Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 21, 1859, Image 2

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i T i
ifiuiiabnrfl Cljnmirlr.
hll oo th Ch ?ymim. haa th lrr-t and bt 1
-ulti'o ofmr Wwapap.? in Coino Couuty. j
CuV'e are inilebtcd to U. P. Seuatnrs
Cameron and Sonar J for documt-nts from
Washington; and to Seoators Gregg, My-
er, and " Fithrr Brady," D. p. S.c. Dief -
fenbacb, and Representatives Wagonseller
and Patterson, and Br. IUucb, T. C, for
favors from rjarrisbunr. ( Also to some
one unknown for an extra C"py of the
Cuniiesstoiia! and JJm't OMie, one or
I.-. ii, i.f irliifti wa vould distiiie uf. to
any one wanting them.)
nomination for State Treasurer.
IlAuaULUU, Jan. 14 Tbe Opposi-
tion nifuilters of the Legislature held a
caucus tliis cvtoit,;. At 7 o'elock, the
body was called to order, aDd organized by
he election of the following officers:
1'resideut, Andrew fiRFC.ti from Centre;
Secretaries, 0. I'. Uansdeil, f.oin Venau-
go, and J. II. I'Vter, from Allegheny.
The caucus then proec ded to uiako a
nomination, mtu ttii loiiowmg result
1st Ballot. 2.1.
1 1
flifer of Tnion
' ..f Warren
Henderson of Lancaster
Corliraa nf 'irk
T.igsart of S'.-rtnuiuvv.t
K.mher of Klk
Wallers of Chester
k.i.-u t- scbui .kill
If! IS
H 111 7
8 b 4
a iruh.travn
f. 9 1
4 with
4 4 with
Mr. SLIFtll was
dcclarca to ne me
. . 1..
nominee, wucu iut
nnmimons. and the caucus adjourned.
On the lirt ballot, Col. Slifer bad the
votes of Messrs. Gregg and Harlow ot
F,;aron of Clinton, MehtfTey of
Lycoming, Wagonseller of Snyder, Patter-i
too of Juniata, Witherow of- M.filiti, P.u- ,
Ihcrford and Wittuan of Daii bin, lv k- j
,.t ijitnnnn M 'iMure of Fr aii k liti .atid '
Iherford and Wittuan of laupbin, lv K-
men of Lebanon, .M'Clure of Fraiiklin.and !
Uli II ui hj'.-m -
others from various parts of the Staff, j
This unanimous vote of all the Opp-si- !
liro Members from our adjacent counties,
was most fldtteriii" to the nominee's stan-
diog i bume. i'he final vote included all j
e xcept tht pet sonal friends of candidates !
but withdrawn; and of the whole Mem-
bership, perhaps there were none who did
not regard Col. Slifer as their Fccond
choice, most heartily their first choice, j
were there no district or personal rela- '
tions to interpose. j
We learn that the unsuccessful camli- i
dates vied with each other in their con- :
gratulatious to tbe nominee; and the long '
exciting contest ended without a bitter .
feeling beiiiir eneeudered against the for-
p, c " ....... ..j.. i,ii Ki.ktu.-a!., in b
lunate contestant in the bieast cf any of m.st dangerous demagogue, aud as heart
bti opponent-. , lesS aJ ,,e ls fj . tj FreuJl)ul aQj , tnJe
fill, tlretit nominated Col. Slifi r in the ; llrinnciaev
.., .udC'..d.VV.pi.!iier;ii Afc-emb'.y. j A Noxuea Oaim. Kinsley S Bine-
On M.-nday of this week the election I bjIUi ,a,a (;ernor of Michican (former,y
came i n, anu me vote moon .
Slifer, Opposition
Magraw, Administration
There were ten .fc"'".
. ronulnr ilartV VO'e.
f... we have seen, all the ionr t
n.l. of the Statc-IndcDendent. Neutral.
Opposition, and A'liuiuistration, concur j
made, and exp.ess unlimited confidence !
that the Treasury will be in safe, prudent, j
reliable hands. 1
The retiring Treasurer has held the
office three years" and will probably yield
up tbe treasures, and not made "iudepend- j
ently rich," as gome seem to suppose cau
be done by tbe holder of that office.
- t-'iior'J precinct, lias lately published a
A bill to lay out a State road from statcment ,,,t .c ,) nut atlac, his namc
Shroyer's Gap in Clinton county, past i (lJ ,be fraujuicut Qitf .rd return, but that
MVall's Mills in Union, to the KengVr ( it was for,c jr. Walker comments up
road iu Huffaloe Tp., passed tbe Stoate j 00 tb;3 fut.t as ar. ii lustrat ion of the ii.jus
and is now pending in the Assembly. ; lice jone Lim hy the Administration in
Gov. Packer ha vetoed nearly a dozen ; CCnsutiug him for rejecting the Oxford
bills that were passed by bis Democratic fraud.
Legislature of lat year. j CEsr;A;;T;;'ot7iog i., .
A resolution of inomiry into the man- .. f . . f
. . . , .,! .,... i ll!t cd persons, one: liundr&l umiM old and
ter of sa e of tbe Delaware Division, was . . , " , .
' upwards, whose deaths were reported iu
t ft. u.v,
iuc s-.o..,.j ok.k .v -
strong expression of opiuion in favor of a
Protective Tariff, which was passed ly
' .
that body only two Demoerats against it. ,
--- -
Corstdt Table excitement was raised 10 t
Harrisburg, one day last week, by the:
. . ,. , f:l.
brutal and eowardiv attack of an Irish
Catholic, named Douovau. last vear a '
i ..!, .f .!. I ;l..t, b-I,,. ..,.,le so
... .u B.e.-.-.-,
tiieffcctual attempt to contest the seat of
Joseph M. Church, an American Member
from 1 htladel; hia. I burctt ueoonnce'l
hiiu iu his place, in severe but fitting lan-
..uace. Donavan waylaid Church near
his boarding house, armed with deadly
Weapons, which he used with some effect
weap.ms, which he usea with some enect
before he could be restrained. As seou
before he could be restrained. As seou
as the news got about, D oiavati bid him- :
self, or be would probably havo been
lynched. The Assembly passed a resolu-.
' - I rl
11011 excluding him from the privilege of ,
iheir floor, and he was also turned over to
the civil authorities. j
Got. Morgan, of Aew lork, is thehrsti
State Kxecutive to come out publicly ;
inst the lobby influence in the legisla-
live halls. He threatens that be will veto j
I'verv bill that he suspect has been passed j
1 brough lobby importuniti. a. This is right, j TRy Jx. xhc Scientific America ree-
lf the rcpresentaiivc of the people should ommcuj,, as , ubstitute for hot whiskey
betray their trust, the Governor should 1 ru0(.h 00 , coIj nigbti ,be fun0WiDg :
!el bouud to defend the people against tbe j ,.at ,bree or four lumps of sagar.with
,.;ta of such dirhoncst representatives, and j baif a tespooi.ful of cayenne pepper, in a
n exposure of the facts would coon cure j tumbler, and Gil it up with hot water;
'.a mischief. when the sugar is dissolved, drink. It is
. - T "tV,tnT .lt.k.i. ; not only pleasant to palate, but warms
St.LouiS.Jan.l7,l8.I)9.-Adtpatchjtho eff;ctnt ,D(J
:--om InJepecdcnce, to the RcpuJ-iytyn : than sl,irits."
1 'lit just as the Ne Mexican mail was
: ,viug Santa Fe, an express nrrivod, an- L- D Campbell, who was so seriously
o ' ' ;.;..,1 1.. . ...re.', it u : .u
nt.tfz u.e Sj!j nrriv.11
f, , , f i' e ci-.it'f
.Hba us rr;r.
CoogrcM is about to be called on (o
indomo another Federal Loan for Tuirty
Millions of Dollars. Tbe ostensible reason
for this Lnan is the falling due of some
; b," Mf-M f Treur, No.e.,..
thonted at the last Session, under the de-
, luive expectation held forth by Secretary
! Cobb that tie difiuit then begiuoiug to
'' yawn, wouM soon be stopped,
j Washington, Jim. 17, 1859. The
j muvuuieut looking t'l the acquisition of
J Cuba, is regard-.-d here by all parties as a
! mere electioneering dodiie. It is a despe-
1 rate attempt by Democratic leaders to rai
I .,..-. ii-
I a new issue with union to divert public
. utt.-nii.it, frmii i In. ip wr,fi'.hid mimitunairts
t, ,..,.. ,., ,! frnn. tl,A
i embarrassing question attending the rcvi
; quesuou uiiuuuiu me iui-
rioau slave trade. They have
test hope of acquiring Cuba,
j val of the Atri
, uot ihe si ylit u.st
! either by pim-hae or force, and laugh
: openly iu piivate at tbe f .lly of expecting
1 spaiu to reiiuquisb her most valuable
. province. The movement is a humbug;
a trauspareut trick the last del ice of
Llik-d and despairing nliticians. They
wi5h to get up a popular agitation for the
j acquisition of Cuba, uud then charge upon
; t,e K.'jmblicaris the iuevitablo failure of
i the ait'jmpt to acq'iire.
! The Pacific Railroad bill is mating
I some progress iu the Seuate. The French
1 Spoliation bill bas passed that body.
Rli.HT The Kepu
ix-an members of
Congress, in caucus, on the i th inst.,upoti
the bill f ,r the admission - o..,,., ,c
ountm iu upposo it as loug as the Etiglish
' hill of nrol. 'lotion ct:inila in pdrj.pit,inj .. '
i ' pursuea in oraer
j P ace u.e lerruories on an equality.
hat II YI'oCUlaY : Senator Uouglas ;
well argued ibat so long as the ikWc of j
Kansas were opposed t. the Leeompton j
Constitution, ail the "forms of law and !
modes of sanction" they could cast around ,
it would n t m.iko it rit.t or bindine. I
modes ot sanction" they could cast around ,
it would not m..ko it right or binding, j
rj c
Hven so the 'iO; of Illinois have fairiv 1
expressed th. uiseives n.j.nml turn for U.S. ;
Souator, and yet he will accept I ho posi- j
tiou under true "forms and modes of sane- i
which irampie upon tue popular ,
ii. i .. .
Sovreignty and elect tbe man with the
second highest vote ! Last week, Douglas
received 51 voti s in joint ballot of the
Illinois legislature, and Lincoln 4G. In
accepting au election thus gaincd.Douglas
proves himself recreant to tbe words and
t the principles upon which be hopes to
humbug his way to the Presidency ! The
KU0 i.n.ke ,Ile Missouri Compromise
rclnT,.J the ancient landmark" and
caused all the lloodtdicd and woe and I
.,;,,,, .-, !, nmM r,m v .-. - I
troal .i.irctnus, uuon uo., i i ei.,.
ted L. J". ."senator from Michigan fot
I years fnttn 4th March next, in place of
Mr. Stuart, a Pouglas Democrat.
Wuj. Pitt Pcsscnden, of Maine, and
Henry ilsou, of Massachusetts,
b'"b U'M" a"d ,rue Republicans.are
t0. "l Senate, from
their respective Htatcti.
1 he Democrats of Delaware have elected
a,Mr' f'"? " be same station, in
Place of Mr Walc8 of the ripe.
Kx Oov. Walker and his Secretary Stan-
,on "f Kansas, have a card addressed to
le psople of the United States, in The
mmrnl-er, in rcspcci 10 me
fraudulent Kansas ehctiou returns. Bat
Jones, oue of the Judges of the notorious
the United States diirinn the vear 1S.".S
David Wright (eolnred) .etvVorl. aged 110
Abigail Brow n, Massachusetts los
'Jn. ""7. l"?
Mrs. mine Lanmster, Honda 130
Michael tiienne.I. rennsylvaina lo(i
Sally Katt n, Massachusetts 103
r,..., (r,,:,,,,,!! Louisiana ian
Rev. Lanan Atns.vorih, New-Hampshire 100
. n - .
.lary .unison, irginia
Amain Kirk (colored)
Jonu i. i.rni tix. Minnesota
Johl ,;is(. Aew.Vorit
l)f,resi, Connecticut
(,audaipe Romeo. Calilornia
l.harles t.arman, I ennessee
SaraJi ltei,j.,miu, Pennsylv
Wph Ciayion, New-Jerse
, ,b'
l' r l, , ...K..-nA V I .
K.lr,, tarh, Massachuselts
K.lr,, tarh, M.issachus.
IVier (slave) Virginia
IVier (slave) Virginia
Nancy (colored) V irginia
K!sh Mason, Connecticut
" '"j. Ma,ne
Micah Balcom, Massacutisetis
,ieIsrv Wi;ham (cuored) VlsU o CoI.
Margaret Hoyt, Kentucky
Jonas Frazee
Wife nf I.udwig Snvder, Pennsylvania
Klizabeth Arthur, New-York
Rev. John sawyer. Maine
Harriet Lane (colored)
Rebecca Cutrisht, Virginia)
" J "- ' ' a v.vw, n.iHca, iu tuv
1 d..i, at J ir;ciB; Oi-io, is recovering
When Gen. Scott arrived in New Or
leans, some one near him in tbe crowd
which pressed around bint at the St.
Chrles, asked permission to carry his over
coat for him. The General granted him
the request, and the person in carrying out
his intentions in getting tbe coat in bis
possession, carried it entirely away, and .
the General has not heard of it since.
Thomas Hart Benton, jr., has been ap
pointed Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion in Intra.
pOOKS for the old, the young, the middle-
ased. the student and the a.'wal reader,
! atihe l.cwiNbiirg Hook t Matiou-
4.,.y orc.
KLiNhpiiii's Church History.- Life and
t . ... i . . t. - k . i, i'
HermonS "I Llinilianik.dll., ..
) cher.-
Uiv.lh's Keian 'f Urare. Urn
den .s complete oiicoronncr. uiuucs
Notes on the C.speK Riley's .io;and A-ls.
Spencer's sketches. 1st and Set series.
nie ylne j.;spiorP,. liunle to thettr- j
Iete Cuiicnrdancf. Itarnes
ares. Vmet s JI mi!ies. raMorai l no- .
..Insy. Marshall's I'.S Manual History and
Bnisraphy. t'hambers' lnlonnaiion f.irtlie
lV,.plc. Uiclionarv of I'opnhir Classical ,
Oo..iaii.nv. The Knmanre of H story. !
Meal of Womanhood. Arcnc Whalemen
and Whalms. l.osui's Lives f Siswrs
of the Declaration of Independence. lhe
H.miance of Travel. Memories Over the
Waters. Lord Montague's I'aee, by t. I . :
K. j ,,es Ualtle Fie:!s of ihe lievoluuon.
Tribnnp Alo.aliac I t ISiil. )
The above are a few t.f a general assort-1
ment id good Hooks, consisting of Histories, :
Hi.i-rapliies. "'"ravels, Throlosical, Common I
Se.lmol and Miscellaneous Books. Portfolios,
Mathematical Instruments, and a seneral as-.
sortment of Stationery, which is ollere.i
lOkfccsi y
"willlAM MI RUAY.
TOTICE is luToby jjiven lo all con-
cf rne.ljthat the following named persons
have set:led tl
ih'ir accounts in the Registers
n )u.e al ,t.u.ls,lr
Colon county, and that
the said accounts will lie presented lor confir
mation and allowance at the Orphans l,nurt.
,n ,ie ilM . j.i;wiSl.i:R;, for the couniv of
L'nion. on the third t inlay of r KHRt AUi
t-Jih .In.' i.t :in! mrtnlh. V7:
nf' .jlj'.
s,vanz. '
meui ol S.n
'"'l.-.'. ..
account of t!. B. Hartinan and .1.
, executors ol the last will anil testa-
meui "t am-m nunmu,,, .a.v.
"T'The account of Jaa.es F.I.inn and Levi
j itn-oiiiii ,, .,. , . 1,1
Sterner, execuiors of the last vvi
' f J XicluU-n .WnscAJate ol
,il and tesia-
ol Lewistoir
j i
:1 fma accum 0f J,,hn Sehraek and
Joseph Moore. A immiMrators of the eate ol
..imjt .U'rtirr. idle ti iiii, I-. . v t.
. rlle account of Jacob Spigelmyer.finar-
dian of Mirgnrrt I'. S nith, one of the heirs at
law of Win. Hunliiigilon, dec d.
5 The account of .Samuel Z-llers.fJiianlian j
of Attn Z'llrr. only child of Daniel Zellers, i
late of Lewishurg, dee'd.
7 The account of John Kimple and Peter j
Kimple. Administrators a(Jum Ktmpt', late of
West Bulfaloe Tp, dee'd.
8 The account of Samuel Voder, Admin
istrator of -uey Ann Yudcr, late of White
Ueer Tp, dee'd.
9 The account of John fSnndv, Adminis
trator of Dnnirt ViVJate of Cnlon Tp, dee'd.
t.KORWi: MKHRILI.. Register.
Register's Office, Lewisburg, Jan. It, 1 (?."3
j I iiioaCotml) 'Court Iro lamation
WlIKRKA-!. Ihe Hon. Alt M S.Uil.siiA,1
) 1'resi.leni Judge for the Sinh Judicial j
District of Pennsylvania, composed of lhe
ciunties ol I ntnit, .Milllm auu rsiiyoer. anil
Phi li r Uitiil and Jsto WSimistos Esqs., Asso
ciate Judges in Union county, have issued their
I precept, bearing date lhe 2Mb day of Uec r,
lS.rs. and to me directed, for the holding of an
IM pilaus "'..." . - - - - -
and Terminer, and General Quarter Sessions,
at LEWI.-sHURC.. f..r lhe county of UNION,
(being the 1 Ith day) lt39, and lo continue
one week-,
v.wiee is therefore hereby given to the Cor-
oner. Justices of lhe Peace and Constables in
and tor lhe couniy 01 i n un-
own proper persons wiih their records, inqui
sitions, eliminations and oilier remembrances
to dt. those things which of their olhccs and in
the.r hbalf anneriain to be done ; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf ;
of the Commonwealth against any person or j
n.rc,.ne are reutiircd to be then and there 1
attending, and not depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance at the appointed tunc agreea
ble to notice.
Given under mv hand and seal at the Shrr- j
id's Ollice'tn Lewisburg, the 1 1th day of Ja-1
nuary. in lhe year of our Lord one thousand I
eight hundred and fifty-nine, and ihe eighty-i
first year of the Independence of Ihe United
Slates of America. God save the Common- j
wealth! JOHN CUOSStt.KOV K, Sheritt
Jurors fir Ailj. Die. Court.
Lfwburz John Jones, J C Kelly, CS Criles.
John liarkdoll, Josiah Maker, P II Beever,
John Hertz. S.ttnl Geddes, Nathan Kawn, C ;
C Shorklev- Aog Stoughion. Jos Green j
H'Aire lUrr Wm u Kilter, Samuel .narsnaii,
Aarkin Smith
Krllii J.ihn Alexander, John Shuck, Thomas
Ilea in.
Biifful.f1 nt'hamherlin. Andw Hanck.Wm
T Linn, George Slear, Graham Hithlle
Hirtlitmi Henry K Charles. John Lasllells
Srw U'rim Samuel Uoop. Henry Solomon
.iiMMwie John Whinkle, Thos V Barber
lUrtlrtf Jacob Sinuh, John M'Call, Andrew
look. Geoige Broiicher
Union Pemegious Stocker.
U'nt niffnU John Hayes, Matthew Kelly,
Henry Oherdorf
F.nl ttnffntor Thomas Penny
.etn Jsainnei Grove
M!inbur John Gast
Ornwl Jurnrt Frh. T.
Mlffl nfmrg George Dreisbach, I) II Rishel
Ltwimre I. E Jones, Benj Cawley. Joseph
MTadd.n. Saml Hursh, I.arrison Pross
Linintimr Benj t-'hambers, Philip Gross,
Fredk Siees
IVrrf ISiJfuU Benneville Reish, John Bech-
tel. Daniel Moore
.Vu? Win David Spitler
Ji.iril, tun Wm Elicit, Elias LOrwig, Joh
L'tvi John Fillman
Hnffttltt J C Hnnmelreich
Union Adam Van Bnskirk, Isaac Eyer
HurlkfiiiAm R11I1I
WhittDccr David B Kaufman, Joseph Moyer
T tiler rtr. Jurort.
Lnehburs F 8 Caldwell. Wm Cameron,
Thos Howard, Wm Frick. Lewis Palmer,
Martin Dreisbach, Thos Hayes, Levi Ster
ner, D 8 Kremer, J 8 Marsh, R H a VVS
Christ Uemberlmg, A M Lawshe, Cut
Limestone John Seebold Ir, Robt Chambers,
Fredk Bolender, George Gross, George
Chambers, F B Potts
Lewit Robt Foster
Went Buffalne George Kleckner
W'Aife Deer Stephen Flick, Jacob Leiser, A
C High, Robert Datesman, Jos R Ketler
Buffjlne Samuel Simonlon, David Vnneida
Kant Hnffalne Peter Getz, Samuel Mathers,
John Schrack
H'irttrtim Christian Dale
Union John Guyer Jr, Jesse M Waller
Arm Berlin Michael Kleckuer, David Mitch
ell. Wm Benner
M fHmbnri; Isaac Hubler, J W Sands, Henry
Hanky Samuel Weidensatil, David Fillmm,
JoMiti C ol. John Smith, Charles Emery
Ari'.y J.hn Became, I'etcr il:get,t'.ich
& WEST ElLXnilyVI?MEJ-.TA.21. MS).
Atfjoururd C'uiirt I'riM'laniatlon. 1
Whereas, the H. n. Vbiaham S Wilson, Pre
sident Judge for Ihe a'. to Judicial District of
Peoasy'vania, composed of lhe counties of
Unioa, MiHlin and stnyiler. and I'hilip Ruhle
and John W Siinonton.Ksii's, Associate Judges
for l'nion county, have issued their precept,
bearing date liie X-"ih day of Dec, IMftH, i
and to me directed, for lhe holding of a Court
of Common Pleas at Lewislmrg for the county ;
of Union on llie.ff"' .li on. Frbninrp uj-l,
(bein the 71I1 dai) IS51I. an I to continue one '
week, XO'J'H 'U is tlo relore heieby given to
Witnesses and all persons inU rested in lhe
Issue List, to lie then and there present and not
depart without leave. Jurors are requested !
lo be punctual in their attendance at tiie time
appointed, agreeable to nonce.
(iiven under niv hand and seal at the Sher
iffs Office in I.ewishur. the Olh d.iv of J.iti'v.
A l). Itriil, and iu the ei'htv-ihird year of the
Independence of the L'-S. of Ameuca.
Uod save !li" ('oinnl.oiweallli !
SutpcBiia in Divorce. ;
nlltAM M'HOCH. v Mercy Ann Chap
man Si-h'M-ii.--!ii ihf t.'oiiiinou I'leas of
Lliion coun y. lJc. J'. I-1. S. A ljs siibpirna
lor a divorce. j
To im Aim rtapiunn Sehorh. Take no-
tiee : V011 aie htiei'V eoniinamiid hi bean I
appear in m or prop' r person t el.. re 1 or
Jmlges al L. w isbnrg. at a Conn of f.Ymnnm
I'leas, mere t n be h:d on .Mriul.iv the I4'h ,
day of Fehruaiy, s.',:i, 10 show cm-', if any :
vou have, why il.e said Iliiain y. nr husband '
should not l.e liltreed from lb- hands of
matriinony, cuutraeicd w 101 you, agreeably n
the Act rl A--ein' lv 10 s'irli case ma'le ainl
provided. JOMN CROSMii;oVE.!heriir.
Jan.O. s;!it.
no sSC 8 tii iieii3. j
I'inis Cor v i 1 . ss.
-J i.s. - 'l iie Ci iiiinrir.ri a'-.h i f Pennsylva- ;
nia, to Ri'.in I'iarke. residing in O. io ; .1. m.es
Clarke, re.-i !mg 10 I ! .ituiii - .;" - ,
nociorR ,,,,, -.. e. residing 11. hMi.io.g-
d" county, l'a eiu d aim h-ir o W a-
ler Clarke, oec 0. who was a hroihei; Flavei
Clarke, lai-'.y.aiol li-lievc I at pie.-em to reside
in the M:.o.- id t a!i'or: ia( s, 11 of V:ii.iui
Clarke, ib-'-'d. m-Iio was a :.i .th r-- an.l two vr .
lliree minor clnldii-n ot Lv'.ia Lambert, de
ceased, wiio was a daujhirr t.f ihe s:ild Wit- '
iaui Clark1, klre'd said minor ehibU'i n re. ,
side won tir :r father, C!iii';it l.amlo it. in
rsutninit "o, tl'no, ho iy t he law of Ohio ts
the guardi; n id ilo'ir p'Ts- n-, ;:ud til a l a se s '
claimed by :bf :r rr.iss ) :her. I.i-irs an I
legal represeii:..-i-rs ' l-'l av.d CbirKe, Lit-- ft
Ki'lly Iki.vn :i;p, I'l.ion cocaiy, I'enn'a, u c'd,
Whereas, In- an iroin t fi r that porpose
dily awati '- ! 1 y ibe Orpioiits' i;-.un ,d I'n-:
iiill ColMty ;' t-;:l ', tbe I!" :! Kst.ite ol
s.lirl Fiai'l'l Ciill!,'. (' '!. 'A ls ;.kk;irii.td .'l'
and for the so n of s-vkoi h'lii'iied an I tweiov .
dollars (7 .o-,J. A.rl.wlo'ik as none 1 f II. e
heirs ot ihe sa; i i!. c.;is; ,1 n r.'ir-d iticoiir:,
on the ri t'irn 1 f I'.v s:ii i inqiiiition. ti take1
the preiiii-s ilj. rein ni MUioucd at ttie ap
praisement, Vk-ti i.ikd evei v of you are there
fore hereby ciu-d to be and appear at the
nest general Orphans' dun! to be held at
Lewisburg. f -r ine r 'iiniy of 1'iiion. on ti.e
I Ith dav of IVbrunry next, to lake or refnsr
to lake lhe said propriy al sjie appraise
ment or show railse vvbv the same should
not be sold. JOHN CRO.-t;:()VE,Shenir.
Jan. 7. IS.'.!).
LAW 0 1-' PICK It I : MOVKD.
John B. Lien,
ATTORXi;; AT l.-0ir.ce at
his House on N. Mai l e: s,-. ,et. 1st .V id
eficj: j is u v tar
X! f1 BT1KT '
j-. two 'HI.!: I'BAMi; IK'U-j 4. ;
iilsEs and .i., each suitable forjLii ;
twu lamilies t.ne on North Fourth street and ;
one on St. John street, for Sale. Hall of each '
of the above Houses are for Kent. :
NorS rim sfoer:j(tf.s fn-Ztlttf, j
J.ewivtuirs, Ian. 2f, l;). A pent '
Filth street.
ItHjii.re of
Lewisburg, Jan. 1, I
I)Y virtue of sundry writs ol Ven. Ex. and
J) Fi. Fa. issued 1 ill of lhe Court ol Com
mon Pleas, county of Union, ami to me di
rected, will be exposed to pul lie sale or out
cry, on the dates and al lhe place-, lolluwing.
to wit :
On Saturday, tlio '29ilt int.. nt tin?
Public House of Jonas Fisher, at White Deer
Mills, at 10 o'eloi k A. M.. a certain Irael of
Land situate in the township of White Deer,
and cnutiiy aforesaid, bounded as lollows, 10
w it: Beginning at a post, thence, by lands
of Caldwell's heirs, north lot! perches to a
post. Thence, by lands of Joseph U. Ketler,
south 7N degrees, west 1-rt perches, to a post
by a white pine ilunip. Thence, by lauds id'
Daniel kudwig, soulh I ill perches, to a post,
and thence, by other lands of ihe said heirs of
Daniel Caldwell, dee'd easi li.'t perches, to
the place of beginning, containing Niuety
Four Acres, more or less, A-c, with the ap
purtenances, as lhe property of Hepburn
(hi Saturday, tiio "ili of Fel-ruary
next, at 10 o'clock A. M at lhe public house
of Michael Kleckner, in the borough of New
Berlin, and couniy aforesaid, a i t nam U.t of
grooud siiuaie iu New Berlin, bounded north
by Liberty street, east by Plum street, south
and west by W. W. Orwig. whereon is erect
ed a Brick .-School House, with the appurte
nances, &c. As the properly of tiie New
Berlin Union School House Association.
Also, at the same lime and place, another
certain Lot ol Ground, s.aiate iti the Borough
and county aforesaid, on Old Market street,
adjoining lot of Joseph Shait'er on lhe west,
and Plum street on the east and Church al
ley on the north, whereon are erected a two
slurry frame honse, sixv-six tret in from,
with the appurtenances, A:c. As the proper
ly of Mary Muni in a.
Also al the same time and place, a certain
lot if ground situate 111 the township of BuHa.
loe aud county aforesaid, bounded north by
lands of Samuel Heimbarh. east by public
road leading from New Berlin to lhe Dreis
bach C'hureh, and sooth and west by lands of
Martin Dreisbach, conta-ning twu acres more
or less, whereon areereeied a one storey log
ht'use, log barn, Ac. with the appurtenances.
As the properly of Matthew Silvester.
Also on Ihe above said day. on the premi
ses, at 'I o'clock, P. M , a certain tract ol land
sitttatei n Limestone township, county afore
said, boundei north by lands cf George Fred
erick and Frederick Kigel. east by lands of
Jacob Heimbach, Martin D. Reed and Chris
tian Biler, soulh by lands ofJacob I.eibv, and
west by lands of John Seebold and Jacob
Kleckner, containing nineiy-six acres more
or less, whereon are creeled a two-storey
rail dwelling house thirty-four feet id front
and twenty-eight feet deep, a log barn, a well
of good water with a pump, a lime-kiln and
oihei nut-bnildings, a young apple-orchard,
&c with the appurtenances. As lhe proper
ty of John Lose.
Also on Monday lli? 7th Feb., at
1 o'clock P. M., at the'Biifl'aloe Hoii'e in the
Borough of I.ewisborg, two tracts of land sit.
uate in White Deer township and county
No. 1. Bounded north by land of Adam
Rank west by lands of A. lam Rank and James
Finney .south by other lands of J. H. Robenold,
and east bv landsof David Ramsey andother
land of J. If. Robennld-ieontatnitig eight acres
more or bss, whereon are ereeted a tannerr a
tan honse.tark house. a ft line dweltinE-hi nse,
a by st '.hie. Ac, 'vith x:. ;.: r:.;:e... ..,. s.
.u. 2. A renain tract of land, situate in
the lowo-hip ami coiiniy afoiesai.!, bounded j
north by tract N.. I' and land of David Ram
sey, west by land of James Finney, south by
lands of tieorge Brown, and east by land of,
Isratl (ieyer and David K.iu.sey, containing 1
twelve ai res more it Itss, whreou are erec- ;
ted a two-storey log house, a loe stable, Ac, 1
wnh the appurtenances. As lhe piopeity of
J. H. Robenold.
Also at the same lime and place a certain
hall lot of ground more or le- situ.ne 111 the
rWoiightkf Lewisburg. marked on sa'd Bor
ough plan. -No. 3ld. bounded nortli by ihe
other hall of said bit .No. 3i3, east by Water
street, south by Lot No. 311, and west by an
alley, whereon is erected a two-storey bri k ,
dwelling house. Aec. wiih the appurtenances.
As the properly ol F.1105 Brooks.
Also at the same tune and place, a certain
tract ol land, siiuaie in the township of Wot
Biitfaloe, and coiiniy afotesaul, bounded north
bv lands of Widow tiross, west bv land id
John Milii r, south by public road and lands
of John Mill r, and east by lands of Lewis
Aigv, eontaniii - forty lour acres more or less,
whereon is erected a one-and-a-half storey
log house, a log barn, Ac, with ihe appurte- ;
nances. As the property of tpeoree Harbeson.
JOHN CRO-iSfJROV 1;, fherilf.
Sheriff's Ollire, I.ev.isbuig, Jan. I, If.VJ.
l'mprrfy wnrih almve 1 ,!() Yearly,
.v i xiD.v coi wry, r..
T T consists nt' a I.AIKJK SAW MILL,
I won UIO 4 rt s oU t-'ooil Tiuibc-r
B.-.SIli! adjoining, ami a
Farm of 150 Acres of &ood soil,
with good Building".
The water-power cmbrr.ecs the whole of
Peons Cieek. The Siw Mill will cut Iflonio
21)00 feet per dav ot I'tne and Hemlock. Nav
igable couvey.ii.ee lo the river and Stale ca
nal at Sk'lir.si ov
n. .. . .s;res to pu..,nse eypretedle.
view the premises, and may then toil (.n J. l.n
st-es, tanner, or I'dm M.Taylor. p,.v...ss,..n
mav be giv-en of the Farm and Holding, i;;,
mediatrly. and of the Saw Mill ainl Timber
on one month's nonce. Ci See llm.dbi,l in
this i-tHee.
(kir.tatjoiks of Site nf riy Prnns frt'k IVcitrrty.
Price, Sin.n viz : .'.!, WW down, on deliv
ery ot the deed ami possession. The residue,
Stii.tioo, iu lour cijitt.l annual pavit' n's, w jib
interest, secuie I t v P..n s nini Morgage.
The t ile i unii'iestik.nable.
HI (ill lll-.I LAS, S'.inbury, 1'enri'a.
Deceinier stt. I'.'i-vr:
Aljouir!iI OnLnn'j' Court Faie cf
VAI.l Al.I.i: i:f.'!. I.'STATL!
p V virt'ip of a;ias rr.' r of ihp ():ph-ins
f ) Cturt cf I'uioti f.fiiiiiiy. lfc.'J't'r;n, 1"H.
in-.- un.l'T-i:i'"l. I" f rtr t rs el' the la! Wiil
ar..l i . : .1 1 1 1 r n t of IA' I A N K. Sr.. i f
V Lire I't't-r .-wr,hi;i, d'-fct-il, u ll exii"e
!o i'til-lic iSa'c, on lit jTn,ii.-;i t.f tin .Man
mcci i-'arin, in said .-..iviiM.ip, on
Satcrday, 221 day of January, 1859,
C'.mmt'iicin:: at 10 oVI-ick, A. M., viz; The
situated iii satii White Ileer lownship.c; ntai
nnig Mxly-I'it r AcitPX, more or less,
adjoining lands ot Jacob l.etser. John Rank,
list)., Jacob Malil. and Ji lin rr, mostly ,.f
Litnesitine lantl.atid all cleared excepting two
acres. The land is in a good state ol cultiva
tion. The Improvements are, a Twu- f
istoiv Frame llwilling itotise, FrameixA
fi" Ilarn.iVk., with si'tne Fruit Trees theieoii.
tH Wlll.L of never-fitiiing good water. A
small Stroaio of w ater rtl'is inio-:gh ti.e farm.
AS1 at tbe sitoe time and place, will I e
old a Tract ol W oud t.nistl 111 sa:d l- wn
sliip.cotitaititfig al. out 1'k.r'y-i'ive -xr. ad
joining lands of John lt.iker, L. F. All ngbt.
strkki1,.pl.r flkkkk-kk -..a -.1 . o .t.o.-pj
principally Hock O.ik and Chestnut.
Ct.siiiTiuxs. sjl.tiiiii on day of sale : .lion
1st April. 18:V.l.and the balance in two e.iual
annual payments, with luier"" " ''
a-i. , aioi Secured by judgments. I ts.i .sh n
given ll April. IsS'.l. provided ll.e conditions
of payment be complied wnh. The grain in
the ground to be excepted.
White Pe.T. Per. 2n,';.S. k'.Tsef na- Itnnk.klee'il.
riilin well known Tat-pri) Staml
f al the eat end of the l.ewisbiir!!i.xil '
britipe. in rhillf-quaque t(iun-hip, .".riiii
Co. It will be &oltl on reasonable itrrn.
Iiuju.reof M Il.UAM FKICK.
I.ewisburj;, Dtc. 17, IS.'.S.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
riHIK Nubvcrtber clTers for sale his fnrm.
I situa'e tn W hite leer tounvl ip, I'nirn
county, about three miles west of Milton, an l
four miles north of Lewisbtirj;, mntair.inc
acr s. Itl cleared, and in a pood state of cul
tivation. The improvements aie apx d
frame House, a lar;e fiame Barn, wilhX t g,
a Well ot water in the cellar, a pood Sptinj;
and iSprinuhoiivC near the dwell it:?, and all
other nece-sary out buildincs. Apple ami
Peach Orchards, a eood limestone quarry.
On the South part is a eood vein of Iron Ore,
also a eood tenant hon:e Said South part,
say M Acres, may be had separate.
.gmjAlso 13 Acres of timber land about three
C. miles west of said larm: the timber land
can be purchased in lots. Inquire of
VmT.Ktpd JAMES FI.WEY, Milton.
iFor salt.
FJMIE residence of the Mibscriber, on A i i
I Maiket street in the Iloroiisti rfjLi-i
Lewtsbnr;. The house is uf BKICK, uell
tinivhed in every respect, 1
Terms One half to be paid between this
and the first day of April next; the balance
to be paid in two. ihre or five year, a m.'iv !
suit the buver. Ijssesiin civen anv lime.
rou sali:.
(100D FARM, formerly orcupietl lij
1 a. M'rher.snn. nt,u' by 'I'rutt, niter.s.clt d I y
the line t.f t'mtin and Snyder cnunlies, ron
tainitiz ITU arres, t.f whit li abimt H'.O are
clVkHtd. The puiklic rrad Irom Xorthumber-
land to New Berlin passe? ihtouuh it al uut
lnur miles from Morihuniherlanil. two irum
Winlit-ld Iron Works, four or live from I.r u is
buis. Title indisputable. One third of Ihe
purrhasiii money cash, and lhe residue in
etjual yearly payments with interest, secured
by Mortjjape and lb. nils. The hde traet
is fit for cultivation, and includes a fair por- ;
tion of meadow around and limber land.
Inquire ot J.hn Yonr.gni.-itt. nt Winficld Ir
on . orks, or of ill t.ll Ei:i.l.As, Ait.
Muni urv. Sept. lsS8. 3m753 i
VKESIDEXC'E on Xorih Third street, X
it beiii; a Half Lot of tiround, 3' J
a comfortable Two-Storey Urick House. Irame .
Stable, eood Well of Waier, aud a variety of
choice Frin. i
Inqtiireof J. B. M I.ALUHLIX, Agent.
L.wlk.t.urp. ttrttiU.T 13, is.-.s, tf j
riHIE subscriber offers for sale that Iarr;e,
J. new, modern built, double brick house,!
nearly opposite Ihe new Presbyterian church. !
adjoining the residence of llr. Haves. The
house is boilt in the lest style, rat-proof, and
well Funded acainst fire. A rim d Well of '
Water, and Cistern of never-failing water.
Terms made easy, and will be known on ap-1
plication lit JrJAiATHAX NEsBIT. '
Lewisburg, Aug.6, 1858. i
rpilK TWO ROOMS occupied at pre-!
sent by Washington Hutchinson as a I
Saloon. They are sui.able for Jm I )1 v; '
For Terms s rp'y to " ' i
iuu. :?,s-, 0!!X P. !.:"N. '
F o Ii S A L i:.
J1V R. ii' "':ee. on Norlb '1 h r ! st,-er t,
lag Lewisburg. a I I', front, and i: clndit c
t.iek buililitig 63 ft. tltep. Ba-rinei.t, and
Ai'irlf rini'hid. Kvery conveii.ence in the
wav of oui-biiiM'ti!T.
Al. a lla.f Lot on Mariet St., opposite
8. R.iter's resilience, wiih a good Well id Wa
ter and new f'l.tb'e ; very desirable bra busi
ness stand, i t r siilcnce, (it both combined.)
tls ' i ier Lots, some iih and s-one
without 'j:no.l'itgs. JOII.N LJCKi:.
Leu isl,,.,L'. Oct. M. If-""'-
rrmrm. The Mih.scnlieri.Ht is in sell the
(ir,:i!ii!:(rg'. Luck IVou'liy al the e-t
'TS-ie'V ' i-tl'l of T;,i b 1 tr-l, 1 II e I II ' 1 1 0 g
jVVV-V.-tlie Waiei... in. nibee, s nd tbe
.la.:blliery ai:scbe(l n's.k ;i laige aiooul.t i t
1'attt ms "f,.r i " : ' t . t Lei,'., t.-r Ar. cultural
Mak binerv.S'' ves. r. I: ;s r- ;er ' "t lis ore
of th- best loeatif.: -los : '.-.ale '.nvt.'x.
The Fr iprieOki's tiioe i. v. ii t'y t o :-t s,.,i m
anotilt r euill.pVli.ei:!. w b'i h i - 1 1;. rtt; i: be
desires t,, idvp.se ,.f tl F.m :
further pLtlieti.;.rs, ro'ibe-s
w ii.i.i a .i f:;.i :v.
Feb. 1-as)
F, i ttnv
i.'. -n I'a
j i; sali:.
Vlns!rjAijL; iiv.inuz t.ot.. ' :
ie-1 Iri-iit i v It.i !.. 1 i .( i I
,t;l.,-r. hi--.-.
Are your Eetd.i, Kuracts, -c. Lc-
I .I'ir' !si ca!I t':e a
I'm n c "itv ; . tlr ri
invi-lved in th
U lllt h Vfl V Itbl U-ili".
n 1 !;;" p "(.!
:. r fi :J-f vi. j.rt
i it - .1 - n d ci ijj.. ri
v inf i;uai ti v, ;. ij'! i't i; e in i :
lnrs!y pf vaiiv. lu .ii piiilt f ic v. u, in a-h-
ri ! rui p. v.).,-, !:,. i, i i i n itit mi; in:i,
au.i tli'-u ( t'f r y u Hii a'; :i'.i n.!t u. ic ui-i.t
in ii r ; ! 'i " i M ill-" tf r - r.. aiio-.v t-.i I ; idu -Vfcul
If' f'Ktj. n:A Ir V. ;:.:! i!.
All iJiii"tiTv i i , -;i tf.c ' i.iiiri r-.i'-;-! b;
lirrs it MJtn:S, ri ,; , iiii-,i;i , a:i 1
lr.-;i -U'e- i . ; n, , I,. 1 t' I 'l J i I . . I I ( ' t !
a '.';! i i 1.1. in ; . .' ( v i'-ti -
paynifiii ti ;irv i'j ri ;-i h ! ;tfiv t t r
utiir, ad iu :n : 'i r. " ' , ' t . i i ir't.r-
di.Hi, as U' .i il ;;; :r
wMi.in. i? li.f I." - i :.-.f..- : 1 - v. -lr?i ;
.1 t-t Js t,: C:MIi; V 1 i a - --
tl.. II'S t Ii;- i - . ii .', : . j . . ,
auflrtr;;:: ti.e.;- .i : : : , .; r cr.,. v r
t,IX" nti U's( ;i'i'.! i.' . ;.. ;t; , ; ., p, -,- , , ;
tor th- ii I ti !.;;..-. .,,.,-., r.'t:.
li.iid, j r . i n.r-v ,i, v ; . v. .,
er t;:: i. r !!.. !.
Ti.e Tn .f r. i: -- l
Tin: all ..t.! '. ... -.M',!': :':.!::
and a. r i :i - j :i i .. i :. . - :. , , - h : -
pro. jm f, t'i , i ri, - i ;. js. :,!.--
lii.'IH- of b-i-tht ;( -u u.: j . ; .i , . r
W licit ! ; t'.i? vriii.r v v. . i
in law t f ft j'l ;; . i ' I '. . fif
ot the t:r;iiii. i s r t :.r.-.iK.f : , or pr. v ! I v
one rr iii i e t i ibf . i- -ci . t . v. v ,, v t ,
such iiet .1. atid s.iiiil t p cm 'it - i m iiif . ; e
for rfCi-r !:n ot tb-.: in th-' c n-v v. r
ui h land he, wrif u ? j- n-i, i ft t ,- f , j
rcutiuii i f sin-li drfifv ai. l fini-. r; ai i - ; ar.t!
t'Vi rv sii.h i!'"' I nn'1 c nvi", m-.i-f v.. uiadr-expt-utfd,
a:ni which h :!1 i I t- pruvcd ar. t
rec rlt'd as aff r i, ;i i : e (.. ut'tt '.iu-
rfttfrftt fit)' void tsiiik't an if u(-j.i' nt ft" h i r
fr r '-A r-,n-tf i - ! n. l-. -s ti-1 ' t e
rrfi-rdtd b if rt- ti t to; ;ni I ire f-'.i i t
tlieiic i i: n : r w m . ii v.. h .ii'-tyit-i i pur
fh.TVr r rlaiiiis It.r I rrv : '.inic v. -h
rei'crerce t ' liif jr .- ; i j t 1 ,', is r.iz-'v .r
'( i:ic S'dlcr 1.1- ',;:,',' !..: ' - w r!..n ::. t j ;
thill :lu till." tv t X!'-:. ! i ;r i ,r.
Or the 11: fiirttirs vl r u .-cr.
t Jftvl .-r ti: t r j :'. t-r ;-n ; " m
T:It tJ,L.'..r::',i;--. i.t i a. i I tf i.r ii. .i If,
convey or p'lvv a;.y lr.-h"!t! r ir:h rrarce .:r
to giant anv eiiirr '.licit in 'it ii f r t at-,
unifss such .ltr( a nt : w It r il or p"nve.l
and r' Coriic i icit'.in M.r vuttth efftr ', ti .-fr
th'Tt f tvhrre such Ian N h-. n hVrri.-il ei. ie
direcfd foroiher d-rK. AH v -rterev sua 1
iia c (To-ritv arc-'i.;,' t.. ii, .!a:c i i ifror'-
1112 :h STIIIP. W ;;I rf'jatd !. lie I::-.,- ,f
iiiakii.e i r cvniiii M.rh. .:-:.!;. .,, r, r:.
S -.c sball I e a ii-i;, li.-.h! s,ji I, :: ;llt;
have been rrciT.I-d, o;- Iv.i fir im r,'.
Tat- pmrnv:d !::di.ilin ir i v V-r h tl)S:
Instead of I l, il U-,- ,.ftr (v"ii tor everv n
wonlv wnner.. b-. -i ! r- i- a'c,:;; i c i.-s.
and the t;is. .'Hi c I v.-.i! u v. u rt r . -cry
paper left f.-r re.-. r- l-r the ; ;rr f nr
tiion.'.'in fnn.'i SitiA i .- f;t if.if'y (i,p ft M t. r
f Vf ry tict ui ij wiir N x t - !. .
remain th" ;;itie j(v by l.-. rt-fiv;r- t!,c
nhl in dfiiianit and rtceive the ot) c tax
invariably in a. Ivan. r.
Kecor.lcr s (i!ice. I,e is! ;ir' J-n I l-"'.-
' '
it. un is 5.n i: 4 i si f, cr
( onipoi;n:l lAlnut nt JimLiiis llvzh,
I un rH'J.-nt a f. r H i- . nr.-1 i" r. f t;. n', . I.r. nif
il'M-.tffi : iitft aM i t tt.f !.ti. K.ui,.-i rs.ii.r-
Jaut:l:i ' 1:i - v. I'.r- t ( : r. i. . i ti.-!., 'J '.r. .-.! nl !.
ll tilu: il li. .i(. It r;ik ni t. t.-ntii;.;;..!!,' N,.;r:n
C Itf tn.' at: i I nI'Miiiiiti - -. l.ii. .n:t .ii in. t iif
M' ti llcN'llli tlf , !- t-J.sjr.. lZi i.t- tTt.'t :u-r j. f.
I lirtnil-- .Ti.IlJ.i.U- r- t. - in, I i - . , r,, ,,. , , ,
i(ll;:tr Kt.liirt-Uift'T. I n.-.s. , :. Sl-
I lvr". Y, uiifli I ,ri-iii -i I r iit-tit.es . r'w.-l.'u!
t t th- Vow. I lit it-, t...!.: C I pi i r i i i) N..-r-iii ,1
l.ij-, M li.-tiiiltl I. .til,;; I it.ri l It.i. V.. ml,. 'J,, ,:....
Ihrtvit .-.ti 1 it I;..:.'.'. T :t. r. U:r r't I: ) iin.i aii"i!
m Hr n:. : ki. i-I u)i .. - i-.i.; trt-iii.iin iu-
II v.. -Til;. i n.l i.i-i ;. wlit'tl.ir Li-r U.iari, m-..uii J.
or rnu'rit' ti .1
, 1 h iri-nt i 'rnlar:: 1 ! I ,f h - inrnlunt '. lrif.'v t ;t
nttsini il ! im ii, e it."- n irti-Mi' n.. i., t i ll t-'J, --
- f it.s. I rr-iri, I.r. liisu- ,t ..,.
ttir-'it.li- nt li;i pi. mi 1 1 v. i.i. t ; w :l. ,r. ., ! r,,,i
Af.l t.ll A 1 i I; AMi l I ;; i . W. a:!. .I- -n il,.- i :,,,
thltn.H- tlli'fiisfs, . .. i,( ; 1., . t.lTl. ,,, r. . , !:iU,.mi ,t . a
' ( t i fc. ."- l . : ' ii r :. ,-.
r-;T..-c, 4v: K: ruai. wii. u- It.1jui m.-.y k t-ri(.'il-
t. it'-n nll.li-t'Ss,...
l nil nt Hi, I't j i l np.I j r- r.r- - irt'n'i.r-- r ntaiiut:.: a '
niJttSf i ihr- n.os , . i,i n
i Kii'r;.is.
Thi ..Jitor . T ti !'( .. v f rft ;iks irt t! . ;rC
It-rnc. in tli:t -r tl J:iini;.r :;-;. l -: . n un ri.'!;
Or. iutrtt i' i i.i i'u- . h I, i-t.r 1 l.im try .-i.f :
Ir I-AVl." I'l l I It M l 1- V it t i i"ii i I.i t .. 1 it
I if Ct DlllH' II. I 111 l "lir .Ti-H !' li;' lis - , f ; an.-H-l-:!.. li
Tiitl. s.. Mn i."-. 1 11 in-. lili I: Ii . 1,. ; n ii 1,. i... l iv. l 11-
hctl iti i ti i if:iinin. li; .ii-. I . u...-1 It. i
Dii-'in im' in.il I (ii. ! it t.. It- i. I i . s., ,,. , Vl.,. tit
ruriili' - 'juiiiUii fi.r Kr i; in - . tt t.-iki- u u-i-t 1 ti :iurt
in siiMn; -I . Attd (.uiuit'UiJii: ti.t- l'urativu to ultivr
tbuii alliu U-J.
Ei:i t. 1TI3I.
I ii:.o.l.m. Aiun-t,lS.-.T.
In Pimmry, lv.. my i!fuL'tirt il-rn m )., r ti.n u-t-nt'i
y !ir. wns htt..i'k.'l with 1 nT ..n i : ry 1:. . n.-f:. ui. All
lit r j'.mti t.rr mil' li "iicn. ui l t;r fi.C i,-i tl.r n r l
fvtti' i .tin,: i'.iii :i.r iliii- ii".; i!-.rnMi. 1 .:ii;tl in
a I li -irini. I.t t. l,i(i.u I ti :itr i t.. r ntiut ny
iint rt'' ni- nt. ' ttit inri'li t;i-. i .,; . ., , , , ,.,t,,. ,4
trt IT ' JHiv.-ie; tl - t.tt I " ,,t 1 ( f 11.. H,.
1 t-,l 11 ! i-:iia : r tl 1 r. ."!. 1. 111. tu ! it i
in, il In in- itin 1 ni'- nr 1 it . i;.-t t s ; 1 1 :..-( ( 1. .)IH
Im.- r maiiK i Off 1 1 !:!. (.ti.Hti-iii m i t- r Li;li . 4
ftr fii.tv, tt'ij; i.jv tltw - -s
:i.v :-l TilnVIs.'X.
11 IU.' -L.i... uL
TiiRciT i:m:im:,
Tl.i- larp- ela .f.iN.&., ii i:H.. '.,..- i ;,. r: t;. n-i. In
ft t, . I-Hri Rfl 1 1 t Hut 11-. '. I- III- t 'I'i i'i s
tiir. tr utttt 1 y li t-us-t.l I r I'Htis 1'. utrivi-ai.il I r.
ihi 1hroit Anir:it. 11. lii-Hii tlti- I'i.t.wiL cxs(,t(
l-tU curte ullt-r Uiit (i-ntitnit-.i -ui;. ;
tt Iu 11. I ht .-i.T i , July I.".-".. j
Int. tMTi! Tiir Mr: I
Al'tiut titf vi i.tf ncii I wa.i aft: 1.' J with .ti-f.iM' cf
Itt.i tltnAt. hu h itti i n tri.ttn.-i lly. I ut at t ui. h-u
I wi'iiltl tnkeio.il tli- Kin hTiI -utli rin; i'iitj ! ti ry .
li-trt-xintr, at n-n:tni-ij villi Ic. uf voter ti u. h an
dtflit lliiit I i'U .1 m.t ixk t.li a h: l-T ltn-iii
M-a-t rr.ntiiiu'tl fttir; t'.r-t-. iititiv nli-iMfiinj I m
u 1 tii-r ttie oitiiirul irt MTimtit nt tt ur itii.t-rrtit i-;.) -a iiiic
P'T..niit:n al. ruint at tnv ri-nuit it n. I ' tu Iu.Sd tt u t
t'Ltbd ipl.ta and n.tixu.t you. mlu U t.u n-clitrt I iiill J
in th wiiittT if ts.M. ln-n yi-u rrii n.tut n..i m- to takv !
ytiur Ir'urtittTr: ar-tl ty itf ur ft ! ur U'ttifi ol it. in
rount-smu with ytnr tltro:it a flitntifti. 1 m fni.rrly
rirtJ. Hiiil tiHTt- n maint-il w ll. It i- dnw motv tlmn a 1
y-ar ioc tUe i-ui . K 1 n-i iui: , i.-ur '
fiit-nd, M !.( V.V.'l 1 A i lil.MItrl. !
4 -PR. PWIi' AMI W1.KH I t IMHM.V1..M au.l '
TIlKtUT A I'I" III A I li-.N .l.ma -., niny tt Ik ur- !
ati- cmr ot ZvuluU-u Liters at.a I ki i, 4c ,ul lL
Tbmnt. !
r t C all on lhe AnrntsJ. liAKEK -V i O.of ,
-l urtr. aix TiTum 1 irrulrr r.ntaiuint: a lari" f
Uli- tf "trvl.'nt' in f ir t l Il.c niriiii inn.
J. I'.AKr.ii I i. M'.f. f.t I hit 11 n oi.ty. T.vy :
Frccburg Academy,
rjHH fiistit'itii'it "ill np'n nnder iti ttw
J i.rcati ZTinn nn liie Dd nf Jan. 1H.VJ.
Kev. :. WHIMJR, A M , Principal,
assisted liy an etlieient butty vf Tearhers.
Kreelmr". Snjd.-r Llo, Dec. SS, lsi-j 3m
Till: .iIIGEITf IIF.lI.IIlt J
V. Oill l) KNOWN ASD W01'.f.I ijji t
, : .',.-- ; .: ' - - s
'-' .-.' '; -
' - 'W-'-'j': --
'I'ia. ir - r !n.i--i r. tf J-H Ni t.- n, a lm
i . . t i I II a-iii., It- -l itw'- Uf a :! .14
t f v. . W .' i. .- L;i Iii. i ti,.- t t-ilui rtlttii atkrit! u
i:,. ttj'- t l,ii,.li: I 1' 1 .-.! i I. r( t f liJiiiir kli',o to
m :i- : :; : u--v. 1- h-u- 1 r u-:i - " ' n' i-t
n.-rvN . 1 1 rt t .'t ' v ! rr;;i -I Uim-1 1 1 : tkii, 10-i-.l
" :l. t :-.;-.; I ' I.L- tl.r "bt ' I -i-tf .1 fpf-
1 , : v 1, u k . . t. 1 1 i.l a:t rt.ri: il- ,n-
n. 1 v : .1 If ni:t ir: t. turt ujt ivi!jti..L kht
mi'.'f. : 1 -- - ' e'f i't
i.i. I , l l.I.A - JM .LT I. HH V
Ar- t--.: 1 ii -i i;.ii.' 11 aii-1 .rti.fht l;trVrf
j - t t . i . .. ;i .- f. ii (.". ! ti.- M.tiii-i.t ! -j
. ... , I n.-t.f ir - "1. . f 1 1 ' 1 'J ir- ill ?t tor:
tin-.i;- t.. 1.1 ti.- Ii in .' ! l.'.e lUIr.
,1 . . . ".' ".'. A i I L' t;.'.$.
,-,-.-,,,.. . mil htire rt IT'M'.Wlfy
j. u. - 1 ,.( :.i mi v 1 1 r ri ui' '1 v t in lii-i. hss
:?. . i l' . 1. ' i . iu i - ti t. ! wi i. tw n. ki y -
ti.r i-i )v..v ilir a;.v.
A 1 . 1 . ' fi : l .. -'-i"'' ' t h't - -l r rbr- Tiii d
, ;l- ;;. 1, ,. :.fl -::ir :o. 1 1 1 .1 n pi i,I .ur:
i --. t.i 1 - if,., r -t i..'iv.- ;i.-tf n f - i'lii'ait-iii
s 1 ' j i. .1 1 ti -ii.r'.-r. wii-1 It.- r .1 ( ,i.
:n. .1. r wt-r i" ';:! r;.Hi' fci ! .:i.T u.iiurt-
ii.t i..-- : ti.- :
Ann .".. .i.
tC.tr. ry f r... :. 1 t I i t r nr l t"K-
1..: 11 i-i. r- i. a '-: int. . 1 j ttM
1 .t it.- hi. .,.!.- . v. ! ;-i . 111 . , u- -).- ui i-r-
1..;. !. t I I ....II. tjU !..' ..1 l k-UU-i
- : : 1 : , ... Ii 1 1, .i ' .
J;u't r!i- Oil, r, j.t ;; It:'.i uhurd he
. i.i 'f - t f ".' ; rti. ;
. . li : t.l .-.ll-ll-lll
1 !?.' .-1:1 S r 9 t 4, LiD'i
i :;,! I 111. ?j.t ; . in
( 1 . ...nn ... 1- .'".llU
I.- 11 ; .:. I. l.r
li ut . I .-. r
1 i . i x. i.. i. :
: . o.. 'I.Tiiiti .fi i'.-a ! V . ut.-isi t n., fc.it 4$
i , - r. t
t t T ? i.. :.' l' ' It I UI ' T
it -, n : 1
1: ' . :. . : . I . i : i; - 1 i'f.-r. t
;, ; . : .-r t . - : : - It. t:.- i - t a
'..- t- ' : !. 1 T ..l 7 B
I, -. ) . . . i i. . : . t . 1 - .0. r it,, !.. - 1 rt-, vii.
! i - li'- r- tU-, I. 1 II. 1 tl
..I : ..i
i - T .'. ' . ; r r '' . 1 ' - ; 1 ..t.. l .:. y
Lai! ; i al .12 IIMI'S
d to K. f ; vV I'iti sti r. . l.e-
i-i-ui2. i a.. w. ne n.ay te U und a general
as-!Tt:i i t
Ken's, Ladies'. Kisses' and Youths'
I!o: t". ii e. ti,t :-rv, I!ni,.nv, Sjprers, Ac.
I il.- biif t i',!'s aii-i t f i (;:iaiit:e. seiecteu
with sn-at carr and al a-h 1'r :trs hrch
i i ne so1 1 a i w as at ar.y p.Lce :hi nie
rh. a 't 'j ii.n.
MAxrrA' jri:;x;i i:ltmi:ixg
.!. :. fi:-ii ii I WT ib.-ir: ;:.c i i prj I'har.i,
l ni !. r i .1 -i M . rv. ire w ill ei.'lr itvi-r lo m:.t
v. u r r cuv. m. ?tpi.
I ami;.- w A.-in.;n-.
tl iz inline,
evT avfn-.-r t I K;. iert II. use i.eiaLurg.
(I. aie S.,ni'i U";. .Iiuni'v) ',''
i m: i m i:
I X V I . i ) K A T O Ii !
J VI I'M, 1 1 l;r I K. XAMOVIK
(V.B:i'.,uiit,t,tl tnlin ly fn.ni Gl'JIS.
JSoK Ttil It -T It l-VMIVK ANM.1;R Mh
I' iM.. i v. t . ft -!! i t !i-. it .Tt rt a- a t nr.rttr.
! r. U. ; -i r i i ti T- -M. .-It.
:.. t. I: i.. t . ..: h .
i - Jlr.t ..t: f. .'-'rt,. .-r
ti.iii. i.t.j i thtrr tLoiinr.
Iiif a l-tr-r rtitc-lT,
it- in. il i.i mairrr. rl'n
i. ti..- lit.t. .,: .. i, , r: v . I: il.t m.-itln. u a
:...i i. i : -' t- - ( i.r; . ii:a;; tn;,in Bri'f
I ' 1 ! ' -r' - " t r- : in :ti i jt :kt:i n-. inn
t .1 jrti. c f i t .'?! i -. v. ; : ( j n il e swt.Q,
at v ! . n t. r in l. r.:T. .(. trt-bt;UiB
nt 1 l'l..it'. tf tl; Cl.U-U.-l r-itMi'T.
11," I r- is , , f thf j tin, ii nl T riiliitrm f
Il - 1. 1. n.. -if. I - : i I. i a ti li ll t li 1 Dip lt! fut"
t: !: ti i - . ! s? .j. tit tir- tn'.'.y Jp.
.!. 'il.- ,r-r --., i- CC airii :cD;.r:yitt-ii,piit
t t; ti. I v j.. : . n ; ,ir ii.r :! jr-
pit ni it . .1 if- r iv.r- r ti. ii-; nl.t-n il.r t nm. U
- -it I :l I. th-
;.t Uiot. t.. thi- mt-.f
! '" : in ""- L , t m- "rt- ii
l.ix.i- l:;i.i,: ..a-.l t- r",!.-jtdu:r. V.ril.rn-
;,- i tl.j.t t;;:;ii. .-uf i f ttt .rrj tit-tora ban n.ui
it L's -tu y. in a j r.ii-t.ff ic r. ttian imtt j-r
ti- ft I ! nit rt-ui.i'y. whrrrwith to riULtrir
th' many ii.-:at n -1:1s fj ti w tirL it i iial i.
Tt r tl :.r t! r m fty i at lat IlulO. arf
f !- 11 trt iil- iti ili l.iv- m rijiiLi.T. tu im i'
it.- T. :
i-. I... I nt li. ttrv w .1 hi. til., nnl ... . .. ...
b.HU .ai.4 ci mi. taii u
T i . st-Cim-r-tn' tc n' rl ;-I . r .-1. matrcrfrr n
tli"t iu. pi-ij ! 11 in !(. ;r ; mr .1 J-Jrhi ff.w
- f 1 i.t. lnti-i rut ma :f ' t. 11; 1 . . ruiMi.i t. nj to
.t. : -t Ill.l! . T hi. t-.i ... i 1 l. ii.- ati.l
l..:nlhlt tit- wlktif D,i- .Iti.t.n. pr.v'.iin; tk
i' f 1 f tht- ti:st a-. Ii rt 1; 1 r.t.;; !i i tarf.
- I.illi t AUn ks an ri;r. s;. 1. ur i? r
Tir, rKi.VLTi t. 1 y tin ivi u.-e uf tte Lit
IR !TI Ol R.
t'n- iln-f affi-r futipi: i -isR.fi-rt t TvIifT tb
ct. ut. ell and j r. 1 tit tLr i. t,i ir. m r;intj auJ
i in' tit .. takt nw-
On!. t.iif tn tVi n st . . ni.?.t. !nj-B! thf ttwel
ai.J mt.-t r. - LLl -i;i.itss.
Oiu- tli'M- Inkt-D il'.tr u.li Dititl wlMcurflJTl
n.tin- .l.-5tf f titotta- -ti mfii! will aiwaya
M k lit ti i.r.
I'ltf l"tt!- Ir.'.t-i: f r f-tlii-
..-HI-.- t f ll iii . j...-.
' r.f .1 -r ji. lii.i
I'll'' : ttt-11 r. 1 .i
mjili ot -itrut tii- n itbi''
iifi 1:1;. Is. - n ). ift. ! rtir
t. .1 It .1. f-t t Ll . 9tl
i :i m r.' ri. n f.-r in- Ltt,
t sini a fr--ffra
t'nly ottt f.tt t tuiilul to tin exit !
th.-sVt,m tht rrUrt- of J niilKiii alt-r a l'L
e t'r.pl..;tVf-.V. nf.r r-r:rr r ip- w i't
low I..--, or uiir..iiur;il . "I Q 1 r tn 11 1 1! r -a p.
K:t .I... t:.r., n a -I., rt t 11 I.T,-.- ut rc
li'T ti' 111 ); tiff. :ifn! fjr n :.ki s fi.cil ill. ft I
i nt- Ji . I'll, n if . at. . ur- t t 1-hvft
in its wi-r-t fii m-. liilf f Mvxir ai.J bitL-
piaiiit Tir-iJ a!ni '-t t- I ! t : -t 1J1 r.
'nf I'tiin il. -.-!. i urce t, aii.ti iium J y Hrr
in liil.lr. r; tlt.rt i ii -i.rrr. srtr. or p- f
rt-mi'ly in tiif ..r.l. a- it 'ir ($.
.. f, li.tt.fj curt . C l-L. ly Mfil.t: tt
a I'rknt.i. 1
W t:ikr t lt i'.ir.' in t. X n r.:. r.;:r j tl 1-n-':;'"-"
it- :t 1 ri'Tt i. tHt:.- f, r i k I- lH,':i,!'
MK.ati.tail I't.vi t s 1 1 .1 (Jj I:ui:ii. 1t-. U "T"
ati-t with nil rfrtairty. aid t li- i:. ni." "
iu-' to t ft -fy to iU W u-j lU'Hui 1 :itu. f.
tB-VI nti- 11 -k it ten t,iin li.tir unar.ii; ru. tt:'
!:... Ill it f.T--r.
r li t' r in tt m.uth uU t'.c I.A.j--ra.- r. a:.i r--
Iliv I.irr Imiorator
I. A Si 1 KMIFIi IHirAl. I-I.-t tH t KV. t 1 : V
. 1 1- :n : iiiff.s n'tii.-t t-- u'rt-at ! i flit-if . It '
t niiii.-.' ( . ', .-' m -t- itrtt-tj I R' ..afn; c"
tli 11 ' r.f I . ! ; .1 1- rt'jtitrt d to rur aty k;n 1 t I -l ' '
l . ntf.laint. turn thf armt Jnnnuur tr if"' !
n iti im - li- m .-. ., nil if wbuh arr lhe n-u.'i vl 1
-.-.a Liur.
ir;. r Oxt Vein rn Bi.m.
PAMiH:l A l'i -r-roprtfit.ra,; rtrilway. N" v-tt
and rt taiii d t-y all DruifKi-t.. o!d a'so l
tT:l V 1. TAI PH Kl L. Lrnt-ri'-T.rV
f-?q7T--.lorkrl Kooksiantlt-ihirarrif!'
.1? : i that knui .n bai.d orti-Mf ,b
'I n 'Um-vlurg ISo ktiincier.l H- STH
Tarlor Mote lor Sale.
VCOOU econll ham. Parl.r -tove,
but a Uvrl time. I. r a:r chrap.
quire at U.e Chrili:clc" nlK-f. Sept t
(iflOI) SLEIilll for a!if. Inquire
iV c-f s. II. UKW'U;. Lewisbur
VKK juvt i pmin- a vane. '':eD
avMvr.mt tu v( liils atlapJ lo
w.v,t. ..t iii- community ai:.i
-h;ph hnvi- been p.uch ivJ U "
th-m f HI at pnee. that tfwv r. mpri.
Cr-i r.mf ' ' K '
' 1. 2 ,