Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 07, 1859, Image 2

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n i
il iMtltrlmrrt d" lirititrl '
2L I lUUlUUl II IjUUIini . i
. -
T. fff if Tfrw. Th. Lrwisiit-ttn rnanxicLP.
JjIi''L"1 v'1' ?v"' h" '" '
ttrrulalKi nfaiiv N,w.j,pr in Lnim County.
----- - - ;
r icr'imu, uaiiiiimi; Slavery, M'cticnai :
Tbe State Legislature.
lloth branches of tho I'ennsylvania
Legi.-lature orgailcil on Tuesday. The
only contest for the Speakership was iu
the Uause, where the preliminary Opposi
lion caucus stand as follows :
3 '
The regular Election resulted as ful- :
lows : j of this description. A happy New Year
Lawrence, Opposition 07 j to Nicaragua ! May this event bean omen
(jritmau, Adu.iuictration 02 j for her. X. 1'. Tribune.
(Que Democrat absent, since arrived.) ! But little credit is given to the report
Wni. 0. A. Lawrence, K-q , is a native ; of a conspiracy to raise an insurrection in
of Washington county, studied law with : Cuba with a view to a declaration of in-
Hon.JohnC.Ku.,kcl,inlIarri,burS,.ud1t'QT, l" """ ;TfJ
' . that the whole thing is a canard, design-
was a Member of the House last wmter. eJ tQ crc;lte an eX(.ittfnieIlt bere in the
lie is not yet thirty years of ag", aud ; uui,cj State, with a view to faeiliate the
proliably the youngest evur elected to pre- ( realization of the President's Ostend doo-
side over the Iloutc. He is a nun of g wd , triue.
ability and addrcf. His father, Hon. Jo- ! Wasuixoto.v, Jan. 2. Gov. Sam Me
s. ph Liv-reuce, was one of tbe Crst men jury of Kansas has made a requsition on
I'eunsylvania has produced, aud was for- tie president for military aid in suppress,
merly a frequent opponent on the same ;0g tue distuibauces in the Territory, near
fide of Hon. Ntr MiddKswarih, iu the ' j.-ort g, Leading Democrats here da
annual coiitcst for Speakership of tbe As- precate I'edcra! interference iu the matter,
eeiubly ; and was aUo a Member of Con- ; a!i tending to revive tho Kansas agitation,
gress. I the son combine the Mlojritjf j ImporUut jifpatches from the Gulf of
of the father with Lis own talents and su-; Mclico wcre receiToJ yestcrday, which
prior advautages, a bright future is betore ; eJ to pri,inKej consultations between the
bun. IVosiilfiit. (.n Pass, anil Mr. Prnston.
There was also an aniinatid coutcst in
the caucus for chief clerk :
1st 2d 31
30 33 3"
15 n 15
11 15 15
8 (5 2
Rea, of Philad'a
llolcomb, of Brad.
Krett, of Allejr.
liencdict, of Hunt.
Samuel J. Hea has been counccted with
the Philadelphia press, and a reporter iu
the House, for somo years. List session
he prophesied that body would bo Kepub-
lican this year, and he would be its Clerk.
I'retty good at guessing, we bope he will
prove an honoTabie and popular officer. I
Juds.m Hole nub, of Bradford county,
was chosen Assistant Clerk ; and Messrs.
Foster of Allegheny, and fJiiSlbn of Mer
cer, two of tbe Transcribers.
In Senate, the choice of the Democratic
rrnj 'rity fir Speaker fell on John Cres
well, of Ulair county ; a moderate man,
and competent ; and the Opposition con
fcrred the honor on Gicuni W. J-c field,
of Warreu coun'y both, Senators whose
terms expire this yiar. All !Lc Senators
were present, and c-ffiiTe-rs wire cIiom.ii by
a strict Tote of 17 to It!, as foliowu: (ex-
eent ihat the vote for Father UuaiY was ,
unanimous )
Chief Clerk Wm.U. Miller.
Assistant F.M. Hutchison.
Transcribers J. Sitnpsou Africa, A.J.
5arr, Wm.S I'icking.
Sergeant at Arms Thco. Snyder. As
sistant Capt. Win. P. Urady.
Doorkeeper Charles Wolf. Assist
ants Johu Farrell, J. K. Dunbar.
Messenger llarmau Ycrkcs. Assist
.. . n iv I
. . . 350,000 shells from mortars, 8,000 rock-
The Governor a Message was to bo ' ' .
... , , . . , . cts. During tbe war, moreover, the in
de vertd on W ednesday, but we must go ' . '
, , -. l, fantry fired 2o.000,000 cartridges,
to press before receiving it. e hope to I J ' ' "
Tceeive it, to an
Krtrti. in tima la issue.
with car paper.
ttsrThc new Governor of Kansas has
reached his post. He is one of the most
ul'ra and reckless of Ohio politicians, and
ui.n un iu.n. v
bv the first accounts we have seems pre-
uy tut. midi v . r .
pared to renew civil war tn Kansas. IDs
yre enc is that some of the Free : State
settlers have "wiped out" a Hordur Huffian
stronghold, to release a prisoner illegally
taken ; but the fact that Uordcr Ruffians,
under color of "law," and paid out of tho
! c t ,-cr Lpcrnn the fii'lit anew.
... t i f i : if ,i ,;,,
is carefully concealed by Liuisclt anu nis
p,y The truth seems to be, there is
.eenr'itv for the Free State people of
K.nsas exeeot in their own arm: aud if,
r.n.deJ as they lave been and are, they
t - .
some times retaliate or revenge, it is no
more than our tamers um iu iu uiu
tion, aud only what might be expected.
UaS-The j4ryn iutimates that bccaBse
its editor lived in a "neighboring county"
to Mr. Grow, he may "know more of the
man" than we do. Well, we lived in the
same county with Mr.Grow for five years,
d five more in an adjoining county; and tureg ? Mr TroU nothing of &
whether toiling for his widowed mother on j .g put jut() his AM .
. beeehwoods farm aiding his older bro- I bjg bcfln fli)ed lHve hj hia cDemj .
hers in running lumber down Tnnkhan-. Tr-mmur coulJ not uim 8ai, well CD0Ugh
nck creek to a market- student in the (o the brakerg AU jMt ,
cademy t Harford, in the college at IWt ask) ... Uj-g in a name r
Amherst, or in law-offices at Montrose and j Tb fl olJest ,aJy in Soab coUa ;
Tow mda or for a FIFTH time the choice ; jirs tjiDgcton, of Williamsburg. She is
of 8.000 majority ot Ine voters ot nia
district in all these varied relations, we
, i, ...... ti,. Krzt word derogatory
(0 him as man or as a eiiiien. He is
1 . "Bu..y, but he is a gentleman, a.
borne as well as abroad, iu private as well
s in publio life.
" " . .. ,
Unfair and Mea.v. Ut me nunureus
of Democratic journals that have de-ouo-
ccd Got. Seward'i celebrated speech, not
one ta hail the manlineu to jmb!uh it !
llaodredsof Republicao journals annual
ly pub sH IVrce or Buchanan's long
winded l'ro SUvery pleas. Not one of tbe
Bucuaoan papers will publish Seward's!...
Our ArjuM ncigLbor tbreateued to give
"extract" from Seward' speech to prove
him guilty of "treason" the penalty of
which, i baogiug; but, so far, it has
giran notbiu. Come, ueiglibor ! dju't
forge-1 to j ii'r!,-u Sfw ara TIocLecter
jouKonr wct-ks igu next Tuesday, the
FillibnMcr schooner Sunn sailed out of
. ., . . ,t t c. ir
.Mobile Day WHO odc I uuea amies oiucur
ou board as an invited guest, atid one
Itatbjlcss shot iu her rear from a Revenue
Cutter, which ran aground iu its eagerness
to faeiliate emigration. Nothing authen-
tic had been heard from her till Saturday,
whin the New l'car was ccLbrated by a j
, procefctiou iu Mobile iu honor of the euii
I grants' iug'orious return. The British
war steamer Basilisk brought them homo
iK'Or shipwrecked mariners. TheSman
rati unou a coral reef near Belize, and the !
j Uuvcrcor of Honduras sent the pestilent
fallows home by the nearest conveyance.
T "a one of our dispatches we learn what
their project was, and what faiih ta put in
New Orleaus " uewa" relating to matters
, j ,
! Minister to Spain. Mr. l'reston started
j for New Vork this afternoon.
! Three delegates engaged respectively in
j promoting tbe interests of the prospective
j organized Territories of Arizona, Sierra
I Nevada, and Dakota, are now in Wash-
mgton, and a fourth, for a similar purpose,
' daily expected from Colona, (the 1 lie s
I'ek region.)
The dig"sl of hc statistics of manu
factures of the ecventh censui will be
transmitted to Congress this week ; the
rcsuits are highly interesting, and will
tenJ to faeiliate further investigations in
reference to that branch of the statistics.
A secret Convention of iron Masters
commences here to morrow. Ex-Senator
Cooper of Pitin.sjivania, delivers an aJ- j
drets in the evening. It is rumored lhat j
a formidable movement is about to bo in- !
au"urated. I
Hul l I -ti K.n i kui'KIrK. It is said to be j
the purpose of the lintioh Government to :
construct a railroad from the head waters ) ,
of the Saskatchewan river to tho waters :
of the i'acific in the FraZ' r's river region.
Three fetitlemen
Connected With (ho :
r ....
; Canadian liovernmcnt, started for London
i .... , , I
: upon this business, several weeks ago. !
' i
SlEtiE OF SillASTiiI'OL. Gen. Neil, of :
the Kuginecrs, has just published a
' Journal of the Siege of Sebastopol."
i I'uring the siege, which lasted lUnr hun-
lred anil thirti fmir diyf, the French ar
! tillery aloue threw into the town 510,000
i round shot, 230,000 shells from howitzors.
"6' rruUu.B .
; weeK in -New l ort, wucre ne was reeeiveu
' in rmitA a comnlimentarv manner hv (he
New York officiaiSj wll0 ma(e quit0
. ,jon of him
, At a recent meettpg of the corporation
'.,., n , .
of Yale College, Got. lsuckingham, who
fa q
TreMuref dnft 0Q the
State Treasury for his salary as Governor,
$1,100 during this year.
We see from some of our exchanges
that the I'enntyloanian has read "Alt
Barks" out of the Democratic party.
. r
j Secretary Cobb and President Ruchanan
radically differ on the subject of the Tariff.
Under theso existing circumstanocs, onei,f
; m should resign
As Cobb seems to be
tho master spirit of the Administration,
we suggest to him that be give Mr. Bu
chanau bis "walking papers."
In New Votk State, the Democrats
were unlucky in the names of their Con
gress candidates. Look at the list : There
were Mr. Trimmer, Mr. Skinner, Mr. Hatch,
and Mr. Trott. Who caul Miave exnected
. KU,.oeej 8uch unluckT nomencla-
one uunurea ana lorty years of age, aud
i has been blind for sixty years.
The I.eeislature of Geonria recently
j P- -w abolishing lotterie-s in that
- -ag,ng tndicat.oa
; A Jl4,tc&sing RailroaJ acci(ent occurred
' near Columbus, Ga. on the 31st ult. A
' train of cars fell thrntifrh a l.rid.A Vllltnn
6" t
j r
Henry 8. Lane and William M. M'Curty,
U. S. Senators, to take the places of
Messrs. Bright and Fitch, whose elec
tion has been declared illegal and void.
This will bring about contest in the U.
S. Senate, where the question will be de
cided. The London (England) Atheneum states
that Mr. J. Maurice Solomon, a member
of the Jewish rce, has taken "honors" in
favor of the five subdivision of the decree
of B. A., in the University of London
bein,-; the first time eucb thing has been
Just as un auctioneer in Hartford, '.'nn.
was saying g'ine" a few cvcning-i rim,
his audienco went through the floor itiiu
the cellar, but, happily, without hurling
one of them. The auctioneer, as sunti as
he bad found his Ics. remarked that the
accident would enable him to sell hnrrr !
. . - i
than before, and called for a bid," and
they " bid him good night."
- !
Alexander Hobinson, cotivieted of an
atrocious outrage on an Iri.-Ii girl named '
Jane Morris, was convicted at Wilmin-
ton, Delaware, on Saturday week, and m-
1 . ...!.. I, .l. 1 til, .).. ..f I...!.
.j .
5I'ersons wishing to avail themselves :
of the chance to club the .41 ;mf to '
Mont lily or the l.arlyN Ilouk either :
of which we send with lhe Chhomcle a year j
for ISJ3.50 will please hand in the money at :
once, as we derive no profit from it and wish :
to save trouble and postage. (Moore's Hural ;
acv 1 orker, with the 1'hronicle, for !i:i.)
Uonutioil t itit. The members under
lhepastor.il care oi Kev. K.A t iik, aud his,
Iriends eenerally, are respectfully informed
that Saturday the 15tb Jan. 1H5J is appointed ,
for making him a friendly visit, and leaving 1
him such tokens of esteem as earh one may i
deem suitable and desirable. All friendly to ;
the object, are cordially invited to participate,
i nose coining Irom a distance, will be waned ;
upon by a committee.
Are your Deeds, mortgages, etc., Re
corded ?
I desire to call the attention of the people of
t'nic n connty to the iran-tance of lhe subject
involved in the a'-.ove question a subject upon
wh:i'! very unbusinesslike carelessness, in
some quarters, and gross ignorance in others.
largely prevails
Iwill put before yon, in as
short form as possible, the Law 011 the subject,
and then ofler vou an additional inducement
in a reduction of the fees now allowed bv law. ' Clarke, dee d, who was a broth .r and two or ;
three minor children ol Lyuia Lambert, oe- t
What Instruments my be Krn.nlrd. ! rPa.,.d. who was a daughter of the said Wil-'
All Patents Irom the Commonwealth; all lam cAifke, dee'd said minor children re
Deeds of sheriffs, coroners, marshals, anil M,!e with their father, Clement Lambert, in
treasurers; all deeds made in pursuance of Summit C o, Ohio, whu by the law of Ohio is j
a decree of any court'; releases evidencing the I 'be guardian of their persons-, and ol all a-sets
, , 1 claimed by their deceased mother, heirs and
payment of any legacy, or given to any exec- j r ..i f rve farke atr(f j
utor, adminislrator, assignee, trustee, or guar- K,..v twn,hip, Luton county, renn'a, dee'd, j
dian, as well if made without the State as , OarKTiso: j
within, if the lands charge! lie within; all Whereas, by an inquest for that purpose!
1 f ,. 1 ititlv au'nr:teil hv lhe Ornh a nO Ct ill ft nf I'll- 1
aeeus ot county commissioners ; all assign-
' '
ments of mortgages an.l powers of attorney .
authorizing their satisfaction; all receipts f.
taxes on unseated lands, and for money paid
for their redemption ; all contracts concerning
land, provided they be in wrttu:g, and wheth
er under seal or not.
The Time of Kernrillng llnrJs.
That all deeds and conveyances, which from
and after the publication hereof, (March 1ft.
1775, shall be made and executed within tin
province, oi or concerning any iants, lene-
' I
menu or hereditaments in this province, or ;
whereby the same may be in any way allected ;
in law nreoiitlv. sti.i 1 1 lit rie .iwhl eil "eo ovone
.f the grantors or bargainers, or proved by I
one or more of lhe sub-cribing witnesses to '
such deed, and shall be recordtd in the office j
for recording nf d.eds in the county where
such lands lie, wriltn: '.- itn.t'Hii aft'r .V tx
ecutiiin of such deeos ami coneevaiices ; and ;
every such deed and conveyance so made and ;
executed, and which shall . be proud and
recorded as aforesaid, shall be ailjwltj fmu-
tlulinf anil roitl aguin any utHrjHcnt jtrrhterT
e... ..t..t.l. :.l . . cr.1. ,l...l l.d
J ',
recorded before the proving and recording of
, , , . . , , .
the deed under which such suliseiineiit nur-
chaser claims. The Law is the same with i
reference lo lhe recordmy of deeds made out
of the Stale.coiiveying lands wilhiii il, except
thal the time is extended In one year.
Of the Itrrnnllng of Mortgnges.
No deed or mortgage, or defeasible deed in
the nature of mortgages, hereafter to be made, .
'May 2S, 1715,) shall be good or sufficient lo
convey or pa.ss any freehold or iiilieri'.ance.or i
to grant any estate therein for life or years,
unless such deed be acknowledged or proved ;
and recorded within six months nfttr the ilnle
thrref, where such lands lie. as hereinbefore
directed for other deeds. All mortgages shall
have priority according to the dRte of record
ing the same, without regard to the lime of
making or executing such deeds. No mort
gage shall be a lien, until such mortsage shall ,
have been recorded, or left for record. j
The proposed Cedurtlnn In the Fees Is tlits:
Instead of lal fees one cent for every ten
words written, beside thecertificate,37i cents, J
and the tax, fto cents I will charge, upon ev- !
cry paper left for record for the space ol three
months from and after this date, one cent for '
every twenfy words written, the other costs to ;
remain the same as by law, reserving the
right to demand and receive the 50 cents tax
invariably in advance. 1
Recorder s Odice, Lewisburg, Jan. 4, 1859.
It is a world of wonders nobody can deny,
we take up the periodical of the day with the
expectancy of reading some new theory or
discovery, as well as seeing news in the ab-
stract. I he trans-atlantic electric cable, at
the time we write, is fast expanding from its
central point in mid-ocean to its two "termini"
on land, to link the hemispheres! hut at the
same time that we justly look upon this as a
convincing proof of the great -march of in
tellcci," we must not lose sight of another I with 'the appurtenances, &c. As thetfproper- cleated. The public road from Northumlier
o.l i. r,. rtn.ht. ..,in,. ,.f .h,. I i ,,f Murtf Alunima. land to New Berlin passes through it about
6 1
a giant intellect, single-handed can accom
plish. Thomas Holluwat, whose name (as
the great medical dictator of the present age)
ii needs no sub-marine telegraph to herald
from one clime to another, has, by means of
bis two remedies, a fiZand an Ointment long
established a chain of communicating agen
cies aratind the globe, without having re
course however to lhe aid of electricity or a
meiaLwire. As lhe poet has designated man
to be bill "a link in lhe great chmn nf ernma-
I '"" so may noiioway te said, tbrougi
instrumentality ot his all-powerful remedies.
to have organized a Universal Ohptnsary for
the fick nf all uaimns witlicut regard to m-Kt or color,
wtivtbt-r civilixitl ur tv, iuipliu their allsufficivD
tj. atid within tbe rvach uf all.
W hut 1. d to tbrtde r. inrks at the prewnt waa a
ijittwr fiaitl otuc lime tin lo Or. liolloway'fl tb-IL-bOH
Ut in N-w York, aoJ lb inpptrclioa with which
w wrrethi n rarorfd of (mm1 ol th innatuerabla pruofn
of UU Taot entrritriHi, from which weJeluc thn atmoct
Incmrrivablt- extent to which his Uborn hare i-xtfintrnl,
ard the ooDarnUi-nt universal am-ptation uf bis twin
remcUie aa aprtHUc fitrintrraal and rxternat Ulneaw---jvf,rej
mirLt bm written in adducing proofs of tbiK, but
on will -rt to elucldat tlm fact in the ptvtvht instance
utticient to eun? ince th moat akeptic In proforUos at
countrieH ar distinct and dirrifled, nt arc th "n
of rcwbinsz all Lhe ecattml mfnlrra of tbe banian Sam
tljr dilhcult to a-nm)-lih. Todothta, it would be nre
easary to cmploj an almost uiVniciwtal'' array of diJ
frri'iit ton)iu9. Aicurdinelj, in almnnt fiery liviuK Ian
foas, baa tkia entrrpri.iii; man mado known bin mitv
cicm to nurturing bumnuity, aud in 113 lm Umn thirty
diitinct dialWu bavathe won-riu.TmpTtitiof hiained
ktintw ben actually pnntrd, Uias In their own toufrue
enaMine milltona to apily to thir own peeultar cae
Uit-em ail werrul curatif
. u. mid .uii;in'i.u ii.. c.,.
tin of liuadreda WtiJ k sdriinr iucir.-;riiidiiiptaii.
GOOD SLEinHfiir sak
vf S. II. (li.'WIti, I.ewburg
Ailjitiiriirtl (our! lroclaui;tfln.
Whereas, the Hon. Abraham Wilson, Pre
sident Ju.le (ur ttic With Juilieial District of
I'ennv'vania, coinnoied of the counties nf
Union. Mitilitt and Snydrr. and I'liilip Ruble
and John W Siinontoii,EMi".-,An"Ciate Judges ,
for Union county, have issued their precept,
bpann date the 28th day of Dec, 1H5,
ni to me ,iirrc.e.i, tor me noiuins; oi a iuiin
o t oinraon I'leas at l.ewiiours lor inr conniy '
,, Uulun lhe fi, Mnilnl j yrbrtlnr, ,uxl,
(bein- the ?ih dav) ISoii.and lo continue one
trek, NOTICE is therefore hereby Riven lo :
Witnesses and all persons interested in the
Issue I.ist.io be then and there present and n
''"P"' "Hueut leave. "J"" !
. -u.. v.. ... - (
appoini-il, agreeable to notice. ,
Uiven undnr my hand and seal at Hie Slier-,
ill's Office 111 I.ewishurS. the 6th day of Jan y, ,
A I). IK".!!, an t 111 the ei;hty-thtrd year of lhe
lU'it-jM-mience in trie m iiucni.a
Gotl save tht Cnnnn.inwealtli !
Subpoena in Dlvorca
TlIHAMSCIIOCir. vs Mercy Ann Chap
I man Sr.hoch. In the Common Pleas of
j l.iiion county, Dec- T. I808. Alias subpicna I
lor a itivorce.
'lo Mrrri Ann Chapman Schiich
Take no-
: You are hereby commanded to be and ,
ar in your proper person before our :
Judges at Lewisburg, at a Court of Common
I'leas, there to be held on Monday the l-lth
day of lYbruary, l.Q5!l, to show cause, if any
vou have, why the said Hiram your litisbaud
should not be divorced from the bauds of
matrimony, contracted wnn you, agreeably to
the Act rf Assembly in such ease made and
provided. JUHN CKOMisCUOVU.Miciiii;
Jan.fi. IS5ut..
Notice to Heirs.
, I'sin Col sti, as. j
J l.s. J- The Couunonwea'th of Pennsylva-,
j 111a, to Koan Clarke, residing in Ohio ; James '
J Clarke, residing 111 Huntingdon couniv, broth
I ers; lioctor Koau Clai ke, residing in Hunting
don i-nnntv. I'.i.. otilv child ana heir o' Wal-
r i;ialke; ,ec-d. who was a brother; Flavel
Clarke, l,itely,atid believed at present to reside
ri the Mate of California, son of William
. - , 1 , . , i
ion enonif a'nrp.n . the Real Estate nf lhe
. . :..i , ;
and for the sum of seven hundred and twenty 1 the undersigned, r.xecuiors oi ine iasi win
dollars (SVVJti.H(l). And, whereas none of lhe . and testament ol ISAAC RAM K, .-r.. late ot
heirs ot the aid deceased appeared in court. White Heer township, deceased, w-ll expose
on the return of the said in.iusuioii, lo lake to I'ublic Sale, on the premises of the Mau
tho remises therein mentioned at the ap- i sion Farm, in said township, on
prai-eineni, Voo and every of you are there-! Saturday, 22d day of January, 1859,
fore hereby cited to be and appear at the , a, , l,-.ll,cti A. M., VUi Tbe
next general Orphans ( oiirl to be held at iy
I.. -wisburg. for lhe county of Cnion, on lhe j MANMON rAli'I,
11th day of February next, to ttrke or refuse , s;tua;ed in said White Deer township. cen'ai-
m lake tne said properly at the appraise-
, . i .. ,k- i. .. t
ment or show caue whv the sanie shotiid
, ,,,. J)tN CKO.SMiUOV E.Siiertll.
Jan. 7. IS51I. '
nnnTinn TrrtT-MT-n o. vtnT
ciaiivicn, n.nt.inr.n a. nvLurm ,
VIIE just opening a varied and extensive
assortment id' (iOOl)S adapted lo lhe
wiints ol the community and to the season
which have been purchased sn as to enable
them to sell at prices that del'v competition
( all awl fee .' li. K. i M'C.
Lewis!, urg. Sept. 10. IS5S
John E. Linn,
4 XT'
A t.,s
rHVi:V AT MB-Uliiee at
bouse on .V Maikei St. bet. 1st a 2.1
Ihlll a, I'll.
'nth street. Inquire of
sbnrg. Jan. 7, lis.VJ
Y virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex. and
I'u Fa. issued otil of the Court of Com-
mon I'le.is, coutiiy oi i.uion. anu 10 me oi-
reeled, will be exposed to public, sale er out- ;
cry, ou the dates aud at the places, following,
Oil PtitnnlilV, the ll'.ltll ill?f., at the
Public House of Jonas Fisher, at White l)cr
Mills, at Hi o'clock A. M , a certain tract of
Land siiuale in the township of hite Deer,
and county aforesaid, bounded as follows, to
wil: Beginning at a post, thence, by lands
of Caldwell's heirs, north ISO perches to a
post. Thence, by lands of Joseph R. Ketler,
south 7H degrees, west 12t perrhes, to a post
by a white pine stump. Thence, by lands ot
Daniel Ludwiif, south 170 perches, to a posi,
and thence, by other lands of the said heirs of
Daniel Caldwell, dee'd east 1W perches, to
the place of beginning, containing; Niueiy
Four Acres, more or less, &c, with the ap
purtenances, as the property of Hepburn
Ou Saturday, tho 5th of February
next, at 10 o clock A. .v.
at the public house
of M
hael Kleckner, in the borough of Xew
Berlin, and county aforesaid, a certain lot of
grotiud situate iu New Herliti, bjunded noilh
by Liberty street, east by Hum .street, south
and went by W. VV. Orwig, whereon is erect-
ed a Unck School House, wnh lhe appurte-
tt-jtifuc Xf t Imp nnirtprf i nt tho on-
'Ll,ion Schnoi lhm.e Association."
Also, at the same time and place, another i
certain Jut of (.round, situate in the Borough i
SrnBL or' 1ZW&?ZVS I GOOD FARM, f.,rn.eriy occupied by
and I'lum street on the east and Church at M"Phers..n, now by Trutt, intersected hy
ley on the north, whereon are erected a two- ,he line of 1 n"'n ar"' 'SnyJ counties, con
st. .rev frame house, sixtv-sii feet in front. ! tainins 17" acres, of which about 1110 are
I ' . . .
Also at tne same ume ana piace, a certain "
lot cf ground situate in the township of Buffa- J WinfieM Iron Works, fur or five from Lewis
. e and county atoresaid, bounded north by burK Tule indisputable. One third of the
lands of Samuel Heimbach, east by public ! purchasing money cash, and lhe residue in
mad !adinc from New Berlin to the Ureiw 1nal 'ParIy payments with interest, secured
bach Church, aud south and west by lands of
Martin Dreisbach, containing two acres more
or less, whereon are erected a one storey log
hone, log barn, Ac, with the appurtenances.
As the property of Matthew Silvester.
Also on the above said day, on the premi
ses, at 2 o'clock, 1. M., a certain tract of land
situaiei n Limestone township. County afore
said, boundel north bv lands uf George Fred
trick and Frederick Kigel, east by lands of
Jacob Heimbach, Mauin I). Reed and Chris- j
nan oi irr, hoirm oy lanus pi jhcod L.etoy, anu
wet by lands of Joha Seebold and Jacob
Kleckner, containing ninety-six acres more
or less, whereon are erected A two-storey
rail dwelling-house thirty-four feet iu front
and twenty-eight feet deep, a log barn, a well
of good w?ter with a pnmp, a lime-kiln and
othei nm-buitdin?s, a yonng apple.orchard,
Aicwith the appurtenances. As lhe proper
ty of John Lose.
Also on Monday the TtTi Feb., at
1 o'clock P. M., at the'Bufi'aloe Hou'ein the
Borough ot Lewisburg, two tracts of laud sit.
uate in White Deer township and county
No. 1. Bounded nonh by land of Adam
Finn If u-U he lnnil nt Adam Vinl ?n,l lo mo
j l-mney .south I., other land of J. H. Kobenold,
I and ejit by lands of David Ramsey andother
I mil nf J. H. Kobenold jcoiitainiiig eight acrf s
more or I s, wnrreon are erected a tannetr.a
tan home, -ailt hi oe,a frame riwe!!ing-hnue,
a log Mat, r, &c, with li.e arrur,e,,;incr
I No. 2 certain tract of laml, mi.iie in j
the lo-iihip and cuiunr afuretairl. bounded
nonh bv tract No. I and land of Kavid liam-
. . ,;,, ir.lu,. ai.d rj.it li land i.f
t.u u...t lit tin ni j:i nips r I iinf- . in I I uv
I by land ot James Kinney, noiith by
jrari (;,.,. BJ i)avid iiainsey, containing
twflve acies In,,re r less, whereon are erec-,
teJ a ,W(VSrKy K houe, a lot- stable, Ac, :
wnh the appurtenances. As the pioperty el
j KhrnoM.
,. ., s1m- ,mr and nl.ire a cer!.-.m
Hunho! Lewisborg, marked un said Bor-
,, pian . 31:1, bounded north by the
Mier na!( uf sall llt No. 31:1, east by Waier
slr,el by j,t No. 344, and west hy an
alley whereon is erer.H a .storey bnek
own-i,!!) House, etc., won ine afpiincuauccs.
As lh, j,rilpPriy r E,lns brooks.
Alsa al me same lime ani, tacp, a certain
,ra t of land, situate in the town-hip of West
ijoo.,!, - aH enuntv aforesaid. bounded north
by lands of Widow Cross, west bv land ot
John Millrr, south by public road and lands
of John Millar, aud east by lands of Lewis
Aigy, containing forty four acres more or less,
whereon is erected a one-and-a-half storey
log house, a log barn, Ac, with lhe appurte
nances. As the properly of tieoree Harbeson.
h'heriff's llllice, l.ewisburg, Jan. I, ISStf.
rm,vsy w orli ab()Ve $1,000 YcarlV,
ix imox coi xrr, pa
T T consists of a LA KG E SAW MILL,
I wi-h 3 to Ac i t s of' good Tlnilit r
I.:ill(I adjoining, and a
Farm cf 150 Acres of good soil,
with good lluildings.
Tbe water-power embrares the whole of
Penns Creek. Tbe Raw Mill will cot l."on to
uoou feet poi day of I'ine and Hemlock. Nav
igable conveyai.ee lo the river and State ca
nal at Mebns'rove.
Whoever desires to purchase is expected to
view tlie premises, ar.d may then ca'l on J. hn
tiees, tanner, or .'ohii M. Taylor. I'. ssession
may begiveu of the Farm and Buildings im
mediately, and of the Saw Mill and Tnnter
on one month's notice. ti?'See Handbill in
ibis office.
londliliins or Kale of m Prnns frerk rmprrl).
Price. Strt.ono viz: SV2,000 down, on deliv
ery nt the deed and possession. The residue.
jt'i.lti'O, in lour equal annual payments, with
interest, secured by Iloiids and Mortgage.
The title is unquestionable.
1IM.H UKLI.AS, Sunbury, Penn'a.
December 23, D5Xw.'l
Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale of
iv .in. r ,i, nrder nf the Ornhms
Il virtue ol alias oraer OI tne urpnans
I k tTnoriof I'ninn conntv. Dec. Term. 1M
m,,.. s.I'lf A I't'N. more or less.
adjoining lands id Jacob l.eiser, John bank,
E-o.. Jacob Mali!, and John Orr, mostly ot
Limestone land. and all cleared excepting two
a r i r. . oir idiiu imu u (i". "ivuiu'b-
,,. Th(. llirroyemei,ts are, a Tw
Stoiv Frame liwdling tioti-e. frame.
Barn.te., with some Fruit Trees iheicon.
IcA V. ELL of never-failing good water. A
small Stream of water runs through tiiel.it in.
Al.l at the same time and place, will be
sold a Tract id i ouil l.ailll Hi said town
ship. containing about Forty-Five Acres, ad
joining lands of John Baker, I.. F. Albncht.
Christopher Garrett and others, well timbered,
principally Kock ).ik and t'liestntlt.
1 f.,M,iTi,...-!.i ! U .nday.fsu!e;$!,f.r0
1st April. In.'iK, and the balance in two eijii.il
annual payments, with inieiest from the last
date, and secured bv judgments. Possession
given 1st April. liSMi. prori.tcd the conditions
ot payment be complied with. The grain in
the ground to be excepted.
White IWr. Pee.CO.'iS. hx'mtif l.msr bftiik. dee'd.
riHI E well known Tiivt'l'll St am!
at the east end ol the LewisburgjLx 1
linlge, in Chillisquaiiue township, N'oith'd
Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms.
Inquire of WILLIAM l'KICK.
I.ewislurg, Die. 17. ISoS.
VcUUclDlC farm tor bale,
riMlK subscriber idlers for sale Ins farm,
I situate in White Deer township, L'nion
county, about three miles west of .Milton, ami
four miles north of Lewisburg, containing I .Ml
acres, 1CU cleared, and in a good state of cul
livation. I he improvements are agoed .
frame Honse, a large Irame Hani, with.
a Well ot water in '.he cellar, a good Spring
and fpringhoiise near lhe dwelling, and all
other necessary out buildings. Apple and
Peach Orchards, a good limestone quarry.
On the South part is a good vein r l Iron Ore,
also a good lenaiu house. Said South part,
say fit) Acres, may be had separate.
rjyMo '3 Acres of limber land ajont three
miles west of said faun : the limber laud
can be purchased in lots. Inquire of
2m70.!pd JAMES FINNEY, Millc n.
iFov Salt,
: r"I ,HE residence of the subscriber, on "--v
I Market street in lhe lloroiteh of H i i
Jaewisbur?. 'l he house is of BKK.'K
finished in every respect.
Terms (e hall to be paid between this !
i and the first day of April next; the balance
; to be paid in two. three or five years, as may
; nlt ttn Kin. P.iu-.-Inn .Itmn t.mo
C.itr miloc f t-Mn Vnrthiimharlii.,1 r
, b7 Mortgage and Bonds. The wh.de tract
is fit for cultivation, and includes a fair por
tion ot meadow ground and limber land.
Inquire of John Yonr.gman. at Winfield Ir-
on Works, or of HLUlI BELl-AtS, Agt.
8unbury, Sept. 1858. am?53
A RESIDENCE on North Third street.
it bein; a Half Lotof Cronn.l, wiihl
a comfortable Two-Storey Brick Honse. traine
(stable, good Well uf Water, and a variety of
choice Frui.
Inquire of J. B. M'l.Al U1ILIX, Agent.
Llbunr. IVtoWr I I. if
THE subscriber offers for sale that large,
new, modern built, double brick house,
nearly opposite the new Presbyterian church,
adjoining the residence of Dr. Hayes. The
honse is bnilt in the best style, rat-proof, and
well guarded against fire. A good Well of
Water, and Cistern of never-tailing water.
Terms made ea-,y, and will be known on ap
plication to JrlXATHAN NESU1T.
Lewisburg, Aug.6, 1858.
THE TMO RtOMH occupied at pre
sent by Vahington Hutchinun as a
falcon. They are snrable for v$ j 01S.
rW Terms apply to
Jan. 27, IK'.N, JOHN II. UN.N,
Foil SALE.
A MY Jtt-Mdfnce, on North Thirl Mreel,
k1f I...... '.I It Iron. rwl , t. I .1 .
s a uriii.i'iii., ... ...., - bt'iuiui
back buiMini 12 ft. deep. Basement, and
Aiticlt flushed. Every convenience in the
wav of otit-tonHins.
4 No, a Half W on Market M., opposite
8. Kitier re.-iilence, with a cooit v ell ot n a-
ler ann new iManie ; vrryiit-Miiiiuc iur a uu.i
ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.
4Iro. otin r Lots, some wnh anil some ;
williout liuildinss. JOHN LOCKE.
Lewisbur', Oct. S, IS57. i
The subsrriberotr rs to se'l the
-o"T-i-nd of Market street, including
SroCthe W1 aretiuini. OM'rp, and lhe
Mai'liinrry aitnrhtf! alo a larr amonnt t4
I'ailcrns !r IfaTtnt lii?hts lor Ariculiural
Marhtnrrr.Stoi'rs, Ar. It rs rffari'pil as one
tf iif brst I(rations fir a co(I,sa:e lKisir.'!.
'ibc Proprietor's tinie is whoHr enj;rossett in
another emp'uvinent, u hirh is i Fie rrawn he
desires to dispose of this Koumlry. Fur any
tunlier particulars, ad'hens
WILLIAM FKICK, J.ewiyi.iir-.
Feb. I.r,8 I in. in Co. Pa
VM'.siR.Mii.i; itufidin? rol.3f-(
Vfl (int by Hi'. iltep. Kntnre ol
Heaver, Kremer V M'Cltire.
"OTK.'K is hereby given lo all concerned
X that the Itooksot the laie firm nl Ceorge
V Saimo l Outehus.in tbe Millnbure Foundry
arc the entire and legal property of ?amui'.
(iutebui. ot:o. Ol TKl.ll'S,
MAM I'LL lil.TL'l.irs.
M.llhubtirg Oct. 1st, 1 5,
T 'OTICE. All who have unsettled ac
rounis nil tbe late lirm t O . S.rSuiclius,are
hereby 10 tilied, that the Bc ks ot said liim
are left iu ilie hands oi O. i. Voungman, Lsq.,
fur settlement and collection.
All concerned are earnestly requested to
make settlement before the lir-t nf January,
is.v.i. All ho neclect this triendly Aotiee,
will be dealt with according to Law.
MitTltnbnrg. Oct. isi, lnfm.
ik jots and siiok.s!
loots and hioes::
S'cw Tall trriml at V. M IKMI
door to liaker sV Co's llrug store, Lew-
isbuig, fa., where may te lound a general
assortment of
Ken's. Ladies', Kisses' and Youths'
lioots, slo es, (Jailer, Uuskms, Slippers, Ac.
ot lhe latest styles aod I el qualities, selected
with ereat care ami at fash Prices uhich
will be sold as low as at any place this side
l'iuiadeif lita.
j.LYf 7j ( rvi;isn .c- nrrjwixa
I' ne n:n. h ! wer h;iu the vl pric". Thank
ful dr lavcrs, we w ill enHeav. r lo mem
your lui siier cuMt m. fj t. J1'.".S
VV est basement ef Riviere IL use Leu isL utg.
(Late Sain I vt aldrum s) ,oo
I IHJIs' ltf! i: 4 I It I., ur
D rtiiiiiumiu! txiruittil JLrlaUl!epa,
I- tiiii-rt i t-.it i,t. ij . r ll f rurr ( f itofiiir nn-J m! l.n 1 1 i -1
i.'ia- if th- l.n.r, hidt.c mil Kmi-ivf ;
.luUli-lli'f. 1'Ti-I T. Ill ! ' iin Uif 4 ti.-i:, 1 1. rout
;-i:;it:j i f Iu. I. lm-:; i-nt ' 'nf cr.ij'ti'ii. N iTttk-U.
ll,ri i .' ai.l ln:lniiisit'p; Jili. muat.-m. ln-(ivr lit'H-.
k li. ji i.i. tie-. I'vr-j -.:. l'jii tn-j.-. Nr- i's At', r: i- n-,
i In I'd-- roliiiiiusi T-i if t ai.ii l. fiM-.4 i.roii it-1 iau
tlHi:' r Kn.r' iiii-iif, l..t iiin-rw. -ni anj t tiii.tf
I r.. l n mini I i it-;unt Knij iu.iu . !'--. M --.t tns
V.:!'VV!t,'yAlL'T'W '..V tl M.'.mr. Tmi iri7.-!
II, t. ..it and . tt I'ttiaic. 'I tr.-r. lini lt - ItrL nmlaii
skt'hvt tiik m, hikI ail .li - n- i uri-icir from an m
1 i , t i ; t. K in t bL1 "i- t L ll.vi' tifiitJi:r. t,-tuiinj.
it - "fitr u t (.
'I ii- -rt-at I'Ularity wlttrMti' itT alual Tt m"l v list
ulT.iiti U i- uwit c to H ii)tritiF:i- ifi-rilf t.- t itn- tli.rt?
I it.- I't-'i ri'-t' r. I; i- u' -i :t .i -' ai. 1 yi.y
ti rrmt-1.- i.t lit-- r. iiitirv. l.ai ii i: wit in-, -il- i'n-liTliil
Al.ll-UilK A Mm K A l'l K affrfU in th rt
lUrtit-K lll.-fllf !. tin IH't l.f.;t:iti- l- r r4 nitUi-U-1 It
Ml m r. ai i.i Li.:.!.. Vii-u
Of:.'. -41-.' K..r.- :r. t t. v. .(-ir It lui ii;:.v b- ciisul-tt-U
on ;ii li.-if(fi.
(nii t tn. V jot am! j ro- tirt- i irrtitar- n-titin:r
lurg Ciu. 1 1 tl)- C o.-l ti -I'svlal'.!- rTiili lie".
7h- (.litor tf tie '-i.v -s s;.-tii in tli foi!- w!ri
trni. ill tliat 11 fi t'f Jiiiiunry -I-T. fi.m-i rniiii:
l'r. I 'tin i- inn ',,. w ii tiitt -1 t. lilt ot Kr Mj--l:ii :
Ir 1AV1.- I'KM K. Ti K - Wc- art- ii. I m th. l i!
cf iiiuii'ii-iinj tf i-ur n ;i-j I U- u-i- t f t.aiiactat.. tl- -n-mtl
ai:-l m -tiuni. ti up b.iftj i d to W n-i, xit-t-fil
in i ur r-tltiiiiD-. liuviii-. lt ri-r. u.-ml l'r. I'.iii'
UlvMlirilif HI. J ! Ult I it To rr ft tlllv J o-- (I it nt
riitatirs- jtiahti t lir l.r-ij i t.-. t:.kf tr"Jt ) it:iurf
in )iii:- -i. jiiiii uuiiuvtitliL tUc buratne to vlh r
thus tpJ.
KllSit .M &TIVM.
lii!!:i.:-ii t.iis. Aunt.
In Sittmiry, 1 v 1, niy J.iiu ltt t . t )ir-ii tn t.i r mtit-ti-i uth
yrtir, hi alt--.i- d with liittjiintur? lli t iiiali.-m. Ail
lltT JOllltf Kftr UI1K ll Ullii rliC MltlrTfU Itir no-t
-3irrUri;itilllC I'.lill T"T tllIr- IIK hi lis Of Qlt. I t ul It'll til
a liy.-n iau. Lo fotitiiianl to atri uJ tn r wiilo ut any
iin rw c lUt-nt- ttinc Diut h tli-irurak--d. 1 robrlutitU
t iry tr. i"rm' lj-nrttt; llir- rsrt N.tt ?n n f n.ilu
rt'ii a 1 ri.it ii h;tt- 1 T the It tft-r. t.v n-nuiiut l tlf
liutli' ine ti r ecun tmif an i it ;.nTll a irttt-t t urr, ehr
ha.x r. niimit'tl tn-r i f Hlit i limii-ut aiitl L r Lt ailh gtt-il
wer Muct. Uirji tii'WarJf i t tw venr.
l 11 liUtclilDK'U ?t.
tii roit i)im:a.m:.
Tl.i iBrti-rlhf cf -lifajn-ji. inclutlirikc I li'iTJttim., In
flnnistion, lr rchml lrr'tai:rn. At-.. i m Ft snitcf
tuil trvitti il 1 y tt.v um of It. I'hti-' lh urative ami Dr.
Iiavia' Tbri'at Ai j-iiiatioti. Kca.l th f. Lowing com- i t
i.,t?ily cur kfU-r tonic cntiuui tl .-ullt nu :
Ka-t It u, tbt-etvr to., July 2, l-53.
Dm. Dm- I'far Mr :
A 'Hut live yt-ar miti I was attnrhrd with a di - i f
th't tlirot, hi h rum on fcntiliiallr. I ut at lion whfit
1 would t)tt' rulil ll.t- -in ami Mitii rmc m-uUl lw very
dlMrrsi-infcT, artntnpanit-it with lonn cf tuue to u. h aa
rftt-nl tluit I coulti net i1 nk l-ni- a whiit r The Ji
mm ci'titinutti Kritiirr wtM-. tiitwithtaitlin(T 1 wa-
undi-r tlit un'.lical trt aim nt of tour ililtrr. ut ) hvnninn
sWomine l;irnit'l nt ni titititi ti. 1 core I mint t,t to
I'lniaitrifltia atul consult you. which you rectllt-rt 1 iJiti
in U.t- wintt-r ofls.il. wlii-n w-u reiommcntif-t uu- n ti,kt
j yi.nr iif-.tiratitf: by ti u.t .r t. ur untwn t it.
i rtiuufxion with vtmr llirtiHt ai-iln-:itiiii. I km miir1
i ."''.''uV'"".""1 H-J' V"7 ''n"" '
-ar cinve the rule u
frb-n.1, 1 AKti IlKTTA i HK-lluR
TliKUAT Al'l'Mi'ATlt'.V chuuM Mifmpany thr 1. j ur- '
alive -u cages vt tcrt.lulouj I ittTe atid llif r.,c ,ot tbe '
Thn.itt. i
V? Call ca the A.?entO. BAKEK & C'O.of i
LfWiol-arc ami procure 1 irralcnt nuttiiuiiig a laigu !
BiaJ". of iilinc in fmur nf the mlj hie.
J. ItAK r:K A U. Aptf" f-r I nion uuty. JT5.y j
I'ailor Mote Tor Sale. j
4 CSOOD second hand Parlor Move, used
DUt a f-bort time, tor sale cheap. En- 1
juire ai the Chronicle" odice. $t-pt. "Z'ZlZ
JOSl ill HCLLY, Auctioneer,
ri,iLi i iur paironaire ot ine puoiic.
Kesiaence on souih r itib street.
. bur. Pa.
Peeember S, IKSfi.
j To Tax-Payers and Tax-Collectors.
VS it is not pi nt-rally known that Tax
Collectors have to pay interest on lhe
j balance due by them alter lhe second Tuesday
in January, fur lhe inlorinution of alt concern- I
ed I will ciie lhe law on lhe subject. (ee
Purdon's Digest pape 70! Sec. 123.) 'li the
quota of any county be not paid over before '
the second Tuesday in January in each year
to the State Treasurer, then and in such case
the amount remaining unpaid shall be charg
ed apainst said county on the books ol the
State Treasurer and shall bear an intereM of
five percent.till paid, and no payment shall
be made to or in behalf of said county under
the various acts relating to common schools
or any other purposes until the said balance
be fully paid and satisfied." This is the law,
and it is hnped vou will eovern yourselves
accordingly. H. P. SHELLER. Treas'r-
Hat, Cap and CLOTHlMi lore formerly
Spvker's. I.ewi-bure.Om. lt.v
T :
I.raes f4r Iand
ai:d Tenant
I SSIf;Ni:E Koike. JOEL fiOYER
1 1 V ol Kelly townrhip.l'iMon ct amv.harinr
on the ilitrte enih day cf (Milf, A I). H5,
made a voluntary as!(;nmrM ro tne ol all hn'
property for lhe benefit -f his creditors . ALL
j persons indebted to said Royer are noiified l0
make payment, and ihi se having claims ar
to presenl them for seltlement, to me.wnhou
delav. JliHN DATKS.M AN. Assignee
Kellv Tp, Nov. Ill, IK1H r,a
BGnnets, fee.
Wl rh' '""'erigned respe rn"ui!y inform?
e. TT'h" citizens of Mililinbnrg ar. I virimt,
that she has opered a new Millinery Kstb
lisluneiii nearly opposiie Ha-'rpitit'j s,,(re
and has just returned from I'hiladelph.a with
a new and spleiolid assortment ( f
Ftitt ami h'inb.r liirtittt.RilJ'ttii1Vltlvc?rt
Fea'b.-rs. and a!l kirols of Fancy article
7 .7e..;pd Miss CATHARLNE liEED
The Great Amliassador of Ilealtb
, .. ..i it n cf t),- tuifl- r.i.if i- rtit-n i mini; tut , at.u odw
, I.-... in in " "I !..!' 1 t n rv u- .rUctin
-t . n-ly it till tl'i "'I l-owrrrul n-li- 'i" Hti
. r.-l into - it- : I'"t" X1 L l'iJIJt
U,,.,,,!. -Li bi't i'H J t.v Ihi-aU
tr I i T" H ' - ,n ' ' r' : t:rl'
ft t-T t i-r R" t i f th-f. in lain, ai.-t t,; l rmn
tlir b iklrn cii-r .r l i -- mmiforsi. ai,.J r.urtU
fc jfi-l ii fc'-f.fr-t - 1 'If -t" -': A 'tur! iu ber
U,k ,.f UAL a titl n "i v 'Ct ' A'.i"
) T!.- crnt K(UT.-f t il :- c.iitii.rt.f yifl'I" qntchly tc
c. ur-f f tl.- -- hiiti-f t.c l:iN. ao'l tl-- 'l'k'-'i- otp.6
rr--'.. r"l t" tl . ir r- t-nr-: n Biattff in rV
hi.l - ii- (.; tin- 1 ylia ' f 'lia- fhi'i it-If. tl uf
a:. I.;i.ir Bt..l ud rrii-: rriut tij ui-j rt it trtDi U- ja-
tn ut f -t' Ul.
4 L.xFh-.tr. i u n i rv a o r.Kyr.ss.
Fr- m h..t. niu-'. 1. f i-:rit-. an-J a!l r-tS
irhion ot a lif- :t-a nut. ami -tli-T ii:-or-aiiiatu.a tf
-i -I- ui. Tai Hit'tr tit.- rt: .lit utii-i; H.flni.ca tf
. thi all paiilui at.t:--1 t.c nt.l Jf tfri't ut irmtiij.
l:ti " i'.r s i-lohVt.l:s.
i Th f rovr ni.n:utn kut rijrl.t o-i 'Iuk-ii f tli HV i
'' f-f n.tnt-nli-u- imf i ii ri' to (lit- 1'Sitli f-t th- liuicao
Imiii-. (In- miti-l-ili' u- Biftli-iii- St ii- llif hul'l. a
of tli.- r. uip.nt. MJ'l llJr all Ui- tluiJ" anl rfta
to it- uir act tltit-iit. i li'HUMl ft aLd ilsitatisg lt, t
tal luintioiic ol tl t'ly.
51iou.tl If r i.o t in. n. try ii. r u I'- w 1-wf thi rrcr.
latirn: ninl ri-i.nM j r-iiitiy. htf-r niy It tl.. 1
i t.t. Uim. t: . t t: vitt Kif. ;y in all jri.
aii'l .tlir .oit. i : t'i ii - it s-ff rt ii- ail but Buiia- u.' t.
r. f t n it i 77. ".
Tin-1 - !!iif utoi N..t:ii.j i- liiiarjiBH iic'y Nm to "ha
n)tii-jM :ti-r t";;tn.'-i ? hii in r nnly. aftJ " u.!t-c.it-
f ill v li in.- Utn: ua jt- b ar lu lo llf a
Juii.i ).: ii- - t.l" lb- ir n-tiiiin ortj.
f. tr-y't if t l.t r tv-'y n. irn in tht r', .' V
tf.- lh a n ytiisnii- ;
.-t!rtoi l:.;-v ' li, -ar'l wi-aWr-
i;..irl. ..ini-'ninl. J !..:.ty l.Uf-r t-. ay'-u:i in
i ..ii jLs in!'- . '-mi hit L uriipt't p iriw
t r.-rr a Aue l'i!-a
t t.. -t -Ii.. :--. U :..la I ri M1 nr. I i.nn.t
I . s.; ii-ii. h I ioit.-ti- n ." n.;ary i mj t c:f
I t r iu u- ti. a - i:t-r. al af sN-ti.
I 1 1. ! ! LiiMiu-n V riit ..f all h:a k
tV-.'ALT!"N N' ut -art- Kft.M i.f ur -i.v wr
ot tic t-t-k of (Mrrwint.,,
r Hl:t- B::ty j lmulv m-O
f. A bn !.).-. B.r lfiiwt,l
i m.i ii 'i t' ; ii'dti. n c y
I ari i r j f r. i.rii iii-
tl.f miuii . Li.' ;i.-u. to
ri if !': ' s"r II :.: t.
m f h r.!. r- -; '.it I rnu
:i - ti.:ott. (. i.: il.- I na-l
I .1, :n L a- - nr.!-. tZ
v t-mii !y t; Lit ' tlf !rg-
hr. ioi.t . I.
I rll 1
1. tf.1 tf lit
: iin i r li
t.l HI tl ,
s.i MjiM. II I. I .
-i-ts jiuJ l .:. i
si:,'... si. ! 'l i
erltl. :o J ; ; c:
te I ! i !-
It - I'in t
ii. rij.-r iv :!.
f r il ' ei:
1 .i t-arh t
im.cv of jati. nts in ry
it r-'i p Ii- rt-ti'iVrr fx:stit; t-
I w ft n (itt!,:fs Murh
V t''., i this Jav
ttiM Ufa. A;l liottb atn.
are j lar il in 'ti 1:atnU
af-J il. I. Mir .t-r t:-r ri
raim.iii-- ;nt ti- It iiia!.
L i k acci u i is nie
t J' i.u'l.au W t tif
tr:i. n, u whrm ail
Ah i tTt'iis liii. vi-
ihi; i1imi;v in litt ud to !aiti lirm. are r-qu--eil
! ii., 'ilie in infttitiie fan.rr. Ai.J
all jt-rt r;s (.av.i:j; f'a i:.--. will T"T"fiit ?Lca
kT ielliti;;-. i.i. SAV.I I I. liiM'UtS.
JAMT.s s. M A KH
Jt l.l II U . tllKINER.
t Ti e Fi u:n!ry Uus;nes vi'.t tee nrin
tu .i at itu t !.t i'liu-e as u.-i:;il i y :he suiter. -Iter-,
wh'-re :!. v I t Va-' i v aT!.'r;d r
the wi'-hf. l iin se hn r a; I.iv. r 'bem with
their pain naL'o. J. VA11I A. to.
Lewist'iiriT, rept. !c!h. Is."-.
tici: ri!it
iNVic.oiiATo n :
j 'i! y.i '.i ly i t: z.ty : t .
foiriwEniM entirely from (ITMS.
! i-NKoi Tin: i:r?T i t "i:;atm v. am-i.ivm: vry
4 It IM. i . ! . l.-r.- tl - i-ubiif. t! at a - ' '.f.
fni.T. Uio.?. r al h n:. n-1 II. i-tn.-.l t ( V : T I . ; r. -known.
It ! not t iiy a ''mi :;. 1 u: : i. i r-1. '..
artnv; t!r-t on Tl. i-t tr ;: it- u.- rl .1 ij..r:. -?. i
. t a tl.f fiontin t. ii l ti to .-rr ti nt !.;! r. ut
a. -coii 1 1 l:-5 i . i . j. Hrjo !i t;t. :! ! v.: ' 1 '
tin- j-aiMii! In ::i r . rit n t -l 1 1 1 1 . i re- t
t'ailmrti' It .-it - t til., t:. w liitt- it yui .- r! y.
ant ln n !:.kcii t.:: in unnit-mtf tl -I-.- wiii sinCk l
' atol tuild it u witl. uuuu:tl rn; iu.:y.
Tlif 1.ITFB i-- or.f of the ': :in. i m1 r-.-i:'.t' r ?t
' tin tiuuian U:y ; Nt:J , ' Lcii it i : Jt m..-; - n "
ti.-D well, ttii- l-WtTfot- tlif py-t. IU nr.' tio.
1 It-loitfd. Iff jf. tntifh i C "'"I fti HUTf'-J '. cti-.rTt
! in lhe ht-altliy at;:"-! of tin .kt f. r tl.- ir:r
it-rp rtuanrp of its tunc- f tuo; mLt-u il r ti n.scJ
it- at fuult, the
:it laulr. i tl '
iU. i.. e i ( ' lie f rjar
-!- it? Jiifv. I- t fl
II.' j Tc rn-t.r hn- n'.
, i in. r-: f - 1 1 fw-nt J
i,rrt .:F ti nuiiUri t
:.. I.i. h it i- hat
..!v ;t lnt ft iind. ar'
n: C viLi:T. iu any
rvftt-m nitf.Ti iu rone-
LlUI-liaTinic vr.-td I
ee -f lb;t orsn. i-iif nl
it hi stu.lv. in a -rn-tt.-f
to find m ue rnitilv,
the many .1 rut -i ni'i.i--To
j.rr tl..-it tl-h r. m
perwu trotii :. d ih L
it ftmij. haB but to trv
ik t-
. aiid ct tntrti. 0 J
lijM'4uin9rBiriTi- J n:i rV'.dorlati"niattrftT3
tht- s(iti-ui. nu-Uiti ill ll.t r j late a bralthi H'
vf t lie, nti.'irt:ii: tt.- -t. nvtcb. raunue ii .-d
dii:-tt w-ll, ft Kirns.. thl hi." t. titui: t-lie ar.i
health lo the l.n!e tna-rau-e
of the die-' t-t
iiimr) . riuiii-: tt
1 1 tiiu rn.li. ai i'ii n
uriii. i. ht it.1
;:ilioi ai Tav. are
tt.v. fktiirp. t.y
Mt-arK'D.al UM" Vt ILt L
ER 11'. OEAT. B.
One dt alter ratirir i
utrnarh and prtrveut the
suffcirnt to n 1
twi fnn. nr-sa
Mity one dor takenl- -y fere ritirirj1. t""T
Nlt.lllMAt'R. Lt
Otil one iImn taXm at , . nicht, town- tie t-""!
gvutly. and ruit i l ! UJ tii.js.
Uiie4cr taken after earb nn at wil! nJ-
t't.ne drwof two tea- pcDfuls wii:lay
Ou Ultl-tiikrii At fr- l mlsiiVtrurticn n't)'""
tbrrauM of thf JiM-u.l and ma km a vrrfrrl tt
it one iu MimiDMtia-
itnf ili ofts-a rr)ratl
Mount (, ami a jTeimta-j
JttfUDly on lttl i fft
the it.m tlit f fleets of
. in a turr rurr ft-r
tivr vl hull
nttl.d to )" f u
awAlirine nr ft
lour5eir unudturnl n't- jQ or Irt-w fl.r 1p-lm-
ili-r taki n a ct.tri t ir e IH-Tr t'rl -;T
Tijrvr to th appe-titr. an) grj niaa e fi cl Jii:-t m
nr d'M ottrn rfi-atnl idm t'kKM. 1' 1
in it wrt fortnx, bilvr 'mjiiiu abi ! iT"
plaintit yit itt aimoitt ! J thr first Jf- -
tw or two dM rurr alta-ktraaM'I 1 -
In tbiMrro: tLt-rr in n, rurr, attr. iT
rt-m-dy in ths wurlil. f'-m 'I nerrr jml.
aKoibrnt. j . r
Wf Ukr lanrfln re- rrainHrtr tt trr " 'ffy
mm i-rrtftiuinf a-r Vet i k t At-t t1-" ..
Trft.an.tall ( itii of a flj Itn i s Tin- I' 1
atm with ail r-rtaiutT, il thrurat.ii ax '
iuft to tftify to iu iu-( .Jrrtul firtw-?-t-AH
lw uiae it art- gfeiDg their utMeiow tt0'
oo) to iu fcmr.
Mix alr in the wnfuth arv'A f. fnvj-wr,
low fcotVi ti'thrr.
The Mrr Imiporalor
working run n aimtit Un rrat t lif''. 'l .' -r
by wtmxK, tn ;hr ir dttt gvnng .f f.ao.U'-'
than in twitl l;. return d tin-urt-ii k.t-i w a
Coaiplaint. Irroi tli wor?.t Jiiaaaace r t S t
rs.nimon IMac'it, all of vhn-h ar Ur rwi.i vi
caMl Liver.
I'irt'i Osi TuTia TTir v wTfr
5ANFiKP a fO. f r'j.rwU.r, Fn-nJ-r '
and n-tailrJ by all touf&i. S'M " f,
. ... . i.r,r.ir-f f
iritik an-, t-' i- -
. .i t h.ii,i .T 1 " .1