Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 08, 1859, Image 1

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in Indpprndent family
Cjc fciDis!nrfl (CJronirlf,
Iawl Fri'.htytjtit L' trt'sfturjjL'uiun Co.Ii.
77V? V. '1 5 Tr y:ir. T ' i;k ptf tn r-vyrr and
Hi.- iini- r it- f T a lun -it -t -h'rh r riM. Thii.
C- will .:iv f r f.tir in-in) h-. 7-" t- t.r 1-1 x iitu'li. 1 d..L
f.r -.. lit m-i. His -! Id. i--r fixt-vii m.-ntliS.o il-tl.f -r two
v 1 1 -. I t f. -ir niiif - tun ysxr. t"iT t"ii otiP
j- ,r. A p. Mtl Xn.'s, & ft. LiiYim-tlt t'V mill U':--'t
r, --ii 1 iti if"M. 't-t:if -tiimj-. r lHuk ii"t" t tlntr
-..tltie h.-re. kind l'n.(in-i' rereivi-d t tin- iHT;-f
t.R.Vti-a Hit tmi- pir--i. i-ir whi-h t:nT i t.ii.l,
(tin!- ! It tre a running a-wunl it i :T rr Kit.
Ai'VUiTi-tM hand .iii.-Iv iit-:;.-i---l. at ;".() rt- p-r
p jmr-' me -.-k. '.t it- a h :t"rir in-ei-n. n. ". !! fir i
H .nth, i d-d. p-T y.-ar. Ilit'f a winr- '.' U N. '1
4 .1. 1 ! I- Tniiiir.--l .. 4 s . V. li:in'.Ai-.
Ii.rt o-r rtfif-fiurtti a plumii. In d-d. Tr vettr. tHh-r
.a -t'. it m iv ar-c.l M-.m. A i:tri- i 1 w -r
mii .H.--1 t vim. ir .f n-xt ia-nrr. .Vtv-rr.-.Ttfti- ( l a,
d iti'ir!;7.inz tendency, ami larte mi. n-it it-hitittt-d.
Coian. a mentions de-irei ni tii- f -j'-m-ral inr.-jv-t
'i I cr'tin;rni tl iy the nter"" r--t nam' atid alilrr-'P.
Hi- M ViNKTlO TKLK'rUAIMl i li--.il J in th-otfpe
of tlie"rii.W hy whi'-b wm i.f'ca iustTt iuip-rtut .Ni-Wi"
:,, ""o-l "..il, ti'r.'ir:. .;,,,,i.m,i.-ri,i.fi.rmn.t
fI1::CZd''ih ,
..su-.i A.ierii..i.i.ni-ioi-aiUrhiui.njLj
u( a'l Job n orK wli.-ii l'livrl.
At.L Inn.- pi z " mrvriTK.
-"-FKICK-o Mrk-t S iii-r--. -i..ril.
n.l .tort-y
Vii-d n A- I ornrllii.
HI!Vl)lV. At'KII. 4. 1 .",).
1(T A N.--ihMlA!l.
fb.Cr.liimbia; rohimbi: niymtiph bIoTI home!
1 h:re b ft tby f iir1ord--r fr di-taot to ram,
i'.-r tti" mut:rin urn''f of r. ati havi- :iil d.
T- U bold tticpwi-t-l It-'aiitif nf thin- land uuTt iVd:
1 ir luT grand. Tiu-wrt-a'h- d Kttlr.l.t:r. LM. 1 liaTi- rovi-d,
Nar tli myntip abndc of ihp fair -rndtnc"liave movfd,
hf.-n th broad ftnn of lii.nor,' proud KitnKM'.mrirTUX,
V. - b'-ld all tbe Wautiff of Id r'alLer Kbinv;
Vet. ttiiHtjih rbariniue each fcilit
Of uiamfipi-ucf pay.
From tbr Rpertarle brirfbt
1 Uxe turned nif away.
And havr tlhM that I h-ft thy domlniitu to roam,
h-ct Columbia! Columliia! my forinvr lovt d bntur!
IVar Columbia! Columbia! my rhil.lbnors kind homel
llo I nt to rtKw 'n"ath thy Libert) dome!
Trap, lutia ha rharm. in her fair, unny pky.
To delibt and eorhaut the lone wanderer"- eye ;
In imperial Srrepe land lorrhivalry fnm1.
Long tha Xmme of the braTe and the free it waa namd
1 har mt-n the proud ruins of aef long tied.
And Lave knelt on the t.mlw" of bold warriors now dead;
tut nor Ithineland nor K'mt
With it every weet ncene.
Can tirpa my loved home
With it tilll-tnna of nrw-n '
Nav, ther" n ine eun enmpar.', east tV wa ep-d fnam, ;
WiibC.Iawl.ta! Colon.!.;.: my own lmdhome! j
L'xi-JS Slhikt, X--w Urrtio, Uuion Co.,
- I
It is very amusing, occasionally, to ;
n)4r-rr. thi. imnrssinns received bv indi- !
.. ,
i i i i t i i. .i 1
viiiu.u nf nlaees of which thev are ipno-
i j -d .
rant, or against persons respecting wliom .
, i
they are prejudiced. A few of these lu- :
dicrous mistakes, respecting our own hum- ,
lie sublunary aboJe, may be worth cliron- j
ing, f.r the gratification of our readers. eUl ..cvertkale. the people of Brady, ! rCeJ '"f "heat bad never so complete
. t. , j n , ,i , .... . , . . , i ly escaped from lutcr, and never looked
"Lloyd s American Kauroad (midc, ! ChilliMiuao'ic, &e., who know both us and : ' r .. ,
.ii ti -i i r. it-u ii. , more promising, than at present,
bushed in I hilad., Dec, ISsJS, gives yuu, do vastly prefer us to you, as the . '
the following tabular statement
stilus from Miicfmni rnjui-
I'iiw-etii Sunliury. alum, i
Punhnrv 0 0
0 II --mm
NonhnmSerland 2 2
I'hilisquaiiue 5
l.ewisburg 2 ti
Mi It-m 1 13
Walsonlnwn 4 17
I'niontowa 3 20
Kyster's 3 2:'
MoniRomery I 21
Herder's I
Muncy 3
Miinumrsville 7 35
WiIhaniM'ort " 5 40
As to l.lanco, we hereabouts "cai late
that Sunbury is tm miles from Lewisl-urg, a flourishing village-named l'hila klphia, : t hl8 becoa U1).suitable to the cir
and Chillioiia'iue denjt about h rf a ou account of the peaceable disposition of , ,
and Chilliquaque
raile instead of two miles from Lewi
Otherwise the table is reasonably correct
Hut those statistics of popnhtw are so
outrageously false as to convince any one
that tbe errors are intentional, and for a
design. If we take the vote of the last
rrcidcnthl election, and adopt .
estimate, H souls to each Voter, the rcsu.t
in the several Boroughs named would be
as follows :
2 s. ',5
1 lo."
Money ("st-)
There is no " town " of Chillisquaque,
and the whole township bas not 1000
population. Unioutown has perhaps COO,
tut that and the township of lkady in
hich it lies have hardly 1500. Mont
gomery's and Bergcr's are neither of them
.1. " l ... .....: I'l;.,lnn tnnn. i I
.,, , , -
Inn vIiiIa 11 .inlnnpDi llrt Intt A in !
Ihe "Guide," is larger than Watsontown,
Uniontown, Eyster's, Montgomery's, or
Uerger's. In short, this wholo "Comedy
of Errors" is all guesswork or deception...
Ybat a "Guide" to tha weary, truth-
et log trave er . j
The election of Col. Slifeb for Stale l
Treuurer has been everywhere in the
State teceived with gratification by men
of all pirties. His disappointed opponents
magnanimously concede to him eminent
fitnes9,faimess,iud deserving of the honor,
for life-long and wise devotion to the
cause of opposition to tho party claiming
t be exclusively 'Democratic." Only
one paper a professed irakAn.au np the
'iter raised a discordant note, and that
J in the following words :
"Col. Sliftr orieinally belonged to the oM,
id now defunct slock of Whij politicians,
jt, since the decay and dath ul that pariy,
W has bren nitrating Itrtwetn Whigim, t'rn
stum, Liicoftiaiitm I'ackarum, Kntiw tiathing-
-".sua K-uWicanuin beinir atiracted towards
'lea in succession iust in proportion as his
ancr for political advancement appeared j r-j.-.:. P Ulaip
,c t the most favorable. Of late year, bis j despotism we mean Francis r. Blair,
ackensm was so predominant that no longer ! was correct, when be said, that every con
thrt!!,n,lS, fa" her?'ed noPP",ion lo cession to tbe Slave power invited and
; , auiuiuir Ul III!" II UllCilB PHUT I
u ihiis.n,,.,.., 1 j.. 1 r I
1 tha Senatorial dmrin.
If the writer of the above had lived for the
jH twenty year, in Lewisburg, he would
picked out Col. Siifer as the fi
if who had ever beeo "vibrating be- j
twocti Wliiism and Ijocofocoisin." It ,
will all le received as astonishing news to '
ti:l "our f.ilhi" who Lave kujwo him best I
and l"itgest !
Another iliiiiifcrcstnl chap, writing in 1
a I'liiUd. pipt'r,ury patronizingly states of ,
INni!f Ciii-KTi. Only ttvn
m-u-papers are published in thecouniy. An
en-tic e.liior. u h has nme rrstrrt tor the j
i pinions of .' W.( woiilil fiud here an excel-
LI.NT tll'f
To be sure, we have thrre papers, aud
the wrecks of a d- z- n or lifteen others ;;
one progi wns sold and tikon away recent
ly, and annther is "lying 'round loose
'somewhere" i Krick's barn; there arc
pap.-rs puMislLed within b.ot forty j
ui.les of !.ewt,t.ur)?...t.c.rtbt.K-W, a right ;
smarr t.nergctic tli .n, who wouldu't slick
- c
at trifles, or mind getting iu debt, but
whu would have ni ne r-'g:ud to other's
vi'-ws thau t-j his own, might fiud hero a
good "opening" for a few hundred dollars,
nnji i ti.l he is not so mu-.h mistaken as
j the e!.up was who only wanted one year
j to break up the CmtoMci.E ! Until the
j "coining man" arrives the man who will
j be laborious, economical, get up a steam
, pros, print f.r nothing, obey and please j ning Mill, to shelter lumber parsing to
'everybody, aud get rich. ..until that time, j aud from boats The Store at the Canal
we fir r our bumble services, in our own is closed; like many other country estab
weak, undecided, disrespectful way, to an-! lishments, it does not "pay" in these uu
j swer all calls for jobbing aud advertising, j prosperous times.
i and to get out a piper occasionally. In ! We bave not yet announced the con-
.1 ....f . C.ll.. ; clpnofn liw Uf l..1rtnr nf fi Hi'Tinl fur
iue mean iiuie, our uuiormuaiu, uwmnj
oppressed, and benighted fellow citizens !
must "learn to suffer aud to wait."
, , n. . , '
Iiecause the people of Chtllisnifinue .
... ri-, . u
and "upper end prefer Lowisburg to cun-
, , . ' , . .. ,-. I
I uury inr lueir seal ui jusiiee, iue euuurs
i , . . i i i ... , :
of Sunbury depreciate them as "absurd, ;
I i . t i t
I pursuing a "phantom, iVc: and we of ;
. . , I . ,
; Lnion county, for tifT.-nng to welcome
them in on their own motion, are also
! denounced as "rii.LiDfSTE.s," wilh other .
tenilS and ilUpUtationi of a like Savory
ch.,rjcUT lJccause the people of llradj .
.... -
township desire to come here for county ;
' . ....... , ,. , - ,
purposes, tbe illiamsport (jaztttt plainly
arguea ,bat they do not know their own '
t : ..i.:i. t - ek ir. '
uusiuess, wuue mc ueisc ouuiu rc-ucne
. ...
1:1 c.f .,... - nn . t- c .
iikuua JAKIBUUI!
at ,be foot cf a tree with his mouth open
for ,be smKl t0 walk in." Very
weII) gfutlcmen, "fiilibusters" and "rat-
tksnakes" though we be in your nomen-
future will determine, notwithstanding
your eiithets.
We, however, can not
coax ourselves to believe that we are cither ,
, . . , ., . ,
t una stealers or -sarpinis, nor uo our
nei-'hbors in Chillisquanue and lirady
"J-V,.i go alroad to gel fie news
from h,m," it will be seen by the above ;
extracts, is not the sure way to get at the i
. i. t i i ' i :. ;
truth. TaOfl or npronnl ip1riuirfi. Icnn.
: ranee, or animosities, too often color the !
1 e 1
description. As a fair.oflset, we present a !
j.. j,. Down on the Delawara there is i
uu ui;euuui ui tue ueaeeuuiu ui.ii'osniou ui
r l
its firemen and adopted and native cut- j
zen-, who are mostly Quakers which is ,
ur..li i:,ri,t...i .riih ..n miwro tUa t,n.
Brouff(.ring fru!y fr waut of aQ
t(ll,r W1U au ordiEarjr aillount of sense
aud honesty, and where any verdant youth I
might make a vrrnnvinit investment ot a ;
e , ., .. , .
reeklcs3 printers. The population of 1 prompt, aud moderate, ho has only to an
I'hilad. is l.'AT. Tinicum and Marcus 1 u0Unce, and it is done to decide, and it
lnt a,,j,,iuiDi tous contain about , d3 w LcarJ ; , h.Bh .,b
lars. enonire of hF. Uaihcou Guide. !
edition of I'cc. 1S5S.
An I.mpoutant Debate. There was
a debate in the U. S. Senate one day last some Courts. It was a caso of alleged as
session, among the so-called Democratic sauU and battery. No notes were taken ;
Senators, which showed that that party j no impertinences or useless talk was pcr-
is demoralized and disorganized. The de- niUtcd io lawyers or witnesses ; the latter
j bate arose on an amendment to an appro-: were discharged as soon as the Judge coa
ptation bill, offered by Mr. Hale, provi-1 sidercd them sufficiently "pumped ;" and
ding for striking out the English restric-!
w 1
tion against the admission of Kansas. ;
Messrs. Toombs, Davis, Mason, G win and !
other loading Southern Democratic Sena-:
tors spoke, denouncing popular sovrcignty, :
and insisting that the Democratic policy '
hereafter must be to legislate in accord-!
0 pre(j gc,jtt decision of the ' ccution. Both wisely stopped when they
c . , . :('.!.. fln;i,,i ,iip;r in,ni,. ,,i
! QUtlCIUU V,oui , ttM i' " i
I gress establishing and protecting Slavery j
in the territories, whether the residents of
he territories desire slavery or not. This
astounding position brought Douglas, Pugh
aud Biglcr to the floor, who asserted that
such a policy would totally destroy tbe
party in the North. To which tho South
ern Senators responded, lot the consequen
ces be what they may, the Democratic
party, and the nominee of the Charleston
Convention, must mako np their minds to
stand upon that platform. Our Demo
cratic friends arc, by this time, we think,
becoming satisfied that the remark made
by one of their oldest and ablest men
..(. ..nm nn innnt nf tha Slavery
... , . , . . if.
waa followed bv further affcression. If it
ha. not yet been settled that salt-petre
will explode, it is no longer a question
about tbe explosion of this Democracy.
The Septennial Periods cf Life,
Slowly a hwt? cf routine U-rth appfars.
A rd marks t!ic pvrioJ i.f tb- m-vm lirt yrapa ;
PucivoiJiiij; tlicw, wli'-nnrTrii more T ara bar flown,
Thf inripwnt Juwn of f rtt-nt ynuth fLowd ;
V h.-n m-Tpn nmrp y -.ir- hs pa-'J. the I u-Iiy cluQ
Ami trawny liiuV pn ilaim the .Van wilbiu;
Anotbt-r T-n the r ril m tpua
?l-t-ls to its rb f ib-- eft ittri-ccth if won;
In tb fifth M'Vi-ii. tin- Man niaturn i- found
Fa.-t in the cliaina or fruitful wwilook b'lund;
The oixth jM-i.ti-isniuni cmf the ul is ten
In uo..u dy ppb-n-b r. a tUa and reii;
Tli-n nth arriw, in tlwuii-bt and jMfi'b mature,
An 1 ll.mujih tin via Ah tb. barrift may Ptiduif?;
ltut vf thf niuib it faltering mT hnth run,
Ih.w f.rl-it thf brUhtm-M of l.ift-V tin - -"in !
And Natun V lf, wht-n r-mu"' tb fetruiiL'lu y'r,
lIilmu?tfJ, loime to tiuihb btTcarin r.
Editorial Correspcndcnco of Lewisburg Chroniclo.
linprovrmrn!' nrar l.fwlurtr When! surburj
ioun JiittiM'" tuuri 4iid tilitt-r laittr.
This day, lor the hist time these many
m0Iil1S) we quit our "den editorial," (be-
j,,., thereto moved by the bracing breeze,
o j t
the fair morning bky, and "hope of rc
ward,") to drop in a few hours upon the
placid mother of all the towns on the
North and West branches aucieuf'Shau-
moking," now i-unlury.
Since we last crossed the "(ttzinach
S'Vi," we Cud Messrs. Dufieuderfer, Dreis
bach Si Co. have trcetcd a house between
the batik of tic Cross cut and their l'la-
Bi.-mvu, j aM.uw., v. .
passengers, baggage and freight at the
Lewisburg station of the S. Si K. Kaiiway
Company. It would seem to be nnneces-
r J
sarilv distant from the town road, but
well adapted to its use. Wo learn from
- .
Mr. M'Ginlcy, ticket and freight agent,
, , ,
that his receipts last month were nearly
, , '
5900, and nearly SjOU in February a
. .. cln
"t0 WJlch waulJ soon rca,,ze S10'00,0 a
Joar income, to the Company, from this,
lue ucst pjing Bfcaiiuu uu iue roau ua-
tween llarrisburg and Williamsport. A
Telegraph Office is needed here to make
the station complete.
"Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood"
never looked fairer to the longing, way-
- ,. , . , . .
worn Israelites, than do the broad acres
sown with wheat to the worried and debt-
harassed farmers of Pennsylvania. All
we saw on the cars, goiug and coming,
and all wo met, (with whom we conversed)
Arrived at Suubury, the first sensation
of novelty was on visiting her square old
Court House, which aeeuicd at first glance
to bave shrunk in size since our last visit.
A little reflection, however, convinced us
that it was tbe samo building as of yore.
Numbers remarked to us the same feel-
ilIgciin!led doubtless, by the contrast
betweco ,b0 commodious, well aired
Cour, Uoom th LaJ attended durinj
. i i . -1 t j
cramned .nd confined" room here, which
two vears. ana iue "cnuocu. cuuineu.
, . Illartvriom to endure.
a l.;i,1in i,. it, and ner.
. . .1 ,
,, ,. .innna 71 11 . 1 tr-intf lit (!il rfilllifv
" caQ 001 commeuu iue uccoruu. mam
t tift in ilif rnfiiii. iifir ot can we con-
scicDciously aver ,Lat tLo nuluberiu such
cose quarterSj intcntoQ the miscellaneous
bnsincss thlt a!waJJ cluster3 aronnd court
. . , . . it...
rooms, could have behaved niueh better.
Judge Jordan "bosses itover thecrowd"
. , Cooi
,bi Preliminary reports of Constables,
sending out the Grand Jury, &e., was
submitted to the Jury at 3.S0, to-day, but
would hare occupied at least two days iu
the case was summed up in brief speeches
from one on each side. Mr. J. B. Packer
waa argumentative, sententious, mild,
pointed, and pressed home tbe strong
points for the Deft; J. K. Clement was
discursive, poetical, ardent, and inclined
to be sarcastic if not abusive, for the pros-
Mi "U'-"1-" --- c '
the Judge gave a clear and fair charge, a
model of perspecuity and extemporaneous
The Bar of Northumberland is certainly
str.ng in numbers, and very respectable in
point of legal ability. Judge Jordan was
compelled to request the Commissioners to
bring in half a doicn extra chairs, to ac
commodate the member, of tha bar, who
were standing within their wooden walls
with a very tired look. Notwithstanding
the present abundance, another lirge
"crop" is said to be about ready for '-'ad-mission''
into the "arena." Mr. P. Me
lancthon Shindel, however, has quit the
Law, for a higher and more congenial
calling that of the Christian Ministry.
On motion of Ex-Gov. Pollock, tbe
Court adjourned at four o'clock to give
opportunity to all who desired to at
tend tbe funeral of William Wilson, a
practical Surveyor, formerly Member of
Congress, from Williauuport, who ru-
married ani! removed to Suubury ibout
tlrec years ago. A man of great purity
of claracter oud beloved by all who knew
kitn, be deceased on Saturday last, at the
ripe aye of 84 years.
Tbere is ai much grumbling about "hard
times" in Sunbury as elsewhere. Theprin-1
tcrs there had not began to be plethoric over
receipts whon we left (hope they may
have better luck the remain lcr of the
week) and Masser of tha American we
; auu ..jassL-r ui iuo
las resorting to his old trade of At -
ynhiptokcep things moving. The
(T could get no bid ou a Sunbury
saw was
rronertv he was "commanded" to turn in-
tf money, and adjourned his "sell" to
ii j
There are now five hotels in Sunbury,
which indicate a very thirsty place. The
last is the "Central," at the railroads
junction on Market S'piarc tho property
formerly of John II. 1'aeker, enlarsed by , iu Scotland. Now, no sane reader of
Sheriff Vandyke, and leased by Jos.Moist. j j0ur very respectable journal can for a sin
It is commodious, and looked like a civil, j gle instant suppose that these "geniuses"
i well kept house, whose location must com-1 would ever bave met in a carpeted hall,
I maud a good custom. The Ticket and 0T well furnished library; that, if they
; Telegraph office is kept in the corner next bad so met, tbe first would have performed
j the Railway. Jacob Shipman is the opcr-' the superfluous act of throwing a "man-
ator, and the telegraphing public and ' tic" over a man already enveloped in
Company will be glad to learn that nics- j cashmere ! As readily might one imag-
! sages can be sent to and from Sunbury as ng David taking lessons on the harp,
'. well and as regularly as to and from any ! from some ISoehsa or Ap Touimas of bis
other station on the line. I day, instead of yielding up bis whole soul
The site of old Tort Augusta is between j to the inspiring influences of nature, and
Suubury and tbe H. 11. Uridgo on the pouring forth that inspiration in heaven
1 North ISranch. Jliere was not long since
discovered a quantity of implements of
warfare iron, so cast aa to leave upwards
a sharp point, lay them down as yon will
in short, stubborn little porcupines, with
Thesl ToTo' IT,
steel-like quills.
.i f . i ii j i tae data, ana lue leisure, ana iue retire j i uas uccu utuiucu u cupus wu
pt Se'ue "SaZ" n" to b u. I - Uk. B.r'ns, or to a sou. chamber-when she knocked at my door an act of As5CIubl? M Dot U re.
LTarounS 'n eh " A eVru ty spe i-! that of the sweet singer of Lrael, usual, to give m. a hint that .t was fcrred , anJ hj , Tote of tte
pumth7jV tkinp would tave bcen a positive gating up time. saw, b, the first Xbe power ta aloIiih laws b.long,
7muTJXtLcVuM 1 i-umbranco. And I propose to show W ""M th"9 " , alone to the Legula.ure. The movement
oV.b.U I tt one may become a er, respectable - out ; and when I at a,t ventured ! abolish tha SapcrintenJcnej has origi
The np rive tra . , thu .fernooa was 1 instructor or -tar (I don't know whe-; te the covers, and took a peep DauJ io gome tf lbe COUQtiea ,bere pea.
, 7 T , r ! ther that word U in Webster) of his M- l the weather, I made op m, mind that ! , baTe bjB di4SatL.fied with this of
crowded with passengers, returning from mer mat woru u iu " cumci; ui uis .iia ,,. . . .
below, where they had been to scU or to ' -n, without either the comfortable , li have , fice, probably through the meompetenc,
' J m . f . .i r httn fathering nn moisture too wnule . .l- o :.....u.t. a , t,&
run lumber. Some of these are doubtless
worthless men at home (if they have any)
or abroad ; but tbere are many other,
oraDroau; out mere are many otucrs,
. ' .. '
wno c aim respccianiiny in meir own
neighborhood,, yet maniLt iittle or none
t j
of it when "down the river." Rowdy in
dress, foul in person and in speech, really
or a
of the
as baggage, than to be put in passenger
cars. No sensible person objects to any
ono's riding because he is a lumberman,
or poor, or coarsely clad ; but watermen
as well as others can be clean and civil,
and can keep their tongues, their breath,
and their eyes to themselves. Kaiiway
cninrianirs have nnt the riht to fill a rtas-
r o i
seugcr car with men whose dirtiness,
whiskey, tobacco, and rude and violent
conduct disgust and annoy other men and
render women and children fearful for
their personal safety. Ye men of the
North aud West ! you would be ashamed
aud afraid to have your own neighbors,
your mothers, sisters, wives, or daughters
see you as yuu sometimes exhibit your
selves. Be warned and no looger disgrace
your homes and yourselves. The Al
mighty's eye is upon you everywhere, and
the world sees and despises your silly
sport. If such conduct is continued, you
will have to be carried like swine in a
' pcu fitted up for just your condition,
for such nuisances must bo abated from
i public cars.
j From some typo, travelers we nevcr fail
; to bo informed of the "gentlemanly con
ductor This," and tho "polite Col. That"
just as if any conductor were entitled
to especial commendation lor being a gen-
tleman-or as if any Company would dare
to contiuue a conductor who was nut a gen
tleman at least outwardly I While all
men should be kind and accommodating,
those especially in a public capacity must
be so, or be expelled ; and for doing only
every .day duty, well paid for at that, no
one deserves extra pay or especial thanks,
cards, canes, or gold watches But we
must say that our afternoon's conductor ,
was the least disposed to wound the feel
ings (through the pockets) of any of the
"gentlemanly' fratcruity we ever saw. He
twice passed five of us without insinuating
any desire to see our tickets, but when four
expressed their resentment by volunteer
ing the tickets at being thus compelled
to appear as "dead heads," he "kindly"
accepted them at their hands. It wa. the
first time we were ever "overlooked" by
the money takers an act so "gentleman
ly" as to extort this favorable notice con
trary to our usual custom. One, however,
pocketed the ticket with the insult, to nse
pcradveuture, soruo day when change is
scarce And thus ends our eight hours'
trip to Suubury, Monday, April 4,A.D.'59.
Ao cartniaake may be bid to A par
Th. man Uial'. .IMagled bj a bair."
A man named Charles llecd, who was
on board the Central America at the time
she was wrecked, and was picked np after
floating on a piece of timber twelve hours, J
was recently burned to death io bi. cabin
in California. '
ffectcdly intoxicated from the results surroundings at this moment, i suoum " - - ' - omce, m our op.m.n, .s caicu.a.ca
J . ..... .... . iii and catua down in a torrent, lue i .? i :
bottle they pass shamelessly about, chant you a most doleim amy, lor l am in " - mucn gooa lor me cause n euuea..OD,
. . ' :j,. nearest spot of shelter which stood open, fii . .t,. ,:.. n.i nf mrn ,n,l ;f i
g snatches iron, vulgar songs, ana ' "V"'"! . J was .be doorw.v vt ah. ... U-k, .-J T:" L";.f ".'I ."IJZ.aI
out vapid jokes, they are better Bom. twenty-nve years ago, i was, - " vr" " . '
to ride in the ox cars, or be piled up P'ajing with a dexen of other boy,, one , " - . ' of . ";
APRIL 8, 1859.
rCorPffKpond-nne of th Lwiabuin l tironte(e.
Piiilad., March 21, 18S9.
Mox Chf.R Cbrosicle : When otie
siu down to enlighten the public,
s10Ui, j,aTe aecessorici'of all sorts around
80 as to ,e enabled to "speak by the
J carj Tll;s suggests a ery cozy library,
: a nico table, velvet slippers, a ca-
pau;ous auj couifurtablo gowD, and an ca-
fy cLalr. ,v ltn BUCq BurrounuiuSS, uu
, wilh n0 one t0 mule9t or make afraid, any
individual who could not enlighten the
j publiC ha3 no business with any ueh ad-
. . i: I '
.intae,. as these thines suppose. Hut
, n
; jc rc.,.uires more than this to make cither
aa editor, or a correspondent.
you remember the "inspiring mantle"
wbich a certain "Genius" threw over an-
olJter genius, whom the first genius found
between the stilts of a plough, somewhere
, taught song
"Likethr inrwt Sooth
That bral)is upm . bank of violet ;
St4lmj aud gtrtnj odour.
Tl, ...nr. .hn .anta to stat L storieal
facts, or aive statistics, or treat of the sci-
' fat supposed-
'liters oi iue nrst, tne "inspiring man-
tie" of the second, or the bright stars the
hA...n. a, h Jn.nJr; .limaiP nf
- -j r o
;k.. n.vi.I .t,i;p,t n.
" b--j) -
ture'. harmony, and the music of the
, pheres.
Now, if 1 were at all influenced by my
All of a sudden, one of the boys struck
up a negro song, then just introduced by
aS(aUlf Ul WU U r v -
the celebrated "Jim Crow Kice," to this
effect :
'I ptays nnoti de fife.
And 1 day nHn de fiddle;
I'm 'oel to ib Hank
And I dja t UU Uiddle.
"Hush I" said some one else of the crowd.
I1 UDS wouKa .ogeiuer urew
mJ attention to a gentlemen at that mo -
uient passing. I never to my knowledge
6aw llm tcf"re and' 1 am surc' nevcr
a .i t v . .i i
MULC uul " 1 lru ,u ,UL" "7.
with twenty five years added to bis life, I ,
am quite sure 1 sLould recognize him.
A smooth, rouud face, exceedingly band- j
some ; very luxuriant hair: a person ni- ,
ther tall nor short, slightly inclined to 1
obesity, but graceful in the extreme; the
whole appearanco that of a "boa vivant :"
in short, one who could nut be mistaken
for aught but a gentleman, without deign
ing to notice the impudence of the boys,
which he must have distinctly beard he !
i . . i - i i. .. i
1'" uu uu ,u " ic" U,U,K uc UJU
passed away, ihat man was
Biddle, a great financier, a bad politician ;
a gentleman of learning and refinement,
as his bell and the
destroyed him at last
but whose God was
Juggernaut which destroyed
Tho vortex into which he led the Uui
! . . r.. . 1 1 .1 1. - 1 .1 .
uack' Qa iae rum wa,cu
llishliuuuu, 111 11a lull, siucau mmusuuui
.-..' 1 . Zt .1 .
: r.n .....J il. 1......
last act in the life of Samson, and is writ-
ten in th, book of the chronicles called
"Thirty years in the U. S. Senate."
Not many years ago, there stood io
Chestnut street, above Fourth, an iiupo-
... . .
sing range ot Dries iront witn a ten loot
' -I 1- - . 1 -.- , ,
cu'uuaue l"u -""'--, "J
.. . - . . ii riiuriiaLUL unaiuui. iue limi uul wuiair-i rr- -: - i i . . i . . .1 .
'. uilUL uiuuuii:ui) cicuiug lueuuiuiu iui. I , ,. . . , t t j
a wooucn cornice anu a ujg siau. xuai ' j persons fin waier crans navigaung 1110
was the old Uuited States Hotel. I mean j A Lover of Peace Markvi.n.i a , riv,,rs 0f ,bat State. A violation of fiis
tba building not the colonade and fljg- ' Pcmb Woman. A man named Thomas . jaw t0 t,e considrn-d a high niisd. m-a-staff.
I remember with what solemn and : Gait was married, yesterday, by Justice ; nor ,d Ui,(iu convict ion, suljcts the
profound awe I used to look at that great ,
house, when I was a boy, and think how
very rich people must be who could afford
to board there. In after years, Charles
Dickens stopped there, and wrote about
it, and I have listened to Kossuth har
anguing the mob from tho balcony. But
"the march of empire" has blotted it out,
and on its site standi a great "rock temple'
into which the"rocks"will find their way j
bye and bye whose grey front of bewn ,
granite, and portals which look like Petra, !
hewn from the .olid rock, would bave I
... , . . f i - .
given to Danto sue, a set of gate, for bis j
"Inferno !" That building is the one I
begun fur the use of the Bank of Penn-1
.ylvania, put up at a cost of Three Hun-1
dred Thousand dollars, and sold, for half
that sum, to the Philadelphia Bank, some i
weeks ago. Tha odd $150,000 is at tha
expense of stock and note holders, as cer-
At 110 per
tain small docuuienU iu our .ale at tbi
moment will aUow.
Now, I'm coming to the sut ject HSiouM
have begun with.
.. , mmcnf gtaodin-r
UIifiui,bed iustitu -
;k imn, wails on either
i an(jril5ag Leads, aud mighty
rjuliug from its' massive doors,
... . b , ,..,i. -i... B:l4 onee
hui'din in tbe city and proba-
ly is yet the old United States Uank,
Cu3tom Hause. Adjoining I
m tba elat u tlie Philadelphia!
bu;Uini c.,n,aiuill,. tbree banks ,
United States Hank,
"I'hil.I.-Ir.lii:,." "Western." and "Com-
lt . Ji.iiuiu" the irranite
t,uildin of the Dank of l'eun'a. on the
west, is the Farmers' i Mechanics
-f , l.,..nt;r,il Luildin?
safe institution. Within a
stone's throw, is the old "Independence . iid not realize l&eir nappy escape nnm
Hall," and not farther c T stood until they had got out of the train and look
within a few years the little old building look at the ear, hanging as it were, by tha
where Jefferson lodged, and where he ; eyelids, 140 feet above high-water mark I
penned the "declaration." T j the last, it ! Had the train moved on forty feet further,
was kept as a tavern, and kuown as the the disabled car must have been inevita
"J..ffersou Wigwam." At the same dls- bly precipitated into the valley. Ther.
tance iu another direction, Frauklii.'s is a cluster of houses beneath the bridge,
mansion stood; and there he lived, aud and the inhabitants came rushing out, ex
experimented, and wrote. These locali- peeling, no doubt, to bate a flying f iait
ties are all within three hundred feet of iroin the distinguished aeronauts. Theae
these granite steps where I am playing cident caused little delay, and although all
correspondent for the Chronicle. ! were badly scared, as well they might be,
Now, I suppose the question arises, ; nobody was hurt. PuUcUU Emporium.
"What docs thou here, Elijah?" "Uy I The Sn-Eiti.NTE.NPENcy. Oa the21th
that, hangs a tale.
Our maid had been up for an hour or
lDIS morning aw
I 1. .. I .1 I. . -
frm th fragrant b"tn f our "01J D
! -"-" .hich had insinuated i,elf thro'
, " . ... .
awning in winter after twenty four hours'
: ... . , . , , ,
Still it held on, and 1 got break -
, , . . .l. ,, . ,,,t ..i .,
; J "
starttd down town on some noancni
1 uSlir3' when ,!1 ,l 0Dfe' " ro"uJed
, " 'S mJ 'aonS;'ls Jou "u u"f
, 'hc " ' ,,befir5t ' a SCri" f "' f
! auor f,K"CQe3' or woa":Tcr " 'uu
to call them.
In conclusion, Yours,
Deiftinq tub Femalb Sex. Dr.
Alexander, in his recent volume of ser -
t A r .n.-,,.;.... aTa.,..n ..e
. iuui!a uacia tuo tuuuniu owtvuiu v
; f -
j . bat a horrid fraud Satan is practi -
, ,he church, in regard to the daugh -
I ,cr3 u( tbe covenant ! lu fashionable cir-
cIca dare I name them Chri,tian ? the
girls merging into maturity are frequeut-
ly sjld to the adversary. The young wo-
man is taught to deem herself a goddess.
If there be wealth, if there be accomplish
ments, if there be beauty, aioiust a mira
cle seems necessary to prevent the loss cf
the soul. Behold her ptiss from the pe-
des'.al to the altar '. The charming vie-
tini is decked for sacrifice. Every breath
that comes to her is incense. Her very
dtudics are to fit her for admiration. Day
! auJ niht. the my but wretched maiden
; '
. i - i r if l r L 1 i
IS laugUl IO IU1UK VI sell uuu fii-iusu .
1 sures.
Till some Icnten fashion of soleiu-
ni,JF in,erruPt the whirl, the season is too
i suort "r tla '"i?-1 lutll,:i- le P-
rents shako their heads at magnificent ap-
: ..n . .1 1 1 o mo ninfit tnrripl intn dar.
I'ail-l, vvsi.l &--, ..ft---- jj
! daneea .t hich Romans would have
.... ill tl- e
! blushed, pale checks, bending frames,
i threatened decay ; and yet t,cy a.low and
! Subl"lt- ,AnJ 'buS tbt sex, which ought
I lJ 8now lue tweul' J
. uiiiv lumu. 13 udi 1 icia ill ant uiiiue.-i .
1. 1 . t. : . - .1 . 1. nv,1Pi,. . :
temples of pleasure. Thus the so-called !
J J '
i Christian verifies the Apostle's maxim.1 .
i , .....
, vac mil 11.1111 ill f h.jiii., 11 m.u .....
sU ilvetu.
Hinsclroan, to .arah Jane Anderson, a .
mute. Some curiosity was excited by the I
fact of his marrying a woman whn could
not speak, and a constable a, mm the ,
cause of hi. doing so. Gait answered j
that he had had two wives already, and j
they gave hirr. no rest by reason of their;
talking ceaselessly, and ccmp.aii.ing and
scildini? from morninz till niiiht. Both
had died, aud now, as he was forty years
oid, ana uesirous oi navmg ...... ij
i . ... c i - l:... I
tor ine remain-ier o. u.s ... ,
';- - -"
annattt Knqmre.r.
The steamer Fulton, of the Paraguay
expedition, hs a tremendous 11 inch
Dahlgrcen gun, with which she was going
to roll big balls all over the pampas, but
unfortunately tha store ships forgot to
bring tha carriage, which lies in tha Nor-
folk Yard !
IN 1S43....WIIOLE NO., 782.
Year, always In Advance.
raioillixt, utr surniiu-u.o.r
I DrdJ hst. ,be P"g- " of tttf
j ai'" rwu w., .c.r.ug .,.uS uU.
' tho mountain, some of the fastenings of
the fpjnt truck of the centre car bruke,
! and for a kbort distance the piisengers,
, about thirty in number, had yAuoK ride.
! The train had pjrtly moderated its speed,
j as it was just approaching the longest and
; highest bridge at Mainville. A burricaca
1 blowiug furiously up the Valley, and
! j'Jst ai the engine, baggage ear aud half
: of the centre car baJpassea on tbe bridge(
a blast of wind lifted the front of the ear
off the damaged truck, letting it down
within a few inches of tae 1ge ot tde lol
' ty structure. The motion tightened th
alarm rope, causing the bell on the engint
, to ring, when the engineer promptly
' stopped the train. The rear ear had oat
entered upon the bridge. The passengers
j tbe question of abolishing the Com-
j School Superintendence in the dif-
. - . .
: ftfrcnt eouuties of this istate. was telora
j the Senate. It was proposed to aubmit
j tb(J qution A oha people . but
i " lue,r cF""-
I V!!- T"'"
b' ; d , it i j b. monstrous
1 , .hu,:x. b- . PenCral aw. in counties
' . . . .
Wh"e U wM "J
i t.. i . i j:
j tricUit has not given satisfaction. Tha
give them their hearty co-operation ani
assistance in carrying out the design cf
; the Superintendence they would have lit-
tie to complain of this branch cf cur com
mon school system. St:ilury Gazette.
, " . , t it
! Death AN , D Kei dext Mrs.
Elizabeth Walli-. relict of the late Mai.
; - '
J. J. Wallis, died, 17th March, at tha
' house of her sen, William Calvert, in
. Williamsport, in the SSth year of her age.
She Hurried John Calvert, in Notting-
1 hamshire, England, about 1791, and in
1703 moved to this country, landing at
( 1 oston. She resided at llarrisburg for a
tlm-, then at NVrtbctuber'anJ, aa j in
1707 moved to Williamsport, where sha
has resided ever since. John Calvert,
her hu-bar.d, died in New York, in 1S00.
Mrs. Wallis has been a devoted member
of the Episcopal church, for many years,
She had a remarkable constitution, erjoy-
ing tolerably good health during tha moat
of her lite.
The PhiUlelphia J-i-1 are nther se
vere upon Jurors, who neglect to attend
the Courts. Lit week, James G. Bar-
caj( j De Haven, and Geo. Far
! were each Gned $-00, for two days'
n no
attendance as Jurors. B. F
il irt and J.
' 1.1 T 11 . .... C I k clftil f... m..
r tlCWI'll .riB Ulli:-. C IV11 M-'V ll'I VUW
, ..!, i:.f,i, tn ,,,
, as a Junr in Philadelphia is rather an
xpenive ob,tincy, aDd It require, tha
saIary 0f Congressman or navy agent to
be able to meet the charges.
. . .... .
ltRnUlTV 1 ha latrt Artansa, IiC--
ialature pissed a law, which is to take cf-
; led ir
tbe 1st of January, 1 pro-
..1 l . , rt !... I
t n'on'"S emy" u. ......re-u
party having charge of such a craft to a
fine of from So00 to $1000, and imprisou-
milDt ot exceeding twelve mouths.
;,-Kjll,at t!iai
f .. mi tWek.
R hJ gi
kft he cuan(y Ju,lg., Aa.
der,on was ,tin i critical condition.
A company of Regulators was organize I.
A Distant Hist. Tha Baitiiu-'M
Grand Jury, in a formal pre,-ntatmn,
hiye preSiM.j thc 0,ininn ,b the mur
ders and other acts of violence so frfq'ieut
ly perpetrated io that vicinity, may ro at
tributcd to the quauiity ui liq-.or d.auit
by tha offenders.
New Orleans, March 29. Col. L"ck
bridge bas returned b.-re troin Texas,
where be is organizing his aoutiirrn (
western emigrant expedition to Ai If',
which is to sJit about tae m dl.'e .l Afi.i.