Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 03, 1858, Image 3
Ik JjCirisbttra, Sa, Fiiinvr Morxixg, Pec. 1S58 i1 irillm in 1'ily an.t Ountry. l'i.l.li..hT-. i.h t.. huv or W..UI.I .! w. il in fiu i.i mo , n- ot Hi tmmrr Mrrli.l.l.irh lia a lr.-i ul hot.'"- rirfiiUli'tu ill a mioinunitv containum a ,.rlirdia of i-ti'. Ir'iit i-rulucrris .-ou.uuirrs jnj Jd.-rN a y in tin- siulo. "cJ Sco Sew AdirrlisiriaiciiiS. KSuWe have between, two and llirce olumns of now A tlvcrtisciucnts this week, tu all of which we invite attcBtioo. IsiyProf. A. II. Hasslcr, of the I'nion Fciniuary, at New lL-rlia, Las sent us a jiice of 1'iauo Music of bis own cmnpoM ti.u, entitled " Cxonleior l'ulka." It is tiinl'lc, auJ quite pretty. ,ayWe regret to uiis from the I'oi-t (Jlliec, the popular and efficient Assistant, JollN KiLEIir, who lias become tho L pu ty of tbe uew l'rothoiiotary of Clinton county, Dr. Mover, bis father-in law. The loss of Lewiburg, however, will bo tbe ir.uiu of Lock llavcn. Use Li in well. (SirMr. Abram 1. Ilawu l.aa rcsigueJ he statiou of School ui'tiiiitindeut of M tU 1 county, atiJ entered tbe gradua ting class of tbe I'liivcrsity at Lev. islurg. 1 ho papers of tbat county noli...- itli iktick regret Li rutiriug from that position. Mr. Warucr of the I.owistowu Academy, is hi. successor. n,We have received tbe first No. of "Tbe Choristi r," a iicat liiontbly rpiarto, contaiuing musical un-cellary interesting to all, tut inure especially to p' rsous who ere musically il.clinid. 1'ut.lislitd by II. C. Abbey, 110 Nasfau t-t., ai.il editid by j iof. A. N. Johnson. f.O cis. a year. ( W'c notice tbat l'rof. .T. lias recently is- d a volume of Music which be calls ' 1 lie Choir."' 1'ublUUcJ as above, at 7X0 per dozen.) te"T!io ltiiffiiloc Tnwiiflii) Tcar'n--r liirti'.iiio was rcorjratiizeJ at the Cross Koailson the 27th tilt., ait'l it'i jounicd to meet at the Poniins School lloiisoat 1U o'clock A. M.. of Saturday. 1 lilt inst. Arithmetic will lie taken n, and a class l'otiini to illustrate tho ways of teaching it. Tho County Superintendent is expected to be pres-" cut. Teacher?, 1'ireetors, and all in terested are invited to attend. There w ill be an evening session. Abridg ed from a report furnished by C E. li.Ms, Sec. 'v. Nekded A better crossing from Win. Flick's currier to Mrs. Stock's, Market street. I t""Xext si,iljb.i;h at o'clock. P. M..in the the Baptist Church, a Report will lie ren.l by H. I.. Atkinson, before the Society of Moral t Ueljyjoiii. Inatury. SutMect, M What is 1HZ VULLLiLii. a rid.ttt for tht . ih'jf tit wt'ici jm tt'j't'r r&"Answer to Problem in Mental Arith metic in last week's Chronicle i A find $io. It hurt J0. Ans'd by R. of Eat llutfiltie. ("One half all your paiI.s", should ; have read "Three half times" 6c. ! r"Ans. lo 1st Mi sc. Enigma "Gtttrtze Watthintnn."1 AnsM It A A; DC 11 iJ'jilaloe; H ; J II M, Lcwisbu'r t"?Ans. to "d Misc. Enigma j StU not Ytitnc to purcfutse Wealth. AnsM by A A, DC II, K, and J H M j K.M did not send Answers withhis Enirota FOE Tnt LEWIinURQ ciiromclk. MISCE L LA yEUVS MA. Tan rotnpi-i.iieil of 14 Utters. My 1 , i1 ni' kiiitrrif T hi-d l j lDJiaos 11 4 -' 14. iunk.- all ro;ile V alike ft 11! II. hat fich'tut boS-l 6 4 b, tn.f 1 10 fl, H join 1- a. B ClllljUllWi-'O 1." 4K,t vehicle My whole wit a Doled BriU'h tlftifml. J.H 3. UEOGRA PiilCA L EMU MA. I am rv.mM v i of IT lette-rx. 11 y i ft ft U ft, i a b-wn in Vw llsnibire 1!6 4 j IT.t lake iu New Yt k 1 6 lu 2 I J 14 & 5, a rivor i:i U ineonnin N 1 1 lit & a. a river in lieornia 4 IT l'.i. an Ihlainl in :le Ai'an n-a 15 i:t H lti 4. a town in nrth-rn Africa Jly auolr iala.ke in Nf-w KulauJ. tl.LIK. PROBLEM. A mm made aforturm W itli a titirn that be sold, Yet bid firt une i-jii't tiixly d'llarn In gJ lie now is rti"termiitfd To buy ll.iffti,t"aler', and sheep. Awl al.Ho have eixty K-fore ftoinir aslep. Thf liners at thr. e d'.lhilK, Thi' fjatTeo two if yinj plt-a;e, An1 Ui" hirp fifty rent.", Are th.-ir finn M i ctt. Now. iazi'niAup friftt Aod tboM- bift with a miud, Pray, tell m. bow many. Uiuu(it buy of each himl KKLI X. Kirt nntTVor. 0t.29'5 We will pay Acts each fur 10 IVo's tl the Chmnirie of lhe above date JUST RECEIVED, 4 NEW lt.tof 8 day and :i0 hour U-OCKS. which will be sold cheap for cash at ' the Sign of lhe Big Watch. Dec. I, I8."f THO'S G. GRFER. , ; t ACT lTlTrTJ iiAOl XUUlIbJLfi t nilOSE indebted, will n!i nm i Il i - j - S mu .iiiii3 line AUU UWllli; lltC II Tin i.iit. llaiu ri riiMTK.iii. must be set- y i n i or befure the first day of January 159. i i" after iliat lime all debts unsettled, or not i.iisfaeiori!v arranjed, will be sued, without distinction of persons. H e. 1. I.UKU A. JONES, Assignees. COXCERT sp,? The Pennsylvanlans "ill give a tunccrt at Inlciruilrii Hall cm win , nt.e.i3. rf. Uki.ii : , r"" permtmaHee on tlie lia-no- A.lra.ttance S. cents, l'erf.irmance lo commence at 7 o'clockDec. S : Union Caantv Teichers' Institnto rPHh Teachers' Institute for I.'nion Counly ! At, 7"!, raeel m "arll"'on. on Monday the dir. I ,Ci '"-i-c"n"nn' m sess.on live A" '"ehersof the county are ei- 1 -re,, u. a ". . ',ar"cir"e 'he C'tra. nr. j u'sirj0'e lhat all should1 lh ' '"nuuuie uic interest ol il'. ' h?'s B"rrnwe.Prnf. F. Hendricks, '. t..!- '""'"Sighed edncaton,are expect. . , -- .u tmi iuulc :o UIC interest Ol T- 11 rum, i.i;..,.on., r. i.jin il oi Hart KSSlon. Iy I'l'.. awl Mi. .S.IKAII IIKYKK of In ion Tp. . -s I'res.n. fl an interest in the cause ef ed- roCtfllllV iilVltfrl In att.M P rcKKXi-URV. Co. Sni'-t. IJci.t - Kt's tUsimi m I'ili- f. r iujri.'4 rcult--ti"'ii rv, ptt-in or liot wlr, !lturav voitilutviii i utli'i-) litiliu b:i!i.i. It liut 't(! ii-n- 1 1 if ( ii in tuil itiftatiinintTkiii, Lut iiti-Tf hLh tbf ru (i. rrii'ial rr from 1 t'lK'iiKiu nTt'i t-xteu-liiii:. . t'uu-ut r rail- : y train llllllJ v r ti t wUmmt at- n-plv f.f thin jrr.'Jtt filt-rinil r'iutly. I ut-, t.riii-f?. -.-tn"t. t-urnt, tiilomti(n4. fti-, arc nil r.ju.l.y wuhin tht ut il rtir.tivi nirtu -ute . :n-i tli- i t- in w v.irn-ty rui.litir Uii-f r-'iiK il.fta!-f wtiii'h it J - im-n' ut 'i-ttt pilling. In lit'tt-t-i u i-iit "i t'iil tue lit:t -vnii'iiftif ca" rt-t tii jt j ty the 'n srt, him -rrlii4 couiilcr irrtctut W mi'l lia.v.-. IU' Tl. lllU. I'illit rr tu- t. tit Ml itttiTiinl 'iis.TJer-'. Jitiw Tit (in Si rt i i 'i'hr-te is oce iIrairaUli iVnitire .! ilie Irun Ci'y '!! se. and one we believe peculiar ti n. which we iinivt ii oi pavs iinn .iic.'tl it niiil-.es iirli'an ctpres t and a very "Kitlt acnt in prortmn iiua ii.Mis and (tccnpaitciis i't r mx-Ii as i qual fu-s tu hold tli.'in. il'tnt' M-rcfrifx Mtuzin: Ctuiiun ! In inr rhaiiU'jalde cliinaie, roiiiis. r.tilds, a n,i Imir: dl.'',-, will alwav prevail. nMiinpioti wilt rUirn its i-ictim. Tiit'sc t'ivease.-i. il t iken in time. ea: ie ar rt !"d and cured. The reiiuvj is Dr. U isiar'i : U.ilsam of Wild L'limy. i I i'li'iv rvne tinlt-ss it Iia ihe written sig nature ot' " . iiuf-" mi ihe v. rapper. i I'l VI.U I 4 L V N IC ' Oil,. Itllli.US ( U ill was eiire l hi ten aii'ms ak I. A. Urain) ut M;irr isSnr. Ia. JMts ut" l-n vsr stand tuff fined I y me Imitle, ami inanv oitir-rs uf . tin s,i.ip rharaitt-r cured ayundiy by lie Ui-e of this Oil. t ! --t .-rTj. ii. .aiiMr-: J J.tVH Isvi'itHiAToit in aiiuiiir-r Culuum td t.iis paper DU VALL'3 i.t.r-.t wi.iif.nVy .y l'l;uF. It. ' " I' Iirii.- rl ci the . nl .-uru' nit-, fans, I- . r. ' ' J.. vi TilL 1.1 1. t-iort!'- ""' v -rr i i' J ti.Jul itise,t9t -jpir I, ti; in-t.tii' i l';t it . rt'ri'itis it) !n j.-trt t' tl 1 lit. i;!.-u:.-:ttii;t. j oit iu the .-,t r hiih , ltt-.tt.-l ln'i-a-t'. ,N uru.i. ltuM;.-J. .iriHllti. ilt-atH !', 1'r.iiiip in llttr M-nujf li, t r iiiiy tilluT Ii- ri Ut i.- i.;K :ut.l f VINH. L. and it i tmlv .. T Ihtt . .It f.i r rhmtt M I'Kii 1 ViO- l 'K V W v i-. j . -i!n ly t . oar itii.n-. wi cmii n lii-v.- tin- fuli.-r. r Int..- .mi ..: ( it. He w.ml.l ti-l jiv ( th- i-uMii-, l'r-.. tttt Vail n- i. yi-arn in ji-.TiwioiT t" tlii- in ti .i-i tit iti ii til i-ir .ill t tiers. I'. ir.- . it i-in i r tuiii.f ' ., i-i- ,1 id the trade:. .,! .ir.1. IK lit II -I If Mi Ir l.t J. V. SToKLKOil, A-i nt f r I'.S . J.ry'.t-.v J.'jtt n, Mfihn in. it. What lliny say in Soiilh Carolinn. .MiiiT-Mi.i K. s r . . .ip. jt. is;,s. M. ji-r l Altlin., iii;i;i;i.ti oj., i-i..i .rtiit. ni in-t ii Tdf t:ii.-.- iit.it -nt :on lin It our own itfTiirt Iihiit jUtri-l fiticv ill.- lir. t.nt littlti 1 1 retuuU-d ir 'in uriitinr y.-it tlJiit tit" l. mii iH-.-:iMi.ti ot Hi.- t.r ltli July. ty whMt irr dii.TrTi-J a lr.'i' ottr t(.r.. ;thi nutu t.--r f oilier liuit.lin, M.i-'tMi-iitui-i. '1 pf. fit' vur hiantit..rliir.. ninth tiMi it. llx t-Iorr-. t-i -.!-.-ii t.i it..nt iii'i-of ti.-at, n- w.-ii it.t.-.l in- iti t-it--t ! .-ti its mmi; ir.m frame In-Ii. Ii'titu it-: tt-ih l M.'l n-aiy n-iiniire, )'kn .H ltf'U-li it h.t.l li.it-1 .t a t-'f.- tniif in a furitJM-t. T . n!, l..';i).-..t ii. n ;.-...- Hint k- tifnaiK ti rn J, f it itil.. tt .-Ilr. viirroliinlfij t.y i-iTimi ; in-;, tint, ;iti'l ti,.r,- :tff.r.d t i r.-iiijin'i (if tin; cail. t.'u lt:iil b.fii iciiiKVi'il lt.-f.Tf lhe t.rcr. ath (d uuli' It.-' - t fl Atj.'ti-t. Ii lUt nit rwiit,;. Tltf tl.iti.-u'l v in l Uirit,' it o;.n" witli lii tM-t tooln tint imuIJ If ro.-nr.-l. '.'ii mif.l 111 i.i itn (.:-.-r Ut r-M-t tin" ttfii't l-nr.-1r:i.-, hii-1 n'nii il w.t if--itii. !'tMi. tli.. iit'Tiur.ltlit.- a-lttui.-ljtii.-nt ol ullt4'iitir-'y mil- jur 1 tv I:r--. 'J in- t.t I...- fully r. nritn-f.) ii4 ..f t)i rnt.til.j;iti.--t f yor tli.it wi wuuM not i-iitt witli t in-ttn li,i.' Mi H- t .i- ;t l.ir 'um. n v .l.-t.a-r.-.l tlur (Tl--tii-c ul It in atn Llivr. i.f -.- rlln 1 mtirJ, m.-s (:. AitfiLAU i SON'. FARREL, KERRIKG & C0M lilO si!m; Sirr l, lMii!sulr., Oi!y Xitkcr in tl is M&tv f NfTiiiiir's ton L Champion SAFE. the tiKwtt Itfiialil-.- S.-curit' from f ir now known. Fit3---Fits---Fit3: Person's hihorine under this distressing ma laiiy will tin it Jtr. linnet' K pi. pi it I'tlla to he the only renieilv ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system, and a!ihou?h prepared especially for the purpose j i c-uiiiiu i on, iio'v win oe ommi oi especial 1 r:tru-il on .Into-ntl m.m in, ckum nn:o.p . df.. ! f.nlint. wt,o. sii.marli hHfl Inn, tht .fwcr of duly i'..D,, tiiii l.,.l into a hi;. .i,uiaiti? Iriui'tit. U n-lu-Vfl ! m .niirU- ,...iine uf tti ilnuojiiinry I'itl Th utlnr tluul r;-ur.Uir itrt Mil-nt n.fttr, unit th rrudi iiutiini'-IO ul.irh k loa.l .ml a LuruVii !o Hip (ulltTfr. wtiil.- liiR .liMrtiW .r:anilion Hit- .Hri,lTd aii-l uii-trut. t(. tn;i. - uii-ttr ihv u ln.l. M-inr revolution uti'il iu tU Vf.Utn, thv ta,.-is otXrt'tjtb.ar tiiitv.and hi-alth. S.-iit lo any pirt nf tl rr.nntrv 1t mutt. fnf ftffe. A litrt--.. i"Ei H . H v r, I os Utiit mure- .lret. Itnltiuiorf. ll. rriff on Uk. : two, t-Ive. j'J4. ctji a a:its. For i!n-rure of In-Pti-sn ir iMU'trsif., J.irrr fi? gtiift, J.iftiHt, ( ..-!,r-n- sv, ,'. -;' -'"'''''- "''" r and .-jvf. It "rt .lo w. l'-i(.r Hr t-h, 'A -t.'y. S.a St.:nt, Vmt, .".-''t. Jinfitiiti.-, i.nnut. autl 1ifn.-r.il .hilHy. : ,r any tlieaM I. it nr..' it- mum iu f.rfrt 'i.t-.n.. ! Titf ii' 'rt. nn aii Ui-fh of Mir Ii-IImw rit iz- n. ia rlu.lio Mt-itih-r .f " -iires!, l.itryer. I'iij -ii mn, r t'ler.-vuii.'ii. fanners, ruriii-r-i, aul oiiit-r (t-Mitv, are? ' the utily i. if; .. if u :.ni ..r rn;tn M-M tni iorlti.f luiDie l liate reli' I m-l j'lTin iif nt run- of tin' tnmiy rru l n.m- lnitiu wl.i -ii iu tx.tue pha- or oilier of Iy -.-ta stili t j our rce. I Tht-sf It.itrT! wt-re .)tvrrtt.r.l hv tit f-.e K. (Jkeux, nn.l In tit-ir Inrmitla oiiT- r . ntin-lv iV. ni ih;a t.f miiv i.tlier , .ri-arti.fi t rn -'ln in.-. t'oiiUiniot; ui al-hl.oi no nun' nil im f -i-n in. iioj.mmiii itrutr in lbi-ir uaturu I t-.tiic, ii"t -liuiuliitiii?. r'-taii.nitr tlit-ir irtti-! in miy : rhnii'. th.-v :.r.-"n r..nil.iiiH(i' ti an 1 a l-.riii imh-.il ' of Mnlii'iiie w hi- h Un.iw u.. riv.il tit exti'tiniuatiiiir iii- -ie and n'-torinj; tli- hV-um t. nn j.ri.-tui' ti ami h.-lib. N- mutter ol in.w luntr mii .;n-, .r Iiowimit iinlut-ti or j rhr.-uic in ili rluiritcl.-r the .n-t-aM tuny bv, no m:itti-r I that it h:t- h:,tl(ei the hi f,f I ph. M.-ia.t, mi 1 n -i-Il j the H..rt,i f M-iiiriiie, m filial- trml ot th-w Hitters will 1 hiiti.-fv tho M.fT-rer that btf uire.-e ir? iiui.-nat-lt; to the , mpi r renii-dy. In t'-tiuiouy of the ninny t un-n fft-rtej hy thin Tlm I fily ri-trTetiee is liml lo the wrilteti --riiii.-atee: (rotu Olo ' tioui-he 1 ioiliviiuii;s know n all - ver tho .autl. Au OLnlurate ami Inveterate Oae of jyspfpsi;i Ouretl ly the IJittcrs. Tlie ffliowinf fnim a ft-JO'-niaTi w-II knnwn in the ' is-nf-n in witii 1. hi: lii ft ought to fatiMy all thoye ol lit . tiv Uith : I WtTFRTonx. X. Y- July "i. 1S5S. J W. Fowi r 1 To . ;.(!-too .Vr-e.-aNint-y.-artt cinct I ; wnw iLitn-u . i ii hi. rur-e oi an in i,w,.,i i whl'-h wt att'-r-lt-rl m-nn to c:iu.h cri-itt onDre ; ief". and h)o.itni..t the Uiwls ittiui-iiintt I vatti reatin. , ac-d'iupuiiii-i. iiiu u rnoie i:iiti!t in tlie t-loiii ,clt, oft.-n i wjijii -mint; nausi-a, ..initin, acitiiti . utid headache, to pKhrr with eeiter.-tl detiliiy and tit tiering, altogether n-iid-riin; life a t'lirttirn. I A Iter hat i tit; (ri.d ert-ry known r-nn dv without trT.rt. j and d airin r ever r.-jaiiiini; n.y Ii it he-alth. I w.-s I indtit rd Ut make u-; of tin. Kxt tii. .1 hitters, the cool If. rrn of w lm.ii w.-r' imtiittjiati-iy w ii t ! on uiy lteatth ; and yftcin. Itehtn-h-iii a w hole Ixiltie I wat- entirely mini; an.t I f.-.-i a -.t-i.ui- in induciu.- all like ulr- er r.s ntjsetf to uiAitu use of tli it r.-ninrKkl.t.' n medy. llli ti. ( AU'U Kl.L. s. w. row tv. & t o. , 'uiirH-toi'N, IHIS I ON. Forfale by th'-ir ann .r where, and in Lewift-Ifh-irc hy J. J. W;ili and K. tf. Caitiwvll. and in N.-w : lit-rlin hj Mrs. Martiret M.iet?. eowTsy . ?: "J" ' IT" 1',I"u,'t,tl1r:"'t t,,a,t ''r- cm:ri it.io in lutdnim tlie imut tx-ulury. It has "tu iy of the W.. auimg tweiil vcurs pryrtire, to find what f arliriilar orism. wb u tliM-a.H a.caufw-d th K "'Hl1 mft hl""l"i'1 ''''"f t1""'; hi? nit.tliiMi.n is. ttit the t.v-r h thr prmt.t rt-culatnr of tttf vt4m. t n..-t lil.-t., .Im-.: whi.h if kn t trw from . 14 a (ir-. iitA(iT ! Iv---t J.-iunii(-t g'-nrr ul -J. I.ilitr, .., whilr-, 1a.-t but ur fnm 1-a-u we iutn- tiou comjuii ii.u; f,.r utir vxpiTH-nrv if lhi.t Dior.- cj- oir,iu..m...i.r.-rfnrmaiM.vH;uiil.r tIMu from aiiotn-rr)tiii.'r jut tiythfr. j T.tkmc thi tu l-'cnrrM It vpothpfin, w brive -t to Zu r.m.tiy w.lti h ...rr.-t lir. n4 wo liavt- m i-ur i m arly nil tli tiim';iw- w itrf Milji t t to hy unnj lv n-iiic n prt u nt:t'ivf. That tiro lriT-(imtr t Mirh a rem .ly. i U-ymi.t J uMtn nil who try it. fr ii" viriiitu ttiv ,!!.!( iiiai I .,- n (-..uipiaiiitd at ioini; iro 1 1 .it'Tit tfjt iti-ii ( i. it ! nn uiiInIiihk rfntf-ly. wltiltt ' i until ni-j:i ,ni-. i'.r iiium n-fi oi t tt H'mitf li or 'Ir', whirh r t'AitM'tl in a t'f-ir or ttn draretr tjy iv- vr ih rjun-'t'iu'-iit, .t i.t the talftl, ttircttiud moet vilic ri'.u rr-meily kiiiin. Correrrd W'teAfif Wheat 1,05 to 1,1a J-:?gs.. 3 10 12' K 9 ; ! 5,00 1 live... Tallow Corn Oats Flaxseed G.'l S3 1,25 J.S0 ( ti Lard llacon Ham Shoulder Clovcrced... lr"-'d Apples Nutter Fork 1MAIHIKI, On th.Ith ult . at the l-il.nrir Lutheran Pam-n. r. w-t b-!o. To. t.h utt.. Jacob itBt.'H, t4 i . atvut Wrlt-H pr-tiou to tOt' ix i..- to-aiu. tty a ihn .-Iiin ; Diarbiiii'. ati'i rT r i f- d ft-Bl ID" crwn ul the LE WISBUIHj CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH o TATK -.1 EM'.-f the LewisbJirRllanK 15 as required by the secmd section ! Hie Ael of the General Assembly of this Common wealth, approved the I'lih OcU A.U. IS37 Pp"rX fun in H..uk & iu 1'h'la.bank 91 Innii oiuiitiy iAttki T;7 ! lKi.Mn tJ jiTil ml ' 1 l i.12.10Oi lu.ioi u : l.l:iri :irt ' I.:uhi!ili-N. Ctri'u'itin liiiu t.i orli.r r.mika ItiM-onnt, Ltlinb" ttoJ Ititcreiit lL'iriML. 4S.'.-j $' ui PersonaHv appeareo btfore me, Andrew Kennedy, K. V. Pollock. Ca-hier of the above named Bank, u lio being duly allirmed areordins i hi', say lhe above is correct to tbe best of bis know ledge. Ucc. I, lso K. V. rOI.I.OCK, VathUr. An KESsr.iir, Xjtary 1'uilif, BnriBnis0 MawMMP W (J R 1 (i I I II K N ! A Ml " .,T-,-i 1 1'OST Ol'I'ICL. I LARGE sujip!) of Bduks.Stationery, - J V IVrfumery, Jewelry, Toys, lAHifectiun- j eiies, Teas, Spices, fruit, Nuts. Baskets, I'irtures, and a variety of JV1CK NACKS5 fur 7f. l I.EWISBCRG POST OFFICE. ! MA'ID AM) IMMJ OH. ran he had at the ;1 rosT ornuE IN i: (Jo!d PEXS lor Ladies and Gents can be hadat the POST OFFICE 11 lit 1 EVERAI, sens of CAMEOS and other O Breast Pins and Ear Kings can be had Kings can be h POST OFFICE very cheap at the U UTTER. Tegs. I.ard and Poultry taken in Exchange for Goods at the POST OFFICE VFF.W Boxes of Raisins, Figs, Dates and Prime Prunes for sale at the POST OFFICE Uiillhl;s for Hooks or (foods of any kind promptly attended to HI lhe POST OFFICE IADIKScan find the lamest and lint assort j ment of Letter and Note PAPER.Envel- opes Ac. at the POST OFFICE rPOVS, U( )OKs Ac. for llr,li,lv Vr,ni, can 1 be bouylit elieap at the l.eiviluirg POST OFFICE , , , . -. . , . . I lotn mn in Ift.n'.i 1 II I i ViltllllUtlliU 1JIU L':lnL, TERMS, CASH 1 I ARSflALL. Salt for stile by Clinniherlin Bro'a J KUUAU Alum Salt for sale by v C'bamberlin Bro" 't.M'.L.IS Sa!t for sale by s I CliamWrlln Bro'a i j y!H Salt for sale by Chambrrlia Bro'n j I ) LACK Master for sale by I'tinmherUa Bro'a I1ITE Master for sale by i ' Cliaiol Cliaiaberlia Bro'a ( 'DAL fur sale by V' Chaintifirlin Bro'a JAClvAKEL for sale hy Chamberlin Bro'g I IAD for salo Ij ChamWrlia Bro't J JERRI N'G for sale by Chajubtrlio Bro'g rr.OCK'IofrareV 1 CliamlierUn Bro BUCKWHEAT Jloal for aale by Chamber It o Bru't 'HOP and Kran for sale by Chi Cliimberlin Bro'a W'HEAT and i?ye for mile by 'hamberlia Bro'a 'ORN and Oats for sale by V ' Chi Chftmberlio Bro'a )0TAT0ES for sale by s JUGAKS assorted for 6ale by Chambrrlin Broa V12CTARINE Srup for sale by rhatubertin Bro'a s UGAR House Syrup for sale ly Lhatnberltn Hroa ( ' OLDEN Syrup for sale by V.T Chaiulwrlin Bro'a Iv XTRA St;.r Serup for sale by CIiatnTieriin lira 9 OLASS!7 New Orleans, Porto Iticn, MuwaTfttlo, and bugar Hon tie Mtilanntw, for sa by C'haniberlin Bro'a 'OFFEE Java, Laguira and Ilio Coffee V.; f,r l hy Chamhtrltn Bro'a 'I'EA Imperial, Young Hyson and Black 1 Ta fnr sal. hy cliambfrtin Bro'a HAKER'S Choeolato for sale by ChamlK-rlin Bro'a UAKER'S Cocoa for sale by Chamberlin Bro'a 1 ) ICE and Rico Flour for sale by 1 rhamtorlin BrO's (JI'ICES assorted for sale by Cliamtwrlln Bro'a (irjGAR Cured Hams, and Dried lieef, tj foraaly Cb.mberlm Dro a I till-: LSI-., aud Water Craekers, for sale by Ct.ambc.rlm Broa j JlUTTEIt and Lard for pale by ) Chambarlln Bro'a , HANDLES for salo by Chamberltn Bro'a tJ1 iOP Rosin, Castile, Olive and Toilet I 1 Foap f.r fair by inaiDDeriin nrui DUILl) At ptes, nd Diied Teaches, ft a.i. by Cbtrobfrlln Uro'i for 1 )RCNKS and Craobcrriea for sale by Chambrrtin Bro'a 1 AIS1NS and Currants for sale by J ChambcrUa Bro i 1 ) RESERVED Citron for ale by c tORN Starcli for sale by , Vbamtwriiu wru ESSENCE Coffco for nalo by Cbanibcrna oro if VIXr f r sale bv ; AK.lNO 01& tOT 8Qie oj Chasm be rl in Bro'i y on u f ftnlft Vw iJUUA AQ lor Paie VJ J 1 AT. .ula fur Aftlfi hi Cbaaitwrltn Bru'a Chatuberllo Bro't ylXEGAR foraloby Chaoitwrlln Hro'n , . . w. I 'I'ORACCO t'hcwm" ani ciinoa.i..K - i 1 barro f..r a!e t.j cbainbrrlln Bro-. J s KG A KS for ealo by Cbamlrlin Bro'a Waeon Crease for sale by " Chamtxrlin Bro-. 1)ATET DOSEXDALB Cement for wle by I t-bmmbrrna Bro . 11 ... r I- I.. tAI.ClNlii) ruster tor .. a s i CbaOberUa Bro rlllTE Sand for Bale by AY MANIl'l. a nP8 nu "-s.. .. - i forl r Chamborlio Bro-. fiT All of which will be sold at eery low V " , r - , . prices r .r Pssh. or exenansca lor country Produce, WANTED M-n.ii Kve C. rn.Oi's.Barlev.Porlr. Iiaeon, heat. Kye coTfr polat , rir,d Fruits, c. f "JJ.Zl W- rHAMBEW.IV, j ,!... n A . ntRii Administrator's Notice. tTTHEREAS. Utters of Administration to f lhe estate of JACOB REIMI. late or , Wesi Boll iloe Td. Union county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, by the Keoiicter &. Recorder of said counly, all per. sons indebted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present llieio duly authenticated for settlement 10 COMtAD SllECh.I.i:i, Adui'r West Butralwe, Kov. V9 . . ATE Arrivals at I lie Lewisburg ! The following are a tew of the Cuud Books I recently received at this Store. I Vol.3 Appleton'snew Amer. Cyelnpiedia.(vol. i 4 of tins valuable work in a lew days.) j Olshausen's Commentaries. , Roget's Thesaurus. ! Hush's Illustrated fcriiitures. Cruden's Concordance.complete and abridged. Mosh.-i.il s Church history. Fleetwood's l.ile of Christ and his Apostles.; ' I... ,. 1. roxs oook 01 .tianyis. 1 Hallam s Middle Age-. 1 1 ' r: . T.,r of Ho. I uiaieii a kims, i.ij.pnix,, .-uv....- World. Marshall's Life of Washington. i..i.un..,i,,c xti.r:,! Hi.inrv 400 eneravitts. CruWB's Grammar of Grammars. J Wilson's i'unciuaticn, Stern s Guide to Punctuation and nfriminn. Row's School Register, ( No Mchool is com plete wiiliout this Register.") A lane and varied assortment of Diarie. Autographs,.lbuins and Miscellaneous Books, Maihemalical li.siruments.Copy Books, Blank Hooks, Drawing Books and Diawing paper, Gift Books, and the Common tSchool and Col lege Books, Pencils, Slaies, a laige slock of Paper, envelopes, Ac, at the lowest possible prices, ioora and retail to whirh we in vile attention of Merchant;, Teachers, and la.nilies all w ho require anything in lhe line of Books and Stationery. M. Ml'RKA V. Notice to Tax Collectors. 7"Oi; are here! y notified to get your exon I erations of County and Stale Tajes hy ! lhe December Court. The Collectors of Road, ; School, and Poor Taxes must make their re : turn to the Commissioners on or belore the first day of January next on the unseated ! lands in their respective townships, as alter I that lime, according to law they will not be received. Collectors, it is hoped, will be I punctual in settling up their duplicaips. as I j wish my State account settled by the lirst of January next, as it ought to be. No longer I indulgence will he given after December Vun. II P S1IEI.I.ER, Treasr 'wisburg, Nov 3, I8.',H n,ia nniinviiru-nni! i.ost on r ri . - " ...T.r. ,tay ov.ia. a sinati iihca.-m r . , I small settings. The reward will be ,iaid.and the thanks ol the owner expressed. as the nn was tne nxn. t - A ...I ihrr,.rr, luehlv prized. U. I. rOA, Uoiuioe House FURS ! TI RS MORE FURS 1 Ilata and C'upm A fiesh supplv just received at OIBSON'.S j Hit Maiiulactury, l.ewisliurg cheaper man ever! Nov SS Dissolution. m c. EVANS and S. V. SXODtiRASS. 1 . J,n". busin.fss un.''-r',leJ ".," 1. U. Kmni lu, have tnis -oa uoy oi ,.o- vember,18.'. dissolved partnership by mutual consent. The Books and all business con nected with said firm will be settled at the old stand with TAJ. Evans. All persons knowing themselves iudebtedwill please call and settle their accounts without delay, and bv so doing oblige 4c. T. ti. EVANS, S. W. SXOUURASjj A LI, Notes and Accounts due the late tirm of Gfddes, Mnrsh t t'fn, must be settled and paid by the 1st day of January next, or tliey will be placed in the hands of the proper ollicers for collection. Payments to be made lo II. P. Shelter or to Jonathan Wolfe. GEDUES. MAHSH & CO I.ewishurir. Nov. 23, IHS8 I") EMOVAl.. Ir. A. F. Mcj Icrt has removed to the house lately occupied by Mrs. Kincaid, corner of Third and Si. Mary streets, two squares North of Market St, eal : side. OFFICE in same building. South door on Third St. I.ewisburg, Nov IM, ISAt AdtnlnlNlratoi .Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters i of Adiniuistratiou on the Esta:e of' MICHAEL STAH!,, late of Kelly Tp, Union , epiinty, deceased, have been pranted to the j undersigned by the Kegisler of I'nion county j in due I'onn of law ; therefore, all persons in- debtrd lo said estate are requested lo make I immediate pavment,and those having any just claims are alo requested to present them le nillv a iilhpnticalptl ffir spltlpmpnt. PETEK STAIll.. ! Kelly, Nov. 13, 1853 Administrator 9(1 OOn FKKT of FKNCK HOARDS, on li.n-1 hr ant. h. mm. unci; a co. Iirwi.l.nrfr. ow . 5, !Su9 NEW GOODS! ATEW GOODS! 11 NEW GOODS. Jst rec'd by J. & J.W1I.LS. ernbrac.jn!. ,hf nsllai n, ve seieeted assormcll, ( yA I L . A H7.V7'K tioodf, , fair rates. Please call and examine. I.cwisburg.Oct. I8S8 - GAS FITTING. ritHC subscriber will t.pen a shop in Lewis- 1 buie, in a few days, in connection with Ins shun in Philadelphia, and be prepared to do all wotk in his line with desp.itrh. Oct. 7,1858 tiOM'KEY KKOL'K. Chance for a Uood Trade. THAVE about 100 Cords of WOOD which I will trade for MAN L HE. I will deliver ! half a cord of Wood for a good two-horse load j of Manure. Perons having nianuretodispose of fnr wood will do well lo apply soon lo Oct. 6 WILLIAM FRH'K NEW GOODS AT WEST EIILTCN ! ! T C. DATES.MAN has just opened a f l superior assorlment of superior lrj floods, C'lotliinR. Hats, Caps, ijiirtHciirr, (ftnrrnsujitrc, rorcrics, 5 VLT, FISH &c &c. ' ... , ... .... wnicn ne nas lately recen-ca irom iew jork and Philadelphia, which he will sell cheap for Produce, and yet cheaper for Cash. West .Milton, Nov. S, IfiaSyl Rr.gtal'OCkel Hooks andoiher articles jjfelSjrt 'filial kind on hand or lo order hy the PafVili,f wisharg Uookbinder.CHi STAIIL NOTICE. son Jnhn Schwartz, arcj 19 rears. MA havine absented himself from n.v home. where I have had enough for him to "do and pienty oi goou ioou ana loading, and relusine, lo ,(, sleajy an(i haeiiiR run me in debt. I hereby forbid all persons whatever from trus- linn . f n mu .0-Ann, . I ... . . I . i . '" J wn, yy in. ncot v, . .u...a.,,,. io,u. Ol.nAniui H bite Deer Tp, Oct 2, N5g pdsw T SC1IREYER&S0N O Hare received ; their new Fall and 1 Inter Stock, ' which I hey are deiermine-t tn sell cheaper: lhan Her. All they ask is a look. Vn. IR., FAMER - - - DEC. 3, 1858. ! rilAKE NOTICE The Books f t' Iale I firm ., I It AW XV A WAtlSEK. have be.n ett in lhe hilI,j5 of ,he ndrrigMeJ lor seltencn, prrsonl, having acconuw with lh,m . ,-,., j .,.,,11 ,u,,nihose know- inR mselves indebted must settle within ninety days, othervi.se their accounts ill be ( pushed. A. M. LAWSJIE. I.ewisburj, uctooer x, aowt j KOTIC'E. ! A I.I. those knowin? themselves in debt to ; J. B D ATES.M AN, on Note or Book ac ' count, longer than six months, will please come forward and make payment before lhe first of lanuarr. After that. all accounts over j six months will be left with Peter liuver. E-n-i for collection. J. B. DATES.MAN. , ' West Milton, Nov. 5, 1858. I Caldwell's mammoth Drug Store. pnySICI AN?, AN D OHIKRS.WAN- J- tin lurrDrnsii(l M-liriiwi will fc nif-n-y by t-iiyintr whstlh-y want nt CALIW Y.l.V$ t'rutr n W.DW ""KIJAs UHLOSiOKK KS TIIK J .1re to bujr Hani son'. Hiorlm od Oli.n" cHe talrl IVrlumrry. Kxtrart lor tfc baiidlttrcbtet, Ir-.sa lit e-t- ltl.' Vr bo 1 1 le. nrranU:d RomI. 7i.l T kY'J KlTl'A I'Jill OK KVK15V Ql Al J i ity. fiif an I kind, rulrd anil iinrultnl. fropi Jl.tiO to $J 1iU(m r rratu, lura:oiit tALUW fcLt'tf inu un. 1AIJ)WKL1S I)UU STOKK IS 'I'll K J plan to buy lBlnta, Wli. Kutty, Ula-a, Swh. Oil, r luld. t .t.-rHii-ryi N ltai-ina - POKTMOXNAIES, I'UHSKS, AM X l'ockt Uouka,luOditrrn-nt kin-t.f-r aale ry. Lap ArK JiULSUES AND CO.MHS A H cood ant nua aortront, at almoit any prir, at C'AI.ItWKLL'd ITm M..rf. I AD IKS, remember that Caldwell it Mltiig W oraUHl, FloatTlirad. Omchal Nik1I l-iux, fCtftM-rf, Hi-lla, I.UIIOU, C-, KUwyi:i huh w-J err m.t otl-rtl In Lrwifhurn XVKLOl'ES of everv kind and iiisr. f.r ..I.- .t CALIlW tun IHiijMw. MRS. S. A Htrr an Allen's colebralod Hair a lid Hair llraa'tnic. fnr .ate at lAI.UWKt.1.3 orug siorr. TUNCi' IJA.KE1S. The liucst autl 11 cb. cbcaifit in low,jutt rwiTd at ii;' -l - Ci STI EE Soap, IJosill Soap, and a J ius-.tuck olToikt and Ka..rre.ar...t CALHW KI.L S Dru Store. ACCOKDEOXS for sale at CALUV. KLL S Drug Store. nAIironsJPomadcs, &c. at CALDWKLLd Drug Store. ir ELMBOLD'S Bucliu for sale at CALI1WLLL.3 bruj sture. 1A Ll) ELL keens for Sale Razor?, J HunM,itruia, Miainaoapa,tranu aod Bruli. . . t .o r, c. .t. ..t.. ; .n,ur. .1,0 ruS " T J to bur all kind, of i'auc. Not'iou lor What Notf, ' Cutre Tablrs, Ac TV"lWsl Rnil JJ 1AULHKN'S Gelatine, for making Jrlli'K, BlanisJlaDj.. f-opa. liraa.. LaJita, try It. J"'''"" CA LOW KM. g OroK Slore. CALDWELL'S Drag Storo is the plait In buy tlia bt quality of Tort in-, l.l.bon W iii, hii-k.y. llran'ly. ror madtrinal purp.a. j 10D Liver Oil. Sime's pure Cod U.er Oil, just reclvl awl for aal. at 1, Al.im r.i. o nua IV UltWOOII'S Veratrum V iridc, a i nlriDrfur llrart Jliae ool rann. i.ma- lu.mlil by tba mruical Vacuity. Warraoled gwU tut aalrl.y C4LUWKI.I.' lr" store. MTIXU Inks, Fluids, fcc. Ar- ol.r. M-Lhratad Vtrilini rluid. Bua.l.r a,i.ip- rOic.lt. Ilirklry'a, talineatork . ana llora Inks, for J.I- rhr.p. at i t,,or!i- . 'PDOTH Brushes of every 5tyle and j kind.at aliir,at CI.UWELI-;.S I'rue St..r.. j rlLlNVKLL'S Drug Store is the place ; i. -i.A;.k . .nulew .a- ti- , ' rt r . r .1 :.. c. ., i lkr..rj uuil.l lor uauiua a um. aaMirtm.nt ju.l re'.l hy Kxpn-aa. ott -M lltAVtK, KUfcUMt MTI.I RK. COI'NTRY Cured Hauls), Corn in the Ear, POTATOES, WHEAT, FLOCK, H YE, OATS, tr., OctSli forsale by CHA.VIBEIfI.lN BKO'S. LOS-p On the evening of the SOth inst., it is believed on Market or North Second sueet, a OOLLI WATCH (the hands not on; belonging lo a young Lady. The finder will please leave inlormation at thef'irwm'cfc office or with F. W. Pollock, Lewisburs LAST NOTICE. HAVING disposed of the real estate of John Houghton, all -Notes and Boob ac counts in his favor will have to be paid within two weeks from this lime; otherwise tliey will be left with a Justice for collection. JONATHAN WOLFE, Assignee. October SO, 1S58. NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS AT lluruli K f;oodiuanK. 7"E would respectlully announce to the y citizens of Lewisburg and the vicinity that we bave just received an eitensire assortment of Fall ii. W tiller Uuods, embracing everything necessary Jur Indivnl uals, Families, aud Business Wants of the community LADY'S WEAK, MEN'S "WEAR, Groceries Hardware, Ccdarware, Qiieciis & Glass. arc, tonc and Crockery ware, HATS AND CAl'S, &c.Alc. ALI. of which ueodrt to the public at prices lo suit "The Hard Tunes." t'ALL A Ail SEE Lewisburg.Oct. j ..rplIK OLD DOMtxios Coffkk pot,- (pau-ntl A 2 lsi.1,1 1. KUaranteMl lo aiaae .ura. Irarant anU hiii.,cHiii,oii..or.r.,w.iho.lr.urU.fcM Dcrrii Uiau ujr anj vtnrr prns-ww r aaia ..y I IIIKII k (jllODMAN, lli.turjr. A' .or i.r Lltra Chrnilla bonl.r. Mantllrt. Mrlla 211 A W I.H, acarlet, areen. blu. aD4 bla.-a.ju5t M j b Ks.r.M and r,r aala 15 II.ir.h .o.Nlmatt. i V tH MMckarrl juit rcc'tl ul for Mil hv J llurfb'A Oondman. 1 1 11) hii tiro' Alum, anil Munball alt. lor tle bj t ! Hursh Orsvlutun. i )( II dACKH Vmirj tflt lor Male by f llunhiOoottmao. , C'KOs a Cot aud WomI Iaw lor sale by IRireh Jk (Inmlmtn J JO.(. UwkcU for sal by llanb A flnotlman. Q l-h l. S-ap for aala hj ITarah k Umilman. ( .Ull'llSand CaMiueraa a luul mrtniut kwaal. bj Ilurao) a uooJBlan. PKENCII SIerlnoa-alI abailn and .gaalitlpa r aa!a I bj llnrnh a Uooilntan. j L'ANUY lLaixl.., and l'tai0j,lDr .al by A liunh 1 ( - j 1LAI. llrvcn anj UulT Oil Wirolnw bM1ca. with uut ILtnlvr. .ml Tnmmii,, tn .tn, f... ul. K. Iloish a Guelman. vlooh OiKlutba,oo. and twojanu wid, t.r aak bj A llurah a Uoodmaa. , VMKOMt.l Clotli labia Coma all coloiv .r aala t J . llr,h G.soiao. QI L CloUi Tab!. Covara or aal. by Harsh A riontmsn. (JKAB Ciller Vinrgar br aal. by t1arb k r.orstman. VlStl KK'd CofiTr. Uilla (arnumr) lor ..! by llarah k .(Oodman. HOUSE BUILDERS, rilAKB NOTICE ! The undersigned are I appointerl Agenta for the sale ef I Door, Blind A. Window HanH ! of all sizes, made of lhe best material. All ' work warranted. I w". Made by I..11.S1 KOI T, Htiohesrilie, Pa. and for sale by biJ r 8 t:AI.DH'l.l.L,l.ewi-fciirj CKXTKAI. i 1: . IV S I, X 1 A ACT. C V -3 I CS hi a FAMILY SEWING HACnUMC. 1 HEAT JJKI'UCTIOX in I'lMl'K. tin naaftrriirio-rfbiol I.KTAlLl'Ul- ( l Lto ot bur Em-wi miu immmwiii; I MW TYtK MA'UINK $ i lk.UtL V,on 1'iatxi ljb!e, Half Ca-- I'mix-I M lUlf t.asr, Ualf.;tvDy crB.ark TV at but i tuiM'aw, - i'-J all'-w, M lli MAIL MA' HlL '.i l.i:.r. MAl lil.K 1 IIAMMtU.Jitra; I Td- KcanituouK favi-r wtiirb tai atUn!p'J tt.e Intrltic tina ol Hbrer 4 H tla.ii'a kmtiy bowing Marbm-, i tiittk-ivDL vtitlviK-bl it w-rtlnr. It I iiwlltw ti ' Ui that tbiauprlul liiftrttoiit i r-rtu ni m ii'Utir iimtitattuo, th frt ip rvcogiiiird b ita lui u- im '. tbou:tDil 4f tamiila in-viy rank in . T llit Im havw hitlM-rto rrfrmiartl lna a ailing tlim !- f-t lu aJaulKv, it nay nut b aaiiM tHty. thai it utility ' Ik n4 a ptMtilciu Ajm Ml-ii. hul a urrr BTrtt'lj r.-ul-lied. '1 li lnhM-t t-rttiUMu ia ortiHtantly i flervsi. cnCr Biiuj the ft-ruict wlihrb haagifva lUtsiuntrutuviit t;Jc . auti rDiiabl tt notfiri-ty- j 1 tin .M.-irbtiw im ronrt-n.-d on a prinHpt sTmrir f! l., bOuK 'I'tM'ially auJ admirably aia to tlf wo-t prtcct work on rvvry kmtl f mau-rial: having bfii ujctl tit m thrtweyraiV lrtoI tbe u"tt srar-hin( diaractrr ly kanntir-a, autl in variut bratirk i f Main uUrturv, with tiititifruibd atiovx-ca. tt I" b-litii, that ' in ail Ilw (trtat miuik irUiit to u r..rnptwlr ami rcli cat -iug Mturhmc. it cju not bw ttiruacb4 im caorl h be. I Among tb urdiihtrd BilTant.tr it yvt nwr ail otlirt, may br nauivti th IuIIowidk: I 1. lu Mtnpltriiy ol ronat ruction, ronjuent fra- , uoin irt'ia uTaJitfrtnnt uu nttt ut repair. '1. Iu uu-Aani.a rapidity mmX scof oratk.n. ! 4. Tbr grt var irty "f purpoa to wliirh it rum I )p ' pliad, wbH'h cm b kt,huTil by bu other UrcbAtik-al. m'ans. AnJ, it. Tba pra-vmioont m and t biml:ti tt tli work t lefsoDs urdrring lhesecelctr;iiej MaclnntN irom ine central Agency, nave oniy tne ,e'h' lo Pv Stam Harnsburg ; no charge for eoxing. An operator will soon visit l.ewis- Persons wishing Machines will please address 6m75A W O HICKOK.Harnsl.urg.J'a HARD TIMES! "ITTIIY don't you sell cheaper?'" What, w cheaper vet T w hv am now for -St lo selling SII A.-tlOKlX CO II. 2-5 per ton, according to quality bul not on a ) ear's credit : those are the prices for cash or c or country produce. I will sell bv the boat load or t.y the ton, and del.ver at ar.y place within the boroueh limits. Having Weich scales full weielil will le eiveu. Also, purposes. near eotensaul s hotel. Le isb'g,MayS7,'S8yl fl. HOI.siTEI.V V&TLASTER and SALT cheap for rash by GEO. HOI.STEI.N' A Xew Two florae nob Sled j IOR Sale or Exchange for Hay, Corn. Oat, ; Pork or I'ota;oes at the Weiehsrales on : Water Si. by OEO. IIOI.!4TEIX I . Bc8t Worfe Vatetl. S lM T A 1 L U H I H b . JOHN B. MILLER thankful for past favors would stale that he has re ceived the Spring Summer fashions, and is prepared to CUT. MAKE, and UEPAIR garments as usual. He will endeavor, a: heretofore, to FOR FALL & WINTER! BEAVER, KREHER & E'CLURE ' ARE jost npeninz a varied and eitensive assortment of GUOll adapted lo the wants of the community and to the season ' which have been purchased so as to enable them to sell at prices that del'v competition. , Call and ire ! It'. K. St M'C. ! Lewisburg. Sept. 10, 18.'.S j Grocery & Provision Store. T. G. EVANS & CO. WOULD respectfully inform their I 1 friends and the 1'ublic in general, that tlw y have received and are now npenint; in their r.mm. on .Market strrci.oppnne the new I Post 'Mire, as laree a slock aud as full an as- I sortnmit of Family (Luflf cries cnD JJroniijicns! as can be found elsewhere. Their Moelt is entirely new, was bought l. r I'a-h from lhe manufacturers and importers, at the LOWEST lfi,CESt which enables mem to sell in like u.anner. Their stock consists in part of Sugars by tbo barrel or pound, Coffees, Teas, Molasse?, Iiice, Al ices, Ch. ese, t-U:ar Cured Hams and Should , Iricd Uetf, Fi.h by Ike barrel or pound, t-ult id sacks, l'ai.cy and Common Soaps, Smoking nnd Chew iujr Tobacco, Cigarn, ISasket", Tub, Wuekeln, lSutler Ladles, Jtc. .Vo. WHEAT, RYE AND 1011X FL0O, r i.rrou r-.,.,., ... .... IRALitliS, F0tit.h;. HUITi, CONFECTIONERIES. &C. We would sar.as far as assortment and quality of poods are concerned, will compare .nh iinv i.ih.r -. h! . . I . with any other establishment; and as to pri- 's uniirrsoiu. country rrouuee laneo in exrhange for prrids. T. . KV A.NS & CO. Lewisbur, Pa, Julv.l, 1KS8. 7ISJ look this may! ! xotice: soticl:: xotici:::: HAVING jus.! rt'liiriioil from the ( il i with an unusally larjje block and well .selected, and am now prepared to sill goods j lower lhan can be bought elsewhere ou llns side of Philadelphia. Hardware! Hardware!: Hardware!!!! ? rj lhlnByou may want to build your- sen a nrst-rate house or barn twenty per cent, lower lhaa eer before. Tkim hu . il.r IO.U CAItl'E.VTERS, here von can ret the rrb.. brated Ureenfield Planes, Xpear (V J iekson's i hand, tenon and rip Haws, Butcher's. Beaitv's and Urady'i Chisels and Plane Irons, nairm and conunon Braces, Brace Bills. Ati"crs Mnnares. linapra lr,.n sir. . f M'uares. Una!;rs,lrcn Screws, Compass Saws, jjauiumi s riammers, ckC. Blacksmiths' Irwn A'f).VIRn. ALL KINDS Bar. Scollop, Tyre, Oval, Round and r.iare Cast Steel, Mprinc and Kulish Steel, Vises, Anvils, Bellows, Screw Plates, eic. HOUSEKEEPERS! Table Knives and Forks, Carvers. Hpoons, Kettles, Lamps, Cao- dltirk.. I'nlt. Slilla. oiMntba. MaU. Kana. H...I.. c. "'-' PAI' Af Yo. .ill find all th. .how .Ith. grvaX asauj aotre al Um llaar.. sal ,ss laos Sr.r of JirsKI'll M'rADl.KN I. tt.r ol J Ca ab stand, 1 1 1.-1I K.I. r. THIS U'Afl Jills 11.41 N1 JEW GOODS, at JOS. E. Hi WW ! Hit, Cap and CLOTHIX'i lore formerly I spvker's. I i t-irg O. i. !.',) AyersSaisapariila A -nrtxiin(I nmivly. In -hihwo hare la-li-tr"! tt produce ihv mt rffrn-f'irjl altt rat. v that tun lie ni;ifje. It m a rtmrvf.tr it el extract of Iurn Hitixni'uriila, fv ciiiItiio4 otL.r ufrtant.c"i of till cnU-r nltt nttv ptntr a foa'P.rl art rn-ttv aritt'lottr ft.r th. lut aw-, S;ira:. irillft i- reputt-J tu tun: il U brlirvel that Mif-h a r"Tif.(ly it UKutfl hr tk who mm!'-! ;r- ti Mrtiiifjii- tuni plaint., nnd that on i hit!i w !1 a( o'ii li-Oi tlit iT rtire mu-t mtoto t iiiitn'-i- nrvi'-t to tin lu.e tit- of oir a:!l vtt-.l vAl ,-viii r. 11-iw cmij lt tcly thi ctintp -uii'l ill (1 1 it tut lit- u pn.r-n hy tiper im -ut on mrt'ij: uf lh- nort caac to be kMjxuX til tlie tiiilowit.i nitplitit ta: N it ttiL S n irt CnMrurm, EitVl IltiN-t AMI IlitLPlIVI. lliC-t14, I'lMti.i.-. Ur::riit;s TvM'iitH, ISalt KHtctv, Si. r. IIcaii, hvrnn.i1 am SvfHitmc Ar-ri-i4, Mkiiituiai. IiHEAn, I)u'pt, Ntr- ItM.t.IV oO'H' ls- I'lLKtLX, iM Bii.trr, IT rt.i i . ria-. Kav-irri-H, JOjritf ou St. A,rHi)i 1 ir.r anl imuv-ij the wble 1 1 1-,-. t f t-iiinjillnti u-riMg fnuu Ijkirt luxT bjr 'I liii -ininm.d will bo found a TTt po rt r ul lic ilth, w!i : tali'.n in th? sjirin, tv..i tV foul hun.'): whit.Ii f-t-r iu tho blo'd that sca-on f tlw yuj. Hy fheiiine ly pii-;!-i(ii of t-.tm muiiy r inkli:? divunltrrs arc iii:pf.l iu tiif btrd. 'I-tl-itudtsi can, hr thv d 'f thi rniMy, fi;irt? th inlvc trinn tlie entluraJi f l fc.ul t iujti'i!;.i end u!foroii tu rts thnmh which t!ie sve:a T.M sthvt- ti rid it-rili' ot tTnptio:n, ii not sistt-l to do this throii;h thi- liitt'trrd channfl- of tlie bndy by mi nltiT.tiivo iniuinc. ( Kanc out tie Titit.t'i blt-Ki wh.ufTT you t:nd its iiiiuritie Ijur-tiii'; through the kin in uinjkf, vruptuM ia or -,rt" ; rl 'at.se it ht u ym iiud it is ol strnrtv.d nnd rs!nt.L'i-h inthcTfirs; clt-o'un it wfi ii.-r.-r it it 1'juI. nd To'.:r fivlin? iJl tril yon when. Ktvn wik-jreiiopartiriiinr dwiitlvr is f it, ih?'.;I' enjiiy br-tt'T hv:tith, and lira 1"ii';t, for clnr..u:- t! .' Kwp the bl- o LvLtIr!v. n ti uJ i vc-li ; !it vith this I ! uluru of hfe tli-ord -rirl, th! ran no ia-tiiir health.. Sooner r lati-r potnethin m'i-t 2' wriitj, and the (Tat luailuneiy iJ' lif - i- di-tordt. red or ovtrtl.rown. Sariipanl!:i has and d-srvai murh, the roputaiion, ot " a-ro!n!i-h!:i; th -p end. Hut tho wurld ha brvn vr-'.ii!r dcceiTcd hy pnparativ:i v( it, puriiy U.-:iaH; the dntg ulortt.' h:H m t .'tli the vuTic tb.tt is i-l.timrd fr it. b-it iHrr l.'Tatfc many pn-pHratbni, i rrtendiin to V;- conctntnittl tra-t .f it, i-otituin hut little tf tlx virtue of SwiiniriUa, or uny thiii Lv. Dunne late T.ar the public have I .era mi It (1 hy larirc Ij. tiiv, pn-n itdinjj to mve a quart tif Kxtt-trf , S.ir;ipariT.a for one dollar Mott vi thw hare bmi fmjds viyrn the irk. IT they l.ot otily contain little, if any, Sarwipa ril.a, Imt oiun no turativc propt-rtic hat c r. Hence, l-iittr and painful tUs&ppr.intiut'nt ha followed tho iic of th various i JitntrtR of .arsapnrilla vliich tlood the ni.'trktt. lu.til the nanif itMlf is jutly dtpid, ai.d has bero tynonmous with iinpoMti n ard cheat. StiU ir ciii thti fntiKfund Snrii..ii.3. and intt-rd iisme liuiu the li ,oa ti 'tlx TT tt: it v will" o rtta up:i it. And we tlunlv we h;ive ground for bclirving it lia virtt'.rs which are irrw?4tUlo by tlie oidaiury run i the ili-faft-s it i- iiitt-T.d-ed to cure. In t rd."r to Ma-,k I heir rt-ntpleto radication from the systrm, ti'C rtnn-dy should be judi(-iruly taken according to (Urtctions ou tle bottle. rrEPAnrn nv DU. J. A I E I. A CO. T.OWF.T.T., MASS. Price, & 1 per UotMc Six HotllM fr $S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, hnii won fnr itsr'f unrh a rerown fr the cur of every variety of Thrust c:id bun Cuit..iitit. iht it is niitn-ir urr.ct s- arv fr ns t tvtmnt lhe evidence cf its virtue. wLt-rcvcr it h . hern f tu- fltnrd. A it Lss tori; Utn la cunnant ue tt-.roi.chnnt thi -rrt:on. we nrcd crt d more than it.ri.i.chmit thi -ertii a-.?.urr the ; k- its qunlitv i krit up to the let it rtt r h:is bit-n. ar.l t'.t it m:.y he r lit-! tu to do tor thtix xcUtf all it Lu vrr Uen Duid t du. Pills. C if ti rffri, Jctcn Hi rr, " a it?. tiJrnlrv, riff Sinmuch. Ltysipfiait flttrtiirh I ii?sf Jihtvniatum Lntpnonsavd m Utf, J.irT (XhtpUiii't Xvopyy Tetter, Tumtor end Si't i.'ti'M, irr?, Gotit Xntrafyin. n a ii'in,T Lilt, anrt fr Purifiin? the lllod. Th T are sir-t-oated. so that the n.ost tewU tire c:iu take them plea-fnitlr. antl ti.tr are th U-t t.,r.t in the world for uil ike purpose of ftiuiiv phv.-ie. Price 25 cents p?r Box; T't foxe for 51-00. Great r.rml frtof Crirmcn. r!Tician. Sti--mm. and rminprit irrrr.on.nifon. htr Imt tbrir n:tmcs t errtify the mtmraiIrJ nsrrulnrtf th ; rcmclip, hut rnr ij.;ne here will not twru.it fl. : inst rt:..n of them. 'Die jrrnts llow tamrd fur ( nUh sratw onr .ht.mc x Anx iit whi h th- i are j;ien; with j1o fi.Il drrlptinn; of ti r arm ' complaint-i. and t!ip trealuieU tl.at should be fcl- lmrt) for their rTirr. Io not be put oiF j pTirinripletl"f"lrt wilh fhi r prcpr.nii.in th' y t.iuke ni'-rc iti cm. iVmnnd Aaer'h. and t.:'ic no orl.ni-. The nrk j want the best aid tlitc br tliein, and the ahouiti ! bavr it. j Ail our Kfmerlc ai f"r ---.le br riTSo d by C V Sch;.(7! an l S F CaidweU Lewisbnr; ; C 1 Rnush. v Vtrha ; J 1 H (iast, MilHinbar; and all If72i?is l)-764 Jut opcncJ. opposite the Riviera House, in the Ilooni lately occupied by A. Singer. A FULL and complete assorimcct of -L- FALL &. WINTER CLOTH- I N G, snch as Overcoats. Dress Coals, Busi ness Coats, and Coals of every style an pat tern ; and Pantaloons and Vests to suit. Alse, a laree variety of Under Clothing. nch aa Drawers, Shin. &c. Also, a line assortment of Boys' Clothins of the latest stv!e. Also, W.17'.N'and Ct'K equal to anv etfered io tbia conntry. tn laet. I have everything recessary ",hesh:'r-f cioti.,s.w ery small advance for ca! j 1 Illll.IP Cf men I cOer at a h. COODMAN". Ae'L !"?A!1 kind of Cnun-rv Produce taken in exchange for U.w.ds. I.err:bnre. Oct. S. Broom Handles and Curtain Rollers, wos OT llichok's) I'iiiciit Iacbnrry. "VrI'' have completed arraniff 'jipiiIs I f .r maHinc Itrr- in H..!!.. amlt'urrsin H...l-ra U. a nar.n.r ai. l r-rr. -Ih.. bi.hvrto CMttalrbl 1. lb. M.tiiiilarlurp of lb. arii. lv, anj an r- to a: 1 1 y Brr.w SliiKrrs. W i..k ft.iub. Sl.n.ifrtar .ad M.v. rt'-ant. a qann.i'y ' im tit -bnrl rolir. Tto-, ar. ..k. t.f t)i. tl F.n.l stutf. anj in . auf rior nunnrf. on nr. m.rli;w.rT n-T-r b Ton. wl V at. lu.k., ... N.wIt ralDtr.l V. .rlunrr.. lb. l.ra. Itrw.'eaj i tenth nit.l llivd .-reirs that ha.. r bMn bre.n lha public. AtrfHlrJ.r romj,tlv illli tl 1''., It. O. II If hflK, tl!'atsci,.:. Ts. o,;. Aet oi lb. Kaylr H . w.-.,, . .. ...... Jl.trkct Jt., aliove Fourth. Lcwiinrr?. I t I UUT ... . r -.-: , -M'UU1. Ill Ul llt . i fli:; . ammT 'oods just received, comis line of Cloths. Cns'siinerr', Coaiir.cs, Vestinr;s anil Stimnicr Wear of alt kit..!s. An assortment o: DRE f.'i'OI'S, vi; : Cnlicoes, Challie?. Litrw. Ielii'ic., JJarepe?, IHss Silks, t ;inoi:nn, tc. Sinttis, a full assort intiif. LtNK.v a.m White Guoiis. Irih Linen. I51eachctl and lltowu Irill ings, Shcctinss. Ac. Crooa-rie?. ttanlvvare. Codarti-tir. Queens ami Glussvtare, Fi.-lt. St.lt mid I'laster. Call and examine for yourselves. Pr- dure of all kinds taken in exchange for got-ds. Mst 7. IRS SI.'Html OKHKKS aeai'r pimttil i: . I- t a' s. h "- firt.i . ? , f ; t t i 1 II II rnw Me sr. ( T