aTi rr . r ! " . ri.. .. .1" ! B.iViiTlll.:iiVI(rrORY.-Tlie I'nioji County Court Proclamallou VLu&.a ! iVmil': Tttnt d ,rfltMlll l'-.. ll...l.l in il,r V.. Rr...l.H.nn.a. niid Americans of New j ATTHEREAS.the Hon. ABM S.WILsO-V Xiedl JClwlrtLWohvTOTICEi, hereby .-lWWUU VHUUIUU. " "' r T.,,1.,., I.,r I IV President Judge for the Stub Judicial i - 1 1 thai tbe Km.. of JLU i Wg. provocations a re MO0 , 1 or t; wj.ia-v - S. ; Strict f,l..i. composed f the ; c,, ; ..muel Kuieliu..... o. N. v.-curr;. 4. J. ::. cc.ji.14us. 1 10 the WOlid, however, Wlilv.ll 6CCS in , anu ciucten uuwu a. " counties of Union, Mifflin and sny.ler, and ; raiuauio iuu ii cam. arc lh(, euure aul, TTo -fi. ..-. ..... ircuUt!'.: " U'M. Till I.'ii!r ""..j O'xi-ir, tlf v' ' --.., ha the tarr. iuid brat , .iV News-:jr iu I'nu'O County. Frorltini, national; Slavery, sectional! President's Message. Since th utler defeat of President and in contemplation of the fact that iu t'bla cityi .ni b,.en very hospitably re ond his party, in all the the mind and heart of the Nation are teived, though without any special evi-Nortlirep-eseiiting two-thirds of the1 so little effected by them. Our only i donees of enthusiasm as yet. lie p-iyn a Uninri there lias been a general le- hope is in Him who moulds all events visit by iuviiation, to the St. Charles The hire to hear what ho would siy on the ' according to His sovrcign will. atre ibis evening, and to-morrow will give subject. We have therefore I icen at ' In relation to National finances, a formal reception to his friends.and ilmse considerable extra cost to pive his i the President gives the denial direct who may aish to pay him a visit. Pre- -Message in iuu to our reauers, ana have sent it (or send herewith) the Mersage to nil who wo suppose have not previously obtained il. It will be seen that the President dent the nowhere alb: l?s to the results of Elections ! llie Only federalist 111 tiie Presidency since John Adams, he betrays an Utter contempt for the pop- ulTdLfi-:ons such as 110 o'd Federal - Ul-ruuij.f ill!., SUCH aa no O.u Ltutrai jst ever exhibited. I here is uot a crowned lie:: I in the worli who would nuhtcturers to the disadvantage ol our j p0sed liuchanan's despotism towards Kau-; wecith! 1.N1EL U. ;ri,DiN.siienii'. fo . ontemi.tuously ignore existence , own, stimulated all that expansion in tlie iast ses,jn 0f Congress, died.ou j . ' " of sovereign power in llio Peoiile as. we bought far too much the balance, Wedi,e6da of last week, at his home, in ! ,ssile Llst fl,r eC- lcrD1' 1&J8 IJuchanan does, lie does not profess : of trado turned heavily against us ! , . , , . - f ' Samuel Orwig v I. Johnson & Co i .i .i .l.ii i i i I linota. Ho bad been suucring tor souie a, w ..Iier vs Frederick Holender to be tho sr.i.VAM of the voters but i and ihe crash, so long predicted, was ; . . . , !; , i k u . n i - si - i ir .i , ,, ' . , ' 3 r ...... 1 time from ciutumrition. A. am Schreck el al vs John Koland in all his -Message gives himself the! awfully severe at last. A rcconimen- lr "' 1 ' . , . . n,,j i,h., n,,i r.i air ot a mastei:. It is true, as he says, that compara tive peace now reigns in Kansas. Iter people arc peaceable, and intelli gent ; they have next to no !overn iiiunt at all ; but they are accustomed to ki lt'-grnu'iimoiit ; and peace will exist until LSucIiuunn ami his party ritlcinpt some sew seliouc to enslave Kansas. The violation of the Mis eouii ihe invat-icn of i the Territory, and the stuiliug of her ballui. bi.xts time after time, by the Horder Kufiians the sackii'g ol her towns, anu iu; pillaging oi nor iar mers, by U. S. Troops and the pro- tec lion of the authors of all the long liou of the authors of nil the long talogues oi oul.'ure and murder by l I i .. .1 i '.,- I j lerritonal uud Cieneial (jocrn- :i.ts these were the causes of all catal the Ti the troubles in Kansas. 1 ha people the real settlors resisted the efforts 1o enforce Slavery upon ihcm ; and they acted nobly, and ritrlit in so do ing. ' If this be treason, make the most of it." All the dark aspersions of lSiivhanan fc Co. can not obscure or distort tho facts of the case,wliich History will present iu their true light. It is impossible to follow the Presi dent ia all his suppressions of impor tant truths and his assertions of black, blistering- iahsehoods ; and we have , he favors a Southern route) complete such confidence n the intelligence of his home suggestions and every one our readers, that we bilLvc it would : calculated for the Slavery inter im unnecessary. A criminal on tho est. The whole scope and design gallows, accusing the witnesses, defy- ami gpirit of the Jlessago is for the i'ng the Judf--ail(1 perverting every ; one ''Sectional" power; nothing dis circunistance, is as disintivtstt:? iu j tinctly "National," nothing for the his declarations as is Uuchanan in.Xorth! nothing for the East! noth- trymg to defend hinsci and party in jng for the mighty West, except as this Oiant Crime of the Aye. j ljuked with some Pro-Slavery scheme! '!:i'al,xafil.,r,,lt-1 c'tt-a'!ntn,"iina'thcbe1s"liIsno"ve there oilier Voi tls, that Congress must pro tect Slavery in the Territories, even i!rainst tho acts of the Territorinl Wislnttire is tho NEW STEP FUK SLAVERY predicted and pro luised. It is directly in the teeth of DovuLAs' doctrine that a Territorial Lcgislatnre can- ubolich Slavery. We shall sec whether Douglas will com plete the degeneracy of his submission l.y yielding this last point, or whether he tvill stand up liku a man and light it to the death. Notwithstanding Buchanan's party at the North beforo the Election everywhere took the position that Kansas should be admitted aslave States have been without regard to population, it will be seen that Bu chanan now stands with the South on that issue, and requires over 00,000 population and ft census taken, prior to admission. This is of course de signee to keep Republican Kansas fi oui the :teriiood of States as long as possible, and in the meantime con trive fome tie plot to entaugle her. But the President docs sot intend to npply the same rulo to Oregon, which with a Doughface Governor i and U. S. Senators is knocking for admission. Her population is less ihan that of Kansas, but then she is Pro-Slavery Democratic, and the Pres ident und "his party with !ie hand will try to keep Republican Kansas out. and get Democratic Oregon is I Tho spl Midid victory over Urigham Youni, sud his tribe who obtained ail their po-.ver 1 y Democratic conni vance riTi.i jiiiiuleiicc is n.;uc;c-iuty inao-n,cd : and so is the lloodl'j?.j ! termination of tho attempted alarm about the right of search. Mr. Buchanau distinctly asks a larso sum to purchase Cuba, which lie says we h.u-i have at sonu time, at. some'iate, for 'sc'f-p.ei-crvation," and is evHonily a:.xiou:; to pick a quarrel with Spaiu as tm excuse. Tho audi tion of an immense Lord'.-of ignorant, besotted Catholic mid Slaves, is of course a palpable Pro-Slavery move ment, but Buchanan rceoui mends it as an Anti-Slavery fchemu decidedly the greatest joke of the season 1 Ad ding millions of Slave Territory at the price of an cnoiiuous National Debt for tho sako of putting down Slavery, is a rich conception I Tho President also wants another slice of Mexico, (for the same reason, doubtless !) and will do what he can to get a few uorc Sluvo States, there, Tcxns-faehion. The Cllibustering expeditions and ctTo'ts of Walker, Ci abbc, Crittenden, nnd thousands of their mistruided vic tims, against portions of Spain and Mexico the secret agents und the diplomatic representatives of our i-ouutry, who have for ten er fifteen years keen creating all the trouble they ptiHeibly can with thote countries, ' us a reason for llie land-swaling, ot- j all an unmitigated persevering pros- ptroller, ny 4HUU or smiu iii;ijoii-; p,i.,r RlltndJ!wSlxnaTl!lt.q.,As3o titution of alfthe National power and ty ! A determined, united effort can ciate Judges in Union county have issued iheiri paSgcfor tne'exLsion of Slavery -it down misrule even iu New York r,,X, la a Southern direction. j City. Orphans' Court.Couri ol Common Pleas Oyer; The soul 6ickcn3 in view ot the , Xtw Ouleans, Pee. 3 Senator Dau I extent and turpitude- of these schemes 1 . .,..,,, :..a h hi Wdv. has arrived ; to those papers and speakers wuo so : recently arsrued that our hard times ! were all the result of the small alter - ntini.a .nn.ln ll.o Tn riff nf 1 S.ri7. I Fe I gava truly "The Tariff of 185" An. no i au'vu u in 'that remit." His idea that 1 J1 y . . . ; bank expansion IS tUC CAUSE Ot all, 19 1 rmU- irr-tlino- the cart before the horse: ! the pushing of lower-pliccd goods Oil ! our nnikets thro' the free ware-homes' . ouruiaikClS.U iro ino lrcc wait uuh..ij . ; which store the fabrics of foreigu ma- .!..:, f 1.1 l"l,; .liuilrlnn rf ! ....... i r uatioii t.u iuu viu 4v..iv --. . speciuc duties, is the only favorable : indication on this topic. We have no ! belief that the Slave Power will per mit any relief for the antagonist inte rest of Free Labor, which must work a complete change of Administration before the Protective policy can be reinstated. The Treasury is by no means in nr. aging condition The pavincnt .oa,.s-the Wars, past or pre-; of ihe ! meditated and the other schemes ol plunder devised by the ruling power, Hould largely swell onrindebtcdncs, J iijiaina "iu laics oi pu.siaKi., not be iKipular. Uettcr abolish the franking prmlcgc.extravagaut allow-1 i ; auces, and uuneecssary service. On the question of re-opening the t nnestinn nf ro-nnpnino- the ! Foreign slavo-trado, Mr.Iiuchanan, in his nroncr treatment of the " Echo's-' i Cailtives. evidently Sides WltllVirginia i and those other States in which slave ; breeding is the most proutablc busi- proposals for ml the work on the L.acka ncss. These oppose the bringing in of j wanna and liloomsburg Kail Koad, io mile slaves direct from Africa, becauso it would reduce the market value of all their own human cattle. The recommendations in favor of Arizonia, Utah, and tho District of Columbia, and for the Pacific Kail- j road. (lor wiueii it is wcu uuuersiooa , must all our legislation, all our mon ey, be directed I fif Ihe fint movement made in the Xa tlonal Senate is totcard$ tlavery aijitatiun. Mr. Hunter, of Va., Baid he should oo 'ftfesday move to take up the till lo pay the owners of tho slaves in the Spanish brig Armistad, who twenty years ago arose, under Cinqaa, freed themselves from their j -l.:-- - - i . . 1 : . . v .1 euaius, anu cic laucu iniu .mouiiu port. This of course is designed to bribe Spain in the Cuba game now openly com menccd. Mr. Seward objected to singling this out from among more meritorious claims, but Hunter carried by 24 to 19. Now commences an effort to pay foreign ers, from our exhausted treasury, for tbc slaves Who won their liberty twenty years i ani hair-breadth Vape amon? savage beasis ago! I and more savage men. Dr. Livingstone was Mr. Gwin, of Cal., gave notice that he a,lone (r unattended by any white man) trav ' , , eling with Alrican attendants.among ditrerent should sood call up tbe (Southern; raciDe tr,bes and nations, all strangers lo him, and Railroad Bill. j many of them hostile alti.zether forming the . , . , - j .j , ..11. llillL, Ul 41. J') .(IIL1U upuu . causiio review of tho l'resident'a Message, j In the House, Mr. Dcwart mJo a did I tion townnls protection for coal and iron, ke. (Too late, liil'y, as the Scotchman I eating raw egga said to tbc chicken which j chirped just as it was guiug down bis ; gullet, ' You epuke too late. ) Mr. Curtis, of Iowa, introduced a bill for the cons'ruclion of a Central Pacific Railroad Bill. Good and bad. A very important election fur U. S. Senator, in South Caro- "n!li as resulted io the defeat of the rampant nullifiers, Kcitt &, Co., and the election of Col. Jtiincs Cbcsnut, who is called a " cOLrvalivo" on the Slavery question. Gov. Hammond gave him bis ii flui-oce. This rel-ult? to sectionalism is tlio Lut Led of Xullificatinriism, proves that the sagacious men ef the South see that they arc pursuing their gime too far, and are endangering the very existenco of their idol. This is a good sign. John Letcher, of the Ilantcr and Bu chanan party, received the Democratic nomination for Governor of Virginia. This is defeat of (be Wise and Douglas wing, somewhat unexpected, and indicates : in tinned slavery agitation and aggression which is a bad sign. WTho Arijut seems to think the Eng lish Echeixo fur enslaving Kansas is ia a j , . , . .. . j. , bcalth, condition, notwitb.tandicg be and Deany 11 dui quuo an iob i.unuera xum- ccracy ctuowoed it before tbe Election, and promised to admit Kansai without re gatJ to population. Defeated bj 10,000 majority, people generally thought it waa a " .tone dead dog." If tbry want to try it again, tbe People of Kansas are ready fur it in any ibapc tbe foul tbing may comu. LEW1SBUBG CHRONICLE parations are on 1001 tor a omnw "- distinguished guest the chief movers in ; which are the lire-euting friends of 1 lerre . Soule a tood tiuiiibcrof W bigs and some Americans. The Peuiocrals, or adherents "f luo present Admiuistratiou, propose to l.i i :. t t tl.A .IV.. n, ,nr , 'I - ' : other luovenienta in couuection wnu wie (J'll'C Bllllll II II (II HID IIUaH wm.j "L,,,Ie G'"nt- MT-Thc Hon. T. h. Harris, of Illinois, va. " ..... who heroically aDd with great ability, op - i I .... ... il i. Aim .. nnioor ix fjCD. Mm. It. K .1 tol-ongre- from l.erks county, by J''J "'' ,h" I UVU. tl IU. XI. iVLH", v,,s. ... ws,. t Democratic candidate an Opposition giin : f 450 since the Oftober election. The ' I'uinsylcmiian Bays Gcu. Keiui is a rcgu lar lilack Republican. ! Montreal, Pee. 2. Navigation is closed at (his poiut. The steamer Iioston ! arrived nt ltousses Point nineteen hours J from Burlington, Ireakiug tho ice for ten ,ulU, Sho is probaMy tho 1-st boat of ; the season. The ice is now three Inches tbik. Fon tu.-On last Friaa, mor I ,nan Bas fuuk jead on the Sand : ,. . lfc ,,hilJi burg & Ppruco ! ' .. 3 ,,',., Crcvli turnpiii". lie was supposed to have , , ' ., - . b"e0 draJ "verrl days 1 be was . u-cn V"1 'or Severn uavs. i ue uj.-ii vm . - from his face. Two hot.les of 1 1'iuor were found upon the person of the i deceased. Messrs. Maltbv and Case advertise for i sections, uciwecD nupcrt iu iuuviue. The Methodist Protestant Conference of .Springfield, Ohio, by a vote of 19 to 2, has withdrawn from fellowship with slave- j holding conferences. Mas Killed. On last Saturday, io Mill Hall, Clinton Co., difficulty oc curred Let ween a landlord of that place and a druuken negro, which resulted in the death of the latter. Gut. Medary bis written to the Pros! dent that he is ready to start for Kansas immediately. COURT NEXT WEEK. O Ye! O !.'.' O Tt!!Jmm line assortment received this day al GIBSON'S Hat Manufactory, very cheap. Dec. 9 Pc Vsll's C.alvasic Oil. Bilious Cholic was cured in ten minutes ask P. A. Brand, of Harrisburg, I'a. Piles of ten years stand ing cured by one bottle, and many others of the same character cured soundly by the use of this Oil. iJX.Any one will bring or send ns 15 for a club of 15 subscribers to any address for the Chronicle, we wi'll present him a copy of the follow . - . .. . " i jnjr interesting bOOK SIXTEEN YEAItS IS THE WILDS OF AFRICA. lOOO teiitM Wnufrd to sell DrLivingslonc"Travelso:Exii!oralions! during a residence of III years in Ihe wilds of A V... 'I'l...- M...PI. ..t .1..IH .j . inoM asionisning oomk oi i ravet-s tnc world has ever seen. All onr Agents acknowledge it the mo-l saleable book published. Tbe most liberal commission made loaseuls in small or large quantities. 'or particulars, address J . IIKAl'LI.V. 44 Korth Fourth l'hit.' P.. Copie Mnt hj mail, fre, ou receipt uf ibe priue, xonrE? of the pres.. From .montr tli. hiitiilrrd. of GivnraM. notii, from tho moct nrnrrtnhl. juurn.lH ot tin country, or our clirap niitiou i.f -l.tvtn!.?t"n Travrla .oil KxloratioDi in Alrii-a," we the following: It .bounl4 in it iTripti'ins of rtrmng. rnnd wondorful iitiim. HwioDir a p.-opio anil in a country cntirrlj new to thi ntiliir.1 worl.l : and altngp-thrr n-pid it aa nit. of the nn-t iiiterttiiic book iwucd within tue part jr Mijf Jirmorrut, J'jtfrrttin, ;V J. It I rinpliatically an Mili-.n for the people: and. jii.lilinic from the rapid pale with which it ia meeting, it it. lolly appreciated hy them. fWrMtio. rVeeMnM. xl iti. The bo..k i hating great run. and will be read by very rewtiog man. womnn and child, in thit aa well aa other land". Aihtal-Mla(lltit T'rrtjph. The work i. finely iiluiurated, well orinted. and firmly bouu'l. thua anaweriug in every rvapect the dtniand fir a pipalar and cheap edition of Hi. -'Journeya and ili-a-archca in South Africa " Thoae of onr reader who would hnTe a delightful hook for reading at any hour, "frr::drng.7:7h:u,r,:0'n.i, coun.y.and that liawork. I: xjonnuiL I 'he said accounts will be presented for conlir. ' " u.-,.,,.pjuiuieu in iuu, worn. , . .v AMrnop. ts'"'ifr"tl' Jm.'"1 th' ',l"m ' preiented to !,. Th. aoiume i i handjiii-T iMuntrated, and pre-eut that nnmuean. p4ranr3e(deTCent)r for whir!. Ur. Bradley ' publications art'not-d t-imtfy XatwtiivL. Thi inferef tiu work nhoutd be In the hand of every one. Iu lntrcst;nff ilan of ad venturer) are full of in rtruetion and am.i?t m.-nt. Ten thounand mpie It la stated, have b en snlil .n on month. Auburn American. Ur. I.iir;:tt ne'e Tray.-!- and K.-nearrheft jn outh Af rica appear to great ndvanUtre Id this edition, which in nn lont.tod.y the eilitmn most arr.ptab!e to the reader who readit fiir practical iiutrnetion and nmueement. Saturday iWf. Trie e lit ion of Dr. LMntstone' Travel, published by J. W. Bra.lley, i ju what it purport tn be. Like all Mr. Ilrvlley publication, it ia excellently gotten up. Tt-ya AgiUtUtr, Va. r. can reromnend the edition of Dr. UTlnfttoea Traeln, published by Bradley, of Philadelphia, a every way worthy of public patrouafre. It escellencc and it chen pot a recoBimeud it over all others. Frank Letlic's ilajt'time. VA tTO.Y.- The attention of the Publisher has been called to spuriois editions of this work put forth as "Narratives of Dr. Living- tlnne'ic Travels in Afrit. ' f i- u chP American edition of this -treat work pubtished(andcontainsalltbeimpnrtantmaUer J,f lne En?lish edilion whjch JH, ?jaKer - - "ma is .lie UU I V Special Notice to Agents and Can vassers 1 Wa hare Tmwnttr publiabed moral new and aateatil. Bonka, winding th- -.tbtc and 'nWc f.icof OmiiK. polnm : with Biotrraphiral Nctice. or hia Boat Diatln eui.bed MtniMeri, GmraUnd PmariUt. and tb. Mi. 7utor.v. nein a enonlet. Hirtorr of India and th. ivraraf War; The Angtl out Uc Vaum," a taleof thril ling interct. bf T. g. Arthur: ! oDr.K. A". AIM, ami tha liialinirulaluMl American Eaplnrcra, Ac. te. Thew. with our former Kitenalve 'atalof ne of Popular hjw... ...e. n. 11. iw KI.Q BMI h.le.Mw liat VI PuMICw- tion. ever otfen4 to Acnui ud Cntaaaera, tn wbooi . waooaf imm mm l-tvral term!. fWnd for hi I j. went free to aajr part of IL. I'mted Mate Bend nr ut liat. which & WEST BRANCH FABMERDECqjggj. and Terminer, and General (juarter Sessions at I.KVYISIlMir;. f'T the eounly of UNION ON THE SECOND MON11AY OF DECK (bein the 13ih day) 1858, and to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby Riven to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and fur the county of Union, to appear in their own proper persons with their records. iniiu !itioii,ezaminalioiis and other remembrances to do those things which of their olHces and in their behalf appertain lo be done : and all Wit nesses and olher persons prosecuting in behalf ; of the Commonwealth against any person or ',,,,, .j, jH,,.-iri without leareat their . prr,i. jurors are requested to be punctual in ; th-ir attendance at the appointed time agreea - i Sle tn nnlice - - , l!iven under , hiina and seal at the 8hrr - i..;.. ,he 1 l,h dav of No- j the year of our Lord one thousand Uight hundred ami fifty-eight, and the eighiy- ! Srsl year of the Independence of the United . Sap of Amerirood save the Common - -' ' - r uavic T, ch David Baeri-es vs Alfred Kneass ilumincl and Wife vs Daniel Kengier Church & Co vs Solomon Mayer Harriet Jenkins vs Merrit Chappel et al Charles llaitzel vs State Mm Fire Ac Comp llavid Fisher vs Jonathan Dieffenderfer l!nnseker for Church vs Jos D Forrey Thos Church vs saoie Satn'l S Barton vs Joseph Meixell John Moyer vs Fred'k Worman Chas Can-ley vs John Youngmati n al Reuben Steninger vs Alfred Kneass Price J Patlon & Co vs Jacob M J-, 'XlL' Meckley s Co Jac Bridge et al jin Locke vs Robert Hilamls Jos F Cunnnings vs Chas R Cronraih JrlaW Weiler &. Ellis vs John I.eiser and Wire j tie ... ,r ri. John Roland vs Martin U Reed eorge Hertz vs Peter Fetzer rump f. r Uerkcnstock vs Wm Price et al i nuip -.eeooiu et ai vs .;avm .-p.i er e. a. u . . a, nowar(i Malcom vs James P Ross I.udwig & Ranck vs Isaac Ranck's Ex's gar llavid Sienineer vs Wm II Marr harles II stirtner vs Wm Rule I, F Albright vs Adam Schreck surv II High M Richards Meickle Ac vs Reuben Orwig ' same same I Francis Krick vs Alexander Amnions Daniel Rangier vs John Lapp Margaret Forster vs Alex Cummings ma DWeidensaul frshirk vs ChuichAForrey Isaac Brown vs John Locke Levi K Shoch, deed's admrs vs J Yearger Samuel Mertz vs J P Seebold and J Seebold Trustees CJer Uefch Milllinbg vsA tJutelius L Palmer indorsee of J V Linn vs Levi Sterner same vs 7 others Martin U Reed, a minor, Ac vs C Dreisbach James Russell vs Jacob Dunkle Christian Bartch vs Daniel Ret.ner same same John Kessler vs Oediies, Marsh & Co Philip Seebold vs Peter Heaver et al Isaac Walter &c vs Jesse Schreyer Trustees M E ch at Milllinbg vs J M Kleckner Kline 5c Carrol! vs Wm InholT Atvrgt nie'ixel vs' I.eib A; I,r,b John Moter & wife same John Kling vs Peter fteyer Isaac K Dunkle vs Henry Ruble Daniel Render Jr vs Chamberlin & Slout Rev Samuel (iulelins vs Saml H Orwig Wm tones, Ind. Jn Locke vs Isaac Walter same vs Jn Locke, ind Abram Wolfe vs Beaver CJed M A Co Reber A Musser vs corporation University H M Whinner vs Jacob Kloss Samnel H Orwig vs llenrv W Crotzer S I. Beck vs Deitrick A Sheckler Charles Hunter vs Saml Shirk Reish & Reish vs Peter Reish's Adm'rs ORAXD JCRORSDre. T. 1858 llarttrylM B Smith, Wm Ellen, Wm Tate, ' Jnhn Iletz ; .rii'6r ISSterner,DSKremer.ThsReber MifllinburgB W Thompson. J W Sands HuffaltieV&x Beaver.Dav Henning.WT Linn Ltmentnne Wm Foster, Geo Chambers 4 White Drrr John St Clair -.'. Huff,,l,PteT Wolfe. Jacob (i Brown Sue Berlin David H Koush, John Kessler Oii'un Archibald Thomas, I'hilip Young Went Jn H Klerkner.S W Snodgrass Kelly Abraham Shaeffer TRA VERSE JI RORS. Duffiihie Ja Ziebach, Andw llatirk. Jas Math- j ers.Ja Kaufman, SaSimonton, Wm Steans ; ftmon Isaac Eyer Jr, Wm Hummel j Leu-is Saml Knauer, tieo Ruhl, Saml Swen- ' gel. John Hower : We HuffaLieVAv Smith, Levi Miller, Aarn i Hauck, David Kleckner. Daniel Pontins i Kelly Laird Howard, John Hummel, John liennaee. Jos Kelly, Isaac Rodermal. Thos Comly.Jn Dalesman Jn Ktahl Jr.Pav Meekly Hnrtlry Ths M'Curdy.Mark Halfpenny, A B Cummings. Wm Fisher, O P Katherman A"rto Herlin Christn Breyman, Chas Caw ley, Michael Kleckner. Robert Swineford While Deer Jacob Barnhart, David Steninger ' Mifflmlmrg John Bilger, James H Youne I Lewnburg O N Worden.Wm Cameron. Wm ' Brown.E C Marsh.E Slifer.S Ritter.C D Kline ! Eatt Btiffali Saml Zellers, Benj Schraclr REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all con- Xl cernej.ihat (he following named persons have sell led their arrnnnt in ih RomvirV ination and allowance at the Orphans' Court, lo be held at LEVi ISRLRU, for the county of Union, on the third Friday of DECEMBER next, Deing tne 17th day of said month, viz: 1 The account of J. F. Richari, Executor of the last will and testament of John fither, late of NewCotuinuia.l'nion conntv. decease, I. 8 The account of Elias Dreisbach and ueorge li.eisoacn, tiecutors of Ihe last will and testament of Catherine Dreinbaek, late of the borongh of Milllinburg, dee'd. 3 The account of George I)reisbach.and Thomas Yearick, Administrators of the estate of Henry Yearick, late of the borough of Mif flinburg, dee'd. 4 The account of Jacob Heinlv. Adminis tralor of John Slahl, late of Kelly Tp, dee'd. i ne account ot John iiatesman, uuard- ian of Sarah Jane Daletman, of While DeerTp. KEORGE MERRILL. Register. Register's Office, Lewisburg, Nor. 17, 18S8 Piothonotary's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that the account of John Hauck Trus tee for Susan MeClore (late Susan Strackey now dee'd.) appointed by the last will and testament of Frederick Heiser late of Boffaloe township. Union county dee'd., has filed his trustee acconnt on the 10th day of November 1858, in ihe Prolhonolary'a office at Lewis burg, and thai the same account will be pre sented to the Court of Common Pleas of said count v. on Friday the 17th day of December next, fur confirmation and allowance. SAMUEL ROLSH, Proth'y. Lewisburg, November 11th I860. riMIE subscriber offers for sale bis farm, I siiuaie in White Deer township. Union cnunly. about ihree miles west of Milion, and four miles notlhof Lewisburg, containing l.'D acres, litl cleared, and in a soud stale of cul livaiinti. The improeinents are agocd frame House, a large frame Barn, wiihjLti a Well ot water in the cellar a good Spring and Spnnghonse near the dwelling, and alt olher necessary out buildings. Apple and Peach Orchards, a good limestone quarry. On the Souih part is a ei'Od rein of Iron Ore, also a good tenant house. Said South part, say '0 Acres, may be had sejierate. jjnt Also 73 Acres of limber land about three Similes west of said farm : the limber land can be purchased in lots. Iniiiire of 2m7B:ipd JAMES r INN Ex, Milton. r 1 I riHE residence of the subscriber, on I Market street in llie uoronsn oiji ewlsburg. rhe house is ol UKll.n.. well ( finished in every respect. ! Terms One half to be paid between tb I and the first day of April neii; the balance lo be paid in two three or five years, as may suit the buver. Possession given anv time, ! June 9, 1858 Isaac WA1.TEK. ton sti.i:. (iOOD FARM, formerly occupied by f V M'Pberson, now by Trim, intersected by the line of Union and Snyder counties, con taining 170 acres, of which about 100 are cleared. The public road from Northumber land to New Berlin passes ihtough it about four miles from Northumberland, two from Winfield Iron W orks, four or five from Lewis, burg. Title indisputable. One third of the purchasing money cash, anil the residue in i equal yearly payments with interest, secured by Mortgage and Bonds. The whole loud I is fit for cultivation, and includes a fair por ' lion of meadow ground and limber land. Inquire of John Your.gman. at Winlield Ir on orks, or of lll till BELLAS, Agt. Sunbury. Sept. 15. 3m7J3 rr Sale. The One Hall part of a Tract of line TIMBER LAND, in 'Wb-tc Heer Township, Union eoun ly, for sale cheap. Apply lo CHARLES TLEASAXl'S, Sunbury. Nov. ft, 1H&8W-I I A Desirable Home for Sale, SITUATEU near Mitllinburg, and about nine miles from I.ewisburg, containing ' lnr .if i'CN, on which there is iM : large line Uelhng House, a good l)arn,a-J. and all Ihe necessary outbuildings. Surroun i a,n ik koi there is a large yard. adjoining which is an excellent liarden, and near the house a never-failing Spnng of limestone water. There is also a good two-storey TENANT-HOUSE on ihe premises. The laie proprietor having given special attention lo Kruit crowing, has now a most excellent assortment jf young Kruit Trees, ines &c. about oecomin probiaoie. n is a pie a ant h.-me. pood location and 'rich Soil . K- f- .A. UUMiIblOl V ra.toiis h ill uc gitcu i"i otiun. Terms easv. For further particulars apply to SAMT H. nitwit., Lewiburg, i'a. or to A. . KM. MI, Mitllinburg, Pa. Ir FOR SALE. 4 RESIDENCE on North Third street, V it being a Half Lotof 1-round, with. a comfurtalde Two-Storey Brick House, frame Stable, eoffd Well of Water, and a variety of choice FruiB. Inquire of J. B. MT.AUUHLIN, Agent. Lribur(. 4Vtobrr 13, tf ranc soorrioer oilers for sale that Urge, new, modern built, double brick house, I nt-any oppoMie me new jrreoyienan cnurcn, t j adj.'inin the residence of Ur. Hayes. The i j house is bu;lt in Ihe best style, rat-prmif, and j well guarded against fire. A good Well of! vaier, anu uisiern oi never-iainng water. Terms made easy, and will br known on ap - J . ... . ,.w. . ' plication to JONATHAN KEssBlT. Lewtsburg, Aug.ti, IN.OS. V 1 T II 1 HI V TM.'T WT TV ilL,U;ll.ri ItJ.llj l.O 1A1L l'OJi SAI.K. rilHE suhscrilif r ull'ets fur sale his Rrsidence 1 on the west siJe nf Soulh Second street in the Biiruiigh nf I.ewisburg, between Market and t.I.otiis slreets.consistincof near a lot and ahallolKrotind.makinsalroiitiifDflrecionsaid Second street, and m length 1S7 feel, 6 inches, The improvements are a commodious three MsUirry BRICK DWl'M lr. ill IOTTSK. of pressed brick, 45 feet iruut by afi feel deep well finished with a marble base, marble sills and lintels ir. front a fire-proof roof with a Wing attached of 23 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex cellent water, with a Pump in, under roof a large Cistern also under roof a larse new I Stable an Ice House and other necesarv ! nni K..;l. irk... . .i y ' i uv.-vui..i.fc-. 1 urir AIMI on sainar Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubherv.?? The location is a desirable one either for a private residence or public business. Ilis on ihe most elevated part of ihe Borough, near Ihe Court House, and but a short distance (rum Market street Terms will be made easy. June 9, 18S7 G. F. MILLER. ".. FOR SALE. 4, MY Residence, on Xnrth Third cir... jilaLLewisburr. 31 fl. front, and jncorlin J i , back b,.d,nS K ft. deep. Basement, and , Ainck finished. Lvery convenience in the! I way ui vucuuimiiis. A Ida a Hn f I.M nn ILT11-L-.. - ...... v.. d........ vrMur f;r !f TJLTJ?ZC' WI,V "0V;U "f UWV ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a bust- ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) Also, other Lots, some with and some Without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisburg, Oct. 8. 1857. BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. j" daw The subscriberoflerstosell the fl'jW11jlarr;e Brick Foundry at Ihe west ifsS15!luaenil of .Market street, iuclti.tin iJWjj". 'kumt the "areroom. Office, and the I Machinery attached also a large amount .f Patterns for I'atent Rights for Agricultural i Machinery, Sioves, 4c. It is regarded as one ; of the best locations for a business. The Proprietor's time is wholly engrossed in anoiuer employment, which is the reason he desires to dispose of this Foundry. w I parucuiars, address Wit 1 I1U vuini' t , Feb. 18S8 lnion Co.., I FOR RENT! rpiIE TWO ROOMS occupied at ore. oo,.!Ve!"SM,,uhVrn " " I i'piy to Jan. 57, 1858, jnH n .iky i FOR SALK. A DESIRABLE nuildlns; Lot, 33 feet feet front by 167 deep. Enquire of Beaver, Kremer tc M'Clnre. New GoorwJDId Stand! A GENERAL assortment of Dry CSoodS. made-up Clothiig,Ilat,d- Cap; JJoott and Shoes suitable for Ihe season. Hard Ware, Queens Ware, Groceries, SALT, FISH, tic., all of which will be solu at prices to suit ihe times. Liberal deductions made for Cash' , M'CREIOHT HAUCK. BurTaloe X Roads, Oct I85H TAKK NOTICK i veil to .. ennrernet. the laletirm ot tieorse the Mitllinburg Foundry properly ol feamuel Uuielius. I Miiflinbur 1,1 I M.I I , HAMUEI. titTELIt'S. 1st, "bS. Oct. tVNOTICE. All who hare unsettled ac. j counts with thela:e linn of J.& S.(iuielius,are hereby notified, that the Books of said firm j are left in the bands of O. K. Voungman, Esq., for settlemenl and collection. All concerned are earnestly requested to make settlement before the lirt of January, I8;".9. All who neglect this friendly Notice, will be dealt with according to Law. Mifflinburg. Oct. 1st, IKM. BOOTS AND SIIOKS! JJOOTS AND SHOES!! rw Fall 4ri lal at l . Kill's C1HEAP HOOT AND SHOE STOIiK.nezt door to linker A Co's Dru store, l.ew- u here u.ay te louml a genera' anv 1 j'liiiatJriptiia. MAXL'FA VTl'IUXG KEPAIRIXV Joiie much lnwer than the oll prices. Hi auk -ful fr past favirs, we will endeavor to uiertt your iurtlier custom. hepl. 1 w5 )AMES WASHI.XtiTO.N, IMRKKKa West basement of KiviereiluUe oLiurg. (LaieSam'l U'aldrumV) 7 "5 Boots & Shoes ibrU inter! At tU ohl VW Office Mi(t "I AMES .M:t)TT respecilully ittifm the tl people ot I.ewibutg and its vicinity, mat he ha jum received iruiu Jhilad. an eu tirely new of BOOTS AND SHCES, GUM HUK.S, CA UPKT BAGS, ic. roiaeitiHiKii Ladies (Jaiters, Kid Uoois fr I.adis and M:s3t-s, and Uot nnd Shoes ot ail descriptions, all Me&, and ail prices, which he is enabled to sell cheaper than at any other establishment w ill. in tiiiy miles. Country 1'iL.duce wilt be taktn in payment. Manufacturing and Kef ailing done to order at the shortest notice. 'i he under.Mgned having been in the busi ness for 15 years, and understanding U ill buying and makir g, ibutks he can suit the public lo a T. Thankful for the liberal patronage already received, he ti uMs he u ul -hare a continuance and extension of the ame. SSept. 15, 1H5S. JAMES SCOTT. Tpvft I 1 ' Il OO IS oi:it K ATI i:, or Compound Extract uf JulaKia, In unprercil ut-l fur ttie urof .-cfffula ami utl rbrt-nk-tl avmrr ; iIumkm of tit Liter, Ktlut)S utttl li.bcldrr; Jaubiicr, lrt't'i-y, Itrouclnti. tiir-'UM-Ciuii, I lircat all, piltin tf Llifd. Inripimt t"-nunipliiiD, -orli:iA, t iimitK' ul lortamatory l;ti uuitu-iu. l'o-tiv llt.iirt, Suk llrmladit-, ir)M, lujint-5d, NiTtou Alltcii.-n.1, i'broun t Tolulou .-err l.y? utui f.llI. lirttbic Imu dotr t;nlr)(f m-nte, W bitr J wflhuc, uld aud rtinstr I'lrvT, Mt rcutinl l ict-rMiUsi Krui'tioiiei, t-hn-n of the Honrs Lupu, K.itni tki-m the tmrr. NoM-ituel l.tjt, Mttlipnant tini: I lor-rn of tl ilt uih. Tt ku-, Tliroat dJ Ssft Palat. Trtttr, hurbr'ii Iirh mtl Vi tthAftB ur me nix, oJ all JM-aMrn riMiK trom an m- rtkK tlTATB ortUK BLAHfD, wlirthcr hetiditarj, ac-jUirtcl, or ntntrertrsl. Th great popularity whiih thin inTaliiV!f re rot-Jv ba altaiot-d w oiogtoiti.jvUilftini'W.itfmrllt, i'-n lrrtui ALTER ATI Y C ANU CI KATt V fc afft-rtji in tb vanuus eb route diara. do not b-iun.- u rr-.n.n-Dj it as Ali'lBLC AM RILi.llirt KKl.f. tsr. tMf.-, 412 Rare nl, whiv lr. Wvi put bv rooitul trd en il tlliraft4. fall at tb iTt and f rwuro Cirrulr conlainiDg a larg mass ul tbe roost r tabic vvidr-nce. i:K lfKIMS. The tuitor or iii iAH'a- .IT nUaa in th fr.:ir mn ! V0- m tbat paper i January .,it, ionr,ri.iuj . Ur. J ar is M-Miriuiry. hi.ii a h.. . t..,..i.. " .hirl, fund hiu ol KrT.Tt-u VT. DA MI. Ul.rill.lin K Hr nrf ncl ia ib,h.bit ' of n.uiuirtilinp tnour m uf pNiiKtvu. d--u- rativr. .ml tinMrum. .hub unv Imi.tH-u ti. i. ,n. ' d Mr "l"""'- H.--. kmrw. ud or tun.' ninln-mr .nl k'ue-l it to be n-.llr ic.n.,nl ol. !!. nt rur.ti i4U.l;!i.- li.r Kr.iil.., m lw,t liiur. iu aojini e.k and couimeudiug lt.e lurme lo utiii-ra in. aiuictcu. KIIUI MA TIMI. 1 biiaHtt, Aiifiiil.l't.'.T Id Sacaary. my dau liter, ilwu id ber biuete ntb man atlatrked with lultnmatory KeeuiallrlD. .Ml U r Were nil.-h -.-...llrn. 8t)d -be lltrt-T-.-l tbe DHt t-jtrrm-ijlinic pin fur tbiw Diouth cr mif. 1 called in a pbyr-Kiau, -liv f.iotiuue.1 tn a I teed her without any ihii'ruvrnitnt. t.rttiD; tnurb din ouraKd, 1 ci-orlud a to try Itr. iKtrtt' Iput(,te, the brrt bwttl ih-.i. nnniu. c-d a decided bauicr ti.r the better. h rontinued tbt Biedli iw lir -ate itm- at,. I it klTiftcd a-erftn-t ru:e;Vh. baa r uiaiiifd tret .r Kli un.Hti-in and b. r braltb good, cr aiDCv, bfing u-aarda ol tw- -.enri. l. TlloMI SoN. No 11 lluti-bugii ct. TIIROiT DIMMcE. Thi lare rlat nt tliiseai-en, iiuiuuin t let-rat if. n. In flaiualHin:.. ltruurhial Irritation, ir b m t aueri'Mv 1 ,u"' "'" ' J "" i.r.l)i ik iur.ur,. ujir. ; l.i-lbrot Ai-ohrati.-n. lli-ml tlie luiHmiuir cm:,I At'tiliratl'.n. i.-ad tb IuImjviiii' rasK. r lrcuj curr hut iodc nui.iniit-u uu, ting : ta-.tltin,tbvbtt-rto-t July 2. l.-W. Dr I'a tip Pear tit : i About five year a--o I was attiit bt-d with a diaFt rf : th- tbroat. wbii h ram no gradually, but at tmit-s ali-o ' 1 would take cold tbe .aiti and Mit1eriti would l-e ery : di'-treMiint:, arrompaturd Willi Imm of foitv lo ruib to ; wxtfnt lbt 1 eouii! uot up. ait mU,r a wbi -.n r 1 lie dt- M-a eoutinul ttrttintr wonr. notwithtaudibf: 1 hh , under tbe metltrat ln-atment ol four diller. nl b Miciiiiio : Heroin ins aiaruid at my rendition, 1 ruorludt-trin po to fiiiladribiaantl rt-nnult you. which you rcll-t I did in tbe winter of ls.,.1. when you nmmiur ndetl uie iauu j your aVpuratiTe; ard by lb u.-e of fi-ur bottlf-a ol if. m e"-d, and hiiTc r. .,11. It i, now more iban a SU""" - W" m.kkkTS Jp"" r"tR. da via axtt-SwTkoi i Ltii's oint.mknt and WMUr'm" ?"-r 'ni ai'i'iiiatioD. 1 wan entirely "" r a i iu. 'uiuia letompany the Jfc-pup. : -u taBCS oi ccroiuious tir and I Icvrs.c.ut tlie . Throat. ' i l Call On Ihe AgenK J. BAKEK A CO of ! Lew.pba. and irccr e..nui"iuK . , - f ?Tiden in fTorof themedieinr ! Baklk a co. At. for l n..,. aittn;. 75:., TT " " ini vmailC I'riUlinc:. A L G purchased thenpht to ue Ron- A.X. ' process for Printing with llrv Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared k CARDS, Show-Bills, &c Jicd, Green, But, Ifcw, Silixr, IHamnd, or fUl ; assoriinent of j V ,. t Jt? iMv Hen's, Ladies', Hisses' and Youths' V HfVts Boots, Shoes. Callers Buskins, Slippers e. ! Mt!"JV 'tA of Ihe latest St) Its and best qualities, selecteci 'SCiii jT M$iYmi with gnat care and at Cash Price which. V r l! -tfj 1 1 will be sold as low as at any place this side XtljH u i.TA vMlftpi'fklS) lT! colors, in good slyle. tVat the OIHcc of the i ..iT. "", "'h mr" " Lewisburg Chronicle." ! ?.0nedcccf twotc. frm'u'.s iliai.y r Jrin.lfiM WOKUEN a CORXEf llS i liiriis lliAUAcna. !"". 1. I line boltle lk,n f.r til malce!.-tru li.n r-"e I'arlor Sluie for Sale, 4 OOOD second hand Parlor Ktove, nsed xa. oni'ii tiiur, mi saie rncan. r.n- J.X. . i . ,;, . ' i Quire at the "Chronicle ntfire r-..nt '. Sept. 22a ' - " 1 , Auclioiicrr, is ihe paironne of the public' Residence on South Fifth street. Iwi,." !. 1 a. December 6, 1S56. burg To Tax-Payers and Tax-Collectors. it is not generally known that Tax i Collectors have to nav interest on ihe --- balance due by ihem after the second Tuesday " take piemmrc in ree rwinrr.h': , in January, for the information of all concern- YJ. OTTi.(Va ' VZJZ r. 'u -eil 1 will cite ihe law on the subject, (fee : t"- ith ail cruirtj,. ai.d thoui.i ara Purdon's Digest page 791 Sec. 123.1 "Il the ! iu " t"ti,y to " idriuiirtui?. quota of any county be not paid over before1 the second Tuesday in January tn each year to the State Treasurer, then and in such case the amount remaining unpaid shall be charg ed against said county on the books of the Stale Treasurer and shall bear an interest of five per cent. till paid, and no payment shall be made to or in behalf of said county under the various acts relating lo common schools or any other purpose umil the said balance be fully paid and satisfied. This is the law, and it ia hnnert von will wnv.en accordingly. H. P. SHELLER. Treas r. T EASESUlank Leases for l.andlor.l j Jj arrdTenant,fursaleat IheCAroHUet utlice i SSIGNEE .otke. JOEL ROTro ' - ' Kelly tft-nhip.l hioi. ctmniT h... i on tne thirteenib day ol Ociotw, A. B. iHi made a voluntary assignment tWne of all h.j property for the benelit ..f bis creditors. ALL I persons indebted lo said Royer are notified ta i make payment, and those havfhg claims tr, ! to present them for setilemem. ! me, wuhont delay. Jol. DATE.SMAN, Assignee Kelly Tp, Nov. 10, 18SS 6pd Bonnets, &c. I fa 1 The nnderigned res-peclfally informs ; v. ihe citizens of MiRlmburg and vieaiitv Hint she has opened a new Mlinery KstaU. ' lishmenl nearly opposite Has?npue-S $ire and has just returned from Philadelphia ir ( a new and splendid assortment of p..,,.. . , , . r V,. ... . ' 7J7in2pl Miss CATHARINE REED Tbc Great Ainhassadur of Health TO ALL MANKIND. IIOLLOWAY'S TILLS. A BOON TO THE H"K Th- want f a ttr:ir mrsilrinal t mt th i'.lt ao nef. -r.ti. i.l thf oiitl p-rtn u of bumamty, aiwl nn -utiriT I'r ti "ni nin t-ral uul 'lbr -li' tfri'iin wtir. m r-iy f-tt n'i all p.arrfut Bmn. iu- m:;f -jtti-.rl into tb- orlt : lid iv u xt fit La L& b.c. nif tlie M-i i;i"i n ail uxtK-na. Thiat-trit-uitr i to Hi) wt-ll a" to 1 1 iF , they attaLtt.- eii ni rioiit i f tb-r.nii laiBi, ul tl.u- rU'jiO -'i tbe bi'Mrp mu I eli-ra- r-iuinr' r:ir- ii-i r-fi r- IN e rnrrirx tb- y-t-m, ai.-tins t-atur ia Lrr VITAL auet ns ri- ai; rf.ur.- I tbc- ntif r:il". ard tl Hip"' r. . re iv.-t.r'.l to tl.eir pi " r ti t; u Hialt ' -bid'if -lia- Ibi- l.-lra "f di-.-ai txbii-;t i' ei-nri hmir -inl unrriii? it nw-dj Uiirn' it :r t. lit Ut'l l-lll. t nyy.KAL 1 1 t:i.lrr .v wFAKrr I'p'Bl jjli T riUw, It tle? -l .irit, :i 1 , t vit.- jf a tliet a-tc-i .ii-r, EL.-1 ctber liirtT..;. t: n tl- r t iu. vmiio-U timlt-r tu rJi'-lin - tbir all !(. rifu) anii-( lie aii'l Jt-trrvfiit r-a-a. j;Li"l'S l lni;t-yus. Tl.f prpr jttjut um un-l riirlit f-'iieiitHiO t-f tb i : i rf iiti-ni nti-u- imf ort.iiM- to tfc b-alth of tin huuiftr. lr:'iu-, tin iit.ti t-ili- u nit ili'-.un W-tb-bi(tJa-r-i. t.t lli- fi.Dii-.airit. ! alt tin Cuid ani fr l. ii - uie tlinni. rlt-aii.-iH(; auj rcru.-italibj,' i Ul tuu U"D4 vt Hi- b iy. Fhfnlil lcf oo ti Rie in trjic( a ft-a d t-t tti n latinu ail (riioTHiiita: rni-tly. mhHt-t-r may b it.-ir o tn j'l int. it U In- tiik n ailli .-:. t; ID all fr:. -li - ; aua other dfMrniiuitmot. it e(I-ct i-all but iiuraru.' .4. Tf. If VA "" Th t"titr,---nT ni Vttii-r:- t unaninioi.Iy r-r r b-alil.-j::vin ittu-- I hts v bit- fa- 1 , a' r-.t in fieiy liviinf l;.r;.'Uai:' l-ar v ."j. .- V- t-J- i.i.tbb "( of th-ir )ttrtuii(- mct:ii. H- I . twy'f I'i'Jt xr t l'-t r--uj i ti. jen 1 tin . - -ti 11. a 1 . ( -. Iuw;.r.l I .1 .iltV LlT tsDI-'e'l.', I . niKii f r. ) I int. L'FDe?cl c, .rJ lifala't.-" tt'int an-1 r,rat- lu.ic'a a l-ecotHrtf -yiLfr li Int.urba -Orrral attrrti . l Jutlaioatir.n M-Tmul a.lklQl "l.i--t di-fae 4 otlTent'r' H--l-.a 1'iai jbr-a t"At"TION Noiv nr prnnin-F unI-F(i Th,- aorut "If- itc-ry. .rtr lrk ctii L'f"H'." are uLTrrclilr a Ili.'T Mark id -ry taf c! tb ti.i.k ul tiir-clM-u aruuDd ai b y t t rhx ; l)i tarn- n.aj be (.aioly wB by htmif; rf" .; tmthf httt,t. A bJi-lM toa rvarJ be ;m-n to ary rti-tl. rnc urh iftlonuata B a Bay lead to lb .tet-ui n t.r t.y -rt or pprtie- ti.tintrrfr. iiiIi.e mt-'liriui-ri vt k buiu llie rafixr, knbiing to to bt .- UTX-Uft. ,--oltJ at tii Vanttfartrrifd rf rrrfewor IL u- t, Mi Mmtleu L.-1111-. Ni-w tor, and by ail rr-tbt bnw-pi-t und piult r- tn Mi.Iu ine t),i.ubout tbe I Mate alol tin r:Tliil(.d Wolld, in troao at d fruit. criitt. aud $1 m h. 4-lbei id couciiirrab; aaiing by taking tbe larg er MZif. N. H Iiirrrtf. r f-r tb cuiilanc of (Atiratj in 7 diicrdr art- xrj tn a b loi. f PiiE C pm int rhip here Toforerxistirg be- twet-n fl;-di.cft Marh V L'o is lai . ttiii(dveil. Ail rures and book accounts w are placed iu the hands t f Jonathan V t t ' and H. i. M.eiier for cidlectioD, to vht m a i j payment aie to be made. All persons km-- l uirmscives unlet ted lo said farm, are . nna.tu.l . .. 1 . . , 'll n,iM.n, f. C . a" rsons liavmc claims, will r resent ih- for seltlemeia. SAMI KI. UKItDEs JAMES . MAKsH J.-E1'H W. bHIil.ERi Lewisburg, ept. 18ih, IS.'jS. I rT"The Foiiiidry Business trill be eontin I ned at the t-!t place as u.-ual by the sublet. bers, where iher will be pleatii to aiier.d if the w ui those wh may lavi r ihem v.H. their rairoua-e. J. s. MAKH A tl. I Lewisbursr. fiept. lSih, 185s. mi: LIVER I XVI r a t o i: : tLLVARLV BY IR. SAyyvRV, Compounii'd entirely from GUMS. TSoNKi'KTIIr: BKST I I T,'1 ATIVR AND LIVER VSN It 'INKS now Wt. re the jiubii.-. tbat artr a- a i;-wa.. -ni.-r. mi'der ard mr- elTeetual thao any otfcrr rctiirr known. It in only a t b.(irfic. but a lir-r r.ta artnij: tlrt on tbt r to fject it morbid maitr:. v.z on the momarh cd bowelp to carry off that roattr,!t j aocom-hbnir two i-urpot-ra e dec tti ally i:t- ut ar.i f tin i-iiii tul feelini; t-xirienrftl in tbeoriati. n, : i r t'atharti' It tr. ntben. while it purkt-K tl e -rfc and wbrn fnkeu daily in m-lrrat will sttiiL-i and build it up with unupuai raf.idity. The Liter b one of tb Ij-rinriial r-"ru!nTs the human boaiy; and It hen it petb rrc- '-Ev ltns well, ihe irowen oi J the atuni atv ;L..t -e Trlopetf. l!,e tl'-mnrh ir fJQ almrten!ir-:v .;. ;-bi:': on tbe healthy action of ;the Z.irfr tor .If pr- :r I-ifi rnianef ,.f its funr- Q 'tion; when tl.e k. tj. ! ii at ImuH. tbe Lowe l. are V,at btult. ai.d tbt- ( py.tem iirTeri in en use- '.imiict t-t i nt frjr '! Live havinc cvaj-id t r" do it du:v. I-t il ene wf thiU orpcan. one of ,'die prof ru t. r? hi n.: it hi fttudy. in a practice r more tl-an :.mi ?-: ! find aone renirdy. 'w herewith to r. oc.-Kt tbe nioy aVranirt-Bjenu flr't.. which it i-" hll- T ( ro.e that tbifrni-, cdy if at lat li-un-i. T . perM troubUd wih Lt- !ta C-riir. ia t. It I- rmn. bca but u trr w : ,.:.. ... .. ... u eertam ' ' tCpreov. H O tnorrr.trrV. r..Pr l.beir ,-J.ce a h.a;th,i! - ' ,:,-,,n-t,n-t the !,t.mb.ca1.-ui t-J : i f:lTrVfc-7i? can-e of the diaeaae ef- f.ct,iie"arUi airure ' nn-ii.'t- att.hks are rXjrt, n. i.,t js-j- ! iy,.oA J - "nedncaiiereatln ' "", eattne i- -ufficient to tv'i-T'' t' the .food trom ri.ns Only one dua. takenhe-' fore retirinf. irrTcbL NmniiiAiiE. Q., I Uuly one doae taken at' . niirM. IcHefB. tlie N ":' I gentlj. and care. Ci- UJ TiLt.p. tnecau.e or the dieraae.) and mak.. a p.-rieci ru Oniy one doeeimmtdia ttne doe often it grated !i mire cure ft Tt'iti'i ! ofi . and a lreTetjta- i . .., ; Weeded tO tbn W ftt rf ! tbe st. n. ik- f Ui .f...P a iu t Kkne. m I Mm' One Kltle taken for 'J.rwi mnoTeil. low UrM (IT Utiml airml nrl. fl ..a. tr..wm. flat .km om-dotfubn bort ;tim ii-fi'm riin; J tVcr in it wor?.t tt.rm-. wbilelf-kVinwrK and It " plaint yieid almost tn w,tk.,,tjrf. ne or two dnsen curea'a. ;attarkn rau-t d l w" tn I bildrr-o; there in Bo.lanrer. et'er. or fff -remedy in the worid, a'. ' it a.rr f,it s. I ah-..rtnt. t.A few bc:tle curt w Uaorsi, ly xr.tia' V WM itwairins their unaoiofu-.tri5' on; in ita favor. .V Hater in IAe monfA wifA thi Iireigdnaar, and I3 low UOi llie 1.1 ver Iniifrorator 13 A SCIKXTIFIC MKMCAL BISI OVl.KV. and i ' working rurea aluKint (no (Treat to belie.e. It rurc a. by macie.cer. Ihe drrt aw inrra. fccncif.and than ou. boltle ia required to rure ioy kind ef I1'1 Complaint, from tb. woiet Jaundice or '.-e-r1 cimmn n caoucAa, all of aliKa Are themWIe'1 .aaed Liver. Pln-v on. Doi lik ... R-.TT1 1. . SA rOIiP A I'.V rroprielora, .Hi lind.y. X. w ; ..i .. . :..i l .11 ,, .... . . .... . - j r. . t a i n U.L. u.-mrt- 1 Lutheran Almanac, also 1 t?.0 f" I r:,i. aTSZ:'. r.. f h ).' r j WM. VL'l'KAY. LeiN"l