s LEWISBUEG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FAILMEH.-JUXE 25, 1858. r It M -it li -41 Mi Beware of Pickpockets, TLo hotel system, (says Dr. HoitAX,) is pernicious to all traveling insects lug and landlords expected. Tie Doctor was ..... , . , , on to WasLingtun city, 'totlur day-, aud Lis diary illuminates tlie "fuels of the r.'KiV ' I ilHIii knltio r.t net hr. ll.itc Drl.i.' ... j - Wash,' Hilton Villi, 1)11. " . ' To supper a slice uf biscuit, the shadows of cl.i; nd beef,ai!d two cups uf uanu 1'oti inao uattr, Lodging in a raucid feather bed, lircakfast a hut potato, au nutico t.f gutta pcrcha bci f Mcakligut ly caloric, twcups uf warm I'o toniao, muduUd, i.icco of dried bread, Ve. To a fat uegro for looking at mo twice, To two junior ncgrnes looking at me six or seveu times, To said Sambos looking at my va- liso several times, To a negro boy who assisted the others in looking at me and my valise, Forgetting a kok at the landlord taking two negroes to help 111c, To c.ib t ) depot, Fare to I.iiltiuioro, (LhJu't stop afraid my money wouldn't hoid cut ) Fare to I'bilaaYIpliia, To two Irish cab drivers,who seized my valine, got into a light, and for fear they'd tear luggage to pieces, ejeh 25 ccuts, To sleeping in a closet over bake oveus and slew-pans, no windows to the "room," (tj by 8,) day light and ventilation done by four au,:er holes in the door, Hreakf.ist tolerable, Hoots, barber, cab, Faro to New York, "slow line," over the deserts of Jersey, To 1'oiice Court expenses to offi cers, witnesses, ie.,in recovering my vulit-e from the wharf rats, cab drivers, theives, and I'etcr FntiksjCongregated at the landing Astor House,one day well worth it, To sending valine home by express Adarus & Co. fur fear of ac cidents, To fare home Stotington, f 1,00 l.uu 1,00 ! 50 i 25 25 25 50 2,00 3,00 50 50 37 1,00 2,50 2,00 2,00 25 2,00 Total, iu cash 25,00 " " time, 5,00 ratienoc threadbare. Resolution never go again. TVe may say, in the popular vernacular of "down cast" the doctor ''had a time," ho must. Yanlce JllaJc. Durlingime on Donglifaccs. Mr. lriti.ixJAME made a speech on Kansas ufiairs in t!;e House of Kej reseu t.itivc". It id short, but craeks like a whip over tho heads of the doughfaces, and gives back fire to ihe fire-eaters. Hear Liin on the Northern tools of the South : 'We shall beat voq like a thre5hing floor. We shall Mrc..then ourselves in this House. We shall strengthen ourselves in tho Senate. auJ wc are to-dar filling all the portents of your general doom in 1C0. And I say, in the presence of this state of things, that our first duty to G jd and our country is to devote ourselves to the polit ical destruction of doughfaces, who say one thing at home, and come here to vote another; and who fawn, aud tremble, and fall down iu the presence of the Adminis tration". No wonder that you, Southern men, call us nlavcs, judging us from these specimens of the people. 13ut I tell you they do not represent the fire aud fliut of the grim and grizzly North. They arc but our waiters; they are exceptions; they are our Uriah liters; they belong to lljutc's sclCsh mcu, of whom he said Heaven would not have them, and Hull rejected them. I tell you, Southern men, I am ready to strike hands with Cre-eatcrs, aud exterminate the race. It is becom ing extinct. Look in their faces for the last time ; they are fading away. Oh ! for an artist to take their features, to transmit them to a curious and scornful posterity. lo it quickly, for the places whuh now know them shall soon know them no moro for ever! Cool I.mpuhence. The editor of a western paper owes a bank about $1000, for which they hold his note. The de faulting wag announces it thus in bis pa per: "There is a large collection of the autographs of distinguished individuals deposited for safe keeping in the cabinet of the Formers' & Merchants' Hank, each Wo learn that tiug of the autographist. they have cost the bank a creat deal of rnoncv. hni pant over a thousand uul- firi for ourt. We hope great care is ta- Kca to preserve mese tonirai anu inierca- ing relic), as, should they bo lost, we doubt whether they could be easily collec ted ajzaiu. Should the bank le so unfor- ,,, i , auiiavv. b " 'i? vm,, n. i onother at half price, iu consequence of i the very hard times." 'Mary, my love, dj you remember the text this niurniu 'I" "No, papa, I never can remember the text, I've euch a bad memory." 'Mary,"said her mothcr,"did you notice Susan Brown?" ''O, yes. What a fright ! She had on bcr last ' year's bonnet dune up, a pea-grcec silk, a lilaek I ere mantilla. Lrown palters, an mi. itatii ii II luitoa collar, a lava bracelet, her old tar dropp, and such a fan ! O, my I" Mother: "Well, tuy dear, your tuemory is improving." The Louisville Journal cays: "Bill L'i"jluh yot op a lad tultiilute for a good ML We hope his constituents will, at their next election, get up a good substi tute lor a Lad Hill." Why will America's eniblom outlive those of England, France, Irelaud, and Scotland 7 lkcausc the rose must fade the lily drotp the shamrock die the thulle uiiUr, Lut the stars aie eternal. Borons,. Statemcnt.t857'8. ! "'" D. Lain, Treasurer of (he IPirough of I Leichhurg, '" "'' '' F""ugU, DH. f 1'-;.7.N'.9. To show License from J Schrejer, I i iiurs s $ 6 no j ,5is- MaJ' L"lance due Boro,lgh T"urer !HH I l-ail vn. I IW. May 1.1. nlanea due Treaa. aittle't 1S57 C9 01 I tt 1I..-......I. ..i.tif hJMu( ai!h IkI.mI '. May H ironch ttrtif. redeem-d with tutt-rest i .lime S'. :intik ln-on 1 Jtim-lt. M.-ilsiiiL I'm li.-ate Itnr. Tux 1R57 Autr . t S HnrUtu t.rder furor of Jitinw Kelly (h-t.S. Or.Ii-r ir-iir 1 Itrtt'n for printing Mirrh .A. Ward Ju,.litMtn Mnnltfi April 2. MuKititi lti li.ntr K.T.Tm lr-8 SI) 21. bvrvktrt me Town Clerk uil Treu. 1 yr ;t7 5 iq 17 bH 12 (M) : IN i fi (tO 75 00 j Igerg Amnions, Sitjwrvisor of Roah9 in ant with J'irtttfiht iv.7. My 17. May Ul. lilfnv on Pfttl.-m'-nt iS7 &o r9 217 57 -707 9o 42 41 l.;i to 4 i 17 IA 16 7S 160.1 64 47 00 1 .rrt) a ;.4 la IH) 2 :.o 11 oo 1 6 23 00 rn. 1V.7. July 27. Ca.li pd A K on note, doe rcta Not. IT. ul .Inm.-- I' Vw fr HtTTic! s..'. Ki lt :!. Jyf l-rr'n rTl in full forgm?,-! Ac 1VI, t'ui t-l ord.-r .luniei Linn Mart-), ta. C"ti in C.-uril, Ityrrp Atnmona May 1. iv-h fur wrk on road,!uniber for liriii; lime at. tod.t do ln-li,i'lul arrl for working on mada do J"lili 11 l.tnit'H tnt rli:,ri;.-d TreasuriT do or J,T f.tror of l:a! h litty do S S turton nr-l-r favor of Geo Karcteter do do do do do do do do Ordir faror of Jaro I Halm do Henry Heft do do do do do do J A Vl.-rli. ((Wearing oflleem A K Itonormandie. attrnilinz Town "l"rk 1 yr to June K. "a7 Jolin MiOer, borough Auditor Jnuiey II aye do I'fltIV lla'Ka Carkiiuff and Strickland, ra 2 00 1! on 2 HI pid, me Lonmgh x.nglna Borough eertif. Willi llitereet Ksoueratiooii flir tlie year 1&06 Pick ,.f 1 .N'eviua 14 00 40 56 17 1 M ll:i 40 2..1 07 1 OU 5 l"-r cent, colleetin; Puplieate 157 Italanee due lirouuh May ii. l.',a trror tu addiuj; taouerationa of 1355 , 2707 M LIST OF r.Xnyr.K.lTHiyX allowed n. Ammona. Col lert'T of the Norlt, and South Wards of the lloroughof l.i'WlLur lor tuc year Ioo. Hitter t Murah (1 Ml John Snell r:haaa(-lt J INI I io 1 7i 11 Ml 1 on 5il 1 Oil M 1 W ha u 1 oil 1 00 1 00 Ml fid Ml 7ft 1 no 0 :o 1 ial ;l l,n mi 1 HI Sl an fill Fredk Stoushton Beitj sinuuh Thoa Shoemaker I. U Slieker J Wallace E Wm Wallace 0 S Wood lir W II White poor widow do W V Miller John Ailarna L A li llntdwav T I. Ilamea W llonachy M Douacliy S Krana wtlow K ri.li. r S Foray the dr.i J lleiuiman 1 lio. l. J Neainaa W p-arlea I Steinert A F Shanafelt Alhrrt ltarli,s ;.o 25 60 1 (HI 75 50 1 no 1 00 3 011 75 60 60 60 60 60 60 , Po.it aiilow , Vi V Intinr 4 iti..:irlen Error ! Iani-I Aurand V ni .li1.uou ( J.wirpl, Irf-opard Th- Morb.n It Mai n II. on P. th Wm IWtli .lohn l'.. th .Inniee Pottle I! Philips J Peter .lori'ph 1'o.th It. nni4 Purael 1, Caidnhauh li Kymer: w lie? l:i,!,monl terror) lieo Keitmyer Jr Peter ll illilyer II U iuegardea . P,,r 1 li V i:ur,'liinel Alexl'nmimngs 75 60 Ml 60 60 60 60 60 j Tlio- II. oiarliy A Kittter Samuel Miller Joseph Miller Saoip-M-n Miller M MTmldin Ilirnu, keitmyer ,i, o Keitmyer Sr ll:,riil lo-iliover !a,t.i Sltatler Jaeoh plough J li I aldwell A l Klder K Krana T M Nebit II Neal II Purai-U I: ProM J KShanafvIt E ion 6o 6o James Ilhi'r, Orcrsir.r of the Pior for the Siuth W'anf, in turf, J)Ii. l&is, May U. Amt Toor Tin Dun. So. Wd, 1S07 32-J 13 VII. By amt r-f Fcrriiw and fyp'-nfx- in the mutter of fntiiiifl Mi-ill. a i -r rimivfd from llant ItuIUUw. tlie a (! tn ui Older uf IvmuTal OTfrf' t-rV uTTic. mh, cxin ti-.d in Xot. 1cJjT W. Mar. lr I'hM Win Mfre f..r hrs- Lire 300 2 IK 2u IMI 21 Ml lo la, A p. . 1'ai'l .'ami Mt-,-1. f,,r kf-('iiiit MUrt-r i T ""'':: TiZr'L !.'. .Mar. Id. J A Merlz K-i. lor ordera ' O Ap. o. II iint- r l iinloe r.-,. 1 40 do Jolm II l.iun. makitianur'neatpa.blk renord boob.ainl M-rvires in s .tliiler'a nve 12 SO J a J uu fo. u.. IW.Md !, II hiwiia u oo do .1 s. hrejer tor .tire lionai-hy liroa n A sterner for Siouu. I Meek to- :Ioiteltl for lr Ibe.u 1 W S M 1 -I 2i.(l 2(1 no HI 1". i I 5 loo o; do Aj.. lo l: k i'. nse will, Jee il. Hover and familr I;iy '2i. Servi. e. as OveriM, r do .i tT ee,.t. i ollei-tioe lii) l!iate ! BaMmrduelj tile' or" r " t a-h d I' Novum a? e-r order er JSJ lo j s,mn,l S'!fcr, Occrsrcr of the Poor forthc X-rth Want, bit. 1.'", Mav -1. 11!. -iur Bor. ft ynr wttlfmrnt lVi. M:iy L'S. Amt I'.Kir Tux Uup. N. .. 1H57 344 or. 'H tl do du Tu cash rec ti support paupi-r cliild vn. 18, Mny 15 Cttfl) paid for trannirnt pauper Iu ilo dn do Mny 2t. Uo do do My -is. Thornton M'NVnrn acrt for atte Dilanee ii j Kin urah -'oiinf r do Tlfrut.-ti Jk Vanral7ir bill for atteod- mir- ujoti J K-rh-Tt Jr do IM for KUj.ort "f Mr H-v-.n do sui. ant tuiwril vxp. of SnrAh Kincan do pupjort Mr Ntmpwii Miller to dxte do do Mm Mry Ann llutcbinoon do do Mrf I'uttcr 1 o : 7 40 j ,'- in 93 12 no f7 il 90 71 ! 4a 11S K ; m j 3n ih, ; 3,l 17 M 11 I :is i 41a m , 12 oa do do KNcc Itond do eTpn' nt funTMl of Tho? Bonn do Onlfnt p.! f noticfrt Mertx and 1'ardoe do mTiic an ' wmt do do troinir tn HnpT'T' do i p-r r-iit. t'-r mlltTtiug Duplicate do tiouc nation ftr do du 15$ lfiM, Mny 2S. Bal. due Oreraear on settlement K.YOSKltATIOXd for iaa.l : rharlea n. k 1", K btoggbU.Q Jolin Toeifa 1 : j 61 . E.ro.VKBA TI0XS for 1 SSfi : I IWmJolinMtn lat J U narehinel .10: ' M t'haM-ll 4 A t'nmmiuKa 1.1 . II I. Heir 4 A Kerr 15 ; I'oorniilow H'i Saiul Miller 15 ! Jaeob Loiniwn 94 Joa Miller 15 ' ! Wijow ao Pamn Miller 15. : It Neff 45 M M ladilia 15 I i T Boon ilS Ji hn Snell -J3 ; T M-oHon F tonirfatoll 15 j I! Mnhua 15 1. Ftieker 30 j i IL-nrv I'm'th lill J Wallaoi 23 I 1 Jin l'oeth 30 WHallaea 15 , W Hake 30 O S Won.1 SO i Ki v llo limond E 1 5 WUWliite 3D II Iteimert 23 j O HeitmverJr 30 9 38 G lieitmyerfr 16 John M'allt, Treasurer of School Dirrrlnrt, in acrt, Llt. K-.T f.it T Tn UlanM .Ine nn iMutnl tlt 7 1 , July it. t., ea-n of a uomn-ny I ta t. 12 to Mar. 1'.,. li-5a.Cael, of A Kennedy. Coll. law 07 i.5 Aprli t. lo lta:e afiiirorinalton Anril 13. Rent from Mi4e tj Kowland 24 K2 a no -,,e j looinpsna dn Mis A Miller Caah Mr Wiugard lor card do 1 W) 96 vn. 8 J5 as i ia.iT. July ia. i inter tavor u a jamea,ecn. lurn.aic. lawk, pau II enilliia Set.!. 11. Order favor U K Noll ?. lit. IS. do John Dark. loll Lfec7- dn John A linn.ly to May 4, 58. S li.ur J Miea A E Pala to Mny 1 do Mis h: T Kvana to May 14 do Mi U ll..lnd to An. 13 do Mii-a A M l-'rear toMar.19 do lia M It. lutein toAp.10 do HAStoner to do do S A Armntrong 1S57, 1)e. S. Order paid 0 Snyder do do Saml Kvan do dn Mr .lame M'Fadilin 33 in 4 31 I 30 00 ' 72 00 r0 00 , 120 w ! 6o on j ion 00 ! 132 00 j f.4 on 37 25 & 12 4 00 do toAp. ln.'oa. Ord t d V N Anion, Janitor 1 "4 75 Iie. 22. tlr-lere pd J A J Wall I'll &6 TVe. 25 to Mar. 27, 5s. Ord. nd Mi C J TUumpsoD it) on 1 T;' p 10 do W Miles Hill 110 do do 32 73 do Henri. Phlllh't 2t (Ml Jan. 14. Order favor Friek, Slifer A Co. for coal IU : do do K 1 Neel.it do do do Iliaver, Kremer Jk MVIura do do f'rii k A Lilly, apittoon Ar. do UiFeti 24.VA. Joua Neeiiit.3d St. eh.hou. da Order liieiremierfer A 0rieUch d, do (ieorite llarkdoll do do 0 S Jatne fur furniture tc do do Keber A Muaer for brick do do Brown A ltitter,BtoveA pipe I ;r ti so 7 oo 21 30 1 60 1 63 50 reo.ii. uruer imvor imvia i.tuu-r I cb. 24. dn John Miller, carp, work do do do do do do March 19. do no i ii nut at oaJdWfil. glua do Un Ihtty, hauling do B Amnions, lumber 2 hi do P NriuF fnr arhool tvtrMrr 1.1 30 do CS.Iatnfa,reiitfr fb. room 15 00 do A K Irnormaadie, Janitor 12 00 do ID Frnine 3R do Kat Swinfonl teaching 17 SO SU 00 a la) 14 25 K 83 A, hi 13. t. p Jirniw. aaiarj an errriary .May I&ac Walter, work on achoo! I10OJ6 do Isiaf Itowr. lajiDp paTemcnt Slajrul. Trraurar'ap-rorDt-n $4141 7S, ata't raid out from April 2, 1510, to data ' MT 1- BaUntc due Uw Irtntnrer 57 79 Andre to Kennedy, Collector of School Tax in acct, DIl. 848, May 31. To amt of Tax Doplic. year 1SS7 fcKM S3 f.v;. Oct.12,'57 to rar.5n.HI. I)v l .Win n'alti,TlTM. 1".90 OH I.'). Ap.17 to May Z7. lo Vo Jnim do b'it 48 June 1. Kumera'tinna allowed ly the Hoard. W Ml do & "r ee nt. r r vlle.-ti.in I-S 80 Ualanca due by the Collector 189 S-I "Pliyriiinii will tnfe notloc. thnt hTiftT the Au-litont will trnt allow ttifir luiln f r title utlnrp upm r-1"1" Pr!'0, unlfP lln-y irtrtuci trn:trn tJirt-i-ti.nm iroro j the Ot.th i of tlie 1'uor lr their lt?i.UDi.e ia each ' l''t'ru'r case. Iiir.a.'h countiniT .n.cr will Io tak notli that hy a r-s..ulton of the T"W Council lh-ir arvouiita tuuM Im amtitf l antl adjum-d I y the Ut duy uf March ia ea h BjiJ rry ytr lirreafUT. WE the un-J.T.ienfd Auilit'iin of th BpnUL'h of lw ih'iurir. 1 l I'KKTIKV that we Iinv tauiiit-l it ml ati-liti-d I In- ft-r jrolni; Arccunls of the dttl.Tfiit (llHivr of ait B.-rou-lu atil fiml Hit pam rorrtH-t mid alliw th-iti W itueas uur haodtf aud ertln. tbi let dny tf Jun, A. 1. It t1 dUlir, A. 1 ;t"VX, I -8-l i lilt I us. V ItS, 1.L.S.J JACOIl II. Hlt'tWV P. A- ixAKll iU ni A S s. cun t: i Attest: jotIS It LIXN.Chrk. .V-. Mr. Kenne.lv. S-lionl Tax Clleet-.r. lia- pd M balance in full luuo 1m"H. WM. .li,N"l. Tre:,-,. Educational. LEWISBURG ACADEMY. THE Summer Session of this Institu- L tion will cniiiinence on MO.VDiT, 26th of April, ISHS, to continue 13 weeks. All ihe llranchet uf a thorourjh anil Classi cal Course are tausht and Pupils are pre pared either for College, for Teaching or lor business. The Bible is a text book. A class of Voung Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. PRIM 1IV Heading. W rilinj. la-finer, Arithmetic, lieos . 1 1 ram. and I'. S. Ilintnrv.l $5 "0 ADVANCMi K.MiLI.'ll all not inrluded alaiTe.) (:M LANlil'ANKS, O.OO No additional charges; also, no dednctions except for protracted sickness. J.NO. RANDOLPH. April 9, IS5S Principal UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS ITILL open for the Summer Session, If ot 1 1 weeks, on Thwrtduy, April i'i. TUITION. College for the Session, - - - - $1(1 110 Charees, ------ 1 211 AranF.MT Knslish, ------ 5 (10 do. Classical, 7 00 Charts, 45 Female Nstitcte regular coarse, - 10 00 do. Preparatory, - - 7 00 Charges, - - - 20 A. K. BEIiI., tien.Ag't&Treas. I.ewisburg. Aprils, I8S8. ! TEEEB URG A CADEM Y mo NOIIMAL SCHOOL. FrFflHii'rT, Snyder (utility, j'lMIE Fourth Semi-Annual Session of i L this Insiitutiiin will coinmenceon jTurr '6 17 j day, Jan'y 5, and continue rl't weeks. Its ' locatitm is pleasant and healthv. Buildinps j new and commodious, and Terms low. It is the constant aim of the Tearhers to impart 5"U" inMriieuuii, anil carriuny uevciope aim direct ihe Mental, Moral and Physical ener gies of Ihe students. The course of study will thoroughly prepare those pursitin? it for Col lese, the smdy of a Profession or business pursuits. The OH 111 I, I)i:iViltTMi:T Of lat Seii-iol, iu-ee,letl l.eyoi l , Xii rtalioni. and Hp member uiae.l rredital-le ex-iminntionn. Many youns I..II... .ml ,..itle,ii..n .tt.-mnHl il Im loive i.roene...l I achoola anil an now amnnir the moht uree-fu! u-aehera. Ih-iroufi nf nfftinlinc oiIktc tlie fame t:ii1iti-f ftr tlm routlWy pfw'lM.rinfc lli-niwlvf f tu tfi-onn- T'-arh-Tf. tlti Ir,.pnrtint tit will 1m rt f.Miiixi no the -M ( M AIJCU (a-i Mill lli'tir RiT'tnttilf UK'tt1-r. Ttl rUI'MC P' OfMil nvftcni will proi-f a rui-1"t'- tnilurc unics.-t iiimn Tiiacii kii.m arc pr"idid fi r it. and tlii-i rn only be d-int hy tin i nr.Ufitt.rtn f Din-i-Iorf. T.-;u 1ht. and frifinif-ff K'tn- i -iliim. Tht-ir (t tirwrxf inn i tin-r.-fur rt-.t)-rtfii1 lv Holi- citd. T K It M S . F'-r R.isrd. Tuition. RfHun, &c.,y:r w?r-ton, to f-o TuitiMii nil 'in-, pi-r m sHi.-n. t to ft' ' Tuition Mltn.in Nnrinnl !),' t. per (juart'T. f'i Mu-ir. Kr tit h. Ir.i inc tin-i I'itiiitinir. rTxtra. H'-anlif-iur. iu th Tillam-. Jl.Tiit to J- pr ". Gt-t a Caiulour rontaininir furtlitr iarlirular. Ad Jress (.EO. F. MTAKLAND, Principal Frreburp, Jan. 1, 1K0S Ao r.txcv BOOK ELNDIXG. friIE subscribers, Iiavinpc liouslit the 1 llinderv late of Sienlien l. and Lyman ! II. Wilson, of Milton, and added to it some superior implements, and havin secured the superintendence of Mr. H. K. DKWMXU.aho has lor ten years been emplnyel in one ot Ihe best Binderies in Philadelphia, and comes with the first recommendations f.,r integrity and competency, are now prepared to Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, Husic, be. &c, in every style desired. Work may be either bound or half-bonnd, in L'ulf.lloun, Turkey Morocco, Shrrp, or other LEATHER, or Jlusi.IN of carious colors, and ornamented with MA KB Mi PAl'EK of different figures, shndes and colors. Old Bibles and oilier Books or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. dj Blank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries. Ac, Lettered with Gold in legible and durable characters, lo order. MLMU rOUTFOMOS, &c, made to suit customers. Lettering and Binding heretofore done by the Milton Binders, can be executed by us in a ciirretpnndmt; style, as we have their tools, t) pes, and designs. IV. K good Bindery has long; been desired in this vicinity, and we can therefore most re spectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting ; that it will be sutlicient lo repay the outlay 12 75 ; an( risk. IRent, tools, stock, and work 15 on ! men a" requiring money, we shall expect i oo l'A Y ON DELI YEK V of all work, ji We intend lo charge moderate, a e Asi?ta blk and uniform prices, on the " Live and Let Live" 1 principle and hope to make it a permanent : business. Office in the center or Market Siiuare, north side, econd storev. adjoining the Chrokiclk and Telegraph cilices, third door from the Post Office. WORDEN & CORNELIUS, Prop'rs. HENRY E. DOWNING, Agent. Lewisburg, May I, 1858. L. II. Lawshe A X KW I.. D. Brewer. HOTEL, In L.vllurfr, I'a. THE BUFFALOE HOUSE : This House is directly opposite the new Court J jjj ; Hcuse. It has been fitted np at considerable 9 n ; expense, with the view of affording every con ns ; venience ; and no effort will be spared to ac "'J ' commodate its patrons. The House is larze, conveniently and iieliehtlully located, and has been newly furnished throughout. LAWiSHE & BREWER, I.ewisbnrg, Aug. 20, '57. Proprietors. C. W. SCHAFFLE'S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Drug and Chemical Emporium Market Street - - Lewisburg, Pa. SAPORIFIEU, or Concentrated I.ye war ranted to make Soap without Lime, and with littlatrouMa. With on. cakroM.yc and fonrpounda afar. Fat. yon -an mxlte flftprn rall.na goud aoft Soap. Hard Kwp caa tx auuie ia Urn came way. For aale bv F. S. CALUWtLL. Agricultural. Young America CORN SHELLER: 77! Vlienj,rtt, Simjihtt, mott ilurolle ORX SIIKM.I'.K rvc-r lnrnlrl! rgMIK subscribers would most respectfully 1 call the alteutien of Speculators and Farmers to lhis wonderful machine, now on sale al M'FA DDKN'S Hardware M,.re, in I.ewisburR. IVCiiunly Kmhts in the Mates of Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Calilornia.for sale on Ihe most reasonable terms. Machines will be sold in I'nion and Snyder coiinlirs to all who may desire fo purchase, in order lo lesl Ihe utility and durability of the same. Thru ithrlt prren own as writ cj dry clean from Ihe cob. Call and see them operate. Price I2. Or address L. &. J. . Kl RTZ. Nov. 19, 1857y Aaronsburg. Pa SPROUT'S Combined Carriage Springs rilHE best Springs now in use, wurranttd to give entire satisfaction. Il posesses nine distinct arfrtmofc over ihe Eliptic, and a carriage can be made cheaper alter paying ine loiiowing prices: siulky Springs Open Du-rgy Top do $10 Slide seat $17 19 Si 15 16 4 passenger 6 passenger All orders must be addressed to E.T,SPROi:T, 715 Hughesville, Lyooming Co. Pa A Call to Farmers. Farmers, droji ,vonr tools pause a little read this, and reflect!! "FARMERS' PROMOTION BOOK." ANEW anl scientific mainirini; system, for the cultivation and increase of all kinds of cram, grasses, fodder and Pasture, upoD all kinds of soil, proved by actual expo- : nments and based npon evident truths, dsi- net! tu improve agriculture in all its branches : j represented hy upwards oi o numum auu fif'y en;;ravines of the most valuable ras-es and plants connected with the system, by Pit. C. H. HELMIOI.U, of Boalsburg, Centre Co., Penna. HLC03I.VEXDA TIOX. In thi trrstir it will to wen that tli oljrt hM tvn tn f ix th frmrtbti..olor inffrmntion hirb t iial.t bito to make practirml i j.liration to ft-rtiltw his lui'i nntl ilH lvad' hit undo. fixWerianil paftunm. ThiUTtrinei), af Uusht by thin Hawnurinj, nl fitt r, and aturf cul tiTHtiou fyslt-m. are mtional, r!f r anil vitl-nt. anl u-itt-f t an inii.roTem nt iu th m- 'f jrririiltnre hitherto unknown to our ftirinerit, nJ whi.h. if ,ini.tiil. ai.d ctin-fuHy practirrd ran not full to ailranre the i- ttret.lt. .f the farmint: ronitnunity. Such a work bu been much wanted. ai it fills a oid which l.u lonjt been felt, but which thtre hiitt hitherto Wen no attempt to -ui j.ly. And a fiirmerga.f Ontre amt llnntiiindoii routitii-a we re. -. nit nd the rk toeery mrun r, ai ia-y wiu reap the T'-eatt-ft Kihle benelit froiu it. rhriftian t-ale.ileonre ttuehnnan Paniel M ffer.fi tfinre H ml. Jamb To'e. Kmurin A kxnti.it r. .tohn liaily, .lohn VtHtHin. Samuel Punean. .lohn H"iTer. Jona. M' Williams, Jai.b Meyvr. Ut-ortre tMiyer.Jr.. Henry Iejer. John Car- ler. Samuel ..jllMand, J hn lla-wn. tieo Jtirk. itmnel : iI-ou,John Herman. U.W. Mvek, I hiilip Mfyer. mw4 I For sale in Lewisburg by Dr. I. liKUCifiKlt. ; Fruit and Ornamental Trees, 1 Tlie sobserilier has just receired a splendid . rnllertion of Fruit and Ornamental TliEES, fr.nn the celebrated Nureries of E!luani;sr 4 , Hurry. Rochester, N". V. embracing the very I best varieties of Apples.Pears.I'earhes.l'lums, t'herries. Apricots, Nectarines, firapes,(Jonse berries, Raspberries, Currants, t-trawberne i a Lao ! Larse Horse Chestnut, European Mountain i Ah, American Mountain Ash, Sopar Maple for street planting, Ever bloomins Knse, and , a splendid collection of Bulbous and other : Fluwerins Plants. i I"?" Nursery Grounds on the farm cf Ja's ; F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a : mile of l.ewisbiirjr. All orders addressed to HEMIY R XoLL.Agt for J..MERKM.L MNX, ! will receive strict atleniion. Term invariably CASH. Lewisburg, Aprl 9, 1B57 CO-PA RT N E KSI 11 P. The iini!ersisncd have as- Isocialed themselves into copart- toi in""n nersnip tor ine purpo m taiij- ing on me jjumoeruis, i laiinit;, , and Carpentering business mail theirvanous I branches at the I Ccnjtobnrg Steam planing iUills, where they intend to keep a slock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber. Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath. Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, lloors. Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in pice and workmanship. i. V. PIEFFENPERFER, MARTIN DREISBACH, BEYERS AMMOXS., Iwibnrr Planing Milla, April 1, ltu. LUMBER! LUMBER!! rriHE subscribers have for sale jj n n (in lots to suit purchasersHjffj a large stock or tecSWSia l l.E BOAKDS Panel Stuftalffi&aB Plank &c. Also A,000 VI Mi KAILS. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality Also Square Timber for Buildings : Which are offered low for Cash, at our Mills on South Branch of the White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of our Koad. Nov. 20 JOHN M'CALL & BRO'S. New Arrangements lew Goods! TOSEPH L. IIAWN havins taken the J well known &VYKER HAT STOKE, has refitted it, and filled in an extensive variety of lints, Caps, Gentlemen's Clothing, tl'c. Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASIMEREf,&c, which he will make up to order,as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care, lo the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Cutting and Repainngjrj done to order. Lewisburg, April 10, 1857 REMOVAL. NEW and Masnilieent Slock of t o fi:ctio. i:k I ES ! J. F. EICHOLTZ & CO. have elegantly refitled Ihe Storeroom formerly occupied by C. Mensch, on Market St. near Third, where they will keep on hand for sale Ihe very best of Confectioneries, Tovs, Fruit, Notions, &c Call and Set ! Lewisburg, April 9, 1857 THE subscriber con tinues to carry on the Livery ItUNlneN a the Old Stand on South1 Third street, near Market, and respectfull) solicits the patronage of his friends and the public general!)-. CHARLES F.HESS. Lewisburg, May S2, !?50 aa Tif" . li. v i:k ii 4 n T, I'KsrisT. Market street, next door lo Brown & Tuner's Store LEW 1SULHU, PA. i HOUSE BUILDERS, TAKB M1TICE! The uhdersiKned are appoiuleit Agents f,,r llie sale of Doors, IHi litis .i tViiiflow Susli of all sizes, made of Ihe best material. All work warranted. JVMade by L.U.Sl'KOl'T, llughesville. Pa. and for sale bv 67J CHItiST & CALMVEM.,l.ewi.li,s DEIJTAL CARD. new niftlintl of inserting artiti- 1 cial Teeth, lium. &c. known as Allen's Continuous turn Work, is without exception, the best improvement ever made in ihe art uf Dentistry. This work, when properly constructed, is the most beauti- In 1 1 lie cleanest,eotnbines the greatest s'renjrlh with dural dliiy. and adds more to a clear and distinct articulation, than any oilier kind of tur!t cvi-r tirouirtit l.fori- tin- puMiir. And JT not only llil. lly a l-au:ltol Uno-fnory t pZlm II, ronii'liii,,"" "nu u.i. phut i worn, LlX' we t an ?i thi fare it tmturn! i-xfirae- aion.witliout.il, tlie l.-iipt, iiiterferiog with the us. fulness of tin teti, in n,a.-ti''ation. I would take (hi-, meftioit of informinrtho-v intereated that I have puri Itai-ed the I'ateut Kialit 6r thia Taluatile iii,.ro-reuo-nt, ot the inventor. John Allen, (now of New ; York. I for thi and ru-veral ailjoiiiiii-t roontiea. and that I am now inauufai-turiiii: an article of Teeth andtiiiuia that will couii-are tiivornl'l-r with any, liloa I" that Hue that line ever Keen made in thi.- or any other eouulry. I aak all, , and eaj-eeiaily tlioee that need teeth iif tln-y baveeni-atced tbeni or ncl.l to rail, and xamine for theuieelvea. JlillN I.IM'KK, LtaiMti RD, Offlee and lleiidenee on Third etreet. near Market. Oflieain !UltTo-,on Hroadway, near Cad wallader'acorner West Branch Insurance Company, OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Dclached ; Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm j Property, and other buildings, and their con tenls. al moderate rates. Doing business on bothCash and Mutual plans. Capital,$W0,0l)0, DIllF.CrOHS. Hon John J Tearce John 1) Hall Chas A Mayer Chas Crist Peter Dickinson Hon G C Harvey T T Abrams D J Jarkman W White Thos Kitchen Hon. n. C T. T HARVEV, President. ABRAMS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHEN', Secy. JAMES li- HAMLIN, Aeent, 627 Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa. XOTICK rriHE undersigned have this 2d day of Feb. J A. II. lHST, entered into Co-Partnership fur the pvrpose of carrying on a (ieneral I'uuutlr' ItHNillPNoi at the brick Foun dry in Market sireet, Leo-tsburs;, under the name and firm of Frick & Lillev. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN LILLEV. Lewisburg, Fe'o'y 2, 1857. A general assort- ment uf i iiohino I f'l'OVErt fur coal or ' I ta wood, Stone Coal J g.. Stoves, Wood Air Tight and Parlor : Dili-alt: Stoves, &c. in varie ty always kept on hand. CASTINGS of ail kinds made lo order Ordinance tor Markets. I SECT. OX 1. He it ordained hy the Iiurrtf$ and Titwn t'otinci ij Ihe Humuh nj Isir- ; iburt. and it i irrrftf vrduintd fit the ttutfto- i rittf f the tame, 'l hat W ElX KSK V ami j JSATI HiAV rr.Tnins of every wetk shall j be the l)2irkl TilllCkM fur said Borough, w hen it liny be l.tu till to sell am. buy articles oi prodnre i"i r .amily tise; am! that MARKET SI iiEI'. lJrn. second to Fourth Street, shall be n-.i lor vNfh klvt: wn-nns Ac. hi occupy the sides ot the pavements on the nonh sule t" ihe street trmn the tirl of October to the first of .April, and the s-t.ih side of the pave ment the remainder ot the year. Srt ri.i 2. He it j'urthtr nrduinfdy That it ' shall not be law f ill lor any person r persons, : either the pn-ilurers of niuiketmp or their iniine.1i.Tte agents, as hurksters it otherwise. to peddle or sell in any street or alley or in any part of the said lioroiiKb, any articles of produce for family use. oiher than at the times and plares specified in the first section of this ordinance; and any person or persons violating this ordmaix e shall incur a penalty of from One Dollar to Five D liars, to be re covered before the liureess or anv Justice of the Teace of I'nion county as like snms are recovered under the laws of Pennsylvania, with costs, in the name of the Burces and Town Council of the Boroiish of Lewiburs : one half of said penally to be paid to the uvcreer 1 1 ine roor oi said Uurough, and the other half to the informer. Passed at a meetinc ot the Council, Tues dav evening, Nov. :i 18.7. and ordered to be pu'bl.shed. J. SCHKEVEK, Burgess. Nov. fi, 1SS7. Executors' Notice. -w -rTri'-n i. i .1. a t u 1 OTK E IS hert'lt) filVl'Il, that LetltTS -- ' Testamentary on the lavt will and tesle- ' ment or THOMAS r..(,'.I.V, late of: j Kelly townhip,deceased. have been granted to i : the undersisiied. by the Itegister of I'nion j ! county, in due form of law; therefore all per j sons knowing themselves indebted to said I estate are requested to make immediate pav- ment, and those having just claims a?ainst j the same are also requested to present them . properly authenticated for settlement. WM. S. ri.LM.WX )Exec PASUHAL CUNGAN, ntors. Kelly Tp, May 12, 1858 n. H. Dersham, n. D., pBACTIflXG Physician, Aorlli Third street, LEJSIILHa, FA 709 Administrator's Notice. ""OTICE is hereby given that letters of Xw amiiinisirauon upon ine estate ot JOI1X ! VHAMIIEHL1X, late of the boroush of Lew- 1 isburg, deceased, have been this dav granted : to the subscriber by ihe Register of Wills for the county of Union : all persons having claims against said estate will present them ai once 10 ine subscriber lor settlement, and j those owing said estate are requested to ' make payment immediately. I WM. H. CH AM BERLIN, Admin'tor Lewisburg, May SO, si.'8 Vocal and Instrumental Music. rpHE tuhscriber having located himself ir uc"l3u"'K. is reaov lo leacn Inslrnmen. tal Music in all iis branches, viz. riano, Melo deon. (iuiiar, Violin, ViolinceirojCaae, and all llrass Instruments. He will also teach Vocal Music. Having been taught in the best Schools in Germany, he deems himself qualified to ren der satisfaciion. He will also tune Pianos, and put them in repair if desired. Hesidence nn JVorth Fifth street. Jan. 19, 1857. P,. p. HELD. James B. Hamlin, A TTOKNEY at LAW, ii. t Olhcr on Second St. west side,3iia door south of Market, Yx iiaburc:, 6"'S93 l;nion Co. Pa. II.OCKS. MnfrhM. and Jewelry, next door to the Post Office I'hean f..e Cash. A. E. DENORMANDIE, Ag't. Lewisburg, April 21, 16I. William VanGezer, ATTORNEY at Law, il I.ewlxburar. t ill on Co.. Pa nrOifice opposin Kline's Hotel 571 Philadelphia. ALEXANEI-R KERR, , . v IMPORTEK r-vij. " Vnuirtian Dealer l s SALT. 1 l: ISoutliM liiiri rs,lhiladclilila ! A-lit(u'ri Fine, Li vi-rjiool (irouud, i Alitoiis and Hlur Mills, Dairy a-isor-i led siz"! constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit the trade. A', li. Orders solicited filllT-I.lpd NICHOLLS HOUSE, ti:iiroM'iiu I'laiii 115, Soulh Lislnh St. In-low ('liesnut, I'll i ij a hi: i. vn i a. TI'MilsHoue is for Permanent andTransienl I Lodging. Every eli'ort will be made by the Proprietor, E. NICHOLLS, lo give satis faction to his Patrons. This Esloblikhmrni is situated in the heart of ihe city. center ot btiiness,and convenient lo all places uf amusement. The Mercantile and Traveling community will find H a n.irat,le place Tor cointort, cleanliness and economy. Single rooms So cts per night by the week 'j'3 SO and upwards ly?23 arilKTs' & iili'wiiai),:' ii.o.li-ai). CohlU. H.W. COR. bIO,SO Oil WALStT STll, tHlLAHELPUIA. ( apifal si.-2.-.0. Assets $ lux, I jt i'-, invested in Bonds, Mort gages and other good securities, ARE YOIT INSI KED ACAINST LOSS BY FIRE! There are but few who receive sympathy whi ineur loss by ueglecting this most nrcemaru ami hubtitntiul precaution We o.ien see itannounreJ lhat persons have lost their stocks of ;ots and Furniture, and resu-'ls of years of industry swept from them by the devouring elrment over which they have no control but hy t-einj; inurea. Insurance pntects you from the incendiary nelience oi servanis anu inc i nurtinc ui your nt-iirhrKtrs.. 't will imi rt routid-n-e to your rred itora. and iiivea ehara.-t-i oi prudi-nc and precaution to all vour biininer tran-wtioiif. It ntiuireii t'ut a very tmall iv m to injure in unms rii;in from lo) tf loxt. arl y-t bw tiiNiiy there are li4i huve no iiiuranre uynn tioatdf . It urmture. or any tliinz If uur stock is email, arill the Loss to you mtL'ht be serious. Tl.i r.nit.nv ir.are WtlMXfiS. ,WAi'7M.V UE, OOOtS r 7 AM 1 1 A. St At i.V.A'i and STutA FltOM 10- T ."OtHt at tlie lowe-t Kte and utioii the most LiU ra Terms, and I'ftoJirt FiinkST on the adjuttuvnt of Lob. MHECToUS. Hob Th It Flore nce JNmr-K N-aIl t Klw.R Helmbo'd Oroll Arm-tron j ( l a c hintr-e I t-.rarr-d Brew-tr I hn A. Itut inrani I Th Mui-dt rti. Id Ieaac Leech, Jr. Oeo. lieltnlx l I Uenerai rfupcrint -ndent M V THi'MA.V. u rUi!i;.ME, I'residvnt. KLW'l R. liKI.MIf'LU. .-e.rti.ry. J, MKKI.II.L I. I.N.N, Asent, LLWIMU KG, I nion Co. Pa N. S. LAWRENCE'S PAPER, PRINTERS CARD, AND ENVELOPE WAREHOUSE, No. -10.), t'oumicnT St., 'liiliiilt'!liia. fi Cash buyers will rind it for their interest lo call Pltila.j, J.in I, lfc."- y M'KE.VS t'ELF.nitATKD LnilTIJ) GLUE! 'P1IK CI.KAT m.lir-Hi:. 5!"t u.-.ful artiI txrr inv. nt. .1. lor I1111-. (.I..r er t--. surj ain in lltil It, ct. r itl r .'Im. -nn! . nm :!:.- . f r i . iii.-ut .-,t-r ki....n.' ALU AY- Kl.Ai'Y l"H A I I l.ll Tli .n.lh- pir "n I'a r. t n'th. I. alitor. I tir Mtiir.-. I'l.rr.- i:in. t hi fia. MarhV cril:ia. 1" -r nin tit: t urm jr l:m'-T Artir!r, T- y. rlr . il tui" no mij t-rn-r. i"-t en j -k .id y M-iit.-r tr.-njtli tl.au an v .:h. r art.' I .ni I" r.-. i::'T.- - pi-t k' v. . :t inC tit Mi!ti li Tt !li.r :irt art j' ni. I vtr,. V. it Ih.- Li t tl.ri r. li; i - f 'o- h I . tll. s f clns jiitl y ,-rM ra'r.l 1. Il; t 1 1 I II t. -..n:.l. a lid thf cr. nt ri.tii i ni.-' r.- v. I.; li it li:.? i;"i-i in t i ry I'uwt. ha.- tl, srrfill -i iir.J li t it a InMi l Ml l-li tlir nii.niiti.i tiirrr I a- I unit il. at T . --. ! :l.i-nit t. Don: a.-Sn a il l.v all wlf hat- ui .1 t. thi.t ilii m riii art far al i v any .iiniirT artirlr i-t. r i I!. T l I" ! !. .ul-li(. tl,77.i Ol I . it rj'.nor. 'v r. ur.t.rr'i'.,iJ.-rrr thr "M r'ibii ..ru.y ...Mi-' ti'ttr f'f tirtif A-th'tuf.'' T.il.'nr.:th.r. 7 II K. 7 1 . .V is I .1 IJ'7 J L. I Manuluctured aut; fi'id. W t.o'.-alp al i ll.-taii. I a j V 1. f. M. 1H.A. STi.ti. n.'r. I No.M'7 t'lu-stnut M . I hilitji li liia. ff-I.ilTal indnr.ni-ntot1.-ril to prtwn dr?in-ua of ! 0ellinr tli al-'Tr artu lr j For tale by NKVII'S in Lewisburg i 1 I Farmers cf Pennsylvania, I TTENTION ! ! Yon an snpplv 1 il yourselveswithCIIE.VlfALMAM RES wttrraiitfd pure, and which have been in sue- cessful use fur the past seven years suited to your various crops of j Vorn,l'ottitns, Wheat, Oafs, Grass, tCr. ! Bt ancloainff in a latter a rh It on NVw Jr-y or 1'liiiailrli liia llanka. t.r hv rfi-rt-io-t-tn any cool housa In I'lnlailrliiliia. or in l'xrliariL:i lor riloM't'K of yonr t own l'i unty at fair Markrt pri.-.a litrt. y.'tir onli-rs will i lia flll.'il anj Upliii to yon frre if 1trtitti tri. r.Yry artirlv aol.l ty m. luiaranlrt-il or any Orui-r given to my agri'nt.will rr-i-ire prompt attention. iip-r l'hoihate of Lime $10 per ton rl.ine I'ho.j hate .111 tVrtilili-r 25 A hanv! ia inifflrirnt for an acre '. . r untl broadcast. I'l'HF BoK It! ST. real barrel?!, at S5 per barrel or IS per V n. now r- a.lv I'nuiirfl'r. Nn 1. aco barrels J to II barrel do' t'lart.r. l.tmll barrel". $1 -5 to i per barrel I'eiuTian.i-bilinn ho1 I'litaL'-nian Gtton. li. A. I.EIX A I". Proprietor. No 21 South Front St.. Pun i.tLlil., Ta. .A libvrai diacount Ui Wholesale IJi-alera. LHWtr'S Super fho.hate of Lima A Ferttlirer". baa been aneeeRtully na--l by the I'ropuleiit of the I". !. on hia parilen. anil on Ihe publie tironrit of theCupitnl at t ashircton : hv L Loeke K,o. and J L Keeeea ol I latkea- horo: Senator ttobert. Vt m Yliller ami 4'harleii York of j t'n.e May: Tlioma.. Milif..riH:-ii. of I'Hnub n: Ir Joaeph I Benin of ll. rilentown : lr Kniebt. Jlr lieln. lr Atkin I aon. I-tI J.bn!"-n. of New J. rM-a. Thea ese it ia th I Clir.AI'KST AMI MOST li Kit l:I.K MAMHK now I in ue being permanent, improainj; the land and enrirta ingrtheaoiL al'anipblet.i on appiieation to O A LlllNAl . Proprietor. ItnT -7 il r,.uth Krout rt. I'hiladel hi Engraving and Seal Cutting sw n i . ar, , .,, . , (K aI' 3t 20-1, ( heSnUt Street, PH1LAI). Visiting and other CARHS, Corporation and other ssEAI.tS,and everything in our line of business, promptly attended to, in good stvle, and on reasonable terms. Ur- ucrs allu country soneiieu. . H. Vl'LTON. W. IS. MASON, --- - - - - CABINET AVABE E003I AT0RTII 4th Street. The substriki XI most rpsPt?pt!u!lv informs th? cmzens ol Lewisburg and vicmilv, lhat he has on hand and for sale a cheap hI of 1 I 1! I I I Kl:, for the Spring trade, comprising Dressing and Common Hiireans, Sec retaries ami l!ook Cases, Center, ! Card and Tier Tables, Dining and ' Breakfast Tallies, Cupboards, Cot tage and other Bedsteads, Stands, ofas, and Chairs j of all kinds. COFFINS maile to order or ' short notice. I The public arc cordially invited lo eiamine his work, as he is sure that they will be satis fied wilh his slock of Ware, and prices. SOl.OMO.N lOl-NO Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 1856 Administrator's notice. "T7HEREAS, Letters of Administration T to Ihe etate of EXCJEL St'HRAUEK, late of Hartley township, in I'nion county, AemA 1 "1. . 1 . .1 t , deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, by the Register of said county, in due form: nil amoa. ,n.lh,.l ed to make payment, and those havingclaims 1 aainsi ine same will present them duly I authenticated for settlement, to JACOn SHAVER. Administrator I Peuns Creek P.O., Snyder Co, March S5,I808 Hew Arrangement! A T llie Mammoth Drug 4 Chemical J.V. Emporium of F. S. CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the eot Manwiniih Drug Store lotmeriy kept ij ' 'Jinriiti,H 4 Co., are now ready to fill or,je and Prescriptions al a moment's notice. VV have a larte and well selected stork of fre f and pure DHl tlS, MElilt l.E Cheniica Dyesiuir.-, Oils, Paints, li.'ass, I'utty and Dlil (ililVJh- GLASSW ARE, All kind of l'utriit JlitJicittn, I'ruit and Confectionery ToLaeco,Sr,utr,Hiid Imported Cigars of ite clioiee.sl brands, t'anry Kvtmnt end 'J'aitrt Articlrt, Fine Toilet Soaps V Perfumery of ail ltttt UaCsHts aai, faults nr inn ?inTI. Hooks and Slalioncry, a general variety ol Literary and School Book, Pine Oil, Lard and Klaid Lamps of every description ; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Iiuri. ing Kin i'! always on hand. PI RE W IXtS and LlytORS of all aiaii for Medieinal uses. Fire l'roif and Zinc Paitift. rrcgerving and Pickling Jars, Are' IT Customers will find oar stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible hert to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices Call and rr na. one and all, and see onr stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap good we will not ask you to buy. ' We are always on hand lo wait on eostomtr.. Remember the Mammoth Drug Store F. S. CALDWELL. Lewisborg, I'nion Co. Pa. 709 LEWISBURG FOUNDRY. rw-jrr,The subscribers, thankful f wT't'lf"! past ratronaee. wm, Id ir... fc2-Na!ii!the public lhat they eontinne uj t,"'-?, manufacture all kinds of MILL lihAKl.Mi and other Castings. Thrashing .Machines and other Machinery repaired th. best manner. Castings warranted, to be af iood material, and at prices that can not faj lo please. CEDDES, MARSH & CO. Lewisborg, Feb. 151 AlOUKIN(i -Moves, of various attsrot t and sizes, for Coal or Woo . for aala alt be Lewiaburg Foundry by (iedde. Manh A C. STOV ES p rlor. Wood, and Coi J Stoves, various patterns, for sale at ti t Leni.burg Foundry. Geddea. Maiah A Co. lyiARli'S Patent (ia0g Pu. a aupf V rior article, for sale at the Lewisborg Foundry by Geddei.Mar.h A Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most durable Grim brill now in uae. for aale at the Lewiaburg Fouudri bv Geilila-. V.r.h A Hussey's Grain Reaper, for cutting both Grain and Grra MANI FAC'J TRED and for sale at lha Lewisburg Foundry by ;ELiE3, MARSH & CJ j VOTIi'E. Ilai ins teen appointed lit 1.1 SEXTON to Ihe Lewisburg Cemetery, Hie subscriber would slate that he is prepared I to perli rm all duties connected with the burial of the dead. on short notice. Also thai he will atieml in ihe re-intermeiu of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Resilience in the Ln'ge at the liate of the Cemetery. tlHKC LONACHY. Lewisburg. May :i(i, ls:S4 IECN! IF.CN!! IRCWr.'! 3 47fS IIS- j"sf rccfii'fd at the ' H.ARIiWAKE S'JORE of JO- Si:ril VeFAlWEX. Farmers and Black stniihs, call and see the urge and lest as M.rtineiit of Irun ever oiertd cn ihe West Drat i h. Having ihe tjcc!u-ire control cf the celebrated Viimisn Cer.tre county Iron, he is enabled lo uarrant every bar. Ail sizes Tire, Seolli p, Round and Sijuare; Horsa Sln-e. Nail Rods, Ac, at Cish prices to ail. Call and see ihe Hardware Stnre of JDS. M'FADDEX. Lewisburg, May 10, ihss. Ilt'liiiliold's (.(iiiilvc I'K'iiarailon Highly eoncentratd Compound Fluid Extract of V OR Iitsea'.v's of IHailiTrr. Kiiinevs, Gravel. Props vAVeakntes.! -biruciirr$.Secrel lhipaes. r t? n-ale I Dif laints.ard all dis-easrs i f itif -ur,l it:ar!i nri-in tn m -xrt-a.v nd tepr4 fnn. iii .ii' . :i.-t r m- .Ttf ail Inii rr jt-r InH-aMrpr fr m llie ll!:.-i.!fr. Ix vti: y- or fxu. orcKiic, hrth-r viintir f in MJrt.r ifiua.t. In su wbaMclt-r ru thrj my b tiripnata-ii. aiu. no matter of how long standinfr, giving IK-altt and Viper tt t fram, tod Blocm tp ih I-allitl ebrtk. Joy to the Afflicted! It rujv NTrrti jind rvbilitati-4 ?offrrrp. and rrmoiti all th- M Ml'ToM;. amoDfC which may be foood InJiritifn t ex rtion, low of power. Iotn mrmnry tlift-.i ultt ot t-rrathitiKa Pnerm! rakDM. b mr ol dia ra.wcak nfm-.tin)bliDc.drrwJfu. bcrrorof ilcatb, B:L-ht ttwt-at. cold tVi-t. wakrfulot-fit. dtmorM of Tii n, lannuor. ooivrml Uttud cf the aio ruinr irttiii. ofitn eDormouii aiftitv with ilviaji tip t-vmrtt m, bt batdi, liuxbinit of tin U-ly.drrnri'! of the hin. palltit ronB tfnanrt- and ruptiiD on Ih fkre, pain in the t nrk, hrBTinro of the rTr-lidn, frt-tiiifntly hiet fft lljinit hpl.r thr even with Unif-orarj oul1utifiB and hfi of Mrlit. wljk of attw-ntion. crat mol iiity. and ivtT7fn-M, with horror of wii-tr. Nothirir In morr durable to ruck p.rwnia than Mlitud. and Bothioft they Bjora U rvavl fi.r fear of thfnwWria ; no rrpotw of mat) orr. no farnmtnrM. no aptvulatioD. but a hurrit-d traiifiticn from on. qurtka to anolhrr. j Tbrp FTmptoms if allowed to n wbirh thin nirdf ; rin tntatmt'iy rrtur.rr mon follows Lixt? or Pt-w&B, rTMTl.AM IraijTH Fits id one of whirfc tit patient anay esi-ire. Mho cn mt tl.at the rcrrm i at fieiueiitly fi llrwid t y tin s i:iivful dtxraiM-n I.-aaity and O'toMimi'tii n Ih r--ordn of thr Insane Asylums and thf nif littirhyly Jfth by 0ntumpt)tiB, bear ampla ( tr5t;omn to the truth of thme anrtu b. In LnnaUa Ay'unit the Dioit nielanrhoiy eibtbitiB aipeara. Tb e unit ounce in actually H-ddn and quite defttitute ne th.T niirt h or irrir f i-ver iit it. thould aoand of th lotct orur, it if rarely articulate. I With woeful meaynref, wb depair Iaw fulkn i-oundd hi? (trie! brKUlled. IVbilitT it nopt terrible! antl ban broneht thra'tnda Upon t!.oundi. to untitnely prTi-, thu hlantin I amt-itioB of aaan noble Tnotbu. It Pin b rurrd by til ufeoftbiii 1M-ALL1HLK UKM KIY. If vo u are ulr:iiir with anv of the above di'tmrinf ailment, the H I 1 1 E TK At T UllllL will rur yen. Try it and be convinced of its eftrnry. I Blwri of it a NosTimgAsn Qt .n ni cTris, 1 who talcely boant of al ilitiea and rft ivnpr-n. ( it;if oi know and avoid tht m. and aave li ne nuflt riop. anon", and eij ure. by to ndme or calling fcr ft boltle of tfcja 1'iful-T and l-ieCTflit Krmetly. ia-t.-.BVid It allayitall pain and it. tin nation, ia perlVrtly pleaiut JILMliOLlS EA' TRACT BL'CJH N pr- l-areil tltrreilr aerrniioc to tb Kvl-a of I'UAtt- M i I j.iim Ht.vi.-IK1. witb lha create! aeeurary ai-tl Clieuni-al kuoa l,!Ke and eare deai.leil in ila eeail-l-liall. n. S.e l'alea.r Ueweea' Valual le . rka rn lha l'raetiee of t'bvair, anil moat vt the late Stainiaru Worka oi jiiutrine. Jr? 1 O O Onellundnd Pollnrs will bo paid to any PhTirbnwb raa prore that the Medicine rirr injur d a Fali nt : and llie tt -tim.-iiy of 1bouandfean be produreti toprt'te tbat it ttmn rr at cpo.1. 4 niM ia of frrin ope week to thirteen !' tt:inditii haTe 1-een elTecttd. Tbe waa of Iub tary TeMtnumv in p.erhion of the Troi riett r. u bn it tirtu.n at d euratire p- wcrn. tn immerse, enitracuig namen well known to M lENCk AM af ASIC 100,( 00 IhttUs Hare JUm SolJ, anil not a single inetaner ef a failure ha been reported I Perai nally arpearitl helora ma an Alileratan of lha Citr ol I't.iliitlelphia. II. T. lltna-'in. 1 beaiicl. whobeiail iliile eaorn d. ea aav. that hia pnatalii-n eonta:B na Nan-xlte, 31eremi or irjiirien. lrir. l ut are lurei V fetal-le. II T. lUxaoLD. t'le XnuuUeturer. SwtTn and subscribed h ftre me thia -TUI da of M.'VtOr ber, IS04. V 51 r. lIlllllAKU. Alderman. Vrice, $1 per Bottle, or Six fir 15 Vtlirerid to any Aadres, aeeompanieil hr reliaM. and reronil lerertifratea fhia I ";,'1OIMVl,'ukt,,wSr;r-i...i I Prepaied and Mjld lr II T. II KMl Ol.v, Irartirtrl and Analvtu nl I krmut. So. 52 South Ttnth St.,L.ivW thtituutAu- k" riuiapurm.- I n.ar"rjf.f. oeif V-aUrt Utin'wal M i tu.u j. f. (bau.uj uad iVUi..A JVoi iaava BEWARE cr COCNTEBFEITS. .la f;r IhmMd'iTtikc no Othert-ura i fSOy Guarantied. uia nil in Cut