Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 19, 1858, Image 3

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    I'mi. y Mokn-isc , M a i.n 1 1 9, 1 S-kS
,.. M.r. Vuit-. M't-h:iiii. 1
i-l ('..jutrv. I'u'-li her -1
i well ! iufl"'
l ...uuuui.ity f'Ul.iiiini ' -i
I'd Mir '
!i . rs in
c .iurnm of the ' ,r-'
an I iu"rtin;, cir-'-''-"' "
. ... ... .-I...-. fl Mt'l..''- "
"c s'ei 'xc'iv iilierllsciuculs.
io-Stveral Official notices iu our paper
Ij-dij two Vendues two Iuin (both of
theiu ia earnest, anJ Uol.l.s.MiTH says now
t"a the cbaueu to buy choar. 'JooJs "i linn)
an,i . Ivt of Super Iho-phato of Lime
I j Mr. l.ciuau, uij- it desirous- of obtaia
iu " .ViK.srs tl:fuli the c muliy.
Hi' . I i I.
:ht (Tliiirs
;::;h nliivor.s
: mx e.:-Tid.
:i : ranki
:.1K:1. 1,-t
wo Lot'.' t:t
Tin ru ;.:c !
tit c.i';y
to I..
and a
; ii'! to i
11 1 c v!l.
WO Ii:lM.' 1
,1 ,1
,1 tlu-
of our pLoj'Ij i!'-.-iie:
.!. "i i'!:, aii'l to J -xy tip
:-. iiii;.l L'j;i't Jloa.-f,
.! :'..' lV,V, l't ioiV CX-
: .!o;!::r u:i i ; I H o iiu-.-.iy
id t;r-::iti' :i. The
at 1. x : all
( 'l.nr.'i. a:
: iiii.r :i:
Ia... : 0!' tl.'.
fT.ro i:; :1,
( re ! ii: !iv
1 "!
e 1; ;.' lmt moticy to
Ti.'Te lire T.i
o u i. !i tin re We 10
;.i:;y - v ho I'.iv al io
;. n.f, to ; -:i: i
.tv t:
irun 1 ; l.ut
J.l .llon.si.-ILT
l'u.';i, lot c;tro I if
1 t.ii!!.
t;:o I'M'' 'T
(Wo !.:-..!( ;v:.n:.l
r.'nt to II..'.;!. 1 ;!!:
c-::,(iiim i.i'.m ti.i-; I
('.ait I ! ui-o il.li.
Iia.i Lecu
, to I
M lo
;iy a tax i
!i fur Finiic
Stii'li a
law no iiounl wo
i ll "Oil :t;:u!i'.':;'.I :
lo pivvi ;it tf)u'' 1
Lilt lull, oil!. JHikel
liit'asufo. : I'r-c
to : e'i:d o:i Ii'etno::
lu'i'J' .-,.;:t.itiVo ;.ii
, i
llio sa!','.-t way
to ilot't none
i oj,;,,i:iC!:'.: of that
-i atsd t'otitii-il.and
straiicos t i'u'.h our
I S,::ulor,)
t.Troojis 'f old and new fricnd.s
jra'dnTcd in iiidipoiukiit Hall last
'i'lic.d.iy tvc'uimr, to hear from the
Stute 'iijicrititotili'iit of Coiiiiiihi
Schools (Hon. II. C. lIn-u-e.Koii the
rul'jcct - to many . o dry am! uninvi
ting of Education. The address was
lien lv tuo hours and a half lonj
uliout one- hour too lone for ittanv of
the heated and crow
5 tho.-e who Iiad :no.
led audience; but
; at heart the ad-
anci itier.t of univcival tducation :
would have lieeii eoaU ut to !:--ar him j
another hour. .V 1 i !-.ou :h al:u,- t woru ,
out with the day.; ratal de. ami excite
ment, yet his devotion to the great .
work, and his intense anxiety for its i
facees?. were amply evinced in the :
tiinf w hich uuoousciously to himself j
-- he devoted to an animated, logical, '
and ocea.iionally humorous) discus- j
r-ionj of various branches of the ques- j
?uTiie Anr.t.'s nn l others of the ;
?!i;m I'cmocracvalleet to Le shocked
at th" Kem!dicaiis for not condemn
ing Walker, Forney, Ae., as they did
two vcar.s ago. 1 hev fonret the mi
pottant fact that tho?e men have
chwcep thkih C'lfE-si:, and go for
Liberty and Kight, now, and against
Islavcrv and Wrontr. ''St. l'aul was
2t firFt a rood (it-:il of a Lnrnfli.'n Imt !
alter ui3 touversioii wa.5 ot only a 1
Christian Lut an online nt Christian
leader." If IJuehanan and liiglcr will l
do right, we will praise them ju. t as
far as wc think they arc rieht. There
13 no in xtnsiitciicy in this on our part.
"Almort every week, wc oln-erve
romc of our cxehanpcd e.'iwintr some j
City sharpers who have rold'ed theiti,
and in the Eamc number iuflin "an-
other of the same rt" It takes
ionic editors a Iohj- while to learn ! j
The ratf.o wi.e chap.-: are ('ften
puMi.Ling Klark l,i.-:f, and irrumlde .
awfully Lecausc patro; do nut pay
.'. AH this is petty . pite and u.ele.s.s
(pen) MubbcriaL' ; : top ::endin; out
vour paper.? on en dit, and vou will i
tiii'l it exactly tne thm;
au j your it.itro.ii.
Ser joursei!
rrCu;ii. M.ittli.;w Cabrcath Terry,
a native of Uhodo I. l.it.d.ai.d a young
er brother cd Com. Oliver Hazard
Terry, the hrro o'- Lake lic, died at
ew"Vo; k oi; tl. j I'.li in. t., atred 70
vr.irs. Ho ia.; t'te Lea 1 ol" the cele
brated cxploriiij; (.xpedition which
l'C. ohed in a treaty between the L'.S.
e : ;. ; vaitvc pa pe r.' tien -
i rally which did cj tuueli to scare and
coax the timid, the unprincipled, and
the reckk.:.1. iato the support of l!u-
Italian are generally backing out from
Llm:havinr Ion;: 1 their awful m lis take.
' N"d r.unilino'" i.! antiotinccJ as a
valuable contributor to one of the
' ti:f:,'? newspapers ia the city. Hitm
bue: to htnuliuir eheat to cheat ij
c.'iiiinc pretty ttroiiL', but will catch
roiue lool'u monev.
iiJ"0nc half the amount for fJas '
W erk j has beca rab-eribed, in shares '
vi f;ve or le-s. Tho;e who de:-irc!
t tock.Lliould be 'juick about it. Win. 1
II. Chamberlin has the book. !
5yThc Exrt'vsrs of the U.S. Coy
fn.ment, for the la t .pjartcr, were;
Millions lVl!ar more than it.; r.i:-
xii'TS. At tai3 rate, how lomr will
it take for I.ocofoCoLtu to bankrupt
tie Nation ?
The next se nior; of the (SouthM.al
Ignore M. K. Ciinierctico will be held
".'i Lewisburg, Virginia.
"sec to it that you elect ertnpo
''' and devoted tr.cn for School ii
''' .tr r.
Twctity-four persons were recently lap-1
tizel by Key. J. A. Kelly, pastor of tlio I
liar.tist church id Jericy Miorc.
A German named 1'anicl Huglilcy, iu
the employ of M. Q Crane, of Jersey
hure, last week committed suicide- ly ta.
kin- arseuio. lie is about lifty jeard of
The Lutherans of Pennsylvania arc
making an effort to establish a Missionary
Institute or kiud of College; and Melius-
rove has made a liberal subscription, and
is uiakiu
:,.r.,.,u .ir,,ra wi'iin; i
School at that p'.acc.
Tho Mlddleburi Journal Males Uldl ,
.... 1 j I....... Iii.il (in.,
within two weeks 10j persi.us have uuci tne ,
measles iu that little towu, aluiust entirely
Lr-.-akin!! up the schools.
A d uly prayer meeting of an hur at j
noun U advertised as leiu" held in t'uo 1
' !
Ci.urt lluu.-c at itiiaiu.-porr.
M. iiioo Stewart, recently saved from
h:in-iii:' l y Gov. Paefc.r, di.d iu the Lo3
rila! at I'nt-'hurg, ut tmull pos.
. I,,,!a M.intiz was advertised and prji-.l
' l'.ir a Lecture iu William-port, but f.ulel
t.j attend. The agout was au impostor.
, The Lycoming Gazette has at last come
nut llat touted agaiust the adoption of the
: Lecomptuu Oousiituliuu.
j On 'uuday last, Uev. Jo.-haa Kelly
lapliz d I- persons in the fellowship of
the ll.iptisl ehureh, Muney.
i There was a lire iu the upp'-r storey of
the Pickinson Seminary building, Wil
liainsport, 11a Saturday evening last, hut it
was suppressed withuut dying much dam-
' A Market IIouc has lecu erected at
Maueh Chunk. Lx-t Saturday was the
, opening day. Fourteen stalls were reut-
ed at au average yearly rent of &2, each.
(la Wednesday week two mules attach
ed to a wagou loaded with furniture, while
crossing the ice on the river opposite Sun- ,
bury, broke through and were drowned.
The mules belonging to Mr. Kantner if
S, liusgrove. The furniture, belonging tu
J.n. Keen, was taved iu a damaged eoudi- ;
tiou. j
i r.i.ii AN MtEriNn. The ll 'puhli- 1
cans of the North and South Wards of j
the l!,.rougU of Lewisburg will hold a
meeting f,,r the purpose of nominating i
candidates for li uough offices at "int- i
jn h.f.iit iff" ou Thursday cveniuf. the ;
IXtU cf March. Isfnc i.t mere bo a.
.trial turn out, 50 that the nominations
made may give gcniTul satisfaction.
March 11, lt03.
Jrj-A l'uhlie School Examination will
be held iu Last l'.utfaloe, at the Fair-
mount or JNo. bebooluouse, l rnlay
Mar.-h 1!', I'-S. Tho exercises ara to
commence at 1 o'clock 1'. M. Iu the
evening, an address may also bo expected
ia the Salem Church, near the School
h use, by 1'rof IlfsmtiCKS, of Nortliutn
l.ciland. All friends of education are re-spictfi-lly
iuvited toatteud.
Citizens of Lcwlsburg and Vicinity.
Ou StturJag Eceniny next (to morrow
nigbt, March i!' I projioso to occupy 1N
iieI'Kndknt Hall for tho purposo of
amusing the public and making a little
mouoy for myself. You arc aware that I
must pay something for tho uso of tho
Hall, light, &,c. But the members of the
lirass liaud have most kindly consented to
give me their aid pratis ; and I assure the
public that my cabbie shall not prevent them
; Irt'tn hearing this soul-stirrini; music, if my
i written bcture is to long, I can cut off the
laitrr end i.f it with as lntlc remorse as you
I would cut ill a dot's tail.
M.U. It there is time, I will read some fine
T.'t try and tell some Mories. i will try aiy
test t" please my kind friends.
i ti n r is i'j .inmixsiuri, i t t iu x i uk nau
: i.f I Minus & Wetzel C W iSchatHe-Post
MthV.' Heaver. Kremer V M'Clure Sehrcycr
; S.ii Js MTaddin A .Amnions A o.
r.mwn A Kilter V S Caldwell J A J Walls
- J L Voder A M Lawshe (Joodnian A
Chamberltn. JAMKS AIKEN.
r.XlVEL'SITr at lkwisiu-ih:
Kxaminalions and Exhibitions.
Th-? KxaminatinTift at th rln.e rf thf Winter Sewk.ni
e..Ttiti:en v on vTrni-w. 3"ttl Mutch, fi r tin 1) lh j Mtt
'. r, .,,-nf ; anj ou MiMAk, d M.ArcU, for tho Vrnuc
; .....
t ' t'-uil KxinuiTirt3 t.f etiinr Acn-leinic an-l Jatiier
. ,-!.vt, Clnw.-ica Mouday and Tuid:iy nveuiut'3- J
an t j.:d M.i.eli.
t'.v.i. II. it.r &.zti;us Wi'dno? lay . 2ltU Marvh.
V Th.- r. -arl r.f OntiT-tn at tln-tr t.t-t tini-tiii--nit-
-I tli.- f,-!l,,w iu , iilKtU'ii. i'l'iiiuntt, , : for lb,;
l-i, -. i.t y- .ir. Tin ir :itUtilanre U.-n IIi,-m-U tiiur aa
io 11 as !!! ,-Iatuiucr It.-vitwa, ia eoi-y J.-siral.l.-:
' ' o-;'i.,iu and r,yii I. N. Lo-'iai, J. P I'tckcr
Rl II. ti W.V0llll;t.
i I . ,-. , ,. o i and Instruction 1. J. ViTk,-, J. V. Linn,
i i:-i,j liiittul,-.
law'. In lUt.!, J.-miua F. nrcn, Ui ai .avoioeu
1:i,-It. l tit. ,1,-w, II.
1 llv eijir il Uie l"l,ai,..Jir:
O. N. WullPEX, Snasa,
Li iri. lut,-. Mar,-h s, isis.
mal llcpanment'of this Invtitution w ill re open
en Ti LaiiAi the -3d of March. The services
; of Mr. ss. II. CiaLDRAiTii, an accomplished
scholar and successful leacher, have been
secured. Special attention will Ic paid tn
: iho -e preparing for the profession of Teach
iiiu. A course ,f Lectures will be dtlivcred
and a ''Teachers' Institute" formed in which
e;icU siu.leii! iu turn becomes teacher, thus
tur.,1 -h i ii r an excellent opportunity for prac
ticing under the eye ol their instructor. It is
hoped all will avail themselves ol its advanta
ges. !,,c advertisement.
lTiThe 1'aixcirAr, and I'li'Ils of .
the Lewisburg Academy, afsistcd by thu I
b'i'itiM; 1!ami, will give a publie IiK'-ep-
tkin nn TnrRsrt.VY cveniug,(March 25th)
in I.tihjxmlail Jltll. Poors 'opcntJatri i
P.M. Kx.jrciscs to coiumcnco at 7. j
'lhc Public urc rccctfully invited to ;
Iho UfUoil collection (as m the case of
lecture?) will bo taken to defray expenses
iucurrcd for music and the use of tho Hall.
IONTATION. Tho members of tho
liCwi.slurg Lutheran Chureh intend giviug
th.'ir Pa?tor, Rev. K. A. Fink, a Donation
at his residence, on Friday afternoon and
eveuinp, -fth March inst. The publio are
rc.ptcttully invited.
IApkM ItV-kini: fri nrl r.ioiin", who Is on thin nide
r i I rtT, though f- raeirhat honrj h vl. d, while ali4-ot
trt-m the ftty a few driya, u"t I'r.'t. Wfo,iV IHir R. ;tcr
Mttvr, and on hit return railed lo Pec hi lady.l. ve. tut
was Htiiii-v. il tA fm-i did n.'.t reeouie hiui ; :ni. im
itiMiiHt. ly .leu-rmim il tn r-a?.' f r a rruin i-f himr-11,
I ut wis eventually thatrrine-l to fin! he was 5U ilniit
.n' hie- f'Tan-r Pvf in thr aUfflin" ot the l.?y, which
en n 41 him to make himll kfiAirn ; but tho la.ly Btill
hv that f he likf the count rh it 1-etter than tDti etui
n i'. utij iiir.u that he continue ft! n. cefiiiary) t. u a th'
!i ,.:r l.-'torntive. To W h l uf tlii JrupgtoU.-! ;!, L U
I 'I. mine It-Tali,
i . I I ly all c.,l nru.vl".
A ("Inner (o " Live." A?;iin !
iiK.re cwe in all orc and painttil dit aies
than any i-tln r preparations extant. K'-Lcf
given by its u;,l' iu fn'in 5 lo 30 minutes !
Vii For ju!c every w he r.-j
T'.HId. L-e Ui Imbold'n lii-lily i'uuct iitriituu Ki.trtt
tmiiu f.rn iiitm-ut ihi.- ltud.kr, KiJii)i nB-t sxa-
iu' l'li (larurjULU.'1
1 .!t Is a ni'i-t iLii-li.ut.l. d !";ct tli:t I'r. p-iNf-tkh'S I-viu-iiatk,
it I.iyit i;--nilv, U cuo of tli irttt din
rivri' i utatiu lit Hi' Juiiii- thv pat cuutury. It linn
Lwti a -tU'ly I l!u- lr., iluriug twenty ywi prnclirH,
tit tiuj what farti.-ulitr arMii, whu liiM.-usM.ruuMtl the
cr.-:tt fl nuuitit-r ttt ills or I'tiins; ami nin C"Dflu-Kn is,
t'1 tlw liver i- Hi.
rt-Mt-t rfulut-r of tit Bj.-tt-ui,
liMr:i:t: wliU-h if ki.pt frit fr-ui
illltl tile Ul-r.-t
ul Jl-iLtv. A.-., wltilf, at tnt f;tr frcUl len.-t, e m.-n-
tin i-,,iiMiiiiitiii; lor our experiotK-.; in that nioi
"f o,n;.iiiiiliii ooi'ur from dii.sv-.-d lifer UaD from
a,t,.r ,.,!.,, ,,, ,,...,.(i.r.
T-lklll llll-l t.. 1",' a I'.'ITf'l li.TptlH-KI, WC llTO i.ul to
fiu-1 a rviir Iv Midi h to -ir.-rt tit livrr. nn.l we
liaT.' a i-urv ul 11. arly all tin
,.,,', ,, . !. i. ' . ..! i-ui.t t,. .11
't H'i. -rcMi 1, n.it i..mii , .h.u,
lit. r il-uii -' 1:1. ill . II I-im 1.
rimt tin, Iml'Tulor
lm try it. 1T
iutr arisimr tn tu
ly. It liilo nt
a t nail v in. .li. tic . t r nil li
1 n 1,:. li at,- ( int.- 1 itt a r:i
.1 ,1, i.ii,,: 1:1 i t, it i- tli -,
: ui irt 'i ly kit, .ti.
,t III.- .tillia li (,r b,'-
:ttvr fir ! .l.'i;ri't liy liv
-1. furcsl aua iiio.-t ctli.M
Fit3---Fits---Fils! I
mri:.-: t i:i.lim:i.i: i:iii.rr:
lUf Vun rj "-', .Svrsi;is Cramp and all j
A'T!'"r.t r.ui I'uuct iluti n tl .'..r.t. j
JKICSONS u!io ate ;tlr:u und-'i this -lis- '
tr -in- niala.1v ui!l tii.d llli. HAXL'E'S !
Vt:;i: i'AliL!; EI'II.EI'TIC ril.UH to be the j
h!v r iiie.lv em dttcoveml fur CMriti Kpil- '
'ii... ful i s A -i if ' Ii-li f:i tli'- n rrons hvs- j
t ;.i ; au i. jilili .u.'li :h y nr.- i-n-cfiiL'-l .--it- ially I-r 11." t
I uii--t i-jrinj I il--. ttM-y :.rc hI-i -1 i- t-:;il ti.-iit lit
. r all i- r.-rii- ..111. t. .1 v. A, wrn!; it. rvt-, "r v,U"-- u-r '
-':- . v-t-iu 1. 1...-H -i-..-ti:it.. fr f-'iattcri-'l tr.'in itity I
ru Hh.t H.-1-. lit i l.r. ni.- f-.i.i..tiiiti or di- i-d t
I- ! -'.nilti. : - it j - rin.'u.vel ly iicr-jti-ut thy are ;
4 v lin.tly l -i:. Tu i il.
i'iii-.- j , j.. t - l.. 'S, i imi li 'vp'ror fl. I. r.'ii"ut 'T
Ilu- citi.t ti. ! -in ' :i r- tuilt;. t:.v. Mill l.iV tlio M-iit .
t!i. tn llir"n:'1i tlu m il In r t.f j.--t-it'. I'"r si.W 1-y J
?i:m s. ii tk n.i i - liAU'iM'tja. mki:it, itti- j
iii-'i-. M.I.. t- Ttl;' m frLli-rs frx-m nil rrt' "f the L'ui.iU j
iiiu-t ii idrir
I. ...-ti.:;i l. liil'O.
.iovi:it .v miliars
l'.i.r) IsUo liVA V. Kt .w VititK
' Ttir.-c Machines are justly a!inilted
;to e the t'C i in ihe market lor lantily sew-i
Una: Send l,,r a (.'ircular
1 rrr,c'i:,l HifWv
Wheat .l OOtoKM. Kggs
I Ityc li'l Tallow ...
j Corn '15 Lnr.l
' oats .t1 Jiaeon ...
-? 10
1- I
10 1
y '
i Flaxseed Hani 121
i Uricd Apples. l.f.O Shoulder 'J
Hulter lo ( loversccd ,io
On th' lltli tn t M th.: Luth r:iii P..tsni;c Vr Rot.
n A.fnik. Ill.NKV It !lKt..K "f K-vt Ihiilfeloe Tp. mnl
Mi-. SUil.ll H'hiVKIt 't Wvi-l Hul1ilt r.. l'nion !.
In 5un(.iiry. 4th m-t. ly H I" H-tii. .HtltN V. MAR
TIN anl Vi s MA!:V I; UAKMt.ct niit illn. '
Onlh.' Hh in-t, hr It.f " I. il ill. SIMoN S KI.XN ff
I t ,;i Auv:ii. ta an.) Mi " t'Al'U. U.Lt.l' '.n-liniu..ktn.
on tl..- X'-th iiU. t-V A It Artui tu tj. AVWl M.ll'K
lNt.Kii ainl Mr-. CAT II. A'iMillct Milt-u.
Tn Tart u. Tp. l:li in: t , JOHN, n cf KuUrt M Cor
mi. Ji. B.'e l nl ut -iJ yetir.t.
In ViMo'i. Tth iiiflt. Mrn MAUY niAIMS. P'J jrf.
In !. ist'tirt', t-n the I'.tlnu.-t. IIKNKV HUt'K, n-u
r,f l'ilt:.iui nn.l AM te I'nn.th- rs, vej it months.
In M l.!i-mll', 17th int. n;M au-ut 1 year, MA IU
OAK Kl .lnuK'hi-jt it ItoU'il II an.l Nun ay M'Ormitk.
Tn '-t.ttll. iitv, lfili lu-,, LlL-nit,! 1 f LLLUtJIl,
a.'J 7 war au! dava.
In i:-t bullliw. Kih" In-t. AMANDA KLMIRA, aRetl
yrt. num, 2 J-ttdatiy-liter of Jef an-l tUrhel -Jiin-Jy.
In ! loware T, 21ft ult. JUIN M'KEAN, in CMh yr.
In Sunbury, 4'ti in-t, CAPllAHIMi druihtor of Win
au-1 MjtiMa I'u ra, Aud i vtn, A m anil 7 d.
Near Mi.Mlel urK. Ul ijict, ETIIUU Culiit cf Michael
Pw.-inr I. in Iht Kli-t yr.
In New r iliu, 12tU intt. TETKR KI'IIN'KY.TI Tn.
In Iwi-tmrK.lIth iitt, WM. CLAU1.NCK Mn uf John
A- an.l Mary Mertr. a sc.! 2 we-"kn.
In tvist liuiuloe. lib inn. JtllN F. A. Mo of Frank
Hit aii'l Mary Ann l.:iv. ft;. J 11 ui"s, H Jn.
In lwielmrc. lith in-t, ISAAC tnQ uf Eli and sarah
Ot.er-rli. v I Hni -ntb-i.
1 b.sUplit nt7 i'lil'R
at Kran. s'n,l-ra5s'
I r lour Hti,l 1', ,1
."fiii iuiiu tint.., new
I dilnt-wbh to
EruTy 1 ha.1.
VLl. persons know int; themselves indebted
to the Firms of J. GuhUmith 4 'rn'
or l.intluiluium $ lira, arc rc'iucsied to PY
UT hy Apr.t ti. rirot 10 save trouble and
Cost. J. UOI-US.MI IT I Sl llliO'3.
Lewisburc;, March 1, l.aS
Ho! Step this Way.
7"E presume that you arc aware that Mr.
O. L. Vonsc intends to remove to the
U'isl. It therefore becomes utct suirt! that ail
peisotii niiowiez themselves indebted to the
late Film id Harh .V l"f..e, by Note or Book
Account, must call and make payment on or
b. tore the fust day ol April next. IV It is
expect' d that Ihis notice will be strictly attcu
drd to without any further comment.
Maich 17, ISO. llLTix" -o;JiE.
Public Sale. Si
i m k-.I
The subscriber will otl'er foi sale at his res ! 'lively--these all resi le in U nion county
i l'-nce on Norili second Ht. on S;tt llt'ilily, i aforesaid, cicept Hetty, who lives in fiephen
tfill ( ! -0, commencing at 2 o'clock I' M, j son county, Illinois; Sarah, who was married
1 ;!r,!,e Cnnl.- St,..,,, f ,ntrr T-tl,lna l J'diu Vohn, and is now dead, leaving the
ing Stand, Washstauds, JjeJstcads.Ctiairs.
Tables, Louuo l'ratncs,
and other articles of Household and Kitchen
Furniture. O. I. VOKSC.
rilHE subseiiber wil' evpose to Public Sale
at the late resi'lener of Fbiihii'k Marsu,
dee'd, on South Second til, Lewisburj;, on
Tuesday, Mtrclt 'M, 1S5S,
(commene.ini; at 1 o'clock. P, M.) a general
assorimeni , f IK ll'sKHl ll.l) (iOOIlS Ta
bles. Chairs A-e 'IVr,n. ,.111 h..,.ln 1
at sale. C c. MlOitKLEV, Adm'r.
March 1J, l.riS.
Farmers of Pennsylvania,
TTKNTION ! ! You can siipplv
IV ynirsulvt-s withCIIKMIt'AL MAM KES
W'tnunted pure, ami which have lcn in mic-
ccsiiui use ivt tho pa t stvca years suifj
to your various cr. ns . t
Com, Potatoes, UViaf, CM!ct (trass, iCv.
i:y onrlofin in a loti. r a r h.- k n New J. r-. yrr
rinlp lei-hiu ;.nik( or l.y n f reiitv to nnv t:,.H hUv.
in rinl.-i.lt li'hia. or In I A, h, . r ri;oli T ot your
i.wn Ouiity at fnir Market i-rt- .f Lef, r.-ur or-lers will
te lill. .1 an.t siif. -i to you ,. nj tir,t,j nu:
Kvrry arti- la tol. 1-y me. tiuaranttH"I- r n ot l.r
bi u w my ax1 ui. wi.i roine I'ruiopt atl lUton.
gup. r PhoFphaU1 (jI Limo
ltonr rho.- luiUi
if per ton
feruiiz. r
A ham I r-u.!ki, nt f r an arc ff (-round 1 rnJ ca-'t
I VICE BL nr.ST, W harrcl', at ,.! p.-r Imml . i
3o per t-'n, m w r-atly i'ou Jr. tt?t N-i. I. j.m ftMrielr. .
to 3 per hvirti'l t;i ft.ttt,r, !.0m tnrri-Jn, z
e'r barri.1 l'eruvian.t hili.ni mi l litt;.-nniau f."j.n.
i. A. I.t;i Ai;, Pr. pnelor.'
N. 21 ?mth Fr.-.ut .-L, rjiintLUuiA, l'n
t .A !ilaiTLU tiutcunt t U lioJcrult' iMaUrs.
IiiN.r ?ujt l'h'fpliati of I.intc '. riilir.r. has
l inu Mi,--,iliui, usej iy iite rreM-i. nt M the U. f. eO
; ' i:"J. n. en th nt hc t.romi.t of the CnpiU I at
Ufthifi.:t .i ; hv I, ln ke r ainl J L Ii. etc i f rintk,--i-
t-To; .it. i l. thr.". .ni Mill, r ami ('hnrhf Y -rk et
r....- Mv:
Ikrin, el !
of. III.
I lie Hi .1
il'l r, K
:t t'anl,n; lir J-.,-h
I'r K:
:!,t. Ml 1 1 1,1. Mr aUn..
''X. Tie .iv It ia til-'
t.'.'i. I.V.'.'f lis.
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to
the t-ute oi KKHUERK K MAHSH,
late of l.pwisljtirs. Union county, dt-cfased,
have bo-n ranuvl to the subscrthiT, by the
Keisier A. K-cunler ol .said cuunty, all per
sons imirblcd to said estate are ruinated U
make immediate payment, and tlnse having
claims against the same will pre;cut them
duly authenticated fur settlement to
CHAS.C.NHOltKI.I'.Y, Admiaistrator
Lewirburg, March I'J, IS.'.H.
at Xndepondcnt Hall.
rpilE l.rvl,liir? Lllerary Asmo-
lalloil would announce lhai ihe f.'1'"-
lU'Uien naiiicj below have consented to speak
as follows :
Hi-T.l'nif.fTRTI' TatsJay fT.ning Mar. 3a
ll. v. II. X lKIt !,. 4.rilti
Ki'V. K. A. rlNk io April 13
Oilier l.ectnn'n havr ten invited, who wc
hope hereafter to announce, so thai cvrry
Tuesday r-vininK tltinu Ihe cmirsc may te
iicetipie-t. "I'lie Tublic is cir,!i:t!ly iiiiiie-t to
alien. I. 'l'lic I.ecttues are l'Ki:i:, but cullie
li ,ns v. ill he taken tu ih lray i ien E.
i Ui,r:i open ut 0". 1. M. il , e al 'i I,
when l.eeiarc wiil ci'intiieiie.e.
fJ' LAS'i' XOTICM. .1
rj-i.Last Notlce.-x'tja
VI.I, r-cr-on-; knowing th-'niel-, e iiidi bted ;
V, UKOW.N .V III 1 I t.lt. w ill . 1,-ave i
take notice that all .Votes and Accounts not j
i settled on or before t the firvt day i t April
' n' t ' j will be left in the ban !v of J. A.
j Mini I!-,;. for collection.
J l.cwisbnr?, March 10, lM
Ir.lv I. I HI. I VI!, Mvrt
. at KI.I.M"S liKUVK, I'.i., Ue.il.-rs in
lny i,i.)ds,(itoccries, llardivan-.tj neiiswaic,
j D nils and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Med.ciucs.tVe.
! Being desirous ol qnillnm the business, we
will dispose of our stock ol (iouds to a person
j wishing to cntrauc in trade, on or b loie the
.list ills!., t fnvi-ul,tt. ItriM. The situation is
I a iroo l one for duini; a larne ineiciiiiile busi
, ness, lenii; located in a rich agricultural dist
rict, six miles from Sunbury u ihe main toad
to (!attawissa, near the line between I'pper
! Aususta and Hush townships, for furiher
particulars, call personally iijmn the ub-cii-,
bcrs.or address them by mail al Kline's (irovc
!'.., .oithuiiiberland county. I's.
j Mar.f....Sw;)pd J. F. & I. V. KI.IM".
Executors' Notice.
OTRT: is hereby siven, that Lett,
tauieniarv on tlie lat wal anl te -Ciincnt
I uf JAMUi lMO.'K S, Ute ui lSuilaloe
1 tounship. d
rased, have been cianlcd to the
underiirned. bv tlu li':iler ot Liiitia countv
in due form of U p-r.-on:
Knowing theiu-Llves indebt! to saM estate,
are re.jueste'l lo make iiniutaiate payment,
and those bavin? juMcl.iiins against the same
are also requested to present ihein properly
authei'UcateJ fir settlement.
.March 9, Kxecutnrs
MON t'Ol.'M Y fcS.
The eommonwealth of Pennsylvania
-w--. to th hcritl of l!nion conntv, srect
I, I ing : A'otice to the heirs and legal
L" e representatives of amct Katueii-
ma, late if Hartley township, de
ceased, that an Inquisition or Partition mil be
held on the premises of the Keal Estate of
the aforesaid deceased, on SaTrRnii.the tilth
day of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M.t at
s hich time and place you may attend if you
see pmpei. Notice is ihereiorc Hereby pivcn
to Tobias Katherman ; Timothy Katherman,
who resides in St. Josephs county, Michigan;
Barbara, who intermarried with Solomon
Katherman, who resides in the State ul Mich
igan; Hannah, intermarried with Henry Guj
weit, who results in Union countv, Pennsyl
vania; Sophia, intermarried with Michael
Handel, and resides in Nittany valley. Penn
sylvania; and Lucinda. intermarried wan
Peter Snyder, who resides in Perrysvillc,
Mitfiin county, Pennsylvania.
DANIEL D. lit LIMN, FlicritT.
Sheriff's Olficc, Lewisuur?, March 5, ia.19.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
to the Sheriff nt Union county, Rrec
l t ting : Notice lo the heirs and lcc.al
f " ' ) representatives of Pitch Ku rt,
s-w late, of Hartley township, (now Lew
is) deceased, that an Iii'ituiiiun pr Partition
will be held on the premises of the Keal Ks
tate of the aforesaid deceased, on Fmn ir. the
X3d day of April next, at 111 o'clock A. M., at
which time and place you may attend if you
see proper. Notice is therefore hereby piven
lo llaniel Kaufman, who resides in Eaton
county, Michigan ; Henry, who resides in
Wheatly county, Indiana; John, who resides
in Summit county, Ohio; Jacob, who resides
in Mercer county, Pennsylvania; Peter, who
resides ia siark county, Ohio ; William, who
resides in Union conntv, Pennsylvania; Es
ther, who was married to Daniel Mover, and
is now a widow, and resides in siarli couitiy
Ohio; Catharine. -""c'i with Henry
Sander".:and issue el the t jIIom iiip iianie-l
.i.ii :r, n", who are dead, to wit: Hannah, who
was intermarried with Ororee Sleer, and is
now dead, leaving the folbaeir.2 children,
namely : Daniel, Peter, and Margaret, who
following named children, to wit: Peter, who
lives in Stephenson colli,,'), Illinois ; Solomon,
who resides in Centre county, Pennsylvania;
John, who died soon ailer the aforesaid intes
tate. It aving two children, Peter and Julian,
who reside in Stephenson county, Illinois:
Margaret, married t Henry Faust, who re
sides in Lojran county, Ohio; Susan, who is
married to Jacob Faust, and lives in stark
county, Ohio; Elizabeth, who is married to
William iteacliler, and lives in L'nion county
aforesaid; Sarah, who iu married tn Alexan
der lleufer, and lives not tarliom Tiilin.Oliio;
Hannah, who is married toOeorre lieaehler;
Margaret, who is married to Ira Kinman, and
lives in Stephenson couiily, Illinois ; and Es
ther, who is married to Kobert Taylor, and
lives in lTnion county aforesaid.
Shcriu's Otfico, I.cwiabiirg, March fi,
300,000 Hen and Boys Wanted !
0T to c lo Utah, luit to buy CLO-
L TIII.M; of J. (.uldMuidi & t.
I """The above Firm have determined to J
sell their stock of well llliltle 4 lollilu
T COST, in order to close business in
this place. Call and sec and satisfy yourself.
J.tiOLbsMini jc BKO.
Lewisburf, Jau. SV, 13 -S
VLL persons indebted to our Firm bv'Note
or Kook Account are rc'iueste.l to come
and settle immediately, and iliosc who have
claims will please present their bills.
Itruke Out In a ev l'laec !
JISC II. WfitaTlitlK, having
taken tne establishment recently occu
pied by Charles Heiner on NOR I II
pi'-pared lo sec his c!d and new fritiids, and
liir:n-!l ihein with all kiln!., of ' V r ! ID.
M:HW i! i'ie eh,,ice.-i eitri'lic,. lie ha..
r? MARRIED !..1J
r ET married when yon wish, only so yon
j rail at M I'AUUIVH If AKI1W AKK
M OKI:, and eft a first raf VOOK STOVE at
first cot, as I want to cb-se out my stock of
co..k stoves. J. M KADJJI.N.
Lewisbnrq, March 11, 1:.U.
lj Uvurgt: J. lluliluntl will be a
candidate torre-electii.n to the ollice of I'O.N
STAItl.K al the cumins ."pring Klcction.
Lcwisbure;, March &, H.iS te
rilHE t'o-rartnership heretofore eiistin; bc
I tween the subscribers was dissolved on
I tire 1st n. st- by limitation. The Acconnts are
i to be scaled at the Foundry, and the busiuess
carried on for the present bv John l.illey.
I.ewi-bur- Feb. tM
Trick foundry for sale.
fmrr--t The subscriberon", rr. to sell the
rA'A - lare ISiick Foundry at lite we-t
ia-;.4n,i of Mark't street, incllin:
s.'!'''';'"'!!'.: Wareroom, Ollice, and the
Machinery attached al-o a lar;e aim out of
I'attirns f,,r l'atent Kieltts for Agricultural
Machinery, Stoves, Ac. It is re'j.ii led as one
t,t the best locations for a Rood, sale business.
Tiio Proprietor's tune is u holly enru.-sed
aiiotlter eiiiployineiii, which is the reason h?
desires to dispose of this Foeadry. Fer any
furiher paitic.ul.irs, address
WILLIAM FlilCK. I.ewisbnr?.
Feb. ls.'.S l aioii c... I'a
FMO a!! wh"in it mav cunct-rn That th"
I ll-.'-ks of THtiiiN V M M;aI. have
ben It-It in in v hand- br Nelllemtnl and c.-l
lur.iiitii. lJ .VII ptTb-ins failing tit call and
M-ttle ihfir aecotinis in or bt f-re the l-t day
uf April next, w:ll be sued and r.dl' ii.i
made aecurJntg to law without tin tin r n- tic-.
Allornrv f"r Tht-riituii & M INeal
I.evis-burrr, Vt b. x'r., lsS pe
V,rU in t t the f-pin a ia Inli:t It
til tlit citr-.n. th. t,r.io,'v and luu. :
Tli-y !ii.-' ' f lh- fi;r;iii-e no Kii U JiJuti 1
Hv tti breeze ill r:tch tniitl ;tl elitm.
Li t tlie i feur.- If .tst of i-a h hi-li fl.iTi.tcJ di h,
Th flnv-T -.f wine or FfvikIi tfiiii.ly,
Vt t tmne or th.' !it liiuti--l I "m r iu tvoi; iiC
W ith 'lui. I'-Nvii ha mil's tn.!y.
I.ii-li 9 irei. anJ fi iik-', an-! sweet towers tu i) ' '
fr -li-htr f..r c'iiMr-f il.tinty;
(tut tli.- U t-ti"n in tl: id I mil n -t lel .it.,
V-l i .ii ii I,:i a liiilnr-. in i l. nlv.
Ull tiui III' T' I- nolle t'f th. 1,1 si lit 'I. h T I,
1 r !u th.- Mv. et i-r itiiij: ehil.l t- t!n- -Im t.
A" tlie : tvit f ..,LT.i, tin rvwh.-re 1 -
I !UL-:m lra. 1i.N-ji:-'ian;-il'a t ..u 'y.
Irvi. Ilfiinrnitiiftilifv t.ikcs rl aui':
i jn'formm;. her nutnenus frienda that she
u. rentlv renited luT parlors, and i.-, it,'w
prepared to lurui.-li It L. x. 1. r...vi, t .mr. alio
I'oM'ECrioNEKIES to such as may favor
her u ith ilicir custom.
! ''1'arties supplied at the shortest notice
and on reasonable terms.
(.KOC'CKIIIS! Cheap f,r Cash or in
exchange lor Conntrv Produce. Call and see.
one door west of Prick's Foundry
Lcvvisburj, March 4. 15
)K. II.
i:tra4 l ol Cannabis Indira,
( Alfuholic rvpuration fr.-ui tho leaveu iuiport.d frt-m
UitoxciiiTis, Asthma, Coci.ms, Colds,
Price, -Si per botlle
CsfNone genuine without "Dr. H James, ill
Grand St. Jersey City" blown in the bottle
for sale by J. A J. WALLS
3m7Sl Sole Agents, Lcwisbuuri;
.vSMlfsiiee' Aioliee.
iy OTIL'E is hereby given that the nnder
signed are duly appointed Assignees of
AamaHiH AsotST, uf White DeerTwp. All
persons knowing ihcmselves indebted cnher
by note or book account are requested to
call and make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same arc hereby
notilied to present t!u m duly authenticated fur
settlement. It. L. HATFIELD,
New Columbia, Feb. ISS.wf. As::ir;nees
Lackawanna k Bloomsburg
CiolHg .ortli.
yr.ino.vs-. .v,frt n ii,n-,n
LV.Va TrUtVt. d'jXtOlt. IIU V'll
llujrt twin. 3 1., I' M
lli,.,ni.turg ' 1I do a 'Jj Ji,
fc.vt"wn T 1 J, 3 do
I. tmu Kidg, 110 do 3 40 do
I- rwirk 7 eft 4 M d"
Utfach llavro 6 10 do 4 :j do
II. ncli (Ir.ira 8 SO Jo 4 .".j J..
Sli'loltini.v 8 all do 4 .,'1 J
lluul,lt'a Crfi.il a .'j do J do
Nauticokd '. 'IU do t, jit Lj-,
rivuiutb H do i v
ALttlvi: 1
Kiiiesten I' 3e it i-d -to
a,-il-en 'J '-'.tt do 1 1.'. I' W i; !,! Jo
TeltlltU '.' ,'l 'li - I'l J ' 6 .0 ,1.-
Uc.-l I'ilUtsO t W d ' 8 ill do It 'J.i a.,
l'itt.t.,11 lu o-i ,i -1 no J., ti r,o j.,
I. u k.tannua 10 lo le 1! -I.i do ('. 10 J.,
Tal,rill to -II d" 3 0U Jo ti J -i
aKr.tVL a I
Si-raiitiju M "0 dc, 3 15 do CO J.i
The New Vork VailTrain connects w ith the
Express "ning East on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna V Western ltailioa 1.
Arrive in New York at IS P.M.
ib Phil.ilelpluaby CaiudenAAnibov
Kailroad at t 20 P.M.
Fare from l!iq rl to Xi W YorJc, yd.
The Accommodation Train .V.rih conni cts
at Scranton with the Express Tiam wesi on
the D. L. &. V. Kailroad.
C-Oillg soulli.
I. ai'ka.uDiin
,it lltLsU'n
W yoDtiu
Kiti'st, u
llutili-k'a 1'rii.k
II. a.li'lr,'
f,, arli tlavi-n
Ik'IHh k
1.11m IIII.
III. 'Ut-l,ur
Al.1.11 M AT
i'iiVo. .W.i.'f.
h IM A.M.
ti l'l do
h at do
SO do
o., Jo
b lo do
9 00 do
11 .hi t i.
II 4., do
I J I.. 1' l
.V V
4 In !.
4 l ,
4 ,
4 Id .
4 Ha .
4 40 ,
ti 00 i
I '3t do
1- 40
1 C9
10 I I)
10 !
10 SO
r. ir,
e :,i
; ,',.1
J !! d,,
7 '.'a ,1,.
7 I J Jo
00 do
10 do
.1, do
II l'l do
II II j Jo
1 1 i.a do
11 . .. d,
li! I'M
2 ill do
1J 10 do
12 M do
9 r m.ar.
'I'he Phila. Mail Train "i,i ,VtiM connects
with the Mail Train at Kupcrt goui Ea. t at
t 10 P.M. f,,r Caiawisa.Pi .Clint I'oii-ville.
lieadiu; vVc. arriving at I'lnlad. at S 3.'. P.M.
Al -o with Mail Train S"ii' IW at J P..M for
Danville, Milton. Hess' coach to Leuisbur,)
Muncy, W illiamsport and Elinua.
Passengers by 4 P.M. Trai n gfiug .Vi,ui can
lake the II P.M. Express Train for Elmira
and the Wcst.or lodge at ISlwiasbur; and lake
the 4 A.M. Train soinj; East, arriving at Phi
ladelphia at 12 o'clock noon.
Passengers for llarrisbur direct will take
the N.V.Mail Train (1 P.M.) i;oiiij South, con
necting at Port Clinton with the Dauphin At
Susquehanna Kailioad, arriving at Harnsburg
at 1. o'clock noon of next dav.
Serant-n, Jan 21. lsr.n SmTil
William Jones,
A TTOKNEY at Law. ('olkdions
il promptly at'en led to. Ollice rn South
Second St., rrctr'ly by li t' lln kok, Eq.
wn y.;u7.7.'r,M.
lit I Soul li W liar vrs,lbllail Irltl.i
Aslitoa'd Fine, l.ivertiool (Iround,
j A.i!itv!i's and ritar ilills, Dairy assor
' ted sizes,
constantly on hand, ami for sale in lots to suit
A.rtf!t)rd. rS solicited iun72."p I
AiKlllor'H ollcc.
N the Orphans' Court of L'nion Countv. in
I the
matter of the
deceased :
L.-tatc of MicuiaL !
Tlie Auditor appointed to a'l lit, settle an.
adjust the account of James I.. Ijitinn, Admin
istrator of the estate of Michael tjuiitn, dee'd.
and to dispose of exceptions filed against said
account. will meet the parties interested at Ins
ollice in Lewishuri; in said connlv.in 1'riltij
April !i, l-.'.-i, at lo o'clock, A.M."
WILLIAM JnNL.s. Aulit r
Administrators' Notice.
rilKKil.V, l.tti-Ti f A-1tiiinisrrari-r 1
t..t!i- itaie ul "Mr?. U IKY MOolilT, ;
lute id Kelly t'wnhi, drci-aid, have !- i
ilttl) irranr.d Ui tlie utdcr-,iin d, ull per..ii- -kriuv.
m ihfm lvr; itxdcbtcd t sai l c:-tate !
are repie.-ted t-. nialce 'nimrdiate payuunf, j
and thine havini! el.nms upon il will prCatLt
them l.r itl- mi m t mr.
THOMAS KWE.NK, Administrator j
Milton, March,
' VUTICE is lieri'by given, that Lellers
I 1 ot A linniisiratioii on the E tate of J A'."j
! 1". WAI.TLK, late of Limestone Tin. l'i.i,,n
; County, deceased, have been prante 1 to the i
undersigned by Ihe Kcejstcr of Union cunty ;
, in due I .rm of law-; there!, re, all per.o:. ii,- ,
' d-d, ted in said estate are requested lo ina!:e j
! iittttiedi.ite payment, and those ha inf anv lust ,
I el'iiius aie also requested to pre-eiit tliein ie
, gallv anlhefitieated for seitletneut.
EMANUEL WALT Kit, Administrator.
! Limesione, Jan. I'i, llo
hire!' kiv.n that the aecc.nr.t; of Dr.
Th-rut' u t i-'i, TiK-inton . Vanv.i!jh
lr. riii.riiU'it, hatve teen a-sincd t..
..an I tlif li"-'!;s place J in the hands el J..hx
C- t., li-r i-iill'-cliun. Those indtbrcd
p n t:ie .a:i.v ui!I plt-n-e betile inim-i!i.i:i !y.
WILLIAM Muoi;i:,
H c. VM. L. HA ii:is
! Ali aec-a-unts not bellied by the lirit ' f
Apr! ti.Ii be mji.!.
(in lots to suit purcha.i-rs)a7'ja--r.
a larqe st'M:k ol rm -e"'A
11M-: Vv.tKl'S Panel Stufl gS' V'V-S
Plank ic. Also ,,000 PI St: li.ill.x.
iiii iueh Sawed Shingles superior quality
Also Square Timber for lluiMinir :
Which are offered K w for Cash, at our Mills
on Souili Branch of the White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on the Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of otir Road.
Nov. -to JOHN M CALL Sc BKO'S.
At the 0!d 'Xchanje S.ure, havin; bought a j
ol Uoods in the City at fry luw rata by reason I
of the II Ai;i TIMES, art- able to supj iy their j
former castoiners and the public generally !
with the best (.nods on the most accummeda-
ting terms CALL AXU '"i.'.' I
Lewisburg, Nov. 1S67
Ordinance lor Markets.
af.i Vila. .ft. X
SEt'TlON !. He it ordained ly the ilurgs smcus. BKEAD, CAKES and COM'EC
and 7'iit'H Council of Ihe Burvush tf Ltr- , TIONERY on band at ail tim. Benin .1
uturg, and it it Aertiy orjainrd ly Hit uutim-
"J .. II.- . 11 ' C I 1 V I' ' I I V V.' . 1
rit a of lite same. Thai WED.NESDAV and
SATLHDAV mornings of every week shall
be the Market Titueg for said L!orou-h,
when it may be lawiultosell and huv articles
el proiluce ii faintly use; and ihat M.lli'itli
H I llt'.K T.Jrum KtcmJ to Fourth Strut), lhail
be used for such sales wagons Ac. to occupy
the sides of the pavements on the north side
of the street from the first of Oetolier lo the
lir s I of April, and ihe south side of the pave
ment tlie remainder of the year.
."iictiii lie it further orduinrd, That ii
shall not be lawful lor any person or persons,
either the producers of marketing or their
immediate agents, as hucksters or otherwise,
to peddle or sell in any street or alley or in
any part ol" the said Boroush, any articles of
produce for family use, oilier than al the
limes and places specified in the lirst section
ol this ordinance; and any perron or per
violating this ordinance shall incur a penalty
of from One Dollar lo Pive Dollar::, to be re
covered before the Uurjress or any Justice ol
the Peace of L'nion county a like sums are
recovered under the laws of Pennsylvania,
wiili costs-, in the name ol the Puress and
Town uounci! or ihe Coroiinh ol Lewisbure;
one half of said penally t.i be paid ! the
Ovcr-ecr of the Poor of said lloroui!, an !
the other hall to the informer.
Passed at a meeting ol ihe Council. Tuc -day
eveninT, ov. :i I and oidered tube
publ,s-.l. J. SCHHEVEK. Diiii;,'..;.
N-i.C, l57.
John 6. Linn,
4 TTOKl:l t I.V- in
Pi ick's
XV Block-, -crth
:,l St, near Market.
I.rt lliii'K.tii.
"!"OTICE is h reby civen that the Partner
ship heretofore existini; between Daniel
Wei lenvaiil nn l M.n I; Halfpenny, known as
lhc fiiulot U rn, maul .V Co., is this da;
dissolved by llllit.lal consult. All selliemelits
of said Pirin lo be made with D Wcidensjul
M. H Lr PE.N.NV.
Laurelton, Nov. ill, A D. I67
Dr. I. Brugger Dr. J. F. Harvey
HOMiKOlMTIIIC riiyskians,
south side Market Si. between tih A 5ih
lyfiio Li:iKi m..
roi l.D invite qeiicr.il attention ! their
f Pall and Winter stcck il UtAil).
just received.
L-rYXUijivV V'Jiiii'S,
French Mennocs. A'paeas. Debases, Pl.i: !
Woolens. Uinhamv, Delaines from 10 to
2icts. per yd. Prints Irom 6 to lit
ct . per vd, Shawls. Oloves. lo.
siery, liio. A general assori
meni of
Croadcloths, Cas-inieres, Satinetts, Vcstinj,,
Ciavais, Oloves, H its, vVc, Ac.
.ito i:itu:.
New Vork Canton Co.'s Teas, tine Or'-en and
OolohK, Kio and Java Celfees, Sali. Pi-h,
Sugars, Svrup Molasses, Soap. Can
dles, Cheese, Ac. ALSO.
Lcwisburr. October 21, !-vi7.
Rich ami Kare
IS the I.ir:-c and choice asscrtir.T.t of new
rtu. &. ivn:n .ons,
nnv arriving a- rho well knoicu Coiinr Ntore
Mllliri'anl WILDER.
i il 's i.v, r.t
'Wacc in th- t'siversity E.,U:
stnii i. ii. u!.iii;,
ltlwiu-) at lain.
OFFM'B fn S -i.th Second near .Harket ff.
I.I. -WisUim:, fA.
I V'Ai! rrot -s-toi ai tiivmpbs entrusted t
hii care will be faithfully and prmpily atirn
rV,l tu Sept. I t. 1-57
Xt'W (jUOtlS .n' OIlI lStilIlI !
GCAKRAI. assortment of HrTCsodl.
i'i'e Vjt t'lntlt!nij.Hit& dipt, JJvutt
and suitable fur the &eavft.
JHarJ Ware, Qdfns Varc, Gioccrrsv
SALT, rlSK, KC.f
alt f which Til! F-e st.M at pric to nie t?w
times. Libiru! d -d ictiTis madr fr Ca-h?
f :::".,!. A" K:.a., .N-.v. s&7
First of the .Season!
I h( l!i:i:Vi:R & X have rcceiveJ
J an entire NEW STOCK if
1'all ; ml fliutvr (.ood.
comrrisins a laree lot .f I. AW EM' liRCS
Oti,ssi'i. French Merintt.t.'ashmties.
lie Laii.es. I'oil de Clnvre, a larpe let
ot le Lames to sell at 1. els.;
! Also, a c-neral assortment
j m M- u'v Wear. Cli tin,
las unere. Velvet
j a:id t-'iik Ve-t-
ings and
' Stiincttv.af a!' prices. iiarr,' .. mra j ar. I la
i tlie.'.KIaiinf .,.I j lin?, Tickings, tueensware,
' UK' K Li.'IKi, and a srucral assortment i-t v
erythin; bi loniri.-i!; to a L'outr.ry lore, hut
1 have tun bsi:!it very cheap tor cash, and
are determine: to s.u verycucap Iorthesaii.r.
Tin,' e wislun: to p :rcha.-e for ca h jrill pteasn
call and examine for themselves. Oci.'-,'57.
yoTJti:: suticl:: sotice:::
nAYINC jut rt'tu-rntil I'mm tic City
ur.'i r:i mpu ally lare .SulIi anJ we J
stlcctiji!. a:. 1 am now j'r.parej i.j btll goo.i,
, ! -.vtr ihnu car. Ic b .'U.:! e'aev.hcic vu
j Mvle el l'h;!av.!; htx
1 IIarw:irt I Ifar-iwaro I! IljrJw.ire I .' I
a!l lails Lccl;, Luicht-s, litnt.
' cre-, .:,i r-.. T itry, J'jil: , O.l in Ut
I t rr tliinu v- u ui ay waiittobuiMyour
j -sc. I a t":rt ia,:c h. use ur Laru tTcutjr jer
. cci.t. ..nv.-r ever Ltfv re. Tus
T.'tti wau .' f
L'AUrt.M LP. S. here you can cet the cle
Lrattrl lirteiiiuiv! CIunt. Spear A Jackson'
haa l,Un' n ani np Saws, )I;.tchrs, IWa.t'
j aa.l Cra.!yi Chisels an l Plane Ir. os, patent
I and comm.-n Unccs, Brace bitt-f Augtf,
; .iuarts.Gaarrs, Iron tferc wi,L'-jn: a tai
' II I . II . , a.
IlcLIUt-'IlU 3 J I Jill III'. t,.
Blacksmiths' Iron LV"-V IRON- ALL
KINDS Ear. Se ll. p,Tie,Oval, Bound anj
I s luarr C'a si, tl, SprinK an I Enrlisb Siee .
Vise. AnviN. Bellows, Screw Plate, etc.
! HOUSEKEEPERS! Table Knives an.
Fur'as, Carvers. Spoons, Kettles, Lampa, Can
il!.- ti, k. r t'. Mill.. I'll. Ilfi.'. Mat.. I'.Dt, B-.wls. .-.
I M Ll. I'.l'l l: leu will fin.l all ibv ..-. ailti .
' Ersal uuiy tu -rv al tlie llafc&oiE iss lr.,t tr r.t I
! J'tsll HUH,! N,
in t.
til Crli.. clalij, l.l'W I.-Kl K'l. fa
Tirr-i nil
tuij Mir:
Iktauii I'tcJ'utt t-V'i- e ;ui Tut yra i'fi-.t.
FtnilE subscriber rcpectfuVy tales ihim
J thod to inform the citizens of l.wisbort;
and vicinity in general, and the Ladies in par
tieulai, that he has opened a ltakeryand
oul' liout ry . on Market street, id Mr.
Beaver's Kail, tine, where h will be ready to
supply a'l who mry tavor him with a call
with the test of everufciee in his line rf fcu-
practical Baker and Confectioner for upward
. . . - , r . ' .
ol twcniy-ute years.ne leeis connaenitr.at i t
uho lavor him with a call cr five him a Irial
shall net be disappointed. Weddings nl
Parties supplied at ihe shortest nonce, on the
most reasonable terras. All sorts of Orna
mental Work detic to order.
fiKEAD delivered at lions, s at a'l Hints
when de-n.d. CHAKLES JIEI.NEIt.
l.ewisbur, Oct. , l.-i'i.-
j OS. L. YOPER. .T;U'tif"3l Watchma
; , ieT
and dealer in Clocks. Watches. Jew,!-
rv, Silver Ware, Pianos, Mtlcdvonsand Sheet
All kinds cf Clocks and Watches ripairr i
and warranted for one year.
Jiprctaf l?S I" sun anv eyes f t sale, ar.I
new e!as.,es inserted in old fraa.es.
Lewisburj, June 1, lf7.
! THE I'lace to fiiiv (Tiiols, ihcap !
1 inin'.'.s & hi:tzi:i.
j Bea leave to announce to the put-'ic thai th y
I have opened a large and complete stetk of
I embracing every variety e! Ladies' and Oent's
! Sumnu r wear such as Cloths, Cassirocie.
j Linen Oood-, Vcsiii;rs, Oin-hao,.-, Calicoe.-,
Si ks, Eeraers, Bcr.v:e Delaines. Sballey..
laiini, M't-lins, a laru'e asscrtmeiit ot Ei
; BKOIDEKIL'S tfail kind.,
A'liH' .'a, HaU, ami C'i'pt,
also a Iarire assortment ot t'ALPETS.
1-AI.r, Hill, Jus, at-.-ojs on haD-t.
, Farmer. and I luusc keepers
; ar.i r-'H .r:''- ITv in it- J t-" einnln-' rnr a rrrti. nt rf
: t.i. -A.A f . fat Ki.t. t tf A It tH At. f. rrh S
H .!. K . aui we art- a;it ,til tl. tt ycu u.U finj .-..
; r l hut.', i t the Le.-l ijUAiltv, j, u u) ik&uv. at itw J.(t
1 ui.-l. rte r.it.-ri.
! nr tiot w-r ! .tt-i! i;h nni;u.il ear, at. 1 w
I in e w ill le k ticdi'l the tn-rv le t. in t.f r t'i.inltt It
cli-ip ii- th. y nn r. M.-on..l.'y l tyil.r. U at uj vlkrf
i-l c (n tlir M i d Itr.mrh.
i We rr-Ttru!l ini;ie p-t nil rutr-Birr to -vlt as !
i j.h ..or .-ti vin,. Mint ire ton t r-iQ r.e. t nr wabTa
! nM t;i.Ll. 1 JCVitLXi. : talkta a ti -ti.il-' .!. i.-i.r
I r. 1,:.. I. 1 .H I.- IMMV.3.
I., t-i-hor-r fVt IvIT A IL.iNIi W LUI L.
Tin: i:i;i:-mvi:!
HE "til.1 Mammo..." ahead! Not-
wiili ,.a:ioiii:-' the Karl t::nes aud Uai.k
mi -
!.;: v r r rn r, an-! nre w p. u.-.' n ar.ns
a:Wv Uii 'i: ar.(t writ schctrj tfiU rl
-iiistin$: partly oi I'luilw ff rv rv cr'!-.
(.n. t!ark arisi lancv I'.i-i:iitp-. a r-aniilu
t, ir., v ,.1 Ve?.:irJ, lkinD Cl-Mt.', .1U3. T't,JB -U.s
Win it r wt nr. a' so
laatlics Drnt Goods
rthh a- ?t.k-. T-vSu.-. P-.'aiDei. Pcr.-i-. Prints, ITMl
. luil r
B M.
n, u. I" it is n.. ll'aw.llo,
-iiua, Iriah liut-a lis.ia. aa.d
t ta.rri atK-tv and etvle alro a lltiv actvcUi a cl
l.i;oo.vs. A c. Ac.
atti'.d ti a.'t thewanta c:ib ff-l. a .ufsfa Ut '
Xr -" - f wh-.Ii th. v . frr w
wotj-uiil-i u v fttcf o and ,ve- :. i -: . I - :-i a
. I iv.. li
, la,
l.;:'i. ! Hi. . l;.i I'Mnui !;'. 1 I, t,'i'3:.i of.
;:VK . J'l.ta. tl"li !. a!J J ( Il 41,1 Mill J '
r ' '' :-kt3- -'Jc !, P-'-af i
l7lLlu iiai:i:.i .!. t '
I"! u.vy,.f!l- u-..
I III l,T.
r,t'c : l,.'i ru ' u. t.'i
f I !i A . - ' i
r a. 1. 1
!' !- ;i J A ' V .'.
1 tOPW fV r- J