Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 22, 1858, Image 4

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IVo.13- Amu ul tur.il Iiiiiticmtm
En Slifer, Ik-i farm wagon 150
Viu. Kiick, best subsoil jil w 1.00
JiS. H. Marsh & Co., best improved
Jo reaper and mower 2.00
do best feed cutter 100
Jacob Fox, best horse rake Am. As.
Hei!d & Shanziborger, beat bay book 60
Ijnili'b & Lichtcnlbaler, bent cum
plough Am. A.
J.i8. 51. Nesbit, best com sheller 1 00
Jus. W. Shiiuer, 1 cutting box, we
would recommend it to the public
J. IS. Kelly, best grain drill 1.50
1'hilip Siplcy, best corn planter 1.00
A. II. Stone, best thrashing machine 1 00
A. II. Meyers, best sleigh
1 Oil
do bujrgcy 2 00
W'm. Fi'irk, best double plough 1.50
1'i.tkr Newman, Coin.
So. 11 Ineniiiiirratcd Aitltlos.
Vour Ooiniiiiitcc would report, (hat we
God only 135 different entries in our hook,
t'liiuraciug diii over oW or uiicreuij
articles. This museum comprises special-
.n. Tr,.linr-.l ml, .;.,! , ; ...uii.l
ens agricultural, uicchaiiieal,uumi-.tuatical,
cuiutiiercial, cultuary, ana comiL-al work
I mt ari l irom men and women, x,u
inr amptca to tnc Iivm ' and flic
ior uie siom icu ann ir tuu ucai articles
c.,-i;, i - , , . , -
of utility aud articles of ornamet.t-eutries
e . I . . i , t- . , i - ,
yt i-uiiMiiia una euiriea lur auow oiii
from bouic and from afar some "made"
aud some only "boughteu"... altogether,
deuiiudiug about a week's industrious ap
plication to do full justice to their magni
tude and their multitude. In the hurry
and crowd of the day allotted us, we have
been unable to criticise some specimens at i
ail, and in most cases were required by the
C impound pressure of tha "sovreigns and
criuoline to be very brief. Yet, bearing
iu icw the $otc o'ijtx( of the Society the
encouragement of home iudustry we have
selected from the mass, as iu our brief
view most worthy of your attention, the
following :
L D. Kveland, artificial teeth, good work
manship, entitled to Diploma
Jacob brown, threshing fbils, a line pair
of old fashioned implcmcnts.suitaUe for
farmers and successful candidates .50
John M'Call,a superior lot of shingles, also
rails and plank, Diploma and 1.00
Charles Stahl, specimens of book Lindiug,
a long needed artizjn, entitled to general
patronage, a Diploma, and 1.00
David Giutcr, metallic coffin", valuable io
preserve the remains of the dead when
their removal is desired.
P. Nevius & Co., marble monument, very
fair workmanship
James White, neat samples of iron railings
and nnsts. Ditiloina !
All 1! .n lnl l a r rt !
. 11. lrown, DCCUIVC9 .OV ,
J. S. Marsh Uo., superior sausage stuffer
, , , - n
11. ItineK, P"g plant all ,
V. r -i, . - Tit.. I
rick & Lilly, cast iron fence, Diploma
A. StourutoD, tin caet very cood for the :
- ,n .? . i o - 1 !
Bile jumps v vcuiuaiiuu oi ir.oijuiriui
D.M.Keed, bottle of ink, looks very fair,
but no chance to try it.
J.M.Sassaman, raising tackle, a decided
improvement oo wooden tackle.
do Drawing table very convenient.
do Metal drill, superior for simplicity,
durability & feeding itself, Diploma j
It. Wilson, machine for grading leather,
worthy of Diploma
do llepcating metal drill, also a good
machine, but more complex in its
structure aud operation Diploma '
do Gary leather creasing machine,wcll
adapted to its purpose Diploma j
These last four named machines exhibit
much mechanical ingenuity, and are of
, f. -. ;
very neat workmanship.
U. W. Thompson, head stone?, very well
D.M.llced, 500 cigars, supposed, from ap
pearances, to be good weeds but we arc ;
Out judges. I
There was also a number of show cases '
of tools, books, stationery, jewelry, weara- :
blcs, eatables, photographs and paintings, j
notions and curiosities, which, altho' not '
in every case adapted to the cud in view, I
added materially to the display. The La-;
dies aud Gcutlemcn, little and big, who !
contributed to these miscellanies, ore wor-'
thy of tha thanks of the Society for their
well meant endeavors ; and the tradesmen, 1
merchants and manufacturers displaying j
ttofeir stock and work are also entitled to.. .a ;
very liberal share in the public patrouugc. !
Sub-Coin m Mice.
To aid us in ctttinir through our
most laborious and dictionary-like job, we h fbiu uitrot, without. tt.ct Kin.iinB the re
. -,e, . exlendin-. I elt. d on Or. Lly, of Schelleliurp. who pro
beSOUght the aid Of three competent la- m unn-d it r AM KM, and pr.crilKl a h of .uitar of
.1- . .L ,t, ; lead aud l.reiwl poullire.. l-indiiie theee retuediia of no
tlie, who reported upon the many spec! , ra,j ; r. fl,..r. , u.id-.m-, someraet
mens Of the Skill and industry more ap-
-l ii L ii c ii
prnpriate to their "sphere," as follows
(all of which we endorse without hesitation.)
Wui.Frick,catskin robe, worthy a Diploma.
Mrs. Irland, citron jelly .'25
do preserved peacbrs .25
S. A. Dentler, pumpkin syrup ,25
do Sugar cane syrup .25
Dr. Jno. Locke, elderberry wino .25
do grape wine .25
do currant wine .25
C. W. Schbffle, Iraudy peaches .25
Susan Roland, niangn pickles .25
do citron preserves .25
Dahlia flowers,uot numbered, very pretty.
J. A Kremcr, leather frame .25
I. C. Slifcr, burr franio .25
Miss Taylor, crayon fruit painting .25
Miss Mason, do head and bust .25
Mrs.K.Mctzgcr do landscape .25
Miss J.M.lJeaver,crayon head and bast .25
Sarah Green, ribband work .25
Mrs. Keener, croc b a hat .25
Sarah G. Z filers, toilet cover .25
Mrs. Painter, burr basket .25
Sarah A. Deutler, flower basket .25
Joseph Gibson, case of furs, bats and
caps, worthy of good customers.
Mrs. Sarah A Lawsiie,
Mrs. Jane R. Howard,
Mrs. Margaret L Guntiy.
As tbe Committee knew only the Xos.
nd very rarely tbe name of the oirnen
nf Ih. .rliclo. nn Plhihitinn. thev hoDC to
" , " . J
hae the credit at least of impartiality;
a ...
and recommend the premiums named if ,
ui 108 .'"y wi" ,u"-
O. i. (IHUE, 1 and rhin. and continued to be a trrct tormrnt fa me an
alog. M FniT I fiom (' cur, (, A J .Srccr. .My anna, at time. Were
lj I'A. EUIT, 0IU. I almoat neeleaa. owlna to tW crack, and Mire, on them,
fAVID U EN.MNO, J j Iialle to bleed at ana Hue on the leaat exertion to lift or
raa i . a.-..
tV..t .k. . . I -, , u ii t .
that she relioquubca all her Premiums to
t be Society, except that for ISuttcr.
We may Uo add, that, every year.
there are peraoas who do Dot call for their
.... . ULlr !
premiums tbeir oljcct beiop, not to make
money, but to eicile emulation, and aid 1
(he otj-ct bad ia view ly the Sjciety J t
I " - .-iiii r rrauejlll UB en Kiari
W uff-liiiiakrr si ml J-.i rller,
Lralcil IWO lI'HTS caflt .if Hie -tllllil ft'Ccntl Ot'CUI-lril b
Mr. Yinler LKW. l.-llll.u, l'.
CtlockN, Watches, &c, repaired on shoil
notice and warranted to give sati'dae tion.
f. i'"An excellent assortment of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry on hand Cheap for I'ush.
fill.T I'ltAMES of all sizes made to orde
I.ewir.biirir, April 2'J, 1K.M
At the Old ttand of P.Xevus & Co.
T M liolosale or Retail a larse
asvcrlmeitl ot .Sunday School Books and
Kewards a enrral supply of Hooks in use in
'',e "" Schools, Acadcinies,Seminaries,
m it" tiiti iiijitiiiiii counties iap,iosi,
Hath ami Note J'aprrs aixl Envelopes, plain
atitl fancy States, .Slate and Lead iVitcils,
Itlaiik boi.ks, 'ipy books. l'ass books. Picket
Meiiioranduiiis, Diaries, Inks and Inkstands.
I Mucilase, l.nitiid (;iue Ditilcs, Testaments
('oiniiientnries, Psalms and Ilvmns in use hy i
the diirereiilileiuinnnatioiis Lawaml MisceU '
lanu b.ks. Ladies' Alliums, Autograph
- ' '
,'. ' . , ....,, , r
HaviiiR an Melusire atrenrv for the sale of
nanl.iils Life of Jelfcrson and Hunt's Aineri-
, can Merchants, I solicit subscribers to those I
i .i...i.t.
f - -' liberal discount allowed to Merchants
- i
I t-pecial attention ol School Directors and
, T, '.,,, is invilfll , u,.w.. Scho(1,
n n il 1 1 li Nt "fit rr 1 1 v
of which I am now the sole Publisher.
Intendinu to add to mv stock from time to
time as the wants of the community may j
require. I solicit the aid of a generous public
,r.... v.... 1 1 .
in my rlfcrts to build up a Hook ash Static
f eh i Ucsim-ss in this place.
Any books called for not on our shelves
ordered promptly at the lowest city retail pri-
ces. Foreign II
ks imported to order.
Auc. 2
SI. H. Dersham, M. D.,
"PRACTICING riisician,
X Xoi lli Third xlr
l root.
l.nncattr City, (fate vj J'hiladtlphia
Vlitn be lit hi-M in pu-e'Ffirul prat-tii far nmnlwr
nf vi-r. r.n-iiil hi? niuratifin ml thf lit Mislinit
C'ill, .,. iu t)i L'nilsl Smt, itnil bnl exiM-rit-nci and
rM-tiis- in lli iliiU-rt-nt lloxpiuUii tor h.v,-rl Ti-Hro ; a
iiivmlvr iif the Atinlytii-Kl M,slial Institute nf New
York. and late a Suriri-on in tlie D.S. Nave nfie tt'ftrt
himf tu tl pnHic Ui att-utt ciy itr-Jrmvnul calls.
j TMIK i-ore mi dit ine a'wayit od hand direct from tin
! lt,.:tl. ir.-itoiief in the rouutry and the llotnnienl
j iarleie ot tin World. No patent medw-ine iTeaerilvO or
: ri-eoiiiiii.'iiil,-t. Mi dieineM Urtod fnilv whirh will m.t
! break down the eoiiacittilion. hut will renov:tt the nya- j
i.-i.i Hum an jiiik'i. i. nun pimi.-iiiini iron, mineral
i ni-di'-iiie. I'litonir and diflirult disiaiea inuft le-treat-
sl um annltii'al prmeiph-fi. whit li ia tn know and aa
certain ahatdi-ea-e i. 1 1 mimm - !-, m
HUirc a kli"Wli J .-r i t llie Clieiiiiral i-uniititueiit Ot eTery
anliit and ttniit of the humau lnnly tile rhanpea thoae
siolid and nuuli are eaj:ilile vi utideroinir. Tn know
what medicine, to employ U rure di.eaae. rc.iiiire a
knowlt-iie of the ehi-iniral niniiliturnta of all aerate
employed in medii-ini-a, and if we are in ioeci.i.ion of
Ihi- know ledne, it ia poa.ible to cure any diaea.se no
iiijiMit of how loiiu ftaudini: and leave the patient iu a
healthy and perfectly enrcd condition.
l, lam-lioly, alM-rratiin, that elate of alienation and
Wfakii of tlie mind, wlorh rnj.rn (MTiM.nn iiir.Kti
uf , tjoving thi pit-ureiir prf rmiuc dulinoflif-.
uv.w.iw. ihtdi.iiTii.B ,ii-Sr.n.i -n .imimrrr
1iiUIi mill h.tp; lliii. uirliTmiiiltiiX th roiiktitution,
--j. 1, ,iij,, uatuaulr tnnl iu
ln'M euit!i:ilirivlli li'iinj.
i;Hi.c.iis.in r.. or.iiitif.. rhr.nirr.r.
"o-, wnrn,nt.-ii -ur:it.u-: i:tln.tii. ,r fittiiuK firkD-s.,
" "lio.ui- ih1 tultlK-m ri,!, of KtfmAlf di-lH'. raili-
rI!y rvtno.etj : Suit Kli urn, muJ -ry uewr.pt kn of
I'lnTationt) ; I'llt-raml rrufuloun liiwam-n, whi-h hare
ltHl.iJ all j-r riou tunliral klll,a 1m rurnl hy my
Ir.'ntmt-nt, nlin tl ron.-litutin in not fxhmutsl
I do nny all (lietfrnvfi y-n, tvitsumptHt) en Iw curml.
1N( UK UUtitlh
I will n-main in my f!rv in WefltiMKlayn ami Patiir
J;ivn, from '. o'rlo-k A. M to a P. M.. to rr.ti.mrt;'t
ltifiiu lr"in a JUtuiicf. nn-l n-nult in the KofrlMi
MT..1 i;rni:in lnnu p--: will make Tihit tn any litanra
if rjuir-t : may W ii'Mri'fwl by letti-r, North I'tioce
Ft- mar Fulton Itail, Laantalcr .-Itv, I'a.
T.'Cyl W. 11. WIT.MOK.M D.
fllUt; subscriber respectfullytal.es lliismt
J thod lo inform the emzt ns of Lewisburg
and vicinity in general, and the Ladies in par-
""iV'P m
4 onlcclioiier) , on Market street, 10 .Mr.
, lieavers liuililing, where he will be ready to
supply all who muy favor him wilh a call
j wuh the best of everything in his line of hu
! siness. KliEAl), CAKES and CO.NFEC-
'. '1-1,1 V LT V n Un.l . , n :... n:
practica ilaker and Confectioner forupwards
f twenty-live years.he feels confident that all
who favor him with a call or give him a trial
shall not De disappointed. V. eddings and
Parties supplied at the shortest notice, on the
inos! reasonable terms. All sorts of Orna
mental Work done to order.
BUEAI) delivered at Houses at all times
when desiied. CHAIiLES HEINEK.
Lewisburg, Oct. 7, H:'7.
Sworn elnt-uti-iit of Iravid M'Creaiy, of Nailer Town
rl.ip. P.. in i-i.unty :
In A rii. isi'.n. a. nearaa I can remember. a email pim
ple made ite apM-arance on my U.ier lip, aiiirb noon In.
came enl :iri:i-d and eore. I Useil poulliis-a of aorrel. and
county, who alao pronounced the ditt-a Caneer, and
cave me intcrral and external remeiliea the latter con-
eistin-E prim-ipiilly of caustic: but all to uo purjc, aa
the ilirse eontimied sj.p adir-irtoward thenoe. 1 nea
H-ed a preiralion of arsenic, in the form of aaire. Thia
for a time rhickt ii th ilipeai, lut the ii(tlatn.ili'n noon
inereaeil. I net ralh '1 uton 1-r. Stallvr. -f fit. Clnirtv
ville, lteJf"rtt count r, who also ronounnd the dictease
tie'r S; !
checkins the j
reiueiiv. hut it hitd nn effect whatever in
iTi-nil of lite w.re. In li- eemt-er uf the aame year, the
d.M-fv had eateo away a greater part of my ujiper lip,
ami tail atiarki-il the me. when I went tt riofinnnti,
wln-re I eont-ulU-d 1'rof It. 3. Newton, .f the Klertic Med
ie;t 4cll-;e. He pronnunetd the di-a "a cutanwua
Cnacer. FiitseritiJurnJ by ,tn imrlinnte um uf niereurt.
IIean''d ntilil tine iutinei.t fetid puve uie internal
ri-mt-'lifji. My fj.ee henled up. tut thf in fin (nation im
not tlit-rouchlj' r tn"Tel. In February, lv'-7. he pro
n"unet! uie euiel. ntid I left f. .r hi ine. In April the di-Fe;iu-
attain rt-turu-l wnd o vj.tli nt u the pain that I
eoull n.t r-el atni-ht. Lute in May I n-turmt tot'ir
eitin4ti. ard apin flnet-d mvneif unlir the eimi-ire of Ir.
N.-wteiiu. with whom I r. inrtined until rpt.'iubvr. during
hrrh tintt- he n-.l eT ry known n mily.aiil pstrtly uv
nM-diMj in eh'kin (he Ji-fLe. Iitit when I reLurutil home
tht-re were t-till tltrt-e dit.'hnririiii; ulcerf on niy fare
I eontinued u.-injr Newtfti'n Te;;rat)-jn. andalH medi
cine that I a-nt fiom tr. Klv. lut the t'snrer euntintifd
prowin until it had rut tf th ttt rirft f wy t.w, the
nrrpirr iirti.. i.ftnu ft rJ.l- naif hnA ittl.i. tf.t , lt't
eye. i hat pi ten up ail hope of ever i.eins cured, f-inee
lr. Fly id he could ouly giTe relief; hut tbitt a cure
iuiwpniF. l il .vmrrii, ins, Donirl't a bottle or
;lood S arrh- r;" 1 ut I moft ronft-w thtit I had no fiih
in it. I wan very k wht-n I commenced CakinR it;
hut I fiurt'l that I miini-d ftra-nptlt d:y hv dav. and also
that tin- ulrerr nim ud drying up. 1 continued, and
whin th thirl bottle war tnk.-ti mv faee wtm healed an
If by a miracle. I used a font I h bottle, ami I nave been
henlthirr f-int e than I hnre l-nvn 6-r the lat KeTeuyeitra
Although my fer it nuily di-fitirrd, I am till greatfnl
to a li-nin 1'mvideneet.ho haj upand myliff.ai.d which
hsia b-en done through the intru mentality of LiMMiVa
Imi'Kovrii HuK.pSLtKi titju IAVU M CKKAHY.
rworn and mlwerile., thi 3lpt dav of Aust, A. T.
IsA. lM-fore me, one of the J tut ice ot the IVare in and
for the lt-OD-h of Itolli.UjKburir, lllair oountr. I'a.
WitueMt L. J. J-Nitt. JUUN IJUULtV, J.P.
Itelnff afflicted with a erlerona tet'er on the rnu.td
f-"" n' "ymc Many remediea .hi, h ntterlv failed to
cure-I a nrr-uad.-d .jr . M. Harriallo totry l.jnd-
in,pm. d u ,.i s..rcher: and n,..,,x.cek.tur
to hmr the W be. nronounce-l mreelf cured
T, Ml..T ..,, .LnlZXri th.
.Hrur.1 - f.: taVT.' :vj. sr
or. ana awuniri an in nj that I could arareelv rre-
i . . ..n e i. i i . - . 1 .
aor, inn awiiinri a iitdt nut 1
rrin m-.ihk .-u hit nrin. j nave now been rurHl aie
wecka, and leel it due to Mr. UndVey, and to tbe nnhlie
b"K6wi l "'n b" "'" hcu..
f'"n "'J,rit' oi-r m. one of the Alderman
I. and for lh.t.ity of Mtt.hnrr.lhiii-.'Stbdayor Julr A
tKM- amp, m mastkr, AHcrm. '
"IUi.VNK Contracts wilh Teachers and Or
-li rs " Trasi;rera! fhrniel- oaice.
Iron City Commercial College,
ritTSlIlKO, 1'V - - - CUAkTEKCD V&.
ow STUHKNTS attending January, 18S8 Now the
lanrrt antl rooft tl.nroujrh iVunif rcial ScIhkiI of
tlie L'niUil SUU- Yviiut; tuvD prfpuvi fur actual duties
. iM..n m i-r..rt v..-,, o.-unor
j A T linrTiit.rr.Ttaliprvf Aritbinik'ndCom.4'aJ'ulatiria.
J.A.IIEiiiRKK ami T.I -J e TeaciHTfl oi ihwR-KrriD.
A.Cou:y and W.A-Milllb, 1' rob. of IVumanshtp.
an um-U in v-ry dt'artni'nt ff buwuffi",
Commercial Arithmetic, Kaput llusiuess Wri
tin: Detectins Counterfeit Money, Mercan
tile Correspondence, Commercial Law,
are taurtit, and nil otlicr ituljiTti tifcrMnry fur the ruo
ta aud tlioro' nluratiou oi a irarti-al buBiurM mail.
1:1 I'JMiMllJMS.
Ilmwn nil th rn-miuuis in I'ltUtiurtr for thr piit ttiree
vr, alsu iu Kn.t-rn aul Wti-rn itirfl,fur bvitt Writ
ftuileutii .nUr t ny tini no v.cti..n tirarnnlim-
,.,!,,, virMU-,nmt,tmUMMtmM.Ms
-iiuii..n tuii. .r f..ii t'..n.m.rri,i e..uw. ii...
?'-' "" h l" '- w. . ks i..rj i.r ork ut-
-I'tilire ot $i u Ut TO.
-Knr r:,oi. Cin-ulnr, sjHim-iiii of BnFififflW nil Or-uiiiii-ntftl
Writing:, im-iost two ntjni)iN nnl AiMnvii
l.il.jUKl.NS, 1'itu.liuri;, I
THE Fall Session of this Institulion
w'" commence on .,ioxn;,,Bepi. .o,i:.P
fctssiosj : each to continue 1:1 weeks, includ'
will commence on Moxnai'.Sept.Sn.lH.'iS
lox : each to continue 1:1 weeks, includ
to be immediately followed by the Wiktib
iitf; one week's Vacation iliirinj- the Holidays.
All (he Branches of a thorough Classical,
Mathematical, and Knulish Academic Course
are taught and Vouihs are fined, either for
Teaching, for College, or for business.
The Bible is a text hook.
A large class of Young Ladies is secured.
TLTriON per session of LI weeks, including
contingent expenses.
ritlMAHY riUadinc, U'ritini.'. 1 1. filler. Arithmetic.
, lo-oe.. Cram, and II. S. IliHtory. .... - -fAM)
AIIVAVCKII KMJLISII (all not included aboya.l .:
LAMiUAllKS, : b.iai
No additional charges; also, no dednctions
eicept for protracted sickness. Tuition paya
ble immediately upon the close of the session.
Aug. 23, IKSU Principal
'THE Winter Si'ssion.c onsistins of two
JL Terms of i:J weeks each, will open on
Tiltirsda)', Sept. 23d
IOLLEUK Tuition for the Scaflon of SB weeki S3 0
Kuel, Library, care and repair 3 ifi
ACAHENT TuiUon for the Session or 31 treeki :
I'la.aieal and holier Knijliib n 00
AJTanced r.nglun
Lower Claea
Fuel, rare and repairs
FEM. 1XSTITI TE-Tuition r fVanlon IB wc-ka:
IteirulMr Coun-a
Fuel, rare aud repairs
Room rent and fuel in Co'.leue huillinz
do do do roominr atona 17 UO
A. K. BELL, Treasurer
l.i.Uk.a. A ic- A, lO-ifl
Normal Institute and Academy,
"VfL'W Columbus, Luzerne Co. Pa...To
li Young Ladies and (ietitlemen wishing
tu become Teachers, this Institution oilers the
following advantages:
1. A Complete I Iriranizatlon a a Norma! School.
2. A Thoruugb, Systematic, and 1'ractical Course of
3. An opportunity lor dally Prartirt in Ttirhinir.
4. Weekly Lerturea (in Uia "Theory and 1'raitica of
5. Weekly Scientific l,crtur.
6. A rirhiy turuiahed Ueadinir Room.
7. A Normal Apeooiation, whoae weekly meettnira are
to ita memllera, what the mealing, of a County lnUtul
or Anenciation are to tha Teacher of County.
Board, including room, lights and furniture
(per week) $1 75 to 2 00
Tuition (per Term of 11 weeks)
from t 00 to 6 Ofl
tVThc Fall andWinter Sessions will com
mence on Monday, Aug. 10, 1 H.'id
For further particulars inquire of
Hon. J. KOO.NS, Sec'y of Trustees, or
Prof. H. D. WALKER, Principal
New Columbus, July 31, 1858
Siiyilrr County .ormal arliool,
VREEBURG, Pa. The next Session
A. of this Institution commences the ttTth
of July, IM5M, and continues WS weeks.
Encouraged bvpastsuccess.increased efforts
will he made toenaide Stndenta to acquire a sound Men
tal Moral aud t'hyairal education.
The Acahemic Df-pahtmsxt embraces all
the branches of an Kni:lih. Clasaical. Mathematical and
i scientinc education, louether with Muir, Drawing. Pain-
tins and French all of which are Uunt in a thorough
I aud eltii ient manner.
er-taM.fh-,., anil heretofore veil atU-ndr. in which TVa
ehers anJ tluwm winhinfc to heroine puch havn rrt-ry
fitriiitj far jirtDaring UiiuutclTix ft.r the jro-
TEIiMS one half pnynhle in adrance.
Fcr UoarJ. Kurnislit J llootu, ami Tuition, w Sc
picn of 'li weeks f.',h
For Tuition alone. mt 'iu.trter of 11 eek 4 to 7
d-i for T.drh.TH, both IeiU. t 11 wka 6
Mneic. Driwiuir, 1'ainliiitr anj French, at unual chargta.
Fur L'atiil'-zuex, Ac. a-l.lres
UEO. F. M'FARLAND, Principal
freclinrs, Pa, July, 1S5S
I'la.il.V AI F.4.CY
' rilE subscriber, bavins REaNTED the
J Bindery late of Stephen V. and Lyman
H. Wilson, of Milton, and added to it some
superior implements, is now prepared to
mm mi imsim
Books, Pamphlets, magazines, news
papers, Music, &c. &c.,
in every style ileired. Work may be either
bound or half-bot.nd, in
Calf.livtin, Tut ley Morocco, Shrrp. or other
Leatiifr, or Muslin of variant colon,
and ornamented with MARBLE TAPER of
different fipures, shades and colors.
Old Bibles and olher Uooks or Papers which
it is desired to preserve as memorials in a
family, can be made more sec a re by the Bin-
dcrS skill.
(Cj-Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Praver
Buoks, Pocket Books, Albums, liaries,
Etterc1 wM Cold
in legible and durable characters, to order.
MUSIC PORTFOLIOS, Ac, made to suit
Lettering and Binding heretofore done by
the Milton Binders, can be executed by ns in
a corresponding tyUt as we have their tools,
types. and designs.
f TA good Bindery has long been desired
in this vicinity, and we can therefore most re
spectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting
that it will be stitficient to repay the outlay
and risk. tTifRent, tools, stock, and work-
men all reniliriny money we shall e.necl
i" , YnNnnPvruvffrnlk PvtT
' ' ' MhLlt hn Y Of all Wor.. Jt 3 We
iniend lo charge moderate. Kso,Ti and
um,urm p"s. nn ihe - Live
principle and hope to make it a permanent
Protluee ai7 atore Goods token in pay.
Office in the center of Market Square, north
side, second storey, adjoining the CaaosicLa
and Telegraph offices.
Lewisburg, July 16, 1858
William VanGezer,
ATT0RaEY at law,
il aLe.Tib.ir!jr, I'nlon Co., Pa.
ti?"Orfice oj.ecsxte Kiiue's Hotel .11
Z7 ' TCSr The undersigned have as-
wltwj'fs) : ptjj.-- I soc lated themselves into copart
g j 7ij..?nership f.f ibe purpose nf carry
ins on Hie l.umberin:, riamn
andCarpentrrins busiiiess in all their various
branches, at the
ctuisbnrg Qtcam planing fllilis,
where they intend to keep a slock of Tine,
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Miel
vin, Hulinc. shincles, Lsth. Joists, Studding,
r'encing. Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Poors, Shutters, lllinds. Hash, Mouldings,
lirackels, Ac. Planins, Slitting, Scroll Saw-
inp, &c, done at short notice and all work
warranted to jive satisfaction, both in i rice
and workmanship.
Lcwi'lmrr rinninic 3Jitl, Airit 1,
Combined Carriage Springs
rrWIE best Springs now in use, warranted to
J give entire satisfaction.
It posesses nine distinctmranifrc- over the
Kliptic, and a carriage can be made cheaper
after paying the following prices :
Sulky Springs Sll) I tSlide seat $17
Open Buggy 15 4 passenger 19
Top do 16 6 passenger 2i
All orders must he addressed to E.T.SPROI'T,
715 J I tithes vi lie, Lyooming Co. Pa
and Junction Iron Works,
at Atliciis, ..radford Co., I'a.
wei.t.ks. r.i,onr. & oo.
WE arc Manufacturing the above
mentioned excellent Machine fur
Eastern Pennsylvania and the neighboring
counties in New York, and invite the partic
ular attention of Farmers to Ihe following
features of KIRBY'S Mower cv Reaper, u Inch
we believe lo be superior to all utlici in use
in Ihe following particulars : It is the lightest
in use strong and durable simple in cons
truction easily worked adapled for horses
or oen requires much less draught than
the r machines has no side draught, yet il
cuts a wide swath works on rough ground
where no other machine can follow il very
ddlicult to be clogged in any kind of grass.be
il wet or dry not liable to get out of repair
is composed principally of iron in a perfect
eombinrd muciine, working equally well whether
mowing or reuping and i thecheapstt in price.
ihe Mower being only ijilUli, and the combined
machine f ISO making il altogether the most
desirable Mower and Reaper in the market.
tlr" Farmers wanting RELIABLE Mowers
and Reapers, should by all means see curs
before making up their minds to buy any
other. Additional and interesting information
concerning the KIliBY Machine is contained
in our Illustrated Catalogue, which describes
also our other Machines and Implements,
among which are
Emery's Patent Chnngealh Iinil Ttoatl
Hurne Puwem, Tioga Toint Improved Thre
shers and Cleaners, Threshers and Separa
tors, Portable Saw Mills, Horse Hay Forks,
trrain Cradles, Plows.Cnltivatf rs and Horse
Hoes, Cider Mills, Grain frills. Horse
Rakes, Portable Hog Powers, Ac. Ac.
Send for copies of our Catalogue and Price
List for yourself and neighbors.
Athens, Pa, lune 22, Iri58
thrills Jno Chainberlin,I)loomsburg; C
C lialdy, Danville ; A II Slone,orthunibrlnd ;
11 & F J Schoch, Sclinsgrovej Gilbert Fowler,
Young America CORN SHELLER :
37ie Cheapest, Simplest, most Jurullc
tOR. SIICLLEK ever In.ciilrd!
riMIE subscribers would most respectfully
call the attention of Speculators and
Farmers to this wonderful machine, now on
sale at M'FADDEN'S Hardware Store, in
I.ewisbnrg. IVCounty Rights in the Stales
of Pennsylvania, Kentucky and California, for j
sale on Ihe most reasonable terms. Machines
will be sold in L'nion and Snyder counties to
all who may desire fo purchase, in order to
test the utility and durability of the same. They '
shell green corn as well as dry clean from the !
cob. Call and see them operate. Price
Or address L. & J. G. KI RTZ. j
Not. 19, I85"y Aaronsburg, Pa
NORTH 4th Street. The sukscriler
most respectfully informs the citizens ol
Lewisburg and vicinity, thai he has nn hand
and for sale a cheap lot of FI'HXITl KE,
for tbe Spring trade, comprising
Pressing and Common Bureau?, Sec
retaries and Book Cases, Center,
Card and Pier Tables, Dining and
Breakfast Tables, Cuiiboards, Cot
tajrc and other Bedsteads, Stands,
Sofas, and Chairs
of all kinds. CO FFI N S made to order or
short notice.
The public are cordially invited in riamine
his work, as he is sure thai Ihey will be satis
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 18.16
THE subscribers have for sale
(in lots to suit purchasers))!
a laree stock of
JJA BCMKflS-Panel BinffjfflJiS
lank Vc. Also .1,000 PISE KAILS.
26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low for Cash, at our Mills
on Souih Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at ihe end of our Road.
Nor. 20 JOHN M'CALI. & BKO S.
Forest Hill P O, Union Co, Pa
QCHOOL ORDERS neatly printed and ft r
sal at ine c annum WHice
Xer Turk Atlvorllioiiirnts,
rmm A. G. KirllAUI'Si'S, A.lc'j Aj t, 360 Vnilm-
,-) Xnf .M()RK w V.'ED as Agents
cwl)UU to circulate rapid selling valuable
Family Works, which attract by their low
pricea. intereetina content, and FUKrhly eolored (.talc,
lur circular, ailli 'iirtii-ulara. api-lr. if you live Kant,
to 1IKM1V UllWK.Mo.1u:!. Na"an St.. Sew York; if
U'ciit, to the aame. Nn. Ill Main St. ( iui inuali. j
("1 S. ( I.4KK &. CO. No. 2fi, Maiden
X. Lane, New York, M isrrimnim of.
I Gold and Silver Peucil Cases, and Gold Peas
! of erery dearription.offer lln-ir trmxl direct lo the country
i trade at the irice.ithern charp-the city dealers, therel.y
: aa.inir the urchaiMr al-ut -li prcent. which they would
have In nay tlie dealer, if bnueht from them. Ilurnlj.-ct
! hi lo Hell lor cai-h at one lin lit over the ct or manillai-t-
urinjr- Samidee w;ll he furnii-bi d to thuee who ma de-in:
loai the pm-d. at the. Aen fries, and caa be aeut hy
! Kxireaa, with bill tu collect. j
T' T. nn(in , Manufaelurine JEWE j
. LEI!, No. 2ii, Maiden Lane, oilers his
slock, consisting of a general assortment ot
Ic'a'KKTS.rll HNS, Ac., which are offered at Ihe lowe-t
cah prii e. lircat Lrnliie.-ui. iita to country cahh buy. rs. :
New York city, Sept. 1, In&s :!m
CjTfi Market street, next duor to Ilrou-n A !
Ritter's Store LEW1SUI K(i, PA. 1
rpAKE NOTICE ! The undersigned are!
appointed Agents fur the sale of
eniMWf. Ttllrnwr fiai i.
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted, ftf Made by L.U.SPKOI.'T,
Hughesville, Pa. and for sale by
H-.-J t.lIKIST & CALDWELL, l.ewisb'g j
'rilF. now nii'tliotl of inserting arlili-
I cial Teeth, Guin, &c., known as
Allen's Continuous C.um Work,
is, without exception, the best improvement
ever made in the ait ol Dentistry. This work,
when properly constructed, is Ihe most beauti
ful.ihe cleanestjCombines the greatest s'reng'h
with durability, and adds more to a clear and
distinct articulation, than any other kind of
work ever lirouht lu fi-rethe public. Anil
not only lhi- l!y a beautiful dlHivery
in combination with thia elyle of work,
we ran Hive the face ita natural expreae-
aion. withi'iit.in the leant, interfering with the uacfuinesa
of the teeth io niaetication.
I would take thin method of Infurminr tho interente.1
that I have purchased the Patent High! fur tliia valuable
iniprnvement. of the inventor. John Allen, inow of New
York.) for thi.- and m-veral adjoiuinir coiiutiea, and that 1
am now manufaclurinir an article ol Teeth and Gum. that
will com pare favorably with anything in that line that hua
ever Im-n made iu thin or any other country. auk all,
and eaiecially thoae that need teeth lit they have engaged
them or uol,J to call, and examine inr incnieeivva.
JOHN LOrKr. 1,1-aisei an.
Office and BerKlence on Third afreet, near Market.
Office in MiLTos,,n llnrndway. neart'adwallader'iic.irner
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildinps, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildmirs. antl their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
bolhCash and Mutual plans. Capital,$.U)0,OuO.
Hon John J Pcarce
John 11 Hall
Chas A Mayer
Chas Crist
Hon G C Harvey
T T A brains
I) J Jaekman
W White
Thos Kitchen
Peter Dickinson
Hon. G. C.
T. T.
HARVEY, President.
A II RAMS, Vice Pres.
Lewisburg, L'nion Co. Pa.
THE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb.
A. D. IH57, entered into Co-Partnership
for thi pvrpose of carrying on a (.mrral
Foundry IIUKlnrKM at the brick Foun
dry in Market street, Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of Frick & Lilley.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2. 157.
A general assort
ment of COOKING
STOVES for coal or
wood. Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
Stoves, Ac. in varic
5 ty always kept on
rj hand.
kinds made to order-
Ordinance for Markets.
SECTION 1. He it ordained by Ihe Burgess
anil Town Council of the Borough of L u
itliurg, and it is hereby ordained by the nufo
riltf of the same. Thai WEDNESDAY and
SATURDAY mornings of every week shall
be the Market Time, for said liorough,
when it may be lawful to sell and bnr articles
of produce fi r family use; and that MAIiKET
STREET, f ran, Second to Fourth Streets, shall
be used for Sbch sales wagons eve. to occupy
the sides of the pavements on the north side
of the street from Ihe first of October to the
first of April, and ihe south side of the pave
ment the remainder of the year.
SrcTinw 2. lie it further ordained, That it
shall not be lawful for any person or persons,
either the producers of marketing or their
immediate agents, as hucksters er otherwise,
lo peddle or sell in any street or alley or in
any part of the said Borough, any articles of
produce for family use, other than at the
limes and places specified in the first section
of this ordinance; and any person or persons
violating this ordinance shall incur a penally
of from One Dollar to Five Dollars, lo be re
covered before ihe Burgess or any Justice of
the Peace of L'nion county as like sums are
recovered under the laws of Pennsylvania,
with costs, in the name of the ISurgess and
Town Council of the Borough of Lewisbure;
one half of said penally lo be paid lo Ihe
Overseer of the Poor of said Borough, and
Ihe other half to Ihe informer.
Passed at a meeting nt the Council, Tues
day evening, Nov. 3 IS.r7, and ordered to be
published. J. SC11REYER, Burgess.
Nov.fi, 1S57.
THE subscriber con
L tinues to carry on ihe
Llvrrr IdiNlnrsH
Ihe Ohl Slnnd nn South
Third street, near Market an.l r..n.eiriilli
solicits the patronage of his friends antl tht
public generally. CHARLES F.HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1 8.10
Zmi7 and" Clumical Emimrium
M-irket Street - . . Lewisburg, Pa.
James B. Hamlin,
-fL 5 Office on Second St. west side, 2nd
door south of Market, Ltn iNhurs:,
6m-l3 L"nion Co. Pa.
A'ear llarl It-ton, Union Co., Pa.
THE subscriber, thankful
for nasi nilrnnaa. wn.il.l . .
bis friends and ihe public in gene-
ai, mm iic continues to mantnac
ture all kinds of Woolen Cioodx, such as
Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeds, Sattineits, Jeans,
Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and
Stocking Varna. Ilia eii-t-m.... 1 c .1
7 j uE.iig ui me
hesl kind in use, and having employed the i
"s . ... vuiaincu, nc iceis sale in saying
that bis work shall not be surpassed by
anyrstablishmentin the country. A good sup
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best manner and on tbe shortest
nonce. Terms for carding, cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY
Winticld ."dills, March 3t, m.17
' ' a 1
i in:sTi:R?fi co.
A 71 D
Patent MiOuMrr Steam Shirt Maniify,
Xo. "0 1 Clirstnut st, lli.Inl.
aPPOSITE the Washington lb. use. A.
J WINCHESTEK wdl give,as heretofore.
Ills pcraonai an . I v isuui in . iinin oiri
Manufacturing dcparin.eiits. OH. rs U r his
celebrated styles of Shirts and Collars liiied at
the shortest notice.
Persons desiring to order Shirts, can be
supplied wilh ihe formula fur measurement on
application l y mail.
t'on-tantly on hand a varied and select stock
of Gentlemen's rut nislut!" I ioods.
I . Wholesale Oi lers supplied on liberal
terms l;i'ti
Tin: i:i:t
V--. s. fj
1 ,fljc:
.ifkeiin,.; & Si ns,
have ireciiej
'I hil l)
i; !als.
77iC First PrihtiuWi on r nit Comp ttl'jrs
ill thr I'ltin! Still'.
sns.CIIlCKi:i;l.MiA- SONS, having !
removed to th.-ir New Warehc iise.Kl!'.
Chestnut street, I hila.k 'plua, are prepareu to ,
oiler a large as-orimeni of Grand, Parlor,
Grand. Snuare and l i rl.t Pianos, in various
stiles of cases and at prices which can not
fail lo please; tieserif live catalogues sent to
any address upon application. " t-niC
American Life Insurance & Trust Co.,
(Capi'al Slock ..-iiymn)
C COMPANY'S r,i.iildin;.Walnui street, S E
corner ol rour:h Y0....10.
llf Lives instiri j at the usual Mutual rates
or at J. jut Stuck rates about 211 per cent, less
or at Tutal Abstinence rates the lowest in the
world. A. M H1I.LDIN, President
Johw C. Siws. Sec.
717 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisburg
-i, ar.d
ISISoullit liai't?N,IMii:uIclihia
Ashton's Fine, I.ivcijiool (iruuinl,
Ashloii'd and tar .51 1 11--, I'airy ai.-or-tcd
constantly on hand, ar.d for sale in lots to suit
the trade.
A. li. Orders solicited fim'."."pd
(i:iii ot'iin I'lan)
115, South Ei.hih St. Iclnw ( liesnut,
III 1 1 r 1 l.rr mil i
..a ij. 4
rpilIIsHi use is for Permanent nmlTransii nt
1 Lodging. Even
the Proprietor, E. NH.'llOLLs, to give satis
laction to Ins ram n. !
This Establishment is situated in the heart
of ihe c i 'y. center ot buMnrss, and convenient '
to all places of amusement. j
The Mercantile and Traveling community j
will find il a desirable place for comlort. j
cleanliness and economy. i
Cc sjir,al rooms ell tls per nijrht liy llie !
week 2 50 and upwards ly7:
fyi'ii)ci'.'& 7i;:i);iL's' it.stii-flii:: Ccuip.
Capital M.-2-O.CCO.
Assets ?ltis,l.'il 13, invested 111 Bonds. Mort
gages and olher good securities.
BY FIRE 'There are but few who
receive sympathy whe incur loss by ncglccunir
this most nerestmrif and Aiiti.-tantial precaution.
We often see it announced that persons have j
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and ,
results of years of industry swept fri m them !
by the devouring t lenient over which they i
have no control but by being insured. ;
Insurance protects yon from llie incendiary, j
negligence of Fervanls and llie casualties of j
your neinlilicr?. It will imj art ci-utiii. nee to your cri J- j
itura, anil sire a rhara li i i i 'ruoVncc and. prccatilit n to
all your iiuaincH transit ticiis.
it mniirea t-ut a very jaj.'f rti"l to insure in fudi. i
rani;iti fn-tn $lonti. $lui'H. aiul ji t lif-w m:itiy there ale
.hiihave no insurunie U(. n lii :.il.-. t iirtiilnie. or ar.i
tl. itiir elMl If your Mica is Mnail. lit the le es to J. u j
muht Im- a.rioua. j
Thia Ci mpioiT in'nrea Wtl MXC.S. t r.ril .yr-
lsE,t,ouiis. n i.M. : i;i:. mm iiiMin 01 K
Flto.M Slno to .'IM'0. ;
at the l.r west ll.-iti s anl i:. 11 Ihe ta- t I il. ral Term?,
ana l'Ruiiri l'Ats I n the ::.!ju.-:ni. nt el i.t s.-i.
HmTh' Tt F1Tvnce j .1-1 K.N. all I Klw.il tf.ImU.M
11... 11 Arm.-lreli ; j t I a". lMi;..-e.- i l air. 1 l:i , wl. r
I h..A. Kul incitm j 11 .M.o.J.it; 1J I I-.iac Ue.h.Jr.
tieo. li.-lnil-.ilil
ti.ncral Supeunn ct nt .toIlN TIloVAJi'iN.
lllo.- II. fl.nl. ENCL. I'r.slil.nt.
KI.W D B. HKI.MI.ol.il. r.-. r. -i.it.
. MERRILL I. INN. Asent.
l.EUlsi.VtiV, Union Co.
IV. S.
No. 405, Commerce St., riiilaJelbhia.
f3s Cash buyers will find it for their interest
to call. Philad, Jan 1, 1S.1S
pi!E (iREAT AMIRSIVE. Mmt nm-ful n.A txer
invented, for lioust ptorv or tr.r. i-iiri-a.im; in util
ity rTt-ry MluT irlnr. turn. biu-i1asp. rnntf cr-i rrn nt .'Tor
kiioirn. A I. WAYS lUAl'V tU A I'l'I.K'A riilht
(ifeon I'mi'iT. Cloth. I tln-r, Kurnititr.', l'frcrlian. ( hi
tia, IrrjIeorUIM. r-r u.aiiur.rturii.A: f ;iu. y Arti. W
T', rtt.. it bu no u crior.n-'i onlv "?!'. irnt rmtt r
ittrrnrlb tlisnany oth. r jrti,-!f.bnt i..ih. ri moiv Mnu klv,
lf.iT in p noettiun whtTelhfimrti.ari'j. infl. .Nmt fills.
W itlim th- l;i.-t tlint y:r ut-w:mt. rfiVMrnj boulffi
ofthiia juntly cflrl rat.l l-Hjl 11M.I.I K tv K, B ft !.t,
antl lb urt-nt nnv-iiifiirv Li h il ha tot, J m wry
e-f. htut tlwrT, Jlj -curdti.r itd,innti.l wliithilm
ninufi turr lia." fi una it, t timr, Jufi. ult t. mi t t;
rHn. wtr-1 an mh (1ilT(. um-il u.iliat its nimtnarr far
U'V' any nimilotr rtir!r rvvrolVr.'-t lo thf pu he,
. T.'i i 1,'L I A' M tx.'ni'sr. tf fr ur, , ,-,,., f.,rrt tf,f
foUM-tWa c 1.1-,-cU.i i.,:;f ;rfttf WA,,rr i
Talrno.,th.r. TH 1' i 1 1 . L. IS .1 lu.lVLE.
fllmuulnciur. J ant. w h.lrir at j i;. ta-i l y
WM.t.'. McHKA. Stntt.'iicr.
. NV.P-i; (.h.stnut .t. l'l,ila.I.-li hia.
LilMTal m.iirmfnUuffrr.4 to i-crons -itMnus tf
tWltirn thf at.Tf .-.rt'r.f .
lor Fair ly U S in Leu ibbnrg f
Engraving and Seal Cutting
AF all kinds, at 201, Cliesnut Street,
V7 PHILAD. Visiiill" and Other CMillS
Corporation and other SEAI.s.and everyilnng
!H ZliAji b."JntSS' rmmP'ly .
ders from City and Country solicited.
j . e -y .... irusonaoie ,rmis. lr-
c. 11. li L'I'l )N. . U . ti. I ASOX.
New Arrangements--Kew Goods!
TOSEni L. HA .Va havlnsc taken the
O well kn..wn SPYKEK IIAT SI OUE, has i
refuted it, and filled in an eiunsive variety of!
lints, Cans, Gentl, men's Cluhin,,. ,f e i
II. f . . .
;.i.w . nr-r ami spienitid stock of CLOTHS
CASSIM EKES, ike, which he will mike up to
v ....i.iiiii,., lnr j aii,,ris p,s,.
ness. He is prepared to eieeute all work
entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of ihe
N. U. Cuiti,,- and i:,-r.Vnnr j, ,l w to
order. l.. -i-bUIL.. ,r,,l to." iv'V
tui--, 1
-S.--IVI-. S ho
New Arrangement!
A T tiie Mammolh Lrug i Q,Bitd
il Line, r.nin of u
The undersigned having purcbasr, id. n
Mammoth Drug Store formerly kepi t,,
'lliorntnn d ., are now ready to tjj i,,
and Prescriptions at a moment's nr,uce: '''?
have a lare and well selected st(,cn .,' , '
and pure I) lit US, ilLl)H l.SH.s, I ' "
Dyestiiil's, (Ids, Paints, i;iass, Puli, j.."4.
iiul lirU'lv c-r , i' .
. All .,, Patent J-, ,.
...... ...... . tr i'
Fruit and Coufccti,,!,..
ulT,and Impr rtdl t'iiar,tf .1 '
choicest train!
Fancy Sutton atid 'Jnil,( Artie,,
Fine Tnili-t sn.ln. At Pecfin,!, ..... . '.
tJ ,
liafiirs ad toiirs or svi, u,..
IfimL. ...... a.. . 1
aa.evaa-v aaaava .1 IOf -f-.-
a cenei.il variety ol I.n. rarv au-l Sch. ,' r ,
1'ine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lan.r, of
description; fresh Pine Oil and VM..U 'T
ini Fluid always OI1 hand.
I I RE WINES and I.Il,L'oRs cfalii ;
f. r Mi licinal uses. '"i
Fire !',' and Zinr. Paints.
1'r.strvin? and l-kklir.- Jar i,
n Cuson.ers will ;:.! . ,;r it. ck e..mP..
comprising many articles it i., in,rssi .1. k,
in ei,iinirra:e. and a:I sold ,11 m...!erate pricn'
not ask you ltl"t""""k"'""'a
. V.'e are always on hand lo wait on ensttmere.
jeineniDer me .nammoin uri; Si,Te 1
F. s. CAlLv ELL
, .o. 1 j.
.The subscribers, thankful .
a, past patronare, would ir.
e T. sLhe public that they continM w
W an u facture a!! kinds of Mill
GEAUI.NG and oih'T t'asunrs. 'I hrj-i t
Machines and other Machinery ref a.,., j j lk'
best manner. Castings warranted to tt if
pood matt rial, and at prices that can itt ii
to plea-e. GEDIjES, MAKSH A (.o,
Lewis!. iirc Feb. 151
COOKINCi Cloves, of various ap.erni
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sail
atthe LewUburg Foundry by
! Geddea, Marah A C.
1 OTOYKsi I'arIorrWccd. acT.l
I O Stoves, various patterns, for sale ai:i9
j Lewisburg Foundry. Geddea. Mush 4 Co.
! llTlliiu 1 , - io
U. 1 iiuili nail 1 low, a Stipe,
rior article, fur sale at the Lewisbun
Foundiy by
.11.. it. . , '
Glt.M.N or Seed Drills Boss Patent
dtcidt dly the best and most durahli
Grain Drilinowin use.for saleal tbe Lewi.-bii-
i Foumlry by Geddes, Marsh A Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper.
! for culling both Grain and Grain
' A I ANl'FACTl RED and for sale ai ill
XiA Lewisburg Foundry by
VOTICE. Ilavins Lcen arpnirirdilt)
1 l SI'VTHV :.i
i ".c sunscrii er would state that he is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the tar:i;
of the dead.cn short notice. Also lhai hen:!:
attend lothe re-interment of deceased pfr.-nj
' under the direction of their surviving fneta.
1 Residence iu the Lot're at t!ie (Jate of the
j Cemetery. GEORGE DON ACHY.
I Leuisluirrr. May ail, ls.' l
ircw: ircn:; ircw:::
3 47fS 1I?S- just nit'iu'd at i
SEFll XcFAUHES. Farmers and E'.atk- J
smiihs, call and see the largest end b,t tv
sortment of Iron ever ofiertd cn ihe Wt-x "
Branch. Having ihe ejccluiire ccnir.! tf :tt !
celebrated Valistisi s Centte ccur.:y Ir. t.
he is enabled to warrant every tar. A.', j
sizes Tire, Scollop. Round and Si.'uare; H.tm I
Shoe.Nail Rods. Ac., at Cain frees to i.l J
Call and see the Hanlwaie re . :"
Jis. M'l'AI'PEN.
Lewisburg, May 10, i:."i. :t
IIcIiiaJioIUN Ciiitiltie riiaialioi 1
Highly cnncentri.hi! f ' . uml r,'u,'J F.itrcct
iiuc: a n. ra
IOR Diseases of EiacV. r. Knir.eys.Gra?'
Dropsy,Wcaknr sses.Obstruciiens.rrf:
Diseases, Feu.alc Ci-nipia.ios.rD'l ail ii;tri.-'
f f the S'lu.-it Organs aii-iuj.' In m t-xn-itf .'.t.i :c
rni'ics in jit- 1 T ui'tnu ail lr.: rrj( r I1:-. ! hil; :
tl;f l;iil.l. r. KiJr.. y- or S.-mj-I t'ljt r-.!.- r n
iu Male or I'vniale. lr lo wLuvt r cau lL L- ,. 1
ami no maiter cf how h r.g ,an,.irr.
givini: IKalth an 1 Vir'i r to tht fram-. zzl V.. im :;
I albj ci..i.
Jcy to tha Afiictcd :
It rurf XtTVi-u-- r.nl Pi 1i.it;:tnl ?u:'ir, r. .-.i J nr.--
ai; the VMl'l'oiiS.(Ci(L,- Liili r.: r
Iti-li -;"i;n n to t. ri'n. 1- s of f- w. -. . . : c c
ii!:i u'.lx ( t 1 n ;il!.ii.rr. t!' n r:il v. r 1.5 ! r: r ' --t;tk
Di tt. in) Ym. tirir.. 1.- 11, r '
I.:. hi eWrat.S n i l li lt. Tank :u 1 . : -: '
n. l.tiuttcr. i.ntTtr-:il l:i-:ti; :t- ! n
lulur -iici. ctl-n n-"rr.fi; n;; '.:. :!.
o? t ti.1 f ti.j.t m-. h-1 1 :-r.ii. 1 -1 .:
thf If -ty. iir i:rf of !!. hkn. j ..: i i . a
tt iiainf ai;-! ,T.:j.tu i:-. t n tl.f i. . ; -:u
ill tin-I rnfe. luaviUTj. ( I !. !.-;
lr ,u. nt;y I la.-k f- t fl-.-.v: : r
tl..- ev. . ;th t. cti::ry -V:'::. r. !
li- l ficlit, mai.t t ai;,i:. r. r
Bii'. llity. nn t Tt ,--n. v .V i.,::: .r
Kcit ly. N 0 in ir if ci re t! f : il
(. r.-ons ihnn M.i!LN. ai:l e. U.h :i 1 t
tlrt1l ft-r t;.r ct" tht j.-v:t . ; t.-- i ;---ni-tuiit
r. no tamt'sttn .-.. wo p. u tt, ::. 'u-
hurritj traiatili. u frtn fL .,;n.-:.i;i t :a "
TLff ni ti m. if alluwcJ ti jro n !. ; r
fine ioTual i ri-mcvrs n l Hi w 1 ' ' ,!
1" ATI ITT. AND T I-1LU 'ilC tils im I.t' it i... t ll'
n.:iy tx ire. Who can :.y l!..-it tli-c f, ---. E
fri-.,in'utly ft l!cwa ty ll., ? e air tt.1 ii.-t
and Ci tsuci tion Hw ri--frii (;!:' Ir-arr A-l--
a 11 ti thf niciancliuly tlt-atli-1 t n-lib ; ti h. "
ti dimon ti- the truih c t th r::. 1 - I- L-1.
Ayium.s the mopt tu-!unch .y vL
n untt nunc io actual, v n'.yh n at
titer mirth or cruf vi-r tim!
oic ocxur, it in ran-Iy ari.
,r:..a.a:e. j:
i atir.'i, wall t:t"7- r t.
,JLls cri. IN. -;...;- r
W. ar.J Uy t ;:.!.: ? 1 J
With woeful uii
Irt-v sullf n truiitl
Pel ilitr is most l-rri! I.
uj rn thou-'anil. to Ubt.nu'ir ::; .:. -ami
i I it'll of Hir.rv r.r-Mt- m iitl;. 1 : ' :
UMMiti.i-4 iiAi.i.:t;i.t: i.:ihi v
If -u are pi tWr i n - :t!i atv t :I .i1' t
ailm. nt.. the Lt IU ll;AiT I WIU " lK
Try it and W eon. inU of i,? if.' a- ?-
liLWARtor Qr.icK Nomei'sis r-".''
wlio falwly Pa.a.t ct aH.it..- : r l rf rii-f'- 1
know n nil avoid tht m. mid ?:n- . r. -r f : -? ' -
mid parHiirr. hy ! cd:nu , r .-.il-'i ::
r. pulttr aud J'lee'flte lit nit-.ly.
lt ai.it n all Nin ard ii f: Liiil:- n. : I
Ui itf la,-lr au't ed- r, tut iu;nn ai..U iu t 1 a'
JIKMP.OL 1'S F.X Tli. ( T I i
In rf nr tl i!ir rilT rrt-r'lini? to the Kul
.v.i' am i m:.iiLrtr. th the
1.1.1I i In nmal knt'iil.!1.f and c-.ro ti. : :"
rnti' n. St f I'nl.'-s.r lh- -.. Vi!u:!V ' '
l'r: . of riiMe, unU aioi-t vfilv !-: fiy--
ot Mvduiue.
rr sioo .
One llunt'rttl Po!?nrs wiill ?-ail I -
! y.ln.Tel' V;;;':- -
t-"iry Ti stimony in poaaei-Mon . 1 the .:i'i r;i r. i
I 100,000 lidths P.itc Ph. a
; r
and net a yiniHe inntanc. t f a fkiiurc t.:!." t.i a n
!' ri e.lle l.eftee ree an .l!i!rr:.'n
! fitrelllnliul.il lua. II. T. Iltlte. in. ' ' ' ' '
iluiv rvi-rii iltc .ay. thl lii 1 ret ar.-t.i n "''.,1.
Narii'tic, Men urv er ir uin. u.' I'm-. 1 1.1 "ri 1 u'' . .
, aelalle. ' II T. Ilijll.i'in. S--le Mm i-! ' e
Sacm and atiK-nUil l- n re me t r r- -- 'I ,' .
fcr, l."... M. T. im:HAl- " . ,
I 'riff, 1 per Bilt.'e.ir -ix f,r 5-.' lhi"r--ani
.l.i.'r..'.. f , ,
acrcnir nii. il T rei:l !' M il r. -1 . tiMl-t.-CVrt-' '
I l-L.a-.M-ta nl te.li. al Cell.-.eK, I l. rs.nren '',.', ,Lp.
1 l'...,..,..l .n.l ...I-! l.v
' ' miMalewl
Xo. M South TmA S
j. -i
i. .!
" " I-I.I1..1-.""1 .
r.. A, h-.i! r f,v '- vef.-
luil.J .V,-v. r,:w:iliit iii'l 1 ::!: Vort..
Is f,r l!,o.U..:--- 7'-l--
I.-.. .'. ' '
t-ev- f- ' ' If i V ' ' - - :' ' '
f -