Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 16, 1858, Image 4

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1 Xnw the Cliristian Pilgrim Mni. Heaven's
my home! Uaveu's my hume!
X.vx Ihe Christian Pilgrim aiiigs, Heaven's
my home !
Thix.iijh the telescope of failh
Hr ItmUsoVr Ihe river llealh
A i J exultingly eiclaims, Heaven's my
li!inr! lleiveo's my home !
Amlexullingly ciclainisliravrn's my home!
2 TliiMish dull poverty's my lul, Ac.
Th iuli dull pnverly's my lul
An t On- fmtrec Mussoms not,
Vet Til bin; the song of hope, &c.
3 Though the world may me disown, &e.
Though the world may me disown.
And I'm little and unknown,
I'm an Ix-ir to yonder thi one, Ac.
( Tlionxh temptations me assail. &.C.
l'ro:u the tempter I will flee
An I mv foul draw tiih to thee.
And I'll sing triumphantly, 4c.
6 O tint every soul coul.l say, & c.
O that everv soul could say
It I die this blessed day
I would rise and soar away, 4c.
A Glory In Ood that I can say, Ac.
Glory to (!od for sins forgiven,
I'm a royal heir of heaven.
And to me the song is given, &c.
"Not Quite so 15a i." The Bell.fonte
Democrat tells a good story of Sam Kike,
who bad been down tlie river this Spring,
with a raft. Returning home, he stopped
at a tavern, where quite a crowd wns dis
cussing the Kausas question. Sum had
not tlept the previous night, and was
about t.ULr:ng himself cut for a comfurt
ahle suiicz-, when one of the louJcst,
turning to him, paid, "llerc eits a Lc
ecinptou inin, I'll bet the lirpKT for the
room." "Done !'' szyt his opponent, who
wasanti-Lccontpton. '"Now tuen,fricnd,"
Baid Ni. 1, "in order to decide this bet,
will you be eo kind as to tell us whether
you are a lcimpton man?" "What
makes you think so?" Sam asked. "Be
cause, sir, you look like one; I can al
ways tell them by their looks," replied
No. 1. Sam answered, "Do I ? Well,
gentlemen, I was on a raft from Snow
Shoe to Marietta ; I have been drank for
ttto tr.cel.s; but I had no idea that 1 looked
as hard as thut." The Lecotnptancr paid
the liquor, and sloped.
tSfA correspondent of Forney's Frets,
writing from ISelltfonte, Centre Co. under
date of April 4, 1S5S, says :
"A gentleman by the name of Ahl was
in this c junty,9ome few days sioce,lujing
op all the old broken-down tnuies at the
iron work and around the coun'y.at high
priecs, as it is said, for the u.e of the
United States Government. This mule
contractor is a brotlter of the Member of
Congress from the Cumberland district,
who ces bo strongly for the Leeompton-
Kansas bill. What connection is there
between the mules and Lecon.ptau ?"
The following Conundrum appeared a few
days a;o, in the Charleston Courier .
"Why's U like marriage !" asked the matd
Wnostf to me I plighted ;
vKiltf fche seemed quite delighted.
'inmirfMwwrw commnwi she, "
-And don't be long about it :
You stupid fellow! can't yon see
We can't be wed wiihout it 1"
l'osten, the jailor of Newport, Ky.,who
was imprisoucd on the charge of assault
inga soldier of the garrison with a clung
shot, has been under the eurvcillance of
hit oirn irife, she performing the duties of
jailor during his incarceration in the walls
of the j il, of which ho is the lawful eusto
diao. She is no doubt very attentive in
her particular charge !
A Mabciage Extraordinary. The
Tctoroiurg I'sjircss records tLc marriage
in DinwiJdic county, Vs., rn the 17th
ult., of Jlr. John W. Sturdivant, in the
2nd year of Lis age, to the amiable and
well-to do Miss Martha Oliver, aged 8G
years. Many celibate who read this an
nouncement may take courage and perse
Tcre. A timid, blushing maiden,
W ith downcast, tearful eyes,
. In her hand an opening rose bud
Perfumed by dewy sighs.
Oft advancing, oft retreating,
She has won our heart the while,
And we can not choose but love her
Fur her tear-drops and her smiles.
No Error at All. One of cur ex
changes contains ao advertisement by an
Express Company of uncalled for goods.
!y an accilcut the letter l dropped from
tho word '-.V iiiil," and it now reads,"I'er
iods to whom these packages are directed,
ere requested to como forward and pay the
awful charges on the same," etc.
Twenty years ago, we met a handsome
young gentleman, who was a zealous
Whig. Last week, we met him in Wash
ington city, an old, wrinkled Loeofoco.
We were not a little puzzled to decido
whether time had most injured his beauty
or bis politics. Prentice.
Huchanan, an old Federalist, has two
oil line Whim's (Toombs in Senate, and
Stephens iu the House) as his leaders in
Congress, while Wise, Douglas, Recder,
Foruey, and the other Democratic leaders
who elected him are now his opponents !
Fr.n Rrsn married the widow Canter, and
some wicked rhymester has a turn to the hap
py pair in this way :
W hen Cupid did this maiden banter
On Hymen's course to take a brush,
At fir-.t she went off on a Canter,
But now she goes it with a Kush !"
tt is currently reported in literary cir
cles that Caesar, when k,kcl by llrutus
h..w many cgSs he had catan at breakfast,
answered, "Ft fa, Brute."
Byron once said : "farTonvinced
men .lo rrnre barm to themselves than ev
en the J;-..! could do to them."
A lad. detenbiog an ill-tempered man,
fays : " II.: never smiles but ho feels
ajt.atiiel ut
?a-Last Notlce.-fea
VI.!. persons knowing themselves indebted
to BKOWN & K ITT Kit, will please
take notice that all Notes and Accounts not
settled on or before I? the tirst day of April
next ji will be left in the bauds of J. A.
Mkft i z Esq. for collection.
Kewisburg, March 10, IS58
THOUSANDS of Copies Already Sold.
L "The Most Remarkable frfltfm
Kcligims Work of the Day."
Jum Published, new editions cfwHi ilLJr
th M'-oinirsof Kv. tfFEStT II. fnxe. 0- irei-ared
t Uf tamily. 4! 12 mo. Kntmd iuMiudiu, lrmt-
J uu Di.e wlu'e paj"r. 1'rici Jl iiO.
rs nnixi? B u witd a sTtrt p..btbit.
Hr. Cone, late 1'artur ftthv Fir.-t i:.tittt Clnirrh, rity
cfX- w York, w;i PnM.Kut ol the Aniri.-n lliblw tni
Hi. corr.H.pd. ot n J lricua of A.ioiiirmn Jii't n, lht
cmiiiL'ut uiicpioimrr, nnd nut- t mtt r'Witrk.al-U nu ntil
tbf pnfr-nt !?-. Jlis lift-wftfl full of rouialire in-1 iiui-d-iil.
as eil a bneht xauile of thriMia.ii vu lut'-;
th Tolum- fIicuIiI fiM.l nwWniuifBt every finrfUt'. ami
nlu iii eti rv fit ui ilt: hltrnrv.
Atuoutc tlu- num. rou- toliuionUl from al! srrtif.n of
tbe cwuutry. we Ukr j-lr-aturc in ijuotiDj; Uie tulkwiu;:
?orict nw in mess.
"A Mrmj.tiy of a famous rs hi-r and man. writt.-n
with jtowtr anJ TloiiUfatfe." J'hiLuHpfttt EvtniHj '"'
lr. fuDf' r-putati'n ft an lMimnt an! fvrviit
niiotitTof theliutps l. nw a otroiifi, c U :tr, -aru -t (Linker,
was rkuowlidgiti throt-Lout tin L'uiuu.' UkUi
"Amorim l.ne nrrwl iirw but fi W M IfiPuUr prpn,n-rr.
My nTNonal inftrnrt was untuml(il,b wacin 1'' I a
man nf Ulcnt. of hirgf attain went in lb.- wliwl oil hn.-'t.
a l.ril'.iint i.rioliT. att-1 a noltk heart nl. zialua'hrii
turn .liilaiithr.i.it.' '''-n'swn Ch.y.indr, i'hiiuthlttM.
m-er Houghton Cone, odc of thN! .whI aim faiut
ful m rvautit whose carei-r exempli lit that mrpas-intf
WautvofB!niiinerfli;ii'U! Ufr. i be work is pro-tuc-..i
in -i,...,.. i f.irni. m it.li & Fum-tb encriiitrtif Ur O-hp.
It dTrf as a iita.lrd rf fkaud dt-di.
in.n r.mii..." Yif I'm-'- ftit-u Ar.
"Itie vwluiui: if a ftrai.-ht -forward titap narrative ff
Uif puMir uii.l private lit- of IT. I'om-. from bis youlli
up to tbe iKTit-d f bis d. ath. It will b rend with lt r-
i-at by thoutiidnoul of the denomination Vt Hbi"h ir.
Cone U'lon d. af w.-ll it-t by thousands of hi.own df
nuninational fri n-U aud adiuirt-M.' OiruUan Secreta
ry. Iftfif'T.I.
ft. A ItWrnl difr'ouiit to the TraJe.
4sold by all kecks II it.
rublbr- and lk.kMHfn,
Ho. JlO lirua.dffaj',Nrw Wrk-
-Tf tMs work ran not tc obtained at tho country
rtr4livtArp, the Fubilslii-ra will -fiid f any ad lne-ir
tb L'uited .-UU-a awpy by muil j-wiwjtj on rvc ij t o
tb Ticf,$l 2i.
Executors' Notice.
TVTOTICE is hereby cii-en, that Letters Tts
tamentarv on the last urill and testament
of JAMES fclMONTON in, late uf Bullaluc
'township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersisned, by the Kegislerol l-nion county
in due iunn of law ; therefore, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment,
e.i.d those ha vine justclaims aeainst the same
are also requested to present tlnria property
auiueuticated for sen lenient.
Mnrrh 9. Executors
A Great Book for Agents!
FIFTY Years in Chains : or, the Life
of an AMERICAN" Sl.AVC. Wrifen
by himself. 4U0 rage?, Clom, im uacK.
Price $1.
vt.. . ih of one of thp is-.-t intf-n" ly intiTe.-t-
iu bi..!ri hi.- of liie day. Itietiie p:aio biMi ry i f an
.ur.. in tl f-.r eolith, who. aitT Iwo or tlr-c
tcapvs and tvrature, finally, aii obi man, found fccv-
qvzz and refi iu one oi iuc jnu-i u . o.
M lsal I lie rrc Say.
pa.. it t..l,i m if h m-.it imt'liritv. but withmnt'li
cower and i.alhon. Whoever take it will tin J it difllciilt
to lay it down until it la tiniehd. .dUonal i.a, am-
a f .l onprlrnM like the ahnvo. will
have far men- -ffi-rt wtwinat slavery than the inst-ui u-ly
w rought ncx. , howwer true to lite iw iclurcj may w.
Herf i a btn-k of fart". ftranrr than fiction, and a
thJUnd t.l l more thrilling: a aioiple Ul. of liflomr
c.ppr.f.-i.n, ivr. alinz truly the work inga cf the " pecu
liiat inaUtuUon" iu oar country. To the tor-loTinff we
would nay, here Is a WjrOxUi sm4nm'M
. rv.aAMrUiaL. ly. Uuvh eau wily
i50 TO $100 PER MOTII.
Tlie work in bountifully printed and liound. and 1 as
larje the books that aril fori.; bue ea we iu?an
to mii al h-ut oxe noiici.it mm sami ctifs, inrt.u.n
aK't, w have mdf th rvtnil prionly ONK DOI.I.AIl.
A &AMI I.K Ool'Y of tbn txk will Imj ut i-v riHil,
pontage fmid,on r-tlpt cf the ncc, and our private cir
culur to Agi-nl, with Uruii', -tr. A.dn--s
II. IATo, PuWi-lter.
3mo No. Auu atrvet, N-w York.
Drug and Chemical Emporium
Market Street - Lewisburs, Ta.
ATEW and Magnificent Stock of
1 1 O V I'i:t TIO. EBIE.S!
J F. EICIIOI.TZ & CO. have cl.santlv
refined Ihe btorerocim formerly occupied ly
C MenTh, on Market St. i.ear Thin!, where
they mil keep nn hand for sale Ihe very best
or Confectioneries, loys, rruit, ISotious, e
Call and See .' l.ewiiLurg, April 9, 1H07
James B. Hamlin,
jL E7'Uificr on Second St. west side.Sna
door .oath of Market, iftburp?,
6m593 Union Vo. Pa.
IEMEVES all pain and soreness in from
j 5 to 30 minutes. Sue another column.
Price .10 cts. per botile only. Shipped to all
parts of the I.'. S. For sale by
JotiHb Rnkr, L.'t i!'ir W W Linitrnmnth. BufTe IIMrl
C 1 lt..Ufh, N. w Ik-rlin ItrsTiT. Morri. k Co. Winlleld
U'TiCuu'.ly, T..ri;.iiir II II M.ll.T. MiltlmLui J
CuiDuiiiifi k White, Uartlvtxn. CniTOO
M. H. Dersham, H.D.,
orlh Tlilrd slrrct.
nl !IX HOOKS Raptist.Presbyterian,
Methodist, (Jerman Kcformed, Lutheran,
Ac. of dilierent sizes and bindings, at
709 AievluN & Vo'H.
SAPOKIFIEK, or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap wiihout Lime, and
with tittlAtrmiMt. Withonfrahrof l.ycmd four pound
t.p Vmt, you tu mjik nnn palUinn Rood eoft fioiip.
Uard so call be made in the same iray. Kr dale bv
TNDIA KKBBER BeltinKof all sizes snpe-
i nor tiak tan Leather Belting Mill, Cir
cular and Cross-cut SAWS and every des
cription ni HARDWARE Wholesale and
Retail by LEWIS M DOWEI.L,
Williamsport, Pa
Orders by Express or otherwise promptly
attended loTUhJlS CASH Cmi9a?d
James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LINN,
J t Attorneys at Law,
574 Union County, Penn'a.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 201, Cuesnul Street,
PHILAD. Visi:ins and other CAKDS,
Corporation and other SEALS,and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from City and Country solicited.
William VanGeier,
ia Lett Iwfturi;, I'nlon Co..
l9 iiicc oppoMir Kline's Hotel
"LANK Contracts with Teachers and Or
ura t?n liavrerat .'hn nitid Olhcc. j
THE Summer SesMon of this Inslitu-
J. lion will commence on
lMOD IV, 21U of April, ISft.
to continue i:j wicks.
All Ihe Branches of a tliornnt-li and Classi
cal Course are tausht and l'upils are pre
pared either for College, lor leaching or lor
The Bible is a test book.
A class of Vount; Ladies is sernrrd.
TUITION per session of in weeks, including
contingent cxp"n-es.
PIUWAr;Y-l:.-:vltnr. Writinir. II. fiiHT, Arithmetic,
Hwr . "Iviui. :nij I'. S. llit.TV. "
till-t.M-li KM.I.Isll'all not 0..'0
Io additional charges; also, no deductions
except for protracted sickness.
1 .. .. r i i ....
J.MI. l..i-r'l.l II,
April 9, ISM Principal
"IVTILL open for tin Summer Session,
V of 1 I weeks, on Thurtduu. April i'i.
C'otttuE for the Session, - - - - f 1"
Charge?, I -
AcentMT Kne,!ili. "
do. Classical, 7 HO
Changes, r
Ffflii.E ItsTiTi-TE regular course. . Ill 00
do. Preparatory, - - 7 Oil
Charscs. - - - -0
A. K. BELL, lien
Lewiburg, April'-, IS'iS.
As't JStTreas.
Irtibuip. Suydrr County, Ia.
'VlE Fourth Seiiii-Annual Session of
X tins Institution will commence on 'J'urs-
dai. Jun'ij S, and coniinue "i-Z weeks. Us
location is pleasant ami neauny. imiiump
tiew and commodious, and Terms low. It is
the constant aim of the Teachers to impart
sound instruction, and carefully develops and
direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener
gies of Ihe students. The course of study will
thoroughly prepare those pursuing it for Col
lege, the tin ly of a Profession or business
pursuits. The
MtlOltl. Ir.l IKTJIF.ST
Or t:u-t t-i'Tiiou .uivrl.-.l LfWMl T-.. T.latl"li". alii it
ni'tnlfrs f ;i-.'.l e r,-.ii tT.N- ,-x:.uiin:itiiin-. Malty y..uni
l.li. .. an I at.-a.il. ni. n alt'inl"! it who Iihxv pnur. d
achot.l" aii.l :r.- nfa- am.'Z III." ni"r-t .u.tb-Iii: tT-ai'hrra.
Ik i ' '""- ' ' -
n.iltl'.V I'rrl'iirili 11.. III-. IVVil l.i 1..-CH.UI.' TV ".1' TJ. lllil.
l. l,:ir(Uii ni will lie re i.l'fnr I fti lit :-l '-f MAIIl'll
il..-r -nil in.rc taroralO ail " TW I'uWir s liuol
Kv.-t.'Ui .ui ;ti.iv a r nii'l- ! iwilur.' uni,- ..ill 1 ' ai'ii
e'iis an yr- vi.t.'.l f- r it. :.nd tlii- -;in i.nly I il'i' 1 y tin
eslTtl' f ITt. nf lliivtors, 'IVjirl.rfi. and friflnl. -f t:.lil
cvitifn. Tb.-ir ro-cf . ralinii ia tL.T.-Iuri' i-i-.-p-ctlull;- e"li-
' itfi- t r. it t 3 .
I'.T llv.r.I, T:i:t!n. ft", m, ic i c: scp:yn, ?.'.Ctoro
1 .lili. u j.Ivii... .-r Tsi $i I" $
Tuiti..n i.l..u.i.i Normal f). p't. per Ouartir.
lu-i i u.-li. It-in aii-l faiiitiri. Kxtra.
Itnaniin" m the Tilltf.-. sl..'0 to i'i t-r w.-rll.
Get aCrtt.il" '11- .'L'titninir' 1 f'lrlh.T l-:n ipill-n 4. AJlr-..
GEO. Y. MTAULASU, Piincipal
Frtvl-ur. Jun 1, ls.'.s
L. H. I.awan E
I.. 1. BnrwEB.
A X 1 : W HOTEL,
iu Lctvltiuiric, I'a.
This House is directly opposite the new Court
House. Il has been titled np at considerable
expense, with the view of atlordiug every con
venience; and no elliirt will be spared to ac
commodate its palrons. The House is large,
conveniently and delightfully located, and has
iwcia JMtbiy .U Ml It lie. i .'llTV"!1''-'."..-.
riO IVcNt Milton wiih all your might,
1 i ou II et all you want, and find em right,
J. U. DATESM AN, he is the man, fagain
Where you'te sure to besuiied, and then come
When more you want in the same line,
His rule is. now's the lime
To sclile" that's why he's so cheap,
" Caili" is his motto, and he can't be beat.
J. II. Dntrtiiuan, HWr .Villon,
Has received his second lot of Spring and
Summer C.ood from New York and Phila
delphia, consisting of CLOTHS of every
grade, plain, Mack and fancy CASI.MEKES,
also a beautiful variety of Heady .Made CI.O-
i lll.Mj ot all descnpticns. Also, Ladies
Dress Goods, such as .V.-, Tissues, I)e Lainrs,
liu Cuh, 1'rinfs, White Gof.ds, Gingams, Em.
hroithrifs. Kiibons. Huiticry, Gt,zts, Ac. Straw
Goods. Hardware .Ccdarware.liucensware, Ac.
All kinds Produce tal.cn in exchange for
Goods. Cash paf.l for Grain.
Also, Joint, Sawed and Lap Kliinslc)
constantly on hand. J. It. DAT ES.MAN.
June H, 1S57
MIE subscriber con
tinues lo carry on the
Uvery llualneaa ai
the Old Stand on South'
Third street, near Market,
and respectfull)
solicits the patronage of his friends and Iht
public generally. CIIAKLES f. IIKSS.
Lewisbttrg, May 22, lfol)
mew flour Ann pp.p.ti storp.i
Just epened on Third st., a - id doori
north of Marh I, Lewisburg.
AICUANULMLN I H have been made to
have constantly on hand a supply of the
lt'Nt Extra I'amlly I'lour, (from ihe
u.illimorei.in.iiil.s. niiija.a Hour,
t'oni Meal. Coi n and live t lion.
Kran. Ship Slull, Shorts.Oats, Corn, and
Fi:i:U of all kinds, at Fair Prices.
The proprietor ii induced to open this
Store for the purpose of accommodating the
public generally, and respectfully solicits their
icTGrain of all kinds Wanted.-ia
Lewisburg, October S3, lf57.
PTZiT The undersigned have as-
rT.Tt'uii j-lj-'"''"'""1 themselves into copart-fjii.j-Srofolnership
for the purpose of carry
"""""ing on the Lumbering. Planinir.
and Carpentering business in ail their various
branches, at the
Cciuioburg Guam Paning iUil.3,
where they intend to keep a stock of Pine,
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry. Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring. Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lsih. Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Poors, (Shutters, lilinds. Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, &e., done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, Imh in Tice
and wotkmaiiship.
Lowubars Planing .Mil!., A,til 1, l.,s.
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
fllHE subscriber having located himself ir
J Lewisburg, is ready lo teach Instrumen
tal Music in all its branches, viz. Piano, Melo
deon, Guitar, Violin, Violincello, Flute, and
an nrass instruments.
He will also teach Vocal Music.
Having been taught in the best Schools in
Germany, he deems himself qualified to ren
der satisfaction.
He will also tunc TiHtips, and put them in
rrpair if desired.
i. van. i, .-u'OJl li'iuiii siirri.
Jan. 19. 1 '"7. l'. r. P. IIEM.
I.... l.lnM .... C 1. f .1- ..
" to r'iuii:iis.
Troo' uni.rniE aLKtutic riKisniATts witb
I-jKRirVIAN C.i:aNO. Also Super-l'ho$
phaleof Lime of superiorqualiiy. Pure
Pernvian, Chilian and Colombian liuaiio.
Land P'aster and other Fertili'"rs.
Constantly on hand. Soap, Candles, Starch,
Sniees, Salt, Paper Hags. Ac. Also, Beef
Crackling. MXON IXKI.NTON,
No. 40 South " harves. third store above
apOml Chestnut su, PIIILADKI.PIIIA-
Farmers of Pennsylvania,
TTENTION ! '.You can supply
iV yotirclveswithCIIEMI('ALMAM.lii:s
warrunl'd pure, and which have been iu suc
cessful use for the past seven years suited
to your various crop, of
tWn,rttto,s, 'hcat,Oa'r, Crass, .fr.
.. i..:. .!. l..lf..r a rll.'oTt on N.-w JiT' ' r
fliib.lcliliia I!:.nk.c.r I.V l t" ;',
in l-l,il.,.IH.hia...r ill Kxi-han- f. r I'KOMl ' ";
. l.-,.ty al l'..ir vUrl..-t fri-.- li-re. j"Ur ool.-r. mil
la; till, it atl'l suni.lii '1 t.' Jfnil frrr cj firl"jf. rs) H'.
.-ry artifle rM hv in.-. Oiinrantw-a "r any orJ.r
pivin to my na-nt, will r.-.-ite i.rulu t attention.
Kurr I'ho'i'hato nf Limti $lu t11' ', u
Hon.- Iii.l Uata ;j"
A I .irr.1 ii nuffii 1. nt f r nn acre of pround hroaJ oj!.
ITKF ISuXK "'.ST, Sou lm-t. at ?i r-"'' '""I "r
SS iht f'n, now r. a.lv-'"HiiV.(V, No 1, ) l"; i
toa i-rl.rr. l-i.o,J ril.r, i.im-i larrriN j. - -per
iMrrel-IVruvlan. Chilian .) I'.mcouian .w.
1 li. A. LK1XAI . Proprietor.
No it Smith Front .-t., I'liini iLliili, 1 a.
C5 .A litHTai JUiouut u noliMle Ikalers.
, n ,ur.,-.l..llv ..-I the ITr.i.l.t ;f the I. -
Lis e:.r.len. nii.l on t!i fiiMie i.roio i "i ! '
Ha-lonton: U I. Ik.-K-,,. an.l J I. 1 i , ??r
la.ro; final. Itol. rl-. Win Mill- r nJ hai J
K, nil- of II..M. i.ioan; Hr Ki;lit, Mr tieU, '
,.n. L..VI J..h.i..n. nf S.- "T-w. Ill;'';' .
thv KlU. Sj-faul I'1'1' H'li-'"."1
4m71 jji S..'uili Kent M. fUiladelihi
Young America CORN S HELLER
77ic Chrin,est, Si'nwhst, mott durable
OKX M.KIXS'.K err lu-nt.-I!
rilHB subscribers would most respectfullv
call the attention of Speculators and
Farmers to this wonoenui luatmur,
sale at M'FADDEX's Hardware siore, in
i .;.i,rr. rw -Cnimtv Kights in the Slates
of Pennsylvania, Kentucky and California, for
sale on the most reasonable terms. ...... ...... -
will be sold in I nion and Snvder counties to
-n n.nv .i-sire fo iiurchase, in order to
test the utility and durability of ihe same. 'A"
shell green corn n. welt as dry clean inmimc
...h I :n and see inem i'iTT-rT,- .
nra.l.bess L. & J. ".. KI'KTZ
Jiov. Hi, 185.V Aaronsuiitj
, Pa
Combined Carriage Springs
give entire satistaclion.
It posesses nine distinct advantage over the
Eliptic, and a carriage can be made cheaper
alter paying the following prices:
Sulky Springs I0 slide seat Sfl7
Open Buggy 15 passenger 19
Top do lf C passenger 22
All orders must be addressed to E.T.SrROl T,
715 Ifughcville, Lyooming Co. Pa
Important to FARMERS !
rnHE subscriber is prepared lo fir an
I ( loit'rsceil at the well-known Mill
of Wm.T. Lih in Kelly township, Cnion Co,
on the shortest notice, and warrant no damage
by breaking of the seed,
tfS'Jor the Fifteenth EusTirl
Thankful for past patronage he asks a con
tinuance of it assuring his customers that he
will do his utmost to give satisfaction.
A Call to Farmers.
Farmers, drop your tools paire a little
read this, ami rejlect!!
4 NEW am. scientific manuring system,
for the cultivation and increase of all
kinds of prain, grasses, fodder and pasture,
pot alt kinds of soil, proved by actual expe
riments and tiasrd npn evident truths, desig
ned to improve agriculture in all its tntnch :
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fif'y engravings of the most valuable grasses
and plants connected with the system, by PK.
C. (i. RUINHOKD, of Uualsburg, Centre Co.,
EECoyrytEXPA tws.
In thi" tivnti it witl lw norn that tlie orj'ct ban bren
to give the ftirincrtlint kiniiof infurmntioo which t'n.-iLls
hiia to ni:ik ir.i-ti-i.l nci-li-'ntii'U U fertilize hi.- !:m.lnnJ
iDcrrasi' bi.t )ir:iin.tiHl'irauiJ itaMuri-a. Tlu-doctrim'-',
- tauulit l tliix manuring. anl fi-i l.-r, nrri p aturr cul
tivulinii y-t m, art- ratir nal, clt iir an-l ctiIfi.t, at:l .u
V ft an iinjirnvtim nt in the mrlo ot arit-ulttiri' i.itb-'rto
iinkimwn to our firm-Ti, mul whi-h, if adortt.l. ai.d
CJtrt'fuUj- prncticftl enn not fail to a jTancc tin iutfiv?t!
t-f in faruiinn .imuitiiiity. Such awork had I cnniurh
w:iit.-I. kk il fiiin a void uiticb has Ion- l-em U It, hut
wliUli th're ha. hith-TU- bt-n no att.mj t to Mij.iv.
And af fiirmfra f.f Centre anJ llnntincilcii c untit s we
r'ronin.''nil the work toevvry fanner, lis tin y Hill n-ap
the gT-att pwible bvnvtit from it.
Christian Pale.O'enrire Durhanan,Pnniol !) T.r.'ori:p
B al, Jacoh Momx-T. Frunris AlfXiinil.-r,.lohn Itily, Jihn
Na-ll!(.on, Smuel lunran. Jolin Uo.r.-r. .lona. M'U il!i:iu.n,
Jacch Mt-ytfr. 0-onre 4-uyrr.Jr.. lhnry It-yer. John L'.ir
per, Snuiucl (iiliiianj, Ji hn llahon, Ut-o. .Irh, tauiu!
il.u,John llermmi,l..n . !- k, 1'liilhp M yt-r. ."uiOL'l
For sale in Lewisburg by D. I. BKL(.GER.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
qi)3 flchvhiig 'i'UiiU,
The subscriber has just received a splf mini
collection of Fruit and Ornamental TKEES,
from the celebrated Nurseries of Eltwanger ir
Barry. Rochester, N. Y. embracing the very
best varieties of A pnles,IVars,Peachcs,Plutiis.
Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, f!rapes,Cioose
berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries.
I.arpe Horse Chestnut, European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sufrar Maple j
for street planting, Ever-Mocmin Hose, and
a J J II 1.1. 1, bl.llLbllUII V.. UU.UVUa ttUU UI11LI
f. cr,l.,.i:.l ..HalL.n ,f lt,.ll.n., nn.l n.l
r lun-erm!; I'lants.
I if Nursery Grounds on the farm rf Ja's
F. I.inn Esq. on the Turnpil.e, wiihin half a
mile of I.ewisbur. All orders addressed to
will receive strict attention. Terms inrariablti
CASH. iLewisbure. Anrl 9. 1857
TH E subscribers have for sale frfrzmf
(in lots to suit purchascrs),)-1!
a laree stock of lia-H-'Btii
VISE BOARDS ranel Slun.a?
Plank Ac. Also 5,000 17 A A" HAiLS.
2 inch Sawed Shingles suprrior quality
Also S.juarc Timber for Btulilinps :
Which are offered lnw for Tash, at our Mills
on oiih Branch of th White Derr rovk in
t llarllf v township nr dtlncrrd on ihe Hrtih
Vallry Narrows n-n-l hi the rnd of our Kna !.
lJ EK. Al'lMJ 101.
il ICIIlltT. HFSrixT.
; Mai Let street, next door to Crown
IMter'n Store LLWIsuuiu., i s.
'IMIE sukrilters olTer for sale, at the
X Lewisburg Foundry, in large or small
KMi.OiMi feet dry Hemlock Joists, Scantling,
and Plank, at per thousand.
fjO.liiiii Shingles, at fi.50 per thousand.
5,000 feet small Building Timber.
Also a lot of Pine and Hemlock P.iAKIs,
Hails and Kcncc Hoard-;, on accommodating
terms. ;rH)l)i:s, MAKS1I & CO.
Lewisburg, .May l-r, ls07
( am or Institute, for the Treatment ot
Cancels, Tumors, Wens, l'lcer. Scrofula, or
any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases gene
rally ran be cured (if curable) without surrira!
operation or poison. For all particulars write,
stale diseases plainly, and enclose 25 cts lor
advice; Letters' mint have a postage stamp
enclosed to pav answer. Medicine sent any
distance. Address C I. KELL1.NG, M 1).
Mec.hanicsburg, Cumberland Co, Pa.
lertianiil.uri: ii H mill's frrm ll;irri-l-iir.nn tti.iC.V.
Itnilroi.il. and a.'..
Oiil alol lour,.
rJ. 4t.,-T tl
,!.!., troin all I nrt- of ..r I IU' n.
poor iirol rieli.e..niT.ll w will Jo r"u
rv ntll:.-t.il who ran not Ti-it mv p.-r.-o-
to p.e
ail ,a
u ; ...I .r m:, I. on r.-e.-iot r.t i r,mv. a l..-i-iec
jwre M.-Jii ine.wilh lull Direction.-- for ca.-.Ae. fcUU
rlieular... A-Mre.. ai. al,ve i;m' T'J
fllAKK NOTICE ! The undersigned are
I appointed Agents for the sale of
Doors, Hi i mis &. Window !ali
if all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. IV" .Made by L.1S.SPKOLT,
Hughcville, Pa. and f..r sale by
,-,.i I'HUIST & CAI.DWEI.L.I.ewi.b'g
'THE new meilioJ of inserting artiti-
X cial Teeth, Gum, Vc, known as
Allen Continuous Cum Work,
is, without exception, the best improvement
ever made in the art of Duitislry. This work.
when properly constructed.! the moM beautt
ful.ilie cleaiiesijCoinbines the greatest STenglh
with durability, and adds more to a clear and
distinct articulation, than any other kind of
wor:. evpr l.rou.,'1.1 iwl"re in,1 pno:n jid.j
nut only Ihi-. l.v a oeaulilu! isr,,.iy
in coml im.tion with tin. i-tylc ,f w rk,
we e:,n ail'- tie f:.. e itii natural ext-re.--
iion. without. in the l-u.-t. iiittrfering with the usfulne...
. ! th" t.-.'ih in ni't.-U, ati'-n.
1 wonlltal.1- this method of inf.,miine tlioee tnt.Te.tM
that I ha.e ,urel!a-e.l t!it- Talent K:i;lit f,T thi- Talnalilc
imi-r-.Ti mi nt, of th,- iiiTeiitor. J..lm Allen, mow of S.-w
I Yorl;.) for thi- uioi .-eyerl lolj- ionii rounti. . i.iol lli.it I
am now niiviiii'li tiirintr an artiele ot .-rtn an.li.uin- lliai
will romi'itre fur., ral.ly with anylhiitir iu that line that ha.
T.T Ij..-" noi'le in tlis or ary otlo-r rountry. Ii'k all.
:.n.t esj.ei i.illy th-i.e rfnrt in m i. n. ia .a-- fcM.wig.r-l
iL- m or not.) to t;i!l, auil ex-niiu' f ,r ti. ni-eiT.
JOHN I.IM'K K, I.CW l-i;l ri,
Offlee an-t Rf .-i-b-nee on Thir-1 atreet. near .Market.
Ofa.re in .llLn,s.on llroadway, uedr l'alwa!lailfr'i'c..rner
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Ta., injure Ddached
lluiblings. Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and other buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
bothCash and Mutual plnris. Capital,:ioO,000.
II,m .!"hn J I'eatce
J h n II Hall
Chas A Mayer
Chas Crist
lli.n (j C Harvey
T T Abrams
P J lackman
W White
'Thos Kitchen
Teter llickinson
C. P. HAkVKY, I'resi.lent.
T.T. ABRAMS, Vice I"res.
B27 I.ewiahur-. ?rnlon Co. Pa.
ihmiii j.ini
ceived the Fall and Winter
Fashions, and is prepared to
garments as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, to
execute his work satisfacto
rily to all.
l.euisburs, Auc 10,1857
THE undersigned have this 2.1 day rf Feb.
A. I). 18.,7, entered into Co-Parlnership
f. r the pvrpnse of carrying on a (.cimtuI
Foundry ItiiNiurss at the lirtck Fottn
dry in Maiket street, Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of Frick & I.illev.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1S57.
A peneral assort
ment of COOKING
KTOVES fur coal or
wood, St.ine Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Ticht and Parlor
Stoves, & c. in varie
ty always kept on
r - kinds made to crdcr-
n.w. con. srcjso asD w ylstt sts, rniLAiirj.rui.1.
.:iitnl S.l.2"0.000.
Assets $1on,151 13, invested in lionds, Mcrt-
pnc- and other crood securities.
RE VOi: IXSfRED AtSAirer rnsss
I3Y FIRE? There are but few who
receive sympathy whe incur loss by ncslcctin"
this most ntceesari and substantial precaution.
We often see it announced that persons have
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from ihem
bv the devouring element over which ihpi-
have no control but by beintr insured.
Insurance protects yon from the incendiary,
negligence of servants and the casualties of
your nt'ititvir.. It will tmriart s,ati,l,,iisr to m,r
it-,rs. and zir a rl.ara. i pi pru.U'Dctf and prefmutiun to i
.-..siiir.- Lruusaciiiius.
It r, iiirvs I, ut a tiry wc7 turn to injure in sums
raneini;lroiu 51IHI to $lu,l. anJ y, t how many tliiTran
wh"biir no insurant... uj'on llia.J.s. i-'urniture, or any
tliine flat-! Tf jour .stock is small, ami the Loas to you
niiL-iit W herioua.
Tl.ia f. inpany in-iirf. mIJ.Pl .V MKSCTTA fl-
iy.i:,.uooLf. n-jc. i n rrx. maviiixkk i anj sriii k
From 100 to S,"ooo,
at tti. Iwet Katia anj upon the mo,t l.ila-r.il Terms,
and raoufT arniuiT ou lh.. aJju..tmvnt ef Loaa,
Hon Tho.B.FIorrnoe I .lames K.Neall I E,lw.R IMmtviM
0. o II AruitronB Clia'. Dinim K.Cnrn.l l!r. wUr
jjw;..-,iB t"m l
liriKTiil Sun rint.-Tif.rnt .TOIIN THOM
Erven , l,,..!":"''-
" i" 'i. ,r, .TTn-iarT.
. .MEKUII.L l.INN".A"rnt.
To tlie Cittznts oj LucisLurg.
rilUE object of this Card is to call your
a rtui nuun 10 ine iaci mat jou can buy
your Books and Stationery cheaper, and have
a larper aiock and variety to select from at
Xeviiin & ' Cheap Bwkstore,
than any other place in this town. XVc wish
you to call and see for yourselves and thereby
be convinced. If you were to consult your
own inlrre.st.you would pivcthis establishment
your liberal encouragement. e desire to
see a taste for reading prow up, and to fur
tlier this we place pood anu useful works at
such low rates as to be within the rcarh of
all. Voun? men desirous of improvin-; their
minds should embrace ihis opportunity of
furnishing themseves with Books of Travel,
History, Biography, Narrative, Science and
Art, hich we oiler at low prices.
SMSSf RIHt: for Harper's Magazine,
the Knickerbocker, (iraham's and other
Magazines, at the Publishers' rates, at
IVNEVILS & t-trs.
SI BsrlilUK r,.r the Ncw Vork tedTr.
Balloti's IVtorial. H;irpriS Illuj-irafrd,
01 anj rttv-r frrvapcr, ai I'tiblish'-rs' ratc
ai r. M:its & cus.
i:i ;i viut nn liaivcSjl'IiHatlilpMa
Ashton's Fine, Liverpool (.rotiml,
A.sliton's and isUr Mill, Dairy assor
ted size 3,
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to s nt
the trade.
A.;. Orders solicited im7;r.p 1
(i:uioi:ia I'liiu)
115, South Ei-Ji'h S!. below ( hesnat,
riiillslToiise is fur Permanent andTransi' nt
I Lodging. Kverv li. rt will be mad
the Proprietor, K. NICHoLI.S, to give s
e ly
faction lo his ratrons.
This Establishineiit is sitMated iu the heart
of ihe city, renter of bit-iut ss.and coiivtnient
to all places of arr.u-einent.
The Mercantile and Traveling comrnimiiy
will find it a desirable t lace for c nut, it.
cleanliness and economy.
I ; single rooms Ml cts per night by toe
week i f.0 and upwards ly.33
- .. .... ii -i i, ; I , ,
No. W-), ( uiuiucrce St., ruilatlelj'liu.
JV'Cash buyers will find it f
to call. Philad, Jan 1,
r their inn rts
1M5S y
M'RK.w ci:Li:i;irvTKi
J j I OU I !) G I , UK!:
'rim tniKsT aunt.
1VK. M-t u.- ful nrtn l
invfiitt-l. for jou--tore or . n.r. or -:t.-' in unl
it. .,,nth. r .-Iii t-iii!.. ll'-i!a-.T, m-'iit- vw-r
ku.wn. ALWAYS KKAl'V r 'H A I'l'LI1 A'I i' 'N. a-ih-
fivi . n i-r. i' lh. I.- ,it!i--r. r urnitur.-. ' -r - li.tn.l hi
ii-i. Marb!-.r;i;i. r'-r rn.iui.fa tuhii: rain y An- i
T y.-. ft'- , it tia in. i-uy r. t. o t --nly - .--n.r- r ;.t. r
rtr.-nir.lt than any -.th- r ;j-li h-.hut aiihr- dj-t- .t.iL.-fciy.
It-nvinir n- -tain '..-re :!.i-r '-" w j " -v.r r ui !
Wuhin tin- U-t tl.r. .i.r- u.w:ir N i-l ltxm
of thi-jiiftlv Cfl.l.rait-i 1-11 1IM.M t. b;.f -n fit.
8ii i the (rrt-Jit r"ti--nitTi-- hi. h it hfl j-r-'Ttl hi -very !
rM-. hu il--' r-.ily ( or- -1 I r it a .lt-utnn.1 -Ai.ni.ilf
iif.iif--tiirr hso f un.i it. at tint-', t.ifli'iiH ni -t :
rU.'Wint hr nil h hu. iwlit-lhai :t- uo rii- ir.- far
fcl-.T.- mi .i'in.:nr article t :l r-1 t-- il. put iir
- . iWi i,. '-ft-w i.,.,u.H, iJ .'. incut .i't:-;i'!."
Maiuutiacturta an; h !. -!. i:.-t.i:t. r y
M f. MfKKA. Siiiii.-n.-r.
yo.i7 I'ttw-.tnut ."t, I'hi.a-lf Ii-hia.
4i)'I.Ufi'i.l in-iii -'u.'.-ut-U't' nj t" iT.sOci Jrtir.uj c J
6Min Ihe ahtrivf .iru -.
Fur tale bv F.VII's in Lewit iir?
rplli: testimony ot Fi-i'f.B.xjth ani lr.Crsr
ftili!viiig is nt'W a. ...Oil:
Fnxn Tr-.f M'CI.".K 1V. f rm-r!y Tr-f. -r " f T!.--r
i..l I'rw li' c nf V.,?. in li- r-il M- -!f..il' !. "
1 Ivni'-vlv.-vnui. :ni'l .at- 1'ri t- -.r ti "urF,wry io V, e
Auieni.iinColltvtt of Mt.-Ji.-ii.cAp.
l i'iLU rirf!T, N-.t 27,l-;fv
Mr.Jo-rb C Hurt tA tnl t.f ur Li (U 't lUir l'v
Will cnim Of; th Kost lit .tl th:t it i. smV. .1--ai.t
nl-ffi"fiouiP-'t,l,arti''- l iilik.-iiiJiiyoth.-r. it hn.- in
M-vtml lDrtno yr r. -l -t-niiv.tl.e :n the run- vt ' me
rufUHit-ouserui'tit Ufion tt.- h a.I.:in,l 1 hrTe no h-Mt:aioii
la e mmentliiii; it tc iL-js.' r-qariri n.-h nnw li.-a:i- a
rrTre-LectiallT. J. f . A- m la'-r-.r-i.-ti-u.
i-.J i!a
U.ie 1-th
IlovcrN Wrhin: Inks.
Hover's Writing t'lu:d ami Huvrr's Imltli'dt
Inks, still maintain their hiph charartcr.whicfa
hai always distinsuishnl ihcm.anil the rxien-
terrtipieu uitirt nC
Onli-rs, aJiiressed lo thi- Manufactory. No.
4I RACE strcot above Konrth.(ol,l No .11 1)
I'hilailelgihia.wil! receive prompt attention bv
6.3y JOSEI'H E. HOVEK, Manufacturer. '
4 II A .11 V I O !
THHhh KM TKl A1.5t lUfl
dir.y h-iTe -n.lMr" -I tJ;- i urrt-Dt I
I'ub.ic nj iDion. anl .iriirme.l the
rH ; . XiA-fe a - i -'is .""aai ii-
- i "J..: Sf ' tal Urea, jirotinc rtnr!u-iT. ly thi
1 i; J J ''Herring '' is the WLY riffc Tlu
j I ' yS-WltL N'T LIRX.
- V.y'J K tract from th C.-rr.ni.it.--
rdi -t t-t ui-Te lt,.in L"" an i li-u-
'On the 2"th nr F. Vruarv all the tnom. itsc f th.-(Vm-mittee
met witn. tLt-!.if-i ni.J Uh- nt 1 I 11 r.
T'lnreil in then) aM W.re p-rf.-ftly !atit:.i that Ii waf
nht. The Jiy fr llowinff-tlie burr.in,; tu k ; lace.wn.U-r
the rop'Tir.tenJen'-e. r.t the (Vnimitt--e. After a f-iir nivl
impartiAl i-urniiii; for nvi? hur, tlte Puff (f h rs
Kvana A Wnt-n wa.-s'fir.-t rp. u.-.t. th ?ifr hcii n ('?
in-iJc, adl the cnterits Ttrtisliy r. nutai, I. hih th.-(ontt-nt!.
in the ijf.- of V.-'Sfr. Parrels A lkriio.; wvre iu
p."J con Jit i. ii, mul no fire intiUe."
I.. aJinp, Marih 1!. lT-
tti0'nta. If. F. FKI.TT. )
V. N. O'l r M AN, - Ccmmittee.
A. II 11-! A K'i. i
A n.l rT-n.PWfi t-y rrrr vf the !.vrt nien.'f Ren lin;.
The ahore ?nf'' cun be in-r rtej :it iA nlnut Street,
"herethe put.ljr nn.-:il:-! theuiM-.Tei tt the irreat tu-r-'riiTity
oi the -HerTinj-- I'nt.-nt l'h:imi i.'n.' over the
JefcaUd atd i'"f-t.f '-insith Ir 'fi I'fr SnlsmaiiJiT.''
uaii.ev Hi:m;iN(.,
:;4 Walnut Strt-et. i'h !n.leli hla.
Only mahfrsint'tii r K-rrwg t Jattnt Cuam-
pirn &'f't.
The nttt-mrr tnarlc l y othT j-artic te llfit. r np the
rt-I-ufuti- n nf a inf.- whr b hat .faibd no -i.'iial'y in arci
denOit fiTts in ri.ilx.Mrl ia. ( K-int.-aJ I'!i..v.) l v lakiin.
(ne rut rf an aunt's tf, I.H- A. Ladu.i ma le d u' if
thiclttftt, (iiih rent fr--m thrive th.-y j-ell.) r -hum up"
nne ofll-Trir.s fl.alf athu-k hn-Tmet with its true re
w.trl. Ilerrtne. Xfv Ceii!l n t U i unit. j rt'Titrc ii. Iu
ftvety tttHttlu'onlyrrliaMo -5iV n w ma.le i-Il-mn. '
ofwhMh orer l.iNrt urenow martim) ur jin.l more than
- jo bare Wen tritJ y f:re Kitnut a $ii;iu iss.
Philadelphia Manu
fnett; rcl
iv;i! "vr, Salamander Safes
iSiiWr Ao. C 5. Fourth N.f
Truth is Mighty, anl Must Travail.
Report of the Commiuee appointed to super
intend the Burnin of ihe Iron Safes, at
Beadicg, February 27, lsr-7.
Rurixfl. March 4.
Tht nntlerj-ien"'!- ni' inl,?ri tf thv oi mnOtt,'. ,K r-
P-'ctlul-v report, Umt we 5;iw th two Piilva orinnlly
n-'m-tl upon lay KArrr)) k ll.-rrimr nn.l K :ins i at.-on.
pmn i.1 Mil t-y ijf in a liirnn-'t-. iii: 1 lie "nft in u.r l-r
the I'a v mast, r ct the liiiiml.-l, lii anJ lalin KailrrnU
i'fiui-nt'y. in lit nfiic,- nt K. a.lin-;,m:inu.fl. tun tl tj rr
TrU x lU-rrinu. iin l the ial iu ue l.y II. A. Luitj-. in
In etore.muuut.t.-tuml ty riv.inn Jt Hatun, auii j ut in
b'k. nrj pnj.-' r.i pn ci-rly ulilsi.
Tin- tire wa.-i tnt l ut i.YIirrk, A. M.. irj kt pt up
unti! four ccrilM of prc-n lii.'k-iry, twoivril.-drT rnknnj
linlt rhc.-tnut top tml w.n -ntir-!v rt.u-unjttl. the
h.'K- un.lor tin fupt rint i).l.nr t f" th tiuhH-riU-r),
m-iutr! f thet'eniuiitt' t. The Saf. 5 were thtn c.ol.-d
oil wilt, wat.-r. nt!. r nhit h ttifv w.rt- cf--n-J. and t tie
tnfkc mul p:irrii t;ikn rut 1-v t"h tVnimittct and t:k.-n
u 11. a. Laiits j fHi.r tor pul lic r xauimativu. sit. r tli'-y
w.-re first fxamin.tlanj ninrkr.1 t-y th.. f( mmitrct. Tlie
lt-" k an-1 p.itr tnki-n from the Safe m.llul- lnt l-y
Kns Unt-.m w.-r.- ( ut F-Iihtly ail. t ud I v thf tn'. fw
iirn.. i,iie more in Ren trr-m the r.iic n.unuliit-tur. .1 l-y
F:irri l 4 llerrinir wi n, in ur ju im. ut.lHmnpi tulir
fjft-fn pt-r cent, more than thoce taktn from Ltrui. Jk
utoni4 r-'iifr .
V.- b.-lkT' thrave to hire fwn a Mr and imj itrtial
trial of the recft ctiTc "juwliti. j i f i h -'aft .
IIinff btu n ah-nt durinit the l urtiimr, we fully -Itifi.le
with tlie tibt xf t:it in. i.t f f the r. n.litif n rf lh
paprra and Ucks takrntur of the rep rtite tmfcs.
1. A. Mi ol.i.s.
II. II. Vt'Ml.l.HFt.n.
F aiiM If aliOll have now on hnnd
30O.CM pounds of the above SAFK.",
whirh they otlcr for a!e on better terms ilum
any other manniactnn r in the I'nitcd States
April 3( iss; fi.yl
. -Tho following nnmrdenttrtrrn.reptLlcntitof Read
and iUTt.-init, wlio raw tlie tir hve pun-lia-ed
hsfr from KVAN; A WATSON since tho turwD-r ur to
May Ut, 1V7:
O. A. Niv-lls lipoid Hirah, Iwiac Ruth, Kirk A rfHi.
tr, W. Khoada A j.n. Henry W. Miinirt r. lr.V M.re,
moo Khowds. L.-.1 L.fouth. Hijrh at Cratjr. Hm.KiTk,
Kautman k llnum. Wm. la-r'arli. r. tiro. J. . kert. .1. l!
A O. V. llan)trk, Kira Miller. Jut. Jamivn. J B. k A b!
Warner. Jamb N hmu. k.-r. Wm, Kinz.V. B. . ho!i, ob r
per, K. U. Conit-iny. II. A. I .ami. W. C. A P. 1. Krman
"uj J rJiridt cane. .tltmeer, t'nllinrr A Co., li;i.n.
m l AT lO for Js'ic3 and
Jil L J O Cuustablcs, ft r sale
or primed tu order. M the Chrcr.iclr Uilice
M1 - ,
New Arrangement!
(be Mammoth Liu
.nip,, r.um
The undersigned having purchased the m ,t
Mammoth lrug More luimerly kept by j
'lhoriitmi r IV, are now ready to fid iititn
and Prescriptions at a moment's notice. fct
have a large and well .selected stock of frt,.
and pure HULLS, Ml.HH l.ES, Chennc,
bycstulS, Oils, Paints, Class, Puny ai.1
UKI lililslb' ULASs WAKE,
All kindt ff l'atmt Jlnliiinet,
Fruit and CobfccticBer?
Tobacco,Snufr.and Imported Cigars oIiLt'
choicest brands,
Fanetf bullous and TotUt Artitlts,
fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all k.oii
lHCsiii.t asn (Vies or avmr Taaitri.
IcixiLs ;ind Stationer),
a general variety ot Literary and School Bmi,
Pine Oil, Lard and fluid Lamps t t
deseri; l "n ; In -h I'me Oil and Patent Bara,
inw f .iiid aiwrtvs on band.
PI Ki: U INKS an t LIl,L'OKS of a'.U.i.
fi r M liiciiiil uses.
y-Vrc I'f'iJ and Zinc Paints.
1'r & rvintr anil rk-kliri Jars. h.
Cu t..n.ers will find our stock ccmpV..'
comprint, many ariieles it is impossible ht:.
lo entimerare, and ail sold at moderate priCM
Call and see us. one and all, and see tf
sttck ; and if we can't st.'l you cheap gooci
we w:!l n-.t ak yiot to buy.
W'e are always i n hand to wait on enstomar,
Remember ihe .Mammoth Drug Store !
Lewil nre, I'nion Co. Pa. 709
f.irm.The subscribers, thankful ft
Ja-:a-TTk past patri-nace, would ir.:'i.;s
-"a-Tr-'-s.c public that they ecr.iirtoe
' - in a n u I ;ic tti re all kinds of yil.l
, i.t.AKI.M. an I otli r tastings. J firms:-,
; Ma,.,UI,e, a,,ti t,,.r Maci,.i.e,y rePi,td
best inaiinir. Castings warranted to te e
gnod maur.ai, ar.d at pnees that can Lot ra.
to pleas,.. I.HliliLfs, MAh-sH (.0.
l.ewisbnrg. Feb. 1-iil
podklmj stoves uf us .,,
) and sizes, for Coa or on . for ...
i all he Lewisburg Fuuniirj by
lieti.lfs. MaishA C.
1TOVKS Faror, Wctd. ar,d Ca
Stoves, various patterns, for ntlt a:
Lewisburg Focr.t.ry. (ituMes, .Mah A Co.
ATIAKI'S Fiittnt l-ang iMow, a su:
V rior article, for 5a!c at the Lewisbur,
Fouritlrv It C.fJJe. M s'sh A Co,
RAIN or Seed Drills Kc FateDt-
rifri.lf'tllv the fctfsf nnj mcst durai:
tiro in Iiril1 no win use. for sal? at the Lcwi.Ui
Four.ifry t.y iivdde. .Var.-b A Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Gra-i
AM F.H TI RED anJ fi r u!ei
Lewis' t;r Fnur.tlrr 1 v
tii:UlEt,'.MAI!sH A
VOTIi'L Iiaiin:: lei-n af pointed 1-
i.1 !E.T N the l.ew.stuia t'emcifp
ihe suh-cr;' r u i tiU state thai he is preja'r.
to pirfi nn ail t'.ui.t's ti,nnecteit ith the bur.
vi the i!ea l..'ti si,,, tu.t;re. Also that he.,
atieiul U'lht rt-iiiieimeiii uf tirctased r-ersir
un.fer the i!irtcti, n t f their surviving frito;-
Kesuit'nce in the l.oi'e at the (iaie ot tu
feiiiitery. tiECHUiE liONACHV.
Lewisburg. May :)t, lc51
irck! if.cn: : iecn!:.'
i7,S I rs- J""st rm'wei at tl;
,-z I U nAKi,v.KE s-'lOliF ti.,is
smiths, call amf s"eV thVXT" end le.-t,
st rtini'iit ol In n ever i fiered n the W'n
Bianch. Hr.vn. ihe exclusive cuntrcl rf tti
celebrated Vilimim, C'cr.tre count? Ir;
he is enabled to vcrrant everv bar. i
sizes Tire, Vo:!,.t., I;,., ani Si'nare; H.r..
Shotr.N'ail K...K. ,c. at Caku prices te i.
Cail and see the Hardware Store rf
Lewiilnri:. .May III. l:5.
HcliMboifi'g (.( iiuiwe I'ri:ii allvi -w
Highly a mailed, d Compound Fluid Extract f.
I "'OP. Iiiuc.ts, s f madder. Kidneys. Crav:
Prrpsy.WoaKtK sses.l 'tisiriicn"i.nsFcrfi
Uisrases, Ft 11 a'.c Ci lnplaints.and all disra.i
t,f llif S-xual iri-aTi. ari.ini: tn m xc.?siTt and imrrni
rni' i-. 111 uif. ainl nu
-i.il iuii:(i,ri';-ci.m-T-fB
il.i- r::. 1 nr. i-.-.'r.- nr;- mi;
t'r.-.in.wl ih. immu
:u Miileor k'.iiijlf. 1'nia t:
.-v tLr Euy i,4
and no mattrr cf hew Kng stanJirr,
giving Ilviaih and Vir tr the fracie. anJ E!:ea tc ill!
Jcy to the Afflicted!
It enr- N. rr- u- 1 V ! t ?u-:-rt-r. nr 1 r.ic.'TU
n.l tl.e r .iir ;;, ijuM.j 4, L.;,, j,. ,ULlx
Iiv!i--r.-ition t" e. rti n. l cf r r. !- - i f inenirT
u.iii uiiy t i I rtiiii.nik-. l- i-i-K.i t.i ii- In t r pi'iiV
tu.-e.wcak rt .-.tri u.' '.ii.. iirt -1.1;: u; li- rr. n Iuatb.
li.i:l.t Mrat.s ivid l". t, waivi lu.i.t d.uiitaa cl
T 1-i lnrnrucr. utnr.-;il J...--Ku t 1 1 tL hjui
cuiar .trm. ::.n iLfiii.i uj aji-i.ii- wnh
Jyfp' i'tic Mini tf ai"- t l-n J.-. tlu-l.iri t f
th.- tody. tlr u.5 the k.n. j:tlii 1 rt un-tt-njirciv
ar.l t rurti'-ii-t . n tl.e tire. .iia
in the trw-k. heaine.- (.f tl,.' rve-1-..l.
fre-tueliti hint k t? l!r, IrlV re
tl:.- ey. itii t runir-iry li'Tu-iin arnl
I. -1 f siirlif. wat.t tf uiunticn. prrat
Ut"' ility. ;.n 1 rille.-nt i. with Lurrrf
HsMty. N, tl.irir i- lU'-re d. iirjit'le to ru- h
r. t- than M-iiii,.!.-. aLd tt-thir.j- tLt- m. rt
-i fr tt:ir ft thtn; ;.. .--; r.o rt-Vfe if
UnOlier. no
arne.-tneM), no FpecuUtii n, lUt ft
Lurritd traiiriti .n
11 t-ni one t.uftUin to aEi LLar.
Ihewfytnrtms f all. wid to rn wM, n tt i B'fr
t ine iiiv-iiwl'iT reim rt x-m f,.lh w. l,., ,.r , u.
I'.ihity. imi Fi'ii-ti-Tic tin in. n -t whi, h i -f ..
may ire. l,o c.ta iy tt.:it t !.r-e m, vi
hr :if itl f ikw.d ly U... -t- i.;r. dt-, as Id:v
and t' ii.-t.nai ti. il? "1 he r.tvra.- ct the In.-ane A-.i;ics
and lh-' Bn'Uiu lniIy d. uUi ly C. D-univii- n. 1 t-ar -if.
t. -F'.it.icnv t the tt utl. 1 th.'.-e a--rt ii n-. In I t-n' 1
A- aim - tl. nif'-t nu lant h. 'y elnliti.' n .ij p.
eruiH. n..rn- i a- tualiy M-d.l.'n aii! uile d.--t.:i.:. -cr-
ther n.it'.li it (crin-t . t. r i.-it. it. thvuiti a kucJ '-
c'w cci ur. 11 h? r:r !y artAUlaU".
- uh Wt erul ir-'a-ure., wan deefnir
V zu'. n sf uud.-- hi? vriet V-aut .1.
Pt-1 tlity i met tir.iMe! and ha? brouit tl-o-Ji
Uffii th. 11-: lulu to L-iilituelv irra. !. thi t'ja-i.i.-
aiuluit u cl oiiinT n. l'ff m Lth-. It r in l; .rur.d I
tt?e t 11 IK lM'Al.LUM.I-: l.tMKI'Y.
It . u are FiitVritit Ath nnr t th a!f.- tii-tre:'-!
ailui. nt. il . H.l 11 Ei I.AlT l hi iUrt -
Try :t :.i:d 1 e ci i:inid rf i; ttT:. a. y.
in.. ee tr tji.u-s XofTf.rv5.i'ci Vit us r c?t..
who fai.-e!y H?t ef at i!it: ? atd nfir-r-. t ii:r.T
know and avoid theni. r.id .aif Iinr t-t --rj, m r-'.
Midfp -ure. hy .ii.iiu2 rr rauiug it r a t I
I': lli!;.r ai.ti f-ee;t;t- lit use. !y.
It allaj? ail lain ard iLUamatirn, is ; I -
in it., tate an-1 cilir, 1 ut iniUittinte in ' L
llEMKOLh S FATi.wcr urtir
Ii prepriml direct Iv aret rilicir to th llu'. f l H-&m
J.H 1 .l.D t it MLslL 1, i,h tl.e ir.at.-t : venrf
ai d t'lit lim al km wletk'e al.d rare di-ielid :l. L-rtB-'V
natt. n. fr. fr.-Kvvr lewve" j,iii:ill.- W.r.--r. iv
rrm-tiee oi rhif, aud mot i t the lat. MaUi-ari WcrU
cl M1.di.1ue.
t' .9loo ..r:
One TTundr J p.!!ir- iil It- prt-.l tr Tl jrb
nr proe that the Medicine t r lijuit-j a I'-iM-H .
the t. .-I. nn. 11 y ef ihou-iuiu.- c n le rt diii-U t. ; r. '
it it (ireat Ci o-l. l'.r vi Inn tic .k
year- t:.lid.i.i; l.are Uin ftVeO -I. Tl e u-.l- t
t;iry T. !tiui ny in p.fe.ion 1 f the I'reprirt. r. bft'-i
lt, iil'.u m.J rur;.t!T pr 1. tn iir:nnr-. rxiri.:
oani- w :t kn n to M ILM'K ANU 1 AJ-
100,UiO lUths Nate Km
and i.ct a Mrle in;nre rf a i&iairr ha l n n-ifrtci
P.-rw n;illv nne.m.l t. fire me an AiJvrnitn fi :1
f ily i t ri.ilu.Uli h a, II. T llir.a 1 r. fc-m.-t. ' ir:ci
duly . rn di-es fay, tl. t !.: r. .ii.il;. o trCJ'1'1'
N are. tic. Mercury or tt -nri-u t'ri j. ' ut aie j 1 rr1 "
get aide. II. T. Ileri . ie Mafcul-i-un"'
frwnrn enj si.K-i r:tt .1 1 t re n t- 1 1 1- '.. .1 .:.i : 's'
ber, Ijm. WM 1'. lili:i.Al.l. . "B
iViVr, -fi per lh!!Lir Stxfrr - Ihi.urtdH
aerrTtipttniid fry reliMhWand refpis-ilt'!.' Crrtif rt'
Fn f. -s.na ot iledi.-:il iellege. tleri m. n ai--
iTeiarrUandM-idly H T. Hr Ml ' ,
rrartiwt and .-ins.: ttti x ' '
yo. & scuts 7Hts st uw i.um- '-' "
.7b (V W- PrvyoUf end pr.!r fiifcW
inUid lun(:u,' end Bt itwh M-.in-U
fl wake rr crrNiriirrtTS.
k fvr Ihmhhs- TuKt no t.r-
? ,1 c