1U I i v." 31 iuihi-. -nr.. il hrrtmflrv II I III P'IMIM II i I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 "lWWV"' o.v... O. N. W v. a. DIM k J. K. C OKIvi-LIOS. f. itnsiiir TSH. The L wi:n .; ("i ri..nii. -j.r' -. pu'4i-i,-i..n :ii,l.-,.h.-,jm.h.t'.-ir.c-t una i. tirrulMti.tu ,tli-v N.wf.i.iitwr in L ni -u r.iuutv- ''.:.''.V.'l".'"'.r ' - ."."?..'- -- ; li0M,n.llll)Ml; SlaUTV, SCc!inr.:!l! ; Free jNCW 0rk Till ill-lit ! i oe Aioany ii.vn.zy . .' give.- :.,e f .Uoiti? as the result uf tho cUctizi.s for , i Puiwrvi..rs in .New urs. as i.r as n ;t t from, cuuii.arei with thj resait of ial , jcr : is; -J'llMirall. .1 met inut. 4.i 11 iU . ." I",". I .. 1 ill ISO This ,, , . 1 ' - oughiy the Kmpire Statu uiaintaius its attachment to s. uud prtiR-i; its. AVA8Hl.VUTu.,.Maichli. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, eutertd upou the discharge of his duties as l'ostmastcr Genera., io ilay. The Grand Jury to day commenced the cxauiiuatiuu of wiIirl3 iu tl.e Mekhs case. Twelve or fourteen wituiscs have beeu summoned. Chief Clerk Shug.'rt is now acting as Commissioner of 1'utenfs. Thomas 1J. 1'joieuee, of Philadelphia, who has beeu lil evr since toe el e-u of the Sjsmou of Cougr.ss, is cuovak.-cctit. Jos -ph Miller, ex-iucaib.i' of 0 .tigress from Dai", La been i.pt united Ai-c.aie Justice for Nebraska, IU tho Lee ol Judge Samuel V. Ulaik, appoii.ttd Gov ernor. Ii is.urge.1 that usjloss Western fortilica nous are u u-s reuueea. .11. i.ueu irniti, 11 staiea, uas u je.arcii ue w in can an ti tra session of Congress, 10 meet as cany as August next, although the in j iiy ol his cabinet do nut so advise. Tho I'uitcd States ScLate on Wedces uay week col.ilrmed the ijoiiiina'.iou oi Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, late tloinuita Holier of Patents, as P.-Miuti,i r Gem lal, Johu Hubbard, of Maine, as .und.iry Comruissiuuir, f -r which Wiggins .ras re- j centiy nominated but uetjalid ; G. . Juoes, El Settator Iron. Iowa, as Miliioier to H igota ; John P.-slil. of luut.i.a,;.. Chief Justice in ICai.s.i-, vice l. c otij te ; Partholoincw Fuller ol N rtb l aio.iin, as filth Auditor of ti.e Treasury. Kx-G .v. Denver bis rest-ined his -f!i--c at Washington ami returns tj Cililoitna. Democratic -Rc-trcnchment." We hear a goo deal h'.ler'.y fi itu cer- lain rjuartcrs of the household of the -Na tional Democracy" about "retreucbtueut." Indeed, thev are soe!aui;rous in their demands iu this direction, that very tuauy of the people, who glance at thing, super ficiaily, very naturally suppose there must le "somclhing ia it." There is some thing iu it ; but their d tmauds are so shaped as to force the Larlcus ou the shoulders of the people. They would benefit the few, at ihn expense of the mi ty. That this is so. we appeal to the fats. Iustead of cutting down the rich Min iitcrs salaries, they urge the y Ley ot raising the poor mall's postage. Instead ofceasiugto fill the idler's purse, they would empty the laborer's pocket. In stead of making the least effort to stop the leaks iu the Treasury, they aie willing to keep them running so long as they can borrow ; and tbey are dclcimined to (.or oi; all th'y can during the present ad ministration, because they cm shove oil jajtucul, with compound iutcrcst, upon the nz.i( one. ilicy made most d ilorous ados about- the natiuu's poverty when asked to give the Farmers Colle-'e sites, but they are abundantly able to purchase Cuba. They : ndautly able to purchase Cuba. They most distressingly poor when any ,, ,7 , isure of Internal Improvement ,s ask- ni) measure ed for, but are quite rich enough to es tahlish an armed Protectorate over the neighboring province of Mcxuio. They are loo poor to dig a sand bar out of the Hudson, but they are rich enough to build Southern Forts by the dozen, and War Steamers by the score. ' Such is Democratic "retrenchment . , . It doe not consirit iu bri'i.iug their oicn i ... : in:.... . u e o r r . ' . i... THE TWO rUKCUASts. Wbeo tho United States bought Lousiaua, including the grand Valley oi" the Mississippi, from France, which was g'.ad ta sell, a little over eleven millions Jul I in was paid for it. The territory then purchased embraced the magnificent exteut of almost a million of t.puare miles, and much of it not sur passed ia fertilty hy any on the "jlohe. It was then nearly all uuoccupied too, and therefore saleable and valuable to the na tional Treasury. Now put Cuba in con trast. Mr. l.uchauan asks an appropria tion of thirty mlliU:u to Ujin negotiations . 1 r .1.. 1 . 1 1 r.. lor a rureuase oi taai isianu, aumitiing that a consummation ot his plau will est ... .. IieuW n,..l r!t-i ,,7.v.. ,1 what is Cuba ! A small Island tiiliid with netroes. Creoles and a few lazy Spaniards, O - i ' . . vitbout a loot ol uuoccuried tern tor? to replenish the U. S. Treasury by sale, aud promising wars, agitalions aud perhaps an ultimate division uf the Union. Is the ! posswsioD of Cuba wt-rth the cost, added to i, the portentiou, r.ks laming np Trom its auncsatton 7 - kus.sF.lertl... n, Mb of aPrk. I t.i-.-iirn.Tu M ... .K 1 . j . - . Mdtl-h - Iwveruor Mxdarv has l.-sued a r.roc am.tion f... . , . , , i ... ilectiou on the tuurth Mouday in March, in accordance with the Act of the Lecisla- lure provuimg lor tbe formation of ai CouvtLiioa f..r a if fat Government. iliriia ,,l,. ..,-.).,.. . .. , Jhree months residence prior to the el.c- Uon IS rcituislte la Tote. AlieDS having declared Iheir inteationsto become citizens ... . I.K ... 11 ' . ... . . . . 1 . ' -. led. Ielegtes t i tbe Constitu- nr.....; ... ... i . I., .t,n..t ave jliou are to he elected. ..r: ij-Mim-... a'tl lioiiai Convcuiiou nacneca ot it on sunuG'j?t ew:. Jot ttie ... - i , . i e .t. elohe. it mav u-ell besiipnosetl that infssor i,'i',-tf.f.f Aimnnnii. people lot see aud understand the facts . diuj un tue auJ the rest of the Hollowav has been the recipient of many .lis ; 'JiT,;!;' in their true light, aud they will hurl this crew wcre sickly. Twenty-eioht sailors were untJU'shed marks of honor and confidence. As ' ;ito.rn,r,.h'.'an,i t'hcartlctisaud faithless" party from power. , arrested and locked up in prison. The j ...s.. -.u. ... - """ j ."t '. r Vilnean.! Me i, i?f M il I; II is.il JUG-, i '. '.. . .. .... II .... 1 . r ami I'llIKTsnr. LliU i r :r::; "et I,,..-. d ,, the session, voted in favor of every move- . . . . t i mcI)t iijat was n.irouuceii in mo : to reduce tlie' salaries of tho members, j Th.y Lave a!s . v..teJ against a repeal of i . i i tho tnnriiief. tar. It is Dot likely the Member, will reduce their salaries or re- t eal me munauc tax. y .ov.-it,lier rrcscntel a petition r.,r . ....,.... ' iI.m i.la.: of eketious in ! . - , , - ... !. i. mou toi..-iii:i i nwu couuiv. Mr presented a remjuutranco , from the citizens of llartletou, L'uiou Co., ! a-aii.s: anv la iutiriniua with tueir pro- . !, .-,..r h tho courts. fcirTbc Uaititoorc M. E. Conference j "eld its session in Lewinburg, Oreenbner . Co., Va., at the same timo tho hist Halt. , Oonf. was in session at Williatnsport, l'a. j The Halt. Conf. reported about 1UU mem- j hers. j The Conference of the Mcth. Trot. -it the same timo tho Kist Halt. church commenced at tjonrgetnwn, i'. . . . lUh i T Kv incuts were male, elsewhere York, S. Wolf; Cumberland, J. M. Young; Hoalsburg, J. C. Farnswortb. In v,ooi,..z Ji,l,ut, 1 . A.J.NMt, 1 . la. l;.i!f .!oe, A. L .ngs.lorf and S. l'avics. Columbia, I'.. Wils .n and Z. Horn- 1 berg.-r. Lvcming, II. Price and M.Wal- her. Uloek House, S. A-irand. Cherry, j i!ol .z;t.r, .UI,I1Wj to be .-applied. lit.: i 1 ! heIiie! TheSuulury.lzi.T-j zV.ru some lime since pronounced its 1 turd'' the d.s.re of the i.iasa of tho people , the upper end of Northumberland to j he re uuitcd with their uatural ueighbors, the petite of Union county. Well, lucre is 'some method iu their madness." Hut hat is not tl.e inly funny conception of the j. vial KJitor: he has siueo puliisi.cd s litis wis.' body's plan to "le annex" Ce liiailjia, M. t, tour, l i.'.un, S03 dir. we sapp as t-: a:i t:ic 0:11 :r eullltiles u.-r:ii auo no li.r Nortbumherlun-J IO ll.C II ! 1 1-1 eet.tnrv (a t r .p 'sitioii about isili'.e as to prevent iho "up; r cul" from cm.ing over this way) There 6 a small mistak-, however, iu our ncighbtr's programme : the mil design b to "re-au- b-x" little Northumberland to Old Hcrks, .where it formerly 'belonged '." t3At the M. K. Coufercnce ia Wi!- , . -c u I ., .... .'..u'.a jj . ,.. . 1 imn ,,ni;iiiv, west tiy lanos ia:c 01 .1.1 .r .. ... . - . . . Jl.- . f. 1 - T' 'V nt., eoiBprwng about .0 members. . , wcre nt m!t with! - I ,n ......h l.v land, -. 1 ". . ." . .."V ' t'l . ." J. J. A-. he F.ast Peuua Conference of the , - s ..-,... .au : ,l 10 Senate Cham- APP-aALj. .f Uav.dSi.'in.n-ier and e.i-l by lands '..I ','.' t Vv,, t .0 V V.l i-1 '!'.- ?'-CH?-'3 angelical Association was commenced ; . . tkre rose tho codlike i QTATE BCll ToanlV TaXeS.-ParSu3Dt ; ... Uuel.tr and other,. ,-..iai...t. To..t Hi''',X',' .1. .!'.'. :'.'.'!'''.- .-f V'.-V-U-i''v V?A.te ..o. ...1 ,J "tr Btar "y- Mt.re.r0- . fc k) ... l.:.o- ,l,e Commissioners of Colon! Aries, ., .ore or le-. where,.,, are ere.;.. I .. t,. . ... ,.fJ:. , A.E f -S,:-I V ini)i.iiorf,.ila.iii, .U. ir-"." tn 0 hour before sunrise, rttety . fc Appeals from the f ...r-s..rey WUt.LKX FACTUKV.a tw.-st..- t -i ,..,.;..,. n-. t, ... r i CrV . meet in Williamsport, Pa., 2d Thursday . ninniin flf ,ht) w,uk.r ,eMoa, aJ n,st j rZmal AsUssments. lor I. "several TW ' r-v liWKI.I.IX.! llorsB. frame and v.;;;:..L-:!:::;!! .l.",. r.'ll' i WV, iu March. ISO-). The following appoint-',.,.,., ... ... : , t.;.!,en. ships and B..r..uRhs as follows: ! er Out llothii.-, with the aP, tir en.u.ces. , , , r. . ri '-;;,--;-;'''---; ?J iiatnsport, it was stated that there was a , . , , , , . , 1 ' .... farmer, with the 'goalike shut up 111 the nominal debt of 1 10.000 upon Dickinson , . . , , ... , 11 unseen brain chamber where he lodged. Seminary, and that "the buildings were ; seized and would r-bt rtly be s-.'.d." While nt. II. Si-.-a a Nila.sl Tca.air Iu .lierala. In isp.. , ... "'ll.e rector, Win. II. Scwaii, is late the Conference expressed the utmost in- . f m . fp)m t .rcst as individuals in iM maiutainat.ee, wL ie ,.oim,9 highly reeom tl.ey declined assuming responsibility for1 in,.ndcd as a young gent leninn of .., iwr. its indebtedness. An institution which ' ,il rhurwli r and diitiii'inieh- l inla':j aud has gathered so many students, and coll- 1 literary ac.piirements." lerred such houor aud pecuniary beuetits This was the resent United Slates Wi:!i:....sr,,,rt deserves the fosterim: upon care and liberal contributions in bonuli uiniiev of her citizens. 1 (til Sunday last, Dr. John Wright of Halifax, aud two small children, took a a walk on the Northern Cetural II. 11, and while re-ting ou a bridge near a curve, a cja! train came suddenly along and before they c uld get out of tho way kill ed Dr. W. and scik.usly injured bis daugh- . "J a. l and wa.er near wnica aea.icnca i llle sound, but whether the stgual was K1Vl'n ,a disputed, ir. Wright was a Klvin 13 u'-P"11--'- Member of the Legislature recently, aud iv;.,.,!.. I.iineetor -it his sudden death Lrigac. Inspector at h,s .ndden death. ; rrm or Mer wun w-. .-.i-ssue Hy the arrival at llavanua, of the ; stemier Furcpa, we have aduccs from Porto llieo to Feb. 120. Tho Holeliu Mereautil, of the 12th, says that on the night of the 4 Ii, a large clipper ship, name unkuown, but with a T ou one side of the prow, went asuore near l'unda de t andelcro, and made siguals ol distress. 1.. tl. a nu.riiii.zi aim nnj .1 l.tiLfuroil t (I llf from the coast of Arrica, wilh .tv ttiiriiirril ntMrrnf nn hnsnl. 1 hfi Can- c . burner Ilornan Coitcs, but what dispo- '. siliou was made of litem does not appear. . - , , w , (IrOWIM; ONHtXS. 1 noticed a MOCe iu the Kurd in regard to growing ouious, ' atid would say to aoy one who wishes to J a - rais lar,;e ouious, sow them as soon as the frost is out of the "round. I sowed , i .1 i mine last spring when the snow was near- , ly two feet deep iu some parts of the gar- den -and in. onion, in the fall were near- Uvn, and my ouious, iu thelall were near ly as laro.j as a Common tea-saucer. fin- r.i l ,Vi I - - - - - - - - ----- In dimoiishini an old dwelling house ... 1 . .... ........ ..!......: .;.... iwP,.n,,4... ....uo., a .-Irs. W illiams rcq-iestca her son to look, for itmrutu rim cent niece that she lost, sixty eaisago,desenbiug the eircumstauce and Ihe location. Toe money was found, r 1 1 .. .. i ii .i 4 ,i: .... i J now mucu wouia ixiai ccuis uavc. , earned in the sixty years, upon compound , interest :j j t,s .. . .-. i...... v.. . .t ..s...s. x v ... a n-c . Hi.tio i i.s r.u.iii. .-a tnuir . p0Ddeut of the Ohio Cultivator vouches I . fur tbe mtit of the tMiug recipe for I i making Tinegar. Take and mix one ; quart of molasses, three gallons of rain 1 . . .T. r water, and one pint of jeast. Let it fer- : . . ,, ... ,.. . ... ..... ...... m.aal. . am. pa,, n., i mrui, B.uu tuu. actiBA t.uu .tiaaiii ...o . , ' . ' 6 vinegar. The Court Houm of Clarion couutv The Court IIoum of Clarion county. ! .v.... -j . ., t i .uou. io... was acciueu.ai.v uurueu ,,. . ... . ' , . ..... ' y-"'""- a u ooo.s auu papers wete Si've,, A defective Due was Ihe I n,..r..l Ill ill 1. 11. I 1 . . cause. Insured $5,000 in tbe Lycoming .. i - iiiin i. , . , . f atid S.,000 in Ihe lork Company. ' EfL'roea wore t;ii'n 10 me caincui id iuu - -1 - r 1 an . ,,.i1r .,1.11. LEWISBURG CHRONICLE Webster's Residence at Washington ri'i from a letter by -V I n.l.ls lu iue . L - . . i '' Ke.l ' ? ISE ' suited oy areceui o. ."- " i torW.hinBlon 0 ! . ..... . ; . . . . t.t,:.. i "With a rainy Hay aaa no iniiaunai..i., . Washington, of course, looked 'as if its j po,atuCS had been dug," but wo walkeJ ' I about a little, under an umbrella, and saw tho enlargements of tho Capitol, and stonp.d, fur a moment, felons me sou, . ,I,,r,r ..f one or two of the bouses nnd 1 .... i o: r.mnai .v havinir neon once me euin2 f u f fle IL.r,.j J. tho Soinehudua' lJeutous and elzudiea Ijeutou s an l ners-i ing others. Tho latttr, a smdl er s, amor. tries teiicuieut oi iwo siuius, ueo. mc ('apif0 a narlicularly i- interesting to thoe wl) tncw the charlll:t 0f the great Daniel ;n fa,iur i;fefar his thought were n-t alCiyt shoes for giants in the world of jjg,,,;,,, " in tl,e sn,uU dining room in the basement of that house, oud with the s:.Iir,;tst (,e aiders unou the table, there bedroom aud parlor (for it was "a thin, he bad a knack at," and he loved thus t 1 air bis drudge-abilities before gettirg upoii lu pc K , .,al u (,ie jay TbL.u UJ ,.) fe ,,k,,t anil w3'kj down U the nulkt) t , ,lave a ch:lt wit!l Lo tutcltcr, auJ Li.u.cjf t c!lO0.e the j ,u j ,Uli ,. .1..,.-, ...i..,i.. . r ,. . it 1 before Ins great eyes were !o ked aaiu f.T by tho curi-us. Aud it is of this eartl.liiT U'eb.-tir, let ltio Pay this tin- blest of pi aiu merry fellows, in whose nior- tal body the great inhabiting iutei : was a guest be was often weary i f that we want a picture drawn l.y s toe friend who thus loon t.. l.ii. 1. Lie cf tl.e bis' models 1 biitn. r. us pr ict-e ili'v, in all literature, I f.irn is a l.'t.r of Webster's ...:. 1 iu this v- rv b oi'.; at Wasbingtm, I'l l rr: 'in to tl.e la'. .ring m-.ti w'o. w.s his far.n ti-tnnt at Mar.-hii.dJ. Jnd.-e ": r t 11 of V )-i 'n, Ins p-is?"psi,;'i if it, wt'h other fpeciin of t! e great s'u'es tna-.'s vein of grave drollery tit.d .! utr- rtgl.tm-ss (nv.-inof which a.I niei.tin ;s strati ;. ! omif.c-l in the t iograpiiies of l.i'n)-at,d the Judge, by the way, whom Webster loved so well as the nucleus of .the wit and good fellowship of Huston, ; would be the Vi ry man to give us the eth ne rd.-tnrn of IU frlei,. ! !i 0 M -1 rsl. fle',1 Senator s rccpmineudation trnm the i.eor- , J'lurnut, March '11, when he, a J,;,,lls man.toukavillagn school in Putnam county. We espy it, that every young student, "seeing it may take heart again," j and show that .on. moral character and I ditiiiijuiJie I iuiluftiy must sooner or later meet their just rewards. Macon, (Gri.) March 1 1 A letter has heen received Ironi Albany, in this .state, announcing me ruuruer oi 101. itos.-ioi Hot.d, a citiz-n of Macon. He was kill f, 0(1 j;a)llrjaVt nc!ir Albany, by Lucius ;rown. 'Pbe difTiciiity is believed to have originated in Hrown whipping one of Col originaicu in i.rown woippitig one oi loi. Hood's negroes. Col. llond was one of the largest cotton plauters of the South, fr,intcd citizens. The editor of the London 77mfs,receives the same salary as the President of the Uuiled States. ORIENTAL WANDERINGS. iMB ii:tTin i.e-TIIK limit iik the iiiuem, During a succe;lul medical career of m"re lhan twenty years, in the course of wntcn ne nas visoeu every iiuarter or ine iJlty lha, in !Jiis enlightened aSe,are the pre- r..ga:ives cf 1 ruth, his lame everywnere pre - cecr'l lUm. r.VCn in iravcrMIl", .Aritl'la. snine rrc n-n. h f.iin.l that hie n.tno nnrl )i. reveries were well known to the Sheiks of ,i,e anuU(s lr,bes' anJ Jcputati. -ns nt Arabs met him at various n.iml, r.t Ins i.oirnei-. so. hcttm? the ereat "Hit (iheir name Inr .physician) to visit their tents and administer to the sick. Al every encampment he was re - ,,, w,,u mst profound respect, which deepened into absolute reverence as the ef- f't of h;s "onderlul remedies w as wtlnessed l v chlMren o-,h? wlloeril,,. simeof his adventures among them wete HU.te of a romantic cast. One of their chief,, a maies- I .1. ..II 11.......:. ...1.. . ni i'l. iio.ii.iiii, v. i-t 11,1-iiic oiiieni. i n.'i been for -years afi .'cie.l wiih a teorbutic dis - ease, was so carried awav with rapture at , reeoverv under I'rofcss r I!..l!..v.av'., hands, that, in a burst of gratitude, he olTercd nun hall his Hoc s and herds, il he would re- mam wrh the lnbe an.l be his guest ft r life. whi!e v:sil)s Constaniinople. on his re torn home, he had an audience of the Sultan. i . -, i- and reinpsipil tn nrvspnl.e fur a fivnn e , , - ----- . uti'iii'iut: in ine imperial narern, wno inn .e ,,rono,..,,ced incurable by Ihe Turkish t ' . - "s u ":1 ner icrm ano ul . l .... ., . ' " - - - - mic uic oescri ption oi - i oune w ourmanei as Ascribed in KouUh, Herdisea tmJn' nous life. W'ithio a month, however, I'l sease , , '.... . .' '. . , "!or no toway s great medicines, witn tne . aid of daily exercise in the ganrens of the Se- I raglio, aecmplished a complete cn.-e. and he ',.., a .. ' u . . si. in urn v reee ven nn n untinnn ipupr . e---r- ' from the Sultan, thanking him in ihe warmest ; lfrm Ur rPSmration lo hralih Ihe "Light of ! 1" ""Tl" j ."IT Ta5.'nc ,e .u J : ndrc"'- o wnrr was ine news oi inw ' ' V.i':. . "'' . 'C ' . .uufMiiRi mine --irreai rranK rnysician were lilerallv hesieied bv dvsnrntie Pasha . aml bjlons Bty nJ fn)m Ae period Qf his j departure to the present lime, the drmar.d up- 1 Oft 1 1 1 C ...nil in I i.mllti.tnnn . . . . p . I. . ........ 1 pu acents in Consiantinople for the nine- ! d.e lbai bear his name has continually in - , crcaieil.y,r. LictEilune; ..rrai.- ! & WEST 15RAXCII l'AliMEIi-MAIICH IS, ls3. Mn.r I'mprtij 1 Prulirtrs In New -M.. We am proud to aunounce that the U .rirescntaMves of the Tcrrito- ml Legislature of Sow Mexico jctcrd., passed, with but m.c dissenting voice, a t Mil. .'nrovidiol fur the . . . .1 j n .-'. ..ctj0ti of prupcrty in slaves in tuts Territory," which was sent to the where it will pass by a very large e Senate j ninmrl- l tv. Let the statesmen and politieious of , L Uni..-. North and South.stick a Piu there . SmUi li: (,u-..ltr, J in. -J. i j T..rrit.,r on which Cac ,. ..... ... . .... ivi. ...... i. ... timing w ut , el;llL" . , , ... If , "la?, and other Luiou saving Duughtacsj Vr.lnn .SO,, I against Slavery was so ..... . . .u . ' S,eryMCh as tho Wilmot Proviso. Utterly rMr." The Ter- X virtue ..fMin.'rv w. its ..I en t. i.y. is ... . . , . , ,- ,. ) M.e.l out ol'liie Court ol I.. .iiiiii.n. 1 i'.o ritorial Legislature is already prol.,1,,,1, i ,,,.,,1 r.o.tity. and to me .Siren. d, v.,. I l e Slavery therein ly the most oppreMive c-.tp.i.snl to I'liolie fale or tlmrry, on no dates stringent laws, and in a short timo we , and a. li.e places loliow.nz, i wit : shall have New Mexico claiming admission . )u Satur.Iay.tlic tli .ltiy -f Mnrc. ! next, at the putiae house ol .loiois ristu-r, at as a Slave State. ! White e.-r Mi ls, at H ..VI -rk A. M , the llenrv S. Gever, formerly United Stales ' ettatorron. Missouri, died at St. Louis . . . - , .......... a .a llarlietun ai nam. ...... r. ..,. . - Hartley Laurellun school house, Tiles. I. I .i ; oo Lewis l'o-rtton house Wed. Li:,..-. tone 1'eter Wel.r's Thurs. V.I ., w- Berlin M:chal Klerkii'-r's I'n. ! VtiOlmhnr-r Win lllholf's -"Sat. j:t ' West Bad ... W in It Serhler's M0.1. ' ! liiill'aloe J une, M'l'reihl's Toes. ''1 : K. lly James Law-, n's Wed. -7 ! White I)." r H-nj (i-mherline's Tiiors. is i La-l llull'iloe (leoise Woitc's Fll. "' I . - , 1 1 .. s;-. . !tn . III". II ni'lirt .111 a ,-(,.lslllir iN ; w.-O.m-rs Othce, M, 11. May 2 Lew-isbur -s- W. do do I lies, .irsy .! Appeals ..p-n from ! A.M. to 3 I'M.. h n .ill mav attend who think pieper. iiv oi ler ol the Com.uiasioi.ers, Leuisburj. M..n.h in, is.'.j. A kll.XMlUV, Clerk l'J N S1M I ATI (j H"AX . Iron m.t IsLtMl, farll. In an .MlV-l.ot t.r litis. 11:- ki.l:., l:.o!.::"r.. : ri.. j...,!.' I I'l A il, I ! 11 -.rv t i -Oi f - r-i-.fs-- f '. . . I. re. nun;. 1. Is Ibis iiioi-e- :.t (.l;.-. i 1. As'Ji:, 1 tut 3 1 i.ti'i.n, or St:ji'rpiiNls:iif ' l-ia:if, ;-, .",i .V.i,. Jr,-..r 1 M-.imf fturi Ai ..i . l.i "ii -III 1.11 I'rill. :.! fci.J I'll. 11.! I'l-... !i,t.. ..f I.in.,-, s'ulj.lnit.. i l.iu..-. .tr-.nin-Al.ilt.-r vii Ming Amiunuiit, -Aii.iu nia.- Satt. -lll.-. l.ll.i.- ll!..leniie.l Matter. S.. hlt.ii- .-.Ot.-. I liter. li l SUli tl.of . -b., - at.T UJ LoaS, ------ " Tl.i' Tsiineri. oempe.-1 n T.t.-, I mi imn It. -0 t. lt.it. mil raw I e.." ' Kt.t.v one ,.t our ru-l ih;t- Imiu ' t..un t our Mullen- what we reT. --nt it t.-1 A i:.r'. i to i-v.tv M.il i:l -r.. w. r. renin., it with tin- Iui!.-.-r r.o.li ieii-., .... ... 4. .1 It.. .r uerii Lull- ir,.p..-ml- iu- rr.-,-,..i Id.-li-l.l ..tiy r eeii. A1-... - .r.i., iiibi.o.. iieti Colomtinin uni AinuieiiiRteii C-.temni-n Itu.oi.,-." All of tt.e a. .T.- Frtih'z'rr in hn-.-s nl barrel.. Ki'.ni f.'O o. fl". t"-r -.0'" aii'l -,-l" 1-eUnJs, ncei-rjing to.iii.OiT.lv anil Lili.l 1 Ul' li :-. 0. K r ..!.- bv lilt It tlllls A tl I.Ht. .o. -:I0 Soutli io lit St. l-l-. i .limit, 77-11,.. Set- Aj-iitH il. I'l.ea.l-li.lii.-i rui:rii, i iiakos & o. Farmer Hcpot am! I'lasler Mills. C.,.ncrn. bre ,'.,..f .n.-r rot...-. I'iiiludt-lpliia. t-r r.tT -r a Iarr stock ..f Cl.-nii.-al M:.uiir,- an.l K.-r:ib il. nt lov .-ir.. an.l Nuiruutiii ta be- Oi-IIUIIIL'. m .. wiii.-h will bw f.uni.i : I.uilU tons pure i uuiuc. LWO tons Government Peruvian Guano. ', ., , . . . . ' ' riiosivliate of Lime. 1,00D tons French's pure Clien.ir.al ISone. 5.010 blU. ranch's Philad'a Poutlrette. 1 (iuO ,hU. rrt-iicliii liurTovcd Koscnilalc 1 .i . i cmcnt. T!i- fil-.Tf tnr.-Tj nrtir-I.-a n. nch th'-ir kin-l. in' U--1 in tin? WnKI.D: Our tti,U l"u$Ur, iiuiiiiiln 'Inrt ! fri'in S-UTt.-.i t.ini-. is r!clratfil thriniirliuut ilm I ni .n lor H" purity mi-l -truutli. ALSO, l","'it' bitm l- l.:tinl I::ittT. f..iMM) l.iirr.-ln "atiint I'.a-t-f-lit. null ti;trri-ln II v ilrmi lie roiiTit. :;.i "i lurr-'is Tin- lt.tiiii 'wnt. i.itt l..irr-ls I'l.rtlMinl i Kiuli-h' tVmrnt D.-titiJt" r'd-rsT. I'tiwil-rnl Aiilhr;tfin- Coal. in l-aiM-ret Itttuiuiiinu- i nu (.urn Ni. V Intf .-au-l, (in t.arrt-lz. VllKS 'II. KH'H KI'S X OL. . mh .V .'.(.zn.f i-hrtn-r l'rp--t. Cor. of OU York aud Caii-whiU sU., THILA. Or Concentrated Am'maf Manure: Fiftv j-r Vnt. Ch'npvr than Any Known IVi lili r! Varrt.pr!rrin Imy thin Tit htnhli- n.:Lnur with the ftillprt rnnL.i! tin- ..f U-iii r.-t n; t Hi" WIUH.K Ci .ST l.y Hie in-(-n-n'l rrnlurtion uf the lir.-t crop, btuideu iJly i-u-rit-hin tliir LaU'l. Ssir Read the Annhf! of I'mf.L. Stf rent. I l,..i,v .rrifv tti-.f I l.-.v.--inalx 7.-.1 n lot nf liiuint. ! f t Krofti," i:itjitr'i.- , .-(.rttfr ot ..rk Komi ai- ; ' . ' , , . i nuimiti m.uir. .oiitmuiii!, ,n wru.. rrl-inte of Ammonia, (') oil ! nrlinnate of Potissn, nt.!, ..1.-', "1.. M ; IWr,., u,, ,..er. ir. .ii-r..v.rv of tin- . - .n - uminsmi iii-nir.M;ir i-..h-.hm.-m- t (-.--.. I ! r"'r , ' ' 1 WM " litif uILm I. tit f T, 1.?.. ,1:0' t,.i.:. r. CniUrA it. -n.i or to mckn.-h. j i s.. .- 4i. .it.. ei.rner u. Wk Head anJ luliu. I...1 .treetr, V. . 1 . .., . rmitTi fo fl jribnoM i m , , . ( riMIB subscriber havin? recently traveled 1 1 much in ibis and adjoining fstates, and ' seen the sreat failures in Cram and (.a.den Vegetables has concluded that a CIIAM-l. I OF XEEOS is hi,lut'ly necr.Mnry . this also i is the opinion ol the net .vqricniturisi.s gene- , r.t le I h.-ive I'l'-n' nie luinorieti tor inil'tc I- - , ! arrattsetnenK fori quite a variety ol M.V. i teeIs, sucn ' ncen lounu ots. u.u .o ' our s. I and climate al this time. The I. bo- and . win: are specimens i new vaioms .,,, meir lent ptr a..e, ....... ........... . my residence iu MilUniburg, L'uiou Co., l'a. I rw t-rr Arrr I Z?'S;:Ti?iZ " Vt.it.1 Hitcti.h Vt- tilrrrnnesTi W hf-1, Terj' eariy i r.ar.j r.u ... t ... o 1'ers sons i-ii iin: enner ol tne acove. wi.i , . , - -.a ..iu- i e " snP?lv ihel IL ! j that I may be able to supply them all Those who w.sn 'o procure any of the fol - i . . ., , . . .r.. - - Pi.iie u oh ilireclions now 10 ctll- i lowina varieties, luitr. tnreci. on, now io cm . .,, ...;..,. '.""' .'. .. ' ...I i wilica I Sl.ai. grtnv .'in -s ' leave incir orucra a auuu .a m.. irnt : Tula p r Am-e I Ultil. tTfrmrt.n Sprinff Rre. TWT earl. ItlaaU 10 , . r w,, ,!y .v,p,i it,.rai,.M Rarl-y ? 1 Whio.....-ewhh.l,a.-.li rerbhel To i lai.KiM .hlliPfor.l.-en..ri!H.l.J4Kn . . '. . . -. . . ... , ,. .. H aalilii.too uiillr.n mm. it. mi." i"' : n,f.in.,.it ,nv ;, produce.. 20 to ruboi. i v""- ""'J '"'.fc 1 ,w" '" ,,el"n".e!!,,".. ym. Vnu iw Uiw ineionp per cr. : "T"' "'ri Also otner Ktnus 01 uaroen "fcumic" ! The., seeds hve been carefuliv selected from , j.rentpiaces.and it is thou-ht will he found . j advantageous m Gardeners and Farmers.! i ' . 1 1 .... , . . k . .. . ...... ...f ffflMT. j Call and see First cmut.firH tern 1 A. I j. M,flr,nburg, Feb. I8M rf. KLINU. fs-f-fc nHJ.jP. rnT SALE. "- -.7"h,ns- T virtue nr''''r h i 'i 11 ...... Tr,,,,,.. .,, r.,t c vendue or outerv on the pf tin ift-. iliat ceitain lot of ground .i.nnrini:uirrs. siluatt.l in Iver.y oiwiimi. .., , , I hi" county. hounded on thr sou... .-. au.l ZaTrZ cntamtns oik-IkiII" an acre, more or I'1--. ., u. o'.. ,v ti.e ;,l .lav ol Mar.:!., when an I ..),.r,- ik.-' ipni.i f I. sale will V. t:. lAtt'stiN. Adm r hliovvn. ,.in x. i k. j. Sm.;.,. Clerk of 0.p..au-s Court. - - ot.e-f.lih part ,.f a crrian. Tia.-J ol Lat.d sou -in Z as me lrcii. hi - - , .,, .1 ,,1 if". -vise., ii 11' .000. .1,.... j-. tWo other tracts i t Land, sit. .; 111 V Deer town.-h.p. and county ah.te ai I. Nil 1. Il'itii.'l'-'l iiOflli l.y !;.!!'! r.f Ad. to. Kaitlf. west by hind . I A !.ii 1!..' t. .in ! J.-.-. Finio'V, south l.y other land- ot .1. I!, li '1 en.-!.!, and east bv lands ol llavi.l R-.ti.-rvan 1 oilier land ol J. II. liobeti-d !, eoi.taii.-nK e:-l.i acres m. re or less, whereon are en c ! a tannerc, a tan house, a bark Inoi-e, a li.::i d .l elhn'' hol.-e, a log stal.e, iVc, With ti.e .' pilltenani'es. No. 1. A ffi-taia frncl Sw, U- uao- in the t.nvn-h;p ard roui.tv ater- - ,; !. bo.in.'.id n. rih by iraet X .. 1 and laud ol i.., Vid lian.-ey, v.t -t by bin 1 . i James Lime-v. soulll by lands ot (iei.rrte llron 11, and .-..-I by land ol Israel (Jeyer an-1 D.ii id li.im-. i, ci n laininu tweiee a, res, more or less, v;,ei. .1 aie . tec led a ttt'o-,t..rey l-s Io u-e, a I. e .-' 1-;o,-, A e., iv,:!! t!ie ::pur:--i.ance.. A. tl.e pr p -r:y 1 t J. iL li : eiioid. A i -... on iL.' iiii.iv c s.ii'i d.sv a; live. !'. M , :it the j-o- be b.-u-e ' t M m. L. b':'.t r, 11 X' ..' 1 'o'llll.i Ill to .'. 1.- 1: p LT .Oold s;-i.i--.- ,;, Xi u (v .:l:.i' .1, V. ... e i; r ioi.n-bij. li. o.ioi.rv, inaiiiiion !;.' t -,i n I'm X ... .'!, boon !e,l t i.l. : : , : An. (..n l. r. , . -i : v poi-'.e 1 1 :. I. s u I. 1 ;.' 1 .nd id .l.i-e- !. ,b( o;. v. e.i-t l.V ill- e-l i 1 1 . . . c : . ot t'.:e ,1-1 .e i:in;l rV'T, where n is eleeled a Cal.iuet Maker's .Uop. with the .ip:.'.iii-.i:ji.-; ces, as the property el" Jacob rs.vartz. ! Also, on Mohiiity tl.e -stli lry of Match ti-xl. at 10 o'clock. A- M-. at the pni. lie h. use ol lLiv.d Mover in llarllcl. ti. a c r i l.iiti tract ol land situate in llorlley i....i-i-.sii;p an 1 ( "Uiilc of I'tllon. bo.lnde'! n. Ilh 1-y 1 llol, , ol .1. I. ..ved, west by Ian !- of A. Kine an,! . tiler-, -on hi bv lauds ol Michael Miore. and ea-t ic hit.. is ol" lianiel rs'.rouse. coMino ntr uine'.v acres. Ill: IC or less, w her-en are erre'- ; ed a 'Los House. Lo' L'r.rn. an ! tbrr oni I l.uildines. with the appurtenances as ihe I property of -L: - ol. Coblr. n 1 ' .mux cuo.-snnovn. -M.-wf 1 .SlierifT's ll.i'ice. l.cwistiuic. F. b. "s. I s ."!) ! : t on r.v.xv. .-; - riTIIi: House at present ..ccupo-d by.- ! I I). ). i:. M.ne, situated on W ai. ri. L. - sueet. Lnquiie of 1 tr. V. .M. II AV LsS. i Lca-isbur', Feb. 11, IS'.. ...its at ri siz.ic sii.;:. i riMIK Trustees of the I'nivcrsiiy at Lewis J lurg wiil otler at l'ui he Sale, cu I Saturday, Harch 26, ' at 1 oVlo.-li, I'. M., several drsjratie ISI'ILP i IX(i LOTS, situate on futh and Seventh j streets, near the Female Institute, iu the hero' : of Lcwishurt;. Anv cf lite alu.ve Lots can : he purchased previou-jv, at private I -I- . .. L" 111.' I ! 'IVimi ea-y. A. K- liKb!., iK.I - .il, ;onl Szt nr. I Tr- a- r Vim' at I - j 1 . roii s.i,i:. A DrsiliAllLK lEuililfii Ia.: f.'ei feet ii't-tii by ti. ii r p. I'Ti.;mr ft" iJcaviT, Kirin- r tV .Mr'iurf. FOR SALE OR RENT ! i TV. 111 II II I ! VI! M f III II"- . I'llKS and Lop,, each suitable forLil two lainilte: one mi Xurth Folltth street and one on ."St. John stieet, lor S.i'c. Hall o! each i'l' the above Ilutises are for Kent. EV'Abe, lor sale, four Uoii lin? Lots in North Filth street. JOHN liOLUH l OX. l.rwtsburf;. Jan. SO. li9. A sent ICR SALE. riHE well known Tsi irrn Slan.1 I at the east end of the Lcwisburel li lirid"t in Chillise.uaiuie lown-htp. Xoittid Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms. Impure of W ILLIAM FlilCK. Lewisbursr, Dec. 17. 18.'iS. .17 ov Snlr, rjIin residence of the .subscriber, on : Market s'reet in ihe lloroneh ot U- i I.ewisluir. 'Ihe bouse is cf ISIilt'K, well, . finished in every respect. .,. u. -1 u , and ihe first day of April ne.it ; the l a.ai ce it it ;iii, ii in i cc t'l inr irais. .!- in.it ; suit Uie htiver. robSessi.-M ciWU anv tun June , 18.rs) ISAAC W ALTKK. l'Oll SALI Kr.UlEXCICoti North Third street, -A it hriuv a Half Lotof lireiin-l. wiiIilJL a comfortable Two-Storey Uriel; House, frame St.lM1 e()J Wt-ll of Water, and a variety of chicr pfj., ; ,I1(llire f j, n, M'LArCHLIN, Agent. , L.-.U.ure. ,vtoi,,.r ia. is s. tf j - - - - a oft SALlLi, ...nrt ...I it it- e - ..... . i r a . 1 1 r. su lorn ucr eic rs i" r s r-, or in.u inr . e. . ,,,., m..rn b,t, donlde brick house. . ut,y ppo,iC the new Trr-shyl-riai. chutch. adioitiiii'j Ihe residence of lir. IIjic, 'i 1 e ;s lm,., it tlu. lrl tv!p ,M.vt,n.r, wel, cu;,r,,ril a:-rtirt I.-. A v"o.l W Water, and Cistern of never-tailing water. Terms nade easy, an.l will he ltr. wn on a p. plication to JONATHAN XLsUlT. . eu-t.i.nrw. .li, mos. - r FOR, RENT! r o no.i:i ocenpi j rpHC T O n)OJ!i occupied at pre sent by Washington Hutchinson as a: i tlTi ,,,, . , , , . ' . . -.niviu. For Terms apply lo Jan. 27. 18.e. JOHN n. I.IXN. BRICK FOUNDRY FDR SALE. - - -- r. - , , . . ,,iac..,..ery ai.acnre.-aiso a large amonni ol 'r . a.enr niiints lor Agricuiiurai ...ci,,0,l,m,c. .1 is regarueu as one ri tne ocst locanons ror a enttn.sslt business. 1 The Pronriei'. rim I. Jh..it. t. another employment, which is the reason he desires to aispc.se of this Foundry. Furany 1 .,, e.h.e .,,. 1 . .. ..l.l. further particulars, address WILLIAM FKiCK, I.rwisl.nrg. Tel. lsiis In ion Co. Fa "jjg I h. n riser . Keen IU p to c! I .h. JJ rr. : , " , ' " load or ty ihe Ion, an.i .teiiver ai anv piacr fiw"4 rf F"""0r "f ' wuhin ihe biroiich l.mitt. Having Weigh. ' fe-.lr..S:,.f!'""'i ?,f. 'Mi,,ket slrre'- 1"du scales, lull wetu-hl mil be given. Also, Li.,..ji.?jgragthe V areroom. Olbce. and ihe ... .. .. .1 . u . . KOI. SALi:. '""A i!a!f Lot mi Varlft M.. i rrr'l,p S. Knit r re.-i.l-n--. with a good W el! f Wri ter and if Xitiblr ; very drs-raldc l..r a l.u-i-tie-, stand, or ifiJ'nte, f'T both combined.) 1 1 so. oher Lots, vine with ami JoH.N LIK.XL- without Duilitinzs. I.ewish.re:. Oct. H. I PS 7. In onl St 3 Hi "" " iiilr Tt rnisi, v .-ll"j:T .Mirh K. AT THE 'CIIiiOrsICLE" CFFIvia, Hirktt Square, Lewls'iurg. AltoilU'J al I.sitv. iFfH-K on s nil. .r.oi.'. near Ma.ket M. Ml I'rol'r .s.o! a: lliisiness ci.trns'eil to his can- wiil be j."hl..:iv and prompt')-atteu- ilrl I.J .-Ci-l. II, l-s-.' I Mi. I f l umiiounii i-v i racl ct'.I i:l;i n llcif i;i , . anO n : I . n. I li:--! .I I . Io . . t .I.II IOIIO: A O 1 :iii:m.i. It 1- i I- I t I 1 i i:ii::s is t i " t51. n I li. ... i : it; . Mtl.llA r. ln.-ll-si I-.. -1 I ! ! soIVIV t r It li o : : ... . npi.i .lie I". i u- I i. . 1. ai ! i e . r. A." .. I tbe n:. r wis- ami .IT Alii I- Ail' ' .11 . r .-.1. t.:b I ':- Call en Ire A? .J.II'.KFKA I 'O.i I ni ii- i il.il a I ' J. !1A HOUSE GUILDERS, j rjvii: .Mi'I'K'l. 1 Toe nioiersiuic.l arc. I appt in'd A -ent, :.-r il.e sale ol ;!.. illimi Aii:i!oiv ?aU of a.I sizes, made of tio- i .--t ina'-r m I. A I work warrant" !. ; i Mod- ! L.IJi'LOl T. Il'.ishesville. l'a. and f-r - i'e bv t ,..i F s CAI.HV.'LLL. Lewi-burs lw m i.! I,. IIY.'VS H.it.CnpanJ C " I Hi A '' n re lornnrlv .spvl.'T's. J--i i-t lira. O.".. Is'-'. JUST F.ECr iVED, M'.W' let.-1' day ai..l::i. hour CLOCKS, w hich w llbesoid cheap lor cash at A ine s I isn of the li S W." I c. i. i:.s Tlio s c. ;i;n Adminislratar's IJotice. II FRK AM. Letters of Adio ration to Ihe csta'i (ii'.iiiici: m;i.li:i;.;.iico( l'"''"-''? Tp.bTiner'y . I New I n d. cea-.d. t. i- e t en., ernnted to I i'.e s u I sc r, I e r. i v u.e li.-c .s-er iV Ii- colder .1 I'm.. i. c ut.tv. a.I per. s..o leble.l to ..: i estate ate TC.l.e,t.l t.. in.-ii-.e inioied a'C em inent, at. 1 t rli.uiis a -aii.st t'.e- m!!!' .1! P bavin; nt thein dolv aoihento-at.d lor settleinfiit a: Jacob I'c.i.kle', in Itutl.:'. e Tt ! Feb. J. 1 .'.'. i Ill'.XilV MlLI.I'i:, Adm'r ''IIKnilAS. Letter, of A.!m;n'strat'on to the e-U's of JAV1LS "ll.so.V ,'eceasett. ta:e oi ...ii ueion, u. ...on r. nu!.. have been eran'.-.l to the "il'-rrii-i r, bv the Keej-ter . I' said rountv. in doe form; ail person, llldebte ! to said esl.ite are re.lltesl e,l to make pavinenl, and iho-e havmz claims against the same will present them du.y auihenticateil f.T sett'em. ni. io J. F. W ll.soN. Administratcr Hart'eton. Feb. 1. ,'.l p i ECIiOUCII Cr.DIIJAKCE. 1F. il Co, eiint ie i l-v 'lie lnrL'' ani T.iwrt nncil of the IS. trough ol Lew i-bur-.'. an I it is h. rel y enacted by the audionty .1 the sitn.e. thai the western Ltn..t.t. line ol Filth s'reet, as stu'ii-d and ni.iiked by the Mreet r. in'iits-i.oier op. n the croutol, shall be, and is hereby csiabiisb.- 1 as the buildinc line on the we-i si.ie ot -aid street, of which all lot owner, and h o lers on said street will ta!,-e notice, at their . w n peril. All elections and buib'iiies ctu-r iirliin; upon said FiPli street, so lieiine I, bein; hereby sirtetly pro l.ibiird. I'l.biished bv order of Clin.''!. W. 11. CIIAV3KKI IX, Ilurrrfis. A'tes Jnlt, I. LlVN.TeWtl Cler,. - AT A JAIK.AIN! J.l.ii-'i'he sub. b.-r l.:is i n i .it.d f r Tu .. . tv (tiiur.ls-s. w'. cli he ,.iy,.r at a hnr:i.. for l'a,h . r will F.sehati-.-e for a c..od Iliiil-K. Call , .-n or von will mis, ,i. ii. r. 111 1.,-M. I-i.'- .-. li . -Inrin 't T". or if absent, in.-nire c! V. . H. Umvf. at W in. i. . i . r T I' 1. mon. .ir. s Mine, - - HARD TIMES! iiTl . Ji n t vi'ii eit rh-a!r! w nat, m & J 1 1 cheaper vet? Win, 1 am niw ti v.aik, - siit a f- lit sIiinsr fell i.)IOKI lOlli Ur l lo n - - . , . .,...!.( r..rtn ; -!. IT llH,Ul.l Olllll, II- .,..all. a,... ..V .ve.r-er.lil .h..sere.hepr,ce,lorcash i ..... nr.. ..... . ia . I aell .tv in. li . 11 iii'ifK two. Foundry purpose--. Vard on Wale.- strett, , Av,idf nsaul's hn.el. Ltwlsb'if.M iv 27.T,nvl C. IIOI.STKIN. . , u tSfTLASTEK and ..1. T cheap for rash ''.v OHO. 110I.!,TL!N ! V. aui" I'll fXC'I-V-An excellent 8il. Itiklti: i ll j:.-Ati excellent 81 I i ver I .KITH WATCH lor sale at a hariiatB mu.,l go. In.t.:re of i A U. UFXOli.'.l AX L'ltl. Lewisbur? I,. - - Nl: 1 1 ..'I.-''',' .1. . ' T. . ... . . I .t rt.t TtT'-i IIM . IMltt a. 10 ..ilAtr-l. 'or . imi. 101 Last Notice. ;r..!.t,'Ml t,. J. fcCHIIEVKR e,ihr t, ....r or I!, ok Aecour.t, will pae TAKE .VD'I'ICK that tl.etr a'tnMs niusi he paid On nr Uf , re z.e l.-f ' 'y i.f April tirj.t. i!' to t attended to by liiat lime lJ they w:;i 1 ,r l.-ti in ihe hands ol a proper Olhcer fOK I'KI.LLi; I lu. however unpleasant it m, le. ; I.eWistuiit, Feb. 11, IKVj (;hu: ioti TAiims. .... T I- w .! . I I . . f ,k. V . , . j I.-, l,ur have not been ahle topayih 1 ea lets b it l.ttv per cent, ol tne money one ih.-m I t their s-rvi. r. You are hereby io,. l i-- I ili.it the :!-! i -r is authorised anil re. (ji.ii.-d I , the lz.reri. rs, atter reasonable n.,. t -r, t.t en! re- rollTt; n ol" the vame. p.a J T..i is for lb rear I VVM. J).E J..- .s i -i.ii rr. fV!.. !., l-.J Treasurer. VTiiliam VanGeier, TTOI!Ni:V at Law, J l !. i !.ui I ision Co., l'a. L ." I. tl.ee ;; n-nr K:iue' llolel 574 'I Hi: .-.IK.ElTft IICil.Kll! V.llttl) KN'V.N AMI WliKLI TBI3 IIOI.I.O WAV'S (H.NTAI JIN T . f tt'. 1 N i. : . ; - . t!.c : Ui'- :::.l a.'H't r L:i i' i:'u t' ii:fi.- -tr, a-? ;t:.;- tt.ii. tJ .a ..y .-ALT J.I.FJ .V. :,.u.- 11 is 1. 1 t . n. ..t lIj , T. !' . t ; ' '.). ' 1 . Ii 1 III 1. 1 - ; ' --! in: . . 11, ( 1 I- li.- 1 UI-. .s",.y. 1 n:.i :.i.-t; t lj.it- j er::i.ao 1 . r . 11 -I- r tr. ou 10. 1 1. vi .j ; i.i uli- us ol ti... ..v ii'.r .fliel ...7.V. .!.- r.i.- d e .;ulu..i.t It ..s u:.a il:.. r r a. . io 1 10 -le ,., yv's ot'.f u J Ol s- re ll.rentii e. s- r. - . r jil fc.fc-.Ii em sira;i-. .l..;nt l....Ii l- I r V n.-r. s! por. V , utOsef ati k.r.l II: b. !.. ;.: l-. nn ne uri,. ibe ici.t 1. . ..." sre ui- -iint.l . . 1. st . I tl.e Y. tt of .lirerti.-M . It Min. n-.. 1..- j lain.. n ' I. ..i.-.V !::. r.w.i.1 o : . ; ti o l.. in i.ti . n. a .. . . - i 1, 1 I 1, . "lll.lrl.. r i. l.-oi j: li e U L.-, ..ni w-D: tli.n tir :.r.i-f.i -,.rie rf Pr-fe-.rr It- L!-ir, u - r'. ul. 1 1 T all r.-.ferta! e I'lBf t. l...:..ilr tl.'ii io L-.i.t - liei.J -1 ...I..I, ti. !r i. sal e r,a;. as i ; U .- ii -. : 1 1- i i. r.t ie ,i r !i-e i:i: 1; t. V:i.; 1"? f i ! t-ate nts in liUOTS AND SIIOKS! i; ots and iioes:: 1 j i! ' i in i),.,.t'. a, i i i 1 1 ti u ic i.f I'.i., wiitic ii.ii) Le KUtiil a Ctr.trrut avv.,fit,,t ,. Ken's, Ldd;63?. nicsGs' and Youths l;.t. !-, S!,. rv. ;.i.!tT. Ilu-l, riv. si!:prers Ac. ot i tic l.iiri s". it--. ir.A. t t'i tiiaii;:t set i:p ur.li cr;aT fHre ar.l at Tah i'ner uh 1 w:;i l e a- iow s at any place ih.s I 1-1;.::;.!. 1. ... MAS I l'AHUiSf;& nKFAUUS' .j. i.f liHK h i- w cr ihun ibe i prie. riian'r I ul I. r lav rs, e w eiiilcd'. t to u:i yt'itr iur:h r i-!.: if. tpl. If" im: iniu r x v t i: v t o i: : jj.j i ali i in ; j: .m.voa . t'tinifosFn'oti rntirely frmi (Il'MS. - a k "i Tin r.i- -Till- ;a! ivs: anh i:kr mbi- i IM !." i -t. T- tt,.- I l.i -if - li i'l t.""- -N- ' Vifi.iTl: .: r. ii.i '. r hi i :. r . 1 i :i..I tl.itii xvy n luT nn iu-:ii kr.. r l: i- i t :: a ' i.r n It-r r. uir.'T. a. -tir: ir tlT-t en li v I --.r lo tcel il rl :.i limltt-r. it M n t !. inn. i. :ti. i I . . J to i .irn i :! il.al iiuttlf r. :1 u . n i ..-t i ; i t.r . -- -t ton1 y il n. rr ' Li., t .ni :ul t". ir ti ii- it ! in il.-' "(ralt. n- t it.. t i .ill HTt; '. It iTtt lla-Tlo I.-. llli- It plirF--. Illf riX-tiC. ni, 1 !.. ii T; k-li .:t:. in tin il- fs aili tir ;u. 1 l n:; i it ty ui.Ot-uui r.tj :m:y. TV- l.iTr-: i- oi:.- of tt- D'isT il rt-cnlat-r" ' i!,.- hi.n in I . . . m l 1.. n .t i f if ini-ii !i ' :,, it- m-li. li . j w-r . f t'-.' ry-t, di r- It. . ! t 'J ' . i- ;.'ni' -: i o:irf :v i i ! i i. t'- l-.Ly ;i. :. ti t ti.- k.trtr t.rtL- 1 ;t t.'i. t. l! t:ii'?. Kil l 1h- 1. 1. v I . u- 1 r ; . ..It I r ' in Il I -. .1 t " . iii a jr .ft Hi I . :.. .- . t Hi t 1. 1 1 f in 1 1. 1. t 1 nn rr il in -I..T.:t!t .. hi. h it : A :.t lb-: t 1. 1 in- r. nn it;. . ti 1- r- m ni -. ht latin try a fc- til. . ji i !.'-! r I : tl . -i in. ; i .Tit: in l it I i ii.!.'. rut t. IU- " .i:...t MlVN.'..-.' i:.' 1 . .-'th tft ti r li" ma- . I ir. tH-...,- . t tl!t 1. n r.- :. r. i .si-iasiSi.i. i--(- 1: 1 1 1 Til. I . Hi l,.l- MTTlP, ll r-J I 'I-.- -e sit. r . ittirir i st. in .oi r.ii.l rt.ent .tie oi v , r... .! tak.-n'. t- f.,1 T. a I :. itti.'S itjtt r ii .nit !. . I . ti' -e t3:.ru attt r . h a..:.l ' One 'I- ' s. 1. 1:. t' - -I nitiis ... i. n,i,.ii f. r r. -..use i I t) - ttt.,.- HO." . a r, - :,.., ii C-l IK m i II . t:t-l'-f 1 ''i-ir. n M.rt-r. (r Ii.-.i - ; ... . w rT,' ly tf-vtt " p im'n in iit -r,.. T. A f. K-ith-cur. ' ; al i it., ni I We tit',. ples.nrelTi ree- t traP iirir t! ; a- a fir. i.ta'.... f.T I i n.ttp ' ; . at, nt. ., I t;t Fmti h . I nn. i Tin- ' tls.i i a:t 'vi. m tt .. .. . . , .. j. .r an tr!ni...jr., - inj to t..t;fr t.. it . n-; Jciful t:rtti. . ... . . nT,-tr.t i..jii t:n ne il fcfv gifing iiwir maw.-- )n j,, (jf (if x,r J 1 ; . , llio MIST Iiinccrni"" f is . tt Ttrt.- :rr.ir.o. n-' R," ...' e-r- . . ii. .l.tir, ..... ...I.ie I- r.-ijn.i Ir rur' -T'T f l 1 . .. .-...,t.:..fil. trim lie .et-r J.etoo t I V ;',,,.. .If efrr rnmntoi ,7' iu W.r, all o airk ar. . rasetl L.itT. rursr trie n-itrs rr ,,,. SaNP'ttti r. hMM 1 r ! " nJ r. ta.i.J tj ai.' ir.irrt-. ."'-I '-' " . , fa i,;.l f !. t.UI '.'H I It"-11" S! I'Olkil Hlt.2r.'.o!rirs'- i? .u III. I IttMl i n band i I lot ' ... wj, m JLtwisturg llnllue ,r. M in v t