemed cy what the law is, tut what tLsy thick it okj'.J td be. The necessary result is that nd law will be etif.reed whsa i: is c:ntra ry to the rrevail'.ne; r-tlle Sentiment. Consi ierir-' h;w much c: p'air.t th sousd i : -V.atf. Ltthjer. ed ia 17'.'3. The tirs: Cattle Sh. w held . L i 1.:.. ir il ' :a Ia!3 country, was oe.a in i m.-csoj, Maas., ia October, and from this r sprang ma system ci Agricultural rj- ' ai i Shows, as they exist at j-i : a ?ar' &f ai,e' States. Ux,u.-Tne L-;,,la:ur. cf U,l prtxer, ah bavo tdSTcced a formal memorial to I" T.rrss, asking f : the aimissi.'3 "of the State cf Deserct," into the United States. An cther memorial has been prepared, aa'aing for the elcctioa cf Governor. Judges, Sec retary aad other Territorial i i5 ,-ers by tha r"pie. Let us tee if Buchanaa and 1 ., ... Kj f. 1 ra.' low, " Sor- i "a V-rdict f.-r STiOO Las been obtain, ; a. Uariic 'tuu Yt. against the Y'erm.vit ni that t'.e C nipmy wns polity ii .? ci giij'nce iu permitting the 1 oco- motive to run wnea iu au un-a:- c-nuiiion. The 1'ivenp Tt Gajette calls attention ... , k. rf ir ... . .,...) , .v . ! t tue c incnioiica that savnty-s x caiiu- teaJ biU Whi, i: WA1 Dl. mure remaria- rail, n t raisitiii the rate cf pJ-ta'e were aim -t identically the v-ry seventy-':! mea w: o Voted against the h nieatead b.ii ; and cf these seveuty six all were I-11. era's. Wm. B. Asti'R, cf New York, who is worth six niilli ns i-f do.iars, recently re quested Rev. Mr. Chapia's socieiy not ta anticipate the paymut cf a Uebt of ii.'",. 0' 0 due him, as they e'etired td do, let t continue paving the inter?.! uiiy a ii became due- He said hi had uore icuL.y than he could take cf. Mr. Barn I'M litely atti-mpvl tod--liver a lecture on, at I't-f.-rd, liDgland, lut wi ervt d i''t groans and t"ses, bit with aa a:.d jepperr! with ciivsts-a t..i : W.3 e-- . : to s.icLce. i I'nn "vol). was fudid ju"'. ,, N ('., a f.s Ja i on, . ..i . .-. .... ' ! sine -', aud b.ia lei 'J - - b'o ;L.f. r ..O l..a 1 is...- he .till mus laoor la -s. to anu.aec suen ir.uc.L.j ad Looa.