Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 26, 1858, Image 2

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Jit H
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Cnuiolutrg CJjroniflf.
ltH.ir: .,a,.--TI.. I. w.-ni . CM-trw-M.
tuMi,wi n the-..-, omrni, ih iar.,--i uj !.
Ireul iu..n nf an. .apeT (u t. Diutl Count..
. .... ' .
FroeilKn. natiillia! ; SlaVCT, SfCtiOHal !
C&TLatc I'urcigu News, notice a further
abolition of Slavery by one of the Eu
ropean piwcrs. What will Doug'as and
the " Dem jciasy of Illinois" do about it'
ter'-Congrcj will meet a week from
next Monday. Thoso wbowib to receive
daily a verbatim rcp rt of its pridccdiocs,
without any party colorinc, are invited to
read tlio rrospecttis on our brut page. It
cm be relied upon as strictly accurate.
" 77il! Riuner IHtlrul." Tim I
,r Win, of their Ha.mer Conereion.
ai District in the Ep'ian end of Illinois.
On our first page will be fouud the figures
showing that their c'.uiia is correct, and
proving that t'ueir ni ijori'y is founded up
on tho Mnoiiance of the puhlio. Truly
jour " ISauncr" is uo credit to yeurcauac.
"We obtervo tho Slavcocracy, and
rnua if their Northern j ckal.. are howl
iu;, and li!:o Rachel " refusing to be coni-
lorted, on account ot one t c-eward s :
tpecchea in New York before the late
election. Tho sore point was Siavery.and j
judging from the number it has Killed and j
wounded, we j tdga it was a powerful ud, !
well charged, and correctly aimed. Shall j
try to get hold of it, read it, and report !
its couieuts.
, j
wr Notwithftandire tbe loss of Eu-1
chanan, mast of tbe Northern Statc9,scores ;
of Congressmen, and a thousand lesser '
officers, our .lrns neighbor is comforted j
by the asutance that some poor starving :
riuter, out iu Oican, 'Yoik State, has ,
turned Loco Foco ! ' Small favors thank-1
fully received." It may be true, but m n3 !
of the Republicans up thtrc have missed
him, and " ihc returns" are all riLt, in '
his county. 5oae Tr mg-) -m i'. j
ries bef.re the close of la. '.Var of Inde- j
pn;.uc., : ucYeitbclc.", th. He solution j
went riKt on, ' just as though nothing !
Lad I-.;
Two Men Duownep. Two men were
drowucd near L'ndeu, ca Sunday night,
while endeavoring to cro.-s the river.
1 here were ttiree toge'uer, ono ot wunm
scaped by Lolling fast to tho b.'at, after
it capiz?d. They were laborc.a on !5en-
. s f a innlinn e.t ilia Qnftlnirif X- 1-rin
railroad, but we were ..ot able to k.arQ j
their names. Goo was s'tirfcl to t
named Welsh, and formerly a resident of
Pullivao caunty. The bodies were re
covered on Monday mortiini:, and interred
yesterday. WMiamtporl O'jzrlle.
A Model Offical Tho people nf j heavy ftr him, and ho was found th next
AVashiuglon Territory complain that 12. C. j morning at tho bottom.
I-Uvhugtt, wti:iui Mi. i)ul;itnii.iu I-. j ino ) asUingron cmon rcaua riaj uonn
them as a J udgc, has murd. i ed a peaceful gcliWilrtz out of tllC jjarty because he beat
c't:z:n, cots armed with picto:.", to in.li nr.- .. ,,. . ... - n-i -
. '. k , .ai' fltbeNew Minister t'i Austria. Ihe idea
rla!o tjo people, arid iceps a harem of,
Indian girls. There Las cvidet.ily been j "f reading a man out who goes to Congress
a mistake, end Judge Fttziiugh, was in- backed by a majority of the old Herks De
tended for Kaueas, to assi?t Leccmpton ! mocracy is a subject worthy the caricature
and Cato. j of Putch.
. . ". r" , i. ' r .7 v ! The fact that Angoulcme pears have
It is singular bow much of the Hew , . ,.
Koland Mod is among the Congressmen i M lu Lo ""tC market this year, at
tlect from Pentisylvauia. SteVeus is a i.a SO 00 per dozen, may awaken tho farmers
live of Vermont ; Grow and Srrauton were ; to a proper notiou of tbo great profits to
born in Connecticut, and Diumiick, Hale, j Lc ,lcrivcd from tbo cultivation of this
Rabbit, Hall, and we know not bow many frujt.
ivtbers, are sons or grandsons ct good old ,
Yaiikoeland. fjudie Strocjj.of old Uerk.'.
is a Massachusetts man )
There being for the first time a Repub
lican majority in the lower Lou?e of the
Territorial Legislature t-f Nebraska, a bill
l.as been introduced to prohibit s'avehnld
i:;g in said Tcnitory after Jau. 1, 185D.
We trust with tbe New York Tribune, that
it may pass, though tbe Dred Scott deci
sion has probably deprived it of any other
tban a moral efficacy.
Flave Code for the Territories.
The Washington t'lu'on cites witb appro
bation an article from tbo Richmond En
qttirer, which, in view of Judge Douglas'
assertion of iLc right of Territorial Leg
islatures to exclude Slavery, takes the
ground that Congress must interfere to
protect the institution and ruy the legis
lation withheld by tbe derelict Territory.
Wam Work. Applicants for situa
tions iu tho Harrisburg Cotton Mill are
very numercns,acd the Company will havo
no diflicalty in resuming operations with
a full supply of bands. The Mill wiil
give employment to about three hundred
persons during iho winter.
To purify the River Thames, about 250
tons of lime arc every day thrown into it
rear the London sewers, at an expense of
J7.r 00 per week. Men lnve also been en
gaged during the period nf low water, io
covciiog both banks witb lime.
The new filibustering expedition of
"ihe iittle giay-eycd man of destiny"
9.ctinit I ft I, ttimi, if III 0HP 1TAI. tils
oVserigWillun. Walker, was stopped by
the United states authorities, on Saturday
tho day fixed for failing.
Gov. Packer tendered the vacancy in the
Supreme Court to Mr. Read, and it was
deolioed on tbe grouud that he willed a
short time to Fct'le bis bisinees prior to
entering upon his djties in December.
Tbe best way to stop" brutal prize
fights," is, not to notice tbem beforehand,
or describo tbem afterward, tut to make
laws punishing all engaged iu them and
11 who advertize them.
Messfr. Butt k Bower, publishers of
th i lmlrprn ?, ni 1 Vrs, havo cbauged the
B ime to H'iVi'uaunjor( I'rttt. A sensible
At tbe Nov. Term of Lnzerne Court,
there were 655 entries on tbe continu
ance docket, "10 judgments, and 5G1 ex
ecutions issued.
Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, is noroi
Dated fur President by some of tbe Oppo
sition iu the west.
Secretary Cobb is said to bo agaiost
buy augmentation of the Tariff, but will
Lave to yield or i'i.t bis pt.
that so? We dio'ut know that
liuck ' was each a swearing man as j
it seeint he is. lid " cusses Llonglas j
from morning till night.
Tbe New York
... .
t-ccniny l utf t aabiugtoo correspondent
! sajs:
j " We had a semi-official intimation of
i the President's tcmner at least a week ago,
j jn a remark ascribed to one of his eouQ -
denial agents, who said, I thought I
. . . . 'i,
i i . i . . !.
. ...
' on be leaves mo out ol Slgiu.
i ---- - . .
J.IttD CCOTT JJEAD. ints cciouraiea
rcrsouoge died in St. Louis, on Friday,
.ft.,.. r.f ,r.iin nri-,l
' .. rrA r... .,. ;, .:. . i,;, !.,),
'' bavins been manumitted by bis owucr,
i the lion. Jlr. Chaffee, not loug after tho
I decision rendered in his case before the U.
I S. Supreme Court. I Dr. Chaffee is a Con -
M..-hn..tia m..l tho le.
! l title to Pred b.vioE been vested in tbe
' CheVhe ron"
by tbem, and thought himself a very dis-
tinguished personage, " whose name was
in ail the papers. J
It is gratifying to observe that tbo in
fluence cf Iquor in Elections is becomiog
lcs., year by year. Tavern keepers gen
erally make poorer raus than in olden
time. Iu New York, the L'quor League
Association openly advertized themselves
in markltjbut no ouo offcrcd , -j. Tuey
j.j.j thcy could coramanj 80 maDy
thousauJ 0,ej ia toc ci!y, No Li J(
ig kn()wn . but at ,ast ,hcy annouuceil
,beniscIves (gratnitously it is thought) in
fvor of Jujgc p.,. the Loco candidate
for G,)vcrnori wLo i4 dtcd.
A company of i!0 gypsies, of all ages
and sizes, have been encamped, for tbe
past week, at the foot of blue Hill over ;
(be rirtr, about two miles from Danville, j
They have seven good wagms, II or 15 j
good horses, ana a donkey along with
tbem. In the day time they are prowling
about tbe neighboring farm houses, and
iu town, tbo women begging and telling
fortunes aud the men barfcring and tra
diug horses, watches, Sia. They are from
The Uuicis m jority against Buchanan
in New Jersey ia 8,U8. Add to this
Jonca' separate American vote in Camdcu
1 &e. and tho majority is 12,000 ! The
Legislature is Opposition, and will oust
Wright, the traitor Lccomptonitc.
Lots of Locos, Editors, and even Post
Masters, who abused Douglas with all
tbe-if might uutil Election, are now tack-
! ing about to come into his support, leaving
'"OP"" U President to boo bis own row
as best he can.
At Lysandcr, Ouondago county, New
Yoik, on Sunday, John C. Forbes tied a
I jug of whiskey about his ncck,aod attempt
j ed to swim the river. The jug proved too
JuJ jorjatl 0f Sunbury, recommend
cd the Grand Jury of Northumberland
county to favor a new Court House build
ing, which they did ; but tho Sunbury
Gazette docs not second tho motion, at
In FairtuouDt, Virginia, last week, a
white mau earned John Barns received fif
teen lashes on the baro back for stealing.
At Richmond, two "fellows" wero ordered
S9 each fur using "impudent language."
Prof. Hart has resigned tbo post of
Principal of the Philadelphia High School,
which be had filled for sixteen years. He
is to be the editor of the publications of
the Suuday School Uuiou.
Tbe alterations in the wall which sur
round Christ Church burying ground have
been completed, and Franklin's tombstone
can now be seen through the railed open
ing. Over forty thousand djllars have recent
ly been subscribed in Brooklyn to build a
new church, which is to be Urge enough
to bold 6,000 persons, for Henry Ward
Tbe Board of Directors of tbe ITarris.
burg Cotton Factory Company, bave re
solved to start their mill on tbe 28th of
December. It bss been closed for a year
or more.
Somebody thinks that because a woman
sent the first word over tbe Ocean Tele-
BP ' be u!king 1! th tim0'
appears, however, to be quite reserved.
It is said a lady in New York passed
a firo thousand dollar counterfeit bill up
on a clctk at Stewart's. Do they issue
bills of that denomination, io 'York ?
Some of tbe farmers around Milton
warn all persons against bunting or in any
manner trespassing on their grounds.
Right spire tbe birds!
An eminent and much respected colored
Presbyterian minister. Rev. Samuel .
Cornish, died in New York city, last week,
aged Go years.
Tbe Republicans will probably be the
strongest party in tbe Congress of 1859
18C0, but no party will bave an absolute
Tbe friend of Maj. Swartt of Reading
distributed some large fat bullocks among
tbe poor of the city, as their way of cele
brating hit election.
Tbe trial of Alibone and Ntwball of the
late Pennsylvania Batik, baa beta post
poned font
MgAN LfUslNICteS. A feW CVCQlDgS ag",
a neighbor of ours scot tier sou to u stun
to Secouel street fur a eutiple pouuda of
I Kill!.. 1 1 a wua i-Ii ..,..! ui, Mnrtiitint
i ;.. :. ,. . ,. . ,
, 'rico iur it, miuuugu uui unur i-uio ujc.
I After Ibo lad n turcei home, ud tie
j . ... .
mother became acquainted witb the quah-
ty of tbe article, be was ordered to return
; ' The loy did so, but. tbo merchant re-
j fusing to take the butter back, be dashed
: it on tbe fliir, and struck a " boe-lmc"
i . o. i i -...i i
: t . t c i , i. . .. 1 .1
twnaiua hvuic uiuuin- n.ia fuvtM&cwu
1 . . I'll i t
, vau-age or cuuurcn, id . aoove mauncr,
f derv In ntnnii nphinil f lieir niin!i-r ann
SIJ,0 fur customers. UirruO j Tilejraph. j
'he Icdford Sprinjs correspondent of:
the Hahiui ire Hun says that while tho
! Vres'Jcot wa at ,uc former place, tbo la-
v,u- rrai ul "u
cl,ani" oU iiliug,. Dashing through
! tuwn at -fkg Pcc, the horses flaked
lokm, the lady glowing with excite
I I'Uenl known to every-
j body serious alarm sd the public miud
's.-mc aspiring d.t.ie bad caught up tue
Chief Masistratu of tho Lulled Stales,
and was eloping witb him. In good time,
however, Mr.i S. matured tbe IVcsidcnt to
bis nious friends.
Dr.itinJolph lias oponly recanted spiiij
rappingisiu. In a lcctiiro at Utira, be
stated as bis candid opiuion, founded unon
an experience of nino years ana " medium''
that spiritualism was one third imposture,
ono third insanity, and ouc-third diabo
lism. Dr. II. declare sj hat insanity is the
usual fate of trance mediuu.s.
Lydia Studlcy, a woman 05 years of
age, has been convicted, iu Ilhodc Island,
of tbo murder of her husband by prison,
and sentenced to tbe State l'risoo for life.
tguAny one will bring or send us
15 for a club of 15 subscribers to i
any address
will present him a copy of the follow
ing most interesting book :
Y E A II S i
lOOO ..-ul Wanted to sell
Dr Liviiigstone"Travc!s & Explorations
during a residence of 16 years in the wilds of
Sirica, t ms is a worn th t rm.c
and hair-bieadlh 'scapes among savage beasts
and more savage men. Dr. I.ivinfislone was
alone (or unattended hy any white man) trav
eling with African attendants, amon; dilterent
tribes and nations, all strangers to him, and
many of ihem hostile altogether forming ihe
most astonishing Book of Travels the world
has ever seen. All our Agents acknowledge
it the most saleable book published. The most
liberal commission made to agents in small or
large quantities. For particulars, address
J W. nilAHLKY. lIMuhtr.
4S North Fourth St.. I h.ln-I. Irl"- fa.
Copies SQDt ti; niAil, Uvt, on receipt cf the price, $1.25.
From aming the linndp-. ef fnsnrstile notices, from
tin; pwi-t r-i-it-rt.bl'- jcmmslii ol tho eotii.try, of our
rh.ap o-lttioo if "tinni-toii.Travi;li and Exploration
in Ali i-a,'' we mitt the li.lloMin:
II abi-unj4 iu d-MTip'i-in of utrangn and wonderful
e-i-n... anionic a popl. and in a country entirely ui-w to
theenilianj world ; and allog.-tli.T w. regard it aa one
oftlie ino.1 intrreatins 1-x'l.s tamed ulllun the paat
year Ail-a aft,f. SboVriM,. A' J
It I. emphatically an million for tha neoplo: and.
jud-in- frum th. ra;i.l .al. with which it la meting, it
ia f.illy aer-re-imcd hy tli.nl I 'initial Acewin, -n.
Th. book ia Latin,; a great run. ar.4 will b. read by
other land.. A'tttaivU yu'm, 7o--ivj.y "
Tho work la finely i:iuslratil. w.ll printed, and firmly
bounj. thus aiiawt ring in .y.ry r.a;is-t tho duuisnd f ir
a popular and cheap edition of the "Journeya and H
.arclira iu South Afrira Thoac of our r..d-rs who
would h.-iTo a d.liclitful hcok for reailm at any hour,
will not tie diauppoiuted in Ibia work. V. ii. Journal,
With truth w. can ear, that seldom ia prc-ntcd to
then adiuz puhlic, aaurk contaiuini;snrba vast amount
of solid inatrui-tion aa th. on. in question. Tho ToiunM,
ia handaotn.iy illustrated, an. I pra-.nl that unique ap
pearanc of exterior for whi.- Mr. Uradl.y'a puhllcaLioua
arc noted riimiy JV'tiif-ne.
Tiiiaititprc.-tinu work ahoulil ho in the handa of cry
one. Ifa in'.rc.onc pazea f advenlures arc full of in
struction and atniicm-nt. Ten thousand copies it is
atated, liar, been soM in one month. 1l'wn ytmi-iejn.
Iir. i.iin--t.-nc' TiaTi-ls and Kcnn-hes in South Af
rica appear lo ereat adsantai:. in this .dition. which ia
un-iouoieuly tho clition moat a-c.ptahi to th. reader
who read for practical instruction and amu.em.nt.
Saturday Itt.
Tli. e iition of Pr. I.tstnff.ton..'a Tr-ireta, pnhll.hed by
...... ..1 . ,, WO.l I, UtH.l-. P. ...
I Ur. lirailley'a pul-licationa, it ia excellently gotten up.
ii-vru AyOdter, Jwii.
W. can recommend the edition of Tir. I.tsinestone's
Travel., publish. 1 l-y flrall.y. of Plnla-I. lphia, aa .yery
way worthy of pnMio patronage. It. excellene. and it
rheapn.aa reedDinicnU it oyer all others. VunJk 4ifte '
CA t'TIOy. The attention ofthe Publisher
has been called to spurious editions of this
work put forth as "Narratives of Dr. Living
stone's Travels in Afrira." Ours is the only
cheap American edition cf this great work
published.and contains alltlie important matter
of the English edition, which sells at $6.
Special Xotico lo Agents and Can
vassers !
Wo have rwentty pnhlistn-d feseral new and ssleahle
nooka, including th. I'ubic atid Vir.Tc .iTcof ihiji.Vu-
j polrmi ; with llio.raphi-al Notia of hia most IM-tin-
.umiiiMi Minuirrn, iamiuani carot-ii-'a. ana in. inma
utoey. heinir a complete History i'f India and Ihe
I'rttfnt Htir; -T7i. Atlfftt airtt the Viaon," a taleof I Yiril
linir int.reft, by T. S. Arthur; l.iffnf Pr. K K. A'dae,
and tho Oiatinc;iiihed American Explorers, Ac. &c
These, witb oar former Kxtenaiv. Catalexue of Pnpiilar
riooks, circa na Ih. best nnd most rateable list of PuMiea-tlon-
ct oAVreil to Agents and rnnTasser., to whom
wcolTer th. moil Iibcrat icrml. Send fir our list, whirh
ia sent free to any part nf tho United States. 2mTSl
I'ulon County Court Proclamation
'resident Judge for the Soth Judicial
District cf Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties of Union, Mifflin and Snyder, and
I'm lip Kuhl and JxnWSiatoaTOw tvsqs.. Asso
ciate Judges in Union county, have issued their
precept, bearing date the 18th day of Sept.
1853, and to me directed, for the holding of an
Orphans' Court, Conrt of Common Pleas, Oyer
ami Terminer, and General Quarter Sessions,
at LEWISBKRG, for ihe county of UNION,
(being the 13-h day) 1858, and to continue
one week.
Notice is therefore hereby Riven -to the Cor
oner, Justices ofthe Peace and Constables in
and for the county of Union, to appear in their
own proper persons with their records, inqui
sitions, examinations and other remembrances
to do those things which of their offices and in
their behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
persons, are required la be then and there
attending, aud nut depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance at the appointed time agreea
ble lo notice.
tiiven under my hand and seal at the Pher
ifl's Office :n Lewisburg, the ltih day of No
vember, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand
ight huudred and fifly-eighl, and ihe eighty
first year of the Independence of the United
Slates of America. (rod save Ihe Common
wealth! DANIEL D. (;i,I.DIN,8henJ.
Notice to Tax Collectors.
YOU are herety notified to get your exon
erations of County and State Taxes by
Ihe December Court, Tbe Collectors of Road,
School, and Poor Taxes must make Ihelr re
turn iu the Commissioners on or before Ihe
first day of January next on the nnseated
lands ia their respective townships, as afier
that time, according to law they will not be
received. Collectors, it is bope'd, will be
punciual in settling up their duplicates, as I
wish my Slate account settled by the first nf
January next, as it ought to be. No longer
indulgence will be given after December
"tart. H P SHELLER, Treaa'r
leowisbarg, Nov 8, leaf
Issue List for Dec. Term, 1858.
Samuel Orwig v. I. Johnson Sl Co
Michael Wagner vs Frederick Bolender
A lain Schreck et al vs John Ruland
David lle-rbst rs Daniel Kengler
David Baerlges rs Alfred Kneass
jeter Hummel and Wife rs Daniel Rengler
'1 Church & Co vs Solomon Mayer
Harriet Jenkins vs Menu Chappel et al
Charles liartzel vs State Mut Fire &.C Comp
uavin nsner rs Jonathan Uieltenderter
j "as" ''r t-hurcn Jos u rorrey
I 1 bos Church vs same
w ., c , .
I uai lull .1 iiu.ri'ii mcisni
, jhn Moyrr Worraa0
1 r...i- l..k ' ... . I
Keuhen Sienmger vs Alfred Kneass
I'rice J I'aiton & Co vs Jacob Meckley
jhn Koland vs Stale Mutual Ins Co
T Graham. Hutchison et al vs Jac Bridged al
John Locke vi Robert Hilanils
Jos P Cummings vs t'has R Cronraih
Comrs Lrn Co for M'Curley vs Sypher's Ailms
Uroithead Ai Roberts vs ltanck & Roland
Weiter & Ellis vs John l.ener and VVi:e
John ltaland vs Martin D KeeU
j Jieorge Jlertz ; v, , Peter Feizer
rM' al ' S't'a?1
P O Campbell et al vs Teed & Marr
Howard Malcom vs James P Kois
I.udwig & Uanck vs Kaac Kanck's
David S:enmger vs Wm II Marr
Charles II Shrinrr vs Wm Rule
I. P Albnzht vs Adam Schreck snrv
.M Richard? Meickle &c vs Reuben
same same
Francis Krick vs Alexander Ammous -Daniel
Rangier vs John Lapp
Margaret Porster vs Alex Cummings
S& DWeidensanl fr Shirk vs Church&Forrry
Isaac Drown vs John Locke
Levi K Shoch, deed's adtnrs vs J Yearger
Samuel Meriz vs J P See bo Id and J Seebohl
Trustees GerRefch Milllinbg vs A Gulelius
L Palmer indorsee of J P Linn vi Levi Sterner
same vs 7 others
Martin ( RerJ, a minor, Ac vs C Dreiskach
James I'ussell vs Jacnb Dunkle
Christian Barich vs Daniel Itei.ntr
same same
John Kessler vs Ueddes, Marsh & Co
Phllin Seebold vs Peter Hearpr el al
! Isaac Waller Sec vs Jes Schre yer
I rusiees M E eh at .Mirilinbgvs J M Kleckner
Kline & Carroll vs Wm Inhoft
Abram and John Aurand vs Chas F Schaffle
Martin U Reed A c vs John Roland
George Meixel vs Leib &. Leib
John Mner & wife same
John Kling vs Peter Geyer
Haac K Dunkle vs Henry Ruhje
Daniel Rengler Jr vs Chamberlin & Stout
Rev Samuel Gulelius vs 8aml H Orwig
Wm Jones, tnd. Jn Locke vs luaac Walter
same vs Jn Locke, ind
Ahram Wolfe vs Reaver Ged M & Co ...
Kertcr K Mtisifr vs rorporatitin University
H M Whitmer vs Jacob Klos
Simnel H Orwig vs llenrv W Crotzer
I. Iteck vs Dennck & Sheekler
Charles Hunter vs Saml Shirk
Reish Reish vs Peter Reish's Adm'rs
llartlrylic B Smith, Wm, Etlert, Wm Tale,
John Belz
LewMurgl SSterner.D S Kremer.Ths Reber
Miffllnbiirg B W Thompson, J W Sands
bujfultie Dav Beaver.Dav Henning.WT Linn
Ltmrttnne Wm Foster, tJco Chambers
White fleer John Si Clair
Exit Huffalue Peter Wolfe. Jacob G Brown
Xew Brrttn David H Koush, John Kessler
i-'nion Archibald Thomas, Philip Voting
Weil Ifujfatte Jn II Klrckner.S W Snodgrass
A"t Abraham Shadier
Bujahe Ja Ziebach, Andw Hauck, Jas Math
ers, Ja Kaufman, SaSimnnion, Wm Sleans
L'iion Isaac Ever Jr, Wm Hummel
T;eTrj"oTi!rtio-w-cT n-vx-a. i c
Hj Btiffaloe Edw Smith, Levi Miller, Aarn
Ha'ick, David Kleckner, Daniel Poniius
Krlly Laird Howard, John Hummel, John
Bennage, Jos Kelly, Isaac Rodermal. Thns
Cnmlyjn Datesman,Jn Stahl Jr. Dav Meekly
Hartley Ths M'Curdy.Mark Halfpenny, A B
Cummings, Wm Fisher, O P Kaiherman
Aew llcrlin Christn Breyman, Chas Caw ley,
Michael Kleckner, Robert Swineford
While Deer Jacob Barnhart, David Steninger
Mijtflinliurg John Bilger, James II Young
Lewitburg O X Worden,Wm Cameron. Wm
Brown. EC Marsh, E Sliler.S ItiiterC D Kline
Eut Hnjfutite Saml Zellers, Benj Schrack
NOTICE is hereby Riven lo all con
cerned, that the following named persons
have seliled their accounts in the Register's
Odice al Lewisburg, Union county, and thai
the said accounts will be presented for confir
mation and allowance at the Orphans' Court,
to be held at LEWISBURG, for the coumv of
Union, on the third Friday of DECEMBER
next, being the lTih day of said month, viz:
1 The account of J. F. Richart, Executor
of ihe last will and tesiamrnl of John I'uher,
late of NewColumbia. Union county, deceased.
2 The account of Elias Dreisbach anil
George Dreisbach, Executors of the last will
and tesiament of Catherine Dr?Lhaeh, late of
the borough of Mifllinburg, dee'd.
3 The accouut of George Dreisbach and
Thomas Yearick, Administrators ofthe estate
of Hrnry Yearick, late ol ihe borough of Mif
flinburg, dee'd.
4 The account of Jacob Heinle, Adminis
trator of John WoA.'lale of Kelly Tp, dee'd.
5 The account of John Dalesman, Guard
ian of .Sarah Jane Daletman,o( White DeerTp.
Register's Office, Lewisburg, Nov. 17, IMS
Frothonotary's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to alUpersons inter
ested, that the account of John Hauck Trus
tee for Susan McClure (late Susan Strackey
now dee'd ) appointed by the last will and
testament of Frederick Heiser late of Buffaloe
township. Union county dee'd., has filed his
trustee account on the 10th dav of November
1858, in ihe Prolhonotary's office at Lewis
burg, and that the same account will be pre
sented tn the t'ourt of Common Pleas of said
county, on Friday the 17th day of December
next, for confirmation and allowance.
Lewisburg, November 1 1th 1658.
Real Estate.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Union county, will be exposed lo
public sale, upon ihe premises, on SATUR
DAY, NOV. i7, 1 .', Twit Town Lot,
in the Borough of Mifflin burg, bounded and
described as follow; :
I si. A Corner Lot, bounded on the north
by Mulberry alley, on the east by Catharine
street, on the south by Market street, and on
Ihe west by Lot No. 44; frcnt on Market
street, 60 feet ; depth on Catharine street, 126
feet ; numbered with the No. 42 in the Bor
ough plan.
2,1. Lot adjoining the above on which is
erected a Dtirlllna; House, 3 storey's
high, numbered aa aloresaid with the No.
44, and bounded on the west by Lot of Thom
as Cronmiller; front en Market street, 60
feet; depth lo Mulberry alley, 126 feet.
Sale lo commence at 1 o'clock P. M.
Terms, 20 per et. cash, balance at February
Term of Court, I8S9. JOHN B. LINN,
Administrator of Fbbbswick Wnxta, dee'd.
By order of the Orphans' Conrt.
StvciL Racsa, Clerk.
IE4HEIL Blank Leases for Landlord
j and Tenaati.for sale at thaCArmiiif office
Tuesday Next, Nov. 30.
HE undersigned. Executors of JaNf Si-
Movroi,laie of Uutialoe lownsbtn, Cnion
county. Pa.,decM. oir..-r al private .ale.all that
certain MAiS10. P ARM of said dee'd, situ
ate in the township and county aforesaid,
aboul 24 niiles east of MwHinLurg. and aboul
7 miles west of Lewibur. tiie puMic road
leading fioin MiOlinbnrg to Jenkins' .Mill run
ning right through said farm.
Said Farm contains about Oie Hundred
and Fitly Acres of lirst-rale Limestone Land,
allundergood fence, and nearlyall elear.and
in a high stale of cultivation, atoul Ten Acres
of excellent Meadow land. The Improve
ments thereon erected Are, on one part thereof.
Ma first-rate large and commodious liRlt'K
DWELLING HOUSE, well finished,
and a large Hiable, and dirt-rent kinds of;
choice Fruit Trees, alo a Well of never-failing
Waier near the door; and on the other
pan, a good iwo-Morcy Log Duelling H 'ti-e.
weather-hoarded and plastered, a good li.Wv
BAR.V, Wagon Shed wiih l.'urn Crib anil C;.r-
The estate will be sold in one part, or divi
ded into twotrats, whichever wav will brtng
the largest price. SA M L B. SI.IOTO.,
N. B. In case the above described prr per
ty is not sold Ty private sale, before the :M):h
dav of November next, it will he offered ai
public ouicry on that day, at in o'clock A. M.
on Ihe premises, where the terms will be n.ade
known by SAM L U. SIMOXTCN,
nnffaloe, Sept. 20, 1;,S. l-:xecatiTi.
jFor Snlr.
TITHE residence of Ihe subscriber, on 3
X Market street in Ihe Uoroueh ofl.t 3
Lewisburg. The he-use is of BRICK, well
j finished in every respccl.
terms une nan to oe paia netteern m.s
and Ihe first day of April next; ihe balance
lo be paid in two. lliree or five years, as may
suit the buyer. Possession eiven anv time.
for kali:.
A GOOD FAlt.M, formerly occupied by
J V. M'i'hersun, now by Trutt. niters, cted hy
the line of Union and Snyder counties, con
tainine 1711 acres, of which aboul I0O are
cleared. The public mad from Northumber
land lo New Berlin passes ihiuush u about
four miles from Northumberland, bin from
j Wiufield Iron Works, four or live from Lei
! burg. Title indi-putable. One thud of the
purchasing money cash, and the residoe in
i equal yearly payments with interest, secure !
by Mortgage and Bi nds-. The windc trai l
is fit for cultivation, and includes a fair por
tion of meadow ground and limber land.
Inquire of John Yonngman, at Wintield Ir
on Works, or of HUGH BELLAS, Agt.
Sunbury, Sept. 182S. SinIM
Fr Sale. The One Half part of
a Tract of tine TIMBER LAND, in
White Deer Township. Union coun
ty, for sale cheap. Apply to
fJNov. 5, 1858w t
A Desirable Eome fcr Salo, ,
QITUATED near Miitlinburr, and arret '
!CLninenilf4,from Lewisburu, cvJilanewt' i
large fine Dwelling House, a coed Uarn.aW .
and all the necessaiy outbuildings. Surroun- j
ding the house there is a lai ge yard,aiijoinu
which is an excellent Garden, and near the
house a never-failing Spring of limestone
water. There is also a good two-storey
TENANT-HOUSE on the premises.
The late proprietor having given special
attention to Fruit growing, has now a most
excellent assortment ol young Fruit Trees,
Vines &c. about becoming pretitnble. It is a
pleasant home, good location and rieh soil
satisfactory reasons will be given for selling.
Terms easv. For further particulars applv to '
SAM L II. ORWIG, Lewisburg, i a.
or to A. S. KLING, Milllinhnrg, l'a. Jw
4 RESIDENCE on North Third street. A-
f il being a Half Lot of Ground, will:
a comfortable Two-Storey Brick House, Iraine
Stable, eood Well of Water, and a variety of
choice Friii.
Inquire of J. B. M LAUGHLIN, Agent.
Lewo-buric. October 13, ls:s. tf
fllHP nricf rhir nlTr f.r ti n I time.
1, i i. i l tii
new, modern built, double brick houe,
neany opposite me new rresoyienan cnurrn.
adjuinin the residence of lr. Hayes, 'ihe
house is bu.'It in the best style, rat-proof, and
well guarded against fire, A pood Well cf
Water, and Cistern of never-failing water.
Terms made eav-y, and will be km wn on ap
plication to JONATHAN NESU1T.
Lewisburg, An. 6, 18.".8.
V A T TT A TtT 1? PT?AT rCT K Tr
tauuaiJiJjj xtv-ijxjj ijoimxi
l'"01i SAIjK.
f pHEsubscriberolVersforsale his Residence
I . . -. r, ... '
J on the west side ol bouin second Mreet
in ine uoroiisrn oi L.ewisnur'r, oeiween larKet
andi.I-ouis streets,consi&tincof near a lot and
ahallol grounrt.makingalrontot 99ieeton said
Second slreet, and nle&glh la7 feet, 6 inches,
The improvements are a commod.ons ihree
HOUSE, of pressed brick, 47 feel
front by 36 feet deep well finished with a
marble base, marble sills and lintels in front
i; , .n..k..l r
" ' r" ' "ft ..i.. ... .
83 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex-
cellent water, with a Pumn in, under roof a
i . t i J .
Urtre Cistern also under roof a large new
Stable an Ice House and other necessary I
oat-buildings. There are also on said-Ti-v !
t. 1.1 . w a .. Ffll i
Lot choice ru.t Trees and Shrubbery.Sf ;
The location is a desirable one either lor a ;
private residence or public bnsiness. It is on ;
. . , . , ' - u ,
the most elevated part of Ihe Borough, near:
the Court House, and but a 5hort distance troin t
Market street Terms will be made easy.
4.,raQ IfilT fZ P Htl t K f
June 9, 1HJ17 O. F. MILLER. !
Ir I 1 I ; N I . I-
MV Residence, on North Third street, j
f.tri.hnrrr 31 ft. frcnt nn inl..A
back building ox tt. deep. Utasement, and
Amck finished. Every convenience ia the
way of out-buildings.
AIno, a Half Lot on Market sl, opposite
8. Killer's residence, wiih a good Well of Wa
ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a busi
ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.)
Also, other Lois, some wilb and some
without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE.
Lewisburg, Oct. 8, 1857.
The subscriber oflers to seil the
large Brick Foundry at ihe west
end of Market street, including
the Wareroom, Olfice, aud the
Machinery attached also a large amount of
Patterns for Patent Rights for Agricultural
Machinery, Stoves, &e. It ,s regarded as one
of ihe best locations for a good, sale business.
The Proprietor's time is wholly engrossed in
another employment, which is ihe reason he
desires to dispose of this Foundry. Fcr any
further particulars, address
F'b. I nion Co. Pa
B . , i i u ,l u a make . ii:-,n.-..i b, he ol J ,arv. i , f ' . V r U-P CSg
.P"",P n'1. "I???. ''" 'f 3 . IH.-.O- All !. ne,le.-t Ihis f,.e.iv Notice V-i rAAfiL
I:"""".. ' nu""S,, w.ll le dealt w..u aee,..d...g to I.-.W '!TP?ff 'vW&JaW
I iiecrssuir. Also, an 'rl II .A 1.11, V It vl' l'l I I T -1 ' I s! " Zl tZJ -Sj. LJ3 ' "
Ex's gar ?e very thriliv yo-n. em.-ee m.,, Mlffl.., , , " WM'M
Trees. I he quality ol theland being ccpial to I ?-. . fjfLi
any land in Bullaloe valley, and owing lo the . ... . . , U . fy' V'tV-P fnSstftfi '
' H High ' dtnen-nt improvements iheieon eiected. it JA'Uift o.MI Mtl-S! - 3 fViJ" '
G Urw i would suit to be divided into different Tracts. J-OOTS ) 'IIf !l S' ' '' ' :---" V "-u. tjiWiiV) :Sj
i I w.
EEC TltO KOO.HS occupied at pre-
sdi lv ahniitij ! uti inni n as ;
Srtfnon. 'J'ht-y are sui.ubte for S 1 1( lS
For 'I erni apply to
Jan. 27. IN -
jnn. u. I.I.W.
ran sale.
t DEHI i: ULE lluHliug I.ot.-! ftei
J feel fri-nl I y I j i A deep. Fnquire of
Reaver, Kreiuer &. M'Clure.
1l1.1t the UooUsul lite latf (irm ol George
V tiJinnel tiu(el;u ,111 i lie .M Hiiiiburg Kmi ixtry
an the emue and leul (triiptriy i.f amurl
Uuicliu. d!.o, :i,TKlil S,
MifHinburg Ocl. !t, 10".
t VNOTH'I. AH wlm have u.ispti'e I an
con nti with ihc la'r tn in 1 (i. A. i.(iiieliuv;(rtr
hercl-v it L lie l. that i!if lio.'Us said firm
are If It in .lie haii! 1 - N. Vuunpman, f!sq.,
for seti!tniPiit aufi otllfction.
All ci'iH t i hctl ;ut e.jriKMly r'(np--!fd to
Sen Tail Ai I i:il at ,. lUKMi
1iiK.U' BOO f AND SHOE STOKE, next
di'or to I. it.er .V t Vs Drop, s'rre. I,ew-
istiui g, J'a., ttheic may te touud a ttl'tfral
asstirinieiil of
Hen's, Ladies', ITsces' and Youths'
lloi ts, Simes, Gmirrs, Uuliins, Slippers oe.
of the latest stvles and best qualities, scleetet;
with grt-at care and at Casi, Prices which
will be sot,) as lo.v as at any piace ibis side
Pluladeli hia. '
done mue-h lt-wer ihan ihc rid prices. I'hatik- :
fell fi r past fav rs, we u!l endeavor in nient ;
Vi''iir further cusioin. S.pt. lS.'iH
i: tititrri.
est basea-'nt of Riviere- House l-eu iseuig.
(I. ate Sain'l Wahltum'-) ,55
l.atiio and their (Vu-Tris
will please I
lakt in l ev H.at. .IbSO.,
ii(i has hail over J.i yirs expcinr.ee in
FiTfi-'ti ami It-ni'Mic Kl'l;-'. is now prepared
lo uirtnh ycu v illi ary kind cf Turs ytu may
nrtii, c Ii aj.t r thau . u can buy them in liie
''t'y- t..!I anil ee Imn ;.t ihe Hat More iu
CaiswiLi's new l-tnltiiiis, l.ewi'-Lur4.
k iioes for Winter!
Alh' 'II J' sl (h"e si'tntl
-.- Ii',,., .Kf.-u-e.
TAVi:-S SCOTT respectfully informs the
people of Lcwisnuig and its vicin.iv.
oil he has just received uvin i'iiilad.an t;.
lirely new siuU ,-f
CUM SIIOE;-, C.UU'I-TUAG.-i-.ete.
f (iintt i.".o
LadicV Gaitfrt, I..d L'ois fir LaditM and
Aiisi s, ai.d iii-iit ;:r.d blioes ui ail
tiescrijj.-tiir., ait sizes, aud
a:l pr.ee.
uhich he is enabled io sell cheaper lhan ai i
any ciner csUDiivihcnt u ahtn hdy n.i.es.
Country I'rrduce u-ii! t tukfn ia pavtiicnt.
ManuTaciurin!!: ami Kt-patnng dvne tutrder
at ihe shrtc-t colirr.
cess r.-r Ii years, an. I under-lauding bi in
I iiyiit anil making, thinks he can uil the
public ti a T.
Th.ii.kr.il ivr the liberal patronage already
received, he Irakis he u ill share a continuance
and extendi. n t-f the Mime,
iept. 15, IS.'.?. JAMES SCOTT.
I W ES Iv r.l'l It iTl V f!, or
U (Hi
nptiiinil L'Mratt oiJul.tn lU'sia,
Is unrrrtr.!. tit. Jf r tin- rt:r of crt.fnla ainl a!l vh i ( i. ;,
(1 fva.-l! , HijuiM I tilt- l.ltti, Kiiiinis ainl i:...ti.In;
JtiUi.u.Cf, 1-ri .-y. lin-in iiiU,i .rt.it-1 tiu;u, '1 i.r..4 .il. !
i illii'kC ' Li-i-l, li.cpt-ut Li n.uniilioi), Ns-t.r.a.cia. J
t i.rt nu-autl luH;:oiatnry 11, un,.,iiin. t..-ii iiai . ri, j
tn k lit iat-.li tie, l-yri-rt-l.T.. l'Utlfr. rwt t.ia AJl, c l.'H-, I
i l.ioi.ic . r.i i.it'11. .-i rt- V t s .ainl K,e:.i. I liittitir Ih..d !
ttuiar Uniiiri nsa-iiis, w i.i tv Hci:i,;;!t, ;,i uj ui .!it!:.i,-
L ii-t r.", Mt it uit.il t .tt-r- :iinl r rui-tkiti Ni.-if. trniii. a
el ll.v i:.-ir. I.U u-. fc..t.t.u L,.trol tin- l-n..-,..,.-.al..l i
I.''. M .llmlit l.nlnt- L...i (. tltar- 31. .ui Ii. k -t u 1
'Hi io;. I aii'l .-.-It t-...ti.s-. l.'Ut-r, lirU-i 3 I eh anil mi !
X.Atn il IHE aLI-Si, alitltl aStl liljaaMSK'Sj aallSallf lll'lll MIllM-
1 1 Bk si a 1 1 t r Hit iLsuL, n iivtLvr i.t i"iU.; Aiy, at '.uria, '
or contract' 'I. i
'!!. pifht r-(ularit wl-.tcli tl.-P iinaluill- n nutl v
.:!; lUt ti to 11 fj tl 11 Ml tllllMC liU lltf Ia.it tl. lllft L'-l'tS
rf ii- ) n -tit ii r. It i- um iI 1 MiWtteMaittl hn ui.. ,
llir-iut. In-lit tl. rouiitiy. l.ii:ci; w i ! m .ta tlx w. i.-irriul -
AIli-.KA 1 1 fc A Mi t 1 KAiiV t alu-t l hi l lie ..,iiuU. ;
iijroi.ic uiJt'.in c, (io i.tt In ;t.ite to rcccutliit-Dtl it ut :
vi i run r Ar M llaui.r medu isr.
Of.cp. 4t-2 llutv tliict, wkcic ir.Iiaf um-y be consul- ,
! tt.lcnaiiil
I eh,.-.
' i i.il ut tin In ti t and rrorurt rirpni.ni containing
; UriV t Ult . tHhl0 rWhh.M
Tliet.litoref ti.u n:ik in t!: folic
ti:i.iri. in tt'at I'Sfs-r ! Jauu-.i) uirt. Cou't-i
Ur. i'iU-it lefi-untiirf, tn, a ctij-t J him ut hrr-if..!:..,:
Pr. DAVI' I'Kl t KA1 LVK V-t ttrr ntt m thrh.li:
cf t- miucn'tiiii to our rt-mlprs :h- ut f panucraa. ti u
i at unti ijf.-truui-, lm U mat har)') to - uiiit rti-
M 1 ID OUr toluOlLH. laUV.t., liuWctkl, tWtl l)T. I
ni-ii:fiut acii li .ii in I it ; let n ally o!- x- ii of t-ac- ilriit
curati uahlir 5 l.r rry-if-fia, Wt tak pirat -l-nure
lu faytt'S .. nnU cuaiiuUtiiD iht burst, re Lo others
UiU3 lUUiOU J.
I - ! i-utU-iiYi... Anfftit.IS.-..t.
! In snr nnvrtnth
I Jtar, wan atucfeftl w.LU it.ani:itory K maii-iu. Ail
i.LXjwi.tet Vr utu.b 5..::ru. fk.-.uttru iiir mo.-t
. rcruciiii.ii.i; im mr ihiw n.uiniist or nn.ie.
1 c.tlinj ,u
ihi'Ut any
l-tiy-ii'iaii. ttLo conttuussi toattfCti ltt-r
iniirov ni' tit. t.t ttipc auuclt tii our';
I tt'tlf ItMtatJ
to try Or. inr' i'-pumft; il- trot luitir mm d t rouu
! 11 ut tiw u-tirr. Mm nu.iiiu4 the
! ri.-, b..e.8 u,..r.ui t ..a,, " h k
' Tli(i'ii.s,.x.
i I11(1, A HUuieimauiiet.
i ... , TIlKOAT 1IK4SI;.
i . T"" 'arge eiaea of maeaM-a, luiiu.iing I leeratiena. In
namutiima, trc.n.-liial lmtatiou., e ta a., at am-ee-a-
'"'i m aud i y iiie uaeoi Dr. liana' o.ur.ti,eauai.r
"""J" -M piieanon. J:.aa u,. f.iioamg case i !
Flvdy cunt after ionis eontiDeed .uli.rine-
ti jyiia,is3. i
iwi-lVir Mr: ;
.SlT11 ,w''4,tp0 1 M ith adi-eae cf ;
ln throat, mhirh raLi on sradual y, but at tim mlPr !
I wouw thecoi.i th- p.in Sni .uttnn" wtT w
J--i",'',-y. ccouiiani-d mith h of voice to urh ma
xtnl tli:,t 1 culd uot bo,'i' hi"''- ikeiii- '.,
a,afJe c.Dtiou-d Kettms miie, OitwltkLudlnor I
under the njicai trratm-nt or fturdiiirri-nt(hyMcUri- i
tK",tn"is aiarm.d at my cuditmn.i onciudi-d'(UKoto
i'rYi'lTTi !' h,ch 7u Trolin t 1 i
tlie W.Dtcr frf ISjI. bfn im KniBiBrtuIrd rav tn Uk
ymr Vn unttive; and hy Ihe uxe of l,ur t-uiUawl it in'
count-lion with your throat arplkatiou. I iu entirely j
i cured, and buve r.-maincd vt-U.
. ' at -"- - aa 1.- now more man a
yar nnce tha c uie was fft-ctd. I?pccttuilr. r.iur
frh'oJ. M AKti AllKiTA . UIMlOi'.
i T. " " .V.''"'' 1 ".LUITJIK. C and
amRiTiiiii Ih. Ii,.-.
ative caaea of scroluioua Lleer. .h.i i a. n. .1.-
Thront. 1 '
IV Call on the Agents, J. BAKER .V CO.of
Lew.Lurj, anj proeiire e'ireuter. ertitaiaatiff a large
maa. or -vi.l.nc. in laser or tti. Bj.il trie...
J. UAKK;e e"t. Aata for luiiu euULtj. S'J
Clirouialic PrinlinK.
nAVIXH purchased lite right tn nse Fim
r.n's process for Priming with Dry
Colors, for Union Co. Pa., we are prepared to
execute orders for
CARDS, Siiow-Bil!?, he.
ia Fd, Grttn. Hue. Brown. Sitrrr. Mammd. ar oVaT
colors, in good style, HTa! the Office' of the
"Lewisburg Chronicle."
Jcsx,lS:.9 WtlKOEX a CORN eli rs.
l'arlor Move for Sale.
A COtJIJ second hand Parlor Smve, nsed
out a snort nme, lor sale cheap,
quire at the Chronicle' office.
JOSltll KELLY, Auctioneer,
SOLICIT8 the patronage of the pnblie.
Residenet n Soath Fifth street, Lewis
burg, Pa. December R, I8fi6.
- J a. i f Kellv townshin.l.'
on th ihirteenih day i f October. A. D. 18'.
n.ade a voluntary amgnmenl lo me of alt h
projo rty for the benefit of bis erediion, ALL
persons indebted lo said Rojer are aonted to
make payment, ar.d those having claims are
! present ihem for settlement, in me. without
de!..v. JO DATESMAX, Assignee
Kelly TpN.,v. n, w6p4
Bonnets, kc.
. Th' '-"peclfall, Murm
"V. .3 'e citizens of MilUinburg and vicinity
tnat siie has opened a new Millinery Estab
lishment nearly opposite Hasenplne's Smrt
and has ji.st returneil from Philadelphia witt
a n ir and splendid assortment of
Full nnd ll'iVee IiitnneU,Iibljont,F!(nefn
Feathers, and all kinds of Fanev articles '
737in-pd Miss UATHARI.NE REED
The Croat Ambassador of Ilealtfi
1 hf nt of it rlir.r n.rsli( rtx fo ib th U!i ini
Hi ,-, ti- t.f tl. ufJ-rii I p rtir.n of hunatBltT. an- OM
CUMi ' tfff flfllB IU-M'T jl H'ilJ other dl tTi-m p-tXttClM
i4j. s. r.-l) te-ttlll.tlileia.il p'vrful BvaJti-inf-m att
r-tt iiil" tht- w.r;-i : II- LtuWAin l.iTjttCeii li Fn.t hw
K-i'moi- tlif iiOL'-crt'itD tmibf t.f sll Batiii. Tha t
t. tLutt- t to Pk IT T ar- -ll to Ctlt ; thfj t'atkth
r i x or RaiT f ih f tn; luint, anil tban by Tm9mi
l" Iih'iIi-d rant, of il'.M-a-s? rfinTitf'trat' atxi i mit th
lr-.i ii ri.fr;' of :L- t-ytrm. ani-tiiiK uittar ja lf
tiwu. nf V.TL ai.li H .NfTl'i.El Kt-f ' '1 ATloS.
T!; ?pit f -nr? . f thin t-r.ntitint yUdi n:rk:j to
-tir-f i f tf -" -ut-fttie I'llU. and tb d!g-fHf ottMr
rr- r- -Nmi to tm-ir prnfrr t.'H; no inatlt-r in ln
h J..u el, -.!. tl.tn h.uraof .lir-- tiiiiit.ite. it-If. i .
r l.m- mi uorrriug n-m' wj di-ter-sreit from li.t t v
itruL's 'it rr.
't '-tirit?-, ao-i a.t ;,
r.- ivj.;!! of a tl,itri..i-d nr, utitl oibtr Iior.;aiii.
t! - tr. r::rtrh iir -t-r In t-m.:ia!:r mT.
tiiii n. i.Wf ilul nr-'i- j tie nnl 'J-lTtrt-ni rraf il.
Tht-propr uiiitjoi aoj ri?ht.o-!tt b fifths t '-;
( f i.icit ui. unitarian. e to ibe trajt.. : :i,e Lu a
' frn.i.T-, lint m.ti tuli. u- nitHiie-in i-.';. tl,- K:JiJ. oC
t t tlif LiD.attit. and rcr.ar alt ik Rui-t at.il f.
t.i us f uie iii.ii HutTM. r.-aii.i.,- mil rc? U:.lL.u ,e .j-
tut Ieiu'i,ii u cf li.e t !y.
SIk hM I' f no tun iu trying a iVw nf tht rf-n.
I.it.i.i: w:x) t. noVMtiijff n-lunly, aabistfTrr D):y f tbrir
;i.i h.iiii. it - a If thiin ith wifely in atl jetr J1
aa-.oii:rr s.ifo.aiiizfttioiit' it ffl. rt ii all tut nuraculcaa.
T' t. '''rnr.ii . oi ?. jti' ns i uijuin.4n!'ly Vm tn te
h ...rh-ir-nn wirtus-f. f hi? nnbif rs-CfriT, d-1 rritfl!-fA-
intf.trry litiiiL' laneuiit- twar sitD.asto tie La
tit m. .bl iir- i if tli ir intf iiiMt- nortJi.
II i.. ar . lUt art t..f l.-.tTtm.'ty I nam in the woilir
('"-'. 'Kl.i.aaita,lj;
, tI.n- it,-, i.-T Inwanl wtahr-M
I M"Wv.''. niii'iintf l't-1 ii if t 1 iw-r t Mf m:nn
'" -''u t ma!.-if.mi.Ta;nta l...infv- f . iTi-j
!,.-.t :: iiit.ii. : t:r .j t;r(lt,i
I 'liit'hiM In Q it-1-n.litr u)l di
.i-I-l-ia Ii,: u-iu.1 A -ni r. aIa:: 0s
, I':tiii::'s.a l!.i.Mii..itis.a V rco ui ,.:,,t
j s.l'At'TTn .oof an- rnttitie cr! t- wir'.t
f ,(, 'v.: A v )-'-. ur,-i L "," aif tii?rtrri -
J II ..-r;.. lit frTery uf cf li.e tM It if rT:.:
, .vi.uU.a.Ji .itr,rt.; lb au auay L (ia r.n ea
, 1 y .f. ir ,,nj tmif.e ho'.t. A hnreittno .- TPtii
' r-L'irrii (' ai:y i ut it Uerii:(C ctii h li.torir.at.vi, n n. -I
Itit'l tn ;h Jctirti. n rf any jam ir (arti- n.uUi.
i iiiif ttif tut-rticitcs cr TrDUibg the riuf, kouiiiLg ittm
I t- . urn ufi.
! ".'.'cltj at tl-u 'aniifartf.rirs of Prcftwir nrn w,r,
I Ml ia.uxi l.it-. Nv it.ri.. a Del ly ail re-vpt-rtabir I rsr-ir.-t.-
fiQ.l P-Mit m ia :nlirine ll rotii. Lout tl.e I m'.i
OD.i the riiiiiii-U woi.d. in Wxvs.it eratn. u
Cf M", iil.il t:. h.
I SflLvtv ia ce-niitiersMe rating by taking tht Iir
A n l.ire,'tf. nw f r th ctii.ranc cf pat if fit! iu r
ilirrl.r art- dr.txra u ra h t n.
r Kcica
J tween tietldes Marsh & Co.. is Uais (iar
it. .-solved. All notes and Look accounts it;
are placed in the handset Jonathan Ve.'?
and II. 1". sheller for colieciu n, lo whom :
payments are to be roat'e. All persons krrT-
ing inemselves indebted to said firm, are rr-
quested to make in. mediate patnient. A::
a" persons having claims, will present tfcrs
(ot sellU'a"-1- ejVe,?'
Lewisburg, Sept. IS:b,
i tr The F-uii.dry Unsiness teener r:
ned at tht ei.l place as usual bv rhe ub-cr.
hers, where thry will he pieasi-d to a'irnd
me wishes -i tbose who mar i.ivcr 'tiem
tneir parrcna-.e. J. MAK.-ll 1 CO,
I.cttisbure. tept. ISih.
-j i.a: i.ivi:::
i x v i o n a t o i; :
; i i;nu:iD i.y vi;. samvip.
ConipounieJ entirely firm (ilJIS.
, 1 It IMis" l . w rt- thi ul .i.-. tl at actf a," (.t:-'.
"Mi-r. lui'titT a i ! nn-rr i li- tual than ny ii b-r aro.ust
km.wii. It h r.'-'t i.uly a iathertic. but a ii nr.
act. i-:r t!r-l i, n t). ic-r to T-jcrt it morbij matter.
; i n tl.r p;..iii Ii :ii.J hs.i-lsi to rrry ctl tl,at Diallrr. d.a
a cc-ai) hliii lo purpw" t llt ctnaily iiur t '
i tin (air. ful freiotrn vxj rit-n'-il ik ihf crsiaii' a- : c
i CatliarlH 1 1 l r Dulhn. Li'i it put iff tl.tr -'-:
: ami wl.i n t;ile. u eJatiy in bh laVralf U-ws wi.1 .:iti.5s
and luitii it nh uuu.uai rajUiiiy.
r Th Ijtzk i crif of lh" piincii.il nmU'.rr '
i thr human louy; mtJ ; hm it pcri rm-ui
t:t-n mm, trie jKiWa-rM t trr ay-t-m arr tic f
TfioTM-it. TLtf ftomnch i. fj a.Bt uti-Btirp' tlrrtJ-il
thf brallt-y acti- o tf ;ihe nr f. r 'Le W
r rft-rmanrc t.f i: fane- r" iicnw: wl.i n i!.-LBara
ii at fault, tn tKclfv in w t lault. hi f IB-'
vi.m uflT in roii--
tv- ifkr rrt tr-
ra-r1 of tbtt ..rc.tn, out ft 'H'" lrp rn-tt r ba.
kt Li situdy, in a fmctirf , l vh.t- il.nn ivrt.t
tn r,.i .. .un..i . .t...r....th tn rat:Ti
j ihc tunny ilfianzt-mrnu ff lo mlnrh it i ii1
j To jr- iut ll.is rt tu . j. iiy is at lt fcuti.
Jfrwn ItOUlJIaiJ ltl a.H IK l lfLtl-tl. i" '.
it" forms, ha Lut to try tt t:.i)ti rcBticwc-
I certain.
Ih. piflomrtD.cve all CD tin 1 1 IJrrhatlniMtrfri
thfMsti-m. mpj-Uin- in r .ff h-a.ih
tt Hit-, inviffomtinir th ""-.ti micb. ruiot
diccyl melUtijairii.Mt.TuK iho. f;iiiit tn""
Lt-altb to the mhole mv .. hm. rT. run-'"
CJiift of the diwa-wr f- --j, lrt:nt a raJi'-l4"'-r
ltlLLfcri attack ar curil. "B,Tt " .
TF.it, FREVi-nri-, l y tlif occa.k ual u ! u'
t l.NVItJOtiATt . ,Vl I-
Oned-eaftTCMt!ret Dffti.rt tr rv -
ntcmtirb and prt-vent tb fc-c-d tY- aa niK
l.nly one doae taken fore r- ur n?, rrr,e
Nll.M.)4K. C v
Only one dNe tatt-n at , . n'-' t. looff-o t ?
gently, and cuiv t'ie-iU
U:iftio-e taken alter 'vat k meal w.U'" .
a ,1)Bt" th w nf two tra-. spcoElVf i"a -
lieir E HtADCUC
Uiie hotlle taken f.r H - I
the ranse of the d.-e.
(inly one ti.ifeinittlia-i
One drreonrn rt-peMlrtl
MoRBta. and a pr-nta-l
4(i Dnly one bottle :r'fr
thest-ni the effecU ol M
Hick new.
miilrcl strut
ami rofiet.a a
tci relit ti-
.1 V5 ':
io a nrt rtir !
iK. i
tiveol t'nc"1
urn!..! t
aiciLice a.
A tr One hot tie taken for
J irsri-r re""
lowuraa or uuDaturai nil- I I i,r In ni t! '
, il l
ettr -
sipor to Ihe aopelite. ,nl re aiak't:-ed -,,irF:1 .,
. n. A ,. .. .I:- . . , .,-S T 11"
: in it tor-t forn, while
11 It? e-V
M;nmr at
1 Ik"---
Aiainta yield a.tnoet
to'W thr lmtti.-- fVt
fne or two acr rurr ,
tn l htrlren; there in no)1
remedy in the wor!J. a '
t.A fr bolUracurr alt
' ahsuirhs-nta. i
, it j." "
ty "-
We Uk'-claniinrre-i rrnrn lr '.. '
, at a rrrvi ntalie I'r I in t' ,f'
ti. ai .t all I'LTirji rr a Y tun n t lr' si
atn mtlh all crrtaii'tT.l and thcmn-' g
in; to teotiiy to it woia-j ideifui irt
j An ho use it are giving tluit imati-S1
003 in it favor. v
I Mix H,ifrr in the mot -".' t? t Jutty'-" k
1 low loth Ugtihrr.
i The la-lrer Ini?orato'
morkina; rnren alanoat tn-crnt lo beitt-er. '
I 1 y mswre.-rsTi th firtd$t ytei IVwafcarci (
1 than on tottle i!r.Uird t cure ay ' t ' -...
1 Complaint, fton the wornt Joumittct or 1 ''''n-
common il'uLu.et ail of mhicb are the rrn-
' ataard Liter. .
8 AN HKD CO. Vroprietors, MS .wJ"-'-and
retailed by all lru?;i-ta. tftM mj?. -90ie-T
Lniheran Almanac, also
lt cle H.itn'a Almanac, for