u: p. 1 V -tit- it 4 i 5f iMnVlMini l(irrtmrlIV 'iL ri'JlLlliiU fl VL ' r0n!fl V. ' -s WhVLZr?." COSKLUOS. "..,,....... .,..T1, ...Jr. ' rn I, ,i-1 -i i,..-ih. '.. .-i aiu b-st r,r..ii .ti. ,...i..,r.v.-.M..-r. .i ...m i rn lt--i.i .( ti' l'icc:!iiiii.i!.i;iii:i:i!; Slavery, M'diona!! fr.c.iamm's iirt Cuiigrcss. Tim i".ivs no. Mr. Bjcliaiian was clivtiM I'l'i'.-'ni.Mil, in u 11 .'.i .'. vole, 1!iin:i.'!i it (Kvi.-iiCi of I'll1 J ; ' ! i n . Jl -j li.i ! a liinjiiriiv i.i l.nih 1 i.ti--s nf t 'oill'.-. clliis:.' his iru'u (!;tli!lll't. ilie Sijimii" (.'.f-ii't roiiii-i.k' I uil!l Ililll, iiii'l tlii.' T. c;i-;:rv wns met ll iiiir. A Ih'IUt n; jhr;iii:i:y lor an iinloprinL-Mi am J s'U.To.-.-fa! Aliiiiiiitr:tiiii, no one ivlt li;nl. I.art l"i i lay liis lir.-t (.'ou-trri-ss cxpirod. lis rc-alls :uu a mt l'.v: fo'il"!!i!iatioa of iho :ii;;i;: jioiuls of his inliai.ii.-Si'a'.ioi!. U:ifor!tuia!.'!- for !i!:a-i.'!f ami for l!:? .vi::try, Mr. I'mIiuhih ttist-;fl of jiarsaia.: u jt .Irioliif, coiisi-rvalivi.. national cuaso lan w hiiu-i'!f in'.o l!io anas of la-scclional, .-lave, liisau ion. falili'.i-tL'i i::, p irtic. .U a tun- Sl'IIU-'il arc. !: v.i..;;.;'.;e l uiunv tI '.ao Xorlit 'i n Ib'i'i.i.-r.ils, aii'.l fa fry I lii" t:i .-t ii1' os.-.iry ui 1 of Ki'iin'olictia lol'.'s. CHIlIil OiiiV bills by tii" AL oi .'il IVa-'a ii; la's jilaus fur 1 1I.' ol ia ol M '.y.'i'V, I.,:l:' I. I ii..' of Ibiil.irs a-kod fir i-i-s -to " I'.iciliiaio Thiny Miilioas on lli;ioa j i ; i lilt; "a. rj'l.- ;t;..n" "rai.ti'd. 'i'iic s c,l.,, :'i :.: to s!c f! MIT Norili- frit M-xico, mider 'rt':,'ii"i' of a "l'ro li ctorat.'," was a-il c.iri ic.l. All the cuiin 1 nlv-.-io v ist-tl plans lo prcciiiilali; war npiii Ccnlral A'li'ii'.a, utic tltw-tPtml. MvL'a his last iL'ssao-c. liffririu Coti.'i'.'-s to throw into his liands ihitMiiolo law -mai.iii' p-jtrcr. was trca'.L'.i tvitii .-iictit citiitt'iup:. Xo i ii.v.v ;:;;: was Mtna i.v thk Tah II I', allho' ' tin.' Adiiiit.i.-. ration" was lll'ircJ to d.) so by liiC l'l t'-idi'iit, by Senator ililcr. ;iad by ail tint IVnti'ii I oiii'H.'iatic M.'iiil-i -p.-. 1' !tiiii-r;t!ic I'onn'a is oiijy nanU'il about Kkvtioa titno. ar. I hi'f i.it'.'.'i-is it ro .-alishiia'-y to tiit; I'i-oL' i'rade Hotith'-rn policv. The bill in Ii tl r, t'l iiiat'iit in I'linds by ilie ri'-isstie of Trca-ttry Notes, was carried without the Tit rill' iiiiieadtiiciit all the IVnn. ib nio 'rals 'caving in" at last, cxeepl.wi' believe. Ii:v. A!.i , (Kvk.v ,J'.m:s aiol Rmi.y.wIio to lite la.-t tidiii'ted to ilie only plan lo coeree I:;" .V-luiiiii.--I ion into tin.' Tariff poliey, by withho! ni supplies until real revenue was piovided. Tho IViisioa Liill was lost in ' the .Sena '.o. The el.. us placed tip ia Kansas were not re-ii ive I. bat O.eiron. wish a less jeiti ilali'iii. va i.iiio!i-t'. ! out tin' test r . The l-'ri ii- a ii'ltnil!"il be .li ieratie S:tte piiri'tl nl' Kans; aiisi' a -wilh- i 'i no ."p.ii'aliiiu : Seaa'i.'. it farther ili ti. :!i The Ari.'iiit'iriil Cuileiro lbil wits vel.i.'.l by the l'ie-i.i.1.1. A few tniil intis ni' oar was ir 1. in. Is to bi-m-lit Atr rieuiiiire, teir iloarest and groati-sl home iiitore-t Ibiehaaun and Sonth Iom say is n'1-c-..i f'i i'i '". nl. Bit to errant millions of tin.' best lands to U.iii'A.iv and other nioiiop'il : s. Two Hundred Millions of Dullars to buy 1,5UIMHIU mure N'eL'nies ainl t'reoles, and initolil millions 1-ir favoriles and naval and unity xvastos, are p ! fi'eilv " eoa.stitutio:! al." Anvlliin to do prood. they represent a.s disallowable; anvlhiiiiT to do harm, is neee-saty ! fl.l . . - e 1 -1 ... . 1 .... 1 . a,... . .i- ..... ...... ....... .....v. litllt" tlil iltii-o. i Tim bill t.) r.liso l'ost:ir! ratPS from TimEE to FIVE C..M.O. was kill.".! ill tile - . . ... . cm,. House, bv tin; cllui t ot -Mr. Ouoiv, ... 1. I. .,1 ,1,,.. .. ..,.. n i.ni-nmi. IIU Cill lull' I' .1 lllab II. , ii,.iiiiiv.- IlieastllV, tinii ns sin ll sliotlia have oriiriaatoil in tlirs lloiifo ati'l not in I the donate. Tint llimsc oflVrcJ to adopt t lie wliole bill we Imlicve abolishing tin; tVatikiti',' pi iv iK''b ap propriating lor tli'lioii'iii't's. .V'."., if the Senate wotibl omit the seel ion raisintr the rates of po.-taire. lint ilie Senate rcfueil. Tint House was inlloxilili'. Ami to the bill loll. Than!; to Mr. Oriiw! May lie be (he next Speaker for this Mirei'Ssl'.il rffoi t to L'tiiiiil Ihe inlcR'.-t- of tl.c intellio'.iit poor! To think of raising revenue by an extra tax on every klb r n. ailed. ..and then give Two Uaiiiiied Million ldullat s to pet ano'.hir Ne'io State, rtil.;.l Ly Ivoman Catlmlii's ! The Slaveholiloi s in the Senate wi th a few Noi th"rn Ilemoeralic allies, ile feated the Homestead Hill. Homes lor the landless masses is of no mo- mcnt fountai-e.1 with tho aciitiiring of large plantations ?outliv. anlly : rp. f . . 1 1 1 110 p. Oil I. lilt a luriJ'T f-alai'V WO'lM secure 1 Ctlorand more (iiirient (inn with the (Jiikak? branch of the lut- niotherot 1 children; in I7S, a maiden sis- Meil0fS 'f CMirrw, l confined lv UT, has o far and favorably attractcJ tho ttr (,t ,he la,!er wh" haJ 1 cIl,:'l'"; '" in the fact lh.it this Con-re di-1 vot'v aIt,nt,,.u of lsut met, at HufT.lo a. to ' tf ): lJ' fho hhtl himh 8 ... i ,. . i i i "i . i r i i ctinriien, and survived loin. Ihe tune be little work ol any sort, tttti ik'vt'!(i,f,l mJuee them t. s.-u.l freight over it (rum lu.eeri ,ie birln of bls ,u,st and h,s ... more UIICOIUIIIOII lOlieiy ami llllliiul- alitV I Ji a ll talent of re.-tH'Ctaliiliiy ! - - Eeath of the Postmaster General. ,. . .. ., MASUINUTON, .'lare.'i c. I OS. mast cr General Urown, uieu this morning at half past 9 o'clock. I'p to a quarter of au hour previous be vta? perfectly conscious Ike dying man cslicd for "the Hill," cvi dently alluding to the defeated at propria lion till, having reference to the I'osi Of See Department. His death occasions the atraost sorrow among all classes cf the community. John Matron, 3d Assistant Postmaster GeneraL also died a few davs before Ii.it w , . r .. a'.u-iu- lie ... uceu in tu- aeijai luicul fr about thirty years. A.NSo.v Vail Urovn was liorn ia ir gioia ia 179.'t.dli8atci at Cbspc Iliil, N. C, praciieeil law with Er Pres. Polk, j was a .Membar of Congress acd Governor I ul ieBLettie. of Lis coudition, and took leave of Lis recently been discovered about three miles rted aa honorable and powerful influence, i -,,. ,.i ,her of ih, family. Last night the l'restlcnl had a h'ehJ8 ,b0" ,WC.,W fee.1 1 A .1 " f r. nnn : . ... I please "ave Uie!! orders VjZ final interview with him and was affected . , " l "8 ' " uP,"or,lual- v " , C"L ,u ihat I may be able to supply th Dual interview wito Dim, ana was atketed -(j anJ )ajsga oear he surface .ican ork marte, were put on tb(J cars at Wm lo tear. Turing an occasional delirium b ,iDed at but a triflinc expense, cooioa. Chester. Ohio, last week. The calcula-! lowins varieties. fnh directio A ' .!,LT'J "J. "'uit Ul6 W? j ril y of llid Cabinet ! it is rumored lo Vr lr..n' woe-VT : " lt );r:.1'"niSUCC:::. : ,r, . . rl.,,.,,;r,n (.,,! Tf rri ii upon 1 fin j'.iut re) niton, cotiiernn0 uji .. 1 1.., travel T Kill 111 "Hi 'I T 1 ' " " m r..i.k -f Sci.i.ir l'ltij Oilier, wjs r:'5S'''' the U..uc "ii l he "1 tttst., hiviujs I r -VI-ounlv jKi8'd i ho Senate. Tho rank i. a ,it'..t (.i iivjlei.t to that of Adii.ir..l, and it teruiiiialc - the dea'ii of Co u. Sfew art. It i-nrre--.iiiidH tu iJ-ueial Scull's Ituvci rn:!; -1 l.iclltCIialit Oeueriil. UsrthcrR Clava Tra2:rs. Tin: fjlfiaing are the iikiiiIkih of the Jl.m-u, IV. mi ti e Nurth, who vutcd n-iiit the r. s ilu'im.s euiiueiiiiiing the ro-npti":' f the Alrieati Slave Trade : Messrs. B irr, S ari arid Tayl.-r. of X.Y., V.'.iri ii.lvke. of X. J., KUireiire. Uillis and V.an il ol" I'.i . i:.ou, Cos. Hall and Vaiiaa- lia.nl o( ()., (il'-J and Miller oi la. I., an, I 11. lee, S iaw ani Siuith of HI IU Aid. Lii'.Mocit v rs. It w.ii bo mcu tint II 4?, Shaw au-J lh, of Idiii i'..- liie ri-'nt hand meu ot Mm li.nul'i.i arc aiu.uiitfh lave Ti dors. I on.;! is & Co. are doin their h toiieilutc the South. iV.'.ury (,'j st to f!t'. t-j-Tiie Mekles and Key Iradedy is u lticky tiling for sensa iiu makers. 1 he iu .st iuiporlaut thitiji elicited a f-:c, ii that .-iekles, has hern uiarlj as viciaUS us Kcv. 1! .'.Kit ri. Oald, of (Jreytown, i.- app'iiiltij J). strict Key. The irial .i Attorney III place Ol : I- not t set d j'VU. First Cm For 18j9! T!ie .Y-.ic yio.siiVe llbciin i c iirred li Til-.-lay l-.s', ali-1, so f.if as appears re suited ill the choice of Al.b TII!:!'K i;i::ri;b!CA.' mi:mi:kks oi-- tux- lil!KS, a U: publican d ivernor, lb pub- Senate and ; I ieiV(''l" 1 Aiyi'tt!t.is ' l'ilOM IlAKKl.SoL'KG. teif-The Setii'.or and Meiub is from this D.s'riet wo ui.d' rst.itid to he resi.lutc- . t 1 f .1 . !' iV oj.p..a l i Ilie li 'peai oi me iuuiij 1 ix on tne Cential K lioad, hut sin: w-.ulil like to ho lacked up by petitions t i ta-jtcli tiinse sent l y the llo-j l ill fav ir of the lb peal. S -plllelhitii; lllijibt be d'JEC du Ktcciioii day f .r that purpose. The till to incorporate the Lewisluro, .Selinigr.jve iV Jiinciioii Railway Cuiopa ny, pissid the House i u Tuesday, with the alJiti.iu of a few u-iaies of ourpoia tois. Ch is. I). 11 incline, of the State S:iiti ll inisbur, has been appointed ly (j ,v. 1 pi IlititO ( tl i'lll. ker, Superintend, lit of public 1 '1 ' . i in ji. ice ol O. liirrett, ot the Her inlintate knowledge of the polities of the coiifia.-nri. :.un t.. rsi n-i. rer .re li.rt h-r.m-iiii in i he Srt;.l is the organ of ihe ! l!ay. was excelled by few men ; her early "7. ..S 'T'ii.tii.n ,.t Ammoni.ted .. n 1 1-1 1 u.-!i in u wit of the Deiu'erjey at: the Ci t j ,i - - ij -i i, i,.ltl - I, au J laC ( tttuii is tut. i.ULiiati- ail i rg iu. Mr. Waniuellcr presented several re in intriiiccj aejiuat the hiil to prcveut sh- iti v. itti nets iu Utliilue creek. We observe ui.thir- of fpt'cial itn p .r.auuc to tli rKcciings of c it tit r llou-o. The penile up this way all say that the Soulier the L jislaturo atlj 'uriif, the bolter for lleuu iudi iilualiy uud col- j Uetive'v. liauiel K nisi., of Malisoulur,:,iapturcd a black Wolf two weeks ago, by means of a p iis ineJ bait which he had set fir that j. -ir, .pose. A fox pit hoiil of the bait first, ate part of it ausl carried the other ..If a short distance, when ho full dead fr in ihe i ff. cts of the p..i"0 : the Wolves t in. on the Iril ami follow ed af It r t upon Hit iraii aun i iiomi'i autr, soon , , I. ,,...,. .. ,1... half. all,. , next til ntiiii" .Mr. Uotnh fouinl one of ,i,e w,,v,s n"ir by, unable to get off, and , I next tii iiiinie; K..U.I1 louinl one oi ,ii-r iichcd him wi'h a few blows. This ' ' . , , .. - ii fl ,tk ot wo Kes Ltiiiihers 0 or i , and have ; i . . . I . I.. 1-Il!...l ............ I .I....U Ulnl .1 Hill 111 raiIJi hliieu Buioui s.--,-. D.-w. . I r.rush alley cuoicu wotnau uieu recently, in l:..ll. foiite, aged 112 yeai?.. .'I'vtdioil Fl-vit bus been raiti r - a f.-arful extent aintmjr iur in iglibors in Mil- I ...M.; .-,.-. I ir.ii I'd c i li-i lit :u 111 HU, WUiim " J - J0 atid -0 cjscs WW to be connte.I iu one wlucl canie Wltlin her means of knowledge. roiitw.-u ..f n-i ia tin- vii.K o.-r by tu iu wf. k : it Us prv:-n fatal iq 1 ur U cases. Mill,y valuable and interesting annais perish m';,!"11 uf the firsl crtT' wid"6 KrtI,"JIJr i:n J'Tyn''''7 Z'. ii'i.'.r. , wuh her. Chensutd be her memory ! I . . j fciir AVfir the Analysts of Prof L. Stevm. We l.aru from the Carlisle Volunteer, that un Tliui.-u.iy uioniiii, about 1 o'clock, two; soldiers at the Garrii-iin named James M iriisey and Patrick Qiinii, b .th Irish men, pit into a ii'hi, iu which the f ir mer, it is said, got the worst of the battle, when they were seperated. A few min utes afier, the parties met, when Morrisey picked tip a large stone, with which he struck lti linn on I lie head, causiug an in jutv from which he died the evening fol lowiiiL'. Morri-ey ras arrested and is low iu jail la await lis trial. A new and important business is fpring- ' P ' ' ""'!"" ; rai!rnadt. - - - ' ' - : VV a:iv i,f thp rmlronds tiatiird. in cinuec- that city to .e lork. LunniJcrable freiola lias also been ehipped from New ' lork li) l'. ruira ly the eatne route. ... ( OAt. IX Sl'U.IVAV COUNTY. V, i b-irn 'V.itti a ri'linb't ft.inrio flint iti nildi. j,l tJ the Vtinj of e.M (:ir.uot dj.cov. tri J lu "-univau county, and wLieli Lave beeu worked to a limited extent, a vein has red with ibe niiuini; operations of some other coal fields ia this State. Muacu Luminary. As a slight indication of the revival of ' the "iron business" it is said that the , . ... , ., . , I ( ainer.m I urnacc at Middletoti, is to be! nut iu blast shortly, and the wort, of ' i ... . -" .Messrs. ood and Merlin?, at the same, i .1 ! 1 -.. e- . place, win commeoi-e operations early in ; in ; arcD. JUe extiive Iran Work of I Heeves, Abbott 4 Ct... at Safe Harbor, Lave again commenced operations, and that viiisge hss assumed its wonted lively appearance. Detrmt, Maroh 8 Tiie navigation of tie Lttcs is not? fairly open. j O-iituary of a Vcnerab Lady. J Uiedau eVuseof Mrs-John Chaniberlin. h, l.ewisbur-;. of Friday. 4th March. ! Mrs. An Mini CiiiMi.iiii.iv, rein I , of Col- William Ch i iiberlin. dec'.!, in her UOll, year. The weakness o. old .ewaS r only disease; she "as coalincd to ncr oca ' , , ; .j hef WBseJ , . ..i ! -"" " her senses to 1 Du a "w ua i,si. - ' T.K life and character of ihis venerable ; uioiiier alien! inaten.iU fur an interestinj cliai er of d. identic, history. Her maiden name as Kimlde; her paientsce of French and tiiPiiau on;n; her birih-daee Xew ' York city, in Xov. 1 nr.). When ilie liraish i lo.d; possession of the city, the family to I avoid them retreated to Muiilerclon county,' New Jersey, where, h .never, their premises were afterwards robbed by the Hessians. Sue had many rcinimscenres, of varied char acter, re-pect..i lliose daiU days in our : conntiy's lii t ty. j ' Alter peace w as 1 ( lare 1. the family re lumed lo the ri'y. Their residence was in ' Ann street, near William, where she daily saw President Washington. zi-ni? to and from 'oiures, or .inviii out, and slated that, no matter how often he passed, all would press to lite win low lo see hi nol le I'orin : she lliouil the popular Icenns lor tain approacn- c l idolanv and that his dea,h .,.,Kh. have i .u . . i been a wise providenee to cheek that tenden- for him approach i:f. Her memory was distinct i f the persons ol many ith-r Kevoluiieiiary worllues. A nl, in? their neaii-t neighbors was lue faintly of a-lnnt;f'ii Irvine-, and she ottrn carried tl.c child, now the author of the -Sketch P. o!;," ill her arm-. His writings were anion" her ch....-si treasures, o I reading. ll:s sister. Miss i'.iiu? iro n-, .su. v.. m- responded with in her earlier years, aniioneu expiessed her regret mat she had not pre served her letters, which were among the nn.si eh 'sant com;.' 'sit. oris she ever read fully eq. tal, she judg. I, to the literary produc louis of the brothers. Xot Ions before her dea'h, h. said. " Wasliinst.in Irvini must be (teitini! old as loin h as 75," and on enquiry, it w as f.iiiud lo be exactly hts ac. i.i 1 I'll. 5-he ui .iii.d Co!. Win. Chaml-eriin, in n-ill'.ti e Valley, by wheal she had eiht cloldteti, (ihe five ymit't:.''!' tl whom are liv ing.) atid survived I.im li years, llerindiis tiy aad j-.i.!eii:ent iu rearing a numerous family, were happily rewarded, and she passed a pood old a':- in lite enjoyment of the love an I e.sieetn of a larc circle of friends. From her y..u'!i up, .Mrs. ('. had a passion f.r readti!-.'. and puhapsfew persons have periled more books, er belter retained liieir contents ia ineinoiy. While a girl, she de voured everyihiun accessible iu ilie shape of letters, ofien at times and places unknown to her mother; and wht n ihree-score and ten, would sit at her spitining-wheel wilh her hook open tefi-re her bt.th wheel and book well employed. Tor live years past, her eye sight failing, she used ihe eyes of others in pursuing her wonted pastime of reading. Her memory, especially of dates, was most extraordinary, and she was a !ivin family record of all the old sealers in the Valley, 3 hi; training made her an ardent Itepublt- , , , can . aiKi tne religious progress ot the wotld ; interesied her lo the last week of her life. is'ue had no prejudice against innovatioiis dt l not etfein idd times or olJ persons as i necessarily better than new but judged ev. ; ervihin by reason and its mcnls. tSli- could i adapt herself to any company, and draw out ; and imparl instruction 011 almost any topic. Mrs. was christened lv Hev. lir. Jt din ' Koers (vho was convened un lrr Whitiield's mm s:iy) of the Presbyterian church in New : Vork city, but some t,tue atiended ihe li.ipiist meeting, on account of their havinf; a stove in iheir hous;e of worship a piece of furni ture then almost unknown in such places. Her church relationship was Presbyterian; her Christian character linn, cheerful and con ciliatory. Anions the celebrated preachers she had heard, was hev. Pr. itherspooti, of Kevoliltioiiarv meinorv. sshe had ahn a il- i .... , ' rips.e,) (.'oinmencements st 1'rinceinn, ami - .,:.! .,,.., , , ,,,..1. ter into winch at one tune l'res. Witherspnon t was thrown by Ihe oration ot one of the grab ' ler lino wmcii al one lime l'res. uuerspnon j uaies ; u.e narramm ol ine tueicient always exerted a similar influence upon herself. ,r. . . ' Thus has passed away one of the brightest - n Ijug in ihe chain connecting the present age with the past perhaps th" most intelligent i person who had any direct knowledge of the I great men and stirring events of our ltevolu- . ,. lnf..rm(l (1f 1..--I lnIlir- , ...t ... ... ItAMBtni.ltt Was a man Well de- . Serving t a I tilt her riotlee. He was a native of.ew Jersey, a thoroimh WI112 iii the l!ey- 1 i , j i .. c .. , ,i oiunon, and bore the commission of Colonel j in that evenilul stiugsle. His rei.iient par-- lieinaieil in the battle of lierinanlown. in 1777. wnerc his oldest child, Ltwis Chamber. An,aed years, w as killed hy acanmnball from the UriiiNh. Ab"ut ll'VZ Col. Chamber- tin migrated to liullal.e alley, purchased 1 abtut tiiMi srres ot ihe best land around I -CUamberhn's" (previously "liareV) Mill, 111 what is now kHIey township, whir re he : reiiled in prosperity until his decease in 1 1817. at Hie good old a-e of 81, and was there - buried. II ts remains have since been re- ! moved to the. I.ewibnrj; i emetery. He was : ,.iur Mn Inamed-, 17.1-1, w,. M.ss Tin-1 iiuioh. h nil nure 11 un f rnihiiin imm nhnin ' - "..ii. .n .1 .iti o, .tenth' I'l this reiiiun i in 177 1 u nli Mi Iarl:i ih est child was 5H tears he havins been ill when his first was born, and .6 years old at Ihe birth of his last Mr. Moses Chamberlin of Milton. 'lw is the on'v one of ihe sum. vors in ihe Stale. .... ... 1 y nts i i cnintren. who seuled niostly .New Jersey, New York, ... i u . V . Z 1',"r- ofo.pr:- ; as.eria,i.ed.tol. ( hamherlin was a man of! ''on 'he owner was that the feathers ' "oaij pay Lim for bis outlay in raising ! em and getting them to market, and ! ?bat,,be Preeia fdr the rcaii would clcar f'roh- I V... . a. , . m, -MU BLBYPONT, March 1. The pro- j trielors of an allcdiird swindling concern, ; . n.. . . Z ' i Known as "lue .Mew r.titrlar.d Art Union i known n. "Tho l'I,,J . IT-;.... ' and which was recently broken up, were 1 i.:u .1 . am.u was receuuy uroKeu up, were; ""resicu mi .ewaeio. iUaioe, oo ouoaa? ( mght last, and brought to this city to day. 1 "A man in this county had a COW which ' brou-Ut forth a calf which bad ono ear." j m . .u- .1. 1 1 - That nothing a thousand calves in this county have one ear, and one more- tao i in all. sreat rihvslenl anil intell.eii.l viu... q..i ... u .-.c. 'k7, e w i,l,-nt Lnn-z. hid fO for'iU d the Para; idcn. 1-opez, bad ,0 f river that ur squadr 0f success in a contc . js fu;j that L'.pt rf m ., 1 hos. h. ItocMvT, I JU Uul nine citaueu ntest wiih their forces. jhz has 100,000 uicu .... ti .f . . J hos. ft. lioetiUT, r.i u iiiiaini r. neelvi-d Iroin me rn snj.-nt oi me y - i. -i . r.i.l': i,u a,"poiiitiiioiit of Cadi t tu the Military Academy at West 1'oiu t. Died, in William-sport, on Monday, 7ih iiist., at 12? o'clock, Hev. Jacou M'Kn ai.i.V, of Muncy, lijcoiiiing Co, aged ubout CO years. The deceased was iu William-nan attending the Conference, of the M. Ij Church, of which ho has huu a uiiuistcr for thirty years. A stal le of S L Ih-tllc, at Lht Street, Columbia c.iuntv. was hurtu'd down a few days a'-o. It was filled with enru f.idd-r, 1 I...... I.u .. liiil . h..e eiiri'lfss- , , : " .. . L .L ..!.! I.. .1... : .-til. ... ..1... in thr s'uli n. A jnj.ii0.. , r . a. lurye sow an.i a iiuinuer oi p.i , h i :. ,i .. ii .... stroyed 111 the llnii.. Tho I'oor House expenses rf ehnyiuili county were last year over 825,000 APPEALS. . ,, , m........ Pnrsai-inl Q TATL ar.ll (.OIIRlj tlaXCS.r ir.MUIH I J to Law. the Commissioners ' J f,' ' , Kar Appeals from .he . - , Asl.SSII,e,ii.s, lor ilie several Town- ships and uoroiigus as imiu. Hanleion at David Moyer's, Monday, Ap. H Hartley Lainellon school house, Tiiesd. la Ijt.;vis I-!!eelion house ed. Vi) Limestone I'eter Wehr's Thurs. St .New Berlin Michael Kleckner's Kri. t.iii.uK...M iv- i..kr'.. at. -d West Uailaloe Win K decider's Moii. S.1 i Ituibaloe J ones M freigiits Tnes. ''i K-llv lames Laws, n's Wed. 'J? While Deer ISenj (iemherlinifs Tlinrs. "s Last HulViioe (ieorje Wolfe's Fli. 2.1 I'liion lietirv liihsoii's "at. an Lewisburs X.W. Cotu'rs Oihce, Mon. May 2 l.e .visbuig t. W. do do Tues. May 3 Appeals open from !) A.M. to 3 P.M., when ' all may attend wh think proper. By order of the Commissioner. Lew ishiir.'. March in, ' lsft.j. A Kj:.N.M;i)V, Clerk 1 l'l I OS 1M IA TIC i U A N O, Inim MIA'M slM, tai!liDi'aii !;a. VNXI.Y.slSof ir Cm-. It:. S..LI, lialtnauri-: ti.,iie I'll. ".lit- of I.im-, . - - - si;:: treiitiiiiiliia I l-t....-1-linrie Ai:i I, 3s SIJ) riii-ri 1- ii C.itii-jiii, - - - - 2 "i t Bihi.iiitt.- if Liiu--, ..... ....I . IVrt.M le of lruu hii-1 Alumina, ... mi Water, Ac, .iis ; In". lie "Thm'iilM'-.i.linnry hicti vr eentnj e.f n-.o.plinr.- ..f : l.ilei- uUo- smi.a. rtrini.im-ii.ls tlnii iO-Unlc I.L uln-f Iks a ; frU-n-t I'lio.-l hntic IUI.I1IIH-." Ami, 11:1:111.11:11, or SupcrpIioHpliaie of l.lnii, Y'.m l.'ii yncjr,tr M inuf.ictiirinij .wj.iiiy. ! Atiatii-in tijrULsTvr tiiailti, 1'raeticul anil Aualjtira ; Clu-iins'l : I l-iio.-i-rmtr '.f l.imr, ... Co. I Sult-liute of I-IIU-. li.- 1 I" riiioe Matli-r Jl.-l ling Alumonili, - 4... Aiuiu-iiiiaii alls, - .. i 1 nruiuliiif Ulitli.lintiil Mutter. - 6. I Si-luMi- Sail... I'blor. and Sulph. of SoJa, -I l atur ao-J L-jsa, - - - - - " Ttil. rnarnuss l.pomr-osisl of ileail animal. Me.l. ott:l, atl-l raw li.-iin." K.erT one nl our ru-ti-mi-r. Iin.ini leiini ..ur inuro i.ut i. roi-ri.tii t .ii.." A-i.t-ifJ Oi ...il in. i-r.-n. we rvr. mm. Inl It With tin- lullest Ci.I"liil-i:.n Hit. leu..' Allot tlM.abTe Itrtiii.-'K m imi' an-l narrem. .r()III j.sj t.. : per -'.mi. met -j,-iu ti-ubJs, ati-orlins " -t "' ,ud iuJ l""lllV!'.''i Fur aale by Kit II. fills A MilLFIt, No. 210 South trout hi., tflow HMluiit. Sulu Agi-ntf in l'hilmdvliiliia. t T7-.r " l"i;.C'l9 It IC II .4 It lS & t'O.'s , ( 1 V..)nr ;t . I di Jinu JVM "1 ttUU lo.mi iuiii.1, O ncr of 0 ,1 l -.rk Rmd and CillaKhM st , riiiludclitliia. E offer a tare toeb of I'heuiienl Mudiiw anil Fertil- iier. at low t-rteea ate I warrautcd to bv tjenuine. l.tiUO tous pure i'huins. 1,01)0 tous (JovcrniiiL-ut Peruvian Guano. o,000 tons French's Iuiprocvd fc'uper- l'hosphate of Lime. 1,000 tons French's pure Chemical Uone. 5,000 bbls. French's l'hilad'a l'oudrette. 1,001) bbls. trench a Improved ll useuJalc Yemeni. Th. alire tani!ard arlirlen are. eai-h of th.-ir Virnl, the lei.t in th. Wiiki.ii: our l.-inl I'aiUr, niannla'-tiirisl frum Selei-t.-l Stone, i. e.l. t.r.u U througbout tiie I liiuu iur ii,i,rii ami i-nem-ili. aL.ll, li'iHHi tiarri-l- l.an-l i-iaier. ,'' hIrWiVii.ir"..ii..(Vin.iit. a.. "ii tiMirelt. I'i tie KomHu iviuent. t.nil Imrrels l'..rllnii.l i Kn,:li-hi iVm.nt. Pi-nlist." blaster. I'ua jeretl Anlhrari'. I'oal. 'in liarrl.) I'liW li ri-a liltumitioti. I'onl. un I'arrel'i. V Int. sauil. (in barrels ) HUM II. Itietlalll'S CO . .Sri-jinl M-llsvmi tiirmm' ltrj4. Cor. of OlJ York lioad and Call... lull ts., l'HIL.4. rut i a i:: Or CoprrntrattJ Animal Manure : if!y per t'.-nt. Cle-iipiT thin Any Hiiomii l'rrlilizrr! Karm.r.can buy thin .aluabl. manure with th. full..t T ii.ri.'.v mrlir. that I linr. analvzeU a ot OI I niline. iii,.h.r,l. 1 . i',..-.rti.r of York Ko..l .ml I'.l- I li.wluil street... lbilHilelbia, and hml lla ci'mfOueDta to , b" '" : as.li.is or I'm ise ; Atiicoil inaiter. ronlaiuing S per cent, dried blood, Jlon, 0,,,,",," ,f i.,m., si im) 1 Suipiiateot Ammonia, 4u 'Muriate. rlmi ht- an.l r.rbnnata of Anmcnia, 'Zy , Mum.t.-, t i" Nitrate nt... .iili'iiati-of dotln, f' " iiit(ihnlf nDtlLarbooate of PoUMa, l.'.o ( hlcrnit of iu m. --ft L.il.L ut.a s..i.a...r (..i.iia.. 1 I.. ,tkvfxm.' Th "V ?Tnv er.neHi.lw y w the tllIIn?Biithfnenr.rycoo-titurntf..rprMurinV: Ur: -; i maii -xieu!-e. ihe price couiu wittiio th r,-ll,,,f aU 'i cr.STA pkr porxp ' or, $10 -jo.nl n.... with tiwiutii toitt-nVrit. rrallnnd' wit- r-mii youridr to kKKM i.,KH'li Af-osi. co i'iT''' "J . Important to Farmers & Gardeners. T HUE subscriber havini; recently traveled mncn in ints anu anjoinin!. otaies, anu ; r and'i'a.de'1 1 CtlASIlE seen tne great taiiures in ura.n Vceetahles, has concluded that a Or' SEEDS is oflWiifry nrmtnri . this also : is ihe opinion of the best Agriculturists gene- ; rallv I have tS 'rehire imported for made J - . ' S. . arrangements lor'- quite a variety ol jkh , .seeds, such as ha"" Deen l.mn.1 best suited lo mi. .ml anil rtima r A. int timp. I hp fi.lln- " , " , H.r x-i.l ner acre, now on hand for sal p at Win arc ict-iiiini3 t w ni i-riics, tiiiti myresiaenie in M.iihurg, ,,C, Pa. J .,. -Att. J""?.??: I wu ; above, will j as possible. ! them all. any of the fol-1 how to eul- j tivate) will call and examine the specimens which 1 sha" Zrow ,ht eminS . and ,eaTe urul,s "3 ""u " uc a""" grrini! ytTJ tJ """ 1 winter k- Nenaiil HeanlleM liarlev ' oO vihiteoau. w.inhio ii ti. vt hn.h.1 ;i Wai.tiintoB Uuttra Ittrn. iu aaya laaer m au Umm lUmir. a.wrieH r.'mn, pmiueea 20 to su tiu. .7. Vr":..;:7... i,.,, MTJtrZ a-i a s u. ii tna Una hav r aer, mowea twi.-.. .,a, m..-. ri. iu. Prn aPPi.. mixi with ro, rroau ivw inr mt-i -"r''- Aso kjrid3 of GarJen Vegeiahles. These seeds have been carefully selected from different places, and ii is. thought will be found advantaseons to Gardeners and Farmers. Ca anJ- FinUoMe,fint .trd. 9 a. .'. KM.Nii. j MiiEiulurg, Feb. it, U5B Afll 13 ; OiPHAMS' COURT SALE. T V virtue of l an .i.Scr from the Orfhai. i I k Court oi Union county, there ili he r ir ouiei v - "ii ti.e "I ,-e.l to wililic n-iidu tiit,iiii-s-that eerlain h.t oi ro'in.1 wo.i no- appurieiiances, siluatt.l in Kel.) loi.s'n;p, I'lilMii Collbtyi bolll.v'ed on tiie s i u il . V. .--1 .1 1. I north by Ilie lariu ol tieore F. M.ib r, 1'. 'i-, mid on the east by the Su-.jii. hanna river. coi.taiiui iine-halt aa aeie e ' r 1' ". on Ueu'iiay tiie SSJ day ot March, when and where ilie'leriiu of the sa:e will be male U...V.I. W.C.I.W.n. Adnir I.i l.OH" SAsn ri. liucsii. Ch r' of Oiphati C"Ui! March 1st, is.,... ; EIIErJIT'S SALE'S. -i x v t-irme ..fMin Irv wins ol Vein!. I .. Is- Jy ,Ue l out of the Curt ol oill.lli.n I O'as : ,,i l.'moil collloV. and to ine reeled, will le eioo,ed lo I'uUic Sale or Da.cry, on Hie date : an:! al tiie places foilowin;, lo wit: , - . . P . . , ' n atun av,tlic2l.lli day ot Matcii blic house of j,...as fisher, at u,.,.e Utet Mills, at ID .Al.ck A. M., the one-lit. h part of a certain I lael ot Land m'u ate in the low nshlp of U Lite Deer, and r. un ty ot I llloll, bounded lijrih I y i and of the Shefiiel I Iron t'oinpaay, m-1 ty lands late i 1 i.eurv llii., doc'ii, ami i'ii'TS soaih fv Linii.. ot iJavi i Mt'iiiuiger un 1 ca-t iy lurub "i tni vhii Uuv hvf and ijliuTs, ritiiiitn.iii Tvn hiy ;irs, ui.ie cf wl.'-rc-ui art" cr-r! il a (our-wv V(HL K.N FACTOitV.a iKu-fl-rcv DWlfl.lJX'i IIO.'S.:, (mm- S(;ih!- am! iiiht-r Oat Unil'lii'ir, wnli t!ie a.'piirtcri.iijci".. as tin' ucjtTtV ot Mi--;iti!ii,li ."..(."SMntT. AI.-o, ut iho same time uwi hc tti-M .l!iT ir..r!v ..l' .-nuali 1.1 V.'I.i'i: iiccr toiAiiili:i. an 1 rtu.nty a."-rc.ai'!. No. 1. lJoiiiidod i:ortIi 1-y I;u:'l of A, lam Kai:!;, uot Ly Unut k ( A Ki'.k an-1 J.i. Kinnev, snulli liy C'thtT Jainl ot J- II. K"t fin: Id, and faM by laioi ot l.tvii K-siii-ey ant! oitir land ot J. Jl. Kulirm Id, containing r!?:ii acres un.re t-r Ifbs, wlieriuii are erected a lanncrv, a tan huu-e, a baik In-uw, a frame d'..filtn liuu-e, a iv .tab!(r, tS.c.,v,iih t!.c p-P'jrt-j.'iat.ccs. No. 2. A tvrtuin tract ofbivl, .sit uate in Ilie Itiwn-hip a;d rum.:; i-.'.-'i x id. Lti'in.'fl north ty tiart .Nt. 1 antl l.w.d -l Vld liaiiity. by iand t' Jau,f I inm-y. SOlllll t')' laioN td i''nle I A 11 , ii'i d ta t LV land nt Irat I t.t-yf r and Uavol Uainfy. tu n t t:nin twelve acres more or k'-s, wht-rt.in are erfi.tcd a two-ti'rfy v ue, a b'c, .V:.t Willi the :;pfn:r:'-nance'. A- the pr,.p -r:y ot J. II. Ii ..U-noIJ. A on tiie iilovf ,tiI dnv two o'clock. 1'. M . at ihe puMic house ol Wm. L. littler, in Xew Columbia, in Ihe township and coiiniy aforesaid, pan of a ceitain i..t of K round M'uaie in New (dunt!)ia, Whi'c D it township lii ion county, n.a.krd vn the Mvn plan No. 1, buuiidfd norih by lot ol Ann (in-tt-r, west by public rop.d, si'U'h by land ot Ja cob M'Cnrlev. ea-'t by the Wot Urancli ot the f'uMiuehanna river, whereon is erectt-d a Cabinet Maker s Shop, with the appurtenan ces, a the property ot' Jacob yvvru. Also, on Monday the 2:h day of Maich next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ai tb-'pub-hc house ot David .Mover in llartlt tou, a cr- lain tract of land situate in hartlfy township ) a1j culv (,f I'mon, bounded north bv lands i . ,v...it f A l.-.."..l ,1, oi a. uui cu, ii I si oj iuii-i.s i'i i i ii n ii u Min er?, south by lands of Michael Mm re, and east by lands of Daniel sitrouse. containing ninety acres. more or less, whereon are erect ed a Log House, Lo? Darn, and other oti' buihlines, with ihe appurtenances as the property of Jacob t'ohlron JOHN l.-KOMSCROVE, AAer.y Sheriff's Dllice, Lewisburs, Feb. 2d, l."9 j fOIt RI.S - IITf. Hmi-e at present occupied by f" S i), o. K. Maie, situated ni U ait-rixi street. Enquire nt Dr. M. 11 A l LS Le'iburg. Feb. 11, 1SCD. lots it iii;i.ic s.i.i:. 11 K Trustees of the I'mversity at Lewis burg will offer at I'ubhc Sale, on Saturday, March 26, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., several desirable I't'll.P l.i; LOTS, situate on Sixth and Seventh streets, near the Female Institute, iu the boro 1 of L ewisbur. Any cf the above Lots can be purchased previously, at private sale. Terms easy. A. K. II El l,, f.-li. 1 1. ',.'.'. fifn'l Ae't and Tp-a.'r I'niT. at Lew. i on sat.i:. j A DKsIRAlll.E tttiiltliim Lot. 33 feel1 feel front by IHi diep. Fiojutre of Deaver, Krerner ft .M't:itire. FOR SALE OR RENT ! TWO I)l)i;U!.K FRAME llOi:-A-V SKs and Lots, each suitable forlaJL I two tamtlie one on Aorih Founh street and one on St. John street, for Sale. Hall of each j of ihe atiove Houses are for Kent. rtr"-lsn, for saie, four It.itldtnt. Lots on North Fifth street. JOHX HOLliHTO.N, Lewisburz, Jan. 211. ImSO. A?enL . . tmn CUP C UA SAUU. rpiIE well known Ta.erri Stand I ai ine east enu oi ine i.ewUiirJiXi. ltndoe. in I'hillisnnnnnp Inirn.hm .,rlh'.l ll will be soM on reasonable rrrms Inquire of WIM.IA.M FKICK. I.ewisburtr. Dec. 17, lf."S. iFov Salt, riHK residence of the subscriber, on I Market street in the lioroitch ol li 3 Lewisbur?. I he house is of EKICK, cil finished 111 every respect Terms One half lo be paid beiween this antI ,he firsl ay of .April next; the balance to be paid in two. three or five years, a may su,t lhe buver Po&s-ession siven anv time, June 9, 18')S ISAAC WALTKR. BUFFALO HOUSE. ISH 11! li, U.M OS C U., l' l . ' I.. D. IUtXVt E-.lt, I'l oprirl lew ism .v.-. I.. D. It It lull E'. It. I'l'DDrictor. ' House is Ihe largest ami mot spacious in Lewishur. and snuated op ",c t- ourt ii m-r, on ine most elevaieil 3,1(1 P'ant part of the town. The proprie- ,ur' w'10 nas recently purchased of the late firm ..' I Ar Suh..l.l I ...I :.i ..----.- ...... iu.it.iurr i-"" "l"1"" " ""'. auu re-...rnisn- ; the House. '"p. Itoointaare snaciouaand m'rv.W no. ! - ' ' only caicuiaiet xnnj vaii-uiuiiii m niiti nt Mir vmi v rn inn e ami sort with famil.es. ' riis ia Die is spread with every luxury mat tne market can altor.t. The liar is furnished wilh all the choicest liquors The Stable and Carriage Ilons are spacious, and attended by the most care lui cstiers. rSThe proprietor hopes that, fromhis lonir experience in Ihe business, and by unremit ting attention on his part, combined with a judicious selection of ihe most careful and at tentive servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a share of Iheir patronage. CiTPIease give him a call and jmlje for yourselves. July 1, l5s Caldwell's Mammotli Drug Store. pnYSICIANS, AXD OTHERS, WAX- A tins Vun-Pnif-an't MHirimn aTe mnni-y hj I n ALDWELL'S DIU-U STORK IS Tli K Vratr-1 rVrfumtry. I sirwti f .r tlir fcrrdKr rcliif. f.i rn Vi cU u t,w fit tut il-, rmnktt ga. V v o A !;i:.-!liI'M'! . r. Nor '. Tuiid si.'e', H !.. !: a II .ill l.' i "i -r ...nii, hi.. lilt'. H.i' ! .-: " V t-i.-K Mouse, nail ,ie, ..-( ,1 Well . t V. al r, and a vai.e:y ijllif of . :.-lar'. O-l j. i:. r..t ;iii.ix, a , A lVame DV.'I.I.I.I.Mi liOt T. LPiil!l stie-t. li.'pi H- II P t-HKI.I.CK- i"7. J i I -.'l I CR ALE. r '.-I i iP-r- f r s.::: that larfe, mi I ... t. . . nl :e t-i :c'.. I.i-i-, - tilt n- u I' ii.- ! nan cimr. h. ,, ..,!, ,,: e . f l'l. II..'.'-. 'I he r?!i" si 1 new. le i.r y or; a j .:,:: h. M-e . w-.-ll ; ii Water. T.K.IS the I -t f. . t; . r I.. d W. :d t' . n t e' :nt , and k i!l I '.' u o i J.i.N vrilAX X!hl :.il, is-'i. I" r to bare I.' FOR. RENT I T al pre III I V V. Tn.-vnr lloli h i in. able for .SI I )I 'S. Ti i Terms n;'p Jan 1"-' '. DHIC'K mWi FOR SALE. 1!: I W;ir i in. Ii. ,-d a 1 n r ,d Sin .lino l":iT I us a:; in. i'.lt i K A r. f. r A; . r--tt:ir. .. b sale r;cio:tir..l ed a - , : .... ! u-'i.i s.. M.I lllliC! ui me i.c -t Ii'f Trie Prf-priet" PTlnltMT t'lll!1'. itt-.rrs I., -ii-i in el: ! f, i , 11 be 1 t:, t.-V. fl Iuriiivr rarii-'n -H . a I ' l.sblltr. I'liion ('. - l a (u guixl St:, 1' fail' 1 1 1 i.i. lV . "-i-r Vo'VA'. iji Tjjj-. i.CnRCNICLE'' OFFICE. , . , H-irKct Square, LewisTjurg. illOIl!f lit I..IV-. rit'iJ i n !a S i;t;:r Maiki-t S:. I t, UIiU .'., I A. All Pr. ft .--.i i n" l)'i-!:.ev- n.rrus'f I to 0 h: care Wiil te tannl'til iy ari l r-'tiip:! atlt-ri- drd to ep!. I 1, 1' In: 7 1 I5. DAI"" Ii.l'l IC i'l It :, or J I'i I'nniiiiiiiiiil KMracinl Jul.iilit'uiii, un; n-isli i:t. -1 f i r 1 1 i : I..- I. o K..H . .Inn- .Tt.n-t, ,t ill; t tl 1. .( i'i. p.- t I t-l' ti. In- ij i ( l.ri nil- nti i Ii!i. ii!;:.Tt.: v 1 M-k ll-a t.i.b". l-;-t.-in. (. htt'iiir - r..:i;!. u,- I ItiUr :nl:.r;'fii.Tt".. W Uu l'l.-.-rs. M. r t:ri:il I . r-:i . ! 11;- t'...n.--. 1 u; ii-. t:.t i: l.'t., M J.i:itiiiit l-.ntii.ii t I tiMllliJ 1 ill' Ut'Mti.sItt. I - -"it- II;,' .t l l.tf . t. U- A1 ' l' I.- . t:i I !. . i-i i'l . I li rt-u 1. ... i, s t ;.;t.:. -.t': i ini .-I-' -ri ..t' .1 I r 4t ti. i.- N' '-.M'-t.ir .i : t ;.r r.J tl.- f-.;'.'- nu rs r ii:,. y. i.-i.iu- ti. r. !-iit-: - I-4-l. 1.:... i i Tlifotit ai: t l'.ua -( W-l '' TUB ."f-i . ' ILtL . .Ill i.i l-:t. 1-. or rt-Iltr:.. t- -1. 'i h.' .' ( u?i f:-. IT Ls'-t . I. al .Hi. .1 I ' i'i' tlir.n: .-.it lie- i Al.ll . vi i i; .' a.i-e m- ii 1 it . 'nil tl- CL !i t'PV tt-a n I It VHI'I The ..lilor if Hie i - .V ! . .1 in tl . f' t t. rn:.. 1'r. Ii., Ii ( 'i:'. .In 1. e'.iri J i.-ui -M i l I. M'i II - e nr. !r flAVI: tl:. h cf ! m:iu :i'iiu.' t" cur o .I... :.- Ii . t'-t- i I ji- . im 1 j u- uiHt'c. :.i.'i in .-; roLii-. l, nil in viir rn umns. il: Q)i il. lllf Itt.-i 1' i ;t ' I j i i 1 1 1 i - fc-r Kr III :itt: -i, LOi OIU.;.il .I - ti t . !1- nt :,I - liurutii. to uliiir. i i i ;.i... ..nju-t Tn ?:itnnrr. 1 . 1 . mv i.r. 1 . t ...... . u l i r n:i, T";ir. i .Utii.-k.il w.lli I h.-r jv in I f n- in i'- I; i -1 rvrui i-il:iiir j'-.in t r ! 1 1 : - a j hf-n i;ni, n i.t.t.at'. illlVroV. Ul.'tit. In'!! I - un: to trv I'r Ii r.s .; :i.Vi. r.il n a. tfleil . Iimi...- 1 r ll. lit. r 1- ll::-t:-lil .4 ' I o. i -i - ..;:.:. i 1 1 r ne-t tl - r in 1.-. I . ' ! ... I .11 ut:i ml I.i r . ii t,. nt hev : - eei I. 1 i .1 - .1 -t 't rr-t i nit.. - it i r- -:n- ' ''."," Ml- lii It: oi .1 lh. imr.ni hip t. r f un- unit- :ii '! i. -Ilt i tcl . r . vi tli-ril I.I:. i in:iti"lii Mil L. r It 11 Ul ul - 1 1 lit t : gud n .in ll:.- M TriV?'?i N. Ni 11 huMj.ti-oii rt. tiii:oit dim ti:. Ttii. tare ; t-i-- ..' i:.- 3.1 n t- u-!: i-sr I It i riitirnii. In H:iui:itinti.. liri M i. oil 1 1 1 itnl.. n-. A--.. I nn -t .u.n - lull tri'Hli d l v tl.e us-iit l.r I'.n-' li. t u- ;t: ii i- at d 1'r. ; I'm is 1 1: mat .4 1 I'lii-iit:- 11. I.i hi tl.e . I:i.,:i;. cu.-e cf .dv curealnr Ii it n-iita in.! -lit,, riei; : I fc.-tt ILeUir ir., July 2. 1'it. ."aii t ... .,...ck.a ai,;, . ..be,.- , r - th tt.roat. I.i. h .:.!.. n r-. ...uiiir. i ut ni T.m.t. h- n 1 oul.l lak. i-o.,l tl Vt.in m n Mill. -run; vi.unl 1 1 Ti rv litrfinir. i-.'U:i iiti.t U I e. i f ,.-- to ,u-h nil wtt-tit 1 1. ;it I i-oui.i r-' t i i nk 1-.i-aih;-'.r 1 l.t- ..1 ffiif ri i.timi'- l ti-tlii'4 v. r c. ni'tw-l!t-r;t. l;ni: I ;t! ut.ijVr tit nu'lunl triiiini'Dt i t Tt-ur .litf- r ut ( hvir,.ir- llffi uiinu aiitrniril at m .- i.ditH n. 1 i ut .uut ii ! n tn I tiiliiil-;.liia iii-J i-' Du.t lu. nl.n-li yt.u r c u.-."t I u:il tn tin intfr "if I-' I, w h'-n joii r 1 f-itiim ii me tn t.ik y..ur l'.-pur-.tii : ara I y t lit iii-i nf t. ur I "tt!i s t.r ir. in mnneati u inb iur lhrnt n; ii-: . lii.it , 1 un-. fuiir-iv rurt-j, mi 1 ?at r m-t;ii-ii i ii. li i iv.w n . 11 tt.au :i fri;nj, v u.;.'kuta i?iur. -IR. TVI1' ANT! -( l'.t'H lot -SolM MO NT arl TMI...M Al I I I" A i 1 N -1 ui.l un. n .r.ij tl..- V- ur at it 1 'Jn cHffp n ii.lt 1.S I Iit-r oil a I it 1 r. J..' , tb 11, mat. Zv Call on the A?en!s. J. R KTl ,V CO.i f Lwi-it'iitir. an-l ifH-ur t irrnlt-r-i c-. nt-iii.ii.j- a laine maf! t -tjiilvnr-- in t.tfnr i f tht mi-iia-ini. J. bAKKK . . A"-: t"t I iiuu o 111 ty. jt.'.'y j Ailmliil'lrufoi n iiIIip, ' "IxjOTICE is liereliy siven, that I.etlcrs i.1 of AdinintstraiH'ii on I lit- Ksiate of HEMiV HI .NSIMiKK, late o! Hartley Tp, I'nion eounlv, dee'd. have been itranted to the undersitineil bv the lieister ot I nton county in due ii.nn ol ia' ; inerelore, all persons in- debted to said estate are requested to make 'immediate pavineiii, and those havitt? anv insi . i ' . . i . . ... ' J , . ,a ,.is u.r nques.eu ... present mem le- gany autneniicate.i tor setiicineni. C II AltLtS 1. KMEISY. Hartley, Jan. 19, IsOa Admiuistiator HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKE NtH'lCCr The inolersi-neJ ar 1 appoinietl Agents for ihe a!e vt' of all sizes, made of the Lu st material. All work warranted. fiTMade by L.U.Ml'KUL 'T, lluithesville, I'a. and for sale bv t7U r S CAI.l)VELI,; l.ewisbnr? LAW OFl'ICK KEMO V E 1. John E. Linn, VTTOKXtY IT 1..1W OITce at his house en -N. Market M. bet. 1st & 2d h.H l.r at iKllUI'rT, l'il. NEW GOODS, at JOS. I llM 'si Hat, Cap and CI.OTHISG lore formerly Hpyker's. iwtsbur, Oct. ISiH - II:.:, I.i I ,,. V,ri.-t M.,rrs- jA C- s.i;:ite,-,re-: -, v - h a , ,lW:i.l W.,- JC:h-yf t c ' ; -.k J? 1 o r and new s-i : ;,,.-: vi u .le-.tr.ii .e h i a l.::s:- ?..( ". -. ' , r ' -- ; ' . ' , At ,,ess stand, un- : 1:1 -. -. r b, lh r..,:.l..i..-.l.) V"'' i ' . '- ' lfj Ais-l). "hir I...: , Ml.-e. ti :: ! s. i:.e . -i XVV &. u. l , ..t IS:.: . Jo:.X l.l'l hi- 1.-U , l-ur-r. " ' . I'' "7. JUST RECEIVED, VNEVV loloi'May and 3" hour fLO-KS. which wi'! will cheap Ut cash at lue sign of the II g Wa-ch. L":c. 1, lfasi THV9 O. VR1LR. Last Xoticc. VI.!. Pia.-fl.V tnewm. th,m. ,i, !. .ii i J. s Hm:vki: eith' N :e or ll-K-t Ari-.ou;,;, wi p'-a-r .Mi'UCi: i!.i:l tl. :r acouiits r-iast be pi,. ( I.i or bfif lie Is. i'iy ;f AyrJ nrj( IT ii. I attend.-! l- lv ti. i' I ne ; th., :, 1 !,.ti in the haTt.N .t a pr- yt iir.tr'li9 ciiLMX -a-v-.r t: '..-.,.; - I". :.. v.i-ieiri-. .:,. IK, ,.-,, ' ;.OTI( i: 'i) i'( 'M IlltS. rrilli: s.d:i.i-l lior:. r . f the b.-ro;h l.oii-siii; have i..,t i,.--n able t 'I . arii'-r.. toil lil' v j er cent. 1 1 th m. tri-.tt f. r their s.-vi. s. V. u are Unit I.:-. I sI.hi I.-- ' .l-i-t. r i toiiie r.cl a, . ii. ! rs. a'.r reai.a!-... - l.e". t - eat te - c .-',: tl of lh- -am. , T-x is : r ti. v.ir l-'.s. v. M. J(jp,' .ewi.!-.rr. r.- 9. I-V) Treasc. Willi?. m VanGezcr, TTOi'Ni'V at Law, I I. l iJII ., I iiion ( a t 'i I'll.ce . ;.;-.--iV K.ll.e's i. j. 'int: aut cjii ii!:im:r V.o;:t.L KM-'iVX AM Wlilll.li liOi.I-OWAV rsOi.NT.MKNT -I, if .l-tl I . ... ; ' "I ti feii L ' . - i- ... 1 . . -: -it l. l. i. . i .- . .. i . r : a- It. I .i i i. . I i i1 r t - i ' -i- t i ! i. m . 1 ; . i . i u .:. . t - :- t:. l 1 . - 1.. -l n i:i r hi ivr.ta: iii! ;, i; : i. - . .: in i.r. t' ' ,..ui.; i a; : - - i - ' ii- ' -i. .-!.:-! .; at, . ;. i - -:.n. , ! . ! i -l Ij:ii i r:;i;iai'i I-, .i ! r ! :- .i t : n ; l. f.i.- ' ;.ii.l 1 - it. , L- ii ti.- fr f : 1 1 r o r v inr '.v. ; -.. ! : I . i ' r rhr-oic i . . .i i . .. : i . r-i.t; rm: : r.i.- " T !. u l.. .t - i".-ti. . ' 1 1.. i-i. : - iit.-J -In T ! l.-t it:..- il. 1'" 1 v a iL. ; I .n - ' ; : K-.'-tt f rn; nn ! : .i- 1 f r-.-.'-nt 'l tu ) i ii ..im i .. r -;-:- ' 1 1 ti'-T -t t.- I 1; i :i - I:: - u inn t i: t.;..:i. i,- t:., ; 't-l' tl- r; ; i- n: m It- 1 .li.u 'iu.it: Lfk.Li t" 1- ll.o:'. i-ih itlil isiiI...l'.'-. i:,;lt thr hft,;Ut t.h't I'tff t?,;H!d U I'm in );'.. i:I.:i-'.-lu P rv 'I i r it I'tiri- '' - i r - T -.. k.Lui i 1: : : i l.aL Is i.:.r'JJl r .;r t ' L - -'! : i l ": : -. " 'I t io r i. rn . '-...i. !.- I :..t,t -c- r I-' V- .-;ui...Ie:,r: i..- t-- i :. ..tirrt-i! P'-t W LUIi.iffl t Kvi, I.iJ 1;:. r- l-i ! f .'. I." r. ' ii- re (." nuT-e crlfiis Tf, wst -' f - .--- ' .". f .'.ft. " nr- t.irrrf.ir..Mi l. f-r 1 iu r l-:i! tf tin lock ul dirrL.ta nr. v.: .! .;.!., t r I - ; it" tiiDn Du n plm:n i i.i- i.i.j i- . ' I. A thi:ap.nir rrwjtjw-a I - . "ti to :.ii v ' u n m; i n Mub it tm nmti a r r It-:. ! Oi Id. .t-I ci' fi '-I v ( rt t-r ai Urp ii urt-r ,,::!. in iii. - i.r i.-iii. tl.c o; Ei-, ti. wit-g iL.aa i e - unmi'. 1 at tl 4 Vcct'f..f:. r; -. r-f Tr- f-T Ft i: so Mumcii 1 hi..-. ..- .. rs. an i I t nil r---i - tut Wlrzf jlillv;,,.:. in -V.', -ii. Il.r...ia.l . u: 7! r I .-...t- - nil-1 tf.- i.i;t X tel.J, ill L -T li rrats. ?l . 1- ' - -. t:..:v i. ai.-: ;i:;.'.!f ;it:i.' lyl-W.u; l.m t T -. .V I: r:r.- - -f r t'.f jt:.' "1 .-( f; itl. ctr .l tfr i.- r i- r ..!-. 1. . 1 1 t ' i; ! . . I.HOTS AM) SUCKS I i:uots AND iiok: riv l all n i;il at tl. .1! 4KH Ctlll'AI" ItiniT AMI MIHE sTUHr. I ib - r t.. !;..ktr A I'.-S 1 st. I - isj-ttrL'. 1'a.. wlieie niay te kur.d a r-.r.r:i asM.rnii. :.t 1 f lien's. Ladies', KiEses' ar.d Youths' IV. ts. M es. Cloters. ll-.h.es. S ; '.n. '. 1 I ihe l.i'.rst slv'es at.'i t e! .;n:i . .. " -. with cf.al care and at iasti l'i..f ti: ; will be so.d as iow as at ary p.ir .10; .-..1 i'.'i: 111 !c!; li ,3. MA XI r A t 7 li: ISC ty RITA .V.Vi iftTe i:mh l- ver :Ii.;n ! i 11 v'". r..-(-;ut T. r at tav r. we u ia t". .1'- r : s.r'. yt ur lurtl: r cuh !ii. : 111a; rmii I xvi ; 1; a t o 1: : I (onipoiiinletl entirrl i-v. Ul M. I :t : im 1.1UK i j : t 1 liiciC' 1.. r T'Dtt-:' 1. 1 .1 .::tr. tf.rt ! ti ' ; I ; I n.i.ttr. i.' it ' , . r 1 - '"': u; ty -! ! 1 : . -:i lif tlL-rt .- .mi.:..-. :N' 1 1' INK li- I.N rr ll- I . i-' -i. r. uii-ii' r w v..: r. i! . it km wu. ll i n-t t .M k ' a. tn i rtr-t 111 t:.'- Jr., . Oil 1 1. 11 j. 1 :ii 1 t . -n ' mi:. j .i-ti:i l--it j . r: -1 - -tl - i :.ll lul I, ..'..:. U t'.t!!:a! Ii It .-tf 1 '.' ! ana t Ki ;l! . t'li jl-J it rt- u tiit mi 71..- l.itr.:. 1 r.- 1 :.. t!' l.un.n-i :. : m -1 I:. 1-.-. wit., t...- 1 t, - . : y, . I-.!. 1! - i- t 11 tl,. l-.. ;..;l r.. : .t! r:ti-v..- . '. 1:-i- at : .11. f. 'A '- i '. -!. 11. -ii - in Livm;- 1 tn n: i:i-f -sr 1 rat . i ! : 1 . 11 '. t. m i 1 . tn 1 7 H .1. P -,: it i.i- -tti.'i . .1 t,. i 1 m r.i the niiiy .1. I. . . . ri w :! I. t 1 : "' t. flC "' al-l.l. 11 I" "' '. I r-e"ls I. - i n: - : .... : .' - . r- 11 till,"- id il: !. O ' f ' I-I '1ST. 1. -' 1 t. rn... I.... iuttu to '-' a tit'.li -ai-d ti fci '10, 1 1.K.. Itnlii. 11 D-ere all O rr. :"j:.t . 'I . . 1 I iV. ,i -. 1 .1-1..- 1 1 .' : -i i s- "" t I . d: I. :i.lh to tl.. ! in ihau-i it tl.- iI'vjm-!' I.LL! I" t A-.TM li.-- art' Tin. n:TFNTii', ly tl..1 H l.NI i'l .' . Otir tl. -itt.-r cr.' ;n: i tti bi:m-1i ana ithujI Hit itrti i;. ..r : lit i-' tr ttl l, , : :t- zi t't.iv onf tlcr takt-ntu' Nu n '. itti. Oiiivii: .1. n-t tj.k.1. nt . , l i ffrr.ilr. NiJ 'Urt-5 '- i U.I .. .,;; .r'l :', a'.ll sl.njl ..-u i:ra r.D'1. :;,t..t"t'p' t'.it tfuse taka alU-r pt ri . !wr ft wo tea- -,(f lit .- M. h Hi llHiHK. One ff-ittr i.tt t-n f r IV- J B'ti'"' thfinuf-t- t tin tl:-i rn.. jii.a ni Only i iif il i in. in ami ft : Olir tit rn fB n i tealnl ! i ' ..::. WMit , I, ...Hi-:."- . .( ' n., !..l I .1 IC u;.au:oe af.T a I M'ii:.i an J m ri -it n Jti-Oi.U oi.t? tt-w.v tli- i -t. m the rthi'tM it VJ luvaiciut u I'i el. ttlrt.slien f. r J.r'SiT I' m'i'"" li.anr.. er iimiatitrNl ei'l LJ er In In "I r " One ile-r Ink. n a sli.rt ln.el.tiie ot i-' iie-r t lh. ai-c. lite, ami ft ': . " I. on. ae.eetti-ii r..ai.il i ur- . ( I V s. I' In It., wor-t l.-ini.. alotr f Mvi.a nl'i II ti'' jiiaima yielj miBn:i.t to 111. le-e line er two ll, ... ,-ure. j, .ita.i.-i i.u .iil'? In .tn.ilrrn: Iher. 1. Be, .nr.r. ...t.r, el "IMJ' relmilv 111 tli. a. rl-l. a . t flf i.i ' J 1 -' .1 H.A lei H.A ir U-tUr curat. 1 Iljti, t Xi ul -..rl.t nTs. Wi-tnltf i-Va-urr in rit t b-ii r :ir : fi. a j:rt-i iir;itif f, r Vv. m m i -' : VFR.ai,t all KiTidn rf i YA riilini Tip- 11 r' p at. with all trrLn tv.j r.4 th. n .i -I" r iiiji to t.t:rv to itn itD-i d-ifal urtnts AI1 tio ne itarr liffng tlitir uoatlcco OD IU it ftt-llT. . .V: M..-r im the moulk m-ith U lnrir:tr. low Uth tti)''hrr. Tho Mitr Inl?ralor 9 I! A ?CIKMir!t' MM'tCAL M V K 4 orkiHi; i on. lm'i nmurrat to trin-i. 11 ,l",r ' thn-b fci tllt- t r"iuinl !.rurany kinJ oi f lc r.'Bi.aint. Iiom tl: ..it J.-MfMiL- if '""fattr rt'Bimon lUaUtthe, all tf wbit h ire the -. 91 m caiKti Liter. Put ote Ttottt rr.r. pitti. y r OV -r.r-li'r, 't4' lir'l5'" an.l ntailU Ij all Dru. i-.t- . r n:; i r i.. am w ri t- Lru- rrorhrl ooU ainlo-hprirw J (1 'S -'ot thdf Ljrui vtt h.m.i oi '''r iuI in