TT T "M" UBG till 1 HJlNl lUUlil CHR mi q Li j BY 0. N- WOliDKX & J. An Imlcriciitlcnt rniitii)' X iMdl'tiM'T I WILT MV..-1'il'EI, nr rm ix apt ,: :.n.l i .ii (.;(y 1 I lit nib-. . I..r si - mi.- t.tli ;tr-. r i.r t.'ur r . Li . r t. n lll-'lll- t'V 111 r i it g'-'t --!-'- ilti-- hf.-. M-.-t fe'u i- 1't-o.Iin-fcOv li'-- nm 1 I. I) -I - ;tt til. II' hi h i':tv r p;ii, , it if ? ! ' J ' 1 i i It. l.-l,. 1 ut ..O - t 1- r wuit'iif, t d"l. i"r v.- r. II Hi I u wju ti-i rts-. ! -. -d . I, .tr. 1 It)'.'.1". M.-r hunts, ir. .t .-..r n-i,. urtii : .il.uiin. lu r--r :ir. tiitn-r ii,n itr. KS tl. . Ii: A i- IJ lilt-- it t,:n .11.. ,4 1 t im (if li" t II v l lur d-m-rt i.tii r l.-i..i.-n-.-, ai- I laii -. n in Cotu.ntij.i3ti'ins tl -m-l l1,1.''H,;.n'' l l.l.M.U V I'll i.'.t I hi iti "Hi in : i i tti t:. .. I i V i.-w..-i-M'4 llll r . .-'tint lu. mi I .!..! . ... w i h'i...u m t iti 1 ..rtb.-i Vin:;ii:s" .V: Tin: csisioMcu:. 3, IV. I'll inn: T M'n.- tl ii lutn-rai km-ll : . ;i I ;ir. It iitl.'- k f ra; '-r, W 1,1! - ll.f H'-t. w v t l'ia,; U.-ni; Y-t ih-.h-u lu it.- ii i-. w Kiftj Y.'.fht t. now doomed; . Iii-ii fLti'iul t-i-i itju -uiiV waiui nts tip iiica.-ur ol J-ij I., ki lt L.. il-t.-ft: .irlu-d- IHn : : A mi-l:i'l . ral ai! for t!i ! . ,.r?i. ii. i:n r. d it -U . iL H..-U low i;vp Iiac bouiidiu i t; Jt is tjdtlif ti L.k- tli" 'in-! - U U- i i -u;.;. n.:.i lie it- i r i.t.-.ti.ij' Lir-T-.! Iir k.- A U'llf ' .'T i'f fi::-'i Take Cr .4:: tne. H p; and ira f ri IMu- li-TiS. Viue IKrk tl..- tri l t tl.-Ar-uw' tiir JTi tlie tiiii-- f.T r.-j -i up wiiii i U0it, u 11- t'iii: ; Ji. n-.t r. 1 in1. ..el ;u lL lil - I.114: Ah. til'- N . ni.t, roll -f i:i- , Hi. I ';u. II :u u th-- ii i, d iuu; . ry l ar. Li.w; v ..... X. I -J- BguWc li.-i WLik uoticeJ that at tu. voted tl.ii': : g 'ii. The l.tlfst uf rival from the I'lciii c ojves ths Oilieiai lleturus !r .;u r. g as K.-s thun HV"" vot-r a:.l at.vttt i-.1".-) 1 pul.itiou. '1 be Lawr.iie.- K j 'lbli. u aJj.i inforiua! . votes, 1 1 p.'iU, to I be iiumLLr ('ffic- l ..f li.Ill Totes in KuiiMis. ..r 1.0U NtAiii.v o.nk HALf more than Ljs Oregon, i'et ail thi; p wer of the liam Llcim-erac-y arc t j bu tascl to iu Oii-g"u isw the L'uiou; : but to kti p Kansas OUT '. The bi'i'-st v.te ovi-r cist by the Slave ! State ol Ujlaw.ue, Mas ibSVi lli-ht m l l-jtiJa lJ.Ull Kauris gave 14,111 So that Km: is giv.j ni tj thin l'ioiida or Orig hi, but mu;t be kt j t out by Slav cry as I nig as it cau uiX Alsfi IV is Utl'Ll,l.l'.'AN ! Ti I'lMiiiAi' Kiutiiiis A jjurnal refers tj "i i's iu the east," meaning "star in the '!," s or aiiagiammel into a!(... 'rLe Wa'clnoin" of S'. l.juis once catna uu! as a "Watch :!io Western mill." . Caro iu lalo jajicr liad its Lead "pic 1" into (Vdi'i'.uuM , anJ advertised for a Jour : one pj ir fellow canie into our oHico and siil be bad been buutiug fir 'Craboaudle" fr a in inth, but n ili.idy knew ' lure it was : bavin'; observed tiiu crror. wj t-asilv !ut liiiu ou tbo track. There are other laughable errors com- ' rt contending, and contending succcss mittcd, as when a religious paper stated ; "y too, agunst one of the most sublime that "Ur. preached a solemn sermon ; exponents of tho Almighty's power. The to a humorous" (instead of M MEitoUh) 'jbj'e' whenever contemplated has always "congregation.".. .Often do children aud ; c'le1 m! m'd with tbe most pleasing .i i.T' - t- : i t .vm .1. . -,1. Mr .. " :::Drimo kxune. of a home in an ocean but to miss the rijht road, is a sad thing, j toy A gentleman who read the procec- , dings oan.fuily, assures us that it was an supply of coal. e spent an interesting older teacher named M'Guire aud Nor j and most pleasant week there. The hos llenry G. who was elected Principal of j pilality of S"ine of her citizens will long the Philal. High School, as stated by us : be remembered by us. Tbey had some last week. We read that "Mr. M'Guire" ! cases of the yellow fovcr tbore, but we es vras elected ; kuew that II.G.M'G. was a j caped with impuuity. promising teacher in the city; aud several ; I'ernambueo is a very thriving and in of his acquaintances assured us positively tercsting city of about 100,001) iubabi- thit he wss the chosen man ; yet we deem them mistaken. Plenty of time yet for Henry G. M'Guire, when bis senior shall have vacated the long sought station. Dayton, O., Dec. 30. Enclosed please tod pay fur the Chronicle another year it is a welcome visitor, and bis missed but once. The fall and winter thus far have boeu mill and pleasant, except very much rain; we had some faow, but no frost of any accouut, njr any now. t. The Roman Catholic Almanac for 1950, gives tbe following exhibit of the progress of that church in the United States : ISoU 1819 1859 J.isbops IS lifj 45 Priests 478 100S 21US Cburches 4 IS &ijti 2334 T increase, of course, is principally by ""migration. The number of immigrants, ai of naturalization papers issued, has Pnt'.j dtcreaseJ for two or three years P"1! ai tho increase of Catholicism must . rew in proportion. If Protestants ""prove their chances aright, thoubanis of e5 C;iyjltl( tni0Bg us wjj ,0 oonvertei lrom " blighting error. E. CORNELIUS. Seward" Koi-heMtrp Speech, aud Hiosc Htto Mitrt t It. It Iirnnmnre hrti: Let jiuadife.1 Party Pf-ite W;th iTlarins eye-l-alli enwh T-nime(l tthl :...l..ut "Unatic:" wbrlit Stateaaiana uic 1'r.TUims tlione trutbn our ttbe b.M no dear. y.. totvl .'mjirigm'! O. fenw yent Thtt'iixl bath put fti-rnsl unity 'i wixt Hi -I.t and Wrone? and tbuueh ye.o'trirb llk, IIiitv your Wad. twiM-nb the dark'uiti cand, ii. ,iV aii -till si.itM-: anJ men bo u-w their eje I. kr noble mwaiiu, the '-uiuini: Morm. WLicb, Mh-ner lae, nuift l ur-t uimnnur bead- If. l'bar.i'U-like. we dtrearl t-e rr.'.re U high, t t. rnal Ju-tii e wuivlin clear. Tan tui'h the LmJ, Ut the ojprcmti gufrtt! The hrart, the noul.tbe Intelleet, the ptwer n: fverv bum-m t- inz, 1hI di-mmds . ,1 - 1 ( ei'iueirat; K t every man. ill th ir-at jn Uuwnt day, i r. i.diT. f-r li:ni lt. astri-t a:Tftunt. V ho, tti.-u, i-hal! dare tu qu-i.--b the -limtueriog ray lf monii iijiht tir.t duwuinj on the wtul Orone wb"fte let III li;e Watt ut tile beflt t:ieary d.irKi:e, or npiirvwdve tiiif thrill wimUI., sl.ali i-ouer.aiid i-vn kii'm k 1 je, too, l dm tna-'hice$ to sriitit the fullering lc Uiii.'i'.-u'.nrh-.wii, tiitiuiivted iowrr shail I. (ii-luuTc i!, fiid .n kri ji in darkii' j".- an uflii t. X ra e? JiiiH party h-a-l.-r?, with tl.e 1 infant t ;' fr 1 ni' c::i4"j"' UI"' tl- tr : ". h.-ny ! mm tiic.-e lit 'ln-terna! V birb our great Falbi-rff.UM.iily r.vlaiiw.4 The i;ilt i f liod to evci y huluuu -"-ul ! And ah.-:: oiw iims u-, with Ir-fty wot, ' V ilh heart ol rournnf. and a toncue of fire, ; To viii'tiate the eunl rifcbtn tf all, Th-ii. h. w farh wi ll-led nyeoihaitti cur, ;:b bright br;i r.dlor rbiuing 011 bi neek, i'o let the (: iil-lie kiMW win . dfg beia, ' rri.m bis Mtuti kiuti.l teiid Lis s,iti.-ful yelp! I And aell be way bu bide bath felt the !a.b I i Hk- n. l-r:ne ?t.w r.r.: neT-r betl th ?uarl l 1'nrty'fl bt-uud-t wh" "a ide e-rberiau moutba ; Will lik-b 'loiberaidu. thou bimt j-uwvr, Li L- ,:'-'d "Old iluck,' to tbrow tbi w dainty lioneti ! iiL'AKEIt. liu '. r.inuty, 1'ith ninntii, -Ttli, 1 -i ,".,rri ?; "ii l'-:i'-" 'f the I.eiIturg t hr-'iikle. ! U. S. & rru.n Fi ltun, I'khn am bucu, ) IIhazii, mv. ;, i Mksks. KiHToiid : Well, here we are, fafe auJ b un Jf utter a rather y'wy pas sage fr'nn IJirba't jes. e arrived uere on the Ul1i, the Water Witch on the 21 J, autl the Harriet Lane this morning. All throe of us cxiitctod to make the passage trom I!.irbaduc3 to remambuco in one ruQ) but all have been disappointed, and . were c.iiii!) . licil to rut into an I t,. r,..t int.. iiu intermedi- I :e p. ill for a fresh supply of coal. Tbo ; a!;on has already received about '2M tons if I'eunsvlvaiiia anthracite coal ulmard, and is again ready for sea. The c al is sent out here for us by the Gov- . eminent, and costs m arly S'iO per ton be- fore it is stowed away iu our bunkers. We could purchase better coal here for about j but could not have been as certain about the ijiiautity. Witti our present; Plata aiu at : supply, uc hope to make the La but should we have to coal up again St. Catharines, it would not be altogether unexpected. On our passage bore, we had fur the grtater pirti-m of the time, attroug breeze, a heavy sea, and an oceanic current against us. At the lirst, knowing that this state of ail'iiis would most probably coutinue, we siruck our yards and topmasts, in or der to have as little resistance aloft as possible. Theu came the contest. An angry, tempestuous sea, has ever been to man an emblem of graudeur and power. Tiulv, it well deserves its lotij; earned re- putative. While contending against such ; '"r "-'s3. lne" 18 80 "",0 ous'us uulDrS elements, if ever, tbe poetical majesty 0f ; The wages of industrious females generally a powerful steamer is delineated in its "e hardly enough to keep them from des brightest characteristics. N heart tuned Pir anJ ut,er ruin' Jct "bard limel'" re iu unison with the spirit of the ago in made " n excufe b Christian women whieh we live, could fail being pleased ' "bos5 mer0 luxurics would 6,Te 8"PPort with the unspoken eloquence of such an to many respectable reducing culogiuru on the triumph of art and science. those Dl3 mcaDS of "inco Then is seen one of the most grand and " Ah ! tbcs9 harJ limes 1 8alJ 4 robo"' nobk combinations of human renins and ; "d-face.; man, as he turned off bis turn- ftiutiitinfl. in ijhl il i io iuq one oi ido t Maranh!inj) a city of 35,000 inliabi- tan is, was the port no run in for a fresh j tants. It is the thinl in importance oi the cities of Duzil. I have not time to say a word about its general characteris tics. Its harbor is oue among the numer ous harbors of the world, erected by the labor of the tiuy coral insect. They have certainly dono much to render the high ways of tha deep dangerous, but havo of- ten been of tbe most considerable servioo ! to man in erecting breakwaters for safe harbors. The reef that forms this harbor extends for about two hundred miles along the coast, and is indeed one of the most wonderful of tbe achievements of tbo zoopbite. When wo meet Lopez, I will writa again. .nrs respectfully, G. a no .. . aato of Indiana on the 8th nit., passed an amendment to the divorce law which had rendered that State tbe resort of discontented wives and husbands. Tbe law will now require one year's residence " j instead of ten days as heretofore, and th must be verified by affidavit, and by the evidence of disinterested persons. There j seems to be no doubt but the House will I pass the bill. I LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, HARD TIMES " Can't you pay me a little money on your note, to-day?" said a hard working ! mechanic of our acquaintance, to a man who was driving a hue horse Dclore aauu ing ono hundred dollar sleigh, trimmed wili two buffalo rubis. " Cau't jou paj uio a littlo mooej 7 I am in great want of some to buy provisions for rnj family." " I really can not," was tbe lacouio reply ; "the times are to hard, I can't." The whip r 1 L I 1 I I l... nn "Oh! these bard times!" aaid tbe man in the sleigh. I followed him to tbe biilurd-Uble, and saw bin) lose ten games and twice as many shillings, which were paiJ free as water. There were no bard times to this man when the music of the billiard balls fell ou bis ear, nor would he hesitate to stake Cfiy times the mechanic's note on the game of brag these bard times. " Oh ! these hard timet '." said the man in broadcloth to bis waab-woman, as be turned from her bill for the last month's j wahing. " I bare no money now ;" and ! be fluug himself into the street. I saw ! him pay ten dollars for gold-headed rat i . i . ... r f.l : l t... lau, uuu iweuij tor ucw mauiuucu iui cap. lie never thinks of bard times when be wants to deck out bis own daudy car case. " Ob ! these bard times!" said tbe fa ther, as he turned away the schoolmaster who bad presented bis bill for tbe quar ter's tuition of his son. " Three dollars in these bard times for school-teaching ! I can not pay but one." Soon after, he paid the dancing-master ten dollars for teaching tbe same child the accomplish ment of dancing, and Baid nothing about Lard times. "We truly must be excused this year from doing much for our pastor or other .1 . . - . 1. . ..nnanu n.tuiii.nlv H.! IT.l t T .1 r r " . AnJ tbe' fid ff l'-""'" J - - and furniture, for pernicious books and periodicals, for circuses and low concerts, to shave a note for a poor neighbor, or ive a sharp bargaiu with a needy brother sister church member plenty of cash ; or drive or sister church member rdcntv to subserve schemes of the Devil.but little or nothing for God, "these scarce times." " Never saw tho like in mv life." said I the youth who was silently and sueakingly .-renins bin ctcit doll.r no mutter how be 60t in lottery, gift, or other swind-1 'inS ganic!S at"l refusing to pay his honest j debts, while a poor father or mother or sister is toiling to find the great calf bis daily bread aud clothes. "Can't sign a cent times too hard," said the prosperous mau who refused to give anything to any charitable object or public good, but who spends many dollars weekly in cigars, tobacco, oysters, drinks, eating shops, or still worse places. "Really, we can not pay so high wages," said tbe lady in silks and furs as she rose from a devout studv of the latest fashions. ! 'Our seamstress and hired help must work ' e , .. ' t... 1 bier of brandy and sugar, and paid the I bar-keeper a shilling. " I can see no prospect of better. Hard times these for a poor man to make money. I can not get money cnongh even to bny the com forts of life, let alone the dainties. by, '-"-d. - lite, I bav had to do without butter in my family for a month, and can got no money to buy any. Good brandy, that;" and he filled another tumblcr. Thus goes this strong, able- bodied man's money these hard times. " Oh ! these hard times !" said tbe merchant to the poor woman who asked him to throw off a shilling from the piece of calico which he was selling at one hun dred per cent, in advance. " We can not take a cent less, these bard times." At tbe ten pin alley I saw him pay fifty times as much as he refused to allow the poor woman. Thus our merchant spends his money, these hard times. " Oh ! these hard times !" said a loafer as ho stretched out his logs over three chairs by our stove. " Ob ! these hard times !" and there he sat all day, repeat ing, like a parrot, "Oh! bard limaa! hard times ! bard times !" And I pitied tbe man from my soul, for I believe be thonght it was hard times, when be alone was to blame for being lazy and spending what was better than money bit time thctc hard timet. "Taxes toe high, and too poor crops, to take a county paper," said a farmer, who paid twioe as much for trashy, swindling sheets from tbe cities, and who lost three times the price by not learning as be could bave done many matters of inter est and of importance about bis bome. Ignoranco makes "hard times," harder Two men in Cinoinnatti nave made a match to eat mush and miUt Tor IU "ana 'he championship." The one who burete first, lores. TIJ3 NEW YEAR. it imomiA r. lowiiui. All Htlj robed is wbiU, j AndwuBetlb,Wrthnmn,oh! Ne rr, With rorcmt ol prl, thou lUwlMt b.r. To ehortuM or light. For rnytl gift Ibno'll bring To hnp tb truMarr; na thou will -irrw Witli mjrrh ond (ronkinotmo thy pathway throoih Tht cmenld bsllo of priDg! And with iworl dwi baptii', Bnide the goloVa f. nt of ooi J uue da;, Th. Summer; and with criawon broiderli- laj lir pathway from th; aalctl. Tntil with quiet grace. The Autumn ihall rile up to tread the hllU: W hlle, like an angel throu.h the huahed air Ulrilla The glory of her faee. And well we koow, New Vearl Tliott haul thy mraMge uoto erery hrt. Thy work breach ; Ood'a great Uigh I'l-ket thou art; Nitred, aDointtl here! Thy rod fhall blonaoms bear. The belli of time rlug jujful In thy reign, Aod we ioauturate our Prie.t afain With inceQM and with prayer. Up through thlf meant of day, Oh, lead thou ua by green paths tenderly, Till from IU forehead tbou shalt rapturrwel J On tbe new "Clty"gar; While through eome rythmie gale, Dropping fronl hill topnof raleedony, Theangel welcome ehall etrike royally. -All hail! New Tear, aU hall! Society in Aaronsburg. We do not believe there is a town in tbo iutcrior of l'cunsylvauia, which offers to young persons better facilities for im proving themselves, than Aaronsburg. There is not an evening of tbe week, but is set apart and free to all who wish to spend their evenings in a profitable and pleasant manner. Monday evening is. a monthly Sabbath school concert, where religious subjects are discussed ; and also is tbe regular evening for the meeting cf tbe primary siogiug class. Tuesday eve niug is the meeting of the Kxcelsiur Lit erary Society for young wen, a regularly organized body, where essays are read, questions debated, and declamations made. Oq Wednesday evening a liible class meets, where Sabbath-school teachers and all others who wish, attend, to listen to explanations of the Holy Scriptures from competent instructors. Thursday evening is set apart for a publio prayer meeting, On Friday evening, the Thrcnokosmian Literary Society holds its meetings ; and Saturday evening is the regular time for the meeting of the Musical Association. Thus, every evening of tbe week is taken up for some laudable purpose. l'oune men and young women of neigh- boring towns ! we earnestly desire to see you make good use of your leisure Lours, ana especially ot tne evenings, lor your own improvement and advancement; and therefore we counsel you to "go and do likewise." Improve your time and talents. You know not what high destiny may be iu store for you. How much better to spend your leisure moments in pursuits after knowledge, than in lounging about, or in company where vice is brd, or where all manner of obscene conversation is tbe ; tbe duty, if they would. The military du ruling order ! You will never regret it ; 1 ties of the people of tbe country must nc- lBt Juur negligence may bring to you the Pgs of biltBr "grct wben is to late- Uemcmoer, tnat time passes on, ana that time once lost, is lost neirr to return anain. If vou voluntarily abase yourself, by permitting yourself to sink into ignor ance and slothfulness, you sin against Al mighty God, who has created you for higher and nobler purposes. AaromLurj JSerichier. Games of Skill. A correspondent asks : "What do you think of Games of Skill, as Chets, Draught, or Checkers f Not under standing such games, our opinion may be of little worth ; but we think that human life is too short, its true work too large, and its real object too momentous, to be frittered away with such tom-foo'.eries. So much for the moral of the subject. As to the mental effects of such employments, they certainly promote habits of delibera tion and tboughtfulness, and very impor tant ebaracteristics are they, in this hurry skurry, helter-skelter, neck-or-notbing age. iiul far higher purposes would bo attained by an equal time spent in the demonstra tion of some of tbe problems of Euclid, because they compel the mind to atten tion, to tboughtfulness, and habits of le gitimate deductions, tbe want of which is one of the most radical defects of modern education, and one of the most couslant causes of making life a failure. As to the physical tendency of spending hours together bending over the table,with that insufficient and imperfect breathing which attends an interested mind, any one's common sense will give the answer, that such pastimes are full of mischief, are worse than useless. To all we say, and to invalids and sedentary people especially, when not engaged in the actual and seri ous business of life, be ont and about; ling, whistle, laugb, romp, run, jump, swim, row, ride, do anything, rather than sit still within any four walls, or lounge on a sofa, or doie in a chair,, or sleep over a dull book. Moderate and continuous exercise in tbe open air is kssential as mean of health, both to the well and to the siek. iWf Journal of Health. A safe baa been invented which locks on the inside, and leaves no keybole or other opening. A clock work within opens I it at an hour rtgulsted by being set before tbe door is shut. JAN. G, 1859 Speech of Hon. John C. Kunkel. We copy from the Washington (!M the remarks reeently made in the House of Representatives by lion. John C. Kun kel, under the five minute rule, id the de bate on tbs bill granting pensioi.s tj tbe soldiers of the war of 1812. It will b seen that Mr. Kunkel takes strong ground in favor of the measure, and advocates it with characteristic zeal and ability :..Tel Mr. Kunkel, of Pennsylvania. I move to increase the amount one dollar. I move tbe amendment merely to give me opportunity to express my views iu tbe five minutes allowed ma upon upon this bill. I am not content that the debate in favor of tbe bill shall be sustained entirely by Keutucky aud Tennessee, l'ennsylvauia always has an arm for tbe battle, aud a voico for tbe soldier. The gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Avery) characterized that State as the Voluuteur State. Sir, I dispute that title with him. I claim that honor for Pennsylvania. She is emphati cally the volunteer-soldier State of this I'nion. More than once has she tnudered more gallant soldiers to tbe Govern ment than would meet its requirements, and never has she turned her back upon the country's chieftains, or been unmind ful of their services. The military ardor of her people ban enstamped upon her several peculiarities. There are some three thiugs whioh no public man in Pennsylvania can do and live ; he can not vote against supplies to the Army when actually engaged in war with a foreign Power ; he can not vote against any fair and honorable acquisition of territory by the Government ; and, above all, he can not vote against that expression of the na lion's gratitude to its war-worn soldiers which is manifested by grants of peusions. Ou these subjects, my State has fixed seutimeuts aud opinions, and I aui most happy that my own agree entirely with he- i have no doubt of tbe justice of the principle of this bill, and none of the ex pediency of its passage even in the pres ent condition of tbe Treasury. With all respect to tbe gentleman from Alabama, (Mr. Curry,) and the geu lleman from Maryland, (Mr. Davis,) who have distinguished themselves in opposi tion to the bill, 1 have yet to bear the first valid argument against it. Tbe ar- gument of the gentleman trom .Maryland, (Mr. Davis,) has been and the same ar- i gument has been urged by others that, : inasmuch as it is the duty of tbe citizen to dclena his country wnea ctuta upon, the principle of compensation upon which all pension laws proceed, is wrung ; that the soldier is only discharging the duty of a citizen, and is, therefore, not entitled to be paid. Tbe duty is acknowledged and granted. It is a duty ; but it is tbe duty of all the citiz-jns alike. All, however, are not needed, aud all ran not sharo in ccssarily be discharged by a few of them. 11,11 fw mu8t eucouuter tho hardships, - privations, ana uangers oi tne camp, wuue the great body of the people pursue their i peaceful avocations at home. Tbe victo- rious peace which is won by the sacrifices and lives of the few, inures to the com mon benefit. Thus, those who remain at home in tinio of war, become debtors to the soldiers ; the generation wbieh pros pers in peace, to tbe generation that con quered tbe peace. Civil and military ser vices are upon the same footiug, and if tbe soldier is to be cuntcnl with tbe con sciousness of discharging a duty to his country, why should not the civilian ? I cau, indeed, imagine a Republic iu which all functionaries discharge their trusts from considerations of sheer patriotism and du ty ; tbe President, bib Secretaries and sub ordinates, the Legislature, Senate, and House, all discharging their several func tions without compensation, and only un der the inspiration of patriotic duty. In such a Government, you might say to tbe soldier he did only his duty. Hut such a Government is only imagination ; oertaiu ly it is not ours. But the argument used with most force against the bill, is based upon the exigen cies of the Treasury. It is said that this will involve au annual expenditure of tan or twelve million dollars. That is tlu es timate of the Commissioners of Peusions. My friend from Iowa, next me, (Mr. Cur tis,) who, from his labor and research, seems well qualifiod to judge, assures us the amount will not exceed (3,000,000. Doubtless the passage of this bill will re quire a large annual appropriation. lie it so. If economy is to bo exercised in this Government, let it begin somewhere else. Why, sir, bow shall we answer to these scarred and war-worn veterans ? Shall we say to them, " V.'e believe your elaim a just and honest one, and we would cheer fully vote yon something out of tbe na tional Treasury, but tbe Treasury is bank rupt, and we are not able to do it V Sir, would tbey not point out our immense grauts of land in the western Territories to Kailroad corporations ; tbe millions annually expended upon Fortifications; tbe millions wasted upon these Edifices, &o. ; and put us to shame ? Sir, our citi zen soldiery stand in lieu of a standing ' army. Have gentlemen ever calculated ESTABLISHED At 41.50 per tbt) expense of standing armtes in tuna ol I 11M. .. li,- . 1,.1 I'liuver of E l- p ; n:c i ' ' uj, u - - rope expends more in the maiutaiuaneeof its armies, than tbe whole amouut dis bursed by this Government for peusions :.- t. Q,,...,s H.U bill ... ii iab.nld involve ten or twelve million dol : . , . ., i o,. ,. lars? Tbe people of the Luiti-d States I , ... ,-, ,. ,,., - are willinir to show their gratitude to tne . ... e . i it. ... 1 gallant defeuders of their bouoraud homes, , . ti i. , ,i :, ,i. ' even at mat eost. mt "s, i American people would submit to, wou L. nn;.....;n tl.a ..lme.ireni.if nf this ).., ;t Government by direct taxation. But, if t . ...! i v. pensions for these brave men could be r. . . , j ;, rai-ed in no other way, I verily believe ' tbey would consent to raise the money di rectly from their own pickets. Uerc the hammer fell KATY PEASE, CF UTICA. There is but 1 on earth I love, Aod iliat is K-T-P's; Without tier, wher'n.'er I rove My bear! is ill at E's. She dwfll bevonrl ihe dep Hue C, In lovely K-T-K. 'Vork Stale 3,000 mile-s rr more From Cat i nr ni A. Venns might N V her her charms. Whe-n rlecUr.l in full K-A ; AnJ then in paint her l'a Ci O's. Twere idle to S-A Her cheeks K'O-7. as the morn. Her teeth are white as r'a'U To fill one's love with X-T C, ; OU, she is just the girl! The I-V green climbs at her door. The sweet-P biossoms there; Of all Ihe flowers lhat ever blow, My K-1' is most fair. I do not lavish M T praise. Through wild X-S of love; But. t.h ! 1 worship her next to The 1) E-T above. She is the liitle 1) 7. B. That sweetens liie and home What su-rets were mine ci.uij but I lay My I'tT upon her comb f Though former j. ys K dead tu me. That once I held so L) K. I will not mourn their sad D K, Nor shed a single T R. And though N-F-I fi I am, As everybody t"s, I ask but one lo P-T me. And lhat is K-T-P's. Her smile or sympathy would soon My N-R H restore. And make me something like the man I used to 1) U- t. Xot Riven 2 Q P-D-I-T. Yet I've r-noush tf r-eif; 13ui still F-.M l . s I'm grown. An I careless of tnye:f. My coat and vest K C D now, Mv pants let in the breeze; Lite's turbid stream runs 1-C coid, Cnwarmed by K-T-P's, Apoxtrnphr X-Q's me, K-T as I live, 1 hope you soon 2 C ; And then, if - moihet'" d m't object, Y married we will U '. And then prepare, my charming I, 2 vamose I-T-K ; For we will go 2 O-I O, Or else ! I-O-A. K. T. J. Scs.nted Oils. Some of tbesu arc sold by perfumers at a very high profit. They can all be prepared at a very small ex pense. Take a quart of common olive oil, and heat it in a stoneware vessel, up to 212 degrees, then aid half an ouuee of sal-soda, and stir all for fifteen minutes. Allow tbe oil to cool, and a sediment will fall to tho bottom ; pour off the clear oil, and seeut it with any of tho essential oils, such as rosemary, bergamut, and lavender. One fourth of an ounce of essential oil will scent a quart of tbo prepared oil, which is very excellent for the bair, and equal to Rowland's celebrated Massacar oil, sold at such cxtravagint prices. Mrs. Dowlas ox the Late Cax- yass. A correspon.lent ol the Vin- ccunes eun. upenkiiiir of Mrs. Doni?- las. relates that, at the Chicatro celo- a few Uays a-o, Mrs. D. was nketl how shi; rtooil the canvass, "Very well,"' said .-lie, '"but I must co j ami get my husband some clothes ; ,i0u'e right and bonor. He saw the hus i he has come out of the bntile half na-1 K,n,t,a,i the mothers andi-hiMren. keJ. I got him two dozen shirts last j intrujt;(j t0 his carCi aDj hit s,eD(i-er flirm M.rinT. and two or three sets ol bttnls i , . , . . i-Lo lost ali hii shirts but tu.. and ' be ,he orJtr8 ,or Ur dcPaure. one that don't bclou- to him and all j fC9m"x ' 0DCe ,0 Kro" n,ore ertc' n4 the studs but four, which belong: tonrra; he muscles of his face swelled; four different sets, and, besides he j his dark eye glowed with a uew fire ; and hasn't any of the other clothe:; that I bis whole persou expanded and beautified he started out with." Ilij old white itaelf by the power of iutcarU tmtiun. I hat, however, rode out tho storm, di-, hi4V8 ofltn uutlctd ihls iutt.rt3,;Dg rbe- Iai)idatt.d,butsafe. j BonienuUi aui, taM uuu to tha couc;usioa Honors to a Colored Man. Fau-j if mau, or wouiau either, wisbc to realizj bsrt, a young man of color, from Hay ti, I tbe fuil power of persouui beauty, il uiu?t obtained tho Libett prize the prize of ! be by cherishing noble hopes and purpo honor at tbe concouree of all the colleges ' ses by having ouicthii.g to do aud winii in France, held at Paris. On tbe recep- j thing to live for which is worthy of bu tton of this news, the Emperor immedi- j inanity, aud which, by expanding the c- atcly sent him ono nuulred and fifty hand- somcly bound volumes, a company of Na- tional Guards was despatched to wait npon him with a band of music, and ho was in vited to dine, aud did dine, with the Min ister of Public Instruction, occupying a place between his lady and Priuce Napo leon. Besides this young man, two other youcg Uaytiens also took prizes. Ex-Pkesidf.xt Pierce was recent ly turned out of his hotel, in Flor ence, because the ex-King- of Prussia wanted tho accommodation for him self and suite, filling twenty carria ges. Tho es-l'resident, it is said, yielded gracefully, but one of his democratic friends sent the poor old King and landlord together to a ve ry bad place, in free republican style, and ordered his carringe and bill on the instant, shaking the dust off his feet as h.9 left tha unworthy hotel. IN I843....WIIOLE NO., It'J. tear, nlvay) In Idvaice. An AppaLiicg Contrast Kcv. Dr. Murray, tf Elizabethtowo, writes thus of bis hrt visit to the Fulton Street prajer meeting : "As I glanced up .n the b'gh briik st 'res in Ann Sir. e, tbe n.eniories of ; '" ' rtherdavs rushed upon me. WLerelhoso . , .- bru-k stores unwrise.npwaidsof thirty ytar . . , ! ai! there stood souia wooden baiMings ot t I vcrv low y i rcten.-ious. In an upt er room J , of oue of them there dwelt an cid colored ,j 1 woman, th. n widely kuown ss Aunt lietsey, or Sarah which, I now forget. She was ' very old, and very feeble, and remarkably ' J ' i pious. And some youug men, mostly from ' , ,7 , ,- . . I tie Presbyteriau and Methodist churches, . . ' uciu flakes uiccuu iu uci vu vu Sabbath aflernon,aa she was too infirm to attend ou any of the public means of grace. ...While absorbed fur a moment in these recollections, I was awakened from my revery by a familiar voice in fervent ex- : donation. It was that of one who is now one of the princely merchants of New York, but, in bis youth, be was one of the ! young men who met for prayer in the room j of Aunt Betsey, and bis wife was one cf the little girls, who as the ravens did to j Elijah, carried to her daily food !...One of them rote to emineoceae an accomplished writer and editor, and for years has served bis country, and the cause of Protestant ism, with distinction as a Minister at f. reign court. ..Another of them is an Ex Mayor of the City of New York, whose band has never been withheld from any work of religion or philanthropy.. .Anoth er is the honored partner of one of the largest publishing houses of tbe city of bis residence.. .Another of them has risen to eminence as a merchant, and is a pillar in one of the most imp rtant congregations in tbe British Isles... Another is also a well known merchant of New York who bas a heart for every good work. ..Another it a useful minister in the Western States, whose labors have been eminently blessed in turning many to righteousness... I was myself among tbe youngest of the compa ny, and when I was first invited to join tbe circle in the room of Aunt Betsey, was not a communicant of the Church." These statements were made in the prayer meeting, au 1 after Dr. Murray had sat down, a man rose in another part of the room, his tremulous accents showing the feelings that were within him. " I have," said be, " recently visited the pris- I ou at Sing iog. As I went from eil to ' cell, I met with an old man, who told me j a very different story from that just narra ' ttd. lie said that, wbeu young, be was one of a company who formed an infidel club, and who met once a week for talking iufidehty, gambling.and drinking, not very far from the upper room of Aunt Betsey. Aod I was shocked as he toll me of the end to which bis companions came. 'Oue,' said he, 'died by bis own band; another by the band of violence ; some in tbe State Prison ; some of delirium trem- .; and, as far as I know, I am tbe only I one of them surviving; and here am I, in : the garb, and daily at the work, of a felon." Xac Turk Examiner. j , ."u lT7aaunu. j rA truth that we bave often appreciated, . is beautifully expressed in the following: As we were about to start, I saw tbe captain move to an elevated position above ' tbe wheel ; and it was interesting to see bow quickly and completely the inward i thought or purpose alters tbe outward man. i He gave a quick glance lo every part of tbe ship. He etui his eye over the multi- 1 . i - i i . 1 L : j ,uas com,BS va vod lue ' ,a,OD j w!'ou, WM ,be American Ambassador to j England, who, if the captain may be said to embody the ship, may be said with equal : truth to embody in bis official person a na- : pacities of the soul, gives vxpausiou aud j symmetry to ihe body which contain it- I'rof. I'fham. Frosted Fkkt. T cure the intolera ble itching that follows frost-bitten toes, it is necessary t.i totally exclude the air from the affected part. If it U not ac companied with swelling, gum sheila -, dissolved in alcohol, applied so as to form a complete coat, is the easiest remedy I know of. It dries soon, and does not ad here to the stocking, and generally lasts until tbey are well. If the flrsb beeome swollen aod painful, plaster of good sticking salve are of great service, but if highly inflamed any mild p ult:ce that will exclude the oxygen of the air front tbe diseased part, and keep it moist, al lowing lie recuperative powers of natnr to do the rest. Burns aod ii.'d rtiy ta treated j"CfEsful!y iii tha Batr.e iuaner. 1 ( 1 rv '?Mf'(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers