Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 07, 1859, Image 3

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    IsCirisbnrff, i
Fkhut Morning, .Tn'- 7 1S-,,J
a l,VKilTI7.K--'.I.nuf.irer. Mrntt M-.l
,n r2-Tt.',S?S? JST--!:'
i ..r the I-wl'ifJ Oron-eie. wincu uiu. . ......
.lurnn. of the ' . . r111, m,uiiiiM
l,r,,.li t TJreuu.uuKr
,nj dealer,. " '"" ""
rT sect : i
t-j.;;,, ,e rcu--'' " ve uill
tXTENU THE T1MB nmaktnj a(iiti"" t 1 he Lueks County Court bas dectucd u ls wor.h navlg. inpriing much gen
Club iulicij-lii'US 1 the C11U0XIVLI', that a Dutchman, who can not understand eral information f sreat value) It gives the
to Ac r,U.r F.lru.r, Curt. Eg!Ul,, and therefore unable to under- , - -
ei-w.- hT. nt out numw ..f rmrtim, mmi
,..mt few ol th.) '" n "ery ierll..n ol tins
..ni.-h ' "p-'iit nfrfit". " " they
M JeMreUiUeHh lh-Di. may know hrrU.li.l:
j II. IHTUsWIS. Ilrll SlilU'O.
Aax 'X Sallll, IVIitle leer and Kelly.
J l.tn.K, Jr . W 'lute lhs r MiKa.
I.EM II O' k. Kult!- Roads.
V,' H. rTF.ts, y;irniersill..
Jwilx Ilio.KB. Mill'.iiO.uri.
J. J. Mi s-ia. Ilsrtl.-t..n.
i:i.wn SaiTH. N.-w llerlia.
J. s VT.T.a. w;ntv:d
Ou. M-Suii.il, tui 'D Kiiruar.
Tl.-re m.v Iv other., alio, uaiaei. do n.
. .
at thi- mom', ut. or a to. e ape il"t .-..uli l.-iir
..I lii..n
i.. .i... -nr..n lV ONK. a I.. rlUKineii,
, and a buse
.l-hb..re col.li le in l.lin. r.B oStalu name., and tile
C il't of the i.JIHT alii le' e.lOeQC-of it-I'lViiteiit. iao
f tt.r-e '..yi.m i.. B.-iii..a up ei.ih. ...i u.,ite their
ti.tthe Cab Ui arrouil.liUjr the I.elUUiug ol iu. iuw
S,qJ H't t'H not ajrte to maef nnymwj
in our jitivr uuh-tt n ut in by r htloi.
and lonj nvtttrrt Ji jultl tome fty Turning.
He rViyicerily lime to .(ice out furors, or ;
run tlu- ritl; uf mimiwi tlic nunlt, u IkcIi ire ,
t ail not Jo.
SCOTT, on Market P.piare, has a new
nssortuiriit of Shoes, ll.iots, ke , cheaper
than ever. Advt next week.
eeMr. J. I'. Beugless, of I'hilad., read
the Monthly F.-siy before the Society of
Inquiry of the I'tiiveraity at Lewisburg,
Sabbath afternnoii last.
, ...
av-7ol.r. I.lov.l St. tilth forniorle of llio
. . , , .
L UlVerslty at this place, for SOIllC years IU
.. .. '
o land ouiee, Aeoraska, is on a visit to Lis
West llrancb fricuds.
tenuThe neighborhood of B.-rwick has u01j knew what Ihey were about, thoy 1
withiu a few months lost by death two of j,aj fhot some 100 of these birds, and
its most estimib'e citizjus. J.'s T.lljvis : lade ell with their prey. The lime for
K-q. of Nescoptek, aged about 50 years, shooting game expired on iho last of Do
was for some time FJitor of the Berwick Crmber. Huitbiny l.'n-ette. I
" Conservator." William tall, of Briar tj10 IVunsylvatiia lUilroad ('ompany ;
Creek, aged S( years migrated from Ma- ,ave Je:eriiiined to enlarge their canal
rylaud, l!2 years ago. froin the Junction to Columbia, so as to
CllEAf I't.i I.1RV. Chitk7u"s have been g'" ' ullif'jrm J' i'!!' "f Cte As
.old in the Cincinnati market this winter. ' Cinpany in'et.d doing
at leu cents per pair, and turkeys of good
pizj at twenty -five cents each ! Some of
the rich farmers begin to get it "through
their wool" that the cry of ' hard times"
is not all "humbug," uor yet a "political
peculation "' '
Uncommon Uikd. A fnem! in Ilar-
lletou informs us that John Iale, Jr., cf
.... -i .-iri.i. .1. l - 1
tliatpuce, on tue-.Miiui,., suota large
bird, entirely white in ednr, measuring -1
feet y inches across the wings and of pro
rmriionate size, f ;et and eyes covered with :
a-..il , .l ... k.. .,,.,
ll""l"i "it""-' "' "J,- -
a Northern clime. Its general appearance :
was nearer that of an owl than anything
BrtuIVrsons desirous of becoming mem-
tcrsof a Singing Class, to be conducted by !
J'rot. 1. 11. rKUKINS, are invited to cue
tbeir names to cither of the following per- :
SOUS, woo aim iil'liuiuicu a cuuiuinii;e; i yj ;
...... i- - i
solicit subsenptions, at a preliminary nice-
ting, held last i-'aturday evening : Klwin '.
A. Evans, A. Judson Furman, Wilson I.
Linn, Thompson G Evans, J.Merrill Linn,
0. V. Gundy and J. K. Cornelius, r-tir
about, friends, and let us have a first rate 1
tMDging fccliool, which is greatly needed. . jt sepulchral appear! um. Sunbury
TEariiEits' I.vsTiTt TKs. Three meet-, -'a-'"c- , ,
. , , , , , A ucw counterfeit bill on the West-
incs of common fehool teachers and other . ,, , , , , , . , , .
b crn jiauk of 1 lniadelphia has made its ap
friends of universal education, were held MSari,oce alld CuUUlcrleit 810 bills on the i
last week in our vicinity one at Milton, ! Hank of Wilmington aud lirandy wine are '
consisting of CO or 70 members; one at in circulation iu large numbers. i
Selinsgrovc, numbering CO or "0; and one Of the three articles of l'oultry, Vcui
at Harlletou, having about -10 iu all. So son aud Iiu.tu.-r, there was shipped during
large a number assembling at one time for Hcccnibcr, lroni Muney, by Espress,
one purpose, indicates a decided interest ul t ""' 'K13' a C0Us;J-
, , , , , i crable quantity of these articles wag also .
in the good cause. Much benefit doubtless dy f.Ul trains,
was gained, even if it is not as quick and , A rom cbM,er who !
as tangible as the fruit from the seed cast beeri bulging ju sundry " tmiics," !
into the corn or wheat field. 1 wImIa roi-bloaslv liarnliin.r nnd flnanninr. a
, , , , f1 !
i.Last Monday, the court of Lur.rne
COUDty took possession of their splendid
' ... t
new lioom, on the I ubuc rejtiarc. It
e.-.-i rv.srt ri-ii i i
eost about 5,0,000, of which tho borough
nf WilL.M Harm Lave S 'O 00.1 and the !
Ol likes liarrit gave c.f,uvy, auu iiil
lialanr i. raised bv countv levies An-
1 -o "le.!?. .Z l::Z'Jl !
1 ' ' . , b
remark., tnado the opening of the new
Court House a memorable occasion. i
uo V naay, inc i. . r. r'enaifi iook
possesion of their new Hall, after most
, ,- ,
ClOfJUeill aUU impressive spCCCIlCS, OU leav- (
. - j lift II i ST n -..
tog their famed old Hall, by Mr. Cnttcn-
i . ., rt l.l-;-:
deu, and ice I res. Lreckinndge.
" :
4 account or DonatC$ Comet of '.
J i
1859. I!y George I. Hond. With two
large itcel plates and 21 wood cuts. The :
above named work is published at Cam- ;
... ...
aniuge, .sns, dy John ISartlett. and sent
i -. . .
uy man, prepaid, at ol) cents per copy.
It ia i.e.. I , .... i . ,
i 1. taken trom the "Mathematical
Monthly," which is published at $2 per
Tear, by the same. The account of the
eomnt ia infor..t!n 1 i
- "s b, au niosiiy in popu-
lar language. The lime of ita resolution
u computed at about 20il(l e...e., r... ;
away, however, to alarm any of the pre-
sent generation.
r&."II." Sends US from Mid.IIennei, a
warm commendation of the New Year's 1
Eve Concert, at Mifflinburp, given by the i
Frceturg and Mifflinburg Vocalists, under !
able and much appreciated directions i
u V. '
" m .-ioyer, jsrp I he room was filled
2 0,3jiug, and good order prevailed.
' diachtr or,.'n...l tl.a ,,.;c. :.k
Itncdiclion by Rev. Mr. Grier... !
--o cornann;,..,- ,
. aaiiuu ivocucu US KJO late
Jl.fcrrJ.-ir. : i, -v i
.il.iiuii j
' '"cnioD in full.)
vuiumnn, ,.-:- . I. 1 i .
AlltLtown" r-i iltr.ru w,,,-. . I
'E-iown tiittcrs, next week.
v ,- from nii.rr (Tnnii'ira n.,tio... iin--Th,r, i, i,;,rj m ih.t i MAHKIK1, Assignee's Notice. I LAST NOTICE.
I fS JtCltlS trom tLU!)cr V.Otl!l.lCO. l,,,Ml,linl,,l,pn,(,,rl,,,'1,,i,,i , Raw. W-.i.n.mo.. III.. .., MMVMOSn of --roTtCE ia herebw n-ive. that YOST YO- TIHOSE indebted, will please take notice.
The reco.pt, Ol tbe L.tl.wis lu.iroau j----, wWr .... oti... of In. ; w'f;i?Sniarc-A ; V. h" il is day made an assignment of ;r N.t. Haea. P.c.-.y.
for November, 1858, fr S3
against 13,325 So f,r November of last -J'r SJl- ' ?' '"r... .h!. i -SlTi". will be ,.!. wi.ho,..
year n increase of 810,601 IS
n- wi . r i
COAI. 1UAPE. lbe amount ot coal
, j fr0Q ,, SliamollQ TC-'lOtl Up tO
, i.nn-i . f .I
last report was lo0,9il tons; from the
T....rnn ro..i,,n lflli'17 Inns: makimr
. - - j . o
in all 32,4(js tons.
iu all "li" tliS tons. .
j t e8tiuioiiy in the case, the charg.
r J ...
of the Court, or the ft.eeelies of the law-
' ... ,
yers, (ilic latter, uonever, Dciug an auvau
: tage,) may be considered a valid juror,and
j may act as sueh iu a cae of life aud death,
j In the York county A!ms house, an in
! sane pauner.wbose name was never known,
recently killed another insane person, by
il.,n.,:r. w ira. unsum into bid eve. DOU-
1 ... , i
ctraling throus;li the crbit into the brain,
. l..l.
and causing instant death.
Henry K. Kilter, iq , is appointed (
rcic.u.iic .sj.j.iaiser i.r Miyder county
A reliiousrevival is in progress iu Miilliu
burg, L'uiou county, atiioug the L'piscopal
Methodists. .Uo. tin Tribune.
Andrew Futzer, of C'hillisquaipue town
ship, took down to the 1'otlvrillu market',
just previous to Christmas, J'JOl) weight
of turkeys, geese, dueks, and chickens.
Ho readily sold the whole lot, at good
. rices, tv.iiii; of his turkeys were of great
size, weighing upwards of 20 pounds,
dressed. For these he got S3 00 a piece.
His turkeys avcnigod him 1 50. Sun-
Wo understand that several cunncrs
from Columbia, C MUlUl? up tho river HI
i , i
quetit of Catlie, made Sad haVOC aillOIIg tho
' c .
I4I 1 I 111 j;' 3 l-W .,.!. HI .'IIJU1 1 I.U
' coun
' ly. Before, the farmers of the neighbor- ,
the same, it will only require a similar
enlargement of tho Siisqqchauna division
to render ihe canals navigable with steam
from the head of the North Branch to tide
water. .-s-inf-tiry t,u--e,fc.
Thi-re are twenty trains of cars on tho
Northcra Central. Sunbury and Krio, and
Siiaimtkin Valley and Pottsville railroads,
arriving at aud departins from Sunbary, j
ly djy T1e5e
f . ht ani, c;ml
A .MARL l-.NTtltl'lllst.. uno day last .
. . . iiti.
,. n, ,i, c, ,.t ,i,
' ' a.ui.s., .u .wu
Sunbury grave yard, was surprised by the
c, of a fr,sll grilve iu 10 ,,rd ;
whioi hc knaw kM ,iaJ not beeQ .
. j J ii -i,,, , i .
uew one W!W entirely unaccountable, and
not a ,ittle mysterious. He accordingly
,lm,.MJ excavatmL'. and after diLieiur?
. - C CO c
a Tcrj distance, he exhumed not i
CQfjn nor a CTIiSe UUl aoOUl IW0 UnS
(,f pjg ir,)rij which some scamp bad stolen I
frula a CJT 0a the Northern Central rail-:
roaJ wLitl. runs close by the grave yard, '
au,i buri(;j flir fulure USI, The grave was
nuej Up txact!y like an ordinary tomb,
wjtu a stone at the bead aud foot to give
Pistol in the liarroom of one of our Ho-
mQ Jay ,Ml wcckj fiuallj dlscaargcd '
.I,, iho bill lakini. i ff. et in bis
piece, the bail taking tneti in uis
left band. 1'r. Wood oztractcd the
.ii ii i.i .'
ball and dressed the wound, at.d the next
day the man proceeded OU bis journey into
7 r j. j
Sullivan county. Muncy .miiimiry.
Kecently, some person or persons, took
advauta-'e uf the absence ol Mr. Danitd :
prv. of muucv Creek township, to rob his
prculi5CS 0, about fifty bushels of Corn,
iq carry cu 60 large au amount, a if am
' must have been employed, and it is singu-
Mar tb,.f nr. elm. lias vet been discovered
Doilltillg tO the CUlltT pcrsOUS. Jluncy
P""v'.'fe k b J 1 ,
, . , . -i- , -
The iscarlct Fever is prevailing to an
alarniinccxtentamongchildren iullughcs-
- iiT - - - . ,
vi" ud vicinity. ;
Ias "'"CK died in Montrose, 2, th ;
f" ' 10 Lls , .yea,r" ... . ,
HatitlSt preacher IU the Wyoming region
.... t ...i
lau-a I'luiiiioBo ni..., c.a.j t-.j . ,
wa3 an Associate Ju lye of Sus.iuehanna ,
c .
couuly for a quarter ol a century. 1
Tamaql'A, Jan. G.-Jobn liitncr, a
German, committed suicide, last night, b,
.ntrini. bia throat from ear to ear. He '
" - -t J
l""J beea u'eIi,ncllaly fjr some time, and
'"'J uaa a l,alK "l 'u
"La? a rititttr for thr vtitr,
Ihcp in wkuft aoaie luytCry lu$
t 5,Ad! to -C.C.S." TroWfiB
One man dug ttaltf.
Tlu) other SI ,
PfrinrvlTania mrTetiry for "shillings." AnVd by 3.
V. liti; aud by iKiix."
MjrSo autwer nceiTod to lart Enia.
On the bank of a certain rtrritn wTeoty l-et In width.
rtod a trf. lu a f iolfUt atorm. thi trw hntoT.T in a
fv - ttniar (wrmi-eircumiert-ocp. an ium u.e vt mr in-t? j
rtruck the uMwihf hatik vt tha tram. In prrninc-
: ; 7. ... . -.a,
! back, ltbrotealourbav.'"hatthl.'ie jnnt rr-arbod j
ih i r.ic tocr'. Uir tr.L a ..u rwiiiii rn ici fzuoii. '
w bib t the Ulf, mt-'l lured:d it tTfak rfl' 1
.iin.laiiil. nervous Itility. dieord'-ra ol tne now-
.tiS '
u.-rfs iTJ I
m.-.ii.-iM tince in iim.Ju. tn.D mw Uiw tor.irj. Tb
t.o. un in te.iiiuoiiiais in pnrue., .
v.uilo we aou.ler w. life compelled tobelire.
rH- Armn Ahimc for IU59 1 now ,
,.i .... .1.1 ,.., ra,i. ,1,. Drns'ffists.who
... inn. 1. j lut.j --r-7 -
are happy lo supply all that call lor mem. ,
Kveiy laiiuly slinulU have ana Keep mis utnj.
Can Sll al)liric. ..a.
anrcilmrs alone are worth a bushel ot w
anec.imrs alone are worth & bushel ol wheat
and its medical advice is sometimes worm 10
the siclc, the wheat's weisht in Rold. Many
of the medical almanacs lire trash, but this is
solid metal. Its caleulalions are made pur
posely fur this latitude and are therefore cor
rect, fall and get an Ayer' Almanac, and
when got, keep it.
A very severe cae of Sore Eyes, of five
years; an.l...s . , eu.ed by .he us. -of hV
Al''' " n ,mt "
most soolliinj and pain cttiietinq as;enis that j
can be had. In Erysipelits of tne face, it will
ot'it-n remove ihe pain in ten minutes.
r.. ie.e. all ihimrs," and has proven
ih:.t U ulir'. Itnlvam of Wilit I !herrv u tmv
col, Is. croup. whoopinMoush. bronchitis,
asthma, phasic, sore ihroal, influenza, and
no, .east, eo nsnmpiion.
i r t,uy none unless it ..as ine w..ttsk
sinalure of I. Butis oil ihe wrapper.
We know id' no inveniion of modern times
that deserves or is ilesiiiied lo occupy a high
er niitlie in Ihe temple of lame, than the dis
covery or invention of ihe Vegetable Kpilep-
sipasm's Crainis"and all ihe various modifi-i
cations 'of N.'iv'o is lhsease. Da. S,Tu S. !
Max. s.i.I lOsBali.morestreei.'Balninore.MdJ
the invent.. r. is rerlainlv entitled to the Wnt wi.hea of .
.lithe iK-o-toieii, ,..., of mankind. .!... eaperieoc,
rot. ly r..r tit., rrnmi.a and Spaeui.; hut i.iii.i..ueuie.
l" "ei;ce -at.-l..n.,ril ,r..vl lo l.on. th:it ill ailition to
their reiuarkahle .anati.e propertiea In thi. elaa. of dia-
ea-ee, they exerted a perfect iMiutrol o.er Hie entire uer-
i i.iu..jm. lie w.o, n ii.-iu .-i u-o them n...-.
-! Nfi.ru, ,;,;, Tir-Ui-lort-UX, NfiT.tUrt Ht-tvlrlir. Imita
tion of tin- ll.-art, liii'iirit lnrlvatria llytttrrift, Muktu
lar 1. I.ilitj, uti'l a li ml ol uiiui.r lilM-aMe-H. yiirtttin); fntn
nluki'l ti. rvou-i ut-ry. m nil of which bi antirii.a
tiou wti' cpiwnil irli Kit inopt rini:uiti huccrnri.
IVr.-j-u nt ,i ili-tjuc"', liy writing anl iiliarr rtmit-t:iti'-.-
! Ir II.HK'f, Ian linvt tii! im tl.t it e fr anlil by
iiiail tn tli-ir jnt iifttcv Milsln?!!, lit- t'fvitirt th instant.
'1 hi ifTH'.-si nr u mi;if Imx, toin.fn or $.'4 Jol
Urn f r U'iii-11. W liatf jiiv. d Inn adtri-i.n above.
f.lt in a m.i-t unji-ubtvt) f't tbat Ir. $ npuri'h Ix
Mi.i'KtTor., ir t.ivt r (! nn-dv, i out- ! tin m-attrat diit
cotfTit rS niMitc in iix ill. hit- tnutt rcntury. It lit.p
Ih en a ntu-i tf ttit lr . tiui inir Iwcutv fnrp.' iirat't !,
to luiil uliiil .:trti' tilar oruati, lifu tliariJ,(-auH.-iJ th .
rt-Ht-'ft ihuiiUt .! iil nr am ; a:tti Ui cticluiiu in, (
Hint tin- ii.-r i ibf tru-ati-Kt f tfulat'-r if tin pytfiii.
mikI tlif uiort Imt'lr to hrtiiM : wliirli if kfj't frev f rotn j
Uin-a -. in a pri-v-ntativt- ol ly1ia, Juumlir, i-nrr- I
al ib-liililv. A.;., wl.ilf, la.t but tar trotn let, uiii- j
li"it ctitiJiiiiiliiiii ; t,r 1'iir .-xpurii'tit'i in tbut nior ca- '
tf fi.ii-ii iuti" i-rriir Uom ii--ae--i llvi-r tliau ftou j
alt ntlier -Kiifi-rt (-ut tottt-tli'T.
Titklii;: linn tn teai-orrv-t hypotliciw.it, bay but tn
finil u n-nmly w.th ahit'h to r.rri-ct llir liTT, auj we
bav a run- of rit-arly all the Jiwan-s wi an nut jt to j
.y iwmi.iy unns a rrvt'iitatif. That th luTtrat'ir
io mi.-Ii a r- iin-.lv. is U-yi'ti-l Juiibt to all alio try it. fur
it virtu- tin- r-m-h tliat fur ttll rmlaint. arlnine froiu
IlT -Ifraiifrnt-titc. it ) an unliiilmir rt-mrtjy, ahiie
a faiinily uiHsliciac. tor all iliit-aMin ol the Hooiath or txtw-
I;, wl.ich -atv raoK.-l m a irrvaU r or lv utrw tiv
r d. ran nit-iit. it if thr! sttftnty furrst anJ mewt efflra-
What they say in South Carolina.
AimrviLLK. S C, Aus. -Jl, ls;,s.
How. FAKI.KI., IIK.ll:IMi .1 I il.. l-.iiiAi.aLniiA.
(ltut:.-ni-ti Tit- ri-iMtt-iitHJu ahtrii our ud aiTair
have rfjuir.-i MtKf hrf. betn Litht-rto 1'reivulnl u
fr-.m a. r.t.t. . ,,,,, a.iw..n 1 1... t..
m ,,1,11 , l:r, ,.,, j,v. iT,,Irhwr ,m.r,j
our -tore. with. iiuinl.'r .f other builJiuir
, .. Tne Sal-, of r...ir manufacture. .I...I.
""' "' ore. .r-rr..A-.i t.. -.-..,
VTiVwu".! atinlViK .Zi".?ZZL
f4"'1 " f " i"1" tl "'-llar. iiurrouoilftl br
II .ruTo.e'r.V
t-'TOi". lllZl Xt.Ttt.
."" '"-".:' hnira. an.i -.it ooened.
we found the iui.rior, to the a.tont.liUieut of all.rntirelv
uiiiojure.l hV fire.
Tl.i. 1... i.H. m.. r.OK- ..n.lnAI i, ..I .1.- ...I.E1t.:
oiy..urrjii-.. tinii we wonlil not .nrt with the one we
hsvo iu nee- fur a lare nuiu, we,.- .e deharn.1 iht nrir
liege of getiing another. ite-ieiruiivo.ir,
P DDTJ'TiiT.ODTnir.1' rn'
"f', . ... ."' .
" " ""Lt m, stale l 'Ua,,C'-'
lltrrintr;'s l'nti nt (.'Imilipion SAFK,
i'j'.1" ?l!!l,"ir.!75,.w!. STTJ'iS!!?-.
rnjrr.l orttjhuil. jf hy VHOF. . PC I ALL,
.ruii-rly f tli t'')Hfjtof ."uriinioi, I'aria,
ikow orrERi.i to thk rrniif
3'nf- t!tf trt of nil .Sy and 'atntj IHsenitt.t
1,'tlK il1tnIlr Pain ortorctissg in any art of th
vt-m. Hhi'iiuiatif m. pain in t Ii Im:, brvaat
or ci lrs. la-al.ti brat, Nt-uraiia. Kunm, r't-raiDis
llfalarht, 1'ranijt hi tin Stmnnrh, or iinv otht-r
ilifiw that y iiiKK anJ l'AINH L. ami it' in only
oT-r riu ritof "Jiew-tiN-HWr-plaitn a I'KKFKlT VIC
T'HtY. We ptit jwi-itiTfly to our p-ttronv. wn can
r-livr Mi- uif-ri-r lU tiuitft out of Io. W wouhl
jut uny to th" ptihlir. l'rol. Iiu Vail wait 'ib yarn in
hriii-;in tothift tit-! irtor mperiority over all othrrM.
I'ri.-i ..itVts j.r bottlf : pr -t ort lo the UaUe.
Tri-N or.t'Tt miit ! n(lrir4 to
J. D. STONEBOAD, l Ant for V.9..
Juiy'.y Irtwuttomvn, Mtjjiin lb. Iu
"""-t hum. n-ur J.ruii, A'-uMf. .va Airine.fc
&1(rr, A.,,M, r.iaVirV, uii, and owiemi M,un,
oranj .h-a-eh.iiDv- io...nein in imptrfrct niy,U'm.
The.e llttten, a. all rla.w. of our fellow rituen.. in
ru,,ins Member, or Consre.a, Lawyers i-i,,.i.-i.n..
I'l.rs.vmen. I-I.uterm Farmera, and othera ti-atify, ara
lh. wly rerrmn and wr'v.n sricinr forth, iuim.
d.au-r.li.i and permanent ere .,r ihe manj cruel
mother r
Tiie vn Vfi iiiommibj Civ.u n r.iur,iii
Iraralinn of ronlirin. utainitita ali-hohol no
rn'" !
tuy n "aci-iutnnaiion ana a iorm inia" or ,
-V'niatler ol how lon an,lint.. or bowe.er induee.1 or
rhr.nie in it. ehararler the .li-ae may be, no matter
that itlia tattled the .kill ot thenhy.irian, and reai.te.1
m. effort. of Medieine..int-ietniofth.ii.imter.wiii
aatify tbe.uflerer that bia disraae ia amenable to lbe
..r...r rem..i.
' ",1, LT,mony orti,. many enrenerfeeted by thi, n.m-
iy reference had to tw written nrtitieate. from di-
tiiiguiehod individual, knowu all or.r the land.
A obdurate aud Inveterate Case of
I)ri!rpsia Curcd by ,hc Bitters.
Miint '" iredti.,,n -n known tn th.
region in which he lite, ought Uatify all thowof lit-
n ATrarows:, s. T-. Julr v. IMS.
s. w ru t r., iktna.-...'-.me ye.r.nue. i
" atLu-ked by that curse of all II.1.1. i't'fl-ii,
i,i h . .ttect.i me a. t. caus great ..nnaion. fut-
-0 ,:.Td:;u w'Vuftui
ren.ierour life a i-urtlo-u.
After bavin tried eaeryknown remly withont.ffert,
HwMirinBor re,nin , i.t b..iih, 1 .
indtirrd to tnaka um of tlw tlivitfnhd liittera, th KOod
: tle-cli. of which wi-rt jmtudiat-ly mihl on my health
and -"tni. IWnre unind a wbolf bottle I was (ntirly
' rurrd: and I f-l a plfarure in induciDc all litva naffer
i ri ait myM-lf to make uacof this r'Uiarkall rt-inrdy.
I S. W. T01TI.E & CO., Proprietors,
It O 1 T O X.
j Tar tale by th-ir affrnt erprTwhar. aod la Lewtfl
; iFhtire by J. J. Walla and &. Caldwell, and in N-w
Berlin by Mm. .Margaret -M.owta. ww.acj
jLttDt.gUurrj ifHarltet.
Corrected netklu
UVheatSl,05tol,15 Eggs...
! iyc GO Tallow
J Corn 65 Lard...
' Oats S3 Bacon
$ 1G
Flaxseed 1,12 Hani..
, , rn ti t j
Dried At'DiOH. 1 ,1U DUOUiUtr..
f( '() CiOVtelYtfid
5,00 '
' "
. u u . fe lh ,, i.jburir Lutheran
r"i.n-, tiics A. wTOr 8..Wrrrf '
TIII.TT of Union Tp, Lulin eo. on me 4111 111.1 ....
Mlu,,j(iiis Whisr (u.il M CAiioUNK BKtK, uih
( f ,,,, T1- Montour C.v
Hy Itv U Oi.pcnheim. at th. Jewt-h Svn.r.rne, Dan -
.ill., lili, ull. AAKHN HlillMaKU mid M.rt tUZA
kkheuca lkvl.ii of i)n.iii.
H K.s KaruM. m mt . I .X.M-MntTRta mat Mu
AltAII I'AIMKK orwhlte lwr vll.v. I.ye
H K c (1 Krliinr. .th oit.. M wi-nKL uf
; rmon Tpn.i hwmhnu ni..u...-.rv
Tn Uwlnturn. CM ult.. MH'IIAKL WA'INKR.
- ,,.voi,e ol Ih. olde.l re.ldeota .
, , i.j.i.un,. a.r uiany y.ara a a..i.er.
in I iKi.iir.. int.. iikUifLter ui ii.iiiaiH auu
In iibur. 4th in-t,M.n wife of John Xaumaa
lu wilii.uii.uort, iti uit.. ri'inr.rt i 1 s "
.. ' .. .. .......t. e
AWx. M iJ fcuuic ii. M'iikiitiiu, tagwi 1 r,
and 1 1i
in Mmnn.wti. ult., jAMKS KStMANf ':' ?JI'-
In Jaekaon Tp. North Co.-tth ult.,sh AUr.? Cl.t.0.,
and al-o JOSKI'll 7.AKTM A S-r.' h. .il-l i
lii New tiarlio. 24th u:t.t Al.ICa .lauul.iLr
r ,.f Mr,
M.rv I.I.. Ter. lined kboul Veara. I'll llie l.t.
(uituiH ."-.nJ "ido". Z I
,u i;..i.ei,
daughter ui tieors. auj Uwlaa Benaer. aed 4 ye
V New Books, Paper, Inks. Perfumery. I
' J. uelrv. Spices, Cn'ifeciKiueries. can aM
' ti. mtre.hn. I .n rl..in. al ihe I'OSJI Oh-
KICK. A fresh supply just received. 1M
ATOTK'E. The jierson who exehan-
1 ged bis Otrrc-uat for mine on the
, i , bjj 0vei.ua, for llne ,.n the
Toaeenin.f Deceo.iri.atWeidensaul's
Hi. lei, is requested lo RETURN il forthwith
to the Hotel, where his Overcoat is awaiting
bis orders. 1 prefer lo have inv own.
Jan. 6
ol While Deer P(
Kail-Kuad tleCtlOn.
rPI,E Election for President and twelve
I Uireetors of Ihe Lewisburg. Center &
"pruee Creek Rulroad, will be held at the,
public hoUSC of H.B..VI USS1II3, ill AaronsbUTe.
. Monday, lbe lillh day of January, A. D.
! hr,..f ... and 3 o'clock. V
I M. ELI SLlr LR, lies.
l)ec. Sil, 1 80S
I. , . n, ..,,.,.- , i
IO be sold. 7 O MOHHO H -Samrday. M.
ja.-at the residence UfJV S,
mi Water street in Lewisburg, the followin
Househiild (Juods, viz.:
I'lapiiiino,., -im-s. tnn Tivipa,!
and Bedding t'arpetv I'hairs, li.ireaus,
Iron Kettles, Pots, Tubs, Barrels, (Queens-
ware, Ac.
Sale t- commence at I u'cltx.k, P M
term will le made knuu-n.
Jaii.6.l85 GEOJ.KOHI.AND, AucV
- -- --
: ! No. 405, 1'omiiierce St., riiiladt'lphia.
I rp"Cash buyers will find it for their inlereil
I io call.- Philad, Jan Ms.Vj y
riHIOM iH and Kohert I. Ilt
I have in their VAKIS o:i S.iuih aier 1
i . i i ,
I street, i-rwtM'ui e, ii .'a i h-m ti in nil !
j ;,f.w;;K AMJ CO.t I. for sale, comprising
1 00. turn feet of dry pine Boards and Plank,
the hall" f them nearly two years drvmff, cou-
s itins; of 2-i nch common flank, inch enmmon
Boards, 2-inch, 1$ inch and inch Taiinet;
Weatherboards. Poplar, innboards, and
ttoiMii.a: I.ath and Shingles ;
lODJlOO feet of Hrv Joit and Scantling ;
StiiiO good sawed Hemlock Uails.
isHA MOKI COAL of al! sizes, of the
very best article, weighed or measured io suit
the purchaser.
fp-All Ihe above articles will be sold very
w for Cash, or Exchanged for country Pro-
Thankful for past liberal patronage.we hope
to share a continuance and ritension of the
same. T. A. R; I. N'E.sBlT.
Lewisburg. Jan. I, 1H59
STATEMENT of ihe LrtvlHliiirizlIrllik
as required by the second section of the
Act of the lieneral Assemble of this Common -
wealth, approveu ine i:nn uct. A.u. INo7
Due in riiiia.1. and iwa fund, in Bank
line from other Haulia
Itilla lheouute-t
! i.a-enae Kouuut
) Lialililles.
Iiuw toothir Rank
l-iM-ount, KxcliaDga ani lDtprel
J lti,MI til
t?.srt) oo
V.v?l o:l
j.:n.i o"
4.SI. 4S
Personally appeared before me, William
Jones, F. W. Pollock. Cashier of Ihe
above named Bank, who being duly a.Iirmed
to the best of his knowledge. Jan. A, l.VJ
F. W. POLLOCK, OuAicr.
Wiiliaw Jn-ira. Military I'iMie.
Free burg Academy.
rpms instimtion will open under us new;
I organization on Ihe :id of Jan. ISA9.
Kcv. i;. X. W r.lSr.K, A M-, l'rincipal
assisted hy an efficient body of Teachers.
Freeburg, Snyder Co, Dec. 2, 1N58 3mpd
rpwq handsome C'handcllrra forbur-
j nmg vn, wun piass amps, smtahle for
Ctaarchrs mVi ZZf$np "
1 httolKtitK OKO S
lias Filling Short.
Lewisburg, Dec. 24, 1058
fiCall soon or you will lose a good bargain
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a wril of I
Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Com- '
uion Pleas of L'nion county and to me direct- ;
e.l.will be exposed lo public sale at .he Builalo ;
House in the borough of Lewisburg on Wed
desday the 19th day of January next, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, lo wit, a Washington '
pnnling-press, iype. type cases, tc, torraerly
used In print the Home Gazelle newspaper I
7,n:. so
176,;m 07
a-i& s4
nrwo1 DbKriMll sSiDlailJiaU 'MDll
eneruis omce, L.ewisDurg, Dec "9, 1803
PRESENTS at the Lewisburg, Book
and Stationery Store :
tialleryof Famous roets, ,ntiinr. loo beautiful illuat'os
Book of beauty, dv Ana ensravluini
Forert Me Sot, do
Philopcrna, uo
Purion riowar, do
(rm Annual, do
Kvergreeii, dn
Kernaake, do
MaMnki Offi-rlnr, dn
Three Krwof Womanhood, by T. 9. Arthur
Real Lire, do
Life Among tb. Flower.
tialigiou. KeepaK.
Th. Jewel
Buoyan'a PflriD'a Progren .ad Uoly War. Svo, l.rga
type, 120 CBfrraainK
Crol.y'. BrinVli Poela
Th. abov. are . bandmrnely ll.oarr.ted, and moat of
them bound in tba bat sty la of the arL
(iraat Troths by Grant Author., handsomely bound ia
wltrnmarine elnth
Randall'. Life of JeffprsoD, b.f ealf
l'ocltet Uld family BIMe in eleaut biQ'ling
A frcth .upyly of Alhnma. rortfoli.-a, liiar..,. Auto
araoha. Vialtlru.rarda.KewarrllV.rel. -n .1 , ... ...
ol f Book, and Slstiooery, .11 ot whi-b Ut cOers.
wruvci. orretal al le.. than eroinar. priis...
Lniiuij,r.i, ;:: william MtMAV
, ar m.!..!.!..! I., him n-.il miL. immediate naV-
, ,,.,, lo .nu lhose h.n- claims again,!
, .
, him, present them lor liqiiiilaiion.
bee. I I, lUftS JOEL K1EIIL, Assignee.
! ,
; ,..
i Auditor's IMOUCe.
; ...... ... rl..k.'
1 oaiiB ui (jriitumuciiBuu.
Bower Ac, vs. J..hn F. Khar.l Kx'cutor of
Vend. Ex. No. 8 Sept. T. IS57, In the
matter of ihe sale of the Ueal e,iate of Henry Prrfumery Jewelry, T-ys. Coufecti..n
7t ! High dcc'd.hy the Khentf of Union county. ! renumery, "J ' r
T 1 ... . - ... vj . r.m( IVula nuakets.
Ihe undersized Auditor appointeu iu ine
i ae .nailer bv the Court of Cunimon l'leas
. . . . .
I Ol luou cinuy u. caa...o. .uc ..o.-
testimony il necessary, report lbe liens, sum
OUe Ull r.icu di "ic iiuic . ... .
..,.,, f l. and to what liens the
.proceeds of sale are applicable! will attend
to ihe duties of said aniiomimenl at his oltice
! to ,he jull f sid appointment at his oltice
.... . ... . ., l
the Uorouah ol Lewisburs on Monday the
( o4lll,Uy of January, A. l. US9 at lOo'clk.
I A. la. ol same day at wnicn lime ana piace
all persons interested, may attend if ihey see
i.ii'i. fIVV ....I.....
proper. JUII.S p. Ll.l.i, auaowi.
llec. 23. 1S5S.
nAS just received a splendid assortment
of ihe very best, cheapest and most
lashiooable Jrttclry in ihe market.
I "u,c comprises
mai t-iltaa rins,
tar KinsTM,
Fluuc-r RltifCM,
Slr Ifutlonss,
ivhirh U'ill n aold rflrnnelu low tor (.'ill.
He respectfully asks the patronage ol all
his old customers; and also invites new ones
t eiV: bun a call before making their pup
chases, fail at Ihe sign of the Big Watch,
Market streel, east uf Second. Dec. SVSd
otptiiwp f
UttS ill 111MU .
' f.HE undersigned have opened a GAS FIT-
rlNO 8h) BMarkeP8..,belwd.ne
door lo Urier's Jewelry Store, Lewisburg; and
are prepared to do all Uas work in Ihe best
are prepared lu do all Oa work in ihe best
manner. Particular care will be taken to
I .!.-. .,..r,r tas ta!a.l
. ..-Will MM
t We will also Settle all Charges for
! InSnecti0n 0Q OUr WOrtl.
"SCn T "
e nave put pipes 11: mc luiiuwing wuiii-
v-i f'htre rtj,tttmprs can ti amine and in
s our work) College buildings,
ry, (or Proi. James. Prof. Cur -
: q ui rf ctncem in
L'ai , n U Sniinurv
Us Lewibturg Bank, .Mrs. Uackhus and vih-
N. B. The above would respectfully an -
.uiicu that ihey have a Force Pump, in good
nouiictt lltitt they
order, which they oiler !or sale.
Dec. 17
ID assortment of
j s
SPLENDID assortment ol Robes now for
sale, at PETER 11. BEAVER'S Harness
h..p, Nurih I bird street, three doors Iroin 1
doors 1
Dec. 1
christcias presents;
IV I-AKlii. assortment A Ladies' FURS
1 also, a
great variety of HATS & CAPS
just received, and will be sold cheap, at OiB-j
Manuiac.ory. Nothing can be
nitire Miitafi e for a l,hntm.is lreetit than
the above articles. Cail and see litem! Pihe
Hats made to rdcr, and repaired without
chat"e. Uec.171 J. ulliMi.N
An excellent ISl-
a ;
ver LKVKK WA'I'l'H lor sale at a
1 b-iuain
-must go. Inqtlir ut
A E. DE.OK.MA.Dli:, Lewisburg
T1 AVE just received llieir Winter Mock
ulttd lu the M-asou aud time. Ilicir
Cloths, Cassimercs and Satinetts
in great variety. Ladies" Dress Omds, Menn-
oes, Coburgs and Paramettoes ail shades and
qualities, all-Wool Plaids. Bayadere. Valen-
; cint''' Circassian Plaids, bcar.ei and Black
: idiua lur ciiiiui cu, 1111. ami (...in ic luiua,
t l a" descriptions and prices,
MlJIMiS Long Brochei-, Silk and Wool,
; Square, Four Faced, Scarlet centers, Stella.
j Mautinrtis, Baystate Lone, .-square, Ladles'
Mantle Shawls gray and barred,
: Cheneile Scarfs, Cloves, Hosiery, Collars,
Sleeves, Hdkfs, Laces, Ribbons, Fringes and
; Trimmings, Velvet Ribbons all widths, Ac.
Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Gent's j
Long Shawls, Undershirts and Drawers, t.'an-
Ion Flannels, Muslins, Linen Table Diapers,:
Mapliins, Crash, Linseys, all-Wi.ol Flannels;
plant and figd, and everything in ihe line of I
Family Wants,
S. E. nmE. MIT. fish. PUSTFH, miw.c.
constantly on hand all of which we offer on
reasonable terms.
N. B. We buy all kinds of GRAIN, and
store at reasonable rales.
! -t
: J
EW Crop of New Orleans MOSASSES,
a superior article, just ree'd by
ill Ksn a liOOHMAN, Lr.i.luri.
piaiifcK'a Cotl Mil 1b (gt-naine) fir ale by
Hurst) A Go-
Win. &. J. II. Hi own.
Market St., above Fourth, LcvvisVjurf:.
,.L. , . , .
V LARGE assortment of new Spring
and Summer Goods just received, con. is
ting of
Cloths, Cassinieret,Coatinrs,Aesting8
and Summer Wear of all kinds.
An assortment of DRESS GOODS, viz :
Calicoes, Challies, Lawns, DeLaiues,
liareges, Dress Silks, Ginghams,
Ac. Shawls, a full assortment.
Lixes and Whitk Goods. Irish
Linen, Bleached aud lii-owu Prill-
ings, Sheetincs, Ac.
c : it L.i,.n r".i
viitn:vitea, iidiiinnic. v. cu.u ii m e, t
yueens and Glassware, Fish, Salt
and 1 Master.
Call and examine for yourselves. Produce
of all kinds taken in exchange for goods.
"lay iso?.
Just opened, opposite the Riviere
House, ia the Room lately
occupied by A. Singer.
A FULL and complete assortment of
I N G,snch as Overcoats, Dress Coals, Busi
ness Coats, and Coats of every style and pat
tern; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Also,
a large variety of Under Clothing, such as
Drawers, Shirts, Ac. Also, a fine assortin.nl
of Boys' Clothing of the latest styles. Also,
HATS and CAPS equal to any olfered in this
country. In fact, I have everything necessary
in the shape of Clothing, which I offer at a
very small advance for cash.
CTA11 kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. S3.)
VNEW lotof 8 day and 30 hour CLOCKS,
which will be sold cheap for cash at
the sign rf the b.g Watch
Dfc. I, let" THO 5 G. CRIER. (
dislmction of penons. . .
11-- I HIKU ft JU AMsnrr.
! l'OST Ol'MUt..
i T.AHr.K Slinillvtlf BuokS-StatiunerV,
cries, ic, ojie ...... .
k.riures. and a variety of KICK A ACKfl lor '
, sae t,eap at Ihe
: X
'LL'il AM) PINE OIL can b had at the
1'osi urritei.
. i ,j ran
, hadai usr omcE
OEVERAL setts of CAMEOS and other
tj Breast Pins and Lar Kings can be had
i verv cheao at the I'usr unite.
UTTER, Ergs, Lard and Poultry taken in
Lxchange fur Uuods at ihe
4 FEW Boies of Raisins, Figs, Date aud
2. Prime Prunes fur sale at the
HULKS for Books or lioods of any kind
promptly attended to at the
I A DIES can find the larcest and b-tt assort
j menl of Letter aud Note PAPEK.Envel
opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE
j riiOVS, BOOKS 4c. for lluliJui l'rucntm can
be bought cheap at the Lewisburg
1 Piiorii llOfHri Prfl'c PI 1JH
tttAniDenltl ISfO b taiKU.
I TrDu. e a c u
......., wr.an.
MARSHALL dalt foraale by
Cbauuttertla Bro'i
m ROUND Alum Salt fur aie by
I VT itaubli.
i 1 EESK E Salt for .,? h-
It j
I -
j I AIKY fifcU fur sale by
, 1 CJ
Chambrila Broa
, MLACK I'labter for sale by
4 haiuhorilD Drv'a
1 IHTE I'laster for sale by
. f i'Laui
UIAL fir sal. b
rhaoiUrlia Bru.
A TACKAREL fur sale bv
I Al
Cbawbrlla Bro.
, , ,i in f,,P .la V-
Cbambcrlln Bro'a
Caanibarlta Bro'a
CaoiberllD Bro.
JjEi:Rl.NU for sale by
'ODFISII foraale by
I 'LOUR for sale by
Chauibei Un Bru.
( ijlJCKVVHEAT Meal for sale by
i t J
1 ) thamUirUo BtV.
MIOP and lino fur sale ly
V thai
Chamlrlia Bro
i W'HKAT and Pve for sale by
i cWbrrltii Bru'
and Oats fur salo tv
J CLaawUrlin bro'a
I )0TAT0Ei fur U hy
L Chain tmrlla Sro'i
SU(J.KS aborted for salt by
fharaVrllB 6ru'
VECTARINli Strup for sale by
X (.haiuhrr!jQ
Oiaiulwriia Bro'i
, House jrup Io
r it
GLUEN s f" "!IUrllB Br,.
; I'XTRA Star Syrup for sale by
k J J chami-riia -,..
A OLASSKS New Orlean rorlollici
inwio,and fusar llua. M.n.l, ..i.
. vj inanibarim Bro'.
('Of FEE Java, Laguira and Kio Coffee
) for by Oiamberlln Bro'.
rPEA Imperial.Young Hyson and Klack
L T for aaie by fhambcrlin Bro .
BAKEK'S Chocolate for a.le by
Chaaittitn Bru.
)AKER'S Cocoa for sale by
' CfaaAtrlln tte.'.
1 ) ICE and Rice Flour for sale by
tl Chamtailin Bro.
jPlCES assorted for la'e by
U Ci'.mb.rlia Bro'a
OfGAR Cured Hams, and Ilrir-d Ht-cf
.J K.raal.by Ch.uilwel,. Bro. '
MIEEijE, and Water Crackers, for sale
J by chamber on Bro'i
DUTfElt and Lard fnr .... I..
I J) 7bb
ffaanlwrUo Bro.
. , a vni I. fn. tk-
I (jAUL!iS J
CbambartlD Bro.
UOAP Uosin, Castile, Olive aod Toilet
. Soaf.rnl. by Chamherlia Bro'.
I VUED Apples, and Dried I'eaches, for
JL by Vl.smWrll. Bro'.
1)itl'NE3 and Cranberries for sale by
Ch.juh.rlin Bro'.
J AIS1NS and Currants ( r calo by
PRESERVED Citron Tor tale by
X Cliambwlla Bro'.
tOU.N Starch for salo by
J Chamtwrlin Bro'.
1 'SSENC'B Coffes for sale by
J. 3 I'tiaabarll. Bro'.
i) AKI.NG Soda for sale by
) Cbamb.rH. Bro'.
1MODA Ash for sale by
O Chuibarlia Bro'.
UAL Soda for sale by
Chamtwrlln Bro'.
yiNEGAR for sal. b
V Caaniberllti Bro.
'I'OnACCO Chewing aod Smoking To-
X bam, flir aal. by Chamberlln Bro'.
.rs.'.i.c. . .
S y
' Ctiamberlin Bro.
1)ATEiNT Wagon Grease for sale by
Ommrwrl!. Bro'.
UOSEXDALE Cement for sale by
Chambarlia Bro'i
ULCINED riaatw for pale by
J Chaat-rlia Bro'a
tHITE Sand for sale by
' eliambarlla Bro'.
MANILLA Hope and Twines assorted
for ! by Chamborlia Bro'.
tAll of which will be sold at very low
prices for Cash, or exchanged for Country
W heat. Rye, Corn, Oats, Barley, Pork, Baron,
Butter. Lard. Eggs. Clover Seed, Potatoes,
Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac,
For which we wtlt pay Cash at the highest
market rales. W. H. CH A M BERLIN,
rilAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are j
a appointeu ngeaia 101 io ...c w.
Doom, Ulioda a Window Muab
of all sizes, made of the beat material. All
work warranted. ty.Made by L B.JiPROCT,
Haehesv,;!, Pa. aad for ale by
67i f d CAL&WELL.teTri.rari j
Administrator's Notice.
"II 7 HERE AS, Letters of Administration to
y the estate ot JACOtt UEL-sil. late of
el Bultal.ee Tp, Union rou.ny. drceaxj.
have been zranied io the stitscriWr, by U
Keg.s'er Uccord' r of said cuuniy. all per
sons indebted to said e,tate are retueated lw
make immediate payment, and iaue kaviaf
claims a;ainsr the time wii! present ibera
duly auiheniicaied for setilement to
West BorTal,e, . x!
runs !
i II at a and Cup
A fresh supply jost received al GIBSO.Xil
II n .MauuUlury. l.-wiurg cheaper lhaa
ever f ov '2$
ri u. E
T. O. hviti
doiiif! business under the cauir of
- A -,. kave Ih.a ?:!.! dav of
...nl.r wf.M eii. ..ilue. I nartoershiD bv nauioal
consent. The Books and all business con
nected with said firm will he settled at the old
Stand with T.U.Evans. All persons knowing
themselves iudebiedwill please call and eul
iheir accounts with, ut delay, and by o duin
oblige 4c. T. ti. EVANS.
H. W. b.)U(iRASi
ALL Notes and Accounts due the late firm
of Veddri, Mitrtk 4 -. must be settled
and paid by the 1st day of January next, or
they will be plac.d in ihe hands of lbe proper
officers for collection. Payment, lo be mada
lo H. P. Sheller or to Jonathan Woife.
Lewisburg, Nov. 23, 1S.)M
1EMOV Al.. lr. .4. P. Mejlert has
, removed to Ihe house lately occupied by
Mrs. Kincaid, corner of Third and St. Mary
streets, two squares North of Market St,ea.l
side. OFFICE in same buildiug. South door
on Third St. Lewisburg, Nor 18, 195
Administrator lle.
V0TK'E is hereby given, that letters
W of Administration on the Estate uf
MICHAEL ST A 11 1., late of Kelly Tp, Inioa
County, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned by the Register of L'nion county
in due form of law ; therel'ure, all persona in
debted to said e.tate are requested to make
immediate payment. and those havingany jusl
claims are also requested to present them le
gaily authenticated for settlement.
Kelly, Nov. 12, l-)03 Administrator
CU.UW aawad to . nrtirr langtb ..! thlcfcnww,
i uB uaiel lor a.i by V. it. 'U1C& A Co.
i Lewi.hurK, .Nor. S, 1S3S
MiV ll()() IS!
! Jiut ree'd by J. &. J. WALLA,
! embracing the usual large and well selected
assortment ol FALL AXD M i.VTf A' lioutts,
) at fair rales. Please call and examine.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1S5S
C hance for a t.ooal Trade.
THAVE aboul 100 Cords of WOOD which
1 will trade for MAMKE. 1 will deliver
I half a cord of Wood for a good two-horse load
I of Manure. Persons having manure to dtsposa
j ot for wood will do well to applv soon to
B. DATESMAX has just tpeneJ a
J superior assortment of
Dry Goods, C'lolhlnc:. Hats, Caps,
tjurumarr, Cnrrnsroiirc, Ciroccri.g,
S KL'V, FISH, &c. Ac,
which he has lately received from New York
and Philadelphia. which he will sell cheap for
Produce, and yet cheaper for Cash.
West Milton, Nov. 5, lsosyl
Boots & Shoes for Winter!
At the obi 1'utt Oisiee ttanrit
ifipotite W'altt ISture.
TAMES SCOTT respectfully lniorras lbs
people uf Lewisburg and its vicinity,
mat he has just received trom Philad. an en
tirely new slock of
Ladies' Gaiters, Kid Boots for Ladies and
Missrs, and Boots and Shoes of all
descriptions, all sizes, and
ad prices,
which he is enabled to sell cheaper than at
any other establishment within bay miles.
Country Produce will be taken in payment.
Manulacturing and Repairing done to order
at the shortest notice.
The uuderstgned having been in the busi
ness for 15 years, and understanding both
buying and making, think he can suit the.
public to a T.
Thankful for the liberal patronage already
received, he trusts he will share acoulin-tanco
and extension of the same.
Kept. 15, 1S58. JAMES SCOTT.
New Goods ,r. Old Stand
A GEN ERAL assortment of Dry .om!..
miKle-up Clothinyjl.itnl- uy,j, liuutt
and Shoe suitable for Ihe season.
Hard Ware, Queens Ware, Groceries,
all of which will be solii at prices to sail ihs
times. Liberal deductions made for Cah!
BuSaloe X Roads, Ocl IH5S
" Have received
their new Tall an1 Tt lntrr Moil,
which Ihey are determined to sell cheaper
than ever. Ail ihey ask is a look. (Sent. I.
LOOK Tlll Will
notice: xoticl:; xotwe:::
HAVING just returned from the City
with an unusally large Mock and well
selected, and am now pnpared b stll good
lower lhan can be bought eUerheie ou I Ins,
side of Philadelphia.
Hardware! Hardware!? Hardware!!!
Malls XallS Locks. Larches, Hing.
(screws, Glass, Puity. Paints. Oil in taci
every Ibing you ursy want to build Tim
self a nrsl-rate housr or barn twenty per
cent, lower than ever before. 71 j nuj
Thit way .' .'
CARPENTERS, liere yoo can ct ihe eei
brated Greenfield Planes, Spear A Jackvi i. ,
hand, tenon aa4 rrp Saws, Butcher",. Beam ',
and Brady's Chisels and Plane Iroba, patent
aud common Braces, Brace BirJa. Augers,
Squares. linages. Iron Screws, Cc.3irass-as.
Hamond's Hammers, Ac.
Blacksmiths' Iron tO.V IRON Al l.
KINDS Bar, Scollop, Tyre. Oval. Hound and
Square Cast Steel, Spring and L'ogUaa S eel.
Vises, Anvils, Bellows, bcrew Flairs, etc.
HOUSEKEEPERS ! Tab! Knives anr
Forks, Carvers. Spoons, Kettles, Lamp., ( an-
Slwtleks. rv-ffe. lill.. mi-'oir... V.O.. I'.D.. . !.. tr
ALL fAJTE Y will Sn.1 all lr. al..r. .1.6
rrwat auw larta at Uu. uUAi.w.aa .St. I " s Sreaa of
J.estl ll rAOI'KN.
In Ih. old (lunax Maud, LJCtt IStfl Ril. r..
SCHOOL OKDEKS aea'Iv pr.aiea saa r
.... . f .':.(. C fr.ca
i i