Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 31, 1858, Image 1

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BY 0. N. WOKDKN & J.
An Independent Family
tfTL- J..:.ft . rLfrtMIrt
1shcJ Fi uhigat L' tct'sf'ttrjjl tttuti Cu.Ii.
TKR Jl.so tut y-:ir. m tin m?- i( .tiy,tf nn 1
at the moii r:it- f-r a l"iiT or fh-'r.- r i'rii-t. Tim-, ."-'J
ru w ill pay fur t'-ur uiotiih-'. 7." - lr -ix u.r.rit... 1 .1-... '
f r et!.. iii'int hf. - il-l- !r nixiem ui"ii! h, li ill.for to
venT. "i for fi-iir ro;-ii- otii- y--jir, in u-r ti-ti ro'i"- one
y -nr. Jtc. pin-rn-X".V, 5 cts. meal liy m t.l hi-1
r-i-fivi-:i in enl.i. jt-Uitf :i:n;.. . r I; ti nt i ii- ir ,
Thie here. M-l kin-ls .r.H.Lic.- r- ;. 1 at Uie ;.....
h'-ii t h- .Kite ci-tr. . I .r v. h ,ir nx-l,
(uiii.-vi we have a ruimiuj a-umiit i it is ST 'I I'l.ll.
Ai.VKKTW.Wi-.xr;, handsomely iuMi-ii-l, tit .r" 'N -r
fijuaP' unc week. rt ri'h niter in-.-i tin!., il"! for rix
muiT.n. d"l -r vnx. If ill f'Hi m ft. 'Z
dol. t .1-1. Two -na.ir.---l .VI. 4 no. 'H. M-T fi-ititf. !.
nut o.-r ne-f.irth f a r.ili'nin, l !. r r -t. ili. r
mies ii'. miT I .vr'i "j"n- A ju:in- i- 1 -J !: ir
PjMltfttt tyi-e. or of n.-xt larger. A tv.-rti-- it'-nf- ,1 a
detur!it,iri tei.ilei.ry. aittl Urirr cilt". n -t h !n.ilt .
CiniimyAtious jv.-itc-t uu i-n ic- .ii.-.i.l int n-1 (
o-tmjati.-( .v ihe writer" r- nanw hm.1 k..,.-.--'.
Tin- MAil.l'H .' 1'ht.r.tf KACII i.- 1 nt. J in Hi- Mf!ii-r
rf Ui- i'kr'mirlr. I hu h ot i-u iti.-t-rt rt.mt .Ni u
lu Iranr-..f ih.-'l'lii,H l M..il-.
'.,n t... will: t!j" 'iff :rv nmji! Tti it'-ri iN rr ml
k hi. I of JOB PliiNTlN'i, i.i.u will . -x, . i;t.-,i H.ih
nt-itti- s mxl l-i-it' ti und on r-.iti,ii4l.lf t Tin-.
9JnU!tl AJtvr: i-tui-tit I" ' t'U iii" it haii'I' J
In. Kin! J-i't W nri wIh-ii I'!iifn- I.
'iHH'Ki'ii Urk-t Squr-. uorthMJf,.M n t.J etun-y
'Ij-Jiuiug li 'k ItinJfry.
Wuiun:.v t Ch:nki.u s.
ii:f. aj, it-is.
R'i-Witli this Nil. clo.-c-s lS.jS ati
otlu r year of human txisteiiL-i-. "'liv
ery eve we pilch our tout a day's
m:irvli nearer lion.'.'."' Happy are we
if in the retro-poet of the year and
the day our conscience bears tis wit
ness that wc have KXIiKavohcd not
withstanding many failures to In;
liuiiilde ulToic (!od ami ! lie ju.-t
w iih man. Yet, in view a'i the many
sins of omisr-ion and of coin mission
which a rigid self-examination lnu-t
disclose, we sliould each le.-oive, in
the help of Him whose aid is st;lli
cient, to lio r.Ki rF.u for the f.muc, in
whatever may he our vocation, or
whatever relations we may sustain to
our fellow men.
Kleven years of our connection
with this paper, have now elap.-id.
Many of itsfn-.-t patrons still remain,
l.tit, yearly, wo have to erase the
names of those whom death has
claimed as his own. Those vacan
cies have licen more than made t rin
jiunilier, Imt the real loss we and .
their more immediate friends feel can
never be fully H i'i'UKi'.
Again we thank those (not all of
our own party) whose cordial appre
ciation of our labors has continued a
patronage now better than any ever
enjoyed by any newspaper in this
county. N e shall seek to Le worthy
lishing a prompt, reliable, home uews-
paper, advocating such measures and
met, ns We believe t'.lC tUlblio 'rOod rC-
quires, and denouncing such men and
measure as we believe exert an iu
lluence hostile to the best interests of
our land and of our race.
Should we continue to be favored
as at present, we intend to present
the Cmtoxtci.E printed on new tyjic
before the year closes.
The Advance System we shall prac
tice as on the whole much the best
for both patrons mid publishers. We
are not particular as to a day or a
week, when we know a person to be
honest ami reliable, and know that
lie desires our paper ; but we wi.-h to
force it upon none, and can not wait
for and run the risk of recovering
small sums scattered over thousands
of miles.
Our wllitC paper COStS US OVCr OHO
.' it
dollar a day ; rent is eali ; ink,
nCV J and OUr OIllV rC.-OUlCe IS the pa-
- . I i" i.,
iter we print. Hence it is only rignt
that WC be aSSUl'Cd Of OUr pay before-
hand. By that means we issue ours
at a lower rate than other country,
journals containing as much matter.
The beginning of the new year is a
good time to renew subscriptions,
and to get more subscribers, singly
at $1,50, 4 for $5, 10 for f 10, Ac.
JWe h&Tc pvot out a num Imt of i'rowpoctiifi-a, acd
full name a few of ILom ( n in evvry in-t tiou of the :
c-yoty who kuow an- c tlinjr upc!ulsi. that tln-y
mint desire to take itti th- tu, uioi) kuow wUorv toa(iily:
J. B. DaaTMvMAN, Wfat Milton.
Aa.ko.0 MilTH, H hitr llv-ir aiid Krlly.
J. Ltitcit. jr Wuitf lwr Mill.
Ijvi Hack, ItutUlorX Uoad..
VM.8TKsa, Faruifn-iiikt.
Johh KiLOka. MirHiiibur.
J. J. MimU, llartl t..o.
KiwKit faiTH, V- Ut-rtio.
J. M. U ti ra, U mtVM.
liinx M.euriv, I uion f'urnaos.
Tbr may be othrin, wbote Datners do not orrur to
t tlii momciit, or a ho we are Dot confi le nt of hwiug n
Mtv4 in tlMrffort. ANY ONK, who rhooflcN, and whotw
iieiziihoni contidr in Lim, can oUiu name-, aud the re--i!'t
of thr pnpr will be er hie ore of iV I'Hymetit. Two
or three nay join in geUiug up a r tub. and unite their
l"ta the u to arcompany the U-iuuing of the sub
MTlpUoni. UrisutTO!tK' Ta.rtL. the book we tTr a prcniiom
'l li f-r lit ulritioii it an fXoHleuL popuUr
otk, which bauy would like to read tboae long wlnt-T
V"P"-Ubl trvntlrm.-n who prnmifHl to py
lin h dn Lave pj.uh out to un re unt
il?.. Ik "i-iH- tii lie antonUhed it atir
IBeaabw uT 10 tKmrtulM:' them iiatU tht-y re- '
An ao, - HVPPT m;w UKfT Io all! 1
sSTbe fict is eviJoUt that the Loco- !
foeo Pra-SUvcrj Democracy arc Jetermin.
cd to Lriog Oregon into tbe Union, with !
two Lecomptun Senators, without ku'owiug 1
what its popuUti JQ is, although it is ad-
milled to be less thaa that of Kaos-a. !
But Kepublicao KaD5a thrj intend to
out until it Lm 93,000 Dor.ukri.m. !
Tk. . . .. . '
rtieetinn nt m.
rnmitlAi. l.
House Comiuittert r.l ii,.!,, f. I
ft,, . ii mitiiiiiiiimi
.. 'list, unfair monstrous plot. L:t
HQl IVu L it .... .ii
iiousg iijte r. unit (.ot n f ur -
'"V'l it if DOisil.b!
is the title'
Jiver.J t'''"111 Thaut'io'e5 Sermon, de
Tered t Ulun.1i I-. . T It !...:
News Journal.
i fejrTUe following Pines were read bc-
fore a TYaolnrV Institute in Uuiun coun-
i .- .....I 1.., itj r. j.uot sr. r.iif.IIliil in thp
Vhronittt: The author is young auJ was
educated mostly among Oriujn, which
will accmut for several irregularities in
rhyme aud rytlim.
In tin' l.riiJil i-onste'latifin ot th li'arn.-d HnJ thi great,
Tin) Auk-1'ii i.u pi liulur tp UtfYr fnuliJ ill tile ptmdt;.
Tin- i'' .j.h.-r.s i f i ni-oi. an 1 t!i ni.t-r of Koiui.
A i- lii.a'iK- tu o-uii vte with ui.r i-uulirpl in'iui'.
Tit- 111.-U J..i-iil.t I'.v rlutittrli, w etrr nhull admire;
l.ul utir uult.nrA bui fldti-Mnru Mi-eudeil lull L Lltl. r.
Am.'ii(i tit.' nn.-i.-1't Koiiiiint.. hh revere rir.To;
Alllnl. tliu UUClUlli. lituuw.- "" "" U '""
Tli. ir Iii h. . re Ter ni'iral.in eirolnr' the were great;
'i . ii .u.lia Mre allil Iwlun- UK a itu aiillOj( Ahi.
V.-t w- lii'd tin in in the r. r true religion they'd noDe;
U i i ii nut I'.-oi If r..D enjoy, uuitm tbcin iu une.
lu-t ut mir U'.i.liiti-ton. tliut i:re.it, imiuortal uue,
W tin Aui:-ii' ii may i-l:iilu an bi'tti father auJ tfuil.
An.i 1 . i le. i.av.- Wi li-ter. uitli h'ncluriim.- turn.;
U li" itMViiil. J tlie in ;k-r tit li.i, ineB atitl fame.
W 1: 1. - I i.itiklin an 1 Fulton, t" draw oar attention,
Ai.d l .le: uiaiiy uttietii, that We could Jet uiemiou.
Tin- !,-i.i m-l i-fiiliier nati' nv have m"Stltr tith d name,
iil''ii"i ..ill uul and 'inreliiil tv-i'ire to tilenauie.
Not .-i t'i Ami ru'a we ail liaTe e.Ua) riht-i:
. hi . r. i :.-, tji'tli ni L an 1 uo'ir,uin' aeire to.iu.-b height.
; i u-t T.'nr ej e u lliiit -I I i;-i i tig :.s lie atuttn fr the f lY,l,
W in. ii' t'.in but a 'i iitier lur Lie bit-l working twd.
Ill- .-.! i tuat full f h .1. f. his hat without a lirim,
; U illi ton. .l.H-kiiii u hi. f i-l,aiid .-hu'-c wllhi'Ut ai.trtli.;.
reri..'.,'- .' i: li ruil'l env.'r.'.l h'ltijs.aud nfle-buttered faro,
I ' r 1 1. e hi r-t time a; r' ;i b.l! tiui u a diear old 'la-e.
TI. r in n.-l I ne lelinl l l.im with a luarV' toui air.
III- '-"Ui'leliaure o'eritlindow.-d with his loii lr:axl l.air.
A ::. I" 'It .i: the --,'h 'la rrt.au they're ,i'iiiiniii hi.-irliithe",
S, Hie jo. ii In wi.L mi ir fm'-rii, or turuuig uu their uoar.
I'. -.r I-iv : li't ! he's dreaming of the KrutT. and theti".Trt,
W li.i h :in iHimig upuu li.ui, ac he treuiLiiea with leara.
Itnt. ! f j.an-e f ra moment, his hrnad fnreliead . Iiicti, I
lli: luuiiii-iiiiui'v hi lli.iu.'iillul, lull of uieauiu his eye.
Ii.- lif. are indu ati.e of nrinr.e. and a,wer,
l!- ."iil'iuii'l? hi- I'D iiii uti'i.- t-y iini'To. iti(;,-arh hour.
Cr. veiny! he now .its erei't, and oli-ervea wliat issaid.
Hi- ari.-u- Iriiiu llldol' lie.-, l.ki- one troui the dead.
III. -iram-e i. el.'.n-.-l. hi. hand are now clean. '
ll-1, u.- li'U 1 of lua l.uuk an uiauy of nineteen.
A,'ai-i. .:iu-e and belioll him. he'll yet make a man;
He ii.ukta "Unwaru ' his wat.-hwuid, edueatmu hia aim.
I'er. ever. II -e sit I pat i i:oe l.v at leu jtb hath defined ;
Me'. d leruiined tu ei'ii.ii.-r, l.y iiur'ivuii( hi.i mind. i
t;ur h'-ro' no I.-n-iT tlie ! siised little fteil, j
lie - a t. autitui Ui aer in that old .' uutry m-IkkiI. j
lie ha- a lii'ii- in lii heart. VeK, a sweet. rhTi?hed lmpe; 1
T ... Ul. h: li'.ne'a alUiu.-t tailing, in U1 , e Hit; hia iu.d.
U . ! h a r. flute I'lirji'i'. be ii f.ediii the il.ime ; j
lie ,m-i .- .Ii.iiil. U-i. .re him the tiifi ti ladder Ol tame. 1
hi - .iri.L' l.rain ia no w l.uruitii; like a torturing fire;
V i-L deteruiilH-d to UMi'iid ntill higher aiid higher. j
Hi- t'i::';iii ey.-ii are Lirm fixed, on a far diidatit seat,
lie ;l e uli war i and n.Mard,tlio'oli.tru.-liOOa he'll Uutet.
He is n penniless youth, bis kind pari ntn are poor;
p. .vert) is kuiii-kin forever at their dour. I
I'ut. u -ai l will funis a way. be soon earns sufficient, j
1., luiprn, injr Ilia Ul'juieulo, to pay hla tuition.
And w l-t. if even lie saws, or cuts wood, forhislxiardt
ill.- d. .ire i.- accoulpli.-hed, he' a happy young lord. I
1. 1 a e.,rtierof tin; hearth, with a tori-b f .r a liltt,
lie poiei, over hi.- ler.suus, Iruiu auusot till uitdnibht. I
In lli.it eiirner he'e aittioj;, very olten, till one:
lie i hound not to Lave it uu hia lessons are done.
U itb a triumpbiiut eweet stuiie.be now putt hl.s books by;
Alel i a . aims with the 1'oel, ul bow happy am 1 1"
Isiy ' bis spirit now rests amid ely sian bowers ;
Iu the midst of his t.luuil4r.s we may Oud him at last,
bile angels waUjh over hiai. a lie dre.ui. ..! I lie
i. ...... ........ ..
Ual i,.f,pu.eforaBioment,do)oothinki.ewiiiiaiir
J1' -1 ""diy be will n. t-he is bound to prevail.
Ilert- Ii:t in.- nay t"you all ut to srluiUn alono
If uoK'Uiiiia; to lab-jr, juu art merely a Urutie.
Ki farly in the moriiing, fur your mn KcxxJuii'sakp;
Ihj li.itr)iiig yuur luuuit'utu wiiilv tht; tuu it awaae.
You tftirlitTN iu ntnei-Hi who ar tnooxinic till e.lit,
Tlie iu Kilup oil u your w.liuol a baJI an hour tow late(
CoiilJ run inisgine the f..rt Khiib tears) tliat youth up
ward:, VuM ft up in the morning, auJ c a.- tolw nIugardK;
C-iuM .villi si- the t'-ar that fillou hi tKHik-aantlUitsdrvtwi,
Vou woul-i all b n-jiiicitJt; to h-ar ot tiiupUfTe.-.K
i;ut, h.irl. ! what ot.-auti this shoutinn what meaos thin
r .nri ii z ui.-ef ?
teeth i-ttfr-'e aud tLorpuLfren. crcwdtd iU tuvn
Hut, if t ui"D hii I Ihak aloiif, tht- laiiie rnm to wo;
l.tla.d: M'lUv- KlLutll' MlUkloMri: U 1(1 tlilr-jut-ut-!
'i i'u. ai-iiin, Ir-ok out you-Ji-r har thu-ia;tcliwriinr
y'rej l:;i it-'ll.iil Co!uaibia,"thust- heroic old rhyme.
1 to y are uoetin a statesman that protected their land,
'I... , are greeting hllu kindly with their mu.-i.al baud.
lie i- inetwitbsuoh kindtiessthat no bincue can express,
He hr.-t talks ol hla labors, then relates hla sui eesa.
The ovcrwii-lmiuz p.jw.-r of bis lanxuaire now falls.
His audi, no sits sj-ell-bouud in luoee Wide,oa'U Italia.
Alter a i-ow leave the stand, 'and thuuderso! applause.
Itut in rvtiewnis; the piv-t wn all plainly may see.
W. ii:d.voul.el!eveit.kii.dfriends:thismanisnoneotlitr
'li.uu tbe stnpliug we'te mentioned, and Uact-dlroni hi.
TosucU, bowe.r,m,tall in this lif.-may ascend.
VeL, we ail should eud.avor to accomplish some end.
Our motto should be ouward. with .Mt. Science in view;
Aa tl.is world is improving, aud the lab'reia are lew.
Voutitt frietrls of America '
Wu. ii et ry mind should i
the period is at hand,
ia-e to supply the demand.
Th-.uJi the Fern.r utaticn. or the I'rei.lentN chair,
We are uaatit to rvai'h, r bIiuuM ut-Ver U-p)fuir.
The .or!iJ nelft politit'innD, though loo mitiT ar Xhvf
ho are wkuig to giV. rn aii-i vx uiertiiy tut pay.
Smic arc nnJ(-J ap lawyers, and many t-earhers;
Wliiio oihTa u nitui.-tri. (ahoiu naie would rail
Vox. the t'Iiritian wholar mutt rroafi tbe bine Ocean,
lie uuu!-t It-atJ. tUe pour niuuvr tu aacroii vlfotion.
lie uiufvt co to the heathen and relen th'm from pain.
. AIPU U auui IMpUarC iUCUi U OUI a?K IOC B UatUltf.
11- niut point the poor ninner U Mt.Calvary'n hill,
lie luut wiitjogiy eutlt-r, houIi nuch be Um Lord'a will.
lie llOuid always ntieaor,amiJ trials and fars.
! A c tarry crown loobtaiu, beyoud UtM Tale of leara.
' He should alwajK look forward to that heavenly rrown,
. Aiioruuuieuliiiore prvcioua than grrat wealth orrenowa
A few word in com lu-ioo I will try to annex
Although my ituojrcl I'll change to the oppOdile tfex.
HV a difficult uiilject, yet, howeTr, I'll try;
Aud handle it lightly brl'ure pacing it by.
H.rmld woman he excluded, like Uie droned among beca
. is luvre noining tue may no, since Mie revtintf at eaw:
Ift her jewe,d mind nothing but a flue fairy racket
' ur uiu.-t be ctay lor ever bt-sidc her aewing banket t
I I? tiba merely intended to nit with trapintr
Aud not to livebervaiter beyond the if tarry skies f
' ir wa. she mrely designed to rtrnt about with booppf
, With heuia uoa her gaiters like ou gentlemen's boot t
No! wm look fir better thin ah ban a noble mind ;
Hit giouuua lacuiliea too long have been confined. -
Although in ohrTurity, an some pretend to say,
be can warm the coideat heartland make it bright a day.
Woman ban access to heart which man can nerer rearb(
VvtAlie may not nway tbe oword or go about to preach.
Her voice may not re-echo upon the public ntajj.
let one train the mukr turnd of thi euiihu-ned ag.
tbe prepares her fotm to trace the legislative hoi In,
ue tram them lorau otuce wilhiu those public wall.
Her mind I not too feeble to carry forth a plan;
Itut, iu p'inl ol ttrvuglh and depth, ilea, ualj that of nun.
In b-holdins t!ie buildinzs whirh men bate erected,
W v bud Unit woman has been ahamfully neglected.
1'niTeri-ith'i were built, young men were made knowing,
While tbe young ladies were kept at scrubbing or hoeing.
The apinning wheel aha baa turned till ber bead ba
rn me tr.iv.
Aiiho'aiummrriixtvoted.wbencompelled tomakebay.)
But thow titnen have Mliiwl with all man of good Main,
Aitliougli there are Wo mauja ho 1011 pracUcaUlaaaiua.
n. s.i. i. .,. wimiu to w
........ .. . .... ii.h.. i,h inhsfrM.
J -
And hene pnivisinaa arp maja, aeminariea are ull
M..v Uie lima uul Im iliatauc when .liny " he ailed.
,. - it.. ..mi. .1 - ....n..l . ...1 Ih. time hasten Ml.
tVueu ea.-lioinau will (sTfunn br liigli ilutie at heme.
: Anil may we never airaiti hear lliose slianielulromplaiuul. J a I Jut j, ( ioorease the im
A. au UU when he wresliej li.r the goverumen. roina. ami tv uutj ami
May the favnr of Heaven ever real upon all
IV Lo are stt iviup to improve, auJ make ignorance fall.
And nitty this 1:1 rl progress loi'a less ur"tn d-llarr,
rllltt I.' I'lOtiU'e luauy Auitrli.Ui il'CcUi.'.
Voting for President, Directly.
I It is doubtless llio wish of every man to
VOlC lor IUHI UJUUlUtl U "'
; bo prufers; tut our prcscut mode of votiDg,
i by Klectora, often prevents it, and there is
no hope of ohanging that modo while ,
Slavery exists, and while the small States j
; bavo an advautage by it. But each and j
1 every party could put up their Electors, j
I and then, in addition to voting for them, j
the voters eiuld designate their first choice j
' for l'resideut and Vice President ; the ,
; j'jrrUme .o. u '"V " . ..."
, .... .v-.ion, .ouia u.tru,i iue i.iec
or whom to cast their voles I His ttnli
be fair to all part.es, and ge me p p c t s
i 'h"" ;." m"1 'Z I r Fremont and
7bllcauSf f"r?r!:irr or 7J
j ""J Cr. n,r riincoln and Bay
"""""" " '
ner, or anybody else, and while
thus the
whole party strength would be combined,
! the oue having the most votes should re
' ceivc the Electoral vole. The Democrats
could thus vote for Douglas, or Buchanan,
! or Hunter, or whoever tbey chose, and
then the majority would rule. The Tri
bune, in urging this mode of satisfying a
I . 1 I .l a-ra
. great popuiiii uruisuu, n.jo
Is it, or is it not, desirable that Nation-
al invontl una it. noitiiuate canditliitcs for
ir;.i.st.t unrl Vip l'rfsideiit be diDena
.jssa a- aat as -a . -
n-itli nti.l a KriM-r freedom of choice
thcrebv'accord.d to all the People ? The
plan we advocate requires no change in
.1 n. .:....: , It. 1. t.nl,.p.l rt...
llIC VOUSIIIUUUII, llt'I tu t'3 ...to...-, u..
chincry. All this is as it would be if mado
expre?s!y to allow that freedom and effica
cy of individual choice for which we
contend. All that is needed is simply
that the Kplo's indorsements on their
ballots shall be counted as well as the
ballots tbenii-elves. And why should they
not be? Who has any right to forbid
ami sin k to obstruct such a count ? But
if wc suppose thero arc politicans who
would make the attempt, we know it can
avail nothing if the People really want to
select their own candidate for President,
as wo believe they do. A law of ten lines
will settle the business in each State be
yond artifice or cavil. Here is its sub
stance :
A. Act to enable the Teople to vote directly
for President and Vice President.
Sec. 1. 11' it enacted, fa That if any vo
ter at any eleclion for Presidential Electors
herealler held in this Slate shall see fit to in
dorse by uritins or printing on such ballot
the names of the persons he desires said Elec
tors to support for President, Vice President.
,.. hr.ik e. e.w tau-ri.tio an so ; and it shall
be the duly ot the canvasser! vr""-... ---
return such indorsements along wilh the votes
fur Electors to which they belong.
Senator Cameron on toe Tariff.
Mr. Cameron, of said : I pro
pose to submit to the Senate, with a re
quest that it be printed for the uso of the
members, a memorial, and other doco
' ments, relating to the manufacture of iron
in Pennsylvania, published by the conven
tion of iron masters which met in rbila-
... . '
delphia on the 20th of December, 1819, aud j
, .... , .... c ' i. a k
other additional statistics, furnished by
... . v .
niwnbers of the American Iron .ssocia- i
, - u t, . r e,..,o.b.
tion : and I wish to make a few romarks !
. , , I
explanatory thereof.
. ., c t i r .t. 1
In table 47 of tho annual report of the ;
Secretary of tho Treasury, of lust year,
, , i !
he gives the yearly average price of pig i
- v v i c ot r i on 1
iron in New ork, for 37 years, from lS20i
tn K'.T wl.tf.k T fin,! ninlrino7 an ivpriitii :
L J IJUIj " 11 ' '- ..'. J ' " S. " - ' " Cj
for the whole time, is S34,tiO. Tho duty
on this price, at 00 per cent., would have
i beeu 5 11,20 per ton. Under the tariff of
1854, it was $10,00
, 1S28, 12.SO
1S:12. 10.00
I ::, 9 47 4-S
j 1H37, 9,23 4-5
1 MO, 8,47
1841, 5.2(1 4-5
I 112, 9,00
j 181(1, 30 perct.
i I fiod also that the duty, under the tar
j iff of 1812, on rolled bar iron, was $30
I per Iod; and other bar, $18 per tfln.
! In 1828, the duty on rolltd bar iron
was 37 per too; and other bar iron, $22,-
40 per ton. irJ
Uuder the act. of 1832, the duty was
In 1837, on rolled bar iron it was $21,-
40 per too; on other bars $15,32 4-5 per
In June, 1842, on rolled bars, 813,00
per ton; on other bars, $12,87 1-5 per
By the act of August, 1S42, on rolled
bars, $25 per ton; on other bars, $17 per
liy the act of 1846, it was made 30 per
- . . r , I ' -
cent ad valorem, and ny tuo act oi loot,
reduced again to 24 per cent.
Referring to the Secretary! report, it
will be seen that tbe average price of pig
iron for 12 years, from 1846 to 1857, in
clusive, was 829,00, and that, at 30 per
cent, tbe duty would have been C,i0.
From 1848 to 1852, tbe average price was
$23,54, and at 30 per cent., the duty was
$0,76, and yet the total consumption of
iron and steel, and tbe manufactures there
of, imported, was, during these five years
of low duty, but $84,326,254 ; wbereaa,
during the next five years, from 1S53 to
1857 inclusive, tbe consumption wag
$134,432,328, although the price had ris
en $33,20, and tbe duty at the same rate
would have been $9,00, instead of $0,70;
showing, conclusively, Ibat a low price
ports or the revenue. It follows, that this
low rate of duty is not tbe tevenjest.n
i dit'J,
UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1853.
Th tables furnished by the Secretary
are a conclusive answer to the theory
ail tafnrem duties on iron, and prove that
it is alike opposed to the interests of the
Government, and of the cousumers of for
eign iron aud steel. This I proceed to
At pa"cs 85 aud 80 of the priuted me-
morial of the iron masters of Peonylva
nia, are given certificates from machiuists
consumers of iron, in Philadelphia
Boston, who concur in saying that
they do not find the low price of foreign
I iroo advantage in their general busi-
. lnij f(ir rea80D tUl tllty filld the
, coDsumption and bmiam most
. fa - pricf9 are
aud when all branches of business
are in full activity.
I Tba Boston manufacturers, who consume
:oi rim .. t.,i, n,o,o.
' -',i"vu toon ci fliiuuiu,Mj , .i. v.'...-".-
tion of our manufactured articles tails on
when the manufacture of iron languishes,
aud orders fail when foreign iron is plcuty
and cheap."
Tbo reason of this is given in a letter
of Mr. John A. Wright, who says :
"The average number of men employ-
ed at a charcoal furuaee making 1000 tous
pig iron per year, is not less toan o, ma-
kin , a population immediately dependent
' ! of not less than S50. The averago num-
I r Kr.Mn r,,.ilr.a r.(.r ilian
Ul S 1 UUIClu u hiwivj I ) mw wu -
r.A Ti,a nr nr.Ir. ..oil ml I not
j va niuch from 2.500 bushels of wheat,
! 300 bushels of corn, 3,000 of oats, 1,000
! ut L - ,.i,,.i.tl 11.. ..f
rye, 80 tons hay, and 3,000 bundles of
straw ; the amouut ot merchandise sold is
near $8,000 ; aud, in addition, there is a
large amount of bacon used.
The farmer
finds a market for the vegetables and feed
hn ran raise, tils tiuttct. ttttt.t. veal, uotia-
toes, ic, articles which will not bear
transportation to market; and, what is no
unimportant item, saving a large quantity
of manure tO be Used at home to enrlCtl
tbe goiJ
. ... . .
The same letter says that tbo effect of.
I tbo erection of furnaces, is. that lands
which otherwise would not be worth more
than from 1 to $5 per acre, sell from 10
to 850 ner acre.
We find from the Secretary's table, that
tbe production of pig iron, which, until
1820, was but 20,000 tons, had in 1855
risen to 1.000.000 tone. If we ar.plv the
' ' . ..... . .... i
Hata oiitnn ho Me Wrmhl In Ihn ml ion :
of tons, we find that if 1,000 tons employ j
70 men, then 1,000,000 will require 70,- i
mlf 1,000 tons support 350 persons. I
0,0W Will support iiv,vv. it a,uot) j
tool employ 50 horses, 1,000,000 will
employ 50,000 horses. If 1,000 tons re-1
quire 2,500 bushels of wheat, 1,000,000 j
will require 2,500,000 of wheat, 3,000,-
000 of corn, 3,000,000 of oats, 100,000
of rye, 80,000 tons of hay, 3,000,000
bundles of straw, $8,000,000 worth of
merchandise, and in the same proportion
bscon, beef, eggs, butter, vegetables, Ac.
The advocates of low a l valorem duiics
place their theory on the basis that the
1. e ...... 1. to. 1 K. o tha .ttn tti.t T ttst;
I'"- " "s-- ' " " "
them to estimate what the relative effect
... . . , c
on tho price of their great staples of agri-
f '
cu tural produce would be, if the ujO.000
1 ' '
persons encaged in and dependent on tbe
r , . r . in.-
manufacturer of pig iron, instead of being
. , . , , ,
consumers of these agricultural products,
, . 6 . , ......
were encaged in agriculture r . hat
b e
would be the efftct on tho price of gn-
iulfitrii nrriiltietfi. la the interior and cs-
pccially in tbe remote parts of the great
West, if there wcro do railroads or
steamboats to cheapen transportation ?
And bow are the railroads and steamboats
built ? Are tbey not the result of tbe
surplus profits, and the credits resulting
from the profitable employment of our
labor ?
How can 350 persons, dependent on
tbo manufacture of 1000 tons of pig iron,
consume $8000 worth of merchandise ? Is
it not because tbe 70 men who are em
ployed in its manufacture earn at least
$21,000 per annum, a part of wbicb pays
for tbe merchandise, and a part for the
agricultural products which they consume?
bo gentlemen wbu advocate a mere reve
nue duty take into consideration tbe fact
that by diversifying labor we give employ
ment to many men in agriculture, who, by
the supply of iron workers, kc, with pro-;
visions, ic, obtain the means of eonsum-
ing foreign imports, and thus contribute So he hoped that if bis arguments in re
their proportion of tbe revenue ? Dj the spouse to them seem to be addressed to
opponents of an increased duty upon iron the Senators from the Atlantic States, they
lake into consideration tbe fact that unless j will do him justice to reflect that it is only
the duty be so increased as to enable our
iron masters to compete with foreign iron.
the pcreons now dependent on tbe iron I
manufactures must become agriculturists? j
and Ibat tbe effect must be redundant
supply, and tbat the value of the whole
agricultural produce, increased as the
quantity will be, will be diminished in the
rate of the excess? For there will be an
increased quaulity without an increased
consumption. This, then, is tbe solution
of tbe fact that tbo consumers of iron
find tbat tbeir business is less profitable
when foreign iron is abundant and cheap.
It ii because tbe introduction of cheap
foreign iron at a low rate of duty ruins
tbe home manufacture, and, by depriving
the farmers of a borne market for their
surplus products, deprives them of tbeir
ability to purchase.
This memorial embraces other impor
tant facts. Wo find by tables given oo
pages 99 and 100, tbat tbs price of pig 1
I iron in filasgow has varied from :J3 75
of to $10 30j, and that the price of bar iron
has varied S09 50 to $25 ; and that the
best iron was charged at from $') 25 to
8S 50 extra price. Con any cue of the
advocates of a low ad vulortm duty ex
plain the reason why the price of iron
nhould Buctuate so much in the 13riti$b
market? or can any one justify a system
j of duties liable to so much uuccrtaiuty as
; a system of a,t valorem on prices so vuria-
U,-t the uncertainty and fluctuation in
t pr,ct.s .re not the most valid objections to
! a system of ml valorem duties on British
! jfou u u kuown m
I fac(urrs 0(Juce , cUe fjf 0Uf
niartefi .de of the refuse materials,
which is unfit for use, but, being low
1 priCod, and paying but little duty, is in-
j trouuee'A buij piactu uu ur ranruau, auu
! i i i . i i :t i.
by wear aud breakage is the cause of the
I moit 0 ,be accidents and loss of life by
j wbich the country is so often astounded.
A momcut's reflection must satiafy every
intelligent person, that, however applica-
'ilea system of ail valuicm duties may le
to other articles, it is a most unwise sys-
' tem for the duty on iron. It is a premium
. fof fr4U(lucut juvoicc.. Anj wLo are
I . -r ? ... r,
. e .. ' .,
I t tliminirihes the revenue. Not the rail-
1 road companies, because it is now under
I stood that the wear on such iron is from
15 t0 "0 per cent, por aunum : whilst the
. we3rf)n g00j Americao irjn is lbout i per
cent. ouly. Not the farmers or plauters
not l"e consumers ot iron, because none .
: of them can or will use the fraudulent
' hluit. ITnat. inttu. is tliu reiueuv f I can '
' '
sue no olber but a specific duty, which will
! fjrbiJ ,b9 iniporUtioD of lLl8 frauJulent ;
j .it ,!
j I would refer Senators to the lett-r of
Mr. Beeves, and to the analysis which be
gives, showing tho relative cost of manu-
tare ,a ,ul country and in England,
and the " in which the farmer, the
i miner ,be 0WDer of Und' ,he 'Ifd
' companies, and the capitalists, are bene-
fittcd bJ tbe manufacture of iron. I wouJ
als" rr Senators to tbe statements and
' bl explanatory of tbe manner in which
.i r -i r : b ... i i
" """"" " " " looimKta
and strengthened in England by duties as
high as $'i9 52 per ton, until now it defies
competition, aud will continue to do so, i
the abundant materials which would soon
enable us to create tbe capital and organ-
ize the labor which will not only command
our own market, but would enable us to
compete with all others iu the markets of
thewor .
Id conclusion. I would tad. that it will
1 . .
be seen that a specific duty will be a less
, . . ... .
ad vuhrem on the higher priced iron, and
ci r
will thus benefit the farmer, the planter,
ill thus benefit the farmer, the planter, !
id the workers of iron, who all use the .
.... ... . ,
better and higher priced bars, whilst it
will exclude the low priced bars made for
sale to our railroad companies, who will
be benefitted by the uso of a bettor qunli-
ty. c have seen that an al lalorimj
duty of 30 per cent, on the average price :
in the New York market for the last five
years will be 9 90. I venture to say,
that the iron masters will be content with
a tpecijii: duty of $9 per ton on pig iron, i
aud of $18 per ton on bars.
The memorial presented by Mr. Cam- i
eron was ordered to oe printed J
Senator Seward on the Pacific Railroad. 1
Washington, Dec. 21, 1S58. The i
Pacific Railroad Bill came up. j
Mr. Seward, of New York, addressed
the Senate. He said tbe descendants of !
tbe Dutch colonics of New Tork keep for j
ever bright the memories of their Father- ;
land. Whenever, however, be traveled ;
in Holland, be could hardly find there one .
lingering tradition of tbe settlement of the I
New Netherlands. It is always so. Tbe I
aflcction of emigrant for their Dative
country is ever stronger than tbe sympa
thies of that country for its exiles. The
Senators from California as yet tbe only
representatives bcre of society on the Pa
cific coast are committed to this great
measure, and are earnest in it support
on this side of tbe liocky Mountains that
the snow and ice of indifference and pre-
judicc resist conviction.
lie would not say much concerning the
details of this bill. If he were allowed to
prescribe a route, and the policy of con
structing a Pacific railroad now, be would
choose a path which would be a continua
tion of the road tbat our great northwest
ern emigration bas hitherto followed. Ue
would discard all employment of compa
nies, and all grants of public lands, and
would build tbe road as a military, postal,
and national highway, with the money
and credit of the Federal Government,
and surrender the lands along its route
to tho actual settlers, free of cost. He
would increaso the revenue by increasing
the tariff on imports, and create a siokiug
fund to absorb gradually the public debt.
But be bad concurred ia presenting tho
bill now under consideration, because it
was tbe only alterative. He adci.'t.
At $l,-0 Per
bill. But it is time for deliberation to
end, and for action to begin. So, boing
earnest in bis desire for a l'a ific raiirja'i,
! he would accept the bill as it stauda.
Mr. Reward then answered, fucccs.iv-
ly, the general ulijcctious sgnitist the con
struction of the road. Coiiiuierce.he tuid,
is only an incidental interest in connection
with the road. It is wanted, first and
, chiefly, fur postal and military purpo,. i
grl"" '"" 10 00 uxmer
fur "eb. highways in territories where
socle,J lu De ''ea
: "" e"Sge'' 8oelL"J ,a
created. The treaty of G-udolupe Ilidal
: goextended the national juri.-dic.ion acrcys
! lUe lioclJ Mountains to the F.c., and
! f'm ot l
j aoJ n,ili,ttrJ " the country
i : was uiscioseti. uur couieu:i jos iu nan,
i .
! ',
' and England, .re legitimate consequences
ul rBlll"'ce 00 routes it.rougn .mb coun-
tnet instcsa ot our own. He Hid not pre j llm to jeavc hu nornej u;, penpIej biscoun
tend to know bow long we intend to floua-: ,r anJ kjs Hvelih0od. but be could onlv
der on in this erroneous policy, but it is
certain that the interior region will not I
be settled until the railroad is built; and
probably the Pacific Slates will not for
ever remain united to the Atlantic States,
if they are not so connected. The fates
are always busy in weaving a fatal web
fjr indolent and improvident nati tns, and
. u l1"' 0D 108 c!ion cf Congress wbe
1.1 .1. iv. tr. t: ..lit :
! ther the City of Washington shall remain
the capital ot tue wnole Loited states, or
oniy oi me L niiea states oi me Atlantic,
while the City of .Mexico may became the
. .i. o.;..j .... .r .. i.
it it . it.., .. .? t
e woum not oeuaie me constuuiior.ai
power of Congress to authorise the con-
.tructioD 0f the road, for even ibestrictest
ennstruetinnist a.loiils the nn,t.r nf fun
constructionist admits mc power oi ion
' "",
Tost rolda "ilbin lbo unorgn;"l '"'"
nesw inecnueu oia.es, anu, in case oi
PoaSdsb!8 cou-truct military
I I0, tit- a -..
Let us be deeply impressed with the
t e.t t- :. , o.. - , e:
j f hit (he A,nerican , D0W ,.
, beri th-r miUU) ,nJ iDcreasi at
of one niillion anDUal, of ffce
, , n, :'
i , - - -.j
Activity is a law written in the social con
stitution of all States. Under its influ
ence, France bas disturbed the two hem-
01103 for two hundred vear : Great
rilaln nas cxieuueu ma uju..m'a.u.uu
tbe earth ; Spain has discovered and colo- (
nifpil half the irlobe : Portugal ba rit- I
c,aimeJ , ;9n of u wbjch faefjre .
bce0 The abolition of feu lalism aud '
j ,Merj jn moJerQ Earo ,,. CQ. !
version1 of tho Western nations io Chris- '
i. r -t
tiaDity, ire the results of the sjrae Da-
' . . r u j- . , i
tional activity. Id obedience to tho same !
, , . , , .
; lam ota Iiava rP4aiep.l the rnnnlro tor m.
! , . .k f 0 i- .
, . .. , c
habit from Spam, r i
- , ,,
taio, and all our ren
ranee, no a ureal juri- t
rencwed diplomatic cou-.
flicts are so many manifestations of the
energy and ambition of the Americans
It is obvious that this activity must
take either a m irtial or a civic direction, !
and that, if it du not receive the latter'
from tbe bands of the Government, it will .
force the Government to guide into tbe :
former. How, otherwise, can we explain .
the constant agitation of tho Filibuster!
movements, the O-teud manifesto, and the
Monroe doctrine ? To him it seemed clear '
tbat this peaceful acting is far more useful ;
than military activity ; is for every nation j
more safe, cheap, frugal, saving, and in- '
creat-ing coutiuually the number and i
wealth of tbe cation. War is bazirdoni, i
desolating, and its greatest benefit obtain- i
ed at a fearful cost. :
History teaches us that the constant j
practice of war is incompatible with tbe '
permanence of a system of self-government. I
If he were asked why the British race on
this continent is republican, he would say j
it is because tbe national activity assumes ,
a peaceful character, as monarcbial coun- j
tries assume a military one. If the na
tional activity is to have a peaceful direc
tioD, it must be confined ia its energies !
chiefly witbin our own territory. Uur !
domain is already irovnf enough, and the
opportunity for our activity commensurate
with it. The Pacific Railroad with its
connections and linea of telegraph are the '
cngines by which this consolidation must 1
be effected. !
Ile did not shrink from the enterprise
because of its magnitude. Were it hss :
formidable, it would be less adapted to the '
spirit and genius of the American people.
Tho enterprise is not really formidable, '
considered in relation to the benefits of
peace, wealth and strength, to be derived
from the agr.eultural, mineral, manufac-
turing and commercial resources of tho j
rCg,I0D' , v , , , . i
In conclusion, be would say that, if the
... J ' ;
uaibiousti atuviij is u i.o ittecmi mu.
beneficial direction, tbe responsibility of;
directing it belongs to Congress. It can '
not be left to the States. Tbe revenues
belong to tbe Federal government, and it j
alone has power to act within tbe territo-!
ries. Ida called on every Senator to earn j
for himself tbe gratitude of posterity by ,
connecting bis name with this great woik. j
It sotuied to biai tbat there was no easier
. l '
a ay to wm the cbaraoter ;;ivco by luo,
Ko-i.- hiitorls to tU t;i3ed iUU,-,.,
IN IS43.... WHOLE NO., 7S8.
Yeai:. ai ways in Adyanci.
tLe j "He lab. red fir himself with modcratiba
for the CLmmonwealtb with earnest
VAT" I. tiEIUIAIiirr.
T!ie l'ir!: VUltur sjjs this man aa a
vingtilirly faithful preacher of the Oosprt
io ( rininy during the Thirty Year'
War. lie was minister of the Nicolai
Kirctio in Berlin, and afterwards Arch
deacon 'f Lubben. He was the author
of that beautiful hymn, " O sacred bead,
now wounded," and of many others, writ-
j teQ fs r t ! riS-iva;4 of tIje ci)Jr(!I, wbich
j commemorate tfco events of our Savior'
j !ifs on earth. He loved to preach the
j pufe anJ Qf Worf rf
u faunJ ,o
own Mu, Ut the,e doctrinei
.Le Elector of Brandenburg, in .hose
( doDlijioB. Gerbardt lived. One da, ha
.vt-.ta on- iati n-iui ium a nunc -
:..J.i tt.;, r. .k.. t.:
i'luj (jeibarJt, if you can not preach
difTereutly, yoa must leave tbia country."
j Gerbar Jt rcp!icJ thati, W0Q;,1 be bard for
preac) wbat lc f -,lr. j ia Goi-t Wmi aoJ
as long as be lived be wouid preach that.
Then, iTi.h lis wifc aad little ones, be
went out of the country. At the end ef
the first day's joarney they stopped at a
little inn iu a forest, when the sight of bis
weeping wife and children so distressed
him, that he went alone iu the dark wood
j ta at,,, Ikre Le waj ,
" J J
C0lrlf)rtcj i,7 tlle ,el . Commit thy way
i UIlt(J the I. rJ, and be shall brine it U
. piss - Aj Le plreJ bencath the tree., be
, , ,b , . tsmn-mia wW
' be repeated the text and hymn to bis wife,
be (iri;j ber tears, and they retired to
re,t fu of bopc and deoce in God.
j Tfa wcrc sclrce, M, wb
' . ......
g(,r on jjorjeback, who had been ia search.
, 0f them, arrived at the inn with a letter for
; Gerhardi from Duke Christian of Mures-
; lurg( wbicb contained these words : -Conia
int n,Jc.,untry:and you shall bavechurob,
i and people, and house and home, and live-
... r. ' . ... "
j bbood aud liberty to preach the Gospel to
I J"r bean's content." We have never
i met with the byuin here spoken of, and
ould much like to see it, either in Ger-
man or Knglisb, if any reader of this pa
per can direet us where to find it. Tbe
following is one of bis bymns :
... . svji iuuii Mil,
Bieed ol' the Lord, alar ?
Would it were thy will tu enter
To mv heart, O ihoti my star;
Thou, my Jesus. Fount o power.
Helper in ihe needful hour;
SharpeM uvurids nay heart is feeling:
'touch tuem, favior, wilh .by healing !
For I shrink beneath the terrors
til Ihf Li a s tremendous sway ;
All my countless erimes and error.
Slan t before me night and day.
O, the heavy, fearful load.
Of the righteous wrath of Ood !
Oh. the avrfut voice of thunder,
Cleavtn; heart and soul asunder !
While Ihe foe my sonl is tellin?.
There is grace no more for thee;
Thoti mut in.-ikf thy emile: s dwelling
In the pains that torture me."
Yes, an.i k'cener sull thr smart,
Cunsrittn.-e ! in my anguished heart;
By thy renoinet! tooth tormeniett,
Long past sins are si re repealed.
Woa!d I, ihen, to sooth my sorrow
And toy pain avrhtlr furset,
Frmn ihe worM a comfort borrow,
I bui sink the tkeper yet ;
S!ie haih ci-mfurts that but rrieve,
J'tvs that sitnsing memories leave.
Helpers that mv heart are break-in'.
Frirn ls '.h.udo bui mark its aching.
Ail del'ght, all consolation,
Lies m thee, Lord Jesus I'hrist,
Feed tr.y smil with thy salvation,
O thoti Bread of Life unpriced.
B'ess:d l.isht! wtthtn me glow.
Ere mv heart breaks in lis woe;
Oh, refresh me and uphold me
Jesus, come, let mc behold thee.
Jor, my soul, for he hah heard the?.
He will come and enter in ;
l.o! lie turns and dravreih toward ihee,
Let thy welcome song besin ;
0:i, prer-nre ihee lor such zuest.
Oive ihee wholly to thy rest.
With an opened henri adore Him,
Pour thy griefs and fears before Him.
IXitot.As Otposed to Protectiox.
The Chicago Daily Timet an organ of
Douglas iu speaking of the views of Mr.
Djuglas on the ()'ietion of a Prot.etiva
Tariff, says : "No Democrat trum -ant
State will ever Vote for a PitoTic-
tivk Tariff. Tuts is a ureat 'Triic-
BLE disposed of." Such doctrine, Loa-
(?'' or whatever else it may be, will not,
be entertained for a moment in Pcnosyl-
vania and her sister tariff States. It will
puzzle Foruey to m tk J a tariff man out of
a life-long opponent of the system of
Protection such as Douglas.
Mti js infrcasitg t0 a e(ul teut in
Xew Vult. cry c.rjin nt.rv,ms hmj,.n,
aad j,,,,' rc,rt tl) opium eating
stimulus thus demonstrating coutiu-
ually that the race of f.ols is not as yet
. . ,., , , i . tu ,i.
extinct, nor likely to te shortly.
- - -
I.irir. Gen. Scott. It is stated that
this veteran offijer is about to visit Uava-
na for a brief sj iurn, pas.-ing en route
through Charleston, where it is proposed
to give him a public reception.
T)a Y"orr County Hank h it issued new
- mcj jjiq 0j;iS) on account of numcrcii
courj,t.,feiu 0f ,he old onis.
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