Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 18, 1859, Image 1

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    n i
BY 0. N. WOUDEN & J.
- -
An Iiulcpendont Fuailly
CiK gmWmi Clpniclry
Issued Fridttg7at L''tci!turjt L ittun &kIi. !
7,KffW.'.-l,f1iryrtr.M i.r pir t utimt mvl
at tllf MfU- rte t-r Um r nr ...trtt-r I-ri'-i. 1 tins -I
e: will I'iiv l't l"'iur itH'iifli-, 7 i t i-i f -r -t .ii-hiTiis. 1 Jul.
fr riiiitt iii-.iitli-. - di-l. tor r.it.fii timnt lit, o i . l r lu
yrarc, $ for limr milieu out- j .nr. il Inr ..mi comc- mi
jf r, Ac. in'li- N'i.", i '. IXviiH'iits l.y utA . i-ai'i)
Ivi'citM in pili. M)t;tr -.Umiisi. it 1-n.lik Ui . ;il tl.t ir
Value hr. M.-ft km N i'ruju.v r riv. -1 al tin r.
fl-H'hii tlift titm -iiiri--. : r tin !i n i:nr'T i t-.ii 1,
(unifit . hjiT a runniu.- .-uunr - it i- SI' rl'I'Klt.
AnvcitTisEM . irs l.au'tfii'tii'lv ut ; t . . j., r
iur n w'k, i..'. rts - ft r iif.-r ;:.. il. t Iit
m-tntii, & jut vt-ar. a -ju ir' 1 -t -. J
tol, 3 .... T. xju r-"i I 4 i' p. s ..p. naiit-.-v.
Dot ofp ntf li urtli in' a ulaiun. lu i !. T " I1 " " o: l,-r
lit Iti. at may I ur 1 ip.m. A , nai't- i- 1 - Hi..- r
ftmllititt ty-. or li l twxt lar.tT. A iv. rti-tm-iii-. t,ra 1
dff!iiraluiii t-n..'(irv. an 1 Ur ut.-. n il nm.lti-J.
Commnnicatiiin ?ii.l on tt ! "f iri-nf ml inters!
ftrtj awnujuitu-'I l-v Ihe writer- iv..! nniui and Hxlr-".
TUe M i K Tit ' T K ), Kt i K I'll i- 1.h-j. ,1 t li.
f tin Cr.iHi--f. lv trim li v tMu inM-rt iui''rt..ul.V
la a iTaiifof ttf I'l.i'x t- M.i,.
Cnu- ti-t wjth t'i- m-i.i- .t:e tiih'1i iaIiTi:tIii fur m't
kiiilxof JOB PRINTING, win- li w.II U- .-vruti-d w.th
IlMtni.-ti- l-Mlrll II 1 1. oil ra:lili:iiie t' Tlll-l.
ilj'uxl ..(rriiuiu"nti to t,' miillirwtH'nbaiiiifii ;
Id. au l J"'1 VlUrk wlit-u i.-it v-n-!.
ViKKK'K n 1 tr.-t ?juart. n"rtti -ii.!.nitil tnriy ;
ftjjoiniini it.HK itiini:T. Uorit'-n A lorn'-lhtr.
rR THE LLWtribL-RU cuKuMCLB. t
Mi:s-by a Lady. I
ilf.rfMt W illiaiu .' l y tile loTr Jill f ifl'JIy ffaro, j
And i,io.int.yr,t..r.ni.n.-. im,,i.,re!0,
Yes, .h.r. ti.o.- gr.ii mciust.ciin.s, iiic.se bomi, aiuu. i
Which ,,.ur f.(o bmn.iMmooc.j now tvrj like j
t .- 1
Xctm iy they luIJ fresh Wnuty to tlir hurnnn f.re .lirine
They msy do i to otherd, they Mirety dim t lo thine,
lluw emu ya thiuk a actuhbii.g hrullT deei tiDted
tile riiBi.
Could give you new attrartions, wh-n stuck beneath
your none I
J r-lly am ahimel -(fyi.u. I thniiLrlitynuhaJ m"retate
Thao thu.4 your (irei ious time ana ptill UMro iti-riciu.4
braint biwa.te:
For penj.le y aud Dot without fome tru:h, I tliiuk,
Monstarhi.Hi are the fruits which .. cio from brains
When ruuto seed.
Then share them. William! iharo tl. Ul ti I tl.li fa
r ak.
I hate to see your han lsoiuo fai-e ijuite Li M n by that
msk :
I hate to bear the pennte ssy. the m m- nt you're iu vLw
Hue look at hi" mou-tachio-.of the .-arri'i'.-i i riiit.'-l h'li '
Then by the lure you bear utc, and ty mine fvroo, I
That you fliarc those horrid tiling, Vt ioiain t.-li '. ila
Times, Prospers, and Vianls nf lU-lcrn llllnoi-.
Com-loudenre f the Lewi-Lure Chronicle.
tVum Co., 1.1. Kill. "S( is.-j.
This country has been pn-atlj tlrpresnl
the past six uionih, and capnal couid tie u-cil
invested at the preent u.T,e. Improved land
can be bought lor ?Is) per acre. There is re
ally no price lor anything save a few article :
perk is 1JG S3 per cut. licit ; beef c.uilc, .-j 1 ;; .
grass stock cattle, very low, an I vn v pur,
in consequence of a general scarcity of iced; :
corn 50 cents; seed wheat ft ; oa-.s 7. cents '
to $1. Our crops tailed la-t year, Li.t I
know that we have raised mirh'.y crops acci r- :
ding lo the labor expended. Twenty live acres
of corn on old ground, is about a man's
work to attend to. We want more men In ni
the EaM men who will lay theirshuuidt-rs to
the wheel in good earnest. Two or turee hun
dred good laboring men couid c--l employ :o
litis county this spring; J should like to have
four besides one I have, and have an empty
house for use. Cut the animation of Spring
is being seen, in the renting of lands am! ex
changing of stork. We have had but little
sleighing here this winter weather rjune
moderate south w ind and plenty of mud.
School-teaching is a good business and
teachers are w anted, in this country. Wages ,
for males 23 to J5 per month, and 18 to
$20 for females. j
There have been several protracted meet-j,
ings in these parts, attended wuh many con- 1
versions, and many more are seeking the
blessing of (iod, while rowdys have been si
lenced, and boisterous persons brought to a
sense of their duty. V. i
"ii Erellent Opening fur a bood Kdltor." A'iuVci.
I-Sxl's lialls l- improved.)
Now thus as he wandered along, j
A cheerless and c.ontoriless elf, j
lie sought lor reiiei in a song.
Or coinplainingly talked to himself.
"IVe waited and waited in vain,
Expectinz an 'ipming to fin I,
Where an editor honest might gain
Some reward for the toil of his mind."
Vhile thus he was strolling around,
His eye accidentally tell
On a very deep hole in the ground,
And he sighed to hunsell, -li is uvrV
To curb his emotions, he sat
On the curo-sione the space of a minute.
Then rnes, Here's an opening' at last !"
And in less than a jiffy was in it!
IVext morning twelve citizens came,
("fwas the Coroner bade them attend.)
To the end lhat it miahl be determined
How the man had determined his end !
The Jury decided at lengih.
After solemnly weighing the mutter,
"Thai Ihe fellow was drownrfed, because
He could n't keep his head above water !"
tosawanrctilert to tht Lritimrg CVirnemer."
Do Sometiiinu. Thousands of men
cat, move, talk and sleep, then pass off the
'ge of life and aro heard of no more.
'by? They did not a particle of good
n the world, and none were blessed by
them; none could point to them as the !
instrument 0f their improvement: not a I
ime tbey wrote, not a word they spoke,
eoold be recalled ; and so they perished
their light went out in darkness, and they
were do more remembered than the iusccts
oi yesterday. Will ytai thus live and die, j
O man immortal ? Live for something, j
Io good, aud leave behind you a monu- j
Blent of virtue that the storms of time I
can not destroy. Write your name by I
aindnesi, love, and mercy, on the hearts :
i-einousand. yoo come in contact with, j useful effects, than those of Sir Walter.
Jear by year. Then you wiil never be . This edition is complete, but necessarily
orgotten. No, your name, your deeds, ou small type and large pages to be afford-
be as legible on the hearts you leave ' td at such very low rates,
behind, ,be stars on tbo brow of the j Ue Gr(at RepuLr!c ffionthy (0ak.
it HCZPi' lp' j n'n & Co., New York) maintains the
There have been as high as three bun- reputation of its first No. both as to the
dred and sixty Paupers at the Chester Co. j large number of its pages and the quanti
09f Djjs. usirirg the rrcsent wicrtr. ' ef it re.'Ir d3 illustratioc..
XeiYft Journal.
-The Editor's Table."
This imaginary j.icce of furniture, rep
resents a r.-aiity aud tLat is, the luulti- i
tuJe of tliiiiis, good aud Ud, ap'!)i!is
for aJiiiikni to au Kdiur's "valuable
columns." We cu!d li'.l a daily of small
tvpe wiili favurd of this sort, from almost
every quarter, on almost every imaginable
subj.-ct. V.'e like to receive them, aud yet
c can uet print all : we must select and
discriminate !ci as to niako up a gcueral
variety; and when friends 2:.d wo do not
always in-ert what is desired of us, or
hinted at, it is r..t from any waut of re
spect to the good fueling which actuates
them, or of conli lence iu their judgment.
'Mauy men of many tuiuds." Ail can
not be suited, aud whoever happens to be
Kditors must have reposed iu them a gen
erous si. are of coniideuee that, ou the
whole, they may be the best judge of their
own profcs-i'iii and of the whole field of
labor iu their sphere.
Of a mass of printed matter before us,
we nnike the following brief uicutiou
regretting that we cau not quoto from or
auuje l0 u 10Il! ju dvtail.
( mSrt n Serein l.y Senators Slwa.d,
Cl,tKllt CH.M,LtH,Ti Bi LL:and Messrs.
.To,.r,K,!.KLE.M...sI.ov, jot.l'ii.viA;.c,
Gow and li......, of the House of liepre- ,
seniaiives-There is much, iu all these '
s,.,h.. .h,, , nnrv,. arl should like to :
publish, but our liiniu-d ;pace forbids. They
may all be found at length in the Daily Clube,
whirh is an immense magazine of speeches,
in facl, a printed rehearsal of every word
said in Congress.
S'litlh Anirrirmhm. Of another cast
entirely is the sp. ceh of HlmI'IIKEV MaR-MIAI.I-,
(Vf Kentucky) the acknowledged
leader o; the South American Tarty, and
a "oiitltinau if tlistincuishtd character
and utility.
Iu a carefully elaborated and
semi."iifiiciai" declaration, he proclaims a
radical hosiilitv to any terms with the
l. .!, I.ti.. il,.iw ,l..r. !
i.ci uui.uu.,, ...v. .-.. .. ,
their arms aud march iuto the South '
American camp as sorvile subjects. The
llouglas dictiiuo that even Democracy
can not f rutcct Slavery in the Territories
if their local Legislatures abolish it, Mr. '
.Marshall declares!) be as heterodox ns
the ci !i;iat.ee of 'i ly which Congress
abolished 'av-ry in too Territories' X.W.
of too Ohio a doctrine which was last
applied (by IVlk) tO keep Slavery OUt of
Oregon The i-;ccch is evidently des- !
igr.cd to Miffm the Americans at their -
coUiit.g elections iu the South, but if it
spea.s tho t. u.iii.u.t o. lua party, i; i.
worse even thai. DouglaMsra. :
r2..' -V- t-i aVont -me" is the title
of a new q'lart.j paper started in Xew
Yoik, th: objtet of which will be O fur- ,
t.ish a full summary of news from Great
liiitian, for the benefit more especially of
nativis of the Uritish Isles uotv resideut
in tho United States. Its price is 82 a !
year. Towndrow et Iay, editors and pro-
prietors, Xo. U Spruce street, Xcw York. ,
Xa,;nl Ji'C'inlrr." Dr. L D.Jol.N-
son, of Washington Ci'y, has issued X'o. j
1 of a quarto periodical, designed to com- '
bine a mass of information on religious
topics, education, ie., throughout the
Union. He has issued au immense edition
for the brst 4U.UUU LelUg tC.IUired lor
the clergymen alone.
Slate Lunatic ILifpilaJ of rennsihania,
at ILirrifbunj The lleport of Superin
tendent CllIXEX, fur 185S, is received,
and offers a minute account of the opera-i
, , ,. . . , i,
turns of that livine monument of State
'l ;
patients in the Hospital 150 males, 117
j females. The following is a summary of j
the diminutions from its origin :
Males. Females.
1 iu
' Improved
Whole Xo. ree'd 618
430 :
537 ;
,,-.,,.,.,. .
The 0-Conducted by the inmate.
of the Xew ork State Lunatio Asylum
at Utica is still published monthly
at $1 per year, in advance. Jhcre are j
' il "'""J "rlicIcs iocini; lining and
"Iit lut almost every one dashed with
a 6,reak of crra,io fy indicating the
-nb.ar.pj condition of the contributor.
Ivanhne. Peterson A: Bro's, 800 Chest
nut St. Philad'a., have commenced a Peo-
pic's edition of the Novels of Sir Walter
Scott, to be completed iu 26 volumes, at
25 cents per tolume, or ?5 for the sett,
comprising about iiC separate Works.
"Ivanboe" is the first of the series issued.
Those determined upon novel reading,can
probably find none less noxious in their
evil influence, or better in their supposed
j Two of the UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS, Lewisbuia Union County, Penn'a.
The College,
ceu!cr ) Las a
t-7 c.",' -4
front of ooO feet.
, The wiogs contain
' stuj,anjsic(.p;ug
rooms. The ecu- '
,ra" Port
feet fquarc.
p;e( ,y
a Commencement
Hall, &c. Sie.
Cost. S 15.000.
Atlantic Minthly. This sterling, true
American Mair-izine, is still ou the rising
wave of popularity. Two London bouses
1 are publishing Mrs. Stowe's " Minister's
! Wooing" as fast as it is received. Kng-
laud acknowledges the "Atlantic" as fully
equalling any of ber own Magazine. Uy
6 mean, wo received Uco Xo.'s for
March, a fortnight after our neighbors
w" VP''- extract another poem
' of "The l'iue and the I'alm" order:
: n ohl Arabian t' the truth eonrey..
That honor's iiaaMou avarira outweighs.
ItraTi. Achmi d owned a mare of wondrous speed ;
He jTiu-d her much at-ove his wile or creed.
And li st some one should steal that vrecious mare,
He guarded her with unremitting ears.
He tied her eeery nitfht lief.re his tent:
The fai-teuiug-rord tl.eu'loUiiJ his llloW Went.
When all in slumber lay. the rot.l er rrel.t.
Lulooped tho coiu, and on the coutatr leant.
i ,
'Wake up:" he cries -'tis I. the thief, who call;
See U'-w if she iu tlizht is chief of ail !'
Mount Aehmed and bis trit e, in wrath and aliama,
Alio, cnaemui a.i a uriuBnur, u.uib
Hot Arliine.1 nearly to the rot.b.-r came.
Wheu thus he thought: "My mure will lose ber fame
-If I.-. rtake h.r. she i then outrun;
llut it 1 reach her not, 1 au uudone.
Oh, better were she stolen before my face
Than hare her tauiiuishnl in this desperate rare I
Or., serret sit-n his mare was taught to heed.
V, heuevrr she uiu.t try her uliuuat speed.
He to the rol.lier si reamed. uick. l-inch her earl
lue M):u she leil with answering lose and teal
A- like a level tbunil.-rt f it she fw.
Ail chase was tain, the vexed puiuers knew.
B.-f. re this self-lielrayat, blank snr.risa
i .OS Acl.me'l s coairnde., aul tl. 1." .oudcrio cries
Ii-nisn . 'His si.-.U thv looli-h si t Le nsiaed?"
"' mare is test, her giory is not ahanirl,''
ll.-sa: I knew, tli il, if'oerenr lie nil-lie,!.
The dailins irue cu.d uel.r be out.na."
7u,ff (Wee .(Agricultural,) and
other tfiicial bound volumes issued by or-
der of Congress, received from our K -pre-
lentutive, ...r. ivLMxiL. av portiou 01
these volumes arc worthy of preservation,
tut the printing of large tuitions of most
of the matter contained is a shameful waste
of ink and money. (We are glad to learn
some of the extravagance iu this lino
expenditure was cut off at the recent
Funeral S'-rmon on the death of Hon.
Henjamin Franklin IJutler, late .ttomey
General for the U.S. Uy Win. lJ.Spraguo,
U D ' I'lsttT of lte 2J l,'-lJ,i-n cLurdl.
Cr"Jurnal of Imluttry, and Monthly
Current ot Jatbor, . a quarto puD-
lished monthly by tti-
American Industrial
Association iu Xcw Y'oik City. It is dc-
' . .. .. .
Mg"cu to ucip mi iitrisous juenaiu lauui
or laborers by a large scale of Correspon
dence, and to do good generally. Single
number, 3 cents. Itev. D. R. Thomasim,
C7, Greenwich St., is the Corresponding
! C.rtrAfner. UTil ..tin I ti .OiS llflllll feCilM l'U
, ... ,. . .,
columns, which are "important if true :
r . ' . ,
"Our Ir-sier Oat Lnjht, invented by
. i .nrnprirer .v i.o.. ui if xiroauwav . u iu uuen
. . . i-n i l .:
, d,, well and iustifv all we have said iu I
its praise, especially uow we have learned
to manage it. e nave accurately couut
Total. ed the cost and found it just half a cent
74 per hour. For country homes where gas
181 ! cannot be obtained, it i. a perfect luxury.
"The inventors promise to furnish the
; public with stoves heated by the same
782 : gas. If it supplies heat as well as it dues
; light, we will say good bye to authracite
10 ! . in our sanctum.
J. F. Coolev of Poughkeepsie, N. 1.
has tent us bis Portable Copying Press.
We have tried it and find it admirable in
.ii ti.. e.r nb;nr.
ail icsuccio. a uu siuvcos vi isaius uu
iwfrJloa js sirnpi0nd expeditious, and
lbe C(,py j, perfect. It is a pretty light
article, red morocco case, that may lie in
a lauy g writing uesa. i'larveiousiy cneap
withal only one dollar."
l7i7y LaJy't Book for April. Prompt
and full as ever of matter most interest
ing to the great majority of the ladies of
Keliyiout Liberty A Thanksgiving
Sermon before the Bloomingdale Baptist
charcb, New York .city. Bj Robert
Lowry, A. M.
Hero are Prospectus papers, recom
mendations, and puffs of one kind or oth
er, nnder a thousand forms, each asking as
t0 belp grind their axe. Many of them
are doubtless worthy of a good word and
of support, but to comply with requests
of this kind would fill our sheet from end
to end.
We have also offers for variont adver
tisements, some of them well euough,
doubtless, but at too low a price, or from
irresponsible persons, or of donbtful pro
priety, whieb we deoline from pradentisl
C9BHtiiri'io- Ost Cblf WIEff us lo li
T .v
V" v.
vcrtise half a column aud take our pay
in s.me Lew sort of tahe (medicine)
while another insists quarterly that we
should mako a fortune by advertising a
"rat killer" at our own cost or risk. j teacher will soon leave us, perhaps never
There are. moreover, numerous tempta- again to meet us in his present capacity,
tions to rural felicity in the shape of He has been with us day after day, in
small farms, and corner "city" lots all ' gtorin and in sun-shine. He has endeav
alongthcimagiuaryrailroadsfiomXowhere ( ored to lead us in the paths of wisdom
to Kamsehatka if we will only try to aid : and intelligence, that we might become
in cheating our readers iuto buying land of useful men and women. He has dischar
which they know nothing, from somebody ged his duties ably, prudently and pa
unknown who perhaps has ni title. We ticutly, and has gained the favorable esti
should havo bad about 10,000 acres by j niation aud good will of all. May be be
this time if we bad improved our "golden ami ly rewarded for his exertions,audwbe3
chances." And then the inducements iu ; time to him shall be no more, may he re-
an agricultural or horticultural way, are al
most irresistible such strawberries, rasp
berries, gooseberries, currants, pic plauts,
plums, apples, quinces,potatoei, corn, cab -
bane, cauliflowers, Ac. Sic, as arc assured
,., ; A nltl ..,. n.leo. mis r.ilr.ma
us I . el c "in i"'- . " ' ..-..v.- -
I the cphmeral publications that are issued, j
j a uew tyie every day, from town or couu- j
j try, arc strong, and diiEeult to withstand ; ;
but uo honest man no one faithful to
those who coufile in hiru can say "yes" j
to everj body, cveu though his refusal be '.
attributed to wrong motives. I
Aud besides these are the advertise-
j mt!D)8 of a jLZl.n j:rtJi ljilg j.,,,,"
who wisb us t0 ajvertisc them as anxious
to practice in the most loathsome diseases
j ;a otbir words, to rob the foolish and
: uri,Jgi but fullering violators of chastity
! uui f rt.tcuce 0f irU-ndahip and seere-y
I aU(Jthcr Loxious assortment of ineeli-
' ciuo xanti attcuipting to delude the
: ni;uJs cf ,hc youlls of butU gexcJ wi(h
ihc lfcIi(,f th.d t,.(,y can i;,Di,ro ,ho hws
if purity at will without danger of expo-
sure aud auothpr legion of sharks, who,
under the name of ''Gifts," or "luciativu
employment," or by some other pretence,
attempt to make the lazy, or the rougish,
or the thoughtliss, believe they cau ex
change a dime for a dollar, or make ten
to twenty dollars a day honestly, or iu
some other niauuer get luouey without
KAltNINU it. We brush away these lillhy,
,. . - ,
u,Cuii.o.Iua,r.,..s. "o'""'-"""
iu the spirit of the converted infidel when
sacrificing his pernicious books
Horn ' t urn 1" he en. d. wiih enered rae,
Hell is the due ot every paiie.''
Anerdute or N ilouaid l larke, Ihe Mad Poet.
Everybody ruiuembers il'Douald Clarke
who was well known in Xew York, a few
years siucc, as the "Mad IVet." Durini;
",0 be,t Jrof his life, Ciatke was mad
free to tho Astor House) table, and often
times this errant man of genius could be
seen accepting its hospitalities when other
doors were closed on his fallen fortunes.
Every one knew Clarke by sight ; aud ooe
day, while quietly taking bis dinner, two
travelers, seating themselves opposite,
commenced a conversation intended for
the ears of Clarke. One said : " Well,
I have been in Xew York two months, and
have seen all I wish to sec, with one ex
ception." " Ah I" said the other, "what is that ?"
"M'Donald Clarke, the great poet,' re
sponded Xo. 1, with strong emphasis.
Clarke raised his eyes slowly from his
plate, and seeing the attention of the table
was on him, stood op, placing bis hand
over his heart, and bowiog with great
gravity said : "I am M'Donald Clarke,the
great poet."
The traveler started ia mock surprise,
gazed at him in silence a few moments,
and then, amidst an audible titter of the
company, drew from bis pocket a quarter
dollar, and laid it before Clarke, still look
ing at him without a smile.
Clarke raised the quarter in silence and
dignity, put it in his pocket and drew
thence a shilling, which he deposited be
fore the traveler with the words, " Children
half price."
The titter changed to a roar, and the
traveler wti missiog instanter.
A piece of pine wood forced down into
tho sea to a depth of 200 fathoms, be
comes so compressed, that when drawn
up again, it is found to be so heavy as to
sink like a stou when thrown into the
send money or stamps to Mr. So and So. 1 he will at times permit his thoughts to I Iua orJi;rca "s ai-4continuance. i.e, now-, masJ any cr naUUntaiu top existing
Our 10,000 acres would havo been over- return and wish success to his scholars at j Vcr. "''j lovcd ,a rel(i' nl had' fnr 4 '2,400 feet below the .urface of the ocean
run by this time if we had yielded to these the Spring Creek school. He may per-! ear or m"e bcea In. ,he Lab" of eDd'Dg would be polished and grooved ; and sue
solicitations aud they all proved real. haps enjoy the privilege of having more ! "Ilttle Joe" 00 ,Le liagreeab. .rraud of cetiw bergs depositing mud anl bou'.d
Tbe appeals to sympathy ia tho case of studiou. and excellent scholar, under his j borrowing old papers from bis neighbors. . ers urjn iti tbi .moothed surface might
MARCH 18, 1859.
u . .
The Academy
(ou tL. right) i.
about CO by SO
,lie' U
commodations for
tbe Academical
Cost, ?3,000.
; i caao.-ict.
The Clc3e of our District School,
' Spring is at hand, and our school is
about to finish its winter term. Our kind
ceieve a faithful teacher's reward iu that
1 blessed laud where sorrows and partings
; are no more ! Aud although he leaves us,
: yet wo confidently hope that when he is
iu some other place, either in teaching or
whatever ojeupation he may be eDgaged,
; nusaii.4 u.v.i .nun .... i (- B
training yet we trust he will sometimes v -fc- - be covered up and sutt.r no chauge until
briu- to pleasing recollection the fact that i da? Pig """"iS "" " the ocean should be slowly upheaved tj
he had some students, in 1S59, who were I,sPer' but the daJ PSi,;J' " l'k'"8 dlJ the light of d.y. Iu this way sulmarino
not entirely iudmcreut to their own prng- i 'k'' e,eu111?' and 110 PaPcr' rock surfaces at all d- p'hs, from the coast
rcss aud proficiency in their several studies, j Tbe next rooming, after breakfast, sLe liue 6ova ,0 o 000 or 3 0u0 maJ fca
And now, fellow school mates ! allow ! as bc"d t0 "We"' JhB' ,he WT , scratched and polished, and eventually en
me U say a word in regard to continuing 1 bas Bft bccD r,:turDed Jet- ' tombed in mud. It is upon this theory
to improve our minds after school is closed. "Ah, indetd ; I guess neighbor X. Las ob!y ,;14t we are able to accent for tho
We have had a very cood opportunity this either forgotten his promise, or u absent b LuU;d..ra ,hat lie scattctei
winter, and the most of those who attend -
! cd school did advance considerably. Hut,
now, we are about leaving our acuool
room, and the ni ijority of us will be en
gaged in such labor as is found ou the
farm. This will be the time when many
who attended school during the winter,
and made rapid progress, will cease to
improve. This should not be so. It is
true, that labnrin
same time seems somewhat
same time seems somewhat wearisome.
lint, if wc are obli -rd to labor during the
dav. we can. durio,-the time we are thus
, r .i i .t.
nmrn o.t ei'iioisr aon-r.ul Um liann tan chr
c o I is
us during this winter, and by so doing
ixlaia much useful kuowlcdge and also
, - , i t -ii i
strengthen our minds so that they will be
1 more fitly prepared for the instruction of
a future school teim. We shall have eve-
. t- , . . l j .:it
: ",ut-l -" "-"- --- -l - --J' -
ijur uearts may ue cultivated, as wen as
,, ... i it i
our mte.lect bnhteued, aud thus we be
I. , .. . n - . .. 1 r.f o..:,. I,, !,.. .ladr. r.f tl.;.
., , . ., ,. , . . ...
world, but in that whica pertains to the
coming slate, l.emctr.bor that we must
give au account of our time. Every min
ute spent vainly, or in idleness, wiil be a
i witness against us. Let us improve our
, . . . .i l ..: 1
I minds ana uearts, uiereuy acquiring goou
stores of useful knowledge. "If the trees
..s r..e.i. M,m. 1 ,1,.
' .... . .
eather no fruit in the autumn ; just so it
? .. . , , , .. . . .
is II our youiniui days pass wiiuoui iui
. :,i i,. .
liiuicuieui, wu Tfi. uu UUS..U..UM .u iu..!
the duties of maturer years.
jl maturer years.
, permit me to close by wishing
r Mr. G. W. S. the fellow
' 1,, ' ,' ' ' . ,
.sail, ami mete I ft hnnrtv nml
Aud now.
our teacher,
school mates all, aud myself, a happy and
pleasant summer. R.
- -
r a . t . a-
ICE vBeam l. o. ciongu, or iv
York, tell, us that he has discovered a
new method of making this luxury, the
only fault being that it can only be made
: : . . .1 l, .i,. . 1 :nA...i;
IU WIUSCI, sou w ucii ias L'.mviai isk'sui-
ent of Lis mixture icy snow is on toe
ground, few persuus want a cooliog drink.
But here it the recipe : Take a tumbler
full of clear icy snow, place a teaspoonfal
of white sugar on it, and add a little milk,
mix them with a tpoon and eat it as a ton-!
ic for bad spirits.
Scent Exterminator The editor of
the Medina Gazelle tells of a skunk being
captured in a house by a dog with the usu
al result to the victors. . The terrible scect
was neutralized by burning tar upon live
coals of fire, by which the air was puri
fied as by magic. If this kind of fumiga
tion is a snre specific, it deserves to be
known and put upon record.
ThbKi.no Georges. Laudor conden
ses Tbackerey's lectures into a thimble :
George the First was reckoned vile t
Viler George ihe uecond ;
And what mortal ever beard
Any gnod of George ihe Third f
W ten from earth 'be Toonh asceo ded .
P"") fc pra;edi Gwrrj tidv-i t
At 9I.50 per
"John, what ha bteotue of last wreV,
.... j ,. ii ,.t v....
I paper f inquired .-ira.
' b' nd
! ""surely, wifo, I can not t.ll ; it
brouj-ht from the office, I think."
; JamM brouht u hoine 0D Sit.
urdav .verging; but neighbor X. and hi
wile being here, Le laid it ou the parlor
; table.''
i "Oh, N. las got the paper, 1 remcmDer
now of lending it to him."
"I am vry sorry for that ; I think you
i dj very wrong. buband, in lending the
! papers btforu we Lave read them. He
who takes a paper aud pays for it, is cer-
I ,,:, .n,;,i.i , ,hu fir,t i.erusal of it."
, ,
"1 know it, wife, but neighbor . den t
! take a paper, aud I can't refuse when Le
: asks to borrow ours."
'Don't X. take a paper ?" inquired
Mr. C. with surprise.
"Xo. lrl(i tempest, are its congenial eicment".
"Why not 7 he is, as he say., always y, fai;a arourid, ahd the stars are re
very fond of reading." i $cxed tremulously froia a thousand peaks,
"i'es, but he seems to think himself . tai froII1 tie green ULptls of ' civtrus
unable to take one." mfasureiess to man."
"Unable ? Ho is certainly as able as j The ,;s-,ble portion of an icuberg ii
we are. He pays a much larger tax, and oce.ninth part of the real bulk
is almost always braggiog of his superior of 'Le wLultJ maai . s0 ,Uat jf oca t9
cattle, and" I seeri yj() (Ltt high, the lowest point may,
"Hush, wife ! It is wrong to speak of . perbap3j Is away down 8'J0 feet leiow the
our neighbors' faults behind their backs. waV(,s sow it ;4 ea9y to see t!lat sucn ,
Ho promised to return th paper to-day." mol!ag jslanJ wjl 0ftcn grate kcTOSS tl
"I hope he will. It contains an excel- j ,ururuit aDj a;0I1(. tue .ideS of submariua
lentarticls which I desiro Tery much to j hla . am wljen the lower part of tha
reao-- I berg is roughened over with earth stones,
Mrs. C. was an excellent lady, and pro- j the surface of the rock over which it pass
bably possessed as liberal feelings as her ; e m be t;.ru up ,nJ jiSperSed,or smooth-peace-loving
husband ; but she could nut j eJ at)ll atrjted, while the boulders embed-
L.t:.. !s I. .1 J.... i. ....
! V':'"!Y0 " ,u LO uu,-ru --
j free PaPer ,0 thelr ""'' 110,1 WT-
e'" "'fcul" r-
j N. had formerly taken a paper ; " .
! ,hllltlDS " ,0 expensive, to the no small
- " .
.,.... ,
, lr"n bnme' 'W L-
' "Would it not be best, wife, to wait until
afternoon ? X. may return it before that
: time."
'As you think best," was the reply.
i t -. :i...i ....:! i i !. l. .. .
ante umicia uuiu mil ly uai a, uui uu
paper made its appearance. James, a
aud studying at the , tU'trt laJ uf ,e Iei"', iBS,ruc(ed leeturcs, else you would be a perfect ig
' to rroeeed to neiuhbur X'a ai.d oet the ............. V.. .. t! 1.,.. ..I I. .... i .
r c b
PJPer' 1Ie Sum amtJ od knnwu
'"s er"nJ' rry palil!j tr..ra.
e-I that it was lent to Is, , the blaeksmilu,
i '
who lived half a mile further on. James,
unwilling to return home withoet it, not-
I eiiiiisuunii: un uess ui tue llJUl, vuu-
. , .......
: ..,.!;., . tt, t ,.t .1... i -
tinued on to the blacksmith'..
It was quite dark when be aimed, tut
he soon made bis business known, aud
i,,frmed bv Mra K that "'litlla Si
, - .
, .... . t. ..II I I I, . e.ne.a. h.. 1 . ,S e. "
' LU. iium ui iug uaT'cs aua IU1B IS UU.
i .....
"I'll take the fragments," said James,
who was for having nothing lost
. ,, , , , .
" hs Fraoieisntu .Inn. f.-l:it
The frapinents, Jim '" exclaimed Mr.
R., "01 1 Donk, the pedlar, came along
here to-day, and I sold 'em with the rags."
James, somewhat dispirited by hi. un
successful mission, and not being crura-
. i .. . .
i , "J
re,rclt fur homc wb,re 10 duo 6essou ha
arrived, aud reported tue result ol uis er-
. '
I rand.
"Ab" wy composedly remarked Mr.
. - . , ... v- .
C, "I suppose II. asked neighbor X. to
, ' . . ". "... ...
. ,. , - ., .
! 1bdJ h"n, tha "d b?8 d'd 1B0, 1,ke
i t0 3 Wecan not, I thiuk.accuse
either of doing intentional wrong; and one
: '
, paper, contiuutd be, "is ot little value. I
j c j - - i j
1 ..... .... . . .
s nu niav rirtisi seasnaa voti n a.p
replied .Urs. ij., "but, be assured of one
; "What is that ?" asked Mr. C. with v- I
ident fear.
: . . xv . i . i . 1 1 . x- -u .
1 "a.1 OlUlIlg, Otliy DeigUUOr a . will DOC
long be at the inconvenieuoe of troubling
people for old papers."
Iu about three weeks after this conver
sation, X. was informed by the postmaster .
i that he had a paper in the office. He was
highly pleased at this announcement, bat
could not thiuk who was so very kind as
to send htm a paper. After many conjec
tures, however, he came to the conclusion
that it was from some friend whom he had
assisted in former years.
One year had passed ; the paper contin
ued to come,and X. was .till ignorant from
whence it came ; bat one day, at a "haul
ing," he iufutmed bis neighbors of his
good fortune, and expressed fears that ka
would have to do without a paper soon.
"Xo yon .han't," said James C, in a
loud lone of voice, "for mother sent ou
two dollars for joa last week."
"Well done, Jim I" shouted a dozen
voices, while a simaltaneous roar of langh
tr ran r'rg tht line of ttimsttr.
IN IS43.... WHOLE NO.,
lnr, alvtaj In .lilt ante.
I N., wlnj had rreti'nn to thi unnancv
1 ent b. en r-mark-'y eLe.-faI talbv
! t'.ve. became suddenly eilent, wb'a a di-.-d
. - -
' 1 cr''"r ,De ,ut''"-"1 c' shimc, mant!eoj
trr.w. This wa a g0.,J !s, n f.,r X
EI7 nt morntus, te -eat m-J pi-J
; Mrs. C. the $1, aoiuo.ledd U error,-
-d .M never kcowu .f-crru, , l,V,
, w t-.o Iwu wtch.y paper,,
j SametMns about Icebergs.
i j.-,. sights iu nature aro more imposing
! .i..n ihat of the haze, sjlitary iceberir.as.
: rearj;ea t'ge 0f j aad tide, it steer
its course acn-ss the face of the deep far
ajtay from land. Like ols of tho frost
giants of Scandinavian mythoIc-y, it is
sues from the portals of tho XortU armei
with great Li'.cks of st .ne. l'r-a lly it
sails on. The waves that Jaj'u in foa.-n
against its sides shake not tue strength of
its crystal walls, nor tarnish tuo sheeu of
its emerald eaves, fc'icet aud snow, sturui
tied m the K-e will be striated in turn.
j Hut some icebergs have been seen rising
j SOU feet over the s. a ; and these, if their
t submarine portions sank to the maximum
. jer,th) must bate reached the enormous
i total lieigbt ot ,,UU ttet. ly such a
about up -n the iU'Uniaiu,ai:ev isltd plain.
iSVii nr-Vie American.
Mrs. and Mr. raibs-rrr Ticasof the Former.
"Fubbs, I warn t. talk to yea awhiie,
and I want you to listeo while I do it.
Yu'J waut to go to sleep, Lot I dou'l ;
1'ui not uoc of the sleepy kind. It's a
. , . e ......
. good thlog lor yOU, .Mr. tUbbS, tt.at J. J,
have a wife who imparts information by
si.-ia.uus. ..o. u .... a... ..s ...e u.-usc . j
"P( iitlie "at the Chris-
,ja0 a.-socation gave vou, and a tract
which that fellow called Porter K ft ona
day, eutitK-d -Light to the Htatheu.'
It's well Le left it, for you're a heathen,
Fuhh? j you may feel iuai.kfttl yci ain'l
a Mormon 1 Yes, I uudcrMaud that is-
(;nuaiioU) . ,, j,M1 f rufautf
rrctch, 'vju're
hactit't lat one wft.' Yod nev
er would have known there was a Mui
Uien, Fubbs, if 1 La-Ju't told you, 'causa
you're too stingy to take a paper ! Xow,
Fubbs, I declare yoeir name ouht to le
Fibhs, you toil so u.j n j if ttieui. It's
only last week I lost a Jo.iur and a La'.f
ou butter I said to a p-.'dier, because I
diJu't know tho market price. This
' would Lave paid for a paper the wholu
- -
I year. And then you are so ignorant,!: iibbs
Dou't you remember when Jod tu.lt the
' go ii, and walked down to liie big marsh, a
i hutitiu-', because some one said the Tur-
' k.a wer . ru,rcbiUc, ;, Kj.i, 7 v
r , j: v ... ..,.'. i ....
: y-o u d i J. leu ncedu t dtn
j . . .... - -v..T
Fubbs. Didn't kill any, did you J 1, was
. B bad day for turkeys, wasn't it, Fubh. 7
, Ha! ha I ha"'
l . . . , .
Doigh Xits si'T "CaiAJT." nere
i .
. n
! " BJ
invention of our own, ninth wa
mijht rateut, but beinif cmploved to lab. r
j for the public, that public is entitled t.)
i our entire services. Everybody and Lis
esir.i .t.i1 r.rti..til..rlv hi. t'ttt.t f.ilt. .
j Jy
love the good old fashioned dougb-nnts. or
"nut cakes," or "crullers," or whatever
name yoa call them. But rnsny persona
are troubled with weak digestion ( 'vsprp-
sia,) aud lbe iark,e amount if laid i f
; r,u .,.,,. h. lh. a..n .1. nu:.
j , , aiwaT3 i:gl., me) bt rro-l.r.
a "rising in the stomach. W bet) this i
the case, try our invention. The dou.h
nuts being prepared as usual, jutt bet-jro
imincrsiug tb'-in ia the hot fat, plump
them into a well beaten egj. This wilt
give a thiu coating of albumen which wi l
keep out tbe grease effectually. Further
more.this coaling will retain the moisture,
aud make them keep in 1 condition
much longer than il net thus ticat-.J.
Am. Ay.
The ladies of Elyrii, iuO iio sensible
women are having a series of socnl viv.'.s
without formality, without full dre, wHi
out elabora'e refreshments. Gentlemen
comoiu after tositrs-i and t hoy have a g ii
liiao wi'ho-it an- p.raJr