Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 31, 1858, Image 2

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    2ti? aw
I! Mi'Tf'.tTrft iP ItrrtTttr-l a i Oregon and Kansas. I ta.Attempu of the HorJcr Ruffian! "Nt-mxi. Hous." To find the nr,T5al
J-I 4.U1 JiiUl il VL-IJl Ullirir. i Tl,e Democracy (so-called) are doing party in Kansas to revive llieir bloody ! weight when tlio grogs weight in given, is fltGCftA
. ' 1 I , 1 i i t l.-.- r.. ' . ... .- a
I moir i.e-.i id urtny uretfon, wnn iwo i.'." i reign, nave oceo roanc, ami mantuny re- ; 10 sumo a dilnuult operation. Any one "
' comptnii I7. S. Senators, into the L'uion. aisled. Gov. Denver ruaJo treaty of who can read figures, clu see at a glance, .
j'ri.perl worlb above $1,000 Yearly,
VS ffrr.rWa. .,.., ft.. I .w,... o.. .....
t7rVlV,tT.TfiVw "' f""",'ui ,al-lc, ha. tbe net -'" FOR S&L.E,"-3
---- uno, as follows: j free tale leaders, under which all for- weight of a hog is. J lie table is made
Fiw lm, naiional: Shivery, sertional ! j
farnver. Administration 8.SSJ
Kelly, UppoMium 4,199
Pcailciiiig 47
nier ''political disturbances were tobeig- i from the " Kentucky Rule," that is, fur
Total vole
The State Legislature
Meets next Tuesday, at ILirrisbnnr :
iiin! we hope lo have the Governor's
M 'li!:i "T ii, liionii f.n. ...... .......
rr , . " j tbe I.ccntpton swindle, as follows :
In the .110110, . the Opposition have Aga.ns. Ihe . Propo.sit.on" U.499
n decided majority. and will prohal.lv ! For do 1.7DI
have no difficulty in orfranizino;. The1
most prominent V.-Mulidutes for ncrt-' Total vote of Kansas 13,290
l:,ir.,.l',,l.llMri'l re-..!..:'..! " " Oregon 10.1115
vniiuui riuilhllll
IT ronsisls ofa LAIUiK SAW MILL.
! nored. liccently, an eltort was made to tbe first 1UU lbs. deduct 22 lbs. for gross : 1 web a l i.r-i of
1 capture certain of the Free Stale parly, for the second 100 lbs. dcJuct 12 lbs : .anil adjoining, and a
.v rxox intxn; i'A.
nod 'l imlirr
rotiiily ; m.C.A .Law rence Esq. of More vofers In HaDMsi ,!,
ii.ii i iMiui-g ; lt.u ."-nucon li. Ciiase ol
Snsnilelltir.nn rmtttf.- liV,. ,1ns .
.fitvs, there are maiiv rm.licanti'o..t ! inR ""'r b,,t ,a ""' A'""u' "ith !
f whom selections must be nnide- nt,d ! E F(,l KT" TnE voteiis, because
j under some liorJer Ruffian luw or writ, I and for the third 100 lbs. deduct 61. All
A boor the same time, Kansas voted ou ; which was baffled, cicept that one man : over tbe third hundred is net. Ohb t'ar-
I was taken prisoner and confined io Fort ' nicr.
Scott. A report from Missouri slates that j
i Capt. Montgomery who appears to be a
j kind of Ktban Alien out that way baa!
i taken tbo Fort, and rescued the prisoner. I
i The reports are perhaps exaggerated, and,
The same so called letiioemey are do- ; ""ns'uering their source, it will be well to
wait for full aocounls.and from both sides.
There has been no Governor in Kansas
i this delieste di.tv t!. .;n bc is U.-puMicao ! ! I ,or ,0 ,,me- but ,bere wooW b8 Pc,t-e
piou.oio iheir oun" comfort and' con-j 'N"' is c;ii!',J D.'"i"craey with one ! ' the Border Kul5;"' e'-ment was extinct,
vetiiviite, and confer honor upon their l-nd keep out a large Kepubliean State, ! Under color of -law," it seeks to keep up
.;irly and Ihe A.-sem! ;!y, )v st'leetinsr ; and with thu other bring in a amal'ier Le- ,iir''!'nces, and then attributes them to
lhi).-e of the highest moral land inte'l- ' cnnpton State, that they may have the ! ,Le e"h'ra or Free State p:irty.
i . . . i-uator ol ttio lutler tt aid in ILeir l'ro-! iKTi An niitin.r trial for imiril.-r rino I
min e d. .-u vino f a 1 1 1 lo- ie?t and a 1 a. .l ' Bf-An cxcitm;; trial tor rnurdur caia i
oi.u:it:e for heiter wajre?. than eriiltus,
in..! y,e hope the eleikships at least! -i.Mr.dson of Col. John KHtr.the Rcvolu
ill lie awarded them. Messrs. Rowe j tionarf .-fficer, who died a t'mon coumy.
! the Cl.'arlield Journal, and liower ' "
.f the William-tjort Tress Imro !,.., ! All About It.
named for elei ks. holh, faithful and
deservina: men.
Last week's Miltonian gays :
"Tur Iwrburg Chrtnicle has been talcr n 'o
I off in Cliuton county, l ist week. One ,
! Ilarter, an inu-keeperof Mill Hall, struek j
one of Lis own customers, named Hice, a ,
I blow which ehortly resulted fatally, al
! Ihoogh it was contended that Hice had
! previously received a blow whilo drunk,
' from another aan, which made him crazy
v. c i . i. tasK bv ihe Humebure Irifravh.Xvr nublih
, , . ":;s , ""ajuriiy Ol lliose , lllg a ,mle arlicle ln rc!,llllllllu Mr.Mullin.the 1 and troublesome, and was Ihe ro;.l though I
lv X,Ti .V'.'Cn:"lan,' ,but 'h. 'e; 1 -.'n.i.eoden, ol the Pub.,c Cr..und..al Har- 1 remoto r0 of aellth I)rink . .
lOlilplOIi Issue K s St.ltea has divided risburs. 1 herhromcleaiirses that the article . , ,, , , , '
I hem. The needless warfare ofo'i,e : c"PleJ ("" lhe M'Uwiiun. where it ap- j doubtcdly brought on his dreadful end.
of ih.; Dttchanan men a."aint C5ov ' P""rd ? ''", t Mnl"!ar1ar,icl? d'd n"Wr was acquitted, but wo do not ice
, , . , iKJ. appear in the Miltonian, but the editor of the i . .i . . i . .- i e
l'ackcr the inIts east up..,) Packer : t'l,.o.,icle altered it to .su,t h own views. If! how' on th" P""'1 tS before us, :
ly county eotieiitions in this Slate 1! "'1S c pud it should have teen ciediud." ' the Jury could have avoided a conviction '
ftn trolled hy friends of the National Yes well now let us copv ail th 'or manslaughter. Add another to the
Administration ihe proscription of ihree extracts, and sec "who's who and long catalogue of violent deaths from
j-ouus .iiiu hie. mentis generally who am t. in the Juiltowan, 3d mt., j touehiug the intoxicating cur!
hflvp ni.A.A.I o ct.;..; ..C : 11 .... i- ii i! . . . 1
u ui-it-i iiinieii , iippeius inu iiiiiowing extract, anu
self defenee.Jf nor of retaliation and ,' editorial comments :
jeventre. ov. Packer is not the man Ex-urm cviar.-Tiu-1 .a raruias pth
I.bi. Ih: Oz.
KM) gross will net 75
105 do 79 fl
110 do St 12
115 do 69 2
120 rl 92 8
125 do 96 14
130 do t)l 4
136 !! 11.5 10
HO do 110
15 do 111 i
') do IH 12
lfiS d. 12:1 2
160 do K7 N
IB do l:tl II
i0 do 136 4
175 do till 111
1H0 do n :
IH'l do 1 4'J B
190 do I .".a 12
2011 do I.VS t
205 do Iri5 H
210 do 17 3
21 J do 1,1 U
220 do I7K h
S25 do l.
210 do H5 15
2-'5 Ho ion 10
240 do IS", ft
215 do 2i 0
2VI i-ivj 6
" do 214 I
2H.1 do 218 12
2t5 do S2:l 7
270 d.i V2S 2
275 do S:W 13
2S0 do 2:17 li
2i5 do 212 :t
270 do 2IS 12
2. do 2.'i I
300 do 2o
Farm of 150 Acres of good soil,
wnh good 1. 11 1 I'll n sTs-
The watr-power emlTires t!ie whole of
Penns trcek. The Saw Mul will rut l.j.Ki to
2000 feet pfi day of Pine and ileinlork. N:.v
, isalde coi.reyaiice to the river and St.uc ca
nal at tielinsi ove.
j h"ever deques to purchase is expert'' I to
view the prtinu-r". ar.d m.iv then call on J- hn
; sl-e, tanner, or lohn M.Tavlor. Possession
i may heiven ol the Kami ami llirl.imn ini
! mediately, and of the Siw Mill ;:nd T-a!ier
on one niunia s notice, i.-'ec llan lio.l in
F Oil S A li I- . SSK.WKE Xmirc JOEL rover
f M V Res:!enrp,..i, .North Th:r.f rct, 1 Kelly to nship.l nion rnunty.h,,
I.Ail.ewishui, 31 It. front, and inclndiiis "" tl.iriernih ilar 'f ''''idiej. A. ). 1,5.
hack Imi ! lusr 52 li. deep. Uascoieni. and made a voluntary as-'tnineni ro me of ;i . '
Aitick tin 1 -h' il. Eiei v convenienc e 111 the 1 ' pert;, fi r ihe I cnefil ol his errrini.rs .AL
way ol c.ut-l'tii i 1 n c; . person- indebted to said Mover are amj,,,",
tli, a Kali Lot on Market v., opposite u.ake paj rnei.t, ar.d those havire clatm a-
is. Killer s resitl-nre, with a " nrt . .- I .1 Wa- rr' ",rm ,,ir seuiemeni. 10 me. wrh,.,
. 1 . . , , - . 1 . . . . .1..'.. .. triliv li.Tl-u.tiv JQ.
ler a nil new si:in.e ; very uesiral ;r I, r a III 1
ness stand, or residence, (or both eon, lone. !.j
Also, "tlier Lots, si ine wnh an 1 seme
wiiioiii lloitdinrs. Jllll.N I.OI'KK.
I.ewisbui-'. Oi'l. H, I'oV.
Ketly Tp, .Nov. II). I.'8 'uSp,'f r,fe
..- 'i'he -tii sertt-erf ll'eis to se.'I the
-.!rL' lit 1 . - Foundry at Ihe west
'-Vo. I 01 Jl.irli-I Mre.'t. inelieiin-;
irrr' 'i-r.'the Waterooi... tuio-e. and tl.e
,;..i-1i,io i v uitaehed- a'-. a I. me amount i f
I'.oorns ft. r Patent It-i-Vs lor A'jiici.lti.ral
";l iv.S'ovei.Ae. It is re;t,r.'ed as one
ot the l,es '.!,! -. ;. 1 c.,,. l.sa.e business.
I l' ' 1 o t o I . ,1 c I-. v. io
Bonr.et3, fee.
The nnd'TiciiFd resprrtfIlv ,Tr .
V TV''"' eitiens of Mililinbor? ato! v:r,j,,"
tioil !:,.' h.ls opened a new MijltnTv r!,
lishment nearly 1 ppostte lfas.rnp!u "
and has just return" ! from I'hiladelph.a w-i
a new and spferd;d a-.sortrnenf - f
' fiurl Wittfi r '',iiffs.Iitl!tiu,y!,,y.frt
Fea'l.ers. ar.d a'l ktrds ,,f F.tr rv nr; e',, '
t.-'pi Miss rATH.U.I.M;
TLf (i'reat .A nilia sailor of Hcalii
., I e I r. MO-l.,, , ..c s Kuoilv er.siosse.l in
M.oioo, . ,.. ...i:..-:, ,,,:. r, TO AM. MANKIND.
( i.itulllmis r S:ite nf m r.i:a ( run Prop.rij. . t., ,;,.j.e ,.; , ,,. (-,. . , . .. j.-. .
I'rire. rs.O'io -viz : i2,iiii0 down, 00 iVi.v tin .i..r pa 1 i:e ; ,.t s, h, .', . '" ' ' "J . ffl t F "'T t
eryofthe deed and possession. The residue. v, j'I.I.ia:,! H:;t'K. f. ...... i.,,r. J. (: Ca-i CrS Fk
"Sli.OHIi. it. iuur eoual annual payments, woh Fel . 1 '-'.' ., ... 1 "1. V ' J C 0 v iT'i'' ftr-
interest, s-eure-l by Bonds nt-.l M, ' ' , St-JlJ : ifJS
Ifff.ll ISKI.I.As. snr.burr, IVi;ia. 4 1 i-h b I 1 i ' c ; ... - -" . ( Jt!
..ecen,,. -3. .s,sw:i - 'o !:';';. V""".1" r'-r,-:" N . $
AdjourneJ 0rphan3' Court Eala cr
I)V virtue n(" .ili.i-, tu-lT ff Ihe itr -iir.s'
) ("t-urtrf ("tiir n t'iMiit:y. liec.Teim, I.
Ui" tin fersi;' r.!, I?rr'it'rs i-(" JaM v.i:i
an-i tr-s-.i-iii-iU ..1 iNA AC K.V.NCK, r., ia:e ;
tutf I't't-r I. vu:iip, i! cca-t I, u 'Jl t- p- .
r I'uT'tif S.ile, un 1 i; TtTi! h tl lac M.u
Min rami, ii. ".nd tf-.vnMjip, t n
Saturday, 22d day cf January, IC59,
situated ill sa-ii Wh.le iieei io usii-p, crt.ir.i
nins Sil-i'it 4( l l'. no re or
adjoining i.otds ol Jaeol. l.ei-r-r, Jol.o It.n ;..
K-o., Jacob Utt.l.l. ;,tol J. !in I'rr, mostly 1.1
I.l.uesnoie Itnil.ttn.l ail c ir.ue.l i xeer'oi? f.vo
is ,n a eo, d si.ee ,.: e ;i " 1 1 v.i-
. .-. Two. A 5,
ii'i: is
tit the 1; .
; (oiiel
i '. ' .( j
n. Ue.-r.'.
bo.- r, u,..T-
t- V ..:n.o
! J ill.ll s.
..I. t.t i Li.irs.
A BOON in Till. SM K '.
.1 .11 ...
. : i.-i r...
a. o.h-
It... .
' -b-
ii : e .
liiVM. r. ii-. a,
i' .. - i ; mi ! ; i
Teachers' Journal. :
We have received ll.p first number of!
future reference.
Aukasulmknt or the Senate Com
to be put flown personally, and to be n,'V..';" i.'.A rTZXuXt Z " The Teachers Journal," published at ! mittfes Out of twenty one committees
cast out of his cherished pany, with
out ;i vioorons resistance. Last week
a new Democratic paper was isstied
f.-MOou .tii.: to atsi.t.r a naixlsumt- et,u.iel..iry, ftnd .1 I tt. t .. I i i- 1. i ' ,t it tj . .uo :. 1 1 . .
1-ur-...l tlint t.iin-i--houia tiiiTe ol'.n, ti -bli . .1 ' tli 1 l,cu u "1 v x- " 4,1 rt.pioe, a , ,u u. it. oettaie, me ...u.ii, wi.uaoou.
' lTTh!X'imTit?!Sl !'i,t",t'i ?nuJ Magaxioe il is.ton.coming monthly to muhirJ of the national population, takes
will. w. I... .1 1 1 11 n.,ir n k ,r - 1 . . I.:.. . . 1 1 r . . i . 1 . .1 Z- 1 . r .
ii H-irri I 11 -f I -4" f 1 1 i , .' J - 1 your uuur, nnuiiif.' at. ine ona in me jour ; me cuairmuiiMiip (.1 rot ktf.KN, icavit
il (iff lico of l lie lt(e Vdmini. ' r iU l "Ir Ili'Pn Vrreul Supriiitpnilpnt.has a volume of GOO pyes, of iirst rate art i j ro tbt; Nurtk, com pi iing hn iht'ttfs of the
: ti'. i 'i uuu unit: mi.i u. tu winu iiiL' u"iuiannu, i'u. ;tt r.i. 11 I19 uau Ul't'il
arrt 'l it
t'l'il. Til If 1 HI PTi' V" l.'K'T t
atop'riic above table is worth bavin fur iv rramv liwttiins H, n-p. -ji.i
Jl-irn.tV.:., wnli m mc- r rn:t i 1 4-( s ilitir. m.
lZ A W KM. t,I' ri'.-vf r-f.tJni- --. v. ;;i r. A
Mnall Stream of u "t rii-: tn t tf. :: :
A IO th" -" e M il" a -I p:,. . .;
st.:.! .i 'i'r.'.rl t-i H imhI i:i saM t- 'a-i:-
ship, cohiairiii.? a i..m;t i'l i-'y-I : v t Ai T'-, r. !
joining IjtitU .( J..i. II.:! .tr, 1.. K. At!., -n',
Cliri'-'.'ht r (i.ii r- it ati-i hf, wv , :,n,!-. -jt
jiniiPipai'y U ck (!, :,r, 1 t;'sii,m.
'tMl r i . : 1 .tif'O t l;i v i I i ' ,t;rtl
IT April. ."!. ;;n i r l liaur1 in tw. f i;'' i!
ariiuiil pa iii?i.t. v. r ii m. !."-: in :n !::
'(itr, ami -"-fuini i.y Mt.iji., !i-.m s,, u
'Ji vcn !i Arr;I. 1 .' :).( . ., t, o--n -i ti .Ms
. I piivnifr.t la- N.:i;;M.t'.i wl.h. Te p. am in
he n.iiiii t.i t,e :": 1.
s mi i:i. r. r nk,
Af I.' K. Jr..
(ii,- fi-r. I1 r . . n I - I'll i-n:,.- ,:it V.. -M
UK well knout, Til fill Sf as; el .- i
to lie tl.O most prominent candidate ' ernes, for the M,per,utendecv of the Public A happy stale of affairs exists in Union i 0t Alabama an.uland lawyer rotu . J,'' '" ;;;,'-,',,'; ,,:";,"(
Oil the Admm.stration side. , ""'T'" ' "Tr.sLnrtj. Mr. Mullen, the pie- COUDtJ jiht.riff (W.-rove having on S " bU,e ,,,a' ncwr ku," fch,P ,s l'Lalr- Co. I. will be sold on reasonable Terms.
t -The business of the Legislature, 1W tiffices and 1'ost ; Impure ,t NVIU.IAM mjick.
tins session, Should l.e transacted with ; Commonwealth might be the loser bv electing to the Eastern Penitentiary with the last I 'S""1 ,0 Mr lu,ee. of H'- , - - "r; " ;
.in tne speea consistent Willi correct- a new man Immamong the hungry crew about :!!m..,0 re 1 rn.;ci i ;, ... . - : Ida, who gets bis letters by bridle-paths! Valuable Farm for Salp
;,-r s-, ;i-ii
A.: . in
funk o
I .".:. A:
will !e .I-
1 i.:. nb
I' 1-.
.r t.
.1 tl .
: ... t:.;itt.
I. I.
a ;' !:!. (.;: i n.ir;
LotiTS .
'v i'i:l t: I ji ;:i
f .i!i: i' ."Mur a.m.
V ' t :.. ii : i ..
i i - I' ... u ... iv
ami m;oi:
tt istii
i.li- ;i 114 . . Li- . 3 !! J it to m tl., t
1 1 i:iny Ah nrn vfo
. r u-. . ...... .1-10 .. 1 ,;h.
" 11 ' .-. IO I ..' l,.-r .tl-i j .!,..!.,:., . ,
1 -1 '1 ..' r tn- .1:. ,t.i..
I.I f .. ...t.-int 1
1'.. . ;:ifl ,: i r:. It 1,-t;: . r -ft!.. . j ..
- 1 ub..
.t t rn
.1,- L, ,
it :
and oiiimsed to the Li.com uton policv.
'I he organization of ihe S.-iutle m .y
i.e dclujcd. V e see no names men
tioned fur Speaker, except C'oI.Greo j
on the Opposition side and tie ci r-,
t.iinlv know of no S.mutor Letter fitted
l.y ae;o. experience, and energetic bu
siness habits, for that hiirh station.
Mr. t'rcswell. of Blair counlv. seems
a i:.od e.'h.'er. He has saved some iiimip.'
doroi i n s tin,e,e.-e presume, and is now none
'ioeediu' the Co.ntr.onweait!.. The Common
wealth would doubtless l.e ihe looser by elec-
Ilea's. i.3u:oi; nt.-us
i."" t-. .-. . s. ti.i ., , .. !;,..;
:' I- S.l I 10 L. .mr
J I "A.
.i .,i s. u-r I. tt..
.w.j..i-; u.iiw. -. J ... It'to eolti- J rj ( Us pul.livdl.9, Il Wouid ho
prise. Jlny he rcalizi th it tdueationai . doubt l.ave b. en called "s. eti. itai ;" lut
........1 .. ......i i i .: i ... ii....: l i . . . i -
tin? a tint man from anions the hungry crew ' 11 "H '"-vino a fwi ijurnuioji i e- navittg uecn uonc oy tne J'emocrats, it
about llarrisbur-."' , Miltonian. ri 'dical. Teachers, Irieiids of the good ' mu-t be considered eminently " iiatinua'."
In the Chri.niele of the week after, cjusp, send M'Alpine& Haines, of Aden- I And theD look at the fituess of it. Mr.
an abstract of the above two articles town, IV, one dollar, and take, to your Huuter, of Virginia, a irdate neit d j .r io
appears itemized as lollows : faresides a No. 1 Journal. j bankruptcy, is chairman of 1-iuance '. .Mr
-cveiTiso i.osTrrT. I here is an exciting
rtlHF: t.,l,ser,l,ur ..lir: ft.- .-I- I.:- f
v.lu.ta ,n U hoa IUnr , I I-
'imtv.annut ihrt-e mis west i-t Milton, nr.ii
. . it ... - ' I lUIIIillU IUC JfJWISIHirfF .liil urlnoh u
).ess ; ana .l.e sooner the members get ; , ! 0w tcnantlcss ! This L.r ,,u ..l i Tl,e ' Capital to rpilB sni.scni.er
' ,c. M0 e.,o.'::,ar "' w!".hv- , ar : m, 1 r. ;" tcl : convict f i,, . i f -ipp. "-at.
4,1. u .n; UlCilltl H ill lie Lit; 11j1.:i ill- . i'"i luon III IllO'IOll II1C M li lOl.iail i " ' 0 -j'"ii ... , , - ... , n., , ., , ........... ...u. .....c ,.
itv of Ihcirlieiii.' re elected S-ilri-s 1 t-'ave it u kick and then both eoollv ! diposilioD, it was feared he might get the i ' ' " , , u.t1'lor"J " ;f l.ewisl.nnr.contair.,,,- i:.u
nnd : ..f nl? .loon..;. ..I i nt.es it tn oiirr-ilill all Mtr e.,i i W if kent alone in the Cion ! i ,0 Mr' 1 earcc of Maryland, wh.cu n.aUs , acres. Ku c.eared. and . a ...,1 state . f eul-
Le re.lu d rather than im-ce.,! ",n is addinir to the Teleerat.h's t.art the Hotel. So the Sheriff showed hi ,... I ' crirac n'd tbe Bib!- - I)'vis. ' iVame n.'iLZVrTnTillT.,, tZ
accord with the times. '-Rio-j,! ec'on 'rds "at Hurrisbnro;,'' and softeninir itv by taking him where he will have nlen- hu aJvi'es Mississippi to establish armo- a Well et water .nhe eejiiiri.(.aiR(a1diS,,,;i,ff
; whole arlicle arc ours. The omissions - ' ' '. Mr. (Jreen,
-'.!. 7 ' .i ' i i. i.M, ,i . .--.I ;.7.7
':' ,r ;' ' -r the , . t i i ,
lui o r pasi !,i . , . s. . e i , i , i t , :
;' or l ,::i.ri , i.s . t . i-. s
am::s v.sii!Nt;Mi.,
est tn-e .,,;! , l;u,,.r, iJ ,,.....,. ,;.,.,.
( I.ii'e s.itn't l'..Mtrotn's)
r lt. II.IV Di l l 11 I it V.. oi
J-7 ('niiijniiiibl Lxirail nl 'Ju-lno i;r-;,i.
I uti- r. .
i t ..
I" --'in '..:;.:.l)rCf
1- ' .t, i . :x . n r. a, C, rri I
1 if n W i n. . f all k.i, .
H i, M " - V i,. ., r. ;i r,u uti'. b- , T:t i
... , ., ., ,. iltr di-.-frroiMr- ii I
,: ' oi it; I ..t !! L..k -f ,l,r.-.-;.r, I
Biei.ti.a.h M.if..x; tl . sin,,. t::iT 1 ( ;iti .(
' ii. un it.-? v
itv i r ait,i
i- r, a- frr
t -a :t to u
4 l...li. riinirr...... nf l.l,t,.r XffA.. "r,Pr
iue ri'i rf'scnianve oi the l-r- n ti.a h nu.i . ... ..
ortine Droinrr l ypns, on the North and ULT -imiiiaiifl, is Itiaue Llia.rnian ot Jerri- , aho a tcnam h..ne. S;:iil
a f t tl
u IIP n..'i- ii-,,
I-iOn , , t J. ,.ri.:. i.( .
1 t. i.i. i: i lii;i:.c;..Jerv Kit -cv,-:--..'o,
II.a.t.K-h-, h...ia ., j ,. ...
1. 1. .til:- nftuli ii. r- .-.T: : t - ,
!tl.:tr I t hirj'-IIit li-, U I..!.' .-u. ; ;t..
I i r-. rt ui ill 1 ,i. r- .-in.; 1 r.,r ,7,
..tt: - i:...,.-. i.ut Kai.i.i i ,r,i:
!,' rrt iV.tta. 'iVfr.-r. r,:l.
...i :..-,
iir ,
r:Tiif,r. ri- f f I -
1 - r.. si. 1 1 Pl,
.- Ot i..;i ii - tl.'-. ,
li.Ut-vi I;ii iu i i
trnti. C
-I'lttahnrtf (iazrttr.
'Micro sIioilM In no inrrc iMrjnn:il
or tivti: niiiiosilinn tn tin. Cmm-n 'w;.y itflwt tiio sen?r
who we Mk've is carryiuir out tli I T,lis ?Ii;,.v Pt0In a pmall mattrr ; lut VVeM Branches- h:" recently been enB?Rfd
.-sintvtnir r una ioiicv inaumirated l.v " " me i etegra pn oriL'iuaies tne . , J Time-Tahlp I eu khurrr I! I! Ktntinn
Cov.'s Johnston anil Pollock. Col"- ont,overy by talking about "bleed- J,"u 8" ,n,'ue,,,ia' ' Kysione Ktl.tonal j lime ld W7, Sf, ,UD'
dial co o pera I ion will, him, in whute-j ing' t'e Slate overlooks the Milto- "'""' - . : l.ishtnin- Tram passes i.ew'isburg 33 M
ver is i:h;ht and expedient, w ill be nmu s broadside upon llarrisburir in Incendiarism. l'res. linehanan's in- : Kipress .,,,,,1) d.. 1 1 P M
found not onlv most pleasant, but al-o ,ts would doubtless and Iheti seeks cendiary Messaie. Snvs a Washington Mr. : 're.ghi & Accommoda.ton i;:3; P M
1 .
riMii: c
.1 ,
i'u:li nail.
say Arrcs may he hail ve (.ara'e.
jMso :i Acrrs of t-tnht r land abt-tit thrre
fcfmilrs west of sai ! (.inn : ihe tint! tr lai.
can he purchased id lei. Inotiirp nf
"rm?.ipd ja:i:s n.NXKV. Mot. n.
1. :i,
. -4 I-
' 1 .t- i .- i tl-1. r. Jf . (j.,-. i v n
tl.r- ,t h ll!ri. k.
Ai.i i i.Ain i; a Mm i ua i j v j. .
lir. l.u- ii;,,-..-. .In ,..t ... t,(,.
1 1 .hi i.. m:,i: vi r
r. . j ; r.. Mr. t-i. .L. ie i r.i:il
t in Hi- .-
r.-. i ii iiit-i? 1 i
.iFor S.tlr,
H I t .t t
4:10 P M
1 1:110 P M
10:11 A M
r Hi t. restdenre of the si.l.sei :I er. on A
.Market sireet in the Poro.ich oll3
I.ew.sb.ii". 'i he h. nie is cf EKll'K.
finished in every respect.
Terms One hi. If to be paid btueen this
and the first day of Anrtl next: the baianre
Danville anil Caltawissa Wavmail. Pailv '" f,e raid in two. three or f.i e years, as may
most profi.ableto us as fcllow-cilizens, 'j' oa.t the whole responsibility upon i respondent, is .he ...pic of conversation, i Express (passes iVwS
and advisable lor us as a party. i C lironicle, lor afterwards copying j The more prudent .Souib. ru men c.ndemu Lightning Train do
mong the questions deservins of a ' :1 V'll' c 1 111 a lunch less j the President f .rthrowing such a firebrand Freight & Accommodation
tvere scrutiny bv the Legislature, as ,"'"thc K'ini-it certainly looks as if! ".to Congress, and thereby rcviviug the Inwirtiirw Pn flfBro
.i i:. ..". .'. i ' i there was some secret .,,,;.. it if Slav. rv ,.iiat.,... .....r...t;.... ... .i. linwwaurg rosi vmce.
iiiit mini mini oi uie; jteopie s interests, . . . x t J , . ' p,.w,g .u uu-
t ,)..tn!lsrr..l . . rt, .n ... ...... ... w... ... I .II.lt 'U UH, 1.113 1.1 .I.K.t :.. St.....1 1'IVl.nn;. ..111. QilV IL f-.'l n mil Dx.itr. ..In . . . ... ...... .
,,-,,,.iioj,,o,.; unL-iiiii-ni . -- " I . , , J , - j e xcept sunitavs) via Caltawissa H. K, closes su.t tne niner. 1'. sses-n n civen m y ttm
the Stinbtirv .V Erie Kailroad C'omp- 0,i."'r ll!:, throuah us. it is wantonly 1 a expected that the .North will keep si- ; at ..clock A M June , is.",s Isaai; w AI. ITllt,
ai.V. in the "manner of their disposal ' 1 1 ' j ' 1 s 1 . lor we alone are accountable l' nc'. when the Fresidcut himself re opens ' Southern, Fastern and Western mails, via
of the Public Works at resale 1'ver mat arlicle. thus obtained. We the Kaiisas tjucstion. ' N'orihu.nberl d and Harnsburg Daily (eicepi I'OK SAM:,
a sincere friend of that most import- k,"mv !".'" 'exciting contesl.' Two new townships have been formed , wlhern' and Wern" Iiii.m.nor. A ,i0,),) rAI!M fojIHPfly limiiiici
sint. Knod. and aeeoiiin.r iti .r,.,,,.,-.,! 'l7'. m nuntei Otis a illcaiils, la lACorninrr couuty. bv the division of' and Kl.nira. Ilailv. re.eem Sondes'. - a. ... i neison. now ny 1 run, inter
will, ihe .n.licv nf rli-i.osii,,r r'.f il.,. or l!e 'bleeding,' excf t.t from ihe Tel-: Hepburn aud I.jcomii." towushins. Tl, ' ai 3 o'clock P .M
Works, the chanre that the Company ('-r!'l'1.1 "'-f'" J a,,d !,Itl' llic Senior of o;ef saya, the new township fori
1st . T ,r l 1 1. ; -.
bo,. Ci: , 1 ti..- i, r,.; ,. :.,
.T',-,.lit.-.r.r ,(,. . . .. ...,,;.,,.. ,,
1,-rt.,-. it, tl -it h'.-r 1 ,..,1 .. . .
it. I,.,.,,.-. ),, , , ;
IT LAV Is HI! IRw.lr-..
' f liiiii...- - i.i .- iti. ;, f.-.i,,,,..
.. I- 1 vi 1 1
I- ,iiii,l.n l .e -aiir. I.i liAii,.' Tbe :.tf
. ti. r- r. r t! -is- si , e 1 1 j a:i, Dt. ic ..,-
i: ... o..h 1, .
r-Tuc r-top h- retoforeejimr tt-
ti-d ;.s V..!s, A (;,, . Ihl. "
,xr,u An .H-tcs ai .1 fi ok accounts n;
iif l..ce. in the bar. is , f j, r.atfcan ,-.
at . I II. P. beliir l, r cdlecte n. to whom t4
rann.t.rs ,,, I,,,,,,.,. A!, ,.,.,,., Un, .
ii.-' ;h. it.se. i,-s meet td (, .a:,, ,;rra. art r,.
oi.'-sie.l to ii.;,kc in ine.lt.ve rnin.er.t. Ar.l
ni ;.eis,..s ,;,vu ela.ii's. i,i pe-rnt fh.n
tor seiil.iiiti.:. s AMI 1:1. tiKUDFs.
JAM lis M AK.-H
!. w .si.i.r, ist, t. is h, ls-' s.
. ,i it
i ...
.ii..li..mt :n.,t t.
Ul.l-. II,
I. I It ti, 1... ,
I.T ! 1 .
I t..l
L The F, nttdrv Uiisu.es. will lc eon' r.
n. ! at the old lace as usual bv the subscri
a.rs. where lin y mil be pleased to attend
me wis.e , i those who may favor them id
J. . VAKsil A CO.
i:o tr an inn
l.eu :st in
formed bv .'"lion, .ew l olnmhi.i and H h. Deer M.!i
, ; . V the .Millonitin M.ent throe vears n ti i the division of HeDburn ha. been ,. . I i ."". daily (except Sundays) ai 8 A .M
s......i... C..S....SS.U imuicsi ill .... ' . , I.-1.1-..1 ..111 . .
ted bv
me line ol I in n and fnyder c. unties. e,-n-taniina
170 acres, f h cli about loo art
cleared. The public road from X-iiim,!,!,-,-.
land to New r.crlin pusses ihioi.sh it ab. tit
lour miles from .Noi ihumherlaiid. two li. in
W.i.lield Iron Weils, four or live Horn i.e-,u -.
burj;. Title i.i.ii-j.tii'.le. .),- 'on. I ..." the
purchaiing money c.-ii. ar.d ihe res, due in
cjual yearly pavineuis with intere-t. secured
by Morlgaae and Ib-.n.N. 'l ite wh. !e l.act
is fit for cultivation, an-l includes a lair por
tion of meadow ground and timber Ian,!.
Im.utre oi John Vrnt ei.i.i n. nl Wmiieid Ir
on eriis, or of lit Oil lit.'.t.AS, Ast.
Su i. tun. v. Sept. is;;f, ;ip,i7.:t
In S...i...,rT. t- .1 r r .1
li-...-. ...s K- li nil, 1
ti.-r.l-i.TO- V.. T- no,- 1, ;
. . ruri it:n r 0:, ti , tt,-, ,.
a i:.i.-i:.,i. ) ,.t;i-,:...-
ini) r- i. in- : t. .i. ttit'.t ti n
i;s:i:i 5i its.u.
1 !;.. An. :n,t. I
Prinlini onD fKndinjj,
tjle and on lal
foi: SALl
VKKsmn.NCKfn North Third stri
it betnr a Halt I.. (iroi.ii l. h
.i . . -. i . , .j. s..u., r ,,. .PI, .,1, ....,, undreu. 1 11.1 l.vi 1 I. i..- . . ' r. . .
inc Millie, m a tarze sum. i.v pening , . , ' 1"-1 "o. -j- - -' "..-..nmg (except sjun.iavs) closes at 7 o clock a M
lo favorite for less than other rest.ou- K'A !""''!" lo J'J? hc propen- 1 "re ,t,e Lai", s u' townships formed , WmCrid. .New Berlin and l.ewist..wo,.Uiiv
sible men olTered to give -wUl be H'l"'s (f "'""'-''V crew,' yet we arc , "J7 ,1,e ,llvl?",n of Lycuming. The river 10 N"w tt"" (eepi .Sundays) closes at 4
fulivmet. If the charge 'be without "'.'1 o think more limn one just : Wwn?l"P lears a"e f Old Lycoming. '"LxrF w,,i.,,ir if
fonndutio... the Company should be ?' f"-' 'nan could there be found to Samael Hamor, of Danville, has been ' KebMadlslS
arrpiilted in public fame ; if thev did '"' Vie "Ulce " question. appointed Mail Agent on the C'atawissa, -h week.elo.es 8PM f nishi preceding,
w ronfr ihe Slate, they should make "'''.''" ask the Telegraph to set : " iliiamsport t Kluiira UilroaJ, iu place : BnCaloe A' Hoads and For.,HiH. Thursday
nini.Ie re-liilitiotl m 1'ir''t Lcf.jre its readers in this mat- 1 cf Jeremiah Hail, resigned. I and amrday mornings.closes nmht previous
1 " ' ler - ..nil tlm Miltnni.m lo-l,, -i i o Hnsiness hours dailv. (except Sundays.)
The last, Militia Law which it is ' f '.1',,on,!Jn Ioa,JiIy 1 Sorghum Sugar and Molasses have been from CJ o'clock A.M. unal S PM
said passed the House a a joke, and ', k .''."p . t !' U?rt'a n hat we made in large ipinntities by many fami-1 fian.ps and Stamped Envelopes at the ro
was not all read there is deservedly j ' ' .." . . ".v ' !"u'; j " t,,tl' ""a year.
unpopular, on account of iis cxpeiis- i BCongress last week adjourned over ' A new census of Hollidaysbur" reveal;
ivciifss. its ninbietiitv. and its lis. less i ...... n. i. i h- .l . ..... I its tiotiulatiun to be SITS
itnd ctiml.rous chau-es Its ini'iiedi-.te , "u '""i- sueu i.ttie pay . . . . , : tu good Mj le and on lair Terms,
1 , . , , , T i i ; c : all(i su'-h wion of arduous labor, 1 Tlie Nortl.uintcrland county Trial List ox siiokt mnti
; , i , 1 ' eJ " i -ai6l, need s,me ,iale to recuper- ! hs1 .rn M, ses within or 30 j AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE, 1 '
"Th ' " f l ; ,riftn. ;lm.,Bi-' I UrtV -tl'"'fL-"!. market Square, Lewishitrg.
7,,;..oi.. i .....i.. for thetoiJicrs ..f 1812, which should it i Cl Dn-V" w,'re c"T'ctcd at our recent
l. .t ........1.., r,,l ....!i..f i. it,o -s....'..u: Kcome
promised by the .vliylocks who pro- Btf 8
i iired its passage. Its repeal could "est
harm no honest man. The allowance will
of 7 per cent, interest on all new con-' time.
. , ...t.:..i. : . :.. v v i. : .i... . .i .. .... . . I " '"'" : t.,.. i.
..in. .- ..in. it i-ui.-hih. .e iuth, n.au iuwo wuu are silll permitted to run ' ' ) .' in oe known on ap
St., 1.1th inst., a new , f.'" "ii.ia .NttsillT.
.which theownerean ''sburg. Attr.fi. ;,s.
1,1,1,. . We,,.;,,.. ,ni,.,y..l,i,v,-r (ieoroia. were taken un. h... .i,. i:.i -r. .. . -ve oy rrm ,ng proper.y ana paying lor this
A'erv few P.atiks are asked for, and
there is a general Uisinelmatioii to organ at w asb.nclon says there is no way Col. John W. Forney delivered his Io
grunt any more Uank tharlcrs. t to enforce the law making the African ; tute on American Statesmen in Hullo
.-i n 1 . , i.-.. . ii.
I nat ricn. powei'lui anil ltiosi pros- slave-trade piracy. (liber proceidiu"s , 'oute, last week.
i e .l.e..l"
, in- I, r ?
1 1 i.i
i-i.iirv 11, .un,;
1 'i -i II, II 1
:v . r m. ie. I
: to n.l I,, r i;i
- l.r-t t. ..
:.l I. r I.
in: inut
i x v i c; u a t o i:
1 i. tr.u.Hi i:y 1 1; .s.ia ..,.
Ceii!j!bi!i;i:ni entirely rnm (.' A.'S.
I V, 1. ,Alil KAMi I.IV1T. IIKI.
tb ... i j.-. It
.. nut
luoi tr, :,f. -1 I r 1
t i.iis' 'llo.-s. .It
( - v.ii i-,;r ; r
lir. Ivi-- r..r
.1. i ill to.- r. .,r
tti . li.r.ot. l,., t,
l; 7H.. V si V.
.'ii. ' ! litii l..t..y ,, -t
iiskoit riM:ti:.
in- I.r In
)i:rp -r
:.i. .-ilirr ni.rr-
tf il .r.r f. !....
;rri i-
ft I uV, 1,. t n. -u-r t t
r :
. July 1-
it: II..
if ....
' ti.i.t Hi)-
''y itl - ut .
't-r. u l
a ctmfprtal)loTwn..Sii.r Unrk Housr. tiane
MaMe, c1! Well cf Wilier, and a vanetv ,f
choice Krtii.
Inquire nf J. U. WLAl t.iiLI.X, Aftei.t.
.-, t i .
ur 1 i.i I', s
in. I
a law, which is ereatlv doubted ! , , . u" ,0.r vime,l"- assaulting a I I 1 1 tin 1 bird or east Market St., . I suoscnoer et.ers Tor sale Ilia l large.
,, ... , I uruiiKcn l.ertuaii in the street, alter Olubt "'"'"'B. - - lw ciurtrr Itrrnsi pin. ! new, monern itini. oounie iriel. Loose,
iu publish iu full. On Tuesday j Three of these were convicted and sent to IvtSSZ."' .I5', '""' w ' . ';''y."l'po.te the new Presbyterian church.
they re-assemble, when the Senate the House of Kcfu.e, where thev will b -" atljoining ,he residence of r. Hayes. The
... ..... .. , , ' "-'"o v "ire iuey will be ,.j P . . ... ., : house is btelt in the lest sty e. rat rro.f and
occupy their new Hall fur Ihe first 1 'd for, educated, and well trained, i I E K S Enal.sh and f.er.nan Almanacs-, wr ipJ . . ' V-e d Welf
! beir lot i, infinilelv belie, ' I) C"r'SUan '"' A '"""-?. Water, and CitTiern of Pmt.Z 1 . i
New Jersey. ic. we think would be ySome of the perstms who recently , about our streets after night. Lock . ! 1 ?OVX0-On Third st
MS a mailer of Stale policv far prefer- hrought slaves direct from Africa into ! "ii Democrut. J -L I'OCKET KNIFE, w
Ve0rfc'W'. "e;e lake0 P but ,Ue GranJ ! T'-ey nre still trying to push off Sha- I adv't. 'liquire .he-Chronicle1' mce.767 . ALUA1JLK HEAL ESTATE
Jury rrjuyftl In Jui l a bill, and Luchanan's ; mokio money in some quarters. i . L'OIl SAIM
h a.li...... .f
i ( n kfi ..'.ii , i v. I ii i : r f . k.
I u'-l O-.- -I H.- :.-n r. .t,ii.'ni-; . .n t,- t.-i v
'n'i ' 1 ' " Ii' -Mi 11 ;4II
rM m. a hi-,.r iiL-u,.
'"l.'in.'.t c-Hu.i T-. ii..t,i.-;.,i... r-
!!'.'. ,r l,'.r.T,:"'a. Ir,!,rnitut ' r , ur ' I i ii
I hiladflj l.ia xi. j r..ii-ii:t n n. U:c
in il.- u mt. r t f !-... v. ... n , n
.ir I-,-; i;riif,. : arl t if ,. x ... , j
-onnfxit n villi i.ur tl,r- t -. .
' ril.-ttl. MI..1 ii:iT, ri m-onwi ..I- i.
i: i.;..,u:i-1 ... 1. 1,;..,,,,,.
Ibr's't" -"""i. I " ai-sl I l.,r.., .. t t.r
IV fail on the Are ns.J. P.AKEK A Cit.of
UlM.s ,,t IH. R ,,.,, , f ,.,, j, ,. "
J. Il.lM.il 4 1... ,-, .. r. utv -j...
I'urlor Mote for Sale.
A Hi ti ...... ,
. ..ww s, ,t,n nan i rarl.T Move, i.srd
-1. A. o
out a short time, lor s
'in. re ai the "Chronicle" nlire.
a e cheap. Fn-
IS. -pt.s-Iis
1 1 It I ST MIS is coming! and a great
y variety ul Toys, tlandies. Fruits, tlifi
books, Dolls. (Juin Toys Ac. &c, has just
been received, and is now opening for the
lieroil.S coilll.aiiV ihe Central Hail- mav r.rol.i.hlo 1... I,.,,t .a t i li..i.i p....i. i i . , Holidays al the POST OFFICE.
.. . - - -j j s.- 1,-uj s-vu.ucm, --i.iv. oi-.h: us ucen arpointeci ft Com-1
, i..,l, 11- II, 1.I-. .'.-Ill-il.-.. lll,,l.l..l- 1 , . ' ' - ... . 1
Jositii htl.Lv, AmiioDtcr,
OliI.lCJTS ihe patronage of the public.
rpHBsntwr.beron-er.forsale his Rei.tenr- iV, IS 0n l""h '"h sUre'-
I on the west side l South ?tcond street '. December . ".
in ihe Borough ol l.ewish.irg, between Ma. Let m- m r. .
ets,eons,s,i,, net-.ralotaud iw u.-"!ye aBa TaS-COL'CCtOtS.
and f-i.l.oms sotet
a nan o i urouiiu.makinga Ironlor.oj jeel on sat
feconu s.reei. an l r. lengtn 1..7 le.t.c
....... ..... I . .......s. .i.i..i,., SiaVe-traUers. lit. not. Ilie Una mn.1. A misMOUer lit .ItllilMta eon,.,i, ;.. ..f I htl7 a TfloD TTT TT-TVTirTJ O. WF-nT TTrTT,
lic-lH-rale elfort to "Ct lid of their , , . .,.,, ,l r'to UM a-.aaiu..x m uaiuxvu The improvements are a commodious three
I'oiin'l''e l'ax i li lft burden hich P'-g b ''kct taloo of their own JiU,LS Anderson, rested. a RE just opening , varied and extens.ve S?s.rey IIKICK I ) V Ml J J XU
.v.. ie'.rf .l,eV"-ilC l.e rn.n"r...'ll...l human Oesh ; but we fear that ihe hUto- I We -""I--rsla.,d (bat a man, who was io i ;sortment of tiOD adapted io the JSi. IjCT?SM. "f p.essci l.r..-lr.4r leet
e tlll.-t tiiet Will PC COIl ptllcd to , , ; . .' ua,fi f the community and to the season : ''V 'vet deep well finishedwith a
Dear Willi other subjects of taxation mU Lave 10 rcco,,J tho humiliating hloitcation fell trom a bridge j whlchhav, been pareti so as , enable ; marble base, marble stlis and 1I11C, ir. ,.",
tmtil Ihe State Debt is paid. ' Uvt "-' this Christian land, A. 1). " ,. ' Irj"'"n un l ni!,S morning last in- lhem lo sell al lces tha, jny competition, i a "re-Proof roor-with a Wing attached of
v.' , , t i- 1S63 uuder tbe l're.idene. nf i t0 lhc Lackawa"n r,v" nl was so much Co mid .' II. K. & .M C. 53 ''T ' leet-an Out K,ichen a Weil ol ex
- e shall copy such proceedings 18' uur ,be 1 residency of JamcsBu-; injarcj tbat Le djtd wi(Ljn f fc , Lewisbn s ,0 ,85(, j cellent water, with a Pump ,n, er r. f-a
of the Legislature as we deem impor- chanao, the foreign slave-trade was re-1 after. ;- - ! large Cistern also under r..iL L."
tant or interesting. lliose Uesiring openea, wttn an its atrocities. Buchanan r"e letter to the Pitts-
ion accouuiB oi lis uuuy piocucuiiiss e uave reports that the f illibus- burg celebration dcploriog tbe use of mo-
an i.u i,c-i ro.j.jM.vs. -j; , re puvcessiuiiy lauoiDg their men i ""v lu e'ec hob; tt i oor lellow, it borney
ihe PVy 7Vty,-.A, which will be sent: anJ umuitions in Ceutral America prepar-1 Would "P"1' wl,at he could tell of
daily during the kmoii for JI. Ceo. alort ,0 jrjlue neff gcheme rf , 1850 about the use of money !
Lergner A ( 1 ublishers. ; . f cxlcI1d,n , .,! ! The gross earuines of the Pa. Railroad
an.Ti.. j'..- .n.l .1.. i haw. r I J : i 'Or November werc8M0.226.e.l. oeinean ' ino'c now,Dg memseives in oeoi to
"oiler Am Z,: Ill t.e.in "A been effected. " , ncreaso over the same month ,-'," . I'"' r 'I'l.Tr.
A a Is proerallv known ili.n
j. a. soi.ectors have to pay imerest on the
i-a.ance due by then', alter tne se.-.-i d i'iie-,1 iv
it. January, f, nhc inb-i nii.tion ol ail concern
ed I will rite .l.e law . u t!,.- s,i .,.,
Pl.r.iois I) o. p.1?.,, -,M j
i;nota of any county te r.ot pat, I over 1 ct, te
the second Tuesday injanuarv in cach icir
lo the State Treasurer, then and in sm-h case
Ihe amount reman.irg unpaid shall be char"
ed asalnst sanl county on the h,iL-. ,.c .k
; Siable an Ice House and other necessary h,ale Treasurer and sla hear an interest rf
: out-boildtngs. There ar also on saidsl !'ve P cenl. till paid, and no payment shall
I Lot choice I ru, l Trees mil xhr..i.i...va be made in or in behi.if nt ....,) -
I ,4 TTORSEV AT LAW Office at i The location is a desirable one eiihe; loTL ' ,he various acts re.'atme to common . h..i.
XI. his house on A. Market Si. bet. 1st &IJ private residence or public business. )tj, on or any other purposes until ihe said ba anee
f'78 l-W lahurn). Pa. i the most elevated pari of ihe Borough, near be ,uli' paid 3,1,1 -"'l' 'l." This is the law.
.M.wvui, "ouse.ana out a short distance Irom n-pea you will govern y,. nrselv
.urn.- icrms will be made easy
June!), 1X57 . K. Mll.I.KR.
John B. Linn,
:,. ,..,....,, ,..
tl - 1 ,. Tsl f
Cilsili.. It
j..., i ui.-i i, u. Hill, ui,u.-,u, t;. milv.
Tl:- l.lii.F i- . ,.f th- , ,.n. ht r- '.
'-i.ii-.il l - y: :i .h.nil .::.:B..-.-.t.
l:,-., ...I. It.,- ,., .,-r. , , ' . .,.,., ..... ,. ,
.......I II- .,, i. , ,......,., .,
n tllhfaill.V . tl,,. ,
1.-TI- m.l:-. If Its 0,11.- ( .. ,.
is.: Inn. t. 'I.. 1 it- i.t ti.nit. ., , ii. Ml. .
s.wt, iii MitVr. in .in... , , . ........
I.....1 l.iiv.t,... ,.. r .1.. ... ( r"..H..
.-I ti nt i r.nn. . (..- , :l , o , - . i, r. I. .- cu
lt Ins -I.,.!). , . n..i,-- . i;,.r. ,1 .. i.,r.
I" tui.l nt- r, .i,,lv. .bi.tt -t, te i,i:,r..n-l
lb- ninny ,1-t.s. .. ni.-i.t. eX t. u i. i, I it i- 1 ..; .
T. r. ttii.t tl,,. r. m- . -t ,n-t I, mi l. ,r
! r-. n tt.,ul,..d .,, i..v , vi t.-sr. m nn. t
t.s I, rius. but lo tr, ., t, t:i,.,Ur,D.lrUB.
,-. TIB D. '
II. . r.um. r.-no r- ',; U , ,-. , t : ! . r 1 n.l ir.atlrrf-'n
tl. -st. m. -, t )!,in.- ti tt. t - li..,tl.,
if lil... :.iiii;i-r.lii-tf tt.- ... ,i..,!i. . mi.inc I--si i-di--.,
st u-il. :-i in, , ,s the i.,,i, d. tti;, , tn.
h. itlTlt to tl e .i V n.- . l.u . rv. ntiMii. lif
t tl,- ,ti..a -t- t.,-t,,, . r.-ii-.lom-
III. ll,,!. AtTio, ar," .iir. l. on. .hit
nr. .-niirstip. lj, ,wirttt.t.-
IK ISTli .! ,T
oti-,1.,.,. stt-r -atine is ,.ull ,-i. nt to r.i-.rf tf
mi,, I. una i-m-iit Hi- I. , il In m r,.-.i z "bA
nli tie d.-re UkrnKp- fore r.tliir.-. :rr,-t.t.
Nli-lOM.Kt. EL.
....Iio.ir ilis-ta'-.n at . niclit. leefrr... Ibf t-
S.-ntlt. ami ,-ur.j '.- Ul iiv.s.--.
..n-des. t.k.n after - ..,-hi,-l w.l! tart I
S ,.,.np ,1. m-rf t
li.-,- M, a It, ,T.., ,
one I-Htl,. I-ik-n f, r fi- a .. .,,, ,i. r. I '
tli-no,-,. ,r Hi- ,,.,.,.. .,,.,,,,. ;i
Orly ,i.,r ,1, . u-.iu), ti)n i, t. I.i . m n-. '
on- Ui.w . It.u r. . i,t-,l . .,.. ,.,- ,, rts J
-ll.-i I.. mul u i,r,-,, -i,.. tn,- t . . , , a ,
, "'. ' ''' tr, B'-si..! to li :
!..k,o-.'m "' - '
, "ne'"'t; OiV.nSr J ,t st, ajtw, . .ii s
... .., . natural , . 1 Q ,., , -i. .
.'" -.-ti. .i,a .!,,.. tirti,. I.t.r- ..tn.;
tl.-i r t,. tl..- ; .. ntr. ,t fft ,.,, ,,, t,..
, .It. n r... at., 1 " ,, ,-,a si. !
in . ..r-t !.... ahiie fK nmu act b '
'' r- -J 'a...t n, ti- tost j, .-.
Oi , r I.,. ,1.,.,.. , nr.. .. -,tj. t , tt '
in t Iri.ilr. i, : li.. r- i. tu..1-r.-.i.'.tv
in li ,- v.'r!,l. as
t A f. I. -ill, s rut, . Z
-- it,, n'-.
M, ti.k. 1 1. -n-un-in r.-r- , n-ni. r,;ir-tl i-1"'
as . r, 1, , t.,ti,- t.rUI in, ,M, .1. t ( , m
HR.a.i.lall Klviks . r a sr) Iioii.t. lit.. It
at-s .ith all r.rti.1. Ij.. a.,d I ti. tl..,.i. al" "
in,! Ir, t.-stitj ti. it.s R. drful .irtu.-
t ...All who use it are gi.ing 11,-ir tuat,.!!-.'"- tv:
otiy m it. t.,r.
M.r It-,, r o, tin a..;. M-i;h tin Iht.ti' rc'.rT. aid X"-e
i' tf a-
mam KfOUDful, li' si-"
Itii-lsr, 1, eii.tn-
accordingly. II. P. s-HEI.I.ER. "i reas'r.
"appy -New .. by adopting the Cash
-.ja.cm -en-uble uieu tbry've
s ), .vij; sik -i
Ittet year. The
TirinTe j ' . .. I'.. I ii r.
. ..ft:,.. , a'r--r .-; i,n. ...
' ... j v i .fc
.. . , ...'i..'., uiaa ... utsiuius, will ...ease
-- .-.loi.earninL'Sioritie same I,... rr.j ..t t.e.. i -
Ve see it slaU-J lLat the Warren Conn. ; mouih wcre S-4.' 89- i first of January. After thauall accounts over I I ".V..V' i'!'"00-.
There have been several rafts rue
tit .,.;i.'t.ti'. ti,.- Ievcs..l,.r.
: first of lanuary. After thauall accounts over I ",', )" Iv, I "
: z e:" be "ft n:;- fei "s
, Ve- I Miitoli, Nov. si, IKOf. . .. ,' ' '
I .' '. Jail. -,, IK,-, J, ,, x
1 lie I.lsrr Imisorator
IS A S. IKNT1F:.' Ml bU'AI. Msr..tM;V.a.Ji-'J
..-rkl.ic ,-uri-. aluii'.t t,., r-al lo teli. T-. It ruo" '
bl ciir.r. thr ft rt! ri- . .nrtnj rap,!- 1-1' n'."" fc
tbnD.-n. bi.ltl- is ri-.(Uir. il t,. i urr o .i k-..Ji l '' ,
I'l.tni-laint. tiom ti - ., i.t J.1..1..1 .'r . 1 1"J
s.t.irt.1... .aif-u.f, ail of .iii.a ar. It.- ri-u.----'t
ist-i ,1 L, tr.
rm.-r Osii r-tt.a rri: p. ritr. .
..r. i ii-. . . . ..to..,, . , ., iv,., r,,, ... .... .;.i,v s, .
- . ,,iru a, pre- ...... .ap anu l.u hum: tore -formerlir .n,i r.t.,i.a b. .u ,ir. ..,
at JOS. i ii&w vs
lehinson a. a
I.ewi.burg.l)v-t. ls.".S
s. LI ,.i-. i,
I s t UM I I.L i-.i-ti i-r
-r. r.
--Fo het lloolaw and
r i:i-i.-ir,.v ? ,-..r
I A "'l I'lLL.t-.t,., .,. ,,., ,-,.,,, .
'it s.lIO
ii. 1.INN.
Is - 1 s. s SJ