jjcirisburfi. rrlO.Vi -M tU.M.svi. , AnvKUT17.K'-,'!"":"' IMI.lir (lilin rn in ' .11 wjm wii.li t.t t-uv Mlnmn. rf II.- l,r' '- an I icr.iif .irj-u'"" 1 .rM.ill of .ell..'. ,rrr. v.-rrtint-. Vf-hanles i iVnntrv. lul.li-li.T -w.itiU .t.t w.-il ti. nni-InT tl, i ',r..,-l.. .liirtl l.n a inr;,i in a i-onimunity nuitailiinj: ut nrmiui-erii, ccnuii.rr ,i J.-..1T., a jiec Jrtv KHernsfim'iiin tzr'e hear that the Miltoninns are certain time, and the P.M. publicly adver- ' M'Ay .!f.r .wer? Th'ise'whVare'.o lor. tnoviti" for the erection of Gas Works. ' tizes that the Mails close at a certain iunate as tu have escaped Dyspepsia, and its - ! time : yet men frequently come in after the I attendant evils, ran hardly conceive the suf .v.ir .u a r id in t.ickle." Com-1 i. ..i ...i ;r .u. n i r..f.it i,. ma,i ferina that these diseases cause. The wnn- niuuieittJ fjr ff'vMiyn iu Lrwifliurg .V nurd tu the A'yiis i cruwihd out. SMyTlie next Agricultural Fair for the Ftate of Iiliuois, will Ic held in Frceport, rtc.liti!OU Co., to accouimoJate thu North. Ilo rR Xkw YuiiK. '.Messrs. Wu. l'rick st Co. lli'n we t sent down the Hiver.from the Lewisburj; ISoat Yard M.X- TEKS of their Urge Caual liuats fr tlia ilcl.Xtluasontra.il. Murder and Suicide Wc learn through friend ll.ata Mrs. chr.ccr pre, wei. known,) Fmiili, fa nt l!ai!ysbur, I'crry Co., pnioned tier , LushauJ ou ThursJay l ist, an l that she, , , ... , .- . berself.bas since died - 7 rync. Vnr, 1st lust tuThe policy of every luuiviJual.whu .,wi llo.. t.u the nul.lie. is to let the puli'iic . j --- , , . Lear i.f hitu. His best peaking trumpet is the Newspaper Advertisement. Iu a populous co:u:nunity, an J a rapid ac like this, every trader must make Lini'clf tnoivn, otherwise lie will fall LeliinJ the progress of his ti' ihlnrs. CQk.Oiio liac!ulor Klitur boasted of Laving taken a lady Ly the Ivunl, to which another in the same state of tingle wTetcli cJlcss aiids that Le is in a fair way to win the; h int. All wrong, neighbors this gutting Zi'iii.'s leforn In mt are won, ii cn'in: cc u-iuu. Secure the key cf tin; citadel at.J tLccistlc i:e!f mu-t s'lrru ler. roitiiEltlKs. V'o aro inf irnii l tint a note f ir 101.10, iu the name of J. & J. Walls & Co., and endor-cd " Win. Came ron," was discounted by a l'hilad. Hank, uuJ S'ut this Weil, tol'iie Nortliutiibctiaiid l.ank f r e.illcctt n, where it vas pr j tiotincid a L'orgery. W'c learn alsj that a citizen cf White Deer, held in toe sum of$.!"0 f-r the tame olTcLCe, his left tlio country, leaving Lia bail to tu!T. r. -if"An asfal disaster occurred on the Mississippi, near New Orleans, on Sunday morning list. The steamboat l'riucess, from Viekslurg, burst a boiler, setting the Loat ou Dre, which burued d mil. A large jiauiber of persons were killed bow tiiauy n.,t exactly kuo.vn; but 100 were wound- , , ., . , cJ, many of them fatally, ihe engineer ' ' , f .. wis found cut ta two, and the boast is said , to have been mad,- by him that be would reach Njw Orleans " on time," or blow up. It is estimated that there wi re 400 passengers oa board, hilf of whom are mis- i i- . .-i . .1,11,,. ' tin"; boat and cargo total loss. i School Diuectobs. Aiuhht the du- ' ,l..r.,l. 1 1 , ..! n t rmvem s.. -J---, : n.. :. .1.- tl.. ,.f.. ,ll " .soee,ai,.,-,s .tuo,,- y, o. . ... disposed, well qualihca men lor fciioui . ,ra(.k W.JS iinm(1iilt(.y iai,j arounJ the directors-. Whether the money raised is 6ceue 0f destruciion, so that there was lo expended usefully or paorljyhp 'tids more ! detention to travel on the road. upon the Directors than any one clso, be- "7rX? , . i . .i t i si-i Jhcl'cli. lerm of .tloutGur county last cau'e they s-b-et the Teachers. hen , . , Tl . i . i ed tic diiis only. 1 he most novel trial the people generally elect men for Sehnol Wuf. ,hat uf j sherjff anJ Jilan Jiirectors who arc capable of examining MeCormick vs. K. 1. lleynolds Action Teachers properly, then and cot till then for damage?. Deft, hud hired a horse Superintendent!! oiay be ditpented with, . . . , Let tho neon o of every Horouiih and . . ... , . . . u JownsbiP. catnmence, A. v. JfJV, te sc- .... , r I --t T- tat in- . jeci ine ucn nun ior ocnooi j'lrcctora. - '- ! VirLIMs;ronT Marcli 2- Tho I'ast Haltioiore CoiifcreLce of the MetLudUt Baltimore cofcarcuce w mt. 'Juiiuuim CLurch assembled in t'ue church at tb is tilaei? at !) o'clock this niorninc. Uijhop Kc,tt, of Wilmington, Kel., l'rcwdeot, mud ' ltctr. Pr. Sargent, of Balto , rscretarj. . 1 1 . 'l - ., 1 IhC day was prmctpai.y occupieu ap- .St!n .tt..lin .nmmittM.. O.iehnn. j-uiuu0 0 drcd and siity preacberi auewcrcd to tlioir j,anjC5. Jlcssra. Butt ft Bower, of the Aon, are ub!is!iiDg a daily record of the proceed- jog of Conferencs. ' r.nirvr.u. March 25 1. M. Tho mu- eicipal election, yeslerd.y, rassed off very : Tl.a M,iiu T..r,iil.i;,.nn lli l-. l 4UH."j. - I is elected by an average maj irity of about one thott.and Annliia l nii'is.t.p ILhv.f W Uxi-hurL'. C'apt. DoNtlKiW i-r, Laving been cotn- jjiiiaioncd as Auctioneer iu Ltwisburg, iu IpbJs to open aa Anil'un ami Couhhissc.i Hi' v, f, r the reception and sale of ail articles Household I'tiruiture, 1'jok?, Clothing, Gocdf ,JeWc!ry, fie, ic. which ycrsons may wifh to get riJ cf tr.d turs into ea,"a without the expense and irouhlc f apu'j'ie J'c. Au cschange establish fcicu of !h; kind w- ?'jut:lJ tliink wenld ' t e a v.:ry c invctiient arrangement, quite often. l,:rr or small sales tiny le tints ffe'...l with n.ut'jtil advanijftor, and in a TarL'y i.f h.-T jr.L-.-s ati 1 eitcunislatiCes it ou!J rove a gr:at public scc-miEoJi-tiou. In Ltaa'ifal illmtruti m of the cyii' anj liuiutiiity of tbe Fkti'ivo Klavc Ijw, a fjbcr is iutpri'Mued, in im'uii!jii, t. r harboring Lis own child ! Tho fatlur is free, the wither a slave, and the child citne home from a uistau! purt cf the city to e his father, reiEaininj: Iwo or three , , , , , . , - i uJf. ror the thulter and ijol giveu.tiie father Low lies in j iil. The 0.pjfitinn parly in Snider county ' t,.,. . . .. ,- lure nominated Henry K. lutter, hx., for a r.erresent.tivc Vi'. ite I0 the ntxt S'lta CpB.niiii.1.. BE If! TIKE ! Yesterday morning. Hiss, with the mail ' city, recently cclehrnted the fiftieth auni Suiiih. wash iif a minute too late for the Rail-! vcrsary of their mairiage. Train can-in disappointments anil way ii "S ' , , perhaps creat evils by the tlettntion 01 man and passrn-ers tor mat aay. int 1 usi . . r, . . s l,.r to accommodate several men had de- j . . i laved the mail about three minutes, an J Hence the result. 1t,inot men anil others are Verv much at . . , ,. " , : fault in these matters. 1 he tram passes at a their favors, they accu-e him of being diso Misting an unjust charge for he olien re ceives and mails letters when he is tinder no obligation to do so, and endangers passengers and a whole day's mail in so doing. Fre quently, he assures us, scores of letters come in afier the time to close and all want him to violate ihe rule and endanger the connec- , f a(f ,,, anrf curing IhM horrid visita- j stree, , R0ni for the reception, and the sale lion for the sal.e of their dilatoriness! . lion of man Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. In at slated limes, of all kinds of Ooods at Auc- The following we republish as the time- recommending this preparation to our read- ; ,jOI1- Any one wiahingtodispuseof any arn-t-iMe and those" who fail io reach the ..Dice ' Ts. we do so wilh a conviction that we are I ce ran depos.t it.wnh me and I will sell it at ' not deia.lire nnr columns to putt a common i .hr hest ,lv3nia..e 1 ran and charge a per before the hours nameo have no nam to com- plain if they have to wail for the next tram. ....... ... i. i,.n loo l.ne. and p M in ihe uorld can accomplish i.nros- s.bil.iies. a - i:.: Time-Tab!o-I.cwinrS R.R. Station. ; MOYIM; solTll. Lightning Train passes I.ewisburg 9:3:1 A M Lxnress (mail) rto Il:a.ii i y hl & Arrmmf.daiinn :37 l M Vol 7V(. MHiTII. E!tnr,,s (,7) pasSes .ewisburg 4iloPM l.i.'litiiini! Train do 11:30 F.M Freisht Al Acconiinodation 10:41 AM Lewisoiirg Fost Office. Danville and Cattawissa Wayniail, Daily (exrept Sundays) via Cattawissa R.R, closes al S o clock A M Southern, Eastern and Western mails, via Norihuinberrd and llarristmrg Daily (eieept Stindavs) closes at K o'clock A. M. Norih. rn and Western, via William-p, rt a lid Eiinira. Dai'v. (eieept iSuudays) closes ai a o'clock 1 M Milt. .n. New Columbia and Wh. Deer Mi!!s clones daily (except Sundays) ai 8 A M Western', via M.tllinburtr c. Old Fort. Daily (evrept Sundnvs closes at 7 o'eli.ck A M Winileld. New ll.-iliii ar.d I.ewisiow n.dailv to New llerlin (i-xcej'i Sundays) clones at 4 o'clock 1" M Iloltiloe XRoads.Forrst HilhWolf-".. Store. Rel.er.sl.i'L'.M.i.lisonli'g and N.ttanv.Tuesil.iv of each week, closes H P M of night preceding. iluii'.tloe X Roads and For.IiM. Thur-day and s,anir.iav mornings, closes niidit previous Business hours duilv. (eieept Sundays.) fr m o'clock A.M. until M I'M Stamps and Stamped Envelopes at the P.O. Ki:i.l;t(iLS. Nim t. t n poisons were re ceived iuto the I.ewisburg l'resby teriau church, Sunday last. Next Pntidayat SJ A. M , is appointed for the ordinance of baptism, by liev. Mr. Mi rick. J of Tittm-iT anil Kranee, of Baltimore, , will .reach in the M. r- church, aud Ir. Iju,;liartj- iu the tier. llf. church, Lew isburg. Land i.iie. A tr.'ineiidous tlidc 'oK P'o .". ' imsyivauia Kaiimaa. orp isito Mexio, in Juniata coutitv, about ', ' , - Iiinitiight oil Saturday the l'Jih ult , but Wilsfjr-IUDa,cy)1j!iC0v(;rcd bythewaichu.au ; ,ilne ,0 r,rerellt aliy 0f ,he traius from ruuuing iuto it. The tlide was ncarly"n quarter of a mile in length, and rocks and -a, wcra Piltd .UP ,0 ,lie )i of twenty f1-'''1. At the time tlio rain came down in , . , . torrents, and tho Li"ht bcinc extreme Iv Jt"k, it was a fortunate circumstance that was (iifCjvereu. i tie ran.- on tnc norm liai-Ii VITU IWU Ufl U.,-.dlti:u Ui IWUUtJT l. . .1 : . . . r . imm litis lor the purpose ol going to Siinhiirv hot arent tn tlm r..si,l.,ni.M t.t s uubury, dui went to mo ttsmnite w k ... ... i?. ...i, iAnn,i, n uen. rvasc, iu iiu.su rownsnir . nrsn -Kllr,,, ,'''? K. .u -.fe... c..u. uv- !,;.. .i. . .. i. . l . . . ... . DUIu6er ' bec, and injured eo niucb as nnbt lor serv,ce tor ncirly a wl.oic f Verdict in favor of Plffs fur Sll ol). Never, probably, was so K rge a business " e'eigbing done on so small a capital of cunt, fla l.ui hotin J.ina in K tl.n I " - ZlT. a', r! I a-.v,o Html U-3 KM v - r J J w i sle fci hss beell aImogt Bnintcrruptdly 5 .1 :.k i:..i . . n-.-i ' viiuu, aim nim ct 111111: ciniw as ill Uimru no obstrBction to going throogb the woods wilh horsea in any direction. Jfouenlalt A iocf, 23 '. j T. M. Mall, of Centre county was elect, i ed Senatorial Delegate to the 10th of March Convention defeating Mr. Diet- ek'.XTU B to louui g.y . , " - - . A Uaptist church has been orjramze-d at ii , .i . , ie;t"a iiavn, Jj'izcrne eout.tr, compnsca of members converted tinder the labors of a. - la ut r i. : ii.ev. J. li. j-nauaicir, ct uerwicK. Win. , son elinJrn LurirMM nf Jersey Phi-re, hy one majority, in a closo ly coulcsted borough election. A valuable watch was ytnlen from the study cf I. XC. (iatlirleT, plur of Ihe Siitibury Kpiscopal church. in i-1 II,, r-.". ) .1, I - Ar.srprtt lasl Kn'rriiii- A ; L A ; A A ; Antt-rrs In Puzrlf l:U:" Anr'-i T.t $ I' II. Vt Pcl.it.M'. MISCKLLA SKUUS EMKMA. Tjtfri prTiii 'i,l ell ! t(r-. My IT -J y i-'t .i i n '! l-r.t'. -l AtnrirT. i'jy'-'-r iiui-'.inti.-li-'l iiilt-rti-.. ii ' 1 ! J If. tr 'i uiii! . li.-aii in ihafn rtrie-.f--. I ; ,: !. It. on . jf the tuitri Mulvi. I ! i I IT, ii v i- A nam.. iliO. tj J. K , l !ti,-i.l Mil), sales adv'd at the " Chronicle'1 oflice .nes.jMitr. 9 Ludwi; Pfiecsoi's estate, Chil . lisniiaque ,.,, Tnrs. Mar. Cvms Hrown. East Iliin.iloe s . tjjr- John Lock's, l.ewisburq Tnrs. Mar. t R John f 'tiamhKrlin s, East Bun Wed. Mar. td FlavelClark's Estate, KellyTp ' Thurs. Mar. 4J.,mes R Ma?e. BufiaW Tp I do -tieo. K.rei-her, Last utiname M,r. 2fl--.herlrT Mies. White Deer Tp , Vcr.. Mar. S i" I.'a '-rV !'r i 4uvllo:).olfS'c crlffi-' rmce ,' LEWISBUKG CllHOiICLE & WEST BRANCH (lodfreid Xulitu and wife, of Lancaster ll.iK.ur'. rain iMiisiNro.-w Wtta.aimm luriv.lil.lr Trillin Ihii fi.lli.K,-.! IU uhilutlna II.U ex.., ,!,.!,! m-airim. in ra.-rsot" d.i-?y. Ai-tlna: iuitnMli' ni.lv instil 1 11- 1.1... m. 11 tir.-v.-nLf. mr mil-nit .r srruin j,, v,.,, ,,, ,h; ,h, wi, t. ,. t.k. u,.. and i,v i.i, milium i.n.i n-guiaiini; thr flit i.f thr a.-rr- ii.ii kuu iiwrirru.iii.'n 111 mr wuai iiu,,,. t-.-v. ..... .j ,. ,, .rcr,.s, f 11,- ,ii.t. mi-r. Iii.iiua, nini- ni-nt in al., us I with irr..t rff.-1'l as a mrana ilichir- 1. r t.l n,n anil al. ,.,,! Inn 111- water .lrraiiV t.lu.i-t.-.l ill 11. a .-.Hular lin-U". Kr.OlT tlirre arrma ti. lr no .ii.v-i .liirh ran resist th euuihinrtl actioa ot b , ,.,I.,.MI. der is. that the aril cied coiitiiue to suiter. u lvn that infallible remedy, the Oxvgcnted limers, is within the reach of every one. " iTIItTM lilt KALUM. UTS.' " We believe we caii not do our readers a more important service, than by again call - ii.g iheir aitention lo that most remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. StthS. Hume, ..i' Haliimore. M.I.. which possesses the power ,,.,,, ,P,,clne. but aie placing before them a ,iSCovery. which, if fully known, would! r.,n.i,i ,1,. more to ullevmir human suffer-! ing. than any invention oi mouern iime ; i ir II ittrm in nslfinir u in nniiri- his nreoar- wi. imiiu., i.. n .w ..... " ' ' 'r ,.,J . .a i ,;,mr, has .Ki.-Ji: -r have been cured ihere.iy. All of them s'peak in Hi. mi l irr .lrriil n. rullllr trrma. llnr crr.t ,i-it'ir ii. .li.iii.. i..ri. un-f.n. uwt u en In. Irnli-lii.rtnl tl.riHIuli Ul mnil-, liirrl.y all'.rainie rr- rrv "UK mii n;,i.,rtutiily oi ui.iiiii air.-1-iiy won in. in ,.n!.,r. anil ..in l.m'lil.ltiiv ll ii-.ii-nilv i-f lirinc 1m- p..-r.li.n l.v a ii.unlrrl.-it t.r fbnrii.u. iaiitatii.n. lr. ! Il.li. pa vi. tlie liln nil inn rill-- I'l liv l".i oi in. Iry. anil will li.rar.l llirm by n-turmf mail.on til. rr...t or . ri-liiinniirr. Ilm rii-vii arr a.. I'.ouwii i M.ti. t-.x. j : : twii il.. . s". : twi-lrr ilo.. $J4. All or.l.-rs fur ' llir ni..i:-iti.. -li.'u:.! nr M..ir.-.-d u islrru is. Iissi.1., ms ( lullim.iir .Iti-tL U.lliuiurr, M1. DU VALL'S I'r'tmrril m it '!' it t J I'tiOF. . IU' Y.iLL, lirait'r! 1 ih- t IU" ol .tirir tD, Taritt, I, .W iiFr t r.1.11 Tu THL HI HI If Zh fm th- furJ -tit -rer u.( 1'atttai i.tim Y,'' iutan. or w-rr-tK-it in any prt ol tlm ftin. I.li.'tn;i..l:-iti, ('.lit. in Iht IwV. Iirimt nr i lr, U':i!-t l.r-t. N- urnitfia. IturtiH. S.r;iiiir, 1 iliN.iii'lc. rrninp in Un- M"tntt-h. or nny olhtr .Ji-.-.it.!- In.'l i- xHtli and t'AiM-LL. ftn l il i- -ti ,. r ''.I.- ' :( .li-i-aM-f fl.iim . ThKr Kt 1 h 'J.ii.V ii :) ...-:'it ij ! our (i:Iroii-i. cm r. iii-v.. t.i-- "'it- i-r .': ni 'i-v i.m oi l u. We wwiiM .M'-t -tiy I" l.K- Mil-i;.-. Pr.'i- Lu Vail wit -Ji y.-inn in i.i ir . h: '- liii- iio-'lf iif -tii ri n( out rill tlivrs. (',!.. ..oh t.r li.it iu 1 ., r it ell lo tiie Irad-. - :i -.r ! r- ion t I- in-m-l tu J 1). STONLHOAl), --!- A-.-r.t f-rl'-R.. Jll.l itfi. !., .Wl4l Ih.I'L Tut: ov(;3:.tTi i i:i rri. its. ir It.'i ;.,f. .1 .. . . I" i-ri:u .r Isj.i .aU"S, i'r.r ri.i- ',.jis ' .tffl'tf. tirrr ana ".l nry. .S,i .s, l'.i, ..... :.J n.r.il 1. '.iIi.V, a, in .,... I our l.-l In i-itu. lis. in- .... I..IV.T.T. TI.. I -.,1.1119, uii.l i.i h. r. li-.-tity. an; .I'iriii, liir tin-iiiniir- 1!.. )!., ...... ail .ia- . iii.iii. M- ml- r. .1' 1 -ii,'i I.T i iii.'ii. Chi Kj. i in. .1 , ..Mo. ami -r i ... i .. i;i- t ui.a i-.-i ma.,, i.t .- i;-lllt. .iil'tl III .ult-I'tllt.O r.- ,1 II,.- ii,:itiv i-rui.l is.m- r oil id lv."rtia ailiiot Tl.i-. lir. rt wi-rf !i!TPVTfill.v OtMr.f.e. I! lirtEKX. an.l in tli. r I' ruuii.1 u.tl r uil.iv: ti-.-tn ilml i-f nny -Lli.r (r. Ht: 'i-.ii i ! m-li--iu-. 'i.tit:.inimi no allil.oi no iu iitTHi ii- .-.i-.-n in. iinxioim ilruit in iti- ir nature t. iitr. I., t -tun ii intiii!: . ri-1 liinn; t-n-ir T:r'Uf iu nny chin.-. lli.-v un- ctiil-iiirtti' ii mil a f.-rm ii.'li il ' t f mii.1 r.-i-rin- (he fi-tr-ni t it- pri-tine iir mt.l lu altli. n ni-r ..i h i- r-t..i iiv. r it iu.ii-i-i i.r chr-me in tt l.i.ract. r tl:e ilt-i ni:iv In'. nijitler ttm it .;.tit.-.i the kui ut ih.-.iiyc.-iii. nmi rcriti lb.- i s..ti-i in,, .nit. r. r tiiat Ins lii.-ra.-,. id uun usLic lu tiie aloijiie prices. 1 1 is .stock eiiioracrs a lare .r.... rr. ni..i.v. 1 collection of good bouks in the dilfercnt de- I il l.-liun.tiv ,.t Ilir many rurt-n rff. rtr.1 liT till. Rem- : i-.l r. I. n-ii. .. liii.l i.. tl: .Tilt.-n i-rlili.-.lii tn-lu ilia- part men ts ot iiirxui-l,i i luiliiiuais ku..Mu ml ..?it ilir l.ini. i Science and Literature; Keliinn, Au Oiidiirate and Inveterate ('a?e of and I'oluics; Histories, B.oriiphies. Travels; Ilvspi psia Cured by the Hitters. 1 a varied and well selecied stock ot Mi.eella Tii.. f ii. wiii.. ir..m a k.-iIii. niau kn,.n in ihe iieotis books; Pocket and Family Billies, rw.i. h. .hili L,li..i.u5i,t torati-i ail tiiuMriif lit. from IBjr,yve tents lo seveiiieeii dollars; w,H.s..N.Y.ji.ly2s.i,iS. : Encyclopedias ; Ladies' Alliuius. Gilt books, s.w. f ip k r.v, i: -nil. .,. Nil!-.-n. sin I Autographs, Architects; Dockets lor l.aw-- Mti.k. ,i i.v iiiiit ,.,.r.r..t nil tiiM-MM-.. I'wi'if', vers and Justices of the Peace; Pay Ui-nks, hill mailrrl-il Of. t.i cail-r r.at .. rrn.l..,,. rul- . . i, I 'nlnnosition book. Cor.V hooks n. . ai.J l.i.i.timc.4 ilir l.,w,l. m.iii.-.li.lrly alorialinir. I l-etlgers, Lolnposillon noons, lopy Ol UKS, ai-r,.ni.iii.'.l wnli b-rnl.l.. .miii- t.i thr arma,-li. oltrn i Pass book, and I ockei Memorandums; Main-'-' "B" niiiini:, ui-Liity. ami iira.l.riie .in- eiuaiical Instruments; Visiting Cards; a ir'tli!T .11 li ci-n.ral ,1, l ility aini aullvrini;, aiti'ifrturr , . . - ,, i u p ,. r,.... i.f- i.unh n. ' '-irgc lot of Printers Cards, very cheap; AllIT l.H I lllf tl tf.l v. rr known ri-mi-ilT withntrtr.Tt, ",';';,",: e .y lwi h-alih. 1 was j tiK-h w.rr-imi.M-.i!..u tif.n.1- ..n my ii.iti 1 itt.tori-nMnKaai.i.-.-.Mtii-wr,H.iitir.iy , fci-i p(t--uri in iu-lufiOif !) like r-ullt-r- . ,.urn; mi. I I ft-H pl-aur- in tmluniix mil llkr.ull,r- vt uMiiyw Jf to make um-u tliio r. nmrkuM r m.-Iy. j S. W. l OULi: & CO.. lruprlvlorM, It i S T u N. I'or pal hy thfir nifiitri Mrf thfr. nod in L?wi-l-churj by I. .1. Wat Id nml V. S. Cal-lwtll, nl iu .rw liThn ly Mr:. Hnrjinvt -M.Mftn. vvJ?'mSJ in h nms umlMiMfd fnrt tlmt IrHTi-n Is. , vi -.i milt, or I.m-r Id'tutHly. i ine of lllf TiwH roti-rii-n itiitilr in nn Jinut Hit imt rcntury. It K lfi-ii m -lu.ly of tlit Iir.. 'luring tw.-nty Jiir. prartir-, j to limi wi-at imrlu-utiir uririn, rlt-n ili-'ast-J,rau.ti tit ptft. !( umiitrrr iilf or im ; a:il bin cnni'luiin in, I thojt tlir iivrr i- th ur.-at-?t ri'itnitor of thf cytnii, I ami tiie ni-4( liii)lt' iliwuit: tnrli if kept frtf from iii... m vr-liiluv.. ..i ih..tm. jnn.ii.-,-, sni.r- al .1, l.ilitv. in-., whil., lat l,ut fur rr,,m l-ast. wr mrn- , i,,I1,1. ir ,1P ,..,,.,, i. ti..t B..,r- c ...... . :, . i... .1.... ...... .11011..T. ... ,.ut n.K.iiirr. Takinii lln. ti. Imis.rrrrt 1 . hvpotlirrt.. bar. bt t. ; a -.irrt Ui lifr, iinil w .i . ....iv .i,,.i. .. liavr a rurr l n,-arlv all tlir rtim-asra wr arr .uldi-t to I i,,- in,pi, u.in . ,.i.rni.iivr. Tiiat thr tuti-..ri..r I -;;-:.,;,,. ;r,riBI fro-, ii"r. irral.im..i,t..it t- .n umniiine mnmy. hn. a fuioiinn.ii.iDr. rr aii ,ii.ra.r .,r um i.i.,m h r bnw- er .'i, ranrrm.nt, it iiu- airst, surem ana mom rffin. cii.ua ri'im-iiv Rnnan Jicxuiobtirri iH.liUct. Corrfcfrfi XYeektjf tt-heatSi 5 , 1 30 E " neatl,.J to l,oU r.jrgs. $ 10 l. :,i 'i'.. 11.., 12 1. , (,,,' (;;-, Lard (jats.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'!! 45 Kacon Flaxseed".'.'.'.'.'. 1,12 Ham...!!!! Lr'eJ Apples. 1,50 Shoulder.. 12 ... 9 ... 12 9 ...G,00 "Utter., ,,,,rl'' 0 CloTtrsced. 0 "" "mAIUIKI," -i',ll, ull.. at tlir t.ntli.rah Parannaer t,v 11. I 11. A. link. IIKNIIV M. r AI1N KsTiN K and Misa ELir. I uiihiti i:. sour mas. i. in i uwi.i.ur... or I. J I' iiii:.i,-i. i-in un., i h.ii.i r siiin.i.i, 1 ih ult., I IIAKKS KIKsTKR ,.. ,.Ai ... ,,, t urtir. t --'" v'V'v '!?.'',, "'K!,flr aii.i ' i's .-.. . . , iiniiiriMn oit.i.v it. John Thoma.. Itrv.O. II PAKK. I'ii-li.r of l'hilii.iu;iillir an.l M.Mirr.l'iir I'o-al.j trrmu rl.urcli. a. an l i.- II Aim IK.r l.u Hlf. ..I Orrrv. tjit Ot j In MiRini.urs, ljt in-.t., TttoMAs: B. lrXIAN, agisj , ul. -ui -jiivrirn. ! Ji, k -T ATMIs. anl Uirra 4 I iwmlt.. in sioii iirT. i.iiiu i.. i.r..,,.,.r. i,i.ii..,.,. ' Tin.'. ju'ijU. Jl.-t nil , M,..s NAM'! lli;.NTi:K, ' t. -I.r .f 11.,' I:,l" I'll) t . S:inil!ri ftuntrr I Nrar r-isN-tr-rl. l!l-. trh. l-t. OAIIUN ANIiKRSON, a -.-.I nit y -sp. Mr A rrm-.tisl In tile Woil, abut f ur v. :ir- m: lr.-tn Wi.itr lv,-r Vnllry. itn II : :U nil , in l.iiii.' I n T... Liisinilncr Tc. V It,. 1,1AM lA 1 K. ri-.iiiili.L: mar il.irl IMnn. I'liixn C, , i,t tlir r-nr ..I Hi. n... lr T:,r l.-ft llnrll. titn. to Ti.-it a .1-,'vlit.r. i ill K ii-fi -iKTSi, V:,llrv. tiil.Hl -I n ini-ni.-li tl; ' . -ii. i iii- i in Ill a v.,k .f:er l.iTiir- li-'iue. In .. llerlin. -.: I u l.. V. 1 1.1.1 M UKVII V 1'. a rr. I ,it 1 v.-:n In:-. .''I. I I' ia tfUiwrn and satistautial tri- n :s (I I oitvi s. uin sry. piyzm A i a ineclin'of the Excels ii rLiterarv ts.eit'.y of l.'nion Seminary, held Keli. 221, is'i'.i, the following preamlde and resolutions were unanimously adopted: nil. r.-H-. I'.-of.e.n.-r in l.ia n't wiiii ili..,rii.Kt!.in Ima r.m .s. -l loin our iiM-t. Hi WiLMAH llrmiM.i. n mn. h ,,v. i.nurlel II' Tiir:iry lueullr-r ef cur tcei.Jy ; l' ij.lv." I. Tl.r.t v-r -t-.:v ao.l .in.rrty r.Krl tli.- lor. ,.r... ., ,,4 ,,1,1 ntid aarm i.art.d tri 'nil, anQ al to ir.i.frr i.ur .ii-.rr, aol lr.rlf. II sympathlr. ti, hw f.mii'i -iiitLvirrtis,, h-rinK who h4iti.ro m. , l-.ii ti h- a I the wi-l..w.nn. a frtfii.l tntbe FitUur- . le-. will s.-.-i -rl tlioin in in.-ir ifi-i.R,rn,.n,. I itf li. -i.T'! it i.t itiiarturmaniiminf i)iino PmT-1 irti nrr. i.iiTi' tr.-n .lr,Tir.l "I DH ie III I. -"O wra. .. - I. . nl nri,ill.-HTii,iin.l(ii.,.raiiil wu. -n riar .....j w "lte.lvM. st t a rVaVty attrM tria foBrrid. . . . 1 . C . u aa..a Itia .a 1 1 1 rmiiCt flf nitt;i,(ll, thirty tv, and urn th K,.mrr .hrona ilui .urnin; t- hum: in the lull. J'STiS. SJZ7 , ..tli.,ji,t th. icn2.1irl Mraseugw, Luur lhrr.,, - ,9 .'B , c 'uT-" luamitn. w jt .-. Dr. WITMOR, of Lancaster City, lit hratth. ItlVIKHK Hlt'sK. l.i.hurir.Tilrll.laTill j tu Thorlaj,8lh In luth Krhruarjr, lHM. !. cnmilt wltli I pati-nts lirr orctiarttr and r urresilfiilly trMt alt di-tfns-a j ol tlic Itiimao loty. PriTatr parlori for ladies. .S. Ilia rrgular card no our ia-t .a(. I TAKE NOTICE. rpHE partnership heretofore existing bc- tween T. Church, L. M'Michael & Levi Huoke, is this day dissolved by mutual con-: sent. J i;hi Kt;il, I.OTT M'MICHAEL, LEVI ROOKE !"7The Dooks and accounts will be settled up by Thus. Church & Loll M'Michael, and tneousiness nereaner carriea on ny I ni'is. v. ii lie ii. Feb. IS, 1859 LCT I' M'MICHAEL. j ! .iiirvrlniurwiaLrii i i .....! . I ! k?BrwS' "n1" AUUIIIIIUI . . t.l.IOIICiiov.'r having been appointed le Auctioneer lor Lewisburg, is prepared lo ! attend lo all calls in his hue iu town and country. ; Commission SaleS. j i ,ii .. I imrml in nnen en Market centage for ,he ,anie ; Feb. St, 1 859 F A DO.NEHOWER j vti'irri . .... r, . ..., Til I ..T..,-.1 at I'll i tr It- 91 Ihr- ! T be oflered at rumic sale, a int. Tnird s-iab. ZZIZ Marctl ! uf "We personal property, ! Comprising -ej.. 2 Horses, 2 lior?c Carriasc, 2 -ItorsC Wtlgon,lll'Cy,sin- I r-r'f it'" ana liuijie iiarnws, a ' mMjSBm ItlCKOli tlUCr 1 TL'jS. tt C. !.' V1."5U 1 IiJUSUlHIHI tv lIH Hill 1 uuinuiy, consisting of Mahogany and Cherry tables,. Washsiands, Bureaus, cane seated andry common nairs.cuuase ami uoiiiinon ucu-.; t i steutN. atvl Ue'l.linir. 8ofu and Loun''e., ..... i , Coik Smves, ijueeuware. Carpels, CaiineJ Truils, Ac. Xkmh Car-h for sales of and under; over six mmth. nine by giving iuies wnh approver! stcuruy. March S, h-Vj JOHN LOCK K t O TATi:Mt:.Tofihe,c-aljursIt;iiik ! . as required by Uie eci-n l eciii'ii ol ihe Act oj ihe tie ii era I Assembly of this Ccinniou. weaiti, approved ihe 1-iih Oct. A D. l&'o'i pt-t.-ip in ll.nk anil "ifr;i tuuUr iu I'bi!vJ. 5"y.T; .-4 I'Uf tii-iii i. ll.fr Hunk- , ( r t i-. ;i 4u I li- kn nikI ik.Ii -i ui' otlitr Unk, 1-1 H UlxJl-UUlr-'l l.ialiiti'. Cirrntt..n Un. u i.tli..r ttatika lii..-,.unt, l;ai:liii4 anj Intrrrst $121.1. l in In l -7 : -1 I IT-'. 1J 41 j so !s , J. s U iVrtonallv apparr i ht ftre me, Anlrew Kenneiiv, F. W. Iil!nck, i'a-hier l ihe almve uameil JianW, who hem? duly a.liriiieil acctirtltn,; to law, ay the almve is curreri to the best ot his knuwleife. Murcti -, ls.' F. V. FOLLUCK, loftier. A. Kr.xsii. Afrt y i'uhlic A CARD. TjMIE suhscriher, desiring lo reduce his stock as inueh as poasikle before makini; his Spring purchases, is selling i,..A-5 al frnin -0 to 30 per cent, less tli.in irgular cat- good Cap, IJatft and ivne paper, Irom 1-3 io 20 efgt ptrqutrri Enrtlnpta frttm 4 to 15 .. prr pack - lilauk Deeds and Uonilsj a larue aiortm?iit of fSuiitlav School bo -lc and Ke- '.,mmnt. (..hn.l anrl f. T.r , it- i As oor siock is bought a; ihe lowest vhule- sale prices, and not received on rum mission from jobbing houses, we believe we can and do sell cheaper ihan can be had anywhere else in ihe country. We invite all who wish anything iu our line lo rail ani pe. WILLIAM ML'KKAV. Lewisburg, Feb. 21, 1H59. T A HAKRA1N! subscriber has on hnnd for - Uussics. lnch he oiler at a bargain for Cash"or will Exchange r g""" MUKSIi. I all soon or v,, II11SS It. B. f. HI RSH, nil .t tturah A IliKsltnan'a rti.ri-, or if absent, inquire of W. H. Kilter, at Wm. Brown, Jr.'s store. Lewisburg, Feb. 15 Positively Last OTICE. All personsknowing themselves j lo be indebted to HENRY HOLT'. of West Biiflaloe Tp. Cnion Co. are requested to : call on the subscriber snd matte payment on or before f(?-the first day of March.j or the accounta will be not mu. the band ol an ; attorney lor collection lorthwith i ami all per- sons having claims aftainsl the said Henry i Homa are reunesied lo present the same to ! the subscriber al his residence in Wesl Buf- i laloe I'p. DAVID 511 AFtR.Ass,?nee , Feb. II. 1S50 pd3w of Henry Houtz Public Vendue ! i "ITT" ILL be sold at auction, at the house of the subscriber, in East llull'aloe Tp, on TI'KSIIAV Ihe Mih dav ot March, when the following propertv will be made known. to wit : o Horses antt horse-cears. 1 hreedmjr mare. 1 yearlins colt, several milk cows, a let of youn;; cattle. 9 shoats, I narrow and 1 new broad wheeled waon, wasnn-bed, 2 sets hay-ladders, I sled, steiph, Kenper. 2rain-dnll, u.. - I "11 .. I , i . I i .... 1 1 Corn cutler. Hav forks, wilh mpes and pul- leys, 1'loughs, Harrows. Cnltivalnrs, and ma- n7 niher larminc utensils, besi-.les a full set oi' Blacksmith tools, also. I coal stove. Bed steads, chairs, dinner bell, and a variety of household anil kitchen fnrnitnre t-jo numerous here to insert. si lie lo commence at 10 o'clock A.M..when due attendance wilt be given end terms of sale made known hy CVKLtS EltOWX Kast Bulfaloe, Feb 12 l.'it. Administrator's Notice, Wr.JTKKAM, I.eKpfs of A.Iininisir.Tfinn lo lheestaieor(;Kt::;K MILtKK.Iatt?or liti.I'riloe Tf,liinnerly of New Df rlin.ttc ct-asfd, havt? bcn crantr, to (Tu !tnbsi'Tibrrv by the Reamer t Recorder -i ("nu-n counlr, all pfr- c..i irirlhlffl tn Lki .) i. ft if rrmts;ttff In make immeJiate payincnt, anif ihosi? hurin '. claims against the same will prrr-ei.! them duly aathenticated fcr s.tleiBent-ai Jacob, Ditnkle's in llull'aloe Tp to b. S. 1959. HEMHY Mlf.IiER, Adm r j lminlstrlf Ar'd Tflt(SB - TfilEHKAS. Letter nf Adtrtie'strati'ifi y to the estatt! of JAMKS Wll.SO.tj, I r deceased, late of Han!eton( in Union ctntnty have been granted to the subscriber, i bv Ihe Register of sali cdunty, irt due torin all personsindebttM to said estate are reunest- ed to mak payment, tni thosC hnvingelaims against me same win present mtm suiy aailtenticared for stHemn, to ' ) T. WilPON, A-:miii.?;ra'cr ! iianlr-rn. fre I, t'sf f I FARMER - MARCH. 4, 1850-Spring Styles. Just received at G1ES0.N S HA I Manufactory. Call and are them. r-Ipht-r's Line, U.K. I'rclgUt cars '"i i ftU t Jinro- Ar TJ.:'iit.i!r.li!o onil I IIU ijltirir ! jr- JUlldUlipm -v.i...,, '1 he subscriber is running a line of freiphl cars lo and from Philadelphia without re-akip- mmt. and hopes to establish a ftood business hi nrninni itriiveries at reasonable raies. Wrrehuuse in Philad. wiib Freed Ward dt. 1 Pr.rH Nil Market street, where goods &c. lor ; rwisoure ad intermediate points shuuld be i e(-, THOMAS t'EII'HEK, Harnsburg mfipd Feb. 2, 11-59 NEW GOODS ! fpjif; ,ubSCnbers have just received from Philadelphia and Baltimore, a Urge lot u, GKOCEU1LS, which will be sold at low rB1. j Choice Rto and Java Coffee, New Orleans. Cuba and Kenned Sugars. i Ilesl Refined hy run. S M.dasses' -Als. fine selection of PRINTS. DRESS (iOOUS. Bleached and Brown MKsLINS. c. &c. ItTViU and see our Ooods anil friees. BEAVER, KHEMER & M'CLL'KU. Feb. I, IS5J. i LADIES' FURS - t r i . rv it ilt f A, XI yW ClObHIC OUl rtl . AfZ.Z of r Jr'IT ; CII.80.V8 Hal Manufaciory, l.ew.sbu.jj ! : , : Q Al T...C A I T o,.LT!! We are clearing oul the last of. 1000 Sicks at lororouna Alum. i -A lieuuiiiiuu iiirt-.v ... ' LEAVER, KKEMER &. M'CLLRE Ipuri-iuir J'ln IS59 i 'fllOS. CS. CIRICR ' HAS just received a splendid assortment of the very best, cheapest and mosi lisliiouable JeCll V in the market. His. Slock comprises Ureast Pins, lli:iin, l.ur Itinei. I'inui-i- liiiiKK, lis :m l it is). U--ir fluiioitH, M lls, which will le s.d.I eitreuiely low lor C'4.b. lie respeciiuily asUs the patronage ol ail his old cu.-loimr-; and hImi invites l.ew oues to give l.::n a call telore uijlilns liieir pur cbnses. t all at the sign id Ihe Ui Watch, .tl.irket streel, ea-1 ol Second. Uec. -I, ii LATEST AKlilVAL! HURSH & GOODMAN AVK iut received their in;er Stock, II mwA to ihe iauu an l tnuei. Their iiut.ii Ct'iujiri-es I'loihs, CassiiiuTCS and Satlnetts in great vjrie'.y, l.ndtts" lliess (iood., Merin i.es.Cutniics nn.l P., ruire'tioes all shades and qualities, allUVel I'l.uds. Il.il alete. alei. ciiu s, C. reassign P. aids. Sennet and Ui.icii Plants lor eliildien. fancy and p:ain L"e luii.s, Plinls i.f all descriptions a:id j iiees, MlJlll Is Long Hroehtc. Siik and Wool, Square, Four Paced, Scarlet centers, Stella, Maiitinc its, lia) state Long, Square, Ladies' .Mantle Mian is t;ray ami barred, Cheneile Seatf-, liloves, Hosiery, Collars, sleeves, lidhK, Laces. Uibbotis, Prinzes and 'rLiiuninsSj Velvet llit'bons till H-iuihs, Ac. i Matsaiid Cups, Ovcrcoitts, Gent's Long Siiawls, rn:ierliiits ctnd Drawers, t an I, u Flannels, Mustins, Linen Table Lbapi-rs, Napkins. C'rash. Linstys. all-Wool rlannels piain and lis I, and every thing iu the line of Family W ani, .. E.(HLIE. AIT, 1'IMI, PlssTKIt, MILMr. constantly on hand all of winch e oiler on reasonable terms. IM. It. We buy all kinds of OliAI.Vand store at reasonable rates. Ul'RMI i tiOOHMAX u m , N Jil h'U 4 M XIIl . i J V JJ Jfl a i J J3 41 UViJJ W'H1 Sw J. II HrO ll9 .Market M., above iourtu, l.cwisDurg. LARUE assortment of new Spring (1 , .. . i i L and Summer Ooods jum received, conais V",sl,,f ,, . . t. . ClotllS, t aSPIIIICrC?, L0atlDLr-s, fftlllgS j and Siimnu'r AVt-nr of all kinds. An assortment of URL'J'S GOODS, viz i ... . . .. 1 Calicoes, Cliallies, Lawn?, DcLaiiiest, Uaregcs, Jtro-sd Silks, (tingliaiiii, ive. Shawls, a hill aortuieiit. LINES AMI WHITE CoODS. lrii.ll Linen, IIleaLhcd and Drown JJrill- iiijfii, Slicctings, Ac. Grociries, Jlanlware, Cedarware, Quceiia'niid Glassware, Fish, Suit aim 1 uisier. Call and examine for yourselves. Produee of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. . May 7, 1S5S. 1 ' ; LUMBKU! LUMBER!! ffVHr; subscribers have for sale -r ! A 0 '"s ' auitpurcnasers) W""""J a ""- irrTM.jrSSfl WAB BO.l A WS-Panel Stnfl AmiImw Plank. c. Also a.UUU f i.m kail.b. 2( Iso tiiitiare Timber for Buildings : " " ""l . ' i. o men air micicu i" i,-. .nilliiiiii,i". ... Hartley township or delivered on Ihe Brnsh Vallrv Narrows road at the end of our Koad. I "fA Diploma tor a superior sample of Planks, and a Premium for Rails and "him- les.were awarded us al the lasi I'nion Co.Ai;. ra.r. JOHN MVALL DUO'S. Iyv73 Foresi H.ll 1' O, Lnmn Co, P. Mil nmm ai di . Just oiei!cd.oiiiO!irc the.liiviere ! ilotir-e. in Ihe Koom luiely ; oi-fiiiiifd hy A. linger. Vrl'LL anil coni'ete asMirlmrnt cf FALL & WINTER CLOTH- I IM G such as Overcoats. l).esS Ci ais. rlnsi- ness Coals, and Coats of every sivle an. pat- , tern ; End I'.inlali oiis and Vests to suit. Also, a larire variety of Under t.'loilimit, siieh as Drawers, siliirts, Ac. AUo.a fine assortment of Hots' Cli.lhins of the litest stv!. Also, Hit TS and CA '-"i e.ii:il to any -tP-red in tins cotintrr. tn tact.t havecveiy-tiiiijneeessary m the sh.ipe ol t'lotliinj. which 1 elfer at a very small advance ..r c:rar. I 1111.11' UOtlDMAX, rty't. i? ;lll amns i-i vi.inii .i',r ta.:i in ejchane f,.r floods. ! I.ewisbm . Or. i. . i n ROUND MA M S.LT J :KOt Sacks sold. "A fete n;-rc left." frree ?l.il per saek. A di'eount t--he trade. reli l C'.IA V liKKMN IIKii'S LOST--Iond-iy cventni.-, on 3.1 or 4ih streets, !,esnr, an oval ISTruSpin with a yonitar lady's ptctnre in. 'Ihe fnurer wtil he snttnhiy rewarded by leaving it at the Cimnicir Office. Keh. 17. lSbn T).tUG ' C'K. An eicellet.t Sit- ft, ver L,cv.H ii 1 1 rx inr saie at bargain mut eo. Inauireof A E. DUNORMANUlEi Lewistttrg if. FEET of I F.St'E B0AUP3. , -' .-. va 1859. a lis or Mi-iiD. .....o , . f . -airr eom:nT I ,oto a business place where a man was pirchastns B .oks, Stk.ionerv.Ac.nd taking him t. one side of the room mqu.red uh:, he rfid not buy these things from bin! The) I iuy cAr,Ver at the post oit.ce ! ! Simp'e rnnelusive reason was mm nc . ' Christiana Noll's Estate. ' -r0TICE is hereby given that L"iters of V A,mjnisIrr,iOD on the Esute of Cum - Xoii. late of Kellr township, union coumy, deceased, have been granted by the Register of l.'nion county to Ihe subscribers. All persons indebted tu said estate will make immedia.e payment; and those having claims will present them properly aulhenlicaieu lor settlement. jun. .vill. 5AMi:EI. sronS, ) istrators Kellv, Feb. II, 1831) VARIETY STORE A.NO POST OFFICII. A L ARC E supply of Buoks,Statioaen , 1Y Perfumery, Jewelry. Toys. Confection- enes, Teas. Spices, Fruit. J!?"' futures, anil a varieiy oi aiv - : saie tlieap at the . l.,.1- B: LEnlstsiKii rwsi it iili- r. r T nr- LL-ID AND PINE OIL can be ha. a. the POST OFFICE 1 MNE Uold PENS lor Ladies and fients can be had al the HOST OFFICE SEVKKAL setts of CAMEOS and other breast Pinj and Ear Rinzs can be had very cheap at the PUT OFFICE 1)L"TTEK, Eges. Lard and Poultry taken in Exchange fur (Juods at the ' POST OFFK E VFEW Boies of Haisina, Fiys. Dates and Prune Prunes lor sale at the POST OFFICE 0 liDLKS for Books or lim its of any kind protuptly attended to at the PI isT OFFICE JAUIEd can find the larcest and A-r . rt j ment of Letter and .N"..te PAPEK.Envel j i pes Ac. at the POST OFFICE jCiianM CAI1D. TERMS, CASH. A f A I! S 1 1 Lt. ia.t i.r by ( ' ROUND Alum S-.lt f r by k Cl.au. b.rl:u Brr. j M:NIE12 Stlt foraale t v tLatiilrcrlio Vrij't l.AIUV Salt fur &.;! Iv 1)L.CK Master for tale by 1 L) t liambarlia Iii Oaf Wiiirb I'la;ter fjr tale by i hni:,t.r;ia Cria I'OAL fjr falc by rACKAKLL for sul ClifcD.Wr.ia Brj bv P CutL.'.trl:u Usm'm Ci-iviut-tr lo tfo'i Chajjatn-iiia Itro't iIIAD for saie by JEK!U.'G Ut taio by i'DLit'lSU for sale by V. CbamtHirUa Crw's 1,'LOL'K for sale by i t hauibvtiii. liu't Dl t KVVHF.AT Meal for sale by 'HOP aud Jbu f-r sale ly V. CL.njr--MHii B.-o'b - ' fli:.AT and ilve f r m!- by HiUN and 0.if.- fir suit, t-y l;OrATOES fwr feale by s U(jARS a9orUd fur sale bv cbacjb.rlln Bro'l VKCTAR1XI2 fcfvrup fur ule by i l ChaoiWrlio Brt' (J UGAR Iluuse ?yrup fr Palo by : "inf nrv 2.. t l I v-- .-jiuy u c vy . tbnix .inbrlio Dro' ! l.WTRA Star Svrur for sl hv :- w . J .u cbamuriia uro' ' I olass-Xcw Orieoi..i'orio Kic, . -'i- 31uraJo, u l su,-r iluiur Molaawa. r rate ty cbambrriiu Hn i ' I 'OFFEE Java, Laguiri and Kio Coffee V ' f.r.alrl,f Chambarlln Bro'a 'lliA Iioperinl.youijgllvson and Mack ! 1- T' fcr k Oiamberl.n Pro'. I )AKLK'S Chocolato for a!e by -a CiiamtMtrllo Bro't AKKU S Cocoa U sale by RICE and Ktco Flour for snip by Lbamtwrl.il Bro's UPICES assorted for gale by CbamfcerHD Bro'a SS'4 f1. Cufed iUva 'ni lhkd lieef , 'HtfciSK, and Water Crarkertr, for sale by ' ChamWri b f i i i i.-i; , , "". " ru l " "J J Cbambrrlln Pre'. ANDLES forsalo by rbambrltn Bro's t'tlAP Il.iriti, Castile, Olive and Toilet : Soar Hit Mir by rtaa-btrUn Bro'e 1 I JJ H!KL) ArpUs, and Dried JWhrs. fnrt br tniimtierliB Ifi's ! . vo , ttamlairto Bra. ' DAISLNS .ltd Currant, lor .ale h. Ctiamlivrtia Bro. n-,.. .,,.,. . UBMCBi iuu citron tor Bale by -I i.'tuisifc.tiln Bm'. K.N Starch fur sale by J rtnuibarUaiira. I 'SSEXC'E Coffee fe Sale bv 'j CtaTe,,u. Br y. 1 AK1XG Soda f.r sain bv suDA f tj AL Soda (or talc by O CLunU-riiu liro's yi.NEGAR for sale j,y fhsmts-rttn B-.-'s fi (n.''t'o r 1 dewing ati'l Sn k i iiir i'i r:in lir. 1 1 Lsrro l..r Mir f.t t,i.5ni' Ji'.u.i;s IT Char fr'in ti ATI1T Wg.n rci.se f r ,..- b, J'.."liM)ALK Ocmcat It y, l.y -t I !,--.N tlia C.-o's , i 'A J.I'1N"!CD ri.sfrfvrmle Ly riiAO! f ha hti. B U'HITE fan I fjr mIc I; . .a.,. .... . . Aiil.L, l,,,pe and 1 v. ti,.s a.s-orti u ; i..r br iii,,i.r;u uiVj liV AII or utiir ii will t, si.'.l at vitt I, v prices for Cash, er ejclm .?ed fu.- C. ji.-.iy Produce. WANTED Y.Lea!, K tit. Corn. O . Hath. Por'r. Pir.-i:. Ilniler. I.ard. Ksiis, f !i v:r SVed, i'oiau e... Apples, Ond Fruiis, i-.. For which ws will pav Cash th- hirhitst maikei rates. V" II. CIIA Vpl Ti L .' v, 3.W.CIIAMBK lil.l.V. li. II.CIlA.MUtKLi.N. J.! KCIIREYER & E0X Hnv rrcp.'vfd iheir nev Tal! ati.l ViAtir MtM, which tUff are feirminei tn f; chrTpr Bargains ! a tt.e inter season is rfn:v ci. o,in ub-r,br o!:-.s I r w t",: r4 e ot . .Men's and B..y' BOO 3rd SJf.S at e-instX low rutn 1 JA.M1.S StOH : (joiucionweallli InssMnte Cn.,IIani.Nl'g .IHiirrlltU tf'llAL rMO.000. ,..tn- ...k,,.!,, , ..,..w,id nt fi I Inis vrell esiaMisiie'l t-'onipany, whirta ; i,ure. Buildings ar.d c r.- r property agamal , , HA,i,a?e by lif, rirnis ol miano aavi- Kat,on, transportation, A.c, on inoal lavoiable terms. j,v,.v-nW. t';'ri' iV;t'.7- j (J j .Al IjHI.IA, Agent. I.ewisburg, Fi b. 1. Isi.3 n. LATKsT AKC1VAL fronj rtnaaelphia fs;llE sul-Jcriter liasjot received at hit I Shi p in Market b'j'iare. Kl.jOO wortli ot Boots and Shoes, whih will be sohi at tfc t.illi.u.-iiif nnces for ra-h: rrt' oif e.s, rrr.d, Oenu Kip .and thick U- s. '"''.' M IM 00 w w a to 4 t' it 7 1 IKI to 2 I)' I US to 2 ." 1 (0 to 2 S" , I 25 to 1 to 1 ." 75 lo I 0 1 00 lo 1 ii . ' Boys Boots. - Ladies" H.el and Moiocco U ot , . h Ladies Slippers Women's Leather bout... kiv. l.adirs'Uuiu Sandals A Over ;hi 75 ' M.sses'leather.liid & Morocco boots ti to I 2i Muses Gum Over shoes Children's It.n.is. Shoes, A Gaiters 37 lo 1 Th- above gocds will all be warranted a represen te.i. All kinds of Men's. Boys' I.adie," Misses.' and Children's B ot', stn.es, and t.aiters a.J to order. ..t :he vrv lest maienal and work inanship. and wairanted to sive atl.sfae!lcll Ki.paiai.a pri wpl.'y attended lo. Give o a call. JAMES SCOTT. Adm!niilrators Notice. O'YU'V. ii Leifby given lhat leUfr of a-imini-rraiHtii uin tne estate c-f MfrH- AllL V V.K, ..i ;t tii tl.t? boionzh uf Lew i! i.r7, ivp. -a-'-, iirt.e k t t n ihis dav granted in l;-rr:t er bv the lir-snter of W ilU ler Ci iii.:; t i t u; ut : a i per.-ons htfvin cla;iii i u i - -. i u.:i present them at i ' li.e --i : : -r ti-t r:ileit.enl. ntl ih e t wir ;-u i r ,r aie fequ-'Sled f in I i ' i'i . kV if i tie ln'tf rt-idrrice I'f d u ' ; ;j .I.t - ' h J.ii.uary inst., anj iirriKf p. :;':!, 3s ih iur.t-r iioiiee wiTF bts jiiven. I-fAAi; II. WAG.EH Jan. 11, lvZ A-laiioiMra'.cr LUM3E3 AM COAL. '!!('lts ;:(! ::..! i t I. .esllt b.ive in ;n- r lAui-.. on South Waier ' ;U i-ol. L. u i'. i a !a: . LlMlH.il AM) CVAL i, i aMnmri.i of ;t.e, cotnprisjrl ille I.. ...W ii;; : lco.i iw tee, of ,iiv p..,e Hoards and Plank, the r.ri'l ,.; :ii. tn m :.y iwo years dryme, con sist, n j ! i.r n - ::i i.. d 1' :.i r if , inch cmnmu& B.i-ir - :i.,-ii, ! j in, h ai. i Tieh Pannel; U i-.tii'tri-.-ar, l'oo-r, Linnboards, and S-amlir... : K. ti-..' I.vh ar.d iln s'- . 10" ,i on iivi ,.f ,trv J ..,! Scantling i S ' tf s.. ,.-e.t II uil. ck Kails. .l.i;(.'A.V ( '.!.'. ,: all s.'zes, of lha very le: ai i.e'e. v, e.n.. 'I er uicaured lo suit the uich.iser. !i "Aii ii.e !...v.. amclts w i II be sold veif low for Ca-n, i d'lce Tinn',f:i r t.) shjre a Cuii. S3H . Le-.v.:.ni:'. I 1. tcliai te i lor country Pro- iriei.-.! purenaee.we hop e :n; 1 extension of tl T. .t li: 1. E.BIT. Is.-'J i:: ii.i:i.i.Y, ttKlioncer, Siii.h l, i l.v ; a-r --.sue it the public. Reui-'!ice en juh Kirili street, Levis, i buri. i'a. Iieetmber 5, IW. kvT CoaDsT Vi:V UDOLS! NEW GOODS. IhM r-cMl.y J. K J. AIXIS, embraciiit; the ostiat l.irije ae. I well seTec'te-l ass.-riineht ,.t t AI.L AM) li.TEK Goodi, at la:r niie. IVease call and etamine. Lewi.sburj.Oct. I""c lian r for a i.oml Trade. TH AVK ab.oit too :ords of HIIOD which I w.ll ira.te fr MAMT.E. I will drlive1 hulf a crd ot Wood li-r a sood two hi-rse le-ai of Manure. I'er-.nis luvmi; manure to d;spo ol f-r irood w:'l do weil to applv soou to Oct.r, WILLIAM FlilCK. WEW GOOES AT WEST HILTON I U. DYTKS5HX has just opened a J Miperior assi rtmmt Ui ... lutliinir. lint, laps, CjdtDiwirr, Ulnrrusntiiic, v.,!,rofcrit's, s ?r, risu. Ac. Ac. which be has lately rtceived from Tert and 1 hiiadelphia.K hu h he wjl! seil che aip ft Pr-Vuce. and yet chtaprr for Cash. V.'est Milton, Nov. 5, lsi.Wl pE.MOV.L.-ir. .. Mrtli rl ha M rs. Kincanl. corner of rh,i,i'.r,l : tv, i streets. t. siinares .., ih r Marc.i V: - side. Of fit K i n '..fr., foiliitig. s-olitli on Third St. I.. ,,-targ. N v i IS.-" New ;i,iin(!5! , 0!d Slain!! C.fcMlKAI. as, .t.,,eiit ol iJrjr .4luI. i .i. Wl.loV fill t 'nlltilil,Jl,ii6; Cil.l", iiot't Uiul Sn'i siti:;..l.:e f-. r the fias-.-n. IlarJ Wrirp, ;;nviis Wyre, 'iroceries. KAtT; FISH, Sic, b'I ef r lu h wih l.e a i lu at prn.es to n:t 'h ttni.s. L.Leiiii ,..ieiii i.s in..,ie I, r Ca-1 ! Ml ;m.!iT A H Al I S. Fm! l. ! I' .Vf Tii A ' Xi.tTicr:; : ; ' i'.(;i;i tilt- t i: II'-o.K!?:'?: s-.-I ck '. -I--: am l-.-.- t : -.,. I'!..,,,:,, .. .. !!-!, r,-' t:...-,-Ai-:l-i-n;l-'. nek ,-1 I.. . ,-rU 1.0, and i !l . vl. C ! liMS. iii.i.ivirre :: I..iiel.f .. Il nr,.,' .Lis. ' 1 11 nei n I '.. 1-11 .it Vi III ' I -.11 !';. :.lv pef 1' ie. 'Hut uy ." ftc'i .... I il.a i t i:i" 'i ' ' l ,r. . . f itie ce,- rfcsi...' s. Bi ali-, s r-a'e.l li Ii.,i. '. ii i I I- i !' - i-i A . f I' el.e i. i - 1.5, pa'rl.l i ' . AurPr-. in; as f-arrs. l!.-.,...r.,. .... ''' "o.::t.'.'?, t?j ;. ' .'Vinox- a r r. '.'S i - B.,r, s., , ... . , ,:,..t,ll.. v.,.,, s,i,rri:rs.. LS,.,.,,..,:,.,,,,,, 1 l-fv .-'.III -1-i. .-,.:, , i-,.r. w "EC. i:ui s-i.is i;;;; ; ; ; .ivf ati r i'ls, f sc. .. ; i ., fllr'. r-a-. -...'.' , . . j ', - . - x'V-'r. v uw.;;c.'. ;rit 31; fticrc at it - ; i1" t t;i.i a 7" -1 'x h.i V! . i l. ( ' M i r s r - a: Earc?in3...BjGii:3