HI LEAyiSBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FAR3IER. NOV. 20, 1858. if l i '. si II .ii:!:: '1, i Bj'j WadJen's Rsrse Trado. "You know Dob Wadcku, I gue.-s?" said Vuele Jlikc. -Xot that 1 recollect." I rcplieJ. " c-11, IJub was au amnziu IiunJ at trad:u' horses, and generally came Oiit aliead, too. I never knew him really girdled and the underbrush cut, but once." 'How was that, Uncle?-' ' Why, you 6ee, Bob had been get tiu' a gray horse, in some of his deal-in'.--, that was jest ubout as nice a hoiac to look at as ever put his nose thiongh the rack-sticks ; hewasahu i.ian lookin' horse, and uothiu' short er ; he was always lookiu' artcr stars, and carried his tail like the national Hag on the Fourth of July ; but he wouldn't work ho was above it; he'd almost stop when he saw his shadow followiu' him, for fear he might be dra win' it. "'Now, i hen,' says Bob, 'some in dividual is bound to be picked up.' "So, makiu' an excuse that old (Jray's shoes wauted fixin,' he sent him to the blacksmith's, hai ucs.-cd up his t'other horses, hitched them to a wagon-load of stone, drove down to Sam ilewett's, stopped before the door, took out the near horse and har nessed up the Gray iu his place, went in, took a drink, and waited around till some feller 'should come along who wanted to speculate. "lie hadn't waited long when he seen some feller comiu' down the mad like all creation, his horse under n full run, while he was sawiu' the bits and hollerin' 'wo! wo!' with all 1 . , , , - 1T j lis lUIglll ailll UIUIII. 11C managed I i . .-m. -f. . , i ,'" I n Mop nun alter a little by am llew-1 ,.,,.1 , -II- i , i in auu tui inn nim around he cum ' I'll 1 wllniiin lita l,ln i a ,i passion wiih his horse : "'lie's never ready to slop,' says he 'that horse aiu't, an' though he's the best horse I ever owned, yet I'm determined to get shut of him.' "Well, just then out comes Bob, and mounted his wagon' just as if he was going to drive off, when says he : "'Hollo, stranger, perhaps you'd like to deal with me for a steady one?' "Why, yes,' said the stranger, '1 would like something a little more quiet than that go-a-hcad rascal of iiiiue.' "So Bob looked at the Sorrel, and found him a square-built animal, his eye full of lire, and every muscle in play. "Well,' says Bob, after a few words with me, 'there's my Gray here's your Sorrel : what's your prop osition ?' "'Now you're talking,' Faid the stranger, examining the Gray as he f tood hitched to the load of stone, 'I'll give you the Sorrel aud the best forty dollar clock iu my wagon for the gray." "Done!' said Bob, 'just unhitch.' ''Neither of riieni a?ked t'other any questions, 'cause neither of them wau led te answer any. The horses were exchanged. Bob got his clock, and the stranger got into his wagon, took up his lines, and, bidding 'cm good bye, was about to start, when the Gray put a stop to it and wouldn't budge a hair. Iu vain did the stran ger whip and coax uot au inch could he get. 'There sat Bob, laughing in His sleeve, aiuiost ready to burst, to see how the stranger was try in' to start aud couldn't. Xot a word did the stranger say, however, but, after he had got quite tired, and given up try iu' it any more, he came and sat down on the horseblock. '"Bob thought he might as well be goiu ; so, pickin' up the ribbous 'go along,' says he. The Sorrel turned his head and looked back at him, as much as to say 'Dou't you wish I would ' but didn't stir or pull. In rain Bob coaxed and patted ; Sorrel was there and wasu't anywhere else. "'Well, I reckon it's my turn to laugh, now,' said the stranger: 'I suppose you'll call again when you come to town.' " 'Oh, never mind,' says Bob, 'Sor rel will go, or else you couldn't get here with Lim.' j " '0, yes,' said the stranger, 'you can start him, if you only bring some f-liaviugs, and kindle a fiio under Liui, as I did.' "Then he laughed again, and when I came away, they were playiu' a game to see who should take 'em both." Loss and Gala. "Onvar, said a planter to his ne Rro, "tlinib up that tree and thin out the branches." The negro showed no disposition to comply, and upon being pressed for a reawn, answered : -Well, look heah, massa, if I go np dar an fall down and broke my neck dat'U be a thousand dollars out o' your pocket. Xow, why don't you hire an Irishman to go up, and den if u. falls an J kills hisscf, dar won't W to lout to nobody J" printing anD pinMng, Id good Style and on fair Terms, o.v shout yortcB, AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE, market Square, Lewislrarg. RAILROAD. AT a meeting of ibe Board of Direc tors or the Lwtbur:, centre x Snrace Crefc Railroad Company, a Resolution was adopted, That in order to I defray expense v( survey, $2.50 be called in ' on each share of slock subscribed on which nothing has bren paid, and where notes for 10 1 percent have oeen given, one half of said notes be now collected, j In pursuance thereof, I hereby give notice ! thai payment is required within 30 days, and those neglecting to pay will be proceeded ;aiost accoiuiug to Jaw. F. MILLER, Treasurer. Lewisbnr, Sept. 9, IS5(. LAW OFFICE REMOVED. John B. Linn, ATTOKXEY AT LUT-Office at his house ou N. Market St. bet. 1st 6t 2d AT8 retvlAhur, Ia. DOES Disease originate in IMVl'HITY OF THE BLOOD? This i a question cf vital importance, and on which has never lut-n Mtii-frtonIjr diMil of by tin. ii i It wtnrx vh" wtrli the hmlinc art omv ni-unuun (lUHli'Apcciallr the old ferhol liitirianf'tliat lit .. ii l(n blotxt. nj Lhvrefurvmil di-- oriixiuate in it: but lU'l-rn n-fencr aver Ihat .itn.fi.U bav llifir origin in trrtli th m lidii ami fluid of ih body. That the laltrr prwpoutJt-rat, bofer, u a tixt-d fc-t, and m di.-l skill ha rirarly dtuit.iilrtl that at lrt two-thirds of the iils tU.it bumaa BVli i h-ir to, 1i-l their sou tea io u 1MPCHE STATE OF THE BLOOD t At, for jnptanr. in the Ions eatalo;a. naeh aSrrofula, T ttr, ftartx-r's luh, Piiniden, Blotch, Kryfifvlas, I' leer, Salt Klieum. dtcbnrpe(i from th rUr, !' Sorwi, or irrupt ire J.sem-i of any hind the- an mtrr-t:tin-d by wrtl known mtnllml laws to arim from bad blood, while the lii-rht-ttt aidi-al authorities drrlarr Uiat tno.i ft-rcrs original in tb manner, and more par ticularly Tyi'lu.id atd Scarlet the .6rm-r bt-iog an in ternal, and the lattvr an nternat irruptl ilir-eaw ; and iu ail perouM attacked by ttiene ualadica. the blood is fu ud W be either c-oSf-ulatt-tt. or of a dark unhealthy dt-lor. To ward off m tare majority of difensem, aa well as to cure a number Inch have ai ready Mixed upon the U-ui, it u ucveasary to rURI FY THE BLOOD. L!itdfie.v'fl Improved Blood Searcher duca uol clam U Le te a I'JtlTEMAl VaHjICKA fT eriry Hr!ipe known, but the proi-rWor, rm for it thrpawrrnotilyorlitninKOulall iuipuriliK of Mm M"o.U but, by tilt; nkiltut combmiitioa it weil-kuowo rwjm. it hi ear- u u.eu uiii fr.,m lrantf-d .-tia of tb lii-r, driv. out atitp4uis, and r.n. .-jt.i.rid.ir to 4ii moui-h. ti.i tt WLiKtn SriMHKa la mil lut i claioiatl for it, Um proprlc- tor cao produce TUE PROOF. It wa only a few years alnee it wa discorered, and ret it lias srrown Into such a business that a larce libor j atory has bm built ly for its manufticture a , large number of men emplojid inputting it up, and tui in 8CPPLT DOES SOT E'JCaL'tHE DLMIXdI We axk any enndld man, eonld this be so. If the Medi cine did u.jt xsfeim all the Tirtut'selaimed for ftf Tne l'nprtetor be hundreds of etrtiriratrg from tueu of irohitv and taudiii in the community, showing what lUe medicine u din daily for tbeaullrhfi. AK AST PERfloX who has ever ad the Blood tcareher whether relief wm s perieneei . Let the afflieted cive ft a trial a single bottle will eon Tin re tb moct skettieal ol its eiBeaey. ft.ld bv C. W. Shaffle, i wi-l.urr. D. II. Miller, Mifflin-r-urjj; MVreijrht k llaifk, Iluffaioe X Kohds; Kudy IlitomN-reirh, fanuert-Tille; rumming' Wttmer, llar tleton; Hearer A Co Win field (uruace; C. D. Roiteh, New ilerlin. LINDSETA LEMON. Proprietor. fim74.'H llollidaysburit. Pa. VNE of C. MEYER'S celebrated new ej t oclave Rosewood PIANU8 for sale low. Enquire of Lewisbnrg, June 8, THU S U.GKIER. 1858 $3,000 Wanted! IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, the Commissioners of Cnion county desire to llorrow money to the above amount, in sums not less than $l(Mi, the interest !o be paid annually, and the principal within three vears. Inquire of H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. I.ewisburg, Pa., May SB, I8S8. XOTAUY PUBLIC. William Jones, A1 TTORNEY at Law.--CoIIections promptly attended to. Ofliceon Market street, opposite the Presbyterian chinch. S90 LEWISBVKCJ'A. t r Kew Arrangement ! The undersigned having m purchased the establish nit i.i lately owned by Byers & Uriflin.is pre pared to make and repair Coaches, Carriages, Buggeys, Sleighs, and all olh'ir traveling vehicles, at the short est notice.in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. shop on North Fourth St. near fu John's, Lewisbnrg, Pa A. H. BYERS. June 4, 18.'.8ui6 NEW CONFECTIONERY. I Jicacer's JMutk, North. Third tlreet, Lew ittburg. Pa. CI AN DIES of every variety, CRACKERS, j CHEESE, RAISINS. ALMONDS, PEA M:TS. FILBERTS, WALNUTS, PIES, CAKES, SMALL BEER, SEOARS, Ac. Ac, constantly on hand and for sale. ICE CKEftftfl. An Ice Cream Salotn attached will be found the best place in town for cool.delicious refreshn tnt. Call and see. May so, 1358. 8. A. REED & CO. James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. J.1' & J. M. LINN, Attorney! at Law, . LEW1.SBLRG, S74 Union County, Penn'a. Asilsnees' Xollce. ON the 17ih day of September, 1859, John Nesbit, Thomas Hayes and Michael Fichlhorn. doing business under ihe firm-name ol Nesbil, Hayes & Fichthorn, made a volun tary assignment to Robert H. Laird and Wm. Jnnes of all their property real, person al and ...A.l k.linoinff If. ald firm. IXollCe IS herebV . civen.that all persons knowing themselves lo S": : . , v . c ,.i... I,.. - n , be inueDiea io saiaaiiacnun .."eui www. account, will please call and settle wilhout further notice. ROBERT H. LAIRD. WILLIAM JONy. Lewisbnrg, Sept. 22, 1858 Assignees lewis palmer, KCII1TECT and BUILDER, LEWISBUKG, PA t?Office in the University Building 683 - CIock,Walrh- WiT i i ir T - ' Wall Also, particular attention paid to RE PAIRING of all kinds. 1 I have also the agency for ibe ale of the celebrated Coal OH Mmpft, which will recommend themselvea to everr one. Call and ee. 8ept.9,1868 A E bENORMANDIK BLANK Cootnicts witH T'nchen and Or r5 on Treasurer at Ciltjuic! Office. TH0HAS G. GRIER, faarerafor to J . IYoks) Watchmaker aud Jeweller, Located two dnor mat of th, .land trot-nltt oitviM b Mr Todcr U2M ISBt l.ii, l a. Clocks, Watches, &c, repaired on ahoit nonce and warranted to gire saiiatarvion. tsAn excellent assortment of Watehao, Clocks and Jewelry on hand Cheap for Cash. lill.T FRAMES of all sices made to ordec I.ewisbare, -pnl 29, 185S BUFFALO HOUSE. LEWISBVKG, VMOX CO., PA. " E D. BREWER, Proprietor. T'lUS House is (he largest and most L spacious in Lewisburg, aud situated op ! posite the Court House, on the most elevated I and pleasant part of the town. The proprie- . tor, who has rerently purchased of the laic I firm of Lawshe & Sebold, has spared neither ! pains nor expense iu refilling and ra-furnish-' tng the House. His Rooiiioarespaciousandairv.andnot only calculated to add to ihe convenience and comfort of the traveling community, but also those who would seek a pleasant summer re sort with families. His Table is spread wiih every luxury that the market can afford. The Bar is furnished wiih all the choicest liquors. The Stables and Carriage House are spacious, aud attended by the most care ful cstlers. rBThe proprietor hopes that, ftom his long experience in the business, and by unremit ting attention on his pari, combined wiih a judicious selection of Ihe most careful and at tentive servants, he may be emitted to the fa- vorable consideratiun of the public, and re crivf a share of their patronage. M?P.ease give him a call and jmTpe for yourselves. July 1, IHS8 DR. W. H. WITDIOR, of Lancaster City, lite of Fhiladtlphia Wbrre he ha been In aurreMful prarllf for a n amber of y-r. rntvi d kii Hjui tUiou at tii le5t Mt dicat Col tree in the CnlbiJ Mitt, anl had rxpt-rifUre and rartic in the tlittVreut Honpitaln for Mvralyar; a Biamher of the Analjtlral Mttlial lmlituUt of New Yurk.a:id late a ;iirgvoi. in the U.S..arjf n-w oJTerg himteif to the public to aUnd any jtrtesmmnl calls. 'TMIE purest mdirne always on hand dimrt from the x hftt.Jhora(fTi-R in the country and the- Itotnoiral tiardena of thu World. So patt-nt nv-dii-ine ptvarrihet! or rfconiniendrd. Mrdi-tne un-d only hi-h trill nt break down th- constitution, hut will renovat the nyn U m from all injuria it ha r-utninM fmm niineml mrdipine. Chronir and ditlinilt dieaM-s munt be treat ed upon analytieul pritirijile. hiih it to know and av ertain what dt- ta. tn nature and rhararter re tuire a knowl-d ofthe eheuiiciilroiixtitiient ot every noli-1 and fluid of the hue. an l-ii-ty the ehane thotw anlidftandtlu.dll are ra(ub)e cf underffoinjf. To kuow wbut aiediritit-a Ut rmploy to cure di-eate. reuirT a knowledge, of the rJu ruii-n) eoiititueiiUi of all aeent erapioyed In medu-jneii. and If we are in powMn,i o this koowledpe. il is ponMble to eure any diwatte no mat tt-r of how Ions Ptniidtug and teaTe the patient in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. of rtijiTinetli.ili-i,iuriaor n'rforminc thi-clutieaof life, j DfspipsM. that diftnw iuir dieaaiid Ml dentrorer of health and hnpi'ineni, unl.'rmiuitiic the eonnlitiiticn, and yearly carry itir tbupandi to untimt.-lj grarea eau I nojt eniiliatirall tweun-d. j HHtrniTinN, in any form orronliti n. chronic or o f cute, warrant -d rnrahle: Fjriljty. or ftlHriK p( kuein, all rh route and stubborn aaes of Female di.-iwi. rndi rally r-'mored : ialt Kbeum, aud every ueitcriptlon of L lc-rationa; 1'ilen and croruloo DIm-bm-p, which have T'tttHeri all previoux uteiral kkiil.ran be cured hy my iiraiwrua. urn iav ronsiiiuiion in hoi exitaiifietl I du ray all dim-awn (yea, itm? umptuim) rnt If cured. CA.CL'K CL'KKU WlTIInl T TIIK KX1I E OK DRAW- l.Mi OK BLOJU. I will remain in my offlce on Wedne.lay and fatnr- unya. iron, v ocIock A. Mtoa r. yl-, to aerontmodiite tiatienta from a dintaoc. antl rtmxuTt in ttM i:mrlih and Uerman InnpunKcn; will make Tiit toaiydi-tanee if required; maybe add refined hy letter. North 1'rim r. near Fultun liall, Lancaster i-itr, I'a. TWyi w. u. mum, M D. l,IO. IMKtltV a 3D CONFECTIONERY. rililE subscriber respectfully takes iliism. I thod to lntorm Ihe ciiizmisoI' I.eu i.vbur" and vicinity in general, and ihe Ladirsin par ticulai, that he has oponcH a llaht a , Conlcrtlonerj", on Market street, in Mr. Beaver s Builuin, wnere be will lie ready to supply all who mny favor him wiih a call Willi Ihe best of everything in his line of bu- sine.s. BREAD, CAKES and CONFEC TIONERY on hand at all times. Bring a practical Baker and Confectioner forupwards of twenty-five years, he feels confidential all who favor him with a call cr five him a trial shall not be disappoimed. Weddings and Parties supplied at ilie shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. AH sons of Orna mental Work done to ordtr. BREAD delivered at Houses at all times when desired. CHARLES HEINER. I.ewisburg, Oct. 7, l57. GREAT ITRIFIEll ! L THK WOKI.D -HAU,ENGED ! J3TT0 PRDrCK ITS EQI'AI.! Ij?'THE BLOOD SEARCHER OKIOISLV TRIUMPHANT! Pwom Ktatement of David M'Creary, of Nai icc.Town pbip. It-d turd couuty : In April. Ik,'i6, ai near a T can remember, a mal! pim ple made iUapearance on my upper lip, which aoou be rame enUrsed aixl r"ire. I u.-d tMnulti- ff nor ret, and a want, of bine u it red, without eff.-ct. Ktndinir the aore extendinc, 1 rall'-d on Pr. Kly, of Schcllnl.urir. who pro nnunced it CANCKU, and preeniied a wash f Kiitrar of lead ami tread poultices. KindtUir these retnedii uf no avail, J railed upon Dr. iliafTer, 1 DavidTille, uuieret county, who alpo pn.nnuuc'il the diseav i'ane.r, aud rave me internal and external r. medi-ii the latter on Fitine principally of cauftic: hut all to mi purj-Ore. aa the diwaw; continued tpr adi ok toward the nfe. I m-i ued a prcparati' n of arfenic, iu the frm of aalre. This for a time cheeked the daea., hut the itillumation anon incrrafod. 1 next called uion Dr. tftatler. of St.Claira Tille, ISedffrd county, who also pronounced tlie diteae Cancer, and applied a palre aid to be a never fulling remedy, but it bad no effect wLatetrr in checking the ppread of the Fore. Iu lh ceuilr of the same year, the had eaten away a prcnt- r part of my nper lip, aud had attacked the noe, when 1 went to CioHnnati, where I oonulted Prof U. fi.Ni wton.t f the Klectic Med ical College, lie prononnced the dicao "a cutaneous Cancer, superinduced hy an inordiimte um of mercury." lie applied mild xiue ointment and (cave me internal remediea. My face healed up, hut the iuflauiatiou was not thoroughly removed. Io February, 17, he pro nounced me cured, and I left fr home. In April the di aeaae asain returned and o violent waa the dm in that I could not rent at nisht. Late in Mny I returned to fir. etnnati, arm aein plaeea myfetr und-r the rnar.t of Dr. Newton, with whom 1 remained nnlil September, durinjc which time be used every known remedy, and partly auc ceeded in checking the dieaw. hut when I ret u rued home there were atill threa diwharpins nlrerion my face l roniinneu ntinic ntwion r preparauonn, andalao medi cine that I got from Dr. Ely. tut the Cancer cuntinued growing until it had eat njf the let rwf nf my nmv, the ffreaUr parlum nmjr Uft cA-i-, ami had attacked my UJi eyu 1 hal given up all hope of ever being cured, iuce Dr. Ely aid he could only give relief: hnt that a cure wm importfthle. In March. lh.r,8, I bouirht a bottle of "Hiood searcner:" tnt mam eonfw that I bad no faith In It. I waa very weak when I commenced taking it; tut I found that I rained trt-ngtb day by day, and alro that the ulcer commeneed dryinjr up. f continued, and when Ibe third bottle waa taken my face waa healed aa if by a miracle. I uwd a fourth bottle, and I nave been healthier aine than I have been for the la.t arven yeara Although my face i aadly difffgun d. I am Ptill sreatful to a benign lrovidence who ban apan-d my lifr.at.4 which bna been done through the intLruir.entalitv of Lisd-t.t "a Impkovxd BioohSEARCjiiia. DAVID M'CKKAKY. ISworn and auhecrir(, thin Slet day of Angupt, A. D before me, one of the Jurtieea of the Peace in and for the Dnroucb oflltdliittyflburg, Hlair oounty, la- Witncaa U. J. Josta. JOU.N GOKLtY. J. P. NEW EVIDENCE. Mnff afnintr4 with a rrieTona t'ttron the armaand fac afti-r Uyinff any rrmiNii vhk-h mo-rly fiiilnt to eure 1 Wa. IMTVUadll hT W. 11 Itnrri.Al'A tntrwl.inrl. !'yl'p!!T"d ,""","T! nd n''li"(t and llfr. pronounrxl niTarlreuml. The tetter broke out. pumefhiu Ter a rear airn.on the Inside of mj anna, ex tend ing from the e.howa down ti.the wriaU: aluo. on mr fkee, immeaiiatl v round the mouth and chin, and continued to U a j rf ret torment t me mn til cumi by the Hiood Swrchrr. My arm a, at timea. were almost naeleaa. owinc to tlie crarka and aore on them, liable to bleed at any time on the leant exertion to Vitt or work, and aometlroea o itchy that 1 could acarcelv pre vent tearing off my fleah. I have now laea cured wix we. ka. and feel it de to Mr. Lfndev. anI to the pnMie generally, to make thin aUtement, in hof-e that otbere like myaclf may be benetited by niing bia valuable medkinc. her JANE X WILSON, mark 8 worn and anbaerfhed he fore me. one of tba Alderman hi and far tba City of rimburg thin vth day of July. A t. -KB. AND. U'MAfeTKK, -4urma. DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL RELIEVES all pain and soreness in from S to 30 minutes. &e another enhinm. Price 50 cts. per botile only. Shipped to all parts of the V. 8. For sale by i KakTlCo, Lewhhart-1 MTVixht a Ha.rk.Bti f X R da C W do WW Undcnmutli, Ban". Hotel C l B..a.b. Srw Brrlla tarn. Morria A Co, WiaftaU Lavi CrvnilT. Tartl.Tlll I TmnmM a Cn. d. I 1 IlWiana. BallTTt I D H MIIUr.Miffilol.arc I CuauUiff 4Cftlla;.lu Ma;a M itera Educational. Iron City Commercial College, riTTJBOM, f A. - - - - CBAKTEKO lK&ft. PTL'I'KNTd attending Januftry, 1858 Now the largett and intwt tUt-rouh tliramrril School of the UiritrU aiiWi. Young nun prcpmrtU (oracttt&l dUlkt uf th Counting Koom. XCgniTH.A.M ,Prof.ojnok keeping RtriMenrpefArcHa. A T 1 i'THKTT,T'rherof AritbmrtKaDdCom.Calculation. J.A.IltKiHiios nd T.OJBNEiN8.Tfacbiaraot lfook-tt-eiiug. A I'-owLcr aud W .A.oWiixeb, I'rwfu. of Penmanship. MNtJI.K AND UOL'ULK ENTRY BOOK KKKWNO, ai tiavtl in evrrjr drpwtrat-nt of bur ion, Commercial Arithmetic, liapid Business Wri ting. Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercan tile 4V.rrespomJei.ce, Commercial Law, an taught, and all other auhjort nrvnTj for th suo obm aiitl liioro' education of a prarti-al buniiwaa man. 13 PREMIUMS. Prawn all th Premiunta in I'ittf burg fr th pant throe Jr, aiau in BIrn nd WV-trn itira, lor U-at H rit ing, NOf ENGKAVKb WOltK. IMPORTANT IXFOHMATION. FtuilmtH rntr at any titnt no vacation tim nnlfm KM rvirw at plvafutv Knduatira aHiil-d in obtaining tuluation tuition ft-r fnll t'oniinirrrial ct.urw, $':&,uu n'-rif time t to 2 wck lord JJM) pvr week aiat iinrjr $i rntim coat t'A to fTO. SlmUr'a wn recriTM at bmtf-pr:re. MtfuT ('.ml. Circular, feriiii-nt of 3uinmi itnd Or naiurtital WrtUug im-Ic- iwo taiitpM and a-tdrexa F.W. JKNK1N.S, 1'itu.burg, Pa. LEWISI3URG ACADEMY. THE Fall Session of this Institution 1 will commence on Miiiv,Kept.SlU85fl ! Stmiu : each to continue l:l weeks, include to be immediately followed by the Wihtib iii one week's Vacation during the Holidays. All Ihe Branches or a thorough t-lassical. Mathematical, and English Academic Conrse are taught and Youths are fitted, either fur Teaching, for College, or for business. The Bible is a text book. A large class of Young Ladies is secured. TL'ITIO.N per session of 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. PRIMARY fftradinic, Writinil. lh Dorr, Arithaaatle, Urn., drain. and U. 8. llintor. jsnn Alll A('i:l. KNULUll ( ot included aboM, C .'O LAMiUAliKS, 8.IW tio additional charges; also, no dednctions except for protracted sickness. Tuition paya ble immediately upon the close of the session. JOHN RANDOLPH, Aug. 2.1, 1858 Principal UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. rriIE WinterSessioiwonsistiiif; of two J. Terms of 13 weeks each, will open on Thursday, Sept. 23d. COLLEOE Tuition for tbr Snvion of tr, w-ks f:0 00 Furl, Library, rare and n-paira 2 99 Jf VAtrz M r i Ulliou mr tne ?rlton of SB tifkl : t'laaairal anil hielmr Kngitab 13 00 A irauced Engluh IU liu 8 Oi l Lower UlaAK Foal, care and r-j aira FEM. AWrrr-Tuition per fenaIon CCweekt: Kefiulr.r Cour frimary Fuel, care aud repairs 15 I 20 00 13 no 1 40 It M Room r.nt anil foal Id Collw I'uilJine do do do room dv alone IT 00 A. K. BELL, Treasurer Lewisburg, Aug. 5, 1H58 Normal Iastitnte and Academy, NEW Columbus, Luzerne Co. Pa...To Young Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to become Teachers, this Institution otters the following advantages : 1. A Complete Organization aa a Noma! Srhoot. 2. A thorough, SjrattinauV, and Praetiral lurae of ID5truction. 3. An onrrtnnily tnt daily Prartir fm Twhing. 4. Wwkljr Lectures ou tho Tlieorj and rraclice of Twhine." 6. HWaly Ihvvh'fie lsiur. A. A nrhlr turninhed Keadlnir Room. 7.. fte'lnlAftVvTS'Wias'Iilws.ate or AMioriatlon are to tlio TracLrra of a County. Board, including room, lights and furnitnre (per week) $1 75 to 2 00 Tuition (per Term of 1 1 weeks) from $1 00 to 6 00 PtThe Fall andWinter Sessions will com mence on Monday, Aug. 10, 1858 For further particulars inquire of Hon. J. KOONS, Scc'y of Trustees, or IW. H. D. WALKER, Principal New Columbus, July 31, 18.V4 A.U 14CV book Winding. ' HIE subscriber, having RENTED Ihe J bindery late of Stephen 1). and Lyman H. Wilson, of Mil ion, and added lo it some superior implements, is now prepared to Books, Pamphlets, magazines, news papers, filusic, sc. &c, in every style desired. Work may be either bound or half-bound, in Calf, Roan, Turkey Morocco, Sheep, or other hEATIIKR, or MUSLIN of cariuui colon, and ornamented with MAKflLE PAPEIC of didWeiit figures, shades and colors. Old Ilibles and other Books or Papers which it is desired lo preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by ihe Bin der s skill. dj'Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries, dtc, Lettered with (.old in legible and durable characters, to order- M USIC l'OIM'FOLIOS, &c, made to snit customers. Lettering and Binding heretofore done by the Milton Binders, can be executed by us in a eiirrerpimding style, as we have their tools, types, and designs. I if" A good Bindery has long been desired in this vicinity, and we can therefore most re spectfully solicit Ihe public patronage, trusting that it will be sufficient lo repay the outlay and risk. Cif Rent, tools, stock, and work men all requiring money, we shall expect PA Y OH DIC LIVER Y of all work.ar j We intend to charge moderate, aiAsonaaLC and uniform prices, on the " Live and Let Live" principle and hope to make it a permanent business. Protluce anil Store GowJm taken in pay. Office in the center of Market Square, north side, second storey, adjoining Ihe CuausicLS and Telegraph offices. CHARLES 8TAHL. Lewisbnrg, July 16, 1858 William VanGezer, A TTORNEY at Law, 11. Leivlirbare;, I'nlon Co., Pa. CPoaice opposite Kline's Hotel 574 ABR'M E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Third door below Fifih and Market streets, LEWISBURG, Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a 6ne assortment of Gold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of ihe latest style Gold and CameoEarrings Ac, which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty HourC'LOCA'.S'andTime pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will be taken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted lo give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some tronble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July 21, 1858 SEVERAL hundred pieces of Piano Muilc juat rtccirad at tb Unl-ourr Hoota'r. of M M. MtHKAY. 1 ! Agricultural. Easton Fanning Mills. mi IE subscriber has located iu this place j with the view of introducing this Wind-' null, which is believed to be superior to any j in this region. Over 5IK) were disposed of at i Ihe Easion Factory the past season, and they gave the best satisfaction. 1'nce at the shop, or $24 if delivered. I IVFiKMEKS and others interested are, invited to call and EXAMINE specimen's at the Cooper shop of S V Chappel ou M Jutin street near the Steam JristmiII. I T Windmills REPAIRED to order Wire SIEV ES fur saie. VV. M. UAI.NBKIDCJE I.ewisbarg, Oct. 27, SAjJII and KOOUri. Blinds and Shutters, Floorinpr, Siding, Framing, &c. For Hale at tbu ltarilwam Store rf J.MlALlilX. T.wiiTiarff, Oct 26 CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undcrsi'xncd have as- : OCiatflt itlfmv,!)!.): intra onnarl. 1 ivM; "'fship for the purpose of carry- ' ' " ing on ihe Liimberin?. I'tanin?, . and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the Ccroisbnrg Strom phuiinj Ulills, where they intend to keep a sti'ck of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry. Poplar, sh, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber. Flooring Shel ving, Muling, Shingles, Le.ih. Joists, Studdin?, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, c. naning, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Arc, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in j rice ana workmanship. J. V. PIEFFENDEnFER, MARTIN DKEISB.c:H, BE VERS AMMONS. Levianura; Planing Mills, April I, 18J. SPROUT'S Combined Carriage Springs rilHE best Springs now in use, warranted to l give entire satisfaction. It posesses nine distinctanm7e over the Eliptic, and a carriage can be made cheaper after paying ihe following prices: Sulky Springs SI0 I Slide seat 17 Open Buggy 15 4 passenger 19 Top do 16 1 8 passenger 22 All orders must be addressed lo E.T.SPKOL'T, 715 Hughesville, Lyooming Co. Pa Fruit and Ornamental Trees, . Mt lH .H'!P. ggl The subscriber has on band a splendid .XTcollection of both Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Ac. Ac embracing Ihe very best varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries. Apricols, Nectarines, Grapes,Guose bernes, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberriee. ALSO Large Horse Chestuut, European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever blooming Hose, and a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Flowering Plants. rSTiur.sery Grounds on ihe farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a mile of I.ewisburg. All orders will receive strict attention. UFTrrm invariably f'ASII. WILSON I. LINN. I.ewisburg, July 7, 1858. Young America CORN SHELLER: The Chrajtrst, Simplest, mart durable COK.V MII:LM:k eirr Imeiited! TI1HE subscribers would most respectfully 1 call the attention of Speculators and Farmers to this wonderful machine, now on sale at M'FADDEN'S Hardware Store, in Lewisburg. I s County Rights in the Slates of Pennsylvania, kenturky and California.for sale on the most reasonable terms. Machines will be sold in Union and Snyder counties to all who may desire fo purchase, in order to test the utility and durability of ihe same. They shell green enrn at well at dry clean from the cob. Call and see them operate. Price $12. Or address L. A J. G. KI'KTZ, Nov. 19, 1857y Aaronsburg, Pa GLOVER liULLEF.S. THE subscriber is engaged in the manuf aciure of the Latest Improved HI NSECKER Clover llullers.which be offers at very reasonable rates. There have been a large number of these Hullers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as ibe very best. Any person wishing to purchase a good machine, will call or apply by letter lo C.P.EMERY, 301953 Laurelton P O, Union Co, Pa CABINET WARE KOOM NORTH 4th Street. The subscriber most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisbnrg and vicinity, lhal he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot of FI'R'IIITI.'KI', for the Spring trade, comprising Dressing and Common Lurcans, Sec retaries and Book Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot tage and other Bedsteads, Stands, Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. C O F F I N S made o order or short notice. The public are cordially invited to examine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his slock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOUKG Lewisbnrg. Sept. 15, 1856 LUMBER! LUMBER ! ! rjpHE subscribers have for sale ,!, (in lots to suit purchasers) JiCCaTa a large stock of gMimj P1AE BUAKDS Panel ,-J,E!"r- lank &r- Also 3,000 FSi' JtAlLS. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality Also Square Timber for Buildings t Which are offered low for Cash, at our Mills on South Branch of the White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end ofonr Road. Nor. 20 JOHN M'CALL & BRO S. Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMtEOPATniC PllTSICIATV, In W.Brawn't Kew Bb.ek, Market St. 7SS (Wl.coo Fifth A SiaihA I.KWlanrrn r. New fork AdterlixeiucnlM. mm A. a. Kit ll.n;ll.i,y, Jt.h u .y t,M Bmximil- C)rf)f M0KB AiEN WANTED as Agenti ,LJ J J to circulate rapid celling valuable Family Works, which aiiract by their low fri'va, intrre.ltoir 'vnt-nl. u. rbly eolon-l flatea. k'..r rlr.-iil.ri,. .illi i.rtii-utara. atiilr. if Tu llv. k'.tt. V. IIK.NhV ltV t. No !", NIU..U "ft.. Ntw Vcrk ; if Yt, tw tli fmiu. o. 111 Main M. t. tuviuuitti. j GS. t'UI'.K &. 0. No. 26, Maiden ' Lanr, New Vorlf, .UsfruTeatit of ;jd and ii!v'r Pencil (Jaes, and io!d lens ; of cry itt m.-tij.tr.n'T'-r tliir rfm il dir.-. to tli. r.nintry : trl at tlin .ri.f.t.t!ii-r rh-ri?-tli nty iI.ali-M. thi-il. auviiiir tin- uri liawr about in pr ri-iit. wh: h tl. y wuu!4 liafv to l':iv tin 'li-al.T il Uxiulit froiu tlu-tii. Oui-ol'iirt , ii lo aril for e-h r.: 1.1.1 -r-ti: oo-f t.'iw co.I vf maiiulwl- I uniitf. HkuiI-iiw.II o.- furiii-lM-.l to thoe whouiaj ilnim b.a- e tli. K.. d..'ir f ii . rici, .uj caa bo atul ljf txl'iriis, with toil to colli-tt. TT. I)RW, M.niKuciurins JEWB o l.EK, No. M.iiilfn Lane, olltrs his stock, consisting of a "eneral assuii merit of L n KKT.St,'lMIs, A .. i nr.. t.,F-r.-i I lowi-t cs"h prii'!". limat in-li:. riir to n.iiulr i aih bujvia. New Vork city, iepu I, 13 3m ii. ;i:!'.u iitT, j:.'ii.sr. Market sip'et, i.e.xl door to I'th a ii & lUteA 5i. li' LEW lBLi:t;, PA. LEHTAL CARD. friiE l cia 'HE n:".v Kfilto:! of inserting arlili- al 'J'eeili, tijin, Ac, kiiowii as Allrn'M t ootimio:! t.iim nork. is, without exceptH. n, tf:e liet iinr-rovr:! .:r: .1 Hi i .c.ilali.ifi, ii. rl r ... f III'-. t oid II -li ' we n with (h ran irivr- in.- I.- i: Tinti.;: I i i,r aim.. w:li. ii l.in tin- la-t. ml. il, ril.g Willi 11..' Uf. fui I. of ill.- Irflh iti oix.ti.ttii.ii. I wo.tl.l Ink.- llii- ni'r.' .l r f ii'f. rmin- tlinv intr...-l that 1 ha.i. .urrtia.-.'.l Ilia I'.t. -it : s?tit f..r 11 .:t. ltu-r",rn..-i.t. I III- iiiri.t..r. .1- : r A:i.n. nn i.f .-w York. 1 ti.r tl.i and 5' TTA) s.lj .ii.ii v .-.niuii. mh.1 tli.t 1 am i.o. nmii'.iai lurinir an r.i ti:.". i -in tin-i tiu.a-l(.:il will ei.uii.r-f..f -.nil ij .itl.Ei.vtl.ii.j .t. ' :.t .ii. il..,i In. evr i-n ni:i.l. in ll I or at: v olli r rr.i.Titnr. I auk all, an.l e,Tinlly tlio..c tl.nt it j t. :f .it tU. i.ar.. . i.., d tlivm or notj to call, auU x;.oiii fr IL. uilv.... .I..IIN MM'KK, l.mi-riFa. I OfF.p. and RW-n'e -n X uir-i ntr... t. nfir Mi.rkt. Offir. in .MlLr,r:,rn Itro...! tf.y, urur fad ft.iiA-iriVri rnr West Branch Insurance Company, : OF Lock JIa en, l'a., insure DeiaclieJ , Buildings, Srores, Mirchandiz, Farm Property, and other build. ni;. and Ihnr con tents, at moderate rates, lii-iii' business on bolhCash and Mutual plans. L'apilal,:lt.u,ut). nnn:cTKs. H m John J Peaice John II Hall (.'has A Mayer t'has t'rit H..n ii C Harvey T T Ahrams T J J.rkman W White Tho K itchen Peier Iirkinson Hon. ii. r T. V H KVEV, President. AliK XMS, Vice Pres. THOD KITCHEN. JAMi:.s B. HAMLIN", ?ent. 627 l.ewtlurs, l.'nauti Co. I'a. NOTICE. riTHE under-igned have this : I .'ay of IV).. I A. I). l?7, entered into Co-I-arlnerhip for th? pvrpoe r.f rarrving on a 4.eiirr:-W I'OUIldrjr HUMineNH ut the Briok Konn dry in Market Mrrei. Le ibiirg, undtr the name and lirm ot Frick & Lillet. WILLIAM FliICK, JOHN LILLE Y. Lewisburg, Feb'y S. 1"57. A general assort ment of COOKING STOVES for coal or wood. Stone Coal stoves, Wood Air Ti'rht and Parlor Stoves, Ac. in varie ty always kept in hand. v.TiaSof 1 kinds mad a-' o or.r- 'PIIE s I tinue sub.striber ton es to carrv on the I.ltery Iluniiaesis ihe Old SianJ on soutli Third streel, nea r Market, and respeclfulli . i ,i lae ol in:. Iilin.ls anl lilt solicits the patron public generally. CHARLES F. II Ess. Lewisburg, May 22. I fZS C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE am RETAIL aQTA llrwj and Chrtniea! Emporium Market Street - . Lewisburg, Pa. James 13. Hamlia, , TTORNEY at LAW, il. t T Olfire on Sei-.nd t. w,-st side ,2nd door youth of .Market, I.eil ilt:i c. 6ni59.J Lnion Co. Pa. j WINFIELD FACTORY! Aeiir Harllrton, I'nion Co., I'a. THE subst rihT, thankful for past patronage, would inform Ins friends and ihe public in gene ral, that he continues to manufac ture all kinds of Woult-ll .oiIn, sin h as Cloths, Cassitneres. Twerua, Saitineits, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels ; also. Carpet and Slocking Yarns. His machinery being .f ihe best kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, h- (eels sale in" savins that bis work -hi ! not be surpass.! i v any mantis', i. ., in i'i-coittun-. A plyul theal- -." v mi's kept constat. i, v H.I,: for sale or ; , ii;!:ie lor woi !. ;.t r r . that can i. i t.. ! to please. Wool. . ; Carded in ii.. host manrirrand on the sh. t notice. Terms for rar.liny. cash on the i livery of the rolls. .MARK HALFPESSi Y, Winfield Mills, March atl, 18."7. MARRIED jh GET married when yon wish, i nly so yon call at MFAHDIXS IIAKl'iWA'tE STORE, and set a first rate COOK S TO V E al first cost, as I want to close out my stock ol cook stoves. JOS. M'FADDIN. wrsbur?, March 11, 185M. RIVIERE HOUSE. LE WlsBLKCi, Lmon Co., Pa. R. fi. IIETZEL., Proprietor. njlHIS house is located in the very center of l ihe business portion of tlie town, and the culy Hotel in Market Square. It is by odds the largest and most spacious in Lewisburg, and is kept in ihe cleanest and best possible manner. The UOOMs are lane and airy BEDS neat an.l ! n Tl.. 7' mil.':. . i " . t . ......I. is M.iraii I with every luxury the season aill.r.ls. The ! BAR is furnished with cure ni.n,l..lir....i ! liquors bought by Ihe Propriel. r out of the Custom House in Philad. The STABLE and Hostler will recommend themselves. The Proprietor, having pone to a preat expense in rc-fiiting and furnishing his house employing at laree cost a ilrxt-rai t'...,k and other servants who are attentive and obliging hopes by unremitting ai'.entinn on his part to receive a share of the public patro-nae- 1he public will please accept the sin cere thanks of the Proprietor for the very SkDeroB patronage he has received during the four months he has lived in Lewisburg. Riviere House, Aug. 20, 1838 Dissolution. THE Partnership existing under the name of "Hayes & Meyleri" is this day dissol ved by mutual conseni. The accounis can be settled with either of the undersigned. The oftice of Dr.Hayes is as heretofore. The office of Dr. Meylert is at his residence on Market St. next door west of Brown's new slore WILLI KM HAYES, M D A. P. MEYLEKT, MO Lewisburg, Oc. -assa-asjfc-------- Philadelphia. COOPER & WORIf WHOLESALE DKAI.KH.1 L.Y HATS, CAPS, and STRAW COOLS, Ko. 46 Worth Third stwet, M.rnrii'KK. i """"Il Wwkft uil Arch, t. U. i.;k ( , I'l 1 1 LA DELPH I A . ii iii:sTr.R . co. CET.TS FUKK1SH1UQ 8T0BI. a -to Patent SliouIJer Steam Shirt Jlnnf'v, AT THE OLU fTAM, o.?OI llifNtnut .(. I-fiO-.j 0 PPOITE Ihe Wa li.riil.in II,.,..- Wl.M'HESTEK will 2ive.anere, 'f....' in-, j.c..itu. jui.iMun i,i me ;!,- . .M;.:i'.ilaciuring d-par!rnenis. Orders ,,r w celebialtd si) les of Hurts and Collars filled" the sii':riel noiire. l IVr-ons deinn to oriler Shirts, ran be suppiied wiihit.e loi mula for Uieasurementon ap in o'.i-ri by mail. a C..'. laiuiy hand a varied and select stock .f Oriiilemri.'s Kurnohir g iiwxis. fv hult.-ale Or !-rs supp!,ed co literal (tins THE BEiT are manufactured by t'Lioke ring & Sons, who have received ' liii-fy-I'oiir Media!. Tlie f'iirt I'rrmiunu oter all Comjttilort in the t')iie St.ittt. - I ESSRS.CHK KEKINGA SONS, having )J r.ii.ovcd to ibeirNew Warebouae.Uiaj i lie'nut trel't, Philadelphia, are prepared to i HVr a laree assinii eiit i.f Grand, Parlor Grand, Square and l'pri!:ut Pianos, in varu ua stles ol cases and al prices which can act f..il to j.!ea.-.-; decritive catalogues sent lo any address upon applicalii n. 74sm6) An;erkan Lii'e Insurance & Trust Co., (Capi-al Stock sfiit 0,000) ""lO.MPANVs Buildings.Walnut street, S E corner 01 r ounn hilatlrlfhia. t V Lives injured al the u.sual Mutual rates i t at Joint sr. 1:k r.4H a! rut so per cect. less I it ai Total Abstiiii m e rates ti e lowest in the : world. A. V. HIJ.l.i)lN,l 'tesident J..HS C. Sims. Sec. j ' iTJ C LO. F. MILLER, A'nl, I.ewiabarg .'nicholls house, (L'cio'X'an I'Eun) 1 115, Seuth L'iliih St. le!ov (hesnut, J'JJLA DL'I.l'JiJA. ; rt'IIIsiroii-e is fi r I'ern.ar.ent and'I'ransient I l.odfitia. Everv effort wi: be made if th- Proprietor, E. NiCHOLL, to give satis- laction t his ratfiis. 1 This E-1 Uish-rient is ri'uated in the heart of the city. renter of business,and cvavemeAI to all places of amusement. The Mercantile and Traveling comrr.ociiy will find it a desirable -place for c-uri, cleat.liness and economy. IV isii g'e rooms 50 cts per r''1' ly tie week S 50 and upwards ly23 tvuiiV & 5if':ij'i!i.'''"s!'''ln-'- Scitip. a.w. ton. sacosa .si. -"xlT 'wumuiiu. apis,''-0.000. Assets f ll t..,al ' -"vesied in Bonds, Mort w.s 3 """r od securities. H'Y FiRE1-0 AUA"8T LOSS el riKt Jhere are but few . -t?:ve sympathy whrine,,, ..-." . ll this most mie.Au'ry and fubztuntiul precaution. We olien see it aoni.ui.ced ihat persons have lost their storks ol Goods and Furniture, and results of years cf industry sjiept frcm them by the devouring element over which they have no control bnt by being insured. Insurance protects you from the incendiary. (nesliiience ol servants and ihe casualties or Aiirn.i:l.!f.r.. H will iDij-art fnft.lenre to oor en ir it.,,, rr .,,., prujeii .LdprteanuiM a' . ur ! u..i . .. tr..r.a.'tM.i.!.. r j irert l ut a ry tmll mm to In. nr. In ivma "I'- 'W rri m jl.s. to $.u.i. ai.d y.t how n.ai.v Iber.ar. li. li.iv n,-, iiurai.e u(.-n lo.i.d;.. i uifiiliiie. or an tln.ic.Iii If eurtiock w i-nia.1, sriii ILe Loaato;oa ni st.l I.- Sw;M,". H i, r. i,i , irM;r .; ; piyr.v. PHttH.lW- 1m H'ii to 5i't'i. at the l...we-t :V . ,n.l w,-n tl.e at l.ir. ral Tarda, ai.d l'L. an rAii-V. .u tl.-- aojutn.roi.t 1.. MltKl "fl'I.S. II B Tl... r r;. pr -e j y N. 1 Pit IT. B-1-' I ft. .i.i.i I.VO. it. I Th Jlaldti .Id 1 I.. ml i i.,.Tii t.-r.!,nt- Joi: TtloaUe." v ino.s it I l.Ml. uu, eresiueni. IbW'I Jt. liELMI'tl. eacKUry. J. MEKHILL 1 1N., Agent. fi.'T LE 1SBVKU, I nion Co. Pa IV. S. LAWRENCE'S PAPER, PRINTERS' CARD, 'AKD ENVELOPE WAREHOUSE, Xo. 10.3, Con,nierce St., Philadelphia. V-! ; h buyers w ill lind it for their interest -.1 1'hilad, Jan 1, LSAa y M '!; r.Y'S CKLEHIfATED lAilUlD GLUE! '1-llS i;RK.T M!KiilVE. M.at o-ful .nirl. ,T invrnud. l..r t.u-,-at.r or i ffir.. aurpasairlaj til- tly Trrji ulh. riu.i:um. murila-. ra.t.- om-iii.ntcvca j Ln..a. .L.H,1 Kl.Al.V tuK AI'I'LlfATIi.M. adh I uion I'a) rr. f I. th, I, .tl..r. Inrniturr. l-nrmlua. t ai- I ... llt:r.'r(;it.M'. a.TDianufarturiiis Kanry ArtirW, I tr.. it l.a do Miiri..r.n.i antv nwuiar crratrr , ?lrrln;tli ll.an any i.lh. r ..rtlrl.l-ul a..b..r. B.orr .uirk;., Ki...t.e n. Ptain al..ra...parUarj iiMst. Nma Fills'. WiiMu tl. hot ll.rr vr.rs nt.w.r.1. nf tkj. k....l-.' ot Una juallr rrli l ralnl L1(1 III I.LI K ai brra aohl. andllir ilitutroiivritiaura hi. Ii il baa rrcvnl io rtpry raj-, hat. .IriH-rndtT aurrd U t itadrmaad mLkli la. D.siinrMrtSri'r l:a f. and it, at tiro., diflirt.lt lo aj.rt : i..-ki...a.d b all wliul'ave uardit.lliat il. m-rit.ara Ur ah.-T. any Fimtmr artirlr TrolTr.d to ll.. t,utlie .7.u 67.1 fuuim.!,.!, oJ.vVil.d..ra I. rf ,t.M. On! . U.l.hraM Li.,.,,1 ; ,,., ,,r,, JrfA-nrt -3ato..Mrr. 1 K.Mi-Xl ,i.V). J IMILi. ala&ufairturtd ant told, n h..ln.,l ,1 K.un. ly W M. C. M. IllA. Statmorr. '".W'7 f htnul t. -hila.lrl hfa. a-Laral inda.mrtitf.ollrrvd to prrMioa ikuivw of ael.u.K tLealuve arlji-V. For sale by KEYIl'S in Lewisbnrg Engraving and Seal Cutties OF all kinilsat 201,( hesnut Mreet PIIILAl). V eiling and other CARD. Corporation and other fiEALs.and everything in our line of business, promptly ailended to, in good style, and on reasonable leims. Or ders from Ciiy and Country soltcii.d. S. H. FVLTO.W . v.. MASO.V. New Arrangements--New Goods! 1 OSEHI L. IIAWX havinir taken the J well known SP YKEH ilA 7 STOKE, bas refilled u, and tilled in an exleasive variety of iVufs, I Vrjw, Gentlemen i Clothing, tie Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASSIM EKES, die, which he will make up to order, as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. Jle is prepared to execuie all work eutrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of ik customer. ,. U. Cutting and Repairing; done Id order. Lewisburg, ipril 10, lc57 SlMltl. II. ORWIU, Attorney at Law. OFFICE on South Second near Market SI. LEWISBIBG, PA. LT?AI1 ProfessionaJ Business entrusted his care will be faiihlully and promptly '" i!td lo ff'- ,4 1847 a