LKwrsr.uiiif ciiroxkim: & .vest iiijaacii 'Ai!jii:i;-.iA.. n. isi. i- il I'M it if rf i Ik STriuiabnrfl Cljrcnir.r. o. is. v.-l'Tllm i j. k Co it Nil,. I. si. Vrt-t. ....y. rrt'clmn. niiiitna!: S!;ivcry, s'viiiin;.! ! The State Legislature. 1 ...Mill IH1 Wll.,1, ! Ill the licL'.-K, i duvsj.i-), Ja-j. C, Mr. 'I'i'm ki:, Oj.jr.Mti .: ), read in place a hill to a!"..i.-ii the ffiee -i( Canal C'einiuis sioticr of l't imsy Ivanta. i lie rules R ie sui " ii.: -ras t.ikeu up anJ Ja-itj r,.l PJid bill l.v, li IjI- j.o- : Tfas 9. Nas-Wr. n, M: iv, I! -t'.'RM f C'.-irieV.. H ..To, VVif'.ii itiij 0 uil The tuihwiu is a c 'py of the above iiaiueii l.iii : JX ACT t. tV. f: eij f t'i.unlsi.ii'-r i'' 1 any, t,inil. ffC. I. !' ...'.., That the fnee ' f Caijni I l.-muns-i oivr be and the tbe same is h. r- by a ! 1 1-h.- i. i".C. - 'liii't'dtiaM'.'tiiiu: Motirr? sliall, iuimtdiatrly alttr the pi.-s.--e il il.i, ai-t, liniv. r t.. ihe A a litnr lien, i.-.i, all I ks. J r.-, an i evtr.ibii.g j-r'ai:.;!! tolbtir -Mr. V.'lT.i.j A ('"; 15:i' i. !. ori t.. i, -j . -,1 .... ! ! S:' :is irn r :ise. tiii bcrs of tbe Leisla'.ur.1. the iu'e. p, fr in ... .ft!., art s.l i.-M r s nt Hi -Trl- l.-u d ever uu i. r Mr. ..iiNi:i.t.K;i, til.' t'.-lUl .'I I . I 111 lii ' T t C ejti'y, to api uiiit a u u tii.i moiiirs Ir in the .-sta Otis enipovn-nno l'h :.S i I 1..I m It . ! 1 e. iv.- cer ei f -I !.! I!r,.,-a. ii.eea.-e I : aid move J l . the iiuu-e r.i'o- Ce.d to cii-iiler t::e Miit.e. .ir. tiiii'.ir remaikid that he islidto rail llje a'li iiiii.ii (.f tiH. .,u,i- in this node i'l u-iiig busiti.-.s, aiid ,8 iiiLPur'lr, Uliiesa iher-' uas a li :y ui.-M li..-.- --i'y) bieeei t;II ! e xja n. I ; i.'o rf ih'S bill, n.-w, If. Ufiii 1 bale it lie imr. He had besr.t not bin ai I. as y , ix-.- that I lie s-.-sion of the Court was ! it band, and that io tin un uiueh i:eiii u li the sui jeet of tl.l- .'!.-. V.A.iii-i:i.i.::'t ret.r i : li Mr. . ul I oke I., or l, if L of I.', hat th 'ii ,-i! in ' tin' i.s .- ! - . f . They J ou plei-.s- -,s' I iv 'u' i a-k t inti tits .. :!ie. i -,, I I rem t oui t ol ( ' Illtli -a 1.. its v. . I'l.ion cuiji. TiM' i.sli'.d f T In the cm e .1 dm Br ..ol' I! ir: hv- t. i-.v u i i -.ii r, th.-i' this a.-- be take!, ti pe it :il be d n- .' Tiie in al: oi of Mr. in! I- i i! 'Is of ! " I i II.. il 1 I'l. I prompt y, and 1 t.'T. was uti aiid Wai: aN.-P! lai-.ei agreid to, a-i l the b;.l w bnally I a;-..-. I. In A t:, a niovcni' r j:..' h-r Lie jr. yrl.h, ,.f Can i! t'ommis-,,,i,Li s't l.i'u: nt ma le to ng lie' liAZHl V - Laaanivc; aui i-a!e...i u; '-- ' j in i linn ..llalol- 1. ha', ir. ' r. (il::.i;.. went of bis Mot-euie. 1 The bill to c'rii.g.- ri,,- vc rise, fr in I ni oi to .V.iti wiiicli I i ti '"':'t las ear v. been im.-S" -.aiien u,. ! Iu Soli-it i ;- '' i. Mrr. n;rfitia. Xext "!ouav,we o--lii- .-,is '.be d .v 1; jed f.r '.be, l.y the I.-eis atinr, of this efii-.r. The p- tson wb.i is r-.p uib!e f-r f ur or five millions of dol'ais j er year, iitid in whose Iii -ltty aud judgment as to i's reception and uisbursenit-iit, mu-.h dis- cretion is lodgeJ, is in cessarily an imp Tl- nnt member of the State Administration. Our Senators and Assembly uitu have no higher power, this year, than to de5igna'e the head of the Treasury 1'. pirtuient. It is therefore net unt.a'ural that it should be the great theme of the Ucek. and kbould excite much diseus-im. It is customary with both patti-s. when a Stale Treasuier has perf rmed his dunes , i-atisfactonly, to reelect bitu. t ol. Miler liaving beeu the iast Treasurer elected by luaiOi posiiiou pirty, and having served but one car,was early nauieJ, iu d.ff. r 'lit . ..f tl... s'l .1.. for re-oh-el ion In llie . 'r . a:... . i.. i.-.i. lilSineuilon Ol llliuor oiuees, ov u'jui I'm l.sli. t l. V',.I I tr e..k Ii . j I.A.. I ue!, nc uiinic in- ... -vs ; success. it'... tl, rtiiiii-ii aT Si.ib Treasurer from . . . . . , our partyionc .suiuimieuioiiieueiisi 1 01 all ulio Know 01. .siiier, wiinoiii r-ear-i 10 panv. we d..ul.l not he would receive three ( ai ahs ot ihe unbiased Vines. 1 Hose ot a l parties, now scattered, .yer the ' have inane 111s ac.iiinimaiicruiiiiii;. urai i ii-uji-m- ;, - j in i rt thts expressinn ol conti-Ience in his , ,i,;e;ri,y and ,,l h.n.r to his merits. We are . .-onndeiu lhat. as a measure of letTe. our party could rivc no beittr satisfaction, gener- ailv. than hy his re-e,eci He ha, bten .,. and it ,aycont.Jent!y he ia,d that no Treasurer was ever more volant 1:1 cuardiu: the 1 rea.sury liom r in f.:l.n? 11 from every lawful source, ll.s rxperience would te worth lo the 1 a-asury many thousands of dollars i Happily for our State, the financial policy ..i... uu... e. "var.ov sreonueu oy u.e , r- , , .uir, and the inn nt v pu.t? beats hf ahluer than it has for very many rear.. The State Tai is fetluced oue-ixth. The otmnxt care sho'ild be exercised, that no incompetent or unsuita- !! omcer be entrusted in anv station where ih, comparative prosperity ,u,-ht be checked. " - . , ., ! J.Wof the pot,.tS of resemblance ; between the Austrian government and the j huchanan administratioo.are, tb-it Austria ' ' ' , expends . hundred and fifty millions an- J tuallv, and exceeds her income by one-1 aix.b ; ours tears about the same proper- i ' . . , ' iion. The great burden of Austria Is her I 00,000 soldiers ; ours is tbe army of olfi-1 cers and contractors. One of tbe differ- j euces w, that Austria sqnclcbed out "pop- i u'.ar sovereignty'' in Hungary ; and Bu- i obanan tried to do it in Kansas, but failed. ' Glancy Joues rejected by tbe people ! is a fit Couml of liuek to Austria. - -.- s. , Talk .bout apiutiot." of tbe slavery i estion being kept up by the Republicans ' r Loli-.icil iffcct! Kverv clai k of the uestt tor pht.oru. U,d d .wn by tbeUicbmond South aul Olucago Times for Mr. Douglas bas a ; ger lu it I An ( every one of these ' : frier, a ,!, w,rl, 'Le Ub , f a i iu-'- ... .... r 1 tl ' rr... r,f- .If, Tl,.- 1.I-.1--.'.: rn -i.-i..-: i-. !... i -. ,-, t, ,. tj- f :::;! :t- it -I ro: - V- . eutirely overlooked, while tbe .North, the j..,-,,j wjij always bs found on the side ! J"nn '-"'' vs Robert Hiland-; Kast, the South, tho U est aud the Centre ... ' I J" F Cumtmn-s vs Chas K Cronrath . . .11 . . : of bis country. If there was any t'nc ,.,,.,! ,,,., fir ,,,,,,, ,-,.,.,... l.ave been bom red by vanous appoint- J J "mrs i n i 0 ior ... 1 111 ley v.s s pii-r s A1I1 ments. l!y cnlum and by W.,, the characteri-iis of (i- n. Jackson standing ; Weiler & Kll.s vs John l.eiser ami Wife position of Col. Sl.fcr is favorable for bis out iu bolder relief than '""i " a , .; Tho IJcw Pension LilL In W.h.iir.m. tho we, k has, of course, , , ., Tl ,, , ,Ai ' Icrn du.I. ihe House, before adj turn- , . . , . m-nt, pasd the Old So dier's I'en,ion . ' , , . . !!.!!, and two other heavy appropriation bill. Hut the llrst liiii. notwithstanding ,i . . . , i -, the verv larcekmijortty by which it was , i- ' pa?eJ (122 to CI,) an 1 eotmthtandi ng ; al.-o its appirently popular and patriotic: eharat-'er, is uot likely to pass the or ; -al of the Senat,. Thou,!, Scen,ingly f,r tho i " : Lei:, fi: of the soldiers of tbe war of 112, : it is allepcl t.i be g itteu up through the aoney of clerks in the Tension Oiliw, mid (.peculators connected with them, who already own nearly all the claims whieh the Bill recognize, and who wii'.tlierefure, pocket on the spt, nearly all the g d Jon harvest of the mca-ure ! These gentlemen loi k tliroiiu'h t'.ni list of enrolments on lilo in the War Pep irtiuent, and then send agents the country to buy up, iu advance of any legislation, the riht of every man who was merely enrolled (whe trur called out or not) in the season of the late war; and, having thus provided them selves with a base of operations, they draw a Bill to meet the inti rests they bold in I. in.!, at, 1 c iiiimriice to crineer it thron-h. Such, it is alleged, is the character of the " O il S o! lier's I' Bili," which was .anied thr oili the II mf on the 021; ai d inn -tirieh as it ( roposes to rive to th-se speeiila'ors rii'ht niiilions of dollars a year as I-oig as they eiu represent the nominal holders of tho certificate-. ti be alive, the probability is that the Sennte will be M iy careful how they b.-lp abm ! the op. ration." ".',;,, Yjlchri i.i , ; A.llliilil-t.'aiioii ) lit!, in-t. I A Damning Sin. ! r-irrespou lent of the Ohi-i .V'.i.'e : 1 writing fi..m Washington I. (,' si0s:, ' An outrageous .iffa'r was perpetrate 1 at our (Vy Jail, a f,-w days sua, as the I'-o-hui adv.-rti-em-iit will show : A1 c. .it DMSNIVI'KVniirs SAI.K.-I irill, in pni - nance i-I an Or I T of lite 111 piiatis' l :!,. Ilisine: ..t (.'oiuii.oia, sell at i.j;- i.-t : ti. on I-'KI'i Y lie. No vein :,er I .'. .-. t V! -eh. M.. in ! nf tiie Jail, to iiie ln ii i t !'-r. I r ea-h. vii I est 1 .N.ei o Vi --iii.iii ati i -I I 'ail !re.a. 1 i ! i V. ,! .. o li'.r'e hoys .'.olll 1 1 In I tl year-: i f ae. AltsU.DM IIAI.I., No. I5-..C A.!:u'r ,.f Jac, I. Mall l;a' r t,d rs tliis, tint s tctii n peculiarly . li 'Us, is ii,,. fact that tl.o Jail in this city b -lonrs to. and is iiru -r the control of, the li.inr.I i i iv. iiittii.'Lt, and I'tiitetl ta!.? t f.i .-i r.- ; i f I in the; r.'ij'iiri d duties of thai ; n -1 i " u ' : n. It i.s thus that our g iverr.- Itl 't.t f ! iteds til 111 '. CUtrige Us tritM.'S iii, n hitnaiiity. Not'eut that I be I'tiitel Stat s tit mid furnish prisons ti eotitiue the slave, it inti-t also provide the auction block, and rotect the flave dealers while he sunders tho mn-t saercd of hu'ii tn ti.-: that of l.u-bar. l and v.ifj; " ! r-'if.l.y i hu vi.i in thtl u!l air. Alii ll.ei ni in wlio hi:. 'be 'going, g 'ing 'nC' , , ivviee, thiee limes ;'"f,f is a brother ol ! that feet of M -t h-nii-m wlfse f .under , prom -utn-i d slavery thes'Iin of all villanie-. ' The most debi siavc-luvcrs were t-sai iniug these slave women iu the most iude- i c nt inanair, a-id all under the sanction of ' our gitveriitm nt. Must such disgrace continue ? I trust not." ' Gen. Sam Hoiston. It must be grat ifying to every true IV unsylvauiau to ob serve, when the ipiu.-tion was taken in the I. S. S'.-uito ou the propositi in to build I the Pacific lt iilnad wiih iron exclusively ' f American manufacture, that tho name ; e , , , tt .i i i .i I f ,il lt 0i,j uL.r,, tar,,Is reeotJed in tic nlfii in itive. It wasa naked issue, between : i:r..,t l!ri!i,.. .n.l Am..ricn lietKeen f,,r- elgu and domestic labor; and the Aunri-. can people may rely upou it, that wl cnevir ; .. i .t .i . u.-. ..i -ii i ... i c- ... ' aua Hliereier iiie c" auau ue i n .i . .tl.l. 1 ..C f... ' ajrtuosi our cuuuiry, me uirooi .5111 , bis intuitive Knowledge ot men, aud ou no : man did be ever nlace mure iintiiieit man did be ever place mure implicit , . ! reliance, 111 greai em. rgeneies, man " ljuston. B.'ared in Tennessee,urider j his vtry eje, tiie reanon med l.ot tie ask- I, wily was u ir at u en. tl acason never louui a battle without Sam Houston. j,, fc rcienll,ere j Ttbat Mr Jkffersoti Davis recently counseled the sov ett.;6a Sute (,f Mississippi to prepare for 1 n y-.; l - ' , f , ,'J. J K t6.e I lowing inventory of tbe anus belonging to , te j.,e discovered to ba oa hand : 1 : " 4 flint-lock n.ske..-II maty, and no breeches to at least two. 1 ciuut.n. ; ijajnueis rusty, wnu no points, .-v pile . o( l,o!tsan,l scahbard, but no SWOrds. OO . . . CJirtriJgo boxes." 7ie Ili.- aclJs: "We Lave now O' jp,jor Qeuf rals, 10 Urigadicr Generals, ! . , . 00 Lieutenant Colonc's, 00 Majors, and will soon have COO Captains, 1,200 Lieu-: Sergeants, 4,S00 Corporals. I them Lowe , . . , - , f - , . that we have no privatct tbe Legislature fa aispeDse4 wilU thlt U5cluss portion I , , i f ,be t- T T T T,. I J LEVEX JLUUUS NO JURT. in 1 ltt3- I burg,George Shaw, convicted of abducting or kidnapping (or attempting it) George j . rerns out of tbe State for the purpose : of selling biin into slavery, bas bad grant- j ed a new trial, because tbe first verdict j was from only eleven jurors tbe prison- j tier's couotel having conseuted to try tbe ! ...... . ,. ,. , . , i uu.uuit. i us nui 0I rignts "s ,ht trial h 1" sha" bo """ulate," j lbe court o( tn that any al-1 ,".lion in customary practice is a vi- j 01a"0D' Tbe losses by Cre in the United Ftites ! iu 1858, eiciudin,' a'l louesiess thm 10,- ' . . . e -sa.. -. . v.., . '.'Pi?, irnbi' a', r.7Trr.e ef '.'2 ( I 1 .Senator Douglas telegraphed Gov. l'ati , cr, from Philadelphia, Wcdne,d ij, Hi ' i-.i.;..riu'.attot.-s on the bJJ stand taken in , ,. . , fav.-r of Mate equality ami sov- r . ... Vn,'' crelguly in iiis annual mi ss-age. I - - , lt -New (.ent, ordered by tho hoc- rotary of the lri'asurv, m Dow in process J. - ' . . . "f coin:i:.'S at rbiladelpbia, and will Le ui.triStatl -1 this K1..nth. - I nln:i C o:i:Oy Coin t I'rorlatiisiliusi W " K-f-!'""; A"'M.)' l1; rres:,l.-nl Jn.ire fur the smb Ju liri.ii l)!rlrt ,.f V niiMiv.iiua, composed o! ciiuuui's ol I'm oi, M . tilt ii an.! r-nv.ier. anil I'M 1 1. 1 I- I. I" III. .'I Till .1 Ml V 1 MUliTll-l V. "js.. Ass:.. c:,i'r Jo iii I'm oi eon lit v. have issii.-.t ilieir pr 'p: ,iri:: 'tap- tile 'Mil llav ff llee'r, i - S, a 'i i lo me ii re.-P' 1. lor the ho Mm--; of an It; plians" I ur, I 'our' of I ' -in men I'o'-t -. t iy r a-:-t 'r.-r:n'ro-i. nt'-l If -n-rnl iirtro-r s-.. n.. ai l.i:u i-:il l.'i;, f .r i!,,; rim ,iv of I'.M'IN. on t!ie .-sKftiM) MUMMY el fi:iii:i . ;;v (l-.'iti'.' tif.- 1 3 !i il.i y) ! s.'i'.i, an-l to continue t one v.-.-ek, .ot'e. is t!it ef r.' h-'l I iv '.-i ven lo the t'or-otu-r. -I 'istir !-. o iln- l'iae.- an l ( 'i-tistaole. in a. i t I'oi t!ii- county of I noei.'o :i--p.-ar in l!i- ir 0 va prop-T p.-r- 'ns u-ith th;r re.'.-- N. riijin sttioiis.c .-itiiiit:i-i.mi- an i o:h-r r-iii'in!'raiif-'-s to .'o in, is.- thti.t:- e.-toi-'li ot tlfir e tVfes an-l in t':i.-:r ill' a ;e--' i tain to he ih-t:e ; ate! ail Wo lli'ss.. an I .eln-r prr-ops pi-osi-enttn:; in hi half 01 the l.'nuini. iin.'.:::li aguut an-.- person . r -.! to I-.- lh- n ami ih-re -.t-'r!-!:nu. an ! n-'t .h-t art without leave nt Vo-tr "fi!. .larors aro rvii'i-'sp--! to lo- puneni il in h--;r atten l.iuee at til-- ap;'oiute,i tune a ;ia-ea-t. n -e .. ; IJ:-. --ti ii-mIit eiv han.l anil si-al a! tl-- -s'l.-r-:! 's i it-lee oi I." m i -!ioi e. the 1 1 th il.av i f .1 1- 1 u in -, i n i - y.-ar - I o i ; I. r 1 o'te t.i- if ,, !t i io,! If.n.'i. a-i I l'ov-i.:tie, at ! ih" .tt-brv-irsi i.f the In h'pen feuee ol the I'lilt'-:! ; at -s of Aiil-'MiM.- !'o-t s;.ve lite l'iO.:;f01- u-;:i! j'i!i (i:.o.i;!:f) i:, Mi-nti ....: l',r A.t;. n (... ,...'.,..,-.r....i,,!,n .lone-, I " K-'lv. 'S frit-s. .1 en I'. irl..i. II. Jo.iitii ILiU-r. I' II IL- v.-r, i iol Heu.t, .Mil lie.; . s, , ith.m i:.iv.i, I.' f .s- An : Vo'i'.-htnti. .l -s lire.-n It-.-' 1 1 ' . r U'lii I, Kiiiei, .s.umrl .Marsha!!. Aaroti .-smnli A'-. 'y iia A; -iiio -r, John i-iiaek, 'i'n nnas I! ' i-n. Il-i:Jil,'S 1) t'u voheriin. Ani.v !litic'.-.Vm 'i' I.i it it. I '-..r-e .-slear. I ii ail am l.'i I. lit IhrH.'i.; ! y I! l.h irh- . .1 "In l.asli.-IN -Y-ir It r.-.i S.inrf-l iteop. Ilrnry ts. h'ni -n .,i '',.. I - Joiia -iiinUle. Tins V ll.ftt.,, - Jacob js in. th. I.'hn .M'Caii, Andrew . ,. ; -..r ;- i; ' i' r i'i'..'i- I'e nci'ous .-si.'cker. It'-..' ittifil- J iliti Hayes, Matthew Kei'e, llenr"M.ier ! of ;'. j',if,,;,Tlt,iir. I'er.ny .n-f Sa niiel (;;-,. ve .1 -'.hi jai - .1, ha (i.i-: ;,...:.!:;-, i-Jl, T. M; r- '": -ii . i - lre; U II Ris'! ,.'., -r. I! J.e.cs. Itenj IhlMieV. JosCJ.h M I'a I i n, s.r.i. I II ai sh, I. a i risoii l'i I. of- !iei j I'iiainl'eis, l'il.'.iti tiros'., Ki !k- S-ces II. .. li :''.,!.. I!ennev;!le r.-i-h, John Bcch- lei. I-aiio-l V i, re A ;.' -I) n. I .-yi-Vl- Win Kilert, Hiia? ()rwi!, J hn Y.i; i- r.ev,j;,!o, r,:::,ian lt-:f :, --.! (' lli iiiiv -.-i.-h '.mm A ii in Van I'n.suirit. Isaac Ever Huh I .- r- i'.l i', Ka'if.nati, Josepli Mover II' ';. K i !'-.' U-.-;!. V.'m Ca-nernp, a: l. al l'i I.ew is I'.i i no r, a i : n. I'!ies II aves, Levi Ster ., -,,,-r. .1 .-S Marsh. I! II Laird. -aiheriiiiL;. A M I. aw.-hc, Curtis (i ..,., S-eii : ! Ir, I! !.; c;;-,.n fii.u 15 .'en.l"r. :-or-e C..- -s., Uc Chant: -rs. F II 1'otts ..r - I! t F.-ter VI. -,' .' . - ti 'orve Kleekaer Whit' '-" rs-i p.ert Flick. Jacob I.eiscr. A I C II -it. Mot. en ll.uesiiian, .l,.s K Ket'rr --S rnu-'l Siiiionton, Il.'.vtd A'oneida .'"' lliifil 1'eter Hetz, !Samuel Mather: John Mcaia-!. Ihrtl Inn C!in-t:an T)a! CV.-ih I. hu (iuyer Jr. Jesse M Walter Ittrlm Mieliael Kit rkner, David Mitch-' ell, AVm IJetiner j XP-ub-trz- Uaac H'jh!er,J W Sands, Henry ! i"'"r''.1' , ' luirll-q Semitic! eidensaiil, David r i!man, 1 Josiau I. or!, .loiiu mitii. t liartes l.mtry A"-', J dm Benna-e, Peter Ha-'iittich ISI1C List for Alij.l'oiirt & Fl'll.T.l S')d. J'e'T llummel and Wife vs Daniel Rentier 'I' Church ..V Co vs S,,i,i,I(-,n .Mayer ll.ivnl Fisher vs Jonathan ll.eli'eiiderfer for Church vs Jos II Forrey ' "s ' nurcn vs same I Ssniii'l S It.irl..!. ec I.......1. Me.'v..ll j,,hll M,,v,.r vs Fred'k Chas Can-ley vs John Youn21n.n1 et al Ken t.L-ii Steiiut i.viiiiL-11 .-leiuner s .inreu nneass I' I l:.M..e X- I'.. .-c I .....K M..I I... .. ' ..' J j-.tin lioian I is Mate Mutual Ins Co litis S;tte Iteulien ).u cl al p 0 Campbell ct al vs Teed V Marr 1 "l Howard Male., m vs James i' lio-i i,,,,.,.., ft Uanrk v, Isaac Kanck's Exs David s eumeer vs Wm II Marr I. F Aim ael.t vs A lain Schreck surv II H,sh Aa,,j,.r AlnriKls li.miel K-mjler vs John Lapp Margaret Forsier vs Alex Cummin?s Sft DWeidensaul fr shirk vs ChurchsV Forrey Naac. l.iown vs John Locke Levi K Shnch, deed's adtnrs vs .1 Year;er Samuel .Merlz vs J i' pieebold and J t-eebold I. I'aimer indorsee of J F l.inn v Levi riteruer saine vs 7 others Martin (i Reel, a minor. Ac vs C Drcisbach j lmes Unssell vs Jacob Dunl le Christian Cartel! vs Daniel Ilenner vamp ,., K.sM,r ,Uf,Xrsh & Co h,,p ,,,(,01.1 vs 1'eier beaver et al Isaac Walter &c vs Jesse Schreyer Trustees M E ch at Mifilmlt? vs J M Kleckner Kline & Carroll Win InlmlV t l.r...n I 1 I 1 1 I"' 1 1 . .U (. ,.c ,..,,,., ti,r::e Mcuel vs Leib At Leib John Muter A- trife Vk Dunkle i-s Henry Ruhle Daniel Render Jr vs Chamberlin & Stout R"v Samuel Guieliits vs Saml H Orwig Wm Jones, ,d. J n Locke Isaac Walter .v .. ' ' Abram W oife vs Heaver tied M .V Co Kebrr Musser vs corporation Lniversity " Al u nitmer vs Jacob K loss $H . H;rv W Crowr "L Ueck vs Deitrick A bheckler Charles Hunter vs Saml shirk Keish & Heish vs Peter Reish's Adm'rs ob Saml L Beck vs Charles Stces Jonn Marty vs John Barily ThosS o"orvr,g for Srlig vs J AT C Ranclt Scots Presby'n Church vs John M'Call rael,.( TS Aar"n Smi!h W m Kautonau vs Peter Kau.fman Admr Jacob s-vartz v Conrad Blind and wife -M'CurJv Tate vs It S Urcbsi ;.aume " J'a'on " Saml B Mason TnnJ Ln & Rawn Wm Friclc & Co vs Wm W olfe -Vrn Lmra nst&ws Bopenreif v. " , "anclt na loci j . s..r ... III . i v M...n . !..i.!XLtlir - ii'jtiiii iml !inl I'lo.l.Mnatiuii. Whereas, the II. ,.. Al.,:.!,,,., f W is IV. - ' ' (' ' -' "" -i . !Viiuv vauia. compos,-- t in c umi.. . ,,t .. - ,.,. , , , . . ., , , 1 m"n- an.I-.-...v L-r. and I'lul... l..!e . ami John WSim-.i.t l.-u. A . -.-i -it.- .iu i for niion cnunrv. ha. e ,-sne,! ,h, ir pre,-,-,.,, Wilnn.. ,.e ,., an-l In me ilireeti -l. tor tin- h ' . 1 1 o! ofroinie-.n I'leasat I. -wis;. in-, f r tt. nt Tnion on the ? .1 inei.- u I'.'ui: C'linry y '. (hetnt; l!ie t h .lav s.-o.i t.i c ,roi,i(:t. wefk. XOTK'K n th.-re.1. ,te 1 1 I ;n en i . Wlttl'-sses nil I a l peiSi ns i.-.tele-ie l m ti'.--Ismii- t he lh- n an-! thete present an.l n ' tiepart withi-ut ieave. .1 irors are re.n.-s-i. 1. 1 I'e ptiti'-liial in loeir atteu-l inee al li.e t:riv aipo!llU'i!, aereel.lile In liotiee. litveti uti h-r in-,- ha a 1 an I o n: ;ti,- Sh-r-i'. s I u'iee i ii r,--,-. . s! al t Ti - :i ' , v . f .! : i.'v. A 1 1. I slat!, an,? m the eoai v-ihn t V''ar ot in --Iniiepfll.lei,,-,. , ;' i!r. r.s,. ,,f Aoiei i.-a. li.el sine ill- I ' ' il: ot. O! 'v.-:i t '. ' Jit;!'. ( is.stil;. . i:, Sii-ir; &UDr Qr.a in I'lvurca AM M'lii'CI!. Mi-iev Ann l'L:f man -li-" u. h, tin- foum , n I'l-n, i f I in ColllHV. I'-e. 1 . : .")--. ir.-oree. Mrcii Ann Cf;:n'r:il t .V A tor a T.i ii. Ta t . ! I lel.t lire : You aie h--e- v fi rnn.aio appear in lotir 'ii-;v r pei- oii .lu-l'.re.s at l.i'wi iir... ,a ,i i'.-ro. I'i'as, their I i.i h '1 , n "i ti ' .lay of Feb! u it.--. I .-. !,. .how Villi have, u i, v i'le s.i, II ri .mi v sh 'ill ! ii t mati ii.'.otiv. !. provi'h I. Jan. ;, I-. .in:i v c i;:.i) !:.mi mi. lUuiica to iit-iis, I'-SH.s- Cm i i . s.. I I..S. '- Tif' I ' in tio..e.-e:.';!i , f ion. I i iioaii r an.-, le-i.-in- in O Cl.ltke. res, to,- , i ,-, IT-; lloi-or li Mil I', fi,-. . te-i !,,. ill'll County, ia.. ,-ii:,. ;i,, , ff or I'larl-.e, i!-'e'-'. u!.,. .. to ,, Cial Ue, lat'. Iv.lf.'l i"-i e : at ;i - ' :a the Male i : I a i . t -. -, e . I 'larii-.', .ier' l. v, i o ivas .-. i : en r -ttiie- tuiio r i .... i . ti i I. . ..a I.. f : easy ! . i.. tan : larn C.'arke. si !e v. alii iiieo ' llUI!il:t '., , ( I lhe-n,-.T i'.-in f i elaoneJ i-v ill- r ' i'-.-al represent,! ; K .ly,p. I liiuiTiMi: VV!iei--as, h-,-!n!y aii in.ii-.l I i n e, o itv a'.'r. -ail Khiy.-l flai il II I I" T til- s Li 1 N .l -i'ars (ST-o.i'o heirs of the sa:1 oil the re l ! rn : Itie Hi;.;,,, -at I. the K. I i.i i . I.s: oe . ,l;eii,i i'.ii ! I in-' "til es t.i -ii', v. 0 re herein- rt -I r i.- - a. ral I ii pit l.e-. i-eate, f.r ti.- 1 l'h lav of F- re::: i- I:-: lo lali the. at. tl-.e: I i r show e no! I e s !!. Jt;i." c!;i i-s-i; Jan. 7, ;"Vi:,s-: LEAVER, KfiEIIl-R a M'CLUI.E Kn just (.p.-tiii,-; a vi'i '.-.! at,.! i ri.-roi-.- assi.rtmeit i f (iui'lis a-'a; : , :',, wants of he Co in in u n I v an ! to tne .,,;) . winch have liccn piiu.ot-ei s., ;ls ,!,.,;;. th.-ni to sell at pr.ees that ,!.!'.- e, ,,;: C. onrf m f .' I) K. .V V I', l.ewishurs, 8.-; '.. 10. ; LAW OKI If.:- KiltiVKP John B. Linn. iv.n r.-a- t Oi'.Ve r' Ji ins house on ... '.in.' ei S'. or'. 1 .1 ,V ,: but i vim i Vi. Heal i&ifi SCO. f-h- A Frame D'.V FI.I.I.Mi lioFPF. , -Ll-iFiIth sireei. Ii. ri II I'!. I.ewishurt;, Jan. 7. I'-.'.'.i SHERIFF'S SALES. "f)Y virtue of sii'i-lrv i its of Yen. C-. an Is, t-- ; i , ... f .. ton moil Fleas, eouii'v nt Cninn, and to nie d j reetcd, will be exp, -,-! in pn! !:c rale .-i i.ut cry, on the dates and at the place:., lollown.g. 1 to wit : ! On Saturday, tin- 2'.".:i in-t.. at t ho i Fuhlic (louse of Jonas Fisln-r, at Wh.'e I'vei ! Mills, at III o'clock A. M.. a .--T-.t'ii tr-tei .,: ' Land siiuate in the totvnship id it-te Deer. I and county aforesaid, in undi d as IoIIo-as. to ivvii: lteiniun at a p. st, ilu nce, hy lands , of Caldwell's heirs, north l -' u perr-hes to a I post. Thence, by lands i.f Joseph R. Keller, south 7S decrees, west i;i perches, in a po-t . ! hy a white pine Mump. Tiienee, l-v lai.-Is ,.; j Daniel Ludwi-;, sou'h Ihl perches, in a p-ist, and thnce, by oilier lands ..f the said heirs i f ; Daniel Caldwell, dec.! ea-r 1'.'.". perches, i., the place of beginning, eot,'.. tiii:!.. .inetv- I-our Acres, more or les., ftc, wiih llie up pnnenances, as tiie propeiiy of ileibin.i AFC lure. " t On .aturi-lay, tin ."lli of Fol rnr.rv ' next, at 10 o'clock A. V at tiie public house of Michael Kleekuer. in the h rou-.'h of .'en Ileiltn, and counly a!oi' said, a ctrtaiti h.i of grouud situate in iSe-.v Hi rhn, bounded moth by Liberty street, east hy 11 n in street, south -and west by W. Y. Iliwi?, whereon is erect ed a Unck School House, with the appurte nances, ifcc. As the property- tit the Aew Berlin.! . niun School House Ass.-iciation. Also, at the same lime and place, another : certain Lot of (iroun !, siiuaie in the BoroiiL-li and county aforesaid, on Old Market strret adjoining lot of Joseph Khadi-r on Ihe wes', and I'iuiu street on Ihe east and Church al- j ley on the north, whereon are erected a two- ' ihe line i f I'nion an 1 "fnyder eounlies, coii I storey Iranie house, sixty-six leet in from, tainins 170 acres, of which about ion are j with the appurtenances, .Vc. As she proper- cleared. The public road from Northtiml-er-! ty of Mary Mumma. ; laud lo New Berlin passes throuch it aio i:t j Also at Ihe same time and place, a rertain four mih s from Northumberland, lui. 'rm , lot cf ground situate in the township of Bui, 'a- Winfieid Iron Works, four or live from Lewis. I loe and county aforesaid, botin !.! norih I v burg. Title indisputable. One thud of ihe j lands of famuel Hrimharh, east hy public purchasinj; money cash, anil the residue in I road .tailing from New Berlin t" the Drei-. eipial vearlv ravtnenis with mierest secured . h.l, l'l,..r... a.wl 1. I . L . I 1. .- I .. " " ' . " s. . ."ini -iii .'-i mi ijiuM-i uv ..lorisase anu unmis. Ihe whole tiact .Martin Dreisbach, comainini; nvo acres more is lit for cultivation, and includes a fair pur er less, whereon are erected a one storey h lion of meadow ground and timber land, house, log barn, Ac., wuh the appurtenances. Inquire of John Yonncman. at Winl'teid Ir As the properly of .Matthew .Silvester. ion V orks. or of HI (.11 BELLA e, Act. Also on the above said dav, on the premi- !unbury, isept. lS.'iri. ' :im?5:i ses, at 2 o'clock, P. AL, a certain tract of land 1 ' stt'iatei n Limestone township, county afore-' FOIl SALK. said boundei north hy lands ,.f tleortie Fred-! a KESIDI'XCE on .North Third street.-l mck and tredericU l.iSel east by lands of A it being a Half Lotof (Iround. withiL jacoo ueimoacn, aiarun u. Iteed and Chris- tian Biler south by lands of Jacob Leiby.and west by lands of Joho S-ehold and Jacob I niccniicr, touiainins nineiv-six acres more , . - or less, whereon are erected a Iwo-storev rail dwelling-house thirty-four feet iu front " - -- and twenty-eight feet deep, a log barn, a well FOR SALE, of good water with a pump, a lime-kiln and fpiIE subscriber olTers for sale that lare other out-buildings, a young apple-orchard, new, modern built, double brick houV Vc. wuh the appurtenances. As the proper-, nearly opposite Ihe new Presbyterian church' ty of John Lose. j adjoining the residence of Dr. Haves. The' Also On Monday llie Till Feb., at house is bntlt in the best style, rat proof. and I o'clock 1". AL, at the BuHaloe Home in the well guarded against fire. A good Well of Borough orl.ewisburg, two tracts of land sit-, Water, and Cistern of never-tailing water, nate in White Deer township and counly Terms made easy, and will be known on ap aforesaid. i rlication to JdXATMAy mishit Nrt I nn.,n.tA s..i. I... i-. t r .. . Rank west bv lands of Adam KanL- anJI JmM ! Finney,southbyolherlandsofJII.i;benold, inicdsi oy lauiisoi xavia Kain-ey andother land of J. H. Robenold containing eight acres 1 ",:" kV -""c"u "ecr.. a lannerv.a tan house, "sark house, a fi ame dtre It nf..i..,n . e , . , . .. . - a !o?-".ib'e, sfrc, tv.ib;. 1: ,... . I.I . II. !, sllu..'" Hi ; I. -mi. i-l i.n..l : Ii.i -! Hain es I'miit-V. s--u!t! ! V am! r..t' by I . i l.'.lti.-t'V, C.M.t tiiiiiii; . u .1:! j i- n-1 conn 1-v nn.'i No. I a;.- A - 'si l.v I.I'l l of .1.;, .I (if. 'I Of Hl.ilii, I t.en r ami l'.ni I 1 i.i e a I-1' s la ii re i r ', s-, w Iieie.m a I e ei.-e. I ii t.i-.i-st.u -y I, i? Ii. ii ,r, a In- Ma'.l'-. .V.-.. h ill--at'ptirt.-nanees. A.tlie pio-a-ity i l J. il It .1., no'.!. ...... nt the same time a i. -I lace a c-r'.-i.i hah tot i I' '" f . . n I ; ' I more IT ie-s s,til.:te in tt.-- I: i -i-iiot n:n;k'-.i on -a: ! l!:-t-iniih pom. .No. :IIH. h.oiti V i m rio lo- it,--o n.-r ini:, ufsaul !..t ,.i. :r..:,t.i.i i-y Vu;i-i s: :.'ll In- ,... t'll.aml uesi i.y an ioi.-y. v. i,.-r (Mi is ere "e, a lii-e.inii v fink ' v--i h on .... ,Ve., -.v lh : If n ppurten.i.-o o s. As -.e o,-, .(..nty ol linos !re 'I.s. . . s , i in s, i..;ie ;ir. .i ; if', a . en-. a I,-,'. 1 !!.! !. -!!! I'e in !,. I.i'lll-l!!;! of We -1 li it'a!' ', a .nt. iv jttoiesa,.!. t.i in i'.i! : . r ii i-v ot w i i;,-,,.s. ue-t i,-,- i. ,,-,.( ,o .1 a I Mi! .-r. s,.n!h l.y ,-.!.!,. ,, a ! ;,i.. !.,,, Is .a .1 In M.'l-r. aiol ea-t !-y !;i.; i, , I.,.-., , A e a i -1 1 1 1 . I r'v i nr ;ir : e - hi, re i. - , 'ill. :-- .1 ,s i , e-e I a ,.:;e-;r, l-.'-ii:-if . -tot' '. - '.' ;: oi-'-, a i, - I'.n'n, A-.-.. -.. fi i it,- ;t ; ; . it r - -nn: e-s. A - in- pi "i.-rtv . ! ;. t ll.u in-, i.. .Ii)!l. ri;';;i)YK. !-.i. t fi. S-U-- I ' 's I lir. f. l-'l.ll,,. J. n. tile r''.f Vimiv.. . P -;. a f's.' -OfJ.,;' IX i xii.y i! ,V7 r i roib'siMii'n I.i.!- SAWMILL a ill) tinsu! iinl lititla: .;ii. .. lid Atl3 of 00d soil, ' m Pt-iti . i m ' , !! :i '' I! ! I. W Oiphans' i.i: ki:. Mi' i I' tt!-' ';;t.l Co:.:t i. i:s- 1- of I ati:: 1 ) i i is i t i: .i I. ii r, rarin. o. s.,:.! in i'.:,t;. o-, Ja.turuay, "2ti ti .y of January. : t.i . ', . ,-'. A. M.. v MANSIoN IAl;.M. li?'.'? -. 'i- M In: ':; I'l ,i ' , i i. : K-'o.. .in I.I .Hits. .an. I . Th -Sioiv Fr. .:: I- .to 2.' A Al.-n !. . I I.' : r ( , i l': '.V :i'.): t.tiliii - :,' - -,' F- I'.-! :ve . .', -.f Maker. I.. i - ' I i; !. i l,: It'Ts. W . . Ills li. : l' i- ,-. . : -; Ap a until a I l'Ut' i, Ui A i pa IliCl-I 1 iltl. I. SAM IF. I, ISAAC I! I. r. K Mv. Jr. i: 1. mi'.- I CR SALE. I known la ki ii M iilid 5 i-ast et.d if tin- l.eiv;-! ari'l il El II K w i at lie in C!i.:!s.jii;.i:f. li-iiish:p. A tit. .i m i'I be sold t n i easoiia'.ile ii-nns. re of U ll.i.IAM FKH'K. -i eiu. D'C. !7. Ini', Le Valuable Faint fur Sale. '1111 suhscr her i th is for sale Ins farm itu.-'.te in V nite Di er tow tisl, ;:, Ft-i- i eo-jnty. ai oti: let -e v.t-stot Alil'on. ni lour ii. lies noiiii ot l.e-visl'iirei. i-o::i:iir.:i i :n icies, -;ii el. ai,-,'. in. 1 iu a ro. .! ' I va: toll. The lilipl ov.'lnet.t s nie ; fra're House, a :.,i-e Itan.e Farn .1-'C I'iJtl a Wt li o! water in 'he cellar, a eot d Si ;inni;hi u-c iiMir I.sp o'.hf r nrfv-;,! rv ( ui I-n lit! ii an.! a.i Apih- and Irarh Orchartis. a p 'od lunoioiif ijiiarry (Mi llie iSiiinii purl i a 2-'t it vtin r.l Iron Oif, vnv Aci-'n, tiii-y le had i-.'p;rp;f. j..'vo Ai'ps if Iiuilttr iii mi nlm'it ?hrt' .'nnlt wo st ai'i J:.itn : lUr t ; 1 1 ! r lau-l can W in j-iointr i.f J!nHijp, JAKS UNMIY. Miifon. i iFor Snlr, r f ilin residence of the suliseril er. on f .Market street in the lh.roneh pi F i 3 Leu-isbur-,'. --iK. house is of F.KICK, vye.l f.nistied in ev-rv resncct. Terms Km- half to b- paid between this and the first day of April next; the balance to be paid in iwo. three or five years, as may ! suit the buyer. I'ossessinn given unr lime. June !i, lsss ISAAt; WALI Fi;. t on mm:. lilMIl) I K.11, lorilll'fly 0Cf!ipit.I Il V J.Y M'l'herson. n. w bv 'I'riiiL intersn-ieil l.v c,.,rorinl, I!,i- u s,al)le ,.,.,, Well of Water, and a varVcty . f choice Fun'. 3 I i;,...f i t -t .t-.-i...s. . . ii t ... , , unLl.t. .tttflll. l.- ishiirr. o..otr la is:, tf rMn-,cl..,P I n. r " "' " ' FOR RENT ! rnssi'' xl o.cunitd at rre- I ,, h Washintrt'on Iht.hL . sent hy Washington Hutchinson as a xapn. Theyare suitable for S I K )! i-.., ... . .. . r,ln'' '' " l' "I I" .1..1,. 'J7. ;f.',' ;.-;!;, I . I. IN' , K o 1,' Ioi. a il i I..0 . S. K ' t tlsll. ,- i. nt i.i v. -, , Jd::.n I ' Eni7 r n ; i a ; n " y r r r r r v. ii.; , ! s. rc ; o.r r': Tip- prop,..-1 pe- In i,;,' - i :i;:if t JUV.1i.ii j ' i'VM i iM'l E JI. -l-'(d:!j!i''.;ni! L;n:il::';i!:i:i.--!;f Sl.lttl! till, s. t. P. .-r I'l Nr.- it -. t ... VI ! 'li..' - nt r.ttsin. .1 is ,, Hiri.ii. 'i -,t It.. A 1 ill.'...'. 1 tin,.-.- ui..-.-1 1 ii..-1 .-. -i.-. no : ....... i II a.-U't:i!.4. Tne, liter, f l. . , .V.,., .; .-:,k. j ., ,, t.-Ilt!J. it. I lint :'t-r . t . .. i. .... tt . '-t 1- ' io. ..,. ... . .. .in.:, i i..:;,,,Y: t'r. lulls Pi. I l I: A t : i - .. , ,,. ,., . , ef .-. II. lie t.-iiii.- r. , . r r. i.- it,. I. l'l., s. .-1.1 III . m. MS-n rin-..t:. , li. i i II. US 1.1 In ?.. I- -tr. ' i rj.'ii etl rn-1 y.i.y.i ill. tt v t ir i n .1 .. .1. . i-mi ...... it II I- t ". l liili-;.- itli.l fi t.Eii r .iiai.t:. i I 1, t.i,; ,,'ii i i l'i tit ... nssr.r."- T?r-rtj. .1 . i, ' I,:..- r, II,:.:... I tier Biure, 1 . l I.I . mi-iii h. I... .:!, . I two - .1.-.. .Mills . Tltot'I -. '. 1 1 I'll:, IntiM.u s 113 ECO iT BIMMM;. Tl'l-turpi' rt: luio :.s... il , i,,:i,- I :.. rll,rs tt.tiiitiifiis. Itn-iiel.ii.i 1 t rn.!..-!. . .1 is in. -t s . r lull ir. ht. ,1 l y tl..-1,.,. , , I r I ..:- 1--j .in.. 1 1 .-i.t ,t l':..i' 'tlireiit .li .iie:.i,i ,. i;,,. ,!!i-h:i, . Pi eed cun alt. r i. i : .-. t.i. to- -. . i.'l. ti.. ; . . Mi-i ii.hii, I i.. ;.t it,., July '.'. ! - A ""i aT'v'r': t tl ...:.t. .i. h , uttr. to il :li a r :i.lii:.l!t. I ui Mt I ; Uil- I in-lt in "" """'i'l " I-: il. t lli.lri -i.ttie. nci-..:ni,l, li i !it(-l.t Unit I is ul.1 Hi I -i . : I feast ts nritiueil elttii; tt. I ui.ti.-r li.e in.iti. it! uioin. l. j ttl.irii.,.1 nt iii, -, l'h :;.'l"l-l.i:i at,. I ,, 1..11 I ... in Hi,- tuntertfls-.l. -then 11 I' I ... , l. t. t I" ' iiii.l. n- .". in.Iwit . ' 1. ur ,ti iif, li. I .-. n. -n.l." o. ,i . .iil.'li u r. ,- o.'.-i I .: i .n. lie I. ...1 me t.. t:,l .- Tfiur i'er.nmti-'e : aed I v 1 1 e ti-e i t li nr t mtiDexinn with it.ur llirent H'-..!.-ii:i.-ii. 1 -i;s .'ninety rureil. mill IntTe r.,u w. II. It is row m re 11.1.11 v-ar .tiic-i U.e .-uie .iui .-tlen-.l. In s..-.,.i:i.e... ,,lUr f.i.r.'l. y. Alil. I It PITA V lllslltir. tf IB.PAVIS-AT s, tnH ttil -iilMIHM , Till. OAT A I'l' I li'A I ION .l.'lli.l ue.-. mi :.uv U.e v lite -.11 ease. if M-rt lul..-e I It-er-. ttl,tl Lle.T-i. r m iLv Ihroat. ' IV fall nn ihe Acnt. f tt IT PI,' .5- I -n . : .no nt-our ( ir.utrr. M.nuiuin; . l j mTKKiTki? wr t w.Sl".. it.v ! AT EVi GGOT'S. : l I ' 11 .it .(ts 1.. n tnA's Ha'. Cap and "V t: i,.re e-' . i's. I s, ,. ;. lid. 1-..-.S 'i ' ':!(!; mi- . . Tl .iv I. v f ':f.-:T J ui. : i:. . . i . -I:. A '! . 1'. y.:-l .'iJo-ehltir .ii' JlbSj A!.:. "AM. I. 'Ji..- I : .:! I A' ' : If s'-s l- . - . . e-s s ' v . ' v-' 'Hit '.Ol l.'.iW A VS I'll.LS ' O ::.,. . '- a, ' -; "i si, ' .'iJl'-' I :e , ' Irthi a - i,.r O.e 1 it. ' ' II .U rel , r . ..i '.la t. lu..:a. -. i'l-. .s.-. M.7.V' : --. I h,.i.. r? ti:!-rt:. v- ' ! : A T i: ! ... . " ' :.. '..' ,-. '!'::; :'. i.i I.I ..iS. -..-.if' rtir, ' I I Cu'lli .. '-. r r. n . , - if. , -f - ' ' ' t : ' - - T I . M - ci. i.iil'in ji mT .: .- i.u i. arf 1. ,TT I I . ..i. 1 1 1 r;:rtim in C ii 1' 1 1 'i. js-o in 4 I r. I i i r. 1:1 t iu; li.t ' i : r ; .-t r; !:; mrr. : i- :, wi,r is nt u.-t- the L:t 'i " . : r tn rt-!ife t' ; i . m tinug ni . t" t: :ir:n.j. f fftftr ' t. ' fffnj the trw?t . 1 1 : fu! i!I aiwaj ! r ' trartinn n-cif : 1 in:.;.. ifi it etirw it:- rfii.'--' ' . 'I'-. rrl i- ii -t:r.- . nr.- d i IB U Lil I to w fi: "I : t.-'-. r. ;" r .? '.t XT. t r, n ir li i.-.iur-t. . . ! C r U. v :f - -i. n. : ji -: i: ; it, t .si.r; ' :! i 1 K- - .. . i .V.' -t : 1 1 -f. : iir-s !-K t"0-rr ir . ,. q it. .l .w-r-a;- -i.i r. m ,r, ti I,-. l.. i . -1. 1 jr .i.'l V.. I 1,. I i ,n. i.-i i. : totit in T. i- . :nni. nlirc tl.ii rrt.l'O3 te .. r 111 O.en .! I I. I H -' "' iim.i.t i In lluiiiis Til' It .p I.!.- V.. it. :.. I;ill-;t. 1 1.. l.s;i:a.. ill ' t-l I. -t l, .1. i . .11... Netful t .Utti -. .1 it 1. 1 i.-.- it :iri- jnii ' Ilieir unwiicsvtj te':- II ::'t .".e hi 'j re.'i ji 'ti'.f a.isrr Imisrorntor Is Si ii.MtUt Mt I'll .l. IHsioV I I;.. m! i' ''? .. . i-,n-,--:im - I. . rr. ,-tt t.. t. :. te. I:.i.r.-.',f 1 tr 11. 1.. .' ''.- ............ .11 ,.j I ..t-t-ll' " (S.-II I 1- !. -.Hi.. , In , ui. - I. I' l i'l l-lUk I'. Tl :-0-ir". io III ti e .,..-! J .r.-i -r ir V t-JTl t- -ti.ti. 1. I.- .1 ... ..11 i-l -..1, h s;e tl.t- r.--u.te ft ?' Pr.-.-. I'xr r iLin ?-r. rt. rt-.. SISliillJi .'.1" ft.; r el. ,-.1 I., lr.J.i.y. N.w T.TI. in.1 r.taii.ill't ill I n, s..',I ..el. Ij.ll I .s. I II I'Wl LI. L..i-'T- T--; Po Uvt S:tllandetilerarlir'', Ii '.- !?. 'loflhal kind on hand er t.-orfrr Hll 'Lewis! -urs i:oektiii.!er.t Hi TiUU r:rlir Stoic for sale. (ItlUll second hand Parlor siove, ns'1' jl. V a sli.rt lime. I. rsa'e cheap. r.n- iiu. re al tt e --Chronicic" oi:;ce. Sept- (it)0!) SLEICII fur a!e. Inqire ' rf S. II. Hi.WIt;. I.ewis-oirg I : iM'S. illat.K l.ea,es IV r l.andlcr.I