RON IC IjEo 1 In W i3 . !v n V WOROKM k J. 1 L v. ' An ludrpcndc-nt ramily !jc fcsisbaro Chronicle, iviiEi-tvuiM iai iftwsiipr.R, W F,iLty,at Utri.l,urj,L'niun Co.Pa. j VS. 1..V t-r v.-Lir. t iik rl IX AnTixct ntv nt Hi- r..o- I r a i.'ii:.T ' '' I e;.. mil l-:iy 1 .r liu,' .! u.l. rijt.1 tU'tlli ll. J il'-l. I' r 11,.. Jiliil.tirl.u .... I.-r l.'ur nil i. i-ar. ilit l-T tfU toin. urn- i 1 ZiXtoZZrXXX 'ZZ'VZu ; hiT.-. .M .-t kill Ik I I'". K (, tlic ll-UH f..ri Hi in-'.- Iiitf u ri'inim; a-A:'Vj:hri-.tiii-r l.ui-. in - vivtni al the tlli.. i v;t r is uiJt ' . unit j il is MUJ'i'LU. , at Hi nitu-, il' t. i-r II a'A a (U in -'i ct, 1.1 i-i-. -H:. -i l .1. 1 i,ir. -1 4 . M. M'-ri'liutf.A-. li'tl iin r oiiL Imiii in oi a ru.uinn, In i(. j.. r jcar. .Iir is i--. - m.iy It ;'r-r ! A i liii- i-r m .l.t v-t tj (.-. or I ' u. nl irniT. .Vi rtiwim-iiti ! a t.-i!M,;il!ilii t. ;..!- im-v. hii 1 iartr -Ut.v li t j imitti .l. au. itiix- ,.. ....-iNT.iMx. Hm.ii A mrioiiuv. i TVVa CIHJO iCiIO. ! )IOltT, Al'ltSI. II, 1S.VS. I The Kext House--Coii;ress. The next Houe of I.eprescutatives will of Members 111) constituting a majority. Of there, there are already vleeted as follows : OppoMiion. I. Adiniiiistraiion. : Maine, New Hampshire, ,Masaehil.-ei;s, A'eruiol.t, "onneeIieul, Khode Maud, ,ew Vurk, .',-w J.-rsey. Pennsylvania, I lino. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, l'elaware, S oiih I'ar.ilina, J'li, ri, la, Missouri, n 11 3 4 "!r 6 21 1 o A 4 Z ! 4 Total so far Free Siaies yet to elect s Minnesoia, California, Uicgoll, (prob.) lo do Would make . U"-a maj. of 3, or . 1 mniiritv absolute if we elect ouly 1 iu I .. y . . ... linnesut,, where we n, y -e o ; wigui nave i in wiiioriiiaw m vr..So.., . , , - r .i . ! tnrougu divisions o -ue uuuiuoi.,.-. moerats. . . . iiavis vl .iU. nil. .uiu miu mi. i .mm - . I. .1.. Itrr,,.! ' licans rather than with the Pemocrats, and , there may be other Southern Amerieausj who will not play into the bands of the ; Locofocos, as their leaders wish to have ... . I. .1... n fuir T, i-iiii- 1 mem. uoj:r-. uci , iuiu w - , i pect of a true Ilepublican. American organ- ization of the House. Florence of l'a. aud J Bcrrett of t-'t. I.juia (Adui.) will then pro bably be ousted, as they should be. From a Pike's Peak Pilgrim . .Wo, 1. Currf.-Il.'li nr-i-- tin- Li wi.-t.urg t brouicle-l .Miumilia, Iowa, I am asain breathing the purc.fresh atmos phere of Ihe M.ssouri slope. Magnolia looks even more like home lhan ever. The emi gration into Harrison couniy is, as usual, slow, but sure. The cold excitement, I find, has wnhin ihe lat Iwo months made a heavy draft upon its population, yet I I'md plenty i f strangers Ihe places of ihose gci:e in search of the promised Ophir. Thousands are pushing ou towards Pike's Peak, over an extensive plain, desinuie of umber or even a ear of eras', and amid the heaviest snow storms of Ihe year, regardless of overflowing Mreams or an almost impassable road. There 1 are occasionally a lew laimnal Leinjis, who,) after pelting this far, make a halt, and prefer j digging lor gold in tne i 11 oi ioa. i nc latest news from ihe mines, put quile a dam per on the eicitenient lieie. I hear a good many who a few days ago were '-going, sure and certain," s.ngmg quiie a different song. As for myself, a journey 10 ihe head waters f the Plane has been a favorite project of j tnine, for Ihe last six months, and as I have j nothing more than my lime to lose, I am bound j lo go, as soon as the grass comes, but would advise those who purposed going and have not already started, 10 deler progress unul at leasi ihev are sure lhai ihe precious stuff is there in paying A man is foolish In leaving an oecupa.ion by which he could make a respectable living, during the present nara unies, lor me untii,a..i,j o. ..i.s j" fabulous Eldorado. I say, siicktoyour trade a little longer, you will soon have friends thrre ho will leil you the .ruth about it. Ami Him t n arp Inn much COtl idence ID Sul I f...M V..nt.s ncnorc .oca oonpral ill i i.i "M,,w i-rt - t our western ediinrs are land .harks.or heavy speculators in town property, and it is natural i ihai they will work for .heir own interest. If, .u .. . , ........ ! 11 will pay Id pi' nine, ur.i n..i;ui.i u. r,ni ' " " ' nut year, will be plenty early to go. I pro - mise your readers a lair report when I get E-M' Onr ccrresnondent forsot lo rff his letter. and ihrre i no post mark on ihe envelop. It uy III1S USy. LHHU.. . rrnm Uie UidUlrtiurx ItUmw. Aamiai r I'mprrt) mi!4 Ii around Frertunr. 1 n n i. ,.j:'.r...i...n' nitf h.i. m. ii 1 1. 1. 1.-. i... i ii -, in , "lit papular write rs, nave oeen iuru umu tiu-u 01 our otaic i eiiiieniiarics. ahi"ii me . , , ....J., mil. i , ..i., i,..ii . ..I iu luM.i .ni.riJui.Niw. ' . ..r . , , , uail (jrcat sutceas. I.. .ir.iKvui ii..-'e.... . ....... t preSs in a cheap lorm, an i tneir iaM '""." number was voun man, about the ase , ,- .,,,,. jjk I'KiHiirn;, .i.i,.,iiw.aiiw.ii1 i Pr'-e IN K'1""- ,u "II . of tweuty-four years, of good appearance , T. t b,.ij h p.-.n.. .. ....j .... r.-.".....-i. i. ..,., i s.- w.LTtu fi. .'uTT.coiunlcieand uiiabtidsed, . J, " 1 ucse Bliouia De . ---"'"-' t-'-i-J r'"" l''"l-J : .... v. ,,., r 5 cents for each au1 vH ! row. about four feet rorertv sold and bounbt in the town .. .. ,i.. iri. .f M.r,.h. ISM. ...... o i. j...n,;...,.., u u , ' ' . . I Uarritourg uu iuu 1 r vaiua, auu tiii-u ""0 nf needs, whi o weak i rreeburg and townsb,p ol , asbington, u A of CaDjLria COUnty, was elco- j euwc9 Iuore valuable to his country aud i beJ . ;he ',71 3,:r'U ?f !? : . , M I led Representative Delegate, b, the De- j more erMU to himself. Mr. Grow KM,!'0 D"pm T ,;,,;;o 1 mocracy of that county, instructed to s- Las pIucU of a high order, as well as brains. ; m of U. f. (ilass 17 " " (too (iov. Packer a Aumiuitiration. iu 11. uag honesty as welt as experience. , ieo.Hillbish 3 " 4:,0inii!iiii. .U...U... f. Apple ' 3 " 6S5 1). s. Bc.yer.Esq. - House A. lot Freeburg l,r.0 i. Hillbish "ol. J. Hillbish " " Hr. J. Ilouvl, I building lot Hiecel&Saatibercer " " Dr. Stem 1 loi Moix's addiiion to" S. Roiish M Meyer's " t;. & J. Hillbish 30 acres Woodland " 300 : mil ! 60 Total $S0.nG8 The Freeburg Acadfmy is leased to Rey. C. Z. Wvtr, and S. Mal.k, K.-q. II. COKXELIUS. .cw Journal. l-KTUMIVS I'D KIP EMTIO OP Wit kbit vnm. We have received "Una Rut," by Sir Wal ler Wi-olt, being le iiina TOMime i . u. i r - ler Seutt. being llie thiid volume of T. B. I'e- terson & mother's new and cheap weekly Ksue ol llie Waverlv novels, ov .-sir ...nor ..... u .... ..i,h .he. "I'""- I' "' 'S" I"" - - 1,.., I.cntt ln.;,1. bul this litif-clinn is now w. (,e. ins overcome, by .he publication of these i;s 01 semi in u. ii .... ... ui... 01- - low price a. touring mem win.... ...c , ..r,ll n,.r.,n arm ever buv novels, lo Me.-sr.s. T. C. I'.teiikun & liinirui.iK.of Phil adelphia, more llian all oilier publi-hcrs, are we indebted for this new feature in American literature. The wi tksof Can lin n t- m,I "ns. Livtn, Mrs. t .iTHoiiTii, and many oilier Wl,rK-, r ihe whole series for Five Dollars. ' The edition embraces ihe whole of the an- thor" i WurKs. and will oe eoniameu in '. : .. . . :. ..... . un'ts.oue ot which will be issued on each I stieeeeilin" Sjiuntav. unul coiniuele. A lull Set will be forwarded, e .-: to any part ot ihe touted Slates, by llie publishers, on sending a remittance live dolls, to Ihem for ihe twenty six r3We have received from some un knoM u band the last ot t ". i U annual report . of the Managers i f the l'eunsylvanio In- : I stiiute for the Iustruciiuu of the liliud, Ineai.-d in I'l.ilacli lidra There are now located in 1 hiladclpli.a. J lit re arc now . . ... . . . . . ... : : 1 ... I"-. ' ; ' IIZ , 1 1 UIO II.JIU IUI3 iiau. V. mu number, otj are asjintants or pay pupils iu 1 1.1... :...i 1 1. . the I ,iu Lo U of htdr iodust v .ud i tue joint prouuetsot imir inuusiry auu by fctatc and other appropnat.ous. Uver . 10,000 were last year earned by the pu pils, the Legislature gave 22,000, and he income from all other sources made au aggregate of 12,SliJ. of I his uiu:t f 10,514. iutcrcliug charity were i "Fiaiil-tin UvcitrJ," is the title of a paper recently started at Hampton, Iowa. ! We see among its advertisers the name of our jouug lrieud, Jas. T. M'iJokmick, 1 .Notary 1'ublic, aud (in company tMU lsiue Miller) Heal Kstate Agent. - ... - fea-Wc have received the Second An- Farmer' H,,b School I , i of 1 cun.-ilvai!a, coutaiuin; a minute aud " i - , .i ...:i..i r .1 .. j:. . . ueiaueu .itraui o. iuc inucveuiuus auu . I""" -mee m me xnsuiuuou tf.i. rr . f . i . ...:..... jBcjr-'fhauks to Hon. John C. Kutikle, fur a tupj ( the Import for lS'07 of the i-genia of the Smithsonian Institute. ' ' Al'llIL. April is a fniiil child, r'utl ot wayward lancies, Laughing, ueepinp, sober, wild, siiou ery, li antic, milU .Anything lhat chances. April is a fickle fool. Knowing not his season ; Like a truant out of school. Out of temper, out ot rule. Out ot ihyuie aud reason. April is a mere coquette. Ill-behaved in meeting ; Warui and coo!, and iiiy and wet, Apl to lantalie and tret Very loud .1 cheating. April is a laiil.lcss youth, Speaks out lo uuoo it; J-ike a biosen iunb or looih, '1 rust his hum r or his truth, And you II auiely rue it. April is an arrant wag, full ot idle humois ; Apl lo giuinule.apt lo biag, fcure lu give your hopes the bag hie lliey con.e lo blooiutls. Apul will not lend your sheep, lie will k.ll or lose ihein ; (iive him what yu will to keep, lie will wake aud he will skip Only lo abuse them. What is like an April day, feave a broken piouiisc 1 V heu he sweeps ihe clouds away, biuiling solily who can say Wlial ol that lo come is 1 Encroachments of Slavery. Seventy ycaia ago, the lAuiucrais drew a line around the ciaics, nnu eaiu iu iuc siave Trader, "Thus far you may go, but farlLtr... -j lais was the Jeffcrtoniau 1 U Ctinre68 Ll9 j, io in,ellecti a0 lueJ rubLud ; no mcnt , lUem , 8ay ; . .oh;!, . , r. , ,-.. - . , u., 1,,,. "lou may go .mo j not into the lauds North. This was the : ii i&feouri Coniprcuiibe. tne years go kAB n i,.H nut. Ihe reist OI tUtt 1106. &UU lurj uwmw - I . 1 : cAilUa in buid to him, -we icc- i uot..v.aV mLelhcr you 6hall come io or not." , ... . ,, - ,,. 1Lls as tLi UatU ml uW tUt luru bumblv to him, bat in band, and - . i . , . i . .1... I.....I ; ! say, "la-0 wuere jou picus, " j all jouis, the iNaticual Flag shall protect vou. and the National troops bhoot down .. . - .i .....I ! whoever resists jcu. Scott decision. The Way it v as Done Some few months previous to the late Sham Demo cratic Convention, which assembled at . ... i tiou and tbe afsemuiing ui mv, janjei, ljnchaban, President of tbe U. S., ...o. .I.A ..aid . A. JJotjs. the appoint - meut of Post Master at Johnstown, which ' k"w -- ' has a salary worth coe thousand jcr an- ; uum attached. At the oi .ne , Convention, this tame Jiogs was among the first to vote nga,t a resolution Mis- taining Gov. I'cti. i " unutttry. LEWISBUKG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, "Eave I Come to This?" Ho. painful mast bo the reflection! of i a V0U(i; wi,,, uaJ enj iyeu loe iirivn. t of aocict. mrill instruction and faith-i - , r,n;., ;n n-,tl. ,.f l.,i.i. """ J at 1:,st t0 60,1 b,,ulf arrlcJ in l'H wicked career by the arm of jmtiee, , - 1, . I .., I. , I. ,, f ' ami about to receive the penalty of the ,a ... ...a v . ( pa!,t ,.,vauiagM who me presout circum- I 1.1... i i ..II . itanco: Indee l, tie may Well say, "Have I come to this This is not an imaginary case. It so baprc'ie.1 tint the writer of this was pres- : etit when several convicts arrive! at one 6 " ,ul" I" '" rily cscami. u nave 1 come to tuis ; i i r .. . i... . . : l .1. : .L . l loo late in uvooj iiic puni-suiueui . justly due biiu for his crimes. What iu- and in a word, to remember their Creator ; iu the days of their youth ! And to a pa-1 rent who possesses a deep interest in the i welfare of a son just entering upon the ' Keenes of nilivelife whn buonrs (tin evil ' nn,;,u. f ihfi n:.tnr:.l heort n,l thn eipodnc of jouth U the .o.reo of the ; . 1 ' I world, a scene liKe this must occasion ; . " l"-" ' -v... il..irr. nF nnvmni a.iliil,i I., l..tnn snmn , fu'UrC d h AoM h CCMb ' (hlt ,Qa ,h0 nielaucholv reflec-. .., "i - - . . r FrOSpect3 Of the Country In 1859. i ti... 11 . , i;,,;.i nnn i, i , . .. i .. . ., , .. qiiuiliuu au.u w cLi.uu (..i cui.u .auui"u : i...0.iittir rnr n w m,u Bin i. v. ov.wu . . ., , ...... . r..n.i ninwi. ... ii-iiiiiik luh uuuiu "uiu j 9 ' 14 eleti!:.te.I to nfi.tril v.iurh. It nhoiihl i .1.:.... .r i.;.. K ahri . find, ilurinir the t . . . ..... !,.. .... ..mhvaI an ni.iti.-iii frm i tio .toanyone, J i,uiuS u. .. , - . nobody ; they instruct nooauy ; mey oicss ' 1. !.... Al. .1... II-... ..!...... . f "11 Ml ........ li,n.B ti. ' . -.1. : .. 1 .....IT, 1. for. of iee.. i.em ... uUlJ t,.u..a..UiUeo l cperaltoo oi muking, win ".un " nbj auJ save nobody. They write no oi any itinu, wun luereau volumes. " " "" eneetuai. aisu imuu..g , i..a. . ,i.. ,r nn p-.mnIea of true and in ine otaie ui .it mo. ... The expenses',,... .,,., ,.., ... r,.., v. ' I A 119 (-" "'- IU OOU bttllUI UP'll IIIW Yurk for tbfl ml)ulU o (Le . ; present fi.-cal year, exclusive of specio, woru Thirtvl'ive Millions of Dollars ; tuc iQt0 Xew York for the same : period" have been One Hundred andTwcn- ty-Niue Millions of Uollars, or au cxcr.M ..fXinetu Four Million nf dullirs in the imjnrtt into vnc port ia the past eijhl "'''" "ell asked: " ve good crops, can such an enormous expenditure of the vita! ', . , , i ..I ra, . and raw material vouuwj, u.u....j, v,.... ., . .... .,..,;.,..,. .,?.. f tho a, iuw prices, uc k miiuuinj ,u. bih pricei 1 manufactures of pauper Ku- rope? The total exports of agricultural larr. (the interposition of surviving products last year from Ohio, the richest frjeujs gavin" thsir memories from indeh agricultural State in the Union wis less di,erace)jica0p.delirium treincns"be I lhan twentyhvo dollars for each lnhihi- ' ,.,k. taut, and not one-third of this, or five 1 "g f-'"ful 8ecrct- At k" ,w,on the I dollars for each person, ever floated on list of subscribers for Intemperate 1 crsons ! salt water cr paid debt abroad, and yet , (at Ilingbampton) men who stood high j we are now importing at the rate of fifteen 1 ;a the profession of law and literature i dollars for each person in the whole coun- are a!reajy victims to this insidious de ! try in rich silks, high priced cotton goods, , u haj been asscrtcd that meB i and luxuries of oue sort and another, lu- J , , , , ,, ,.,.-, ii.-- ir .ii v are not to ba found wuo would voluntarily I cludiug iron rails for our railroads. o ure u" iu . . , ' ua.o t.uiuiuiu i ' ii. u f parts of the country, and will admit that ; j there never was as much land put in cul- . have examined returns from dillerent I tivatlon aud with good weather there nev er has been such crops as will be raised., i lut never had wo as many idle non-pro-, i i i-i . . .i e dueers; never uenre u u t aae me pro.-; 1 it nf us , many bushels of wheat to pay for , ! oue yard of high priced cotton goods, i j made iu Kurnpo frem the raw material 1 raised here. Not for twenty years have I there been, pr pnrtionaiiy to our size ana ; , i i ' I i ni.ntlirira 94 f.-nr new entton nulls, iron .1 I !1 .4 : . . .. .1. .... , furnaces snd coal companies to make home market as in this very year. GalUSha A. GrOW. ' Mr. Crow has represented the people of ! the Fourteenth Congressional District, in Congress for the last eight years. He is a striking instance of the wisdom of keep. ing the same man iu legislative service for ; may answer very well in some instances, buccessive terms. He is a man of dcci- ! but I have found no such process colli ded ability, a llucnt speaker, a vigorous : plctcly successful in mastering them, and debater, prompt iu action (as Keitt fjau I forcing them to bo quiet against their will. testify,) and fertile in resource. Kxpcri - . ... excellent native capacity, , tag maJ(, )iu an accomplished parliamon- . Tl.r ... . n,l.r nf m,.n in ' i , engineered through the Ilouso the 11 .me- j gtca(j jjj,, Qr brought tho Postage Ues - j tjQn tQ ag rea(j a lost fjll(J fact or. .1 f, ...t, ..rl.n I I III 111 II I U 11 UlU IUU UUtll laalU UUb UI Vu- I . prog8jUljt as luey arc becoming most use- . fuJ Xbfi Mw m,mber is shy. iU h , ' ; somewhat daunted by tho bold tone of his Snl,.i,.rn nrnnr,ent9. He in constantly ' I r J . - ; iutle to be tripped up in his ignorance oi j pari;amcrjtary tactics. He is therefore n,rilv I.ositatiiiiT in hisaction. because i ' not sure of bis ground. (Jive him cxpe - nonce; lie Dccunes laminar witn lne mode of transacting business and with the details of par.iamen.ary law. II. learns ...;m,.t .ntl,rii bluster at its true ......" .- I : - . o..a.h.i..o. . , 0US1I1CSS) lauiuiar auuo wuu mc o. the country and its resources, he is a rep- ith the needs of ces, he is a rep - I'ourtecnth Con- l ..-,..:.. nr nhom the pourtecntn Con- - grc8sionai District may well be proud. , Tanton'ican. - , j develpn0d eontract frauds, , transaction! of the ci.t c.tigtiii iJui;nU:i'.ious. From tho Amrtr-n A-'ricullurl.t. n,f, V-u Tree. J. Kanninff, j p c Me recomm,n,ls cut. . .. , ,, . i .'DS . . , f - ' tll0 I ' " . . . ,. Ti....t ! , unw .boon, all of bL'lDre Sue irrairs ara 10 uc ;i. ! nu" J J t, l..ft ..ntil the fullowin? DUIIU Dili w i - vear. Thon select the Binngest fboo.,, ""-;...,, r ,hm as ara wanted t')'r.i.,i , i.r , aell-ahap'l ton anl put the eit- ; "'riu " ' ' ' .:...: t,.,. l.o ,.!;,-., iTifrin?. usin' I . . 1.. 1 . .1 :. IIUl luna. wj Q- 3, j the usual precautious tu esclu lj the air. ...,,.! m...n,iriitn4 li. exeiu'ij iuu au. ... -i .ii f mher i l.etuove auoiit ij. iiii-i-j . it three (juirters or the other the following year prune the . ... . ,..., ,.,- ih rest awav. 10 luu way, " "..j , . . i . i. .. aml Goosrlm-. planted in good sml, in apart. Avoid put- tin" them against the leuces ; this leaves , cultivate arouui them, and ; . . tilso shuts Olt tUC lllitll. To ni'if.c dies thir the fast, in imitation of the calf, may have i the desired effect. JWvenlioa vf JSirrrs i Trfs J. N Van Zitidt, Mifllin Co., I'd., recommends remnvinrr the earth from around the blse .1 1 : nf ilm trunk and killinn all tho grubs i " ... . which may be found, then winding strips ol woolen cioinwe iiae aioui p.p. ;".., , 1 .... IT... rw.r 1'irrn.Ti.l I i.i Ir.n.L' Ir.l!!. ni'DeaiU inc oUliaee n ..iu .... , g-und .0 say one foot abo, cvering it , with tar, and returning the soil to its . a t!liljkj if this be done in the , p!a?e. Snrinr. and aain coated with tar ia July, it will answer for two years. i: W'.n'l lletter not plant . HH"- i!. !.,. I.ef.ra the bum fwevil) are do- 6troy(.j hy hot wator or steaul. The peas ... .-.i i . ii.. :i.:ii will most ot them grow, out me we... also multiply, l'ut the peas iu a colander covered with a plate, and set over a kettle ; of boiling water ; the team will sooo kill ; the bugs without much injuring the peas Progress of Intemperance. The New York Jximal of Cummrrce, ' pneakin2 of the appalling spread of intern- can such an co tbat a arg9 numbor of etni utalsofthe . 1 ... . . . "enl Br8 . neiii, uauics u.o bui,; ... ... .... , r nl llie ilVinir.Wnerr. luu uuucau.-o u. uv.u is never suspected by the community at c column mcmscives m au w. , inebriates ; but this is refuted by the fact ; that almost before tho foundation stono ' , - , .. . 1 l j . .7. J ...... 7.r i r.eii,.n for admission, of n,n. ii.i rt.iirr. n:.i. r.i;r;i. ili f.'.tAi...'. .!;' ...,.. t,. t..,-. r. I nnni niriTiirtii iiif lu ii. a a. " - - . . ... v v..v ponamg score ary o. vue Inebriate Asylum, "more than four hun ,jre(i ar0 Knmm in the higher walks of ... .,i.1(!;lt.j aUli accomplished." There ' . , P .,..,,.'.. ,ik. appears to be no room for reasonable uouDt a UJ IUIB pun... Dealing with Refractory Cows. In the Feb. No. of the American Ajri- cm! tar ist, page 40, I noticed the descrip- i tion given by Mr. Smith, of his way of i subduiug refractory cows, and which like 1 many other methods I have tried. It ! I believe that cows have almost invariably been taught bad habits by ill treatment ; 1 for I have found that when used carctuiiy ! and trentlv. their troublesome dispositions have been so overeomethat they could be ! I mill.od without difficulty. It will, how- : :,....i.i .1 laviu iiuiu miti poiiii.ui, i , w 1 to ith much caressing and gentle handling to make them quiet after they have once beeQ ppj, xiie right way lo com- 1 .nr.rt .Wl. nrnrwir trPnfmpnt frnill tUfi! IIICUIU Wiiu -. -' . . t . 1. 1 1! .1 ; hrst : accustoming mem 10 oeiog uaum ' MoTC attempting to milk them, and then . .... r ? . ... . . when milking using great care not to give the animal any pain by jerking the teats J . r ....: . i , or otherwise, in stion u we espew goou dispositions in animals we must show our cloduess Grst. Subscriukb. i gTFTI?., p0a gtEPS. This subject has for a time engaged tho atteution of ..:,. auj various results, ! "Iutio;5 of aDy of tbe well-known 1 - . T. , ' ,.. in.itr.ri.. a nspn. nrf anl LO llliure lue ueiius coatinns, frequently . . .... ier ccrminiuoos, uui necessary pabulum, I.VU.I.U., a neces- ir early t, nl.nls whieh. as '"""S"'"'"! ' , sity of proper couuiuons in uieir cu iy Btaies of tbf jieu iarger returns. ; 1 A th(J materials used we would enu-1 ! . f .:,. s.Itnetre Sulnhato! ! .. . : c,tiir Knlnhuto I miirjlr! I IH ItlllUWlll UaUI'i.n'.t will--" j of Amnlon;a Carbonate of Potash, Car - bonate of Soda, Soluble ;. Phosphate of Lime, ete. SuaoESTlVE.-Unless a tree has borne blossoms in the spring, jou will vainly i I?i'k f.-r frait on it in aasuao. APRIL 15, 1859. Fashionable Women. J Fhinn kills moro women than toil an J i .. . r i - :. sorrow. Ubedienee io lasuiou - tnrc. a creater unary 10 me bujmhi " ' . ... .. . t. ... : r. ' mrntal constltanon, man xuc uarosuipsvi I 1 ,.!,, The at i...... v.. .n.l mii ni l. an 1 ei JU.U.ij -u r. UtH U.'ft'' r-" b" ' ; , or generation, of her mitreip Tha wa-tierw iiiiin -.1 . . -C Ur. , nl.a. I, or tfi 1 ' . wi:u fecarei a ray 01 u-jiiu v . ... u.. .l ;VA to im her fashionab e n,. ,,.v - - -J , a;sters all die i . .... . i . rri . ,iia ner. iud K.ieueri , milij ;a hearty ! na, to be nurs .. : i r. u... .4 !..-r l. lv ( inaiu is iiw . jr " oh.hq, -j 1 i... - ...I i;i- . ...V t.h hnl c ..... . . . .... r i - i . ; jii irum mat msuiou ! ... .i.,..i ...r.h1e f ,r all the ffood cn Is ! f . lif()i to. They have but little force they have still less power of ..! li.tln nhvsieal en. j of cUaracter . ,. :.i nnd .mite as little nhvsical cn- They live for no great purpose in ,,, .h,Baf.eomnlish no worthy ends. Thev j .1. ill. firms in thft hands of milii ' i ' ' . . - ... . ... , ,, ncrs ana servants, wa uo-.n " .,! l;f.. If then rear children, ser- vants do all, save to" conceive and give them birth. And when reaicd, what are VI.,.t dr. thev ever amount to. . ....... lt-i. but weaKer scions 01 me 01a siucs : 11 no . . , , ,. ,, over bearu or a lasuionaoie wjmau 3 cuua virtu9 j of mal o , ,. . . , Real the ... , , I, nirranhies of our rrreataul 200J men an j - ' N(jt oue of thenl bl. a faslli,)na. .11 .,.. f,..,.. T . '.,.... min.f.1, 1 nrnnun vnn 1 n ti, 1 ti 1 14 little to do with fashion as with the chang ing clouds. lTJTPJKSia WORTH. Tis not ihe bird of brightest wing I), ist loftiest soar or sweeiest sing I'm brilliant plumage, who would mark The pinions of the warbling laik Tis not the gaily painted flower That sweetest blooms in wood and bower, The violet, of humble mien. Breathes out its fragrance all unseen. 'Tis not the sparkling fountain's flow That gladdens most the vale below j Tne sileut dew, the gentle rain. Will more refresa the thirsty plain. Tis not the costly pearl or ge n That forms the loveliest dia lem ; Tue ornamems tint most adorn Are by the lowly spirit worn. ' Pis not Ihe fairest form or face That m st reveals the spirit grace ; Tin ii iblem virm -s of llie mm i Lie deep within the soul enshrined. 'TU not the mm of sinning parts His strongest sway o'er human hearts; Hut he of sympathetic soul The willing passions doth control. Tis not Ihe hoisting Pharisee Who finds acceptance for his plea; Th contrite heart alone will bring To Heaven a pleasing offering. A Familiar hut Farrlble lllnilmilon of Al'VEltriZl.NO. No man goes iutj busi- . . . , i ness without putting a sign over his door, at a cost of from tea to twenty dollars. Tlilj t. ..,rir rf, .!?. as far ft it 0eS I but iii.t in , . - - -, a this siaa bears his name only, and is seeu .nll h the fw ic.V. if. Hit Ww , - t ., K,.nes n.n think oi the im- .Z.Z3 ZZl' ; i poriaueo ui li;i. ..." iwi. u.i...., i r a newspaper, where they can be soeu by. 1 ' ' , , . ' th mmh, every day aud iu every quirter, where their busines and all its particulars can be explained and presented iu its m it proCtable aspects? L)ok at the lottery men. dealers in medicine, &e. ie., how they advertise, aud what immense fortuues they realize by the opera'ion ! Should notour business men, mechanics, wer- chants, &c, avail themselves of the same means of making their name aud busiucss c familiar to the world? Try alvcrtismg in the Chronicle it will "pay." A Wamln' to Yoan" Wen. Wanua 19 K , , 118 James, recently hung at do- 1 a I. , ...,.. ..f rt-ti ronio, canaoa, wr iu - - panion in a night s pree, lelt a letter lor UUU1IV.IOUU. .w " 1 fc, ' - C - I operator, young, and well educated, lie says : "Ahnnt this lime I commenced readmit tUr.; i " , , ..... ' ; (.lti,t j j. tres ; . . . ' ..........(. . r- .ti. ip i pi;hto r.i-viT niia rciiuv iui"i- w . i it.. . C4tcj jQ my jjfe more tlUrj luree or four hmAj Tu... fti lv tUO'LM , Utut..T . j ! .: -i ; k ....ttln r i 1. 1 . Ii ii. I t hi . prat-neve, 0 , pany, have brought .bout . my rum. I would i here advise all young men that carrying , .aJIy weap.aniT will be their ruin, as it . ,,...,. ...,. t..L- m .K-ie.. n one uaaucu.u.uv. - j at the noint of death, and do not indulge n ... nf dm ri)ov mentioned practices ... "j if you valuo your life anl liberty.'' II you value you Patent OlSce Statistics. The 1'ateul UUt.-e ucpors ior vo, pro- i scnts some interesting facts. The whole ! number of application, filed during the ;. l,il thn n.tentu issued to ' owr. 13 ","-1 " 1 - - I 42 to foreigners; makipg SOi) more thau I. . 1 . I .l.,rii,.. ,nv r.r.,eioii ve:ir uaa uecu issue j t j 1 The interests of agriculture were rcprc.-en ' A UB III .... . - -Q . ted io otil of these, uf which 152 related . ii.... to mower and reapers, aud 42 to cottou m .--r- , and its preparation for market. 110 of the number were contribution to lhat ureat revolution which is sileutly reltcviug ureat revolution which is sileutly reltcviug : b - 1 woman of her wcarisotne, nerve fretting toil with tbe need e tnus maaing .o. in- , ventions since 131, woeo toe nrsr. auwmg . ., e . : l: .,).. Uue.I The L'reat lOiacm" , , mass of ihe Patents granted are to the citifr-M 6t Sasilvtn fst.ti. ESTABLISHED At prr "Dee? Plowlns- It has been truly sai 1 th it an increase nf nn inrli ia the avera' il pili of plow- , . . , .. , S...... .. ..! i , . ,, ., : if.r.,1 with orient retli. ltto mi uic ; r r ' C"M rec.iTel fr.m tJif.rn..!. W - liee in this assertion . ; . . I , nit tll- . , -, -i , 1 r -t lt- " "' w,,b ',,i,f b;'" P'"u.u- ' .-.u l-..iH tti ,t , iv, mi e ;iv Create 1U UCIJIU. , , U u ..... , - sun-Hoi., wuiou ppi-.u tithiu a few i-h- . . inctifia fix the Nixr aCe.a! eT U'.'lll. 1 1. . , - It suo-suile i, become SO 001-11 1 : i as in - ... t 1 1! capable of adiuixtura .r M il v we 1 aware that sab-soilmg can not be pri .rin- ... e . ei with any profit iu clay suh-so.U em- taining excessive amounts of wat. r; that Stteh soils must Cr,t be unierJru.ued be - SUt; fore e sub cn be pur.u.d with profir, well as that cub-soihog must au :rease of depth iu surfaee-plowiu. But as increase ot Ueptu iu suruce-piowm. uu. there are tuillious of acres capable of being tanus ot a:rea ar, mis 1111: ' oever beeu plowed to a greater d-pth than . four inches, composed of a loam entirely ready to bi utsmtegraiea oy a surta rl.i-in t to ll.o lietith of twelve or titteCtJ r -o - r ,;,!, ;n .r,.e.l r.r ,tit : an 1 thcro . ; are fuW that may not hi at one. ' plowed to au icca or more beyjua .f. .l.,tl, 'rt.n . ... "tilt tlll.l.v -n"-.. j farmers own another farm immediately : under that which thej now cultivate,' cn ' ..f,.. r.n,.,.,.,l. a,, 1 the iudiei- mkmu - - j ous farmer whose will has beeu so often , quoted, as haviug informed bis t-ons that he had buried a sum of money at a depth of twelve inches somewhere on his farm, and that they must GuJ it, improve! the quality of their products by the disturb ance nf the soil more thau he would have b.neattcd them by the supposed legacy by dire-t beq ieathm mt. L.'sS manure i will produce a larger aiuou-it of crops iu a ' de-ply disintegrated soil j aud it is not true : that the deeper you plow the more manure 1 you reo'iire. It is true that the more thoroughly manure is divided, the greater ! will be the am uut of crops prodid; .....Mliilv brought about . aud this is m ire c ' by deep than by shallow plowing. No practical farmer cau doubt that in Tit i-i i , ,j tleoj-iy plowed sjiN, crops are Iss anD.tyol ' by drouth and by insecti ; and if plowing i is us-fut at a!!, mast be useful precisely , . .i . r -i - ,, i.i in the ratio to th.-amount of aoii a. -.tuibeJ, ii.i. . .it.- provided that roots are capable ot appro- i . . , . e i i :,. m.itin ? a cruater auiouut ot soil bv Its I O D 1 disturbance. Whj doubt that roots wdl travel to the distance uf twelve or lifteea inches, or tvun double that distance? I . Who doubts that lime passing d ma thro' , ' ,1,., ai,.l 11 lr , tos-.i the soil will rest inert nu tne surtice oi a integrated sub-soil ' Vi ho at many forms supposed to be worn out have been revived by the ;,,,,.? f-w inches in the d -ith of ,,!, ? Will a-.v Inn r be c .u'. ated -. - j v to usi a pitiful one b..r,e plow, skating it 1 through Hie soil like a harrow wit!, one! a .... 1 ,.,... .1,. ...rim. . v .1.. ' , . " . , . crca-iug product : H tikmj i imur. " r J .. Th3 BS3t White wasU W3 liaOW 01. ' I The arrival of the house c'eaiuuz and , house-repairing s;ison, aod s.-veral recent; inquiries, r.-miud us to again r.fer to that fir.-t rate in J r white-Wash we des-ribed last Jjue. ear.y a year s has cou- hrmed all we said of it. Oar h rase coil- , ' ings, and the walls where not papered, , which received one coat last May, are now . , as wtulo as after . n.l fresh c oat of, j lime, anl we have not b vn in toe least ( troubled ;vith its -rubbing off." The nu- ! morons published rwcip'.s to the contrary , ihstlaj; Mi ca , , l' , f y ot!l,r m;i:otil, win aJUcru q( oi, of varnish. The latter two articles are ex- pensive, an I ciustin limo roii-d with giuo ; A R(.v:vul uf K0iisiJa b:M been ping will s-joa ch.ino ifa c dor White chalk 0I at jj ithn ire fr a.uue iirud, and in : . i ...i.,A .i.. nr i;...A mJ - : . r...., k.., ' IP '!.' IVail'lM'U ni.,y tj--a ; this substance is the t. Lviit subtuuta Ijr st substitute lor A very liue and I prep.ratiou of ,, . t: . I. umv. lu t nunc i4-u. ) brilluut white, wUj .1 . I t. ir: " ti.;. ... 1 ' CUili 13 CJIiLM 1 trftS -r HIIC. j. UI3 . 1 . . L at lhQ int stm9 fi,r CK.nts a p.vjn, i PirU ,r I ; White, we procure halt pound of the ' whito liio. costin.' tweuty-Sve eents Hil'rv cents ner oouud). The sixteen , o r o . , .... ,'. c i :. . .1, piniuaa ui 1 ans 11 iuw 1. ajjio a wjulu ; .11 , . as a parson will use in a day. It is pre - j pircd as follows : i .10 giue 13 coverea wun c m i w i-er nr. 1 night and in the morning is earef illy ! rt "t tTt r .:. . ,1. t,. m it 1 rtr.,r..,r milk uisia. " - , wails, and the j dissolved glue is theu aid. d and thorough ' 1 ir .,iiv...l It. .4 I.imi. nnfi lcl until a brush ; ...... -- -- like toe C'linmon Inno wmtewaoli. l.xeept , .,,.1111 S f 1 : tns, a single c at n sulli-ient. it ,, ,.?; ilrliii,,r , ...,ue white." nearly equal in briliiau.y u U1)r(j tXWsi,0 h-.t the rea icr!l ut ,h , An-ri. ,t Aj.i'!n,; try this m th id the present spring, ouaroom this m tli nl the u . . . .t i or t wo a -'yy J " u " II not i mrse, a I liuie, iniiu in ; , iu lfc(, tll j nil M.,aut of i . .. ... .... . ...... ... I 1 . US 0lir C.iur, ferea,. r ....... , nrm ai!,.rooec to the plastering At! iita. t, fa.!. ;i ti, fu-ii-o. IX 113....V.'1I0LE ISO., 7fc3. iar, ala In Advance. i An Hjnel Confassion. I Senior Toomb, wi:h all bis errors, ii a 6'ill man, anl a onetimes says wnat is ..t ...reWr.!., to Li B.JitiJ hi thus ipje of the extravaTibBa 0f th Niri.mal Adminis'ratioQ : Your appropriati:ns for navy yard have g U"? to tbe building of houses for officers and makiaj of flower pots anj all that kin 1 of tbirig. at a cost of 82,000,000; tit 1 it will b3 no less as lon as you will pay it, but will go un to f 1.000,003. if j .u do not st .p it. Thtro are 52,000 009 that you have no n? d for at ail. Yea have 80'JO sailors to mri v ur Eavy. Yo'l have uot iu.-rei.s-d theoi oi 'ate Jear.', mi you now have 8 J!IJ oi'-n ia your navy yirds t.j help t'j jta civilian. You btvo cl . If carried their numbers up troro oWJ 10) JittOO. Y'ou hive eight navy yards, Eng. ud has over 500 shies and she has two t navy yards. You hive eiht, caavenieut mJ Jt h , a of r,.priJJCt, ti gO0J D.-nacrits, for tte tncm;Jin Ke Xwj yip'- there fa elicit t,te tliem,. ,,, tte e,, n', thnn in elt (im, unit, in fl A it ni'jadje, Jam a frail tlitre is tomitunj in it. Cure alio Remedy. To onepounl of wjale oil soap, add our ounces 0 Hour ot sulphur. :lnx thoroughly toother and dissolve ia twelve gillonsof water. T) one half pe:k of 'juick lim i ad 1 four ga'lons of water, to I stir well together. Whoa fal'y settled, pour off tb.3 tran-pirent Iitne water, and all to the s' ip and sulphur mixture. All t the same also, sav four irallons of toler gtrju, tbae.-j watar. Aiply this . ., . . . . -.c . m:xture. waea tuus incorporaiej, wua ; r,on ti plom or othar , ,. c . ,h ,,a , ' V " .JJ ' ii r. n ri . , 1 if nn riiiu sii i-t'fii 1 ir lii rrrtai weeks one application will be suSieient. Shou'il fre.j-nut rains occur, the mixture sooiil 1 be again app'.iel uutil the stone of t ie fruit becoui'is hatdjue 1, when the sea son of the c irculi 'i ravages ara put. A Relic i.p Olde Times. We wero own yest-r lav a reiio of the oldea timo in the shape of a sleeve button, bearing the date of 1711, anl having the insignia of royalty atsmpc! upon it, in tho shapa of a crown anl other emblems. The but t ins were dug up on the land of George W. Sha. ffor, ii ShaeSVs Valley, Madi- ' t"M?, "J county. They were found 2 feet unlcr ground, whilst dig- :it ... 11 a . were stanlicg oq tbj spit. Uibs of ha man o.Jie aou pins ui uius&cuj . Luau l s r J i i i . t., 9 teen auw . oa-, ana "-oa Ige b'xes were a.s, found at the samo rilaca. How these things found their way I 'J . to t'uat sp .t is a mystery, for it has been r - , , . a perfect w'.ldjracss until within the last r ... tou years. The probability is tuat a sol dier was buried ou the spot during the border wars of tho frontier settlement of that iiav. CriSTiEMAS. This-term is very com mon. It is applied to almost every mart n iw-a days, p irtieularly if he is well dr.-ssed. Here is a d.Saitioa which is extreme'.v P'etry, to say the least. It is needless to add that it was giveu by a lady: "A gentleman is a human beiDg, com bining a womau's tenderness with a man's courage.' The Slave Trade flourishes as briskly as ever. A Ivies from Havana to the 20:h instant, state that the schooner Alice Han lei, with a org. of tO Africans, had beeu captured and taken iu I'orto Ki c, where the crew wero imprisoned. Another car of cui A.ncans has beta lauae 1 atli:iiiedi", Luba. Wehaveal- -. a rumiV of a cargo having been landed ' loridi. ..... Sarah Ma'.lorv, a Siave be;on2ine to tho f- ClDt. J,lberlf Ji(iJ Niltfi),k oa th'e .w , ui,.f in th9 V2sh year of h-r ago. Her youcgest eKiU wh. is the la-t of the family, at- tcn ,ed h,,r fura!. H . is S7 nf age. ... i i. r i , The old worn,,, (so sirs ie i-,y was a disbeliever in iuo ccnpinrcs uu.t her 11 lib year, wheu she became cenvcr- ..-,! nnd Was bal-tid. CrCi'.'S HI KUCU tt3 IC L IJ-1 U -rr . fc B.OS out rt:ioi.'i tr.c mi l lasiiinaio now r::icio l if.e mil laouinnaoie classes, as well as the lowest strata of S''ril Pr"'uiu"' desporad ,iave appirco'Iy converts, and , . t U I Ve C S' '1'J" 1 their revolvers aud bjwie- f iT u: ' Litl r .'if.rnU th- priest ; ma im ' l,K r'" , ' excitement prevail,.! on the r.-eptionot in:- Hiir-'iieo th-.t ihe I't'.ns II iiiroad bill had be n defo.ted in Congress. The Sail 1 ran'ic o rre-s i J with violent arli- . . i : eles den "iii.eiu t un-'e-, and gung s. 1 f u tht,xU.n ..,,.,,:,. The s. ver- ! auee of C.iiifornis fr .u th-I'uiou is bin- ,.,, a, m uniri-iJkean.e ien.... Mr, ."iris-h J.,. s.vs it is mirvellousty - VS" t-..i.iaiiTina..-a oy .... .-..a . .1... .: wim i:ie wrriiHi ii. u ... r., -m uv,.r H i'i.-er, but cover smiles lo receiva - tuo rJJOer him-o lf. ,r . ,- ... ... V I 1 n....r. n , r,.nl , (., , - i--.. ,,.,t (,,.,Wt.en th ii ty an i fnty of the 10- ites ol the St te i ris u have professed . ..iiversion duriti the pi-t year, and their diiiy conduct warrants the belief of their siiovriiy. iiloul has been shed on the Paraguay expidition. A s.-imi't, Ixdnniug to :h Falm nith, was uil'e 1 in a diunkeurow at 15 leu.. Ay. rs. It Ii, has a f .mily they will be after a pension iu a few davs. Au AooT-ein g'utieaian recently C3tn- ,:.,uIe .y ,),.-., , .... iU-,.l b..;n ., . T Vo . as t 111 u i 1