r i f k it ft ' iS ,1 ! m I V V BTrujiDhurfl Clpnirlr. 'fV itl9tr .Tf Thf I.RWISItCRU ruii.M' IT-, j ti h-ln-4 t 'It.- i rh r-y-ieu.. Inn li.e Ur.-e-t ttutl li-t Cirruitt 11 i Attv Ncw-itfr in l'iiiin County. l'mvlo:;!, n uional: Slavery, seel ::n i! ! )i iii'iti in of Jlr. Kutilc'e, of IVntisjrl vitiia, ihc Secretary of the Navy was re- u-.-li-i tu furni-lj a stutinieiit if I lie amount i f coal usoJ lij the Navy since w!i:it cMiimiisi us. liavc teen jaM t c. al :i"!its, :n.i by what authority such tffico.i arc ; pi .intt'J. The Jifliiu'ty between Me-srs. Motit pnnnry anJ Kiiglish, al Watiliingtin, has leeu amicably arranged hy the i.iterposi of fried. Kogi;h very properly ap..lor-'z, d for his attack ou Montgomery, an 1 all will r. j jice to learn that the matter is uow etidi d. On the lU h inst., Mr. Slidell, of La., introduced into the Senate a biil making u appropriation of thirty miiliuus of dollars, to be placed iu the hands uf the President for expenditure to 'tiritilntf the .;;,;.,, ,.f iVIii Til ,iv.rhi i.rlieira. t . , lid in a secret lctnucratic caucus wnere aua main me uom i."s this measure was urgul; but they did not : ire and C'liuton and Centre and I nion ail agree as to the way to operate. They ' CoUuties the expense to be paid by the know' that Cuba eau n..t be bought at any . ( rce c.lUnt;C4. Jlr. Wogonseller writes price. This cum is douhthss int. .'. to 1)at , c tas n(J pe,iti0I)3 or tUt ol ject ; be used by Inlinj Spaniards to betray kus nut LT .,y wbom it Bas a.,UeJ Cuba by some diplomatic game ; to y '7' for BU j a!t.s f(ir information on the sub Cuiigressmeu ; as a good electioneernm - J if tirc be auy controversy between fund to control and establish and sustain Cullll,y allJ (Vire as to tho true di l.ncof. eo newspapers, full of Cuba stealing : rHl(M1 jI1(j j( might be better nettled at ul.tlctv : and fiualiy to carry the election " . ' t f n,me amj tate the of JSOU.J Id the House, Mr. l'arnsworth, (111) asked leave to offer a preamble setting ; forth the importance of our possessing the Jiritish American provinces, concluding with a resolution instructing the commit- j tc-e on Poriigu Kelat.ons to i:i,,u,re into , the expediency of .mutating measures to j secure them by an houTal le treaty. Mr. i: .r....ii V 1 .it -.,1 others ol ieetud. Mil. v.-.--.-, . , v lions of iu iiu j lor .-lave territory ; not a cent for l ice Land ! The House refused to grant money for "Miuis'ers" to Persia, It one and SwrzT land. G od '. consu's will do just as well. The itnpressi m giius ground that an ex tra session of OugrcKS m ist !e ciilel to provide means for me su;'p n t of the Gov ernment. The President his d c'areil himself de ci'iiJIy opposed to the organization of Co lon. lie f ars the t r. atiou of another Free State there. S it is rumored. "Onrh'M'l ill Hit ril! ret iqi'ill . Th is is the lauguaiO employed ... ref.r- t,, Cob. bv UaJv Keitt of t- i to Cub., by l-aJy K.ltt, ot . . t ,.t, lurse id a cjarac'cristtc speicli. It is ilk of the commonest hi'v iv ineu. Is enee to the cour the talk of the commonest higwiymcii. Is "burglary,'' or stealiog, indted, Cijine to be a test of orthodoxy wi h the A liuinis'rj tiou PetLLcruey ? T-ik Iihe this is ti .t Only disgraceful it is puerile- an 1 di.s gustiiiL'. Piars to us this Keitt chee 'rclol his hand'' on MrllnoW to k him : ly the throat, as he prop, -cs to take Cubs , but he was soon "il jort-1 ' ' Let bi:u . remeu.bi r the fa e of the huudr u- of our land pirates who have itiv lod Oub uod left tin re their carcase- 'J In Kxecutive session of Senate, Sena ... mn and Pouglas severely denoun ce I Puthitiau's a p iiutiio nts. Hielaltir declared bimeif au " uti'ubd'jcd r-bcl ;" that oiOst of IS.ichauau's i fficcrs in 111. are "scoundrels an 1 thieves;" that the post masters ucrcticre rega.did as mail rob bers; that they Lad mi; pressed 5,000! speeches that he had dine'ed to his c i- . atituents, si. 1 had broken open and read and betrayed his private letters. Great ' eoufusi tu was created, and a duel or two ; was expected from the colli-i n which cn ! ued. but all h is si:ice become calm. Sensti r lleijunin, f,iu(r!y a Whig, Bow a Pro-Slavery Poniocrut, was re-elected from Louisiana for six years. Kansas. It is reported that Captain Montgomery has surrendered himself for a fair trial, and that Capt. Prowu has " re tired to private life." The legislature Voted to remove the Mat of government to L-iwrei.ce, and Gov. Medary signed the bill. (Kxit to Law rence at lust ') The valuation of taxable property in Kansas is 55,000,000. There are many reports about disturb ances, but we judge there is little real danger. Tho Government is uow all en gaged in getting Cuba, aud we think will let Kansas be. An alleged fugitive slave was recently rescued fr iu Leavenworth, aud " cau not bo foaud." Oh a Visit. Rev. S. S Snyder, ef Lawrence, K. T., (formerly of this place,) is now on a visit to this part of the coun try, with bis family, lie looks worn the continual "excitement having impressed many traces of age and care upon bis brow. He tbinks that Kansas is in a much worse condition now than ever, an 1 that any at tempt ti meto out punishment to Mout. joinery and llrowr, will be resisted, au 1 that the notoiious Hamilton will open up war that will be more terrilde than any thing that has jet transpired. Kven jus tice to both parties wiil he sulimitted to, but to nothing less will the people bow the neck of iubuMissiou. Tyrone (AVuV to., TV,) Star. Tbe atorj iu the Suuhury Ui-ftte, sta ting that several tons of pi,; iron had been entombed tod exhumed iu the Grave Yaid et that place recently, was wrong. There were etrong symptoms of such a circum stance having oecutrcd; two pi of iron bad beeo thrown iuto the Yard, which, aomehiw, prtw iuto tons aud passed into . uieir adoption. tbe grave through imag',uation only. j f,t ,.f ,,,, tw0 fDrcgr)ing It it stated that a "likely" girl, a dugh j?s hy our State Legislature, is hailed ter of tbe oelebrated Fred Pouglas, is now with delight by the people everywhere offered for sale ia Memphis, Tcun. What and especially for the reason that all the wonder if be indulges in some hitierues- ' Opposition, and nearly all the Democrats, when his own flesh and tlood is still in united with the Governor in tbe measures, tbe bands of tbe oppressor, an 1 ..is own Let the Legislature Lave an early adjouro oaughter offered up to the bruial libertines ' ment, aud they can come ho tne with more wbo will give fur her tbe most uiuuey ? than usual approbation. IIARRIUUKG. j The law for a chango of venue in the : Quin caw, ped last year ty the error of a clerk, !n.s been rep. aid. The bill to authorize a tru.tce of John Hruwn tu receive ccrtuiu monies, passed fi,Ji,;l'- The C.rand Jury of Dauphin county reeomn.en 1 a new bu.ldmg fur county purp..eS-(uow for a good tu; at jour purse?, farmer .') C. M. I).,Lovau wii conv.etcd of assault and battery on J.s. M. Church, a member uf the L. l .iure-not yet sentenced. M.s.-rs. llotteiisteii., Neal and ag'.u- siiler iv i re aj poiutrd a committee to " tu vestigile" the Shamokin bank. Gov. Packer, in a special message, that the price offered f r the Dcla e KivimoQ was, t..j,uuu more u an the f um it had been sold fur, and that th Sunbury k Company realized $-7,750 more frcm the Canals than they gave for them. A bill has been reported in the House to ai point three commissioners at p day, accessary assistants at 1 50, to view . i 1. .1 . .1. linns f,tiriiin Pen, i fact that those interested may comniuui- t.j!c Bi,, our Member. If the dispute is ulljy between Ceutre and Clinton, there is U( u?e Lriufeiug iu Union to share the CXj,t.uses. v ,,( . nJmiiion obtained tho public p""""c f i0 Af( (() alo!a c nmrrs f 4 itnal i umaiissluiif r "'a"- taalneer. Sic. I. r; it enacted, ic. That from and atlei the p.i-sae .1 ilnsaet.ihe oilice of l.'a i,.il Coinaiiss,, urr i f ibis foininoliwealih be and the same is lo-rel y aholislied .-.lid the Ca nal Commissioners are h.-ret.v r.quireJ and diii-cti d to deliver up to the custody of llf A i.lii. rUi'ii. ral.ill books, papers.records and oii,. r pr -prrty Iflon-tus to said department. Wiiosv duly it siiaii be to take charge of and preserve tue sa:ite. Sir. 5- 'I'".it the Auditor (ieneral is here by authorized aod r .i.iire i, upon the appliea iioii of aav pei son or persons, to r.ive copies ol any eniryor en.ries o. oo.- m"n seal ol his olhee; atot also to lurnisn upon application as aiere-a:d, copies i t any paper "r " e "' ' " "r I'"""!: f'l"!r''-? ,hc u r ,J , hl -,,,. .,,, r vv..ry sch eemticate. 's,ai, ch.irce ih-.- per-on -r persons receivn 2 lii- sainc one l.. u-. I'-r w inch he shall ae- Count i . ih- I'.an ii- uaeaio, and liie copies ceitjied and ail' -' .1 shall be deemed and aim. tied a legal evidence in any court of this Coiniiiouwtahh, with like tllect as Ihe origiuiil. Sic :t. Tha from and after the pasa? of this aci. ihe oll.ee ol state Kngineer be and the same is nereby abolish, d. s.c. I. Thai ih- Auditor (Ieneral shall cause to be entered in a book, to be proem ed for th.- purpose, a list of all claims that have t.cm.or may bp preferred against thctVmmon bo,.i shall contain the name'or names of claim ants ; en what brai ch of the public improve-in-nis .he said claim oiigmated ; and what for, the dale when Ihe alle-ed liability accrued, amount of elaitn.amoiint allowed, or when re i . 'd,aud when acted upon; and such remarks , nay facilitate future investigations, which ir -ok shall be deposited in the Auditor (iener al's o Jn e and he completed at the earliest possible day. IMinsjlianl.1 nu.Ha dinin-ls a Fn.trfllvf Tariff! The inti rest ami the honest voice of Penn sylvania have always been for a protective , Taii.r.al.heugh o,-ca-ional!y cheated by such ! cries as - I'olk and the Tariff of M-J," - Bu I chnnan and Fi.-e Kansas," &e. Last spring j no Tariff resolution o old pass nir Demo cratic Legislature. But the last Fall election, j when the people spoke for themselves, has I made most of ihe Locof. cos shake in their i shoes, and they are now willing to po for a Tariff for Liberty, or anything else that will help them regain their pow er. The following ; preamble and resolution, (reported by Mr. Lawrence of Wa-hii gton.Pat.erson of Juniata, 1 ar.d others,) passid the House with only 2 Loco votes in o.posiiion passed Senate 30 lo II and were by the Governor promptly for i war led io Washington. Let us hope Ihey may be Lie harbinger of better limes, i thick nr rnxisVLViira. Whereas, The experience of the past and present niosi fully deinonsiiates ihal it is a wise and beneficial polievof the general gov ernment, w hich dictates the imposition of du nes on such products of foreign nations, as come in such direel contact wnh those of our coui.ny. as to interfere ami prostrate the trade i n our uw-a soil and among our own citizens. " And, Whereas, for want of such aid, the coiiniry is ti led with foreign products, the result of ih-ap liibi r; ihe monetary affairs of Ihe nation disarranged by ihe exportation of sppcie, to pay our indebtedness abroad; at. 1 ihe cii.zens and laborers in many de partments of trade compelled lo abandon meir acciisb.med employment ; especially do our own coal and iron interests sutler. Tiiere loie : " Resolved, By the 9-nate and House rf Reprpsetiuiives of the Commonwealth of IYu'isvlvanaf in (ieneral Assembly ipm, That i-tr Senators in Congress be insinrcir,!. and our Representatives requested lo labor f..r the passai;e (at the present session) rf sucn an aei as w io ion oinv o-no to increase the R-vrnue by il.e impositii n of dunes, but afford Protection to all the interests of the c.iioiry injured by liip production of cheap la bor of other countries, but more especially to urge an increase of duty on coal and iron in which so large a portion of our own people are deeply interested. Hesolv-d, That the views of the President, f ipresse.l in his late annual messeage, in ref erence lo ihe advantage of specific, over ad lalorem iltitips, as more uniform, less liable to frauds-, and affording ihe most certain atuounlol Kpvenue. anJ Protection, meet our most heaitv approval. " Resolved. That the Governor be requested to forward each of our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress, a copy of the above nreainhle and resolutions, informing them of LEWISBURG CIIliOXICLE Frozen to 1eatii. There was acuin- I pany came in lately from Salt Lake City, , , .. . suffl.rBj vcrv severe! v j wi(h (te tuh weathcr. Tliey t cn. Cuuntor snowj 0f great depth. Ten uf the , w () auJ M ,he rvA LaJ : iauJg fruIcD jI;luy pf ' their mules were also frozen. Their report . ; ou Jt refj,jircs a heMt ( wtc of j wilderness with therigorsofwintcrupon it. , Oo of tb(j 5th Mr Lcc of KJ,ecomb) Milin0lWhen returniug from J , . ... . a fa snow j , . . called for help. His wife heard the cry, but instead of putting a caudle to the win dow to guide them, she, with a wife and mother' love went out herself to meet her j Lusb:lniI anJ CuiiJrcn) who reached home u-,r..ttf Mr l.n then nrocetded to ' .f , . . gucees. fonnJ -,e ncar the house, next morning, frozen lifeless, and partly covered with snow. COLKS, AND HOW TO PREVENT TilFM This is the season when colds iro most prevalent, and a great many pcrsms in our town arc now sorely alllicted iu this way. A fact well worth remebering in this wet- ther, is that when the first premonition of a cold is felt, the best way to prevent it is to exercise vigorously until perspirali m is induced, when the sufferer should keep up the tho warmth by full clothing or by coin" to lei. Whifkey punches, warm baths, or hot water and mustard for the feet, can not be compared to the glow which a general stretching of tbo muscles induces. If fairly caught, the cold must be endured, but it is always modified by avoiding excesses of all kinds. The Democracy of Maine, or so much of it as is represented iu tho legislature at Augusta, records itself as of the Pouglas rather than the Administrat on stripe. I.VI'iiring our visit to Lowell, we were shown through the Laboratory of our cele brated countryman, l)n. J. C. Ana. Scarce ly could we have beiicvcd what is seen there without proof hi yooJ disputing. They Consume a barrel of solid Pills, about "iii.ooo doses, and 3 barrels of Cherry l'ei .or al, 120,1100 doses, per d i. To what an in- conceivable amou ! of l-.-i n ri sullermg does ,hi4 jnl! ,-,r 10 ti ad.v!! r my mil- Ion, of doses nrr year! ! : it acres ami thoDsands of acres ot sick be 's Hoes mis nr: ,1 bpfore ihe ima?inalui : Anil what sv,Pa.hi and woe ! rrue.no. all of Hi., is taken by the very sick, but. alas ! much of s. (.rry Vu:p and Ih,s sujared l'lll are ,,, r . ,, ,!, , , f ,., ,i .ncui-h na ..nkiiw , .. -,i,.. ,i,.ro.m--..iir m th-r i r- h.-..i. t:..-i t. r..m.lT -. iit.n. It.-retliP HO.iii il-oon- nn ,.. .. e.r:. .y I h-'ht tluit witb-r-. Imll our h.-.u t.. .. o-rl. lun- all. rt. .1. . n'v .-.:c:,in- ana w . i : iit;r .li.U leil ta-1. ii- l.r. ath .hiilt turn. This rel .lo p on If. 1.1-1.- i It.-' uli-iiein in w.ecli r. lite i-l.il I no-. Th.-r- tlm t.lo-nm uf iti. n..r! 1. j'i.-t t ur.-t-inj .lit'. H '.m.li,."-.l. is tr;ll;n a!. Alf. . tl-11. eio-t i..;.liM-H.-ai. -l.lii. n-t. flie is il fj.liiv ni.r. 'II." :.n im-p'-n-er rene'll lie.rr m l n.'.rfr e.ery we. k. 'II:.. lot iu.- li.'.ni-iit Ijinlk-e tt.Hr... lli.'irli.-:. f -rhi. -t li'-ir oi.iy J.-t.-. Ti e Ftroeir msu b.-i. t'i'O't-' I m le- i tn'. this i.:,iiie itiM.H-e. Th- re.tr... l-v In. ..'. i-s -l-mi: ..tin wrei.ll.- will. th. m.-x. ral-Je enemy: tie wife et It.s lieM.m anJ tl.- rliertil- i.l his h'-.rt nr.- wilin in .i.-l, i-.rr'.w an.l f.ar 1.-st th- re.l no whieh they lean in Ih'. werl... be l.rok"ii. o Ii. .-t,,r: St'ire n., .kill, n-'r r--t. nr toil, to gie ,":i:,,Tevietrripr rtwr-1 ZL- TOTB I'..Thc following persons have X applied lo tne Court of I'nien county tor a License to keep an inn or tavern, and ihe same will be considered en Monday, Mil. Feb. next : Daniel Keish Vest Ctiffaloe township John Itote.Jr Hartley " L. D. llrewer South Ward. Lewis! org Ja Sf. SAM'L KOI SH, Cl rk REGISTER'S TIOTICE. VOTIl'K is hereby such to ail con- 1.1 cerncd,that Ihe follow ing named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Oilice at Lewisburg. Cnion countv, and that the said accounts will be presented for confir mation and allowance at the Orphans' Court, to be held at LKUTSBL'Rli, for the county of I'nion, on the third Friday of FEI5RLARV next, being Ihe Hth day of said month, viz: 1. The account of If. P.. Hartmati and J. Swartz, executor of the lasi will and testa ment of Simun Hart man, late of Hartley Tp, deceased. 3 The account of James F. I.inn and Levi Sterner, executors of the last will and testa ment of J. .VicAons Mcnsch, late of Lewisburg, dee'd. 3 The final account of John fchraclc and Joseph Moore. Administrators of Ihe estate of Jamrf .l'.ore, late of Kelly Tp. dee'd. 4 The account of Jacob Spigelinyer.fiuar dian of Margartt E. Smith, one of ihe heirs at law of Wm. Huntingdon, dee'd. 5 The account of Jacob Spigelmyer, guar dian of A 'ina ..Ai,'uatjs.,aminorchildofShem Kneass, deceased. 5 The account of Samuel ellers.fiitardian of Ail X I!rrs,oay child of Daniel Zellers late of Lewisburg, dee'd. 7 The account of John Kimple and Peter Kirnple, Administrators of Juhn Kimple, late of Wet Iltiffaloe Tp, dee'd. 8 The account of Samuel Voder, Admin istrator of l.un Arm Yudtr, late of White Deer Tp, dee'd. 9 Tup account of John Otindv, Adminis trator of lijuitl 'rce,!ate of Cnion Tp, dee'd. 10 The final account of Adam D. II. Ketn- per. Guardian of I'Iizfrhth Kiiitrr and others ! minor children of Nancy Keisier, lale of! Hanky 1 p, dec rt- UF.OUC.F. MERRILL, Register. Register's Oilice, Lewisburg, Jan. 17, 18i9 I nio:i C'ounfy Court Prorfmnntlon lITHKRKArt.the Hon. AB M i. WILSON, ) f President Jmlre for the Cuth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of I'nion, MiiHin and Snyder, and Philip KniL and J?co WSimostoti Ksq., Asso ciate Judges in I'nion county. have issued their precept, bearin? date the S!:h day of Dec'r, H.'W. and to me directed, for the holding of an Orphans' Court, ('onrt of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and General Quarter Session., at LKWlslil'K;, fur the emmtv of i;.ON, on the SF.COND MONDAY of FLBHIJAfiY (bein the 1 1th day) IS50, and to continue une week. Notice is therefore hereby siven to the Cor oner. Justices of the Peace ar.d Constables in and for the county cf I'nion, to appear in their own proper persons with their records, inqui sitions, examinations and othT remembrances lo do those things which of their offices and in their behalf appertain to be done; and all Wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not depart withont leave at then peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agreea ble to nmice. Uiven under my hand and seal at the Sher ift's Oilice in Lewisburg the llth day of Ja nuary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eisht hundred an.l fifty-nine, and the eighty first year of the Independence of the United States of America. (iod save the Common wealth ! JOHN CI.OSrHiI.OVE, Sheriff & WEST' BKMC1I EA1IM ER-.lAX.a 8V.). . ..' . .-Vi........... A.ljiiuriicil f.irl ITocI.tii.ilf.i. Whereas, the linn. Abraham S W lis I re- si.ient JuJie for the Sotli Juiticial DiMncl .1 : IViinsv'vania. cotnnoeit ot thi counties t Union; Mililm ami Snyder, and Philip Rulile and John W Simontoii,EqV, A"Cate Jle for Ilium countv. have issiieil their precept,! bearing dale the 'jnth day of D-'o- '"-' I and to me directed, tor the hoMins of a Court j ol I'oinmon 1'leasat l.ewiburi: lor the county I ol I nion on heir.-t W.ml.iii if l-'thruur; hjV, (beim; the ?ih day) tSoJ.aud lo continue one week, .M)llUi. is ilieretc re liereny Kiveu io Witnesses ami all persons interested in the Issii- List, to tie then and there present and not depart without leave. Jurors are requested to be punemal iu their attendance at the tun appointed, agreeable to noticp. tiiven under my hand aud seal at tin- Sher iff's Oiiice iu I.ewisburj. the full day of J.ui'y, A I. 10'', and in the eighty-third year of the Independence of the C'.S. of America. tiod save tin- Coinnionweaith ! JOHN Ci:ilSSIii;tl T. Sheriff Subrmna in Divorce. .., if ... M....... A.... f-tn. T I lli.l.si .-I iioui, vs .... ., , I , f I in a n Schoch. Iu the Coiniiloti Pleas ot I nion eoumv.Dec. T. Isi.'.B. A'las sut'pirim t lor a divorce. Tti Mm Ann Clutpmnn .Vofi. Take no lice : You are hereby commanded lo hp and appear in your proper person hen-re ur Jud ;es at Lewisburg, at a Conn of Common l'!ca, ihere l.i be lo l l en M lay lln- I I h di,v ol Kebru.HV. IS.VI. to sh.iw cause, if any mil have, . hy lite said llnaui your bosband j should not be divorced (torn ilie bands ol , matrimony, contiaclc I wnh v. ii. a -rei iMv io the Aci of provide. I. Assembly ill sue! JOHN CKHs.-ti m.ob ll.Miel .Hid i:ov III. Jati.fi. Is'.'ej tw. Halico to ilclij. IXIIIW ('(it'll T. S. l.s. J- 'l iie Commonwealth of IViiio!va ma. I i Kean Clarke, residing in Olio; Jiuiis Clarke, residing in Hauling ion coiiniv, brother-; Doctor Koail Claike.resiliiig in llillitlng- ,t..u eiiiietv. t'.K. olilv child add llCir o! Will- ler Clarke, dec'.!, who was a brother; I'hivel . Clarke, lately .and believed al pre-eni lo reside j ii the Stale of Cain -rnta. son ot William! Clarke, dee d, who was a broth .r and two or . three minor childrea of Lydia La nbert.de-; ceased, who was a datuhter of the siu-.l '.!- lam (Jlarke. dee'-l- -said minor eii.biren re- j si le with their father, Clement Latiibprt, in i Siitiimii Co., Olim, u-lio by lhc law of Ohio is the guardian of ihetr persons and ol a' I a-ses ', cliiimed by their .lecased m ''.her. he! i iiii-i t at-.-! I lec'.l. ! lee.il represent. i.-.ves of I'lavel Ciail.e, K'-lly lownslop, L'tiiou cuunty, I'enn'a tillll.TlMi: j Whereas, by an ia';m-st for that purpose j duly a warded by the Orphans' l". ui t of l 'i.- ioll county a'oresai-l, lilt- li-al Lsi,.-,,. (l the ; .i til Fiavel Clarke, J'c'. I, was appraised at atol forth- sum of s-y-ii hundred a;.d iweri'v ; dollars (-sirO.iill). Anil, w hereas ri.-ne of the j heirs of the said deceased appeared inc urt. on Ihe return of Ii.- sail i n j n i -1 1 1 . n.to la:,.- j the premises tiicieiu Mentioned at t!-.- ap- i priii-en.eijt, Vi'ii ;.n-l every i :' you are tiipre- fore hereby cited lo be ami appear at tl.o -next g 'tn-ial Orphans' Court i-i be h-i I .it Lewisburg, f -r tin county ef Cnion, i n t: -l lili day of February next, to tal.e or refuse to lake the sat.! property at the appraise, j meet or show ennsp why the sam- should i not be sold. JOHN Ci:oss.(i:;oVF.,bher.il. Jan. 7. Isi.V.I. I LAW U I'FI C K It 1 i M U V i 1 P. John D. Linn, TTORi:i tT OiTce a- A his hou.-e on X. Matket Si. bet. 1st id FOR SALE OR RENT ! TWO DOI iii.i: Fli A M II HOC JlxisKs ami l,ot, eaih .-uiiiiloe lor i I 1 two lamilies one on .North Fourth siren and HiSl'-H-JiirM'.kf i?rl:4t-ral' " ""U Also, for sale, four Ilnilding Lots en North Fifth su-et. JOHN IloMiHTON. Lewisburg, Jan. 20, Is.'!). Agent V A Frame DWELI.LNti Jl'OI'sn on .LxAFillh street. Inijiiire of HI' SHKLLEU. L'-wisbtirg. Jan. 7, ltn.a'J SHERIFF'S SALES. "Y virtue ui sumlry writs ol Ven. Ex. and f f tu r a. i.-sued out if tlte Conn vt Lorn nion I'leas, r.iunty l I'nion, and to me di reeled, will le exposed to pullic ;!e or out crv, on the dates and at the places, tuilowin o i to u it : (hi ?aturtlny( tl.o 2fMh inst., fit the INitdic House of jonas Fisher, at Lite J)eer .Mills, at 10 o'clock A. M.. a certain tract of Land sinuate in the tuwRslup of W lute Deer, and county aloresaid, boundrd as fuilows. lo wit: LUi;ini.i;i5 at a p- t, ihenre, l y lamls of t'aldweti's heirs, north l-'o perrh'. to a post, 'l'her.ce, by lantls rt" Jos-pph Ii. Keller, j souih 7S decrees, wot 1? perches, lo a Post I place it Destnnin, coniamins Ninety- Four Acres, miire or less, Ac, with the ap- tiy a wiitte pine slump, i iirnre, uy taints oi ,..,. Tn(, l,...i.l I ,..l,.. t.,.,ll. 1711 ,,r..i.....' , i 'I '' .. y, .,U..1, ..... . - j,.,,, l,y a. anil iticnee, uy otner lanus oi me sai.i neirs oi ,sjfl0n 'rh,.!- are s Daniel Cal.lu-ell, decM east IJ5 perche. to , 'Fr Te'rms ', , puricnances, as the property ol Hepburn J v g e t t M Clure. X II It & A Ij 1,. On Saturday, tho 5tll of TrlTliary ; f MY Residence, on North Third street, next, at 10 o'clock A. ,V at the public house JijJ.I.ewisburp, :il ft. front, and including of Michael Kleckner. in the bonmh of eu back buildir.p !ii ft. deep. Basement, and Berlin, and county aforesaid, a certain lot of Attick finished. Every convenience in the protiud situate in New Herlin, bounded north j way of out-1 iiildins. by Liberty street, east by Plum street, south i .41?tO, a Half Lot on Market t.. opposite and west by W. W. Orwig, w here(n is erect-' s- Hitter's residence, with a trod Well of Wa ed a IiricU School House, with the appTirte- ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a bu-i- nances, ccc. As the property ol the .New ; Berlin. I. nion School House Association. Also, at the same tune and place, another certain Lot of (.mumf, situate in the Boron:., j and county aforesaid, on Old .Market street, adjoining lot of Jiieph shaller on the west. anil I'liim street on the easi ami trinrch al ley on the north, whereon are erreteil a two Morey trarr.e house, sixty-si leet in I'roni, with ihe appurtenances, &c. As ihe proper ly of Mary Mumma. Also at the same time anrtplaee, a rertain lot cfgrounil situate in .he township of Itulla- loe and connly aforesaid, hnu.uleil north by lands of Samuel Heimhaeh, east hy ptihlic rea l leading from Sew Berlin to ihe Hrei--I bach Church, and south and west by lands of Martin l.reishaeh. containing tu-n acres more or less, whereon are erected a one storey Ii g hotie, log barn, Ac xvith the appurtenances. A the property of Matthew Sileesti-r. Also on the above said day. on the premi ses, at - o'clock, I. M., a certain tract ol land sitnaiei n I.iniPslone township, county afore said, boundel nenh by lands ol (Itorge 1'red eriek and Frederick Higi l. east by lands of Jacob Heimbach, Martin 1). Ked and Chris tian Hiler. south by lands of Jacob l.eiby. and xx-est by lands of John Sebold and Jacob Kleckner, containing ninety-six acres more , . , , or less, whereon are erected a two-storey i a it; u .u . r r . . rail dweli.ng ho.ise thirty-four feet iu lro.it i and twenty eight feet deep, a log barn, a well of good w?ter with a pump, a litne-kiln and other ont-boildings, a yonn; apple-nrchard, Ac with the appurtenances. As the proper ty of John Loe. Also on Monday the Till Feb., sit 1 o'clock P. M., at the'Eulfaloe llon-e in the Borough ot Lewisburg, two tracts of land sit uate in White Deer toxvnslnp aud couniy aforesaiil. So. 1. Bounded north by land of Adam Rank weslby lands of Adam Kank and James Finney-sontii by oiher lands of J. n. Kobenold, and east by landsof David Kamsev andother landof J. H. RobenoId,rontainintT eislit arres j more or It it, wnereon are erected a tannery ,a tanhouse.ark-hou.a frarnedwellins-houe,; a loS stable, ic with the appurtenances. I .No. 2. A ceitam tract i f laml, situate in .ttuhi ,nil C1)U1.. aftl.,ai. bi,u,i,.l 0rlh hy Jcl Xih i aa of David Ham- . ' iv w. si hv l.-nol i t James rmnev. sotitn uy , ... ,.,,.. p ,..... ,,,.,1 hv land of j, (J(. J1, j ,weive acre$ rore , .ivid Kauey, containing or es. uhfreon are erec- , ,tt.,HSllliei, hoiie. r. loa stai.e, &c. , wl,h the aprunenatiees. As the property pf : j ,, ;,, .,,,,!, i. . A,n at lhc s ime ti,np aIU pace a certain ' h.i( () ,)f roBIU ln,,re or less situate in the j;liriu;;i, f l.rwisbur'. marl.ed on said It r- , .Jl:l bounded norih hv the o;Ikt hall 'of said lot .No. :it:t, east by Water sirret, south by Lot No. and west by an allrv, whereon is erected a two-storey brick d'A-e'lljits house, &e., with the a purteiiaiices. As the proo-Tty id Kims lirooks. . Also ai the same nine and place, a certain lra-t of land, situate in the township of WeM . Uull'ali e, an. I county aforesaid, boiuuted north ' l.y lands of Widow' tiros?, ivest by lar.d i f John Millrr. south by public road and lands of Joint Milb-r, and rasi by lands of I.i-wisi Aisv, eoiitaiinni; f riy four acres more or b--s, whereon is etce r ! a otie-and-a-lialt Morey ; , , .. i ... I ... ...,,l, .h. m, ! nouse a o, : Itices. s no propenv i..,. .. JOHN I'linssiaim 'E. Sheriif. SherilT's oir.ee. Lewisbere, Jan. I, ls.VJ. l'rui'crty wurili iibove $1,0(10 Yearly, IV I A''.V ( f)l ATI", I'A. I'1 f nin.sNs uf a I. A KliK SAW h - l t i s ol i;ood 1 1 hi r l,.ltil .I'ljoiniu-.'. aud a Farm of 150 Acres of good soil, W illi go,.,! Klllldlhg The wiiier-power em ri!trn.rps lhc u tV'' S.l .t.!l 111 cn: I:: .KUlu loet p t l:iv -i 1'int ah I llriuWk. ,iv i,it! rMiivryaiu-: li the river au ! fela te ta n. 1 1 .it Scinitrrt". . j view the pieuose., ai d n.i.v 'ben ca I on J tin ' St-es, tatiner, or '"hn M.Tavl-.r. I'..ssc-M',3 ' may b-given i I the Farm aed Ilu:! line, im mediately, and ot the Saw Mill an i T.m-er on .-tie inoiith's ii'.ice. t J Ha:. i:li in this . till-. 4in.Utliins of S..le of ni I'.nn. IrriK Preprrt). I'l icp, issjuai viz: ss-'.ooo down, oti iie.iv- ; pry of the Cepd atol p. -session. Tiie r-srim-. S,.;. ooo, in tour i I'lal .-itinilal pavu ' tr-, '.v.iii ititeiest. sec'.tte 1 by lb ;i-Js and M.at-'.iL'e. The title i- ti:"iii"sli.oia:.;e. Ill (.11 lliil.LAS. Sunburv. 1'eiin'a. Decen.! er I - .-.'. :t ' i ron sale. iowu ""i'.n i ii Stmiil ' etui i I tl.e l.ewisbiitgi I i. ilis.jii.oi'ie to'.iii'lop. ,N iiiid 1 till: well km it ih- i :i-i e. III Chi: It ol be ; Loiiiire i f Lew.s: "lg. D il oil reas.u.ab.e terms. w n.i.iAM Fj::t k. !'.. Is.'.-. Valuai-le Farm for 0. suKx'r.t.-T i t:"trs f-r -ak" 11 f.irm. ,i!ii:if in Wt.ite Ut cr t'Ati;!..j', I'nton t .-unlv. al-iit llirt-f uaics uUt ..I i r . nnl f. .11 r in i lev m i :ii "f I.'-u ibnr.', c. r.:. titling !. jcr'S, Ut) cli-ar'N!, and in a m-i ii Mare i ru ti van in. 'I he iiii(rnvt'i.it'iit ai e a "tu J " tl Ira me Mouse, a lar'f Iranit Itarn, with a W til ! uaiir iu !he cellar, a s.-n. p!ins an-i Spnn.-httii-e i.tar ihe uVellnn:. an t all i-iher !ieoe-.arv tut Lui'djiics. Apple ai.ti IV;irh Orchard-, a pooil lniieoti-ne quarry, (in the NmiIIi part is a ceod vin of Inm re, also a cnod tenant hou-e. Saul u . h part. av Aere, may I1 ha.! eriarate. .f limber land about three if'miles west can b- purchas -iiiTii-tp.l f said farm : the timber lar.d id in b :s. Luilllie i f JAMLS FI.NNKV. Milton. i7cr Sale, riHH resi.i.... r or il.e sui.-. uoi .. p , I .Markc. street in ihe lior.oich i ijLXj Lewisburg. Tbe Ii. use is of LlllCK, well f.tiishe.l iu every re-peel. ., , , . ... .... nan "to ne paid between th.s and Ihe first day of April next; the balance to be paid in two. three or live years, as may suit the buv-r. Pi-ssps.i.-n given aov tone. June 9, ls.-is ISAAC WALTER. ron sai.i:. VRnsIDLXci: North Third street, J it being a Half Lot of Ground. withXJL a coinf.'i table Two-Storey Ilriek House, traiue stable, g oil Well of Water, and a variety of choice Frtii. Inquire of J. I!. MT.ArGHI.IN, Agent. L n i.-l.nrr. o. tel.. r lil. is.,s. if FCH SALE. : rilHE subscriber offers for sale tli.it larjre, new, me'ern I'Uitt. 'loiinie m ick i.inie, n ear! v opposite the new IYei ytet ian churc h, adjoinins the restdinceof lr. Hayes. The hot.sf is built in the best style, rat-proof, ar.d well ruardrd against fire. A pood Well of Water, and Ci(ern of neve r taihnt; water. Terms nade c' v, and will be known on ap- plicatn n to JO.N'ATIIAX NlUiT. Lewisburg, A nr. fi, I&."8. - - FOR RENT ! KOO.IIS occupied at pre- htnton Hutchinson as a uitable fur I( )1S. JOIIX 15. MNX. ness staml, or resilience, (or both combined.) Also, ither I.e. is, st-me with and some without Buildings. JOHN UK.'KK. I.ewisburir, Oct. 8, 1."7. CRICK FOUNDRY FGR SALE. t The sul scriherrlTrrs to sell the I'arcr Brick F(un-lrv at the west Hint nf MiLpI slrtt. mplit'imr the Wareroom. Ulliee, anit the Maehinerv alt.n heil also a large amonttt of Patterns for Patent Riqhts lor Agricultural Machinery. Stoyes, Ac. It is ri gat.'eil as one ! "f the best locations for a pood, sale business, he Proprietor's time is wholly engrossed in another employment, which is the reason he esires to dispose of this Foundry. Fi r any further particulars, address WILLIAM FKICK. l ewisburg. Feb. ISuS I nion Co. Pa Administrate. k oiler. AT(jTin: is i of Adini liorebv Riven, ilial Loiters HP.SKY III .M.N(;i:i:, late of HanleyTp, 1. nion county, dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned hy the liegister of I'moa county in due form ol law ; therefore, all persons in- .ii . i ... ..:.i . , ui-i-o.i i.i sum rsuiir air reinicsieu lo make . , . , , '. 1 intnediate payment, and those having any lust .-,. , - ' . , J . 1 claims are also requested lo present them le. gaily authenticate! lor settlement. CH ARLES P. KMF.KV, Hartley, Jan. 18, 1K59 Administrator Public Vendue ! "1T71LL be sold at auction, at the late resi- ishur?. decM, on Friday, the Sih diiy of Jan- uarvt rne tonowing prnpertv, viz : Ueds & lieddine. Cook Stove. Parlor Stove, ! Tables, Chairs Cioeks.Shnt ;,in. Harrow,! Harries. ULACKPMITII TOOLS. CoppeY k'pttlp. Tllh. ami 3 tinmhpf nt ntbur n ri loc um n,imer0lls jo insert here. Sae to rommenee at 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms of sale will he made knon bv J.KOHLA.NU, Auctioaier. i I... .!!( i: IIOOI.S. J)(!OKS for the id I, the yoi.i.f. the nod ! ) aged, tiii1 stud -nt arid ih" g-t.i-r:il reader, a. the I.r vi K Ilouit & Matloll- -ry M ur' Alosheim's Church History. l.ife an I Sermons id Christian Kvans, the W e.sh Prea cher. Uooih's lieign of Crace. t'ru- den's e.oti.plete Concordance. Harney' otes on the (iospi Is. 14 j j.Iry's do. ami Acts. Spencer's sketches, 1st and -d scries. 1 he Mine Explored. tiu de t: iIip Or acles. Vinet's 11 milies. I'a-toial Thf- olosv. Marshall's l.'.r Manual History and liioi-raphy. Chanii ers' Information tor the People. Dictionary of Popular Classical (Quotations. 'I he lo mat.ee i t II: -tor.-. Ideal of Wouianhiii d. Aret e Whalemen ,-in l Whaling. l.o-s i;i.''s I.:-, es i 1 sieoer, of .he Decl.iriili'Oi ol I d -p-n 'et:ri The Koiiianee of 'I'r.ivel. lemor:is Over the UHtets. Lord .V. oriu'Me's i';i;", bv ti. I. II. J. lilies llaitie F:e:ds ot 'he L'V itlie ti. Tribune lliiiiiiiie l- r l-.'-j. The ai mrril of : ve ar a a r ,1 ill C. ,ss- r: i TiP-l.-i:ri- ...d II. ,',, , , n ,l. Itn gmplllP-. Travrls, '1 h e . school atet M .--c o.i'.ee ii - I; . , I'.-i : i .e .Ma'liemaiiea lust: itu.etr a;. I a :'oo-:,ii a--s. r i in e n t .1" S'ati' t.e.-v, who ii is i !!- it .! at the lowcsl prices, w lodesa e ai. r- r.i : ! WILLIAM VI i:i:v. Are your Deeds, Kcrtoaes, Lc, Re corded? i I i:r:,r i.. , .HI lh I'llfi Ii C Ulitv t . IMV1'!". irj t:i- ;il..'V u Ii ch T v ijr.!.;i -. in.; m t::r .u:ii :'r Law . ari'l ih'Tj - r ri .:: in a re I ic . .-ii i i t:i- I V. tat Ifi -t; Urllrn - nriji he Ki rertii C. :.e ( iiiii. i.'.i e.!; -r i.e: :i. ar- i.a t;.a - ;:i p r- aar c , I r.-a-' - ev. .-r.-.i. : a. . ir' pa;, n.ei.t ' ! s ol w -r:.;..' .p-s r r Ian !, r . ! er io. !er -e.. :: .-ur.' .-g p. Th.t; r. ; 1 1 . r he;' i. i e: trt' .-.i.i r.v 1 r r , 1 ; ' v, ot t y i.h i r hi i.- t i nc!i iv-:I. at. ! T' C- I t- r r.r. ; Mlt il i.:l, !- ) f. I, r n - J" rt.i i;''c vVn' t aii'i t wt vevaiii-t s 1 1 u'... n i l ii i n t .i- a :ii i t wt, vevaiii-t s ; arid cv-ry siit'h ! e i an ! c- iivi . ur.rf n,.t io i 'X(v nied, atid ulni'ii sh.i! i ! : rt . r ! ai. ! rT. r.It'd as aft rc.-aid, Mtaii t t.'til' uf utnf r t-ii a'itti'f urn' sf; '.. J r r .hnil'i- o-ii-til' rr .i ..i i.t. recor! I-ef.-re ih" pr: ; .:.u' a l.r' l " .j-Uii-;urnt j urr!i,i' r s -ueh .'l ed ' I 1 ri-e. I.iil.g I 1 il s. o'i-i.t pi.r- the !etd i:i; Vr whu ii Mith Mils. rh,ivr c.aiiii-.. The J.nr i- tTi- ' with retfreiice t. l ii e lecord.nz ot deed- made ot the Sraie. C! nvcvn:? !ai..!-- u j'i,:n it, except that the t!!:.s.' is t X'.endtd t one ar. Wl::;- il.iuruin u Vin:';'n-. N t!-ed or m i ri'Jire. .r i't I.K' tTe in j tiie nature 1 n. .rti at s. i.-T'- ait-T t. . I iia 'x. i.May l te tn, it sn'i.fien: it j c -n vt y t r s.s a-.y irvcii id i r n.li' niar.ce.i r ' to rai-t at.v (-in'r iheit ;n I. r ..' i r ytars ! u:i- s'it li d- ' he ark'n u lt i!,-. .1 r provt-d ' arhi rer.r,!e.l v-tt'itn .,.( tm r t-'if a' th'rJ w Lcre such J.ti. U li-. a li.-f.iil'et l direcli-d li.r i.thrr tit-cd- All in i;-.,i:( s sh.nl . have priority according t.. thi- date ui rtci-rd-ir-i th? same, without r.'tanl io the i;me i t inakin? it even;,!:. sru li d-'eds. in. rt- tr.ii'e shall he a lien, until uch in- r'c.icesha!! , have been rert rdet!, or lert t r rt c r l. The prop,. lliiltirilun in ttir Fir. is HiS: I lu-tead . i-es oi.e cent r T every t-n ' l , ', x"d ,ne on:s wriuen, ioki1 tne ct riiiit-au, cen's. tax, b cent' I v. ;!l oiiar--. upon ev ery paper it-it lor rec-rd t'-T the sjace ithrtt tut rit 't f'n.m c: f rfur t .- ', , i m? cent l". r every if n't u'.-r.i- wn::" ren-ain tli-. ame as bv n. Hi-? i :lit r cit u tau-. rerrvin the ruht to demand and receive the Ta! onus tax invariable' in advar.ee. " .i;o!;.i; Mi:i;r;iLi k corirr. Kcci r !er s OtT.ce, I.t wii. ur. Jan. -J, ls.l'j- Df. n I!i:iti: ith r. or CiiiiilHiiiHd lAtrai-i t'l'Ji:L-.ui llvdn, !. nr. .1 r r tl . .; .Io.iim- . t II. I'r.-i -v. lir i - .f I'l . !. In. - an.l li.ti-.in..t" .!:.. II.-. I'l-; . -i ' I.n.r. Ki'li.-i. . I. in-. I t. r. I".-1 . i: i-i.-.-t I ii-i.nii ?., . Kit. iiiii . 1 1-io. ( i . I'l'i-l"-. .N.T. 1 1- in : s. k Id ai:- i r. 11:. ' I'-i i.ll alii 1 iilL.fi. i . i -1 ni; I r.i : lint ill timt-t Ni .Ik-. frwi.m.. iT-.t ti- !;...-, ami t II .' . Hi!.. 1 .,., li-irl-r. lirh :.u I itu I ; ij" - ;iri-in.T If m mi M- I i''- T". I. Tr UT l.i ! I ii-. . - :;Ii i t 1 ' of tin- I.u, u-. l...lnitf t M ,l-ji.:.i;t 1 .1111. I .-I i ll.ioiit mt'l S ft I'.dittf. T.-t:.-r .-Hs. , Ti'.f frM, ai.-l ali tli-. :i.-i.-- : M m. i Tr. i f t;ij. iij. wLt-tln-r Li ; or r.ntr;i( t- 1 In- cn i "; r.i :i rii v tt.i ir.' ' alt nun i is'ii.;l" it.-1 1 trir-ir u.-r. i't it- yr- ri. t. r. It i- uv .1 ty sn tJirmuh rt tin' r lit; l.in'i - ;.i I AU'KKATIX K AM' i t :a i l K :i! . ! I'hrii.lC lilM-rtM-'. .'i. lift li-s;t;it.. t.. i V 1 1 ' i' : I i 1. 1 ! ; .!.: F. d.ta "", a. ..uirt J. f . i I.- II f rt t;-l (.iri iui. . -1 ii- w. n... rit.l r- in tr,.. i ,:i,.,t r . . n iii. ua ii a5 m t P-- 1-J Ki..s ft. Lvie Dr. Dui un.y It- t. .1 . II nil .11-.-:.-. . a it at tti I', j 't ttnl fro. nr.- f irrir.-ir c nl.-.:nini: m larc Diiii1 1 1 tl. ii. . -1 r. - .- liti-ir nnione. I IllMI'l l.lS T!ic i-'liti-rif tl . ' r.v o-i... i. i.l-in il, fn, iri( I'-riti.. in Ilmt a r .1 .1 .-. iiii-i ry .1 1 . i ... J. ... m-, ri.'i. I'r. I'-irts I'. i i.--.ii -. . w In. ti cur. .1 l.iiu et l.r .-in-1 IT. HA Vis M I 1 MAI IX ..-ll..n.t in a, ln,t it ff ..uitm-ii.tir. t . nr r. ii-!'- t h.- u-.- . r i aimr.-Ms. .1 j u ratli. ntrl I -t r n ui... mLi.Ii u.. y l.ij . u to 1. it-ii. rll-s.-l in i ur i I'i.'i'iii-. Hut i:.'. l..i-i. u-ni I'r.l-iii.-111.-.! I. in. al.tl I- iiD-t it tl- 1 r. ally 1 1.... ..-.1 ...c. ! I. nt .-it r ii tl." .juuii! i- 1- I 1 i - Il . !a. a. t .- -.-..t .:, ;. -u ri ll. -i-i: .... ami ..uiui. i. lnia II..' liurjiive u. ulL. r. thus nCil. li'J. kiii:i .ii n:si. il-. I. in. An -i,st. ls.vt. In Suniiiirr, Is'.l. my .tioi.t.:. v. (I.n m I., r i: m. r,-utli T. nr. a ii- nt:...l.'.l a.lti hi . lo .1. r li. ii.sli-iu. Ail li. T j- ints a-fr mil - li -w '. n. in: I -I .- .i.e. r. I It,.- Tv. -t .mi u.'i.i 1 1 n -..in I. i- ll.i. " in'-i it.- . r ni ri. 1 .- .1;. .1 iu a l-ln-i. inn. a I." . t l .l.i.. .i l'. l ! .. ! r a.tl..u: any im; r. i. in-1 t. I. it:l Ii lu ll "I ..in l. I i . in i-.l, ! ti. try l. . i i .a" '"- tl.. l.r.-t I .-t t ..- , - n t ,...i,i. i-.-.t n . :!.. I ..I, ii I":.- I. r tl..- I. tor. St .. I-tin i,, ,1 tt .. in.-iiifltif t r -mil' Iiiik- ntn I t. : t! ti I,: r. Ilwiiti" -1 lTi. i I !.) I.li::;r -in ;. otll tur Mine, li-iL vy i.ni.- ci in - Mm" y.i m. i i.mvi'.'N. Ill u't Iiium-u rt. j TISKOIT lilMl am;. ? Tli"lr'.vi'l:i-.ti-.a' itn ' 1 c : : t. t I :irr:iti- TW. Ill : f ;Mii:itiino. l-r I-, t.i.ii 1 r r : t : t . n-. A;-., j- tin t ft i-t Inl IV It. ;.li 4 I tl t;-- dt lr. Vn i- I- unciVr nt .1 i r. I i l lin-ul Aj i'ln ;iO' . ll. i. l ihi- . Lowing ca-i- I H i fly i-ur- alti r l i I inn. .1 -n i'. rii. : j K..-I l. n, (. liiTti-r 1 (.. July l'. I'O I:n. IW Iiowr ir: A '-ut y. Tir- n 1 na 'i Vi- t :li n i i -; f lli- l!.rit. Im h ')i!i.f in rn.ln:.! I v. 1 ut ;5t t m.-. li. n I t III. I tithe 1i,. II . : Ml m til -I'!', i ii --z M ul-1 4 T.-r ' ilt-f ri-cits-.'. itt t.iiii ,'it,. 1 WiTli I. . i f ..'( .. -: hull Mi-tit ll.iit I i-ui'i i" t -ik nl - A- n b'-' r 1 1..- ai- -.- i-i tititiuiHl ct-tn ir r-. t."t ! l.-t iti'l t I mi ni i' T Itie Im tliral Iti :tlm tit el f ur ill. 'rent tiv-ici.itu II. 'i ttnni: alnrtm 1 l m i ' it'lili H. I i t cii'l- i i ti. In ' I'liihut. !,1h ttt il r i.-n t von. wl.i. t. ) r.' tict't 1 iH I it. Hi-- mt-r ! Is.'-l. S- n jnu l - ! Cn it .! tne to t:iW oitr t'ejunif ie : ii p. 1 ly On u.t i I ( ur '."r: :et .it it. in r'iint si' ii with -ur Tliri ut i jnn ;iTi..ij. I en!ir.!y rtired, ti. lirtTi- r nmtne.l ).. It i Dn.re Hi.ni a i T--n.r nitii-v ILts curtf af it'e-ti.l. R. -peel mil v, .ur I -Mt.PAVI?- ATI Si i;iH .t.l SHtNTVKNTaiid j TltliMAT AITI.it A I I"N ili uld as..ni:tity the H,- r tiTe jq m5 ot S.ti lui.-uf I kt-rf i.J I i.t r, JU-u. I tV Call on the Agents. J. CAKKK A CO.of ' Iewinlimir. BCtl pr-ure l irrulcr r ntaiuin ft targe : lint'' of r-i idi lice in f... r f thi Uletih ine. J. ItAKKR A 'i). Aci f-r I d r..unty. Ti'.y ,Trir TiVilC l " 1 at JOS. I. IIAWXS H it. Cap and ClMTHIM: lore tormerly SmL-pr't I a r-1 . K .. it., I.V.ai V? A lot of FI. E TKl'NKS fr sale at the Boot and Shoe cuMi-ninem ol Jan titli ia J MU MJOTT. William VanGeier, TT0;:M:V at Law, il !. I'biiip. I nion fw p r-iriiM... ......u. yi.... i!.... ' . .. .... .. i,.ir 5; SKVKRAL hunilrfil jiii.Tfs r,f P; J.U.1C jusl rteiiil at th-. Ui.lr.. n . thi: MHiur iir:ii.i;R! WOItLU KNOWN ASI HOUI.u z : 'i -. . .ii fjf). M j 1 : vis. " :y. . i -. . ;. ,v: 1 -jy.'ir-v- - o; ,'''! I i 0 1. 1 .( J V A V'S O I N T.M KNT 1 1 ail N..t.- r... ,. t... .. - v i -j. . I.:,-. j- -.i: t;.....A. " il. .t. ..' -t 1.- - '.ii i r- ; i. r ... . t . IIi.T. I.- I;. :r..T;,- .,u:..U;. . u. f. ;", Hi i - : 1. -. Tl.rti. ;1. II L. rt.iii 1. 1 - . I , . . . ! Ii. I:.- I .1 . .-. It r. r II.- ::r "( 1 ... ...- .i-- : hi. 1 .it m.i i .'.t- 11,1 all- . t.. n. 't. .' t..: .y I .,.:i:ii!i..- Jur-Lva.' oi. r. i'l. ai. l i- .N .il 'JO- - jr- o. a.; v. .'. ;;. I.- .1 .V s.l.- liitJ V An- I- . .1 tl. i .. I li.ii.. ri ai.-J ..- . tl; Ji-r. I : . . :! t ii '1. .- :. . :i ti,. mhih-i.: ., .il ;. w i ui i ;:. n . t- n ..-. ' j: i.t l.i. . v '. :-"t;t.At ' L f i:. I'i-. - ii. y;.r- -i i.i tl.at ..:it. ;-ri;.r.. 3, r. : - -i ; ; .. . 4 t.. :.; . ;i.r r. c -i i ;r. .in.-lli , i. .... i i : -i.'ii.l.l u loa !c ii;..t l- n i ..I ... a.I.-11-I.t. f t.'-.v.- '.v iin :ym ' I- ' '-' ' t. T--;..r.nt purfw I. '.-!! ; I '' !..' '. ,. : ,J - n. ii. i. I '-!. ..i i . U,-t r.-it - .t. - ; -r .. : I.. - i r a.,L,; in- :.tr i I il- lit--. 1.1 f A V.' V: HI 4. 'v f r:- t i - : :i. - : r-Vtit 1 . :i. . - -j . tit : .r::i I l.- ; i-' t; 1- :l. . i'Tii: :t.t ;i.T.-.ri.-. ' -. th': 'Witt ttlfl J't';U th'juJ.l li t. l la .''(' ''fu-'J i't.'' . :. I.: :-'.-Ui V r I: r l . : t. - I. ; ii . w . t in t ' : .... 4;l if ' ; , . ! I is .i i t l.i.. bin M r.i ; i .. .ii.-, r fr .;! .J t, ut frv..-. ; ! I i-".-- ! '.ii,' L-n r- l. r- 'i' ?--tf V r ... 1 . ru; t: r. - r - I . -i-t a W' uLl.-.l 1 . . - i- li i.t f ' ' I T ' S N t.. nr.- : . u -i- nr .i w - - .'.-...- I - - I . '.. kt.- r: '.-.. i ;: -. : . t n.-- i s , i .:-., !..;...!'!.!:. : ' ! ' -iDi-' I. i- I- J L -I V . - ' ' . A l..il..l- L.r f ap; I ; 1 . . n ; i. ;.: :. : u t. t : . t: ..' i; . a.i ! . ; I : i: - : it ; .-r;. r i -i: ' i r:-r - . . :-. ;: Van f--:- ri- r cf I'r r I! ,t - V . . - -i 1. : .-. .N- i bi.'i i nil r.- ' - I ill- ...i.. ti r. t .1. i.: I r....; t t. . i, . :.;!, in 1' v a: -l.55 l, . i i .' i .. i.- i i-rI. ui ii I y ti k :r . tl. lirf 1 -Fir- !! i' ri!' ' ' ni. f ?:.:; L"s :c : - r ; r :.r- ell. i. t-x. i.wi'6 and mioi:.: LOUT.S AM) si!oi:: -c-iv l ull ti I ita. :il V. 31 IKMI CUILAl' luxrr AND sliui: s Ti 'I.i:. r-r d. "r to L ii.er A. Co's Dr:.- st, re. l.i .; ii-L'. I'a.. vii.ete ii.ay te Ii j:. i a ctiieri. a.'i riti.e:.i i 1 Hen's. Ladies', Hisses' and Youths' I'oi I-. shi r, (;.i.K rs. F'.isit,s, s,ip; ers, i I ihe i.ite-t s: ati.l U -l nai sfVi w :;i ct-'.ii !;.! ;it:lat t'a-h Frice; A I si . . as .uv as at any j lace this I'litia.i.f h:3. m.wl FAt iri:i.f; d j:i:rA!i:m; ii- tie mnrh I. iot iliaii tl.eoM prie"-. fh.ir.k tul I r fiist t.iv. rs. we wnl eroieav, r t rt-r ' v. ur mi ii.fr iiM.'in. Sfj'i. i.ii: i.m u i x v t r, ii a t o ii : J i.' 1 1 'A ii I 7. I" i K. M.fO.I', riii,p!.i.;!('tl t'Dlirely from (Il'JIS. - I'M: i ( TDK HFT I't II'IATIVK AND LIViK vt:. l IM I!' Ifl. Te tl.e f i. Mi -. tl at If ft a ( .,y,.,-M, mi r iiiii U r it 1 ui' r- i Ih ' T tiiii II mi. j .! ht-r n.-a:rr Kit n " It i- ! I ci!v it ' "... rf"'. l.iir Livr t- bf . aft ii flr-t n tl L-r t.. jc-l :t- iu -rt-i man..-. t . n rl,. r. n :ii ti ;i .1 l- ! to -hrry i-t! tt.itt iii:-!Tr. t!.u ii ioi;i r.t-l.-.i.-z tu i urj-.S t-lN-i-tiral.v will., ui xti -'. tli' (:.. i .li. t". - ; ri r ii. t ' i j rn!, i.. : u ti t'atl,a:li It ctr. ri;tt, hilt- ir i r r r( q. aini U ImT t:lk' II tiitl.y ill Ulnir: (ii rr tUtIlj;ti 1 ' u.l-i it .th unu.-ual r.; :-'.r.y. Tl..- Liter on-rf th j t : n. i; m1 r-.nlaT'ri f? it." luiDKiM l.-iy: ar.il v .. u rTi rn.-it-Jut-- t.. fli. t!.i jivrr-.I " ;) - y-t. m nr- IuIIt i.!' ,'1 1 ! . ' m : r i- C n. -i t Lf.if.y ,.r: in th- l".M.;!y r-i :: n ri :'. . -r 1-r'itir j r :: iit rnui !, t- if it- f:;i.r- ; . t; -: l. n tl..- e ! In t. ai. l II... , t . ii.- . - . -i:'i . r i r i i. i ti.nn :.. i r- in ,- li-- ,'l-t'. ..-.-I I- r" ,.. it. ,: Lml-li. . i tl :.t -1. - .ta.li. t - t i. t . i '! T:. III.' .t.-: C t Vi l li it i-,- ;i I- at .j-t 'i i r. te ti: a ti !- r- i-i I r-. n tt' nl.lt tl if. I f . i; vi vi: , .;, .. . ! it- t. rnu". L:if L ut to try tt't.if. bl J . l ., :. - ri:i n. 'i l;. s.- Oun- r. nKTt' a't D irorl ;,! nrtn !r r,---er-Ts llo- i ft' 1:1. m.j ; ; in in il.rir yim f a i a : " if li..-. ii:i.-' r:ttit tin- nricli. i jti.-. i .- : r lU -t r.i. 1 ; l.i. .V. TI'L L! t i. i;i.- I X t lifiilth to tl. l:t V m- 1 1. sm t. r-1. wlz mil-f I t tl.' ilrl!t -t- : rt I ;i m i: A. i'I.T- t.iLLi' i ; AiTi.hs iif i i i.r- '-. v r i- rr TIP. I-UVFST.I'. ty IL-' 'Mia.-l- Lj. t lit 1- IB 1ST! r. in.r ili.-f altt-r rfitinir L -uf : rt to r. !i-Tr :lf (temurli and i-mi-ut Ih t i il li.ia 1:15 -i th. urn . Only ore J. taken!- -j f. rt- ft.riEj. ptTfS tm ctie it. !t- tak. n at , . r.: ' t. '1 c :!.- I (in t.v. and -nrr! ( ' T. ts --. iiti.-e Ukfu t:. r t. c :il w cure IU on-' .1. i-i f two t-:i- -I' li.-te K Ih T.x. nr. Hi;.' ! .'It!-- taS-en f r f- tl iiu-r cf it..- d:-rti.-f. i 'n' v i m- in, ji. ili:t On. (! e lit n r. ;e;ili! M. ::i ; mi.J a rev.-utii K. duly cut t. ttl, one t. ttl iu, '-,. :, I. '- w cu. tU Uect ct ii. -;i iRr a"' r 1: 1 1: j w In- - irel-ottt.-t.-i,.n f. r .Ni r r-. i all ' leu ne- ..r u-ui.il urnl enl r t; l o One .l e Ij'yi n s !.. r! I it 'e :. TivT' r t'i l tie a; . t w, c e : -" i'im ri. M-i t:. rt re eat. .1 . ur ' . I in :t r-t t rrn-. h.W f M'vir, ;' 1 1- jlai.t- yie'ii fciiii-.-t t- il : t ! - nil.' i-r two ! -! rurep i, :?:; V.-.:ii: 1 ! '. in I ln,.lreti ; tin r- i- n. m i-r. ''"'' Timily in ti e in rKI. - 1 v A few tltU-curr.- I':;. at - rt- III:. W titlif j-Vnre fr tcc- cirrf- r a- it r-. t Taie . r r t : x r. t.R. at; t all I vm f a (f) 1 r.i: - V n'e-i with nil rtrl:ntil. i-t .l t - in- to I. .t;ty t.. it- . n-. .I. itiil r't " .All ti- ta-t- it are giTiti;; tl.t ir i.r-ii U " ot in fiT-T. Mis M ..vr it, fV m-Wt t i ' r- ar': I Uw tvth V -r. ! 1 ho n.rr In.i?rator IS A Si ItNTIHr Mt.IMCAI. IH?i ctHiVm 'x iTkJti-r i nr.- t'!in-t t i. t:reat ti 1 '.;'. 1 in a.' :i' t ' ':- j' lUnr 'jirtr j- ! r tlt-iii w;e r t ie i- rr,inr. il ,-i,re m- I ' 1 ' f. tt h.inT. tr-'in tl.e tu i'l Jnnii-if i r ' ; f ' o nuii' ti ti ((..; ;, all i.f nUufa are tLe n-.-u..--L fa.-xl L:er. ritvF n-ii vr P' tt: 1 ''t!;t a fr--- ririi r-.; 4.. I r. .; at. ! r. t.uhii l y all I'm .-.ri-f S-'-i t ItT. 1 r. Si. CAl.liW r.l.L. I.. v. - T t-t that kind n htiad crti r"r. I'J'.-j, Iiewihur'' lookbmfer. II: 1-Jr' (iOOUSLKUMI for a!o. Inp of S. JHUU It;, Lewisburg BEAVER, KREP1ER & K CLURE VKK j'ist openin? a rnned and el :enfi aortment of tiHls ariapte.t w wants of the eomnuinitv ami ! ihe ?ea' which have been purcha'-ed so as t.' f,,1'a them to sell at prices that defy (vr': (W and eef K- ykl' Lewisburi:. Sept. 10, IS.'W - XI Oit t'KKTi.f FKNC'E ZVAiW .awed to . W Nesth Ul-t it:-.-. N . S. !. .. - l;ii!ur Mvt lor Mi!-. V(;OiD second hand I'arlor stove, ... .1 ti.,. t..r .a'e thT Hiure at the "Chn aide t-cifc. i in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers