Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 07, 1858, Image 2

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t O. K. WCKrLK Ac J. fi, COfiNEUOS.
StMH9-u9 .Wm.-r.! t.v.Miia Chronicle,
't Ti-r , j.. ihN '!, MbM, b3tt.v Un- atid beet
f:rm .tiu W nT ,.r-.p..r 1B t,i(, rtlUlltt.
Freedom, natinnal ; Slavery, sectional !
neetins of County Committee.
The S;ari'Iin Cummittr-e appointed at the
I-ixt I ti..i I. .,(.. i ,.r
..... . .-n.fi. vi'MiviiiiUH ill IliC imiin.
"'" V"1 Administration, are in -
vited to .nr.'i at ilie r.Ilic.e ol John A. Mcrtz,
Ksq. ltl l.twislturg. on Tue.-ilay, ISlh .Mav,
IHiS, (Court Week) at 1 o'clock, I'. M. to call
the ui'it County Convention, an I transact any
other business deemed requisite. The follow -
"s o--" .iinir uic lominiiice :
u." iu iibA.M.ti, thjirman.
Mich ikl Uiiowx,
ii. Kniir,
VVm. P. Dut-IIAL
All.T. Ammos.,
Auiu. Thuiiv
Joll tilt!
''HO 1 II All.,
Jo-iCI-ll 1. FoilHET,
A. J K'tiLlrH.
Lf As the time fir holding the coming
Noonuaiii g Convention is to be decided :
ht the above called itietipg, it iaadiisablo
that the Mn,brrs cont-ult B many cf their
friends lcf..re that day as is convenit ut.
;....!....!-..! -
111 older 1i.nl linu tone nnrru Innn n ft.,,..
- j -j -c-" -
uiOft adn.-al.c aud .sati,tactory.
l"peu the opening if another cam -
fain, we tniLk it jrr j cr agaiu to ftate,
t.iit as conductors of a j urnal devoted to over to the AJmiuistration, aud two Sou
the interests of thj cause, and couiuiilttd . tberui-rs voted against the bill lecauso it
to no clfijue or section, the Editors of the uitited a little towards suLmlttin" JjC-
Cmto.Mil.E iatiud to pur.-ue a strictly itu-
r.,ri:. 1 ... I ;,. ! ... i,... ii
rarl ,1 Ulol ll iit-lil-t::irll t e. i or so unit It unit
- r- , 1
so 1 1 labor as ta unite at.d conceutrate the
energies of ;.1I lb js.e who ate agreed uprni ant speeches agaiust it from eral iu both j
the cud if they may not always aree upon IloUats. j
the means. We have no partialities to iu- ; Gen. Cameron in the Senate, made a
dulge, or antipathies to influence us, but short but pertinent address stating bis rea
sh ill w ork with an eye single to the good sous for opposing the bill, aud asserting
14-hie wiioi.k r.rti v. j that all tho Opposition aud a very large
Wo have heard a few names fugeslcd , share of the oiigiual friends of the Ad
in connection with tfiiees next l ull, and ; ministration in Pennsylvania were hostile
tke this timely method of drornini? a to any such bill as that umnl into , !,,
word of fneuJ.'y caution. Iu our reduced
county, it ilucs not pny to f-peLd much
'.iicc or money in seeking i lhecs; and as
we are geneially well ac.juaintcd with each
other, there is no necessity f..,r much effort
iu the way of "electioneering."
g -es out to stir up his fiieuds
If one
will d i the same, and thus one cheek the j
movements of aaothir. A better way, fur ;
all who seek those bonois, would be to
have their names jroperly made Luown, '
totiJ then let rarh tmiNii hi u...t..,1 r.. .
1 ,
Hnc-.- without mterrur.uoD, and allow the ;
ptcple tojuJge as they mostly will, af
ter uli wuhuut undue influence. Audif
ail, not inly in vord, but in qdrit submit
their claims fairly to the chosen tribunal,
there will be few after recriminations or
regret, but a united front of brothers in
the cause of truth wiil be presented, and
success certain.
Tho First Jlesponse
To the English Lecorapton Juggle !
l.ll,Jll,i, I, 1.1.,,.1 V... f .
i uiuiocipuia ncuiiiiiiu .,u iur , -
OIJ I'ennMlvania !
TVie uLiterty Hell" rimjt aijain from
Independence 1111 !
Philadelphia by the division of the
Opposition elected James i;uehauan,Pre-
sident, and Win.F.Packer, Governor, each
it wtioiu it gave irotn 4,uoU to i,UUU
majority over all opposing candidates. A
two years' Democratic misrule, however,
(lopped df with tbe English Kansas bill)
lias wrought an entire revolution. The
Old line Whig?, Americans, Republicans,
aud Ami Lecotupton Democrats iMTtn
u,.on tbe following City Ticket :
Mayor Alexander Henry.
Solicitor Henry T. King.
Comptroller George W. Hufty.
Kcceivi r of Taxes A. I. Flumerfclt.
Commissioner E. 11. Williams.
inn. ite.e.-iergeutuga.ipa.st iiio.isti ,
1 ...1 t.,.. it. a. I..-. . . . 3
. o r-im:-? luej JU3L IHUL 10 HUlft ttUU
t a Tuesday last ELECTED by
over 1,000 inaj.,
,mm.i:infii,ei'...i.. t..
.....j...c v.lv. .,u,, lUiU..s- (
g a largo majority ct tue Ljuuchs, l'oor
r. .
.crecr.s, Scliool 1'irLCturr:. A.
Thc VdWy News yavs the result upon
LccLs tf tho three UnjV old Loglivb
1 ;j eica'cii a livelier thrill cf jy tLan
:.-y event ia the history of tho City since '
t '.j news of the Surrendsr of Coruwallis ;
. ; Y .iktotin Fiiiis-fv dories r,v, r It r.
..u Atiti Lecompton victory aud warning
t .. IJucbanan. The "Ledger' says : i
As sjori aj bc election became knowD, i
i ,t w-nin.a wocession f..rin.-.I in
, - . ... , tit 't
- ----- ..-.a.. -sa s. - V s VI I ,
i ::iJ, they pruceeiod to Third street, and
.- ri'uuded tho ncw5japLr ofhee-?. At thc
"ia! of tLe Xorth American Ir. M'Ii-
.cl, i n being called tjr, congratulated on llie face an Administration triumph, we
,.- gathering on the signal victory gained. ! tLi-k it wiil rmicken and keep alive scc-
wouid, he sail, strike terror into the ; .:,i e '-,. . n v .t. i i
t ii i- n- . tional feciing at the riorth, and almost
..irts of those assemble J ia Washington, i . . , . , , ,.'
A in he hoped they would t.rcct ccrtaltl0" lve to tu: lepublicans a major-
.nir banners in thc White House, with la ,ue nest Curgress, if it does not
o inscrij tion, "To American Labor." exert a decisive influence upon the I'res-ijplauss-.)
This consuniuiation could , idential election in 1SG0."
iy be illicted by a continuance tf the ;
'. narl-. s Oilpin, also addressed tho mut- '
. u ie; after w hich, the line of march
.i- a-ain taken up fr Mr. Henry's rcsi-
. Ii:.,. ..l i.-:r. i. i
lo-, a .u cuvii, aUu.u i , n-emii, .,i-u ;
I I ...... .. ,i .irtm. .1 . n .1 1. ... 1. . .1 t 1. a. I
i. ..ioij 'iv.ioi auia lu.intii mini i
i .ue uon. r luey ntm couierrea on mm :
! electing Lit., to the Chief Magistracy ,, t mT 7 t. 1
he city-: and he hoped, with the helj g 1 regarded as a base and in-;
.1, to faithfully discharge the duties : fu""'ua ,r,ck- lbo Auministration was j
. .. . J . . - ..If... .1 TT.ll.l-
' y tiatl imposed upon nim. In regard : "cn-aieu ngaiu anu again, in an tne pre
' 'he election, be considered it more limiuary votes, and when at last, the mat-
m a mere municipal contest ; it was a j tcr was referred to a Conference, it was
in U-4 , ?onclus'.ely i cooly decided that enough votes should be
e in power at Washington that the , i .
s oj freemen could not Ku",1 l3 J meins, bowever disrepu-
il illinntill.
h impunity.
JKnry T. King, R. T. Conrad and Wit
i U. Mann also addressed the asscm-
." . . . '
; ; at. impression among Mr. Doug.
i:leiu, that he tinfrt. l. .1 i
ue tiurai me e retinn
.,,1, ,i ., . . "
warj tu the rresidenev ki lsr.fi .
n J m Kw- ,
The recent Philadelphia Election.
The Country to the City, Greeting.
I'hUfi'lelpljia r-lfiiitl! For th pmfOe baTft pokeO,
An J thi-ir voK-e cclioe? U-uJ nvw luounuiu ai.il plain,
The I'sfc "tngJifh swindle" lit battcm! ml irulr.'ii,
And wbo haU eVr galLer its fragment agaiu!
Poor Pfglvr ! he wroU-d a iltr and a frw Mat.
4tii t-I Lord Dd Good IVr!!, raTA Billy u omk,
Small rhancr tts the LVtH li.-u fiwinen swnka
And Christian in truth. tbroub tb ballot-box lak.
Tbe FtuflVrn, and brui.ern, aud Molly 5lafuir,
All kinncd aud dutufuundt daad put to tbe rout.
l;i..i i ... .... , .
! And wsi.tol todcih b, tb IW,.!.'. lead .bout!
" '" ! th enuntrj now gloria
; To hoB"r thJ Ir""". gallant anJ true ;
i A"i w'"',' rh""rr o"" OvtoUr.
! W'" "do tLis l'l''1'iIl'l''a, yout
t l lu-ard j tint pibro. Ii. t brave men of Kan-at,
In jour dark.
.rk.ui.m.i iurknow of tror nd gioomf
I.H..MM,,.,,., t, it.v mnreL.
o cou.-icn Tour ini-cu fiM-i; to Uielr biuib.
Advance to consign your uu-cu foes to tlitflr tomb.
1 I'biltt-lphi r)Hlt-vmdt For tbd pnople b.vi poki-n,
J Aud tbnr toil-, vt-boi-n loud OT.rmouutaiu .ud plain,
Tbe bMW "Kngli.h a. injlc li.-s batt:'l-d and brt-kuu :
What fool ,.-er flli. r Its tracuiiuu aijaiii r
LlTKUtr-j, fa., May 5, 1S08. J. A.
The English Bill, passed !
' The last echetnc of the
Pro Slavery
ra? cot thro'
power for rnslavitig Kansa?, wa? got thro'
! both lluusis of Cuiitrcss, last Friday, bv
. i- , - ,
tlin p itlni l.-trttr .Il t-ii..r;a nu Mm av... I
! " ' -
j Lecompton Lill, except that iu the House
( Mr. Gilmer, Am., of X.C., aud nine Pou
t'3 Uemoerals from Iree State?,chaDed
j eoiiiptou.w hieh they would never ogieo to.
r, ,t. . . i .i ir i r ,
Itttlen T.nsspn I 11 llnncii l,.0...l.t.n
! . I ' J " '
Scuatc by S m:.j jrity, afternoble and difi
by Ksecutivo influence?,
i The Traitors who deserted the men
with whom they agreed to stand until the
j last against the Lcconipton fraud, number ;
, Eiiylitk and Foley lnil.,Cucke.riU, j
1 Cox, OWr, II. ,U, h-.,nrr,r ,l Ja- j
; iluton of O , and Oi'cn J-mrt ,f Fit.
Errted Ahrouh! !
It was openly asserted at Wasliingtcn,
(after l;uel,anar.-s Lecomplon till was
. .. .. u Ui
uouana lDi!ars were "raised
tLe E Lin lTQUn
to get
So 1 ! Mr. Spiuner of New York,
introillir-erl . resMoli.m !
Itcprescntativcs, a few days ago, calling
for an investigation into the circumstances
i connected with the alleged scent and ilk-
yid entering of six thousand acres of hnd
at Council lilufls land office, in tbo name
of Senator Uright and Representatives
LMjLIsII and Folev, of Indiana.
I,.,, j
nobody dared to deny the fact.
PrW. n,,- ri:.v n:i. i
- - - - - 6 " . iiib'i Biu.
Of all tho propositions offered in Con-
- e 1 1 . . t . i ww ...
fe.s, .o. mi-oi-nii-meuio, lu2 ivausasun-1 :
ficult.es, this conference committee's bill j
was the worst. If, however, it will, as its
friends assert, bring the question to a
pcedy peaceful and satisfactory tcrmina-
tiJDi & parties
will, iu the end, probably
acquiesce in its adoption not because of i -
nn. ....Tn ...t 1 ! .1 1 Til , 1 1
ja.M. lomaiueu ,u me mi. .ISCK.OUI ;
simply because nearly all are tired of hear-.
log about Kansas,and will be glad to have ,
it out of the way, on almost any terms.
But, for ourselves, we have little hope of
such a happy result. We do not believo
that the people of Kansas will accept thc j
i Lecompton constitution, even with the in-
, ... , , , . - - ,
uueemeuis lo uo SO UCM OU Dy llio land
, 3 "
1 . r i I-r. : ft,:. n . C ii a , :r
-.. -u u.s vuusrew. ADU 1.
they should not, the whole nuestion will'
. lu'-i""u
- - u-ue. oui sciuemen. man u ,
ic.la n trui L- firm K.i.o:., r n (..it .....Tt i
- o t luiiuei ijui- I
j catiun fur admission can be made until thc '
l. f ,1 till i
v. .u im.uuij, suaii miciu.;,
to the ratio necessary to elect a i .
. ... .. .
mn;iU,r c, t.oiijrtr.-s-tlliita -villlc itv- '
crai . ear3 Lence. Lyeomin; Cautlc '.
-f J
tzrA letter wriiir states that cn tuc '
lst lust- i s. JJuuIianan signed the Un-,
t bog parJn, Kngliih Kan?a3 bill.
with ' nervous anxiety, and appeared
33 a cIii,J wilu a ccw top a woman with
her lirst baby a very aced bachelor with ,
a JounS wife a hen over a new laid egg
or other very exultant thing or be-,
1L& an tuat tue British that is to
fay Foolish bill had failed.it would have
i . . ... ;
MVWU ItlUI J 1 Li U U II . I U U i U UaliliLf. '
Probable Effect.
T!ioI!altiinore-lter(tirn,sa's: ''Though !
Tim Louisville .;.. .nnn0 n, '
V - ,.i: 1. I :tt it t -I- J.-.;.. i i '
, , ., ? 3 I
Sa'"a"n bnbery and menace, to secure !
,!ie nominal acceptance of the Lecompton
l. .i. i.e i - I
vuUi.iUi.uu oy u.e rcoplt; o. ivausas, in ,
.. 1 .........I T I
ruer to give io mo Jccompton party in ,
Courrress, a show of victory. The whole
,.1 t ,1.. ..... ....o. nf1,. n.ltnn
and to save Mr. Buchanan from an inglo
rious defeat. But the apparent triumph
will be short-lived. The Kansas question
can never be settled by such an arrange-
. . '
nL . ., . -. r
" - "' a ue people oi toe territory imme-
i- . . . .
diatciy interested, have yet (o -peak cut,
and that tbey will do ao, and that iu tones
of thunder, we bavo Dot a doubt.
Exultations of the Enemy.
Tbo Richmond South exults over the
conference Kansas bill. It says :
"Tbe confercDco bill presents a sturdy
assertion of thc validity of the Lecompton
The pco?le of Kansas will no more
fi ,A, rrf;;
rote upon tlx Liccompton Constitution, ui-
dcr the conference bill, than they voted up
on the adoption of tbe Lcconipton Consti
tution in tbo first instance."
And again :
"The couferenco bill will operate as an
enuhlino1 ili'f in fukff rfTp.-?t. nnnn till. linn.
i peuing of a cerlain event, a population
tuffici,..nt for the election of a Kcprcscnta-
ttve.J but until that event ilia 11 occur, it
operates restrictively, aud confining Kan-
w UUoUv.v aUU u.u
ijuurier buocs, Keeps her out oj me dtxlnr -
uf coll, j,; out er Conj., aud out oj mis-
ikiiffor muny years tocomr."
'In tho mean time, should the South-
I ern btates desire to occupy the contested
: 'Territory, as Mr. ZjllieolTer in a very
able argument has recently shown there
,s inueu iLiisou io oenevc inry can uo,
. J '
: . . i. .. . . i v .t i .
. ,. , .
the pofl juwmrut of admission trill .ice
j than the hnojU of the decision cf the
' peeme Court.'' Tluy cau carry their
eiave property into the common territory,
and nurtieirate f.irlv in it, !,;,,,., or-..
And finally :
"If tho conference bill rass, A'intas
. . , - 1 ....
"'".' tr ,i, ,t me c. iiion us i .siif-e ,s'iife .
.... Tl
Xtlt SIl K CAN ()T COM - IV AT
ALL. That is the issue.
''Settle!'' A"a"n
Every time Slavery makes a new de-1 out cf tbcir uaIiJj EnJ ol'-" S'veu theai.
mand, aud commits new aggressions upon ' Thj Uepublieacj cf New York mu(j
Liberty, it proclaims tho pirtieular net a have elected that Crst of Americans Pu:tj
"liuality," and that it "fur ever settles j Wni.C. Uryant a Itcgont of the I'm
the whole ipicstiou." The Con)pr.i;i-:c vcrsity. .And in JIasssebuselts they
Acts of ISoO the P.:peal of tho Missou- ulaIo tho (Jtiakerpoet Juhn G. Yv'hittr
ii Compromise tho rejection of tho To- one of tho Overseers of Harvard Uni-
peka Constitution the Ored Scott deci- i
sion the En;
KalMi jiuus faced device i
wera aiid aio each uryed nicaoa "to !
cuttle aud
t rid of the Ni""ir riuestion' i
to "localiza" ldJ restraiu it.
l!utt lo ! aa sooa us JCulisU is throu
Philadelphia "agitates," and overthrows
the Democracy iu that great citv. A mo-
(i,Q ia tLo h-0Us0 for tLo aauiifS;un ot
MinneRot., i,.t t!, IV
Kansas i.uc, end at lust dates Kansas uf-
irs Wl rc alU Ulidcr Lot
utseussiou in
tho pnpul.r branch c f Ci egress 1
"Settled V.'hcn light and darkness,
Oil and water, f . rail nn.I lti Hit cntl.. Ition
, 7.. '
twccn tLe spirIt of SUcry aoJ thc fpirit
uio. uui, un iuuii ,i:i me controversy DC'
of Liberty be stilled !
The Usury Law.
The House of Assembly of this State,
on tho day before its adjournment, passed
fiQa"y tuo t'll relative to the rates of in-
terost. It "OOS into onernhnn from .i
after the 4th of J u'y next, and establishes
till, r.ltl .1 it OAnl rt. r,n,.M
I" "o.c
n0 Cipress contract is made to tho contra-
ry. Where a higher rate than per cent.
,i, :,i e i. ;a :,t.i,.i.i
from thc ,cnJl.r for th(J coi:cction of the
cxccsS or U5Ury but where tho usu
i, , i,nrrA ,i, r ,t.
js likCW:S0 witLhcld from him for th r.
. - - r,f :. ,,b.t. ...u f.., ,!.
, ,
ca3CS whcro ;3 (atcn ; a(lvaDCC ,Le
borrowcr has tbe ri u , deJuct anJ with.
LoU the amonot id above 0 ccat in
.... nf ,hff nr:n:.i
Tho rM, nv,irp, A , ' ... fn ,, .,.
lltr:a , : ,
in - nq nlfuni, :,a ,i: :a , I
i t. i '.. . . .
imu ii. ii repeals mose portions 01 tne
,1.1 ! i, r .1:1 ,1. . , e
old law that lorbid tho taking of more -
tban G con, and ind;rcct, , lizcg
, , , , ,
contracts or "shaves ' for tho use of monev
at acJ ratc of jn,crMt tj,s (ie3
agree upon ; which means, at any rate tho
.-J,! o.wl !,.. inn.i i.n.. t
v...ut.io .(.uuui U 1UU VUU
. .,r,.i n,
. ... ... .... i
to esact, ana tne necessities cl tuc borrowcr
,v T, ,. ;
7 ,, , 7 . ;
tcfltlf fin. I f.M tl.ntT l.v. hrt.in ctrii'ini. In .
.. . . j - ' " ..m w .
obtain from tLo Logibhlurc for so r.any ' -
Jrs. it may suit l uuaaclpLu well
enough, where money U required fur many
purposes that will bear a heavier interest !
'ban G per cent, but in tho country dis-1
tcts its operation car. not bo otherwise '
than pernicious. Ulnjh L. -jitter.
Vll0 .,,, mTR ?Vnder ihe
law, passed at the recent session of the Lepis-
.""nrc the militia enrolment is eniirely dis-
jiT.u.'icii wii:i. uiiti dit toiiniirri tut pal tspa'
are allowed for every person each day.
! ... ' - " . ' '.
u.iiinr iiiui uny cents per iticin. in audition
... J 1 .
to t'1's' llie commandins ollicer of a regiment
a recitnent !
.r..,.,... . .
for an encampment parade, not excecdint six !
days, once durinj each year. This is iiuend-1
ed as an inducement yot.n, men with mil- i
tt.irv an or. whn pan nnt -.tl"..r.l ir. 1E I
1LjU,SCn" -" Lew"by'XG,A5fD'
Ifsuch be tho new law, wo think it ! i j pn , T p i in ,,
a most improvident one. To pay 9 a' 1 111011 LOUlliy L-OUrl jlUilU'S.
vcarout of some fund cnuntv nr Kt..te
tr, nrv man nlm wilt " .tlt i
r i . : ,.(t . 1 1 i l i
bc fuUnJ a most lusulleruble burden, and
'o:u - to woro vicious displays and habits
limn flnvr l.-iur lier,.tr,for r.lr n. . ,
J - -
... n,11n I Itll. i.tnil
uiv "u- "M.ku
1 C " UJr !CSi-
of GrDlb, oe.j ,
week, at Uurlington, Bi
... I till. - .
The trial of liar lesty for the shooting
three days of last
Boone county, Ken
tucky. It will bo remembered that a
sister of Hardesty was seduced by Grubb,
aud that Hardesty told the seducer that
he would give him six months in which
to make his choice between marrying the
girl and being killed. The six months
expired, and Urubb not having married
tbe girl, Hardesty met him, and on sight
shot him. The evidence showed that
j Grubb was armed also in expectation of
tne attacK, out was shot in the act of
drawing bis weapon. The trial was end
ed last Thursday, and the verdict of tbe
jury was nut guilty.
The K.ndof Tvrannv. Tbu folluwin
remarkable tied truthful hngu-igc w:is
used by tbe able dclcniic-r of t-jHit Ur - l -
oi, at bis lute trial, for an abortive attempt
to usawute Loan Napoleon:
"Wben a nation 19 BO unhappy as to be
subject to a tyraot, she is not delivered by
pistols or poicnarda : God, wbo cotiiitu
. l .'.!..
j , A 2 ,i ' '"?u
catastrophes than assassination ! '
Tbe effect, says a spectator, wa? uo
speakable, and the looks of men, mutually
strangers, sought each other in deep and
instautaneous approval of the sentiment.
Curious. In looking over the list of
i mcmocr3 of Congress, thirty years ago, ns
published in Niles' Ke-istcr of December,
' '
: lblo, ire notice a curious circumstance
the list contains tbo full names of every
( ncmb.r cf !b8 House of KcprcscDtativej
., t , ,
"""" , ,l- "
j Tcnncssce.whoso Christian name conld not
' le ascertained by tbe compiler, and so be
! put btm down thus : Polk. Socio
! twenty years afterward, this obscure "on-
.!. .c ..t
iiciuau, ui i.uosu i-aumiiT lucre vas .)
much question iu '25, was elected Presi
dent of the United States.
In the city of Hartford, Conn., t!i? pa-
PBraslJ 11111 "iso 10 a man volei lor
the party w'aie'u calls them "white sliyos."
'are number of thet.i bad expressed a
' Jetcrr.iiaatioQ to vote against the sham
1 .1 I ... .1 . 7. r. t - i
uiuiucraey, uui uare not uo 11 irisoineu
irer.s fi.irn In alnrk f.,r !, net!
;ie polls with Ila-
publican tickets, intending to vota tlum,
'jUt 'atacly submitted to havo t!:cm tabeu
iLe our-reiae Court ol Luiiturnia utl-i
thecal of liiddle vs. tic Merced Mi
ula'o Company reversing the judgment
of the court below. The question involves
the title of Fremont to thn mineral wea'th
of his Maripysa claim. The court decides
against l'remout, and that a fee simple tj
land does not carry with it the title to the
gold extracted therefrom. An appeal
will be made.
Ilervey Caldwell, Hush Co., Iud., re
commends putting a good coat of ground
blaek-pcppcr upon Uacon (hams) after it
is smoked and ready to be packed away iu
Cr.vtn.. IIn 1. 1 It. . .
ivtuiumuatu i ,u, pepper to
100 lbs. bacon. This be says will
away skippers, and other vermin.
The Secretary of tho United States
Treasury received a few days ago, 51 oOO
in Treasury notes, from an unknown irdi
vidual, who states that Le cheated the
government to that amount during Pierce's
administration. :
Peter Cartright, the venerable pioneer
Methodist preacher, was a delegate to the ,
Illinois Douglas State Convention, and ;
maJc an -"""sing and telling speech.
1 1 1 1 H-H . 1 1 1 -
1" SnliSCribPtS liaVlllS bODEllt the .
."f . '. '?'.e. of 8U!ftn. .: anJ ,''ma" 1
II. U i.oon, ot Milton, and added lo it some
superior implements, and having secured ihe
superintendence of Mr. H. E. UOWXIXU.who
lias for ten years been employed in one of the
best Uinderies in Philadelphia, and comes
with the lirst recommendations for integrity
and competency, we are prppared to
!aHD fiS-SlHlD
Boots, Pamphlets, magazines, Wows-:
Papers, MUSIC, &C. &C, i
n every style desired. ork may cither
bound or halt-bound, m
i.- rs rr i i r-r
Calf, Loan, Turkey Miroeco, Sheen, or
oilier Leather, or in -Uushn oj various
and ornamented with Marble Paper of differ
ent figures, shades and colors,
i Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which
; it is desired to preserve as memorials in a
; family, ran be made more secure by the Bin-
. i. .ii '
,.' ..,.
i;i,i, nt-. r.i.t.. ir.
"r,n:. ' aim i raver
Uuods, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries. .c,
I.rlJor-ril Willi C.old
- 1 :i.l 1 .1 1.1. l
,ii n.-iim- ami iiuiiitc lliai aiiri .s, io iiucr.
,TSI' I'OIiTF OLIUc, &c..iaade to suitcus-
jjCMerin-and Bindin- heretofore !nne by
the Milton Hinder?, can be rxecute.l by us m
J.S'g " W have Uieir lut,,s'
J ir Cood Bindery has long been desired
11,15 vicinity, anu navm; ptocureu suitable
materials and a conineient workman, we re
spectfully solicit ihe public patronage, trusting
that it will be sufficient to repay the outlay
and risk. CRent, tools, stock, and work
men all requiring mrmev, we shall expect
i'A Y OX DELIVERY vi all work..ro We
intend to charge moderate, reasonable, and
uniform prices on the Live and Let Live'
principle and booe to make it a oermauiul
, 1
... .t r , . .,
.'nice 111 ine center oi .uarKet situare, nr.rtn
storey, adjoining the Chrom, -
?,nJ eieSraPh ofils. '"'"d door irom the
1 ni,v jl. vn !
....m., u.,.,..,.,-,.-, ,
AT01 1(;E 1S hereby given that the followm
applications for uvern license have been
lilcd in the office of the Clerk of the Court ol
Quarter Sessions of I'nion county, and Ihe
applications for tavern license have been
;ame Wl be presenle,, Io saij curt on Mon.
. ...! ... .-
day the 17th day of May next, 1858:
I Ann Guintcr
S Win L Hitter
3 Jonas Fisher
4 Peter Wehr
5 Win Inhoff
6 WmRSechler
7 Gideon Biehl
8 Levi Crotnly
9 Henry Gibson
To li'P T.irtrn in
.Sew Columbia
. do j
W ntte ueer township
....ii.jooi.o ,
Miillinburs borough
d do
aasi uuuaioe lownsmp
Union township
10 Adam J Weidensaul Lewisburg Nor.Wd
1 1 Charles D Uox do do
13 RGHetzel do do
13 David Moyer Harileton
14 Wm Wolfe do
15 David Stitzer Hartley township
IS Samuel liaum New Berlin borough j
17 Michael Kleckner do do
IS Charles Crntzer West Buffalo township
19 Martin Kudy Iinft'aloe do
April 7,U6t. PAM'L l(OLIi, Ckrk .
I iilusi omit Cum 1 1'riM'lM inal lou
i riilllU: AS, tin- ll .n. AU M S.V, II.NO.N.
President lu'if fi:r the zinli Judicial
; i,IMrj,.t f I'emylv.-iaia, conijwbe.l ut" ttu
: oimtn-s of I.'uiun, M.Hlm auJ snyder, antl
t . ... BmulVilei,i(d lheir
rrerrnt. In-anne date the both day uf Feh'y,
H-'". and to me directed, for the buldtnt; ol an
r'liau' Court, urt of fomin.ml'leas.Oyer
and I'.miiiiii'T. and General Uuarti-r .Sesi.-ns,
i at I.KWI.sBf IMS. for th cun.y t.f l.Mi
uS TliE .nlIlilJ mo.Mi.W Of MAY,
- ' (hems the l-jih day) and to continue
i.ne u-erL
.Viliee i therefore hereby given to the Cur-
oner. Justices i.f the I'eacc and CVinstables in
ami fi.r the county of Union, to appear in their
own nnmer nerions with their records inoui-
Mtiuns, examinations and oUier reiiieinbraiice
In do those tilings which of their otiices and in
tlnii behalf appertain to he done; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
persons, are r-iitnred to be then and there
1-ef'I. Jurors are r.-.ucste.i to t,c punrtu.il in
their alien. iauce a! the aiyoiute'l liiue ayirea-
(I'lvn umlrr mv hand and sal at ihr hr
iii ;liru :n J-cwi-bui 'j, the 1 ilh day f
April, m yar f our Lor-J une thoti-nii.I
en;li l.unitrif.l an l Irlty-eifihl, aul ihe r.hty
cih jtar iI the Itii'pitiience of llie I'mtf !
liatfs ol AaiTii- -. (i.-l s:ve III1 Cimmiu-u-palth!
lA.Nii:L U.lilXbl.WMuTiir.
eegiste:v3 IJOTiCS.
VOTiri is hereby Riven lo a!! co.
i. r.f rm-' i.that the t'o'io u i.atiu d ptrM-ns ,
have cttlf.l lln-ir acrnuuts in the Ut'iiit r's
O.tioi ;it I.cwhiirf;. l ijioa coUf.iy, uiid
iiit m art-nil ut will le pioi-ntfii it-r c.nif.r
li.a'ititi ainl alluwjinrt; nt liie 0ph;.ns Cuuit.
t- hf h'-'M at LKWlSIU'It;. l.r ihr munry of
I'iii mi, un the Hurl i'ri'I.iy of .MAV xifxt,
bcii.;4 the - Kt !;iy of said month, Viz:
1. Ti.e hnr.I ai:c.ur.i of Jacidi II,il'r,Ouar
i!:a:i cf Ji-rcniiah M.ihl, a minor child of Adam
V t hi, Ia:e of Kciiy lu-kViiship, deceasr J.
Tit" n.:ttoui.t f William Cameron and
( 'iiailt-s V. ,'hai':l , rxfcut'Ts of the lit will
.iiv.I t!tarnriit 1 -t'j'ttn F. Lyndnil, laic of
;;: Jinn -iih of I.t-wp ih,fca,-ed.
.J. "i ii'- account ct Ciiura SwarfVndpr,
A l-iiirii-sti'.iti'r dr bitnis tt n, of J,.'.n Jlhf late
of U'J)i:c iJcer (ownslnp d-rt-aed.
I. Tne t-'ia! acc,.:n.t id'(i-rre .Millar. Ex
p.ii'or (f ilie lal will at.d te-iainrit cf !m
i I i'n,'. ,a;e of the litTouh of Acw I-.-ri.:i
.r. The arrotint of Samuel D. Smioition i
and IJrTjnmin Cnrn(kjiT, Tx cui'T, of James
Sini.Mi' ti ofcae l, w h was (Iturdtari of
Lo-. imoi m.n..r -!,,!.! ,.f V'. . Un. . Ir.u.n
late u nuiul..e tDwusiup deeeas, d.
The iiceoioit of Jaekson .Mrnins-star
and Jo"I Hover, i:x-roiiirs of the lat will and
le .tiino-i.t oi'JVVr M ,rnnn;xtur. Ite of Hart
ley, how J.ert-is township eeeejsed.
7 'i'iie aeC'-unl of J vnes Merrill Linn, Ad
in i ti i .trator w;i!i ilv u-ill annexed of VUu'ip
It. a.t:i ' Jf, l.i:e ol I:-,iir.il.ie tou-nslup uVeeasnt-
H A partial aer.j.:r t of Ueoree Ureisb.irh,
one of i-ie A I tnl ti : s trat : .rs of Joh'l Il'ac.uttr,
iuie of ii;:lev I xrishi, deceased.
I.KOUi;:-: .VKKKILI.. Keristi-r.
Hf-si .t.-.-Vs :. I.e-::-!urs, AprilSO,
(..'; AX Jl ii'OiS .1oy T,rm.
Klli J.is I.awson, Ua Ileu.ley, Sam! Uicke!,
O.i ill Kaufman
AVmj HtHh Chas D Roush, Jas Harrison
Lewis Jac Drouelier, Jit Oherlin, Jac Mcore
i'.utfu!,) Jno Iiuiuly, John behrai k
iswistmrz A Ammons.P Bearer. A M I atrshe
lluff.iln Jas iliminelricht, Jtio Hui k
V'llinibur Knos Wiremau, laniel Mauck
H i'.tff.il, (;eo Wn.oner
UVio. yt-er Isaac Hiuli, Itobl Candor, Aaron
V. Hieh
Li.aiiiaiu Jac S Shively. Hartley Jno Wilt
ii'.I tXKXK JLIiti'Ufi.
R-.iffato Tho S Black. A.l.im Youne. R bert
Mrayiiorn.Saml Siniontoii.il V Kellv. Fre iii
l'oni.us, Adam siiecUler. Lmanuel Pontius,
John iienner, Ym Walker. Aaron Miller
l.'wii J ic Spicel.nver, Jac Ruhl, Isaac Rish
Limntunc Pinion Iturrey. Juo Shenkle, V C
Barber, Jos Chambers, Jno Cros.se.rove
H' llujfahi Jac Keish, Jno Lawrence, Jno II
I.'wLJmri; Phil ISiImycr. lanl gchrck. J V,-
W-,,-Henry KM
Shriner. R II Land. Jno Lilly. H V Kries
, Jno Holl'man, Henry B
eltnver I
t'nion Jno Van Buskirk, David Helelyon j
- lirrlm Dav Spttler, oaml Hoop
V'Jlintiurz Thos Cronmiller, John Reber
IlAre lh,r James Culbertson, L F Albright,
llenrv Uuyer, Wesley Shannon
Krth Thos Comly, Win P Inigal
-.' liuffalolM .Sliler, Danl Miiler.J S Schrack
Jacks'.n Jno tluyer
Issue List for Feb. adi. fourt & Mav T.
i!ank 0f Danville vs Lorenzo P Teed
Israel Kncttel vs James Matt
David II.-iL.st vs Daniel Rn-Ier
David I!aert-;es vs Alfred Kneass
Peter Il-.immel and Wife vs Daniel Rengler I
J D Sorver & Co vs Saml and Jos V Siiriuer
J iiio-s M .simlh vs Robert Chambers
T Church .V Co vs Solomon Mayer
Ranck .V Roiand vs Lambert Ranck
M Ueyer's Adm'rs forJti Ranck vs A C H'gh
Harriet Jenkins vs Mernt Chappcl et al i
Beck s"t Reber vs John Zimmerman
same vs David Zimmerman
Charles Ilartzel vs State Mm Kire Ac Cenip
David K
ner vs Jonathan iiiettmterter i
H.ins.-eker for Church vs Jos D Porrey
'I". . . . ,M I.
i i(b i fmrcu vs saiiie
t.'has II hriner vs Wm Rule
-am'l Uar:pn vs Joseph Meix-'t
Ynunnnan & Walter vs Taps-art Turman
Jidin Mover vs Fred'k Wurman
'i'lu-s Penny vs Chas H t'tn k
Reuben Steninprr vs AlTri'd Kneass
I'rice .1 ration & Co vs Jacc-b Mrrk'ey
John nlanl vs State Mutual Ins Co
Saml II t)rwi' vs Saml fiutelitis
T Craham Hutchison et al vs Jac Bridge cl al
John Lrcke v Robert Ihlands
Jos F Cummin?, vs Chas If Crnnra'h
Comrs I'n Co for M'Cutley rs Syph-r's Adms
I'iniip Pontius vs James Iru-in et al
Keiel & Un, vs iianck oi Roland with not
liruilhead A Roberts vs Ranck Jk lioland
Weilrr .V liilis vs John Lei-er and Wife
. . ... . .. ,, ,
.loloi l.i.tniiil vs Mnr in I I ... I
... ...
oci.r - r nt-tu vs i eter i- et7r
F W l!i.rken.stek vs Wm l'rtee et al
1 hilip -eeb..id et al vs av,d Pp.. er et al
P n r,",, IZT ' V ' al
Howard Malcom vs James I Koss
. ..., .-v , . , ,
I.ii'hvr.' & Itanck vs Isaac l.'anck's Ex's gar
liavid .Stcnincer vs Wm II M.irr '
l.onustreth sV ltro vs James (iibsnn ;
I. Jolnison & Co vs Keubeii U Orwig et al j
Chas 11 Shnner vs Wm Rule
I. F Albrieht vs Adam Schreck stirv II High
Mariann Ii Knoir vs Wesley shannon i
Sleine V.'.impr A- r,. r Tli,.. It llru-i
M Richards Meickle Jtc vs Reuben (i Orwig '
same .time
Freilk Kl. ntVr i-a Wm I .t hin
Ceii.les Mursh vs l,o,s P It..c u-ilh not
N.ali Iioiversox vs Oco Gebhart
Coin sng .1 M Bcnfer et al pit's vs J Hans jret a
liamel Kancler vs John Lapp
Margaret Forster vs Alex Cumming
SA: I) Wcidensaiil ir Shirk vs ChurchAiFsrrey i
Isaac mown vs John l.ocke
n f Van liuskirkvs Cenj V Thompson '
Levi K Shoch, deed's admrs vs J Yearcer j
s;.nmtn - l Mertz vs J P Seebold and J feebold
Trustees Git Rpfrh Itlitllinbc, vs A Gtlteluls, I
L Palmer indorsee ol J F Linn vs Levi Sterner ,
T A II Thornton
O It Vorse
o!n Kilter
Chas Penny
Frank Spykir
Wm Leiser
John Locke
Winecarden A Dietrich vs J & J Walls
jhn Hnttiehcr vs t.eor-e Dale
Rebee.ci I lninn vs Miry Jenkins Ac
I, Palmer indorsee id J F Linn vs Jos Mcixd
Heal Estate.
rpili: TWO KOO.MS occupied at pre-
sieni uy aMiniTuu jiuu nui'-n n.t
J hey are suirnuie tur J J '.
JV'ALSSO the OFI'ICU I now occupy.
For Terms apply to
Jan .'-7, Im.'iH, JDII.V II. I.IN.V.
- -
vT.lTAHr.V iM.'r. l-TTr
,, ., vj r y""
flHE vib.criber ntli ri fur sale his rieMu'enec
I ou the we?t m'c r.f South Second Mret
' 'be IJorou?h of Lewisbtir?, between Market
and St.l.ouis Mrei-ts.eonsi--tii.col near a lot and
a half of (?rnirid,riariinia (i 1 1 1 if'.t t-v ti aoJ
cond stre t, an 1 in 't iith t ri,ti inches.
The improvements are a coti.inoiii.iu tlif-e
rr;Morey LKH K J )VI - U A NO
MLLl l 4 )T TS 1 f preyed tro k.-W i" t
trotil l.y iitt K-t-l ilfi'p well fiini.fd inh a
mari'le hae, iiiarbic Mt.i aiid Imitls n ii -..t
a fue-proof roof u"'h a Vn. :iM;.c:.i-I I
t .y I'j lef t ;.n Out Ktlchei. a VY:i x
reiJeiil uaitr, w ith a i utrp m, ut. Vr r a
laie I'l.-u-rn alM uin! r roof a tar;, i.t v
11,1 ide an Ice 1 liMie ai.d ot ier i;ci e-afy
out-butl'l.iic- Th'-re are ;di
j.-ii nificc fruit Jn-es a'l'i r-iiirti !i-1 ,
'I'll" lucaiii'ii i a dcs.ial'ie one t nh' r U
private ieb.tl'n( e or j-ui. he hiiMi.e- . It i
Ui" nnt elr-vaicd ( n t of ine '. i .-jt. i
itu I'ourt lloiiic. and Lu: a m. rtd -t..i ( U
.V.iiiii't 'ircft. 'IV rnib Will he ii).'.'i' v.
J..ne 'J, l:7 ii. V. YM. lA.il
von s a l i:.
MV U--:dvr.ce,on North Tur-' :'
Il .I.eu-inur7. 1. lr-nt. and im
hack hnildir. ft. d-'ep. Uaeinent, a
Attifl fini'-lw.d. Kv-ty convergence in 1
wav td" cutd iiild r,7.
a II ail" 1m. t en Tarl;ot .
S. Ji.ttvr'i re:der,r., u i:!i a ocd V t S i : V.
tr-r and r.f j,- t1 . ; vet v dc-iral !e It a ! i:
r.t stand, or r ;'iT.e, (.r !-ih Cf a -
AISO. iher s,.i:j' w , an I i
wrhoitt iiur-'T.". joi:n i.ci;.:.
II"! FarnuTS
i aiino-t JOJ
-( L;ll:(e lor a :.
r.erir l.eui. ii';.a 'i ! c
!! ot c..t ..(..
at the
liillf :-U.l;e soil. It will le s, ( r. t
terms z priv;.:e sale u r t.'a.ii. i: :
l.:".:e ol !:ie ( '!ir..uui'. Jui.e I.',
i:t ri'oas' 50Tici:.-x u i
liereoy iivii.that t;ie uiidiTsicitf d i:av
ap;)oin!ed Ktentirs of tl.e e :.i!? ;
Mrs. MAKY VVARTZ. !a-e of W!..:; I'm
loiriistitp.rr.ton C( llnte, lereased. A.ipers. n-n.-Jete
! lo said estate af reueste to t;:,-i!.e
iiiimi-Ii;;! pnynient. ai.d those havii it eiaiu.s
transt it u-..i rrf.efit them property aj:..ei..
t.cjied ft-r settlem
iCiiltliK J SWAK'IZ, i Fire
JAfflB SW.MiTZ. ) u rs
Netv Coin inbia. Aj-ni :i. Is.'S
ricv Arrar-o.-tr.!3---iJcv; Cooc.;:
OiEl'II I..1IW.-N LiviKxlab-.:!.'
wi.l known - i' YKLit ll: 7 ." i ti.:. :,
refii'cd it.:.d .'.'. I 1:1 an e:.;t;.. .ve lai.t . w
Hits, C'ps, G,,.r.r.fhs Cl:th;,..j. '-.
Also a Uri' atid spitndid stock nf Cl.o'i'!'.
CAIMLKLS.&c. v.hieh he will ,i .-. .'
erier,as he st.il Couiitiues the Tat;..rit.2 V. i.:
ness. He is prepared to execute ail u ii,
entrusted to hiacare, to the satistaciioti if tLe
M. B. Cuttins at. I R'-painnc ,z 7 d r,e to
order. Lcwistuu. April lo, 1:,7
Xstrr lliirlli-fon, I'niiui u.f Pa.
THE sufj-strilier. thankful
f&Z&if for past patrenace, would inform
his triends and ihe pnl-lic in r;-re-rai,
l!i it he c.-.tittnties to manufac
ture ail kinds of Woolen f.ooiK, s'iri, .-.s
Cloths, Cassnnrres. i wte.is, Naitir.ett.-. Je.i r.
Blankets and t'lannels; aiso. Carpet ai.d
: Stockini: Yarns. His machinery Lein-r ef
i best kind in ue, and havin; employed the
best of workmen, he ferls sate in "savins,
' that his work shall not be surpassed" ly
! any establishment in ihe country. AEoodsnp-
ply of the above eo-'ds kept constantly on hau l
for sale or to exehanse for wool, at prices
j that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
j Carded in the best mannerand on the shortest
notice. Terms for cardir?, cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
I Winfield Mills, March ail, 1S.-.7.
j Ho! Step this Way. !
! ""L presume that you are aware that Mr.
1 y f O. K. Vonst intends to remove to it e
j West. It therefore becomes ufcei:rtj that a.l
! persons knowinr; themselves indebted !. the
j late Firm cf tlurh A I jrse, by Note rr Pi k
Account, must call and make ppyment on t r
before the first day ef April next. IT'' It is
expected that this notice wiil be strictly atit i.
i ded to without anv further cmmerf.
! March 17. IS5S.' IICRMI .V VORsH.
At thc O'.J 'Xchanre Store, havin; louht a
f;pOifs in the Ci!v .it r-ri. it mfrs by reat :i
1 thr liAKD TlMi:s,ar" al !t; tn supply lii- r
I rrnrr rtitcntrrs anJ t'.ie put-lie fi!fr:i;
with the best (iimhU ri ihe nn"t arcoinuii,i.i,
im? terms 1'M,l. AM) SEES
Lew:bnri:, Nov I.-ji
l.L persons knowing themselves m. !e! e.I
to the Firms of J. ti, lihit
'.r LinJcnhuum 4 are requested i.
L 1 April the itm to sue trou
ar. t
Cost. J. GUI DtvUU'lI it UliO'S.
Lewisbtirr. March IS, Is;.'iS
AdmiDistrator's Kotice.
IIERKAS. Lcttcn of Administration
to the estate i f llAtiKI. SSCIIRAIJKI:.
late of Hartley township, m I'nion eouiitr.
I'eceased.have lu-.-u pranted to the subsrnl - r,
i bv tiie Register of said eotinty, in cue form;
' all persons imiebti-vl to said est.ite arc re. ;-.!:.
1 ed to make payment, and those havincciatmi
I against the same will present tJietii .luiy
: aillheutieaied f. r settlt-ment, to
JAI'OII SHAVLR. Administrator
' Penns Creek IM., Snyder Co. March "".l s.',-(
(s:.iKi:ni.Li: lion i,
Ctn fret-tit?, Xnyrftr ('., ra.
riIIC unJerirned la!:es particular pltv.sure
in announcing to his liiends iliat he has
taken the above Hotel, and is ever reaJy and
wailing to " i
AfromtHn.,fi nil. frat ti1 mTI,
inaj kin.Jly f.tvor him with a cll.
V. Wtim-.x? It'L. rnprirroi.
Airil, l.'S Suri't-iwor to IK Mi'-wLf
ai :u ks .otici:.
4 I.I. persons interested are hereby ni life. I
that the undersigned has been appointed
Atnlitor, tv ihe i.rpliaus Court i t Lt.ion
county, to make distnbution ol the balance ia
the hands of John llauck, Guardian of Susan
I M'Cltire. late Susan Strnekev. ili.en.e.1 - .noi
llmt he u-ill atten.l to tl,. rt.o. nf l,.K nnn...r.,-
ment.at his otliee. in ,o net-tin. n K.niiir.t.r '
i Ihe lSin day of May next, nt ten n clock. A.
I M. of said day. A. SWINEFURD.
1 April 12, IH.'iS. Auditor.
JOSIAII KKLLY, Auctioneer,
SOLICITS the patronage of the public. 1
Residence on bouth Filth street, L-is-bur.
Pa. December . IS.'iC.
Tof 'nHlalH-a..ConriP.eturnsaiidetliet '
j lliaaku sold at 'h Ctviitii utbee. .
inv. mm
I 11 A T (
1 I.I
i i-r. i,A:.fj, i,
Coripuainltd entirely from dt Jls
J-OXK.,1 IIIK l:l..-T UK jAIIVK A..jLI,tI. J
-! r. ioi.'I.i .i .1 p.. ..ctu.l tLn iij ''
ku'fi. It ib o.,t ui.ly lufftiifU. Lul . It.fr ..1 '
' til llr-l ,ri tin? Itt.r to ;'A it. uioiLki m.
(.ii II; .ti.u.iwl .i.'l l.J. w r.rry i.l! u..t0.,Li,f'
cui ; ii.liii. tvio y .ii-.. t!- ti..,.,- .i'i.-l.. ' '
tlt l i:i lul tt-i-i.iiira eJIfcritU'1 ID tl.. c.f ii- , , , , ,' 1
Ctl..ill - It .tr iiThm'. M lul. It ui tjr BjJ
.ml .l .ii ink, n il.tl, in t,.-r jl. d m;. .UtL a
.i.'l l.ui.tl il tip .it:, unu.u.l rk.lul'T.
Ttr I.kivR t. od. (jf tl.. '.iin'i.l r.
tl.. Liiui.n bi.iy; I.1 ' . Urn il i-.r;..
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- n-ju.n dt.sHLg Ii-r tht
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r.iiur.-l L. autv. V ct.l
:".." .(,r ii.-t-k.-fU in frialr. to
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J ilir J. -tr-.:!. in New
v ti j; lr'.tirr m o eiiid to
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1 I w .
l-t?- lLiYr.. t r.o- Ju'.y C2,.,il.
y.r. T..kT.r(o-rl-.--ir: I I ..v. L..u tivul..-J 'fc
.i i.-lr-,::: r ci f t o toy Ii-- f. r m rv t):ti i r. uy
1 a r ( . X t " 1 t.:. it,';:,idi-,:r tt tr :l . r A t.w
:nat ll.tin; .. t ril tut " IV c u - II )ir I lt rsl-
; - I c:i ;. u -, t 1 ur -tt-rtr u l.-I ff Aj Ti'. '.a t.
ai l 1 1 1 T, I ii il 1 i' l.-'ii it- t rr it i U I U ut-l !' t
-ii--f..-ti 1. it s -ia ilir Ii. .r c . il itCi. J iLe rrur! ti 1
it vi I .t: r V. c it I' tri w. :i n tv. tr ! J.tc- u 1 - .a
Irii-r tt I ; : r cm;,' T I nn- i:i,it tm:h im:. I
fti-h ii t r 1 r, '- I, IciiN.i iri r t !r I on.
l-r:r: t T ti .-. I .'. ;, t Vi.t,- z.- ar j i : ;i.t i :td i u 1
in t( i- ; !' ' . v' v i" a L" ai i . t lt,r nivy toil.
1 1: -1 it is i. 1.. r. , Tv.-i,.f ult Tf - j rt,
l.LlLs IT. ATT.
I'miAr nr;::.. t
9. If,
Tt T VT r-T
U z u- f 1 ! I
n.c Ti.- frcr.t. uud
l-.Bil nils.' -I It fl ilMin niv1-!!! ft. I
! 1 tit t t..,!t i .11! t. ttlin tl jtui t.f-
tit t:. i f nj I tvJ i- i 11 :t.l:4
i T . I m in 1. .- ; r. : tLe It nt b!
i..f.t. 1 t :t- t:: il nht r rn Tarsti'
r;;v-. n.
r-o r rr i it, ; r- t
;ll,ipllt M. v I i t:-! ! lt:it i r. I tl, T.i. fi in B W U
J-T- Ho. I:.' : r lioLt ii. I f. IJ iCLi... U:-XiV faiLtT lO
I" Ii TMtlS. M D.
m, I., Jnp- .2,
VV."T O J V. A- j. u i.re itt t t t ii.uiit.duit
art i "I ur t nt'y UiM'rl ll. ir Kr-t-rfcii, I
w ,1 !i,i..-. f r t.' tiis.-fT r it r 1 1 irr. tl 1 I;.o
i? ..ud i; ii :l- ra i. ii.,. u t..; t I 1 : . 'i : m t.
rr;l ji m 1 ii m Ti - 1 :i' it'! n-.r. ! if H:iir IU-jTi r-.i:.--i.
Hitl ti at 1 tii il -ui! --t ui 1 1- r iu un? r tl.
rrllai'. It nt;r. . c i cr-f. :i . 1 (i.t 1 1 Jui-tlriilf,
;.i.J with n-' i.tl. - j r ;-r u-e r. -u r u 1-r-
li.-nr t" tl.e .-;.." n :t I Jf iilnful Co. r i d t xturt.
r- it r. t t! v. -i tt : i.-l :i y n m ni.tc . t J a.l
ii.;-. ii In Ut : ril t!.- i.i.tvs's 1 ot K i it- r tl
ii . i :i Ml. i. i; i,-t ; -. I . ;l . n 1. rr. In: B tr.' t 1
i: i.-.- to . . r uL.e ut-?ir.i'-' f h.iv:nt; .t t tie c.-i' r n-l
U Ainu., iu L:.;r. l.c.-j.nttu.U i.r. '
'WlLruN KIG.
O. J VV't'D i I "it . Fr'-pr:. !. t.:;I2 ?!r. n-iweT. N T,
' ":i:ii .-natN.i' i .n- 1; , ILL- L.-t jLli.-LmcUt, tcd ii
v h kti etn. t. ?" I ..t. -. ;.
Ai.l . ,1 by ail uui 1 Iru;!:i-'t?.
.-C ". ii 7, (-...ti-r-j (J '. .v. CML WEIL.
Still Another Opportunity!
M'fnrl tis lic-:i I'irtiireMan,
f.M K .I'..iA.'
. ' H t;.k In-- r-.eiu- i if infi rminr th
e:i:t rs t ; I.eu .! v.rz at -i e.rroi nd:np
c on rrv. th:it w e ai e i: jiu i i'.:i tlo ui ti r a
.... rt nine, and iu-u- i tier them a letter aittela
:.i. J Li .o .vt r pi .ces t-iari ever lo ieiofore. We
l-.ite l.'io.'t; ti.e . ol stand ."live Christ &
t'a Jnii's I' 1 0 2 Store, at.d taur; much t et
. r l.ubi than ve I. .id in t t;r i id icon s. ar.i
tio te fi nve:, iet. t iv, n.s in i vei v test eet, e
; 1 e 1
tT ni ie
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tl n:i
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. r r. 'aii :rh
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.It tl.o
.,u 1 t
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id U J,ir: Mil
i 1 1 i . r ii ii;i.r, -:
r. i .! ;t. a I iii.Lt
c . t.i... n In int. r.
t ,..t- v ilil-i, J'.i k
i t H.J I I'.itiitr-t.
,- ; itutenr. V
ui :.t l n u" r J
v ant p.. tun . r
( 1 :it.t-id.ea.
M i.iiiis.Lli lit.;:
I tv t '
l .M.TV. .IrlM.
N. F 1 1 -T;
ii i. I.i . :.r il,.
r riTrn in t!,a:t, ol j.:a:v
w..: pins, l'.-i.. i.. i,t.-.iv l 3 l.rrn
. 1 : o i- . n r j ; -1 L u 1 1 j ui'l vt. in IE. I
I u-j. ot. 2. 1-.:
VoiiTH ii!t Street. The sulscriffr
a. most r, s -.rctiiiliy informs the citizens ef
I.eiv.sl ur' a: .1 vieinitv, that he has en l.a'd
and r .sio a cheap lJt of 1 1 KAIllKli,
f r the S; r;i.-.t tra-ie, cempns.-rig
1 1 r c s-' -1 1 1 : r (.'oinmoii Bureau?, s-cc-r
: ; 1 1 1 s mill Biik Ca.-i s. (.'inter.
Cunl nr.d 1'iiT Tulks, IiiuintranJ
r.ntilsl-t.-t Tal k-?. Ci-ptc'tiri!?. Cot
t; ami otLer LeJsti-ails, tar.J--,
Hufa?. aii.l ('Laii s
et all kinds
COFFINS made to order ca
The public are cordially invited to eiam.rr
his w oik-.. is he is sure that they will be saus
fied with his slock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisl urg, Sept. IS, I8."t
I.O KS. M alcbr.
r,r-'-'- and Jenrirv. "'--".'
SLt&Lne Post Otr.ee-Ch.ap
Cah. A. F.. I'ENORM A DIF, As'-
l-ewisuuig. April 54, l-ol.