1 3 i 1:1 r .1 I I:' I I n i ! .1 .11 : it 5V I I ,f I 1 rmisburq (Lljrnnirlf . . O. M. WOZ.DLN it J. R. CORNELIUS. u -lth. ..n ihr ( h-Ii MMftii. lit the lre-t and Ut irruUti"u ola.nr Nfw-.f.r tu I'niuii County. FrcHoa.na.ional; " Slavery, sedu)nal! STATE CONVENTION. al coum.es ,.f ,h Commonwealth attached .o (I.e Pcop'e's parly, and all others who are op posed ii. the unwise snd extravagant meas ures of (he National Adimnisiratioii, are re quested lo send deiegaies, equal in number to tlie.r representation tu IlieC.eneral Assembly, lo a Convention lo be hel I a. Htaiiai n o WansRsnav the Hra or Jcr. I59, to nomi nate candtdd.es for Audi.or tiencral and Pur veyor tieneral, to he voted fur at the General Election in next October. HENKY M. FI LLER, Chairman. Ww. B. Miiv, S'Crrtury. New England, Purified.' Not one Pro-Slater Maa In either braurfe oft'img' nss la an) if thr sl K4Irra siairs. RHODE ISLAND IS ERECT ! There arc no hanttier. more nrosne' rous, better educated, mure refined, or truer model republics iu the wide world than those commonly called j fcSrThe Sickles Jury having been "New England." Take out the hun-j made up on Wednesday oflast week, drcds of paid pensioners of the Gon-i tlic trial proceeded (the prosecution rral Government, and their dupes, the ' confining itself to the one fact of the thousands of ignorant Irish and other , killing of Key by Sickles) and closed foreigners who have of late years col-! on Fridav. Saturday and Monday, lected in their towns, the Free Trade Jir. Graham, for the defence, made Slavery power could make no more ! an elaborate opening speech, arguing fIiow in New England than the Tories I that the offence of Key was both ae did in the Involution. Vermont and cording to Scripture and Shakspearc Khodc Island have the least of this j worthy of death ; referred to nu foreign element, and arc the staunch-. mer0us precedents where men had cat Republican Slates. The Election sain the seducer of sisters and others in the latter State, on Wednesday of:anjwcle acquitted, and that the be- lasi ween, re.-uncu in me cnoice oi Samuel G. Tukxeu, Governor. j culpable ; arguing also that the trans J.o B.lAiiTLETT,Secretary of State. ! port of rage into which Sickles was Jas B. Kimball, Attorney General, j thrown was sufficient to make the Xo choice for the other State Officers, case at worst a man-slaughter only. theOpposiiiou having twocandidatcs, but as the Legislature (winch will elect) is overwhelmingly Anti-Administration, there will be no loss there ! The choice for Congressman in the Eastern I'istrict was eulivetied by having two candidates on the right, side. The vote stands Itomxsox 0,717 1 Davis Arnold, Lemoerat fi.219 1,522 Rep. rut'j. only 4.0S7 In the Western listrict, there was not much of a contest. The vote Etood Brayton-, Rep. 2 !H( Anthony, Iem. 700 Only a maj. of ALL HAIL, RHODE 2:2ll) ISLAND ! the first Republic on earth which in nugurated as a rnixcii-i.E oi ''iivern w , ... , ' . . Innnl lirt iT.tTnlli.ni.l.iiii ..r i..ili..,.ti , , " not as a "toleration, but as a God- , - i- !, -i. f it if ' i ' t i i ? " , ",,.t .' ;,,;,' I- ; ii'ia crnrtn.1 tint lii--r I iltm Minnlini. ; "- ivi) in i.ie: i u.ieu staler'. T?...r.-u;i!; -i ..rv, i. '-'"d ; tniel Greene! of Oliver Hazard Perry! of William Ellcry Channing! of Revolutionary renown, and of sterling men. Small . . . . . . , . Elic is in territory, yet a mighty heart animates her, and her influence and her example are felt wherever true Republicanism ami soul-liberty ex tend. In the words of Clarke 'Mid rock. aiH .nd?. With r-" "fcullur-d .rth, HIknJc l-ltid rtau.lfi, l'roud olttvr vf birtb. &b motlior of m mc Oftunl IM.b. Dd dktictitirs, At the wifrly aail tli luuily place Tb DUnrrj, sud ou Ui WAtera. Happy Rhod1pUnd: hail, nil to th. dauhtrrfi' charms! Tlirir cradlr and th.ir toNkin pall. Tbf .illasn bpii.lcivd with crren farm.. Thy hilc M ir. uit,tiiK thfui:ht ahnc, Thy mi: ot b mot, aod sii.f r atrvama. Thy aidlh ot oiuid and warmth or nart All all that rtrattwrn wand lore. That brighlru on thfir lonely drrams Wheu thry and tiie are d( mnl to part t This Election completes the WEEPING OCT Of XCW England drives the last nail into the coffin of Loco-! locoism, mere leaves not one out oi her 12 Senators and 35 Congressmen ! II .11 a.I V.IIO 1 HOI 111 lUOr OI Free Soil and Free Labor 1 So let the Ball of Freedom roll on, until the Whole North is relieved from the dis-! grace of being misrepresented by tra itors ana uouguiaces. It is to be regretted that our party is becoming so strong in New England that they can so often afford to run double setts of candidates, for the habit may work mischief in future. Firm. rITep l-t ua h Ilallyins 'round our Liberty T FROM 1IAKMSBUBG. The supplement to the Lewisburg Building Association act is signed by the Governor. The divorce application of Mrs. Fry, met a most decided defeat only 8 voting for it in the House. Seven other applications in the House for a ) carriages, tools, and patterns. The fire divorce, were defeated. I originated on the second floor from stove- The Qui n n case, to remove the ! pipe venue from Union to Northumberland j Paving. A verdict of $1,250 has been county, came up and passed the House ' obtained against W. C. Bralcy, of Erie, and second reading iu Senate. Pa , for the destruction of the Cunttitution A bill passed House (and we gup-! pose Senate) to confirm the late clec lion in Union Tp., Union Co., and to fix the place of holding the same. A bill passed requiring road super visors and poor overseers in Nor thumberland county to give security. The Legislature probably adjourned yesterday making a session of 100 days, for which they voted themselves 8700 bciug$7 per day aud the ex tras. Bob Tyler has already called to gether his Committee, in whose name he has published a long Address beg .'iiig the dear Democracy to avoid the Free State Convention as they would "the poison of the stiletto of lhe assassin!" It is a pathetic, rhe torical affair, and foreshadows a great many good things before election. -vi i j ire is a large aller.a- j -r TPpii-at Ji-j to the Democratic State , . .i rm , . The use of 3 been gran FROM WASHING TOX. "J. B." is wondering and vexed , ASfX against him yet, and can not under stand why the people think uiltercni- b' r'm "in'Sflf and the Government Tin! first election return for a Con vention in Kansas, although it in cludes only Leavenworth, looks as was determined to though Kansas enmc in as Oregon did with less than 03.00(1 population. Lord Lyons, the new Brili?h Min ister, has arrived and been cordially received by our Government at Wash ington. It is thought O. Barrett of Harris- l,m-g n,)t a 1'riiiter by trade will lie :itniiiiiiteil Siitierintendcnt of the U. S. riintillg, in place of Geo. V. Bowman, who has resigned to take charire of the "Constitution the! '-' i , .i ' e; ni'W paper lounoeu upon mo rums oi i the "L'nion"(which coucern J.B.& Co. j recently purchased.) traver of the wife was One much more 1 The first witness called, to rebut any presumptions of malice, testified to J. . i f i i e !.' .... tue long coiitiiiiieu irieuusuip oi ivey and Sickles, and that the former dined at the house of the latter only the week before the homicide. Robert J. Walker, a servant girl of Sickles, anil others, tcstiticd to tlic agony, llie wailings of despair amounting almost to period phreuzv, which Sickles ex- liil.itod .Ini in.r li.n lialf dav tireccu - ing his fatal assault. An attempt to j introduce Mrs. Sickles written con fession of her guilt, was undecided before the Court at our latest advices. Thecase will probably occupy another week. News Jicms from (Dtl)rr Comities. Tbe next Pennsylvania State Fair is to be held on the l'owelton Grounds, at I'bil a lelpliia. Messrs. D. Taggart and A. O. Heister, l'resident and Secretary of the e :.. li.:l...l..tt.:. .!.:.. .oc.eiy, a.c uuw ill J uiiauc.pu.a, tuaaiuL; J o j the ncces.ary arrangements. c , , . , . t . . Eludkn I'eath. A fw evenings ago ; a raiiroad engiueer, namrd Lord, was at a ! " h-, ,'a., when a fight ... occurred, in the course of which be was struck upon the head. He then ran off, aU(j eoutu.ued running until he fell from e exhaustion, aud died iu a few minutes. Bellefonie papers speak of large con jii - iuioacu iiiiciuat iiitoiovcu.eiiis 1111-11;. : anj Bt iiiesiUrC. Mesnrs. Valentines ! ten.platcd internal improvements there have erected at tbeir forge the Grst steam engine whose screech has been heard in that poriion of Centre county. Tbe erec tion of a niaiket house is strongly urged in Bcllefonte. They ex pee t the Lock Haven & Tyrone Railway fiuisbed in July. The dwelling of David Yon, of Freedom township, Biair county, with all its con tents, was destroyed by fire on Thursday last. Mr. Y. and bis family barely es caped with their lives. Tbe fire was the result of a defective stove pipe. Mr. Peter Gray, residing near Muney, received a severe injury to one of bis eyes, a few days since. While chopping wood a piece of pine knot flew from tbe tin and atrnelr tliA pvf with fiueh forep. ' .d infliete,! so mneh of a wound. tli:.t it is feared the sight has been destroyed. Twenty-four rafts escaped over the dam ; at Lock Haven, during a recent freshet, ,J ,, .l,l ,..ttJ That hint. , n i.,rr,-. rek .a. .n..,..-.ii. ... water on Larry's Creek was unusually se- ! t torj ir ita a.fT.pla itarn intt ilunn bridoes. and lare'ouar.titii of timber ' Q ' C "1 The receipts of the Cattawissa Road are on the increase. The net returns for Feb ruary last were $19,685 52, which is i ?2,023 38 more than for February, 1858. Christopher Campbell has a specimen of iron ore found ou bis farm in Rush town ship, about five miles from Danville. It is said to be a rich article, and the depos it is quite extensive. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided that the legal signification of tbe term " orphan' is a child who has no father. On Tuesday fortnight, a fire con sumed the carriage manufactory ofSamuel tickles, in cunbury, and with it some newspaper oHice during tbe "railroad war" at that place in the Spring of 1856. In tbe Presbyterian Church of Middle Spring, Pa., on Sabbatb,A.NDREW Fbazer, Esq., one of our most venerable and esteem ed church members breathed his Iast,sitting in his own pew, with his eye upon bis pastor. From perfect health his spirit fled in almost the twinkling of an eye. This morning onr rural friends demand ed three and four shillings for butter, and many pcrsous were glad to obtain supplies at tbe latter price. IlarruburjTtlnjrojih, Glh int. A young fellow who was confined in limbo at Bcllefonte lately proposed to set tle his little difficulty by marryiog his frail damsel, and tbe parties forthwith re paired to the Catholic church, but on bea ring that be was to love, honor, cherish, protect, c, her only, drew iu bis boms ana answered "in, sir, not with my consent not guilty ;" and went back into ; the cmtv of the sheriff. J Convention, to morrow. of .i.e iio.. ted to the Convention. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE (J.n. Alain Diller, m v.tiru nt tie war! of 1812, -lied at hit residence id I'dilatM f.bia, on Saturday, a'd sixty years. Ik was A ljuiaut General of thu State f..r many years, and held the p"st of store keeper at tba Sivy Vatd for five years. ''Harris' Purlt," to contain about one ere of grouud surrouuding tbe grave of John Harris, is shortly to bu enclosed ioo liarrisburg. A goose a few day. stnee, a tempted to i Ccr the barn of Robert 1'ollnck, of fly over ferry lownM.tp i.unon county, , .., when the wind drove it upou the Iiit - i n'"K "'h penetrated its neck and killed it luslantly. The Chambersburg Valley Spirit says Forney has i'.id his in.iii ifet o to his asnciate "cut-tbmata" to assemble at Ilar rikburg on the lo;h. democrats are get liug q'lite complimentary to carl, other. The artesian well of Mr. I.surr, in H''a- ! ding, J'a., has reached tbe depth of 500 I feet. The rock reuctrati d U still lime- stom-, mixed wi'h horn blende, carbonate' j of luue, aud a tr.fle of sulphur. itichard Sucath notifiVs the puhlio that . .. . . , . , , -r , ( be will pay no debts ot tits elupeu wiie s j contracting. Ihe phnleysburg Herald says 'his avowal may De i.i piieiny reutu ; On Friday of last wceK, the Darn oi on j his aversion, to paying debts being so w.il)w Watt, in West J'erry township, strong as to disincline him lo pay tuone , t!ujjt.r couuiy, and a atable near llicb even ot bis own contracting." i ne.d, were euiirely consumed by fire. It In Union Tp., Mifflin Co., a con of Jon- is supposed to have beeu the work of au athan K. Zok, aged years, got hold iusaue man, who was accordingly coiumit of s me raisbane that had been laid away ted to the Snyder county jail, as its mother thought carefully, and ate Dauiel Webster, alias Daogerlicld, who enough 10 cause its death. j was so brutally hurried away from Harris- A child of Gil. Ilogle, of Lewistown, ! burf " charge of being a slave, was freed, aged about three or four years, was fatally e"u 'J fcl"e tumu..Ps.,.uer-a sure btrut on Friday evening last, b, its U f ; 'P""0' .reuw ,'a clothes taking fire while plaj ing about the ; lu'"es' ak,cn b,a d" stove. It survived its i. juries but a few ! ae. nJ ,nleh, n'1 ftlie "? hour,, during which it presented a heart- ! ho sunuunded the place of examination rending spectacle and ty its p.teous cries ; for "water" drew tears from tuauy eyts. A lad named Edward Weaver, died at IJarr.aburg, ou Ibursday evemog l.c-t, oi hydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog about bine weeks ago. The Tclnjruph describes the lad's fullering as iuteuse. A sn of Uriah Kline of Derry town ship, M ill n couu'y, while pUyiug with a dog on Sunday last, inadvertcuily made motion with his hand towards another , who wai present; the savage animal flew j at tue ooy, aoa seizing unu near me eye 1 tore the flesh down his nose. lie will j probably survive bis injuries, but retain : the marks of the brute tit life. FlltK. A fire occurred in Belli fonte,on Thursday evening, which entirely destroy ed the law office of James M'Mauus, Esq I he roof of the i (!"; to .k lire ly sparks from au adjoining chimney. The office contaiued an ei.cu;iie library and many j valualile papers, most of which were saved by the efforts of our citizens. Tlio wind j t.;..i, . .i. tU !,.,.. ..r Messrs. ilson, turtio, M .'Iauus and j Green, took fire by sparks blown from ', Ihe burning building, but fortunately ; the flames were extinguished before much injury was done, except to tbe house ot , Mr. Wilson, which wat considerably dam- i aged by the fire, and mora by the water and mu.l carried iu by the excited crowd Vc have been at fires before, but never did we sec so much gnod sonse aud cour- i age displayed by the fair sex ; instead of 1 running, screaming, and wriugiug their hands as is generally the case, those be-; longing to the burning and endangered buildings behaved perfectly well, and e I J i a'ued whenever opportunity afforded in 1 rn -.. I i n re f ha -rr-i rr., u uf t nn fl riiaa Wa did not learn theamount of the loss bus- . Th,e "?Pub!ic:,n Association of Wheel laincd by Mr. McManus. Dtmnrat. j m ,r8,u' DI!'e the next National Le- publican Convention to meet there. At a horse sale in Perry county, a kick- - ing mare brought tbe lowest price, .$('!, '25 Guod horses were sold from 72 to A man named F.nnielc was stabbed in a drunken spree at Duucannon, Perry county, last week, by another named McMurray, and died on the following day. t an. . , ..: James M Corm.ek, a fireman on the , "l.iazir.g Mar engine, was struck by a , plug of a water tauk near Harrisburg last week, and killed. On 1 ucsday, the 1'Jth nit., the public house of A. P. Parris, at tho Forks of; at LEU'IwiIUIU!. for the county of U.MlIN, Pine Creek, in Cummings township, was ! " "he THIRD MONDAY of MAY" (being the entirely consumed by fire, together with a ,c'.h da ) 1H5;,."d to continue one week, large amount of furniture, provisions, ic. 'her;if''re1,hereby l Vr- ,," i -t i oner. Justices ol the leace and Constables in The flames soon comiuunieated with the ; anll f(ir lhe county of Union, to appear in their residence and store room of Mr. James S. j own proper persons with their records, inqui Harris, which were also rapidly destroved. j sitions, examinations and other remembrances The whole property was insured to the I ,..., r ,J ,k4 jii... ; ,1,. i V.t ll. ('..a.'..'., r b ! .. ""'i'-"ji-- .sm Haven. Ihe total damage is estimated i at about seven thousand dollars. Hon. William II. Seward, was recently on a visit to Harrisburg, and dined with Senator Cameron and several members of the Legislature. He, also, visited both i Houses of the Legislature, and was very I l:M.. :.. it- : :. vU.u..i,j i.. - an. .is.i was oue eu- tirely of a social character. Rev. E. A. Sharretts, late Pattor of the Evan. Luth. Church of Bloomshurg, has resigned his charge and moved on a Farm in Mount Pleasant. His failing health seemed to make this change desirable. He will be succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Dinitn, of Aaronsburg, Centre county. Abeut twenty of the Democratic rapers i u.... i i r i. i, i n Pennsylvania openly defend Gov. Pack- er from the assaults of tbe Buchanan s office-holder's convention. A young man of Selinsffrove. was ar rested on Tuesday night of last week, fori committing an assault and battery on one , or the policemen, lie bad a bearing be fore Burgess Coluber, and held to bail in the turn of $200 for his appearance at Court. The Episcopal Chapel in Bloomshurg was struck by lightning during tbe heavy thunder shower on Monday eveuiug, 11th inst. Tbe damage was slight. The Storehouse of Messrs. B. k. F. J. Schoch, of Seliusgrove, was entered on Wednesday night a week, and about fifty pounds of bacon extracted therefrom. On Friday of last week, a son of Napo leon Brosious, of Perry township, Snyder Co., aged about 9 years, whilst playing in a tan yard, fell into a vat and was drowned. A Lancaster paper says there were 1300 carriages came in from the eonntry to the city on the great money market day 1st of April and estimates that the exchange, of sb made there on that j3. am0unfcd to Ouc Million of Dollars. & WEST BKATCCII Tbe eoursj parsuod by tbo l.xturo UOIUUIIltCe UI IUtJ 1 nuug .'iuu s i.unanjn Association of Blu misburg, we think id a commendable oue that of mainlj relying upuu Home talent. It nut only tends tu Iriu out and develop talents and abili ties that were uukuowu tu exist, but it se cures Lccluies, iu nine cases out uf ten, much mora prac-iieul than is heard fruui u.eu "with a n puiatiou." a i ..... i :.. r...a. fcft a of eijWrtill AuJ jf -u , f0 wjln l ' , , ,..hi., their n.iiied " -"D ' length would be leu Miles 1 lies Cluster AVymWiVo-w. Thai's undeniably a large family of Miletus! Istxmon O-urier. Attorney General Kuox, iu reply to a note Iri'iu the Auditor General of the State, has decided that Tcudera of mer chandise must take out a license, whether their auuual salts aiuouut to a thousand dollars or otherwise. A uiuu named Chase has undertaken to establish iiuchaoau paper iu liradfurd 'county. lie will have bard sledding, as a doz;u predecessors did who failed. .... . , j, .. . : inc uarrisuurg ouou .u.a is aga.u m . operation. urn ou .- n P--T"- kss a slave, and has gone to Canada. Oth-r-t :il.o h:.vo left Harribur" and it is rumored that other colored persons in II irrishurg have been, stolen aud sjU in to Slavery. lion. John C. Knox is denounced as a 'Hlaek lt.'publican" by the Buchanan papers. If tbey drive over to our side all the Anti LeeAipton Democrats, 1'ecnsyU Tauia win give 75,000 Bepublican major- fry fjr president. The Vnlctte says they can not count a dozen J 15. Democrats in Jersey Shore. John A. Ettinger having removed from Middlehurg to York, to lake charge of a paper there, Andrew J. I'etcrs has been appoiuted to tbe situation Mr. Kilinger vacated as Clerk to the Commissioners of Snyder county. 4fe)A Peace Congress is appointed for this month, iu which Ihe leading Powers of Europe will attempt to suppress the b llalian possessions, the latter sustained by France.. .The Ministry of England havo staked their political existence upon the II. form Bill before Parliament. ..A letter from London states that Mr. Spur geou will start on a visit to America about tho loth of May. The execution of the four criminals, Gan.brili,Cropps,Corrie.a.id Cyphus, took placo at Baltimore on Friday last. From 30,000 to 50,000 persons it is esliuiakd, were congregated on the hill that over- looks the jail, and on the roofs of bouses " ' iu the vieiuity, to witness the execution. Union County Court Affairs, Wlllil Will I illUUlOs I'tilon C ounty Court Proclamation WIIEKEA4, ihe Hon. AB'.M S.U II.SON'. President Judge Tor the 20th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of Ihe ..f I .. . f . all . t to i I ii untied ui t u ii'ii. . i iu i ii anu .uvuer, aim pHmr Kl.tannj,0ws.oTu.Esq ,Asso- c.ateJuiises in Union county, have issued their precept, bearing date the iuth day of Feb'y, Isi.ls, and to me directed, for the holdine of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and General Uuarter Sessions. do l,l"se ihings which of ihe.r olhces and in their behalf appertain to be done; and all Wit- nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf 0 ,ie iummonwealih against any person or persons, are required to be Ihen and there aitendui;, and not depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested Iu be punctual in heir attendance at the appointed time agreea ble to nutice. Uiven under my hand and seal at the fhrr- ift' Office in Lewisburg, the 1 1th day of A- Pril- in ,he Tear of 0,lr one thousand eijht hundred and fifty-nine, and ihe eishtv- firs. f ,h, ,,,,,,,.. r ,h Stales of America. (iod save the Common wealth! JOHN CltOGROVE,Sheriff Grand Jurors for Hay Sessions, 1859. Ltwlt Uenj Mench, Henry Orwig, Steward I Reed, iSainuel drove Biiffnbie Jacob Dunkel, Peter Miller, Eman'l I I'oninis, P.dward Flick llirtlrhm Frank Bilser k'';''-l''s .Seeb."ld' sin;on Rurry.Cor- nenus renman.jno KinKert, jos.onambers. lVf,, ,1John Becntelj Uvi ShoemaUer Samuel Y'oune llarll'y Thomas M'Curdy Union Jesse Beaver V'llnttl Kcllit Paul Geddes ,iA,,, y,cer Ambrose Henderson Lemisburg Allen Shoemaker, Kob't Musser Traterte Jurort. White Deer Samnel Berkheimer, Chas Dief- fenderfer, Urbanus Rauck Buff.tloe John Bruner, Adam Yoon, Francis Wilson, Andrew Ruhle, Michael Dunkel, John Clemens Mifflmburg Benjamin Hans, Joseph Hoop Lewit Samuel Knnoer, John Howard, Jacob Broucher, Samnel Swengle Leivitburg, .V. H". Solomon Ritter, Thompson Evans, Renben Snyder, Joseph L- Hawn, Chas D Kline, Joseph Derr, James Hayes, William Poetn, Peter Harsh Wat BuffatoePMif Siply, William Beach- ler, Enoch Kauflman, Ben j Hauck, Thomas Harbison Ihrtldon Joseph Sampsel, R V Clover, John F Wilson, Daniel Long Hartley James Reed, Lot M'Michael A'tto Berlin Abraham Se.hoch, Chas D Ronsh, John Styers, George W Baum Union Charles Cawley, Charles Slear Kelly Peter Newman Limettnne Joseph SeeboM, Henry Moyer l-eivi'bnrif, S. W. Jesse bvhrever Lat BuJulotDiviA Siniib, Wm L Harris FA113IER APRIL 13, 1$3 Issue LM for .May Term, 13j9. T Church 4 Co vs Solomon Mayer David Fisher vs Jonaihai. Do -Iff nderfer lluiiser:;er for Church vs Jos D Forrey Thos Church .tame lieulien Su ninser vs Alfred Kneass Weiler Ellis vs John Leiser and Wife I'hilio SeeboM etal vs Reuben Oldt t tal I O Campbell ct al vs Teed cV Marr Lu.lwiz & Ranck vs Isaac il.i nek's Ex's gar David Sieninaer vs Win H .Marr Francis Krir.k vs Alexander Amnions Daniel Ransler v Joh i Lapp Si DWenlensaul f. Shirk vs I'hurehA Forrey Levi K Shoch, deed s adtnrs vs J earver i L I'ai.ner .udorsee of J F Linn vi O K Vorse ! same vs S others Martin i Reed, a minor, Ac vs C Dreisbach James Russell vs Jacob Dunkle Christian tt.ir cl. vs Daniel Kei.nrr same same John Kessler vs Geddes, .Marsh A Co Philip Seebold vs I'eier Heaver el al Isiac Walter Ac vs Jesse tchrever Trustees M K eh at Mifllinb vs J M Kleckner A brain and John Aurand vs Chas F Schatlle Martin (i Kred Ac vs John Kolai.d George Meuel vs Leib A Leib John Miner A wile same Isaac K Duultle vs Henry Ruhle Daniel Rengler Jr vs Cbamberlin A Stout Wtu loues, ind Jn Locke vs Jn Locke .nd Abram Wolfe vs Beaver Ged M A Co lieher A Musser vs corporation University ' H M Whitnier vs Jacob Kloss j Samuel H Orwig vs llenrv W Crotzer , S L Beck vs Denriek A Sheckler Charles Hunter vs Saml shirk Reish A Keish vs Peter Reish's Adni'rs Chas S Cruz vs Win B Shriner ! David Feiter by hn father vs Jacob ltartman Saml L Beck vs Charles Siees Juhn Marty vs John llarlly ; same vs 4 tubers J Thos (i Orwig for s Orwi? vs J M C Ranck Scots Presby'n Church vs John M'Call , Israel Geyer vs Aaron Smith ' Wm Katilfinan vs Peter KauiTman Admr Jacob Saariz vs Conrad Blind and wile ! M'Curdy Tale vs R S Brebst ; Thos Raser's Adinr's vs Amnions A Kawn i Win Friek A Co vs Wm Wolfe I (H-rus Eaton vs S F A W S Boeenreif j Wm VanGezer vs J II Robenold I David Glu k vs Saml 8 Barber j John A Reed vs Samuel S Barton ! Henry Mowrer vs John Mays Philip Ruhl vs Francis Wilson Samuel B Pawling vs Samuel Showers et al Middleswarth Kerns A Co vs Chs H Shriner . Frederick Wurman vs Jacob Siiuih j John Wenz vs Peter Xrvms et al j Samuel W Snndnrass vs Wm Y'onn" Jr L'lsh for Gnielius' Admrs vs Geo Dreisbach Abraham Black vs Andrew Spitler ! George Barkdoll vs II W Croizer T Church A Co vs m II Kleckner Samuel Long and wife vs Joseph Kleckner . . . i To the Heirs of Engel Schrader. y s. Union County, ss : Notice is I I 1, S. lhereby given, in pursuance of an -order Irom lhe Orphans Court of. this coumy, held al Lewisburg lhe 'JAlh day of , March, A.D. IS.'iK, that an Inq'iisitinn or Par-1 tition will be held on the premises of the late EsiKaL SctihauKN, in Hartley township. Union j county, Pennsylvania, un Tuesday lhe loth day of Mav next, commenring al 10 o'clork. A M. The heirs and lei;al represenlatives of said deceased to wit, Hannah intermarried with Jacob Schawver. Catharine intermarried with Peter Hinrraman, which Catharine since died leaving children, town, Elizabeth mar ried lo Juhn Gearhart, Julian married to Tho- 1 mas Mwar'z, Frederick, John. Hannah married to Jacob Dues, Catharine married to Aaron Kling, Mariah married lo Jacob Reih, and , Lavina married to Joseph Bruner; the issue, not known, of said Frederick and John Bing man, u ho are deceased ; Jacob Schrader, who is deceased, and left two children, Jacob, and Hannah who intermarried will. Jacob Slock: all residing in the county of Snyder. Pennsyl vania, except Jacob Keih at.d Marian bis i wile who reside somewhere in tbe state of i Michigan, and heirs of Frederick Bintrinan, . I deceased, who reside near Bellview ii. lhe ; Slate of Ohio are hereby notified to attend ; as aforesaid if Ihey see proper. ! I JOHN' CROSMJROVE, Sheriff I ! Sheriffs Office, Lewisburg, April 4, A D lt3 1 j APPEALS. ! QTATE am! County Tacs.Pursnant to Law, the Commissioners of Union I county will meel lo hear Appeals from the Triennial Assessments, for the several Town j ships and Boroughs as follows : j Harlleton at David M oyer's, Monday, Ap. 1 Hartley Laurelton school-house, Tuesd. 19 Lewis Election house Wed. 20 Limestone Peter Wehr's Thurs. SI New Berlin Michael Kleckner s Fri. S2 Milllinburg Wm Inhotf's Sat. 2:1 West Butfaloe Wm R Sechler's Mon. 25 Butlaloe James M l reight s Tues. 21! Kelly James Lawson's Wed. 27 j While Deer Benj Gemberling's Thurs. 2S j Easl Butfaloe George Wolfe's Fri. 29 j Union Henry Gibson's Sat. 30! Lewisburg N.W Coin'rs Office, Mon. May 2 Lewisburg S.W. do do Tues. May 3 Appeals open from 9 A.M. lo 3 P.M., when j all may attend who think proper. By order of the Commissioners, Lrwisbnre, March 10, j 1S59. A KENNEDY, Clerk j -EKrv F0UXD. A pair of Spec-! laclcs, which the owner can have by calling at theCArum'cfe office and paying expenses. ?Sti Et"J. Schreycr & Son ARE opening, direct Irom M'Callum & Co.'s Carpet Manufactory, Glen-Echo Mills Germantown, Pa., one of the prettiest and best assortments of Curpcts ever bro'l lo Lewisburg, such as yAree I'y, Hi mp Yenitian, Stip. Jmjrain, Mtnilh Mutt, Lnion do., Cocoa Jo., A-ATicilledVenittan,i OU Cloth, 3-4 do. do., 8-4 do. do.. Fine do., Carpet Binding, t c. March 31, 1859. riTA general stock of NEW GOODS next week. PirOSPIIATIC GUANO, from VIVA. IsllMI. Urthbeao Sea. ANA.. i. sis of Dr. Chi... Hictu.1, Baltimore Bona l'ho.i.hab- of Limi-, (rtinuiniut uf l'hoi,borie AriJ, JS.8J) Huorkie f Calriulll, . . Carbonate of Lime, .... Prni.t'li- of Iron and Alumina, Water, Ac, 54.73 2..VI 6.14 a.io "Tbeeitovmlinary klzh r-r nl, of inuwphlta'r I.ime abort atatml. ns-ooimentui tliu utiele atvutu. auoerior fbofpliatk uianur." AIIIAI. FKUTILIZER, or SuperphoNpliaie or Lime, From ht Xne Jrrtrf Mjnvfaawing Omtinnv Analyaia bj Otaiav Luuua, l"icliil and Aualttka Cbrmiat: rboaphate of Lime, . hulb.at of lame, . SO. lit 45. 7. S. 10. 3. urtranw Matter jH-kling Ammonia, -Auimnniar Salt. lnM,li,hl o n. I . ... .A W Soluble Salut. Cblor. ami tuh b. of Soda. W atcr and Loan, u. , llMI "Tli I. mannrr la enmponl of ttavl anims!.. Mnml, 0tr,, and raw bunra." " Errrt on of our ruiittmxra ha.ti.tr tt unu our Manure what wa rtprastut il tn no." Atiat lr J to ever, soil and mm. wa pM.n,-.u.i i. .u . . eontak-nc. 1100 to 4WI lb.. r T. frn,!- j. creawl the yWld filtjr pt-r cent. Alias. Clon.bi.., Sun Colombian and Ammonia b-d Colnniltian Uaanoa.1' A II uf th abt.w thrtiliMrt in bar. and barrel. from t -1 to J 4S pfr iuoo and 2,jut puond., econluu So tiuuniliT and kind nn h-r l. luraaltbj KII HARIrs t WILLFR. " rn"" wlnn. . ' Km Sole AaVnu iu Pbila(Wl,hia William VanGezer, TTORNEY at Law, JV lewltrburu;, 1 nlon Co., ra. Lj? oaice opposne Kline's Hotel 674 I HLM il, Itlf. II 2tIS I .N Farmers" D." ui ami l'Lisler Mills, Iliilaai'llii.i. li-F fflvT a larr atiK-k 4 eh -iuk- ,1 M-aurt-. an I rfii i.rl I"" warrauu l lu b, U-nu.i.r, mm ,x wl.n h will b- Sitiul: 1,000 tons ure I'luiine. 1,000 tons (jovcruineiit Peruvian Guano. 50IH) ions French's Improved Super- 'hostibale nl i.ime. 0O0 tons French's pure Chemical Bone. ' ... .. ' 1, n.. ,000 bbls. French's Phllad a P-.udrette. ... , i , ('cuni.t. Th- t ,tn.!nM ftrrlctfd rr, arh f th-ir Kin-i. tl. tif,l in the Uohl.li: our ImmU J'-ir. amil..-i.ar- I fiuit. lVlwt.-il $u-u. i rw-ir.Lrat.-a lhroU,;Kout I tic Lun,o tr It" l-nntf mcl -tr. n.'lU ALfO I", 'mih Ii ,rr J" l-aml I'lsrsts-f. i.,Mrtp t.rr-ti .-tnu; I'lM-tt-r. lit.tKiu ..irr-l- llY.lr-iitii'-' int-tit. r). M, l.itrrr-lia l U. C Oiall I'. Ill tit. lVnti-is- l-B-irr. l-r. 'l A i.it.rr., -r- ,1. . . i-rr-.-i 1'ovl. r-ij bltuUJil.'iLi nul. Oti t,jrr-!-i. W lute Zu-l, (iubAHvIci HtK.V II. Kit HAI:! A .. J-fJM M.UtUH-i i-i'-' r- I' ft. fur. uf OM York HouJ aud Call- Li.l U., I'lllLA. Or Gwrtifniff? Am'ufil Mature: HUv j r Twit. "I..-Hpr-r tli ui Any lino. 11 lilali r! Farmarrrtiti Imv thi wstliciM- mnvmr.- wit). f-tllt-t cot.t.-l. n. r . f i- n. r. -i-at I tU- VVH ;-fc l l. li t- in rrrnMfi r.-lii ti'-ii "f tl.- first cr. j,-, be.aiw K.'iJ.jr r.u-ri--hitif their itini. I lit-ri'iv -rt.t t1i.it I hafil'l " I"' '' i'liuin.. f .r tr l. h. En Lr I- & ' . .-..riit-r "f V'.rk U.iii-1 mi l 1 l.mhtii ,tr-i!i, riii.-l.-l t u, jiii-l tin-l ilr- h ui.ih ui- l )w ui. t'-li-.ttn : Astti-i-i i 'miM AitiiiiliTitiM-r. reinlaiiiliig - frrt crtit. Jrlt-J bio J, 41 "" 'r,- h .tf .. Lin. "" ii!iAt cf Ann aa. 4 " ' M'trMir. l'iM-i It-it jnu ''srUiriate f AtntnrDia. itrst an I rul) lutr-i-f -aJj, III-Il4tr- ft t.l--.t, MitriBtf, l'ln--tiatf ntt.arK'iate tf r.la.-n (. hl ri l- of M-lmiii. i-ul'TiMtfis f l.iuif nti'I M-'irijit MilCl ttUd J-Ulll.or (!i.ttirlt-;f i u pti:Vf. Th" alwrtw irnwrx v.nrlii-iTclT flint I'hu.itf V, ttt Karpttr n.i liil ttwf.tr. THc .ti-c-r i.l I If C : n tauiiii'jall lh- rr-f.ary rou-titumtp t r (ir.wlni I.r . C ro-. at a m:ili fiu-e. lint irc couiin .tLit iLv lf-ai b-f all. i- r ut two rKXT. ri-it prxn. 1,T. p-T ISM! It.. -ith a-li.-'Tunt t.. .i-.lr- Call dJ Nn- it. -nil Tf.ur orJr-r-1 H; KM II. Illi'll A A ('., Ac ntn. rirnrr t.1 Yt.ik I;i,aJ ami L'aliowliiM -trf-tit MIII.AliKl.rillA. iTuri Important to Farmers k Gardeners. flM.F. Milicril'T liaviti? rrreri'Iv Iraveleti much in iliis an-i a iji'inin !:atr", and rvn lhe rrpat fai!urs in (-rain an-1 (.ai.lfii Wi;paMt-. has c nrlu ! ! thai a CH. . Mill Oh' SEElJS is afmuluUhf nTr-wry : ihi1 a'sn n the upmii'n of the t-r-t .i;r cu!ntnt rtc rally. I have rt !: te imp, rtt tl ( r nuuJe nrrrtH2'inf nts fur' ,.:: a vanMy ..f ;V iffii., -iifh as h4'" hfen f- mifl best uttt'i to our soil and cltniaic at this t.mc 'I he U i v in2 are pectiiuns f new var.ue, ami iheir yie'il pr acr-, w-w oi hnntl fi r sale my resitlence in MuHinburz, Union Uu., Ha.: "u 'i ; r At Wr.it- Fn-jli-h VfilttTran-an H lirit, T rv earljf tl f Karly t-n ii-h I vkimiii i'..iit't-s) t rerof within? eiihcr of tbf above, will please lave their i-r-N rs as wrly a possible, that I mav te able to Mippty them alt. Those uhti w.sn i pn-cure at y of the fol lowing varieties, i:h lirciioTiv how to rul tivaTe) will call aiM examine the -perimns wh;rh I h;ili gruw the emm a"n. ami leave iheir ordeis z snoi. as may he conven- i'-Iit : . . A-r, Vhitr K-'yr'i" : i-'"'-' tarly hi tt.ils 4it ltoinan - r Winter Hv 4."- w hit- iw. w. t.-f.Mii: n r'riti l'l '.: lt!(. Kin- l-hilifrMrti Ini:..'i. r;i I 'V!JM 1c Wa-lio n I'titl' ti rt. '.' !-!- :t-r it-.H'H-ll.t'i llf ;it,-,i .'.-. r- iik t-- 'J't t" : tl l.tih. s,i A r. ti. In tt n- t tie I. i r r--. tin-.- ! t.'i'-. Ayp - y Mi'-n n-f ) i hi- jrt-r-n m l-. m ---i with Oirn. .r. !iif.-. Ii"-' h.rj- ir.. .m.s i .-r .--re. Stravlfrry W-ti-rm-U-r.. x T l;i Z-. - J- r acre. .Vm mhT kind of (Jar JiTi V-cTaSlc. Thf'-e eci! have ! en cm u!. v -r !'- '(:! irom tiilV- rpi;! p:are. nntt u ili uiL'ht will h fntni'l advantageous t (.rird'Lcrs and Faniter-. Cad aiid see J'tr?t cn.it, Jiri trr'th A. N. KLL(j. Mifflir.hurtr. Feb. IS.VJ Heal B state. foi: sai.k. DI'SIUAliLE Ittiil.iin l.nt.::nfeet feet front bv Hii deep. Eiopure of Heaver, Kremer A M'C'Iure. FOR SALE OR RENT ! TWO DOIT1LE FRAME HOC JixiES and Lots, each suitable fnriii two lamilies one on North Fourth street and one on M.John street, for Sale. Ilaliofeach of the above Houses are fir Iter,t. tVAIso, for sale, four lluil linr Lots on North F.l.h street. JOHN HULUUTON, Lewisburj, Jan. 20, Is.i'J. Ajeut. FOR SALE. rpHE well known Taierii Stand f- I at the east end id the Lewisbureii.xjl limine, in Chillisqiiaque township, Nurlu'd Co. It will be sold on reasonable lernis. Inquire of WW.i.IA.M FKICK. , I.ewisbiirs. Dec. 17. IS5. j TIIIE residence of the subscriber, on I I Market street in the Donnish ol . i 3 ! Lewisburi;. The house is of BKICK, well : finished in every respect. Terms tine half to be paid between ih.s and the first day of April neii; the balance I lo be paid in two. three or five years, as may suit tne Duver. rossess.on liven anv tune. June 9, 1S5 ISAAC WALTEK. FOR SALE. A RESIDENCE on North Third street. MX it hems a Half I.olof Cround, wnhi& a comfortable Two.si(,,rPy Brick House. frame Mtahle, eood Well of Water, and a variety of choice Fru' : Inquire of J. B. M'LAt'CHLIN, Agent. Lwn-barit, Ortotivr Kl, ls;,N. tf j FOR SALE. rriHE subscriber offers for sale that lanre, ! 1 new, modern built, double brick house,! nearly opposite the new Presbyterian church, adjoinins the residence of Dr. Haves. The house is bur It in the best style, rat-proof, and ! well euarded aia.tist lire. A good Well of Water, and Cistern of never faihn. water. : Terms made easy, and will be known on ap- i oiicaiii ii io A I HAN NfcMJU . Lewisburg.Ans.fi, 1858. FOR RENT! rpilC TWO ICOO.US occupied at pre l sent by Washington Hutchinson as a Saloon. They are suitable for J; lOI'S For Terms apply to " ' Jan. 27. MM, JOHN B. LINN. BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. The subscriberollers lo sell the ilarge Brick Foundry at Ihe west -,. f If..!-... . 5, i.rtJpTSfl'"" --" .-., nottt t,,,; a WMiJt..Ctp-sw Ihe V areroom. Ilir.ee anil iI,a Machinery attached also a large amount of Patterns for Patent Rights for Agricultural Machinery, Stoves, Ac. It is regarded as one of the best locations for a good, sale business. The Proprietor's time is wholly engrossed in another employment, which is the reason he desires to dispose of this Foundry. Fcrany further particulars, address WILLIAM FKICK. Lewisburg. Feb. 1858 l nion Co. Pa FOll SALE. tVA Half Lot on Market St., opposite 8. R.tter's residence, with a good Well ol Wa ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a husi ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) Also, other I.i.ls, some with anil .oi:ie wiibo.it Building. JOHN LOCKE. Lewi5burg, Oct. S, 1S57. FREEEURGER & ERO.'S ujix III T W;. i;s l iHLisii h:m' HAS Ifen remoieil tu i:t-air"s Brick Ploek. en Ni-rih 'J i.nd street. 3,1 fa f from M itkei. where they are prepared to,)' all kinds of wm k in :h ir line lb ihe jhona'', noiice. Or.!rs an I inquiries frmn neighboria, luwtis proin Ily aiierifled to. 5 l'l-a,e call and examine our lare ,,,. nient id 1 mures ul the most arprove.i ...i i I "'Ved ijie, All work warranted. Also M-an flf (iiiT done to or !er. Lew.sbu.g. April 1 '59 NOTICE. r . V.U Cil U..s . f I a. .w . . r I - t II. I,. liilM H ha- reiuoveil his LrtSf intMit of ide Aijii i..s bin;. it; CO? tt -or a'.-ove llie rt--? 'ii.r-. j har.k.'ul lor a, pa t uv.t. he hif-a t.. m-rit a conum, uf the public patiunn-re. X. IK T'i all ulirt tnrrv l.ff- H I ll".-ir n.-nrl" zr- w !'r,. Tm ft ft.fH'.tut -Ii -. ,f-t n 1 atl-r r J.'.iT .l.i-I. all IIim-. :.t lit- .-il"ori. t-u.) n.' in ."-i,rflocc Ttrwi-i,. '!. t. L-'Ti l.;.rt an l iphjt k m. ' Lewishur, April 1, Ih-'J. K. I,. iil.NE. Anrtton and runtm IJ. ue In LMiLiiix up:, J.e-;il Alltliuneer! t. t.Otll l!l)Vl t-r haviiii 1 .--.t, n p p.-ir.t sole Aurtnooi-rlor l.ewi-bt.rs, i- f i i' red ;ir ar.end lo ali calls in hi? line in toua ac country. Commission Sales. Li April iit-iT. I intend to op-1, ,.n ,M,irI,-e; street a II 'oin lor lhe recep'n n. an j iie si at slate. 1 liui-s olall kirols of ii al uc lion. A'.v i tie wi.-bini-tt. ,!i-p, -f , f a, y ,nj. ele can deposit it nh ii.e at.d I will seil it at lhe best advariiae 1 tan ami tiure a pr centime lor llie sbme I tb. SK, I-.V.I F A bflNK.iOWER A.'liiinllr:tluih' olUr. VOTH'K is teri-Ii siven.iLat Letters Is of A trnii, Titration on the Esta'e yf WILLIAM TATE, late of Hartley mnh.p, Lnion Coiiniv,tlec',l. have been v ran led to the nnder-r.'ned by llie l,'e;ier ol t.'nion couir.y in due toriii ot laic ; lbt-re!ore, all p r-t.i.s ir.-d--.ied to said e-'n:e are re'iuested to in,, nninedoite p i v:ri'-i t.iind lllo-t hai in; anv jtist ctaiuis are al-n reonesietl lo pre-ent lliera le gally authenticated lor seitiercent. IloiiKKr POSTER, S AMI EL C. TATE, Hartlev. March II, Isoil Adiniiusiiators MJiii:i. ii. :khh;, .tttoriit') j:t law. OFFICE in s. nth Second near Mai act i.t.lsiii l:(;, I' a. ? All Proiessioi al Dusiness entrusted to his care will be faithlullv and promptly auen 'e.i to fcp:'. 11, l:,7 I) It. IMtls- l it l l lii;. er ruiti!i;ri'l lAiratl nl'Julan.s Kruia. I- tin; rsM-lri.t'.i f. r t!.i- ruff c-f .-T-fiila au-1 all -hr- luC 1 - ., ; nw i I l.c l.;rr. h -ll.e-i- ut i K.aJ-.rr; J:.u.,.l!. I'f; -t. l.T, i.t l,iti-. l,i , . n-,,,lLrf.it i - li---l. It.tj.i-t.t C. ri mi f:, u. IVf-uraUia, t t.i- ai. I I r' it.:i.,t..ry kh- v.T.. ,r;iu. t-ttv Iial.il-, . k II. .. in. i,. j . I' t.i. n-r. , t,. AlLrinm.. l f' ' 1 r-!n -U- I.i.-. an i I- w . N. ( irt Mi-1 ill. ..r !.:.).; m.i!., .- j an,( i,.f,tiiit i r-. i hi i ,. , . i r;j; . v,:,..,. .-iwrllil,.- : :i - I - 1 i-t t . . . - :!.. I :i v. . au, .; . M.i n: I ..'.! j I . r- . ! il..- .l..uib. T-ji pi-, I...-- i ui., - it I......... 1, : ..f. i.;trU lirl. an.ia.l Li- 'I',-..: .!.. m ti -z Iniu no .ii - -iii i-7.i M "i. w ,jvI!.t Li-r tJ.tairjr, acaiifi. If..- r .It---. ii ' - r'ti I 1 tl-'- irYalojtt !t m-ar I,ag .;-.i.iiu..-.. ti: r...t to tl.r e-ff. r: I'l-t; ail-U..-.. at i l,t,.-,r. cm t . I.i-1 -i z Him t-. n i t...f:til am i i i: : v. . ;.t ..... ,,.. -. .... i,..t t,. i... a u.td us r-.t- i-., '.'. ;1 !li 41 . i:. L, t. k i. 1 1 r-r. ii.i.5 u.. l- etE.ul- i- : - ii . i .ii-. .... .. i. ti I . I j i : r p.t j ro.-ur. . ii i,i;ar c nta.n.D a l.t; r. i--.-.- . ; :; i I: 1 n - j .-, :.. r v . v.... T'.- f i ... in tl f Wf.!r " ' " ' J - ' r ' 1 J ": f uitTLiu; l:r,i h: 1, lUr. i LiM rt Krj.-ipt-la.-: I r l I LI I I: T i k W r,M in thrhlic f - i:.: . -n. I- . i.r r- - tt,.- u-.- ! ir.i J-j n i..t i. . ;.t, i i - -tr t u.-. n r. . i it- i I i - , u i.i t a.iii-rtr- .-! it. 1 ii, i '. ,IM II.. J.. , r,, i. l,r. I,,.,.' im-.hr. tic M ! it T' '..It i ,T It- ,r- i ( (..-. ,i t -,-r.rDt ciir.u:. - t- r I - . I..-, -11-j.t ; .t-iH Ii. .. t - --. ..fi'i rolti t..tr ti Uii tLt If ur tilt: W eihtrt tliu utlm U-J. 1 I l:.ilt-if I: in. AUi:at, In "nnna-T, T--" 1 , my j.iu.-lit. r. ihu in Urr niD-tr-DrI v.;ir. ' atUt-kt ! with liitUmnO.ry 1: rental imq. , ht-r j..inifl at-rr Uin-h oiU-U. aitl -lir ftrjr-rtl tl.r ttt -xt-ru.-i..tiTi)f p:iiu for Ttirrr ui.-t.tti.- nr tn -re. 1 ralM ia a (.h-K tun. Lo cr tiuur-a ti. attr-mJ bt-r without aur iiuin i. ui- nt. ..tt;inr much liM iuri;i J. 1 rra.-it'i'it . ! iry lr. i'trtl' ! J urat trt; ih- tirt tUl M-n rfl- -sl a ill -..!. d tfl,:tiLr ItT thr t-Itr. frh roDliblKti it ni.it:. ttf ut noin linn an-l it j.ff'te.1 m frt-t ruTr:.h hi n tUMii.l :r-c.f rtlii-uniati-Di abtl br hraUh g ettrt suit, liLj Uarl ui in- -i-rir. I MHi M. TIIOMpaoX. 11 llUti hlDi-OU it. TfinoiT niM:.K. TV ) !rif c:.i-ii 1. r : !)-?. uk Iu ihi 1 .11-rations. In flni:'t.oD. tr urtial lrrtttn tii-, Ar,. in bi t tutrrrf tuiiv Ir. :.t..l I v tl.r- i;..- ill'r I'aiii.' I. ( uratiir and lr. l-awin" TI r.-..t .n-li' i'".-ii. Hfi'l th- fttiivwing cmnvf Hly cur uttt r m' t .iititii-nj mi if. tinf ; Kfi-t T..1111, CLrrti r (. p., Julj 2, lf-fcj. Ai.iit ftrjr. nu I a attai k-tl irh a di-ea. cf 1 th tl n at. hit h ri.n.r t CTMltiritir. m at t.Divtt whrla 1 m.ul.l takr n.(i ti.r j-Min nm .-utlrriiii uil bm err Ji-ir. -f.it ;.-. mr. mpnuiej nh li es i.f h r-to nurh an -.! tit ll ut I C'U.j n't Pnk al- r- a .hi'r TV dN vr-nw rent iii urj trttiuv: it-rff, notw ithtantlinc I I ni -tt-r !: oi'.ln al tnaiuit-nt "t f ur .iuii-rnit )iy.k'ian U-i dm iip aliirnirii at my rt nuiti. n. ctmolud. d to go Vt IiiilnJ-i i.i.i anl cuuit ou. Lh1i y. u rt-rttlprt I did in th- w:iit-r i.f I V.!. t n jou n-cf iunifn-trd mr tn Ukt yi.ur l'-turaiivr : rd t y tli.t uk id u ur luttifii t u. :h rount-XKiii with yt ur ll.ri.at .nai. o. I aan rntirrly mrrd. and fcTf n-maind m, it. It i now m. r than m yt-ar ttic the cure his r-prttd. h.-frtTull y.-ur frirml, MAKtSAUCTTA U I p. af-PR. DTI3'AT1 M KoK lot SOLNTirNTirf TUKOAT Al lTK AlloN fr.u:j acfmrany tb lF.u am -.'n caiura of rcn fuluu lltvra aiuii I Ur, Ac.il ik Throat. l5 Call on the Agents. J. BAKEK & COf Lrwil urr. a::d rnftni Ctrralrr ronuinius m" of -I M-mi tn f:ir-r of tK- mdl-ti-. J- bAKLU 4 CO. Agt fc.r Ldivo tfunty. Tiiy HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are J. appointed Agents for the sale of floors!, Itlinds & lVintloii Sash of all sizes, made of the best material. All work warranted. tMade bv L.B.Sl'KOl T, Hu;hesville, Pa. and for sale'bv 67, f caldwell; Lewiar? fL-TN AT A KAUCiAlN! 1 f "l The subscriber has en band for saie Tito .fiv l.tiggirw. winch he oiler at a barsain for Cash or will Eichanse for a good liuRE. Call soon or vou will m'"S il. B. F. Ill RsH. t Htirah A tlcstaia.'a sttre. or it absent, inquire of W . II. Killer, al n. Brown, Jr. s store. Lewisburg. Feb. 1 HARD TIMES! "IITHY don't yon sell cheaper!'' What, 1 cheaper vet J hv. I am now selling MI VIIOHIV IOII, for $1 t 2.75 per ion, according to quality but not on a year's credit: those are lhe prices for cash or country produce. I will sell by the boal load or by the Ion, and deliver at any place within the boronch limiti. Having Weigh scales, full weigh! will be given. Also. l!luckmtthi Cmil, and Wilkes-Burre Coal ivt Foundry purposes. Yard on Waler street, near Weitlensaul's hotel. Lewisb g.M .y 27, OSyl C. 1IOLSTEIN. Vir PLASTER and SA l.T cheap for cash by CEO. HOLsTEIN I)AIti: IIIIMi:,-An excellent Slt- ver LENEK W ATCH for sale al a bargain musi c.i. Inquire of A E. DENORMANDIE. Lew'sburg I f U .BBLS.' rainiWExtrTlVhilfc .1 JJ W heat I LII1 It very choice article lor sale bv Mirths " ClUVRtnt IN fHO!. TOST. A .:ac . I..1. e i:il., a lew j rutins ince. T'le fir.dtfr is r. rk.ie-tr d ta leave it a: the CitrvnicL cilice. 'Maitu l"4- M VB 1 in a ' L h f i