Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 27, 1858, Image 4

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t. -I. aftShOl
i:y v. i:. eatux.
Tn a lower room in one of those
narrow alleys of a ureal oily, where
.ot rty has her ilwelliujr I'laeo, were
a jixir widow an 1. 1 tier son. The boy
Mood at the window, trazin out into
tlie murky darkness, thinking' ''i!i:iis
who would take rare of his poor mo
ther w hen he was gone, or looking
forth into the future with youthful,
hopes and luiirht anticipations. Hut
he saw not his mother bending over
the little trui.k and arranuii.tr, with
a mother's eare, each artieie : he saw
liot the doulits and feurs whioh liiied
her breast, and. like harbingers of
evil, weighed heavily on l.er own
heart a:ij tilled lier eyes witii tear.
N'-; a:.J it ivrc belter that he should
j.o'. ;
The b- s d:e;iiuiM was at longtli
l.rokf: by his in her o voi-e: ( ;i;u
lie, ll-c : otlenone tliiiir. Wcv.'t
miii run do.- n to the store and lu.'
it?" I
The boy seized his hat and ened
the door, but as he looked, out into
the heavy darkness he turned and j
fcaid : I
"Molhcr.it is dreadful dark ! I'lace
cuu find uiv wav back." J
The morn had come, and the time
when the mother must take leave of
her boy her only child : when :-he
must give him up to the told, uiifei.1
iny world, and sec him breasting with
its anirry surges.
'Charlie," "Vy- said, "take this it
is your mother'.- last gift. It is hard
to seud 3-011 forth into the world all
oljinn Imf f.n'r(-w ti.it tli,, 1rmis vrm
li ive 'learned "at home. lVewarJ of
evil conijiaiiions! Meet the scoll's and
jeers of those around you with a firm
heart and turu not from the true way!
Uev.arc of the intoxicating cup! ai
drop may prove fatal touch it not !
'Charley! do you recollect the;
night to direct you home? V.'heu j
temptations as,sailyou, wheu evil ones
arc around you, remember the pages
of this sacred JJook, and kt them be .
as a lamp in the window, not only re-;
minding yoa of a mother's instructions
ami a mother's love, liut guiding you
heavenward to that holier and hap
pier home above.'' ;
More she would have said, but tears j
were filling her eyes, and she would;
not in ike heavier his hi ai t at part- j
nig. ."so placing ncr nana upon ins
Lead It might be for the last time j
h" "ave him her benediction: 1
Cod bless aLd preserve thec, boy !
rood bye." !
S'olde, tk mother ! Would that !
all were SUeh! Y here, then, would
be all this iutemucrauce. desiroviiiir
ihousaiuis of young men, and crush-;
'l.ore, then, would exist all tins
crime, which conceals not itself at
midnight, but stalks abroad openly at
noonday ?
Mothers! on you rests a great re
sponsibility. To you is given the
mighty work to moralize the world.
Now, in the susceptibility of youth,
must those influences' bo brought to
bear. hich will fit them for true man
hood. l.iele feet will so astray,
(auide ihem, mother! while you may."
Impress upon their minds, xnw, those
noble, elevating truths, which, when
the darkness of sin envelopes them,
shall be as lights in the w iii.lov. lead
ing them onward in the .straight and
i:;.rrow way.
Kecevsity of Exercise.
The 1 f 1- f exercise, to (Loc
xcl.r.M' . ,; :-.t;'i.i does not lead them
to tiiiuce an .- : i ysieal ex. rtion, car.
..i t Vo i',o ghly csuinnted. The
l.iou.v ina:t i.nuergo a certain amount
in ;..t';;re to preserve us natural;
saengiii. and inaiuaain all thctnuseles!
;r,. or-su. in proper vigor. The '
aetiv.i v equalizes tlie circulation, unu 1
ti. tri! utca the blood more ririftually
ti.ro,,:, .ry part. Th o .iius,, I
I"nU help lorwaru tllC Current by !
quickening CVerVVCSSCl into UCtivitv. '
'J'l.c valves of tlie heart are in tins j
. , . . , 11. 1- 1
way aided 111 the work of Sending Oil .
this stream, and relieved of certain l
labor. When exercise is nrglcetcd, i
the blood "atliers too much around
. , . ... .
tint central region, and the opiirc-sion j
about the heart, difliculiy of breath-j
insr, lowne.ss of eiiirits, anxiety audi
heavineM.uiiKTOus aches and stitches, j
are evidence ol' this Stagnation, l'eo-
pie are afraid to take exercise because !
' a ., . 1 .1 ii- ,
lll-y fancy they Waut breath, and feel ;
Weak. Ulit tlie Very effort Would free j
t!iC heart from burden, by Urging the '
Llood forward to the extremities : it i
woull ease liicir breathing by libera-
ting the lungs from the same supera
bundance ; it would make the frame
feel light and active, as the effect of
equalized circulation and free action.
A Large Colony.
Twelve hundred Welsh Baptists
recently left New York on their way
to settle upon a large tract of land
near Kuoxville, Teiin., purchased for
them by agents previously sent over.
Several eutire churches came, and
three of their pastors. These preach- i
ci-3 are educated men, and able to
preach in Engli-h as well as Welsh,
but most of the colony speak and read !
tiiiiy iici-n.
EoucJ Advice.
Poxt Wu::i;i . It is nnt nrl- i,nt !
till. . : .
lllls men; It IS worry. Work is
I.ouitlry ; yon cau hardlv nut morn!
iiiiuii a man ian lie cau Uear. Worrv
is rust tipon the blade. It is not the
revo'.atioa tLt destroys the machi
nery, but the friction. Fear secretes
r.oids, but k;e and truth are sweet
- - r .
I J',.- u--s. .'TV
Vp have reociitlv nddel a number
of varieties of JirjQ TVTE to our
former larire a?Mriineiil. niakini'
nvFP m rrvT r
J XjIL UU O 1 J. JjljO
tf '.VIK'' lar?-'c ti"1:ll!. a
viirielv of luirders, ami most restieet-
1'itlly solicit n trial of tlieni ly tliose
wantiiiir anvtliiiiir in the wav of
TicKclM, ISiaukN. I.abolM,
CAIIHS. Circulars, Dills, &c. The
use of these ly tnereliants and luisin
css men jronorally, is more ooniinon in
most communities than in ours. A
larirer raiiae of oju i ation?, may lie
"ained liv a constant ''keeiiii'.r lieforc
tne ieojiio'' of the trapk. o tifATiox
or Pi:oi kssiox of any man : and a
nearer aiiiiroxiinatioii to a Cash busi
ness may lie made with patronage
J"VcUt!iiii'k we have the material.-? !
... i .1... : . i.i.
a u inu e.in i lenee iiii-liisn.-niiu nit--
taet-to eieeute all kinds of Jolibimr
" v v;. r - - -
A,, !''! u:u j- j Aiiuiit i
.2 : s: !; I. i I. v.i 1 1 s' ..-M li il- i.. 14; I '
Vi 14 i;. k. it1- v.. 1.-..H it 1M'. '.n Jlrt1,
ipi Mil! j'i-'l ! l I !
' ( Mart Ii i Soli'iiil r i 1
,v. 7 k 9'HMl v: ft SI I'- Ti !! II I
' i i.i.Mit. :,!-'ii. :n i .i !4 i.'. i, .it '- rj ,
l!i A I'll I i O'iotMl
).v iuu .i; !" K'r&2E.fi
?.!!! I: , 5UMf.:.-.;V
I I" HI. I: l.i:. 7," "il"! 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 : rll.
. 1. 17 It 1" -'! V- 14 15 !i 17'l- t '-
!l,!ZLij..,J;-:d. : ll. V
'j1' Jl!C ! Uli'i'lllbri' .
ll f' 7' s .. 1,1 11 1-.- .'.I n 7: ..'v. li:'
.'V'-n'1-." 17 I - 11 ti I iH I .Hi 17 n 1
C Ji-Jl -0 1,1 .11 J:i il I
ji- ,r:;.:
i'X''tml lrom a I o tin try niice, in a Wl, ,,f .,,, an( atldrd ,u -Miuie
s-tvlo not excelled on reasonable .superior implements, is now prepared to
terms-an.l iu i.ronij.t titno C.u.ia' lyjfjy :fj 2"103I!2)
AT T"F- " tfi-.t..Helc vicc , B30kS) pamphlets, Kagazines, Wews-
QPROtlT'5 i papersi Music, ttc. &c,
t -1 , , , in every style desired. Work may be either
('niiillinPtl Pil ITIjI'TA SlirilinX bound or half-bound, in
. aoJraJ
bpst Sprine-i i.nw in userwurrtiitttii in
fit 1 ire sal:t.tciiun.
li jKtt"se! nine tliUnAafrrinffjrs over ine
Kliptir, atitl a carrtjie can he ma-ie clu-aper
alitr javin ilie lullttuing piices:
SJiile soar
1 pasNrij;rr
ti passenger
(cii littL.'py
J'np do
All oplt rs must le a-!dresp( E.T.sriiOI T,
't 15 lluiicsville, Lyoooiing Co. I'a
A cur llurtll-lon, C'nun Co., I'a.
THE Mihscriber, thankful
for past patntuase, would ii -. rn,
his i'riends and the put. lie 11 -e c-
ral, that he continues to iiih, ul.
.VB'N nf Uootit, '
oest kind in use, and harina emr.ioved the
best "f wrlme". he feeh sale 111 navint:
i1, .rhn'Ii"01 he,
anv eiabli-hmeniin Ihe connlrv. AeooiUiip-;
plv of iheahove poods keptconManlly on harld
for sale or to exchange f,,r o(;i, nl pn.-es 1
ln!l1 nnI fai1 please, wool. iii he
ra,r'!:d 'r 'r' bV ma"n,erand ,he ht"rlr'
notice. Terms for earding, cash on Ihe de-
lv,rv f ,hp rnN. mark 11 Al.Ki'i:..y. !
Wmiieid Stills, March :o, 18.17. j
" -- --
J "rs "f Administration to ihe Estate ol '
.V'm': W''KK"- u" "f t!T 1b?fn,,"h I
' .Milllinhurs in 1 111011 coaniv.dec d. having
been grained to the subscriber, all persons !
indebted lo said esiate are requested to make '
Payment, and tho-e havintr claims to present '
lh'Z-l hLSy: Administrator, j
June S3, 185S.
Lewiburg, Pa
IHE subscribers have for sale n -
(in lots to suit purchasers')
a large stock of t--We- j
I'lSE UOAi:DSPine fitntrXt'i
Plank &r.. Also ,000 I'Ai .i..V.
illi inch Sawed Shingles superior quality
Also Square Timber for Buildings :
Which are odcred low for Cash, ai" our Mills 1
on Sown Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of our Road, j
YEW and Macnilieent Slock of
i 'ofi:tiom:rics!
J F. rtCIIOLTZ & CO. have elegantly
refined the Sioreroom formerly occupied by
('. Mensch.on Market St. near Third, where
"irv wi" on had ft,rsale ,,ie VPT h'si
"I onlecuoneries. 1 oys, rruit, Xotions, Ac-
VaU and Set ! Lewishurg. April 9. 1857
S A PURIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
with littl trouble. iViUi onermkeof Ljeaoil foarnoiiiHtf
aap Pat, yoa Tan maka Cftaan (ralluna guod aolt 8oap.
llsxd aoap can be mad In lb una way. For ante by
SCHOOL ORDERS neatly printed and or
f alt at the CAroriMat f)0ic(f
I an
Educational. I
rI'HE WinterSesion,consistin?
of t'.VO
1 'I'erms of l:J wri ks eacli, will upeo i n
Thursday, S.rl. 23J.
' VOI.LKdK Tuition f..r tlie pM.lfin ot 2r -r..ks
1 Fu.-l, Librury, ,- au'l rvi;iir
$.0 00
ACAL'tliir Tuition fur tl. s--i- n of .ki :
rin$i..l mid ln .l,r tugibb l.. W
A lan.-.-.l hugli,li 1"
i Imwit Oii- li 1"
, Fa.l, can-mij r,- air 2 li .
', FF.1I IXSTTLTE-TwUvn t S.-ii n 5llei k:
' Il.-iinl .r Ounrw 2n W i
j Friiimry IT
I Furl, cure mnl rtj-airi 1 j
Ruom rrr.t aoJ fn l in Cullfi;i. liiiil'linir 'r,
j da do do i.- mlnc alnne 17 IW
! A. K. IH'1.1., Treasurer j
Aio:nal Institute anil Academy, '
: VEW l olumliiis, Luzerne Co. l'a...To .
' XI Ymnip l.ailit' ,111.1 iM-iilienien wishing '
In tweninc Teachers, litis !n:iluliun iifl't-rs the '
t lolluwin ailvaniai'es : j
i 1. A e..in.l..i. !ri:i,tuf:li..ii Xniniat frhtn.l.
! -J. A 1 h..it.unli, Spl ui.iti , nii.1 l'rtic:i. al i.'uumo i.f
j lii-lru.-l.i.n.
a. An oi- ortiiliitv f r daily V.i. tirt it, ". A..,
4. W... l.l. t -ir,- . ii tba 'IUur a.i.l l'raii.-t; of
: T. .'ii - ' .
i,. V .-! '.,.' l.Ttnr-".
,i. A ri. hi. inn. f..l 11,'ii.lin Riwrn.
7. A .Normal Arm. nation. I:'..,.- iv.-rMr r f 'ir in
t.i it mrail i.-. wl.at rl.c .Ti-rtiii-.il a V in,, j li-vitale
ur A-i..M-iiti"ii arv l. tl. 1 ai h. r i f a 0.ui.. v. j
', ltnarJ, iiicliiilini; ri'nin, lights atut fiirmttite i
i (per week) 1 ?." to ut i
Tuition ('lt Term i.f 11 u-erW--) !
j fi uni ! 00 l i fi fin
1 t ir'Tlie F ill anitW inier Sevsiniis will cun- j
Ineni-e rli Mulitlav. Ane. Hi, 1 N.riH t
K.-r inriiier mi tirtiliti s inrjuire r f
i linn. . I K is. s. -v ,,f Trustees, or ,
I i'r.ii II. 1. W xl.KKI!. I'rincipal j
New Culiiiiihiis, Juiv :M, l"Ss j
Sii.Y'lrs- ( ouniy Xoi'iunl liool,
! Vhikw nr.. r.n- mm scssi
;J oflhiliisiiiiiii.incoininei,cesihc'1
of Ju'y, lisS. ar.d coiitinues -J-J weeks.
E neon raced Iivpn-t success, increased efforts
ili K tnrwli- toanaiii.
,1. nt" In ai .iuire a
ound lira- i
lal Moral and l'i
i-du -ation.
. . ii i
Ihe Araiiiettir- llir.tiTMrNT embraces all
tLe limn. In s ! i'li K:
' .-i-tfiitit..' lu iitr-ti. I1
- irrtli'T witii .Mil -it. lt;w iti. I'.iin-
j titi ni.it Krrn'h nl)
t i Hliii li urt taught io a ttwrougli
A .NOKiihl. IF.PAKTMF.T has brrn
-'tiii!Ui'il. .an.! lifrcti.fr.rf -!! mtiinhil. io T.-
- tin tt nil tlm iaiiinr b- iu-ta It new rvt-rf
I'.ni:i:y fr fj'wiii.y iic;anui tlniuwlvc f -r tLc pro-
TI'UMS nttr half pa'nfc in ttdrnnrr.
Fur I".inl, f nrnif-linl Km .in, ai.tl Tuitiou, vx
fi -n f wifk.t $h
Fft Tuition alini". p-T qurtr of 11 wrk 4 to 7
) l..r T'-acb.-r. b-ih I-.u. (1r 11 wk 6
Mnir. lrw.nir. Pain. in; nti'l French, nt UfUitl cliarnvs.
lor Cm la N't!' in-. Ac a')'lrfj
; :Ki. F. M'KAKI.AM), Principal
Fn-l.ur-. I'a. July, 1S5S
i"i.ii am r.cir
, i.,, : . DrvTrn il,,
' Jl.L SllliSl-nlier. ha 11- ELM ED the
. ... . , , . Stephen 1). and l.vman
i'tttt Turkrtf Mororof .VW, or other
i aii'l ornamented w iih MAKIil.l. PAHEK of!
dilVerent fisntrs, sh;nles aiid colors.
Old litl!es and oihcr Hooks or Papers which j
it is desired In preserve a inenmriaU in a !
family, can be made more secure by ihe llin- j
dcr's sktll.
fXj Blank Hocks, Bibles, Hymn and Praer
Bucks, IN'cki-l Bocks, Albums, Diaries., '
I,-(r'l Midi (.old j
in leiMp and durable characters, tu i-rdr-r. i
Mll; I'OIM TOl.lUS, &c, ina.le io suit ;
cutonirrs. !
Jafttermi: and Binding heretofi're d-i. by !
the Milton Binders, cuu be execute-! bv 'i in j
a riirrefinnhn; tilrt as e have their lorls,
pe. and irstmis. )
mood Bindery has 1nn been desired i
in ihi vicinity. and we can ifiercft-re mot re- j
-ctfullv (i!i'Lt 'be public piiln-nase, tnitin j
that it M iil be Mtllicienl It repay ihe outlay
and n-sk. V Rent, tools, st ck. and wnrk-!
men all ret;uirini! inoncv, we shall expect
I'A Y ny Hi:U Yl-.li V of all work. j We
ti!'rid t 1 ch.ire moderate, hf.asohi.k and
unifitrm prices, on the Live and Let Live"
prifinplf and hope t. maKe it a ptrmauent
Proffer utt7 Store GtrtJ 1nkn in pay.
OiTice in ihe center of Market Sipiare, north
siile, cr.nd storey, adjon, n.g the Cmhmclk
and Te f?raph others.
Lev .-burr. July !, li.W
M . - Till' tlll-ltisisitted lldV
0,o c:
have as-
ami Carpenterui.; business in all their various
branches, at ihe
Ccttiatnrg Ctcnm pinning illilto,
where th-y iniend to k.-ep a stock of Pine.
Heinloeli, Walnut, Cherrv. I'of lar, sh. Ma
ple, and all li-rds of L imlii-r. Flooring Sh-I-vinj,
Suliiiir. eihi'ir'es, l.th Jni.ts. Stiiddinit,
Fencing. Pieket. Iloor and Window Frames.
Doors, Shunt r. iilmds, ;i.h. Mouldings,
Rracliets, Ae. I'larura. S'i",!,, Scroll Saiv
111?, Ac., done at .sh-.rt 11. lice und all work
warraiited lo give satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
la-wMmrK Danini: Milia. April 1, ISoS.
Dlew ArraDgements-.-lMew Goods!
"I0SE1' L. H.UVN havlnjj lakcn Hie
1 well known SI' YKEH HA T STOIiE. has
refitted it, and filled in an eilensive variety of
Halt, ('ajis, Gi nthmm's Cluthhaj, Ac.
Also a large and splendid slock of CLOTHS
CAStsIMERES, Ac. which he will mukt un ti,
order, is he still continues the Tailoring Busi
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his care, to Ihe satisfaction of the
X. B. Culling and Repairing, done to
order. Lewishurg, April 10, 1857
MMIE subscriber con-
1. tinues tn carry on the
.Ivory Iliisiuess)
the Old Stand on Souil.
Third street, near Market, and respectfull)
solicits the patronage of his friends and th
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May 32, 180U
Drug and Chemical Emporium
Market Street - . . Lewisburg, Pa.
ERS can find emtilovment for several i
months to come. fair wage, and sh p.y.
v I
wj, a..n.i.K ran;. nu caill.ll. i
June. 34, 1853
Fair Fiay and no Causing !
DENN'A Dutch, vs.
Great Trial of Keapi-rs
At LIMKSTON'EVIM.E. June SS. j ,:y
especial request and vmtlru challence
f the
annl c.hl li, 114 til tllPet .VI .a I "
Grass and (irain Reaper wi'h WOOlWsreal
Iinnrovenicnl, we met on Mr. Wei.lenhamer s
farm at Liniestunevi'le, Mniituur ' ;"" , r
the above date. We also inei a nr.nir
Machine, belonsing Mr. KsUbach, which
worked very well.
The machines went to work in the C.renoon
and worked unlill noon, when the V.miiv men
slipped oil', hroiiL'hl anoiher Manny's Reaper
wilh Wood's great!?) iinprr.vein.-nt, wotked
for some lime, and then poMlnely relused I"
finish the piece ol inowu.tr allotied to them .
Mr. Weideuhanier went in with the l.l'.Wl:'
Bl'lttJ Machine am! fmi-lied the field.
Beincno ho li pnhliliers.e do not d-al in
"vall. rkit. r. l ' .. i., hi. t n.l. wilh Ietll pM'
Tol luwni r, rtii;. at-. -on,,- i.f wh. b ar,' ol iu- t:":a
hle .r...rii tv. i-?. rvii:T .:i. h a, are f fr.r-l I" 1"
l ,nny i.riiii. r.-' il.it. d .Iiiii- -l" I- "'. r, - ..-till.' t rial
in la-I an. nci.n: tv.i.i:ti. .l l-v J hll jhan-ran-l Vi. lia. l
M., t.tl.. Iia!:ilir ..I the Oi niuiitt.'.'. four mil . nl "
ivt.r inlliiit-r. Air.il.aiu llm-kl'ill. V'..l."l
!. uuii-r i.ii'l J .i.ii sri-iiH-r ..,inr irivn tl.fir r. retio
deruint:; ill I iK.r ul tin tL ISBtKH i:-a.rr.
lis l
resnei-lfiillr refer to the following per-
l:irh li .,.- i ii d. iit. r.-l aud larira,auu in,
to I itr'i,. ri'd Una work : .,..c
Aliraham Wanner, rtarti-a Ij-irisbore Mj.JnJ.,lss
li.i.l. I U .u.r U"
ja, ol, meiu r do do -o
v. ii;ii-i Mt.iih
:arlin l';'liiirr
Mi.l.a .1
- XVai;n.r(Uti.-rnWaahiD5tolitilIoli4Jerarjtown)
i:nu;, a llri.lnt-r j
Mr. Krlnar . . , , , ;
V eali'iiliaui-r i rtrr Hit (whtra the trial took Jlare )
! have this day, while at ihe trial of Maeh- j
Ini'Sat Lime-tonetille. lanl.-lit I.KWISIll'KH ll.f. r. ;
Bltrr H-MliKtlia wi.rk la-itorun-il l.jf Al l. the oiai l,:nr
,rff.nt I bad a ll-uiaa Mai-liiiif on trial la-t ..-a-oti. i
and It ia at niv roue now.an-l tli 'Vork Mata entuni'-n :
cau ronn- and tak,1 it aaraT a- -la.n n ronvnii.-nt.
liAMKL HiAr.11, Vanliingli.iiiill'', MoutourCo. j
Support Home .llaimi.M tiiros ! ;
It has been satisfactorily provd thai Reap
ers can be made and sold in our own Penn
sylvania as cheap and as noon as lo send
what little monev we have awav to distant ,
stales for no better Reapers. Keep money
A....iA'n i,.a r "ulii r vim cat)
1 1 1, n lilt 1 1 1 1; lit. ai in'iina . v j
. r,n,i, ach
irip rrniitrrn iiv mc .i iimiihiihoi. -i
Reapers will at limes require repairs, and are
" ... J. i
all equally liable tn accidents.
;i-ildps, :!,nsii K t .
Mantifat Hirers of the l.ewisburj Keaper
I.ewisbur?, Pa. June 3S, ISc!
and Junction Iron Works,
at AtUciiN, Itradford C o., Pa.
a 1 - a,
WE are jManufiictiirin.il the aioye
V rnenlioned excellent Machine for
counties in lew York, and invite Ihe partic
ular attention of rntir.ers l the lolinwin-r
features of KIHBY'S Mower A Ueajier,hith
we heiieve to he superior lo nil other in use
in the follow in? pamruiars: li i the lightest
in use strong and durahle simple in cons
uuetion easdy u-otked adapted for horses
or oxen requires nitteh less draught than
iher machines has no side draught, yet it
ems a wide swaih norks on rough ground
where no other machine can follow it very
diliicnlt to he dossed 111 any kind of grass, be
it wet or dry not liable to get out of repair
i composed principally of iron in n ptrfrrt
ain.hinrd mi.rinnr, trnrkim; cijunliy in II u hilher
ftoi.erit" vrrrtrjiiniz anil M tif chwptrt in prtrr,
Ihe .Mower lein only SHIfl, and the combined
machine I1H makm? it altogether the most
desirable Mower and Reaper in the market. I
! Fanners warning RELIABLE Mowers I
and Reapers, should by all inea-is see ours ;
before making up their uiinds to buy any
other. Additional anil interesting information :
concerning ihe KIRBY" Machine is contained I
in cur Vluilnil'J I atuU nw. Inch describes
also our other Machines and Implements, ;
among which aie I
Emrry' Patent Cli"t!fnVe Hail i?'W j "
'ire PuipirH. Tiora Totnt Lrproved 'l'iire- j
shers and (Meatier.. Threshers and Spara
tors. Poriahle fa Mills, Horse Hay Fi.rks,
(Jra:n t'radles. Plows.Cultivati rs and H'-rse
I! f der Mills. Grain Drills. llrse
I' ike', 1'i it.ible Di r Power?, &e.&e.
S: nd f.-r copies of our Catalogue and Price
I.tst lor vo'irself and neirhhor.
Atrcns, i'a, lune SS, IK.W
Apt-lidi Jno Cliaii'berlin.Bloomsbnrg; C
(; li.i:.!v . Iianville ; A II Stone.Noithurpbrlnd ;
It iV F J Sel,i ch. Helin'grove j (Jiibert Fowler,
Toting America CORN SEELLER:
Thr Chiaptsl, Simjiltut, most durable
C3R" Mir.L3aEIl ei'tr Imriilf.1!
riMlE subscribers would most respectfully
f call the attention of Speculators and
Farmers to this wonderful machine, now on
sale at M'FADDEX'S Hardware Store, in I
Lewishurg. I.sf County Eiiihis in the Stales I
of Pennsylvania, Kentucky and California, for j
.. . ii- at v !
sa rua lac iiiiim icaviiduic -i,i,s. ....-sa
will be sold in Cnion and Snyder couni.es ,
all who may desire fo purchase, in order to :
test the nnlily and durability of ,he same. j
.i., ' - ; . A., ,ian frm .h.
aon ... .. ...s
h Call and see ihem onerale. Price !!'
Or address L. & 1. G. Kt'RTZ. I
Kot. 19, I857y Aaronsburg. Pa ;
A Call to Farmers.
Farmcrt, drop your tmh fmxm a little
reorf Mi's, and reflect!!
NEW and scientific manuring system,
J for the cultivation and increase of all
kinds ot grain, grasses, inuiier ana pasture,
upon all kinds of soil, proved by actual expe-
rimptile and hnv1 nnon evident Irillhs. Hasicr.
ned to improve agriculture in all its branches ; 1
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fif'y engravings of the most valuable gras.-es j
and plants connected with the system, by DR. i
C. G. REIMIOLD, of Bualsburj, Centre Ci
Id thi treat. It will hr im-n that tliohjcrt ha tWn
tn Cie tin farmitr that kind of iil.rmntioD which cnuMf a
bitn to Diake practical aIiratinn tn f rtih;- hix land and
trnTraw-hl grain.foldrran4lpatumB. Tlifdortrinm,
a taniilit hj thin manor ine. and f"drr, andpactuiv cul
tiTattou PTfltcm, an rational, clear and rfidrnt. and rui
fTrt an niroT(ni'nt in the modf of agriculture hitherto
unknown to our f.irmri, and which, if alriitcd, ai.d
enrfulty pmctiwl ran not fail to adrnnc th iotcrcntn
fif thf farm i re roniniuuitr. iSurha work ha 1-tn mm h
war-t'd, as it GIN a void which bw long hren i. It. but
which them ha hitherto been no attempt to mi. :.
And a fnrmera of Centra and Mnntinjnlnn muntt w
rrmmmend tlie work to Tery fanner, aa tney will reap
tb rreateat noMible benefit from it.
Chrislian Dale,0eOru Bachanan Daniel Moaer.lnre
Ttnol Jutih Uflifur. r'raneia Alexander. John ItntW. J. Kb
NefRMn.8amnl Danean. Johniloffer. Jnnm. M'tt'iiiii-n,,..
'7LlKZd;M !
tlllron,JotiB Umnan, O.W. 1'billip il. jut. 3mi4
For .! i. L.i.bnr hr I)., t. BntTfMSRR.
aft 1
J .....
J ii. i:kiiakt, ikut..
I?-. , (m,r io llmwn :
si ''-V drhri sucti,""."
UjSP , c, r i i:VlSilLUU. VA.
j Jtuid "
' riVKK .NOTICE! The uuiieisisned ar .
appoiulcd Aaenls for Ihe sale of I
1 Uaor, KSintis Viudo Sas!i !
i of all si.,-. made of the Lest material. AM
woik wariamed. I ?-Ma.!e by l-.U-MMtOL 1 ,
lltihesville, I'a. and lr sale ny
t? j HitlST & CAI.DWKI.L,l.cwisb
HE new mrllioil of iibertinn arlili-
cial 'I Vein, tjtun, vp., known as
Allon'H t'oiiliuituiit t.uiii nnih,
is, without exception, the best improvement
ever made in ihe ait ol Di i.tisirv. Thi work,
when pioperlv conlrucieil. is Ihe inosl ,e;iuli
fnl lie cleauesi, combines the ?reatei s'remih
wiih ilurabi'itv, and adds more lo a clear and
:iriicu!:eion, man any om
kind ol
I, i - And
a i. rk i-tir eri,ulil le t .r.- tin-1..
nut mi., tin-- lvV a U-aiililiii -II r
in ,(iii,l.iii;.!i..n aillt 00- -1'- ' t '
I." w ran uiv,- III.- t:i,- It- ,i ouri . . ,: .
siin.willi. ul. ill tliel.-aal. f. i i..s ailli ti,- ua lu:n. -
of r li.- ti-i-lh in i,ia-tii-ati. n.
I woiilutaV,- tl.i. ui. iliod i.f ii.f ni.i'nr t'K.'f irO r.--li-l
Dial I liavi- ,ur. li:i....i Ilia I'al.nt IlisM l..rtl.!- il.ial.l
ii.il rot, no li!, ol til- invi-iili.r. J..I.II A ,l. n. . Ii,. ' N-
Vol k, , ..r llii- ami -v ral a.ljoiii, rounti, . :,i, t lli.it I
alu nt.ar iiiiiiiiifa,'lurii.: an artirlt- ,.I Tv.-tli an-l l.uin tl.at
lllc..ln,.in-t:iv..ral.l wili.aiiv lnl.f ill tl.aB lil' llial li:i-,
, v,-r I..-.-II it. .1.- ill 110- "i iii.y ..ill- r roimliy. I ask rtl
an.l .-). i-i:i 11;... tlial lo-.-.i i.-.-tli lit tit- v hai-nafc-.-d
tijini or uot. lu tali, ai.U aiuiii'- I- r ll.. iu-,-l--!i.
.lull I.OI'KI., I., iw-i.i l'i,
Offira and lie-id. ni-e on Tlur l sir. . 1. 1..-: r Mark.-t.
OflWili Mil.. o, on llioadai. l.earl a.la aila.!-r r- rnr
Vest Branch Ins12nr.ee Crrapany,
Lock Haven, I'a., insure Dt'iaclu'il
liiiildin"s. S'ores. Merchandize, Farm
Property, and oilier lueldins. and Iheir coii
lenls, at moderate rales, lining business on
botliCasli and Mutual plans. ;iipiial,;un,iiini.
linn John J lVarce
John II Hall
fha- A Mayer
( has Crist
Hun (i C Harvey
T T .M.rams
ll J Jack'nian
W White
Thos Kitchen
Pcler llickinson
Hon. O. f
T. T
HAUVKV. President.
AI1KAMS, Vice Pres.
JAMi:s 11. IIAMI.IX. Ajent.
6:?1 I.ewisbur!. I'liion Co. Pa.
rillin nndersined have this id i
ay i f Feb.
1 A. I.
IMS", entered into l.o-P.irtliei-hip
... . .
l..r th-p-.-rpi.-e ol carrying on a Vaf-llf'a.ll
'oilll.tl ) Illisllicss at the buck Ki-iin
dry in Maiket street, I.evist.ins, under the
name and linn nf Trick A- l.illev.
wii.i.iam fi:u:k,
JOilX 1.11.1,1; V.
I.ewisburg, Feb'y 5. ls'7.
A eeneral a-sort- '
ment of CiioKIMi :
STDVKS f .rcoal or ;
od. M.. ue Cal
-.-.-CH.'iJ Moves, Wood Air-'
itJaSSi a,!'1 li,rl,r
iraa-H VSyl Stoves, cVe.in vane
iv always kept in
iiggJ-fm hand.
rst CNTI.(;-s of all
a kind- tn.-i.1e to order
Ordinance for Maikds,
SKOTION I. )V it unbunul ' th li'trts
itn Tt'fcn Ct-urici tj ii- ruh oj ,-ir-l.-ir.nx.
null ;t t lir,ly t.iu!u;itti Ay t.utfto-
ritif ti-r cuf, 'J li.n hli.N EiA Y and
SATl ivI'AY 11: rriw.s i I t very ve. k shall
be ihe aaiL( t 'S'iliir? I-r said Borough,
whei it niav oe l.ivvttit lo seil ant! buy ar'icle'.
t pr tltiee t t laimiy use; ami that .VjA'A.Z'
.S 7 7i't' .', M.-.tml tn fourth Strttt, sha!!
t, ... . (,,, ,. , r, A . , , c II py
the sides (if tlie pavements on tht north Mde
of ihe street tiotti the liit of tctt)ber to the
first of April, and ihe ouih side of the pave
ment the remainder ol the year.
SKI-TUP 2. Jit: if J'urthtr vnlttin(f! Thai it
shall tu t be lawful t.r any p Tm.ii or perx-ns,
either ibe producer of inaike ting tr iheir ,
immediate agents, as hucksters (-r oiheruise.
Io pedtiie ir sell in anv -trect or allev or in
any pan of ihe said Boroush. any aiiu-Vs (,c
produce for family use. oiher than at the
limes and places :pecif.td in ihe first rciion
of this ordinance; and any per-on or pert ns
violatin this or.lmance shall iixur a penally :
i1 Iron. t:ie Didlar to Five I-.!!ars, to be re-
covered before Ihe liorsess or any Jn-tiee ol
the Peace of I nion cotinly as like stuns are
recovered under the laws of Pennsylvania,
with eosis, in Ihe name of the Bure.s and
Town I'ottiieil of the Coroilnh of I ewi.iri:;
one half ol s:.j. penally lo be paid to ihe
Overseer i f the Poor of said Borough, and
the oiher half lo the informer.
Passul al a Hireling ot ihe Council, Tues
dav evening, Nov. .1 and ordered to be
published. J. SCHKEYEK, Burgess. ;
Xnv. II, 1So7.
Executors' notice.
VOTIl E is hereby siven. iliat I.eiirrs
Xl Testamentary on the last will and Ustu
ment of 7".l..- tl.l.(;AS, late if
Kellyiownship.deceased.have been granted to
Ihe undersigned, by the Register of l im n
county, in due form of law; therefore all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having juM claims against
the same are also requested to present lhetn
properly authenticated for settlement.
W.M. S. CI.IXtiAX ) rec
PASCI1AL CLIXtiAX, j mors.
Kelly Tp, May IS, IS.'S
EI. H. Dcrsham, VI. D.,
pKACTiriXfi Plijsician,
or 111 Tliinl Mtrppt.
Administrator's Notice.
OTICE is hereby given lhat letters of
administration upon the estate c,(Jtlll.
.fi, in... r . . . .
,,cra,e,,, nave httn lnls
, ..' ',..-.' K ,k .
'hV r. . ir 7l2 ll. ' '""'
Ine. c""'" ot Lnion : al rrk"ns having
. alm.a ,.., ,1 ,, .. .u.
. " " i,,"cl" l,,rm
at rice to ihe Mihscnber fur settlement, and
ihnse oninu said esaie are requested to
make pnvment imme'liaielv.
V M. H. CH.MHKKM, Admin'tor
I.ewishure. MayO,
Vocal and Instrcmental Blusic.
'nr. subscriber having located himself ir
. 'e,rsbnr?, is reatly lo ie;irh InMrnmen-
Ul .Music in all its tranrhes, viz. ri;mu,.Melo-
un'.., Munrti, iiiiu. iiuinceiio, ritite, and
ail lJrass Instruments.
He will also teach Vocal Music.
Having been taught in the best Schools in i
iprmany. he deems himself qualified to
uer satistaction.
H1 a'fo lune Pianos, and put them in
fep.nr u uesirea.
Jlesidence on Norih Fifth street.
Jan. 19, 1H57. PRor. P. IIFIP.
James B. Kami in,
-TL 11 twice on Second St.
west side .2nd
door south of Market,
i'nion Vo, la.
C'MM MS. Wafi liea
and Jeiirli y, nrxt door to !
-klhe Post Oihce Chean f.r
Lewisburg, April 21, ISM,
William VanGezer,
1 1 .,-.. ar.
ta-T " ' 7.'..T . " V
EiFOthce opposite Kline's Hotel S; l
I.Vil'i'iiTi: It
-',- 1 tVunuaiu Hi ui 1
i: ISuulIi.! Ii:u -M,I'!tilaI F-I:la
A-liton'.s Fine, Liverpool Ciuimd,
Asliton's and Mar .Mill-, I airv abor
ted sizes,
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots S s'ul
the trade.
.V. ;. Orders spirited '!rji7C'j 1
(CuiojM :-u l'llilii
11.), Snti:!i i:if;!i;Ii S;. lelnw Cksnu!,
II I 11. ti-c i L i IViioa iient ai.dTran-i-1 1
l.i..l-..ii.o. Ei rv eil'.iri will be made by
1'ii.piiei. r. K. Ml.'HOl.l.s, to give ban-
Ijrio n lo hi- I'ati.'lis.
I his l'.-tabll..illii-nl is -iiiial-il ill ihe l.rnil
ol liie eilv.c-l:ler ol lui-lne s, and CohVenii l.t
lo nil place.
The M
rcat.t .c aii'l 1 lave n ei-iiineiii i y
il a i!.'-ir.il!e place lor coind rt,
s and ec ni.iiiv-.
will find
I i St 1.2
wet k .r.
ms f.u el- per nishi fiv Ihe
,(1 and up-.i
& iiK.v.'iiiIji' ii'i"!r;ii':v t'lh jj.
:itit J r.
I.. l,F..
Assets ftt
E, Ml W I.M I -T-. I'll 1 L ,!'! Ll l.l.l.
ipitai vl.-J.-U.;IO.
i:l, mte-led III Bond, Morl-
,:2Ps and oiher.,od sccuniie.
Vim: vtn inm kkii auai.nst i.ons
15 V KIRK ! I heie are tut f,-.v who
i. cei ve svnipa! liv win in-ur loss ty licaicc:.!,.'
Ihis li,ii-t 'fr.w i and t-nhlnnliul prrrwtlitin.
We mien see it announce I that person- have
I..-1 ti... i r Mock- ol lieet's ar. I Kuri.iiiir-, and
resu-'ts of year- of mdti-try swept Ironi them
bv ihe rlevi oriii',' element over which u.ey
have iioconirol 1 ut h. t.i n.y in-nre,!.
In-utauce pn let t-. i n Ir. m Ihe inceioi.ary.
neliliiience ol -ervatiK
your li- itfl.l.T-. t alii iii,.
;d the ra,tialiies
i-i.u-;.. n- e lo i.ur rr,
. ail J
rl.ai a. I- I
i ,ru.. u.v anil .r,vai.t
n f,
our I i:
i:ine- tiar-.a. I
It rm-iiies l nt a hit
ri.ii jn Ir. -in l"'i to ." ,!
rr m, II film a lnur. in mm
i" .... at .1 1 t how nixny It:, re are
. n on lioad-. r urnitiiie. or anv
rS I., -U:a,l. .-'Ill ll. la to ju
a ho l.ate no ll -iitanr.
tl.m . II -.our .-ti
"'il'.iVr. en'i'l'.v ili-ur. llfll blSUH. Ml R' II l
1st.. ..-..; tll.Mll l: I.. MAi II. SHU 1 ani atw K
FlJllM ll It TO ItUI.
al I e l.w-l h.,. - .in 1 i,. n Ihe ni. .1 I..! r;.l T. I 111.-,
ai.a l .arl I'.'Uit.M el, :le- ;..!Jn.lfc..L; i.l L.
lire Til.
l: l l r. n.',
I .'an.. - I Neall K lw K Ite'ratoM
l'i :. - .,ti-.-.- I l artol i'.rea-l.r
I Til ll..' l. iti -lj I.-aa. L. . .li, Jr.
lieo. II. -.11,1 ' I I
ennti r.l. nt tolIN THOMASflN.
Ill'i s II H.i in KXCK, PnaiJrut.
!l K IlKLMIiol.li. M- re.ar).
J. MKKU1I.I. I INN. Asenl.
J.J-. U l 110, I nion Vo. Pa
11. s. lawhekce'S
No. RC), (VmiiR'ne St., riiiid.!c!i!i!a.
It5 Cash buyers will In, 1 it for lh.
to call Tin. ad. J. in 1. 1"."
ir miere-
.M'UK.vs ci:!.i:i;i;Aj i:d
li r lii'iw t.-r- (
Hot n.tfI rti-I r
1 ft:r. uri'ii-".nt: in nil
la.-i. 1 it iin-nt . Ti-r
U Al l I.!' A 1 1
I r In -j. um. BiUi'
l.tt A I.l Al-.
A II. .
t- 1-.-
1 -ill. l--Htiii-r. I urtiitiir.'. I' r---i n n .
i'li. M.i; 1 1.- ' rttiHs. t i-r muni.: . T-.r.ii.' K;iu- y Ar; i
'-. . it l.s I..- - ii j t r . it--t en j - 11. j r.
"tifitath tl ;ni mi-.y ft li r .trti- - t t;t si'h'-rt in'-r ,ii'i
I n 11 i 11.. -t:.in t ri- I ),r -.Tl - :n- j tin ! ' ; K I-
tin- i.i-t tf:r-- w r- lii-w:,; : i i J.'. I
! tl.:.jut.y .... " rat. I Llol tl- .U K l.nti- h- u
-.1 1.
r v
in -1 t! i- iin ;it r iiv. iiici.tf w ti.ii It U l;a.t t rt''tt ,ti
rn-t. 1.;;-.ttM-r'il'. Ki!n.llir it itt iiixn 1 !:
oiauu';i. turt-r t- ui.l it. r oni--, liit! ' i.iT t
n. kin w ir.i l. nil !. liiiic um 'l .!. tl.nl nT -;
b ' n miliar rti-:r fv.-r ftTi-rr t fi- il 11M -
.J, t.J.l . l ; j-'. ,.(-. (, r.u trr' ,.,;' 'i
1. .
7 .1- ' lh, r. 1 1I t . IIUll
t 1
Mai.titut-turiU aiit , I.- -i
W M I '
X.'. 7 I i.. -tt.i
5-t.:Wr:il in-li-. .n . lit-..!', t. d
1 1 .
SI . I !,:!.,. I. l I :a.
t . iv ii! J. .-ir. us i
p. I ii, Ilia klw. an . '
Fit -aie bv X L II S in Lewisburi
Farmers cf Pennsylvania,
TTL'.NT lo. ! !- Yen ran supply
u i h C li i: V l A L M A XI K E S
. aid h i Ii !.;vr I ceil in uc
the ral ei i ii year su;icd
cri rs of
Iruminlnl pur
cessllll use li-t
lo vonr vat .,n
!.ii. is. W'h.-nl (n'i. Craw, ,:
r.v . ... .
I I .M I,
.ii-t' ii a Irtr.T a , l.i ' k
Ni-a Jrr-,-r i r
i.r. I. al t ut.-I 1 ,.11-a .
t. r I l;ol I I I. i t . ur
lifti . , ur i.rai. aiil
'ill t."l' r.'l . li. r.
in I'l.ila.l.
j l.ta. , r in I l.ai't.
ran Cut ta
I l.-'r m,itJ-i i' i .'.
W till. il at,. I -ii, j 1
r.virv am. I.- .1 I i
gili-u t uiv ;' l.t aiil r.
itiiari.nlri ii , r au or.l, r
).ruui.t atti-ntiuu.
Smi, r l'l.'.-t liata ..I Luu
$411 par ton
r. in- rli, bale
rermtz.r -a
A 1-arrt-l is .tiff iint f.T an arre of upj lr"atl ns.
If liK Bust: 1I .sr. : ter,!. at i ,.. r larr-l . r
.".ri a r I. n. m a r- a.l ll vili.l". ,i. I. ' I- I ..rTr'a. S
l,i 11 . r l-arrt-l l.ti ii 'i.-'.r. l.ia.l lartals. ! -. ti. .
i r bair.i IVruviati l hilian bt..I ralacntan l.ii. mi.
(i. A. LEIX A 1'. Proprietor.
.. "Jl S.utli In. nt sr.. -i::t.ai.t , fiiLa.
A librai Ui.-i-(,i,ut ti WhoUaale li.ati-is.
I.fiso's SuftT rf.--l.ata of Lima F..rt'Iii.-Ta. haa
1. n Mir--.s.lull us.-,l .y tha sraM,;. nt of tlia I . on
I.'" .-ar,!, n. ao.l i n th.- oul lie iitoui.,1 of tl.a. pot at
M a-hn el, ,n : J.j I. I.ivk,- J.-i. at , j . Kraoaot i '.aik.a.
l-r..: s,.t,.r l;,.lrt.. n aa Mill, r ami rturl.s V rk ..f
". l : Tltontaa Mll r. ril K-.. rt I an .1. i, ; lr J li
I'. riM. .. l-. r.l. m.. n : Ur kniitlit, Mr Kii lJ. lr Alkui-a.-ii.
l..-ai .Min-n. if Ni-w Ji-rtvr. IhiT an if is ll
( lit Al tsr AMI .lo.sr It kit ABLE MAM ft: n. w
in u-rta ii, a-rni:inant.iniroviui: tlialaiiil anil aorirli
iu tha ai.il. .i'aDi.lil.-ts on arpliration to
U A I.I.INAl. 1'mrri.lor.
n'"-7 1 South J ront M. !'hilaiM b a
Ecgraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 201, t hesnnt Street,
PIIII.Al). Vist.ina and other CARllS.
Corporation and oiher SEALS and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended lo,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from City arid Country solicited,
s. II. KI I.TOX. . - tt .G. MASOX.
"V0UTJI Uh Street. The stibscriLei :
XI iikm fvpeciluily nifurins the citizens ol '
l.ewisbnrcr ai.A rinntlv tt.u k V.ot ... t
an.i U r sale a cheap Ua nl ' gi I'l l it t f
lor the Spring trade. conipiiMi.g " '
l'rcssiiir ami Common Bureaus, ?cc- '
rciarics ami Itonk Cases, Center,!
Card ami Pier Tables, 1'inijig and '
Uieaklast Tallies. Ciiplioanls. Cot-1
taire ami other Uedsteails, Stands, '
Sofas, and Cliair.s
of all Ltn.!s. C O F F I N S a Je lo or.ler 01
short notice. j
The public are conliallv invited to examine ,
his work. as lie is sure that thry will lie satis
tied wilh his stock of Ware, and prices. !
noiovo.N voi.u ;
Lewisburj;, Sept. 15, ls.".6 !
Administrator's Notice. !
"1TTI1F.RKAS. Lettera of Administration:
1 to the estate of E.(iEl. Sl'llt: lii-i; !
tale of llanlev tnunsh in. in I'ninn .,i..,t.. :
deceased, have been Framed tnthe subscriber! '
nv tne KesiMer of said county, in due form;
all persons indebted to said esiate are r-rtnit- '
ed lo make payment, and those havinclanns !
j asainst ihe same will present them duly !
, ai. ii ii. ru iriiiril . Ill
JACOB MIAVKR, A.lminiMratnr
rcnri Creek P.O., Snyder Co, -March 55,1858
TJtw ArranQtment!
A T the Mammoih Urct; & ttct,; .,
1. iuponuui of '
The undrr-v. r.i-! havn:? purrha art ,,"e
Mammoih i'rtsj; (Store li.iir.itly ,f't' 'f
rittmt to., are i.ote rea- y i0 r,i .;' ,
i.u i,--i iifiiiii a i a iriiiiori,! a f.,,.
...i i - . -, ,jf .-
have a lan-e and well select, ij
'- W.
-".or. a.,,, j, f , -
ntir f j.i r.., ill ui'j I , . ,
bveslutra. Oils. 1'i.inls. lilav, .... .
J)l:l (.l.lSl's,' IJI.ASSV, Alit
All .Oil ),f J'lltrt JAriVi,., '
Fruit and i'',i.f,.
Ti bacco.Sr.niT.aiid Importt i tisarso'
ti.oicesi Liaiis(
Fancy .orioii und TtiUt .Ufirfr,
i-'ine Toilet & J'erluoiery t. 4ll r f
liiicaHKs m Combs of iv i a t Tiail."' '
ILool.s illlil MHlioct-r) "'
a t'ener.ii ;.ri ly ol Literary a.,; . g. .
i'n:e O.I. I.itrd and Kiuid Lan . ,'i I '
rie.seript ii ; Ir--h 1'me fid a:.,i l''u;.,; j,'
ii ? l;..i,t iiiuin - mi hai.d.
1M RE V i.M.S ar.d LlyLllR.'s of a;.k.
f. r Mi-ill' nun usf
t'iiC l'l'i'J Unil .hit- I'tiiul.
'x erviii-r and Tickling Jar..;
XV ( u.-ion. era will find uurMock nrr-.
ei nipn-i: a mai.y ail:
ll li 111: r,,,v
to ei.tnoerate. and all io.d a.t mo.ler;;
I'a.. and see us one at:u
slock ; ai d if we can't fell you chtap e
e will m l a- you lo buy.
We aie alwuys on hand lo wait rn ent
Itemen.Ler the .Maminoih Hn ,,
F. H. .'ALI-Vru.
I.ewisbtirj, I'nion Co. Pa. ;i
.The suLscri! ers, thai.'.f,. .
..past palronace, woul-; ,
he pui lic that thev ei t,:.. .
jyLjyJ'.''!Uli'irinaiiuficttire all kiLd tf y
I.LAKI.M. and t :h- r Castines. Tr,r.' V
Vachino- a';d t iher Matluiiery refan i t
best n.aiiiier. I'aslinss warranted t
hi-oi i n.L:tr.a!, and at prices thai cm
to please. lil.IrlltS, AiAKsil
J.ewisl'ur?. Feb. 1S;"1
C1(i('KIN(i Stons, of various b:
,' and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for ..
ait he Lewiahurg Foundry by
Grddes. Mariib & r9
StOK6 I'arlor, Vied aid i
St'ives. varitus p.nterns, for -a e a
l.ei i-l.ure Foui.i.'iy. (iedde. Mati-h A r0 '
U- IAl:t'. 1'attii-. Caiii: Fit a ....
not unicle, for sale al tht L
l oundnhy (iediias Ma-sh A (
GRAIN or Seed Ilrills Ross' l av J
rieci lnliy the bttt and nxkt i-.i,'.
(ii air, Iril cow i n use. for ale it the Lea.-:;-!
Foui lira . (;eddea,.Mir-h I
Eussey's Grain Rearer,
for cutting both Grain tiiic! Or-i
AMTACI'l'EED and for sa t 1:
Lewi-slur? Koui.drv by
liEl)U!;.'v.A HMI A 1
VOTI' F. IltnintltPB :ifiMii!.' I
;:- i l). t, the l.en i.-l uii ftr.
lie suhcr i 1 r u . ti'ii Mute tl at he is jr.;
to perfrrm all duties ei in, eeieti u ith it,.
01 tiir e.ead.i n lu rt rioiiee. Aio tha
aiiend it.tr.r f-iiiiern,ei.. ! i:eteaM-c j
!i rider ihe dirr, n id iheir -on a 11 s ,; ,
K.-vi,:fl:ce ir. lnt- I i .:e al t.l,e t. e ,
(Vniterv. ;Kii,i,L' 10.(h:
l.en i l -.i rz. Vay :1c. 1."4
i.'cr:: ifci;:: irtK!::
'3 47S I rs- Jt ifnivet! t
" ' H.MlliW ARE MUI1K ,
1 I II Xrl .lliDES. Farmers
smiths, call and see ihe li irr.i ,
si.rinient of Iron ever ofiettd ii
Branch. Havti.g :he tjcdu.-irr ci
telel-rated u istisls Cel. tie i
i.r i ro.ii.icu to warrant everv
7,-s 1 ire. sro'Ii.p. I.'. uod and S-nia:
; r
u.-e. Xail It, i, Is. Ac.. atC.su , r:i-r i
(' ,!l ut.,1 ste ihe Harduaie 'ore i i
J. mtai n:'
I.eirisfcurg. Jlav II'. 155.
Il:iii!)o!cr.H 4.4iii!iisc l'i ULia!Ki
H'Shfy Cynttntrci ti ('tn:pt und Fluid Lj:t::,
IOR iMvrn-v ,.f B!ai!,!er.Kn!t.fVv(.'raT-'-s.r;isc-.
i'-n n piai.its.yrd all ii;"- ;
iftl-f Ni;,il t'l.-.i t ni'-m. r 111 r r- UDd ID .
l'i:, :n il. . ;l . .. i . i;, . - . I i U. . It. . r I. r l -
ti,.- t:.:t. t. : K...f.j.i .-.-.ii. .vrM.i..r'...ir'r'-- ;
:i. V, .r I . ii...ir. tr ti- 'r tatrc tLrJ Oa. (.
nri! ;.! .
atnl v.;.:'rr . i" n- l rj stajVipp, T
itivliij. tli;'.l. ai. i ;. r t.. tl f'.Di, cJ BUcm :r
l-.l. 'J-l:.-k
Jcy.o the ISicted!
It ruTv Nn mid l Kuiti.tui ?u(Tt rr. zr. rtn.-,
all ttif ? Ml Iti .1.iutDi: mhu h niaj t,- ; urj
Ii;ili;rition t .-v rti n. I( !n of fnwr. .! cf m-rz
aifr.i u:n ,. I ratliii)'. tritcml wtsfen-j.. he rr- r t -
ra-e ieal. d rtn.tr n.Miin.-.dr-mJtui tu rn rcr V :,
turht .-t-atu, ruKl irt, aiii tu-t r.-!. .1 l'i"-' '
u. h-.tii.uor. uniTrraI laitudr ! tl bi-..-cu'ar
;;,.-: m. ci'tfn fDorn ou? une-i-ie-
dj-i I t.r . nit ti m-. li. t l.ar. t!i .-l..r. ti
tin' lmtiV. tir llf-" ! tlje klll. f ill'. Lt V l;C-
Ifrinin-.- ami rrii on Tl ; i a
in ;lai- t ;n li. hi :Dr (.f th- , , ...
frini-ni' ! ' k .i-t ttjt ir.-s I r
tlie . itli ti mpt-raTf i;tli;; n m, !
1. .-m cf ..!.!. iiiit t.f ttttr.r,, n. X
HK't l!:tv. afc-l r-.tlri'I.t .. ;1 h h.rrrr f
M-i-ii ty. NoiM., i nif n- U-Mral. tn mi ft
T r-i.r.- tl an folit u.iV. und nothirj th. i i. r
dirad f..r frr-r ff tin trj-fli : lo r-V
ti)ai.n-r, no -:ri'ti n" p u!ati(.u.
hurritd trail--.;:, ii I;, nt cut iii-tii a to a:.
TI . fy mi t.-rn-. it a!lt ae.i to (to n l t, h tf r-
rirtf iiijr:aiv nnn ."ctn l.iU-w I . - . t T'
K(tuT).,4m I'Min:., liT!. ini'Tirid h '
ntby rj it-. Who run siwy tl at tl -.-..-: '
fi-.i:t-Lt.y f. l!( f.l 1 v li . r tiir-tu 1 ui-.-a- I' -ntiil
V". b-tiBi; tn n '. lh. mi nU i-f tl In-ar- ;
and tl . in. . ci i .-Iv td- l.v u n-uu n n. r r f :
trisliiiM i v to il.- t,uh c! th.'' R--rt: r-. Ir. It:-A-Tium-.
lh- ti;: s.: t i Jar., h - v r L: u ; -r' '
! imt Darn' - :,. f.-.I'y a atnl t i: -J- ..: '--1''
thrr R.irth cr crt-f r.. r it. i-ht u.iia - u-u -' :'
i.irr (.. ( ur. it if n rlv art hu arf.
W ith v.-ful im a-iirt--'. ir.-iti IepVr
. ful.rii M'Diids his irrif : 1- iiii.i ti."
ni't terriMe' ai-J Irt.rt tr-"
nfrn tt . r.-MinU to utttimelT trui-. h'rfi :
t.ml itn ii ut tu:rT t 1 iiitk. It r m ! e iiiUti tj
uM-nftito iMi.Liiu k i:i:mI'Y.
It u are jiiit'riti.' it ti dm ..i tin- i.KT." tJ;-'v-:
ai'in. the M.I II I 1 1; Ai T H til aiil . u.' :
Tr it ai.ti te rt'i. ii J t i' tl-1 a.-y.
KlW KE . f yi t K -:llHJAp y t Ai. S Ti f
ho faUely lnct if at t - ! nii.1 rfi-r nr. . ' " '
taiinw ii r.l mi .lit tl.' m. n tl t f -i it. : .i.ft. r. -
m il e.. -ure. t- t it nc cr caiui ): la t -' -'
l'i iultr an.l Ser fl.- l.i n v.
It i.a al I 'a i it i ? :i f: utaTu n. i- ferft rtjt r.H. :
ill its ta-It- an-l ('Ji r. 1 Lt .n u t ..i:ttr in it: T.. . i
liE.viwi.irs j; tic act I
It I.r-rar-'l din -t Iv r r.f;r if to ih r.ui . '. ' '
H V t AM i Hk JulSih 1. with the i:iv;.;. ' ' " '
anJ i'l.eum al k una ! dee an.l rare t it :i; "' : -
T):ttii n. Si- lH t--.r I aetfi " i'
rrrtice ci l'hi.k, tal.d n;i tt if the ,atc :-ti .i."u B - J f
One Itiinilreit Dollsn will be ra;. t. anr P! '
nn i-rwvi- that the Medicine e?t r iujun t a l''i- ::
thf totimt ny of thiu."antirnn be j rtiuifii u :
.;oea tn-nt iroJ. l't-t nf trrm .r o .
e:ii l.ini.nil haTe been elftetr.l. 1 .f &!. 1 '
tnrv T- jatiniot y in p!i:t.n rl the r'rr f ri-r. 1 ' i
it virtue at d ruratife r at-r-'. i- inmn r-i 11.- :
t n. WfU t.iiuD to M.It.t t AM r.Oit'-
HlM-OO to.ttlt ir.n-e Km
atiJ nc t a -ic'e ict:ice ( f a 'i!cre l ! n r !
I'. r. rnMr a pre a r d -u n- me ,m A t t. 1 1 ' -
iiU t-t lHla.l.-:;hia. If. T. Utatu : !. i L. m-t. J
diiiy rn J e- cay. tl.:it jt.i.;t.:i " : ' L".'r -iVaro.Kr,
Mittlity t r :n;t;r; 'i Tn .1 -t a''1 i'1
getnl le. II. 1 II l Y. I... .-.-ir M ..I. i "'::;'r
Mum and tuli.-inUu ' . f. rv e t h - V j. : ' -ler,
l VM. I". Iill;i:w;t- :. -c
I'rice, 1 per L'ottlc, or !x J,r I'tl.H-'1
ii.y Atidro. t s
arrfirrsi.;' 'J T TelinMi i-i J rrpr-:!!-O r! 't".',
i r- t. fr. ir ol l"e.!i.! t'clle; e, I . : j.; n ' , ' ip
iTeiairdabJ old l-y 11 1 ,lf .
VV-ciV W r. i V
yo.iS"ti:h 7' nt atJ:.) t .:-.!..'. ' '
(lH..tl.v(".''li"'"""' lititth '. : f
uzwabe cr ccuMEtrrii-
.1. f.,r HtMitutd'sTLle if ''"'tr
. . ... - .j i
bunt anlitif. "
6H0v . -V- rji.MW.7 ..'-
0 r?e4 se d