Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 26, 1858, Image 1

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BY 0. N. WORDEN & J.
An Independent Family
iuytt LetcisburytL'uion Co.l'a.
t the nine rut for a Ioiil-i or nhorUr iwriixl. Thus, 5t
eta will ay ito ir luoulh., 7i rti lor fix luontlm. 1 iol.
far etjht u.'ntti, - Jul- l-r aixlvvn numtti-i. o dot.f'r twn
yara. foor eoie tine jfux. J lu for lti co.tt on
year, tc. Hiisle No.". 5 ta. I'sxiOi-ut l.y mail (:.)
r-t-ivrd id gt'M. olatfe hUiu, ur bank nU'i tl tit-lr
lu hrrr. M-i-t kinds I'n-l.,--' rwiM at tlie O'ltr.
.Wh" th tim rx.iir.-s, f-r whi- h a fap- r i
(nl a we a riiiiuiujc at-mtitit it i tfTu'
ti.riifitfira liiils tui-'l V ii!oiiu-J. At
ki. ,
wuarc out) wvL. -U .itier ii..erUtii, 1 dil f--r i
mo nth. & M. tMr vt-nr. Half a leiui
n. Un. i
i.-i ,
41. 3 d-'l. Two djuarrt 1 io. Jaw. 8.tJl.
..Vo,.,oi.,r,if..ihiu,w.f-r,-.r. liw
f ntiUH'Sl iyp. or iom -
J -moralizing U-tiucui.-j, ,auti r.i viTiii Mit.'rt'.t 1
I,o, the seal of Dtaili is breaking.
Those who sleep us sleep are uakiu;,
E.ien opes hT purtaU lair !
Hark ! ilie haips of ti.ul are rin?in.
Hark ! tlie ser.iph':, hymn is singing,
Aul the living rills are limping
Music in Hi' immortal air !
There, no more at eve declining.
Suns without a ciul are shining.
O'er the laud of liuhl and luvr ;
Heavrn't owu harvest woos the reaper.
Heaven's own dreams entrance the sleeper,
.Not a tear is left the weeper.
To profaue the h me above.
No frail bllies there are breathing.
There no horny rose is wreathing
la ihe bowers of Paradise ;
There the founl-s of life are flowing.
Flowers unknown to tune are blotting,
Mid superior verdure gluwmg.
Than is sunned by mortal skies.
There tbe groves of tiod, that never
Fade, or fall, are green for ever.
Mirrored in the radiant tide ;
There, along the sacred waters
lTnprofaned by tears of slaughters.
Wander earth's imuiurtal daughters.
Each a pure, immortal bride.
There, no sight of memory sn-elleih.
There no tear of memory dwelleth.
Hearts will bleed or break no more j
Past is all the cold world's scorning,
tione the night and broke the morning,
With seraphic day adorning
Life's glad waves and golden shore.
The Onicial Paper oi U.S. Congress.
" SHALL publish the -Daily ClAe," and
t'neeeHHu HloOe" and " Appendix."
ally Globe shall coiitaiu a report of Ihe De
bates ia both branches of Congress as taken
down by reporters equal, at leasi, to any corps
of shorthand writers in this or in any other
country. When the debates of a day do Dot
make more than forty-five columns, they shall
appear in the Daily Globe of the next morn
log, which will contain also the news of the
day, together with such editorial articles as
may be suggested by passing events.
The CmgrtMtioaal Olube and Appendix will
contain a report of all the debates in Con
gress,revised by the speakers ; the Messages
of the President ot the United Stales, the
annual reports of the Heads of the Executive
li pai ivents, the Ileports of Committees of
'rjuress on important subjects of general
the Lawspassed during the session,
o n,, us indices to all. They wiil be
1 1 .n ;i double royal sheet, in
roval Oiiarh .viz:, e.-.cli number
ii.x.Vc-ll pi
averaging 23fi7 words
"l';B; 'U u vmiiuiuaii, .bobbies from wbleUlovauiiin.o. ue mouut of forcc A oeglcctcd LCk re- don't like 'em. ICSOinC, IUU-SWKing iioopoi cemiui
l,r?S i carrying out the original design, by , b,lt also the Iitisn, the Welch, the ! eu-ive chair Yes, 9 out I ircg grcat violence to cause it ta 6hut, 1 "Oh.wcII, 111 give you money to go, boys were let looe for aa hour's rc-
rrr.lpw-i.-o- refusing the necessary last step to a j Gkbhax, the Swiss the Fkexcii, and j Jjcte. Jh .. fs. ! aud ,ith so much exertioo that tbe whole . Johnny." creation.
tm.u.i joBrRiNpNj, .im-i, wiii krutai iiu , vjiavc Constitution upon Kansas, it ; every "race" but the Anglo-Saxon. . , rcnecj glaverv aiitati..u be ; bouse, iu doors, its windows, and its very '-Father don't approve of 'cm," an- All at once, the bellowing an l
.cuiAa.friim.i.i.i..i,uaforwblnhna.-a wa3 wcii understood that that was. This is worse than the most ultra j hopes to win. 11k "bids" for ibe biuth ; fljpri aDd joists are much shaken, aud m . gwCrcd Johnny. j roaring of two bulls that had broken
rKieBMMr-isuie,iU.rtiiiMeItoii4tor.j uncud which the North would not Know Xothingism. So, to Arnold alone he inowt no Xurth .' i time tbey get out of repair in all sorts of i "Well, just go in for ouce, and I'll oat of their enclosure, on each side of
jjw.m.is u .f; , p I allow, and that, practically, the South l)0u'las first belongs the honor of; o This blank we all approve, and j ways, to say notbipg of tbe dust that is ! f0 ' i ,he river, attracted our attention.
suoO pages. It is believed lhat no book '''hey support the decision of the Su
ever been published at so low a rate. j preme Court in the Dred Scott case, in the
I.vni year 1 advertised in the Daily Ulobe.for ' sense that it guarantees to the owners of slave
s. months, and in about one buudred other 1 property an equality with the owners of other
newspapers in the United States, a reward of property in introducing it into the Territories ;
i50 to be paid to any person who would , contending, also, that, as slave property is
produce a book published a so low a rate, thus placed on an equal footing witb oMer
and none was produced. The large number ; property, it, like all other property, must be
of conies subscribed for bvCoiifress enables . subiecl to all such local laws ol lhe Territory
:"' i nr win lie u i inaue neiween i ,uu
me to afford the debates to subscribers so
cheap. the United Slates; that slave property being
The Congressional Globe and Appendix ' thus placed on an equality with other proper
pass free through the mails of the United , ty, if require higher and further affirmative
Slates, as will be seen by reading the follow
ing Joint Kesoluuou passed by congress the
Cih August 1852:
Jjint Resolution providing for the distribu
tion of the Laws of Congress and the De
bate thereon.
With a view to the cheap circulation of the
laws of Congress and the debates contribu
ting to the true interpretation thereof, and lo
make free the communication between Ihe
representative and constituent bodies :
lie it Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United Stales of Ainer
ica,in Congress asembled. That from and after
the present session of Congress, the Congres
sional Globe and Appendix which contains the
laws, and debate thereon, shall pass free
through the mails so long as lhe same shall i
be published bv order of Congress ; Provided j
That nothing therein shall be construed to
authorize the circulation or lhe Daily (jlobe
free of postage. Approved Aug. 6, 1U52.
I copy of " Daily Globe," 4 months, $3 00
I copy for less time, (per month) 1 00
1 copy of " Congressional Globe" and
"Appendix" during session, 3 00
Bank notes, current in the section of the
country where a subscriber resides, will be
received at par. The whole or any part of a
subscription, may be remitted in postage
tamps, wnicn are preferable lo anycurrency
except gold . vri Where bank notes un
der $5 cannot be procured, I will send two
copies for .
A paper will not be sent unless lhe money
accompanies the order for it.
ine congressional Globe and Appendix
will be stereotyped ; and therefore I shall be
awe to send the back numbers for this session
w all who may subscribe alier the session
commences; but if the first ed.tion shall
. o" exnansted before the subscription
'"ey is received I shall k.. i ..i.,. ,
P eopytopiy ihe expense "of putting the
Pei on the nr.,. L..k..:. j
, r - -- uuuai.1 ipuuin oiiuuiu
,rCh m a. -arlet .k ... l a- .
1 Adven A "0a,P'ete coP,es " P''-
-l!JOctnherlS. ISSH.
A llU K.,.1. . it u
it oi u. o. lorccs who ln-
Iri, " tjaies, in n ssbiogton Ter
..!'.,!,?1,4 in '"ot of "be Americans
r-..M, ua-,:.. . ....
l-'oa. V,: -
ll J- II IB. tlmiam nf nnflw L.
''oor.M.,','1'1c,, fur tbe pro,ninen,
I - w tvv. IU lilC HUh
News Journal.
Novntv, sov. as, isss.
Douglas' IMatforms South and North.
It has been understood, that, since
.Seuator DouirlasoiK-ued the Pandora's
box of evil bv wantonly violatiuc te ,
. . , . . . ,
.Mi.-fouri iomiroiiiie,ii.vnuo
.1:1.1' i .i.y. i, ....... -i im
blCailllV IliUU VU llic X 1 raiucuv.1 v .
.... i
.. 1 ....nrtf
i,.. !.,. lnir.!iiitrt thatn.l.u-l.:.l.i
. . I ..,!
lu l'3 Ul1 w a YVi luo J I'Uiauuu.
'Vna, j
i had despaired of ultimate success,
j Since his apparent triumph by a mi
nority vote in his iiersonal quarrel
' with IJuchanan, in Illinois, his friends
I have hastened to present him as the
j first Presidential candidate iu the
field for 1800. A niectinsr in New
Jersey, took the lead, by presenting
J him as an Independent candidate,
"subject only to the votes of the pco-
tile at the ballot-boxes." (As they
have no ballot-boxes in most of the
slave-breeding States, that would be a
mostdismalchancel) In Conneclicut
,,tl,o.- mot n.r U:l iirnnnsei 11, in as
, Vm . .- 11 i , 1 1 ,
the Charleston Convention or Demo- others as proud, as prosperous, and iis
cratic nominee, aud its main speaker ! happy States as Illinois : AND HOW is
....,.. m'..i.., n,i;ir,.f iui,.ln.v,.j m cucvrvT it '....Indians.
........ . . r- o . uuona, a., aunuay scuoois, ior m iwi
ding Catholic journal in the Union. Africans, minors, aliens, women, Ac., too much oi a man lor mat .j 1 B0(1 BcepiDg in quiet repose, will coj'.y ' instructioD 0f Cuiure.l cbilJren in scriptu
1 linn.ri:!- is married to. and bv. a Ro- mav not have all the franchises of One point more. aarLet it bo of even temper anj ao. j;,.a i?.nt.
v - -r ' - ' ' m
an Catholic, and dejiends strongly
put forth and circulated for him what
they understand to be his Platform.
In the NORTH also appearing first
in the Chicauo"Tjmes," Mr. Douglas'
admitted organ his Platform is re-
I upon Catholic support bothNorth and inalienable rights of life, liberty.and 1 comparative powers oi races, aim not forget oli.
; South.) I the pursuit of happiness." j the varying incidental qualifications , aoJ , drop ;
stated, as best suits him. As the last i statCi disproves the "harmonious co
is understood to be from his own pen, ex jgtence" of utterly opposite and hos
it is fair to copy it verbatim, and isjtile Institutions. Antagonistic in
I. The Democracy
tamocacy"of" Illinois affrm the
2. They deny lhat the negro was intended
I ,...1 ....nil.! inf.rinrilv r.C h ,,,-,.
to be embraced within the abstractions of the
Declaration of Independence, and assert thai
the right to freedom and equality was predi
cated only for tbe dominant race of white men.
3. They deny that negroes are citizens of
the L'niied Stales.
4. They affirm the compatibility of a Con
federacy of Free and Slave States, and tbe
possibility of their harmonious coexistence
under a common Constitution.
6. They affirm the absolute sovereignty cf
at IBiatawc in riinrt tn ihswtr Hn in .- irivlilii.
the States in respect to their domestic institu-1
tions. and denv the authority of the Federal !
ihr,iv nf the t,at
j ",' ' ' f ' " , '
' . , .' ,. r ..
15 i. ion, as between the Free and Slaveholding
" States, as well as between lhe loiter and Ibe
Federal (iovernment.
' as do not infringe upon the Constitution of
leeislation for its protection and security than
is alforded to other property, and the Legisla
ture of the Territory should decide not to
discriminate in its favor to that extent, then
the failure to obtain that higher protection
than is afforded to other property, is a .
tune attending that description of property
for which the Democratic party have no rem
edy and are not responsible.
8. Thev uphold all the guarantees of the
Federal Constitution in respect to lhe rights
of the &iuth.
9. They maintain the dignity and indepen
dence of the Senatorial function against the
encroachments of Executive usurpation.
10. They protest their opposition to Black
Republicanism ai every poiut and npon errry
, i Tk
1. Thev rledee themselves to fidelity to
Ihe organization, principles and nominee of
the Democratic panfr
The only material difference be
tween the Platform for the North and
that for the South, is the 7th section,
which, in the first the one prepared
for the South runs as follows :
7th. He supports the decision of the Su
preme Court, and asserts for Slavery lhe right
of colonization in lhe Territories.
The Dred Scott decision, according
to President Buchanan, extends and
protects Slavery in all the Territories,
and no power exists (unless it be in
a State Government, and the power
seems to be denied even to that), to
uproot it. The South generally, will
deny to the last any power over Sla
very in a Territory.
Let us pass briefly in review this
Platform of Senator Douglas.
1. This is contrary to history and
to observation. There have been
times when negroes were the first of
the nations of the earth, in greatness.
Eminent men have been found among
Africans in all ages. In the interior
of Africa, at this day, (remote from
tne ciave i ranei is a uigu siam oi i
civilization. Mr. Frederick Douelas. 1
., c, m -t v . i i . . . . . r
. i
now, IS more OI B .", iu !.- j :
irinal and essential" respect in every ;
quality w
Inch dignities liianuoou anu
adorns lumau character
rliin linn 1
Stephen A. Douglas. There aue
dillereuccs among all men, among all I
nations, and among all races, which I
nations, and among
are mainly unchangeable by law
2. This also is contrary to tact, as ;
., , i. r. , i.rt
10uruiiua . ,.o..
..mvii t itr. midiii'nii id sunn .
uuimi 1 til """
a.,.. ,i
, . 0-
HT .M,,i,h ffiA n w II I 1IIC11 was
the AnsIoHaxon, but Douglas' rule
" . . " . , .
ll.l ,n .
would also exclude not only the .c-
running for the Presidency in opposi -
tion to the "abstractions" of thej
Declaration of Independence a docu-
nient, we suppose,
hereafter to be
scouted by the Douglas Democracy
as a "lilack Republican" alTair.
, A Jma. orrnr A fr!.n,
i 3. Another "ross error. Africans
j weke considered citizens by many if
not most of those who signed the De-
J claration, aud who formed the Consti-
! tution. They fought nobly in the
Revolution, aud at New Orleans.
They voted in several even of the
j S.a States. They ahe citizens in
Vnur Vnrlr. in Mnsaiii-hnsetts. and
. ,
, "citizenship," and yet "all have the
natures as Freedom and Oppression
be commingled. The real source of
most if not all of our National trou
bles and dangers, is, Slavery. Every
day observation, in church and ia
! ,i,.' ,i '.-.l VnnVnnil iriVh' pVfli
j OlhCT until one is victorious.
"Eijii.Htv of rlsht in Nkturu'c plan,
AikI fillowiog .lure', u, lhe mrch of man.
Doucrlas mav shut his eves, and swear ,
the Sun does not shine, but it will
shine, even though "the Democracy
of Illinois" may back hint up in his
5. Douglas does not contest "the
, authority of the Federal Government
J .
to discriminate against i keedom. It
i J "
teerS to protect : not a WOrd for the
! protection of human rights, of the
j "dominant race" Or any Other.
C. Here is the same idea in another :
form. There is to be NO "non-inter-
vention" between the Government
nnd llm Vavw fHatna Thn Sin ro
Stnto. nrn tn anvrnir,nW. ,,
Free States are to be under the con-1
trol of the Slavery-ruled General j
Government !
7. This plank is the stumbling
block. It will be seen that Douglas
has here altered it from the Southern
form which is there explained to
prevent cither Congress or a Terri
torial Legislature from interfering
with Slavery to suit a Northern
clime, where it will be interpreted to
mean that a Territorial Legislature
mat abolish Slavery !....But it is most
amusing to witness the doleful confes
sion that even "Democracy" dough
faced, slavery-extending Democracy
"have no remedy, and are not re
sponsible," if a Territory (like Kan
sas) :ill kick out slavery in spite of
Democracy, Presidents, Dred Scott
decisions, Border Ruffians, fire, and
sword ! Really, this is the first ad
mission we ever saw that "Democra
cy" could not do everything I Dou-
glas groans but submits to dire ne
cessity! Even Democracy, for sla
very, "can do no more !"
8. Aye ! you "uphold all the rights
of the SOUTH," again, but not a
word of the rights of inE North !
The South the slave States win all
your affection claim your undivided
support. There are your poorly clad,
hardly-worked negroes, and planta
tion, obtained with your late wife,
now deceased : and where the treasure
is, there will the Aeurf be also 1
10. "Every principle of Black Re
publicanism," tho most prominent be
ing hostility to "those twin relics of
barbarism, Slavery and Polygamy
love of the Union as designed by our
wise Fathers : and other good things
which the sons of the sires of 16 will
hardly sacrifice to help along a reck-
om Frotinintiii nqmrnnc - nu iuilu.
i , , , ,
mold ! you '11 prove worthy of the 1
"v ran iot unite, nor can so uuutKuuisvit; ,
f:imi of voiir namesake, even iuo jou
--7 . .... j
Have 1101 uis auuuj.
j imw nw kuvb.. - 1 ;
cai creea, ir, win uo cvu, i, :
io (be mhule tuifciX0 .bout the Tariff j
,j,e Currency Iuicrual luiprovcniwiu
or Foreign 1'olicy. It is SLAVMtl
ouly, wi.h j. ct 8ul.m.SS...n to .ny ua
every dogma and canJ.Jate of . .Koa
' . . e ,w0 tllir,ls rule is ;
i ,i . ... :,a
cuulrolleu VJ ,uo . . . , ,
. .
u ii.jit ti iisiva nroiiiiiii'm-t'. la
r -- .. ,
, .i...
.. ...... i ... aviiiimn''
luu luv cuuni'iiv D...
ui .....
0&ltmt ,fu 'J ..n .,.'.sU
' ..l,.n..r,..w sul,ioct." aud tbe support ot
, ""O . ' i . - .'
(M,lji.(ljeS) are deliberaio choice as
; for tui3 olly jie nad the sympathy of
; thousands of Republicans. Not that
j tuPy can trust him, for his antecedents
are worse than those of cither 1 icrce
! or Buchanan; but, his defeat of Exccu-
j ' dictation, has infused a like spin t
' 't0 r f S pai ty, ai.d.OnCe
emaucipaieu, iiiuj win iv.io
. ...1 1. ....it 4.... I..,,, ,,v-p.
1111 over-
board as readily as he us rebelled
against his party s Chief.
11. Alas ! a slave after all...and
, . . 3 4
bco's back to the party : promises to
' , 1 ' .
stand un to its Dlatfortns and its can -
I didates, irWeeer and wWeer they nuy
JtfJX.y SSiehul for
. Ittttorm, maUC W a Oiatnotutr, tor
the South, pledged to Slavery to the
j lao,,aoi Ll.Twimr u..ir
j advance,a servile subject of a Charles-
1 iWn tinn '! I i-'ii'd. DoiiLrlas is
t . . ,1.1 j 1 .
observca tnai an mesc uogmas auUU,.
tolonff exclusivelv to State and not
to A-afioiTaf Leeislation. But they are
thus dragged in, by demagogue ioug -
laa and his unscrupulous allies, in the
hope : of blmJwj the people against, tne
THITR inf"j. Flip iWnnostlons are
fWfct !. nDm of African Bondaire
to be Still further Extended ? Ought
not Free Labor to be shielded against
Pauner and Chattel Labor ? Alien
a) . h -w . vr
"superiority," grades of "citizenship,"
merits of "races," Woman's Rights,
fcc. Ac, are either abstract questions,
or for local legislation only.... Must
this our broad Continent be AFRIC-
ANIZED ? or, shall it be FREE ? is
years to come : and every four years
Struggle will tend we calmly trust to
a righteous termination
Harassing the Colored People.
One of the most noticeable traits of Souih-
ern manners and morals, at the present time,
, is the lerocious spirit oi piun.ier wiin wnicn
the free colored population is pursued. The
i lot class of the white population indulge
,hia Pir" ,n lhe k,UDaPPinS of Cne negroes,
whom tney presently sen as slaves, pursuing
, he Free States. Governors and members of
this business sometimes within the limits of
i the Legislature, though they do notcare todo
' a peddling business by stealing, now a man,
i now a woman, anu now a cnuc. selling mem
for slaves and putting the proceeds in iheir
pockets, are perfectly ready to undertake the
same business by the wholesale. Governors
are recommending new laws to reduce lhe
Free population to slavery, and Judges are
shaming the Devil in twisting the laws to the
advantage of the white and against Ihe un
fortunate colored race. And now Senator
Douglas and his backers at the North, start a
Presidential campaign, based almost wholly
npon binding the black man stripping him
of his rights, one by one and elevating still
higher the privileges of arbitrary power. The
Declaration of Independence is lo be ranked
among "abstraction," and all human rights to
be resolved into the law of the strongest!
Just Gob ! what supreme wickedness and ha
tred to their fellow men, seems to have taken
captive the reason, and chilled the hearts, of
men calling themselves Christians Democrats
and Americans.' S
Effects of Ignorance.
The following is the official vole of the IXth
Congressional District Egypt) of Illinois, at
Ihe recent election :
Adults tchn can
- . , :
i hi-
not Rend.
1. 115
Democratic majority 12,652
We are indebted to the Cincinnati! Time
for this most instructive table. The inhabi.
taois of Egypt are in no considerable propor
tion of foreign birth, like the adults who can
not read ia Republican districts; they are
" Poor Whites" from the Slave Stales with
their descendants such as would own ne
groes if they could, but, being unable, choose
to live where Productive Industry is not
mainly Ihe work of 81aves. The returns of
i-- , r...
from the United census of ipso, it is
adults unable to jrcad and write, are copied
Repub. J)em.
' Alexander, 31 30
Edwards, 361 140
Franklin, 9 974
Gallatin, 226 841
Hamilton, 11 1,133
Hardin. SS 320
Jackson, 4S 1,096A
Johnson, 7 1,135
Massac, 6 630
Perry, 463 726
Pope. 25 857
Pulaski, 66 636
Saline, none .' 1,095
Union, 61 684
Wabash, 409 606
Wayne. 181 1.237
White, 346 1,220
Williamson, 49 1,497
Total, i 2.3J4 15.026
NOV. 26, 1858.
,.....;... 4lkrinff la note inai wnrie-
. .
ever those who can Del read ana wmr
very few, there ihe Republican vote a pro-
yummwijf irK. -"-"'v
sciiwu inontii"p"
course of a few years. AT. r. TWiune.
Value of a Drop of Oil
Ever, Bl,0 Uwi ln a bouso, e?P,-
, e5aI!, if lho hou.e le bis own, should o,l
ail .be various parts of it once in two or
i ,,re0 monlu,. The bouse will last much
.r .ill l.H much ouieler to live
; .-"(,-, .
.1 .t ;n .!.,. ..ntlv
' in. Oil tbe toelts, Dons, niogcs oi ...c
j Iuxurioug ca9C) aua witb the use of a small
" ... " -
; dislodged every time the place is so j irred.
The incessant baDging oi doors, scraping
j of locks, and creaking and screaming of
; binges, is a great discomfort, fcveo tbe
tellwire 1
; aod tLey
; guch
i it i- l ..i.i i.
vire crauas auuuiu .omewuj o u.., j
tbey will act more certaiuly, and with;
.1. .!.... i..... ;il . 1;, 1
, , , mn r, nf llipm Th
, a - j ' 6houlJ
. - :,i
fcJ 'H n-ove w tb ,
' gentlo impulse, and so quietly that a
6 . . j. 1
! sleepiDg child or old man is not awakeoed.
; . r ., , , , ... , ......
j . p I
I lhM 1" '
... .1
: year will save many abiuiugs 10 locks ana
I a 1- . -i
many pounds in even tbe substantial M
,r . i... ....!.. ;f..
tive UiefuIue!B. Uouse keepers, pray do
st.ch in time saves:
time saves pounds.- ;
aa-The care of cattle devolves upon
the farmer one of tbe most imnorUut of
, Lii wied duieg whatever may be tbe
j b , lim notuiDg unIe88 tie
j ,t,ention is given to their necessary
i ' . e. .
experience nas uugut me writer
. . .
me valuable lessons, at . heavy eost.and
therefore bis views are ot to be discarded
as beiD" merely visionary, in treating
? ..H- DHj... mo uuiwt kltab
proper thelter is essential for tbe preserva
tion of tbe lives and health of our eattle,
if we would avoid all the complicated di
seases of tbe liver and lungs. Tbe writer
bavin on one occasion one more cow tban
he could secommodate witb .stall, left her
out at the east side of a stack for two or
three night, which proved to be frosty,
and resulted ,n bcr contracting a heavy
cold, which settled on her liver and caused
rtfAil dpftth. I hin r.nw aa tiist i iiTtinrp
r o
into ber prime, and sucb a loss, may well
IS. 1 .
supposeu, was a sumcien. aumonition
never to expose cattle to night fait, or cold.
No substitute of bay or grain will obviate
tbe necessity for proper shelter. Should
stone walls prove too expensive, a tight
board stable may do, or one of rails, lined
inside or outside with straw or fodder will
suffice. Good shelter with moderate feed
ing, will cause cattlo to thrive better than i
tire versa. Such being the fact, let none ;
hope for success in cattle raising and keep
iug without good and sufficient shelter, j
Soap. The wife of an American agri-
culturist has been experimenting in soaps,
and fiuds that the addition of three quar-
tne audition oi tnree quar-1 every wnerej me .uissoun com
1 of borax to a pound of soap i promise, which cave fr.ednm a part and
i boiling, makes a saving of .s!fe7 P". fJ' 'H" Sovruignty,
c ' n , ii I In or rr tn curt It. waa r a.Hns a. I-
tors of a nound of borax to a Dound of soaD
nipltan1 wilbniif
one nai. m tue coss o. soap, ana oi tnree -
fourths in tbe labor of washing, improving
the whiteness of tbe fabrics; besides, the
usual causlio effect is tbns removed, and
f a 1 a. a . s . I
the bands are left with a peculiar, soft and
silky feeling, leaving nothing more to be
desired by tbe most ambitious washwo
man. E. Ellis, who bas been forty years a
member of tbe British Parliament, is oo a
tour through tbe United States. Mr.Ellis
is scventy-eight years old, hale, and hearty,
j aud worth upwards of a million dollars.
' He traveled through the United States
' fifty six years ago, this being bis second
i visit.
sxjuKindoesstodomesticanimals makes
tho animals to love you, and even tbe bogs
will give a grant of pleased recognition
when they see you. It promotes a kind
disposition in tbe animals makes tbein j
feel nice aod fatten easier. It also re-acts
on yourself, and will make you kind to r
Foot Rot. This nasty disease can be I
read.., curec, say. iv a. u. xxyue, o. ,
... a a
Erie county N. 1., thus :-T.ke equa
parts of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol)
and verdigris, pulverize, and apply after
paring off the foot to get at tbe part af-,
A farmer returning home iu bis wagon,
after delivering a load of corn, is more
certain sign of national prosperity, tban a
nobleman riding in bit chariot to tbe opera.
Tbe interest aod happiness of the owner
of all domestie animals are promoted by
kind treatment, full feeding, aud cleanli
ness. ' Try it.
At $1,50 Per
. . . ..
; A circuicame iu
, , kn0W3 how the music and the
' te..t unj i,orst.s set ail tiic iioys ntr.
n,,..,i..rj r.f ,!! hirs arid sliillinus were
- " " - -J
in prcat demund ; and m:my a choice
i . r .Mi-pna i itlfrs parried
i . . , J ,..,.. tr i.,t(.r ,.
, .
- ""' - -
OSllV. wild: a man CIL
J :
! ., T
Hallo, J' hnnv, arc yoa going to
; the .-ircus ?''
j "No, sir,"ans-.vcred Johnny ,' father
j .. &;r mv lt;icr WO Ju g;ve mc
money t0 go if he thought it were best,
! bes;jejJi j i,ave twenty -five cents in
, . . t :c enoui, t0 rr0."
..j gQ j0lliny for once ,t 3 WOn -
wnv H, h-rses do." said
--, -
the man
"Your father ueedu'tkuow
"I shan't," suid the boy.
"Now, why?" aked the man.
" 'Cause," said Johnny, twirling his
bare toes in the sand, "after I would
have been in I could'utlook my father
in the eve. and I can, xow."
,;Hl.twlll. abmblaoe." S"-
of years, there buve been conuee-
,j witn m, f lhe cuur(:hes of Rich -
cat vi ucuuiuiuhvli
. boweTfcr eolnpainu bave been made
. gt golne cf tucnJi aoJ as thf, were
Mt itric fc ,f ,he MaI0r of lLat citJ
one Sunday, cawed tbe arrest of nearly a
hundred colored cbildren louna 10 atiena
1 ance at a school ia tbe Leigh St. Baptist
African Churoh. Tbey were, however,
soon released, but the Whig sajs the
Mayor held an interview with tbe Rev. T.
... . .. . , -r j i.; ,
, - , .i . i - e j l : ... .r
, r- -
, b.s purpose to Ptor ana
trustee, of the eburch before h.m at an
en; uaj, iv u j "'
bM a ..t.k ..VUI JlUg W U, tmm
permitting an unlawful assemblage in tbe
church. Baltimore Sun.
A Paradise. In Lewis townsbip.CIay
county, Indians, (says the Lafayette Jour-
thpv haA a irt nf fnrpf.tA nf iIia
. Mi,leniurn. It has withio it, Iiajiu one
; hundred and iixty.fif, To(er9 and during
j the ,agt tweotj Jearg there b beeB
, fight or t apy e,ection LelJ -
! the t0,nshlD. It .,;. seven ..h(mX.
' nouses, sevea Dacneiors, seven roaU uis-
... ...
; (fict3 lnd 8een j th .
' J
chcgj ,bree pK3chcn turc. pajr of
bo?g thrce fiJdler4 tbree officcj( gnd
,bree meD vears of ..a
There is not a lawyer, doctor, or loafer in
it no "grocery ,"uor a pauper. A better,
friendlier, happier population, is not to be
found in the State.
Democratic Progression. Tbe Al-
bany Journal gives the following terse
and truthful history of tbe advance of
-iscmocrauc uoetriue:
"The Democratic party Las bad f ur j
different doctrines on slavery : l.-t, the j
I Jt ff.rsouiau, which secured territorial free-
i dotu everywhere: 21, the Missouri Com
! promise, which cave fr. ednm a part and
I vniuE tyv B. a, is, a r mi (11 1 b VI tibiUUf
I anuwiug io seiners to aamit or exclude
; gUvcry) tbcy plctfe . 4thi (he Drcd
' Scott decision, which establishes slavery
everywhere. These four changes in forty
; years show 'improvement for the worso
teadJ' ,D1 raPld !
Tbe Boston Pout wants to know why
credit should not be given, in notices of
death, as well as clergymen in notices of
marriage. A newspaper obituarv an-
nouDcement should read : "Died, at the
hands of Dr. Saddlebag, John Doe, aged
so and so."
Neutrality or the Cable The Sa-
vanuah AVirs gets off this :
'The Atlantie telegraph is, at present,
perfectly neutral. As our friend Pat wonld
lifhsided"TU aWUlJ 10 M on
1 e J.
Dews and Dues. One of our finest
writers says that "tbe nightly dews come
down on us like blessings. liow very
differently tbe daily dues come owo upon
os these bsrd times!
There is a railroad down Sooth which
runs one train a day, drawn by a locomj-
h,A nf annul ntl.iA.nnt nnvf tim .nn.
V r" ,;";";
u , gbouIJ , j
f wa(er bo iralnediate, jp, ff. '
the train with a stick, aud attends
to tbe lady's wants. j
. 7.7rrvT""TT.
which lays out to catch sparks, but does j
not always succeed in lighting a match ! i
A kiss, says ao iogenions authority, is !
like the Creation, Uuso, it made of
nothing, and,, very good.
A horse-dealer, in describing a used op,
horse, said fa. looked as if be had been j
cditiog a daily ncwejpef,
IN 1S43....WI.OLK 0.t TCi
Year, always h? Advance.
i t ., !,.. ..t
j i rraifiuwi kcmu,
a tk'ht between two bulls
1 could not nave i.e 11
iui e t!i 1,1
rigrl.t voars of aire, I sMIl licver fil
g.:t the Fjieciacle. V by th.i
..vl Imn run u tloi nnd raifM
: j
ilfl i,,,, thrown a
; l..(J Laj(1 jj
i ti, n,i .1m u-i.ul. an.l tLa
- -- - -- ------
i luud on the oppositt) ei'l-3 o! tiia
stream was owucU by thucreiit por-
I sons. One l.ri-ht summer day, thu
j hour of noon had arrived, and a irol-
Ti,e animals were not yet in sight of
! each other, but were appro idling
! along the highway at a rate of speed
i which would cause them to meet near
; the centre ot the uigii bridge wuicn 1
hat e described, and WueatU which.
. ... .
at some thirty fret, rau the river, be
tween steep banks. Near and nearer
approached theproud, pawwgcoaibat-
! ants. They lashed their sides with
: their tails, they tore the ground with
J their feet. Occasionally they kneeled
down, trying to gore the earth with
j their horns. Presently, as they siui-
ultaneously ascended the rciDCcUvc
i aUuimcntJ r thev came full in sight of
j au,!imLnl- ln camt- ,u"
' each otlien 1 C , " mul"JI
aud actuallv tremendous- 1 here they
j were, quite as sensibly employed as
l somcof their human imitators. Front
. . . . . .
i 10 lront' UU4r "u,u C,U4-'
straineu, mey were uguuug
. only bulls can fight. It seemed a.,
even match. Now one would prc-i
- 1 -
presently you would near quiet, suarp
! short steps, and ins adversary wouui
. be pressed back iu return. Uhestrng-
gliug was hard, was long, was savage.
For a while, neither obtained an ad-
Hitherto, they had been pushing
each other lengthwise of the bridge ;
suOtleub. lUey Dean io wbrel. ami in
a moment were facing rach other,
crosswise. They were at right angles
with the length of the bridge, which
shook, and creaked, and rocked again
! with thpir tr.lti-mlinrr flml llipir trrri-
U(3 gtrife 0neof (Le Leusts-I eouM
Mt iM wtich Lowcverma Je a de3.
I e , forward, d pressed
? f back
. v.. .t.. r ... ' t..r- i...
i r
twecu him and nothing. The moment
was one of intense interest to us juve
nile spectators. Never was the am
phitheatre of Rome the scone of a
nioie exciting combat. Another step
backwards ye3, the unfortunate hull
was forced to take it! back ho is
pressed, and over ho goes !
Such a sitrht I never saw. iroLablv
slxx I1Cvcr see strain. Im.i?i;i a bull
: pitched backward over a brid-c, and
j fttlH a t leaet hl y r,.,.,, ovor aml
over ! He turned once or twice, pro
bably; I thought he turned fifty times,
there seemed such a confusion of horns
and feet revolving through the air.
But down he went ; the water win
deep, and he disappeared, leaving a
whirlpool of foam behind him, and
making the river undulate far and
wide with the concussion of his pon
derous bulk.
The other bull did notlangh.mere-
' ly because bulls, as I supposed, could
not. But we laughed, anil shouted
( our applause. There stood the victor,
: lnnt-inrr r?irr!lr dnn-n intn ih.- :,l,r--
below, into w hich he had hurried his
' unlucky foe. He stood, however, but
j momcc, ail j then, as' if frisrhtened
j at the prospect, he retreated with his
head in the same pugnacions attiiudu
j os when iu combat and ovor he, too,
j WCnt, on the opposite side of th-
bridge, performing just as many and
a3 ludicrous somersets as Lis adver-
,. . . ,;, t.o:..-.
, aOaAS J altll UVIIV 1IIII1U Wv '
In about five minutes, both bulla
might be seen, well sobered by iheii
dueking, dripping wet, scratching up
the steep gravelly banks, each ou hi
own side of the river. "Thoie l-uiis
will uever, fight any more," said a boy
behind me,
llis prediction tunica
out correct . flr tWo inorc peaceably
disposed bulls than they were, ever
afterwards,couId not have been found.
.... -
Joseph L Cake was an "Ami L- coiupfon
Democratic Cincinnati Platform e...d da!e
fur Congress" from tbe Schuylkill district,
0m u rne by the Working,
..Jtefore ale."
J shlw ttu
jg aJj jHjt,i fjr ttt. ihe loc oi the
. -
Pa. ( kind of a "wnuo uiacwoiru.