Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 04, 1859, Image 3
LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER FEB. 4. 1859. Letvisbwvf, i'a. f'KIDAY MORNING, FEB. 4, 1 8-)0 , A .l.l,r oiTWr. in "l;uw.-uwti ,, ... ., - n.wi,i,b k !irs. i ..lmnn. " ''"".m ,n . n.u,, c.iiu.i-.iu-m ..! ,rr.,., nrr ' ,,r,jucS, con.mn. r. ; ...k, i . - , U-J i r ' . . . -it i , , , "u ; ... . ;., if Court, Jgnui and other holding mtirnp- iriia paper, for the Chi.o3.u-l. ,,.. add to f Clubs at f 1 each for a year. AFTER i IT dale, ('tufa if TEN must enme tcith Vie f-rvuj. (1) U ' time Clubs if mi a tT'(j) " ' 'c-or rAry ran not be rt- rrc'nrf o i "-L.vJi.rf ' ; W I t?- It is 10 aca.mn.Uile as many as we can ' lmiuore, auu aooui u, r. iu., ei luai fc .1.1 .1 mi 1 . 1 1 . I "Tin thwe hard limesto reword those who day took passage 111 the illlatcd toat. t "'take the trouble and M) I tor me projii; -?-iliat we offer cheaper terms to ciuds. e t-yshouM make much more with fewer sub-; riTscribers at $ 1 .50, than wilhinauy more at : ! 1 " . ! a. 1 ' There is little or no predion Si sub-' Inscriptions. Look at it-ihe blank paper. ; l f,n ih fir.i place, costs aboui M cenis. j l?"Then a man anil a boy 10 prim it, bold I-k. ..... .... ..,....,..... ,..n. .r.hiph., L- Vsome ink! iben, the wear of types, rollers l-and press is soineiliin:; and eacn n me r" Tn ,ta,rAtr,:1 It-this expense, a win tie puesseu mat ...c , t-3,nr.,rii ,.n n nnner at !SI is nolhin?. It IS ' 5. r" ";, , r ,r e" true, where they print W-inwrnrfj of papers ; J?-instea.l of hundreds, by Uam p..wer in- Irstead of by hand, they can make money Luur they set sail rircveutud bis formiliL' one who shall have a first chance for admis-f?-on lamer papers than ours at I, but it is . , . , , , ., , - sion I MFItTZ Rw lyintle r no alvaniaee. oiherw.se We ! ny. It may at least Le toped that bis SJ!-. ..J;; MfcKI" l!'c-ec. fp'have been thus pariicular, that all may death was ucithcr painful nor protracted, j lr. WITMOU, of Lancaster City, lknoWHft.v we are so decisive ,n requiring , ,, c f Kr))rlanj . I .ill 1 at tl 1MVIKKK n,.rSK. Lr.i.bun-, Mod,vr,n t-&-i- Mix l.i lie fu . and all at one Utile, 1.1 I imin.lluil. Ul ""o""lul , Tliur.ar.;ib ... ll.lh K,tru:.rr. ls.... ,.. ,.,.i, ii.i. 1 3"cash and hope this notice will be suili- m 1 I tT'cienl. Wekk. is the AiljourmJ Carr-sco programme on the first column, , his early associates and friends were Cole- LT.teti";,,: first page of todays paper. Week AFTER ridge and Suntlty, and one of his literary ; JrJZX et is the rniular Fihruaru Court tasks was a part iu the preparation of one " '" " iiieiimuaD ran.evrrywheriiatiie anw ... ' t i i- i ,. 1 '"O'r"11 i-rjaliimtidti llu-ir nlaf'hs livern. rirrula Ce particulars ia the middle Column SeC- . of the btatldald Kugllsh Lucycloraj lias. tmn. nrrm, all tti. ir rilal nrann, are a yrcy to cou.it- 1 ,l.i i !, -i' iti'H'i' a"'! ail tlirM. Ol-'i'e.i an' rmitmllinl. ami end pae. J-.ither week affords a good About the year ISo.i, he emigrated to i cun-i by iic.ii..w:i s i-on. ti,.., i auutaun-, i. the 1 C . . ... , ,r . . . , , i t .tluiMtiv i.t lliol'l U'..rl.l. II Im Ims-11 vrhiHsl amli-in- chance to send in new subscriptions or I America suffering shipwreck on the way, : pimM,. i i tiim muntry. x.i m .n ruutradicta it. iu renew old ones to forward a job to the ' aud displaying great coolness of mind iu ; '-""i." 'n-'.I!!!il!I1'" 'A' ln' Jniuk Uiuder or to get something new to , read these long evcuiugs aud du uolhiug j days, from Murray's. j (N. li. Those indebted to CllRONirt.E : on M accounts, need f come or seed in J we shall send the Constable after them.) JtaTA valuable I'arm, in Chillisquaque township, is offered for sale among our ' ' . , , new advertisements to day.. .also some cx- j ccllent, full building lots, iu the centre of ' I our town. ! Mr. I'EIFER, of Harrisburg, has c'tab- 1 .... , , . , , ,. : Imbed a train of freight cars to deliver goods without transshipment, from Pbila- ! delphia to Lewisburc and other points I ,b , ' , ; along the hoe i safer and more speedy , n 1 of sending and receiving than the hap-! . j f .. a ... tarard way ot railroad management in general, ti e vcrtisin" card direct attention to his ad- - - - ; I'LTtLIO LecTCRES Next Tuesday eve fling, (8lh inst.,) Wa.ll. Armstrong, a .,. rr Hon Tu Ariostrnnff nf U'ninort : son of Hon. J. Armstrong, ol ni.port, , .ill l4.r in nnr bnroui' h. on a most in- , terestinir aubicct. Tho observant editor , t . t r :. of the Sunbury American speaks of it as . follows : I While in Williamsport, on Tuesday eve- ' ning last, we embraced the opportunity of Jistenmg lo a lecture on Kzypt, by V in. 11. Armstrong. Esq. Mr. Armstrong is agentle' man of refined taste and a cultivated intellect, nd we felt assured that a description of his travels in lhat interesting country last year, ould not be without interest. The lee.luier was listened to by a lar?e and intelligent au dience for one and a half hours with unflag ging interest. Mr. Armstrong and his two companions, were seventy days on their voy. age up the Nile lo the Second Cataract. His description of the famed Pyramids, Ihe an-, cient city of Thebes and olher hallowed spots ........ k.L.r.. U .nl..J ......... ' -in ain-iTn, iii-m'ij, iiic .'ituuiu iuiii.s, .iiiiia- sal statuary and the manners and customs of k. ,.. iu,niilin. .a.hii.l.lri.i.i.01.. Wilh Ihe eirenlinn nf KiiarM Fverell's lerliire ' s ltnine exception ot r,.i a r.verett lecture fin Washington, this was the most interesting we have listened to for some years." , d t A week from ncit Tuesday m : Feb. ,, . , 13 Reri. Thomas K. Beecher, of hi- j mint, (one of " the Beccbcr Family") is engaged to speak at Independent Hall, . Lewisburg- t r.m. m i.l .... tanniM -..I. ,., ., , . ., , 1 r ' which with the incidental expenses ... . must be met by tUOSe WHO llStCD. Last i . , , , i eutlava. On this axount, the very email .., m , ., i ' j ,t ... i sum of IU cents will be ri fjuired of every person for admission. There is no one I aahn ,in tint mintriViutA fhia Bum nrii ia '. , ,. . . . , . bone there will be a laree attendance from townjand country, both evenings. j particulars can bo ascertained, and with JtS-Quite a number of stores and private j whom insurance can bo effected. houses, with three of our houses of public jy-We observed Ex Senator It. T. Ma worship, are now lighted with gas. The ctAr in our town a few davs aincc-0ok- juality of the article is not as good as it ; will b upon a little further use, but an-' . it . .i. -,:,...: i 1 v-ry wen. ias .uu lo-iuuuuu l.e,.. !... ,l.,l..lc. i . u"ui ""j j y will make arrangements for its intro ; luction, aDd when times improve, and the : sun, a lew corner street lights will le inaugurated. Soma nf nor citizens move cautionslv In il.o ihiii, 10USlJ '"the mattcr,Decause they Wish to be fir.i 'i ,.n.ia. i , i. ' well posted Up as tO rules, CIpenBCI, CCOnomv and other imnnrtnuf . , oiuer l.npor.aui . . i farucuiars. " Ue .ure rnu're rilrht then ' I i .1 --or i v aueaa. Sdriols AcctiiENT. On" Tuesday of this week, .Mr. John lienner, of Uuffaloc ' ip., on the Turnpike above Biehl's Hotel, as engigca in thrashing, when the cyl- ihder nf .1,. , , , . ! ui.iiiiu npiouea, portions ; th wood wort .ir't.n f U8 WOOO WOrlt Striking lim OU One ' of bis Lead, near the ton tparino-tl. I oioi iue rop, leanngtLe 'P and forcins blood from the roe ound wo ri e . i . . ,eW.t anv one el,..,. '.,.,,,, T.. rn.L:. . iuD . . m not driven too fast, and it is Pfrctj ,iie brP4k wa, cia.cd fc a " lie iron cylinder. .The Kreeburg Vocal isU will give a rtatFretburg.I-'rid ay eveninp, I'. l-. ' f-'rl'-0WtBt ol tLe Ar.,,1. m,1 .1 . ... ..WjU,W.J Death of Thomas Curtis, D. D. I The "Rev. Mr. Curtis." lost in tie North Caroliua, (as detailed on tho oppo- i ; site page; was the father of llev. Thuiuas j . .' , university at licmsbnrg. Kev. lr. Cur- ,- ' . , . , ,? . ... i t"S Was ft resident of LlIUCStODO i-JTingS, ' uPP-r pa" of South Carolioa.whcrc l,;.,...,ir ...l .i....i . ' . , . . .. Btl.l fl,liwi he bauiu uu lu 1 UII4U.. IU' teuding to ray a visit to his sou iu Levis- uure. "ut ,asl rway me Uay be ejpec- led to reach here he had received a tele- graphic despatch, annouueiug the death ! 0f oll0 graud child by sea.let fever, and i thtf inue99 0f otijerj at Limestone Springs, I . h nostiiouud Lid visit to Lewisbur-' i until July, had supper with a fiieud in II 1. . f I T . f .1. . itti tue urst bare news oi tuc uisaster, i.rof hastened southward to ascer- tain mme ljeu!iirS Lut fout)J ouj ... .11 1 1 n- r .1 what the public have learned. His father r was a mau of giaut frame, courageous, clear-minded, active, healthy, with all his ... .... . faculties in full vigor. Whether ho was suffocated by the smuke whether he Was rus,ra.,j by a Llast of hot fliluc or whether t.ie alaru. u.ay have tLrowi hiu. Ut0 au ajioplcetio lit, are conjectures ... . . .. . wliieU may uevcr be contumcii. Having . i . . at first no acquaintance od hoard, tho late much esteemed preacher of the Daptist i , j ut-noiuiuaiion, aDii a man Ot moro luau , ordinary literary acquirements. Among; the emorgcuey and was something like ; 72 years of age when he closed his earthly : career. j aUayAm.-ng the escaped passengers on ' board the North Carolina, waa Johu A. GrecI)j fnllery of Lewisbu l'a. Vi:Il i;s. Public sales will soon be- come the order of the day, and we aain give j -. , , . our candid opinion, thai any one who wishes , 10 ''ie THI HKiHEfT rains for his or . her articles, can not do better than to expend SI or S3 in advertising them. Good Bar- i gain,- W1u no doubt be made this season, for . there are some who mutt sell at any sacrifice, aml ,hf re are as Jany who We money to "P"'- Thtse Uc,s '"Cfease the nf,7y and the noicy of making generally known ihe ar- 1 jcM lhus pe , a,lention , ...... B0j ' ' ' , ! ' s 1 ' . make fun of the incorrect spelling and gram-: mar.) and they are seen by comparatively ' few Printed hills nre aci1t. r,l ,1 if lew. i rinieu Dins are easily read, and if . some rains are taken to stick ihem tin. in : many public places, the information is wide!, , diffosed. Hut advertisements are most tx- tensively perused in newspapers. We print J weekly. moLt of winch are ....... :L li-...-' . ....... - r Lewisburg. Uountins 6 or 7 readers to every paper which is a low estimate, considering , n,nl)ers in mosl ,-am,l,es.wi.h the neigh-; bors, &c.,tu!o whose bands it falls the Chrun. j icle is read by 6 or 7,noO persons weekly comprising Hie most prompt, independent, re- name ousiness men in me communny. As ! no one can tell when a thing he wants may be ha-l unless it is advertised, we are certain ' no man acts wisely without teuin; everybody, for miles around him. know what and when he intends to it'll. j To aid in fixing the times of sales, so , that they do not interfere with each other, we will kerp up a table of all advertised at our otHce (and will insert any others in our list at , -s cents a line:) Sat , Feb. 5 at the Steam Orist Mill.I.ewisb'g .... L.-I d I.... ... IV ll-i: ... U", oiiri ill s ?dir3 in .-irw uriiui.iaLU Mon., Feb. 7 Sheriff s sales in I.ewisb g, Ac !!.. V.h OslV.. V...'. T ... T ' '.In ' Wm Friek'a V W..nn' nlaer. uo. m. r nek s,(wnson s place) Kellv Tp, near Lewisburg Wed., Mar. 2 Chas.C.I)iinkle(John llunkle si ....... v ' , B" 'ioeip Tues.,Mar.8 Lntlwig Pilcegor s estate, Chil- lisrua,'ue A lift Ion XoIcn to order at Ctironiek office j Insurance Company. TLe Harris burg Commonwealth Fire Insurance Com-, pany nave been domi? i large and prosper . . , ous Business ior some years. e observe . . , . ; atnODS Its Director! Messrs. Lit Siller, ' m. IMck, i,iuman, UoT.l'acker.lvepner, . ,,,, , , ', arford, Uoas, and others of the most ' ' "reful business men of Harrisburg. J. BlU)WN M'LaL'GHLIN. has been annnintpil accut for this dace and vicinitv. of whom 1 ing vcry wcllj abcit a mosi Tcncrable, flowlr)g beard, rivaling any Greek patri- ... " arcb s. makes him appear a CCHtUry Or tWO ; .. . . . .... , ., , , older tban ne is. iir. ?l. now nans irora Mifflin county, Intakes to see his former bomi ta uuffaioe Valley, occasionally. , . n en 1 . e .1. Til ' fciyAf.SM Jt. TATE, latO Of the UlOOmS- ' ourK J'tnimnii. uaa im-u uoaiuu u. iuv t , b . , , ' ...,. . , herwics Ginelle. itb his industry and ' ... . r .. . j. i ablll,J W0 douot Bot he Will make It a t .J,1 , . r . ... . t t . r . l. llvlntl PaJlng V'V" " "UTOJ ' - ......... IgrJohn II. Vincent, Jr., we recently f arw " " J. J ! saw announced to preach in the il. ti. : ; ' 1. .. I. L' I III., ' Church, Freeport, Ill's. . c -.-.. t 1.: - ! fOTJobn S. (jlttlDgS Ol lialtimoro Was . ... t t .-4 TI ! . f O" euneeuay lass eiet-.cu l icemeu. oi v,.rthorn (Vntml railroad rnmnanT the JM orthern Central raiiroaa company, i I On Thursday morning last, the North- , , ., ? .i. 1 crn eDtra IUtlroad tram, was thrown from the track, about two and t half miles j r.ZT .T ! 1V. .u c,..,. "1 I man, of Totter county, was brought to ' tnis place soon alter tne accident, ana is still lying at the Union Hotel, unablo to travel, though ba is improving. Ilia in-1 nrie are about the bead and shoulders. ' Mny Luminary. ' SHafiicvCfsl ur't'et's tfuwd.d uU tudiry j the vmxitn. uT.a! n TirllU for the ('.. JI'iftjH whiU fume. htiU'ty ti'M I" - LaTAnswcr tu last Enigma JV tonwl a( ;.--An.J. by S P B.EMt But ' : .,.., , t sT Answer to IastC harade w , v.,,-,M Lv V L A : II A. '""--" J MISCELI.AXEOl'S El :mi:ma. I nj ciminai-d ut lli later.. ."T i. Ml .a itl.a -Ulll l 6 7 li h y lu a wiil nituul litiht tow u in KU.-I& l.'i '.1 16 u cuiity iu IVuu-ylTnni. 1! T citnjuucli'.u 11 l. V 1.. p'J t.i rut a '2 '.i y a ui.'afiir 6 1;; s a nv-r 01 Kii.-la UKlMUn nrtii.m--uul triuimhii; 7 2 -in kml fit fruit 1'. illUli tw n 111 NuMa :i II 1.. 14 a km. I Iu J 11 lb a ti ,r-li yrri'lir. Sly wtii'ie I r fitiil.U- In Diitiiy fnrnirrii. : fTTTbe Society of Moral Sc Religious In- ....II .k. Itmlul Kurnn -II "L m " "7. ,'." h7"' ii cluck on suruidv. filn fit rt'ruaryt wnrn a rcport (n Kalla ,)6 rfai by UdVld ,., - I ELECTION. An election will be heiil at the oOicr f J. A. Mi-riz in the Hiiruuh of Lewisbur, on Turai..y the Mfh day of February next, be tueL-ii ttie hours ot I and 4 o'clock. I. M., for the purpose tif elecluip 4.llicers fur the In am County Agrtculturul bocteiy, for the ensuing year. ' ve Commmee on the I tili February next. Also there will be a meeting of the Ciecu- between the hours id 9 and 1 1 o'clock. A. M., ' IJ'Z'y! ! Anv person in ibis county over Ifi vears of a-.-e, ui-Mnng auiniss.on io o.e r anners timu School, should make application on that dav, as sc,fV ,.Ve tie ptt.Pr f wireline pt.n in-. .i . hr n i ,iir,.,:,fn lr,t ail ,i ol Hi.-Iiiinin lH.,ly. l'rirt-1-.srl..mforUiliia. t,Sc in ri-Kinar cam uo our ia.-t w. i,.,., vIkh, toveatin. h it.n. -Ij the truly wtmdtrful merits of the Ojty genlcd Bitters in curing Dyspepsia in Us worst devclopemenls, become known and ap preciated, orders for il are pouring in from all pans of the country .N'orlh, South, East and West. This tells the story. H'lLHM, III! t'ALLIMi FITS. We believe we can not do our readers m""! important service, than by acain call '"e tl'c"" alle""" 10 J'at most remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. SetkS. llunee, f BaU,m,ire, Md., which possesses the power of alleviaiing and cunni; that horrid visita- Hon of man Epilepsy, ur Falling Fits. In recommending ibis preparation to our read- ,we do, so Wllh a ,c"nvict"" 'hat we are not degrading our Columns to putt a common paIen, mcd,Cine, but are placing before them a discovery, which, if fully known, would probably do more to alleviate human suffer- ,n"' Illa" a"v invention of modern times, Dr. Hance, in asking us to notice his prepar- anon favorably in our editor.a deparimen., ia ac.ii us lor perusal a nuinner i leiiers from persons who have used his Pills, and , have been cured thereby. All of them speak ,n tlm m'",t Kratrful ami eulncintic trrma. ihir plvat i,it, thi.ui.-.li, ii.r o....r-,.-,i1, the fact, that it ran t" tran.-iinrtrii thmuph tiiuaiin. thm-bv airT.iinir TZtfTZ Zt & K"J,f7 Z:tS.mm'Jtl!im tft country, i,I r.,riir,l n,.m by Mum or mail, on tlm rr?M;.rr-Hu. i.iM.rt.;..i,..: '' "" .''".t.J.; . 'r tbf umtiriii rii"Ul'i If aJilrt-i,''i to , tTU i. lis see, luS Uialtiuiore ulrwt, KaUiiuorf, M-l. DU VALL'S Vn-ptirM nripihallf l-H I'h'ip It. DV VALL, formerly of the Col.-k' t urg'-on, Taris, ! S.i oirt.l.Lis TO TH PI lit M' 9&fortht furt-f tU S and i'atnjnl iittatt t'Hl inittarK-rcin orsorfiipsfi in an j art of th - DyntfDi. lihf uuiat.fni. mn ia Mi bark, breast or fi l-, U'nlr,i hrafttt, .NV-uraliiia. llurim, i.rniu-s fit 'l-rh, Oraiiip In tlm Strmtn'-h, or any otlicr (lifiPf tluit in m iUK anil i'AIN Kt L. an.) it if on) v ..T.-r .ur.fii.if ilifHKowcrlaim a I't.lil- KiT ViC ToKV. We nay po-ntivfly t our patron. w run rpliKVf tbf ttiiltervr VJ tinn'H out nf liril. We wimlj juit nay to the puMic, I'rt.f. liu Vm.11 wan i ytnn in briniriitK to t bin tnitlifiuv rnprriority nter al I others. Trip fO rtd .r lrt.-ttl - -r rt off to the trade. Jttf-hl rtr.(Tn mii-t tw atMrfSfU to J. D. STONEBOAD, Ant f-r T.S-, July'j,y Lnrtutnum, JWjtitn th. Ju t"' . T 1 C 11"! I 'I iMdl JjiliAiilII Ul il liil lllcllj. V. h-n- th- al-.rr i.rmaration if known, it ia .ow-ll r. "''li-be.l aa an lnf.llil.le Keuwily for the enrni ..,,,. iUll -r, Tr,, y,,,,,,,,,,, linmcioti,, siu.i.., '. .., in., m u jst.i-m,, u v.;,..,, ami. r I "v "." i--eMn.usT.inai u wm win SulM-rettiatlon .11 Mieak el .IB merits. auiMTero-'at.on to Kitrak ol it merit.-. IMrsroTw-rtHl hy m wi khtn t-tivsn-tan mnn than trn-i . to i . i . 't tTjrmniuc,ithhyihew;torrfuiruTiihmn "IcnO B. Miissnia in Aan;nburf, oil Tiies I trti bfu mti.-t:iitiy iprfri;ttio in (uMir favor, until it dav, (he eighth day of March next, tu fleet five , us4.aiiauy.i.utHtionarf-aiii.T- univ-r-al: and it in uow ! ihVecinrs to manage the concerns of the com- wit., haw UN-a rr-tori to l.-aith hr it u-aii tlM-Ukt.iT Kt.Eir f.iratldiswfanfit whtt-h it pruftniMi to curt. irJautr-riiirk, lii. iau toUut:cD Victoria, LaeglTOQ U u liia opinion that Consumption can le Cured ! Tht whole hiotnry ot thin Mrtlifini fully rontlrmtt tht? .n n-i--a imui.mnr.nii-Miiiaii.1 hare b-juii.i1, lhat when all other reunilli-r had fail. .1. tl.ih e.impleteljeun..l: that when the mtlerer ha.1 tbat when the phrwian haj pmnouniu the diB-mwin-! "S!rZilom ! riUht Ciiiit, or f vravi fituuiaiu'in. .mi it ;mwcr 1 a ttrfmii, tpeid), jataut and ejKtual Temnln ' cannot In. eiiualleil. autios ! Vfvftqjw none imlerf n has thr wkittts "i"i""-i ftvm" on u,e r.w,r, a. well a ihe printed name -if the proprietor.. H'toYur'a HjImim f Wild Cherry mom mmtlal by I'liytlrian. A.'BURS. Si't. o, IS'.S. F. VC. Fou ".Co. .e,r- I moat cheerfully add 017 tentimonj in furor of the Italian.. Wo hare ued it in our family, in Pulmonary alf.-rtiona. Couh. and Co.i, and et-tei-in it a miwt valuable remeily. rnd hare rerom mended it in rariou. romplaint. of tin. nature with in variably happy reult.. W. U. I.YM'11, M. II. M.s.nrLn. Iroqa Co- Vk.. Auir. Issh, firnJewen : lla Gfntl'nrn : Iliirinr uaed in my praetire the lant f.n.r VaiWiur ll.l.am of Wild cherry, with irreal.Mreeri., l mom rneerluiiy rheerfully reoomtnend it to Uioa. mfllicteU with obiitinaUt.oughs, Cold.", AbDla, Me. II. D. MARTIN. M D. Tho ffennino i.niimisl "I. RrTTS" on the wraptn-r. S. W. 1'OWLK fc to., l'roprictorft, BOSTON. rureaie ny 111-ir auenin eer wuen-. ann in in i.l.urt hr 3. J H uII and r. S. Caldwell, and in New I iH-ron oy .Mrs. . narare. riees. eowioiy i -u ' mont nndoui.ted fact that rir s .sroi.' is. I vi.iuroa, or Urer n.me.iv, ioue of the Briatet .tin-' iTerir made in niedirlne Ihe past eeiilury. It ha. I been, atuly of the l.r.,.luri.ir twenty year.' pn.rti.-e, ! to find what particular or.i.n. when dl-Ml.eaoed th. , (rr. - .te.t numnir ol ill. or msi ami hl.eo..elu,ion ia. i that the liver i.i tite icreatefit regulator of the eyfteni. "' lh'' iiat.it.. diea-e: whirl, if kepi i free from dtnea'e. la a nrerentatire ot llTFPiia. Jaund.ret Bener- 'I eni .i-wmr. wi.iie. ut but fr from ieat, tion eoni-umiitioo; for our experience I that ..... r . . f 1. . .....1 , , wo men : more ra- aen of consumption oreur from diseased liref than from Takinn Ihi. to tie.enrrert hTpothealr, w. h.Te hnt to SJ , reoi,,y ih whleh to rorrrot thelirrr. and we hare a run ol nearly all the disease, we are ruhjerl lo ,,r , ? m prerenlatl... That the lnrtRorater I. u. h remiiiy, i iyond donM . all who try it. Ii.r itii mr,f0rh ,h.tfo, .iirompi.inu.ri.inir from liver deranrement.. it is an onfalllm: remedy, while a. . family niriinne.,r.iidi-. of the, h.marh or how. el, whirh in eauaed in greater or low de.roe by ll- rr ,,,,.,,, j, u r,.t, ,uret and mo.temca- "-r no.n. . , . Carreetee, Weekly Wheat Si Ofllnl '.fi Ko-irs .$ 16 . 12 . 12 . 9 . 121 9 ' '.jo Xallow .. rrQ ... '"",' je ","' Dried Apples. !!,,, C2 Lard.. 40 Bacon 1,1J Ham.. I,f.O Shoulder 0 Clovel.Cfcd 0,00 1 0 , roi..,,.......,. Tlie Sunbury & Erie Kai!road Company bivo built 1 bridge across tLe deep cut dolwcen Jersey Shore aud Nippenose ul-ley. MA11HIK1. On 12th Hit., by lii T. b .'. Worts, in tli M B Par"o nj, lMi Uirrity, !", II 11 PINK, or .ll!. r-".n nty, M . anil Ml..' II. KI.1ZHIKI M, Uaughlrr ut L'llarUM lilintiil.. at Scliuii(riTi., I'a. .In I7tll nit., by l.abri.) Mv.fi, pr-artit-r. PAMt'KI. Rl.rl.iNi.i,t IU ,11. rlniuiity. anil Ml IA Ki.'A lil.T A N, rtnuht.-r of i-rvaibfr Juavjib U. liauawalt, uf oiivi-r Ti.t Mitilin enunty. In I'ninii Tp., Tnion Co.y V.th alt. OI.AN''Y W. in .f lMil nif .srh tiro. ' niontlm n-l l -Ifiv. In t'i.!ili;tiiiiti Tp ult.. JAMKa Cl;MMINUrf, Kp'tl .'ly'T. 1 tlllllltil NltJ l-'lrlV. Lt rl.ih.ixU(u Mb ult, JollS KENNKIiY, mk '1 tp.ru. In U- l-.mfa. '29th nil.. nf-miuinplin, MIm NAN'CY J AN B IIAVVN, itnttl -A ytar,s .lays Siw was UIitJ( clrilirl.flnt Usrful id Itfrr I if-. MikI happy ia .Irath. In Chinl-':.itttr, 1st Ki-t . KKItKt'fA SKW., .laugh ter of W iilinm auil Klirntj. th tinli-npj . Aini 'i .. In Miflt.ttlniri:, lt lfi.-U of rfnumi'tion, AUAIi B. wifrf of Jfj'w lln-rfii.lu. nzr4 nUitu 4." T-ar-. In lillnn. ,:.th ult., WlXUKI.KS ASKI.4, 9 rnr aii-l 9 m mtltfi. on stur ,Uy KIilVAKt A. mo cf L. I.anl KlimU-Ih Sn.. r. nl 4 x-t j.h-1 :t ipn. In X.-rtloiiiilH-rlnn-l. -4tti ult., JollN I.MSKNKINrt, airH )r:tnt, 4 innutti til 3 .Itt.n. Mr. I. W;t rwirn in Itfi-kN ruuiilj, Kbd ctiiac to NuriUumlwri-aiJ aut the Bargains... Bargains... Bargains ! VS Ihp Winter season is nearly closed, ihe subscriber offers for sale a first rate lot of Men's and Boys' HOOTS and SHOES at pf-rfiliiily low rsilm! Feb I JAMES Nf'OTT G ROUND ALUM SALT j J'riee Sit.iO per sack. A discount to the trade. ... V 1 . - ... Feb 1 ciiamui:km. hhu's Commonwealth Insurance CoJIarrisb'g in tltTKIiKD tPITAL. H.MMI.IMMI. riIIE subscriber is appointed agent for Ibis well eslablisbed Company, which insures Buildings and other property against loss or damage by lire, perils of inland navi gation, transportation, &c, on tuoat favorable terms. I'mMentCnt W.VO.Vr.i VKROX. I'ire I'r.t HKXJ. I'AKkK. ff &tretary .s" A. I'.tHlilKU. I'mon ltuiltlinit. 1. U. M I.Al.tiHI.I.N, Agent. Lewisburp, Feb. 1, I8.VJ mG NEW GOODS ! f I1HE subscribers have just received from I Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large lot ol OUOCEKIES, which will be sold at low rates. Choice Rio and Java Coffee. New Orleans, Cuba and ltefined Sugars. Best Refined Syrup. Honey do. Baking Molasses. Also, a line selection of PRINTS. DRESS GOODS, Bleached and Brown M I M.INS, Ac. &c. I?M'a!l and see our Goods and Prices. HEAVER, KREMER & M'CLL'KU. Feb. 1, 1 859. LU.MUKIi! LLLMUER!! mi Cm suDscnuers nave mr sale rr (in lots to suit purchasers)fj"i a large stork of T1E BOARDS Vne Stuff Plank, Ac. Also 5.VOO 1'ISE HAILS. 36 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber fur Buildings : Which are olfered low for cash, ai our Mills on South Branch of the While Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Bruh Valley Narrows road at the end of uur Road. tS'A Diploma for a superior sample of J lanas, anil a reimum lor nans aim joiii' les.were awarded us at the last I nion Co.Ag, Planks, and a Premium for Raits and Shin: Fair. JOH. M'CAI.I. & BRO S. Iy773 Forest Hill P O, I nion Co, Pa V K xdui:! VTII.I. be olfered at Public Sale, on the - .- .lr rlnie the rir.,n- erty ol Samuel U ilsoii, ilec il) near Lewisburg, On Ilonday, the 28th inst, commencing at Iff o'clock A. M., a large am! valuable lot of HOUSES, YOl NO CATTLK, FAKMIMJ I;TE.SII.R. HOlfiEHOI.I) GOODS, &e. &c. TERMS will be made known at sale. VV'.M. FKICK. February 4. 18.ri9. I( ilihcr'H L,lue, U.K. Frriht (am MiW- Philadelphia and Lewlshur"-. The subscriber is running a line of freight cars to and from Philadelphia without refhip ment, and hopes to establish a ffood business by prompt deliveries at reasonable rales. Warehouse in Philad. with Freed Ward St Freed, 81 1 Market sireet, where poods &e. for l.ewisbur? and intermediate points should be left. THOMAS PEIPH Eli, Harrisburg Feb. 2, 1H5S mfipd TnrnniirS Plfintinn luiaym auwt.uUi -TOTICE is herel'T given to Ihe 8toekhol- V j , r lV, niiif.t- . . x. Xl rters ol ihe uelleionte Aaronsburg & ....... c .-..... v,u... ,,,, tli.it an pi-lmn u-il hlil a. lha nf that an plprlinn tt-iH hp hplit at th. hmuM nf Tany t,ie ensuin? year. PKTER W II.S0.T. President, Spring Mills, Feb. 1, 1859 w3pd Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate ofGEOKUE MlLLEKJaleof BulTaloe Tp,formerly of "New Berlin, deceased. have been granted to the subscriber, by the Ke"'Ster & Kecorder of Union county. ,11 per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate navment. and those harm? claims against the same will present thero duly authenticated for setilement at Jacob Dunkle's in Bnifaloe Tp lo Feb. 8, 1S.-.9. HENRY MILLER, AdmV Administrator's Notice. "ITTHEREAS, Lelterit of Administration to the estale of JAMES WI1.S0X, deceased, late of HarifMon, in I'nion county, have been granted to the subscriber, bv Ihe Register nf said county, in due form; all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims against ihe same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to J. F. WILSON, AJminislrator Hanleton, Feb. 1, IS59 pd STATE MfiXT of the Lcii isliurr; Bank as reiiiired by the second section of tile Act nf ihe Uencr.il Assemblv of this Common, wealth, approved Ihe I.lih Oct. A.D. 1857 Acts. Sreeie in Bank and rpecie lund. in Fhilsrl. (TOl 07 liue Iron, other Hanks S.T'il 4K h , 1 ' n . arnount Bill. Iieountrd Check. .Dd BOU-S of other banks' T '.'S lsa.H.-i Si l.osa 14 t&ioxa ia I104.W no S.'ilO SJ a. us s" 4u '.its IJablitiea. rirrutatlort line to olher Rank liiAcount, EaehaD. and Intemt LtepoetUl ' f laS.lS-t 47 Personalty appeared before m, Andrew Kennedy, F. W. Pollock, Cashier of the above named Bank, who being duly affirmed according lo law, saVs the above is correct lo the best bf his knowledee. Feb.2, 18S9 F. V. POLLOCK, Ciuaicr. A. KixAkbT, Kotary 1'ublie PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS ! riHE Ladies nf the Lutheran congrefaiion I of Lewisburg intend giving two Public Entertainments, in Independent Hall, on Ihe evenings of Wednesday anl Thursday, Feh- j n.arv IK and IT. nr.iv. flvslers and other re. : frchmeiiis will be served up.andHeld's Cor- i mi Uani will be in atiruwanLe. ' PI. LADIES' FURS NOWcloslnjr out AT COST! IjMLghest prices paid for Fot.Mink, Muskrai and all other kimts of t'UIH J at IjlUSON S Hat Manufactory, Lewisburg SALT SALT, r, ALT !!-We are clearing out the last of AJkafa S,a-lt at Al tor (r.iiiiiil Alum. lOOO Sacks at $1.-6 for Ground Alum. A deduciion tnale to the trn.lt. liKAVEK. KKKMKR & M'CIXRE Lewisburg, Jan. 25, 1S5 Assignee's Notice. TOTI;E is hereby given, lhat YOST 10- Ii;ii, of Limestone township, Lnn . L . .1 . I I ....-. fl CTr;". me lor the beneh' ol his creditors. Ail woo ' are indebted to him will make immediate pay j ment to me j and ihose having claims against I hun, present them for liquidation. : Hec, 14, 1HS8 JOEL KIEIIL, Assignee. thus. a. ciiticit HAS just received a splendid assortment of the very best, cheapest and most lashionable Jewelry in ihe market. His Slock comprises Hi-rant I'Iiim, CIlUillM, Eur Rings, l inger Rinsa, Itraci'leltt, hH-cte Button, Muds.litAl'., which will be sold extremely low lor Cu. He respectfully asks th- patronage ol all I his old customers; and also iuviies new ones to give him a call before makinz their pur-1 chases. Call at the siffn of the Big Wa'rh, .Market street, east of Second. lee. 21, OS GAS FITTING! riMlE undersigned have opened a GAS FIT- Tl.NO Shop on Market Si., below ad.neit door to Grier'sJewelryHiore.Lewisburg) and are prepared to do all Gas work in the best manner. Particular care will be taken to avoid unnecessary dirt, and injury lo wails. We will also Settle all Charges for Inspection on our work. We have put pipes in the following build ings: (where customers can esamine and in- quire concerning our work) toiiegenui... ..as, Fcma'e Seminary, for Prol. James. Prof. Cur- lis, Lewisuurg canK, jirs. uraiius . .. - ers. FOX & tt IDLE. ! .. , . , r..n .. li. i ne aoove woi.io reipecuuny u- nnunee that .hey have aForce Pump.in good : ... .... ...i.;.k ..... ,.r... r... ..i. li, 17 UIUU "" - V SPI.END..) aor,min,Vf"Robe,nowfor V sale, at PETER H. BEAVER'S Harness 1 "V 1 T i-J Miop, North t hird street, three doors Iroiu Market, Lewisburg, Pa. Dec. I CHRISTBIAS PRESENTS! I LARGE assortment of Ladies FURS; ! J V also, a great variety uf HATS & CAPS j just received, and will be sold cheap, at GIB- ii.it .i.anuiac.orv. laoin n can ue more suitable lor a Christmas Present than the above articles. Call and see them! Fine! Hals made to order, and charge. Dec.17 repaired without J. GIBSON. LATEST ARRIVAL I HURSH & GOODMAN nAVE jusl received their Winter Stock, suited lo the season and tiroes. Their slock comprises Cloths, Cassiraeres and Satinetts in great rarietv. Ladies' Press Hoods, Merin- i oes, Coburjs and Paramettoes all shades and i qualitir., all-Wool Plaids, Uayadere. Valen I cines, Circassian Plaids, (scarlet and lllack I Plaids for children, fancy and plain Ue lains, Prints of all descriptions and prices ! a,o-ne. Silk and ool, j Square, Four Faced, Scarlet center. Siella, Mantinetts, Uaystate Lone, square. Ladies' Mantle Shawls gray and barred. I Cheneile Scarfs, (iloves. Hosiery, Collars. , Sleeves, Hdkfs, Laces, Ribbons, Fringes and '1 riminings, V elvel Kibbous all widths, Ac. Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Gent's ' Lon; Shawls, Undershirts and Drawers, fan ton Flannels. Muslins. Linen Table Piarers. Xapkins, Crash, Linseys, all-Wool Flannels plain and figd, and everything in Ihe line of Family Wauis, X. E-dlKhsE. SALT, Fisn. PLASTKR, MILS. Ac. constantly on hand all of which we oiler on reasonable terms. ' H. li. We buy all kinds of GRAIN, and store at reasonable rates. ; HIRH GOODMAN j NEW Crop of New Orleans MOSAfSES, a superior article, just ree'd by j 111 KSIl a I.OOIIMAN, LewUlinrg. . L'ISII KIl'S CU. e Jlill. (gi-nuine) for Mle hr j -a llurah lleodman. Wm. Il J. II. Brown. Market St.. above Fourth, tawiiburg. n . . i LAiuiLi assonmeni oi new .prmg L and Summer Goods just received, conns 1 ""8 of . Cloths, Cnsimcrps,Coatiup;is, cstings and -Summer Wear of all kiudi. An assortment of Hit ESS GOODS, vir 1 1 Calicoes, Challtc?, Lawns, DcLaines, liaregcs, Dress Silks, Ginghams, ;c. shawls, a full assortment. LtNES AND WiiItb Goons. Irisli Linen, Ulcachcd and Brown Drill - ings, Sheetings, ifcc. Grocerics, Hardware, Cedarware,: Queens and Glassware, Fish, Salt Call and eiam?n for yourselves. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. I May 7, 1859. - . . . Just opened, opposite the Riviere House, in the Room lately occupied by A. Sinsrer. A FtLL and complete aswirlmcnt of A FALL & WINTER CLOTH-j I N G,sncb as Overcoats, Ilress Coats, i1usi : ness Coats, and Coats of every style anrf pat- tern and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also, a large variety of Under Clothing, such as ; Drawers, Shins, Ac. Also, a fine assortment ' of Boys' Clothing of the latest s.rles. Also, 1 HATS and CATS equal to any ollered in this ( Couniry. in tact,, navrcveryiningneressary in Ihe shape of Clothing, which I ofler ai a very small advance for cah. PHILIP GOODMAN. Agt. fCsTAII kinds of Couniry Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 22. JUST RECEIVED, ANEW lotofSday and 30 hour CLOCK", which will be sold cheap for cash at the sign of the Big Watch. Dec. I. I8SS THO'S G. CRIER. A BARGAIN! TWO handsome Chatlilellrr for bur. ning Oil. with glass drops, suitable for Churches or Parlors, for sale verv cheap al FhKtBL'KtifcR tt RKO'M (ias Filling Shop. tewisMtrg, Dec. S J, 1S rv Call soon or you will lose a good bargain BLANK Contracts wi.S Tichers and Or dersua Tietaurrai Chr.M.Kl- VARIETY STORE AND post olticl:. LARi:E supply of I!i)oks,Statii ferluinery. Jewelry. Toys, Conl lonrry, Coii fret it in - erics l Pas oint-sri, iuii) i - uu, and , varil., uf KltK SACK3 for sale clican at the 76S LEVVIbliL'Rll P)bT OKFIL'K. 'LL'IU AND PINE OIL cun be had at the I I'OUT Of KICK ' IN E Gold PENS Jor Ladies and Hen's ran be had at the POST nEl'lfL f ' E .ber n Ureasl Pins and Ear Itinz can be had very cheap at the POoT Ot'FICE 1 )t'TTEK, Ejrgs, I.ard and Poultry taken iu D Excbaiige fur (Joods at the POST OFFICE A FEW Eoses of Raisins, Fii, Dates and Prime Prunes fur sale ai ihe POST OFFICE 0 K Lit 113 for Books or Goods of any kind promptly attended tu at the POST OFFICE I ADIEScan find the largest and but assort. J i ment uf Letter andNole HA I'Elf.E.ivel. opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE ri '0 VS. HOOKS &c. for Hniidui Vretentt can 1 be bought cheap ai the l.ewisbprg POST OFFICE Chambcrlin Bro's CARD. TERMS, CASH. MARSHALL Salt for sale by Cliuniberlio Bro't f 1 ROUND Alum Salt for sale by V.T CbamberhD Bro'. fi ENESliE Salt for sale by VJ thai tbaniberiia Dro'a I AIRY Salt for sale It XJ Cbamliarlia lti-i BLACK Plaster for rale by Cbambarlia Bro's a.-,, ria9tcr for sale by V ' Cbunitrrlio Cro'c 1 . . . , , , ( 10AL for sale by V Cbkintvrlia Bro's a r-L- ut-r r , i i... ; A I ACKAKLL forwle by ' ' CbnitrliD Brv't i,, n, nr. i k , WS-i"' IV! 3IV LI J CbamlwrliD Urn. 1 1 ERRING for sale b, . . , , CbamWrlia Pro. j 1,'LOCR for sal by ChaiotMfriia Brv'. Cbaoibertin llrb. MLXKIVHEAT Meat for sale ty 1 ) CbamWrau -bru'a I "HOP and liran for sale bv ' 'hanilrlin Bro'. ' riLAl and lye tor sale by ! Ifcarilni L'bsmliirlia Bro. c 'URN and Oats for sale by Lbamnwf'io Bro's 1 )0TAT0ES for sale by i Chambarlia Brx'a SUGARS assorted for sale by CbRubcrUn Ero't VECTARlNli Syrup for sale by J. I b-tmlvrliQ Bro'a SUGAR House Syrup for ia.e by Cbamberltn Bro'a f 'OLDEN Syrup for sale by VT Chan Cbrunhrlin Bro l.WTRA Star Syrup for sale by -1 J Cbawlwrlin Bro'a I UMMfi-.NewUrleans.I'ortoKico, f.,m. c5ar .. ..... 'OFFEE Java, Lagaira and llio Coffee K.r-.I.I.T th.mn.rli, Bro'. 'TEA Imperial, Young Hyson and lilack ! 1 T' Sir -ale bj fh.Bb.rhB Bro'. BAKhKi Chocolate for sale by C'.iauibvrlin Bru. 1)AKER'S Cocoa for sale by ) ChaUl Ch.uilierlia Bro'. RICE aDd Rice Flour for sale by hiimhei Im humleji im Bro's tj PICES assorted for ealc ly J Ciiamivriin Bro'. ML'GAR Cured Hams, and Iri.d lW-f, I J lur.alei.ji ChatrliB Ik'i C'llbLSb, and .Vater Crackers, for sale ' hr Cbamtirrlin Bro'. 1 ll.' ITF.R 9ml T,iiriTf f.. .t ... Chmlrtfriio Bro'a 'AXDLES for sale ly V rhambarlin Bro'a VJOAP Rosin, Castile, Olive and Toilet . to.pS.rs.feh7 fhamlierlin Bro. I RIED Applca, and Dried 1'enehes, for V wiebj ,r cbn.t,,un Bro. I )RLNES and Cranberries for sale by a. Chamber. to Btu'a KAIS1X3 and Cuirants f r sale by IhamlirtliD li : I) RESERVED Citron fur sale by 'X Ch.aib.riin Bro. i0kn Starch for sale by ; J Cbatnbarlin Bro'a I I ESSENCE Coffee for sale bw j Cbambrrlin Bro'a j MAKING Soda fur sale by -v CbamWlia Bfo'i ! JODA Aih for "Ie hJ . AL Soda f M, . ! ft 1 ! A ,'IXEOAR for sale by ! Ctianirarlfa Bro's CbamWrllo Bro'a Cham bet! In !lro'a 'TOBACCO Chewing and (Smoking To- A " "!" b' ih.mberim nr..-. CEUAKS for sulo by ATET Wagon Grease for sale by Ct-bh. . I OobAlJALr. lenient for sale by J 1. f hamhrrlin Bro'a Chamhrrlin Bro. 'HITE Sand for sale by ..'Iiambrrlln tSm's MANILLA Rope and Twines assorted foraala by fhamhrrlia Bro-. itrAII of which will be sold at verv low prices lor Cash, or exchanged for Country Produce. WANTED Wheal, Rye. Corn, Oats. Rarlev. Pork, Baron, Butler, I.ard, Kjrgs, f lover Seed, Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruii, Ac., For which we will pav Cash at the highest market rales. W. H. CHAM HER LIN, J.W.CHAMBEK1.IN. K. H.CHAM BERLIN. SCIIKEYER & SON Have received their new fall and ft inter Mock, which they are determined 10 sell cheaper I than ever. All they ask is a look. Setit. lfi. w TOIiTII KEMEMBERING That New Books, Paper, Int., Perftimerv. Jewelrv. Sp.res.Contec.onerie,. Ac ran 1 all he purchased very cheap, at the POST Of - FICE. A fresh supply jiisi received. ,h9 1fpf tn V.i. I., l,rl... n )IPLIC Notice Is bereti) gnen to all 11 mav eoncern lhat n.v son lti lienner ared about seventeen vears has left mv rest - Hence withotit jM eausr. AW p-Mv-n are ihrret'tre warne.l not l trust him on mv ac- count or harbor him under the penalty of being prosecuted according "- tt Buffalo. Tp. Jan '.'7, If:. w:'pd I,H II ( l V ff . K.T.Eaa of W iilMin-.port, will .ti-hrrfa t'ublic Lc--tnrein Initcpendent H.iH. U:biir;,titTar. day evening, t'eb. B, e.oiiqjenciLK 7 u'ciucrf. A n-.all charge wilj be tuni-. to a-:rtt ri prnses. His subject is Kcypi, ami lis ..B-it-rs a region hir;b he has Utely vijited, anl repertine wmch he has dbv-re'J a moat . leieMiiiK 1. entire in W)lli.a.upurt. Hev. Thiivx K. Hi teni a (nf I Jmira) wiil ler.ture Tuesday evening, 15ih i'tb, IVPnce of a.ltiiisiou, JOe-nff LATEST ARUIVAL from Philadelphia I 'I Mil', subscriber has lo t rerfindal kia I I .s;.p in Market Soare. Si0O wortli 'o, Bo.,, adh?s :rh!:.1.,,1SresoM., following prices fur cash I OeMs t'rtlf Boois, warrauiedf (enis' Kip and thick boot.. St 08 o 6 CO 2 3 i tu 4 a 1 UO 10 14 1 IS to 3 fcu (ients" Cult trailers. Men's shi.es, Boys' Boots, Ladies' Oaiterf various kinds. 1 UO lo J '.') I 13 to J t 1 UO tu 1 tu 75 lo 1 i 0 1 00 to I ii Ladies' Heel an4 Morocco boon. Ladies Buskins, Ladies Slippers, Women's Leather bouts, kip. Ladtes'Gum Sandals A Overshoes 75 to sT Misses'leaiher.kid & Morocco boots to 1 Misses Gum Over shoes tt ! Children's Boots, Shoes, Si Gaiters 37 tu 7 j The above goods will e!l be warranted a ( represented. All kinds of Men's. Eoys' Ladies,' Misses. ; and Children's B f Is. Shoes, and Gaiters aiac j to order, of the v.ry best material and ' I manship, and warranted to cire satisfacur.'. Kirataiss prt uiptiy attended to. Give u ' call. JAMES SCOTT. Administrator's Notice. "T''OTICE is hereby given that letters of 1 administration opon the estate ot MH A EL WAG.ER. lale of the borouh of I- isburg, deceased, have been this day gra.r-'4 lo Ihe subscriber by the Remster of vVill ' the county of I.'m.m .i persens havii z claimsa gsinsi said estate will present tK m at once to the subscriber for settlement l those owing said estate are requested I . meet the subscriber at the late resilience i f said deceased, on ihe 3'Jlh January mst., i.d make payment, as no further notice will 1 given. ISAAC H. WAG.ER. Jan. 1 1, l53 Administrator LUMBER AND COAL. T" llO.rl .. and Rolrert I. .Xe.l.il have in their VAKUS, on bouih Wmr street. Lew..sbur?. a laree assonmenl .f l.l'MHEH AXU COAL lor sale, comprising thr'following : 1H.I..MI0 feet of dry pine Boards and Plank. Ihe half of them nearly two years drying, con sisting of .-inch common Plank. inch crramoa Boards. 2-inch, 1-tnch and inch Pannel; Weatherboards, Poplar, Linnbcards, audi frantling Koofing Lath and Shingles I lOo.iMio feet of drr Joist and Scantling 3.MKI sood sawed Hemlock Kails. SHAMOK1S COAL of all sizes, or lb very best article, weighed or measured to suit Ihe purchaser. riAll the above articles will be sold very low for Cash, or Eschangcd for country Pro. dare. Thankful for past liberal pairnnage.we bnp to share a continuance and extension of th same. T. ft R: I..NESBIT. Lewisbnrg, Jan. I, 1853 I "SIRS MORE FURS Hals and ap A fiesh supply ju't received at GIBSON. S Hit Manufactory, Lewisburg cheaper ttiaa ever ! Nor 25 i JO I ill KLLI.t, Aurllonrcr. ..,.ifMTrt ,he paironare of ihe publ.o. 2,'"" "u "k '',f,h ' i rg' 1 " December 5, HW8. j vri.r ficTITt " j IN L V UUODtj VEW liOODS! i MFW a a a w w Just ree'd by J. & J.W -tl.TLS, em'iraring the usual larce and well seleeled assonmenl ot FALL AM) 1TEK Uoo.l., i at lair rates. Please call and exainia. j Lewisburg. Oct. !.' I I Chance Tot a Cvod Trade. i T Hs I I I HAVE about tl)0 Cords of WOOD which will trade for MANl'SE. I will deliver I linn a curu im uvu iur s gmm iwiDure load u! Mann re. Persons having manure lo dipos of for wood will do well to applv onn to I Oct.6 WILLIAM FKICK. L .If 1 t " l a" , NEW GOODS AT WEST HILTON I I T r,,TmMvi . . . B. DAI ES.uA A has Just opened a i " superior assortment of Iry Goods. Clolhina;. llata.Catpf, 'jW!fS3 sail 3 Qtiruisarc, tQaccnstrjarr, CrocctiM, SALT, FISH. &c&c which he has lately received from New Tork and Philadelphia. which he will sell cheap for Produce, and yet cheaper for Cash. West Milton, Nov. 5. I5Syl REMOVAL. Or. A. P. Mejlert baa removed to the house lately occupied by Mrs. Kincaid. corner of Third and St. Mary streets, two squares North of Market St, east side. OFFICE in same building. Sontb door on Third St. Lewisburg, Nov 18, 185S Iev Goods Old Sland"! V GENERAL assortment of DrjCodS. maile-vp Vli'lhiitf.ltattit l op; Boot and Shoe suitable for the season. Hard Ware, Querns Ware, Groceries, SALT, FISH, fcc, i all of which will be sol.: at prices fo suit th j limes. Liberal deductions made for Ca'h! M CRE1GHT & HATCH. Buffaloe X Roads, Oct I SSI ! (t LOOK THIS WAV! xotice! yoTict:: xutice::; T T ivivf t. - I r .1. r-i. M Al INli JUSt returned fmm the CIlJ I -l A in an unusaiiy large Mock and well 1 selected, and am now prepared to sell goods . lower than ran be bought elsewhere ou Una side of Philadelphia. Il irdtr.-irp ' llnrdw-tre T TTnr-.,. .aIlHaiI Locks, Latches. Hinee Screws, Glass, Putty, I'aints, Oil ia fact' el vr lllint; yoa may want to bmld your self a lirsl-rate house or barn twenty per rent, lower lhaa ever befoi. 7i woj This tray .' CARPENTERS, here yon raa get the eel, braled Greenfield I'la net., tpear A Jaelisf-a'a hand, tenon and rip faw. Botcher's, Beany' and Brady's Chisels and Plane Irons, patent and common Braces, Brace Bills, Augers. , S""1.-:' '"'"rM". m-.i,..i..' i'trw mnr at 1 KINDS Bar, Scollop, Ty re. Oval. Round and . si,are CaslPieel. Spring and Etigli.h Sieel, f v AB,,,a-Br0 i, Pla.e.. etc. 1 Hot sF.KEEI'EHS! Table Kn.re. a.4 . rorks, carvers. tpw,. Keuir, i.,n,p. r. dl-i--, .,.. vn;. mti-ioib.. t.i.. fan. i-wl.. r 1 " '! I' Art Tou w.o ... .11 is. .1.... .tin 9tr mil; ntorv at tUr ll Aau aa i Iron t I" r . r 1 1 i fAII'l 3. in th old rni SlaoJ. LKU Htw, r. j Trs n'AY: smsuArr i O'-HUOL ..KDK.Ks ne.tlr printed aud l t jO isle .. . Ck-n. i