Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 30, 1858, Image 2

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    BCtuiisburq Cjpnirlc.
.1. t. ih n-b mi1.-iii, I;- llnf lur-r.-t and bt-st
r. u:..ti. ii i f i'T Ni-wfeajM-r In I'lii'-n I'miiitT.
Free Iihii, n.iiiimal : Slavery, sectional !
Union State SFree Soil and
Ticket. Free Labor.
Vnr.U ljc nf'lhe Supreme. Court,
JOHN -M. FEAP. of Tbiladelpliia.
Fur Count (nntniiii'ifrt
WM. K. IT.AZER, of Fajollc Co.
Knincrr.it!) fit fctDista.
Coiuittrnrrrrifiit WcrK...lH."js.
TlmrJ iy m-Tiihig, (rclcascl fnm the
t ."lis and rifsurca theglaJ meetings anJ
fcj'J lurlin'i. tho oxeitcmetite mid d.-jeo
lions of a wool; of religious', literary, am!
roeiul ti j 'Yttici.ts, aiid siifjeriiigs,) tvo pit
J . io !,aN;u from nu'inury a biicf Je
fjiijiii 'ii of lis limst Dotabla eveut.-., to
gratify t!u ileiuju Is for "eojiy" of tliC iti
tx iraV.o a. uts f 'i!jo IVcss..-'
Tho oxa:iiiua'iiiis of tLe classes of tLe
Inu!o Institute, ciiiiECUcing on 'I'hur.--iJay,
were atU'Ddii try largo and crowd, tl
nu-lictuvs, wltne ii.iorcst iucroascd to the
last. The music l.y the pupils, anJ hy
Hold's Mring Lain!, anJ the ory reviews
nf s'uili's, Here varied by K-says fruiu
Youti,; Indus follows:
Ami! I!r. in. j. MARY K. iLIKPII, Li-nful.iir.; .
Mu.-ii- mi n i:i -i.i.Tit tho. a.-ol. .
II l.Wlll .MAII.U'r'I.Y. I.y omtiig Creek.
'T.-U' h u j-lit'v. " ri--."
' JKNMK M I) VS .N, Kalian, Bur.
l-r.'1-l.i-.ir Tints of Tu-Mi.rp.r.
mai;vs.)vi:j. rii.st-ri'e
Tli .'.'.'ii in- rrilipiDC.. AI'A SI'KArr, Luwiii.urj;.
'ILey ran ui.t I- Kcc.1!. 1.
l-AKAIl It. IKICI.. Ui lur;.
I.,t lln-io 1 Lii-l.t. JIAKY 51. IIU.L, Li i-l,urg.
He Llri- f-r rarff. . I
MART I.. KINCAIP. Preine, Bur.
f.ifo a ..Irani-C.-muiiiiling of Siin.l.tn. an I sh..J.-.
li.lv i;. m.isis, u .auv.
Cnn-iTHi-in. ANMK rAfll'KVmt, J,rs.y Sli .r...
i:c l(ii r. COliXICI.IA W. Ll.( OI.X, llosluu, Man.
Ou Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. lirantly
of J'liila l-i., occupied tbe Mctho.Ii.t pul- ;
pit; Itev. A. H. Tii) lor of llolli hysburg, ;
ihe t'liristian pu!pit ; and Uev. T. J. Cole '
of Li.i'Tiie euunty, tlie Ilaptist pulpit.
Tbe aficru .0:1 sermon, by Mr. Jeffrey,
of I'iiila 1., was listeucd to with profound
btteiitioii by an uudi.ncc nbich cituforta
b!y fi led tbe new Hall. Tbe text was
'He shall sec of the travail of bis soul,
and be Mtitfl ;d." A inot graceful and.
finished speaker, full of thought, expressed
in an extemporaneous manner, in most
fitting wards, this young preacher reniind
1 d more than one of bis bearers of bis
countryman, purgcon. K. M. 15;.rker,of
lleverby, J., and Moses Heath, of
M'Kee-port, l'a., assisted in the excr- '
eises of the interesting occasion. i
In the evening, llev. Ir. l!owmsn of
the Methodist church kiudly offered the .
use of their more capacious bouse of wor
shin for the annual seruiun acd collection
i f the lYmitylvania l'.ap'i.-t Kducatiou
Society. Mr. Lowry, of Vest Chester, 1
and Ir. Sl.adrach, of I'hilad., assisted I'r.
lirantly in tbo service?, before an over
sowing audience. Ir. Ilrantly's fcrmon !
"(Jive full proof of your ministry" j
iv.n replete with tbe plain yet impressive 1
sau:iineuts anl iilustraticm so prominent
i i the ministratious of the honored father
vhic name and title be bears. j
M..XI.AV presented an array of distin
1 '.i-hed visitors, and other frieuds of the
1 'niVirsity, filling our hotels and private '
b usis to a degree never before known.
In the afternoon, the Hall was densely
i -'iip'e J, at an early hour, to bear the
K-.-aysofthc graduating cla3 from the
female Institute. The Trngranimc (in-
i: rspersed with Music from Hold's Cornet :
LaudJ was as follows : j
1'i-M. i I'.y KKV. I R roiVMAX. j
!'V,M,.l,ri.-. AMAI.T Vol.KMAH. Iwi.-l.ur;.
1' . Triumph of Trutli. ANN A A. M'.IIKIS, l-wi-luirg.
A i':i(.Uf!jt a o. ANNA C I.INN, lwi.l.urK.
T IVwpr --f AsKiaticn. K ATK WiX.fK. l-wi.lmrjr.
I , liiijFli.w..r. MA KV A. Wol.KK, Uwi-lurg
fho Mural F"f- of Cliri.lianitv.
JK.NNIk'h. DEATKIt, lmUre.
?mtrt the D.J. I.KTITIA A. ItKLL, .lIToron, Pa.
T r raaltainH.
IIAUKIirrC. MASOV. XVwlr.n Centre, Ma
'.-: t nkucii lir,at. C'LAIIA Ml SSEK, Lrairburi;.
. r''it, the Shiulowof'I'Hl.
fc. SALOME I.E FEVIIK. Iirtnrr.
' rii O-n I'o. try. M AKV E. WALLS, l-wi-Lurj.
liri-luali-m. C'LAHA K. Il H.l, Jtpcj Sbore, l'a.
'i " M.iral pruIl-tAr.
.-AI.I.IE E. rilAMf.EKHX, Uisl,ars. '
IvTliTH-lf. ANNIE IIEI.L,Sal.bitli Hint, l'a.
i I I.Lltlt 'Tyill V.
ANNIE CARPENTER, jrrvj flioro, Fa.
rr.nfrninnt.f l:i.li.ma.. aoi VJoM M.-flnl.-i.
a tn thp eia.-s ri;i:sinENri;i.is3.
IVn. Ji. ti..n, Ij riiKSIDENT Loo.MlS.
Appropriately engraved and lettered
f: 1 1 medals were also bestowed on several
i niiT graduates of the Institute in atten- .
'.nee. l
Several of the Essays were read so dis-
i;'-ctly as to be heard by the large audi- '
t ce, Dd we beard numerous expressions
f a desire that the Valedictory should be '
( iblishcd.
Monday evening, the appointed Orator
'! I'oct both having failed,thc I'rcsident, '
I brrt Lowrcy, read an Address pre-
j r-d f .r another occasion ; it was not as
- !! finished in style or as correct in sen- j
t Mir nt as our friend could have produced, '
ut sparkled with gems of thought most
m pressively delivered. Mr. Still of
!'uutingdon made the opening, and Mr.
Ivi'z of lulaystown X. J. the closing
Tlefpay morning, the graduates of the '
i uoological Department occupied tho Hall, '
h a large audience singing by a choir. J
i e follwiug were the themes of the grad-
(and were discussed with most de-:
'-d interest and ability :) j
'"ijaal tiTort, tht IIop of th Church. !
ISAAO' C. JONK?, Uwifburtc.
"" Xk' of Ohitr.il History to tln Cl.ritin
BtNJAMIN E. Jo.NES,Minvrill.
' '-""'" tfc. Worhl." (in v.:.h) 1
Je.HN W. 1.VANS. IrVutorg
'r u lw a i'tftiai Cur i j
-La f,-t .D alB
'wf.f.i tt'M.Ar, RolU-rtuf ,
Th lo-latiuu of t'tiri-tian Exr- rirn--.' tn fhri-tixo Thv- ,
olo-y. tihoKilh i ItE K.TnuklmiiUuca.
The ImiOtLlv auU tlia KwtiM. ill .l,-i.tiitilii. I
mil i.i. h Junes. i!ii)aathia.
SiilT. rinj:, tin. Alaru K- ll ot iIk I'iiiti r.'. i
JOHN M- I'i'.Kl.V, Shaououstillo.
liua autl ith Thcot.icAl ;.'luta. '
A F.SIIANAKI'.l.T. C!ari..n. I
l'r.ation ortVrti6r aU, by TKESU'ENT III.ISS. j
AJ .lrM tthoara.liiatiugL'lau, l.y HloF T. F. A t KTIS.
The Welsh oration was a treat tbe j
earnrst manner, the forcible but not uu-
graceful gesltnes,the varying countenance,
and the modulated tones making very
iujuy wish they could also understand the
tery woids aud imliho the very spirit of
the rpt-aker. No wouder tbe Welsh claim
they have the ''strongest" and best lan
gunge i:i the world, if this is a specimen, !
fi ..in a cimiparitivcly untauht miner
( I'liroe of tbe eibt graduates we are iu
fonuel, am WeUbiinti ) I'rof. Curtis'
addnss was biglily prac'ieal au 1 oithudoi,
and inai.y of ih.: el. ty in. u li.-ait cx
pr. ssed u fleaire for its j.ub!ie-uti-u.
The n.ccliiig in the nltcruoon, .f the
Kducatiou Society, v,as attendid l y a large
au lieuce, who were addressed by beveral
g. ttl ouicu but not having i c.n al.io to
attend, we eau not report the details of
the session. I
At evening the Hall wa again crati'tiud
by au auliei.ee eager to participate in the
intellectual rejiist n.mised by the Speak- i
ers of the Littrary Societies and the dulcet
tones of the String liaiid. 0. X. (iuudy
presi led tn behalf of the Theta Alpha and
I.CWyuu of tbe Ku.piau Society.
Mr. JtLJtl.EK.il announced bis theuic
the I'leasures of Knowledge which was
urged iu a most f.ncible, eutertaining and
instructive manutr although so'.ne of the
details of the marvels and fullies of seieuee :
might have been postponed by reason of
the beat of the evening. A felicitous
poetical c'.tiehisiou bru t on the platform
the towering body, broad good humored
face aud "horrid mou lachc ' of S..E .
tbe iuiinitablc New-Anglo Sax'sou Jio
recited the 1 irgest portion of his latest i
poem ''Love." Saxe is a genius poet
and orator b ith as this piece furnished
abundant additional evidence. Some por
tions were j.utlictic anJ pious; a.mia, any- i
thing else. A compound of good aud ill, ;
it suited ail iu some one particular.
Wednesday morning soon found the '
large new Hall iusufiieieut to accommod
ate the crowd of spectators. M'.iio by the
Hand, prayer by 1'rof. llliss, and Oratioii3
by the following large and talented class ,
all of whom have aceouiplinhed the com
plete Classical Course : !
Truer ttr I'd. r. Itm?. j
SALUTATORY, iL..tin,i I. '. W YXN, Tu. l.al.-. X. J.
Mam!!.-f Tin,-, J. h STALTFi.i:, liny trt own.
Law ai..l itti Vi.iari.'i.
Tllos. ( ItAMr.Elll.lX. Itti-hurir.
Ultra rrartiraltty, T. II 11. 1.1. W IS. Ttm k.-till-. :
Tlia Ma!.-ri:il A.-n, UnBLliT M'XI.Ar, llolh.ta; i-l u:c. ,
Xatit.ual rri!UM!-., MM.TnN ol'l'. Mum-y. j
ivt-ri; est t'nitari-, J. D. I'wl'El:, l'orlt.-ilk-.
Intrlk-otuul Fm'J'.nt.
E. UITTEXIIOLSE, FI. uiii.gtt n, S.J.
The Mrchanii al Eikh Ii.
FliAXK WESTCoTT, Tarloilio... X.J.
II. m ric Thaol.y, W. II. VEIihfU-. llaTl.ri.'.
Wi.rk. I 0. WVXX, Tn. kh N..I.
VALKUlriour, TIMS t'llAUItKKMX, Uwiat.ur.
i 'iMictiM ot di;i;::ei.s.
IIACCALAl l:nl E, I'RSfttavl ttUiB.
ll..M:j;eTi.i?( dt t.r.. Mal.:'JM.
In addiliou to the degrees iu cuurse,thc '
honorary degree of J. I', was conferred
upon Kug. nio Kincai l, Missionary iu 15ur- :
mah, and lhat of A M. ou llcv.Cuailes A. ,
Fox of Waverley, l'a., John Kaudolj.h of
the Lewisburg Academy, aud 1'r.Twiuing i
of Capo May, N.J. ;
The liaccalaurcate was marked by the
plain common scusc and dignified practic
alness which characterize everything from
the pen or lips of the acting l'rcsideut.
ThomasWattson, President of the JJoard
of Trustees, then formally introduced the
President elect, the Urv. lr. Jisiin; li.
L.OOMIS, who was received with significant
applause, and ixpressed, in few and filtiiig
Words, bis ile. p sense of the honor ami hi
full purpose to do ail iu his power for the
elevation if ihu University to the position
anticipated Ly iis founders.
After the liencdietion by Kx I'rcsident
Ma!cnni,the audience di-pcrscd, apparently
satisfied with the moiuing's performances. .
Aixmni DixsKtt. A new feature of!
Commcneenient Week is the social re-union
of the graduates, who dined together .
iu the old Academic Chapel Hall, with
something like a hundred guests. After a
little rest, music from the land,a blessing
invoked by Kev. Mr.(J-gool, and the full
discussion of the feast of fat things provi
ded for the occasion by Mr. Ilciner, "the
meeting" was called to order by 11 Lowry,
the President of the Alumni, who extorted
a short speech from Mr. Uell in behalf of
the University, Prof.Jjuics for the Faculty,
President elect Loomis, acting President 1
Hliss and Ks President Malcom for them
selves, Messrs. Wattson aud Verkes for the
Trustees, Chancellor Young for Curators, ;
Ucv.I'r. Urantley for the Pulpit, Chronicler
Worden for the Press, (rator Utirleigh for
himselfjl'oet Saxe for himself, and f erhaps
others whose names do not recur to us at
this moment. There seemed to be much
satisfaction with "the feast and the flow;"
but we have not the time, the room, the
patience, the assurance or tbo ability tj
photograph them.
The more important portions r.f tbe
proceedings of the Trustees and Curators,
we suppose will be mado known next week
by the Committee of Publication of the last
named Hoard. Suffice it to say,! he finances
of the Institution appear to be in a most
satisfactory condition.
KiriHT os the Tariff. Some of the
Locofoco pjpcrs,well versed in wrong,havc
given out that Hon. John M. Read, tbe
people's candidate for Judge of the Su-!
preme Court, docs not sympathize with .
the movement in favor of protection to
American industry. His former connec i
tiou with their own party might give color '
to such an inference. It appears, bow-;
ever, that Mr. Read, even when acting
with the Democrats, did not agree to the ;
free trade notions of the party, but has for
years favored and advocated tbe policy of
protection, and was endorsed in the con- !
vention by Ileury C. Carey, the great !
apostle of protection to American industry. '
Tfcat ought 'o be enough to satisfy every
true frietd of pru'ec'iou iLut If is rU
lewisburg chronicle
Falsehood Refuted. j
Some of the unscrupulous partizan op.
ponents of Tiio.mas Hayes and Daniel.
Witmer are circulating for effect the.
audicious, point-blank l'.ntrutu that they J
voted fou the S-00 extra pay to Members
aud Senators given (iu these bard times)
by the late Legislature, which was two to
one Locofoco "Democratic." We tako on
part in the nomination of candidates, but
justice and fair play requiro that this so1
foul falsehood should be refuted.
The truth is, both voted Aoaixst lhat
Locofoco way of easing the bard times!
PitiM'F. On page 551 of the Journal
U.K. Is.js, you will Cud as follows : j
The Act to provide for the ordinary
expeu-es of tjoverumcut being uuder con
"A motion was made by Mr. Nill,
"To mil inl the same, by strikin'j tlirrc
fnmi the words, "and that the State
Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to
each member of the present Legislature !
Two Hundred Dollars, iu addition to the
amount of compensation now allowed by
law. i
"And the 'j'icstion recurring,
"Will the House agree to the amendment?
'The yeas and uays were required by
Mr. Nill and Mr Jenkins, and were as fol
low, viz : '
"V MAS Messrs Abranis, Riant, Id-,
tieorgo, iiiiilai.il, tjla'z, Oritman, Hauiel, ,
Hay, HAVKri, Hodgsoii,Jenkins,Kiueaid, '
Lovett, M'l'oiia'.l,Negley,Nill.Nunmaki r,
Owen, Powell, Pownall, Prico, Rauisdell,
Kouth, Roland, Kose,Rtipp,Sharp,Sliicl Is, .
Stephens, St uartl unier, Voghtly, Warden, i
Westl.r. k,Wliait..n,Will,WITMKIt,Wolf, '
Woo lrin, and Lougaktr Speaker 11.
"NAYS 11." !
So Messrs. Hayes and Witmer did not
vote for the 5i-'-'t law did not avoid nor
"dodge" the vote but did vote fair and
square acainst it !
We keep a copy of the Journal for ;
public examination at the "Chronicle"
niii.'c. The Journal is also deposited iu
the Pro'bouotary's office.
What shall bo thought of the reck- j
less politicians wlt a.vujji to deceive j
the honest tax payers by inventing and
propagating such an audacious lie? i
Upland Normal and Hkiii School.
By au advertisement elsewhere iu this
paper, it w ill be seen that the time for tbe i
opening of this Institution has been fixed
for the ti'.h of September next, with a full
corps of good teachers men who have
from long practice acquired a thorough
kaowiedge of their business, and who are ;
well fitted for a position so eminent. The
enterprising anl philanthropic founder
of this Institution, Jou.N l'.CnoZEItjevcry
where receives the highest praise for bis
frec-baudtd investment of money, and the
indomitable energy which he has displayed
in its er etiou. He has established a mo
del school,locatcd in one of tbe finest sites
in the State, which will accommodate over
two hundred pupils, supplied with all the '
modern improvements, with a building
which stauds as the greatest monument of
our county "ull if vhiili he luit as a
'in- ifu ruij vpon the altar of universal cd-1
ucittiuH." All praise to his noble gencr-1
Osity, and to bis forethought in providing
the meaus for thorough and cheap educa-
tiou. ;
K5lAi"o clip the above from the Amtr-
iian of Media, Delaware county, Pa. Mr. 1
CnozEtt is the same true-hearted man who
years ago off red Fifty Thousand Dollars
to tho Trustees of the University at Lew-
isburg, provided they would removo the !
Institution to Upland. The friends of the
Institution declining the liberal offer, he
manfully acquiesced in the decision, and '
Irs instead erected and furnished a noble :
Normal School building, a free gift for the
great object of education in his own county- '
The People's Candidates. Thenom-1
illations recently made at Harrisburg are
well received throughout the State. All
branches of the Opposition seem disposed ;
to give them a cordial support. Should
this expectation be realizod, the election
of Messrs. Read and Fraz.-r may be re- j
garded as certain by a large majority. '
Mr. Read's nomination is acceptable, not :
only to the Whigs, Americans, and Re
publicans, but to such members of the
Democratic Party as ar : opposed to tho
Lccompton iniquity. A union of all these ,
elements can not but secure a signal vie- '
tory. j
An Independent Opinion. Tho edi
tor of the Gcrmantown Ttliijraph, an in-1
dependent paper, iu speaking of the nom-
inccs of our State Convention, says : "Wc '
think there can be no doubt of Mr.Read's ,
election, and wo presumo very few obscr- !
ving men in the State doubt it. We pre-
diet it, indeed, with an absolute certainty. I
The comparison between tho two candi
dates predominates so signally in bis favor,
that to suppose a different result, would '
be a disparagement of tbe honesty and in-'
telligence of the Keystone people." j
The Society of Friends have addressed
a letter to the Emperor of France,cntreat
ing him so to exercise the power entrusted j
to him, that no proceedings on the part
of the French Government may in future
open a way for a revival of the trade in
human beings; that all attempts to intro- j
ducc into the colonics of France natives :
of Africa, under tbe name of free cmi-
grants, may henceforth be absolutely pro-!
A few nights ago tho lightning struck i
in several places in Washington City. It
didu't strike the Treasury building bow
ever. There was no metal there to attract
the electric fluid. Louisuille Journal.
The Journal is mistaken. There is more
steal about tbe Treasury building,than any i
other in the Federal city. Phita. cir. j
Tbe next regular meeting of State !
Teachers' Association will be at Scran-'
ton, Liiznrnc county, comni'U'rinj rn the
10th of Annpt. i
& west mmi fajjmer-july a is.is.
The body of a young man, well dressed, j
about 24 years of ago was fouod iu the
canal opposite this place, last week, lie
had been seen a few days previous passing 1
aloug intoxicated. An Inquest was held i
by the coroner of Snyder county. Tbe ,
bodies of a drowned man and boy were al
so found last week near tbo Island, a ;
short distance below Shatnokiu dam.
Nothing could be ascertained concerning
their whereabouts. Sunlmry Amrrlcun.. j
Jurors for Adj. Court, Aujr. :). j
Lnnhbitri;-Ml Kirlilhoin, Jn H (tooilinan, J
sirhreyer, M Llreishaeli, Ja 11 llrown, tluti
Partlo, I. .Sierncr. I Nevius, A ISeavr '
Mi tlliiilmrx Win liorr.,r, lli ii lloqi un it', I.ll
Ar.f.iclii Hi r Hell. Jus IS. .of.. am Snizer
LhiirxlmieSi'hn M.'iisc.h, Koas l.amtii rt
liiijhitut -Jame- Irvin, Iav Ve.iieida, liaa M
ileiin.-r, Frs lUon
Kut lhijf :ln Nathan blear, Cyrus Drown, Jn
stirolieekcr j
t'lii'in Aaron Van R"i.U:rk
A'-y Tlios ,.,., J, ,.,n Kline ;
While JJ'ir J I.t-i-fr Jr, Joe .Mover, i maims
ItanrU, Aaron Muiith, Eliiiih O-bonie
limit' I Win KlslliT, Irani l.nli!
.' ici j-ISenj Mioiseli, Kobert Poster
.V'tti llirliii t'lirn Winter
r.t tinjfiil ' Jas Cornelius, Daniel 1'ontius
Will Spotti
(;i;.i.xi .iri:ous-Kri. T, ,m.
AVoe llrrtin Saml llaum. Satnl Mi-r'z
llurlbyUco linmrlier. Saint Curl, Win Ad
ams, Klias Ka'lii'rin.'in
llijf.ilo-:-Davil llerb-t. Win ISakrr. (;.. re
(ielihari, (ieo Slear, IJanl Kcnglcr Jr, Tin s
UV.f llujfuh Anion II I.u'7, Hy II Mpl'y,
Zachs llrevniiin
Isic'uburit Win T Kighttnyer !
I 'iiiim Levi Kocke
I'. isl ttufftilir Jacob Ciin.ly, Wui Or. . n
Killi John ..II
7r David OMt
MiJJIinbur Wm Yoiins
Ltwls Jacob Spieelini.yer, J-Jin Itubl
TUA I'A.Y.'.VrV JlKOh'.S. j
I'niun Jacob ITiiniuiel Jr
I. in, fin, ,r U bt it Ii Barber, Joseph Sanders,
J.ic l.rit.v, Saint Pi-lmun, Fred llolonder
White Itetr Isaac Sudden, Joseph CaldtvrM.
J ii V Kiclinrt, John Moc-re, SJainl Marshall,
Win L killer
Ruffl,x- (ieo Ilnnh, Michl Dunkle, Harris
Stedinan, Jacob Dcrr j
I.(n-i.-bnrgl (M-aiharl. John Walls, Jona
.esbit. Wm 1'nek. J din Mill. r.Tli- Hayes
Win A Sebreyer. S I. Ilfek, Saml (ieddes
A",i Jac Keiser. Levi l'aulins. t u -,- j
i-.rt,'r, 11m., II. Wto lliat.t.tijBti.n ,
MiJ!in!mrg Jacob Deckard, Uei.j Hau, John :
'Rebfr I
East HaJTiilijeWm T. Harris, Jno Frederick,
Peter Celz, Saml Noll
Xnv HtHii Edward Wilson, John D Bogar,
John M Benfcr j
Writ Bujpitie Andrew Forstcr, Win Watson,
David ShafTer, (ienrse Klecknir
Hartley II Uinzaman, John Church. !
Henry Kohl. Isiah Corl j
The iexl General Election.
t5.tuifn Cnunty I.l.'i:'iti' Flirtion Sat. Auc. '.
do do rvmvi'iiti'in Lcai-bur, 5!on. Aug .10
-Allow me to an-
J.L non nee to the citiens of Union Co., j
....vu.. j--. ,...r. ., - , ... .
Harlleton, for sheriff, subject to the action of
ihe Union couuty Uonveniion of the :10th of
August r.ext. July 2S HARTLEY, j
'ITfE rrrommen! Mr. JOHN CRO.s-
'illDVi:. of Limestone township, for
the oilier? rt' Is'herilf of Union county, subject
to the action of the Union couutv Uonventinn
of the Jdih Au;ust, 1353. r'UIE.N'DS. I
July 30, IS.'iS.
It I ESSRS. KIHTUKS Allow me tn an-
,l,r.,,,nh vmir nin.r IUtl'4 W'llvllV .,
jf J nounce to the citiens of Union countv,
tlirouehyour paper, iEi illliE J. KOHL AND,
of Lewislturf;. for IShtTilTof Union county. a
an inilcper.ilcnl camlnlate at the coming Ot'lo
her election. July 30
pectfnlly propose the name of A. J.
lion as County Commissioner before ihe Un
ion county Convention of the 3inh ,f August.
Mr. Weidensaul has lived in ihe tipper end of
the county for many years, and is favorably
known tn all portions of the countv.
July 311. HARTLEY.
For Sheriff.
T WOULD respectfully inform the voters of
Union countv, that I will be a candidate
for Siimrr at the coinine: i letol.er election.
July 30. J. W. PEXMXUTOX.
Slirror. The death of David Hayes
Esij. causes a vacnney in this ollice. Permit
me to lecommend as a candidate before ihe
Union ct.nveniu n of ihis ctoititv, Mr. HU01I
IIEIMHAUII, of BufTaloe township, near the
shamokin Ridge. Mr. Heimbacli is a pood
Surveyor, of several yenrs.' experience, whose
health does not admit of .severer labor, and is
a man of good character and integritv-
t ITW'itlioiit consulting wilh him,we would
propose JAMES PKOSS, of Kel'y township,
for County Commissioner. An honest man,
pood mechanic, and al ?vs ripht. The man
without wealih is as much and belter entitled
to oll'iee than the man with, and the mechanic
should be honored as well as ihe farmer and
the professional man. OXE TERM.
WE recommend Mr. EN'OS STAHL, of
Pniraloe township, for the office of SHERIFF
of Union county, as an Independent candid
ate, at the conunp October election. He is a
pood man. and has MAXY FRIEXDS.
July 0, Is.18
For the Li-wfcl.urg Chrnnirte.
Messrs. Editors AMow me to annonnce to
the citizens of Union county through vour
paper, ARCHIBALD THOMAS of Union
township for SHLKIt-'F subject to the action
of the Union Countv Convention of Ihe 30th
of Aupust next. AsMr.Thomas is well known
throughout the county, h needs no further
introduction to the voters. East Uiifuoe.
the Voters of Union County, the under
I sipned olfers himself as a candidate for
the Ollire of Cminty f'ommitsbtner, subject to
Ihe decision of the 30 1 h Aupust Xominatinp
Convention. If elected, he will discharge the
duties of the office fai'hfullv and to ihe best o.'
his abilities. lEORUE SCHOCH.
IOR election to the Oihce of SHERIFF .
' next Fall in Union countv. we would j
propose Ex-Sherill JOH. M.sst.t,K. Hav
inp been tried, we know him lo be compas
sionate and yet faithful in the discharpe of
his duties. AXTI-LECOMI'TON
HE Friends of JACOB HUMMEL, Esq.,
would respectfully propose his name ,
lor ri-eieciioii iu toe ouit c oi i.uuui soiiiiiiis- i
iioner. He is well acipiainled with the dulies '
of the Office, havinp served one term in the i
old county and one in the new, and is vigilant '
and economical in the expenditures required. ;
nTPlease announce JACOB DECKARD, '
of Mirtlinburp, for Sheriff subject to the j
action of the Union County Convention of the
311th of August, 1H5H. Mr DrcKaun is an old
liner on the right side and needs no introduc- .
lion lo the voters of lhi eonntr. I
MICHAEL NEYHART, of Lewisbmc. is j
prop-wed for the ollice of County Com-'
im.sion-r of Union coar.:y, t-jc to the ac-!
t.on of the Aitpust County Convention.
May IH.'iH. ' A Fa-in. 1
Snyder f'otinty rmal St 'Intnl.
lBKEBFUi;, l'a. Tlif n-xt Session
1 ' of tins lustittitmn comment ". the
of July. anJ continues w t rks.
Encourage, bvpa-tsucrpss.inrrfas?!. rfli r's
wH t ni:'! tn'-iililf .ttnl.-iit! tn a'- a .nut. i Men
M.-ra! and i linn . Ju.-aUoii.
Th 4iEMir ),rirrMtsT 'MiiIpi tc.s n1!
linn-)!-. n tti ilifh. i'bt.-:it. Ut.. tu ft-: ,n I
r--.etiT.ft'- r.lu"tt..n. t"ir 'In-r with lun Ii .n
tiiitf n.l r'r-nrli all 'if Ui b itru Uunt m a tlioruiit.li
ui ftn ivnt niinm-r.
et-UMli'-'l. sit'l lT'-tM(on- ait.-ii-VI. in wiiiHt T-:i-rhrn
nn-1 th"t wi-lt;ni Ut Ih-c.nin rii.-h have fr.-rj
ft.cilily fur fl'CtJliy nvi-Jiriiig tu-m-tclvefi f -r the i:u-
'Villi V-S one half pit fuil in attnmrr.
Fur IV.ur.1, I- urtii-l:. ! Hot iu, itui Tu.tioi, y-t n-
Ft'tll 'if W' k- .""
Fur TuUi-.ii pi-it , i"-r (tiart. r of 1 1 w.-. 4 V, 7
di f.r T.-T-liT-. I..ih l.-;.'s.. -jr il l f.
Mi:m-- lljuwin", fitinlin -m-l lien. )j, ial U u-.t t!;::t i.
F.i Cta1-ri---, Ar- f i I..-.-
C;E0. i M KAIILAM), I r.f.. d!
Frt-rlmr. July, IV.h
1 JAMES SCOTT li.v t.Vn
luii esiabiirh-' 1 .i.irm V, . X
sh-TC Si, .re (Tatlh? I't hYr( sm-j
wli' f hp has i;o;1v SllO'S tM'.nn hanl
or l"uriish-l tu ortUr. (Aiivt ntxi weeii.
I-fUibi.j-;, July I,
Heal Eetate.
1V virtue vt' a writ i.f V. n f. I'x. ivM-.I
J (tut i't i !,'(. u 1 1 nt Com mi iiTi ci I'mt'ii
'minty ati'l to me t!;rfCt'-'l. I will xp-ive t
Putdin S;ile cr Oufcrv, :t the Hurl. 'lot II nisr
iti tiie IJnmiiL'h (it Icu-isbur, n ."iTt iihai
ths 2lst diiy (1 Aii;Mhl next, al 10 u'tlock m
th1 f'TPinuin, ti wit :
So. I, a cert;im lot nf proiin 1 -i'ltate in the
tutrotiqh i-l Lewihur2 in sa:-l c.u:.tv, ii.aik'"!
on the town j'lan Nn. -.", l.(Jti'i ''l M r;h i y
lot 21, west by Second street. M tnh y t.
(ieorie street and cat hy an aliey."
whereon are erected a two-sf rey lUicUJLxi
I-eliin houe.a Wa'-hho'jse.Smdlf' hu-f, a
Well of good water. Ac, with the ar;v.;rtt.ii
anre. N. 2, two and a half I,n!s of zti nu more
or less, marked ("ii the atrreaid town unn)
No's :t:U and part of Lot 33-1. bounded
norih hy the balance of Lot No. :v.',:i, we--t by
an alley, smith hv st- ieore street, and ea-t
bv Kmnt street, where in are ereeted a TAN
NERY in the best style, Tan House, Bark
house, Frame Stable, A.c, wi:h the apt uiu n
ar.ces. Seized, taken in exerminn and tn be sold
the DroDertv vf IkH - Frit.
bSi. D. lit l.UI., .uniK.
Sheriff's (lice, l.ewisburc. July II, IsfjM
Orphans' Court Sale.
IY virtue of an order of the Orphans'C. urt
of Union countv, will be expoaeil In
l'ublic tale on the premises on
Saturday, August 21, 1858,
commencinj; at 10 o'clock, A M, the following
dV scribe tl Rial Esiale, i :
A certain tract of Land in Limestone town
ship, Union county, ailjnininsr lands of Pluhp
Heeler, Aaron Smith, James Smith ami others,
containing 13 .'TV more or less with the
appurtenances. The land is all clear.-tl except
three or four acres, and lias a I.i'K llotise.I.i.
Stable, a young Orchard, and a Spring upon
:he premises.
Terms made known at ale.
Administrator of Si saJi Smith, dee'd.
July !, Ih5S
TIIWO full conticnnus TOTS pn S.uiih
f Sevcnih street or any p.-riion of them.
Trice low, and payments easy. Thry are
beautifully situated near the Female Institute.
V DESIRABLE lliiililin I.ot.n:! feel
feet front by j deep, tnnmre of
Ileaver, Kremer sV M'Tlure.
rilHE residence of the subscriber, on
I Market street in the Boroneh ol
Lewisburg. The house is of ItKIL'K, ue.l
finished in every respect. ;
Terms One half In be paid between this J
and the first day of April next; the balance f
lo be paid in two. Ihree or live years, as may
suit the buver. Possession coven any time. I
m.MY Residence, on XorlhThird street.
Lewisburp, 31 It. front, and includiii:
back Luildinp Si fi. d-ep. Basement, and
Aitick finished. Every c.oivciiicnce in the
av of ottl-biiildinps.
Alwo. a Half Lot on Market St., opposite
S. Ruler's residence, with a pood Well ol Wa
ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a busi
ness stand, or residence, (or both Combined.')
410. "thcr I.oU. some ai-h fln.i s..m
without Buildings. JOH.N LOCKE.
Ltwisburp, Oct. f , I?.".?.
l'OIl SAI.K.
r I "MIE subscriber olleri lor sale his Resilience
I col the west side of boulh Second street
in the Boroiiph of Lewisburp, between Maiket
andSt.Lonis streets. consistitipof near a hit and
a halfol pround.niakmga frontol '.m feet on said
Second street, anil ir Iriipth l.oi feet, 6 inches.
The improvements are a commodious three
iSiMOUSK. f prised brick. 47 leet
Iron t by 3ti feet tleep well finished with a
marble base, marble sills and lintels ir. front
a fire-proof roof wilh a Winp attached of
S3 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Weil of ex
cellent water, with a Pump in, under roof a
larpe Cistern also under roof a larpe new
Stable an Ice House anil other necessary
ont-btiildinps. There are also on sao'itj
Lot choice Fruit Trees and shrubbery. Si
The location is a desirable one eiiher for a
private residence or public business. It is on
the most elevated part of the Borough, near
the Court House. and but a short distance from
Market street. Terms will be made easv.
June J, ICS7 (i. F. .MILLER.
TUT TWO ROOMS occupied at pre
sent by Washineton Hutchinson as a
Saloon. They are suitable for SI 1 Ol 'S
I'lTALSO Ihe Ol'I'IC'i: I now occupy.cj
For Terms apply to
Jan. 27, 1SSS, JOHN B. LIXX. i
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
The subscriber has on hand a splendid
C collection of both Fruit and Ornamental 1
TREES, &e. Ac. embracing the very I est
varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, I'lums, ;
Cherries, Apricots, Xectariues,i;rapes,(.fiose
berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries
Large Horse t'hestnnt, European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Supar Maple
for street plantinp. Ever-bloominp Rose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other !
Flowering Plants. i
riTNursery Grounds on ihe farm rf Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, wnhin half a 1
mile of Lewisburp. All orders will receive
strict attention. ltT7rm. inrariublii t'ASH.
I.ewisburp, July 7, 185S j
V SECOND ham; TriK k Hitjron '
te sold, low for want i f u-e. Lv '
M;,)2 . BEVElt.KKEMLR A. M CH RE. i
S)VK 12 . r r.r KrKM'i:iM r I K M
KKS ran t. . I einp;" n.-i.' t- r v-.pi:-i
tiM i.ths tu rmr.e. at fair u ;i' i " t-h p iy,
I.vnhii7f.tr'v. VIA LllLiL.
Jtine 21, i
I.i:f-lil La. t tt id.,
I,. I. llltl.Ul i:, IH.i.rii (ar.
'PIUS House N the Lrtiot ami most
.1 spnnoi in '.rn'. iiiid si!t; ,Trd i p-
pt.;:e ihe 'ourt II n-' n tlie u-.f-: eV..'J'd
and p'a-;int j i rt ot t.-wn. Tli" pr, ;
t'r, whfi has r- e. !:' , i i r r.;i' J I i:.1 i.'
ftftn (if Ja w -he . -i ' . h.t - - ;.:ttv i i . - ii-'r
pun i:' r x ;:-! -e : r- : ! ii-l.iM.:.-!i-inL'
t!.e i!' n .
Ih It il o lis s i "'''..in T !;
ealcul.i: ! t'. .; ' 1 r :.. m ;; 1
c :i.!ort f 1 the 1 1 ,v. : : j, c u..i,:.t., : v. 1 'it a'
th- e vh W' ti' 1 - ',. a 1- a M sliuukt ie--
ft ; v. r ;i !;i rn;
T;tI '-pn'" I ( v ty .'ixiii v
1 .mi i tiie iii.it A'-! can Mil i .!.
'I lie E5ai' : iun.. 1 w.-!. ih" ( It- if--:
Tie Sial ics nn! (';irrl;r Ifosisr
flrf 'rariMUi, iii.d a't'-n-ic-l :i.e i:i '-t caie
lul r .-tler-i.
I ":' The prt-r r;-!' r h p- th?.t. U in 1 : !' r:
ry. f rifMtre m th i m -n.'-. an 1 ! v i.u; n.
tins attr n:i"n n h;- p;itt, c u .'.: 1 v ; ii a
jiid ei.-us el ( tii n . :h iih -! e;;r- I - :1 r-nd a
te!;tive servants, unv ! ':i'i'!fd to th" fa
v -ralde cons; !''rait. i of in '!ibiu-. and xn
Ci'iv a 'hire t th'- r paTcnm.
! ;'V: a -e ),.!;. a v' a-:d in Ire f-r
y.'M.-Iv.-. !;. !. 1 ;
Till: .lEIMIH AI.I1U !
VOl!l.I KNi'WN AMi V...UI.U mil T.
L X-I.Ui i I lit- l--.: t' r. " II' - J i! :s ! i.f ti,- ! r: - r. .-' : -
tl.t- NV V. rM. -t;.ii',. tl-:- ( v.. ;. rt.- i 1 ut h-
tl:' "n-aT -t I -i.i.n.' j p I i i: n t- r m ;.! k :: wn
b ifi. rin in . n. i ; - ) in T.i .1 n- i.;. .ii i ; in r t :. ti
in trTt:!. ii-. tlir-i:'ti tin- n r:f. -- . ) t. n-
i i-:V f. tin nak. .1 .-.-. it t- x - A '. ;i f- -
t nl .!i.-si' : tu t in a. i i-.M 1 1. . : 1 s t. n- ir- m.; .u
t!.iiJ.iii:it. rv ;i ti I ;i ;.!- i rr r" - ::r; r:-.' m j U.iL LJi ,
Ki;rsiii i s j.v ..i.r rinr.v
Ar tw""f iii'-t r n iihl vr.'iit i;:rlr
r ruTatt lit r ii tl,i- r- i;t ti-n I. tin--- t i..- i 'ii'tno i.t :
! i .allT liL.".ii-t.i'. It.- -t ' i.. tj;-: t'-I-
iicittc Tl.f v-n- in Mi'i tii'-n rr in; ! : !n- ( ii7f.
tM IK'.s. f,IJ . .13' ' fS.
C-i (.f umii i j . ar- -l n.'ln r! M I. -w- , rt n ' j-i y
rcfii.-i .1 t ji I I I" ' "i r p m- J - r tr a'un-ni, hnv
mi ariitMt- -urcuiiil- S Xo f"' ;; i.i:.li- u - (1 '- .-- J w
fljul UIiiU II!.
int rnoys x nn: v.
Ari-icr fri bi a Ki i stnt.- ( f ti..- - 1 i r :ir- .; I'-ca-
HP- 1 'li- ;iti il. mil :i r'.f.ir i tr:T -M - 'it - 111 In V
r- paiinil 1 y thf r t-T.itiTi' n f t in- oii-rnt i.t- It
(ur;.,-,s-f maiiv ft!.'- -'- ?!.-' m.-: i !i r : ; r
Mif.-pi in it t.w'-r to -Ji-j i I",. -I.' anl i:l.-r j.-l.y;t--Ul'-UU
vt tJ.c U".
.' -t;. ; i i.-r; r t.
Jjitt f.rm tnl t tr-.r.-.f tl..' ir-. nt-r.t r I 'i)r
li in 'li'T'lifi- r;ii: j. T I I- i-'v :o.'l 'I ' y ')
!!! of tin? 'itii)!ii nt : w .rm f' im r.t: t. n- -(;..;! pt'-r'.i.-
it aj'pli' at i' n. Itr j iju.i: ,il If Ii ui..!
t-' I thf.i viZh kh I inT;;r:at .
lloth ihr Oihlmmt untl Pah .-V iU'I l
vsttl in tf ft Mow in j ntiti :
ItiiTiinnji I.hftim f i'ln S-rr Tl r-r '
biirird l.tiiLi'Tiu !'irio I !I hn.ilj
rlini'i-! li.m'li Ff.'.t Itiirtim r ii-
rtiiitiiniDs s ; mutj- .m,
ti.-tulA r-Mii .ii .,vf!i T.-TTr
t.out S-r.' i l,:.)tl i- I .- r
I unit nrt I.-." :.r ..' -
V, r- lumli-n; (i- i;.' rra-'i ul t l.:r 1 -
l-l.-t .-.T. 1.- "nu-.
t fl.f Al TIt 'N y 8r.' o-t.xz w lo ; !-- 't-
;..:.. .....- ) ,.ni I , l- r. .r . n
H t.r-Muk iti.t.rv l.:t.t tf.---v it .! : '.
hp uu. i f m h j . t r 1 1 t : tli- .-.tn.. n l !- - i
i to '.:... 1.' ; , . t. a i. '- ! r.n:i
(i iTf ii tu ny ''H- r r. ! i in. tn i. t uutU" n w.
l,al t-- I hi 'tct.oti. nifn ar r ; ai t.. n uM- r ;
illiT t!ii- nit (ll':Ut tT f Lii.t.; tl.f .iUi , t l.i rt tli- Ci tt.
Iw -j urioun.
nt tt. Van: Ur', r f IT. f.-r r II :; nr.
fc.t Ui!en IJine. V w . r . an 1 It :,U r- -( -.t .! .. l-iu:
cit an.l !'-;. r in M.-licn t l.r-u. !.-i t M. lt.irt-1
fnt- anJ tht-fii;iztJ wor..l, in t it nt :j I'-nU'-.
ct'tit.. Htitl J I t-m h.
(e Tlicrt' is roti-i if HtMt-a iiifj ly tsikit: iLf larg
er -it
N. li. Dirr.-tv.c f r tl riii t:incr t f at.- in t i. ry
di rdfr air ;.tlisrd to . in h lx.
in i: unit
I XVI it O K A T K !
l l:t r.UiH jjy .;. .v.i.v. .
('onipitiiiitleil entirely (rem (II .MS.
TsONKi.l-"I UK r.K.-T ITirl.lTO KAN MI Mil: '11
1 Il'l MS ,11 . l.-f. r, II I .0 i'.tl ::.:-:.-:. '
er,:. r. r:i::.i. T Orii tl :o. m. . :! . r n.. i .
kn. Wll. It I! I i j v :l ' . I. lit -i . , r r 1. :i .
a.'tiP.' t'r-t i n . ti. r. : t T.. t 1 t . : . r. I : .-ri
i n tli. i,.., t, Mr l N ... : o .-. r-. . " :i -: t. .
i. iiinjO-l..! i j t.r; . . I . . tin .i v..- .1.: t-i .f
II;.- -:.ii.fm ! .it.. . . ti. r.' . I i: ' ii. . ; ro.t i - - ! . -t
1 a' i.attir. II -It .t.;tl:, w I ;t p-,: t ,- - .... ci.
1,1 ! li. n Uiki ti l.-.iiy it. pi- .1. r.O. .( -. .. will -ti, i..t;. n
ai.il l'ii:M ;t 1 1 1 - i .;.'. unn- ual I: i ' ''.
The I.tTFK is i ti" el tl.-' ;:;r :.! ri-t':i-'r if
ti e human I :. ' . -1..... .i ; , ::. :i: t -I i -
t:. rs at-;., tlf n.r-.: ;!..- ii-t.iii :.r.- : .: -t.-if-Ti-d.
Ti e ,-' i. i- fj ..'m , Lt;r. ' !. ;ai. j. i t
in tli.- li.-T.!thv :.. I . :i il 'O:.- J...r t-rit.. ;r ; r
t . tl. rnii.I;. .- r-1 tt. f.in - O tli,-: !..I T I .-,t-ni. , I:
1- at lioiit. Ih.- I
t I; ;-:t. M. 1 t!i
fv-li-ni -ufi-r.
' ... .... . f. 11
t! .
!. I V I nt il:-- cim.d I. -1 it- .Orv. I- .
i a-e lli.it i I -:.r. . i..- . t ;( ;:, t:;, r,
il sTti.iy. in a r. . : ... - t ii..t. ti "ti wi i
:.. tr l o m.' i.i. . i.!,.r.. ti I -
111.' Eiany .1- t:.r- I-:.-:.! t.. wl i. i, it i- ' -
li I.
rt r'n tlf iilm J v it. f : i: 0 vtM:."T. in ::v i I'
it-! rni.s Las tut to try a I. Ul. . uv.d t:'. ;. In 't.
1 In iv (.nm-T ut T.- all VJ ' -rlf..! 1 1 v r '.' r fr n
the t m. mi ; y iu iu .r 1 I'al.in il.iti'H
flil.'. inii.-i r:.:.i ' tl.. i;.-;i'i.'';ti;Mi: t-' l ti
.-;t,!th to lit- .Vir.ii , in.rv. r.iri 'Tn t!:t-
rn-i ot tin" i t- r-. T .i-i: a r;..I'. -it uu.
ItiLl i - ai : 1 r. ar.- 4 . i -i. a:, ; ; r -
TIP. ii:rvi:ii., ly ti- , ;i-.. I;ul u-i I ll-v I.i v -
LI. IMI "I T' it. "
One nft. r t .'.v : i- MiT'ti'i.t tf- T- tp tlio
ftf Di:ti Ii a i.i jn.iittl.- f i 1 Liu, i.: i at'!
f nrii
tiniy inc J ?(. ti-k r. : r rtir'.i'i. ru-.i::ts
Nti-iiiMiir. U-
Otii; (mi' .1. .- t::'' rt :t . r.i T t. V'.-I. tl..' t - ('.-
p'-ntlji. rii.J rui, ( - LLJ i.un,.,.
(in.- :t .-a tiikc a :i' r . ;u li ul il! run- I'l--
tine itV' rf fw.. t.-:i- -jn l;"u-4 v t.i ;::r;.v-i rf
li' ti- h. Ih kv m vt:.
dne l-fttlf t;.k r. t'r fi- i i:i:i'.- ..1 -tn. i r irifTr
the l aiit-c of tin J:-t :..-. j. i,.! n::i 1. n ; . 1 1. - t rtir.
ii!y one ilt-iuiiin iii ! t ly i. ! t i :r-. !.i:.
tin- il i.ft i. r. ( I'lt-J i ii h i. i mr 1. i i'i; l; i.a
i.n .-, at.J a j r. . ntj ( ti.' ' 1 1 i l; f. .
jr-tin!y rip t'tt;-' fm. n.-..:. ilto i!.r w i:t if
Uu fy-t. m tl.e 4 !!n t c l y
! ir.e
r a
-ii.'UittI.-t).i-. n f- r .'ri M'i' i: r. n. n"i u.
li wnci-s f.r t:t.ii;itiir;tl '. Q i r fn ni tl.f - k n.
(U -f t:ik. ti a 'I - rt I n.f I . : r.- t :.i.i it.-
ff'T t.. thr titr. an.l jf In., k-s I-( .1 w-M.
dre tif-fott. n n - uti i ur- i i s ' i- 1' - : i. ;
in it wor-t I. : in-, wli ie .-1 vn, ai l V v. . L iu
plnint jifl.l a!in -t ! ll I.t.-t ti..-.'.
On! or tuo d.'n rurt- i, nt :,n k.- omi I 1 y r:y
in t'hil.lr n : tl i-n- d M;r. r. mt.r. ir f;n.;.-
n-mt-ily iti tin rl.i. it . -
4.A t.-w U.-.ti.c cui t-
al it!u r.U
We uki j lrajur- in rw t niin-r..; -rir t:.;- r- Jir'r.t'
-a iTtt.nt-tti'. d r 1 1 rr. -im. A .m. t i::i! Fi
vnt.n.U hiis rf i () IttiUM" Tut It ij-r-tfH
iLh all r. rtninty., nn-t tIk u-nt .i? a:t- will
ir.g tu tiMify t. i:s on-, ,tliful iriu-".
t.All mho vt it art- giTin tlnir uua.iiD.f us !i-stiw
roy in it j fati-r.
.Vir ll.ffr in .'A- tnmtii ri;i tht If -j'.raU f.antl ticat-h-ve
Uth t y th.r.
The I.i vo r Inviorator
I? A Pt'IKNTlFir .VKDirAI. I'lSOU KKV. an.! in .In i'r
-rkin; cim-H iiiinont t-.crnt ti Ii. ir. It i iirri- an if
l.y ma-ririr n i'i. TsfJf. ':r',;i ' " ' '...t"l -!.! n: norf
tl.an oitf Ion:.- i-p-.,ninJ to ciin- any krn-1 - f I.M .
r.in;pinr. t:rm th wn-t J. i.,.u-; i".r ; ;"i to
minitif n ll-.'li.!,e, ull ii wlmh are tl.t r.;u.i.- I L'i?-ea.-tti
I'r.irr tiM- Ti 'Liu put P" "Ti . '
SANFOnn x 0 Tr.-f r..-r. r IT.-n-lwy. V is YtrX.
ml rt-tailirU Ij all lrruirsi-M. --i-l 'o I
lyT-1 F. fr-1 ALKWr l.L. Uwi-Lur-;. T
T)EMEVESa!! pain an.l sorevr in from
, 5 tu 30 minutes. &e anfhrr or.m.n
f'nee .10 ck jpr botrle oniv. .vhip-rr.! u ail
part of the I'. S. For v.ile ly
J Bk-r A To, I.PTrij.urt 1 M r-K-t t A ITu-V.K 'f Hrf
0 V .-n ut"- .i.. ! ! ,...lnirj!.. '
I I.i'!!'h, N. "-' hr. Vf-,; ' . U i
I-ti ihi!t. T. rtl. i : Ir i.n- m T. A
. B rVnvan. K.-liy Tf ; T II 1 'r 1 ft ,i : trs
ttimiiit-'i''c,I'a:t'fti i Vrnji i Mi-
EtiU Another Opportunity!
3 C :tMy.tIir Im ;i VU ture .Man,
JiAfK AfiAl.W
1 T E take this method of infurmin the
f I citizens ol l.ewbnrsf and surrotodinc
cruntry. that e are asain with ihem for
sh' r; ti.ne, and now t-f-r them a better article
and at "wer pr.ces than ever heretofore. W
have trtken the oid itan! above Christ &
i'aVwe!.s ltti Sore, and ha. in? much bet
ter than we bad in our old rooms, and
u-. corivT.ieri! rooms in every rspfct, ire
shall le L-t:iT able to arcomrrw dare. Persnrs
t mr ; ; j-t r-t , -,i i)hi-;iv 1 frir.-ln bt rIttr whwJi
!n' i.' 1 iut o iiiiv- i j k .1 or irhvftrrr-'i t proa
3 II I. ') .iir'T f-r-.-W. mil liii it UOIlif rbort aV1Wv
jot i - 11 , vrsrraiit' ! r. r-itiftllj M
i.J . n.i-t 8,.1 t.tvr tluiii tl. liuh mrm tak-a
!. t;i I't r-- v Hi:t ( I'i.' -y, r:t l.n rB ta lh-m ftr
r i..i'::ti' ft- ni to $.). ('n-turfia ft -rsn ,n-
. 1 ti.. r r-. : :l.r u.-h ni.-ko-.-., acI ' f J.ih-J
J . r.-. I;. T.: ' n :.t tl..- -l orli rt B'.'jrf. at tJ;.r rfi-Vt.r;
.;r-- v i.r ..-Ir-n (aV- n : it c-iif pnti in a hrul.C
: V n if 1 u. i:ii.-, Ar , tulu-n U cr-l-r.
-- 1 . 1 ' ; ut - t Ki i ' n lr st.rj rai&T ls;atuirk-
i-r l iin l'Hju-rTrf.j;. ' n th -:.i.-t ant .n.-ht t.
I t. ..r- - fi in r-. t. .m. to mit lit j Dr hfr. W
rivi: 1 :i r ! :i. :i..f.a!:. i, :,. f:, .-,; ej 0R ht t
i - i ... ur r -. l.r;;,r tln-y ant r,''"tnrM ,r
' i '. , -:.' r ! i . i '..r... Tt.. ,-,. t.trrt irtJiCMwiil
M .i.i .:iil::.ii. V. t tul to -Ii-a-M-.
N Ii - fri-Tr . r.- in th art. sr.l r'Prkto
J 1 :
nil f jH-irtuoitj bAtofAlD't
1 1
V.'illiam Jones,
TTOItNEY at Law. folkctinns
r ri.ir.ptiy alien lr I ;o. OlTicf on Mmke!
-t, cj.jioMtc ihe i'rrst-rrrrtan chuich.
i) LnwisBVha.fA.
New Goods Old Stand!
V'iEXERAI. assortiueni of DryCwiili,
r,i.oV iij, I'b fhinj.IlolsA- ('., Boott
en I XWr suital-le for ihe season.
1 1 anl Wan. Queers Ware, L'roeeries,
a:: i t nhirh will te solu at prices lo suit iht
nines. Liberal dediicions made fi r Cah'
r,-!ir.ilo X Ra.!s, May 13. IK,
r-- MARRIED tiLl
( ET m..:r.i.l m hen i 11 wish. n!r o yoo
f ra.i at M FAMiIX'rS HARKWARB
s I ORE. and seta first rare COOK STOVE at
f.ist co-t. as 1 want to c!oe ont mr stork ol
c ok s'. :-. Jos. M FAI'DIX.
Lev. i i n:;. March 1 1. I'n.
-pTfi--- lc 'til senben Hi rsio se'J the
"- " ar; Urn k Foundry al the west
r(T!t.-"'t "' M-'iket street, including
ihe Wareronn. I'ltice, and ihe
Macliineiy aiiirhed also a larpe amount . f
I'.iton.s ii r Parent Rich's lor Agricultural
Mai hinerv.So.ves, ,-r. , l5 re-3r,:,(l
1 1 tin- lest cam t f.r a pood.sale 1 u.iness.
Ti.e Pr. rr.fl. r's. time is nhdly enprossed in
an. ii.er enip!..yii;eiit, uhirh is ihe rrsi,a i
iles.res to dispose i f this Fi undry. Fi r any
furili'T pariieulars. address
M 1LLIAM FiiiCK. I.ewisbnr?.
r'!'- Union Co. Pa
I.litVIS 1'4-L.IItR,
i.t II vfif ;.7, J".4
t"? Otiire in the University Euildin- UI
I Si IIKEVJIK &S(. have just re-
J ceived their : ck of Xew
AV.V.Yo- A.XIt Sl'.VML'fi GOODS.'
vl. rh :! i are se.hi.p very cheap. Those
M.'-obuy! r I'a-hare rarticularlv ir.viltd to
ra!'. ; April I. !:-..'
MU I 1. II. OR1MI..
ilforiKy al I.h.t.
OFFICE on s. ii h S. ri-n,; r.ear MaiKei ..
I l:uthl I a.
f-' Pioies-n-ra! Rusii.ess ertinsri ,f to
Ins care will be fdi:ti:ii!:-,- and pr. nipiiy aiirn
dd to Sept. 11.
IOOK litis Ull!
.xotick: .xotjca:: sotick:::
HAVI.t; ju.Nl rclurneil fn m tliet iiy
wilh ni nsa!;y iarre Slick aid we'l
s. l-cre.l. ai.d am non r. parej 10 s II poods
low.r than ran le .. u;l.t elehete (a ihu
side of Pi. ;.'.-. 'r' h.a.
II 't-!n::re .' IliiiJwarc Hardware '. .' !
NiliIsi NiliU Li r '... La'rhrs. H i ;es
Si-n us. . I'n. v. I';i.i.:s. Oil m facif
'. fly t hint; yi n nay m ant to I u;;,I your
se.i a iirs; i -e l., u-e r barn tei,iv per
rei.t. 1, u.-r it.aa etcr l-ei'i te. T!,i, '
7.',.-., I.: I. '
CAIvl'l XTUI.S. le re vnn ran eft the ce'e
1 rated li;.r, I',- Pl.ires. srear A J;i,l.,i,'j
hand. t r.. n ai.-! r p Sat., Huicher's. liratt'
and r,;r..u I l..-eis and I'larr Inns, patent
aid con. ii. n Braces. Ilrnoe Kitts. Aucerf,
s.;o.-.ri s.;tiapcs. In n Screws, Ci repass aws,
H.iiv.oT..:'s Han ti. ers. Ac.
li:ark-ni.t!isroi. A'O.V !KO ALL
K!XIS-l!ar. sci il.-p. Tyie, Oval. Round and
S.inarr- Ca-ts-fel. Spr.npand Er plish S:ecl,
Vi-es. A.iv.N. !!. dlows, Serrw P:.Tr. eic.
Ilnl sl'.KEEl Ei;sr Table Knives and
Foi ks, Carvers. Spoi ns. Kettles. Lamps. Can-
j;.-l-;- k.. " Vi,;,. i-il.-:. :l ,. M:,t.. I'ans. II. !.. i,.
.!.. I'll I. V. -.1 rn.ll f,,. all tl.. al. .r .iih a
lir.at u.any iu- i.- at lh- 11 vli -.or .ss Ii . s sr. ir
J' 'si I II V I Al Kl .
in tl- iM i :.ai;-.v -uua. . km -. i l(-. p..
THIS at 11.- JUli .,, .
I'-tiCiiH lli '..' fo Tihijniih i fit.
1 .M lllhtKl
c ( . x 1-1 : ctio x i : ji v .
rjillE Mil -crilrr respectfully lates ihi. nt
I thoii in inform ihe cn.zt ns c f Lea isturp
and vicin.ty in crntral.arul ihe Ladies in par
liculai. thai he has , p, r.ed a Iluki-r) an.l
Ulil f Iftmrry. on Market street, in Mr.
Heaver's ISuiMinp. a here he will te ready t
supply all who niny tav, r him with a call
wuh the t est of evert ihu p in his line rf 1 n
soess. ',i:.I), CAkKs and COX F EC
TIOXERV on hai..! at all nines. Ueinp
prariiral H iker and C. n.'eriii ner Ii r upwards
of twenty-live years, he feels confident that all
a ho favor loin wuh a call rr c.ve him a iria)
shall ml le disappointed. Weddins and
Panics sttj plied at ihe shores! notice, on the
in. si reasonable teims. All sorts ol Una.
mental Ui ik done to order.
I'.liEAI) delivered at II. nfs al a'! times
when desiie.l. CHARLES JIEIXER.
Lewisbui. Oct. 7, l.".7.
OF Viv.z. Meilit-ines,Xotions,rainls,
Van. -ii.. Stationery. Ac, ptircha-ed in
Xew Yi il a: ' I'hilad. markets, has just Ictn
rte'd a: Ihe O 1 Mammoih I'rup Store i f
F. S. CALDW ELL, Leaisbnrc.
JOMill hl l l.V, AurlioiM-i-r,
eUiLICITs the patronace of the public.
) Residence en Souih Fifih siiret. I.'wis
Lurp, Pa. Dcepiber 5, ISo.
'PIIF Firm of FKIl K, SI.IFER & CO.
.L is this dav dissidved hv limiiation. Ihe
arc. lints of ihe old Firm aiil he srfilrd al
their Odiee. The lusiness wiii le recmrj
an.l continued Lv some one or more memhers
of ihe l:.ie Fnni, a: their pre-en; l.-can.-n.
I.rwi-hurp av SO. !.'..
t.SK -.i;ract wtt'-i Tea. h" a.d Or f
y ders on I'rca-i'rcra: Chrouicic Oiiice. t