Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 11, 1859, Image 2

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ii I
if! I
Cruiislinrfi CljiiiuirliV
V Jrr ,'ttu. Tin- l.tMuu.fl Cnr"M lp,
tircut tU'-n ill anv .'W"u(wr mi Vutn r.tui.ly.
. , ... ... ,. it
f RV !om,n;ltI(in:l!; Ma. iTY, SrclMlial!
'-- ; '
TiGTICE - ( "I 'I lltnlute n f J ' 1 1., mi, u
f Court, ,tntx and nttr. A-iiVj
Vtmrt. Jetntx tuitl ut!,r:t li.iiint'' tulrr.ti-
7 f-nn paprrx fir it Cni:ttMt Lt m.nj ;dd t
f fVti-s :l r.irfr f-r n yur. A 1' I K il .;
I . - ti -tr, Clthi nf Tl'.S Comr i.-. I'l the
. r C-'t, ; at tot" . r'.'u.v. J Fiil H
1' timt'-or tu'y can wt bn re-.tS'-rtfil
an rriiv.
' .'ii m r.ur ;rrr in (.', tXfj-t iu Cuth
The cij.p .!.ilii.n to th ' Thirty Million
conupti.iu jirij 'et is u'i ft nii.tr. Tnc idia
of ivin il.n l'reiil nt the uniiiuiled
control rt ;l.nty uiiliioi.s uf in oir jut
Leiore th-j oj.-uiii of a l'r.'.-1'li niti d tain
j.aiii.i.'o.ic of ta e am ui:i prop -il ions
K-ini siaog, rs ev ti me laiuilul. .
Senator To om'.w iut. ii U eitly next
vc.k to bring f rarl a lauiir iit bi.l,auJ
ms'ain it lij a slmtll
What Iiiink hie At.t.tts? The
Washington Sl'iU rays thai lr. e trade is
at ital i in t oi i auee to the prodm-in in-It-rests
uf the out!i aod I'u-t, and that
j i. .lection i-i an oilier foi in of A bolni .nisiu,
bttd rather than be r.--p insihie f.x i:s im-j-o-itiou
liie n presi n'atives of the Slave
iejldin S;ates Would sun end. r ti.e eon
lr J tit the ti-iveruuient. The Soi'inni
Ijeiiioeraey Will l ieid nothing ill u- to the
i.ili-.-esis of their al.ies iu iV.i;.y Ivaliia.
i-'o says the .V' iu.
Ol" tho -17 (.'hapl .ius in iha ai:ny uuJ
E uy, the Kfd-cofiaii ins hare and all
tithir denoiiiiiiatiiiijs tooether ot:!y VJ.
t-enator iineUs, the Peuiocricic Sena
tor from M-uucsoi', Weil rea.a k.-J the
other day, " 1 think it is not giving too
luach to declare that this con o'ry ii i.s gtitt
faster and further in lm y; n, iu the way
1 governmental cx'rivagiiire, ilm most
other couutrii-s have done in ri 'ituritfi."
TUE rosTAC.i.: lill.L. Th.; bill iiirr-i-il'ieed
into the llou-e, a few Jays ;io, to
abolish thy liai kmj piivile-1, irojoses to
u 'iive Cuuiessno ii ef the ri.iiee, o,v
iiii; each uii in her iiU0 n r ai.uin iu s!j;i:
as an offsf', tut it rta::is the : ;vilco,. tor
liie Tresi-l. nt, c ; l'r ! i.t-, l'r -,.i u s'
wol ws, l':isniat-r Ji r.! ao-i 1). fin ie-s.
Auditor and t'hief CI rk, and fir those
imstinas'ers whe.sj aniia ii nay is less than
l-OJ. The biii also d. prives ir. w-pap. rs
eii the ( rivin jje ihey now ei j , 1 1 having
txelunes aud their Cjuhij eue'.iialijU
lr c.
Speaker Orr has stru !c i IT tie list if
thise who etTi.-iate a- eha; !,,ii.s to the
Mouse, the n tu. s if fix Ir.tistiir
J readier I liilan. ti, I 'p sb 'et ae, i'.ip
list, Kpi-C",a!, and t.i M'-iin..i.s(a and
t p.O d th- ill UliilSi I'op's!.
The hi 1 oi.uiiir o !it,-i lor riric; ' t m :i I
ci Ilexes, pa-s.-d i, re by a v ;e el -5 to
L'U' the 1 iller, all I'ein eiat-.
.Mr. l'.ir-ytli Ins resieued hi.-jsition
as .Minis'cr 'o M ii o.
In ScDat, Mr. Slide 1 d ehnd his in.
tention, if he t in l no hi ttrr. .-I' nnn-
in the Cuban luil io the rolar Aru
pnation iJiii.
" The Adininitri'i in" (whieh doe nut
now include liuelianaii, liioler, or I'eiiU
vlvatiia) Mill refus sto enact a Protective
Tariff, but talk escaping their serape by
retrenchment. The first itt in in this "le
ircocbnictil" is to give Two Hundred Mil
lion of d dials to buy a few more hundreds
t.f th iu-at.Js of s!ay s and K iniau Catho
lies in Cuba! T'.e I'.-ntisj lvat.ii dele
i;atiou and the 1! r ublicans are a unit
fir a Tar.lT. L.t:ie Lopts of a tliane.
Wilson M'O iii io Ss. of I'i: tsimr, i ap
pointed J ndoe i f the U. S. Iisinc: Court
for Western l'eno-v hania.
The New Voi k 1'm.iuj U re-pon-sible
fir the f -Ii living : A shr. 1 bu
isiness man, who tikes little interest in
p lilt ics, is n ported to have r.'inaik d rl.it
the propositi in tu l.uy Culu seemed to
biiii like an off r to fjive money we had not
p it, f r a tl.iiijj we d.du't heel, toa nation
that wouldn't se.l.
Samuel W. lil iek, i f Pittsburg, is ap
pointed tiov. rnor of Nebraska.
pour weeks i nly reuniu for Congress to
do all i's work 1
CaSfTbe latest accounts fioni Kalis is
indicate more trouble. Two bauds of
Mi.-fouri lit; flu us have aiin invaded the
Territory, "hunting old Hr own," and
Cirryinjj back some runaway slave?, and
also whites, iut.j Missouri, but losing some
lives in the attempt. The people uf Sou
thern Kansas have again called C.pt.
Motiloom. rv tu their tlef nee. au l it is
possible .bat a general rising of the people bead i ff tbeir f.llow citizen,, who seek to ; La.": be?y,r':'l STi
of Kansas tiny take place, wliieh ehall j " j ''in beavenly Luioiil' Suubury revenenee; the name if Washington can not
sweep every Kufiiin out of the Territory, i promises tbat if Miltou will baffle the an- i lhri11 tlwr slntrgish hlocd; nf X.inoleon Bn
' 1 ... ... , i ii .i i I napirte, his coniinests anil his tall, ihey are
ud repay mom cf tbeir outrages with in . uexatMuists ai Kn.s as possible, tlien.wlien , unery 1..,rallI.' B, ha:ld ,hpin , MJ.s)a.
teres'. it becomes inevitable, .Suubury will help per an l see how rapidly iheir lares brighten!
" ' " " ' 1....1... T'.:.." 'I'liev reroe- n:7 its I'i ien.llv nronii.p -ti.e
Cf. T V k TI, 1 ..l.i;n.n .
li. ..tills, X 1 '. 'J .OC ll ner.i.illl
rublisbes a letter fioru Salt Lafce.datcd the
1 J:b ult., ttatitig tl at Jud-s St. Clair aiol
l.'radbauoh will leave tlie l erritniy in the
fprinir, being eatisUed that their presence
is t etieral outers iu a i;ir.tii:--riD mc law ;
i.i mt-rt ly farcical.
The letter aids that there is no loyalty
to the government am mi; thi M innous ;
that, while to ft certain cxrciit tuey respect
tiie liv, they nei:ber rjcngu;ze nor respect
iuapint, 2nd that wither murder nor an, ;
crime uas or eai. u,- ,,uiu
- . ..
"A partiian atteuift is milting to
procure the pardon of Douevan, the road,
Iruhmin who deliberately wivlaid a Mem-
, , ... ir w :
ber for words fpoken in the House. W e
trust Gov. Packer has too much g.iod j
eose and Ermuess to interfere with the
, , , T. , !
due course of law iu tliss a case. It sueh
a ruffian is to be parJoucd, aud thus cn- ,
couraged to renew his attack, there wi.l
be do end to such occurrences and ever, ;
V ember will have to CO armed tO the
t.i. Uov. l'aeiter can do Limselt no
,.,e injur, in the minis .f sensible .
uan d, leiung me lei.ow iwr. ouoge
I'EARSO discharge,! his duty fearles.!,.
'Aero all ruSiani dea.t with lu the same
. unner at WasLiugti-o, the Uroukses,
.;,.!,, aflKeitU would bs scart. ,
lM.ntr TF U'l'KPI'Pr
1'hOJl HAlUlblitli(i.
-Iu the lliusethe 1..II 10 run the line
between Centre au J Clinton and (Vutre
and Union counties, was un uiotiuu of
Col. Vg .us-ller, auitudcd by striking out
the word " I'uion county. Icavm" the
i- . i i i in- .
'"! tubs run between Centre and Lliutou
otily (u:nl all the cost and expense, to le
b'.rii'! Iv those counties )
T...I....1 T !.. ..If,... 1..nnl.ti..sn w-i
alnnttiu as :i .tii-iiiiir I . ma Lamuiia
comity, in ti'a.-e i.f I' .rt. r, IVm. I'urter
tiv ic.-.J it UOO or :;W i!iej:al votes in
one toivi siiioj which wasthioau out and
h.- o-iih it.
In tiu case of O ivi r Kvan?. IU-tn., the
II tue dici h d that Le a lcjally elected,
au 1 he ii tains his !eat.
One more contested seat, in the II mse,
tlt', Iron I'hllad i, U a that of M'Laiu.
A hill j.-isstd House, on inotion of Mr.
V.i;oii.M-i!i r, n ijuirin c.-rtaiu assessment
ho. ks tii b.' given uji by l oiou to Suuli-r
county jIso read in piacu ";m act rela
tive to rec rds i:i I'nioii eiuntv" fbuih
f l.ie!i, tlie jc pie n! I uion c iui.ty
wouid like to know toinethiug about, be
fore tln-y are cuaekd J
l our retiti oris for, and remonstrance
aoaiit, tlie lira ! y township annexation,
Hvie resented iu the House by Mr. Me
hati y i f Lycoming.
Mr. Pillow of t'et.'ro presented the
r iiions-ritice of 11 citizji.s of Miles
township aoaiiist the Sehruyer's (Jap and
Mf .li's r ad.
l iie Sehrcyer's rt ip andM'Cill rnd
loafer has been compromised, at llarr.s
bur, bv a mutual iigreeiii' iit that seven
(oiiiiiiision. rs shall tie named, lroin Nor- '
thuuibi rland ai.d Snyder counties, w ho
shall u-i lip-in the eround and dt'eide iu
favor i f er agiiiisi llio ciustruc'.iuti of the
roid. '
Mr. Ilottcustine of N rt!i'd presented :
ei itioiis f-r tin; annexation of part uf .
i hat county to I 'ni in, under the ravisious
of the law regulating such acts.
.Mr. Wagoiiselier read in place a bill re
lating to public roads in Sey h r county.
Also one lo incotporate the L -n i.-tmrg.
Seliiisor ive and Phiiadolplii.-i .J oricti oi ,
t'ouiu:iv. Also one ti iuvistigate Ihe '
claim of tie in y I'- Kodearuicl. Also rc
p r"nl ( .in-, ti h d) the hiil lo refund t )M.
Khikt.tr and utlnrs, the sum paid by
thtm as sureties of H 'nry llo'learm -l.
Mr. M'Cliire, (.ludieiiry) rep rH-d
n j-iniht ti;e second attempt to retnavo the
tjoitin cae to N ort'n'd county Court.
(This ought, to he satisfactory.)
Oiinioas BLTer. O ir friend Massfr
of the Suilliurg Alilf.rinin reft mug to a
propose 1 ro iutling i ff of Northumberland
county by attaching the upper townships
and b r to their natural allies iu '
l-.ii .n, thirdly ulz.u l,th caunties'
: ;.y im-rvi iac;r taape
Sl'. :
"it.e pr"po-itpn is t"a fi'isurff to ente
ll.n ,,,.. f':T. i.iii.n i t , . th,t;. mi.nl "
J '
w . i.i t ...... I t. j r f
oo.r i-ei!. boring cnunty like those of a
man ( .r, p:iy, of a t-wan, whieh ia the rrc-
fut tiact Cjuto cf t!ut cmnty) extl -
principally in the "upper cud." W o ac-
eoraii.'c'!y tin!, upon inquiry, that Tory
many above Motitours riilgc men, ff'ip-'
pse-i to be setistldo, rcasooaLle, sane, and
res; otisilde ar? Mining petitions s.'-nie :
: what tjuuier july, tor that very al -surd
propoition." Ut;( or two gcnilcinen say j
. that ' everybody will sign." Others state
that some p dit ieian. uiil oppose it, and
also over jealous rivals in business?, while
otheis wi-h not to lurry in tho nutter; ;
hti; tlie j rcit mass iu Chillis-jiiaque, Turhnt,
L'' is. an i Delaware ti-wnships, ami tlie ma
1 j j r : t v in iil'in and Wtl wei sciile Imroutis, ,
u i.' uliiu.at"'v demand il ; aud wo to the pd- :
ilici uis or trade-men ("H ihey) who dare to
S'-ek lo iliu-art ihe wishes of the niaMses in :
. lliis m.iOei !
Since our last i-sn, we have cn one of
the e! :iu'iis. Ii i- trr.tfm, hot prtuird and
Miiip'v aks t!ip L- cil'Tire to stani the pen-
p'e the whui con- 'y liie privilege of voiin
i n tiie ipi-Nti.'ii ne. h r tiie pniviMons f the )a-t '
aiiieiiihnent lo ihe Constitution. This is rea
bonah e.
Wh:;t coiir-s Mr. Iluttenstein. the Member, .
who lives iu ihf upper end, will take, we are
: not a -mi red, bill he has prerued some peti
tions Ml lav r of ihe absurd proper itioti,"
and will of c 'itr e pp'Snt retmiis(rances. '
His own p..s:i;.m will not be all'ee.ted hv the
result, euher wav. as the Senatorial, Kepre- j
sentitive and Congressional districts mul
remain as are nntil the regular tune
f..r new appiinioninenis.
This is all we know about it. If our nei:h- '
, bors want any help in the re annexation" ,
ni ivement, we nf Cnion county w ill lend our
feeble aid, but so far it has been altogether
their own work.
( res Fl.-ln: - Iilstolvlm Ihr I nion."
I Since u rim j: tlie above, we are assure!
' a few nu n iti .Sunbury and .Milton have
conC"e- J a seheme I y winch they Lupa to
.'1 iii'm uissoi. e mu uiou w iio: nut .
county (bieli a former editor of tlie
Jliilnuinn called a mere "potato palc-ii,''
alid poor at tbat) entirely, aud attach it to
,,ie ..upp(.r t.0j- witi, lilt,Ja fuf the seat
i of j lstice 1 Sj the twin conspirators
have scut petiti His all over tiiu two coun
ties, to blot out old Uui jn, and make the
'l'Veclaud Coutity" wLieh Miltou Las
dreamed about tri-eumally for thirty years
tuus stt-,jcc!il,8 thc greater to the le5S- '
,WlVthirija tJ ooe.tjiti J The Aj, cf
.... i n . '
tb.sts clear enough to au, reflecting mt.id:
it is to divert attention from the fixed pur- j
pose b, a tiew and plausible project, and 1
. j i .i . t
thus dela, the act for one or more years.
The thing is so transparent, that, as we
are iuforuitJ, some iu this ciinty have '
. , . . , , . ,. , ,
signed it as a "j ike not tliiuk'.ng.that, 1
at llarrisburg, the, can not tell whother i
uamcs are signed in fun or in earnest.
Such "jjkes" might hinder the coming to i
na nf th. hat tiirnVt.. in '-., I....
Uud county townships like our own '
Ve V.He, in al. respcCs, whieh
wou;j niaKe Luton a better count, than it !
ag before Snyder was erected-make !
ours, in fact, one of the cr, richest, best i
l,ap., aud most desirable cauiitiea in all j
,Le State. We vt the "potato patch" j
I should not, eveu iu fuu, staud iu our own
I '
, t:TI.We learn by the
: ia,t y. ,, ihit petitions sue in circulation
; in the upper end of this county, in favorofat-
tachinsChillisfinaiiuc.Milion lMruu;!i.l urlmi,
. i"iav....r.i .er ....... -
ty- MCIlrprm.il move imeieMrii uiu m-
i in a(.Ci,im).i,,li,I .h-ir object, and h-n
, Shaiiiein, i'e metropolis ..f liie biiaiiii.l.in
ro.il r'-zioti. inu .-e rt nnlv become Hie coiin-
IV seal ofol.l .Wriliuuiberlaild. That's a
liicj lacl -no iinslaLe.-
IJew I-Ijv-e.'noiiU
'ii:iiitkin Journal.
The ( I rand Jmy
of I.yeoiiiiiig cou'itv (nine of them from
Wiliianisp.tr;) at list tYurt rcconitii'-iide'I
that new C unty liiil.ii'i-s be er e'ed, or
additions wide to ihe present, and repairs
m-de to the Jail Vard.
lint those people of Urn ly township
below Ulark Kan eienpri-in most ot" liie
Iliver portion of obi Washington tnwu-hip,
in U Li e Deer X'alley have prepared a peti
tion to ihe I.et;isj:iire. askii to he set b..c!.
in I'aioii county. We are intoruieil tli.it
every property hoMer atol voier iiirlu.it-j
ui'iim tie prop i-.-il i. oiinis, has sr-ne.t ex
ceptuio 7 ,ir s who were a't-eut. an-i ti strong
p.iriv-uieu uito pay about a tloilar e:ich of
taxe-. Tins ainio-i uiiariiiu'ois ilesire of a
laj'e aiol tiro.-perons n-hin. tji'-t-rves the
calm eonsiiler.itioii i f tho.-t" h.tvino the pow er
in liie ni'iUcr, as it hrni! !e-l upon reasons
wliieh cm not Le tiusiii.l, atol iheir il.-hh.
t rat., eoiielu -ion. Thev uruethat l.eu-i-lmr
is in ne eo;.vt-!::c:it lo liem, l. r coiintv pur-pos-
lhail ;l.l.uii-.)'oi t ; lor the foron r is
t-.isiiy aci-e-sil.:e, in tlielr o'.va c .nveyato-",
without ei.-l; while, l,i reach li.e I. liter in liie
same manner, tie y inust pay "l urep.ke t ills
er. s- a very hea;y niou:.lwin ai.'l tacit
p.iv III I'l-o tolls.
It vtiil to- leuicnihrre ! l.y ir.anv, that lif,ii
I'niou conntv was nraniz-il, v ;t!i the scat of
jatic at .Miilluilitit, t.'inic ltcrr 'a:!fy
'iri!raeni' m-re Itrttf..rv than I!r;n!v lnwn- i
Iiip nivtr.i was a;i;i'li'-. i. ti.i- roiiinv;
lui wljeit fur cMiniy seat wa rt'iiuii'f! over
tiir Sii.im. Km Kiti-.'-' to -i-v tM tliii, aiiJ t!i'y ;
hail iii z 1 lai ihf r uu-A i:rs a uiouiir;ii:i a!.M,
ihe pHojile nt h tie Deer Vallev aUel lo le ;
aniii ifi in Ly n'in:n conn: v. The I ejM:i- ,
lure veiy j'li'p-.Tly raiitf ! l!i -ir roiUfM. .
h"Mt vrr, li'i'iniL,' our eomitv al is
s'i l n';ir'T iliau MiiIlinlMir? wi. iln; peeple t
ci'itcerii't! a!i u le --et la u t!;i v,iv. j
t!ie Icrrii.trv t- be rf-Mni'-xvl il.'C-? not j
!,.!;e in; i u-Hijii 'iti jcrtiMU 1 Lvromitii; coun
ty, ih'-re is n e.otit.tnti;n.il inhii'.uua i'i" ,
Ck iiijiV'f I.rislat.ve ;.C(ji;.t -,-(ii.f.
J'ii" rase 'em o p.aut, an-i tlif citizen j
C"!u' i n s 1 1 uiiaii.iaouv arri i :i Ii- x i I v "N't or- ,
iiuin-tl, it i-i to le presiuiicJ tlieir rttnt re-
q-ust wiil he ra;i:etl as reailily as was i!irir
Jhrmrr request, am! I'- r the same reascii the ,
rortvi'.iif-uee aijii Mt:iiaiTi'ui .if llme Illo j
ii;t'T'!'';I. 'J'tiff sii.miti le nu proiMiin? of j
Mieh a cniiirtivt r-y ahhc'tih tii :!e-s Lv
(Miniiis would as rf.i.Sil v rct.iin ilit ituvniip,
r,u a I'iii. in rcu:l h;iv ' ret.iinp! ih" Va!- j
i'V in tunes ul.en iIk'v were of mere relative j
iii-ipt-nanee ihuti at present. j
4vifo j uUiu ti.e aliuvo in typ",we '.
ce tint Mr. lilo ni, from the coii.inittec ;
un newcouniies at..! touity s-ats, Las ro- :
prrte I as eomiiiitt''! t!ia t rp.aunfi
h:lly towtl,h;p iu jyeonii?!i; countJ.f t0
Uuj,m Clplinty." (In :
firThe Williamsport
fij' J he jlliaiiisport Ctrttr. of this.
we k opposes the IJra-Jy Io'.vuhip ;ii0Vi i
C ' IV. -.t.!., .r.krrl,. : t W-.I.In
V .t1 J """
it to he t. i.d at aucltoii. Ins M' T-tIv
repreaetiti-il as iuuffiyimt topiy his dcht.s. j
a Liil has r.a.wd the Ohio Hoao of i
Kepi . rciitatlvc, rhuug the k-al fdtc
of mtert from IU to per cent. j
Fresh Shai in Savanuah, uoJ preoo
tiois in '..ni l t. :irfl m.n. nn.-.-J :is iln'r. I
i i t j
,..,,, r. , , ... I
Or Hit Mlrai lrs i.r Knlti'prhr and .M?rri. ;
1 I
Familiarity, Ihry tMI n, is the mother of!
conteniit. Tliiiifts which we see an.l handle
every day, lose all distinctive value in our
eyes. The very air we breathe is an unrec-;
onnized Idessiug, liioui:h. if deprived of it for ;
the twenli'Mh fraction of an hour, the world
would cease to live! Li like manner we
have all of us no matter of what race or
country been so Ion? accustomed to see the
name of Tihim .s Hnioiwir at the head nf n
(-(." udctrtnemntt that we be? in lo lo-k
ui-i-n it as one of the esst-niia! c.oupouents of
a newspaper, and hardly paij.-e 10 eioin ire in
to ihe ti ue Mijnilicance ( f this universal fame.
Let nut our readers r.mey ii,;it this para
graph i- a pufall, at i!ie bolt' m of which they
wol lind a Mpuli' tor the "Cniversal reme
dies' with liie fame ot whicii Frofes-or Ilob
lowav is assoeiau'd ; it is no such thin?. We
could sav much of tii- 1'iils and Ointment;
h'it at present our deMcn is m-relv to call at
tention to the biography i t a man wh.e
achievt merits will hereafter he regarded as
tne surpas.sin wonder of the tiii.ctceutu cen
tury !
'i'here are few varieties of the human race
unrepresented in the population of this cos
mopolitan citv. Coshes from China Ma
lays lrom the Eastern Archipelago Ued-kins
from the Wct Itiaekskins from a' I parts of
Africa Whalemen from (iieenlanl and the
r- iri-ms ol ihe Arctic Fole Souili America
1! means, Ta-mninans Arab-;, Unoiotw, Ar
menians, .ew Z-at m.Jers an 1 Kailir these,
with the nullior.s lrom all parts of Europe,
mad- up the motley immigration which our !
world-embracing commerce throws daily on '
our shores. 1 hnusamls i f sneli, reihap
. ; . j
ly on its long tested tnnh; thev rei uee ami
are, perhaps, astonished to know that Ihe .
cotnifry forme. 1 the epoch of a physical re
Kent-ration, ln likewise been lefore them on
iik..-. r-Mtnl uf Hurry t t!if l;:mt of tii. ir fiiture !
ti hi ! Th'-y im lon.t-r ft I tljnt liier 'r f-'oto-;. ri; L-r
Ht.. I 'Wm, liy l fl ci.iu. It ii Jrtt. .i-, a-Uftiturfu mimI
w.-rl-l-ni irt.-l. tin f.-t:.l.ii-:.(i a ..nrn- tin: link hf-tn-M-n
all trilttt. AinJ ran g t.f ti. hin'i-iti f.oiiiiy. lns.
pI with a l.iirnin z-nl to r.-.iv.' tl . a:!lu-t-'I.
ffirn: ti"! hi tilt llit Cinn ran '. 1. t: t !',:i le tlie .il
trriiiiM j of t!ie (nrlh anl elal li-ln d in fv -ry tynt h
iik-i" j.urn . m ti,- .iiu i. n.U'.. i.t r.
fVZv. "
imi'ii noi .-toi uopxiri ar iii aif t-i r.i- m. di.-uifri, but
Administrators notice.
-.-rrHKREAs, Letters of Administration to
iheestaieol'GKOIKIE MII.LKlMateof
Buffalo? Tp.fi.nuerlyur Berlin.decese,i.
"avf been "rallied lo ihe subscriber, ly the
Ke.,s!er & Recorder of I nion county, all per-
sons indebted to said estate arc requested to
"!ake i",meii'a,e payment, and ihose having
claims ajamst the same will present them
duly antlieuticated for settlement at Jacob
l'";,le-s in Hufl'aloe Tp to
Ket'- - ls:''J- "EXliV MlU.ER.Adm'r
Administrator's Efotice.
TTTIIKIIK.S r'i I..:.; ;
. it. ine esiaie oi J..iir.s ii,n.i,
",c n?siier 01 sain county, in Cue form;
!, F.Z'T. . "'"'e "q-
- - , u , .... i.i, oiiu ii,i,-.T- lid v ni; ui.llins
asainst the same will present them da!"
auihcn,ic:i" - ' '" "ttleme nt, to
Ilanlrnin, Feb. I i' Ad"",i,lr"tor
A wan iu l.n.v ill.-, Ohio, found a
horse thief in his stable; the thief drew a
l'''"1' w'"u riscJ clul "d
killed th 'hief w"" n" blow. '
thief h.id S li'tl oil Lid person, but could
Dut to identified
I'iilo:i f outiiy Com t I'ro l;jiti:it len
llK!!tlA--5. the Hon.AU'.M S.WII.MI.V,
President Judtte h.r the '-otri Judicial
lii-trtct of reun-ylvaiita. composed ol Ihe
counties of 1111011, Miii'nn aud Mnyder. and
Tin 1.1 r I'niL and .Isn W" .Si mits rni K.-qs., Asso
e Lite Judges in l.'ui 11 enmity, have issued their
prei-ejit, hearing dale the 2-lh day of lec'r,
i -.."s. and lo me directed, for the holding of au
1 ii jiiiiins' 'liuit.t.'ourt nt Comnion l'li-ii-, 'y: r
and 'i'eruiiner. and I'eneral li'liiftcr cs-it-n-.
at LEW liil IHh f r the coiintv of I'.MH.n,
en the MXO.M) VOMIAV of Fnillil'MlY
.ciii',' the 1 :!i day) lso'J, and lo continue
one week,
.Nonce is therefore here-by piven to ihe to.r
orier. Justiecs of tlie Peace and ConMahles in
ami lor ihe county of I 'num. to appear 111 their
nun proper per-ous w.ih ile-ir receids, iinjui
sil! tns.exiltniliatituis andoiher remf nl'oranees
to do tl'.o-e thincs vvh.ch ot' their offices and 01
their tieiiall' appertain to he done ; ami all Wit
nesses and oilier persons prosecuting iu hehall
of tlie t.'oui'iit'ii'.vealtli against any person or
persons, are reipured to he then and there
attendinc, aiol not depart without leave at their
r.e.-il. J:tivrs are re.uestei! lo he punctual in
their attendance at the appointed lime agreea
ble to notice.
linen under my hp.nd and sen! at die "hrr
irt's hhee in l.ewishurs, the I Ith day of Ja
nuary, in ihe year of our Lord one thou-aml
ei-ht hundred and liflv-liilie, and the eislity-fir.-l
year of Ihe Independence of the l.'nited
States ef America. tto.l save the Common- i
wealth! JilHX rilO-stiKOVK. "sheriff
(,'i drnf tf.imrs h. T.
M::j?'u ' url'ur' Preil-aoh, D H Rishel
1., 'u h'i-iri; L K Jones, IJi i j 'au-tv. Joseph
M F.iM.n. f'inii Harsh. Iarnson i'ros
L'n-f " Heiij .hamhers, I'hilip Gross,
Fre i!; Srres
Y,f ti'ijfuh'- Kennevillc Reish. Juhu liech-
U i. Daniel Moore
w ;' Daviil HpitJer
Iir.'tfmi Win Kileit, Klias LOrwig, Juh
Jsivii John Killinan
iUijJ.il-.tS ' Ilininn-lreich
;,,;( A Jam Van linsUnk, Iaae Tver
H,rth v J.ihn R .:!il
White. 'lh.tr Davoi IJ Kaufman, Joseph Moyer
TftiV t'sr. ,Jnror.
L' trtsbtrz F S Ual.f veil. Win Canr i
Tii is lli'wnnl. Win Fnelf. Lewis lt!inrr,
T.i... l:r,tLnl. Tli.ic lliini I v.t(.r.
i.,r. ii S Kremer.J S Marsh "li II Lainl.
Chr-ht tij:noet"li!ii', A M Lawshe, Curtis
Jdm Seehoid Ir, h ht Chambers
Fre'll: Rolenth'r, tleuf;
Gross, Ueur-ej
( hunhers, F U I'otts
I.arifi Kohl Foter
Wt-yf llajf-ttuc Cieorpe Klcekner
W'tit" i-'rr- Stephi-n Flick, J.ieoh T ei'-er, A
(' K Hi Itert Dati'sinaii. .los R Km!t
r,njf-S.iiuui'l Snnioitoti, Davol Vonrnia
I'.-it li'iff.ittM I'cler Cieu, Samuel Malhers,
J.ilin Mehraek
llirtl'tim Christian Dale
i t 'n 'i.u Jt hn C'lyi-r Jr. J-vse Waller
Mi :r H' : l.'n Michael Kleckner. David Mitch-
ell, Wm lifMiner
1 .l7'7'.ir-lsaacHuMer, J W Saiu!s, Henrv
! Uar (It i, Saimi! Weith-ro-atil, lavi! FiHinan,
Jim;)T i crl, Jonn instil. i.n!c Kmcry
' J hn !-itnnr' IVt- r Ilii'-'Tir-nrh
Ismic I.isi for Aiij.rourt & Fi'b.T,lbjL j
i ( uurch Mo vs hi lonion Maver
D.ivni Fisher vs Jiitiaiiian DioliVnderfi t
u ..i. ... i
rims t 'iinrch vs same
s vs J,rrh Meixeil
Ll'iZ' ZVuZ?
j.ict. j VikXUm i:o vs J;iC(,h MerUIey
John Uolaud vs State Mutual Ins Co
J'din Lcke v Robert Hilands
I Jos F Cummin: vs Chas U Cronraih j
"'."T "i" K,"f"r M''"'y v S'vrhr-)',msj
U filer hllis vs John l.eiser anil i!c -i
, , , , ., ,
John Iti ami vs M.irlin I) liecil I
1'hilij. -rie-eholj ct al vs Havnl fpitlcr ft al
Ki-iihPii Oltlt ft al
I r r f 1. ii ... i 'i... i x.
(.vm vs Jaim,s p
iyvUvi & i;anclc vs jsaac link's Ex's gar
lavid l-:eiuii2er vs Win II .Marr
L F Alhncht vs Adam Schreck surv II Ili-h
rianeis Knek v Alexandtr Amnions
U.iii:cl Ka'iuh r vs J hn Lapp
Margaret Forler vs Aiex Cummin-rs
: DWeideusaul IrMiirk vs Churcioi Forrey
Isa;ic Brown vs John Locke
Levi Iv Shoch, dicd's admr vs J Yearcer
Samu-I Mertvs J V S.-ehdd and J Se-bt.M
L Fa'iner indorsee of J F Linn vs Levi Siernrr
samp vs "i o'.hers
Martin i lined, a minor, tVc vs C D re is. bach
Jiimes Kusscll v.s Jacob LtinUIe
Christian Barlch va Daniel Ilei.iKT
same s.sm?
John Kcssier vs (leddes. Marsh A Co
Fhilin Neehfdd vs Peter Beaver et al
Naac Walt"r Ac vs Jesse Schrevr
Tt listers M E chat MifilinbvsJ M Kleckner
Kline A Carroll vs Wm Inholf
Abram and John Aurand vs ('has F Schat3e
Mai hn ( Beed Ac vs John Koland
(ieor-je Meivet vs Leib A Leib
John Mmrr A wife same
I-a ac K Puukie vs Henry Rnhle
Daniel Kensler Jr vs Chamberlin A Stnat
Kev isamuel (5iite!iti vs Saml II t)rwi
Wm lones, Ind. Jn Locke vs Laac Walter
same vs Jn Locke, ind
Abram Wolfe vs Beaver (ied M A Co
Hi her A Musser vs corporation I'niversity
II M Whinner
Jacob KIosi
Samuel H Orwif vs Ilenrv W Crntzer
S I, Beck vs Deitnck St Shackle r
('harles Hunter vs Sainl hirk
Keish& Keish vs Peter Kish's adnrs
("has w 'rit vs Win H shriner
I'avid Tetter by his fiiiher vs Jacob Ilartman
Saml L Beck vs Charles tces
John Martv vs John Unnly
same vs 4 others j
Thns ii Orwiz; for W Orwi vs J M C Ranclc
Scots l'resbv'ii Church vs John M'Call
Nrarl liever vs Aaron Smith
Win Kaufman v I'eter Kauifuian Ailmr
M'Curdy Tate vs II S Jrcbr
James II Mason vs Sainl II Masou
t'harles .Mason vs same
Thos Kaers Admr" Ammnns & Kawn
Wm Frick & Co vs Wm Wolfe
Cyrus Katon vs S F & V S Uoenreif
Daniel liah vs Lu l.vir Sc Kanrk and Joel U
Wm VanOezer vs J II K beno!d
D.ivid Click vs Kami S lrbcr
.-The following persons have ,
X i applied to tn (Toiirt of Cnion county !
for a License to keep an inn or tavern, and
the same will be considered on .Monday, 1 llh
Fl!k"iH Keish -H est CulTalue lownshir
John Rote, Jr Hanler "
L. D. llreuer S.inlh Ward. I.ewi.bnr? '
Jan ?8
SAMT. K(ilH. Clerk
NOTICE is hereby piven to all con-
J. cerneil.lhat Ihe foUowin; named persons
have settled their accounts in the Register's
Olfice at Lewisburs. Kninn conntv, and that
the said accounts will be presented furcontlr-
mation and allowance al the Orphans' Court,
to be held at LEWISKCRU, for the cuntv r.f .
l nton, on the third rriuriyof r Ll.KL Au ;
Swanz, executors of the last will and teia-
meni 01 is.inwi lUrlman, late ol Hartley 1 p, 1
deceased. .
2 The account of James F. Linn and Levi
Sterner, executors nf the last will and testa
ment of J. Xicltultn .'.Vnwi, late ol' Lewisburv;,
d c'd.
:i Tin- final account .,f John Schrack ami
Josenh A!. ure, Atiuiini-trators ol the estate ol
J,i!s M, nir, laie ef Ki i!y Tp. dec d.
4 I lie account tifjaroh Spisclinyer.Ciiar
dian of Murjiint K. Sn.illi, one of the heirs at
law of Win. Iliinliiisdtin, dec.'il.
Ii The account of Jacob t-piseltnyer, snar
tlian "t .4.1111 M.Knauu, a minor child ol Slicia
Knea-s. ih-cea-ed.
5 'Ihe account of Samuel Z llcrs.Ciuartlian
of A.!. Ilrrs, only child ol Danml Zellers
late of I.e-.vi.si.uis, dee'd.
7 The account of J'din Kimple and Peter
Kim pie. Admiiiistraiors Jol.n Kimpl', lale ot
W't-.f liidl'aloe Tp, dee'd.
8 'I h- r.cco it.t i.f f ainnel Voder. Adm:n
i.ir.'in r of 007 Y' lhr, lale of White
Deer T;, c".h
K 'l oe account of John tJmidy. Aduuni
irr.tor id e..i': I'rict, lale of I nu ll Tp. dee'd.
to The final account of Adam D- II Kem
per, Cuardiiiii of .V'roeA X'i-lf and others
minor children of Nancy Keister, late of
U.illley 'J'p. dee'd-
l.!:oi:(.i: M;:!:P.!I.!.. r.eai-ter.
Pivisicr's D.i'.ce, I.ewishur-,', Jan. IT, I
ui:. t'.
riiliil Hoii-e at pre-ent necnp
I). 1 1. K. .lt.il'-, suu.io o
siieet. Kliquir
I.ea i-!iui--t F
Dr. WM. 11AVUS.
1 1,
is. 5 a.
"Hi; Trii'ies ,t" tin' I'liiviTsi'v at Lewis
bur wiii oli- r at I'lill.c Nale, mi
Salurcay, Kirch 26,
7i 1 oVInrk, i M-, several .lrs;r;il le IH'II.U
I.Mi LOI'-S, siiu'ite vn ix'h ami revei.tl
Mivris, near trie 1 eniTi:e iii-uiuir, m
of Lfw:s!mr. Any of ihe above l-ots can
lt pun-hasfd pieviuusly, at pnva: fr.e.
'IVrms ca-y. A. K.
11. On'I Act an. I Tr-a-'r I'nir. mt lw.
for sali;,
I im!! valuable VA ILPIMi fn
1 H.-wh r-rct)rul sTn'ct, LcwisLur, near
th-" f't.iirt II..ti-e ar.'.i Ft)iintfry. CMU'-meM it.
tlie 1 liMness part of low n,as ihev ar tw
s')uart ffi'iu A!arut street. One nr ail art
I'if-mi on rra.MinaM tt-riiis. r futthrr
r-articulars inquire of
le of Real Estate.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans
durt of X'Tihrimberland coumv, the
uuT.mned wi.l exju.se to p
hi:c saie on
i Tuksday, liie Mlt thiv of 2.1 arch
t next, on the premises, all that c rtain tract of
. , , , , , ..... i.ri , .,. dee'd.
Mtli;Ue a,.,llt m-s from Lpwibiir? and
the s!iie distance fnm M:!t:.n.adj.:inin lands
of John Iht, Tim s AMt-n, J-hn Uuekrr and
oihers, cortainii-s a'.-nt t AMKS
no re or less, about .r.' Acrs f which are
cleared and under eu'itvato n. 'I'lie improv
C7ments cuni'i of a S'-od I3nk l!tl
tJ.t-Helv ejected, a n". t r-failms Wtdl near
liie door wiih a 1'uiup in it. a BANK DAIiN
a No new, with otlier Out-huotiins a'st ft
aTD.NANT Hoi K wiih Sprin? of coo'ilxc
water near it. Ti ere is an dliCHAllIt of
h'"anii App'e 'I'te?s ,in 'he funn.
f f'.v A!s. at the same time aril yrt
cVt-V;; a p-cee of TIMIJLR LAM) siiuale
'U mi ihe norrh m 'e ( I i..!it.'u:'s rotce
'"'V:i'-hii, aitjoimne lands of
11 "v I) V Ca'il, in : L" er and i-Tin i,ctiii
taii.ir.s; .4l'rfr and ol perches.
'I he above property vill be suid topetlier
: or separately.
rviie to c..:nm?
, dav, when tei ins
M i.V!ock A M f sao
II !' nn-l Wiotw M v
Feb. 1, 1.VJ Adiudiistratoi
A Frame Iltt'HI.I.IMi ll'Oln e
I 3 Filth street, lnouire f
Lewishnrj. Jan. 7, IS.VJ i
aTWIIIinl'lllil FKAMEHtU'-A-V
SKS and Lets, each smiahle for ia.il.
two lamilies one on North Fourili street aiol
one on st.John street, for Sale. Halt of each
ci f ihe above Houses are fur Kent.
fV Also, for sale, lour B'nMiPtT l.nts on
North Fifth street. JOHN IKlLliHTON.
I.ewishuro, lap. Sil. Isf.ft. A jent
rpiIE well known TslH-I'll Slat:ilj-
I at the east eiol i f the l.ewi ! lire J i J
ltiui'-'e. in ('hilli-ri.-iqiie towii.hrp. Nerin'd
Co. It will be sold un reaseniil le o-rius.
Inquire of ll.i.IAM FIlll'K.
l.ewishnrs, lite. 17. ISoS.
jjov Salt,
f VHIi residence if the subscriber, on
j Maiket sm ei in the Ilorouth ot ? j J
Lewisbiirs;. The house is of BKICK, well
tinished in every respect.
Terms One half to be paid between this
and the first day of Apr. I next; the baiance
to he paid in two, three or live years, a may
suit the buyer. Possession siven anv time.
June U, lrS ISAAC; WALTLK. !
VRESIHF.NTE on North Thinl street.
it bein? a Half I.otof tiroun.l, wiili"' ,iii
a comfortahlp Two-Storey Unci.- House, trame
' Mahle, eooil Well uf Water. ai:J a variety of
i choice Frui".
; Iioiuireof J. B. M I.At liHLIN, Agent.
! L-.ibunc, Ivt.iU-r li is:,s. if
V' DF.SIRAIH.E IJuildill B.ol.33 feet
feet front by Hi. deep. Fnnnire of
Heaver, Kremer & M'trinre.
TIHE subscriber offers fl-r sale that larire.
I new, modern built, double brick house,
1 nearly opposite the new 1'resbyterian church, '
I adjomins the residence of Hr. Hayes. The
j house is bniil iu the best style, rat-proof, and
' well guarded aaint lire. A good Well of
Water, and Cistern of nevrr-i.iiling water.
Terms made ea,y, and will be known rn ap
plication to JONATHAN NESBIT.
Lewibburg.Aug.fi, lt'8.
t rpSIK TWO U00.12S occup:ed at pre
! f sent by Wa-hinton Hutchinson as a
! Saloon. They are suitable fur Sl I I i )1 I
For Terms apply to
Jan. 27. lfsaH,
- I
a t7.A. Half , I"" on arket l': r!"
S. Ri.ter s resilience, w.ih a S.,o,I V eil ,t U a-
" ' ",m " J'Mf: Yr' "r " ,c uu"'
ncss 5ta,u, VT residence, (or both combined.)
Also, other Lots, some with and some
without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE.
Lewisbursr, Oct. 8, 1857.
The subscriberi'lfers to sell the
!ars;e Brick Foundry at the west
NFJend nf Market street, including j
'JSaihe Warerovm. Office, and the !
.Machinery atiarhei! also a lar;e amount of
of the best locations f. ra e-od safe business
The Proprietor's time is wholly er-rossed in
nnnlhrr nin!fit'mi.i I ihii-li ic ilm rMcnn Ka
desires lo dispose of this Foundry. Fcrany I
lurilier parttcntars. address
WILLIAM FKU.'K. I.ewihnr-. '
Teb. I'luon Co.ral
Jre your ccd3, I:cr?gaCS, f-C, Re-
I desir to rail the ailentiun of the pr.p nf
Cnitn ci unlv l the imparlance l ihv sut-jrcl
inviIvetl in ihe ahovejuesti. u a sut t-t upnii
Hhubvt-ry u:ihu.iness-l;ke rartle nrs, m
some qu,n ter, aiol r ss ii.oranrr in ulhrr.s,
largely pr-va:!. I WiH pinh Iore yi-u.inas
.slit-jt form pr;.s;l le, the La' on the u!-j;:i:l,
a ii el lion otfer ii an ad !ititial iniuciiu'-i;!
in a rct!:icitni ct. the fifs i.o ai!iweti l.y law.
uAt l.'"-ntat( lils rtaj ' Vict?''.-A.
All I'.itM.'s lr,,:ii il;e Comii.t n weai.h ;
I let :s ol sh'Tiff-, cufi u-i , inar -ha'-, ;.i 1
lr;tsiiirs ; a:l ih etis ma'ie in piir-uai:rc i t
a t.'.'f i I aiiv ci-uri ; rtlf asfs e v;i! ;o'i:,'' i!.
p t i.i r i i of i.t.y Ii v.cv, m i i ; ' ii ii. ;::.y ' -it.'
nr. a in. i ii ; ; r,:'i r, a-- : .':. e, ti u -' . -r ,:n,r
(ii.iii, as ui'.l it inii'i v. itioMii ;he Vu'e ii
will. in, I.' liie iainU chaiLiI he v., lion; ail
i!r-tU of cuuii'y ei niiiir-si.il, - rs ; ail a"i:'i.-fm-i.i
ni in. r:ut: ' ai I p.mir- i a'ii.iav
auiii.'ii.). I i.t- aii-:.i.:!iii. ; .ii! r ee.p's hr
t.iti's o.i un -':(,! I hn.'! -, aiol l-r iitcot y yu.A
fur ii."ir rt ii- .itj't u ; a!! c u!i;ii'!- ct.t.crn.;: s
land, pr vi.'r.i they v iu vikii v , i. t:tJ v. Lv'.u
er liuurr seal or io I.
V'f Ti::;t- i f V.r . r: :Y r.z Pr'.tf-..
Th il ail tic- ari I em. ; cvar.iT!, wisi.-h ft. oi
and alter tii' pu: i.c;tv :i h renf, (V.inii 1-.
17i-", ha!l he ii.;id a:. I r t u. ti vi ;:n.ri t!i s
prian;:', i.f . r niM-iiiiir,;' any Liii.Is,
irir-nts ir herdi'aii,fi.!s i;i th.s prt-Virtre. r
w h' it' y the same n::iv in ai:v wav a.I c'i '.
in law rr t 'iniry, si.,:, ai kuou .i .ii' d oy ii
t l ti.e pranti.r r h;:i aine's, nr j i-ved ! ."
(ii.e i r itji-re of the snii ci il u .'H'm s
iu ii i!e- d, ai.d .-luil I- r cnnl'. d in ii.e iT
J..r reei p'jmt of ! !s m ihe c i;r.'y ub ic
MJi'h hiitd lie, icrtftui ' ix t; i ij'-'f thr
trttfiiot of Mich d(d- aiol c i eyai:e;-s ; a: d
t V ' ry - ui-h dee-l an-! r nvc a;:cc m;.de and
excoiit ar.d v.h i h .did!! prt-v. ! ai.d
riet-rdct as af rei), vhalM e tutvul-'ni t'unt-
rfult tit nnri r-iid
ittft tin ii u!.fi.r itt J itr !n:tr
j.,r r:ii.i!.U cnitf mlit.n
i L.f- sm h 'tr; ii l e
n an i rec. rdum of
rcCtT-Ifl L-!i re the pn
Hi itet-il nroJfr which such si.ht vx t.t pir
chaser c.'.ti(i;s, Ti.e Law is rlie s.ui.e wa.i
reference to lite lecurdm- ef deeds ina le out
of the Ma:e,cttiivc rn? !ai.d within i:. txi rrt
that the tune is exien u
Of li-r Ktr-rd'T:
N.i d -i 1 it n:Ti-;..e''
tiie iia:nre I inoiit: m
f.Mav I ?:',) si.ali j
convey vr pass a:.y lit
it' traiii anv es;a! ti.e
Unless SUCtl (ittd he iu
and recordeJ tv:t'nu t.
tU4t'J iere such la:
d.ift :ed f.irother dee'ls
h w e pi it ray aco-t ,
i:. the same, u !'!; ;:t
t ' otte hror.
. or tl.'k.iMi;!- deed j:i
, h reaMt r to i e ma 'v.
if f-..o 1 , r sful.eient I.,
d;. id or ii. h i itat.er.i.r
: : n ti r 1: :e r y ; i .-,
i.i.. uieded or pi. 'Vi -i
; ;;.-( i jt' r if :.(
II-, as l.oi eoi : e:. i
. A;i i:ior?:-;i--s sii.. 1
; to ti.-- '..it- ( i" re. t t i
rc ;:id to ihe tin e :
ii.akir r i r e.v cum si. eh
rz 'L'e sliali he a u n. until mi
No i
i'h in. r'tiie shall
lor leCt i !.
have been retried, or I-
Tae p'i.p(sd i:(itirt:a In I lie Fees I ihU:
InsLt-..d. ot l-'U lee-. (-ne cent 'i r ovcrv i'n
Words u r;!''" be-1 !.e o-1 "itit ;re, ::, c - .
and .f tax, .Vi re:.'-- I v. ii! char-.-e. ; pi n ev
ery pa; - r It-It for rt--r--t ; r tiie spat e i t t!,rf
in nit It f.-'tu tti:-l i ,"' r t'fs i.,'-, ore cent l. r
ever, i'n of a w.-: .s u : t i ;.f r . .
remain tiie ati;e .is iv i : v. re-'iv;i;? !:,
riht to demand ai.d aunt? li.e .'ii u.x
m var.ab!v in nd ; i,:-e.
cr.inu.i: Mi:i:!:rr.L. r. .-. - r.
R-H-or der s (itliee, Lew i-t ar. J;;;:. -i. I-."J-"
('nirpifiin! rxi:::c!rfji:::i::nl;tf,
l-d : r l!.--v.
l'r i..
ar lo.l.o:
r-. M. i.
H -
. t il- t. I tl. T i
tfiri'i'.fi- nl tl.'- r 'i.r.'i-i . ! i . er..
A 1,1 I- U A l i V k. AM- K I 1 A . . i i. .;!.. .
eLiti.k di-t'.i-'-. 'in i.t-: I.- ' ! !-
U u.ik ' l: ... 1 t
n ail 1 1 it .t;
! IM.
i.- l:;iT l' r.
Off.f. 41! r:r. . t. wi.. :. It.I;.
ti .1 en i .ll.--:f"-.
0:.il Ht II-.- 0 )i! ar:l; r-. i:r- I -m:
T!n- ..liv-r t f tl '- in Mf f: l
tri". ;n tt.al J-tipr i'i .I:nn:..i i ..i -t. r. nr. i
i'r. t' .-- u' i' i ui. : . I,:, it . t.i i I.ilu oi I.i :
Ir. I A VI.-' Ilit l:.n t I. - V.. i.t- Ml in t! .
f o i.u.if it'ioi 1 . 1 nr p -. i '- :! ir i ; . j-rtr. ;,. ,
!:.. ;:i..t I.--: -.Li-, ni . :. M. 1 ; ; . u ! . ! ..
o'i iu i tir oi'lMiiu-. Ii i i.j. t x r. u-i-d It I
II . - I. :i .- nt.it '.1 -: ! Ti 1. ...l., j , ,.,. , , .
. .: :.!.. ij i;;.:;:- I- r I ; - i. . ,t -. t . r : !. p r. I ; ,
in tiM- :mJ n liil:.- L..ii I.. i- 1-ur.liK lu
ihus nli:.t II'-.
iis:::r..: n i!.
II . : I i . Ju.-.5..:s
In s"::nusrv. 1 - .' 1 . r v '!..".".:. I'-u ;i. h. r mri' ti
1. r,
h l :o
.in. v 1
ni,; r. 1 lie i
:t i t
I i In illL.' .1
i n re.lt:
ti.u. a tl.
I - u .M."
( t- tti.
M.f i 1
i .-i H ii. :ii.a .t.:o-
r tl.- It
Mi l it ;
to r.
fit. -ir. ii.e ti r k i;if liro :
l"' umiln il Ifr i i 1.1
O-t a ;
I ti. r 1.,
; tv.
an..- m Tin. vi .
tl Un'. J.,i;M li .-t
TKSOIT i;iem.oi:.
Tliiv r;-r riiMf.i.H-.. i:
!iiiil.'it.i li-. I'.f M't.ii.i ll I :::i:
luliv tn :it. ( l y t!t- t .- t-l l'r 1'
1am H.rt..it A) ..:r..t: Ii. l;.-s
'.'t't-Jf, curi alta r 1m:il- ci.iit'f i..
i;.-.-t 'o wn, ( in
IR. Diti!-" I'fnr Mr :
;i.i:-i'tf I'lciTiit:' ns. In
i-. A., i- D'- t .t- -
!' llfUliV,- Ii tt In.
! :i i. ;:.., c.v .r
.-i.i'. rin- :
-ti rO.., Jul I-i l.
AVi't.t lot- v. :ir- ao I n ni t rnV 1 ith ati-.-n-i. rf
ttir tlimnt. nlii-1. :or n tin ii..ti;v. Lut al om. - u
1 will,! tstt. -(mi1 ti..- I :.;u ;.r.-l r-iiKt-riii num. I rry
(iiitrfyjiin-r. nrn-n:i'a:ii- i n n !i Ii -i .f Toirt- tti mi. h mi
Ale nt tl.ut I i u..i t-i-t I' :.k lt a nbi;-. r. 'i I.t- tli-if-ri-
ninti:it;. -l c-"i: i im-. rn'r.-itf.-uolir: I w-
unit r the im meal In a" m- ul -: I nr ir.t r. i,t li.-iri:ui
II- niii:c ah.rn.nl at m t. l Jii il I m'.iiii. -I to ct, tit
I'hiliidclrhu "! '"n-ii.t y-o. i. i!i rt-r'l!rt 1 .lij
i:i 1 1.- nttit'-r f ls..l . n t.u ri .Mi.nit i! '.i un- u ti'k
J. nr I'fnira!iTf ; r.ril ! llu ii.-- -l ! ur rt tt'ff 1 it. in
t i tint'u.n wtlt joir t(;r":it li. ii'i. u. 1 was t-r-'irIy
rurt-il. atiil hrtvt-r niM.m tl Ii. It i.-in-w more tliatt a
T.-sr tone ti.e cure nuc '.-rU;. I:. -f -.t tiT : ur
frit-n-1. MAUiI AKin v V. lllMloi.
e -PH. DVIS ANTI-M KuH ii'l Si'IMVI NT ar.t
TIIkiMT At'l'I.li ATI- N -I - u!il itin--ar.y tlif I. r
ativ. In cao ol Ti-iuluus t 'ln-rp kLil I itt r. i- ,o! ti.e
t'V Call en the Agents. J. UAKLK & CO.nf
Li-wil urir. ami fr-uie i renter r ii'M.iiii.-; a lurgt
ma. nf -i Mfniv in fmor -f th tinsli' irif.
J. BAKLK fi. A:!.- t- r I ui. u , ui.tjr. T.'-'y
AImir.Itf ator's otir.
NOTh'I- is IieiTttyivonJliat LeCors
of Administrato n on the Lsraie of
HEMiV lll .XMMiKlt. Iae of Hartley Tp,
l.'nion Coiintv, dee'd. have been granted to tlie
undersigned bv the Hemster of I nion county
in due I'orm o iaw ; ihereiore, all persons in
debted lo said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those havins any just
claims are also rr (jviesied to present tbein le
gally authenticated f-r so;!en.nt.
Hartley, Jan. IS, lti'J Adnumrsirator
rilAKR NOTICE! The nndersined are!
1 appointed Agents for the ra!e of
I?ooik I!!ii:tls & Wiaittotv SnsU
of ail sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. W Made by L.lSrUOCTt
Huehesville, Pa. and fur sale bv
r CALDWELL, I.ewisbnrs
LAW 0 1- l iC K l: KM 0 V ED.
' John B. Linn,
TTORXLV AT I.iV Oltce at
his House ou N. Mai Let St. bet. 1st ,v Sd
3 IstllH g, I'U.
at jo. r ijiwx'm
Hat, Cap and Cl.0TIU.C t. r:-formerly
Hpyker's. i.bur.0.-t. isa j
If A lot of FIM'.TKt'XKS lor sale at the
Bout atnl Shoe establishment t'
Jan bin S'J J MK.- SCOTT.
IVi'.ii-lia YacCeier,
TT0I!.Ni:' at Law.
11 t.f l Inn I Kl;li Co., Pa.
I v" I tll.ee tl'po-lt' Kiiue'.s Hotel
'Hie IJrtat An.lsailtir of Health
'-.,'.2 S V'i . (f"i&x
'I 'Q- ff
A I.'
1 ? r .1 : t r t r o . I; !i- n.3 ti D'i- tit
-i :l m rti-- t l.-mnirT. arri,B,
t. " ri- fi 1 i in ii. I'-1 -M.tl lift' 'J-!- Ori' u i'4ri,t.TC
..u.- I , V !. if till It . - :.l I i.AtTf Ul II lll;n- w
f. : I I.t. 'j..- r ,.; : li--' It 14 111 t N 11 1 I 1 .
- nir it t i -i ..i t- k V: ; i i f 1 1 r ..!- "11,
. . t .- t I . M M .r- '.l !i' -I 1 al'Wk:
.. i r i. ; r i.i- r. ii : inii.i, j.t.il t.,n- i y irn,.,;t1
I .: ij c .ii-t- i.i - :i- l-iu (i; i rli it il
. ti r- ...- . : -y-S-ci '-:: ti. nature ib Ur
a- n. I Vi . -L i . li . i-i iJiAU-yi.
.i.'.-. ; : - i'-.l. ; i.-I il.,- .,
ill i I r r t. : i. n al'.rr i.. j
f '-it:. . r .;(-.;,..- mf.t iKit- ir . tj ;
lit : ; , ; . t tu- ij M'jit.-oil ff1 in lL
i. i.:
i M i; .r. I n wrr AM wf.k::ss.
I - T;. . i r .t. . it ti r- i : r-t r.t-. nt..; cfo
. u i m,1 . il . r .1 - r : . t :;:.,B taf
. -1 ii1 . t. ;i ni.Oir .;. it a!::.; ,i f.nmtl9f
i i..- . i y K - i li.i .-.(!:-( ::r MI. ! :! i . : I irOicuj.
Hit I (' J t.f. .
V i ; p.; r : .n.lii'i . n rf th tit is
' t ii - v t.r. i.- -it j...L - u- i.. i .. , . .fc.. hun;ail
t!.i il.'.."' i"" I.afrum4
, : il.. u.i a;i.t. i -1 in .J- r- -., .'. . r ,... SB,j
I "ii iir" hi it (! t '. i ii ; I.U1 u vLm t-
ii i ; ...vii'tL" t .
. a i. r frst.tr rs
9..' tiTJ 1. r t ii..- i;, in ii j m ! w i- t.t tj.ii rB
!.. i ; ;ol !i,i-i,-: i t I'M .... l.;.tmr 11. t.r
ii I: j 1 .ll-f, if - .1 ii i t: t . n t r h f-T in Si I p r:r(JJ
...... r ii. : i i.-::r..t t;i Lut fciiwuyi.
I M.lft Hit 7 I i' t.
I I .- t' ';M' i ': ' i. i- t. Li i u-'y I'm to th
1 i t i.j i I i !.: rm.'ui, D'i cr; iS-
( - i'i i 1 1 ; . i .- :.'i".ita 1 i.T v, .ci tt- tu lLa ua
,i. , ' i i I.. I 1 1 . 1 1 ii Mil. -i. rlh.
I - h t r
' if n miff amid
i.t-s.- ( I r ii
1 &
: .-Ti. n
.. .' -.
i -1 i
rt r- in :.t!.:V t
W nil- . f a. fcu ,
'r t.'i . ui ; -i. irti
tu- ..l-ni. r ,i
t..k .: m:.c.e.
1.- Ii..il l- I ,:i l. y H(a
A l .-l II.-- ifUktj wi.l
- ' i. -t :-'ILt:jiT: L S- ITIT
- -i wi. it b V'-inifd"
:-t. i..iif.
i-t- ! 1 OT- Ml ....
! r T l'r ct I!' iT'cr,
: r I r- ; , . tal .r i rni-
- l : ! t.t II - I r:''i
... ii i a- j1 j rt-uto, A3
. 111 o i, i 1 u .O.n.1 v ...! ; 1; t.k.ug tl,. l.rr
r - -
.' ! t '-.' ' '' r It - u-'i - : ctp ;n ...ry
wux AM) :
;;TS AM) IiOK:!
Xcw '.ri:. it Vt
iL!:M' LiiuT AM Mini: Hl;i;.rex;
Vy tit or to B, her A C' fr:.. s:. re. l.ew-i-oiu
I;a., n;.rK' tay le lui. i a j.-'-i.eiai
a-- i t o:
Ken's. L llrz IILsci' and Youtts'
lie. !... ' ii.i. rr. !;;:.-. 'jTers. Ac
; iar i.:-; -: i i;';a se.t cri
Viitli cr .4; r:,i- ai Ca-h Fi ices u j ii
:.; t s,.' f a U.-x as at cr.v p .'ace i::.- .e
Fn; V:
ma::i iv.. 7v.v.v;,:' i:i;rjn:ir
' ' ' ! h I r 'I. an ij.e ci 1 rjes. Thi:.h
i;,! fi r ( a si t.:i r-. we ui 1 nnVaverto merrt
. i:r lui ;i.t i i . m. r- pi. 1.")8
xi;i; ciuii
i xvi ; i: a t o i: :
j hi .'.n.'.'f ;-i ; a. t.iAtoh'i.
I'tu.bt.-uu'd t-nnrciy iim (il MS.
i - om: i : III. 1 . r. T I I j;-.A.m: anm ivi I; vlo.
1 In'.!-:.-, i. --. :i . pKi-.n..:
l u-rnli; vi '
rt -i I..'.
M-.-'li -.t- i i-
oi ir.aii :.t t ,t-r n. d;r:f
". I in m iit-r r.ii:. lj.
. t .1- it:- rt u maitt-r. ;lVa
c.rrv 't tl :it miOtrr, t! u
- o.
; nr, . - -i i'ii n. v .:r...iu n f
. : r:. T. ' ir. I . ; t-r:,:;. Tt-( tn l
l-i'.i' i -. l.l.i V it j.r. i ii r -i.u.
:": I. - ..!' i'- -'.- ntii slrtl-fZlL-a
!. iio.-i.:. n.; ...iilr.
' : ll." r:n.':i:tl r.?i.Iafr-! .
t it .
i n-
t. in o
J . Tt rniror . ! IT- fi;i:c. l.,-n i;... .
1...,. . ... .!..
itjr li i.n-f. t li-v , f . i.f
l.:MI.-l;ti:; r d ti I .! it- ..l.t . i- ;
i.- i : ti . p i
i I -
; 1,.
' t i p:it. ;i.Mi :
- tt'Dti -iv,
:!. n.Miy n- r:o-:-. n:.-i.:-1'r
j ri - tt,. -it tl r. tii
fX r" ,'i'1' 11
i f
D t
it- r. riit. ha Im lu trv ,. t til.
o ''a ii- fm
1 1. fTi-n ri trrrt. ?T; n r.J.: I . - ! : rrirvr'r. fil
Tin- jnr. m, Mij ; ,-.Xz in !! i-ir i C a !.ta.:h ?
. I 1 it-, rn.-. ratiii il- -t- nix I . .".i.-.x c l t"
:! -.-t Uiv.'1m:k.m.1!i. V ntu. ri. j;i.i' t"n- at.-l
L. -iilliUt the Lt. ma- r . r. u -nnir lL
-i' if tin ri 'irl.!.; a r:ui -1 ".rf.
I.n.ii'1- .m.tks art curttl. jsr. miT i n
Ttr. mivimik I jr tin- TB..;nal u.-ei. tU L;i
in lui .r-r..
no.- Ui-e :ot r citttTi? i-. nufi .lent to thi
nvn'l anj ;r- cm tltc U irutu r;.-;i.g ni
1 1 1 i i . it .
oil t-nf J.-.e taJ.t r. b - fcro n'tirinp, trrTfr.
: i-vor. &
(ii.iir.- ehl.r. :t - , ni-ht, ?rn.f n the I
pftitiy. ui d CtlteH t i-- lJ Tut ..
(in--ii...-e Wnvu i:o ta.hn.ial will cure I'll
t i On' .. 1 if tea ir win fill will avlwars
It. -: K 10 t. -. i :o. J
ot.t I . Kit-trtkt-ii f. r f- J cnlffMrnrtim rrmnr
tlt-'an-.. dt tlf ili-i;:t-. Mini ninki s a Irrft-rt rurf
on v i:t -eiii B.iia- t-l r hrVv-KLiiL-uc. wt-
Om- tie -t- ( fit-it r i't-ttt. i i is a mi n- cure for Cmak
i nii.l a ir.-.nta lif m l nni lit .
Mv nu c.r t.itV:. rnuld to Ihow nnt rt
tllt the t fleet i-i Ufiieiae alter a i i-s
Cc onetf-ttb-taki-nfi'i Jrr-Tcit rxrrtf !
I wii.-.-t-t iii. natural ceil Q i r from the .-H n.
M:t-.lt.-t taltt-n a ifrt time tttor t-at.ii C'Tf
Tii'ir tit Ihe t4f.pt tile, r.rtl flf Biak. c f. nd r wr'A.
i tic (hv-t-r-tl) n rt-j. a. t ttar fjis. s:. I.t -.rr-TA
Jn it wv.rt ft :ni-. hjl- f mmer ai. ) j;. iio
tti;- or two iii fn i-urer- . atlai k rat:. W"tlii
in V i.-ir. ti : ll.i rt- i-. nt
mm-, .:,ftr. ir i'-"
It Hnrr Jill..'.
r ':!. in tr.f w.r!.l. n
r. A f.-w t.ttl? cur c
ul -i.it.. tiU. i
V.- tr-r. j'Var it r- 1 nmi n linr f!:i- tt .-'!rie
as a r.tiiti:;i- t. rim k am 1 1, l 1 fr
.R. ai.-l all hlil.M.tiQJ .lM!.-t Ti;v IT . Tf-
ith all r rttor.tv., nr.ti ll:. t:t .M ar
iti ' ti' t tu ii.H , Ofitul rl ti .
t ..Ml n h-i U'? it are t;itii th. ir niji.iu.Pu ti"' rj
r.n itt i; Ijht.
.i;- ll.-' m :,t m t,lh tit lut.y ra:ur, am i-"
The IJrr En igoi of or
T A o:i NTlFTr MKMI'AI. P!s iT KV. r.:.
wi-rkm - tun-, a'ni.i-t t-1 r at ti r;it-if . It 1 "
! tiiH.'.i -r- 'i -h- 1 rt':..r y'vwj fst,xi tt fi-'- If r' '
thin ir.t ItitTl. r ..utrtti u rurv tny kiim t
(' riiaai. tit ui tl ' it J-kauu' ir I'jJ T'" 'p
r,.i!iui..n .1.tJjl -.t, all vt whirh arr tht r u.i.- t "
tl'-r! CXE rMAt TTT. V' TTT F.
MX J i':i A Ci . Vnrnst.-rJi.:i4.r. l'.r- iixt. f
an.l ri la..t d ljr all Irnireit. m.'.I n h
I'lll kt'l Kookmandeiiierai-r'f"
of tli.it kind on hand or n Vri 1 v 'r-'
Len isLurs LVi Uiiti.Vr, t II: ST.1.!!!
VKK jnsi openini-a varie.t ar.n rurn- -assortmenl
ot tamlUS adapied "
-i.jk " - '
uiiuts of ihe community and lo the fa-i
u-Kih i n i- k., rii.i-iinKi..t so as lo enaPie
Ihem lo sell al prices il.at defy n .ur",.'irn
full anJ .or.' B- K. & Ml.
Lemsbur?. .""ept. ID. IS.""
,)n turn h:i:t n i ::.t i: i oal.
'.VUtt .W.-4 l rroi- r I
. leinil It-r I..
u....t.aii:. ..T. ;.. I'ls
i':nlur Mote lor sa!'
V(HH1) sect nd hand Parlor
but a short ti.ne. l.-r a tL,"''' sj f
..uiic at tlie-Chri nicl." . tUc i'"'''
s. - '