Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 18, 1859, Image 1

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    If1! F
11; Jj Jli
I3r 0. X. WOKDEN & J.
An Iiidrpciitlriit raiully
Cljc fciinsbanj (Qjroaiflc, '
Inuftl FiiJtyjttt L trUhurjL'ntoil CV7V !
Tf7t V. ?I..r'11 1"r y.vir. T" t-r put IX wycv. ai"I
at tit- i-.ni- r.tlf I t ii linu-r or .-li'.i t.r i-ri.I. "1 1m-. ;
c:j iM I'Hv fr l-mr m -in Ii-. J .1- I'. r t-: ni'tilli, 1 .
f.r fislit in ntti. - !r (tt--. ii tiiit. J il.;.lir ti
c:irs. t.r t.ur 'ii- on.- j.Mf. flu iT Ini ini'if ht;
v-nr. Mii.'U X.i.'s. h -tn. r.ivm.-nt- - tun! (f
r.tvivM in i."'M. i-ta i -tm.iti. r Kmk n- ! :it tli. ir ;
Aif litv. l"t kin I l'nlu.-f r i i ill Hi'- 'iti' . j
C.VVli'-n tti.- I i x)iir -n. Lr l.i. I. :i i r '
( uti ii h r li:tvr a ruuinti '. unl it i ."1 'I'i'i.D. !
A tiVtRTlsEMi.Ni h lian i! iin Iv I'n'.li'li' I. at .' ( l r
FjiiHTf inn- wH-k. i-a -h n:ir m--i ii.-ii. ". 1 1 I r-i
Hitittl. 0 piT y:ir. lllt :i il IT'' "' '-T-. Ui t-. -
d !. ', .i it. Two t-(it,ir-i 1 -ui. 4 '". ! ivlnuii. A"-, i
ii.it uT-r oin'-I iur' !i t a limin. I" ! I- ? r .ir. i h-r J
i&h 4-f limy ( ;rr I u.n. ArjHii'i- IJlitii-i.r
Hiitllt tvjf. r I i n'-xl l;rjcr. A Iv-rt ;- tr-tit - if '
d-Momlfr.lriv tfnltnrv. tiii larir- nit. n--t hull t.il. I
Cominnnicati'ins I'-in-l mi t".n t"i:viii-r;tl mii-nt ,
n 1 ini tin(.;trn.-l lv ihf wrirt-r'- ri-!il ti:nti ;m-l ii.i.liv--.
Tlie M t KI'I ' TKI.KUlE i- l.-vil- i in tli- lfli,-..
f f MlfOri.Nf V.bj- Will- ll W.- l.lii-U lIlxTl lUli'-TtIlt ArW! .
ill a-lvanr- ! M I'htu. !- M.ui-. j
i.,-t-- w.tti i ii'ti--.- iv iitut-lo TtnTritl fr mnst 1
fe n l -.1 J(jB PKINT1N3, in-ii ut J with ,
Ii.- it ii-- Mini -t.--i-.it ii anl "ii ri' ts.'tijil'l.' t-Ttn-s.
C .'' u t it-r!i-iiii'iits to In; juia fur wm-u J
In. hii I .l'l V u Ijt-ii tl.-m.-iv I.
Wokkkx A Coiixri-irs. '
MosiY, m:h. ii,isv.
The two Faces of Democracy.
Just dow, throughout Iennsylvania,thc
leading professed Democratic papers are
j.iniiig the Hepublicans in demanding the
c.-tablishmeut of the old Whig priticiple-
a Protective Tariff sufficient for the wants
of an economical government. This is
Democracy "national" Democracy in
Pennsylvania.. The only Democratic
piper we exchange with, in New Yoitiv
fc'TATE, is the Cum in j D- ni'jcrnl. That
paper, of Jan. 19, ISiD, has the following
c iiumcnceineut of the leaJiugurtic'c under
the Editorial head :
-rmierilua tlnulMt. ani nnt .(m?rlran
aud uul 1ft Mwerulle. 1
"The theory of our RiH-eruiiient
opnied to llie whole system of a
is entirely '
'I'arirt, white the Lnlish sovernment is found
ed on a system of Protection. The crown
protects the nobles, and the nobles proi'-et the
crown, and lilt is p'rf,nmi f-r tht b'-iifjit "J t!ir
ji'npic. lii tins country, i lie people are toe
j;nvernment, the source ol power, ior llie pur-
p .se of protecting themselves ; to secure lo
each and every one equal rieJiU. This is the
foundation on which we must stand as a na
tion. U is the verv essence of our government.
A Protective tari.T creates privileged classes,
at the expense of others, ll creates an order
or class of nobilitv."
So, you see, j'ist cross tho lino of the
Ftatc, and the Tariff is denounced by the
Democrats as Kriti-b, Federal, aud every
thing bad not a bit of Americanism or
of Democracy about it ! A "national"
T.artv. Iru!v !
' J
-The same popor has a lon3 article '
iW Cuba, commencinz in just about the
fpirit which we may imagine
lilackbeard '
or Capt. Kidd exhibited, haranguing their ;
uVperato crews, as some ship hove iu '
' '
si -Ut which they intended to board, rob
and scuttle but which, also, they feared, j
might carry too many men and guns for j
them. Lie anl b'.u-tor rib and p'un- '
der was the practice of tho Duccaneers
is tho motto of the Cuba taking party :
"The fulia ;ursttin.'
It i reallv refreshing lo see the Govern- 1
. .... ... ..
the o maniiiwl vi central, i-pon me
MMua ": "" acquisition ot Cuba, i if iem-
.franc p.utv is a unit, i here mav be some
. .(., 4 .... .t I liurs wiiu t lam
'H-rem-e of opinion as to the best mode of
aiv mulishing the object, yet, that the policy
it the party will be lo obtain Cuba, there is
rii't a d 'libt. All the minor, sectional, ana
I'Tsnnal issues wilt be lost siglil of. The
!' ! IVmocratic spirit is being aroused, and
misse, are com.ng lorvvara as iney ,i.,i in
;ie camnaisn r ihe Lonr Mar. 1 ne i ijipo-
LreakmiT on and fallin- to pieces. ,
tiu- are inrline:! to po tor the ineaNurc. aud
(-..me on. boys ! our pariv is the party
f r enterprise, and progress, i he country '
mist advance. This is a great country aud
are a -reat people."
- - ' .- i
Itra If li .rr noar.1 iM.iil. l li nis.lratile? ,
Wot Improbable. ;
It is asserted that the 1 ope, and the
lonnsh ( Lurch at Home, are iu J.ivor ot
s.- it:..-r... l.. .1.. I-..:. .l
. j am s senium eum iu ' ou.ni. sj...vr,
Ki it is further said, that it is from that
-Mrfer the President was induced to renew
:ue subject of Cuba, in bis annual roes-!
?ige to Congress. It is the settled opin- , ti, and all tue otucrs, wuicu i .'6" -i)D
of the Hierarchy at Home, that, with ' our way," and which afford such a "bad
l.'uba, Mexico, and the stretch of country : example to our servants ?"
frarn Mexico to Panama all Catholic j An "inferior" man, member of a Meth
the power f the church could elect a odist church in Nashvillo, who died re
l'residcnt, fill the officers with the faithful . cently, was followed to the grave by oue
and a few Democrats, aud that the Calh; of the largest and most respectable funcr
ii'c f iii'n could Lr made the cstMUvd h processions ever seen in that city.
Chnnh'J the nation. j In New Orleans, a man was fined twen-
This is no scarecrow, but it is a fair ty five dollars for beatiug a slave man aud
illustration of the political intrigues of attempting to pass through a funeral pro
Jesuitism, from the days of its founder, cession of colored persons.
ll'n. Hu'irr, the head of (he filibuster I The first African Baptist Church of
. , , .
f .rccs who wis brought up a strict Pres. i
Wtcrian has just j ,incd the Catholics, so i cf worship, which will hold 700 persons. takes ordinary monuments of histori
f to give him greater facilities for iu- The cost is about 515,000, of which some aj trauit;on or 0f mere magnificence.
:.;unig with the Papists, li.vjhs has
tarried a Cathulio. wifj St-uator Briohl
;fInl, has also jjincd the Catholics I
duties, for political effect. j
TLe condition of unLappy Mexico-
Ja.'i, ,. ' .
"-.dvl tactions H a nlfTieoMit. ciriMiin
i-i...; . ,,. . . 6 i hat year advocated the 5. 0U compensation
t fTS T Ur Da,' BDJ i bill it. Member, of the Legislature ; and
Iri;rv"m,tt,,0B1?fffcpitl.at paper now advocates .reduction to
Ir.l, o - 'V'gr ia"'lh 1 300, as I. matter of right and of policy.
... '''jeruian Catholic hordes in .' ,
tur a orfhtt.
c"ies, acting iu coucert Willi
1 tLe i
I'it! (.1 V f 1 i. 11 ....
K:rrLeff.:i.. , , , , T . ;
Lei.,f .1 . . ... , L -
l'Sl Ie t.V,W..l Stat.s-tten I: .
a . uiu C'JUia CUU?LlLULlULia -
" 8 f-i:it.-,:a
aud establish M.'n-if
XfW Journal.
t'a the Ltwii:rri rnn;M Lt-
i?nn?as wrltl- n on i!ir Ii ttth ir MUs n. Uyrra.
Pr'-'lit.T J. .l'-:t.)' riwiM' tin 1V
tt ! :l !. fn m ti i.-ml-liM. in-.-t fiurtrn,
ll 'i-u-j-I it i- :1-I'- t!iy ; int nitty
l:. t. h tin- p.viK-!. tii;it our wt-ie dear.
V !i. n M-'lit hi- - Win tlirmif rt-fitni,
U i.i ii -t .r- r-tl' -1 " ! ir m-ii -t my,
VI,.ii tl m.t- L'.f"ut tl. ir )'M'ft frfuni!t,
Ai.'itu'i tl.y il.-t-vt fc-raf w. 'Il tray.
m-- frirli.IIvl "J H t -Uil' will r:iiw.
An I i in n- r. :.r tliv M-.il'turi-'l sti-iif,
Win i..; i-t v -'.; I rti-i.ni Iliy .raii,
An.li. a i.rhl thy u tu. n cli.-ne.
Th- fri-n U. wh 1.
mi vr-t .lid swell
i.t. r..('l.ir- nt thy n-ii. t .me,
Sh . I .1: 'Mi.TL'nnl.'ll,
Aii h:iiiJ lutur.- tim- thy wuie.
Fr tln'f. on i-a' li ri'tiiriiliic vitr,
l:.-.ufv will li.-.ivi' tiu- tmlr fi-rh;
For H"f h;ill. ihi- ilHi'mu-: t.-iir,
A11J all In r native uuiutx-rs try.
Arom-I Mn Viti'l. v"'n1 it'-m.
U t.. r--ti ti.v rl'i.'ih-h iu..tt.-oi wtrayM,
i ftni'k- lin t".- Iihh;- a m.:-iiii k'I""'u
Wl.i li sililviiit all the tli.-tittit gia-le.
If Vi rtin- r:in ti irriwii ivivlrt,
li:tt d.i.-.;. ti : itl.Tif il'-ck t li y Ivail!
Inriu-T. tli- ii. h t trifn-i--l.il tnii'v
r'liiiv th"ti liiKii . U' lilies art tltl.
tut whv ). 1 h'.I my-t ri m- Ui-nv-n
K(,ti;i mir-ii a tiui;i.-s i-i.vof olav
:.v tnj4- ih- lr.tn-1- :;1 i-l-!cii.tr irnt-o
T!ai to I- torn n awy r
p. o. src.
Obituary of an old Printer.
i r:...u.,P f.a.lu tvh.i rorptitlt died in Etlf-
j falue i.,wil,ip. a ia his 6Jih year. an.l not
' a!'mit i,as waM.iaieJ. As very many amiin"
. our rtatlcrs will remember his iniilms lace ',
i-hile v. hms a rcsi.lcnt of ew li-i"lll. 'e i
may mention ihat he wan lhe ,,rsl (,erraa'1 !
primer, an l the nrsi uuuuuinuer, in i ninn .
... . . i .i. ii-iv.-i. ;
county. He learned Ini. trade with Slr.nycth,
at lliuri-biir:;, and had among his fellow
workmen, tlie late Chief Justice of l'ennsyl-
' vania, Kliis Lewis. John Dreisbach, once a
Member of the LeiM.Htire from this county, ,
ana now lieruaps llie oi'-iei 'u."-'i '.
Kranfelical Assoeia.ion, or Aibrihl Metho-
.list., was the means of petting Mr. Miller to j
New llerini, to conduct their nilant book es-
taljihhment. Thfir printing materials had
been bought by men not printers, at a poor :
I...,.,..,:,. ,i r.1,1,.,,,,.1, . Ii,-mn UnnL- u.is
uu.iiiii, ui... ....... -
printed on writing paper, and some other t
work executed, the enterprise was not sue- i
.p.l'iil Thi materials were bollt-ht lV Mr. I
IJentzel. of Aaronsbur?. and used by him '
there. Mr. Miller then started a German pa- j
per in Xe lierlin. The Association, with '
the wise and timely aid of Mr. Miller, subsc- j
quetlty revived its paper and hook establish
: ment, which became prosperous, and enlarged
its operations, until its removal toCleaveland,
where H-nry Miller.ason of Georee.removed
with it. Anion" the numerous works execu-
ted at .New Berlin, was a German edition of!
the Hible,:l.oo0 copies, from stereotype plates.
The elder Mr. Miller spent his last days, at
case among his friends m New L'erlin and in
' Lutialt e.
Protrress of the Colored Race.
a liiMstcttiiuiuitnir) ucvcixpeuteut 01
native Alncan industry aun vou.luc.,c
. ... T i
has taken place, as will tie reaui.y per-
ceived by the following statcmeut, show-;
ing the araoutt of r"'f Cutlun from Afri' '
ca, received iu England since ISol. :
.. t.T.. t.n... I'Tfl rtn,l.
Each bag or bale weighs about 1U pounds:
1851 52
1 So t
The wholo
9 bags or bales,
87 "
7 4 M
1 1 " "
103 " "
lsia " "
of this has been collected,
all the labor performed, and the rcsponsi- j
' h? fic Th
.... ,.t n.n.l.i.imn ki.io1 nof tft ppfti '
' u. ..ouuv..Uu -
one-half penny a pound in the end, wuile
... ... , 1-,
it can be laid d wn in England at about ;
4 1-ld. a p;.und, and sells at from 7d. to ;
9d. Four Europeans have gone to Africa ';
i. : .. l
..... . .
expressly to trade iu native cotton, and j
several London houses arc about to invest ;
,i.e Ine traffic.
. , ,
J li repurtea sale ol a uaugutcr 01 i reu. i
Doujrlus iu Tennessee, is indisnanily de-
ulvyi IU l"ul 'lu-,-
Another ol me est inula isianus, uo-1
n . . Tnronem nower ii about to '
longing to a i.uropean power, is aoouv to ,
be freed from Slavery bondmen are to ;
be "let loose" as millions have been be- j
fore them. What will Buchanan and j
Douglas, the bouth and 1 acker, ueinocra-,
cy aud Itougbtaceocracy wno denounce j
u l .!, u.nl.t: f. i.t;;....
utiraiu Uu inn I'trniwu" .o. '"""'(j
in the gradual progress of Liberty-do
with this Island 7 Will they try to "an- j
ucx" the Utile tbiug, -uu J IIar. I
. ..... i. ii:A in
LoUiviilo have erected an elegant house
J.OOO remains unpaid. J-hcir pastor is
Unrv Adams, said to be a scholar, aud a
(colored) inau of considerable reputation
a8 a pulpit orator.
-'aT the
'only paper which we recollect as baying i
: " J It .- !
Uuriug uara truics is uuv uo
od fur tho "people's servants" to raise
tbeir own wages, without the advieo or ,
.'Ltactit uf tLtir masters
A Mr. Schooley, who died in England, !
Alleged Cures.
ri'AP.I.ATINA. -V iru ilU lUllliMit-a iuo j
f.illowin" in relYruLeo to the treatment
. l. i..i(..b nnrii 1 ..it
1 ,, . . 1 .i:
ca.e, out of hundred., mce ad,ptmg this
re hinco n p
drachms of the bicarbonate
reuicdv. Two drachms of the bicarbonate
of ammouia are dissolved in five ouuecs of
I and cure of .carlatimi and measlc, which , Imfian Turns may be u-efal .uch of y.ur ; ernaiont were lUinj-wgm .uu. o,s o.
I Z vr ,vo of nrvic, Mr Witt a men,. ! ars as are de.imus of obia.mn and try- ; Dollars. Then a great howl went through ITV "iirjoilYTi..- 1m.
i Z Vf the nvai foiled of Surons, ha, j n'w khld of Ct,rn l'n- srt'"n,l-1 ' the country, charging Lim with extras- VV
j Ltr of the h.pal 1. ot .rons, a The y.iow corns, as a general ...auer.siami . j hU cabinet with fraud and cor-! i y -llt , ... k, .i . u thru
rtd.;hed a I-rMct, - l-'h he , tat, p;ailleJ, raore ra.o and had wea,,,,,,,! tLwo wLo WCre f,re-
! iLut liUMlLoi.ato of aiiiinoliia, IS a Ppt'Ciuc veij i llllfllV,ral,. sraM,ns, a surer anil lirl- ' I....t ib lrtric mrnni. ...r .tuii.
! , .. . .t c i... 1 M..a!.,,. ! ;., ,.. wimp :.,rs ,),.. The Ear-1 in ibu assault, was Jam b-k,,m,n, i.,,. .! ..... lu.t.r
I 1UI lilt UlilC Ul LUlli,. . . ....... -
I.- I..,rl -.f Kivcrnniil. and Iv Yellow 'anala FlilU, the
water, aud two tablesp i'itisful of the solu- rimed in the ground, or failed to grow. Far- I SOUIlJ r.garii ior ihe reserved rights ol the
tion "iven every two, three, or four hours, ! mers would do wel! to have a supply of their ; tlates, a strict construction of the Constitu
aeeordiB" to the ur-ency of ilia symplouis. '' seed on hand, for ibis purpose alone, if they t,on, a .lemal to (Jon-ress of all powers not
T ,', . , " . . onI, ! shouldeven prefer some other varieties of corn clearly granted by that instrumenl. and a r,.
No acid drinks must to taken, but OUly I if tmnmnu m public rxiiemlilum. I hese e-
water, or toast and water. The ejstem ;3 : "r -l.cr main crop rhe grains of tb r- tJe now rPachcd lhe
, ' .. . , , . r ; ly-npeiiing Yellow Corns are very solid.hard, ,, ;,,m, J Jolhr, nrr annum, and
to be moved by a do.,e of calomel, it tie-. am, heavy as we as rlch sjllce lh(.y abt.u j ul,f s Jrrlei lu lheir aaVance by the str..i,S
a.j-.... rI'liA m..,.. i..,.t 1. tvi.ll i-nli!n. i - i . . 1 ' ..r tl. It- m.,t ..I ih iiiiniilrv. Inai' ill
. , . .. ... . . , ....
tea, but llie patient pruiecieu iroin me
. .. . , , i i.
slightest eoM or draught. Gargles should
also be employed for clearing tho throat.
The ammonia seems to counteract all the
poinon wbicU causes ScrUlina, au-J also
acts upon tue systcin ly dimmuuiDg the
frerj'iciicy, anil, at the sania time, iucrcas-
in,, ihc strcugth of the Pulse. As so many
chilJrcu die from the.e diseases in tbia
, , . . .
country, this remedy deserves a fair trial,
" J
Another Ucmcili. Dissolve ten grains
of nitrate of silver (commonly called lunar
caustic.) in one ounce of soft water rain.
or gDOW wa(trj or Jii)tillcJ watcr ja lull
, .1,.. ,,..:. i;,n nr
Uui0 DT j
other mineral substances wil. decompose ,
"' " "-"j -j-
of this Solution from oue to twelve drops,
diluted with a teaspoouful of soft water, 1
. i . i , .1...
iu a glass or teacup, jirouui iioueu tu inn,
u -atient acj tLe urgcncy 0f the !
t. i 1 1 i . i
It should never be put into a
copper-plated, or German silver spoon
the symptoms arc very urgent, End are not
alleviated in from two to six hours, repeat
tjjB Jose. It is seldom, if ever, necessary
to give more than one or two doses, and
the patient is speedily and certainly cured,
if the disease has not been previously ag
gravated by bad treatmeut. Avoid irri-
tatiug food, drinks, and medicines, and
give ouly mild diluent drinks, of which
slippery elm is the very best, being both
food aud medicine.
INevcr give cathartics, t
even the most mild, in Scarlet Fever, or in
aiiv m,t
tha toiitue is red or has.,;,.
small bright points ol aseanet color, hkc
miniature strawberries, on the poiut and
along the edges. Scarlet and Erysipcla-
t0U3 fevers are ahcuis preceded and ao-
companied by t
tongue; and by
t ... .1 "
this appearance of the
this it may bo known
when cathartics and irritants should bo
avoided, aud the nitrate of silver alouc
The Useful and the Beautiful.
The tomb of Moses is uuknown; but
the traveler slakes his thirst at tho well
of Jacob. The corecous palace of the wi.
, . wealthiest of monarehs. with the
cedar, .nd gold and ivory, and even the ,
. . i e i . ... i it j i i
great tempio 01 Jerusalem, naiiuweu iiy .
: 1(J or. of ll)u jjci,. himself, aro :
gonc . sjulomou's reservoirs areas per- i
fect as cver 0f .he arjciont architecture ;
of ,he lloI Cit not ona f , is upou '
. .
f " " -
anothcr . Lut the pool of Dothsaida com-
the pilritu'a reverence at the pros- i
a j m . e i ir.
c I
j- - .
m3UlJcriDS ut0 dust: Lat its cisterns
nrili n(in,i,tofe ,.,.,,; tn AUnno nnr !
i i
miration, j uc goiaen uouse oi ero is a
0f ruins ; but tho Aqua Clondia
. ti . r -. i- -1 .
Btlu p0Urs n, plUme us limpid stream.
The ttmj,ie 0f tuc sun ttt Tadmor in the
wijerncJ.s has fallen; but its fountain
tpark,,9 ;n jts ray3 a9 wUen thousands of
wor9UjnCrs thronired its lofty coilonadcs.
t, . .v , r ,, -. h ,h j
. . . . - ,
ate 0f jJabylon, and nothin" be left to
mark ihJ site cxwp, nioundg of tumbling 1
Lrickwork . Lut the Thames will continuo i
An , j
of art thould rise over tho ocean of time,
we may well believe that it will bo neith
er a palace nor a temple, but some vast
aqueduct or reservoir ; and if any name
should flash through the mist of autiquity,
it will be that of the man who sought the
happiness of bis fellow men, rather than
glory, and linked his memory to some
great work of national utility or benevo
lence. This is the true glory that outlives,
and shines with undyiug lustre from gen
eration to generation, imparting to works
something of its own immortality, aud
rescuing them from the ruin which over-
PitcnvsED Wood. Ou a recent trip
of tho Philadelphia from Memphis, she
ran pretty close to a wood boat, when
Capt. .Marshall eung out to tho Telvct
Lcadcd individual who bad charge ot the
f , B oy !, tuat wood been drowned r
' "
t.v.-, t.,i, t"
The boat ran along the sido of the wood
pile, aud tho Captain took a look at tho
water-soaked, "sobby" stuff, and 'rcmark
ed" to the specimen of Lehigh coal, "You
black rascal ! I thought you said that
wa5nt jrowUed wood T
"Well, massa, dat wood didn't drowu'd
ho taim .
nZlc, ead took on asupply of j
Indian Corns.
The Mlowin? brief notices of our various
YlIIow Dutton,
and the Imiiroved Km? Philip varieties ripen
quite earlv, as compared with others, and wi
, - K.pflwjw cur corn-
, are of a,i,irabte use for re-planting cur corn-
, other Md Uler n ni va.
neties have lrom any cause, wneii ...aiuro,
. . . I 1
. .... . r . .L :
rior Hour, cake, ami orean, dui in meir pram-
r i. i r i . i r,.i . , K,,
form, too hard for hor.e-teed. Ihe Old King
I'hilip.iellow lleut, ieitow uregon, i ennsi-
vania (Jolden Sioux, and Pennsylvania Large
Southern Yellow Flint corns possess similar !
qualities, but ripen somewha'l .a.er-whi.e
1 1 . ..I
t ,.nr, Si-ft . which nnpns Mill
later, u .Ar-rf corn, mnd so, from its
nip l f iiur i.iitirii need, wnicn rinens snii
easier masticability, better than any of the
above for horse-feed, when fed to horses in
their grain or unjround slaie. Jiut its late
ness of ripening and consequent exposure to
our early autumnal frosts, and liability lo
spoil in the crib, are beginning to bring it in
disrepute in the coldest spots or localities of
... ' . .11. .,.
r West Uranch region. And hence sonic
u UUI laimeis die luilllii;; iiii-i aiiiiiiivii
lliwarj5 llie tarIier amI " sulld ,,, more
ccnan Eary yeMow CanaJa Fhnlj yellow
Jjutton, ellow Ucnt, Improved Mug i'liilip.
yellow Oregon, and Large Southern Yellow
Flint corns.
n.,f m,..t ...i;,i 4n.i I..... vi.;i j.nn, nn-
ist' s0 rar as m.v experience extends, of the
l'ennsylvama White and the Kew Mexican
White Flint corns. The I'emisylvaiiia has a
medium-sized and hard grain, and ripens ear-
ly, w hile the .Mexican has a large and hard
grain, and ripens pretty lale, but both are yal-
uable for all ordinary uses. The White Tus-
carora, mine riour, anu n yanooue varieties
contain but little oil and gluten in their grains,
bul abound in starch or slarchy matter, and
so are mfl-graiiud corns, and fine for horse-;
feed ir. the.r graiu-form. The same is ronal-
ly true of the Blue or Black Mexican corns,
recently introduced into our country lrom
New Mexico. The same is also in some de- j
corn oi our souinern i5ia;es, grown to periec-
lion b, myselt last seasou. The White
so of superior excellence in its grain-form as :
food for horses, hogs and poultry. Sh ihcse j
hue corns make a Deautuui wnue nour ami ;
hue corn cakes and puauings-oui ine iiour
is not so strong, and does not remain sweet
so long as that of the Yellow corns. Ihe) TllE LsiiLISIl PtOUTE. The niulti- wl;i j,e preserved; and old ago will be
Sweet or Sugar corns, mentioned in my first . pUcity 0f proposed routes for a Kailroad ; mure frec from tuc twingc4 of rheumatisai,
communication are very fine f, roas.ins ; or j ,o the 1(aclfi may delay the construction M are ,he painful results of insuffi
boiling for table use. And there are also . , .. . .1 '
other varieties much praised for .his purpose. of "7 road UDtl1 PrlTa,e P" "J , cient shoe-leather. Men are tree to wear
but which I have not tried sufficiently to speak : growing population on the frontier , what they choose upon their feet, and now
pointedly of them, such as Ilanee's Extra
Early, Adam's Early, and the like.
And now.if any of yourreaders desire any
of the said corns for seed, they can have a
: . . F .1
small package of any two varieties of ihem
slamps in a icner anoresseu 10 uuj. t.,
i, i, ,trihnmhriinri I n.. i a. or. 11 nit v
. , ,r ,i,.,
' ;..: ,.r ...i.i
varieties of Beans among which are the As.
paragns or Yard-long, Bolman, Earlv Yellow
Six.weeks. Hungarian Tick or Golden lVd.
i ... c tt,;.nn .i ,.i ;Lt.
SO Wlall. UIIV iU Ui in aw viiij
Leafless or Soup, Mexican Frejole and Sickle
"cans, Ac., and may also have more ihau two
rii,ir tUm.if f.T comli n it m m iirr vlmne: '
to",u" "tciiu' 1 . b
:n nronortion to the seeds wanted. 1 make
iin-r for ...e sake of .honbntine choice :
. t .1 i ... n i.,.r imi I
' ' J
collect choice varieties for my own family
Be4nce Fret to Plats aa4 reunas."
Don't start and laugh, and say 'taint true.
Thai such a thing you can not do;
ll seems so strange to intermix.
And put old rules in such a fix,
r-' " K ,,,
m 0,,,s
As well as some things neam ine sun
AundTo you may
UuT doe's not lake ihe d'.stricischoul
To J()ve lhe nrnhi,m ... t- -
Thi. Farmer is the man to tell
The way to work this question well.
When winter comes lo crown the year.
With suowy flakes on meadows sere,
Many a fattened bullock dies.
To pay the farmer for his care;
The head we always keep for pies,
The hide's of course lhe tanner's share
And inany-a roast bolh rich and rare,
Has a hearty welcome at the table,
From which an epicure could make,
Of juicy ribs, or sirloin steak,
A sterling meal if he were able ;
The tallow goes, of course, to light.
And show the farmer what to write.
There's little left ihe hoots, in fine,
Are wailing lo be brought in line;
There's always four we call them Text,
M e clean ihem ofT, so nice and neat,
And in a kellU let them boil;
When done, skim oil", and you will rind
Two pounds of glue, one pint ol oil j
This gives an answer to your miud.
Reduction thus is simply dne.
By boiling. You can try the 'un'OI Ivf,R
Kockton Farm, Chester Co, 1st Mo. 8, 1S.'9.
Not an exchango we open but we see
records of tho progrees of lUm. Death
and misery in every shape, and, still un
. .
it claims, daily, new victims,
urn's hecatomb I What a fearful spec- j
. . . . ii r.n i . .;th ihnlone?" Graco was a l.ttie
columns wit!
tacle l ivecouiu un -
names of tho victims.
Men, old and
young, shun the vice of druukenness, for
vour own sake : for the sake of those
It run von Inire W ho love you. Believe
more respected, oior beloved, for th, re-,
FEU. 18, 1859.
Profession, vs. Practice.
VLrn Millard Fillinure was I'rcsidciit
. of tie L'ritcd States, the expenses of grT-
1 who wrote a letter on the tuhj'-ct, dated j
' Wheatland, Feb. ti3, 1851. Here is an
extract, whieh fchows how eluouently a .
.... , f,rmr r,n ,,lad I
j j Laucaster cuuntv farmor can plead
; P
I for economy :
::i.. i.,nn,r. ,
: it. Mr f . r,m ufon. Ttarh une humlrul
j - j - - . - -
mi I on. The appropriation ol money to ae -
n,,, a MmUnri
by ,tje (:,,, ..uht u. be on a scale
comm.n,ura,e w.ih our power and
as a nation; but lis expenditure ouhl to be
conduced under the guidance of enlightened
ff..n.,nxv ami fclrirl re-noHsillllitV. I ail! Con-
. w 1 . J . .
i . - , . . ,
j '"T'
onlv without detriment, but with poMtive ad.
vantage both lo the Government and ihe peo
ple. With sentiments of the hipheM Jrespect, I
remain your friend and fellow citizen,
Jaxes Braiiu."
I Mr. Buchanan is now President of the
. . . ...
United States, and an examination of his
accounts shows that instcaa 01 ininy
Eight Millions, it requires Ninety Mil-
( Hons per anDumjWliicn Le has lately asked
' to inerosKA In (iue lliinil rril ant I Ttccntii-
Fhe million of dollars! The expense of
iillinore s administration was made up 01
claims growing out of the Mexican war
but, in a time of profound peace, this ex
pense is increased to an enormous sum.
Tho exhibition of such extravagance, can
i not faj to startle the prudent and ecou-
j oulicaj por,iJa f tu0 people nor can it
. , -. a i
, fail either to have its influence on busiuess.
: Need wo wonder that the treasury isdraiu-
. " ""8 ruull crcult "waning
under such an administration ? Where it
will end, is more than human foresight
! cau predict : and what will be its influ-1
tb f . ut cxuibit. In the
midst of this extravagance, too, we have
the specious cry of retrenchment by in-
i '
- .. . j.. . o ii..
creasiuj me raies oy jxitwye. uraiy ua
taxation will
be necessary, unless Cou-1
J 1
gress ehould be imbued with the necessity
of j.jrhing the extravagance of the execu
tiT(J anJ bis clbinet officers 1
; take hold ol the inatler, and under some
guarantee of transportation from the gov-
, eminent push a road through. In Texas,
' r,r :,,ct has been started for a road from
, . k i : ,r t Sta! turUUl,h
' 19 l
is about ilIU miles, tut ouly IM ot it is
1 in Ttib. while SSO is in Mexic. It is
advocated as beiug the best, cheapest and
shortest route. As to the line through
I ,u uritisb territor, the f0llowiDg is the
, 7
, ieD th
iiaiwax w wu-ure
is- -i . . A l
Ouebec Iu Montreal (Uraud J ruuk;
Montreal to Oitowa
Ottowa to Pembroke
iVmhn.L-p tit ifirian Hair
(ieor. Bay to Pigeon Kiver.Lske Superior fI O
Lake Superior to the 1'acihc
Sharp. Some time ago, a firm of dis
tillers, in Pittsburg, sent the President of
the United States a small cask of their
best "rye ;" and in the gratefulness of bis
a ,
I .1.. iri..i,lni,i .i.lnpn.il Ih.nL. ..v.
1 i j
ing among other things, "Jour rye irAu-
key exeelt in mildneu "nJJt,j!ilr2CJW
ment was
precisely what tho aforesaid dis-
tillers were fishing for, and they forth
with headed their liquor advertisemcnls
in the public journals with the certificate
of tho President of tho United States !
The result is, that the "J. B. Brand," as
it is called, has become popular, and the
cunning distillers are filling their pockets !
This is almost as a great mishap for J. H.
as his Duquesne letter. Lut great men
r. .
have their weak points. ucrniemroicu
Anecdote of Daniel Eitm.R.
The Boston (Mass ) Courier, says Mr. I j;aa nominated a full ticket of officers ;
Webster married the woman be loved, and elected by Ihe Legislature, and the Le
.u. .l.;M. h lived with her1 coumioii members all voted for aud elected
biought him to the meridian of his great-1
o ...
An anecdote is current on this sub
ject, which is not recorded in tho books.
Mr. Webster was nocommg luiuusta wnu
Miss Grace Fletcher, when the Bkeiu of
silk getting in a knot, Mr. Webster assis
ted in unraveling the snarl then looking
I .. i- . n-.,.., 1, -;,l. 'W have uu-
up to u..v., - 7
we could tie
i courso of a
.. , ... : ,e .a
; saiu uu , ,
fc,MUM ""-r-
tape and handed it to Mr. W ebster. Thi.
niece of tape, the thread of his domestic
- I ' -
I jov. was found, alter ine ueatu ut tut,
' 3 t t i.;. -..(
At prr
Simnktn 9AjfT ba titorI us with !pIi-nHi "Fr-ik."
TU furlh Atlmntik T-lrgraf with r"" tibial ;
of th Amvrikiu tuittrJ."
ii. i uijmif.r iu Jim.. -
Kiult all wiich!
I'nfortunit wirr!
ll tix-k heap of r t. iuke j;,
I'.'lUtll' it im ll.ltti rr-nti-
I- O.iuk i: wt.uiJ a ini't if
iui.t hadn't a (Jn-it nm in tl- 1-riu
A wm:intt f ks Jr p tai-i-) kak-d
Into Ift lat ' t--iv uj. "11 'h;.:
V.u n-"in't )m at. nr-l n.i--lj
Kid k t- h " yon li.y ),..
W.knIh i tf n.lLr be ui-l mto-r.t
At.-I j im'h-iii Ih- - krts yt 1-u.h (.hj
An hmtgot nary r.
;rat- ftricz! Ll- I"w. k'i- -Inrk T
You rv th- emu rt-wi I 1 trtf-i"
1 hi- nirine "f a zr a-(ui.iii' I.. r
Km ):cl JmLu Hull at;l hr.i h'-r Jonthna
tehfeii I it the pHttQ tf uitLtiuutai JH-V.X.
RlCH The Daytun (Ohio) Empire re-
. ,t . i,,,!
, ' cto.jr ""o '""Ji "
; . . . , ,
, been Kce.v,i.S tie ad,W.e. of a rah far
I mer's son, Dear Iajtoo. Ihe "rarieut
I waB oppo.cd to the match, and, after the
"eddiiig was come, and the guest, a-u,
) I.ItH? T.r. r:ii!i..l nit 1.14 K.tn tn tlliatk OUt.
! I l" 7
acre., of pine timber and coal
to wid.ler M I
you km marra your puny dater to sum of
lhe fellers as is allers runniu alter her my
john hes concluded lo hall ul he wool be thar
so go on with your rai kiilen,
no more lurcver John S sen
Another lover, who was preseut, off. red
to take John's place ; and the lady, with
great promptness and propriety, cun.cut
'i.i- -it 11
d. A l.eense was ,ra.ckly proored, and
the suddenly accepted, stood up, and were
Hestoration of AMrtiAiri. Finger.
ouie weeks a
i. W. M'Cully, of
Ueccaria township, Clearfield c uuty, cut
one of his fingers iff with an axe, and af-
tor going to the bouse, returned to the
wood-yard, where the accident happened,
picked up the part of the finger which had
been cut off, and after cleauiug off ihe dirt i
which adhered to it, replaced it on the fiu
gtr, and bound it on. It is now heaiiug
rapidly. The cut-off finger having united
fir ml v, it will be almost as useful as if
j Dutljl'ug Lail 0CCurred to it. This fact
,:!,. i,. ortl, ,..,,,:,. i. ..,....
i. . t. i :.r ..... . ...
uu uiiiy a lug uitsiui luuu uiULt wuu
I similar acc;aent.
Sensible. The fashion of wearing
I K,s,'.w',,.W.,v,-'ttrrj,"-,v.,i).,,vA:.ih
13 j ;
i i ... i ... i . i. i. . I . i: -..i
conttuccs to ueaiiu auu ueaiti. x.4iiil-9 .ny
deserving of a word iu their fvor for bav-
iog determined to give up the folly of run
nius almost barefooted. Doctor's bills
that women are beginning to assume the : a v . "'S"
. ., , .T.e of bolh white and co.ored.
same privilege, they oui:ht to be tncour- ,, ,. , ,, , . ,
, .' . I The Rending A ,l!cr has entered opnn.
aged m the movement. I the six'y-,hirJ year of its existence. W
llANl'Sei.ME Present. The editor of i always look over the -luVer with satisfac
the tt CluJrr RijiuUmm has been ' tion, -ibe-it some of its Kmg German word
shown, by a lady, a hue cambric haudker i " kuocV us, oeca.sioually.
..i ; ( . ...n;..u.,.l ,a n ,.,..o 1 A,,..o, tl, ' t.ic.il item." of several
i luki n"nu -" w w-.. oviviv.u .is-asn. i
f,.,m . frien.l In ih., .vntr of the hand -
1 kerchief, was a photographic likeness of
i tu JlJl"'r- 0f cour5 cvcry time sLc
i wirt,s. ,Le "'P.
I kKh is reminded id her ab.cnt friend.'
, . . s, ... w
she is reminded of her abacnt friend.
' tllow is il when slie w,lel 1";r U0SL' )
The Stephenson County Poor House,
(111.) w ts recently burned, and a young ;
woman, Leviua Kohn, lost her life in,
the flames. She had becu looso in her A ortn, r..-q , enters mis wee upou .
practices, and it is supposed got a light, twentythird volume. The publisher wise
clandestinely, from which the tire origins- ; ly readopts the folio form,
ted. A woman iu the same room was Tha Danville Democrat enumerates 11
badly burned. Los about 53,5UO not churches in that place ; 17 public schools,
insured. j with lU'J2 pupils ; 4 private schools, with
Heavy Damages". A Mr.Timbcrman, I 104 pupils; aud U Suulay Schools, with
of Ciucinnatti, having lost some money, , H- pupi.s.
went to a fortune teller to learn who took I The Tyrone S'tr says, William Ewiog
t :. t -.: ........ .1. 1.,;... rtf .l.lj
I n. J. I V i O UOOU .UC .li.lOl v, i 1 iui-
D .
p08teri Le accused a respectable citizen
with his auj her 8ister of uaviui, u.
I proceehings against l.iin for slaudr,laying :
their damages at jU.UULJ
Two centuries ago, not one in one hun
dred wore stockings. I ifty years ago nnt
a boy in a thousand was allowed to run at
large ut night. Fifty years ago, uot one
girl in a thousand made a waiting maid of
her mother. YVouderful iuiprouuieuts
iu this wonderful age '.
It is reported that Dan Uice has offered
to contribute about SJO.OUU to the Mount
i i 1 I. L" 1 ...I
Y ernou I uud, provided tho lion j.dware.
.... ..... ... .r..vl .llh 111. I'irrili
j.tcrc.v vo..u.. ,
! f'?r S0 W
; Th Anti Lecompton Democrats of In
it by 2 to 4 majority over the Republican
The Mayor of Cinainnatti has had a ,
census of the driuking saloons taken, j
showing a total of sixteen hunurtu ana
thirty-eight. Is it a marvel that poverty
and crime there abound ?
....,,, Tl
AS .mill. ...mn.
editor of the Xational Dtntoerat, new
i paper started at CUavclaud, says bis de- j
! sign is l Pnfy the Demoe ratio party .
j Boston, Jan. 30 William Crane- j
1 nni,d. the cmiueut Astronomer and Dircc
v tlje Climbtiai,e Observatory, died
i ;il.:t.a oar. used in Boston.
. v.a ... ,
during nine hours' trip used ten cents
worth of gas, with thecal m billliutlj
lighted nf s fithr
IN 1S13....WII0LE NO.. 770.
lar. always In Adtaoce.
Ncujs Jlems from Ctljct Countifs.
Eacle Fkozk.n toihe Ice. The other
. . i..r ea.,Te -au-'ht a wi li duel!
in the river ?uUehanna, opposite Dun
cannon, carried it to a cake of ice which
had lodged on a rock, and commenced hi
j , rr- o a
I f.-ast. During the operation, it is (oppos
ed, that, being wet, his ftct and feathers,
from the iutenso cold, froze fast to the
i ice ; uniMo to extricate himself, be was
I sei-u fl i ping his wings until dark. Thero
was a dtsire to capture tLe great "Ameri
! can," lut he could not be approached on
j account of the gnat mass of floating iee
I between hint and tie shore. llarritlury
i 'ltlyrqh.
j I'o.'.ntfd At a riccnt meeting of
l'resbyttry in Mercer, it was deemed ad
visable to pass the following resolution :
yvJinl, That I'resbytery hereby ex
presses its most decided and earnest dia-
! ait rotation of Christians tabtiually as0'
-., .- , , .,.
cialinir with tipplers or fmiueutera 01
I Jb fj bouJ ,B(J
eiirUl.s,ly txhort all our member and all
otL(.r, ,J0 u,e aI1 tLtir iuCuCIll:e ,caiDlt
oiui r , 10 u. e ait tutir tuuuLittc j, .u
euch courts.
1 ., PA1 1 aha..
ewnu. .lutu'Miai, ovui iwuuwu
lands, situated in Centre and Clearfield
counties, on the Dig and Little Moshan
non, known as the "Maine Company'
Lands," for the handsome sum of Seventy
Thousand Five Hundred dollars. S. Christ
& Co. of Lint-aster cuuuty, were the por
chaer.. Messrs. . Downs and Shriner, of
, ,liven lrouht agaiost M,
, raj jQung m fuf jisturbing tba Ky
ious exercises in the M. E. Church, of
which they are preachers. Tbey wer
! fined five dollars, and costs of prosecution.
Ptrhap it is not generally known, that
: ta'.kiur' and laughing aloud, or otherwise
disturbing the minister during divine wor
ship, is a penal offence.
An association has been formed, called
the Luck Haven Patk Association, with s
capital of 51000 and not more than S2000,
fur the purpose of providing and main
taining, within a cjnTcnicnt distance of
that place, grouuds suitable fur gymnas
tics and other healthful and amusing ex
ercises and purposes, aud for agricultural,
floral aud mechanical exhibitions.
The oldest postmaster, John Bickel,
who was appointed at Joue-towo, Lebanon
County, iu 1U2, by Uideon Grander, no-
I dcr the admimstratit n of Tborais.JuhVrsoo.
I .i. . ii . . i
tue t osiuiasier olucui.
. . . ! , - .ti. i-
i Lu.umuia corrcsponueut mioruis mo
! Lancaster Esccm ef the death of a col
ored woman iu that bjrouu, Known as
Aunt Phillis, at the advanced age of one
hundred and eight years. She was tho
oldest vitiz'jn iu the place, and had a good
recollection of Washiugtou, having conver
sed with him freijucutiy. She retained
her fieultics up to her death. Her re
mains were followed to the grave, at tha
. r mi. I 1 I . . 1
1 of our exchanges we find that hundred
- c
year old article about " JL.VNIER-
gliust s'.auder there is no defence; hell
h" UJt 80 b!atk a fii;uJ' ie '
ir.. r....: I T....,.. I,.. -s.oto.t.
' ed President of the Penu'a. Agricultural
I llOU. I'a.llt IJL'll L MUJ V.t-U
.ety Its afL.rs are represented as ia
flourishing Condition.
The Lebanon Courier, published by T.
: a T-in... r..inilor n-.nr If .nr.nh r urnaiii
'i ' . ii , .. ..
. ...... ..
few weeks ago. J. 11. liutley and two
iitbar. -JtiOvir-Juoi cieva.
The Heading Adl,r denounces tha
Schwartz Democrats as " Abtrucnnigen,"
or lie bed. That i ju-t what the Torien
used to call the Whigs. The Whig "reb
els" whipped King George, and rather
guess the Democratic "rebels" will whip
Kiug James !
The Tyrone Lock Haven Kailroad
Company having procured an act of As
sembly giving them power to burrow Half
a Milliou Dollars, no anticipate the
couiploiiou of that important work by the
COIIIIUUIIOU. Ol lu.i '- j
I(s , iviD
3 1 F . .
1 ihese hard times is a marvel, ana snow
strong anl thorough men at its head.
The En.U ii Tims says that the William
Townsend, who recently flourished ber
as the "distinguished pedestrian," gener
ally conclude his feats by walking off
without liquidating many little bills. VV
em iuf-irm the ifV'ii. that he has mads
I'ottsviile uo exceptiou to bis rule.
William Bradford, tho oldest printer ia
tho Slate of New Jersey, who died in.
: TrcUtou a lew ua;.s since, .a, t,o.u .u
! camp at Valley I erge, where bis fatbrf
was serving his couuiry as a soldier, Lis
, ,;.,wi.,.- l.,r liUsbaud.
Mass. r, of the Sunbury .1,ji.-iV.iii, has
invented a new and improved Coffee poL
Me is an iuveutive geniu, iua.much as be
! has already placed moiety uudcr oonga-
tiou. for the late-uiiou ut au ex.-cllent let
cream freezer.
One wise chap in II uutingJ n remarked,
....!.! .i-ll. that "if tba
. f.,,,. ha.t,,., n little longer,
flt.,, ur, -
17'e'O, leli au imuteuso estate, w hlcU ;
.-J liE.tw.J itO -i.et. i
J-oii.iJ its K
t iift.i
M lt tvuij "thiai."