Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 28, 1859, Image 1

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    WW I C ID
Lb wife lb
1 P J Ijl
BY 0. N. W01IDEN & J.
An SnrtoppuJonJ ramfly
Cpt 4ricU Chriii'li
V ' ') U;iHt.U,
AT! IVLLrtNPi-NT F.'.Mll T SCW-l'M-El,
7 Fi i Li;,"! I.' iru'mrj, Union Co.l't.
7Tr.' V ; 'Is 1 r-r y.nr. t i i.e: fin is A:-rvrr n
. 1 ' nil" n!" it h 1 iuit f- .! ., . r .. ri..l. '1 iius.
r:. vt :i i-.iv 1 'i ! ur ri :i li-.T.. f .r - I
ml.-. 1 a.l. ;
r tvt.i ,
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t Ik.ii 1 I'r. iuc- r. .1 at
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d-iu iri'.i'i.i : ; !
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.-ri:iij.:uiii..J l.v thi' w
The M I t t Til 1 I
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i-1 Hi- .n. A :n .r.- i i - lin. v nr
u-t !i:-r. A Iv . r' i-n.i'iits of
in: I l..r ' .-lit-., n .t .ini-.t...l.
.-l nn tntiM. ..f iMtirl IlltlTiHl
;..irtiz.ui i.r m r:.-iri:iii . nl.- t,autl
t.-rV r. I n.iiiiu nn.l mlilr.-'i..
Ji : A I'll i-I cal.J in lli.-OIH-e
v.. .-I .ii itiMTt iui...rt..iit N.-w
I Mill.
V V. Ili
I llli
1 an- ipr.'i- r.is . riaU f.T ciivt
i.i-ii viiii ii vM.-iii.-a r.u
. Ii :
. "r i i. ' it ' I : .ii..if. tj..rt!K i l-.M-i-onil hlorcy
W.'iuiF.N S: C'i!:xi:i.ii"s.
."3:4V, J IX. 2S,lsn!.
Tiiiu little phiTul', Jailinc of my h.art,
Hiy ti.if o'.r, anil we arc cal!-il t- (.art:
The lioi wlin vrav.- tln v, lie haf Vil thve 4Krome,n
-CiciD up to m.-, to my celestial Home."
I woulil out keep tli.-e h.-n-. po then aliOTe,
AnJ mii2 the Trainen of n-leeinius li.e ;
Thi Savior lovef, ll ralU thee to liiv Lreagt,
tlo, thi n, anl ou his L-mom na-e.-tly rest.
AnJ I will thick of tine ly day, liy nijlit,
Ii ijh tu'ry ill ar, t . uli th -u nit l. t to hitht;
1.1 ptnw thy little firave aith lli.wrf., ati-1 fray
a I. at st.-. ii-.li be iiv.u roinrli.-ai-J to my vlay.
Anl whta I m-et, on hiirlt, my lovely lmy,
ly h. art will i-w !! viith i!ure, n-rajihii- j iy ;
J II take tlie l.y the h. n 1. tl.i .1 l.uuil.ly fall,
Aui lirio tUee crowu our JcUJ L.-iil i f ail!
Tin: jiaki) times.
-.IrrTlrafs Imprvuln?" -i
pi. mi -nvii sh.n in
-ra. brronlas mstt
djJf?" A hatr no
Munrj-Si jra:"-",..ia! I-, tie i'.-ti peel?"
, . ,
I iiee with siinn ir annum; ii o'unes are
. , , . , . .
oficn pr.ip.iun led. In-w.-r I o nu n'li and by
, , . , , ,
.iter; and we hive th m-li: a h..rr cl.ir 'i-r
. ... , . . ,
n the su' i-et mav rerhs.'S he u-r nl to v. rv
tnany. We sf.eC. (,:. a . an
cannon from th.- Mumr. . .' the i n,, n, a
most comprehensive :.. truly uMr e.-ito-
r.a!, from a laic Hum jer o:
Trilr'iilf, Viz :
.I.- ... i-.i.
iv vr-r'.",') ro.f'cwiili i-n mvcil
rvm-iH-.- I'm- liviii, -j ni,l iii.li.-trv
yi lor in, i'm-s and indu-trv.
Th.'i-e i- a iron, ral Si.-n-o of rJiel "a
foeliiV that tho worst is over a ooti- i
i: 'eace that the iu-t c; liio.-n month-
211,t I.,-, at the worst, Ihr kss Uuas' -
ltn 1',., ii.c. ... ! . . ,,.;
crash of 1-.17, tho -oi iii..-nt j.uriily-
sis of traile in li, wiih the tiiort i
crops throughout the most fortile aud
fioil-proJiicing section of our coun
try, have left our people very poor ;
but we are all expecting to do better.
The di ;;. :cr-; of lioi c:;u-ed a very
general stoppage of i.n.iiufacturing
aad iniiiiiitr ; and, though trade has
since been slack, and the demand for
fabrics and metals restricted, stocks
have been gradually reduced and
worked oil' until factories and furna
ces are I'div-T set r.i i:i'Kio:i sigasa j
with a l'tir !.-!nai.-l f;r their j.md acts !
nt living price.-, 'i'hoso prices are
lower than formerly; but labor, and i
other elements of production, wool
excepted, arc cheaper tuan tJiey were
prior to the revulsion, and afford a
lair basis for moderate and steady
Should the Tariff remain unchang
ed, we i-'hall have a season of very
large importations, giving an immedi
ate lillip to trade and the Treasury,
at the cost of a speedy recurrence of
pecuniary embarrassments. Por the
country, it must not be forgotten, is
in no condition to pay for heavy im
portations. Ourgrain crops for 1S5S
were very light worth at least One
Hundred millions less than usual.
The country could easily be induced
to buy Four Hundred millions' worth
of imports liiirilig io'.l; but it has I means, has discharged untold millions of in
liOt the whcrewitnal 10 pay for tlieui; 1 debtedness, all over the land, and we are
to to buv them - to invoke a speedy 'just so much nearer daylight. Let this be
return oi' our late commercial cmbar- continued, another year, and all. will know
ramonts. Evcrv dollar of imports where ihey stand, and can move firmly,
in lbo'J above Three Hundred mil-! TH E YEAR is.9 s-HOLLD l!E A VEAR
lions, Will be a dollar added during j FLLL SETTLEMENTS. Let every
the year to our already burdciisomo ' raan dur,nS lhe season do a" 1,e can 10 sellle
... . . i" . ' .... B I J ll.ito ...n In tl,a
l-Vii-oi.'n lolit a tlollar w nc i wc
shall not merely owe next January,
Lut lie importunately urged to pay.
lut, should Congress proceed forth
with to revise the Taiili' so as to se
cure adequate revenue for the Gov
ernment with incidental protection to
home industry, every interest, every
Mctiuu, will "feel the beneficent im
pulse. The erection of new factor
ies, fiirnaccs, .kc the demand for
new cngiues, dams machinery still
more, tiie renovation of old ones-
will give employment to thousands of
Urtlt-illlS- lrilinrpi'3 tvlirt
. ,. . . . ... ,. ..w
lave lor mouths languished ill unwil-
.u.v....-.-.. ,ui lro., merely or : severe lessons we have been taught!!
mainly, but brick, stone, lime, and al-
Uijst every product of human indus- A "settlement" does not necessarily in
try, will realize a quick demard at c,u,le a 'flJ"n"''-alhuueh ,h is alwavs
fie onti,' Ir. w,.;., i- uuua!'U a , vcry advisable and desirable. Hut gel your
pWc prices. ianueWlll bo ! dJls aU(l credits in a tangible, undoubted
tv.Uiu.atCd to Increased activity from : state, so that your heirs, executors, adimnis
COIiscioilSllCSS that UCTV markets for j 'rators or assigns can master them without
'-'r products are Fprin-'in" un it dlPule or iess- &w bS note, bond, due-l--ir
t'anr- ,,.!.io , i i ,r I b'U r judgment; with or without interest;
15, '..-ina kcts which proiTer ! payable ,n one, ten, or twenty years; trans
ti.;'.11 ' ei' 'or potatoes as j fcrable or nol transferable payable in cash,
: "la obtain for Wheat While our i goods, or labor, or by an exchange if other
-..u are mainly ju England i P"Per' 'd'-anng-house" fashion-HwEVE
J-.ari; . ' , ,,,' v you may settle, do KETTLE, and you will
o:. .... 'ai tuLIU a3 much for , Dathe fr. an4 ,an , and 'k. sn.nd
COuM n; . "o" ul uccl3 u.-i uicy : and
. ulu OoU'M f .... .
- 01 ctv ,i....r.. !..,.. at.
cd to-, T r acrcs 01 cxI'rt-
aa a l " . - :c0l"w.'ntiy believe that
irai-iiJ'11'0' wi'cy discriminating,
trfi'tiiwill largely iu-
. .- jo tiijiior !,.,! mi.;-,.
Xcwh Journal.
: ly of our linning ana manuf;K tunnj,'
; i,ut cvcn 0f our agricultural industry,
while precluding a relapse of the re
vulsiou and insulin-' legitimate and
i ' permanent relief to the Trenvury.
All this is within the immediate alul
ity of Congress, and the next fifty
dayj must deterniino whether it shall
or hall not be realized.
Let it in no ease Lo forgotten, that
we are to vanquish our lingering cm-
barrii.-s-niciit.s only by j.ndl&tuv ana
economy. There id no other way.
We desire a Protective Tariff, be
cause wc arc sure it would summon
tlinnuanila I'midi tillnnn aild i'J
cicney to positive, productive work.
We want sueh a tariff, because we be
lieve it would add many millions per
i i. i." r e.
I uutiuiu iu itiu juocucus oi our juruu-
! ccs, factories, forges, workshops, witk-
! out sublractiny: one penny worth from
the products of our farms, but rather
increasing the quantity whiie enhan
cing the price paid therefor to the
producers. We desire a Protective
Tarilf, not to cuhauce the market val
ue of corner-lots which it can but
rarely and meagerly do not to ena
ble more persons to live and thrive
as mere go-betweens but to bring
producers aud consumers nearer each
other, aud thus enable each to buy
cheaper while selling dearer, instead
of wa.stisg half to two-thirds of their
several products iu effecting their ex
change. J u short, we want a Pro
tective Tariff to render work more
plentiful and ri'inunerative at home.
and enable our country to pay Off iu-
stead of increasing her ouerous Debt
Those who fancy that this or any
other beneiicent measure would re
store the excessive trade, wild specu
lations, and general prodi"ality, of
l.iiiii,r v,.;.N will
llti!ii-i-Ivi ilUrmtiniiitpil in tin. r... nit
m-i.. ,. i i .., .. i i "
i m .mi uv .v. mun .v .-
I tweeus, but fewer, and has resolved to
-,i . i ,. i ... i
; rciiice, either by bankruptcy or star-
' ,., . ,. i , . i
! at:onf l..c nunibcr en:it:cd in and
, , , .- . . .
suiisistej by merchandising, to a point
, i i , - lulul
i ,"UL'.'1 tiearer the level t.1 actual Uf
j CCS"V- 1 rotccttoa, railroads, union
Sfrc,9'. ?nJ 0th COntTlVanCOS for
-"li'iiit in., iraut! aim ciirainauntr
I therefrom the clement of loose credit !
lluu lu re.-un, so liiai Hie
?00,J (,llm c'""S' rs vitally
'00,i llmc coming differs vitally ,
i'UiU ' ' til!1''3 80 rct.entI.v Iast. I
WLcr :ou'; saarc in tnc pros-;
1 1" - "l:u ,s lQ w 1,0 6urc Uiat -
1 r.P"e"Ja)tn's noevcr
,11'iy at work, 1T.0DLCI.NIJ SOMI-TIM.VG
L.-i:i'UL, and t-o ilisposmsr of it to
pay his own way aud add a little to
his savings, is tcnsildy aiding to re
store the era of prosperity ; while he
v. ho spends more than he earns, vain
ly looking and wishing for better
times, and waiting for "something to
turn up," is doing his best to keep the
country prostrate, impotent aud mis
erable." Thus far Mr. GniiLit. In the country
most remote from the vast piles of useless
hard cash, hoarded up in banks and safes
the prospect is not so bright, and the relief
may not come so soon as in the cities. Bui,
nrf, as well as thrrc, much money is lying
idle that mittht be njly invested in a man
ner that would operate very beneficially to
the public. It is the imperative duty of every
man and woman, who has means, to aid in
furnishing Employment to all especially
when '-a friend in need is a friend indeed'
A new Tariff alone (however necessary)
ean not make each of us independent. The
be.-l government can only aid individual pros
pcri'y; the worst can not wholly distroy it.
If Farmer A. buys $2,000 of the Merchant
every year, and pays him only $1,000, he
must soon find the Sheriff upon him. So if
America imports from Europe One Hundred
Millions per year more than she exports back,
bankruptcy must ensue. ui moke thih
roc srkxi), is the true, safe method, for na
tions and for citizens.
During the past year, the process of pay
ing off old dues, and living within honest
ur ".."""""."'-"'""
31st of December next, and 18G0 would open
like a Year of Jubilee .'
Work work at something honorable and
useful, no matter how common or how much
less remunerative than you desire; it is the
only way to sure prosperity.
Buy nothing not absolutely needed, unless
you can pay down for it, aud owe nothing.
Credit no one unless for the necessaries of
life, and thus realize all your earnings.
Courage, kindliness, energy, thoughtful
ness, maniy labor, and decision will under
the blessing of Heaven soon bring us out of
i the wilderness of doubt and doom. God
.i :.i::j...i 1
grant mai wc as luuiviuudis miu a a j.cu-
pemay have sense enough lo profit by the
. '.. Z -
give, collect ana iraaslcr, wun greater
Th3 Silver Rule
(to hi carried out iu the lyiril uf t'iC tiultbn .V. .)
'I'o pay each di-Ii, and coWlc! ai'h !u
I- id.' !... A J'.ii nir xa :h" l-.'jt l "i y-m.
In a Bad Way.
Tbe present owucr and occupier of
Mount Vernon, who proposes to sell for
5200,000 what, independeut of tlio fact
that it was the residence of the great anu
pood Washington, is not worth one tenth
of that sum, must he in a lad fix, if wc
may jutl,;o from the following new adver
tisement, which has an cxtenfivo circula
tion tjratls. It original!? appeared in the
Alexandria Caztlle:
'.l.(;i:oi:s tor hire Fivi wmh
a si) til uls an n two 15 fn. Anion? iSie wtiinen
are Cooks and Hout-e Servants. Apply, per
si.tiatiy, to the tiiii!ersif;np.t, on "umlay and
'I'ue.-dav, lite STth and 2ih of Deeerulier, at
Inunt Vrernfa, where the nrjrncsran he seen
andei.-.mined. JOH N A.WASKIN'UTON.
Mourn Vernon, Ie. -41 dlw."
It is very doultful whether this "John
A. Washington" from th; above exhibi
tion, aud from his demanding 209,000
for property hardly worth $10,000 has
not already taken the lone? of WASH
INGTON and sold then- to L'arnum ! It
is time, certainly, that the grave place of
Washington was no lender in ths nominal
posseesion of a slave-trader a character
which (Ac Washington detested !
More of It Vore nl Leaner onlli
The Iltltimore t'un of a later date con
tains the following advertisement :
SIOO RCWAitC-Kurt ana? from
my farm near rialem, in Tauquier county,
Virginia, my "iKG.IOS r.tA. JOK. Joe is
about 21 years o!J,5 feet 10 or 11 incites hih,
and very dark, t'tough nut entirely Llack col
or, lie has a very p!ain tire u scar on Ins
threat I ihini: on his nht side. ll:s at'drets
I and manners are ptilne. He was purchased
a snort nine since irum .iir.Ji tin Kiciiartison,
near liorry villr, Cl.ir.e county. Viriuia, and
will probably go either in that uin-ciicn or
toward Point Kocks. 5i(0'l rewaru u-ill l.e
paid for hurt if taken in Vir.-ima, ihe District
nf ,;"lamkia oron "' ir"'""ac 'Ter- -"
I !f taK'n Maryland ; and one-half of whr.!
will si I! tor in Alexandria.it tai:en else
where. In any event, to be s cured ant! (ie.
Iivtfd lo me, in the County Jail of Alexan
dria, Va., before the reward i paid.
Mount Vernon, Va , Jan. 11, lsitl Jtaltw
Fivu hundred dollars reward ! Where
are tho blood-hounds ? Where are the
black whiskereJ, square jawed ruSanwith
revolvers and whips, and chains and
oaths, to set them on ? A slave, whose
ddrc3 and manners are polite, has dared
vavo a'touni urnon, anu la lurn ms
tick on the tomb of tho Father of his
Country, and the heir of the great aboil
tionist'. name and estates offurs 5500 Lt
This "man Jo" is partly white. I'o
help the Lcgro-monger buy slaves to aid
6 . -- nf xchich will, en
to pay for advertising, if not for capturing
this "man" Edward Everett is making
orations, and writing letters ; pious and
patriotic women are legging dollars all
over the country ; and tho -Vcic York
Humbuij'jtr is gloatiDg over it all as a "slick
speculation" to 'put money iu bis pocket"
John A. Washington lots out men and
women for gain, ai he would horses and
swine he offers reward for a genteel man
with white blood in his veins who has
gained bis liberty and then be sordidly
demands an enormous sum for the ashes
of the immortal great, iu order to get rid
of a little, ei.tvery blasted plantation that
be is too poor to keep ! (See the doom
of those who make "merchandize" of
"slave?, and touls ef men," as foretold in
St. John's lleve'ations !)
now Jitwi LUiroiM pat nut hm izivkh.
In the following reflections, we do not
wish to s?.y one rord against the many
excellent and valuable monthly publica
tions that aie now issued ; but we protest
ag iinst the country press advertising those
periodicals at such an enormous sacrilice.
The practice of tho country press is some
thing like the following :
If an editor's wife or daughter desires
a Magazine, be forthwith publishes a I
Prospectus, worth at least five dollars.
He then sends on a marked copy, and con
tinues to send bis paper one year SI. 50;
and on the arrival of each Magazine, he is
requested to give a notice in bis paper
12 notices, 12 dollars making an aggro
gate of $18,50, for which be receives a j
monthly, worth three dollars, (to say no
thing of the perversion of truth which
often appears in the notices of the merits
of such publications.) Tbe loss for tbe
labor actually dono, is perhaps less than
the indirect loss sustained by the country
press ; for proof of which we appeal to the
experience of every country editor, if be
has ever been on a canvassing tour for the
purpose of increasing his subscription list,
fur at least one third of the answers to his
solicitations, are "Why, we now take one
city paper, and Book, or
Magazine, and that is as much as wo can
aflord to pay-" If bo asks how they como
to send for those papers and that Maga
zine, they will tell him thrt they saw ad
vertisements of tho cheap papers, with a
chance to draw a prize, &c, and in an ed
itorial article of perhaps bis own paper,
they saw a recommendation of tho samo,
and were induced lo send on tho money
for tbcm !
Is it not time for tho country press to
look to their own interests, and be paid
an equivalent for tho labor performed?
If tho present policy be pursued, it inu.it
eventually prove disastrous to country ed
itors, and we are determined to follow this
suicidal course no longer. Our city co
tetnporaries with please stick a pin.
Jrrty Shurc lufuL'iMH.
Oncctinaal Pcpartuicnt.
Sta-Thc Report of IIo.v. H. C.
IIickok, .Superintendent of Common
Schools in Pennsylvania, for 1&5S, is
over 100 page3 less than that of tho
previous year, but quite as full of in
tcrest. The System is now so well
established, and so few (if any) chan
ges are asked for, that all that is nec
essary aud judicious to print may be
confined within this less expensive
The general prosperity of the Pys
tern as evinced by the large increase
of pupils, the greater outlays of mon
ey (even in these hard times,) and the
higher standard required for teach
ers, and their improved remuneraticn
is most evident, and most gratify
ing. ' Push on the Educational Col
umns," and oit State will soon be
come the first in the Union in the
strength, and prosperity, and we hope
the permanence, of her Educational
We ha7c only room, this week,
to copy at length the
KrOBI OF XHK l.MON fol.m Ern.B.ttfEXlfKYT.
Scyoot Hocais. 1st class, good, 25 ; 2.1
class, improvable, 37 ; 3.1 class, until, none.
The tint class houses are tjooj buii.tiugs, but
deiieieut in play-grounds and om-h u es.
MUcrialvf Srwul-lfuusra. Brick, 11; sl'.ne,
none; 1.., none; frame, 4 r.
Sci'voo.' 1'urniturc. 1st class, good, 20; 2J,
class medium, 42 ; 3d class, un'it, none.
iStiiunf.. 1st class, graded, -i ; 2d class,
claiS.fied, 18;ueitiu-r grad. '. cor ':lass;td,i.
i'licuns. A 'cs uf Tcarheri llftween sev
enteen and twenty-one, SS ; between twentr-
one and tsrenty-five, 27 ; between twenty-live
and th'rty, 10; between thirty and forty, 9;
beuvcen forty an t tiny, 4; ever iiily.l.
Lir.k-pluce of Tcwhrs. Born in Pennsyl
vania, ?U ; out cf IVnnsylvan.a, 3.
LjcpcricKce ii Tearhmj. Ta-iLt lc-s than
one year, 213; from one" to three years, SS ;
Iroin three to tii years, 1; from i tc ten
years, 3; Irota tea to twenty years, 4 ; over
twenty years, 1.
Vrvjattiunai Heading. Number who have
read books or periodicals on teaching, 45;
number who have sot, 2K.
i'crinanent Teaekert. Number who intend
to make teaching a permanent business, 43;
those who do not. 30.
Crude nf Teacher). 1st class, qualified. 33 ;
2d class, medium, 32; 3d class, uolil, .
GtiasiL Klxauks. In my tirst visit to the
schools of this county I devoted the greater
part of my time to searching lor real or ap
parent delects in their machinery. Where 1
thought the teacher himself could do more for
ihi. .idvancemcut of the school, I made suita
ble sugcauons. Where I found the scholars
inclined to depend loo much upon the teach
er for help. I dndeavored to convince them of
e'rs'or il ;?1 IiT'sE So'A fSVi 1 iienV.W P(l.e4rik,
as they were dependent upon their teachers
to help through with every seeming difficulty
that might present itself in their different
studies. W here I thought more interest on
the part of parents, or citizens generally,
would add to the advancement of schools aud
the cause of education, I made appointments
lor evening lectures. The particular defects
of the school, generally, served for the sub
ject of my remarks. The teachers, m most
cases, entered into the spirit of this work.
Some of those meetings were well attended
by the parents, but unfortunately that class
of citizens which I had designed to reach
would not attend, or, if they did, it was not to
be convinced, but to find fault. Although
these measures may have seemingly had lhe
contrary effect, yet I have an doubt but the fu
ture has in reserve some fruit as a reward to
teachers, direciors and others lor the effort.
In my second general visit I took with me
one of how's Common School Registers, and
obtained the names, ages, studies, progress
and deportment of all the pupils. I was thus
enabled to test the improvement in schools.
From this register I have made a tabular
report which exhibits the present condition
and advancement of the respective teachers.
I find it a very delicate point to make a cor
rect or satisfactory report ot the prolessional
sk.ll of the teachers. The best scholars are
not always the most successful teachers; nor
do those who possess the highest faculty in
illustrating principles, and communicating
their thoughts in a comprehensive manner to
iheir scholars, always possess the most skill
in governing a school. Again, some of our
best teachers failed to give general satisfac
tion, from lhe tact that all ot our citizens do
not or can not appreciate their labors ; while
other teachers of less merit, but more display,
win lhe popular applause.
The report above referred to, is elaborate,
minute and valuable; but the limits of the
Appcndii do not permit the printing cf the
voluminous details in this connection. Stt
1'crmanrnt Schonl Remitters. In the schools
of Lewisburg, Uull'aloe, East lluilaloe, Kelly,
Union and New Berlin districts, 1 found Row's'
Pennsylvania Common School Register. It
gives general satisfaction, and is a valuable
assistant in lhe government of pupils who vi
olate the discipline of the school without hes
itation, so long as the infliction of corporal
punishment will alone for lhe ofience. Bui
as soon as a school register opens an account
for every scholar, giving them credit for ev
ery good and worthy action, and charging
th-ni with every unworthy act, we timl that
the most reckless scholars will strive to have
the account of their merits overbalance that of
their demerits. In this manner the teacher
may, with judicious management, overcome
evil wiih good. Teachers are too ofien ready
to chastise their pupils for every trifling error
or violation of their school discipline, while
they are totally indifferent to the encourage
ment of the opposite impulses, by rewarding
their scholars for every act worthy of com
mendation. The school register comes in as
an intercessor for those long neglected vir
tues, by keeping an impartial account of the
virtues and progress as well as the follies of
the pupils.
Uniformity nf Text-Books. The Books rec
omiueuded by the directors' convention have
been introduced into the schools of East ltuf
faloe. Union and Mnllinburg; and into all the
schools l!i at needed them, of Lewisburg, Buf
faloe. West Butialoe, Kelly, Jackson, Lime
stone, and New Berlin. The classification of
books is improving every year. Iu a few
years more we shall have uniformity in all the
schools of the county.
Improvement of School llousenand Furniture.
Iu Hartley district, seven of the school hou
ses have been improved within (he last year,
and lhe seals and desks altered to suit lhe age
or size of the pupils. The two in Hartteton
ought to give way lo a new one large enough
lor iwo graded schools.
In Lewis, a new school house has been
crccltd, a ! close to the turnpike as l lie law
JAN. 28, 1859.
would allow the directors to build it. Eui all
the ground that belongs to it, is apparently
covered by the building. The house i-. com
fortable, and lhe desks are good. Another
one was removed lo the edge of a field, close
to the road side, where it commands a full
blast of the north-west wind ; remote from
the shade to screen it from the summer's sun,
or protect it from the winter's storm, with the
public road for a playground. Auother one
was repaired.
In West Buff:i!oe, a new house was built,
large and comfortable, with suitable doks.
One of the old houses was moved and re
paired. The directors of Mifllinburg purchased the
St. Eliaschurch.con verted into a school house,
having four comfortable rooms, in which all
the scholars of the borough are now accom
modated with well graded schools.
In Lewisburg, the direciors refitted the
Northern Liberty school house, and divided
it into two rooms suitable for primary or sec
ondary schools. Four more rooms, or anoth
er building Lke the one erected in 18.r5, will
accommodate all the pupils that now attend
the public schools of this place.
In White D.'cr, one of the school houses
was re-built. Some others need repairing. Iu
New Columbia, they need a new house with
two rooms, or two school houses, so that the
schools may be graded. Niuety-thre: pupils
are too many for one teacher, where many of
the a are expected to learn their manners
as '.veil as their a, b, c.
The only improvements I noticed in Kel'y
district, aie new coal sheds, and larger black
boards in the school bouses.
In Butialoe, a new school house would have
been built, but the directors could not get a
sufficient amount of ground al the most suit
able place, and rather than follow lhe exam
ple nf tome of their predeceisors, i.e., giving
the location lo the lowest bidder, which often
brought il upon some barren bluff, into some
disrr.r.1 swamp, or upon lots nf r-round thai
could not be used for any other purpose, they
cc.cluded not lo build at all until they ran get
a suiMble site, with a sufficient amount of
rroupd to give the children room for recrea.
tion, without fear of being run over by hor
ses and vehiclr-s, or betn punished f.T tres.
passing upon private property, or appropria
ting th fields for play grounds.
It is the opinion of many of our citizens,
that a .eneral law should be passe t.prrmtlimg
school directors to select suitable treasons
for school house, with a sufficient amount of
ground for all school purposes, by paving the
proprietor a jut compensation ; providing al
ways that such school bouses should not be
located so close to other buildings as to prove
an annoyance to the occupants.
Improvement vf i'lavground. At Buffaloe
X KoaN, through the enterprise of the trach
e r.H.lCKennedy, and his pupils, supported by
the citizens of the neighborhood, the school
house ha been enclosed by a neat and sub
stantial fence, in a two acre lot, of the best
quality of land. When I made my last visit
to thai school, I fonnd the teacher and schol
ars devoting their leisure moments to niiin?
up a flower garden in front of lhe school
house. They all manifest a deep interest in
the improvement of iheir school house and
grounds, as well as in the improvement of
their minds.
The Town Hall school house, in Lewisbun
stands in a spacious enclosure. I beheve the
directors had designed the yard in front of the
building to be appropriated to shrubbery Ac,
but for want of taste or encouragement, lhe
in'- Vvmre brHvMRii'sJeriJtiifftt unohses
have an ample amount of play ground, but
are not enclosed or improved.
I he Kelly school houses have good lo
cations, bul might have more room for recre
The school house yard in Mu'Dmbiirg is
rather crowded for four schools, but the direc
tors could do no better.
In all the remaining schools, not more than
ten have a sufficient amount of ground to give
the scholars necessary recreation, and not one
half of them are suitably located.
Iwtitutfu. The Union and Snvder institute
held one session in Mitllinbtirg of three days,
and in Mtddleburg of two and a half days.
1 he Buffaloe district institute held a session
every other Saturday at the different school
houses of lhe township. It was regularly at
tended by directors and parents, and o'ten bv
teachers from adjoining districts ; all mani
festing a deep interest in the exercises. 1 he
New Berlin institute, in connection with the
Union Seminary, continues to hold a session
each week during the greater part of the year.
laical ituprrvmon. Lewisburg is the only
district in which the district superintendency
has been fully tried. In New Berlin and Mif-
fiinburg, the blanks are used, but the visita
tion and duty of preparing the reports are not
assigned lo any particular member ot the
Conclusion. The friends of education are
beginning to see the importance of electing
intelligent directors men, loo, who teel an
interest in the education of the rising gener
ation. Those, even, who are elected to op
pose the system, sometimes become the most
zealous supporters of the schools.
The hard times, and the failure of the grain
crop the staple of the county were severe
ly telt last winter, and occasioned temporary
difficulties; but with it all, progress has un
questionably been made, and the future is
Amidst all vicissitudes I have had the uni
form and powerful influence of the newspaper
press. D. HKCKtsnna, County Sup.
New Berlin, June 22, 1858.
William Hodges, of Rochester, New
York, says in the Rural JVYtc Yorker, that
bis sugar cane this year produced him syr
up at the rata of 300 gallons per acre,
which be estimates to be worth $150 or
$100 net product per acre allowing one
third to pay for boiling &o.
If such a result could bo generally re
alized, it would be better to "raise molass
es," than corn, even at G5 cents per bushel
Tbe corn product would be worth but half
that amount.
Iu tho West, where corn is worth but
half as much as here, and New Orleans
Molasses is considerably higher, tho ad
vantages of growing Sorghum are increas
ed an hundred fold.
Iron. A onco famous British minister,
M 'Horner, said that iron was the machi
nery of civilized society. Locke declared
that if tbe use of iron was lost among
mankind, they would unavoidably return
to the savago state ; at tbo same time, be
styles the person who first made aso of
iron, the "father of arts and author of
plenty," for of iron all tools are made, and
with the tools thus made, man tills the
earth, builds houses, makes clothes, ob
structs steam engines, bunus rauroaus,
const rueta ships, steamboats in Hue, d jos
all the business of civilized life-
At sfl.fi! it
, . . ,
" Mother, are we nc.i
,r , , -i i
"Yes, darling, tery rich, answr.td
, ii l f.
Mrs. Lawrence, quietiy, as she leaned for
!.!-. i
ward toward the window, in tac d eponing
..,.,...,, ,,
twilight, to thread her needle irica un re,
. , . ,-!. ,t , ,
for the last stitch iu the garment she w-s
completing. There was something iu Ur
tone which made little Anna turn .,
look earnestly at bcr. There had U-n,
for the past half hour, an unbroken s.l. tee,
durinE which tho child bad been iitl!ng
in a musing attitude, gwiog earnestly in-
tc. th irlowiri.T fir.. The m.leil .otin.l
of the embers falling from the grile,
minrMicrr wun inn iiiw murmur ci t
m .i . i r ., 1. .
wind .ith.viit. m it shook the falling snow
from the branches of the ttee3, only deep
ened her reveria. Now, Ler question re
vealed the subit:ct on which she had been
" Do you really mean eo, ccthcr ? Are
tee very rich ?'
" Yes, my child. It is true ; we arc
rich ; perhaps not in the se:;se in which
you understand the word ; but wty doe
my little Ann uk tho quiston? Has
she not all that sLo can reasona' lj do
sire ?"
"Yes, mamma, surely." And Anna
turned and surveyed thccoy litth prior,
with iu blading Cre ; tht o'.d ft.ijiicd
easy chair, With its worsted piuid Covering,
in which, as she Lid bcaa tiiJ, " gtaiiJ
ma" use! to sit, in Lcr lioullc -ruCl.-a cu:
anJtpectacief;reii:cg with eU-jcd Lat.d,
reverently, the 15ih.eonhcrhi.ee; tbe
eld duck, which bad s;jod U Cftv
11 i.i.i
the hours now with the 3.tuo t'-.r.ty
and precision as when ia its jwutuful days
it was placed there ; tie oM mirror. wi
- i
th its
shining black frame, wUca grnopa u-cJ
to tell Lis eldest L'rat.dchil.1, ti4 been I
bought with Continental money, anl co?t
ten thousand dollars ; the old Turkey car
pet, now faded and threadbare, tu; Leat
as bouaehold care could make it all these,
with the ccutre-tablc, covered with its
bright crimson cloth, told her, that at ler-t
they were rich iu comfort, l.'ut she was
thoughtful still.
" Why did you ask the question, my
child r
"Because, mamma, we had a new schol
ar, to-day, at school. She told mc that
her father was very rich, and a.-kol mo if
my mother was ? I told her that I did
Dot know, aad she thought strange.
tf twin luai ai.c was
pttiuei. i'o
you think that people ought to be proud
of riches, mamma '."
" No, my child, unless they have ob
tained them by their own iti Jas'ry, aul
then have made them the means cf sub
stantial good to themselves, er others.
Even then,pri'iie is not the jr -per fe-ehi g
It should be ijratituJe to liim who has
given us the ability to acquire, and the
wisdom to use our acquisitions aright."
By this time, the twilight Lad yielded
to darkness. Mrs. Lawrence laid aside
her work, and stood for some minutes a:
the window, looking out pensively upoti
the starless night and the increasing storm.
" God pity the poor ! God pity the home
less I" sho prajtd in thed pLs of her
heart; aud then, with thankfulness for
her own share of earthly comfort, she let
fall the full cur'aibP, and turned to the
genial heart cheering warmth of her own
fireside. Seating herself iu the oi l tine
honored arm chair, sho took her little girl
of ten years upon her kueo. The J ukaess
grew denser without, and the (ire glowed
more and more checriug'.y within ; occa
sionally, it sent up a rich rud ly gleam that
iigtueu up .lie wans, anu .ue lew oia pic-
tuies that hung there, among them one
dearer than all, that seemed to smile pro-
tection upon the widow and her fatherless
" My darling, I will answer your ques
tion now, more fully. I said, truly, that
we are rich not in money, ur in lauds,
but in something far better. Wc are rich j
in the proofs of God's love constantly sur
rounding us; iu friends and health, in
home and happiness. Uur wants are all j
supplied by this good providence, aad 1 i
1 ! . a l I! I .1.... 1.
uuuiuiy trust, uiy uuuci. mill wu aie riea
, , , , ,
m gratitude and love to God and man.
lou have been too y out p, as vet, to know
J ci j t
tnc story oi me past; our, you scau near
it now, aud undorstuud how ec, the wiJ- )
owed and the fatherless, Lave been shelter-
ed from the storms of iife, beneath the i
evcrlastiu" arms.' i
v .e t .1 . t, I
"lour worthy father, whom vou never
J ' I
knew, was once, though cot wealthy, in i
ory comfortable circumstances. I'rudeut
and always thoughtful fur the welfare of '
his growing fsmiiy, ha made preparations
in the season of health, for a time sheu f
premature age or sieatuess mtgut cripple
his energies of mind or body, liis efforts;
had been successful ; he felt at case, and
happy, in the sunshine of bis homo ; per
haps too happy there, and tho brighiuess
of our earthly dwelling made us ail, per
haps, forgetful of that homo not mado
with hands.etcrual in tho heavens.' There
came a season, however, which bad its
teachings, and called that either world viv
idly to our remembrance.
"Unfortunately, the large proportion cf
his property was invested iu one instil u-
I tios, where fas consii-TcJ it p tfcc'ly s . j
IN IM3....WI1ULE NO., 772.
I'tnr, alwajH In .Idianrr.
i cure. That institution fail.-!, and a corn-
binati'in of circ'i'iistanci f llow. d which
su ldetily re 1'iecd n-i Twin C mifurt to n:u-
: "
i ury. The (17 et upon your fu'ber was
' ' , , ,
f -arfil. The s'rons man wa- bowed down,
, l'Mli x " . '
for in a mora-nt, al! Ins b.pr-s for the fu-
i ... , !, ,. , ,
i tare of his f.'ailv, a.l bis flan fir tha
,!"0 ""F'ent of hisc lu.dr -n,
were swejf away, .s by . wh.rlwtn . II
"S5m Vtnt,i. Mer.ta.iy anl
PHy. " nk b. neath the shock,
nJ, like one ha.f prabxcJ, Le went dwly
I 10 ' V' "f lu"DtM' ""g
unconscious why Le did so. This state
! f t"" '- ttrte montb 5 but t;
' heart was Krk' n, and one morning,
! earring Lis room, he full dead withou
sih or a groan.
" Then it was that Ignite Mercy look
el upon my s rrow, an ) through all the
glocm, I Mir, after a time, the band of a
loving t'a'hrr, guiding anl directing all
thin;? to some great cad. Up to this time,
worldly c-rts, the daily arrargemnts (et
my little hou.hoid, bad too much en
grosser u.e. Horn, . fi atone, with Bono
to sh-.re my re.'p.nriLiiitie?, no earthly
arm on which to kin, I turLed with a deep,
conviction cf my weaknus atd helpless
ness, to ' Olb mvy to save;
l.k? a . J she; htid, he trcttUd forth Li
btud, ! giiLcred me aud my little euc
i-it.j his earti.lv fold. There we hate evtr
.' sirice Lt a !"!.. .
j H it ! t mi
ind, safe, happy.
h w you A ie Lis hve wis
rJs me. I Lai a br jthvr,
,:. 1 i v;-.-, the d.ir Cum
chiihioi: at.1 Low God
j a wuts l.-ud r
' t"".a c-I my
- ' ..- . e 1 f
iiij'.c Lita ti.vi iu-'.ruu..ui oi iov rei.ei
1 He riiJ J in a distut part, and when tho
! lid.ugs of my s rrow cached him Le Las-
' ttned to my ail. When at Ltt we met,
I h
y u?',!i ;
I.. '1 ef suiT. rir.g. He t ick
: -, ai.d c jEifi rtel me, and I
i Losjui. (,' I s.J, iu my
in Lis z.:
ci uFoa 11
my chiilrcn! my chil-ireu !
friendless ! what will become
f itherl
of them ?
" tuier, they sha'l never want,' bo
sail ; " all that I have is theirs. lie
comforted. Tru.-t in God in me."
" I did I did, my child, and tho prom
ises cf Gol, an 1 of that darling brother,
faded not. Frorj jojr to year, his liberal
remittances have suiiaiced us. My chil
dren have been fed, and clothed, and edu
j Cited, by his houuty j a bounty inspired
cf God. As your brothers and sisters
Lave grown up, bis giod judg-meui has
iiUoi tuom to Mice-, inti. F..i.s ; i,f0f
and Lis a.-sistaiuo has boon
uulil they were enabled to sustain them
selves. And, uetr tbrj ooi are married
and gone from their home, except my
yjung'.-st treasure," and she beid lii.tie
Anna closer to h. r heart, ''Lis bounty still
supports us, iu a great degree ; t. r when
he tiled, he left ali that remained of hid
property, whieh was never large, to bis
only sis'or. He has gone to Lis reward ;
and we are left to blcsa his memory.
"Now, my cliiid, are not our riches bet
ter than gold and silver ? home and
lrieods, contentment and domestic love !
A love a'l, we humbly trust, a faith in
Christ j a trea.-cre luii up ia heaven, that
fodeth cot away."
"And, mother, if I pray, shall I always
hv.'o this V
"Ycs,niy chiM. Tray not f r riches
which perish in the us.ng : but for love to
God, which will ensura us peace, ami Ufa
Chinere Apiculture.
The Pi iinytianian, referring to a rjar-
rativo of trivcls in China, published by
j p . - ,his auh ,iko
(,th(,r wlo taj Tis:(cJ chia.J( bcarJ
t.,stll,,cy to ,be development of
I ar,.,u,,re i:l th.,t cvsterious couulrv.
The iiarvrst in China, he remarks, produ
ces City, seventy and even a hundred fold.
The cause will be Lund ia tho care witlt
which they manure the ground, and the
custom of sowing early, of weeding anJ
watering, etc. The aero cf land yields in
Kuiilaud, Germany, and France', twice or
three times as much as with us, but tho
Chinese agriculturist surpasses even the
European by far. "How infinitely infe-
i i r t - e- it- i ;
rtor, says 1 roiessor Ltebig, "is the agri-
, ... . .. , ,-i ti
culture t-f i.urone to that of China . Hue.
!. . . , . ., ,
i ... l,p niit nili.iirnt, ft ft nriit-iiri
an. uaitc rf f:ar,tf, f, r each of whirl.
t'uty understand hoT to prepare aud at ply
the best adapted manures. The gricul
luro of their country is the mcst p.rfect
iu the world; aud there.n here tbe ciimate,
iu the most fertile districts, diff. rs liitio
, , , ,
fr m the European, very litilo value is at-
IacXmi, t0 ti(J cxenmKMi f ,nim;i;s.
With as, thick books are written, Lut no
experiments in.-titutdl, ,e.
Travelers tell us of one particular a-
taitm cnt of I'hinesc agriculture, which,
though it is not always ef practical value,
indicates a wonderful knowledge of the
laws of vegetable growth that M, tho
power of enlarging or dwarfing, at will,
many of the productions of nature. Thus,
an onk tree, for instance, will frequently
to seen growit.g in a Sower put, bearin-j
its thrifty little leaves and bringing its
tiny acorus to maturity with all the regu
larity of its forest kindred, the entire tree,
cot being uioro th iu two f-.- t high. Such
yjceiuiene of Itmuau ing- uu y nny bo
-iihlf, but ti..y :.iply a kn.aielgi
i 1