Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 14, 1859, Image 1

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BY O. N. "WOftDEN & J.
An Independent ramily
I! hMIt!!"
awl FrH'W't I- ieiJiurj,Ciiion Ci
V.' Si Vt'-i'lt'''.;;'!; t:!ZAVi?
yy.tr. Ai. V'. i t-. !'
nvivi'il in p II. p..'.. -tai.ip.
value h-nj. I"M lT"'tU'-.-t
-iWht-n tin lii:i ,. 1 r
(Uti -. w.- Ii;it- it rU'imn.: if ::i
Ai-VKi.niEU' liuii'if 1!,,'l I
utn- "if f. k. 'Jo -1- ,'.t !i iitti-i
I., .titii-, .1"!- '-r y- -ir. It..'! a
d..l,:t.l .i. T'-'" 1 1
pf.l .-r miv-l "in " W : 'iUM'i.
P lus v. .o ui:ty !" i-T t 'f, " :i.
n.i-ilii -t t c cr 1-' ii -M
r T ur
1 innll J-:.i II
ik ii'. t- - ;i tli--ir
.1 at II-.- i:V..-i-.
,, ;,t ;.u . H p- r
i:..n, ' !' 1 r -ix
..r t- T
r. '.in.'.
A ,.n.r
n t Mitl.ii
i ti,. 'in;-.
r,..i.tN. ,
kh, I- . ! J''E I'B
W.iUl.r.N- .t C.iUXKI.li.
.1I1 iV. J fc V. 1) .ts'!.
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O' tlia'ii.- en u. Mfc. e n " " 1 ')
An-lru-y riidii) l.i -' i!.m .--. ml:, iu t,:: 1:1 I
l...t V'.r l:,:.rl- -!',S t., ir l..iuii--.-. !" "
' .,.., u l.r.
An-t u .Ui... tl.at ..fn'-vt: in.- " ' '
Whii ;., hv.. ttr e v .rsr.j t tlii lu
An. I it Hi- I. ' ; ': - -'. : ; :
T . Liv.. up t;r I'll-: ' " " "" " " !"
1 nJ I'.iin. i -iil.l ' !'.! .-:!'
!: if r.u :ii.ii.. " ' ' 1 '''
.f I. in. ...' I ' " " i "' ' el".
Tim mi l wi - an 1 " ' M v.il 1 ' '
Tli.it Ii-. il- :i ' t I- i',C ui' 1:-
An-1 tli.'n. if-'f' r vi-T:" ' wimn n i- 'Ii-
A., I if nun. n- l:-r ' ' i- f I M:l-: I ' 1
VIVII .lll.!i.1l ..i.l ' ' :ii-1 l-r-tk i.. til - !-.a
Of liitimi; Ui. M-l'.n :s "';"..'
The GDvernor's Plesase.
Y 15a ve, la.-t week, in an Kxtra of
the Clii'.oNi' I i:. the .iiniuil Mi'S-ai.'!'
til'Cov. I'ai Kl i:. iu full. i'Ut had not
time to coiiiineiit t : ) ' :i it.
Tin' fir.-t kcauty oi the M-'-rfi', i-.
its Ui.I'.vn v. It is thi- siiorti'-t Yearly
Kii?t!"'. from (Iiiveriior or I'n'-n !.!!.
wo nvoii.'ct in car day, an 1 will
llierciiv win wmv ii.;i'i :i. ;
The'eouditio'.i ' f the iate Finan
ce?, nnd.T the Sinking F.ind sy;.-itt
innnirnrated ly iou'renr.- JnSTs
and 1'oi.i.oei:. i-' mo.-t s-tirfar;ory.
li; t it l.e f lii'.i'u'ily rarried ":t i:n wo
trust it will ! ' l.y t'ii' .'!:.: Ainnin-
istratior.- and tii.ro:i,.:'i State Tr.-:i--.t-'
rers, and tie re are n:.i;:y ! u who
Will ile (. ,;,,,.(',,. -,l 1..... P...nn
sylvauia is" a: M.v "oat ol
The vindication of tie.
tested measure oft'ue t)
the Sale of the l'ui'iie
I lo:er-co:i-ip.
Vorks is
1 he attempted iK'e:r.ee
lmrv it Frie Cotniatiy
of the Sun-a'"iin-t
charge of sellinir tic
at less than their v::
Fubiie AYorks
is not sat 1--
factory, ltisalmitted tiiat one
sion had a larger ju-iee oli'ered I
r i!.
than it was soi 1 for : it is all
that tho hi" iier bid caon; t.- hit.
the real c!iarLre ri-maitis : V as tliere
anv' .ibWv '. uiveu ol' tin1 .-ale.
not only of tint, but !' the other Di
visions, so that the bc-t and liiLest
bidders eon'. have a chance to make
proposals "in time?" or, were the ii
visions bargained privately, secretly,
to pels of the eo:npa:iy? This is the
wrong charged, and which should be
fully met.
Y"c join iu every honest mcr.nrc
to aid' that great Ibia 1 : but not a
dollar should it realize by a swindle.
'"Fraud vitiates all contracts.''
The interest evinced in Popular
Edueation, is
(lov. I'acker i
i staunch friend of
the Common School System.
The proposed Bureau of Statistics
wc deem premature, as the people
desire no more officers to support, un
til their burdens become lighter. The
attempt, a few years since, to procure
so simple a registry a- that of deaths,
marriages, and births, proved tinsuc-ccs-ful,
and was abandoned.
The irenerally e-su-ossod desire for
economy in appropriations, we hope
will be taken literally, and adminis
tered practically, bv the Legislature.
And first of all", let" them repeal that
last, miserable Militia Law, which no
body understands, and winch bcnelit
none but militia o.'iicers who spirit
awayiiiomouewu.se,..,, ;i -.ieuM ,
.1. : I : ..i ... i
iu nis piescnc v lew m uie wi in
tnoomy point it. wiiien no agrees
win. ...p. i.iictianau- ue ..mernor
r. t T l
ril.lllS I'llllll sl'Ilt. II 111 Ml I 1 1.L1.I'S,-
manshijt. These appeals present ai
singular spectacle -a 1 icmoeratie Pre
sident and a Demo .ratio Governor
both joining iu u-vmT that "explo
ded ' i.'g ta.'asttre -a 1'rotcctive
Tariff ; and not 1 s remarkable is
the fact that this very President and
C.overnor were both instrumental in
itstroyine: under a false pretence of i
friendship-thai same Whig Tariff
of '42!
The idea that our banking system !
is inc great cause ol our ruinous
"times", is one of those "i-ms" which
ejioped Gov. Packer had outgrown.
ti to the iuiproviileui-e and exirav-
'"-".'e nnuri-hed bv the Free Trade
ir l' ... -
ie lar.li system, that we are
' : l'l
"tell for tins
-as i.-sue. Gov. Packer
'.a around agtiiust the
-ii-tration against tlie
1 tlie iltiirli Ii bills
t'-kua-i'i's, ia-t j.e'a t'lat
c. protect S'av.o-c i:;
"raia ta..
-i:.:o:.r,: ;
J- i'.llj,r.-.;i
an J -- '. .
T-- .
Sewn Journal.
i, i 1 . (!,
I alarm mat anv cons.tiera.uie
i ii. .... ,.t;..i
of our people wkli to "exfokce the
"ihlWy'' that our nation will one
i !i .1 .-.,..,11 (Win lu
: is 'unfair, and needlessly distressed a'
f;ir as regards friends of Freedom.
OCCUIlie ail i mi
There arc, it is true, tons ot thuusanas
of men. North and ontli, who believe
that, iu th'.' r.mre of events, Slavery
will i.e aboH.-ki.J in the I'nited Stak-s,
as it has I'ti-u in most of the civilized
,i- ni',1 ours i.e'ciuuL' iu tiuiii
' '. ? ,, ' f. ' M:Sa,.hus,.!.S.
v !',,5v!v:,-in. ami other
r." '.. .....!:. i, ...i c!.,....f J,
.laiCS. ll.V iiuuiwij' ", .....
v. t otiiei s V. M.I.. UaMHllgtOn,Je!KT -
sou. 1-Vankli.i, and all those most ,-
iki.i.lial in formiii-j our institutions,
I'laiuly eoiitfiiip-laUrd the day when
oar laud .-hould l.e freed from the
eur.-r an.
,! ike wion
..f i.,v..l.mt.rv
se-rvitude : and the reason, expressly the nimty sis teachers employed in cny
' L-iveii !.y Madison himself, why the (jtT cr,Unty, were in attendance, l'rof.
1 word "slave" is jtroserihed from the : s,(ljjarj w,g tmplnyed to conduct the
Coiistilution.was that posterity .,. iirht Itisti,ulc. The teachers appealed to be
not k...,w, Iron, that instrument that tUo instrc,jve and
Maverv was ever allowed by tlieiu. i ' . , .. .
, (liirCoa.-litution, in so many words, ' able manner iu which he discharged that
: declares that it is lii:sK;.i:i) to "sK-1 duty. He added many warm friends to
: en:;: t:ii: ih.Essi.m;.-, oi- niincitTv" ; bis list. And the teachers returned to
in.! tie; t-vils of Slavery. These are their respective fields of labor, with new
tiv facts, which can not he hid from - ,i ; .1, .,. w,)r. buviin: "ained many
the eyes of lie; people. There is a
' coiilliet there wii.n he a triumph.
"Ye can not serve (lod and Main-1
niou." The chains of servitude are
!.:! oniiii.r v.-en L-cr. Thi" fonviilsive
li.roes of ti.e Monster evince that it
has ... . l ived maiiv a deadiv wound,
; 'I'll
, ., 1" I ; , 1, . 1 ! - i , f : '' ill,, . in,.!.-
.i... in i.ii.ii. ..ui, ,.....i.v.v
i to l.(
. 1 i ,i ; 1 ? i .,,,
lit e on both sides, a.ulwlio
prate aeoiit "soiuetliimr wronir in all
pariics. " and who cry "Good Lord
and Good Devil" alternately, just as
they can win a bargain or escape a
trouble, will iu the end be scattered
and dispersed as were the Cowboys
of ti:e 1;. volution. There is a iiijrht
:.ie and a Wron:; side of this Great
tiii'stiou Yes, .Mr. Governor, Li
berty or Slavery nm-t triumph pro-'
bahly by the force of moral efforts ;
and we hope that, before IM'.O, your !
eariy (junker principles and manly
common sense instincts will lead you
to tin; ;-i-le of Right and Humanity,:
a;.'! not h ave you attempting; to play
Neuiial or Mum in so vital an issue.
On the whole, it is ii ifnoi! Ios-f-acre-
riirht on the State Finances ;
:.,!. t;.. vf-n- , i i;,.i,r,nl r
the Tariff: defence of State Ki-Uts .
against Ceutralization ; aud I.eeomp-
tonisui. Its errors, w: lioic, are mure j
of the head than of the heart. I
The Legislature.
That was a grand victory which the
people achieved at the late election in
l'catisylvabii. They became disgusted
with the miserable aiimiuitration of the
Buchanan party
i ,t ,i . , j ,t ,- i
n,l tlliV t 111: TO lorn I thnr.
.... .... j
di-gust at the polls. Consequently, the
Opposition are now in the majority in the
n their actions v.ill depend
iu a gn at nu .isur.'.
whether that victory
shall Le one of Ixvric.lcence or whether it
shall turn to ash'-s as they grasp it. To
make it t":uitfal of good, wo must be de
termined and watchful. There are many
difficulties to overcome the most formid
able of -which is uijlsluics. We have clus
tering around our victorious standard, as
all victorious parties have, a set of un
I principled men, whj connect themselves
with any party that they think they can j
make somctuiniz out ot. lt sucn now get
the direction cf tho party they seal its
doom. The proplo are in no mood, at
present, to support a party when they see
it in the hands of selfish and corrupt lea
ders. Let the Opposition learn a lesson from
tho rise of 1851, aud the fall of 1855. To
the Legislature of 1855, is to be attribu
ted our subsequent defeats, and the final
election ui i.ucnaua.i. it uepenus on tne ,
( Ipposition thciseives whether that drama :
suau ne repea.eu. I
. , . . i . - l
I l lli to on,., ,i-. fiiit nc miiTi fln.I mtn. I
ots, and not as the tools of trading aspi
traoing aspi- j
n, and tueir !
rants and corrupt spoilsmen
conduct will command the respect and
i ... . . r i.n , n.,,iin.
eu Io.,ei.i o, .i. vv. r i
right action on their part, t will not bo .
necessary for them to concern tliemselves ;
; . , ,, par,Tthe party will stand
Let us have little j
... ... .. .
or no Biieciiii icgis.juou. 1.111VU. t
opposition to tae Governor.J Let us have j
no extravagance, j
waste o; time in -gai-. . je. ua u.m a
short session. Give ns these, and the ,
Members can go home with the conscious-!
ncss that they bavo been good and faith- j
f , servants anJ those of them wbo be-
, . . . ... . r,i ;
& t0 Opposition, can feel secure in ;
the permauency of the ascendency ot tueir
party. L.b'iwm Courier.
Homely Uncle. A little girl about
six years old, was talking with her uncle.
"Millie," said he, "did you ever hear
of Kurry, the calf weaner?"
AVccc No sir.
Curie There was a man, named Kurry,
so U'-lv, he followed calf weaning for a liv-
When the calf was with the cow, be ,
w iuld look under on the ether side, and as
s-iou as the calf saw him it would let go, j
run ilT, and never uck again. j
.V, -Uncle, I think would wean
iia 'ci;: .-: '
! Cood for Colurabia County.
The recent Institute at Bloomst'urg.was
ttendeJ by (i " . ,
'. Nine of the Teachers of that county.
: im -- :.. r. tn the mimr B1
. . lliivnnrn 4 VII
i 1113 IB wui .,,. ..
barmony of those engaged in that honor
Uo calling A1)0Ut the same time, the
9 , , 1)iroct,r!i mct, anJ, having witnes
sed the beucfits of the County Supcrintcn
doncy, raised the salary of Win. liurgess,
I f.'l, tl at n"i -e s) rcputablv, from a
, fi.Is that tj jjVioUuM a
iiHal saury to w .
' one Director dissenting. Those
! t.,. f rl.erioc promise to the great
'.. ji'i :.. ;n ti.nf nnnntir
cause Ui uiutawu iu ...... vv,-.-v.
fl af Ur'on Cour.tV
! f , 'yilEIl )U'n
: Uu the tu oil tc., ie. .
; ty T. acher s Institute met in .Vlinsgrove
...I...U.C.Uv.wmn. SUtu ti'lM of
valuable hints in the art of teaching.
The citizens of Sclinsgrove ngaiu proved
their hospitably, as well as their devotion
to the cause of education, by opening their
doors and giving free entertainment to ithe
teachers. The session closed on Friday
.1, f..r tin, SI,ViIr Prtlltlt T
,,,..,.,1,,. j
' , - , - , .
, ,rs come of whom receive but tcv-
ciitecn dollars a month for their lb.r, yet
they were not among those who think or
en , , (.1, n..'d toon li tn nllonil Insti-
tutrs" '-Don't' think they ehall teach
longer than this winter" 'Directors
... .. l,n it,,,,, .t .(! . Illlf ttlPV
. ii '"i ii, l, for ihmr nwn and
their school's improvement.
Tim I-vii.v Cmotv Teacher's Tnstituto
met in Ilartleton, on tho same day that
the Snyder County Institute mct. Out
nvlcr Lounty insiuuio mct. jut
n T ...... . ft...
of the scrciiti three teachers employed jn
the county ouly thirly-thnt recorded their
names as active members of the Institute.
Some of them were prevented from attcn-
dine on account cf family sickness but
why so tii'it-.y absented themselves remains
yet to be told There were also several
.-scuoo. j-trectors enrolled as Mcuiljc.s.
i'ref. F. Hendricks, whose service had
been engaged, was also obliged to disap-
point tlie rximei..: tk. tochers on
account of sickness at home. And.honce,
tho Teachers and County Superintendent
were obliged to put their own "shoulders
to the wheel" and do the work. Teachers
were appointed for the different branches
usually taught in our school. Classes
r .....
., . , r . . I
were l irmeu. in wnien inose icacaers
mi;' it L-ive tueir nietliou e. leacuini: dv a
prac,ic:,j i;iu,tra,ion. The members of
. t j:u,rt ,0 ask any
qucstiuns that niig'ut be calculated to draw
out an expression or opinion, that would
prove Louificial to themselves as well as
to the other members of the Institute. All
- . . i i .t
u.s.iiss.o,. i,.,i u, iU..u(, v...
tho art of tcachins or would otherwise
add to their usefulness, that would only
ain.i-oiiism iiuioug nil.- imiuCi.ti.,.... ,
ed.for this too often destroys that sociabil- ,
-. ft I .11 ,!.'
y ana uarmony wuicu suouia exist ou-
tween teachers. ..Inch of the good that
teachers might accomplish, is destroyed
by other opposing clemcntd, and much
less will be accomplished toward the im
provement of our schools, where teachers
do not properly co-operate with each other
in this work.
The citizens of Hartlctoa manifested
much and increasing interest in the differ
ent exorcises of the Institute. The day
sessions were well attended by them, and
; tbe CTerjiof, t!ie church was crowded.
mernhcrs i
t.f the choir kindly favored
I -
the Institute with their very excellent!
. - n.i
tiiiiuM Al lh prrninff ci'Minni 1 hp t...
uia!e tca(.lier, found hospitable homes in
prj vatd families. The male teachers wcro
, . e
wull accomnlosiatcd at the hotels of the
. . . ... ..
place, at sixty cents a day. JJelore
Iniljtute bad cIomj, maDy 0f them b.d
rcceived invitations from some of tbe citi
zens to accept their hospitality, yet we saw
but evr of ,he seats at the hotel table va-
cated and .Messrs. Editors, bad you wit
nessed tbe dinner unions, you would bave
teen compelled to say "school masters are
nnt aii azy." u.ii Or l IJf..vi.
j. g Tho next Institute is to be held
;D Jlifiiinburg. bewisburg would have
been entitled to tho placo of holding it,
but as the bewisburg teachers have not
cencrally attended the sessions of the
,oua institute wo concluded that the
teachers of Lewisburg did not wisn to
have it.
We know not how it is, generally, but,
this year, many of tbe teachers in this
reo-ion attended the Institute at Milton,
which was much more convenient for most
of them. Ens. Cnnox.
n.mnrratie r.imsentiiticc lvimihltim
; 85.000 for a Slave State 93,000 for a
j, -rcc gtate.
This is the new Democratic
0m;i . tbey rftered to admit Kansas as a
gave g.ate with her present population
nf 35,000, but oppose her admission as a
ytte st!iro until .-he has Hd100 inhabi -
'.r-; -
Debate Under Difficulties.
The Hon. J'.fuha 11. biddings, I ctur
cd in Tremout Temple, Boston, on Wed
nesday eveuing. Hissuljcct was-iwen-
t Years in Concrens. lu tue course 01
bis lecture, according to the Atl.n, be re-
Iated the following incident, which will be
read with interest at this time :
Cooltcss, they sometimes bad to
make speeches under great difficulties, of
which Mr. (lidding gave an amusing
illustration. In I" li, tnere waS a,. uu-
fortunate n.an in the House from Georgia,
r mi, .1... monnlml him -
. . . .
by the name of black,
ho regarded him-
; self as the especial
al chamj
,ion of the State,
tiiution.' Y.-hen
and of the 'neculiar iueti
. ,
Indian bill was under con6i0eranon,ne
! Mr. G. took occasion to refer to the old
! mutter of the Creek Indians and the slaves
, b , . ,U(J GcorgiaI)S.
, j
,-"" f
. . .. .1 r t.; .1-..-.,
witn stealiug negroes, ana irautung a un unuuibiuu .eij wiuuwg -
to his wife. The Southern men gathered cultivated crops. When the crop is sown,
around him, and spurred him on. When j it is at the mercy of the weather; a drouth
ho had concluded, he Mr. G r-plicd in is, if p.issii.le, more destructive than a
mild terms as would be iui-iginc-l, but ; fljod ; and, between the two, farmers lose
Black did not so regard it, and, coming money enough every three years, by titag
around to within four feet of him,with his j nant water, to apply the thorough remedy
heavy sword cane in bis hand, paid, 'He- j of draining.
peat that, audi will knock you down.') Farmers loe money by short Hghtcd
'Well,' said Mr. Gidding', 'I never bad j and Mietttkrn lifts nf Economy, for true
becu knocked down, it would be a curies- economy does not consist in mere stinting
ity, aud so, of rourse, I repeated it.'
Loud and prolonged applause Some
Members tried to get him away, but I told
t hem to let him alone, he was a poor
harmless man. Dawson, of Louisiana, a
professed duelist, came along, and, pla-
. ... ... .i.:
: Cllll? 11 IS lian. 1 OU Ills pistol, anu i-wauic
. " 6 ' ' . ..
it, said, 'D n him, I'll shoot him :
Mr. Giddings did not think he was in dan-
but others did, and a slaveholder
frorn larjrlanJ, armed with bowie knife
and pistol, came over, and stood by his
side with his arms folded. John Slidell,
unJ oll'cr Southern men, came over and
i pt0,J l? liIack
Kcnneth llaynor, of
' n"U Carolina, (wlio Las necn caueu a
... , , I IT 1
"Know Nothing' since.but who knew some-
: nt day,) who was fully armed,
Him" LI1I.L II IV. I KI1U W:i 1U11V UllllOl.
: o j
' i. , . r 1 r.
; camc anu iook up a posiuou ou n u -,
; Charles Hudson, of Massachusetts, rose
quietly and put himself on bis right, and
Solomon Foot, of Vermont, feeling his
cold northern blood stirred somewhat, left
his scat and took up his position at the
entrance of the aisle, and then and there
'. "- S.h.. .l-l-n,, "
bond applause.
; A North Carolinian and a Marylandcr,
j',iuing "i10 tw? Xrt.n.erBr c" ',D e
; " ,7 , n ; -
pogmlnr branch of Congress, is a rare pic-
' m Jlims anJ iiiddin" by their
fearlessness, prevented the entire destruc-
' tiou of that sacred right, which Sumner,
Grow, and other in our day, have also
; -
I . . ..
i 'i'jip mrnps nt rnp pnnr.
. . . . .. - .
i4 iin il.-nd r ' t hit toarful nestnm iJrcw
us near the little group who stood at the
f ,
; from the scaffolding," we heard
; ut our elbow. We glanced up at the half.;
, huili house, aud then with a shudder look- t
I ej from tue ecafTold to the ground especi-
. .
II1K I0 ,ce a lauorer wuo iiau unen :rom
hi. no.t. Alas ! there was before us no
. , . ., i ...
i m.n. ,0U and dead, but a little child.
ins post. Aias : mere was ne.ore u.
' ...
seon gomo It,ur summers,ana,K-iin cuuuiou
dwi had clilnhed the scaffold to see
....... .
; p:1j;l" bn,,d ,be house, liis little tace
I was ?ctj and the fearful pallor of death
J waa ppread over tho small features. By
j bi3 eide, as ho lay on the cold stones,
knelt a rough man, down whose sun
burned cheeks the tears poured as hc
" Oh, borny 1 Lorny ! Who'll tell your
mammy, mavourneen?"
No need to tell her such sore news
travel fust. Even while we stood there.
j sh(J C!imo ,iiroui. tho crowd, her arms
covered with soansuds. her cheeks pallid.
! ... . . ,i,, fi
lirr 10l 11 PB Dtrfl .ll'l win. imuv uniu.
,, . .. T; t
news. iicr iirT.1 i-iy us, vii .iiiiii, .
, . ,..,. .1 . 1 1
j , aD(j pie cingh, tbe poor Uttle
j. i,. .,i,.'. i,.,-rt Thnn thu
. , . Ulm Jie 0D u,e ,.ulu
UUUJ 10 11 ' 1 nil' , ,,.1 mw, -- - -
i tears came and seated on the stones, she
rockcd , nd fr0 witb ber sad burden
I . c. e , . breast. moaning and
clasped close to her breast, moaning and
wailing for ber only child.
....... , , i t i
Kind friends gathered aronnd. Bough
faces softened, and hard voices sounded
sweet with words of sympathy. One com-
j forter wbifpercd
jj bctter off 0Wj boDOy.
Y'oa arc
yery poor, you know."
The mother looked up, and oh ! the pa
thos in her voice as she said
" Yes he teat all the richct ice hail .'"
Fattening Siief.p in Winter. Put
them in a dry, warm place, and let them
have plenty of fresh air; give them out
quart of oats, each morning and evening,
with bay and pure water. I fed one in
this way last winter, for three months, and
it was admitted by competent judges to be
as fat a sheep as they ever saw. I sold it
to a butcher for Sll.
Cattle I have fattened quite a num-
f A.tT 1, ntioi,.. tlipm tlircA riecks
i ,,f r,ntnti-ipj nnr dav. with hav. and no '
i , ' , -.h ,n,i n
! watcr. This will make good, juicy beef. I
j When potatoes are plenty, this is a cheap
I way to fatten cattle. Feed smalljolatoes j
! whole. h-as Bcs". !
1 ,V'.,t."o',':.' o , O'-.cnd.- i covi'y. A 1
How Farmers Lose Money.
Mr. J-II. Ii.xnv.of Iti-u. SU-
irara county, N. V., wr tc as follows to
Z fZll Farnu-r:
ijooMiig uuij.u- -
j uny buHiness, Gts us poorly to ngage in
! ;t un(ler!tandingly. The brightest pros-
, j3 ylMe to become clouded the most
, , , .A,-. ma,v end in disat'poiut
, metlt. ,
If we look at the crops which "d"n
. plJ- al)1ng us, icu
j tua r00t of the matter" lies in Wulcr
1 .&..... im SjU which, in many:
, Stagnant in the SjU which, in many
way3, i, prejudicial to the growth of crops.
Iq fact, a soil which has no escape or out-
, . , ,, . t..
, lct lor tuo water which iau uV
by evaporation, can not be made to pro-
duee a paying crop. Iu a dry season, it is
: bakt.j aHll harj . in a wet one, is is flood-
-y - o .. .,
l;.: r...,..nl.l.. tn. n nrnvlh of
, and saving it requires far-reaching views
I and a generous spirit, to decide practical
1 tpjestious upon that just basis which ?e-
: cures the greatest measure of succeis. We
must look further than the first cost. In
farm stock, for instance, when once secur
' i :, ... , , ,..:, -no
vu, ii tunia uikiu muii; iu i.i.i " -"j
. .... . .
given age, a good animal than a tia.i one,
while one may be far more remunerative
than the other. The good cost more at
, first, but are sure to prove valuable and
find ready purchasers, while the cheap arc
almost certain to be poor and dull of sale.
This is true not only of animals, but of all
farm crops the best varieties of grain
and fruits are sought and raised by truly
. economical cultivators of the soil,
; Mmmy,-ment o Jrnio-e.-Thc
' ; '
......! I ) H... 1 :..
' III H'li IHC III l'f .'J t II II C 1. V"M
icnis oi uie uarii-jaros are ftwuiij uij-
nified with the name cf manure, even if
they consist of little more than rotten
straw and animal excrement, the .real
strength of which has leached away uunng
its long exposure to the weather. "A
! dry yard" is the desideratum, with many;
-n j-: J.-:-.J luio some
' stream, or down the roadside ditch ; (into
some provident neighbor's field it is to be
hopcd)-what is left is still "manure,"
and it is carted out for crops witn cxpec-
i ,atlun tljat tbcJ wl" 10 Iar2dJ benefited
thereby. One thought will show bow idle
is this idea. By what does manure act
beneficially nPon vegetable growth ? By
i I, r, note nnil (rc. na toorl 1 1,14 n.ohfiil
fc-. ...
mnnitv. 1,,b l..cl I id nPalMl cll,rnf en II.
" '" f-.v.-.
bl fertilizing matter, the residue is little
i more than a mechanical means of iuiprov-
ing the soil.
"'". ""-")
farmers but can look back to the time
wLl'n ,LcJ "missed it" materially, in plow-
nn f,it nit MtUiriff In mn i it Tfrfti" 1 1 v
- a - - . o . .
: iinseiisonali v. or m ore of one tban they
- ' , -
i unseasonably, or more ot one
: cuu!J pPcrly cultivate or care for.
1 a 1;.l not lianin d-x V-n t tlin Amiincnc '
- r-
; remained at rest W e must plow
nnlit Im F aa ftnlnh QTiit Hrl it ftvina fia D
: J - -
ed, our farms better stocked, and our !
fields increasing in fertility.
Shelter jor Stock. Not only do horses
,,, ,. , ,
necd stables and care, but cows, sbecp.and
, .... ii..-
calves will do much better, give more
.,, , , , ,
railk, wool, and growth, on the same or
, ' . 1 1 1 .1 i,
less amount amount of food, than when no
... i i ... n-u
nrnvisinn is made for their protection. 1 ue
I ,r. ,...i,. r... , ,. ,k f
. , - f .
.s ' J.
let us fear a liberal expenditure for good
. ,i , . ,. u j
yards, and convenient watering places,
though we ma, have long followed the
mMo system of getting along without
S. Senators from Pennsylvania.
j vunes.
"f Maclay,
! tlobert Morris,
i Join j. g
j William Bingham,
Samuel Maclay,
Peter Mublenburg,
George bogaD,
Michael Leib,
Andrew Gregg,
Abncr Lacock,
Jonathan Roberts,
Walter bowrie,
William Findlcy,
William Marks,
Isaac D. Barnard,
George M. Dallas,
WilliBin Wilkins,
James Buchanan,
Samuel M'Kcan,
Daniel Sturgeon,
Simon Cameron,
James Cooper,
Uichard Brodhead, Jr.,
If 11
It? 45
I William Bigler,
I Simou Cameron,
1803 I
Five hundred applicants are besieging
tho Pro.iilont fur the ten West Point Ca-
detships "at large,
tica to .;f point
which he has the dis-
At 1.50 per
Fiat ootea wu.
"S" 'r
, to Mr. Davidson the most curmus fpeci
men of an old bachelor the w-rM e.e,
.... 1
; u....- - . -
anj 0,JJ. IU bated women, esj-ccwlly ol.l
: mMSt anJ Wil8U't afraid to s-uy so. He
; anj unt Paj bad it, hot and heavy,
- j .hencver chance threw them together
1 yet ttill he came, and it w is noticsd that
1 Aunt iattv took unusual pains with her
. wbcDevcr ue wa3 cxpeceu. v,u
contcat r1 onU:,uai;y strong,
. ..... ... .... j;4tfnt. anil went
: latty left hiui in di.'gu-.t, and went
; .uto the g;irJen
j muttcr(,i, ,u herscif( a.
The bear : the
as sne si peu oj
. . i .
a niossom wuicu
, t T l. 1 1,., .
j WLa J0U run awjy fur SiiJ
ff ; cu c;3e t0 her side,
6 . f .
, El"
" 1 OU UlliU L iiu ii, j -
" No you are worre than a
i: i . i . :. .11.1 rn
" You won't got rid of me, neither.''
" I won't, th '"
" Only in one way."
"And that?"
' Marry me."
" What, us two fools get married? What
will people say ?''
" That's nothing to us. Come, say ye.
or no: rm in a hurry."
lt Well, no, then."
'Very well, good-bye
I shan't come
" Stop a bit what a pucker to be iu 1"
" Yes or no ?"
" I must consult"
" All right : I thought you was of age.
: Good-bye."
"Jabn Andrews, d .ti t
a fool.
Why I
Come back, come back, I say."
, hclieve the critter has taken me fer
; earnest. Jabcz Andrews, I'll consider"
" I don't want no considering. I in gone,
Becky Hastings is waitingforme. I thought
. I'J give you the first chance. Ail right.
! x i T l I rrl..., .. T?..1-t.
- i .IflllfT 111 P7 : 1I11L Mm k UO .'llAt
, .., .. i:. :rf.i:.i-..
Hastings suau t nave mm u i uie mi
jt. Jab.z yes. Do you bear ! Y-e- '. "
j - Centra, Africa
; iowr.s, was a Lieutenant
;n Lie Tl,Iiin AnnJ.( butj heing afterwards
. eomed, was sent as a missionary into
the far interior of Africa, by the Southern
ISapiist in.a.d. IU l.a f-ut li.ti.,,1 :. book
lowing ve. h,fh 'tal'
f"' ' P ,f,e L.L,; iDVu'-
he slaTe Tra,,o iM never raeK. j.
Hc ,,as a;s,, delivered lectures in New!
York, upun the condition of things in that
part of the worid, which, at this tnn, is
exciting more than ordinary attention,
"JT. ' ' -w 1 urk
of lbc
.-ir can nature, us nuuufss,
' '
simplicity in the reception
of religious
truth, docility, and teachableness, furnish
ground for high hope and encouragement
The retentive quality iu this nature was
most surprising. The literature planted j
by the Saracens, seven hundred years ago, j
aud the arts and sciences which they pes
. , rcm0, a. uaTe , at anT
. ' .
I time been forgotten, but bave been re-
. .
turned to the present time as perfect as
such a state of civilization that it would
u ,tf , ,e tb
i c '
: mas, b necessity, progress. The Niger
is the Mississippi of Africa. From its
delta to its source, more than three thou
sand miles in length; in no place is it
1 t 1 -T . -,:i.. 1.1. .-.I ,1,.,I,
lesa mail unit luiie 111 .oiu,iiiu,iuiuuiu-
. . ' .
out its entire length, it would be naviga-
i ..... . T .
I b o to our Mississippi steamers. Its prin-
... . " . ,, ,
I ciral tributaries, are navigable, for more
1 ' c .
1 than fifteen hundred miles. 1 be immense
; .... . .
district, drained by the Niger and its
i Irancht?!, was neb in unaeTeipp!i rosour-
ecu. The fmia tree prowB in luxuriant
I r'". "'. fr"m ,,s nut.
iipply of the world s trade coi
oil for tbe
trade could be man-
! nfacturcd. Cotton, of a long and firm
1 8t3I"e- coa,J lc M,,J V "
immcD" tra,I ,n n African silk,
- . . T. : i.i 1 i. J : . L
ivory, auu skius, couiu ue r?iuuns.ueu .iiu
facility. The great reason why the Eng
lish have not succeeded better in their
attempts to establish trade, was because
1795 : they confined their operations simply
1794 ' to ports along the banks of the Niger, and
1S0.1 . left the great interior country unexplored.
J801 Tradinn posts should be established in the
1SOS '
1S01 ' 'ntcr'or otdcT to break up tbe Tast
jq- traffick which finds its way across the
J js 14 deserts. Around these station", large
1S13 towns would spring up which would soon
1S19 become the nucleuses of civilization. The
jsoj ' present African trade was estimated at
jy."- ' thirty millions of dollars. If not for the
jg31 ! sake of Christian truth, and through mo
1831 I tives of philanthropy, certainly by a rc
1833 ' gard for our self interests, we should feel
1S34 j impelled, as individuals and as a nation, to
jjjojj i encourage every proper scheme to civilize
1S51 i Afriea au ,Uus appropriate to ourselves
1S4'J , tbe vast wealth of its trade and commerce.
1S55 ; The labors of the Missionaries, bave
1857 - resulted in incalculable good results, thus
! , early. The power of Idolatry and Mo-
hauiedaniam are fast waning before the
; strength of Christian truth and the light
! of conization. Ia the district of Pierre
I.jonc, the town i f
Pre'-pcrt already pos
.f t.v.o'v ?h .usiin..
IN ISI3....W1I0LE NO, 770.
Irur, always In Advance.
, , -
i erab. taste, and public l.brarie. filled .ith
, .t.BJ.rJ literature.
. mm f M
; The flowin? j, from truthful negro,
an eye witacs of the scene :
j . J0U Deb. r hear bow Mass Eliek
; ' ,rie(l to rlsy ir.arniaid? I tell you waat.
j J0U n;n Jar J0ll ie laughing,. His bref
p;n out, an he had to lef de element hs
, warnt Dorn into.
j I ,ell yna how it was.
n M... Ptt.tr im I
De old man
tell Mass Elick, next time be go in wash-
ing wid dem nigger boys, Sunday.be gwioo
to whin him. Mass Elick he take caution
from dis, and keep away from dat creek
long time.
i " But one Sunday morning in August,
1 he forgit heself, and take de nigger boya
down, and dey all go in washing. I cam
l dar, and tell Mass Elick ha better mind,
,je 0j j man fin(j ilm out ac(j den J,e ketch
1 if. He say dar was no daogr, do old
man done gone to meeting. I look np
and seed de old man cum riding right down
to de creek, which was de nigbest way to
de church, on horseback. Mass Elick seed
it was no use to run, so ho went down on
je s;je ja 0j raan was coming, which war
; kivered wid thick bush, and jis as do old
man rjje ;nj hc jjve calculating to stay
under dar till de old man pass. Di was
cunning 'uuff. De old man war on de high-
tlooded mar, which stop to drink.and Jerry
be no half water Mm ; she was dry for true,
and did drunk and drunk, and seem lika
she nebcr git 'nnff.
" Mass Elick rose ont'n de water, 'bout
two feet from dat mar's nose, jist lika
a tuarmaid ; quicker as any lightning yon
cber seed, dat mar firap mils, and Fpilt de
old man clean out'n sight into de clement.
I tell you what, dar was n marmaid in
him ; he tuck de udder 6ide of dat ques-
,jon an j jntj, Pf seeing how I ong be stay
u,j(,rdat water, be seed how soon he yila
out-n jar jnj ilcn he did shook bim-
self and sloshed de water out'n he hat, ha
. i , .... , ii-, i
- j ' .-, j--
. . -,
r A tlidB 1-111 11 nr II C II 1 fOIIin
irom : Mass r.,icK De was snenr.
; Jlut when de old man tuck do path
for home de way de mar had scooted, do
' 5Iass Klick base JcrTy f"r 00 a,c"nS
: dat mar, was caution to all niggers. But bo
1 say, he reckon de eld man wouldn't wbip
him bard, as he tuck a eplunge heself dis
: SuQ(lay mnrtl;r,g
! " You neber git dat mar to cross dat
forJ no more ; she always consate sb.
; smell marmaid down dar."
Election Anecdote.
The fallowing story is told of a revolu
tionary soldier who was running for Con
gress : It appears that our hero was op
posed by a much younger man, wbo bad
never " been to the wars," and it was tho
wont of the old "revolutionary" to tell
the people of the hardships he endured.
Says be :
"Fellow Citizens ! I have fought and
bled for my country. I helped to wbip
the British and the Indians. I bave
walked the frozen ground until every foot
step was marked with blood '."
Just about this time, one of the ".over
. ... h ,, .,,
i.i,.. - -..i.v
j bv ,Lis ,a!e of woe. walked on in front of
- ' .
,he speaker, wiping the tears from his
interrupted him, saying :
" Did you say you fought the British
and the logins ?"
" Ye," responded the revolutionary.
" Did you say that you had slept on the
ground, while serving your country, with
out any kiver ?"
' Yes, sir, I did 1"
" Did you say that you bad followed
the enemy of your country over frczen
ground till every footstep was marked with
blood ?"
' Yes, sir, I did."
" Well then," said the tearful " sover
eign," as he gave a sigh of painful emo
tion, " I'll be whipped if I don't think
you've done enough for your country, and
77 rote for the other num."
How They did It.
On Sunday night last, some sconndrsl
possessing long fingers, and who bad not
the fear of the devil before bis eyes, broke
open the poultry coop of Kev. Mr. Morse,
aud robbed it of eight fine turkeys. t'ur
lisle Volunteer.
They do things different, here, bast
Saturday night, somewhere between ten
and twelve, just as we were preparing to
retire, we heard the gate in front of our
domicil open, and ou looking out to see
who the intruder was at that bour of tbo
night, we discovered a tall, good looking
young man cautiously threading bis way
towards our poultry coop. Under his arm
be carried a bundle, which in the dim
light of the moon, looked marvelous!
like a turkey. On reaching the coop, be
cautiously opened tbe door, tbrut in bis
burthen, and as cautiously retreated.
Thinking he had carried thatj'fce far
enough, we stepped to the door and told
bim we'd thank him, when be opened our
coop, and, without tbe fear rt Shanghai
roosters before his eves, maliciously im
prisoned a gobbler, to shut fie ,lvr tljht
1 irW. not traj Wore moroiny. II
allowed he bad, and then sloped. And
that's the way tbey steal turkies in thu
neck eV th woods. We think it is an
i-nprovenjont on tbe Citik-t sys'c.-J
1 rnpv Mesttci