Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 22, 1859, Image 4

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W mm, iruiMinsu tu thk Snutkrrn Obiervtr,
CAUK HIT If K - VTl l R.
npi Mr. K.in'i w,;H Mr. Scholi
lutii suiiip quarrel pi;
Th r p wa, whai ! .o matter what,
Their aner waifd hot.
Thfn Mr. Kn.tt ca!M Mr. S.-hnu
Il-ti'l narns no matter wh.it,
A inl Mr. S.-lnut p-plio. id Knott
In terms mi mailer uhat.
Wrote Mr. Knott, .trai:h.wav to Schott,
An.i Sfhnit wrote hack to Knott;
Wnie Mr. Knotl asain to Si-holt.
And Schott mte back to KnolL i
S. Mr. Knott fr. m Mr. Schott
The W..!r ciiall-Mi-je p.it, 1
An 1 Mr. Knott smiI buck to Schott
That he declined it nut.
Kow Mr. Knrtt and Mr. Schott
Two tried revolvers got,
Tn- fnends ol Srhott, the friends of Knott,
All went into the jot.
B-e Mr. Kmiit, ti- Mr. Srhott.
Three tlurious runiK there fought,
Cur Mr. K;iott he pot the shot,
And Schott he gut jt not.
As Mr. Knotl had misse.. his Srhott,
And Schott had misled his not.
So Knott was shot, and St-hull was not,
And iv holt the story ot.
Mukal T.s better to be Shot than Not,
A La)rr' FirM Lssay U Hards uakinz Poftry.
As au iustauce of tho transforming j
irfliict.ee of Spring on the legal mind, we
refer to the following decisive opiuiuns of
one of the most eminent of the profession
as recently delivered by biui, to wit :
W hrrn. on ts-rtain b-'Uiri. i4 traya,
N" tltt'Ti hiriln arc tit-nri) to pltiir,
Ari1 auri-lry tV.wirt- llit-ir b. uinlM
11 all to tlie Cuming u itf itiag.
"Tin Ponir of thow taiJ I M- arnu
Tlif m tuory nf ur youthful hour.
A ffrei'D V thoM pr-Vf n-l ImUjh,
An Ire-h aud pweet a. tliOM- hh:J flower.
The hird affrcwiM bapry puirs!
Lot, ohi1 tit aftrtav! h .nirh, nhrinei,
Id lit-hld iient," thi'tuM-lvfa, tLcir heirs,
Atliuiuiatiators and aU-sipii.
0? biunest term of CupM' court,
Wh.-n- l-nd'r piaiutitl-, ai-lino I ring !
TrfiiMu of fro. it- and ut j"rt.
Hail ax pfr-BiJ, ri-uiinij iirine;
Down Eas-t Indians. The editor of
tbe Portland Transcript has bceti on a
tour, with other Maine editors, to the Ar- ;
istook region. Tho f i.iuwiug brief con
Ttrsatioo with one of the a borigioes,
would seem to r mve that the Indians of
that region are making great advances in
civilization :
"You EugliabmcD ?"
4tYou Commissioners V
"No w are editors."
lgh I make newff-apcrs !
men great minds ! Much lie !
L'gb !"
Tbe Atlmiuistratiuu fiapirs throughout
the State are endeavoring to crow over
the action of the ncent bogus Democratic
Convention at llarriburg. Its endorse
ment of I he. A.luiitiistration of 'J. H"
and repudiation of Gov. Packer's policy,
in delialicu of the popular sentiment of
the Sta'e, and the present forced nulla-
.. ,f ,.n; . i.,.u. .,,..,, '
, . . .. ,
10 me domestic secue - v.,. u.v war .e,rs, Composmon hooks. Copy books,
how came you so wet ? hy ma, oua ; aNS books and Pocket Memorandums; Maih
of tbe boys said I darsent jump in'o tbe j emaucal Iiisirumenis ; Visiting Cards; a
ereek. and bv irosh. I tell vou I ain't to large lot of Primer- Cards, very cheap;
i j. j ,
be dared.
Tba Cincinnati rapirs are great on
"sensation items" Tbe latest in that
liuc is in the Kniptirf.r of a late date. It
in Etalcd that during a tuurtiage in oua of
the churelus a ctazy man entered and
called loudly for a ki.ito with which to
aenfiee liiinsi lf upon the altar. Tbe l'.n
;r,r il.at. "tlin lirnleaii.l her friends ,
iere frnx-n with horror " A, the tuner '
does oot utate what became of tho Iroren
parties, it is nupposed that thej are wait-
ilig the upiDg thaw.' j
w. , . ... . r t t
... ....... m
candidate for Auditor (.eiieta!, we see it
dated, was only a few years ago a "rank
abolitionist," having been a delegate to
tbe Buffalo Free Soil Convention which
Dominated Vau liuren for the l'tesidcncy. ,
Wright gectus to be always wrong. lie
is either too fast or too slow ahead of
time as he was in or vastly bebiud !
it, as be happens to be at tbe present mo- ;
In cut.
When my ladj sees inaMer pig mocch- j
iug and wallowing in a ditch, she curls up
her Doge and lifts hi r bead at bis nasti-.
Bees. And, lo ! when the same pig's leg, I
fragrant with sage aud patriarchal ouions,
smokes on tbe board, tho same lady send
eth her plate three times. icb is life !
A little boy in Worcester, Massachu
setts, who was sent with an Irish servant
Birl to tbe Catholic church, lecauso his
.rnlu f-,rd lb. tnU h !
. lU'.-M. f
might nuke on bis first appearance at .
church, toltl his fatLer on bis return, that :
be didu't like tbe preacher, "because he i
put on a tiiebt gnwn before folks." I
The Governor of Missouri, who was re
cently whipped in a rough and tumble
fight at a negro wedding, is said to have
wound op a grand spree the other day by
riding bis borse into bis own parlor, aud
trying bis fore feet on the keys of the
piJ)J0 i
A Democratic exchange says or .Mr. j
uohanau that "althuugh loaded with the ,
cares of State he is doubtless anticipating '
with unfeigned satisfactii n the day when
be can return to the quiet and serene, plea-
suresof Wheatland." Tbe pleasure which i
Mr. Buchanan will experience, will be j
fully equalled by the people. j
GENEROUS. A broken down merchant, '
... , . ..I
to console himself got drunk, and while
pouring forth his warmest desire to make
.11 men happy, he wound np .hus : -Aud ;
it i owe any man any mug, i iiceiy lor- ,
give mm ine aeot.
"Thb Ixino and Short of it." lion.
Eli S. iiluulcr, of Ala., positively declines
serving bis constituency any lonytr. Tbe
question is, Could Shortrr be Irmijrr in
Congress, even if be should desire il 7
Tbe editor of tbe New Hampshire Dem
ocrat sits that he is sure that be knows
himself. If he does, says Prentice, he
knows about the meanest man in New
Ad editor stijs that when he was in
prison for libelling a justice of the peace,
he was requested by tbe jailur "to give
tb prison a puff."
S I 1 i
w r j
I)YSf..r a full p..rs? in the Ircn Ciiv
(-.lifsr. me-,! exiMiiivelv p;ilrinizi?il anil
hi-vl nrsaiiizt'il Cuminercial School in the
K'J Slal'N.
:):t StuJent nttmiHwj i;, Mnrth,S.iO.
Tsual lime In complete a full course, from
6 to Ml weeks. Every Muileiit, upon prailua
tine. is euaranleeil to be roinpeteiit to manage
the Books of any HuMiiess, and qualified to
earn a salary of from
500 to S.IOOO.
Students etuer at any lime No Vacation
Keview at pleaure.
Fifty-One Premiums" for Ilest Poiiman
t:lii; awnnk'J in 185S.
r?"Ministi rs' Sons received at half price.
For Circular aud Specimens of ruin?.
Inclose two U tter statnp. and addiess
7U F. W. JENKIN. I'liishurh. Pa.
of not
7ILL cnnimmcfon MONDAY, April
IK59, In collliliue : weeks.
Instruction will he civen in all the branch
es of a thorough Academic Course ; an. I
youihs desirous of preparing for College, for
Teaching. or for business, will find it to their
advantage to enter this Institution.
The Bible is a text book.
A large Class of Young Ladies is secured.
TITITION persessionof 13 weeks, including
contingent expenses. j
I'KIMAll V H.-.liiiL-. Writing. II. finer, Arithmrtic, j
(in.- , llrniuninl I . S llisti rv.l
AIiVANC:-:!" KNGLtll all unl incluiliil .Iiot, !..'
LAMiLAl.KS, ' :
No additional charges; also, no deductions
except for protracted sickness. Tuition paya-
ble immediately upon the close of the session
JUM. KA.MJOI.ru, ;
April , 159. Principal j
'rilESumiiii'rSe.ssidn.consislinsiif one :
J. Term of 1 1 weeks, will open on I hurs
dav, April 21st.
VULLLtjE Tuit" n ptr the Se?inn of 14 vrrV $10 Ito
llm.in mit. lil-Hr), rMre aud ri-ltaira g yi
ACAVEMY TuiUon fer the Sit n of 14 week :
A lv:invtl Ktiglikli
Lt.wr Class
l'ar anil trair
4 (tt)
FEM. 1XSTITCTB Tuitttm r Senaion IUwIi:
l'-viil.ir Ciiurst. 10
I'timary 7
A. K. BELL, Treasurer
I.ewishur?, March 31, lsisa
I'ST received at ihe I.euishur; Book
ivre fiom the late I'hilauVlphtu Tratie
sajtt a laie colleclion ol liooks anil Station
er vt eiohraciii' ooi ISooks in the dare re nt
d pur mien is ol'
Snf nee ant Literature ; Relisiion. Law.
and I'oiiucs; Hi.stt rie, Biographies, Trai'els; j
a varit-d and ut-il tlfclc.l Mi-ck of Mi-cella- j
neou heck-; Pocket and Family Uibles, j
frm thinv-hve cents to sevenieeu dollars;
Kneycl.tpa dias ; Lathes' Albums, (lift books,
Auifgraphs, Arrlntects; liockets Itr Law-
vers and Justices ol ihe Peace; Day Ii
t.- i
gootl Cap. Bath and Note paper, from I2J to
2tl ft-i. prr fjuirr
Or.tuiie, Ilamask, tie la
Kue and null r.nrrnprH Jrnrn 4 tti l- c.v.
fiirpirk; Ulai.k Deeds and Bonds; a la.se
a-sortraeiit of Kundav Sehool books and Re
wards; Common School and College Text
boo Us tdwitt itn hum.
'I bis slock was housht at very low prices,
anil is offered so much below regular pnrcN
as to make it an inducement to persons wish-
me Rood Books either for ihe library, general
reading, ora handsome present, to call belore
u-.; ... v.. : r
Jiuper.e.r.i,...' and 'Teachers of Sunday
s. - hools is invited to our large stock of s. S.
Hooks and Rewards always to be found on
our shelves. Sunday School Catalogues fur-
nished tree of charee.
Merchants supplied at the usual rates of
discount. WILLIAM .MLKKAV.
Lewisburg, April S. 1659.
l''iSIHTI.in-, ll.lt. Ii -rig hi cars
Philadelphia and Lewi.sburs-
The subscriber ts running a line of freight
cars lo and from Philadelphia without re-ship-mrnt,
and hopes lo eiahlt-h a c"'d business
by prompt deliveries at reasonable rates.
V?rehone in Philad. with Freed Ward A
Freed, HI Market street, where poods Ac. for
Lewisbur and intermerliaie points should be
left. THOMAS PLIPIIKK, Harnsburg
Feb. 2, IKMj mr.pd
-e-v Improvrd Ilreed of
yt'. Ilorscn.
V THOKOt OH breed 3I sll lEorNF,
bred and reared in Canada, will stand
fin- service in Lewislown and Mitllin, the
present season, from April 1st to July 1st.
An opportunity will be thus presented for all
'vers .1. Koou SI..CK
to breed from a horse of
acknowledged superiority one that has just
ly claimed so large a share of public attention
wherever he has been exhibited.
The proprietor of XOKMAX, as a perfect
model of his slock, believes that he fully
meets the want in our Pennsylvania slock of
horses. He unites with creat muscular pow
ers, the finest action. His perfect gentleness
peculiarly commend him as a model family
The attention of the public is respectfully
ci.l .if.,il tit an .rimin.tinn nf ih. nuilirrr,.. nf
mRMAN. and to the high appreciation of
the Morgan stock wherever introduced.
Call and see the horse, and examine the
bills as to terms. &c. A. I.KWIS.
Mi. I nion, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
; ; "
neap lor a. aMi.
Vn in v..,.h c ,.l..t,... li..,n.iink:n .u-
. ..v.. . . ,, i-i.r. in, . iiituui !ma, IS 1 11C
largest Manufacturer of
jjll'D'j? SlilBIlSj
an c,ler ln wi.NUOW SHADES, of every
variety. He is the Onsmator of all New
Styles, and has a fine Stock lo be sold at re-
duced 'nres.
Bulf. and all other colors of Linen Shades,
t r B j w invlles n,iz,.n, f ,his UoanlT
! to call before purchasins. and assures them
he can sell a betier article lor the money than
: any other Establishment in Ihe L'nion 780m3
John B. Linn,
his house uu N. Market St. bet. 1st & 2d
('.H I.evvisburB, I'a.
liance for a l.uod Trade.
THAVE about 100 I'ords of WOOD which
, I will trade for MANURE. I will deliver
half a cord of Wood for a Rood two-horse load
ol Manure. Persons having manuretn dispose
of for wood will do well to apply soon to
aa'u iiDiwi'JBfl Mm
Just oioncl, opposite the Kivierc
House, iu tiie Uoom lately
occupied ly A. .Singer.
TULL am compU'te assorinicnt of
I N G slich Overcoats. Dress Ci.aLs, Busi-in-a
Coats, and Coins of every style aiK pat
tern; and i'aniali'onand 'r- to suit. Also,
a large variety of I'mler Cloihinj, such as
llrauers, ,Sii:rl-, Ac. Also, a line assornni nl
of Hoys' Clotiiing of the. 4;itest styles. Also,
IIa'I'S and VAl's e.ii:il to anv offered in tins
countrv. In fact. I h.iveeven iluiig necessary
in the shape of Clothing, w hich 1 oiler at a
very small advance for cash.
run. it ;oorMA. Ag't.
f"s-All kinds ot C.mniry Produce taken in
exchange for O.iods. Lewi-burg, Oct. --
t'omniiinwealili Insimince ('o.-Karrib's I
tll.i:ui.i:ii ( tl'ii.U, inn.oiiit. I
IUj stilwril't-r is appoinii'd ngent f-T
this well e-tal'hshed Coiiipnnv, wlmh
ures Buildings other nii't ertv against i
loss or dLima'e ly hie, penis of inland r.avi
gution, tiaiisportaiii'ti, iVc.,ou most luvoialtii
Ini.ttnt-Cn n.W.Vf.l V r B.V.
I'l.r V.. 1-AKhK. I '
it. rr'uty .s ( .1 :; ,'. - M :v(7(.7.
J. Ii. .M I. Aid 111. I S', Age ii I.
Lewisburg, Feb. I, l:,'.l nit!
from Thllauslphia !
1H K subscriber has jtist received at his
Shop in Maikei Square. M-")OC worth
ol Boots and Mioes, which will It sold at the
Inllowing prices for cash : j
(ients' Call Hoots, warranted, i$J HO to fi 00 !
(lents Kip aii'l thick Louts, to 4 t ti
ients' Calf liuitcrs, 2 "i!
Men's shi es, 1 110 to 8 nil
liovs Bonis, 1 "o to 2 !)
Lathes' (Zaitcrs various kinds, 1 00 to g AO
Lathes' Heel and Morocco bootsf 1 g.i to " 00
Lathes' Buskins, 1 l0 to 1 SO
Ladies Slippers, Va to I iS
Women's Leather bonis, kip, 1 ltd to 1 2a
!.,,,.,;,;, Sa,ials .V Over'h.ies ?:. 1.1 H7
M,Sses-eather.ki,l sV Morocco boots BU to 1 25
Misses (iutn Over shoes
('hihlren's lioots, Shoes, i (.Sailers 37 to 73
The above goods will ail be warranted as ,
represented. I
All kinds of Men's. Boys I. a lies," Misses,' ;
and Children's B.tots, Shoes, and (iaiters made
to order, of the verv best material anil woik
inauship, anil warranted to ttive satisfaction.
Bi.eAiKi.NG pri'iupiiy alteiith .1 to. (Jive us a j
call. JAMlls SCOTT.
I have in their YAI1DS, on S mill Water
I street. Lewisbnig. a large assoriiiieni of
I.VMHF.U AM) COAL t'vr sale, cvinrriMUg
the tollowmg :
lOO.oou feel of dry pine Boards and Plank,
the hall'ol ihcm neatly two years drvinr, cuti
Matins of "-inch ctuumon P!anK',tnch coimnon
Hoards, --inch, inrh and inch l'amie!;
Weatherboard Poplar, Liiinbt-ards, and
Scantling ;
If iotiiis I.aih and Shingles ;
I0(i,.)(M. feet if rfrv Joist and Scantling;
3 000 sood sawed H nilork Rails.
SUA MUKI.X COAL of all sizes, of the!
very best article, weighed or measured to suit j
the purchaser. t
tt'AH ihe above articles will be sold very
J low fur Cash, or Exchanged tor country Pro- i
Thankful for past liberal patronage, we hope
to share a continuance and extension of the
same. i . v it: i. a jL.rui i .
I.eu-ishur?, Jan. 1,
Just rer'd by J. Ai. J.tV 4 I.I.N,
etnbracir.ff the utial hirce an I ue!l velt-ried
assortment id FA 1.1. AM) H7.V7'f.' flood.,
at fair rates. I'iease call and examine.
Lewisbura.Oct. lM
ggDook Bindery!
MiV. uli-cnber having rmttd the entire
Itook Hifiilm? eMablit-hment ol Wdiden
A Cornelius and added to it his uwn tools, is
now prepated to
Cook?, Maira.inc?, ramplih-ts, Music,
Catalogues, Xcw.-aKT.sA:c.
eiiher Full or Half-B.iund, in various kinds of
Li.atiikk it of Mi sli valid lined with Mai ble
Paper of d liferent figures.
Old liihles and other Books or Papers which
it is desired to preserve as inenioriaK in a
family, can he made more secure by ihe Hin
der; skill.
(rl Blank Bonks. Bibles, Hvmn and Praver
Books, Pocket Books, Albums, llianes, Vc,
I.'i: i -il wiiii ;oiI
in i3iiMe and uuraoie cnara iei.s, io on;cr.
MIIC I'OliTFOLIUS, Vc, made to suit
I v'A cood Bindery has Inn? been desired
in this viciniiv. and t therefore respectfully
solicit ihe public patronage, tru.tin? that my
experience and attention ttt biines will jrive
satKfaciion. I intend to charge moderate and
u in form prices, on the Live and Let Live"
principle and hope lo make it a permumnt
yVo(r ,7nr7 Sf'rf fioo?s tuhnt tn pit.
Rent an.l stock reijiiirini money.I cxjicct
V f.V DF.I.l F.H V of all work. ? -
Ilindery ill Heaver's wooden block. V Third
street, four doors from Market street. ii.ar the
Vhnmielr office. CH.VS J. STAI1L.
Lewisburg, April 1, 16.VJ
I IO Itihl RV
as a
TITHE subscriber respectfully takes lhismt
I lhod lo inform the cihztns of Lewisburg
and vicinily in eeneral.and the Ladies in par
nculai. that he has oponed a Ital.ciy iiinl
1 'oiili'Clionrry, on Market street, in Mr.
Beaver's Buildinn, where he will be ready to
supply all who mny favor him with a call
with the best of everyihioff in his line of bu
siness. I'.KKAl), CAKES and CONFIX'-;
TIONEUYon hand at all times. Bein a
practical Baker and Confectioner fir upwards
of twenty-live years.be leels confident lhat all
who favor him with a call or ftive hun a trial
shall not be disappointed. Weddings and ,
Parties supplied at tbe shortest notice, on the !
most reasonable terms. AU sorts of Orna-!
mental Work done tn order. j
BKEAI) delivered at Houses at all times
when de-ired. CHAHLKS HEINER.
Lewisbiirp, Oct. 7, INS7
"I EI.IEVES all pain and soreness in from
Jt-" HO minutes. .SVe am,th,r eoumn. j
Price .10 cts. per boitle only. Shipped to all
n v. Shtr,r..1 il
pans of the L". S. F jr sale by
J B.k-rll'o, Le.l.l.urr I M Cn-iiM t llaork.nnf X Rda
C W M-l.ntH.- io I W U Lin.lrnniuth. Butr. Iloirl
C I. Kou.h. New Hertia beaver, Morri. A Co, Winould
Ivi rronly, TurtleTill. I Vountrman a (V 4o
i B Dateaman. KrllrTp D II .Miller. .Milltinl.org
CDBOunffii Ai',lIartletD UarRa SI Steea do
In W.llrotrn't Arte Mnck, Marktl SI,
"38 (between Fifth t Siith.) LEWISHFBO, Pa
UT A ATT7U ff Jusiices and
JJJJil.Il lVr J Constables, for snle I
or printed to order, at the Chronicle Office I
'('IlROMCLE"CAl.i:M)A!l, 18j!.
! i "
crj !
:! , :.
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ail I
I i ,f.
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Dft. V. H. WITMCR,
i,f l.imr,i-l'r Cil'. (Jtr -J l'!iil,i.h .'',.)
Wlt-re It Ir 1
in ru r. -!tut j r.M tit-f f..r nmnft'-r
iir-. r. l hi- - In- lit Mi" l ''l'-:
V .ll.-t
ii. 1 1 14- t int-.l Mat.-.. I lifl rt-iif nti
tin- it) :!" iii'S-n-nt II"-; im'" l-r " V. r;.i y-iir-; a
i.Ut .f tl..- AiMitlii-ul M.-i.ciI In lit ut.- ot
k.a: 'I lute u urjct.n Hi lit- t N :H ":
,:j t- t,t i'h'iV t i:t.wl u : j-t '-Jfsn' tiot raft.
t ni-!;i-in alwiivf u Ii:iii-1 hrt lr. tii Hi-
A U-l I.:iti r:it"ti- in t!..- n-iiiitiy ini'i It" i't:oti-ul
l.nr lcim ! U.f 'T..I Nn .trnl mntu-oif i-r.-M ril..-.! r
r-"iiuiiilil. M.li.-in. u.-.l only in.h will t"t
lin-i.k it'.nii Hi- rdiiKlituln n. tut will n nc tin nj.t-
(.-. tr-.m nil inj.iri.-! it !. f-uti 1 tn-m mm.
ni'iiit-iii-. ( hrcmr nn.l -iiti.- tilt i1i.-j- mu-l If !r.-iit-i
iij-mii ansiUIi' jil .'i' Ii ( t i'"
n-rt-4;u i't ii-t ii-f j-. lift tciture itud i li:tra. ter n
.(Uirr a kn- wl.-.l.-.! tlif rl,rui.iil .-nii-t:t U.l.t ut .-vt-ry
M.li-I an! tluitl ..f III- I.tinnoi l-Iy-th- cluiuir-' tli.
M..il- aii-l I'mM nrcri.:i!.lc ! uiJ.l. r;'-ini. T kn-.w
wl.-.t ni.'li-oi.-- t" t-mi.ii.v to t ut.- .li-f:i.-t-- ri'iuiri-.-km.
.,-.Ji;i- hi i d. mu ni roiMitiifutt f alt tit
fiii:M.-l iu ninlii ini--, :(! if w nr.- in jut it-...n n
tin- kii.l.-ii:.-. it it .r-il.l.' t.-rurcany l;-. :.- no
unit, r tr how I" in- t-oi Ih-sIhikI I-tc lUv iiiaticiit in a
l.i -i.iliv aii l I'. i If Mv i no il t-oinliimn.
l -J :,' l.r.lv. -il. . rr:it-.!i. th.it .-ttf nf nliniilinn xnA
wt-itkii- ..lili.- tt, in. I. wht. h n-n.lrs . t!.iii- ii.'("th!.
.t . nj... my i in-1. iirt'!. or i rt- rniiitir t h- .luii.-f .-t - it
1-v-i; th..t .ii-lr.-.--iiij; .li-fjt not) ! il .1--r..v. r
of hfi.itli Mini h...-t.if tin l-ririinoii Mo- ''nii-iituli' n.
j.ti-f v.-Jirly c:trr tn ll h- tul to uLliun 1 i;ra5 r;iti
ui"-l t'i.ili:iti'--.ilv ! niri ii.
1:10.1 wui-m. in any ft.iui r mIitl-n. rhrotii'- r ac
rutv. aiuiit-il i-iiriil.;-: or t'llliiia i' k:o -'.
all -hron; -tn'.'M.ni .-f tni'ilc ii- :i- - r . ii-
v r.'tiii-v.il : r;.lt Hli. um, :iu.i-.-i v 01 sciij ri. h i-t
I i.-riitH'ti- : lil.-t- ninl MT'tfuhnis Ini-:." ". hi- h
l-.-.tll.-.l all jr.-iMiH ui.-:;-:.l fknl. r:-.ii tiur-l 'y my
tr.-joiii' iit, m ti-f 1 i lit- -on-':tuii'ii ! not iiaii-t''l
I tin r all tli'i-.-iSt'.1 iM', ' n uip(""i 1 rnii I' ru ri-1-CANLKU
IM. oh llh-N.O.
I will r.-nmin in mv ottitv on W i.litS'ljiys an-1 S;itnr
ilays, from !t 0VI0. -k " A. M.. to I. M . lo .. n nio 1 it.
I jil nil tsi iri-iii a li-(;Liirt'. ji ii-1 i-Miilllt ill th- tii.'!l-h
ioi,l li rm to lnv:u.ii:-: wiil make iMt- ti ni-vti-tiin-it
n ijiiin'.! : nuiv !. mi tn'Ml ty lir r, .itl I'ntice
t.. iii-ar jVuU'Hi liall, L.ium.-1'T -itv. l'i
7:.:1 W. 11. WITMoK.M D.
s;ry.(;, i .n co., pa. '
i.e wish
I.. IK IU(i:iVi:i:, I'l-uuriofor
' I JllS JlOIISe IS t lie larCSt and 1110t
a... . . . . .
A. spaeious in Lewisburg. and situated op
posite tne iourl House, on ine most eievateii
and plea-ant
part ol the town.
The propne-
tor. who has
recently purchased of the late
firm of Lawshe & Sel old. has spared neither
pains nor expense in relating and re-furnish-in
the House.
Ci'Tlease give him a call and juduefor
yourselves. July ' lHSs
Caldwell's riammcith Drug Store.
X tuiii I'lin- I'rtii;- m;ii M.-.ii ini wilt ciiv.- ninii. y hy
I 'lviiu l ut tl.. v w.tut Jit 1 Al.liVKl.I. Itiiji ."-top-. j
1 a 1. 1 w k 1. 1 as i i : n; s to h j : i s t i i k
I I'tat.il I't rtiiiiKTT. Kutrnrtn tr tli liiiiLlkcrthirt. Ir-'iu ,
l. ct- toJjil.tMi .ir txAtlr, w;trraiitttl l'h1. t.i'.l
-I i ity. Ki7t nu I kind, nileil ntnl iinrut.1.!. frnm ft t k to
1,-T n am. f.r -aV at lAl.lW K1.L hni-; Sl..re. j
I i L.Cf to t iiy I'aini.-". oiU.
I I'ii. I'liii'l. Ciiil. - tK-iii-rv. N.t-
I'utty. .l:i-n. Sa-h. 1'ine
, Ititifinit, I'mii'-c. Ai .. A I.
)o!n:oNNAii:s, itiisks,
V el I flip
t. r.
I'ot-ki t Kn..kti, ltii'.li!r.'iit Kin-t-.f-.r stitf v.
t'Al.l.tt 1 I.I.S Itrtii!
pirfl an 1 ritif aMtTtoipnt. 1 iltiHt nay yrv-, ut
T AIlKt iviiirniLor that CaMwolI
1 J
llin W orptf.l. I"los,Tlirfa.l. rrlr NVvdl.-ii
r-, It'tp. IttiiO iin, Ac, rtw-ajir tliau tliy
nlkril in I..wi-l iir:.
of pvorv kitul and
( Al.liWKI l'..s Urip St..re.
.in-. I..r .ale at
MKS. S. A. Allen's cck-liniteil Hair
lii-.-ti.ri-r and llair lre--in. Inr cale at
l AI.HV. Kl.l. s liruir stnr-.
" ,7"
liASKKTS. The liuest aud
id itu.ju-t n--. ir.-.l tit
'Al.liw KI.L .s Dm? si-re.
-Tl I.K :
o:in. Uosin Soap, and a
.. fttn-k of Tuili t aft.l Falter pna at
CA 1.1)1) Kl.l. s Uruu' Store.
HAIU Oils, l'omniles. &c, at
CAI.DW KL1. S Brui; Store.
7 I KLMDOLD'S lluclni lor sale at"
1 CALII)) KLI..S IlliiK store.
p. I.IIWKI.L keeps for Fal-; Ittizors.
ltt,iiv..Strt.iis, slituin Snai.s.ereauis antt llru-bt-l
ri.LI)VKI.L'S I'rujr Store is llio ih
J U tuir all kii.Js of laui-j Notions for What-.N,
NOW, ;
Ceutre Xal.le, lit.
IIOOKS ! Hooks ! ! at eity wholesale
) Tii-t'.",c-hiiier tliali tlo-y run I- f- UL'lit .invwli-re
i-i-r. a' t'AI.IWKI,l. lirujiSI- r.
1AL"LSKNrf (St'latino, for making
Jclti.-, Itlanc-Maitire. S'p. Iirnvie, Jtc. Ladies,
try it. lor l. ut CAI.I.U 1I.I. .S Urtlc Slore.
iALIV1:LL'S Jiul' Store i.s the
lnr- tobiiv thehe.-t mialitv if I'ort W ine. Lisbon
Hine. W hhkey. llrnn.lv. Jtr . for me.li. iti-il j.urt o-. i".
aflOll I.Kor nil ;nio'- i.nn r(l
A J Lier Oil. iul rwri.nl an.1 ft.r le at I
t'Al.PM V.U. S lime Jtojv.
"V OUW X HI'S Veratruin Virido. a !
X ni-ili.-itief.r Heart .liseas-anl Arteri.-n. H.rnm- !
men.l.'d by lbf iutiical facultv. Warm n ted eL fT j
lrl.y ('Al.hWKI.I.'S Urii- .store.
ArltnTN(; Inks. Fluids, .tc Ar-
T f not.r. e.-Iflirnli J 1 ritille I'lui'l. llilK-iiT'.. I.ip
riiKolt'.. Iti. kt. j ., Kiiliiit-itr.H k'. iii..l llo.er'. Ink., for
Mil- rlt...i. ut fA LOW 1 I.I.S lirtti: More.
(KJTll IJnishi's ofcverv stvleand
at ( AI.IH) KI.I. S Unit sr. re.
f) l'WKLL-S HruK Slore is the place j
V vliere.erv one enn he .iii'i'lit-it with n emlle.-K th-i
ri.-tv of arti.-ltf.. Com. .nil mLi. onr .t..i-tlon.. I7:,tl .
AT a meetins of the Hoard of Direc
tors of the Lewisbure, Centre &
Spruce Creek Railroad Company, a
Resolution was adopted, That in order to
defray ernense of survev. Si'SO he called in
l . . .. J . . . . .
on each share of stock subscribed on which
nothing has been paid, and uhere notes for 10
per cent, have been piven, one half of said
notes be now collected.
In pursuance thereof, I hereby give noticd
that payment is required within 30 days, ane
those neglecting lo pay will be proceeded
against according tn law.
i. F. MILLER. Treasurer.
Lewisbnrg.'PepU 9, 1859.
SALT ! ! We are clearing out the last of
lOOO Sacks at 31.25 for (iround Alan.
A deduction made to the trade.
Lewisbunr, Jan. S5, IHS'J
SArill and D00US,
Uuxns and Shcttlks.
Flooring, Siding,
Framing, tVe.
For iult- ut the Hart! ware Ptrr nf
I-wi.lmre, Ot 'i't
' rSJZZ? ' '"' 'miliTsi-ini'il have as-1
f'.ii!T!v:.-ocialei then) selves into coparl- ,
. . in ,,." ner.shtp tor Ine purpose ol rnrry
fc' -'-'"lti2 on the l.uinherin'j, I'laluit'.',
t and Carpenterui!! business in all theirvanous
Lianrhes, at the
t'cinsbtiri Stcnm planing iUilh,
t where they Intend to keep a sit ck of I'ttie,
: llemli.ek, 'Walnut, Cherry, I't p! 'r, .-h. Ma
ple, ami all kmiN of I. umber, Kioorin.' Miel
viti,', iiliii;. Shinnies, l.?th, Joi-ts. M'l Idin,
Keneing, 1'tekets, poi-r aotl Wii.tlt.w Frame-,
li.tor-, Miutttrs. ItlintK, ash, MttoldtitL'-,
Ilrackets, &e. I'laniii?, Slittin;, Se.roll Saw
in'. At:., done at short nuliee aiol ail work
warrai.teti 10 tjive saiislactiun, both in j nee
and woikuiansitip.
j J. p. i.iKFrnMti:i;FKi;,
maiitin .i!i:tsiti 11,
1 ; 1 : v i:i;s .amvu.vs.
1 I.wt.ttiirs rittttltia .Mills Airil I,
$:,)()() Wanted !
1 N pursuance of an net of the last l.ei!a
I lure of IViin-vIvHi:ja. the I in mi-M' tn rs
ol I'liH'ii coin. iv desire to ICoriit-iY i:ioi'v
t tbe above amount, 111 sums not lev-. th:in
N'.otl. the iniefst lo 1 e paid anmi.illv, and the
principal wubtrt thf-e v"ir. Iiojinre of
II. P. MIKLLKB. J aasurer.
Lewisburg, i'a-. May S, I.'-s.
William Jones,
TT01vM:Y at Law. rullr-rtiiins
1 1 prompllv atleiitied i. Otliceon Market
Mi'et, ojipoMLc the Pre-!'tTian chinch.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees. fTT
7j 'Ihe subscriber hns on hand a -plri.i.il
collection of both Krutt and Ornaiiiniial
TKKKS, Ac. Ac. emhracinir Itie verv he-t
varieties of Applet. Pe?rs. Peaches, Plums,
riicrnes. Apnrois, N'ec ari lesSi ;!pe,(ioose
herue Ka -.henries, l'i rriuts, Mrawbern:-
A ll
I.arce lf'r--e i)ptnut, Kurcpean Mountain
A-h, Atneriean Mountain Ah, Sti-zar Maple
or-treft p!anlin7. Cver-Moomins K"ve, and
a splendol rollcclion of llulbour and olhr
Klouerms Plants.
! i' Nnrverv (.rounds on ihe farmN f Ja's
F. Linn K-q- on the Turnpike, within half a
mile of l.ewisburj. AM orders will receive
strict attention, t s 'It mi invarinfilq ('ASH.
Lexvihnr?. July 7. lHfn.
iKew Arrangements---Kew Goods!
TOSEl'II I.. 1IAWN Iiavir.s taken the
.J well known SP YKEK HA T sTtHil.. has ;
wr Mill I
refitted it, and tilled in an enensive variety of
Jlat, Cups, O'fiitli nun's Clth!ntjt&v.
Also a lane and .splendid stock of Cl.oTHS
l'AS(i.MKRI,c, w hich he will muke up Iu
oriir,as he still continues the Tailoring Uusi
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his caie.lo the satilaction ut the
N. I). Cuttin; and Repairme n done lo
(infer. ll.ewisburjr, j pril III, 1S'i7
tllE subscriber is engaged in the manuf
acture of the
Latest Improved
IirXSF.CKKK Clover H jilers. hich he ofT-rs
at verv reasonable rates. There have been a
large number of these Hollers sold in this
neighborhood and county, and they Give good
satisfaction as the very best. Any person
wishing to purchase a good machine. w ill call
or apply by letter to
r. kv.kiiv.
Laurelton P O, L'nion Co, I'a
T0KTII 4th Street. The siittstriliei
L most respectfully informs the citizens id
Lewisbur? and vicinity, that he has on hand
and lor sale a cheap hit of I I KM I I IU:,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Dress in?!; ami Common llurcans, Sec-
retaries and Hook Cases, Center
Card and l'ier Tallies, I i II I II and j
IJl'Cakfast Tallies, Cllplioartls. Cot-
taire and other Uedstcadn, Standi,
' 1
Solan, and Chairs
of all kinds. COFFINS made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited to examine
his work. as he is sure that they will be satis
tied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, lH.'iG
James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LINN,
J s tlloriu'! at L:it,
574 ITnion Coanty. Penn'a.
Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers,
HUkok'M I'atcnt .llucliinrry.
ArK havccomplototl arranireinenU j
T T for making llrrx.ni llsnl!'S an.l Curtain Rollers
in a manner ami (-.Tfi-rtinn liitl-rto uii-itTnmanlr in the (
DiiinifMliin of thin article, an. I arr n .nr'.l tit nnly
ltrooui M-tkiTx. W inlw Sheiilf laiiuf:i-turt r and Mer ;
cliaDU wit Ii any .juanlit; of th-l at -lnrt noticf. j
Th.-y an- uni.lf of the lt I'aiiel MulT. atol in a fupe- !
rifr manner, on new niarhinery iieer b fore useil. !
We alM. uiaki, on Newly 1'att uteil Mnchtuery, lb best
H-Wn Jit-mh ami Hand bcrcics
that bate eer lu U ..re ihe public
Mjg UrJerf i.runjjrtly tiil. d. A-Mn
ItAmu.-Bt'B'i, P. CmlitH A:entot lb Kale Work.
1.1' WIS IMI.lll.lt,
t"? Office in the I'niveistty Building
Clot'kM.Vfalt li-
f, and Jeelry,
Also, particular ailention paid' to KE
piinvi r n i i
ev it
"'.. 'i .ill kiiiii..
I have also the agency for the sale of
ihe celebrated oul Oil I .
which will recommend themselves to ,
every one. Cill and see.
Sept.9.1N5s A E bEXORMAN DIK
IJL'RE and No. I Ground Pepper.
(Singer, Cinnamon, (AH-pice, Cloves.
American and English Mustard. ,
Cayenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace.
Sup. Carb. Soda, Saltpetre, Saleratus.
Caraway and Coriander Seed.
Sal Soda, Indigo.
Ashton Dairy and Gronnd Salt, Ac. .
For Sale at the Eagle Mills No. 241 and
116 North Front street, corner of New Phil
l-sT Purchasers will find it ereatly to their
interest both in quality and once to bnr ihes
goods, which are warranted as renrenented.or
forfeited. A trial is solicited. 77'Jyl
SCHOOL ORDERS neatly printed and for .
sale at Ihe Ckrmick flice
' V X X S V I. I' .1 M 1 A i i:
t '.1 a
1 KilAT KKIiUCTION in I'l'M'K.
X t ...! a:n km-.-i.Ih i .' Hi it.-i .til. IlKT.ttL I'UI-
tl..- t f 1 'ir .- w.i. J Vi l.f 1 j, .lit ttt uji l.llu. :
M .11 .-I I i: t ) IIINK f
Jil.l'lt-M.' :, 1' ., Il it I !-. 7.1
- I ! t. t 1 - l .f I
II . I . .-, Mt.lr.-miy crtt'.'k IVultu- -ti
?M til. w
I. II'.K V A
I ! -
1 ii- .1 1- . 1. r:
;. t. .1 W I.-
.ot: .-i- nt . t i-
ii :
1 v K
i. l. It., ntt. n !. I thelntr-
. t .rati, .- n.j
. I;
t tl III .-"
1 ii' f i - it mi-- I :i . t l.:.t ll- 11 tl 1
-..1 11 !, t 11 :t - in -.-- rail) r
i',IIH.. 1- c..-!.ilil: "fl' I.- l, .1 .1.1,
i. Iu-- :iirL :t.i- ii..-lriiu. i.t .-- .
i.-l l.i.hf-t t-
1 ( r.iv ! I Mir I
r it 1
. it t 1
: 1-
1 111
!i- tii.-! ji' si-h-itnfiv
, I- i : it. 1 l:.- 1i.i;.ii
i i. i:v I r..i..-!r'i''H- n
. r.iii.' Iii.'lit iit:-! It- 1 i
I il O-fM rfi OUT B
in I c n--ju-rit fri
l. n- -i i
ji in tt iu
.1 rrj ii
'2 I'.- uio li
etl r
f-. i -1 kil l i-l '.-ratita.
o. Itr lltU.-o!.-!! IIH'V
4 Tl-- --r. :.t :.r:.
I i..- ii -in I e
111. ill... Aii'l.
a. 1 l.f ; r- inimeiit
Per"i.s orderin
from tlie Central
height to pay In-m
t piirpc-t"1 to wl- '! ' '-'I ' r
Li i by uu 'thr u.- rhu;' 1.
ri it nrl M-RtiiiLiTi 'f (he w rk
; tl.ee celehraf-d Marluues
A eiicv, have ni.'y the
mi ILtrr:! ur? ; ru rhrirs f r
-la'-T will so. ,n vi.-. t Lewi.-
r- rr n: l-e-.iieN ai.d uU.ty.
r Mficli.ne- w n! pleai ;o!'!res
O UK KoK.H.trii-l nr.Pa
Market sin t, lu-xt ii'r t- Hr.-u n A
Kilter'- Store LIIttlMil KM, PA.
VJeA Er3nch Insurance Ccir.pary,
Y Lock IlavtnJ'a.JnMirc I et:ti Led
liiii.dms, S-ires. Men-hai..l:e, Farm
1'rt'pertv. at;,1 ther i,u,,d,tiL's. ar.it their e. n-tent-.
al no t!er;ite r:ttev. 1i.,i:.j I t, -mess i-:i
bolhL'a-h and .Mutual p'ans. (.'iipn.i:,-.;iit',tiliU.
H.tn John J Peatce
J. hu II lltiU
Chas A Mayer
( has Crt-t '
1'eter U.ekinson
II. n. ;. r.
r. t.
II,,, i ( Harvey
T T A I rains
I. J .lai-ktiian
! W White
I 'l'i.. s K.'ehen
H ai; i:v. i i. i. i. nt.
AMI.' MS, Vice l'res.
JAM Ks U. IIA.MI.I.N. Aent.
fi27 I.eu i-b:ir2, Fiiion Co. Fa.
HE subscriber con-
ttnues io carrv on the
I.l ITS' I5l!"illt'.! a
the Old Maiol on !niitl.
Third street, near Marie, and re-pecifu!!)
solicits the patronage ft bts fiiemis aiol th
public senerallv. CHAIil.ES K.HIS.
I.ewisbtirs. Mar 52, Ist.'ill
WII.iLESAI.E and K ETA 1 1.
Ihuj ami L'himiail l'ni"iium
M.truet i
trett - - l.ewisl.iir;:, I'a.
James B. Hamlin,
I V H'l'iCe on S.
dor snuth uf Market
ri in .VU
Ln. i n o. Pa.
Anir liai llt'lol!. ti t.Jl ,., I'j.
Tlii: !:!.t ril.er. Il:ai.kful
fur pat ptu iui-t. ut uM iiiiiTin j
his IrtentU and itie pnl-lie in sene-
nil, that be c, niiinit- t.t maiiiifac-
ture all kinds tt (1 l.tioils. such as ,
Cloth-. CasNimeres. Tueeu.-. I-utlllielt:.. Jt-ails. '
ICankt'ts and I'lanreS; also. I'arf-et and '
Stttckin i arns. lli n.a,-h:nerv 1 eirirt of the
best kind in u-e, aiol having eini i. ved the
I i I L . .,. ..."
lhat his wrl5 ,,1'.lll m he" surpassed bv
anyrstabli.-huirntin the country. A soi dsnp- I
ply of the above poods kepi constantly on hand
''hr,sralf "' "'' '- - r'-ces
Ihnt nn tint l.-i,l tn ii... 1)1)1. u-.tl hi.
, Carded tn the lest maitiierand on the shortet
j notice. Terms fi r eartliii-.', ca-h on tin. de- '
livervof the rolls. MARK IIALKI'U.NN Y.
Winlield Mills, March :!u. 18.Y7.
Ly U.-Ci'S-or to J . L. 1 1'tiRi: )
Matt hm;iK-r and Jt u dlrr,
Located two !-
t of tl. -I;, n.l ri et lUi,
TUJ ird hy
Mr V .l.r-Lt.ni.-lil Lil. 1-,.
1lo Ks, Watches, Ac, repaired on shott
n. lice and warranted to Hive satistaetion.
r? An excellent a-sorttnent of Watches.
Clocks ami Jewelry rn hand Ch'ap fur t ;...
(ill.T FRAMES of all sizes made lo order.
Lewi-burs:. April '-1H. Is.'is
LEW IMS I 'Kli, ls,x Co., Ta.
H.U. lli:rzi:i,, lioniclor.
Mils house is located in the verv center of
the busn e :- portion of the lotin.and the
i nly Hotel in M nket Siuarr. It is l v idds
the largest and most spaeious in Lewisl-urir,
and is kepi in the cleanest and best posible
manner. The KDOMS are lame and aiiy
liF.Ds neat aixl clean. The 7 .1 HI.E is spread
with every luxury the season affords. The
II AH is furnished with pure unadulterated
lnuors boii.-hl by the I'ropneti r out of the
Custom House in Philad. The STABLE and
Hostler will recommend themselves.
The Proprietor, having gone to a great
expense in rt-titung and furnishing his house
employing at large cost a lir.-t-rate Cook
and other servants who are attentive and
obliging hopes by iiiiremi'ttng attention on
h:s part to receive a shaieol ihe public patro
nage. The public will please accept the sin
cere thanks of the Proprietor fi r the very
generous patronage he has received during
the four month- he has lived in Lewisluig.
Riviere House, Aug. 211, 1h."s ;
a ii l Jcnrler,
"4 Third door below Filth
i.1 and Market street-.
Would respectful!? inform the rubhe that he
has on hand a line assortment of tioiil and
filver Lever and Lepine Watches a Rood
stock of (iold.Caineo and Masonic Creastpins
01 me latest s:yie .ol,l aiol Cameo Earrings
Ac, m hirh-he intends to sell verv cheap al-o
a spienoni as-nr:rnrnt 01 l.ight-Ll.iv and l hirty
HourCLOCANanilTime pieces. Every arucle
warranied to be what ,1 ,s0,l for.
Tk...., Mi.-.., .
rins and Cleaning of Clocks. Wale he. and
- . ulc w in i,c uihen in lirnai
Jewelry, and everything warranted U give,
pive hi in some irotil.ie to -h
aud Jewelry July 21, 185S
saiisiaruon. i iea-e make nun a call, antt
ow bis W atcaes
boxing. An op
tm r lo show i
h. ' I erstins wi.-ltTl'J
I Hill !.)
t jTpr
a mw nor.K nut ai.knth.
j Tlie Life, Spoccbca and Memorials of
4n km Lire b Tmti
BY 8AtKL 31. SMI ' KKK, A H.
TUIJ t.h n.li-t work i"int i-uMi-hi,ir. rn tr M
uui" of .V.0 pair. It tr .titiUi .,B tUf. .
trxtion- of ho liirthi-la'e afi'i lani-n at Mar.b.
iu.i ..-,.., ."e-..-e, . . . .. ir.,t lUr bUi
r wlVrr. it w.ih rotitJ-l-n' e to thi An.rr publir
i, (..!.-. that It .aply at, m,Uit ',U;
Am- ri ri l.lerator. .No w.rk u, U .,i l410d '
t f.,r.-. mf.yh TrB. iil.-J iHiina..1ffl(lS.tlhl)f,DT
hi- iii'i.-t r.-oiarkahl lutrllrr-tul fT.rT-, aril tuC'
n.l.l.. .! ir: Irre tii.tr mUl- t.lrh .
.til.- n.t.fi uttrf (1 in ti'.oor ..f bi tn at- r 1
t.. irt-Miti.l ihr-e tr-itur. in ti. i" :,ini
ferr iii-oi'-.a:- i-r.fe, kn i in a Trv
.-.jl -r-r IJjfi. II T:f, la llolb, 1,7J ; bttljile-Uicj e&.
' Sr.
t-.l I. -ill-, r. -..-". '
work, w:
1 1 -ii -J- lr ftii:
J'l ANK 1-t Ll.-i. I'j
l.'. ..juth Thirl .-ti.rt. I i.,..i.
nianutaci:rri 1 i
Plana crlrs
l:JOi Che-ii s,.
j iiii.'i urn 1
I t
I V onsiaiitly on hant! a -t. ...;. -,f
limut fitl an I ti"waVi iii-tri)ii.er1:s1t;:,,.t.i
in every variety ol Mvte, at ;r:rev rais-.
Il(,m 1 1 5 to f !IM'. We have iUar ."
:'H lii.lll aitil .v.Vi-er Flt't f In; y.i 41 ..
tl.llerent Elhlbl j' tis ill t!,:- r, ,.,i:n 2,; J;..
rope lor soperii-r iiir.tii,---ie.
dt-(runt t the elr?v at.d vn.ii
nin-;. I v L'Iu-irate'i ot--cri-jt.'. r r
sent to any address l4
1 !-.
nil. i:mkiim.i:,
. Manutacturer. Iinponer and Ilra'tr i
Ac- Be.n; in a bye-street, under vr ; j-.i
esj'f-n-es, this IL ue ba been rt.hli
p'jtriv vrdr- to n.uiiitain ihe reptj'a .. u . :
the HrPEsT in ihe T'ltv.
l 'i Wdrfotie A. t'.t trntrf rrr
sHcoi.d door above fhesinnt Mr
lerrv i- the tirt street vrst of
liJiLALLLPHlA :in,;:
i'Hll.Al't I.I'HIA.
Ktl .1TID TO l.l Vfc Klf-FI.T ' 71 - J1 ItTI' T. T. Ti' f
HOI. Lt hU t SJLl:
A,dur AytHt ar lr,.l9 a-t',w,fl ' w :.' tsf
Jjtliin 'J it tit iur j--ne
A. VAN IIAA'.K.N I . in? a mrtiral S. r ;!
ii - f r Tii.- m-t ii.i t-nrt at r- i.t t u.- i
I enii ei t. u j, u .,t,. t. ti-.i tin- iir' i nijr ::
ru i)- 1. -w !Vr :t tn tri- ut. f- i t- 1 1,
w.ii a- TIIU . I.Al.oU ait.i 1..V. H- :
it -1 ..ii M i 1 uj-f-ii iir- ( u B.-rit-. A'l - -.-k .- T. : t
it x tur trial. ati'I u.-t- it art.r.iin o- r .f' 't,
. ti 11I1I lit ;;i h X. ftll'l it it tli.r ni t CIX li.ii '..L
ti-u tl. ni"i- Lr rrluuii-!.
Aui- Hi. ilif iimnr .vitmit.!.'' jt OTt-r r:t-r
l . tl." h'l IU DMT he OUl-l :
1. t i. t ti- i.t-. 4 o' .iliii,. atitl fr; li:t r-'.'.zt
(ui' -t arti'-l" r.i.r.i- 1
.. tuif i' uii'1 will c a" far. f' r ar.y nw. m:-
ft un :- of Ci Biai'tn r-.-iu .-oaj.. or t.-j-.aiia- I-
ly ,
It rr.joirt- 1 th:.n rnh:tlf ih titular, 1 -t
to iit lh wa.-biii f.t r;tin:iv. that it rju:rs tt;
U -t fiimiiv ;.. l 1 v-w.tTHti.Uil ni t tc ir.jurt U.
4. F"r rl. an n: !. in r r oK-tinr 'irmf, Tr i:i
tint, r'n Ink. it 1- im-uri.:i-.-M M;i tnui-'t-, l'r:r.'
nil. I r.nt.ttr mil t il l it an ii.aiu:ilf situ !t- '. r
Ut- hauJ-1, a. it j. r. u t chai, tut gr-aUy :'ix- :u
.. Tli" mij rkritr ff th niat-rii uffl. ar j ti- p
v-Tt.iiivM, ,m i x f . r m k Li l. i- o, 1 ? a. ;
any .ilh.-r k .. ta M a-h in; .. p. an. I t;r .. n: r- j t
1 4--1 a,t:ii,t. J tor wlntr am i r- 1. tf-l '!..:. t.j -
t -.mr.ri.- an.i ljc, and u V AHKAMtU N T I" 11
r'or 'If at all T-ptaMe firwn st r- ;n lL cJ
'1 SmU'Ii hfll,
?m7T5 Bf twefa Markut uiJCha-rtiibt M .1 i
Paper, 1'iiutt-i-k' laid, aud Ii-
.o. Hi.), fon;n;crte St., PLi!aiIr!jl::i.
Iw Cash buyers will hn.l it for their ir.:t
I,, call I'hilad. Jan I. !-."!. y
HATS, CAPS, and STRAW (,uI",
No. 46 north Third street,
Iwtwern Market and Arrb.
t- i'nn.APH.nia.
wim iui i:it & t o.
Patent SLouIiJit Steam Shirt Jlani'j.
o.fOI 4 lift! nut Kt. IMillad.
OPPO.MTK Ihe Washington House-'
WINCHESTER will give,as here:, : .
Ins personal supervision of the Cuturi:)
Maiiulaeiiirmg departments. Order- t, r :,
celebrated styles of Shirts and Collars ?.
ihe shortest notice.
IVr-ons desiring to order Shirts, ea-.
supplied with the lorninla for measures?.-1
application by mail.
Constantly on hand a varied and sel.c;
uf (ieiitletiien's Furnishmi tioi .is.
I ; Wholesale Orders supplied in
terms lyi.Vi
American Lite Insurance & TrL-i u-.
(Capi'al stiwrk .'i0ti,ioo)
; cr
ANY'.- Buildings. Walt ii -T-f
rner el r ourth 7iiu..'
LV Lives insured at ihe n-n o M.-ca'r'
or at Joint Mi rk rates about Si' ; it i't '
or at Total Abstinence ra'es the ..ar- 't. st
world. A. W HlLI.Ul.Y 1'ies.iti:
Juuji C. Sims. Sec.
717 liEO. F. MILLER. Ai'nt. I es
litaivt &i S.iiiVi);) flu's' i'.'!)';'i',
a.w. cor. sii-osd asp walsct ?t-. ittin
apii.il si.-j.-o.ini''-
Assets f l(,t,151 13, invested n "
gages and other good secutit-e.
VRE Vor INM RED Ali.MNf'l' l'
BY FIRE 1 There are I ut l. '
leteive sj mpathy whe incur li-s by nrc
this most ntctury and ..urts.'t.w'i. r"t-:-
We olten see it announced that i t r-i ti-.'
lost their -looks of (lout- and Fuitt.tt"" -1
re.-u.is of years of industry swept ti" '"'
by the devouring element erer ulmli
have no control but by being tn-ute l.
Insurance protects you In m the it f' r-:
negligence of servants and la ea-ua--'"
your to ijlil.tra. It will inioart ei-utiilt D,-.- ..- " l" 't
't.-ra. aiol -ir a rharat l. I ui pruj.lii. al.il 1 f"1111- '
all Jour 1-u.i.im. tmnnai-tiou.. .
It re,iiii.. t.ut a tery tmall $m to ir-.iee r
T.itk-iot- troui flue to f lm.. an.l el 1 ..w n'-t' ,h'r' -
So lia. e Mo ui.urani-e ukb .,i-;.d..
Iltioici lat.: If oar Stock 1. .mail,
ill tt. I.
lit I. seriaua.
Tin. I'.mnmT in-nre. RIIT ; A t:S. MH
lL,tliVl'S. t't HMII h t.JIM I at.-"-"'
From ldO to .,",( 'pi.
at the lx.w-t hnl, . and upon the Bi..t 1. h. rai f
and l'aoau-T falHvST on the ad.iu.!iu.al al Li
ll.n Tho B Ftor.nct I J.m., K N- all I r tar K I'' T.j
lin. 11 Arm.troiiir I'lta . I'toeev 1 . .n1 1 'j'' ,1
'li. A.Kul'ineaBi I 1'h Maudvibrld t-aai- LeirD.J
tiro. Ilriatl-.t.l I
Uraeral Susarint.n.lent JOHN Til""1-'--" ,
TIli.S B ll.,il.Dlt,l'",J'
lliW'D S. UKt.Mlt.tl l. frrrrlarr.
J. . MERRILL I INN.A:'n.u T.
7 LEWIsBFKU.rnwn,
t r,,- .a p.,ttiEf.
Engraving and Seal CLIIIE5
CY all kinds, at 20 1, t IlCMlUt m
'II ,,,,.,. ' ' , l'Afcl,f
. JI111..11. a isiiing an-.i o1"1 . r
s.orporauoo anu umer jr..v...'i"
in our line of business, promptly artet""
in goo4 style, and on reasonao.e -
dcrs from City and Country soliri:."-
s. 11. FLLTON. I W.l..-"--