LEWIS BURG CHRONICL G 1)Y 0. X. WOKDO & J. E. CORNELIUS. ESTABLISHED IN 1S13....WII0LE NO, 710. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1858. - Ant I.vDF.rExnr.NT Family Xkivs Jorn.vAL. At $1,50 Pkr Yeah, always is Advance. Air.: iall th' miyMt .Vr.Mif. IZSZZLZTLZZ wi Ws ,,r,,..i,. (ri"s, AnJ!. tourjovoui.iaris kcrptimi- to music iu. c nng. cH'niS. -;.rir.;::--H vta-vr- Thojf burning wml liaw chwivd us on iu learn ins totlMHI And th-y shall l our battle-cry thrciwliout our future OU! oftn. as th- wrek roll, d by, e Ito-urd to tliy Anl iiirklv.t llir w.-lrom foiiti.1. Ititrr tmtln rwl in tby Thw wth s 'ur-."b Tot.nl otp, nd t- in "lowing fl;iniT M'v'TL-Iabuml uiaufully to wiu now tr'hi in tb name. Tgit1ier w- firRilTrt'KlJoinrl tu fraternal Km J-, AuJ Imttbtl iu by sb ri-ni c:ium w itli t-Ter-williiu- ban.lK T.ig'tti'r w- ha t -b-1 J to thw our fund ao l filial tow, Together w? 1it-tu'J wrealhi-fslory round tby brow. , m7t r,. (V fc who- -t. w-i ; pcarancc of being engaged in the slave d','rt , ' trade a trade which is declared to be Awl lvv.. tl..!lon.'fr..lii.:il..1 n.s,o4rto.frry ; nt.w.o.riiit..ii.--..rM.hi.f..rtw.ei..ih.iia'i)V by Lnglaud and the L. b., but "u,r' UJ takt"1-l Wl i which has lately been carried on with ,.MM.IW-fcto...,-.,M-.w- C.,:b:,' UDJf.r tbC ll-.S- 'a 1 ""'J?,; Our hearts nn tbouUt shall uttn turn, Kucp ito the ; ADdatti-sl(lHaitit(-omtup,illuni'fl bv u-ui'rV ray, llVlltrtv-bourcliildrfit all toliout Ijmj tin Kurpnt ! rXIVmXITT T l-KWI-RI Ri. M iy IS. 1S5S. T. C. MUMMT, Jl i: II, IS "is. FJilitia Law. Thefjuestion ba been raised, whether the new Militia I.iw goes into effect this year ? Yc suppose not, as in this county, and probably in most others, tbe Commis sioners had issued their Assessment books before the law was signed, or at least be- fore it was known (aud indeed we do not j know as the Pamphlet Laws arc yet issued.) 1 t i i.iv ii . c arc iniormed tne w was ncvr J k.f b. iluuse, where it passed as a joke. Under thc circuiustances,it would be well fur "thc milingtary" and the "rest of mankind" to take time to know all tho requirements of the law : and then, if it Survives another Legislature, to take bold of it with a full knowledgo of what it is, and with ample time to carry it out faith fully. Those who expect to pocket ?1,50 day for truininj frulitu, bad better U ... .i -ii . . i ir m. is aaid .ha. one of .he eJ..rs of .he I.twisburg hronicle, soon after he went io learn the pruning biiMiiess. went to see a preacher's tiansh.cr. The neit time he at- - ,. . , - ... ..i.i,. ished at hraring the m.nisUT auno'ince as his lext, My daughter is grievously tormented with a JJevil." The venerable joke, above, was some . . . i . i i 11 t.. r months since ventilated ty J'r. John, of the Dloomsburg liijtitlliraii, who probably thought we were as good natured and as indurated as any of the fraternity, and so he set it afloat again and pitched it at in It has been traveling aloue a long time, and last week came to us in a Corning (S. Y.) Democrat. We both forget all about thc occurrence, (whieh we don't deny ! probably our minds were other- Wise occupied, aud we did not pay good .nnnnh illnnhiin In tKfi c.rmnn- lint In I U enough attention to tbc sermon; but to thc . truth of thc following we are willing to : affirm on a copy of the Lecompton Con-' etitution before Dr. Sands-of-Life himself: When the Editor of the liloomsburg Republican first undertook to kill or cure on the rejormcd plan, be occasionally at- tended chureh. Tho first preacher he heard on bis circuit, enlarged upon thc text, "Ye arc nil phiskimi of no value ;" tial, unjust, dishonest, and dangerous ; tbe election, by the county societies, of and the next declaimed agaiust "mwi ! way of getting them, is neither the most '. three Trustees, occurs on the 1st Sept. fhyticians, who nothing bettered but ra- honorable, pleasant, sure or safe. j Col.Fb.emont's arrival at his home in ther greio uorse." The Pale nv,n iucou- To guard against such intruders, be Mariposa county was celebrated by impo tinently quit physicing and took to print- careful that your cellar doors and win-' glDg demonstrations on thc part of the in- ing such a double uose was too uiucn for an enlightened conscience ! Wm. II. II. Davis, Esq., the ncw Edi tor of tbe Doylestown Ihmoerat, the lead ing Democratic paper in Ducks county, in his introductory says : ''The doctrine re cently advocated, as set forth in tbe first eectiou of the seventh article of the Lc- compton Constitution, 'that the right of property in slaves is before aud higher than any Constitutional sanction " is so new and strange to me, and so foreign to the Democratic creed, as we understand it in Pennsylvania, that I am not willing to give my adherence to it, but will oppose the incorporation of any such heresy into our platform. If this be true, the ietion of those States, which have abolished sla- Tery since the adoption of ihe Federal Con- etitution, must be condemned as wrong : and our forefathers, who founded the gov - ernment,are directly arraigned for not understanding the work of their own hands, and stand convicted of violating its fundamental principles." True, but tbc Administration of James liuehanan stands pledged to force that doctrino down not only upon Kansas but upon thc whole country. What .makes a Dlsiiei.. The follow- ing table of the number of various arti- clcs to a bushel, we find in a newspaper, Preserve for it may often be of interest to readers : Wheat, sixty pounds. Corn shelled, fifty-six pounds. Corn, on the cob,scventy pounds. llyc,6fty-six pounds. Irish Potatoes, sixty pounds. Sweet j l otatocs, urty pounds. Outons, fifty-sev-; en founds. Dran, twenty pounds. Clo- et seed, sixty pounds. Timothy seed, fortj.five pounds. Flax seed, forty five : Pounds. lllueGrass-sccd.fourtccn pounds. ; Deans, y rounds. Dried Peaches, thirty-three pounds. " 54 49, or FIGHT !" Forney's Prediction. I Senator Cameron's Speech. The Democracy and their Slave Trado i In a late number of tbe Philad. IVess, The following brief preface to a mo allies are just now smiting tbeir fists in Col. Forney says : tiou io the Senate, two or three days since, the air, and waxing wroth about a War ; with Great Britain, on account of rcpor- , . , ... , . . . (1 CJ ulf of Mexico, lbey compare tnese witu tbe British claim prior to 18 12, and cn - ! dcavor to get np a war spirit to divert at tCDtion from their Othcf pr0slaverv schemes. j Now, the claim of Eogland, prior to 1812, was that she had a right to search ; jjcmocraU to put noboJy forward who j 80 dolDS- 10,9 Pltny and conclusive cu any foreign vessel and take from them any 1 kill other candidates by the contact, j forcouient of th duty of the unfortunate ofthecmr who might once have been j If the Lecompton Congressmen want vin- j orke L co' .an1J 'ron er the subjects of her crown, on the plea, "Once Ration, they should go to the Treasury , n . a subject, always a subject." Her pres . 1 - i . 1 1 1 : . CQi ciauu is uuiy iu uuaru auu v&uiuiuu vessels, which have any suspicious ap - gitjpui, active, and insulting manner. The ,..,..,., nf ..;..J in o.u nt. vn.j , . , tempt to put down wholesale murder, has greatly exaggerated the facts, and thc Lr I that ... ,f nr m,n V.J Un killed, is not proved, and is believed to be wholly false. Some of the British officers may have been drunk and iusolcnt, and overdone their duty or exceeded their in structions common errors among all na-! tions, which the British government will be as ready to rectify as our own. But we trust thev will not civo uo the dutv. under the law of nations, to puuish piracy I under any disguise ; and we hope our Gov-! ok ' eminent will not iu..-. .-r .s -wii h.' m macron sntniti in nnvnr tim ninmiipt ' - - --- --- , and basest and most sordid of tbe organi- zed forms of outraging humanity the i coast-wise slave trade. i iiir,.. ...... jl'.,..,.. r-.i. ti.:. ! i.j'Hjwr r was the Democratic war-cry in 1S41, and i hundreds were fools enough to believe and be misled by it. But no Booncr did "Do mocracy" get into power at Washington :h,me, l,,cl,a,,an, SccrcUry of State than thc whole party "came down," jotc .... l .1 r . . i .1 fi . . ,t.. ::."n"f! ' 7" Tar& da8er' thcD' of Jime itucianaii going into a war with us ritish friends firtt, because it would , . ... i eiiHiac iuc Biavc pruuuriy iiuo uariiuir r I s , ., . . . ; ot his eye) to escape, capture, or insurrec-1 ' ' ' tion and, secern, a war would cut off "u,u ,,"e'BUU ""'"S stimulate the Manufactures of America . .. . into an activity which would act as. and result in, a permanent Protective Tariff. ' This tear cry is cciJmll; Locooco tlcc. tiniKirinii humbwi, to divert the public eye from Kansas. Burglaries. .--everai unsuccesslul attempts at bouse and cellar robberies have becu made in i Lewisburg within a fortnight. In onc Cilse a room was parti, entered, when tho , : .. 1 1. . 1 1. J . I. . t I invader saw sparks and heard tbe barrel of a revolver exploding twice, in a inena- i cing manner aud close proximity, and thought it best to go in an awful hurry. ! In Williamsport, four houses were entered i in one uight. Money and food seem to j be the only objects sought by the bur- j Mars. Doubtless, many are suffering for i the necessaries of life, but this verv oar-1 dows are strong and are closed tight also j that your ground and chamber windows : are in the same condition. Inside buttons on uoors are tue surest, as professional turgicrs oitcn nave pinchers wun wuich : to turn keys left inside, or pick locks. Bcrcn your nouse thorouguiy Dclore darK, and then watch it narrowly, to see that no one conceals himself or herself within for a midnight bunt. ' A Skin. It has been hinted in more than one quarter that Gov. Packer is to ' bc punisued for refusing to bow down and , worabi the goa. At the late ,. .. , . n ; met.ng of Monroecounty P.. tbe bnncr Dcm- countJ e State j a long string of resolutions was adopted, complimenting and endorsing Ilacbanan, 1 JJiiJcr, tbeir Congressman, Senator and . Rcprcac ntative lur not a toord about Gov. ;,,,. , ,- . . Mr ! 1 hcseresolut.ons "e rcP?rtcd Jamc8 Walton, who has or is to i have an office in tbe Philad. mint. "Straws ' bow.'' j A Weather Prophecy. Select the ; smallest cloud you can see, and watch it close' ; if it increases you may be sure there is a gathering of electric and watery matters that will fall, somewhere, in a : shower; but if the cloud decreases, and melts away in size, it shows a state of the air. most likely to be followed by fine open weather. James K. Kelly, grandson of tho celebrated Col. John Kelly of Union Co., is nouiiuated for Congrcsa by one branch of the Democratic party in Oregon. (If he is on tbe anti slavery ticket, hope he'll beat t'other Dfimni.raiin oun.llilata tin to ono, and tho Republican candilato beat tbciu both out of sibt.) "It begins to be moro than manifest, thl scarcely anybody can be elected to 1 Congress, from this corner or the conn- 1 Driinj j9 on the i.ow of every one who did ! tUo jucJi aujj like the "scarlet letter," it can not bo obliterated, while, unlike the ; D us now- " " fPeccu " "scarlet letter," it is seen of all men. thousands can and will read, and tbe emi Now, it may be a pleasing thing to power i ncnt speaker well said, at its close, that to see the Lceomptouitcs rcnominated.but ! n was speaking to tho petitioners and ;i m.., l, i,.nr imnortant thine to the ! their associates, and speaking for them in lor it. J uerc are uoi vuiua cuuugu iui them in the North, and that's the long ; . . r l sr,.,,ER j.:..EsniP. j The g. of the !mcs , ,0 th(J I . ,. , f . . r;n:.,, i.,,i., , CVltablc defeat Of William A. 1 OrtCr, 3 candiJate for tbeSupreme Court. Itonly , thc 0 Mon t place in BOm. I iuation a person of thc highest character , anJ alificltion to uuitc and elect Ullu 1 1 . . .' ' . . ! by an overwhelming majority, iliisisac : - " " ' ",,. ' . " , r ,"f ,1.. - .!. . ' f correspondent of tbe 1 who has uccu uvci uiu u. wrl c . ! "The signs everywhere in the W est in- dicate that if Hon. m. A. rortcr is op- nosed bv a lawver of ffood rcDutation. and ruuning upon principles antagonistic to the r J J 3 a - anti democratic plattorm laid down oy toe 1 'at0 Harrisburg Convention, he will be I haA(dn mi t nf anm lhii Full anrl Ilia rllin. ""rrb- - ' ""'"r:TZ cn. nr nniiiicai resurreciiou wiu uu uciav- cj t0 tbe t-ime tppoiutcd for Gabriel to blow his horn !" Tuf, Ko0MEllANO.Tilis curious wea. - s . p0D peculiar to tue natives ot Australia, has often proved a puzzler to men of sci- enee. It is a piece of carved wood nearly in tho form or a crescent, trom thirty to fortv inches lone. Dointcd at both euds. l..f uuu iuc voruer ijuilu bum p. iuu wuuv ui usiug it is as singular as the weapon itsalf. Ask a black to throw it so as to let it fall at hii . . - r..n ia leci, iuu away lb cwta iuu iuiii , , , . J, - i Is before him, skimming along tho yards surface at three or four foet from the i ; ground, when it will suddenly rise in tue ( j air forty or sixty feet, describing a curve i xh.I0lVCT- Uo. u courae. " rcv?',VS "Jth great rapid.ty on a pivot, with . whizzing noire. It H wonderful so barba - rous a people have invented so singular a we:innti. whieh sets laws of DroL'reasion at defiance. It is very dangerous for a Ku-! ... . . l- . rfinp.n tn Irv Irt nrniflf. It. at. stiff nhi.'Pt. 1 . i . a ag it m tetaTa'anii 8trike himself. In i any native s hand it is a lormmabie wca- pou, striking without the projector being r ' . . r. seen. It was mvented to strike tbe Kau- Soo, which is killed by it with certainty. e, Very like this "Boomerang" are the efforts of Slaveholders to streugthen . 1 ..... 1 1 ...... 1 . ...... .u. v...... rw iraim nnnnv. mauL'uraLeu uv 111c cuuiu l . .. i ... u u-.,.. in pnnn irin iiLiiur ul iuu iiiriu. muua I builJ ncw State9 wbi(.u e Lostile 1 ""- iuuuauuu ..i., to tho peculiar institution. teSWelearnbyalctterfromWm.fi. Waring in the Gcrmantown Tleyrap 'bat the buildings for the Farmers' High School, near IJoalsburg, are going up, and that contributions of implements, seeds, plants, books, &o., aro being received. The Trustees meet on the 10th inst, and habitants. Aside from political issues and the eon,r0versy respecting mining powers, tbere is no doubt of Fremont's personal popuiarity among those who know him bcst A Buchanan Victory, at last! Thc municipal election in Washington city re sulted in the success of thc Lecomptonites. Every clerk, workman, and employee of the National Government was required to vote that ticket, and, like dogs and slaves, tbey submitted to the decree. Pursuant to an act of the last Legisla ture of Maryland, an election was held throughout tbe State on the 26th ult., on the question of the call of a Convention to amend the State Constitution. Tbere was much opposition to this movement, prin cipally on the ground that it was antici pating the period prescribed by tbe exis ting Constitution. The vote seems to have been a mltgic one ; but as far as received, it sums up a majority of over 4,000 against tbe proposed convention. The Sex of Eaos. According to Mon sieur Gcnin, a French savant, the sex of eggs can be distinguished. All eggs con taining tbe germs of males have wrinkles on their smaller end, while female eggs are equally smooth at both extremities. Catharine Brook, a young lady of Al- j bany, aged fourteen years, took small j dose of arsenic, recently, for the purpose j of beautifying her complexion, and on I Sunday morning was arrayed in a shroud for tbc grave. Union. The "Associate" and "Asso- ciato Reformed" Presbyterian Synods (So- : ceder and Union) have formally united at , I'ittvburx. and these two branches will i henceforth be one body. slavery uu- mc.r .....-., . bunti employment and hunting food. bound, and instead of killing 'Kangaroos ! ,, ., , , . 1 , Thcso are the persons who complain ; they wound and will kill themselves. Tho I .... ... .. . i l... .1..:. . i . .. T . : ....... ... i ' 0,10 ut luB most remaraaoie ana iorciuie wo uave ever seen id me pruceeuings 01 that body. It is,in few words, a most ad mirably condensed and sententious cm- : bodiincut ot tbc Hood of tbougbts wbicb , tb great question it rofers to presses up- , - . j CB'' those to whom it is es- ment emanating from the House or Sen- ate. I'hilail. Xurth American. Mr. Cameuon said : I am requested to present a petition, signed by a large number of laboring j men, engaged in the manufacture of iron, in Pennsylvania. I receive a great many : ' ettcrs, daily, from persons of this class, i " ? ... . tuc troutile ol writing a great many let - , tcr9 think th Congress of the ijnjte( sutea can relieve them from all their troubles. There never has been a , time . th- Lis of ,hc iron bas;nesa of i . . r . ' re1' distress among the laboring men of , my state tue men wno uo me worx, me , men who go to the forge before daylight, .11 i. .1 I I " S er me moou oas risen than there is at present It is not a complaint now on tbe part of the capita list. Men of Mpital, men of fortune, can take care of themselves. Capital can al- ; ,,ta . , ;.ir . i.u, I . ,- , , ' ; " o - J 3 v ( - f""c"'uu- t These persons reside in the town of v. - ...... o.t..,i.:, , .: j -urnaiuwu, uu iua ouuujikiii nvi-r, buiiiu twenty miles above Philadelphia. The both v-., ..... .a river Schuylkill is traversed, on t i x .1 sides, by a railroad, one extending some ' J ' 'wenty or tniny miles, anotner one nun- reu uiues. oa me uue siue oi uc ncr is a canal. All these works have been land iron to the place of manufacture and q Sch lk;n tb t 1 ' , i ; coal deposit of I cnnsylvania, has a popu- ! lation of some 80.000 or 90.000 people. whieh has grown up within the last tweu- . ' tv.fitfA rortra ..... At this ti. me the whole laboring popu lation engaged in the iron and coal busi ness, of the whole country extending from Philadelphia to tho mountains of Schuyl kill county, are idle ; boats are tied up ; locomotives are, in a great measure, stand ing still, and laborers are running about . . . .1 . w . 1 fave t0'a luem ana 1 naY0 written to . ..... .. .... thorn, that tbey nave tbc power in tbeir own nanus. The laboring men of this country arc powerful for good always. They do con. trol when they think proper, and I think tho time is coming when they will control tbe politics of this country. I tell them that before they can get common protect ing they must change the majority in the Senate they must chawjc the majority of the other House of Congress; ami, above all, they must cJtange the occupant of the While House, who is the dispenser of the power which eontrols the legislation of this country. In place of gentlemen who sneer when we talk about protection, tbey must send men here who know something of the wants, something of the interests, something of the usefulness of the labor ing man. Hitherto, tbey have not acted as if they cared for their own interests. Whilo they talked about a tariff which would guard their labor from competition with the pauper labor of Europe, they would go to the elections under some ward lead er and vote for men to represent them, here and elsewhere, who cared only for party drill, and who had no interest above party success, litis system thru must change, if they hope for success. I think the laboring men of Pennsylvania, at least, are now beginning to put their own shoulders to the wheel, and I believe they will make such a noise in next October as will alarm the gentleman all over tbe country who laugh at them. The canals, railroads, and mining oper ations of this region of country, have cost more than a hundred millions of dollars ; the furnaces and other works connected with the manufacture of iron, an enor mous sum. The people interested in the iron and coal business, directly or indi rectly, along the valley of tbe Schuylkill, amount to more than three hundred thou- sand souls. Since 1855, thore has been a blight upon tbe business, growing ont of the unwise legislation of Congress, which has really protected the iron of Eogland, Russia and Sweden, and thus taken thc labor and thc bread from our own workmen. This iron interest of Pennsylvania, in whieh these men are employed, commenc ed, in 1820, with a production of only 20,000 tons. In 1855, when it was up to its greatest extent, tbe production was a millions of tons of pie metal. When tbis pig uictai u worked, into tue vinous u&cs in which iron is to be consumed, it amount! to vtry many millions of dollars Tbe annual produce of coal in Schuylkill county alone, in 1455, amounted in value to some 120,000,000. When it is known that it requires two tons of coal to niako a ton of iron.you can iinagiua the number of persons who rely for their daily bread on the production of iron aud coal. Iron, in its native mouutains, u worth but 50 cents a ton ; when it is worked into pig metal it ranges in prico from 920 to S.0, and sometimes to 810 a toe; and when workod into various uses it frequently amounts to hundreds of dollars a ton. I have said that these people have the power in their own hands. I am speak ing to them now, and 1 wLh them to ex ercise the power they have. I can not help them, much as I desire to do so, nor can any of their friends here ; but when they go to work as men determined to succeed should do, I have no doubt ', they will get protection. The people iu ' this valley and on the slupe of the Schuyl- j kill mountains Lave votes enough to ll l 1 I. 1"." 1 u.ou , .or M , .u goes the Union iu all great elections ; and : tueir votes can at all times decide tnc pol- itics of Pennsylvania. Let them exercise tke i-jurer tcu. fi, aud they will no longer . year. There are fifty two cards in a pack; ; tice bj enactiDg a Iaw mat;ug it a peBal be without pleuty of work and good that directly answers to the number of ; tQ sboot all kinil. 0f ju3Cctivcrous birds, prices. 1 move that this petition be j weeks in a year. Examine more minute-: ,ogetber with otLer eame at cerljkin Ka. referred to the Committee on Fioauoe. ly, and vou will find three hundred and ' a t,;. ... -.:.., t :., .,i AN AHERICAW SLAVER. A correspondent of the Xca l'urh Journal of Commerce, writing from on Helena, under date of Feb. 1st, thus de scribes a slaver captured on tho African coast : The slaver is a brigantinc, and was built about four years ago in New Lond on, Connecticut. It was admirably con- ! lr,.Mp.l f..r .npoj. l.flinT .nmo.hi.,. I j -r o o than 150 feet in length by less than 30 in width, and having a measurement of 220 tons. Tbe hold was entirely empty. Some planks had been torn op from the bottom, probably in search of money, which slavers usually conceal there when there is" danger of being captured. A private on Hoard tne iowuattau tells me tbat once when be was serviug in our Af rican fleet, be himself discovered above $15,000 in gold pieces by tearing up a f'""- " r oi me cigni oeauiuaes; me eigni am- , or fines attached to tbo same, one half ta tured. The hold had been floored from , tudcs ; the eight persons mentioned in j the use of the county in which the eom stera to stern, though tbe flooring was j Scripture to be released from death to ! plaint is made, aud the other half to tba now removed, and not a track of it was to be seen. Thus the hold is about equally divided horizontally, the upper division being thc slave deck, which is not above four feet and a half high. The gangway leading to the slave deck is the only aper- instruction of man ; thc seven wonders of viction be made within sixty days after ture for light and air, and even this is in j the world. The six reminds mo of the ', the committing of the offence, part defeated in its object by thc heavy ; s;x petitions contained in the Lord's j West Branch Lumber Trade, iron grating which is thrown ovor it to j pra?er. The five reminds me of the five j Perhaps no branch of industry felt mora prevent the escape of the slaves in exse j senses given by God to man hearing, severely than the lumber manufacturing of mutiny, and whieh is never removed j sceiDg feeling, tasting, end smelling. ' interest the force of thc late fiuancial re except when a gang of slaves are taken j The four puts me in mind of the four f vulaion. About all the lumber manufac up for air and washing. Thus the wretch- evangelists and the four seasons of tho factured from last year's log? is already ia es who carry on this detestable traffic, I JCar. The three reminds me of the Trie-1 the city markets, as tho following figures, seem to desire to chain heaven's free and j ity ; the three hours our Saviour was on tafcen from the books of tho Collector sweet bounties as well as human limbs. ; tho cross; and the three days he laved in To locate six hundred and fifty Afri- terred. The two remind me of the two cans within tbe space afforded by the slave j testaments ; and tbe two contrary prinei deck of so small a vessel, required the nt- j pCs struggling in man virtue and vice, most compression and compactness com-; The ace reminds me of thc only true God, patible with life, and had not so large a j to adore, worship, serve ; one faith to Le portion been mere children, they could j Hove ; one truth to practice, and one not have been stowed away. I was told good master to serve and obey." tbe following mclhod was employed to j So far, very well," said the nobleman; economize- space. The Africans were , "but I believe you have omitted one card placed in rows face to face, length-wise of , tbo deck, and each one running ono leg between tbe legs of tbe one sitting oppo site. Another row was placed back to back against tbe exterior tow firat seated, and thus the whole deck was almost a 1 solid mass of living human flesh. To 1 keep them still and powerless, and prevent insurrection, a ring was put on one ankle, to which an iron bar was attached which reaehed up to the body, and to which the manacles were fastened which were put on tbeir wrists. Thus situated, row fa cing row, and legs interlaced with legs, a long iron bar ran along over the line of ankles, to which tbe irons were attached which fastened the feet. Thus nearly all motion of the body and exercise of tbe limbs was impossible, men in the stocks having as much liberty as tbey had, with all the advantage of light and air. Kvcn for a day, such a position would be pain ful and almost intolerable ; what then a passage from continent to continent over the broad Atlantic, amidst storms and calms, and suffocation, and occupying of ten sixty days and more ! Occasionally thc slaves are taken on deck in gangs, where they may breathe the pure air a short time, and where they are washed by having buckets of salt . a tcr thrown upon them, and the fetters and manacles yet remaining on them, and the salt water washing the sores and raw flesh which their sitting position on the hard planks, their pressing against each other, together with the galling irons, have made. Both men and women are cither utterly naked, or else have hardly tho equal of a ' fig leaf apron for their protection. The carried away. Its inmates, tbe clergy-: ribbon in a dry goousi.oP.u . u.. , stench and filth are noccssarily horrible 1 man, his wife and their eight children j N. U., and was punched by being expos and indescribable, which a stable or a sty I ere in their beds when they were swept ed to all the dry good clerks in tbe city can hardly exceed, and seldom equal. i iuto the racing WrreuL The father alone I that they might wateh her iu future. Ingenuity at a Pinch. A nobleman in tbo city of Loudon, who kept a great number of servauts, re posed oonsiderablecoufiJuiice in one of tbem, which excited a jealousy iu thc others, who, in order to prejudice their master against him, accused him of being notorious gamester. Jack was called up, and interrogated closely ; but he de nied the fact, at the same time declaring that he had never played a game of cards in his life. To be fully convinced, the gentleman ordered him to be searched ; when, behold 1 a pack of cards was fouud in his pocket. Highly incensed at Jack's want of veracity, the nobleman demanded, in a rage, how he dared to persist io an untruth. "My lord," replied he, "I certainly do not know the mcaniug of a card; the bun dle in my pocket is my almanack." "Your almanack, indeed ' then I de sire you to prove it. e.., s.r, x w.u oeg.u. oe.e are four su.ts in the pack; that iutimates the four quarters in the year; as there are 11 - T !il i iri thirteen cards in each suit, so there are tiurtoen weeks in a quarter, mere re also mo sauio numoer oi lunations; me , .i i . t ? .i . twelve signs of tue xooiac, turougn wmcn i the sun steers his diurnal course in one : sixty-five spots, as many as there are days in the year; multiply these by twenty-four and sixty, and you ' will have : bjj . the exact number of hours and minutes in j bat from and after the passage of thi a year. 1 look upon tbe Tour suits as the ; let it ihM not .,wful jur auj four prevailing religions; Christianity, j within this commonwealth to boot, kill Judaism, Mahomedaoism, and Paganism ; or in any way trap or destroy any Llua the twelve court cards remind me of the oird3i swallow, martin, or other iiuectiv twelve patriarchs from whom sprung the ! w J n of the year, un- i..!.. i.;u. r r.s .1.. tt.. ties, and the twelve articles of the Chris - tian Faith. The king reminds me of the allegiance due to his majesty. The queen of the same to her majesty. The ten j brings to my recollection the ten cities in ! . i r c .. iii the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah, de- . stroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven; i tie iea pu2Ue3 0f Egypt ; the ten com- mandments from heaven ; the ten tribes cut off for tbeir vices. The nine reminds me of the nine muses ; the nine noble or- ders among men. The eight reminds ma j iife. iaa geTen reminds me of the seven , , -. , .1.. .... iic ,1 : buait reiuse w pay me &aau loricikurc, aa administering spirits that stand before the ; , ,, . . r. ', . . ., - , , , , . , : shall be committed to tbe jail of th pro- throne of Ood ; the seven seals wherewith ; pef countv for evcry 8Ucb offeBOtb for tLa tho book of life is sealed, the seven liber- j Bpace of two days, without bail or main al arts and sciences given by God for thc prise : l'roviJel hoicecer, that such con- the knave.1 "True, my lord, the knave reminds me prudence, made arrangements to niitert of your lordship's informer.'' J aUj contract their operations the present The nobleman became moro nlcased with Jack than before, freely forgave him, raised his wages, and discharged the informer. A Mother and 8 Children Drowned. t-j.iiug u rail viiu v. the most remarkable. For a period of ,' nearly two months the rain fall has only been briefly intermitted. We have now io record a mosi painiui and ncan-renuing . a .-stit . l uj, cuu vj uuo u. iuc Duu'.ieo j I. 1 .l II freshets that have of late been so disas trous, at Itoscoe, nincty-tbree miles from tbis city, on tbe Hock River, five miles tbis side of Beloit, on IhcBcIoit and Mad ison Branch of tbe G. k C. U. R. R. The lamentable fate of the Ilsley family will attach as melancholy interest to tbe spot on which they perished as invests the "Notch" of thc White mountains, as sociating it for ever with the unfortunate Willcys. A special telegraphic dispatch informs ns that about dawn vesterdar morninir a freshet eame rushin with creat violence ! down a ravine, throueh which, in ordina- I fl , . ;.;:r,, u.i. . ! ;h,r. i ii.. TV t., 1 Vn th. ! butary to tbc Rock River. Upon bank stood the two story frame dwelling occupied by a much esteemed clergymen, Rev. Horatio Ilslev. a Congregational ' pastor, recently of Maine. From some j cause, either bv the undermining of the bank, or tbe dwelling being reached by the angry flood, it was overturned and ; managed, alunst miraculously, to cff.et his escape, aud reaehud the biuk, nearly exhausted ; the mother aud her children were seen no more alive. The mot pro found sensation at ot.ee pervaded that eu tiro community. This mast active meas ures were at once takan to recover tho bodies, and up to 9 o'clock A. .M , fuur bad been taken out. The eight children were of various ages, raoiog from iu fan- ( cy to seventeen years of age. The faaiiiy j was one much beloved io that eommuuity, aud the sad fate that has swept then j thus into eternity will cause many tears. Other houses were also swept away, but we hear of no more lives being lost. Chicojo IVtts. Destruction of Game. In common with many others, we have often deprecated the destruction of the harmless little birds that abound in such numbers iu our vicinity, by persons who j appear to have no other object in viuw , tLan mm Bmusement. These creatures, , bMef beiog both beautiful nJ cbeerfuif I . beuefieial. because thev deitror j , numbcrs of insecU anJ worBli Uicll otherua dj more harm to tres. ; . W'e are pleased to no Legislature took moaa- lice mat me laie ; urcs far creventinsr this disgraceful rrac- ! appr0eJ by m0il ,he eutir9 WB1I1Itt. ' We cive below an extract from the r j V I T .? -l 11 , destroy the eggs or nests of any birds : mentioucd in the different EecLoas of tbU O) r,erson suan. at anv time, wuiunv ' act, under a penalty of two dollars for eaca na eTerJ -Beuce. . The V J 07 person of any of the game and birds mentioned, shot or otberise aeitroyeJ out of Klii00j shaji ,; f,,. ;,. .vi.lon tn rnnvirt i Anv person offending agaiust anv of tbe provisions of tbis act and being thero- of convicted before any alderman orjus- j tice ot tbe peace aforesaid, or by the oata i .1..11 ,..-.. .. R.. ! nsa of tbc tnformer; and if the offender : I. . 1 1 C .. .1. 1 I c . office, showing the number of f.et f r whieh clearances have already been issued this year, at Williamsport and Lock Ha ven, will demonstrate : A mount rl-ani al Wilhra-r"rt Aiuvuut eltrarvi at Loik Hat i-a lVVi.ii ,i.'.vaw To whkb aW amount skipped hy railnai Making a total of Sy.V.-Oa. To avoid calamitous results to them selves hereafter, the lumber manufacturers of this region have, with commeadablts year. The following reliable figures, giv- j ig the amount of stock in the West ; Dranch booms in the years 185t, 1357, and 1S5S. will show pretty clearly tho extent of tbe contraction : 4I.,.i.,iii 2r.i".iW 5.i..tiO Milium '"i '.IZTl -V'"!;?.?. i'-"" The decrease of stock from last year j iiuiuuuia III iwiutj-uiv UII11IOU AtCI, v .. . . . . . ..... a... K:t.:.,H f- .- a , ... half-n j some,hiDir more than ! naf from that of 1S5C. The shipments during the next year will probably fall considerably bebw one Lalf what tbey were for the last, far the reason that be side the very small stock to be cut there is nothing remaining, as we have before stated, of the product of last season. We trust that thc present year imy bo productive of a change for the better in prices in the city market. WaUum-fiit Gazette. The Washington Republic notes tho Ia 01 iwcniy-mrce i r.va-u . .i . . . . .i f -... II;!! Sfi:ed to in the Iloaso on Friday last twenty-one were iu favor of tbo boutheru parties. Almost everything from tho North was killed, the ol joetiou of a singlo member being sutneicni lor mai purpose. The "retired physician" is Oliver P. Tirnvn. fhis assumed name is Dr. If. James,) and two years ago he was a poor printer in Vermont. He has made out of his "sands of life." - i v A woman was caught stealing souio r