T "TT I ' i if KG C KU1 I; Ju Jlio BY 0. N. WORDEN & J. K. CORNELIUS. An' Ikdei'en'dkxt Family News Jour.vat.. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1853. ESTABLISHED IX 1 1J....WJI0LE NO., 72C. At sl,'0 Yeah, always is AnvAxcr. M V : the t!:wifprr.a chronicle. IM O T II i: n: Mv moihri's form is sleeping "Within the silent ennii, Wliile I her ch:!i am weeping liesulc this lonely hear.li. In sickness an.! in pain Site watt ',,e i u'cr me with care, 1 1 .-r k is 'I 'twas in vain Per mortal man to share. Early she lacislit me to say, O.ir Father whu'il in heaven!'' Ami Icrveuily did she pray Thai I might he forgiven. Can I ferct her winning sniiie. Her jmre and heavenly song ! So free I'r.xn sin and puile Mie hcire her years a!on;j. I pine to hear her pintle voice, AnJ meet her 'provine; eye; IVw make my sa.t'.ciie'i !i,-ait ujiicc Since her spirit scaieu en high. Ten lon and weary years have Act Since they laid ht-r in the tomb; Then all my lairest hopes were ciad hi sorrow's deepest gloom. Ier p,rave I saw in winter lleuealh a skit't of snow. And my heart ller.'.s O how bitter! 'J'u think il must le so. ! have seen her form at nieht In visions come and i;o, H-t eyes were mild yet hri'ht, As when she dealt below. lint I'll hide my sorrows, now, Nor longer will repine, Ai.i soon shall lay my aching hrow, My mother deal ! with thine. U ,11 en, pay woild of pleasure ! I'll meet my mother then. And to immortal measure We'll tune our h'eaits again. Km.Lt 1 p., Ifrw. lor l!io l.,-i..ur; Chr..i,i. le. Hints fo Taliicco Chewcr3. Is it nut a surptising tliiu that, whilst ! living in a Christian lauJ, where the Gos j pel is preached every Sabbath, aud the j tiutb. .shines Lighter every (lay, men can ' cot or rather do not abandon the u:C ot ; Tobacco during church service '! Is il not ! Tub Piticis OF Lhjuok. 'Them's my j ' uiuuey jiccmcihinl:! There's my cloth-! . iug and food yice me Jciuk There , the I'totLiug, food aud firewood of uiy wife j ! and childrcu 'jicc me lirink .' There'b I the education of my children, aud the j peace of my home jhe ie drink .' , Time's the rent I have rubbed from my I astonishing that we have to sec tho pews ,,,,,, the fees I have rubbed from the ; j spattered and polluted with Tubacco spit Mhou!tnaster, and (he innumerable arti- j cles I have robbed from the shopkeeper j ii'it me drink! I'our trie out drink 1 for i more I will yet pay fur it. There's my ; character as a mm, my profession as a : a thine; which is entirely unnecessary, and horrible to lo -Ik at ? The practice is mean enough, out of door?, but far worse iu the house. Sfeu would shudder at the idea of going into a neighbor's parlor, and (Jhrit'.ian, I give up all yice me drink .' l spitting ami chewing m tins way, pue up ! their juids, and then leave as they do the church. Aud is not the house of God a ! more sacred place '! Io you not go there ! to worship Is it not called the courts of the Lord's house ? We are told that ; wc shall enter hi; courts with thauksgiving aud his gates with praise. Is it not an ! abomitiatiou in the sibt of the Lord to chew and spit iu hU temple ? Think, also, I of th'.so who clean and scrub, whose duty I it is to keep things in order, and who are ! obliged to carry out such terrible filth, I when it can bo so easily avoided. Wo do I hope (bat the time is uot far distant when men and boys will consider and endeavor I to rjuit this habit. Sexton.. Fortune Up and Down. j More yet I have to give. heavenly inheritance and friendship of the redecrued- all my hope of salvation. Savior, I give up my God ! There's my the eternal j -these these ' I give up my i I resign all '. All that is great, good and glorious in the universe, 1 resigu fur ever that I may be lilil'NK l-' Nk f-isitv ok KxtRcin:. Most of the current ailments of mankind arise from want of exeicisc. The body must under go a certain the muscles and oreans in proper "When cserei.-c is neglected," Fays the ; oai tut" : I.cs f JluM, "the blood gathers too ()xf()tJ much about the central region; and ll'c Shawnee " oppression about the heart, difficulty of l'rt Scott " breathing, lowness of spirits, nnxiety and Kickapoo " ,Slectcl for the.Lewisbnrc Chromcla-I LAND OF REST. O, bnd of irsi t'ur lliee I ! When uilt llie mom rut cttm When I shall lay my armor by, Aud dwell in peace at home ? fto tranquil jnys vn earth I know, N peaceful fltciterin dome. Tin-, world's a wilderness oi vu, 'i'his wurld is nut my home. To Jesus Christ I sought for rest, He bid me cease to roam, And 11 v lir snccur to His hfa-t, And He'll conduct me home. I would at once have iiit ihe field Where foes with fury ronm. But. Oh, my passport was hot iralc.l, 1 could twl yet go home. When, hy affliction sdnrply tried, I view the gaping tomb. Although 1 dread death's chilling tide. Vet still I sigh for home. Weary of wandering 'round and 'round This vale of mii and "loom, I Ioii to quit th' unhallowed grounl And dwell with (,'hrisl at home. Smaiit Countinc At the election, IVe. 21st, iu Kacsua, on the Lccomptou Constitution, four notorious prt't-iuts re turotd a vote amounting in the aggregate The Lccompton Issue. THE FAT5M t Tli ;:irliii Tin r lmrl. Sl'EAKl.Nd Uiuiit Out. That staunch . - ., .i . r . ' r -l. Tin LLwi.iain eOT.'.M' L. old iAiuocratic paper, the Chester County i ,,- , , i r i. i Raising new varieties r,f Potatoes " i ' J " . I from beed-uans. Iu order to raise new varieties of pi'a- to 3,21", which, being binco incestijatel i ,ieIU) gune ,00 far but battle under the Locofoco H ig, and i gone, in by gone days, as far as any that ever "bowed the pregnant h;ng':s of the knee to the dark spirit of slavery," in its I last issue conies out manfully against tho Lecotr.ptun swiudie, and thus defines its future position, denouncing the dictatorial ! course of the South, aud avowing its du '. termination to resist it, henceferth and i fur ever. Hear the manly language of the I "uy.tiWoDi .-" j "There is one" good result seen through the gloomy cloud which now overspreads j the political horizon. 77iere it li ur.j',rf!i j Iu he nUUiun in the Xurthrrn DrnvKrnry j atainst the iniriou tlrmnmls of t'f xs ! o'thisl.'itiun in the Ouuthrrn .Statu.' 'J'Lcy 1 Vuve pushed us to the wall, aud if we have ; the spirit of manhood courciug in our veins we will refuse longer to Low dowu aud heconie their menials. W e have already, in our honest tuorts to irateruize wun t ies from xced-balli, felect the sc.d balls, when fully ripe, from the best varieties of potato-plants you have, and kep them in a dry place till about planting time. Then squeeze their feeds out over a l.aain of wa- riarch Work to ba Done. This should be a busy month to the firmer. Mauurts, if not already cartel out were likely to be wanted, should ba attended to. I'lace your manure iu con venient sized Leap?, at preper dUtanccj apart, and cuvir the t' ps tf tho bcapi slightly with i-Larcoul du;f, palvtrulent muck or peat, or a blight coating rf l'las t r of Paris. Kithcr of these wil pre vct, ia part at leasf, the animonfa escap ing with the first warm day. l'repar ter, so that the seeds may be eeparattd grounj carlj as possible, and rpread m from the other parts of the bulla by their siukiug, from their weight, d.iwn into the water ; after which, the water :iiuuld be poured o!T, aud the seed? spread, thinly over a cloth and nicely dried iu s-jine warm or ninny place. The best time fir planting the seed in our climate, is about the second week of May, immediately after all danger from frjst is over, as a fro-t would Jotroy your tender plants. The seds may be advau-tageuui-ly prepaied fur sowing by soaking them fur some six or eiil:t hours in luke- 'J'h' V irutc insol- nt , warm water, aud then, af'.cr JraininidT unonnt r.f fati.-ue to creservc : l'S 'ak'g 'he testimony of the Judges aud : Umr our conctssions, aud there is nothing the water, inixin them with a ouCic'tence and organs in preper vior. wh3 hM tLu election, now turns . left for us to do but to conquer them, and of saI1(j ,;uc carh) W00l Actual i'te. 41 115 150 o5 wood ashes, or plaster, the ground the more wuen we uu sj we puuii eive imwei un . ., . r " . ,, ' . ? . , to enable vou to few thim broadcast over 1.220 loving men of the South. The seme im- b;uuuu ""-- " done, and sec that they ea into ie sou. Larness, &c. 1. more manure at the time than can ba plowed in within a few hours. If Jou cannot obtain any of the above named ar ticles to cover the manure heaps, until ra rjuircd for uc, throw a few sjboveia full of soil over each heap. If fences are not in gool orJ:r, sea them attended to. Ou', pile and prcpara fuel for summer : repair building -f white wash stables ; e'euo out old litter and sprinktf who, J'aatcr, Laving everything removed to the compost iienp that can, make foul air during warm spring day, and thus preserve the health it both men and animals j clean and r. Lite-wash poul try houses, clean hog-pens, ie, &e. Look to your tools of ail kind-, if not already are iu goo.d order. ook well to your In 17S7, a youth, then residing in heaviness, numerous aches and stitche.", Maine, owued a jack kuife, which he, be- are evidences of Ibis stagnation. People iug of a somewhat trading aud money ma- ! are afraid to tako exercise, becauso they king disposition, Sold for a gallon of West fancy they want breath and feel weak. India rum. This he retailed, aud with jut the very effort would free the heart the proceeds iurchascd two iralbn, uJ ' ff um this burden, by urging the' blood ?i;k of Jij: iiUriiViiKl.T itiS-'i-i,t 1 eventually a Larrel, which was followed iu forward to the extremities; it would case Tin: CIIKOXICLE. MOltY, MAIM II M, IS5S. Total, o;2 T H. 14.S 1-4 se 1 . 4 :. l t -O.'l m y, l88. ll V M es s H ;i.(i it 2-:S H in ) ::i.4 a 7 1T.1 1.' 'J 21 S -ID -Ul t.. 2rM. 9m due time with a large stock. In a word, ., he breathing by liberating tho lungs 19.2 ."! l.iS 2 ,.s 17.11 i'.i S 11..S l!y fuch scoundrelly acts does Tiuchauan aud his sort of Democracy seek to crowd an abhorred Constitution upon the people ; auJ tJ, Of KbUM" i 7:'i:i ' rerious despot.1, whose minions have been and thou rake the . illO ' the instrument-) of robbing tho people of you may, if you wUh, plant them in driils , , k j tLc are t propcriy carc,i for 1,017 Kansas of thotr rights, keep uuder the ; ra!1g,ng from Id to lb inches apart, and a ,L:s scason of the tL mmot u from 0 to IS inches apart in the druls.and cxpcteJl0 ,j0 the heavy Upringwork. If about one rpartcr of an inch deep, in a J0U lavc rsa tho t arbaious custom of good clean aud mellow soil. If you adopt Ieavin3 wizws exposed all winter ia the broadcast system of aswing.jou should COBJj3) w;tnoat rr3tection from the at- Uansplant fcert au5 hardiest plants, m0Fcucr C3rt it oat jmrocdiaiok. as di- 3,217 !. I'M 147 14 'I .) If. ei .". l'l 1VJ tt a 41. i sj in Meti 1T.4J iVi.u Mouttilv rn-an, F-li. l'"-s S ".TS il.. M. 1--SH 61.4 do Kb . l-.'.7 SiM Quaulily of rain fc&J Fuow, ia inrhes ol water 1.14 e . ? healthy sentiment of the Southern people; but wo are rejoiced to see it boldly break ing forth,like a pent volcano, in the manly voice of Henry A. Wise. His perceptions of right are keenly alive, and wo thank aul bo i.m KU Lravc words con- ueiuumury 04 luc .uu6 v. lu -fi. IIOm wrec io six inches nign, in moist , , leB;En;nB cf , his article, and The Right Wat. It is known that ; Honest OnxioN. Maxwell M'Cas- ""thcr ""J ia drills as aforesaid, and a thus stop tbe greater waste5 ar:s;Dg from the luanaitine offieers of the American i:. some fjur or five Tear3 .,, tLe i)em. little deeper ic the ground than the plants ; warmcr weather. If vou Lavc anv ma- j, : Lc Kot ricU auJ became the 'Squire of from the fame superabundance ; it would , Suuday School Union recently fouud that ' ocratic Speaker of the Senate of l'ennsyl- ttood "-"ore. Aud as young potato plants , c;lre Bore tban be want,j for apriDg i the district, through the possession and , m!.ke the frame feel active and light, as ; they Lad lost several thousands of dollars vania, aud now Indian Agent in Kansas, ' ttapt to suffer very much from the effects n;ej mae ;t ;Dt0 Cjnip0st with muck, sale ot the jack kuite, and an indomitable the effect of equalized circulation aud free by a man in whose hands they had prac-! (f course stiil a Democrat,) has written CI a IJOt !UDi " wu'd "2 tn P:aDt peat, pend-mud, or even headlands, rather trading industry. He died worth proper- action." A bri?k walk in the open air, tically placed the whole management of to a prominent member of the Legisla- tuem where they will be more or les3 than lose the mcro valuable parts of its ty, in real estate and money, valued at daily,is worth a whole shopful of nostrums. ' tho concern, although they were really the turc, that ho honestly believes the adop- Bade l by the growth of other taller and ' c5nstituents by leaving it unprotected. SM,000. This was divided by testament, ! Z'-Wc can not com-1 r"P0DillLle Purtics' Jt gratifyiug to ; tion of the Leeompton Constitution would l-roadtr leaved, plants. And the only cub If J0U caD, put it under cover; and if among four children three boys aud a ! . j ,', g'a ' an 'jn-,, i.wcy tuat tnow that these men havo measurcably be resisted by tho people of that Territo-; tura thcJ DctJ Le tu to,P lhe you Lave no manure shed?, cover the girl. Luck, which seemed to be the guar- P c bJ Enli.h letter Y should fce i remedied this gross ncgicct of duty, by ry l0 an cxlcnt impossible for persons Sani loose and free from weeds, until heaps with any of the absorbents of am- uiau aiiei ui tut: jaiue., ucniu.11 iu.- : : ,.( eu;, making up, iu special Buoscripuous lrum i ucre t0 arrreciate , and that ten times the l"-S,u ,,J "'"-o"'. " '"r" momi tvetore named. Aa ocrasional l-.S 116 17 childrcn ; for every folly and extrava- i ganco they could engage in, nccmed tooc- uisrarucu irom me leimuiaiiou ui vuus- , , . , . . . . tl i - u r. .t . m. t . i ,- ,, ,,,, !, T n,l V themselves aud their fnends, all tho nu!Uuer of United States troops now in the culture after that. Those p.auts whose sprinkling on its surface,of water.in whtch tiau tiaiiics, anu 1 he two letter., i Run Ij - i - - ,, i . v n-r t n i r ...i. i j i t. i mnA 1 aniouut loot If liank Directors would ; territory would be unable to check the op- P9 die ff should be earefmiy mar- ; one-thousandih cf its weicht of sulphuric MS-Alludio to the unprecedented re- CUiy tLclr cxclua,vc "cntion and cmii- . a l act on tbe same manly and honest pnnci- position. He says the people there are ed, as they will produce the earliest n- ; Lag lefin KtXC(Jj wiu be ger,iceable, i t o , tai ntji ij ucoiruua vi gcbi.iiig i ia u tu 1 - 1 yj cuangiug luo curujuaw ui aus luuuia iv i- e v i-i ' vailiin. X IlC uaumcr mai-jr uuiarm. . ' litiniu -driiniifinn in .in .-irlr Attn l m An vnnnnil M n I it rrn 1 1 1 tfrC 1 n ft thflTI B .i n;..i. ii,.i,V;..nn.i;.n .,....,. lSt andhcrpatrimony was soon thrown ! ..:i:,i: ff ;(n i men anJ the poor and less informed would; troubles that are now upon then:, but re- wbea the crop is gathered, be kept separ- the sulphate, and thus crevent its evapor says "fomoofW Ware influenced by ! bj sP0Ddtl,rift rf t.UsbanJ: graceful' flourish." We bate before w a j euffer ""lllL "cn their present inharmonious "to from the rest And when you gathe r ation aud consc(luellt hs3.-Working Tan Tl.. n f.l..l . ... ii rfr.t i iug nous .uu uu uioiu iiiiiuumi. auu it, but it has not intruded upon "the , , , , : , , ,, ... , .... , , .. , , two of them died of dissipation and in ut tfiurcn. i ouderifthe church intends ! , r, , ,. , . , . , ., i I most poverty. The daughter also died, to Jet any of "the sects into heaven r .. i , , ., - .. I The last of the family, for many years ."Ian Selling His Wife. Nathaniel catalogue of the young ladies of a " Fe male College," located less than a thou sand miles distant, and find tho good old j y quite knocked out of sight. At present, it is licttic and I'ollic, and Sallie and Mol-! ly ; Tannic and Mattic, and Toggle and j 1 'at tie; Mario and Kittie, and Addie and j past, Las lived on tLc kindness of those 1'yer, of the Western I5ranch, Va , lately who knew him in Lis days of prosperity, told Lis wife to George Canady, for 5550. j as pride would not allow Lim to goto the All tho parties were satislied. This is a r,nnr f irm A tnm .1 . 1, cn.l. practical illustration of "free trade and ; denly and unattended, in a barn where he : M,t"9; Jcnni and NeltIC aDi JoS'e nd woman's right,." Well, if it is all right Lad lain Limsclf down to take a drunken , IIatt,.c' otucri". n'"0U3 to for our "Southern brethren" to sell their ! slCen. On his pockets being examined, : mcDtlon- Ult ,he grand. mfc of this I. children, why is it not right for them to ! aU that was found in them was a small ; " ve mama' thal,t ',C0 th'r hell their trues ? piece 0f string mJ ajactc-knije ! So the are adnPtlnS "-"tial J Moody - ; , , .1.1 -i . , having recently cffeminizcd himself into Major Glstavls Waao.ver, the Hun- rrtuno tIl3t l'e2an Wllh an Ikrt ; 1;iuIL MooJlf- .-5f. gariau refugee, whom many of our citizens that tinJ' lcft but its sin,I'Ie Jupl'tc. '' J' '' ...... . 1 Wo 1. ,.,,. It, ...., t t 1, .I-,, ;!, , .Tt. ,.r- M . iu t,.r 1 ....o will recollect as Having been engaged as ---".'-"- i-.w.r. t i c i....r.. k vneiteil I linehinni'i mrxiw he does i J engineer in the survey of the Ca.tawissa fa.hion it may suggest itself to the pendent of the West Chester AW sum. ; S "Anstocracy m the joeated b, - ucbau . n ..a 0 he do s gBi.h aie oi oi - which the rascally concern has been made I eu-u eipcnmeuis, u couvenie gives the following Tariff of prices at SEBOKANI'S BLl'rF, IVli. 1, 1JS. W heat Flour. SK.H,nf LOOj prr barrel. Curu Mo.l, $1.iO per ck. 0. rn, a"ral'icp-r bu.lirl. l'otaU9. 70c. ptr buslt.l. IL aai, S-.'nj l-do fvl bu.Lul. ll.m, "V-L"Je wr lt. llacuu, 17calA)e rlb. 1. nrj, 2le i-t lb. lluttcr.KUc per lb. l.irir, 31lc pi-r delen. liriJ Apples. Ib6c per lb. lvsrh-s, 'ic per lb. SuiPir, lrtra-J'H- per lb.; Coffee, lflraix- lr lb. ; Tea !1.01.2S -r lb. Molaj!.., $l.ou per iallun. Iltef. lC'alL'c per lb. MutLun. per lb. nni in Lf r.f n..11nt'a n.r nil ! PF lV PoslTPDVFTI TatlRIAOR. ltailroa l, we regret to Icarn.was one of the ; reader simply stating that the story is a up the gain already effected by the sale victims of tbe fire at the TaciGc Hotel, in ! ,rue onc' and a11 tUc facl3 wul1 tnown to f-'t. Louis. He was literally burnt up, i maDy wli0ln lbis rclatiou will doubtless aud scarcely a vestige was left cf bis re- reach. Won Latyr. nuius. IhrncHk V,mo.:n,t. Many of Pcesticks went to a fa&ionaUc our readers will recollect Mr. Waagner, as church in a city to buy a pew, but had some time a guest of the lato Francis J. 100 1'oht a purse. He says : Gcssncr, in I.cwibburg J Goold ilnowx'a "First Lessons'' and "Institutes," of Engli.-h Grammar. V. Xcvius ( Co. have for salo two works on ; (Grammar, by this celebrated author. I iirown's Grammars are very popular iu . many parts of the Union, and the 1'ub lishers (.S. S. & Wru. M ood, 3td llroad way, New Vork) desire the attention of , Teachers and School lircctors to them. The "Grammar of Knglish Grammars" is : a larger work by the same authcr. The Fame Publishers advertise over 4,000 Med- i ical works in Knglish and French. i I very soon discovered that no dead heads were allowed on this line, and that, if a man couldn't pay, Lc was put off tho train. After some preliminary chat about the foreign news, the state of the mark ets, the hope of a revival of religion, tho rise in "F.rie," tbe progress of the work ti. M;n l.mr..,r i i.e. I'.tUir. Wrtc union oi those who would consume witu- follows : ou' rrouc'nrTi ''ro without working, Receipts for 8 months 8702,103 ' kD0W wi!!lout learning, carry all honors Expenses do 070,871 ', without deserving them, occupying all tho places of goverumeut without being able Profits S-2,-20-2 ; to fill them." The above is from the report of the ; It ha3 been s(.ici tlial ;B Switzerland, Carfal Commissioner.". ' m. .wa3 shaving at a window. .J O I,. rr ' aia tnnp irrtn Viil wtil finri erraf vannf w nF B,Thc (Iowa) Yettenl luhntndent i staIC 01 Bna,rs 83 rre-eraoic io an cniorce- J c J - -6'- v , wrr. 1 mnnr nr in I ieenmrrnn i nn.nrni nn. nnn 1 -- .v...-, . t .u u. he earncstlv renuests tho gentlemen to I whom the letter is addressed, to spread : shapes, colors and qualities which must A young lady ia Panbury, Conn., ia 1 these facts before the members of tbe j carefully sorted and planted the nest desirous of getting married. Sbc h oV- ! Legislature, and endeavor to obtain the Jear in wparate divisions, when their re- tamed all the necessary articles the man, ! passage of Auti-Lecompton resolutions, i la,ivc prodactivensss and ccllQnce,when bridal attire, gewgaws, " chicken fisins 1 cooked, may be fairly tested, and the best but an alarmins obstacle Las present- The Maysville (Ky.) EajTe contains the s otLers tLrown away eJ ;tscIf There is no church in that following pertinent paragraph : j g(jme Ac gecja of p!a,e with ais!e3 ,,road enongU to gJmit ! yHATXcRTnERXpoUOUFAt-ES D.UtN T . j , anJ hcr crin&Iine nnd 60 sbe Mipd , post. CAY. The Constitution that is now beinir . ' r ,, ... , ... .. , 1 forced on tho people of Kansas, is a cheat ,crtrard3 transplant them as above; but pone the "happy day until the compo und a swindlL..and thev have so denounced as this process is more troublesome, and , tion of a new sanctuary, which is in prrg- Wuat is AnisTocRAcv ? In reply to it by their voices, legally and fairly ci- j produces very tender plants, the better way rcss of erection, or "take in her sails." this question, Gen. Foy, a distiuguisbed pressed at the polls and if, thcrcforc,any t j3 to dispense with the hot bcd3,c'rcciaI1y A FoROETreL Ji'PGE. A Gwinnct orator in the French Chambers, gavo the man gives his support to the measure ad-, ; our jatilujc. So lct CTerv one fond of (q3 correspondence of tbe AucustaEvo- and make ning DifjKttch says : "Judge Hutching convenient. (See received a letter from tho Clers of Clark Interest on ?7 ,500,000,8 mouths 8250,000 ; WU(U gome com;cal fjow cracked away at Deduct prolits as abovo ' . . . , . n ti -i i 1 : him with a snow ball. The missile struck the razor Actual caia bv the (ax pavers, i iu 8 months, by the sale, S107,708 ! he died from the wound. That was in the Over ficenlv thausaml ,U,ns a month .' ! Canton of Glaris, and since then tho an- of grace and the price of pork, the lowly ' Why does uot the Canal Board recommend j '"oritics have decreed that whoso throws ones gathered around, and the salo began. : a sale of tho remaiuing Public Works ? : a f now 0111 BUa' uc sentenced to six years rucccssful thus far. I -ig- liep.jj4!- P- 00 1, OiO. IS 19 p. county, a few days ago, informing hici, St. Lotris, Feb. 25.-The Leavenworth ! SC9' ',2 T0' ,S55 P' 203' 1950 ,hat k wa3 t0 coart in ,hat Times says that the Judges and Clerks of! P' '-50,r'"senden.) This is the most sue- county on the first MnnJay ia February, election in Shawnee District were arreted; j cestui mode of raising new and Lardy va- and inclose J in tho letter a very neat and. nnboini? sworn before tbe Wish i 5UJ,cn,r eiieCcc. oun aienaer ler ir. ino duugo tivo Investigating Committee, testified I lf'J-' West that the poll book of Shawnee was taken j Fe a Farmer. If a young man wants to Westport, Mo., and that S00 names to cnsraire in business that will insure him. : wcro added thereto, at that place. J. J. in middle life, the greatest amount of Kev. Jesse Authony, at the North Secon.l - - V " UUll. JUL, UJ 1 J.J 1 . L. I'll UL. . .... . . . . V I , 1 . : . . I ' I . . . I . ... .,- V ... .... , . tvlartson, tlio iostmastcr at l-eavcnwortti, i leisure time, there is nothme more sure and cut tho man s throat, and . ,. . i f 1 , . , . t, . , ,. . ' . was burned iu effigy on tho night of the , thaa farming. If be has an independent loth, and threats were made to hang him, ! turn of mind, let him be a firmer. If he ! if he could be caught. wants to engage in a healthy occupation, We soc ia the Southern State Rights i let him till tho toil In short, if he I Court Calender fer '. having forgotten Court week till too lute, sent his apologies to the Clerk." Svi'PEX Peatil At the funeral of Gen. Scutt, in a recent commuuicalion Those pews nearest the pulpit, or perhaps 1 Answer Tkey would lose their own offi- I should say those scats next the locomo- ces, and deprive their political favorites of tivo, were sold first, and brought seventy, j further opportunities of plundering the eighty, and even one hundred dollars ire- j State Treasury. mium ; the price was to be paid merely ri...."...... tu t- '.' . . J Consumption. There is no fact in pa- iur u cii'txi ui acai.-i, in iitttitauii iu itc re- , .1 i 11 . 1 i 1 . .1 . , , , J ! tholocy more ccrfaiuly established, tban I 11ar mi. I lnt.iritlv aw that T Iiftrtn f. , . . . . St. Methodist Church, ii Troy, N. Y., oa Thursday week, after the Ecrmon, Itev. Samuel Howe pronounced a eilngiuni ott the deceased, concluding as follows : "I am 73 years of age ; my feet are near those of Frother Authony, and I Stall I instantly saw that I hadn't money enough to take a first-class cabin that common consumption of tho lungs can be permanently arrested, in the ad- ... : 1 r :. . . 1.1 . . B-rM.l.l i,n . ,. I... .... .1.... . I... 1.:... A. I 1 1 c ' 1 1 . . ! 1 hose pews nearest the pulpit, or perhaps 1 Answer 1 key would lose their own offi- solitary couuncment. . 11 i. f .,t, i.. -;,i,: i- .,.. , ,, soon join Lim.' Mr. Howe then went m- 1 aeachers and School lUrcctors to them. : . . ,', , 1 ' 1 i , , . ., . .... ,, J ,, t, , ,. . ! the Kansas admission bill, if it shall be . oi earth, Lecp within his mean, to shun ; ' J . , ,,, ,. , . : I should say those scats next the locomo- ces, and deprive their political favorites of ly an old Pennsylvania ordinance, it ' , , ... ... ! ..,. . i - , ; i,,. to the ba.'emcnt, seated himself in a rock- was made a penal offence for any female Lec0I (on Constitution prohibiting the ! doctor ; be honest, that Le may have a who was over ten years of age, and could ttUeration ofthc samo til! aftcr iS0l, and clear conscience; improve the -oil, so as ! afford to purchase suitable g .rmcnts to , if GeB. CaILoun is t0 certif lle t0 lcavc the worM bettcr ,taB Il0 fcunJ . wear a low necked dress By way of d,s- o thc ,,rco Ll.gislaturc. it . and l!i0n if hc eaB not ,t9 h3rpiiy , tinction, however if tho woman could j SouthnD gtatu Ri hu mcuiler3 have tS. i allJ dic0ntent, there is no Lope for Lim. j bring proof that she was a depraved char- , , . . . I . . . . i pressed lhe same views in private. ; .. .. ir., i ! vaueed stages, ni .wholly eradicated from j tilnes' anJ fa?nian, oh ; ' j Anti-Lecompton AT the Soli.i- dcut of the ,.jna New3 My,: ,.Snme ; ,v i im i t c u- "c oel'evc a majority w tuo voters oi ,cars a0 J had a leakiu" 'L ' Evcrv At I unchal.'Maderia. where Gen Pieroa . .. . .... , : J1""3 uo" "au " ieu.iu0 n. r.Mtij , fuecessful in routing the Indiansand cap- was not a single seat that came .!. i r"" . m FreDU.'S 31 'e35'. " ' ..,1 I,.!- . . rr, ,.. ,. r. ienocfscc, .laryian.. ana a nnrlhcasl storm drovo its waters in. , ; trig a" ll-eir animals and property, was J my pile, and I felt I must give up the ! b M . 77 7 " I ri.ges used, are a kind of thing tha look 1 - 7 c0WPsi,'wn f fdur Pounds cf i exposed to very wet and cold weathered, journey! or find a cheaper conlyanc, for 711 tZ 4 of an old wood A and are , "Ll'Tt" Tl "J T . !C ' i 7 C . .... .. w.uti .uuiuiiu " u.bu... leMil. ftr.ri llfl If in! irilll fl l.enoh tn II. n Tl urawu uv uciseo. iu uuu ui luese lue i.i- . . A, - i i . i i ... p.. .t : 1 ho worse 1 . nr.noaed to the Nebraska act. and. under . -i .i. . i :.:. .i . 'u i-iiieo President of tho L uitcd- States, and his -. ., . -.,;ri. ' . .. M ' J lady, took their first ride on landing ou tho island. to the War Pepartuien', says: "Captain James Oakes, with a part passage, but that there might be a place of his Company C, 3d Cavalry, on a scout i for mo somewhere. Jones bought a tick- r..l-.--'p i-ii in. .. . . ' mi aieiu it uut iu iia uei'iuuiu, uv me from his post in Jexas, in which he was; Ct, and Smith, and Tompkins: but there , . , -. f . , .ri .,,- ,, T ,. , I ' . , ' , persistent habit of Fpending at least cii;ht puccesstut in routine Hie Inrimnc .in. .nn nnf n ;nlA ennl .1- iA I C3 b f r more than seven days, bis party sub- usted on two days allowance of bread and ; coffee, and such game as they could kill, t .... ..i. i' (r.j i. i a ..a.u.j, i.ou.u.1 i aiiom lo go lW UUR-a . . f . J,..;.-.! from .. . at sncu exorbitant rates. I ., . r , ! lue wcaiuer, mu uioiu iiecesMiy lor ucing out in it ; for, bad as tho weather out-: F.akcroftos IIuciiasas. Hon. Geo. Bancroft, tho celebrated Democratic histo rian, listened to tho reading of tho Mes- 10UB- that One item ia the wardrobe of the Prin cess Hoyal of England, on her marriage, should attract the attention of Am. women. A part of hcr "fit out" was twelve pairs of boots, which are described as "useful and solid :" some a r .... . ci .1.. 5 nr.,1 lhe fl.O, ,.fl,. .1 l,:...l ''""-'-"' '"8 ; . . .i..j.'. .... . b' i who can quit the brilliant society of the dnnrs mav be. that indoors is a part of it. aiuuiit.-u. I i in j 'Xt vilKCS IS H SOD I I of Judge Okes, of Limestone Montour S' ' iSt,Cn, ! 'i kird,ly f ag i wi,h tue ttJJition of a11 the funics from i' i.. -i ' "ho can hold cheerful conversation foul cellars, dirty kitchens, and execrable I ttliu uuu n uum jia u.u ue.iit.ll UI all WatCT-ClOSCtS. B5.c see that thc AYw Yarlc Outer-', charms: show me the man who is willing rcr and Eome other papers of a bi"h mor- i to help thc deformed, who would stand al tone, have at last nsceitaiucd that in need of help; show me thc man who 'ultt iOCKS and all similar sehemnj am I vnuOl nn Rnnntr rn.lolw nt. ihn dm. merely a new phase cf lottery gambling- ! cirl, than at tho well-dressed lady : show I and Whn '.tWaB eoc.,u, rrououn a fact which many local journals thev ! mn tl. ...an hn trea, nnrn.l,I ,.;.!. i ccJ " tuc most 'I'fgracctul document thai rd as "unimportant," detected from thc ' cuhood as hc would tho heiress, surround- Cvcr iMUcd from ,hc rcn an American ,ag(1) ttt a rcccnt meeting, resolved to j out-tart. If thrv e.m im.I.i (hn W'iJU iln ,f.,I nrnla..tinn r 1. ! statesman. As 1 wish to be literally cor- ; ,ilal,Br,i fi.a, -Ksur.l rule of ctinnelte whirh t!,i.v l,-,r.. .i . i .. . ii.. tv :i 1 . i r. i . .i . . .- . ' i rcct oo such interesting points, it seems I :..,!. f..ti r .tm : dent Democrat, the Anc lurk Hun all It the circumstances, justify Senator Bell iu Las llcVtr K.akeJ tb thc course he has seen fit to pursue. Ril- mcn,iod tlie composition to my neighbor, timore Patriot. I who u;lj a w;n,iJW wnit.u icafcc,, ba,ily SectiosalTomfoolekt. Ia thc Lou-! Uc applied it and tho leak stopped. 1 j isiana House of Keprcscotatives a bill has : made my water cask tight by this compo- been introduccu, one section oi wuicn pro-1 siliou, and havo recommended it for vidc3 that no debt owing to a citizen of ' clrimneys, windows, ic., and it Las al- of them.intcnded for "rough ' Massachusetts shall be recoverable in the ways proved a cure for a leak." CUUl 19 UI XilUiridUa. 1 HU lUtlUUUOLl UI , walking," aro provided with treble soles. , , ,' Get A II-me. Get a home, rich or ' ,.... ,, ! such a bill should be "taken under a shed , . , The TecumscU (Mich.) Herald say9 . . .. . ,, : poor, yet a home, and learn to lore that that tho Tresbyteriau church in that vil-1 ! home, and make it happy to wife and i,uuiU.ii,uuiiu,i.,i,iUu, l4 children by your beaming presence; pcrs in New York city, also that Indepen-1 , , , in , fl3wcri o( i God'i own planting, aud music of his own; J u uouu uy periuilliug IU8 lpl'VU riciics aua lamily; SUOW UlC lllm Who1 i requuca a nuum nitj' iuii ui emiiiutii in - . i .Jim a ir.n j i.iiuif uu musn. vi u unu, I to make them his so effectual agents for! avoids thc libertine's sido-who sLuD9 j proper for me to state that thc word r Md file oul into the broad aisle, ia take strong ground against tUo Leeomp-j lhe ,,irJ win1 auJ Ba(erfji. Sa all "Uie money, we thall be glad. "T. him as lhe blasphemer and tradueer of P"cu "3 lU8 uli"oriau l luc 'compion orJcr to give a la,,y tu0 foot of thc sip iuu BUou,.uuou. aUU air,,.,.., MJ J0U Uc!l l0 (Iie liJe pf dtfsoUUuDl Todd i CoV Rwindle is now hit on ! u'3 mother's sex who scorns as be would message, was "htHish." Mr. Bancroft la South Reading, Mass., a town of i it is lost. poverty and despair, that comes upon so all tides, UB,i ,.. v- Vr,rt- Bn,.i,i ' ("c coward, tho ridieuler of woman's rep- I was Secretary of tbe Navy uuder Pres. i , . - , , ., . ,." , . . T ,. .' . Vi'""' ',hc, f , ' many throuiih tho scorn if little thincs. not tnd that very and very hnora-U ' "l? T?- er j oik, an, was afterwards appointed Mm-1 si ,0 dcatu of acU1j ftum .TuQe lo JaDU. remedy for cold feet. Tako paper-old S be charm of a little home ; comfort ' . . J i I jrsrets lor an instant the duhcarv and re. : Uior . 1-.,7 ' J . 11 . . . i ? n .. at . -. i. j t - - u.-Ci.lj,HVIl v Hi 1 1 - -I f.,- l. .. ' " ... loifci r.-j iiu-tatu a cuutry tdiler.. l-'aro," luthii.!! .,.i u) co luaujr Kcet t Dal 13 due to woman, in an v mm i. 1 I'm try t j "live and tiou or clat.-, aul you show luc a fruegen ' The C , tlcmad :yr,ir. that portion of the rear ; ncwapapcri will do one cr two thick- J Jwll there that thun the gilded h ills of ii-sue-I ZfW pUn tb past when eicVnc and death are generally i utsc.i, an 1 wrap round your fert. Theo , --witty. Live bumble iu your lull home, ary, covering 1 prcvakut am'-'pg ".InHicu. ' dnw ''n j"ui h?jphca yui bo'.'ts. lrv it. i b.k t'. '.I A f t a i-r-ul-.; ing chair, and instantly exi ired. There are feur graduates of DarLmoutli College whese united ages exceed four hundred jears, viz ; Hev. John Sawyej, P. P, of Bangor, P'2 year?, 4 months; Iter. Laban Ainswortli, of Jeffrey, N. II , 100 years, 7 mouths; Hev. Ethan Os bora of Fairton, N. 3.,'JO years, 5 months; Itev. Zachariah Green, of Hempstead, L, I., Vi years, 1 month. Total, iOO year and ) months. Poisoned r.Y Tohao o. TLe Trairie Is: lpr sivs that a man at Patch Grove cut his linger last week, with a knife w hich he was cutting tobacco with. It was a slight cut, but his haa l and aria g.ion begin to swell, and in a tew daj-J ha died from thc effects of if. It may be mentioned as an evidence of the increased attention paid to matters of education in IllinoU, that sine January 1st, IS3G, three thousand school house hare been built in the State. It is estimated that were all the Uui ted States as densely inhabited as Massa ehusett.', they would, have a population of 1 40,000,000 scul, of which Texas would have 50,000,000. Our Government land rojfs one dollir an aero on an average-. How niaiiy a driuking man dus landless, w'u--, durtu;; his life has swallowed a whole t-Auihip, tret? and all ! Ev.rj wo) ! n b j tb' l,I,s tbe plv if a 1 z l'.-t ia Ijtti a s'.u'cr jp- e-.a I m.