Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 16, 1858, Image 2

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    Trraidmrq Clpnirlc.
T' tttittr .Tr-w. Tin l.nnsm ra CiimMdE,
ii-ltcl.-n ih Cisli .-M-lii. Im tli Ur-t and brit
riTiiiil :tj. n rl hiit N-wiinr in I'Mim Cui.tv.
l'i c.c.loni, national ; Slavery, sectional !
And "Khbde Island, tooP
'J ho (hit J Slate Election, tlia year, in
little Khiiuu Islam), whose Philip Allen
vuttJ in L'. S. Seuate for the Lecomptou
ln.u.l, pots TWO TO ONE for Kf.isha
1'vkk, llcp. 1'i.iuD, for (iuTcrnnr. There
i.iu I..;, (hree r four towns which return
b '-Democrat." to t'uo Legislature. The
c iL.ieiunation is universal couiileb.
Every 0"tipc.-iiti-Oit District iu Oonncc
Ivui (h.;e Arnold nuJ Jiiskip voted for
). c.'N'jitcn) five majorities ayrinst Le
i ni.t,.n.
o ih Congress...lst Session
On Tliurs'lay of hit week, the House
r.aJ!tJ-ll'J to 1 1 1 to oilhcre to their
i.mi nj.i.ciiU to the Kansas Li'l. The lill
f.uA exactly ts before, except that Mar
fcloil of Ky.uJ Uowie of MJ.'-paired off.-'
The AJuiiuistrtitiou ilnti coff i.", to get
f'"iiiui::tco of Coufer-.cce, by means of
which they lope to joggle I.tcomptou
ihrouh. If the Speaker appoitits,he will
1,5 iu lie liutlis crniuiitlic violate law
iil i liUt ty giving the minority the com
i:;ii tec. The A'luiiuistration still Loast
t!,ut they cau Luy up cuougL shaky tim
1 1 r, like Dewarr, to Eucered; and will do
f-.ny dtfpciate net to pu.-h through the
tii-lle Slavery hill, this week.
Mr.t'arotbers (L'.cai:iptoii,rf Miss-juri,)
Las at last reached Washington, making
ov.ry scat, in the House, full 3 thing
Lirct. fjie ukknowu iu that body.
The Cist man in the U. S. Senate to op-
.so tho llou-e liill for the adu.ission of
K.it-.sa, w-.s 1 iIcr of I'a., he said, with
tcjual disregard of grainnmr aud of I'cnn
syivaiiia. lie ''HAD lltU'El) to see Kansas
us a Si'tf- 5''ur', ami Minnesota as a
'... S'titr, romr in t-jethn So after
all lJighrV protestations, two years ago, it
turns jut that, all the while, he to
ree Kansas a Slave State!!! "Good
Lord and good Devil ! 'lie doubtless wishes
Bt.ec. s to bjth wants to serve each alike!
The li!i for the aduiijsion of Minnesota
was fiually urged through tho Senate, last
week ti!y three Southerners daring to
v t.' against i, notwithstanding their
that Minnesjta tiiould not couio in
until Kansas with Slavery cau.u in. The
lil! ws Minnesota 2 Congressmen, with
a ."J if the fall eensu3 returns ill justify it.
T::st, a 1 of fl.e. regiments of regular sol
;. r to add to the standing army, as the
Administration desired, Congtess has very
uife.ly tist-u iLuui tiiiee regiiueuU euly
I'i'ca'i Jrfgn nave Been sent as comiulssion-
rs to confer with the Mormons before
j roeecding to hostilities. The Mormons
h.'ivc warned tien. Johnson to remove from
The bill appropriating gome millions of
dollars to supply military aud other "de
iio'ci.cies" I ai beco no a law.
It i; stated that the IransportathM of a
'iarr. 1 ol ajar from Fort Leavenworth to
Vtu'a ci.-t.-i tho neat little sum of one
hun-li-cl duHirt. Can it be true ?
Mr. Douglas has introduced into Senate
a bill uln.iaiug Oregon into the Union.
So mn:y Fiec States coming, it bothers
Deef Ligier and Lia Slave masters to keep
:p "the balance of power.''
Ti f -i.w, April Vi. Th Senntc, by a
pr'y Vjte of 'M to 21 (8 absentees) ap
j intc-1 tii: eu f Mo., Hunter of Va , and
Seward of X. V., a emmittee of confer
ilcj v.ith tho UuUse ou tho Kansas lill.
Thu I'reoi lent Las determined to take
toe volunteers f r Utah from tho Western
HV U. ; r,,y, April 11. The House, by
ti.e tasting voe of Speaker Orr,dccided to
j oint three Members to confer with the
t ( i.:.te cn'ntn'ittee on the Kansas admission
1 iils. i;:lgii.h of InJ., Halt and l'eudle
t u tf (V. and Otcq Jones of I'a., voted
with the l,';tT,uiptonitcs, but protest their
J. .'utility to I.CL-un.; t)n still. The names
cf the L'j::iaji;tee have not reached us.
Li i gns- ri.-olved to adjourn, 7th June.
A row Ini-'ia Bill is to be introduced iu
the Uiiti;h 1'aniauient by Mr. D israeli.
A medal is to be granted to all the
trj j; s iu India, and a clasp for those that
t'.tved at Delhi aud Lucknow.
The appointment of Hen. Teliisicr as
I'n ;. eh Ambassador at Loudon is highly
The returns of the Hoard of Trade show
a falling ell of the exports of February ,n
eocdiug XJjOOOjOOO sterling, compared
with the same month of the last year.
Tho supply of inoDcy in the market is
very abundant. Cotton and Ercadatuffs
bad declined.
The attack of Lutknow was expected to
t-omu.euce February 27th, when Jung Da
hadoor's and Gen. Frauks' forces, twelve
ihou.-and itrong would, reach Lucknow to
u:l iii the? attack.
A cmnp of 100,000 men is to be formed
In 1'iiaud, ii the month of May. This
i-trp i-.cot iidcri J asa manifestation against
" ntria.
J'hi.rs is great agitation iu Russia, in
e-nftiuence of the orpesition of the So
Lies to the proposed emancipation of their
f- rfs. Many of the gTcat familiei have
l'i J to St Feterlurg for fear of their lives.
ien. Co'in Campbell was before Luck
r.cw, aud Lad nearly CO,000 troops. The
attk wus ta be taade about the 10:h.
''w- ij. ei.CoUt.!'.r had Occurred, in each
! wS.it.-L the riU-Is Lad lecu deflated.
Hem Jtcma from (Dthcr Countico.
Fire in Rbusu Valley. Oo Easter
Sunday,Wm. Zeiglcr went to eburcb with
the older members of the family, leaving
his owd and some neighbors' children at
home; the children made a fire in the
barn-yard to cook Easter eggs, from which
Cre the barn was consumed with all its
contents, including seven horses, buggey,
wagons, grain, &o., all valued at $4 000.
A history of the Bethlehem Female
School, begun about 1732, has been pub
lished. Union prayer meetings aro noticed at
Milton and at Sunbury.
The bar of the Franklin House, Belle
fonte, was robbed, on Sunday, of 30, in
gold pieces. A man was arrested, who
had $20 in gold piecos, but there was not
proof to detain him.
"Dr. Max Tercy," who stole the horse
and wacon at Danville, was caught iu
; Blair county, and taken lack. The ladies
: said he was "a love of a man."
i An intoxicated icoman in Danville was
1 sent to jail for breaking windows.
I J. 1. Haines & Co. of Centre county
I have made a casting, for the Washington
' Iron Company, which weighed 7512 lbs.
I The Bloomsburg & Lackawanna Kail-
road starts off with a very handsome paa
i scnger and freight business.
! Gov. Packer has appointed John P.
Pcttit, of Chester couuty Harbor Master
at the Port of Philadelphia.
I A week ago, Dudley A. Tyng, (Evan-
gical Episcopal) preached in Jaync's Hall,
l'hilad., to an audience so crowded that
j even the stage was full. The galleries
' aud boxes were filled with ladies. The
' report says that the sermon was listened
j to with ac attention which six mouths
; ago would have been deemed a miracle,
j Tho material of the "Lehigh Valley
Times" office was sold at Sheriff's sale re
cently. The "good will" had been sold
for SHOO to the Easton "Free Tress."
Tho "Magnetic Lady" has been fool
ing the green ones tip the West Branch
aud on the Juniata.
That portion of Railroad from Belle-
fonto to Lock Haven, twenty-four miles, is
authorized to be put under contract as
soon as the means can be obtained.
The Irishman who was shot in the leg,
below Sunbury, on suspicion of being a
highwayman, has had the leg amputated.
Philadelphia papers notice tho recent
death of Prof. John R. Mitchell, M. D., a
leading poet, of the masonic order. Also
of John M. Scott, Esq., formerly Mayor
of the city.
On Sunday, thirty-four persons were
baptized in the river Schulkill, near Potts
town, converts of the revival meeting
held in the German Baptist meeting
fsaae l'nce,0 eorge Price, and John R.
Price. Probably two to four thousand
people collected, at an early hour, to wit
ness the immersion. The baptism of
thirty-five others has been postponed un
til some time in May.
M'Ewensvillo in Northumberland coun
ty having become a Borough, Turbut-1
villo "wants to be a Boron -h too."
Henry II. Shaffer, of Lower Mahanoy,
in Vr.rthiiniKr.eTnn .Mini, inf.i.m. ...
... .uuu veiiau.j, .uiviuia iL-g
I editor of the Snnbury American that '
i from ten grains of the sugar cane seed be
realized a crop that yielded two gallons of
good molasses and seed enough for two '
acres of ground.
j A horse which was stolen from Ashta- !
. bula county, Ohio, about 13 months ago, j
was recovered nn Pina fTeie1r. T.venmin.,
j county, last week. The owner traveled
i ten thousand miles, and spent four hun-
! dred dollars in attempting to recover him.
, b,
..i,riMiu lum ousscMiou mo am-.
raal m found, have been bound over to
; answer the charge of trading for the horse
j knowing him to havo been atolen.
' John Daugherty of Northumberland
1 la-it week had his shoe shop broken into,
! and eight pairs of boots and fifteen pairs
. ladies' tbocs removed.
j Asotheb. The Jersey Shore Repub-
. lican says Hubert J. Walker was born on
j P'lio Creek.
! Tho opposition to Locofocoism in Phil
adelphia appears to be all united for the
May Election. Alexander Henry (old j
I nuu nun;; tor 4ajroi utaeia tue alLJieu
! Four Irishmen aro in jail at Sunbury
for disturbing the election at Mr.. Carmol.
A Young Men's Christian Association
I has been proposed at Milton,
i Dr. Joseph Speck, late of Perry Co-,
! Pa., has become an Alderman in Wyan
: dott city, Kansas.
I : li't. : - f ST I a ,a . I .
George Hill, Esq., has removed from
Sclinsgrove to Sunbury.
Rev. Alexander Ilcbcrton has removed
from Williamsport to Media, Delaware
couuty, Pa.
In i'ork county, Pa., last week, a child
of George Picibling had its clothes catch
fire as he was in a field where his father
and another man were burning brushes.
The father put out the lire, as be thought,
and then took his boy home, threw him
into a bed, and left him alone, the moth
er being absent. In a few minutes, tho
bouse was found to be on fire the child
had carried fire in bis clothes which, com
municating to the bed, burned him so se
verely that he soon died. He was four
years old.
Two men have escaped from the new
Jail at Lewistown, from the carelessness
and over indulgence of the Sheriff.
The borough of West Chester is assess
ed fur a Million and a Half of Dollars.
A pretty rolld 'lurg, that 1
The Collectors' offices have been re
moved from Liverpool and Newpoit in
Perry county, to tho Junction of the Ju
niata and Susquehanna canals, where tho
two offices are consolidated.
Barbara Ziegler, in her 92d year, died
last week in Brecknock, Berks county.
She leaves 108 descendants.
Gov. Packer has appointed 1C Aids
among them, John Lawshe, of Lycoming
Co. Ho will appoint no more except to
fill vacancies.
On Friday last, a little son of W. O.
Hickok, of Ilarrisburg, fell into a cellar
opened by tho late fire, breaking aa arm
and knocking out several teeth.
Thomas Strine of Milton, is appointed
Deputy Grain Measurer, at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Spongier, in Upper Tulpchockcn
Tp., Berks Co., was planting potatoes in
her field last week, when her clothes
caught fire from a partially burned brush
heap, aud burned her so that she died.
Stock for a Rolling Mill has been ta
ken at Shamokin, and it is said buildings
will be erected without delay.
Mad dogs mad dogs we read about
in papers from all quarters.
Mayor Vaux, of Philadelphia, has in
augurated a corps of mounted policemen
for tho more ready detection of robbers
and incendiaries, with, which it appears,
the city is infested.
A little son of Samuel Guntrum, of
Muncy township, aged about seven years,
accidentally fell from a Canal Bridge into
the Canal, on Friday last and was drown
ed. His body was recovered only a few
minutes after he fell, but all efforts to re
suscitate him were in vain.
The Town Council of Selinsgrovc have
appointed seven policemen.
Geo. W. Strine is appointed Post Mas
ter at Milton, in place of J. II. M'Cor
mick, declined.
Rev. D. Y. Ilcisler, of Sunbury has ac
cepted a call to the Cow. Rof. ohuroh in
Bethlehem. Mr. Steinmetz, a graduate,
from Lebanon couuty, has been invited to
the pulpit vcaated in Sunbury.
A steam mill was destroyed by firo in
Pottsville, on Sunday morning week.
Loss $12,000 partially insured in Phila
delphia companies.
Jos- M'Alarncy intends opening a se
lect school on the Isle of Que, and Daniel
Gaugler in Selinsgrovo.
Gov. Packer signed the death warrant
of John Lutz, to be hung at Pittsburg,
M .ofi.i, v..,, kM,i ,!i I T
May 28th, but subsequently re-called it
i T . . i - T . ! r
to give Lutz a chance to apply for a new
The liridjo for tbe Susquehanna Rail
road, at Dauphin is completed, and cars
Lave run over it. It proves to be an ex
9tilfe?t I'b aomoletira of lb road
Mr. AVilson of Sclin&grove, has taken
the ferry and hotel opposite Sunbury.
A Gorman, named Joseph Mohr, aged
about 30 years, a tanner by profession,
while eating dinner, on Tuesday last, at
the tavern of Mr. Weaver, in Canal St.,
Ilarrisburg, ato a piece of meat, which,
i cuncr ,or want 01 ProPcr Won or
! t"8 !" 'UaD!ity' f!" f"
-.t . ...
i ' o
strangulation, from tbe effects of which
the unfortunate man died in a few minutes.
Ei Gov. Pollock has been invited tode
dclivrr the Commencement Oration at
I'rinccton College, N. J.
The dwelling of David Ferguson, near
Salladaysburg Lycoming county, was de
stroyed by fire,' on the 29th ult. The
J f."f."?f:
Tho Legislature of Texas, lately ad-
J journed, passed an act for calling a South-
ern convention, and appropriating ten
thousand dollars out of any money in the
treasury, to defray expenses," in the event
of a rejection of the Lecompton Constitu
tion by Congress. Thus is proposed to
take initiatory steps for disunion. The
joke of the whole thing lies in the fact
that there is not a cent in the treasury. It
is entirely bankrupt.
Col. Cumniiog, Secretary and Acting
Governor of Nebraska, during most of the
timo since the organization of that Terri
tory, died at Omaha city on the 23d alt.
He had been ill since December.
Illinois. In seventy counties, meet
ings havo been held by the Democracy,
and resolutions unanimously adopted, dis
approving, in the strongest terms, the
policy of admitting Kansas with tho Le
compton Constitution.
A very malignant fever is prevailing in
Charlottsburg, in Virginia, and has driven
away over 300 students from the Univer
The two wings of the Lecompton De
mocracy of New York city have each held
a meeting to sustain tbe President.
Neither meeting was as large or as spirited
as that of tho Anti-Lecompton Democrats.
The Americans carried every ward in
the city of Louisville, last week. They
also carried the city of Annapolis, Md.,
heretofore Democratic
Tbe will of the late Charles McMicken,
bequeathed $800,000 for the foundation
of a College for Orphans, on the plan of
Gtrard College. Mr. McMicken was a
native of Bucks county, Pa.
Of the South Americans in Congress,
11 voted to enslave Kansas, and 8 voted
against it I
The New School Presbyterian United
Synod baa held their first annual meeting,
at Knoxville, Tcnn., but it does not ap
pear madi any move for uniting with the
Old School.
It is stated that the Bucbauan party
has bought np, or established deceit pa
pers, in Illinois, where tue soner, unuiass-
ed judgment of the press was unanimous '.
against his Kansas policy. Party threats
and bribery patronage are effectual with j
aomA men.
At a ball in Middlesex, Vt., last week, ;
a lady named Jiornabrooks foil dead upon
the floor, while in the aot of taking her
plaoe to join in a dance. She had been
troubled for a long time with the heart
disease. j
The Faculty of Yale College have re-,
solved to expel three students of the Juni-!
PI... imnltrtntAfl 111 lllA llfimipllln flf
1.. ."T'"--'v- -
Miles during the recent affray with e j
firemen. j
The income of the English Weslcyan !
Missionary Society for tho year exceeded (
V0 000, beine about SIX hundred thou- ;
. ', ,.
sand dollars.
The official papers of Spain declare
that the United States have not now, and
never will have gold enough to purchase
"Oh! 'it tti-fp myrtery.
But by St I'ul I'll Boil the bottom of it."
tlT Ans. to Kiddle, March !6. i
Treatment" O W U , New Berlin. ;
riTAnswer lo Charade, April 9 j
TuaiLtool." Ans'd by MS VI & V C B,
BufTaloe ; Minnie ; Leslie ; W L A ; Grace L.
-Satins" "Frost." j
fsAns. to Problem, April 9 I
Onehatfufa yarisipuxrt lift. Ans'd by A A, '
ButTaloe. j
SVAns. to 1st Misc. Enipma, last week
" Majrr Central FAwmi ttrnilduck:' Ans'd by
M BWiWCBif K F, Farmersville : A A
tliAns. to 2d Misc. Enigma, last week j
" I'ttrr the Great of Hntnia." Ans'd bv Leslie;
C S D; Minnie ; P K F; M H W & W C B ;
S S ; A A ; W L A ; MS; Jennie K J ; (,'
S ,New Berlin ; Kate S ; Eva M ; W 1
EH;" Satin Frost."
T?Ans. to 3d Misc. Enigma, last week j
The Lewi'burg Chronicle." Ans'd by Leslie; 1
F K F; SS; C 8 U; Minnie; M SWA H V
B ; A A ; W L A ; M A; M S ; Jennie E J ; 1
C S ; K S ; E M ; W E II: -Satin;" " Frost." ;
r"Aii. m 4ih Misc. Enipma. last week '.
- Npkun Ountpartr." An.'d bv A A t W I.
A ; M S; K S; E M; W E H ;" Satin ;"" Frost."
rSnel ed wronc should be ISuvolctm Vunu-1
e 1 0
A common coin, of simple name,
I'm used in trallick every day ;
But, adding hall to what I am
Will half my value lake away.
F. R. F, Farmersville.
A rirenlnr wall whose circumference is the
perimeter of an acre.has a staple driven into
it on the outside. What length of rope will
al low a horse, when tied to this staple, lo graze
over insi one acre, outside the wall! The
! rope is to wind around the wa!l as ihe horse
F cose o d no, toslrclch acro?s ,,.
O . I , L
.. u mj.
ni-iifil PVfBWI
r, r , 1,,',r,
I am composed of 30 letters.
My 17 5 13 4 2U 21 30 was a prince
30 31 28 18 9 was made ol brass
4 27 1 1 15 S'2 was a duke
16 "HUHIiMUll'll'""1
-rr 2 64 183became David s servants
2 27 20 13 was a king
3 4 19 8 20 Balaam used
My whole is a command to alt
A A, Bufiaioc.
I am composed of 12 letters.
My 1 9 4 5 12 is the name of a female
2 13a tree or shiub
3 4 11 12 3 a body of water
4 5 12 plentiful in Greenland
5 6 4 7 was a very bad man
6 9 12 a kind of liquid
7 4 9 12 a river in Africa
8 1 2 12 found in almost every store
9 12 6 2 seen on trees
10 7 an article
114 5 12 seen in many work shops
12 3 4 12 a lake in North America
My whole is often seen in Southern markets.
NWS, Buflaloe.
mscEi.L.i xr.o vs emgva.
I am composed of 26 letters.
My 18 1 4 9 24 a primitive word
12 15 7 an ancient measure
10 23 the initials of a I.ewisb. merchant
20 21 13 2 12 5 IS found on tea-tables
13 15 3 8 I a town in Asia
6 9 22 5 one of the digits
17 21 9 26 a kind of puzzling
16 1 14 a vessel
19 11 25 5 an island in Scotland
My whole has been seen in California.
I am composed of 17 letters
My 13 8 13 16 is the name of a sea
16 7 2, a town in Thibet
10 13 6 9, a cape in Siberia
4 13 16, a river in Europe
15 9 13 16 17, a political division of Ku'e
14 13 16 9 13, an island in Europe
6 17 8 15, a Grecian seaport
3 17 11 10 8, a river in Denmark
3 8 15 5, a county in Pennsylvania
6 3 16 14 13, a town in Alabama
1 13 8, a river in North Carolina
12 3 13 1 2 11 8, a river in California
6 15 13 14, a gulf in India
14 IO 8 15 ll 13, a town in Mexico
16 15 16 16 10, atown in France
My whole is the name of a very interesting
book. R. H
I nlon Count, C ourt IToclamalion
, ,
? i h,e Hon; A!LM L1 ; 1
President Judge for the 20th Judicial ;
District of Pennsylvania, composed of Ihe i
counties of Union, Mifflin and Snyder, and;
PniLir Ri'BLandJstoWSiMOHTO!iEsqs.,Asso-j
ciate Judges in Union county, have issued their :
precept, bearing date the 3tlth day of Feb'y, j
1S5S. and to me directed, for the holding of an
Orphans Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer
and Terminer, and General Ouarter Sessions, '
at LEWISBURG, for the county of UNION,
(being the Ilth day) 1858, and to continue '
one week.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in
and for ihe county of Union, to appear in their
own proper persons with their records, inqui
sitions.examinations and other remembrances
to do those things which of their offices and in
their behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any person or
persons, are required to be then and there
attending, and not depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance at the appointed time agreea
ble to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the Sher
iffs Office in Lewisburg, the 14th day of
April, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty
eih year of the Independence of the United
8tales of America. God save Ihe Common
wealth ! DANIEL D. GULDIN, Sheriff.
JOS I A II KELLY, Auctioneer,
SOLICITS the patronage of the public.
Residence on South Fifth street, Lewis-
i bur, Pa. December 5, 1S5K.
Administrator's Notice.
- W"
T II KICK AS. Lett.rs ot A.lniiniMrtion
11' . . I' I Wl 'II If I I I I. II
- .... ,UWL!l.:.. in rin rmmiv
deas.il,havr l..vu sr.mte.l loth- subscriber,!
by .he Keg,st.;r ?f .aid county into form;
all persons indebted to said eMail- are ri'cm"-t-eit
in make payment, an. iluise bavins claims j
auainst the same will prrM-ul lliem duly j
Penns t'reek !'.()., Snyder Co, March -5.
Adjourned Court l'rorlsunsif ion.
Whereas, the Hon. Abraham S Wilson, Pre
sident Judge for the Si'tli Judicial DiMncl of
J'enusy'vsiiia, composed of the ruuniir-, ot
Union, .Milllin and Snyder, and Philip Uuhlr
anil John W.Snnoiiton,K-'i'-,Aisoei.ite Judges
for I'liion county, have issued iheir precept.
I.e., rin.. .lale !he 'Jlllh .lav of Fibrll.irv, lrjji.
-,....,. '.,; ,...1 r.,P ,1,,. i,!.i. nf.-. Court
t-,;TO,n iieasnt i.pwtbur? ff-r ilur r.,nuiy
"I l.'uion oil the fourth Monday of April 1111.
witnesses and all persons iuieresti .1 m the
Issue List, to be then and there present a
depart without leave. Jurors are reiju'sted
In be punetmil iu their attendance at the lime
appointed, agreeable to notice.
tiiven under my hand and seal at t!ie Sher
i(T"s (ilfice iu Lew ishuru'.tlie '.Md day ol'.Man-h
A I: IH.'S, and in the ei-ili'V-third year of the
Independence of the I S. .1 America.
Ood save the t'oinui-inirenirh !
JJAMtll. U. (it 1.1UN, Sheii.T.
Jury,Ai!j. Court, April, 1S.;S.
While Ihrr Saml Uuiikie,Jnna iJiell.n ieifer,
Lewis ltaiik
ltujful,ieyhn Wise, Andrew Kohl, O.un.I
Kenler Jr, Itnniel Miller, llemv Null, Jas
Diehl, Henry llauck, Abraham Voung
l u,n M II Taeeart, Henry liil.sou
Unrtln Wm Ilalfpriiiiy, l II limi-amm. Jn
look, Jn Lesher, Jn Frederick, Koberl V
;ioeer, Josiah Khowaltf r
.V..'in4ar Andrew liuleliii?, J hn fSat.
Henry llaum
Killu James Shields, Jacob Hater Jr, James
I'ross, Flavel C'lingau
',t ll'iffi'luc Andrew Foster, Thomas V
yw Iterlin John M Benfer, Jacob Q iick
Jtickvm Henry Moun-r
IjwiMtrg Ilenrv S Neiier, Joseph (Jlass.
(; W SehatHe, Win Moore
l.imert-me James Smith. Koberl Chambers
Eiut Huffuloc Abraham V',,!ie,l)avid Smith
VT a Court ot Common I'leas held at
Lewisbuig, in and f . r L'nioii rruniy, ou
Hie Mih dav oi Februarv. A. ! lo", Juh.i
I HTiisiji, Esq.,presenie.l his pctiiion, setting
j lorh that he is nnir tltf t.wner or a ir.et of
lanu snuaie uni- v-
j County, adjoiniiiing me iesi itranen oi uie
! Isusiiuthauna liner, containing about oue
j hundred and lhiee acres and thirty peielrcs;
that on the 11th of December, lrll, (ieorge
! Hollinan executed a mortaaqeon said tract of
land lo said Michael Holltnan and others.
which is recorded iu Morisa-e Book 1!. pages
1 Q I and 1U5; that said mortgage, so far as said
Michael llolVinan was interested. has been paid
in full, but no satisfaction entered ol record;
! that said Michael Hi Il'inan has removed lo the
jt;,le f wa : and prayed the four, to order
; and direct satisfaction to be entered, Ac.
Whereupon the Court i!;r- eted ihe Sheriff to
sive four successive weeks' public notice.
previous to next Term, i f the tacts set forth
i j faill tiOIli iu lie nt.sparcr publi.-h.d
... ..... I . ..... . . . . . .. 1 . .
in tins couuiy, 10 appear ai. i snow .aui.
theCourt.on proofed paymein.shall nolduect
aatislaelir.n to he entered accordmz IO.ACJ of
I .. .. sa , ,vVa!:,., So far as ihe
j .aV S ven! to said Michael HolVman.
'e, f herebv give notice losa.d Michael
I h "'an an" all oth-rs interested in said
,ll.la.uaa gnu t n
I show wny Ihe i.outt sha:l nol recti. e pr.rp
of payment anii cr!erihe sanl ni'rt?a.?e to
salKslied S3 far as said Mirlia'! HuHman. &c.k,l're3r I'KICIv
KhfrilKs Ollice, Lewisbur,March 'S2t 1S.1S,
T a Court of Common Pleas held at Lew-
isburg in and for I'iiioii county en the
-'Oth day ot reOruary.-V. 1., lt-.ii, I.liz.iditii
Goont.4Mii.it presented her petition setting
j forth lhat she is now the owner of a tract of
I land situate in White Deer township, in said
j county, adjoining lands of Charles Kline,
! Samuel Benuaj;e, and others, containing about
! forty six acres and one hundred and eiehteen
nerelies and allnn-anee. th.it on ilie l.tik .1-,,.
.,f December. A. D. ISI1. l'.n.l i;,,ll:.n,w
j executed a mortgage on said tract of land 10
Michael Hoffman and others, which is recor
j ded in Moilgage Book U. pases 12:! and 124 ;
I lhat said mortgage, so far as said Michael
Hoffman was interested, has been paid in
I full, but no satisfaction entered of record
that said Michael Hoffman has removed to
the State of lon-a: and prayed the Court to
j order and direct satisfaction to be entered.
; Ac. Whereupon tire Court directed the
Mienfl to give four successive weeks' public
j notice, previous lo next Term, ol the lacts
set forth in said petition, in one newspaper
published in this county, to appear and show
why the Court, on proof of payment, shall
I not direct satisfaction to be entered, aecord
j ing to Act of Assembly, on said mortpaae, so
j f" as ihe same was given lo said Michael
lloflinan. Tttcrefaf I hereby give notiee to
' ...... a.t.e.,l ll..,r...nn n.l n.l,w .
j .nm ... ii i ait'iuuaii an., a 11 I'uiri s itnerest-
I ed in said mortgage lo appear by ihe first day
! of next Term, lo wit, ihe 17th day of May
next, and sin. cause why the Court shall
not receive proof of payment and order the
said mortgage lo be satisfied o far as said
Michael llullinm. fee.
Sheriff's Oilie.e, Lewisburg, March 22,1 "5?.
Ho! Step this Wav.
"1TTE presume that you are aware that Mr.
V T O. K. Viibse intends to remove to ihe
It therefore becomes wrrmtry that all ;
persons knowing themselves indebted to the
late Firm of Jfursh A Vorse, bv Note or Book
e'the'T'i'i''"? W1 pr
oelore the first day of April next. JiTlt is
"PMtal ih3i ,his no,i be iy -
dfJ to .ihnut fllrlhpr commen,.
March 17 18SH HL'KSH et VORsE
--ttmw CAflTVI !
A: A-UN !
A, ,he 0M 'Xchange Store, having bought a
. ..,
V . . I, .u 'l I tl "If X !i .HJJllHI
" , i- -J -J
, "0"'s ln the Cityat erryhiw rat's by reason
f the HARD TIMES.are able lo supply iheir
former customers and the public generally
wim me oesi uoous on the most accommoda
ting termH C.4LL ASD SEE!
Lewisburg, Nov. 1857
Rich and Rare
JS ihe large and choice assortment of new
now arriving at the well known Corner Store
("all aud see ! Lewisburg, Ocl. '57
VLL persons knowing themselves indebted
lo Ihe Fims of J. GolJtmilh 4 Urn's
r LindenOvum i liro, are requested to PAY
UP by April the first to save trouble aud
cost. J. GOI DSMI I'll & 1JRO S.
Lewisburg, March 1, 1"58
J all engaged in ihe service of the U. s
in the War of 1812 and for their Widows, at
the Oliiec of the Lewis'jur Chionicle.
Heal Estate.
TIIK llou-e of the MihsTriVr on
Soiilh Kisfluli Mrcet, J.ewiburK. lus-
scsMon piven iiimeuiai. lv. inijuiri- 1
A Good Euffilce Valley
TARM FOR SALE. The. sitlistriliHr
1 1 lie's at Private snle.01 reasonable terms,
lo, farm, near the IllacU Kun school house in
Hnflaloe 'Pp. about 8 miles from I.ewisborc.
It contains las Acres, mostly Limestone land,
and M) acres under guod cultivation. There
are 011 the premise-, a new Uank Itam.rr'
comlortab.e atberboarded l. pr Hwi H-j,
inp. Sprint; house, Wae- n shed. Ho? I... use,
Ac, with a line Lime-lone spring mar ihe
house, an 1 two ruiinioS siieams on the rrrin-isc-t.
Kor further arui olrs n. -rre . f
AtrilH.K.i. DVMl'.l. S. .VII. I.S.I!-
-a rm is i:t-
JkXillK on .Mi;ii.e
A fir l 1 ate LUt K
sneer, t.t i'ie. 11 1:11
i.'llice. March 1-
and Hlh,
Inquire iil 'I'Uv
Willi Cll.rt l.AH SA If,
riO be rented on Shares, in poi.essn.n ot
J Albert W j-iin. on IVniis Creek l.nn--. 1;
I j., I'iiioii C", with S'JO Acres ot TlV.lih'l!
I.ANli adj.iinins. The Saw
Mill has been much ler.: .'ntaed , I '
and iniproveil. and can saw 1-V'O '.' Ji.ttj
fed r n i re per day.
Tlie FA li M is railed l.". Acre.
Orchaid.-.iiiid fnd.is all unseeded but 1 Ai
To niar.ae the whole well, the Tenant :!;
have :i or 1 hands and a i r : h. i-es.
In-iture lurtli-r of JOHN STEES, Tat
a lo. untie the i.reinises. i miics trun M:
bui. or ot
Sniiburv, I;
, March 'J, I-".
UKEEARLV to a i'hiritis rrd. r
Orr.hans' dun of I'liion c-in.ty
, u;'l
be exposed to rubbc sate, at toe t.oit-e n
I Mary E Kobinson in Bulla!.. town-lup on
I Siturhii, the '2ith iloi'.f April, l -."i,
j all that messuage and tract of LAN1 situate
j iu Huiralo lowiiehip, Cnion crlinty.adj.'imnl
' lands of Andrew M.i-.-. e's heirs,lai:d-1, i .oei iv
of Jacob Vanetda, and ot Thun.as !( btn. n,
deceased, containing
I EIGHT ACRES and Forty Perche3.
i --iThe Improvements are a Two S:n -
I Jf ilrey frame Uaelling House.a sinal'stw .
: Frame House one and a half story. a small
I'Hi llAkH, and the land under g.o.l culti
vation. Ai.xer a r1" of Tinilirr l.nil.
f'tp-e. situate in said i. itnaiv, aoijoiuint;
CVVS lands of J. din stahljacob Hartitian.
avVK. an. Daniel Kenaler. Sr., containing
j-jii, I ."a .term and 41 Perches.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clork, P M, when
Terms of sale will be made known bv
MAKV E. KOII1SD.N, Administratrix
(if Thiias Korisiis, dee'd.
Ev the Court SaVi Koi sh, Clerk.
rpttr. TWO BOOMS occupied at pre
I sent by Washington Huirhiii.-in as a
iOoon. They are sin able for SI I 1 'S.
I V ALSO the Oi l I now u-iu; .
For Terms ai p!v to
Jan. '.'7, l-.iS.' Jt 111 X I). l.I.VN.
1 T1 sltt 1'
1 Ola -M.I-.
. riMIK subseril er o.Ver. lor-a e his Kesi.ter.ee
i 1 1 t --cond s!r,e
, "he Koroogh ot Uwisburg. Mwe-n Ma, ke
andSl.I.onis sireets.eonsistnicof near a lot and
aL-inaafr.tut.iiUMAWnr JIT '
J" ''ie impruvmn. arr a ccinnnvti.tu. thre
g-.-Mfrey run ft. J LZI .lal N C 5
from by .IH tcet Jeep veil iim.-hed wh a
marNe base, marble sills and lintels ir. frtnn
a fift-procf rool u nit a Wir.j; ana hf 1 rl
23 by HMcet an fut Kitchen a Well vi ex
cellent water, with a Tump tn, under nnd a i
larpe Cistern also under roof a lare new
etatde an ItH Ifnnse and ot ler neceary
oot-buildine. - 'J'hre are aU on saidf
Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubhrry -t'
The location is a dirsinible one either lur a
private residence or pubJtc busine.-s. It is n
the most elevated part of tiie Boruush, ne;ir
the Court House. and but a thon ditai.ce !r.. in
n,e t-Oll
i Market street. Terms will be made e
June 9, 1H57
j j! MY Residence, on .North Third street.
: jLliLewisburg. :il ft. front, and including
! back building J2 ft. deep. Uasemeut, and
i Aitick finished. Every Ce.nvenience in the
wav of out-buildincs.
4Iko. a Half Lot on Market St.. opposite
, S. Kilter's residence, with a go. .1 H i ll f Wa
ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a t.ui
ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.)
' Also, other Lots, seine with and some
without liutl.lings. JOHN LOCKL".
; Lewisburg, Oct. 157.
Ifo! Farmers Chance lor a Banrain!
IT'OIl SAI.i:. near I.ewisbutg.a Tract of
almost lOO At-ren of good Farming
' l.nn.1. limestone soil. It will be sold on reas-
onable terms at pnraie sale for Cash. Inqn re
at ihe Office of Ihe t'iri.nictr.- June to, '.'7
New Arrangracnts---rIew Goods!
TOSEril L. Jl.UYN bavins In ken the
J well known SI' YKER HAT STORE, has
rctitted it, and tilled in au extensive variety of
Hits, Cups, Ctnthmrn's Clothimj, it v.
Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTH"
CAsslMER.Es, &c. which he will make up ..
nrirr as he still enntinnes the Tailnrinw Unt.
ness. He is prepared to execute all work-
entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of llie
N. B. Cutting and Repairing jt-j don to
Lewi-burg. April 10, ts.r)7
Jet Goods ! Black Diamonds II &c.
lluy Early, and Sure tour Money .' .' j
rMIE subscrilier is prepared lo furnih
X at all limes the very best COAL of every '
description, from the Wilkes-Barre and sha- !
mokin mines. He has on hand an article of j
very superior quality, such as is seldom bro't
lo ihis market. which he will dispose ot at ihe
lowest cash prices Coal weighed, and gecd
measure warranied. IV Coai exchanged for :
merchantable Country Produce of most kinds j
as well as for cash.
Coal Yard al Tho's Nesbit's Lumber Yard
on Souih Water street.
Nov. 111. 1856 if . R. I.NESBIT. I
Xear llarllrlon, liiion Co., I'a.
THE subscrilier, thankful ;
for past patronage, would inform
his friends and the public in gene- '
rat, that he continues to m.iiiin.ir-1
Hire all kindi of Woolen Goods, such as
Cloths, Cassimeres. Twee.Is, Satnneits, Jeans,
iilankets and Flannels ; also. Carpet and
Slocking Yarns. His machinerv being of the
best Kind in use, and having employed the !
best of workmen, he feels sate in saying j
that his work i-hall not be surpassed by i
any establishment in the country. A good sup- J
ply of ihe above goods kept constantly on hand .
lor sale or lo exchange for wool, al prices '
lhat can not tail to please. WOOL will be '
Carded in the beM manner and on the shortest
notice. Terms f. r rarding, cash on the .le
liverv of the rolls. MARK HAIfl'LNNY '
WinfiiM Mills, March SO, !b5V. !
jin: i.ivi:n
I N V I ' It A T I; .
l-Ktl'MtlU tir UK t-AMOMs,
('unipouiiM t-nlircly frcm dl'.MS.
- ONK 01 Til r I: E.-T t'l!iA1IVR Ml.ltr y,.
I' JNKs iii.w 1 It . I "' o.-. ll.t a.-', a. 1 .,;.. ...
.wm.t. lui.'J.r iii.i iu' . t H- t u-il ILal. i.J "i;-f '
klc.wii. It la L- t '.rojf a l:lUtt. c. Lul j."
. tins f!r-t i.a It..- I-i'-r u iu ne.tt.fi 0iao.r,
on lli si- lua. L 1 1-1 bow.la lo r.rry off 11 at Liitt.r.
. cint--'.11-.' lc f ori .. ,rlui.y i.. i.M.r ,:1 ,
tl.. oao.lui 1... ii.,? .ai-ri. n. 'l n. the . .t.t ' i... : t ,.'
tati.atti.-d. It ati. rtli' r.., wLll. I pure- II- .;...t
ana .l.ru Uk-ii 'li'Ui io ti' '.ml- tl'- i.I
ai.it lo.i.l .1 up a.Ui ul.uul rajwlily.
To. UilK in OL, of Lfc. jtiriDcital nk'ulaVr, ,,
th. hoo.i.n t."jr; ai.'l . b-n it .i: m,. ;( t '
t.i.I.H aril. 11.9 l-.w.rs '.r :h .y-t-u ar- ft, v 4
,.J..-.l. 'It" .t"'"'(A ia QfJ a!m' at i-utir' v ;,i',.,t.
oo Itie tr.l Ly a-'.en ol .loe L.ier : ,- ;1. j. ..;
. il.riiiHt.'. ol i no'-- Q -.'O: 1.1.0 :,.,'.L. .
I. at 1..U.I. 'ti. '-'a' ;a arc 0t Iti.U. a:., tl, a. J
ai,r.ia M.".ra in ron.e- ..ii,i.. . ef' r.'-ij (
LiHh-t .O'i.' rea-J to ,r. Io r .
.... -f lliat r-H,., ..i.. ol ' 11..-i-iee: : ral.-n..
it L." ato.i. lo a f';"-l-'-- r"io. r. it an .:..
t.. t ..'I nn- r-to- ly. at:--.-..it. :o
tii- in
le .
t.v U'-i '". lo' i. r fje -., v : -
. . ;l .l l... i 1.. ..... b' :
,, .... J . I .'. -..,.! s . , - . .
- L..8 Lull-'.iJ , a I f... 1. .l .,
..ii.. n n. a i C- j--t t i ! .-.:. '
tl.. ... .... . ! -l r i . .. i.... -i.. : .
. r 1 1 . i. ... . . ' : ' o. i i :
.:. . -t .10 i-.. o, r
I ...I, :; tie- !. .. .(.., r..-.
i :i it 11. e ... - a p It i . h T-l: ..."
: .1 - ... s art- S . ;,t. ,, v .: ,. ; ,
I. .. ... IJ 11-
II. J i. . ...
Li.. U
i.". t.t to r- .. th ,
r-1. i.i.J. i rti-!.'.'
.'it. '' t- ns iL !-'-.
L u.-1 w.I rur-: Lr;-
t .On-
. Kit
tUK I -tl.t
i. 1 in:
. I- if ' -
t : , , ii. . ... 1 to
ini: r : l
.ij. I w ii ' r-t
iu t Iil -iii-lt: t. 1- ti '..vi-, r.i-r (.;.-
HL.i-t ill tin- w:T.'J. la p t n'r
l.v,., flW Uulv.-cui..- cC- i-i: H .'-..
V- t;ik-- ; nr.- i:i r' r mm-1. !;r y i . n--n-
i-rt-Tt i.ta.'.- f-rJ' ' - t .-. i
. : u-i tit ...wt U () l.i:i i T-
nt.j. a I f rt.-.ij TV 1-1 tl:- U.--M.'. fc.'
inr to t.:ilj tt. us v 4.-. :tul t.rtu-!-.
CAU u-f it ar i,..iitr tL,ir t Baltic1"-u '.
re v to it;, faf r.
H.x H. tier c "i t.K I. J- r -''. t." '- fa''.ir t 'J-'
IU K.it-r Iiiwlsorator
1? A St ii--
t li.111 ' u
i.-l i--.-r-;it t. iri:- t--. It mr-
tiiKii oiu' lot Li-- i- ii-.iiiir.ii t" ur.- ai y n T ... 1 1.
t',.uii!uut. In tu tli- JuufJv t-r y i j
r"i.ui ii H-'iiiii xt all .t wLn.li Jirv th.; r.-u."- V'u
rj3i Livtr.
YV.V Z V-,U.T. l'FT! I. TTT.F.
SAS Fil'I 4 l 'i 'r'-'TiT-ri". 'M- Uro..-! y. N'i k
l.i r Iain. a il illiL-.". m h-. V w
17,1 F i'.U.Pw r.Lu r---'---. r
Jov lo the Admirers of a Fine IlenJ ii
Talk rfl..iitv. it nrr I rxs-t with- ut fin- ''
Iv-ir, t t.t-ii n j.i t:.- f. m. : ii'l U tu m-c-rilar
mvit.! .1 -;.-li ritir. i -1 .i.r n utl
l:;t.rK.-.-"i; v....t' it aii; i.k.-t ' ii.vint-"
Hi.- a:t. u:i' n nil ! miA y uuc t. tl.i wri'r--.
yr fur:ili n.v I i i: It-rr,,. l .-k IP it t"f i; ,ni n l T. Z'-?
,.,,r-iit. rs li.- 1.. : -.1 -I iff -a..i w;th a luxurt
..rirrh r i: - i! " i.;rt.:r. it-1 :t k- ! r,;
i, ., u.- rruji.. i. r:.'i - : r ' uttal V- -t .1.- nU".
-ui-;- : l. v. I l ' rfji..nr ut-.-.m "r
tin,'.. -v i l j.;. i. -i ; r. ti. I U- j I: lit la . .u j ''
t-tr--nsf -1 in !!- i.;.:ut;.; .;.t.v. V- .. .
lb a up ii ti.- f '(. tl - L-r.-v.tr il.-.-.-'! in : .
ii. .- it : aLl-i.. t l. ui l ilt i tbry
i t.v ;t'' i Ti..- .it 1.;: - ciiri. r U- iil t:
i. j t:- ' i t. : I ti u- 'fit-- tj.-r.-'.
T I .4 1 -n t f r I r - f . '..!'. Il;.ir rslsrMB
It-..?, i:. Tft . ii-J i: ft :!'.;if! J itrr iu n -a:d tu .le
Ur.-ti.iitU. a K rkp Mi. :
Ir.r ;:nn, Ct-rn . July ! ''
Mr. I.' v.Tr.W'rth .-ir: I l.avr ---o tr.-ul i
.li-nilruli i r -rt.rr n tr.v fc. al ! r m- r.- Lt -m v.ar. &;
I ;.:r l-iran t" o n.f c.:t. f-cuit ci.d I.a:i t .rtt,trr. 1
. -rj,t tit "V i- i - l'.-ir YrXotnX
.cl i un hi--.1 r- M'V it, i-v .i,-r,--V tf r
i-f. . :i. t: - a - 1 1 tl .... . . it - ..Pf -
ii-- hn ir:-n t-. r- w. it !, n t , . r ilrw ;t.fct
i-ctfc Lrv ir j-al ..-if. I LTc;ni ii!h iul '.
cli u !.-.. r ! t:- t(i !!.- n;- re it Mr. at. ll
Yrxrrr of ti.: 1 i'.rt,'l .viv r t iCv kind u- 1
in tin- I in'-f. j. u U.; r Lai i r:mUt V T D 1DJ Intt. I
i.lltr il la kLt i; hti, A . u;- .U; r-t ft-
Tl. r. VrT- t..r x- 1 llhir h-t- rat.tt- :-
tii i.- it- I I r. ii. it.-. '1!.,- tn r.t. ai t ar 't
'a k 1 1 1 tif ti. t 'n?i : J. - i:,,it, r.i-e in i .
I l;;..Cli-. i hit tv i t : I , il'l 1 tt.t? 1 I ?r UT V -t-ri.tiff.
ai'l i.i v. ti.eti; it r:v tvl rl:tt,ild-t
wiltia i-n ui - i.. ; cr' t. i !:ir. iiii'i itf f rf ct i- -j..
r- ; t - it. i t. J j , h. r i r-1 a;a:.' :
i;u ut m y t ? .:;! i. I.tI, T,-r. I r h n k :i m mi a
t. . mi in- i. . .. ; t. I i.u :i.cuv iraLj o;Li:s
tr .:. i.:-- i.t.-jo.-tfui.i.
v n TtroMA.-i. m n.
u i' i ice SUt t-
.vi.Nr.l ..'ur-'C?, 1.'".
rK'tf. ft .1 VOi.l: A)MUktvDU ut ti mnourtirtura
in.t ta.ij"urri-.vi,t;y il'-m.itJ ll:..r !'. ifa'itf. t
i.l -.i;-. I r n. r n m:iy k i; . rr. tlmt 1 ltf
U it al. J 1 ti U i 1 1., rs K- u-e H rf.jit 1 . ffrnrr
i i:ti t ir. n in tt c l.a) it . t u-ii' . tl.ri 11 ait Ht' r
aiin's fcut ti nt I LlJ vours ?uj : r ic ant
er I kiH'M. it -tiliriij.- citsn. . tl.f Inhi rl iia:.4n."r.
m.il iih on- m- nth' in.i-r it-p will ni -rf ary
:i'u'j l.:ir t- in-- 4-riinal tonrLful r. r ai ! t-t!
t.t jn u it a :h; . ai;ii fir --y n; "-:ira r.i , -.r : !
i j. ill- u: tIr-1-. !. T'i U,r l..:i -i- i! . t .f.y r
. i - t it v li i Ucu,-.. tt. r"i : - n ' ;
it- u- to rry cue tav.-.r- i : I. :i- j a ? . r j-l!
O..T. WOuD Jt Oi . rr'TTi.-t-r-.MJ !ir.-:w v. N ' .
ir. ;i :it..V ,r - I. ..ni; L;l..t 1i;Ll- el .sl X l.i
i r.vct slrtct. M. I i !,..
A..! . b alt ,,f 1 Pril -2:rt.
l'i L-H-itlurff 'y X C.t L M El 7 .
Still Another Crpcrtunity!
yVl ailj,IIieC licnp tire Man.
'llTn i.ke th'S nu':hfd if inf.rmin!: 'i3
f f t inzens i f l.eu i-i urp and stirrt'tn :.r4
ri unrrv. that wc art.' asdin with thm Ur a
shi it time, and new i tier thern a belter ar;:
ai.d at lower pi :ces than ever hfrert.f re. We
h:c taken the rid Maud above Christ A
Caldttvirs Dru St .-re. and havir.? much beT
t'T lisht than we had in t ur o'.d torn.?, an.
ui re ccr.ven:t i.t rvt n.s :h evrry rcsprt:t, v. 1
shal ! le betttr al 'e to accrrrTr.i da'.e. IVi
hmitiji i' tnti i. i f il-fi-ail tru I 'Is it Tr"ti ! I- "i
tin y v -.A ,ikf Iii lair c ;i uir Ii Hi..irTTi ti- I t r a
li v I'-1. r x.-'.v. i c iiti it u i..- ou !..'ri l ::
all i U.-' i tl tu :iir:rr.t- ii t.. . -iii;.:: : - .'.
arit f. a;-':ui.'t tittir tl :n it.t Mr li:. h tl v .r- - ti
tf w. I'l-t-i ii t: i.t nn l Li Uvrs; li r;.n i...t il-t.' '
I r:ii f r.-.tiL'ii'g tu ni to $'-'. 1 ' tun - 1 1 1 - 1
t 1 il t itx-ir ni! tltnt'ich mkr.v. hi i t: ee: 1
t T..E(i taki n nt ill? clii-rti -t notii r.T tl.t ir i ! '
I'li-tarej. tt y ui'ir i huiri'i. tnki-n mitiot ni.itLa'r:."
li-lit. Out.'lcrr V n-Ws 1 f t ini'l;;. At' . t; k :i t . '
Anil tot, jf u-turns tukt n t u ilai . ji.J rain ,l-
fr than l'ai:u. rrii-tt yvs t u thfil.-n 1 ai .! -.t'"'
I irtur'i if in tl'rt.t. t $-0, t euit tt,f ( ar V r 1 '
rxtrnt a nt.lial tuiitatu n to a'.l ! rail . ; ! f f ' '
t-samtiii-f.ur npn-inu hk. Lftli-r tiiry arr r : '
iv U tir in mt t-r tli jiri". tm mt nrr !::""'"'
MaU.Uirlb 1I UC ? tulr. Wi s:uti U t i
5U. -V. t--r
X. P. InlnrtpE!i friri-n in th-art. :::'
furn il at th" tet. ft rir . lVrv 1:--
tti- I'UMHi'M1 fin now bati' au "t ; rTt.i.i: l- 1 ' u "
mitli. 1 Le iiturf. vt. 1T.,
T011TH 4th Sitrel. The wbxuw
ll most rrspecifully informs the -it;m
I.cwiburc and vicinity, tliai he has . n btr l
an.l trr sale a cheap lot of 'l Kt 11 1 BE.
for the Spring traile, crinprisii'S
lrcs?s-ii.fr ami Conmion lJurcaiii. r-cc-rc't-jiicrt
and V,ook C'a?'. Ci-uii'"
t 'a ni and 1'ii-r Tal.lo?. Pitiin? t""1
Ui-cakliist Taldc?. I'lj-I oonls. (i
lagc and oilier l.cdrtead.-, iat.i..-i
Sofa.-i. and Chairs
of all lin.ls. COFFINS im'!' ' r:' r 1 r
short noiirr.
The pul.lic are roniiallv invitr.I to nan "'
his work. as he is sure th;it tli. y i'l te
CeJ uh his si. cW of Ware, an.l pr-ci's-
MI.O.V.O.N t'l -Nu
I.evl istlirg. Sept. 13, t."''
I.OI Ifi. t;iHl""'.
a:nl Jrrla). ft .''r! '
ijsasifSkih.- I'osi itlto.- tifnp "
l ush. A. B. KB.NOK.MAM'li:- V