LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER OCT. I. 1858. 14 .3 !fl' I) 1 M S I! i'i it I 1 I till i U O. If. WGHDEM r J. B. COH MELIUS. Trt ilnirn9 .Ifru. -Th- l..-ISBtR. Cnine. tree p. 4ill nn th. Cull viu-in. h:i. ti largest and Urt rirrtil iiHHi otanr NawsiiarN-r in 1'iiion County. Fr,,.lnm n,tinn,i: Shvpn- wliP ! Free Labor.aud Free Soil for Free Men, IIartlktox, lion Jay Evening, Oct. 4. , f"'Z't .,.,. ; . I 1 . j and is too intelligent aud too patriotic to .II,Tf yl:m a,lJ Kki.LT, at the High township, in the county of finon, toundtd I!,,;.-,., '" m&. Vr., 1 i . . .... i ... - .... . r School House, not lar Iroill the town-! eait by a school house Ut. west bv lamU of "i'uv.vi ivnun uiiu ue cat )iea oy me emissaries ui ciavcry , i i i- . a i ' i u it i. u i ... ' , t T:,i,. -MSKvS I.' r ! , , J I fill!) line, iuusday altCinoOU, at 2 O - Jac,' Uisl'm. north by public, road, and T x iwnuk. --rii!"!- i- j-auvi. aim 01 roretgn I ewer. F'ir Jmhje nfthc Sutrrnit Court, JOHN M. HEAD, (if Pliiladi'liiliia. for i'aimf (tmmUsi'nier, VTM. E. FKAZKK, of Fayette Co. V Congress. JOHN W. K I L L 1 NG Ell. Lebanon Fur K-nator I ANDKEW (.l.KC.C, HuWersburc. : , . . 1 ' -I-""''''. M. i . H .UiEYNr.LLLIL SellllSirOVC J0II J. PATTE IISOX, Acailemia. t'ir ShrrilT, JOHN CR0.S.GK0YE, Limestone For C"nufi CotitTnisxioitcr, JAM ES Pilots, of Kelly Tj. ttr ( 'trotter, WM. L. llAUlMS.nf East ISunaloe JOHN RKBKK, of .Mifflinburg. Klet'lion DaV TlMVS laV, Oct. 12.1 S3S '-.. - - it! r '1'K'r r r &r Above is our 1- ILL 1 11 M-.1 . Evcrv man upon it fit ha ami A'A lu clccte 1, l.y hamliotno mninrilies ' , . , they Kill he cleeteil, if f;:ir and rriprr ffiorts arc rmt forth ami a 1-TLL ,,, . ... j Ol h got Otlt. 10 OiU, then, ' in every Township ami IJorotlh 1 OllfiAXIZK systcmitically anl tho roahly. A fow 1 ivs only remain, liv L tbor to ensure Vietorv ! JOHN WT. KILLIXGEII. Y.Ai. ni r l r i lhenrrit political incetuiLr of 11115 1 f 1 years campaign in LcwUlmr, lield last Monday cveniiiij in lrnl pemlcnt Hall. was la rarer than any preliminary ilfinonstralion wc h.tve witnessed here, n. lil'i r..iu.l u:is in ii!inid;uu'e. d'.Iid w as .-iftervvards treaie Tto a Snpjirrat the r.ulijloo House.) 11. Laird presided.assirtcd ly a nutiilicr of other ofiicers from town and country. Mr. Killinjrer licinir somewhnf hoarse from two week's canipainiiiir, Col. Si.u ku was requested to make the first speech, aud occupied half an 1 : .1 Tt uuui mail iii'iu iiiii n Lii'uim;M.tu i kitiaf Ibl'C and a IV of Pres. IJachan- T ! n ans administration, especially m ifs financial failure?. Our candidate for Congres?, Jons A . Klf.M.;r.ii, Was then introduced, and was Cllthnsiasticflllv received, His ppeceh was nearly two hours lony, and he held a larcrc audience; with undiminished interest (otlio last. The Territorial Slavery ami Tariff ' tiiieslions vcrc nccctsarilv tho promi- net topics-llic first of which, in : . . , , oaioviiitii. 110 ui.iv io.. . ... in a iiiasiin 11 -' , , . manner, from the JelTersoiiiaii ortli- nance of I. Sl down to the defeat of:tJ Comm;sii5oncr a ..regnlar" and aoother Euchannn s Kn-lish bill on the 2d , min ,lc of an iDj(,pelJjcnt can. August, his remarks often rising to diJatf An altetllpt ;9 beiBg maj0 1t strains of impassioned eloquence. If, ,1C Lccomptonites to get two of thoir eu elected, he will vote for the a.Imis- pirnous candidates out of the field with pion of Kansas as a Free Stale, with-' what sumcsi, next week miy determine, out further harassing of her people. No matter, our men should hare, over one His cxhorfalion for Lebanon a tut or both, 400 maj. Union counties to stand as our fath-' , ' . . ,' T crs for long years have stood, shoul der to shoulder in favor of the lead ing principles of Henry Clay fur Pro tection and Liberty was most time ly and effective. .Mr. Killi Hirer's el ocution is pleasing and forcible, and xre pronounce him ''orthodox'' on the . Great Que-tions of the day. Ve trust and believe wc shall find in him a fearless and vitrilant defender of our policy, and a worthy successor of the seat in Congress once occupied by a ; Fkk k, a roi.Lot k, a Casey, a Dime.- iiAUS.a MiuHLKswAiiTit and a Ki xklf,. We have bceu furnished with no rmwirt P fl.r, ..vi;.., .vj.u.sj ... mv. iu. .11113 11-i.ninir, but learn lha; Mr. Killinirer faithful ly fulfilled ttll his apiointments iu this and in Snyder county, lis is en titled to our thanks fur his services, and for the good news he brins3 irom tne wnoie uistnet. l.et us uacn ; nun up ana sticiiLrthen Ins Iiantis hy a little extra majority ! te-Thc Lecompton party iu this William J. Clark convicted of the mur Congrcssional districl have for a long time der of his wife wrs executed at 12 o'clock been coaxing ome one to " stand a run " During Lis trial, and since Lis convic- for the bouor of being deflated fir that ' honorable position. Nenker, of I nioti and Snyder, declined "couldn't possibly accept" l.crrybill, of Datit.bin, most re-1 spcctfully "couceded the choice" to Lcb- uuu juu ..miiuuoy -woui jii i icjumu ; j r.jer. j uc i astors 't tne uiiicrcnt I ro on tuch houors" but at lengt!i,ht week, testant churches of the town were with the Lebanon and Dauphin Conferees (none him all the morning, in his cell, in con baing named in our report, for Cnion, nj- vcrsation and religious exercises, and at dir, or .Mahonoy,) persuaded a Mr. Weid- ' tended him on the scaffold. He occupied .! ..t T nl... ..n a . ll. Mr. W Eil't.ER is unknown beyond his own county, but we arc informed is a RABID Lr.COM I'TON MAX aupports every ; other parties, declaring that be was cn-I'ro-Slavery act of bis parly denounces t;rc!y ready and willing to die. He dis- bougla, Forney, and all other Democrats who nrmcerl lb. l."ni:.l. J J 1 - ...s. .i..j.ii,i. r.muii: UUU is ' c.v. i, uunug tun J . mj . i o U sua evT.Uv.iu, a deep-dyed Locofoco of twenty years' J in which he knelt and joined and cxhibi standing. He is entitled to tbe Lecomp-1 ted considerable emotion. The hymn lo ote, and none other. "ltock of Ages," ic. wag mng at his re- Tbe Lhi'om the Buchanan orean in ! oucst and he iuined in sineinr; it. He O : llarrisburg confesses they bavo no hope ' died with scarcely a struggle. A large of electing a Congressman io ''Mis Icmiyht- crowd collected outside tbe jail, but, owing nl dittru t." N .it so very ignorant or stu- to tlm admirable arrangement of Sheriff J id, neighbor. This was among the strong- Voung, assistod by deputies and tbe mili est DeUi icralic distiivti in the State,wben , ary, everything passed off quietly. . Huehanan led the Federal party; this dis trict was never fouled by the cry of ''l'olk, Dallas and the Tariff i'f '42," and Lever was deceived iuto votiu fur " Uuehanan and Free Kansas." Iu short, ' this be- Correspondence, rSX.The followiog completely rcfuliti" some assertions which are privately cireu- t " late J by iuteresicd parties throughout j ' j ' r " i iua sixtiuus of the county la deemed " sufficient importance ((justify public at- r , f . . tou,ku : LKWism-iiu, Sept. 27, lSfS. Mil. JlUM rU. KkLI.I T..WII1-. lear Sir llarmi learned that active efforts j are being ma le to injure you by circulating certain lalse reports, J take the liberty of asking of you replies to lUe ftdlowiu p.. mis ; 1. Have you agreed with any man ur men, l)t-legates to ihe late County Convention or tilhcis, in I.ewisbutu or elvcwhne, 1 endea vor, in case you are t-Iected Ctuinty Coiuinis sioitcr. to have a new County limine erected over Bulla loc creek at any point oj'poite or adj nniii heu isluirp ? D.i you believe it expedient to erect such a Bridge, in the pit-sent Male of county Irian cc ? an 1 wouid von innLc any elVtrt, by the selection of J ui ors or el lit r wise in an olticial i capacity, m favor that project during the term It r winch you are pri.po-cd I Would von, if elected Comniisi'ner, ; lavi,r Ilic buMin, it(slef)s ,o Ilie(;illirlHlu.e' at the expense o; the tr.an.tv! or (.nL vmi "rr,v "u'!he lr,"'1r ?'"', ,p"" Vr !!", lll"",IIU! I'aw, tnat -said building shall be erected -11111 1 any cost or tax whatever being mi- P""1 "I"'" '''c ''5alll,s '" views aie Known to many, and thi-se who know you do 11, t doubt your word, liut m justice l youiself and your 1'rieiuls pener- shouM be known and pob'ished. tVr Ihe in formation of every tai payer who desires to , vole in:elh"en:!v. O. X. OliliCX, f( r the Co. Com. !' r Mr. Pro.. KI.I.T TnwsiMnr, epj. -i lSTi-J. ... ... '.. ' . O. .N. Won nr. t hatrman ol the tamlm i Cominniee ..f t'mon oumy. !siu 'utir- i' V bo-h V'll 11 llillllelice. if elt C have a CmIiiiIv IS!llV.,...; C,v.-U. I.l..iu. and f the "ilh is received, in in: lov t w iu-ilo r I will rX'-lt i l onnty i nun isutnt'i, t ltti-!e ci'ii-uncied across at t lu .ir the b h'oiijU i-i u l.-t... r I w.ll .1 .!. .I iiinMii-vu-n.-r uvor th? ttuihlm ol th' t ourl U.-us-' Meps, at ihe expense ol the county. In replv to a!l your nn'iiries, I will say 1'iat I never wa spt ken to hy any person t r persons bei'tnc inv nuiuiualion, ur requested smee. to lav r the eoiilru'tioii of the Bridge spoken of, or of the Court 1 louse steps. And in 1 lie present embarrassed condition of ihe finances of the count-, I deem it imprudent lor the county to build any bruise or undoes, i" expend any more money for bridge pnrpo -- excHM iu h ep them in repair that are i leyunl to ihe c;ourt House aire ntv hnitt. steps. I think their construction part of the bmldinff itself, and consequently the expense lliust b,Klin; b, the bu.idi..s comm.Jee of those, who signed the bonds, aud not by the j "'J ppopIe pf hc cnnnlv hoM m rrop. ert.. fa-.orin Willi their votes snllieienl to elect me, I should do what is in n,y power to retrench and reduce the cotintv expenses as much as practicable. JAMES TKOtss. Mr- lt""USD bavi"g J'clincl rnDmnS ,or 'u'r", "'ere rcrai"" '" uie i "-J - -- --; W-nts-otic a ' 'regular acd ! (ho others oluotccr. e understand ... . 1 . i 1 1 i the Lecompton rarty have in the field ! Leconi(iton party ;i?cft ,ert nnrionenta of AT e T'ltrics! fur tnnn. E-ii.. nir .iiyiis uciguuur hajs lue iu tnrir" of Mr. Iictrick taking '''stock' io his sheet, is not correct. e arc sorry for that, for with such backin" he canW afford ' . i i ii to help the printers a little, and perhaps he will. Uut the other "rumors" that be ' was to bo the nominee, and that he was the pet of the Kailroad company have proved to be true, for they are lidrally fulfilled. that some rumors are true and some are false, A NIR,.V (CTvY- onB nf 1C most aml ,.nt ppcakcr, in lVunsykania, ntertaitiiug stump and intends be-; os with us 00 Monday aud Tuesday next, without fail. Let everybody go, aud .- tm... oring along uis ueiuoor . Jl im.k Knox, Gov. Packer's Attorney General, and TownJcnJ Haines. 1'resideut I Judge of the Chester district, are both in . the field advocating the election of John Hickman, the Auti Lecoiuptoa lcniocral ; caoaiJute f, Congress. Execution of Wm. J. Clark. Danville, Sept. 24, 158. ti.,D) he lias manifested the most furpri- j Smg lniiiflirence. Last tight, Lo slept) s .ntiilly ale ut three hours ; talked freely, ' with au attempt once or twice even to ; levin; read the Uille, aod cngigcd in I '. .. - .. e . . t his speech, in which he finally asserted i Lis innocence, aud endeavored to implicate played the ntmost coolness throughout, ... . J,,.: .!, - .k. IT.I.I , O O ni.rltfrt rllli-tf " f-irrtr of Pn.boliiin HOY. A. 17. rilR TIV I ' vi:uiiu VUUI1L. Ulf III ttillllMI, 111 aaUl-CSS the people or Union county .1 .-... . ... . 0,1 Political questions of the day, as follows : clock Oct i '", , LEWISIIL'Ih:, I UCSiliiy Evcn!nj, Oct. 5. COT 1YUIV T PlTTI'PCrtY ' 1 A i 1 IMioUJS, Cail.li.latC for the Lcsislaturo from i . , , i 11 ... . . , .......... i-wuiiv, V.1JIH 13 i,' lll.V.t IUi,nv CllltMis at llie SUIllO places. lurnout: i't mere Ijc a ircneri irciieral at i tClldnilL'C Of all tin Isolde, who Iliav !lC fiirc of irood addressee- But c i i ii i U' meeting Jiave Ijccn called tins , ear, and It !.S liopod that C.pCCial pains will lie taken tO procure a larC '. iiutiilier of hearers. NOTICE. t "I limtGltV give n.uice that I KHMCN of 1 benii? a c.-iiidotale. for ihe olliee ol'uherilf ai the next Klec (il'.O. J. KlIIILA.M). I.ewisbure, Mep. 2, KOS For Sheriff. ! rWOt'I.D respeetfully infirm the voters of l.'nion coiiutv, that I will be a candidate lor Wiimiiff at the coin in sr October election. July 3d. J. W. I'EX.MMiTOX. 0 the ITih day of September, iSjrt, John Nesbit, Thomas ilayes and Michael Fichthorn.dom husiness under the firm-name ot Nestit, ll.iyes V Kieluhorn, made a volun tary assignment l.i Koherl II. Iaird and Win. Jones of all their properly real, personal and mixed helonjn? to sai l firm. -Notice is hereLy qiven.that all persons knowing tliem'-elves lo be indebted to said linn eith-r by Note or II ok accoiint, will please call and settle without iurth-r notice. lH-UUtT If. LA1KD, WILLIAM jom;s. Lew isbory;, Sept. "C, IHiirt Assignees (iitnitw t id kt mm:. 4 tJliKKAlil.V to an ..pier of the Orphans' J fruit id" l.'ni'in county, will be exposed :.. I nolle. :ile. n tfie premises, on v l.l.M,.'s 1 A V. ilie Joih day nf lC rOBKIi, lsf.st, all ihe interest and estate o( fstitAii K. ('iiAMitiiit- ...a o.-.. ....... l-H...,. mlnnr li,:.. r-'n i-t' Jcdin 'liaml erliti, deeeased, in that iiiesMiat;e or certain Lot of (.round with a I' .iTwo-Slorey Jill I K DWELLING ineieon erected, and appurtenances, situate on the c riier of Seventh ami .Mark el streets, in the Borough of l.ewi'bnri:, bounded on the north by an alley, on the eat by Lot So. 17, nn the south by Market street, and on the west iv seventh street. Sale to commence at Ten o'clock A. M. Terms ca?h. WM. II. Cll AMBKKLIX. ( AI;i.LISfc, rn4MF.RU!f. Jlv oritcrVr th1 Court: U h sti, Clerk. Sept. 'J:t, lei.H. Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of 1'nion county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises on fS'iturilay, the 2$th tly tf Octoltcr a certain messuape nr tract of land situate in Kelly township in said cotintr,af joining lands of llnnry Dieliender'er, Jacob Ifrmtey, John -Noii.Kavid Moore and o.hers.cn.a,n,ng about 5IAITIWU AUIiti, a!1 cr aml in , , ale (lf eiccpt ahv.ut Three Acres of Woodland. ri.. o.. , Tie improvements are a I.OK lEarn, and other necessary Farm Hiiihlii.s. The farm lies three miles west of . Milton, and four miles north of Lewisbtirs. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A.M. when terms of sale will be made known bv I'KTER l'- Elt, JOHN (5ROVE, .ttlnrilian!. ef the mlnur fhit.lren ot Jcnx Stiul, decM. Kelly Tp. Sept. 2 t, 18S8 HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. rilHI. undersigned, Txecutors if JMrs Si- 1 miinto, late of Hulfaloe township, Tnion county, l'a. .ifec'd. oiler at private sale, all that certain MAXSIOX FA KM of said dee'd. sitti- ate in the township and county aforesaid, a,"l" s5 ""lcs r"1 "f Milllinburg, and about 7 miles west of l.ewisburs. the public road ltll) fr(m Milllinburs u. Ji ukins' Mill run-1 nine riitht through said farm. ; Said rarm contains about. One Hundred i and Fifty Acres of tirst-ratc I.iu.es.one Land j all under Rood fence, and nearly all clear.and ! ; v,,t.si,ienf cnli, vato.n . r,h,,i Ten Aeres of excellent Meadow land. The Improve ments thereon erected are, on one part thereof, Irtja first-rate large and commodious liKICK iiLlDWI'.MdXU HOl'SK, well finished, and a larse Stable, and different kinds of choice Fruit Trees, also a Well of never-fail- inz Water near Ihe door; and on Ihe other nnrl. r "'ie.il tll'o-storev l.o. llwellin" tlnnse. weather-boarded and lilastered.a eood It XK BARN. Wagnn Shed with Corn Crib and Car- "age House, a (jooa e,i oi nater with a : pump in it. and a sood Milk House, also a small Tenant House, and other Ont-UiiiMin- necessary. Also, an ORCHARD, witl,mj. some very thrifty yonn? choice Fruit Tre;s' iVLh'a'"' T'1'," I ditferent improvements ihereon erected, it would suit to be divided into different Tiacls. The etate will be sold in one part, or divi ded into two tracts, whichever wav will bring the largest price. SAMT. ft. SIMOXTOM, IiEXJ'N CHAMUEILS. F-t-cntert. X. r. In case the above described proper ty is nm sold bv private sale, before the 30th dar of Xovctnber next, it will be offered m nublic o.i c.rv on triatrial", at lrtnVb.ek i on ihe premises, where the terms will be made known by SAM'L II. SIM()XTfN, UEXJ X CIIAMDEIIS. Itnffstoe. Sept. CJ 1 Keriltir.. I'tililir Sale of a Valuable Y J )f f ()p 0-) ACJlES ' ri '"II E subscribers will nflerat public sale on 1 the premises in While Deer Tp, I'nion 1.0, l a, 011 s.ttiii'a.v. sov. ao, IS5-I, at in o'clock, A.M., all that Farm of 95 Acres more or less, situated in the township rtt'n-esni.l 1,lii.)niii I m.U ..f D...I- I.'. ianns of s,,mil,i R:,nn-. .,. ..' s,'n- i,.,.. of Edward and Josiah Rank. The improve ments are a good three-storey STONE HOUSE, wi,h a W'ell at the door, and a Spring and "F""5 "u ..v.. .u uisiani,. Frame Ilank Barn ahont 31 by 66, a Wagoa Shed, and all nec- Messary Outbuildings. There is anOj Orchard oulhe premises, and about C 5 Acres of Woodland. The remainder nf th. properly is under good cultivation, with good fences, and has on it a Umettune Quarry, and about 40 acres of it is heavy Limestone land. Terms made known at sale by EDWARD RANCK, LEVI KAX'.'K. Exreittnr nf Junnlhan Runck, drc'J. I White Deer Tp, Stpu 17, 1858. j SHERIFF'S SALES. I 9 virtue oi suitury writs ui ena-cx. issue, I uuiwi iiicuuiiiii uumimMiricdsiiitlllOU , "n,'al!u ",e uirec : ' " 1 ' 1 Huh i S.n It or I liitf rv at thf It 11 II. -i lit. Ir.iiva ,u it V. 7 r . k """"" ""u;c lStli .lay ol October nest, at 10 o'clock in the i "y "enns (;rei-k, con'ainins Tun Acres, i more or less.w hereon arcrrecied a two-storey ! House ami a small Stable, with the ap. : purif nances, as me property oi ucurge enoe- I maker. AI,o, al the interest . f John fiih Ur in a en-linn Liitnf Cr.iutu) sitn.iif m VVii H'm a !. ilitimi to the horn 11 zh f hewihur?, marked (n sa.d town plao .o. 8U, bunuded north hy I' l N'S etby Kipht Mreet, otirh by lot No. b,i' an,i y lwi'Ieyfcoiniiininc in front ?,y ?i' hrreo.i ,is erecn-d a lUM-Mory 1 Motive, Ac, with lue apnurtruance,a& -he propenv of J.dui ;,bbonv. AKo, nt the same time and place, a reruin ,'ra'"1 ,f I-nd situate in the township ol We Btitlaloe, and county of I'nion, bounded tm th north by lands of Henry Kesr, west by lands ! of Samuel llarman. south by lands of llnvid (iro, anil east bv lands of (JcorL'e Welter. containing Thirteen Acres,more or lo5s,where. on are erected a one Morcy lo Jlouse, sial ic, Ac, &c, with the appurtenances, as the property of Allen Mowrer. Also, at the same time and place, the one llfih part of a certain Tract of Land situate in Whitp Deer Tp, and cottntv of l"nion,bounde J north by lands (f Siiellie'd iron Company, west by lands i f Henry II ii;h, dee'd, and others, south by land of lavrd Stenniner. and ea-i 1'V I inds nt (iideon Bitch r and others, con tainin,Twtnty Acres, mere or less, whereon are erected a four-storey Woolen Factory, a uvo-storey Dwelling H.-use, frame Stable.and other ()iit-IIuildini:s, with the appurtenances as the property of Lafayette Albnpht. A No, at the same time and place, a certain Lot of Cround .situate in the b -rough of Lew-i-burL'.markcd on the tuwn plan Xii.2i.l"iuid cd north by an alley, west by Loi .t. :n (owned by Jactib tiundy), south by Market street, and east by Lr.t .No. (rnvnl bv Sol nmoii Kilter), whereon are erected a frame Dwelling House, frame Coachmaker ShopA'c. with the arpiirienances, as the properly of Charles II. Cook. AI-o, at the same time and place, a certain 1 Tract f Land situate in the lorouh of Mif- Ibiiburu' bounded north by latois of Hnrv i Jasi, west by lands v Daniel Long, south by 1 inds of Samuel ll.issei,phn;h. and east by public road leading from Mililmbur? to Wil liam Young's mill, Cttrilaiinn Six Acres, more i;r bs, whfrettn are ereet-d a Ktame H 'U-e, a Frame Stable, Ar. with the appurtenances, as ihe property ot ib-niv Mull. Also, at the s;nne li'ii1 and pliee. two rer- , i '1-tnm H l.ntot e-Minr in iv!y township, ; ctiniv d 1'nion, bviiiid'd and doenbed as loilutt s : N'i. 1. Beintiins a pot near the bank ol Kte Siis.(iit huiina n vcr. ih--nce tiown said river souih three decrees west b-rlv perches and ton '-tenths to an ash tree, th-nce by land which Win. M LauyiiUn died seized and other Ian of A, B. Longshore fouiIi eihty-eipht decrees west sevenlv-cij;ht perches to a post, ! thence by lands of Jacob Reiser north two decrees west thirty-nine perches and two- i lentli in a pnt, an. I ihenr by land of .ntd . Jacob Reiser north cighty-eiht degress east Ht perches to the place of hepinnine.contain- ! in, containing Twenty Acres, more or Ics, 1 ali cleared and in a good state of cultivauo j on which are erected aenmnvdious two-storey 1 Brick Uwellui House with Kitchen attached. 1 a Bank Barn, and other necessary Out-Build- 1 ins. ANc, on said tract an Orchard of Fruit i Trees and a Well of good Water with a pump : in it. Which said tract of land, w ith the ap- ' purtenance. the said A. R. Longshore pur- . chased from Itev. C. A. Hewn and wife as per J ueeu uatcl March the twenty-eighth is.:t, re Uy "biH 'rs Xo. S. A Tract of Land situate in the town ship and couniy aforesaid, adjoining the tract first above described, beginning at a post at a corner of a lot penerally called ihe .M'Laush- ll'n t: if lli.ni. K.. Ilia .1. . ... . I .. east thirteen ncrche and nne lenih in a rno thence bv other lands of said A. II. I.onsh.,p.- ,re friy.nitlc perches and six-lenihs, ihence by other lands formerly of James Moore, now eorpe F. Miller, south ten degrees, west thir teen perches and one-tenth Id a post, and thence by same land east forly.nine perches and six-tenths to place of beginning, contain ing Four Acres and Nine Terches, more or less, with the appurtenances, about one-half cleared and the balance in timber. Which said last described tract the said A. B Long shore purchased of James Mre and wife, as per deed dated April IS. I.ri5, and recorded in I'nion county in Heed Book I pa-e A :t. Which said two tracts of land, with the an pnrtenaiice, seized and taken in execution as Hie property of A. R. Lon-jshnre. IIA.MKL I). (it'LlIX, fherin". Sheriff's Ollice, Lewisbure, Sept. ID, tsr.s. - ---- - - - - 1 IIIC .,!,. I OOD l'A KM, flimifrlv OCfUDU'll 1V '1 '. . - . ' , - -1 t- M I'liersnn. now by I run, intersected by ttie line ol l nton and nytler counties, con taining 170 acres, of which about It'll are , cleared. The public road from Northuinher- , land to New Berlin passes through it aluuit . four miles from Northumberland, two from Winlield Iron Works, four or live from Lewis, bnrff. Title indisputable. One third of the purchasing money cash, and the residue in equal yearly payments with interest, secured , by Mortsaze and Knnd. The whole tract ' is fit for cultivation, and includes a fair por- ' lion of meadow ground and timber land. Inquire of John Yotingman, at Winfield Ir- i on Works or of III Git EULLAS, Act. ' Kunbury, Sept. I5H. Sm.-W A Desirable Home for Sale, OITUATKD near Milllinhurir, and about H nim nine miles from Lewisbnrg, containing MllO lfrr. on which there is a A large line Dwelling House, a good Karn,, and all the necessary outbuildings. Surroun ding the house there is n larse yard.ailjoininc which is an excellent Carrien, and near the notise a never-lailing iiiini ot limestone water. There is also a good two-storev ' TKXAXT-HOL'Si: on the premises. remi. es ' ''he late proprietor having given special a"ention to Fruit growing, has now a most excellent assortment of young Fruit Trees, ines Ax. about becoming profitable. It is a pleasant home, good location and rich soil satisfactory reasons will be riven for selling. Terms easv- For further particulars applv to SAMT. H. OUWIC, Leiiishoig, Pa. or to A. S. KLIXti, Milllinburg. I'a. 4w FOR SALE. ; Timlin subscriber offers for sale that large, ! I lieu- mn 'im hnilt .l.i.il.l l...l- I. nearly opposite Ihe new i'rrshyterian churrh, adjoining the residence of Ur. Haves. The house is birlt in the best style, rat-proof, and .. , . .. v-u.i. v L1I1.K iii.ii-.i-. water, and Cistern of never failmg water. plication to JONATHAN NESUIT Lewisburg, Aug.6, 1858. iFotr Salt, rilHE residence of the subscriber, on fr X Market street in the Iloroueh of E 1 1 Lewisburg. The house is of BRICK, well finished in every respect. Terms One half lo be paid between this and the first day of April next; the balance to be paid in two, three or five years, as may snit the buyer. Possession given any time. June 9, 1S58 ISAAC WALTER. FOTl SALE. A DESIRABLE Itlllldlng Lot, 33 feet feet front by l7 J deep. Ki.qnirr of Beaver, Krcmer &. M'Cltire. XE HALF ihe STORK ROOM occupied W i .. .. i .1. 11' U .....I u,i..., More. Local..,., IV.r gnod. Sue .if . room f.,r rem, 11 by 82 .-ei. I ? For wms, ; ri y ' J ' , ' , , l.ewibur!, Au. ft. ls.rH A HOME FOR SALE! OT on .nrili Third htr-l. nljoiriins the J J property .it Archibal.l .M i...y. in l.eck s ' a'Miiii-n l l.euihnr. containing :i Itet uu ' 'i'liird Mreel and lia feel in drptli to the alley unuoic r laiur a ; llon-e u-ith appurtenances. Tin pn'p-ixi e..y , I t e ,,,ui rh. ap l..r cash .r ,., easy hTins ut credit. I ii iiii((isnti!ftl. t ir A iroixi opportunity to M-mie a HO.vIL upon fisy H-'ins. Apply t Aim. 1"' JOHN n LI.., A-ent I y A a Tract of (.and in Hartley tr.wn ship, in ihe v.irran! e limine t-f - J hn Mt t jrar," contuintn 115 acres and allowance, to winch the ti;ie is undisputed. VAEUAI;LE HEAL ESTATE von sai.i:. II n subsenbcroIIer: N-rsate his l'ei(ience the v-t side of South Scroiid s;rcet in the BoioiiL'hol Lewisbnr, between Maiket and St. Louis stree's,roiisistii!r.,' nar a Jot and a halt ol y round, making a fiont d 'Uti leet i n said S. rond sip-el, and 'i Ifnih l.r7 leifi nn-he. The improveni'-nts jtre a commodious. t!n 7- storey llUIClv W'l'lf J J (i i! L I I O I TS d" pressed brick. -1 leet liot, (tV ati left dep well tlllis tied U till a maride base, marble sills and lintels ir Iroiit a hre-pnud" roof with a Win" attached of 2-i by I! feet an Out Kitchen a Weil of ci rellent water, with a I'unip in, under roof a tarpe Cistern also under root a larye new Stable an Ice House and other necessary ottt-buildini:. There are also on satd-r Lot choice Fruit Trees arid Shrubbery TIk location is a desirable me either lor a private residence or public, business. It is t n the mi st elevated part of the lb rouh, i v:ir the Court House, and but a short distance It out Matket sireet. Terms will b inmle eav. June !, IS.17 U. F. M1LLFK. o 11 S A L K. i. MV Residence, on .orth Third street, LJLi Lewisburp, ai It. ft on t, and including back buiidini; ft- ft. deep. Basement, and Attick fiiiiOud. Kveiy convenience in the wav ol out-bui!d:ivr.s. IIho, a Il.ill Lot on Market st., opposite S. Kittf-r's residence, with a good Well of Wa ter and to-w Si:ibie ; vei y d'-sirable for a busi ness s'ai.d, ir residence, (or both ctmibn.ed.') ttvi. "tb,ir Ll', s,.ni.tnh and Sonie without Buildups. JOII.N LOCKK. I.f-u ivltili O.-t. 157. I'Olt SALE! ri1Vt) full e..Miiiious I.( )'J'S on Souih j Seventh street or any portion of them. 1'nce low, and payments easv. They are beautifully silualcd near ihe Female inslilnte. July 2,'iSjS. liU.l;i) MAI.COM. FOR RENT! rpiEP. Tit O IiOOliS occupie l at pre- sent by a-hmqtioi Hutehinsi n as a Saloon. They are suitable for S T I ) I Vvr Tci ins apply to Jan. "7, iHofi, JD1IX B. l.I.NX. tiii: iiicr I XVI tl Ii A TO II ! rin t'AMD UY liU. SAXfoKfi. ("onipountled entirely I'rum Cl'MS. TS.iSKiiKTHE IIKsT I'l tl'l ATI VI: AMH.lVKIl MEtt 1 II INKS in.. I . r. II..' I il' Ii'-. Hull srl. ii- a fi:..irf,r. r.M'T. nol'l T .nit ui- re i known. It m In t i.ilv .i-lini: flt iifi lli. . . i i-n 111.- l. nnu Ii i.r.l Ion IT. , lii.l il.i. oili. r nn ili.-iii , f ti:l,..tt l.ut a ir-r r.iuniv. to .jret it- nii rl.tii timtler. ll:.-n ti- i .rry ..:t Hi:,! ninll. r. ll.u. .-i'ii(Ii.-lii!i two -ii r ! .1!.'. Iu:i!lv milli. lit hut f tin- n ir fol i elm:r pj i ri" ii iu t hf i-rratn iist t nt.-t t"tiiarti. i. It trt-nulbi H-. w lnle it urc'-". H.f kv tt ni. Hint t;.krli .Juilv in in. .ii'taO' d- ts ill tn-it-Ui Ii ml Ltitl'l tl up witli iiiniMj.ll raj itJity. Tlir l,tFR i ruif nf tin- j i im ii .-il r'iil.ttrr r f t It- hittnau Uo; Mfl J li.-n it f rt.rir.-ii-funr-tu n Wflt. tlif powt-r.-l " thf FY-tm ri- fully l t. i.re"tl. Tlii" ttnmurh i" f ! HI-Ft k 1 1 r-! y ilv j t-("It-n t nn th-1 healthy at-ticn rf tl.- t.,rr tor lh .rfr prrf' rmrtmr -r.f il fni.r. Q in n: wlnn tin t intirli in at fuu It. Hi bowels ;o lit inlt. mi'l th- wtinlf r-TxIrnt rlltlr in rt-n-- I .unire i("nr nrj;;in t It l.ivm Iiaii' rafitl 1-. it-t .tuty. r tli ili- it In tii'ly. in a prartLc- X .liner, ttinn iwt-ntv -itrn to flrnl M'Dii renixlv, wlirrfwith to rrmiti rat th many tlrraiit-nifi.l fjf to wl irh it in Ital.N. Tn ytr tliat tl-i- r. ni . tl v i wt lat ! im t. arr :r"M'o treui'itd it lit rim C"m.it. hi anv nl t rnie, huB Imt lu tty i t"ttl-. a iiil rt'ttvirtton iii 1 rra n. m 1 lit (m- Otim rMnwf all J mr rt'iil rrn'tr-rfn m th-tt ni. etiipvlvtnt: in tfr. ir placr a h altlu ft -w t t-ili. ini''-r;..inc lti" -ti in-.fli. itiiMDu' t4 jivfct fii. m Kimi". Tin tiii.. ii. t:imc t- iir an-l lit-nHn to tlf wti. nm cause nf tin ilMMr -t i attm m r ti r. pit i i:sti n, ty tin in I..nK.Ti . tine 'l.f nit. r r.itinz i' rli in:irli nml r irnt tlx Ib.itrinc liiHTv. r.in..ijinr t ti e Zf. I't.tn: n rmlii il eitr.-. enrol. sd. IIIT is riT- .-. a.-i.ual u.-e ul llic l.iv- rt to rt-lii'Te lli trim tipiu,; i.l- i.ea Nn inM r.r.. C- fore ritirin?. freTent. nnl out .lfs taken at . . nit.t. loo'ns t hi Ih..fI. gftitly. anj curt-! JJ i;it. Onntlofd taken after 'cm Ii on ui will curp I'V.t- ,- ".";;! lei'sikii l-.m, pn-t. lrrof twot-;- iooDfuIa will always re- HpiCHf Itlf tnkfii f-T f- n nt;ile ni trurtirin rt'inoTtn itiitl inaki 3 j-rt.-i't rtir, Ifty rt-l.'e-' ti"i.'. ul ile :i S'll-- cure f..rl'H"Ui:.t ti.-. f t n-'in;. ff n.fl'.l to Itirnw out of tlit- ratii of tli.' .tir.f..-. 4 1 1 y one .).. muil it I a in.- ! - f't-n r. t .'at.-.i 5ntitt ami a prt-vi'tiia f Miilv nm )...ttlf 't thf-tt-m Ihv eflft-t.i v tur lm- M(,kni'. 'n -th:i Kittle taki n f. r owitf or iiTimttural nA- fj l Mit ton tnki-n a t-hTtj ii-.ir to the aj ft titf. ami fir J'l'SMrit p-mriTM nil nal r frr ni ll.t I :n. t'.me I-tort eattnrr ir'' til a k s f. Tv.t il j . w.-ll. 1 "ne .In..- oil I'ti . ni. .1 nrf i t lift". ic Im m- f v.'T in it. w.T-t f.iini-, lnli nle r -n tn - Die MVl.tt ai 1 I'.-WH .1.111- pin. fits yii'lil rillm line or two ilnpes rure. in 1 liililr.-n: there is n r. ro..tvin tlir ...rl.l. a.- i. attai -ketraiD-i'tl hy W'.ipvs fiirt-r. fiiti r. or - tt...A few Ijottlein'ureji t- tlhulsr. ly ex.-itine the alorls ill. I . lie t.-ikertenrurein reis.if ommi'Pilioir thi. rip.ltrint' as a pr.-ri-iilative fur Kl I via aso A-.i i, t iiili. r 1 -via. ami all ti.virts of a'fJJ Illinois Tw-. It rr at. with a!l r.-rli.irity. .anil 11.'ii..ir.ii are Wlil in: lo t.stify to it. won- ..lerfnl virlit... .AU . ho U5. it are giring their unaninioua tmtim oo in it. fiitor. ,lfi ll ifr in Ihe mnuth vritli the Inrigoralor, ajid tHal Imc tieA r.-7'l..r. Tlio I.ivrr Imigornlnr IS A SClKNTirir lltillll'AI. Mm ..I KIlY.aml isilaile w.-rkiiii: rure almost iihi ureal lo 1 eli.i. 11 rure a. if tiv Uinui.-.. r-i. I fie nml i.rin; r- iimn Imiir i. h.iuit..i i .u,. i,,..i .1 1 1 1 .1 tl. fi.m.i.iini. fn.ni ti. wur.t J..i.,..e- or 'v-;i.,.i.i to . n.liiMM.U l.-.i.Jiic.f, all wlinU are the n.ull of . ll.- eui.i-u Lm-r. rmrF Os-e Tioixir rrn Tt.-.TTi r. SlNFOttnACl Prnrrirtnr,:u.'. Mrra.lway.Nrw Vtrk, ami n tait.U tiy all tirimui,!.. Sol.l K!so by ' I ALMl KLL, l.i-lMir,-. Ta DUVALTS GALVANIC OIL 1) ELI EVES all pain and soreness in from V A to :ill minutes. S-e another 'column. 1'nce 50 cts. per bottle only. Shipped to all parts of the L. S. For sale by J H:ik r ACo, Lewiaburg MTn-kM Hai- l(.r.uf. Hit t' W sYlinfth- ,n W H .ii.lt-ntmith. Unif. It- t-1 r li;-u)i. w Hrriin lu-aver. M.-rrii A Co. Widik U t'romly, Tnrtleviile Yotin-.-nntn A t'o, ,t0 .1 It PntstiiiKD. K'-lly Tp h II .Miller. M.UlinhitrR I'l'tiiiiiincMAt'o.Hartlrtn I Marpa M t.t (In THAT BIG HAT! LOOK. I P! OR yon might miss it. The Fall Styles just received. Look for the ltii; Hal ' it is in aj-onspicnous place.on a Telecraph I Pole. (JIUSOX'S new Hat .Manufactory, in ' ll- S' l,..:. i v . vriswcu s .icw uuuuing, i.ewisDurg. nr. Haibaugh's Latest Work, " rriIE True Glory Of Woman, as L Portrayed in the Ueauiiful Life of the Virgin Mary," is for sale at W. & J. H. BROWN'S Store, Lewisburg. Also, Herman Reformed Hymn Books and Catechisms for sale at the sameplace. 73C LAW OFFICE REMOVED. John B. Linn, ATTORXF.Y AT I.4.V Office, at his house ou X. Market Sit. bet. 1st A J 1 rr, a yv PUBLIC NOTICE TS hrrel'V sivrn t liif ciliz-ns .f Lewisur? flu 'I Mirr'UiiIiii j; cftiriti y, ih.u ;t;(ii;.s MAKII it rrceivinz w-rk!y 1-v K.tpre dirrrt (unit fir .Mnuulartuivr-, INliitft ;illt MlOC'M "t at) Kiit'N, at the .ew 1 llwn V afhne Stt.rc, nrxi lnr to Ju-. R.ikvr A t's Urn Mr", where he sti'J coniiiiii'-s to Af Vhrttj"r thnn thr I'hwpr?. M.i.Mi j it i;; uni nr.v.x ; done much Lclow old jirire-;. ; July i, 'A DISSOLUTION. rilHE c.jpanni rsbip in the lila. kMiiiihins business betuc-ii the undersigned was disstdvedj..by uiulual consent on Ihe "Kin of Aupn-l, IH.U. 'J'h- Looks esc. ale at Ihe old sl;ind fur setiiemciil bv etlle-r ol the late tl r lit. ai.J ail accoiinis must be st ried lorihwtih. I IJAXXKX A WA;Klt. t J The t!l'.illC'..S W 1 i 1 1 e CMtiTiiilO'd as llstial by 1 Ai; II. W AtiXKK. I.ewjsbnr;', S-pt. O.'.si pi 'i" nil iffinfin farms, see advertisement of H.unin n!. in Lands 7."lw' Still Another Opporturjity ! M'C any, Ox- I.c :n I'iKurt :;ui, I: A A A i. M.S. ' W l' m - oi- 'hd id' iii.", rn.iii? the eiii.'ns ,.i l...-.,i.r ;,, . ti ,-r. . , ( , ci nr. t rv . l;..;t u e a;- a.nri ri hifin , r a sir :1 1 rut-, and now . ii. r i.n-ni n 1 it r ,.i n. ie add lit o'.li r pi .1 t s iioui n - r M-ieiot. i . We lone ;.i,..n the .! s!an 1 a; ove t'i.ii-I A t.'.iidu ( l;'s lJiu-.' 'oi'' ai,'! ii,i.i;i' iiMit'h fil ter llrjiit liiau u e IK: I Id I i.r , !. i s. ;.i.., inore en vi i, it'Li roi ms ii, ,-verv ri v : ''"t. u -shall ! belt, ral 'etn aw r m. u.: I'm- n- :. o. - r. ti -!' Tt I.' 'i..-. ttV V W il. 't ft Uo.- Ii :;ir tli'l i!t- -hti t - I:. i ' . to in I', r I'""' ' M . .1 ti i. t . i:r. - ! I.r. ' to . nt- J ii. In- .. r . 1,,. 1- I r- r : t..l -I il. , Mil' r I I Ai;.1 i' ; 1 ' i I' M.:.'- I .!,!.. 1, ; ,...1.1 in-! or ti ' tn 1 :, - u r i i . m: r. W rOet, 1 :i -.ni .1 . ic : f . t . . ' '-, 1 , ... ., , ; 1 laiiin ur ;i n'i 1 . '1,-r . ; am: .. . t ilt , . . r ' !: Itc 11.' r f (..- i . . . r. . ,1,- ..i.-: 1,; ,-t. ',,,,,. .M;tu.u.. :!. i'i 11 j .-l-rv. V ,-:u . t m 1 . n V :i-t N Ii rTi-ti-ii'-ti .n- c'n n hi tl'i tirt. : hi u f.-ITi -t - .1 :.l I'i.- Sow. ( !,. t-. I . : - 1 - ., , :, 11 Hi'- im-in -f it h.w I11 vr in i r "-'i. i. i,t t hi;,.. with. I.. i-J ut-. o t J. 1 v: William Jcr.es. TTOUMA' at J.au. 'i.iiloi; 1 1 1 in i: al i i. ii .! io. D St" et, I Jrj, ,s,,t ii.e IV-M'M , ,.. 'I'll I.I: II '; I.I..I-A. nun mui A't'W Ciomk (fit! Stand! A f.KXKKM, as-1 !!.. , : ilt x .i.sis. )o.o. i.;) ('.'.. ,:.,. 1 ,t. a- ;.,.. nn.I S-,. s,,,r.;' , :, , .. Ifaii Viiir-'. (iiitirs .ic. finarics, SALT, FISH, kc , all rf uhich will be s,.!,. ai pro io -mt the limes. Liberal ile.biciioi.s made i. r I'.isb! M t KKMili I A II AI I K. Bulla io X Roads, 5laf I:;, isss MARRIED .. (1 KT marni.l u hen vn wish. . rv so vi u 1 ca.l at M TAHHIX's HAItliWAKK M I iRK. and 2. t a Im-i rate CtniK slid E ai fust cost, as I uant to cio-e i m mv si... k . i coo',; stov-s. .li s. MTaijDiX. I.ewisbutL'. Match II. is's'. ' BRICK FOUNDRY FDR SALE. frr7mte. Til'' s! .r. . ; , ;e, fv t(. f:"' -5'aiu" lln!. I'i ii ..dry at the r-i TTX JnVTi '' '''' ' Ma'""' st. . t. ii.ctn 'ii.j . TrrrJ-- 'rJ'f Wa;. -i i i;Vire. and the Minimi, iv nf; 1'iio ! - n so a l..i'e an . in. I il I'attrrus I. r l'a:-'i t Ki.-his I, r Air culnirai Machinery. S:..vc, Ac. , ,s r, s;,r,v. as one ot the I esi !iH-,iiions f. r a z s.i:e t nsiness. The I'r. ; r.etor's lime is uholly et siossed in anotiier rmploi u.ent, vh'rh is ihe reus, n be desires to dispose i f this foundry. 1'. rat. turiher particulars, n.ldiess WILLIAM riaCK'. I r.v -I ,r. Feh. Is.'S I i. urn Co. I'a i.i.Mis iii.ji.i:. IlClMTLi T ami lil M.IiEK. .. It ISil 1:1. A r i I': Ollice in the I'niversiiv ;n i i i.; S I'l IIII. II. lMi(.. t(fort!y tit I.;:-.v. OFFICE on .-'. ml, s.c .1 : near .M.i:.,vt .: is r.t ;:. i'.t. r'All l'roi'essn'i ai loi-ji.rs.. cntnistrd to bis rate ill be lUt5h:u!Jv and pi. uiptly aiteu di I t-. .v, pt. 1 1. 1-:; i.ooe. 1 isis wav! xo tic:: so tic 1. : : so ti :: : : UAVl.Mi j;;t lvliurt'! I'n-ni l!;c I i vv it ij an ui.ii-al'y 'ane ; 1 .! i,,"; scl-i-!e.. and am tn ;v ( I - j .11 1 ,1 l.-..;... s lower than can le 1 1 1 l; i . t i.eit.ne 1, ,'. -sole of riiila.ieii h:.l. llai. iware '. llatdware ! '. II .ton r. . . Ail i Is ail I..-cis, :. 1., . M 1 . . . Srrou s. tilass. I'utrv. Taints. Oil ,ti 1.0 t fl'j S lli 11 you 11. r.v ai.t i.. I m, ! . . ,:r.' sen a iirst-raie bouse , r bam tn cent. I. uit tbaa ever beli-re. 'Ih I 1 7 7, m in .- i .' .' Aliri..NTi:l:S. here you can ret tbe ce'e. braird Creer.fieM I'lanrs, Spear A J ul. " band, tenon and r:p Saws. Butcher's. and Kradv's Chisels and 1','ane In t.s. p.,:i nt and common Itrnces. Itiace li.tts. .ni',i-. Sonares. tillages. Inn Screws, 1', nipa-s ttu s. Haniond's Haton:ers. Ac. l'dacksiniihs' l; )is .'".V IiliX A LI. KIN US liar. M-oiiop. Tj ie. Oval. I,'. on. I and s.piarc Cast S eel, isf-rnie: and Lio-lish Steel. Vises. Anvils. Ilell. u s, er. u- ii;i; --. etc. HOI sKKKKTKHsr Table knives and Forks, Carvers. N i. ops. h. t!l- I.atp;.s. Can- ille-ti.-k.. I'.iir.'e Mills, oil.-i. ;l ( ... - .... WALL '.l'7. Y..11 will lie. I i,!l 11. at'. -T.- u!i a great kiany more at the !lu:iv. .-. , ,si. I' s,. i;r Jus I I II v- i.i . in IheoM .'r-Allix MaL l. I . U I - !'l I II. Pt. Tit!" II . 4 1 ." lll.s li . I o x i ' r. ( : t" iom:i;y, rilli: subscriber rcspccmillv lakes .In- t thod lo inform llie cil.zmsol' Lewi-buia and vicinity in general. ami the I.a.ln . in par lirulai. that he has opened a ii;il, i j nsul ( oili) . lioliri y . on M.uUet sirret.'in Mr. Heaver's iiiiibling, uhere be T ill be ready ! ; supply all who mny lav. r hiinniiha ca.l Willi Ihe best o' rvervthing in bis Ime of Lu. sines. F.KEAK, CAKLs and coNFLC. . TIOX FRY on hand at all times. Ue.ns a . practical Baser and Ci nici tioiirr lor upwards of twenty-live icars.he teels confident that all , who favor him with a cali or give hint a trial shall not be disappointed. Weddings ar.J Parlies stipp'ie.1 at i!;e shortest n.nice.on ihe mos. reasonable terms. All sons ol'Oina- ; mental Woik done to order. ' BREAD delivered at Ibmsrs at all limes i when desired. t'lIAKLKS I1EIXER. Lewisburg, Oct. 7, IH.V.. I A FRESH SUPPLY OF Drnss, Jlevliiincs.Notions.rainls, Varieties, fstationr ry, Ac, purchased in , New York and I'hilad. matkets. has just been rec u at tne 001 .Mammoth Drug Store of F- S. CALDWELL, Lewisburg. JOS l tn fci:i.i,v, (udloi'err, SOLICITS the patronage of the pt.ldic. Residence on South Ftlih sueet, Lewis bui j, l'a. December S, lsj. J iSt.'JIIIEYER Si SON ' l,r "eTi iheir new ':ni and lt iiitt r stt? which lloy aie deierinined lo sell ehear than ever. All ihey ask is a t ..,k. SeDt. 1 FOR ' FALL" &j'IXTER! EEAVER, KREMER & M CLDRJ VKK just t.p'nins a varied and assortment ..i (;i tolls adapted , lh w.inls of the community and to the reason winch have been puichased si, a, Io tn' . . them to sell at prices that dety e,,rrp!,tj I 'all and rre ! It. 1. y. l.evusl.ur-,'. Sept. 10, r"-j (? & Iron f ity ( itiHiiirrt i.il olr-p l .i: i i I .. - - . . ( n,tiriir 1-.i. ' "()(("" 1. 1 .'"en.lin; .l.-.nnarr. l-'s s-..ti. "' 'n'.' t .n I l.i -I tli-.in ii I ulnmerri;;! s.(i., ', j tl if I in . i .-. i. . ',..iiii iuvii pn-iarl tura. :aai aa,i oi il.. I i. 1 1. 1 i : Ci in. .' 1 '-..n. I VI,. ' .IK-. V h-jimrar Isii.r.f A I I. i ii. n.T. n. 1 . r. f .lrnl.i.i. iKa.i.l.;.,.,, I ..rai,,,.. J All-. ... ..." l-l-.-J.-Hv. T-.l,.r...n-.., ' I ei.s.ti.e j.s.r in,, ni r: rsrni ii.-m, nr,rM ii-ii- i in evi r, il'-; itr'm-ot . 1 ... ' ti, im i a! A r i - ii in. tie. liapi-l lln - -ii.v v,i niii'. 1" :-'-t.t ' ..inter:'.-. t Mi.i.'v. H.rc.a ti' ft iri'-poiolMice. I 'tmiineical Law, '-ii.! i r-ni . i nl.r "il; 'I- "".i. t I ll,-a ' - ni. .it;. -o i J. ..I:.:, ii!ir.'iiii. .il'ii-iiii-.. daa. i im: i:mi i ms. r ra-.i n '.. t l.t; Ji rri. nut" Hi I'lti-r.tir j t- r tit- thrw i: -, iti.-.. i:i 1 -1- rn r I -t-rn ' i; .. . r l n H ..v in,, .Vil t.S ,KVi.J Wi):K. I MI' Mil A M I .N F i: M A T V X. -i: :.:.(.. iter V ir.u-- t i.ti -1 line nfi'd- i:- 1 r.'.:.w:itl .1-1.1, j . i , V, j,-:f I in mt.t un n; - : u.i ' 4- 1. - - ' .1, - ti ! ,- f ,;. 1 1. m- r - ;1 rur. C. ..., i. i I. .if 1 r"". I .r .in. rt ,.f t. fnl 'ft. I ". . tik -Mr I. W JI.NKI.Nr-. i-tlL-Larx. I'a. I r ' 1 I'i'CsIl (4ROCERIRS. M) rr.fiVIIO...-JUat rccmttl 1 tri 111 ba ::no le, viz. 7.i 'ii ii-. l-i '..I t'i prime Brown Sugar, :;.n! it lis. j, fit; 1 .i Sii.jur. -1 ' t ! is.Al-. f-x!r;i Ci'lii'-n ."'yrnp. II " ( ..Ii. ; I '.' l " I 1 ' .-.11 . l:-;:.-.i : 1.1I smokil Ilaerin. v.ho:v and half bt's I' i : -."s .. I'.i.i'. 11. e ft- ew.ng Tolacce, -. .. ...ow lta-i.t!.s. Ac. Ac. 1 v :, -.. .1 if s, Id ai f.,,r ra tj. . 1::;. I...::-.. i i; a M ct.l i;e. -. I : V I .' ;s-s. TKOi'IAS G. CFJER, i - : . r 1.-.I i.ui in? Vo;hnii'Ker uimI J IIor, l.o:a'..li.i- r .r I :! ' -l.i I P "-i.il) MtutH , y,. v .. r- I I U I.-l I 1.,.. I.. Cricwli .. a I e-. c. c, refiaired i n ,h.-ri ; io !o-e ar I warrar :td To ivf sa!:r3'tit.D. I v" An excebei.t assortment ol 'ehe, 1'torKs and Jewelry rn hand t'h'cp fw laik (ill.T FKA VE.H of ail si7es niade to etc.. I.ewi-burg. -pril "9, ls.ls 1)LAsTER and Litre-! nrrers' COAL frr sale I v 'apnl :;i" I.'EAVFR. KRL.ULK A MTLI.RE. moi:i: hoxky ix Tin: liKK-HIVE! ''Hi: '-'oM J!iiii;iu:li"aliiatl!-Xo:- .1 .,h.'a:. iir.g the bard times and BauK U"pt IJ.M, l-'s, J. &. J. WALLS have reee.ve ! and are now opening an ottn ual.'y I.ire and well selected stock of srinxt; am summer goods, ci-n.T.nz pan!v of f'loihs -f f , tv rc!f, p am. b';ick ! t.mrv (!iiiere. a ceautifai t r-. tv . t .-t r iu CiviL, J-ar TwtrHl ut .at. r t l ( -u 'i ri k -. 'i I'.',m. IV-v;.,. Prir:. VM' (;.. !- (.'.:! 'if, I i. rri'J-r:.-. F.i'. h. Ilt--f ry A. lort, ti.. ii L i .. i i ' . nil Ir.-li L.ncn Miaw i. ftnii STKAW (iOODS of,-v. ry r.ir ; . u.I-:I al?. a tine -elrctioo of I I a i : i v a i ; k . v v. f. x w a n E, I'tDAR AXI VVlI.I.OWWAr.F, l.uoovs. 4lr. At. , fiuitt tl to all 1 1. Ira:'!- ::l.i' o j-N a ;urb lol f r f vs -v; v.f r C .tr. A. I't.f w h rii, v r ti tlit-ir ti ...Riff it i: i, ii-ti. 1 1 . r.-tr..-. i.r; n ai ftl'rr t't-nr tM frit-.r t..k. ii f. t . I "i..tl l.t-wi.-l-ury. A,'. rriii-;i;i;i:iTrii:iFiKii 1 iH t: (j!I1 n I -hai. I. e.v.ed: : r, Tt rKnurt'E I . s El Al.f : i i he in.'uti- i:ai:ciikr t t;i o;;uulv tku m.uiaxt! i t , f I-;.v; 1 MYitMi jr. f Na;it-r T :-t . : i i- r - : : i r.iii.-t t n mv u; ; . r .i;. wlnfi. n i . ;.l r I :i- 1 -' t ;i i -I i i U ti. a i t -t-rr. .. r. ti- i:t 1. wi'h ut , ;. :. 1- ...! t!.- r I . '- I -n It. K..t.? ..-ii iiv ur;. , 11 t AS li;. .1:, I j.r.. ii!- I :i ..t f-f.-f i -it. 1 ' .'- . . 1 .I' ll: i; thf Ti'm- .:i - ' ' ' mi, t ',., .1 ;.' .-ti It. H:..!!' r. ft Ut t'l-Til!-, --u:- 1 1 1 . w 1 1 " ' -i " ;.' ,1 :..', t t::.. .h-rv t :i-t-r. ml i,eit'!.n:i' ;.' -'. :.ri';.!ri t:if. i i. ttin : n- i r, i '., t.lr . f o !-!.. : I i.t nil f tio ; nr; - t.c. .i r ,l:t - war-Jtl.. n-f. I i U t j u,! n.liii in tl;.- rm '! - i.". I"' it Hi;:.' n.t I, - : Tl: - ,1 f. :t-,', I t t ; h- i I, t. r-.ni !- n ' n I. I li.' st ;i. .lln:) I'r. MlIi.T. t ' I cit'. r 1 f. T.tv. h h. r..i.Miin-t .1 tli- -j ft, r. :t.il nrjl;. I a -nhf ;i il tulf ID. or tnin in. -n . i .it It !. . I lo :!: iT wl iVTrr in rt r r.;.-l I s ti.- r.-. In Is vinl ,-r t f tlif szn- lU ., . ,r n ,i a .ii. a i"ri ;it r pr nf mv Hit "r till ul ;i k -t II-- i. wit. ii 1 went t- i':ii-ii:!'1" . r.- I i-.-n.t. .1 fr I Ii S. N. wm;-. ..f ilt t" t il.-.-. II.- i.. iim . it tl..- ii -'B II c Mr:,!,!,. T. HI. i;- -. Il I 1 1 . 1 1 1 t nr.! pnf M-tf"' li. :t' I tij-. i ui tl..- in!' ri w i.-l In rYhruarr. 1" fv n in-.' i:i - -uu !. i.i' i t l. ti f r h. m. In April v '". ..t. .hi r. ; it. ii- i, I- : -i i, vr.: k tht ;in ' et i, .: I.- i r. .-t :,t i.r. ht. 1. it.- m li.i I r turn. t to i T . it n .ti. m 1 i ltot'l niwsit un l.-r th.- n.ar,;t. "t '- i it. ,tti wl,. in I r. mutual until t-pft-oiN-r. -f" w , ; i 1. tito" h-' ii-. ' t i r rvttx ii i. mm. au, ptirt ' ri- I in .!. t:: :!. a-. t ut l.ei. I rvturu.il li i tli. t.-w rt- -ti l tt-fft .;.-I .irxii'f itf-rsun nit fm' 1 . in ni o ii ;;:,! i.'.-. -, v irati.in. and a!-o tn. : c:t. i :i it I 1.. t In :'i I'r. 1 '. i ut thf .'iiBc-r c.t::iBi ; Ki, V.IPI- t.ftlt It 1..I.I mt 'I j'f tV of Wt9 tl-f". ' .f. - !'.'.. '. . I my l.Jf r;. '.. utt,i Und . tt i. ir.i I 1..; I -:t.tii u;- .il l.i j.. ol i ii-r Ifins cnr.-l. '" It. li') mii i ! i-n 1 i-tiiv civ.' rrttt-l'; I ut tlmt ftl1' -t : in i . - I'-. In ;.t. li. lv's. l.uisl-t a r-t '': "I 'oi i -.r. !. r ; ' I ut I nuit . ..i.;. th:-t J hn-l i f in :t. 1 rj . . ..k t li- ti 1 o t.iru-"i,cnt 1 mi I n: I :. uu i :! .il I L j.it t -s--i.:ii .lav Vv da. l tt 1 1 i:', . r- i in it.-, .1 .r mc u t 'fitli'l-I" v. ! . ti tt..- il.ir.t t "tt ti .. t:ik. mv ;.i..f w:- tn-W i! m in..: : . 1 u-. t s totirtli l-.ttl,.. n I t .." I . ..tl... r - ..:. tti.tn 1 I -ii. 1 .. ii t. r t"t it -f .. u"" A l.tntuli mv f. ti- i- -i,.; ,!i :Vu:,J, I nut MiS'"; to .i t-. ;.t. ii I'rttTiiViM v -i ii.i- - ar I ni nf- ' ' h- t- rn '!; T ii. Ir i ht- U.trt!Uifi t-.i,t .f I-1 "' Im: l."Vi'. 1'.; u. IH 11) V i'U -u-tii :ti; t -u! rr l. M-l J;tv i I A .ii-'. 1. . I . for.- li:,-. nie . ' 'lit- .liiftin n ..; tl.r 1 f, r il- t'.T.'ii.h ot ll..i.isl..-l..urI:. F:ir jit'ii.N i.-'LLi-Y. J.r n itur-n l . J. J L3. NEW KVIMKNCK. F.. in - all'i.-t.-d ith a t;ri.-voii t. fr n t!:-1 Tn . f u.' u:t- r Irvii- hi i v r u.- i iv n Li. li ultr; v . ruf,. i wa ,.. rt: ii.lt J" I f W M ll .rn- A o f U y" Improv-I HI.-. .1 . itilwr; im. m . i w.r-11 I ft-1 -Un ; tL Mf-i.'i i t'-t. j :iit uuui mvi li Mf-1-i 1 t'f t. tti-r l-roki- nt. rm tit:!: v-ra y. r !,-',,-'T;;;-itiMil i'l' my a i tn..i-te mJit; z tr m tin- rl ! I- ',a ; wri'tit; l., ti mv ln-v. minir-diatt-ly n nn t tr-f n . and rhiv, and rotiiiminl to rn- a jrfr'-l torn ' Ui l-t '-r. My'aitn. at !:-' ulniovl U'l li si, nam); t- tlw cr!t.-kn and ' !T rf : hnl !f ! V.ml at tiny time .-n tht ! at rxrrlfc i w( rk. and Mtut tintf! m. it. li th.tt 1 wbM car' ' t T-nt Uarlri r fT mv fr. ' I Iia.t n tH-a 'ur,l,. wr. k-. and ltt-1 it .lor tt. Mr. I.in.t-ry, an I w f' ,'M jrrnt -rally, to rmthf tl tt trt. miit. in h.'ith .t "''"T.,,,. ; nijat.il luaj l benrbU-d Vy u?iug bu alui,,lf i brr ,-v- f wrtrk I fworn an-I !tirirriTel rfr on rf tl. ' lJ'7 ! in id tor Ibr tit ol filt-turc tl U -th d.ty V. v AMI..M MA. 1'Kli. J "r 1 . 1I...N1 rn tracts wuh T-ieher. r