Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 05, 1858, Image 2

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T itmittf .lSrur-Tlrr UvfiiRi Chkonklt,
f u.ii on llie Ch .-riem, bn- ..tr,.'.!'-. 3tti tKBt
ir-iiiti.n ativ Nrw.'HT in I i.iua Comity.
FwJmn, national ; SJavrry, sectional!
Another Handsome Gain.
The Secretary of the Cuiumunwcaltlt
( r I'opu'y) is ly law cuinpellid to
ir. iko returns uujer oath of the ri'.KS Jc
iiiandablu an roceivcj at that oflice, year
ly. The lX-puty Sccretury is really tLe
accouutiug officer iu iLut Department.
The Harrisbur Tt'tgraph has taken frura
the AuJitor General' reports the figures
in this mutter, as follows :
UnJcr Gov. I'ulloxk't administration, the
amount of Fees of the Office returned
by John M. Sullivan, U. puty Seore-
try, was $$,805
UuJcr Go. B'j'ers ajintuistratton,
the amount of Office Fees re
turned fur the bsiue length of
time was only 3,133
Sto by Col. Sullivan $5,172
During the same term of oversight of ;
CM. Sullivan, the enrollment tax on private
bill paid by him into the State Treasury, j
was $22,000 more than had been paid j
during Gov. Uigler's terra. j
Here arc $27,000 more revenue from j
the State Department, under Pollock than j
under If iglcr. And this shuns that in the ;
email as well as large matters, Pollock's ,
was a most successful aduiinistration. He :
added Millions to the Sinking Fund, !
stopped the Public Printing embezzlement, j
snd his own department was a model of .
integrity and justice to the State Treasury. !
It is a gratification to know that Col.
Sullivan has the administration of the fi-;
nancial affairs of the School Department,
leaving its bead to Lis uoro familiar and I
responsible duties. 1
Sun'oury & Erie Railroad.
Our neighbor of the Gazette takes ex
ceptions to the tale of the State Canals to ,
the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company, j
The reasons assigned arc that the price is I
too low that the Company is too poor to j
jay and that it would be "more of a j
present than a sale." The truth U, the ;
Canals aro uot worth, to the Common- i
wealth, one dollar, and if the Sunbury & i
Erie Company is poor it is still a stronger ;
reason that they thould not pay more for ;
the canals than they are worth. There j
are, however, other reasous than those 1
given by the Gazette, tut the opponents
of the sale don't like to inns a them pub- .
lie. The true reason is that a great ma- i
ny hungry office holders will Lave to let j
go the public teat if they are sold. TLe '
Gazette talks about the w-mwi of the ca-;
nals, but says nothing of the expenses.
Opposition to tho interests of so iropor- 1
tant a work as the Sunbury & Erie Koad j
ii, perhjps., purprisiu, and as our neih- :
bin have been surprised by several arli- i
eles in our piper lately, we hope they j
will not wander if no are surprised to find j
meiu advocating the niiereata of a tul -J-
fUVermrteaW tli'SntSSu of a great
llailraad thoroughfaro that will enhance
the value of a la rye section of our S'ate to
a greater extent than the entire icurth of the
cm ah.
The above is from the Sunlnry Ameri- '
eati, a moderate, independent Democratic
pspcr, and is the strongest argument we
have ecen in favor of the sale. It is trne
that as you drive the Canal rats from the :
Main Line, they are put on the other i
branches of the State Works so much the :
thicker. Ye see that tho Canal Commis- :
dinners have appointed fnar Supervisors '
cn the Xoith ISranch all in place, we j
suppose, of one man (Mr. Ma ffit) resigned.' ,
If such impositions can be uo other way ,
avoided, it may be true policy to sell or.
give the work in charge of individual cn-'
The great trouble in the way, eecnis to ,
be to secure the State the annual iuterest,
to guard the Stalo against a possibility of
1 of s in the long credit given, aud to keep '
the whole woik out of tho bands of the,
reeklcss and extravagant speculators who
have heretofore managed it. Were the I
j.ublic mind well assured on tbene points, j
the sale might be authorized. The Com-1
mittee in the House reputed in favor of j
the sale. If a sale be effected, and the j
iuterest secured, a reduction of another j
half mill on tho State Tax might perhaps j
be effected. j
p$.The Citizens of Taylor county ,Vir- !
pints, have held a large public meeting. at ;
which they denounced the five "CLristian ,
Advocates,' at New York, Pittsburg, Cin-!
rinnati, Chicigo aud St. I.ouU, as "aboli
tionist"' aud "incendiary,'' anJrecommcn- '
J-.J them to the attention of the district !
attorney. They also recommended the M.
E church North and nil others to send no
preachers into that region who will not '
b"ld their "civil institutions' to be supe-1
rior to the Bible teachings.
Special Hoard of Auditors Las ;
overhauled the accounts of Northumber-:
land coun'y since 1852, and report some j
? 1,000 or S;,000 due from the late and j
present Treasurers. The Report fills a j
whole page of the county papers. A sim-'.
i'ar long and tedious investigation took j
plaeo a few years ago, indicating much j
blindness and iucompet ncy,orshrp finan- !
cier;ng, on the part of those Laving charge
of the people's fnnd.
i. Yesterday the contest between the
Slato and National Administrations at
ts which shall Ferure Pennsylvania was
'o commcuce. From the activity of the
l'Crt !aer iiii.l others d. potlent upon
Nation;;1 ,.":r.'tiis5,tnc, we ar? in-ai.s.t-1-
t j.jv s ii.t !!) trill rarry tie
..y t.r I.- up 'on. lit we iiO.e nt.f.
A Musical Visit. J
The " Frecburg Vocalists," tinder to j
direction of Vni. Moyer, by request gave
their third Concert of vocal and instra- j
mental music at Liverpool, on the evening ;
of the 20th ult. TLe Liverpool Saaj
IauJ cntertains-i tue audience prior to me
commencement, at reccs.-, anJ at the close
of tic Coneert, with some of their choice
air. is the performance of which they I
elicited much praise.
At the appointed time, the Vocalists,
twenty-one iu number, .appeared on the
stage, (the ladies dressed in white) and !
through part first, which consisted princi
pally of fleered music, attracted the warm
est commendation. During intermission,
Mr. M'Farland of the Frecburg Academy,
by request briefly addressed the audience,
sbowiug the necessity and propriety of ag
itating the subject of education, until all
the youth in our land have received a
proper mental, moral and physical training,
and then alluded to that " harp of a thou
sand strings," with which our Creator bas
furnished us all, free of charge, upon which
we are required to play. He spoke of the
prevalence of music in everything, and re
ferred to the Vocalists, then before him,
as an example of the manner in which it
might be cultivated. Part second consis
ted of a choice variety of sacred, secular,
vocal and instrumental pieces, performed
in the best manner, which called forth tho
most decided applause. The Concert was
held in a large church, yet it was com
pletely tilled with an audience that won
much praise by their marked attention,
and excellent behavior. After the cxerci
cises were concluded, the leader of the
Vocalists received many congratulations, j
The following morning, after making
calls upon several musical friends, the j
company btartcd for home, much gratified j
by the kind reception and generous enter-
tatnnient they have received of the citi
xeos of Liverpool. SPECTATOR.
FnEEiu no, Feb. 27, 1853.
35tli Congress...lst Session
In Senate, last week, the bill for in
creasing the Regular Army was negatived.
Two Opposition Senators (Cameron and
Seward) voted for it all the other Opp.
Senators against it. Thii is another Ad
ministration defeat.
Washington, March 1.
Senatc. J. P. Henderson, Senator
from Texas, appeared and took his seat.
A communication wag received from the
Legislature of Kentucky, offering a regi
ment of volunteers fur service in Utah.
Mr. Greene (Mo.) called up the Kansas
biil, and gave notice of his intention to
introduce a tubttitute providing for the
ailmixsivn of the Statet of Minnesota and
K'anras together, hoping thereby to expe
dite business. He then proceeded to ad
vocate the majority report of bo Com
mittee on TcrritnrlM rJ-'r,f j ' .
.Uiu ana controUine facts of tbat aocn-
ujcui euum not be successfully controver
ted. Mr. Collamcr (Vt.) followed. He re
ferred to the Missouri compromise as hav
ing settled the slavery agitation. Reing
a fair bargaiu he thought it unjust in the
South after receiving ber portion of ad
vantage.", to repudiate the contract. Who
believed, ho asked, in 1854, that slavery
would exist in Kansas ? It was a well
settled principle that the power to regu
late, implied the power to prohibit, quo
ting instances to show whero this power
had been exercised and referring to the
case in Mississippi in 1790, as in point.
Ho defended the emigrant aid societies,
denying that the emigrants from the North
went to Kansas merely to vote, without
designing to stay there. He referred to
fraudulent elections carried by interlopers
from Missouri, and to other gross Outrages,
iuto which the Government had never ex
amined. Without concluding he gave
way to a motion for adjournment.
First Burning of Coal in a Grate.
The Record of the Timet of tbe 17th
ult., gives an account of a meeting in
Wiikesbarre, to celebrate the 50th anni
vesary of the first successful experiment
of burning anthracite coal in an open
grate, by Judge Jesse Fell,Feb. 11, 1808.
The meeting was held in tbe same old
room and in tbe same grate and fire place
as used by Judge Fell in bis experiment.
Capt. James P. Dennis, a grandson of
Judge Fell, wag called to tbe Chair, and
Wm. P. Miner, was appointed Secretary.
Speeches were made, und appropriate res
olutions parsed. The following is the
origiual record of the event celebrated, in
Judge Fell's awn hand writing, on a blank
leaf of tbe Masonic Mmitor :
"February, 11th, 1808, made the cx
periment of burning the common stone
coal of this valley, in a grate in a com
mon fire place in my house, and find tbat
it will answer the purpose of fuel, mak
ing a clearer and better fire at less ex
reuse, than of burning of wood in the
common way. Jesse Fkll."
The Press in Frasce. The press in
France bas a delightful time of it. Tbe
journals are suspended when they say an
ything unpalatable to tbe Emperor, and
they are iutcrdicted when they keep si
lent npon subject which be wishes them
to diseufs in the way pleasing to himself.
One newspaper bas just been iotcrdioted,
because it did not denounce tbe assassins
who attempted the Emperor's life. This
is one step in despotism a little further
than any other ruier bas dared to attempt.
A UjtT named iVrey, ha sued Mr
Vcd, of the Albany J7ccniog Jmrnat, for
a libel pib):frbai Virn jere spo. Hcrei
L.t. j'ift Lectin tr ft mad .Lout it '.
Tiie Indiana DEMocnACY.-lndiana i
State. But a 'Democratic meeting was
held at the Capital, 23d teb., attended by I
1 J 1 .r r it 1
wrgo ueiegauous irom every ongrcasronai i
diatrictjWbich was firmly Anti-Lecompton.
Col. X. M. MuCartv was chosen Presi
dent, whose address was followed by
speeches from Jud!e Jofaoaton. of Kansas; I
.. ,T , ' , !
Hon. Henry I!. Payne, last fall S Demu- I
... . . . :
cratie candidate tor uuvernor ol Utiio; j
JuJgeWick.Gcn.Drake, and others. Let-
tcrs from Gov. Wise and others were read. !
Resolutions were adopted prcclaiming the ;
right of the people to form and regulate
their domestic institutions in their own
win 1 1. 1 1 ftl,A .nlin. rt t .m'.w. L'.,.
J f"" " ". a-""i
into the L'nion UOon the eOUStitUtion which
she has alicaly legally rejected at the bal
lot-box, by a large majority, is ruinous,
ter)A State Convention is called by the
Dem. Anti-Lecompton men,of Ohio,Lead d
by the late Democratic Candidate for Gov
ernor. A mass meeting held in the Hall
where Buchanan was nominated, crowding
evero part of it, denounced tbe Leeomptoo
imposition in the most severe terms. It
was officered by the leading men for Bu
chanan. Indeed, most of tbe men who
secured the nomination of Mr. Buchanan,
are now against Liui, while he Las thrown
himself into the arms of tbe very men
who only took him when they found they
could not get "noble Frank" Pierco.
New Orleans, Feb. 2G. An editori-
al article in the Delta of to-day asserts
tbat the South bas already opened tLe
slave trade, and that a regular depot has
1 - . l i : 1. l - . mf. .; . I. .
uciu traiauiibueu iu .insbisnippi, uu nit:
Pearl River. Cargoes of slaves have been
under the French flag, because the Eng
lish eruitcrs do not trouble vc.-sels cover.
eJ by it.
A liOGfs LoriERr. The citizens of
New Orleans last week found that lhy
bad been swindled out of about (20,000
by a man who got up a tempting lottery,
and after disposing of tbe tickets, left for
parts unknown before the drawing.
tiii: ruzzi-KK.
Oti 'ti. a deer nlTtter,
But by Pt. Paul I'll Snd the boltoin of If
I s?'No answer to last Anagrams.
tV.N'o answer lo Charade. Feb. 13.
ANSWER to Miscellaneous Enigma of
an. 1st, I808 VIZ. I
I am composed of 17 letters i
M lfi 13 10 is a substance fCum
tl 1 O T rV at al min lit i CO nil ft,, , mil
14 3 11 17 15 6 1 S 9, a great man, name
f Krehiuald i
3 1 7 !, .1 fish (CAor
Mi u hnle, an old Highlander.
"Arehihald MrQ'wigh.'' i P S (author.)
HTAns. to ihe Kiddle, Feb. 16
7'4e Mion.' Ans. by W H B , Lewisburg;
W W B , East BulTalc.e; L A , Lewiaburg;
T U G , Leu isburg .
Ans. to the 'ieog. Enigma, Feb. 26
Petrnpaulotski." Ans'd by C 1), I.ewis
eu.t,.1 Out used.)
tVAns. to 1st Misc. Enigma, Feb. 26
"jVo argument produced on cither tide." Ans.
by T G G, V H U. L A
fVAns. to 2d Misc. Enigma, Feb. 56
"The Maenitie Isidu i Lecture. Ans'd bv V I
H B, L A i
(i ne Kiddie ana r.uigmas ol reb. 13 were
also ans'd by It L of lluffaloe, and the I'uz
z!e by M L D of Lewisburg.
Tor tha Lawisbure; Chronirle.
BcrjutreJ to subtract C from 6 that three
times 6 remains. S I B , East Buffalo
Two syllables my whole compose
To make a charm inp; flower.
My first will call a lorely maid,
Aud my second's a thine; nf power.
My first and second I pray you guess.
And the beauty of my whole confess.
Xw W.
X am compoed nf 13 letters
My 1 3 13 is daily taken by many
S 3 13 11 is on every man's neck
3 6 15 3 is a town in this State
4 13 6 6 3 8 is a county in New Writ
5 8 1 is an insect
6 3 11 is a river iu the L".S.
7 1 is a pronoun
8 13 10 3 is one of the digits
981175 is a country in Asia
10 3 4 is a river in Virginia
1 1 3 3 6 is a timid creature
15 6 3 should never be indulged
13 8 II 6 3 4 is a gentleman's name
My whole has lately caused much excite
ment. S s 4 M (I, I.cwisburg
I am composed of 16 letters
My 13 5 12 7 6 10 is a West India island
12 9 5 S 15, a county in North Carolina
4 2 12 8, a county in Kentucky
12 9 3 2. a mountain in Europe
9 12 3 15, a city in Africa
3 2 1 1 7 a 6, a city in Asia
12 5 16 2, a city in Europe
8 1 1 7 12 6 3, is a river in Asia
4 2 13 2 15 2, is in the West Indies.
I i 9 I 5, a river iu Iowa
My whole is a distinguished American wri
ter. II f u , Lewisburg
I am composed of 51 letters
My -15 51 W 30 41 19 46 is a verb
30 8 29 25 38 21 is a bird
15 10 4 21 27 31 is an animal
31 35 43 26 7 48 is a race nf people
3 5 6 2 4 26 36 4-1 9 47 is a kind of coal
Hi 41 23 12 1 are seen in erery town
II 17 32 20 42 is often used
33 50 is part of the alphabet
37 18 24 is a conjunction
13 44 40 is a river in France
14 42 39 22 is an adverb
My whole is what all shonld do
. M A , Keily
I am composed of 21 letters
My 7 6 12 20 21 6 20 20 16. a town in Canada
8 3 1 1 16, a lake in a Western 8 late
I 2 17, a domestic creature
4 2 5 I 10 20 19 4 16, an Am. steamship
15 18 20 20 6 10 3 7, an eminent ttwede
12 15 5 IB 20 2 12 7,the home of my whole
3 14 6 9, a notorious Western settlement
17 6 15 10 20 19, a town in Illinois
9 16 6 21, an agent in the culinary art
It 2 19 I, an inoffensive animal
7 10 20 6 13 16, often hears my whole.
My whole is a distinguished V. S. citizen.
I am composed of 10 letters
My 1 2 9 is so ugh I by us all
9 4 tft 9 was nnee a novreisri
i A 7 hves somewhat retired
5 9 6 is f,ii?nd ati the scacoasl
3 2 i"! an i-.t ie;;.--
M. l, v. as a vrrv p-rp:iir author
M -I f , U'llUloe
received, sold and are now at work on the i r, s a w 5 , S
plantations of the purchasers. The Dd-' - -I 3 2 5 x 5 5 S a" S g ( if
to says,. the slave vessels generally sail, . - V 2'J":'3'-'"2' 's
Account of Old Union County ftT 1807
ih.Tn-.uMot HicoUuir. furd.,buuu- t,th,id ,
n.jjr u uii. for tb m iif.
llianmk JcnaCoM. tLJulU (HM'Pel (aw nil I.
u. '
j ,, At.y IB Urt for jhll iiD.Tr.. r K.
Mtata Panitcntiarv. Ill full Ivr inlpirt tif coo- I
Sir U ymr $ M (" bUl ) 17 T
Palrr Kioipla, adm'r of Ju. luiplc, dte'd, witnea
lur!orCui.va.jNCibSuieltTBpt'racaa..'.N 1 l S3
Mirharl Kliknar ft.r aafLtibf iu the arrrrt uf II.
II H..l..m.al. ana .attum. 4 nil! Vii II) Wl 6 W
I1. Iardna, Kaq. coat fur Julia and Ann Joma, Com.
!. J tliapal . f ?
Jan. rannr, roaddamama If
HolH-rt Caudur aud olbrrh. road rlvw wl '
j,j Va :
w.-, th. undfr.in.d, omyri t th. r..uty of
. ... u. .u -- r r j
jwiiditun-auf tlw uld eouut ol Luam lor lue yaar A. II.
in... , aa correct ami irue.
Oiian nidr our banda at the Commilnufre offliv in
tba bort.usb of LeiburK. ihr aieblb day of January
A. D.1H. JAI OU IILMlItb )
Allc.t W M. KfLK, VComm ra.
V., Iba un.M.r'unmJ, Auditorai-f the county of Union
,.i8c.lali, .,1 and audiUd tbe fare.in ar-j
eut "f tba Commla-lon. of aaid county, do Bod and
.....pi th. a.i,t aMuntor atcntlituroa of the oiu coun
ty of l iiion for the year lsi; Uue and correct " autd. :
In witnau whereof w. the aiiid Auditor have bereun
to a-t our hand at4h Culnnli.aionera, oAoa, In tho bor- ;
.. . .i.i. -i..i.. i. ... T ....... A U I
i isi. ' a tiiom as, i
J. II. BiaiAK.
w 3
r. 3
S st aTi
- s w -
aaaT -
: P. I
7. o-Sj Bi35SS35SSSR33SS
3 5 tr" aJS's'3'-"aiaSS:3K- S
S c -
3 I
U i al r- h 7 U,- a 4 . z--.c-' . '-
7j s 3 b l.
3 . 1 s S ill-lpl-Sp jl
j 35 T f lSSSSgiS3s
1 - 'I StS.-H-OSs-BIsSS
- fi
i . - . - ft -r --i
3 S !
- :
5 - I
jA , 2 ?
j J 5 J
Delinquent eollector.
rHatrlri. dltertor. Tear. St-Tai. Co. TT
Mimiubur-Wul Uubtiua 1S46 $11.04 4.17
(iaid in part since etUenent),
Auditors' Pay for 1S57.
Audltora for making County Settlement for
A Kennedy, aud'g Proth.e.nd Reg.A ftcc. nectj 4 W-37 04
A r
n" "V
Assessors fur their sere ices In 1657
Klcctiotl Expenses,
eprina r.irriion, .narrn, ifii.
JP0 s
Ueueral Elation, October, lf.iT 174 70-20 H
ScrubLinre Court House and Jail.
B Amnions, scrub's Conrt Room Dec.T.'tS 4 SO
It I'.rdo. making nra. t-rub'sj Ct Ha. V.a.'4T II S
Leah Ridatiauitli.cIean'K new ttnurt House 20 OO
Mrs Bnwrr and others, scrub's; Ct U. and Jail 12 00
II Uaas, cleaning Court House and Frity t IB-SI 04
Attorney Fees.
John B Linn Ksf. salary as Commls.'s attorney 1! 00
Protbonotary's Office.
firand Jnrora pay and mileage, Feb T.
ro CS
i raeerse ao no
Adkiurned Court,
do ZVJ 0C-SS7 K
Hay Term :ie li
do i"s :
do ri ii -bii 74
Sept. Term 01 13
do 170 2.S-SS1 :s
A lj'd Not Ct It W
I.T. Term "!2 S3
j Orsnd Jurors' pay do
T ra.ee as do do
Orand do do
i Traversa do
do SftS 9-i:i 01
Court criere' waecs r.ir Feb Term i; oo
uo uo A.J id court and May T. 24 00
do do June and rVpt-Tirme m 00
do do Adjd Court .Vue. 12 00-CI 00
TipsUees or Const, attendg Court PVb.T. 60
do do Mar 37 f.0
do do June and Sep. T. 24 00
do do A.ljd Court Not. 1 00
do J A Kline and others bee T. IS 10
do Robert Leon do 7 bO-132 70
ConsU- mileage and making returns Feb T. f 10
do do do May T. 00
do do Sep. T. 7 42-52 19
Road Orders issued bv Court.
Ft. riinran and others. dirU'e Hartler Two 30 00
S L Iteck and others
IU JV-IisJ 3tf
Fox Scalps.
Samuel Simon too and othari
State Cosh.
CnU paid io caae ts Julia Clnppel
I !
3 (1
TS 1arpari.t liiiiaci7
ts iiaTai tflt.-r
s Jrrb Jtnrk
Ts I'bilin llrr-ur
6 10
Ts Vanariilt-a and MORacd 9 S3
Ta II D Knadarmal 13 90
ts Ann fristamaa 1 oo
tvro Siesi-r la 21
TS Mirirh, rartrcr. TM-aim ai aj
ts Turnar, Hard. Uunskkcr,
Vanaandaa 12
TS ltcisbTKup,itaa;ar,Mairb4 S'J-W 39
Kent for Offices and Court.
C P- James, balanr. rant of Rararder'a offira 14 7
J P Boas, rant ft-r ProtlMintilar -'a ofllra ft', no
Jmm N-hrayar. f..r rnn-mlKn-rs' cfjca so 00
m rrkk, Truataa, for nnt M. EChurrh 124 00-221 67
Road Damatrcs.
Philip afnlev fr road dutuii
39 oo '
so 00-T9 00 ;
Jar. Aaderaon and Jane IVnnT
New Brifip-es, and Renairs.
I) ?hf-r.lT).lrir,I hridca near OntarrHl. I t
V li-mWrltm, I'lansj 4 fillina: at Walfe'sM. 4 00
t rimnn and A C High, impairing bridges 4 31
r Walker, 11 days' tram dllinr HnlTalo brdr.33 OO
l r, lumber A hanlinit Turtleer'k " 3 21
I. Ilerbst and ) MTollum. work da 1J 1
II Char Ira. full for huildR brdit in aartlcy Kto 00-1613 03
Slifriffa Fees, Ac.
DGol(lln ttq, tor e!er1inir, SUBlnwninf;,
and drawinr. Jurnrs for Fi'h. and Ma; anl
Adj.Oonrt an-1 Quar.9es.Ct, and board i of
Walkins, a prisoner ?S 12
D tf Guldin, tmardp and wasbt; for prisoners 79 ?i
do coaTr-rios; S Kleckner to House
of Refuja M 00-201 87
Public Buildinfrs.
M rVolrr.?l , 2 darspnt'e; up beater la Cn. 26 S9
llartlajr A Renolds, tn part f.ir do do 200 00
A Moajthton, fnll for watt? pipe fur beaters 103 12
Frirk A Lilly, eylinderand aratesfurofflees 3 IA
Jrhreyrri Sou. full forturn.-lHi,sC II. 16:197
h ralmer, for make privy, ahelving offices.
taking privy well in Jail. Ae. Tlfl 00
J JrbmyerAS.n,2li-hairs(lrand Juryrnt 24 00
T Haves, W.'.M Ibs.Cnal for C M. and Jail 22 00
Je?se.s-hreyer, In part uf bit I for curb atone 11 114
rrtffk A Lilly, in full for making Fence 1210 OO
L B Herhst, J W Harris snd others rnttlnr
curbstone. erallns;snd work at C.ll.lot 262 53
Jn llinely, days plowing do 3 Ti
nolsi Vouoc. one ease for Prntno'y's wffica A 00
n D DuMiu reut for Itkbl 10 0')
Wm Fsgelj, 3 tons coal V ;&-4224 9
Coroner's Inquest?.
R 11 Lincoln. K".. holding inquest oa dassl
bmly of J II Kstlierman. Hartlev Twp 11 W
B Candor Esq. bod; of o Keift r, W hite Deer 10 a2-22 42
District Attorney General.
Janes II Hamlin, bill of fees Feb.T. !Si7 12 V)
do do Mty
do do fVpC
do do Dec.
Commissioners' Office.
Jaeob lluniinel, Cnntmiasioscr
William Kale d
R V B Lincoln do '
A Kennedy, clerk
J II Cornelius, ral ink and ream psr
8 L bvrk, fir C.unty Map
C Penny, cord Wuc4
M 00
22 OO
6 00-92 CO
1.18 00
Ikl 00
1'.2 (.0
2 jo on
3 60
S 60
I 25
i i2-es: s:
County Printing.
Wordeii A Coraeliua, paper for assessments - n4
do full f -r prrnt-tar cnt-So 0i
Orwhx A Bros, puhl'it Bridfre letting a 17
bBBjtli A Rnii.h, publ'f Election ik1u'i 2i 00-110 83
J.ihn B IJnn, 4tt'T In 'aet fnr Jn Bai-on, Treaa. of
l.;tst. fentt., tu lull foe support of Dinrjcts lur
trie year la. 4, lsyi and laOO
:m ci i
H II i.a.it. Ts. I ni f'o. ar,r;
a'l. aij r.y !a ot I1-
irrx.i.r.t '
e;fc " c- 5t:i.i: i e l ? ; a
1 J h M'TU 'wearing h.rlir aad Coln'rtt
.!.,,. ,.r wmimvM 7
( ,am,,; f tuioo rouniy im
v r,,.,.bc!i anil II l Ipckiwr. lax roiunuiu
aKIrli wan i.i.fi.-liarirail 3
a k.nunlv and J B Linn, makinff tabular
.1.1, m.i.t l. r H-rDii. Comim.ouiH 10 UO
u II Laird, aihtTtifine aud rrfwlairw I
j Kallirmau. li Uettiun bx.a LawiaTup 3
p eviua. no.k and KtatiiIKrj Iu IS
.1.. ..I.L I
A K tfenoruiandia. rinyiuy ball iir Court, '6 V e
Millar Et pml.wr.Suy Co. Ouldln lo
J L rsrka. cr.viug wudua at New Ikrlin IM
llrunn k Hiiur. nivrcbaudiaa 1
t u h-ti-i, uiii.; .nd piiioKeord wood i t
f"." fi .nd r..
1 it
1 IuieraalpalJ r rlhiioib.rlai.d Ban!
, r wiBl.urif Hank
d.. L. il urirlli.k ' "
do J Mi.miu.l k-q. w
S A u rand and m Stenrlck. fur Iron and ma-
mmi w.irk on Jail at New Berlin b 63
K B Oldt. I..r coal, and buardiug C Darter
..! M lliinMl.k.'r - -s
Ji.hn V.n.l. 1'r.i.nt lor Iron ttednteads I aa
K"gr A Lot, four Iron bi-l-WaOa
18 O.H16I "
111U1 49
Account with the townships for Road,
School and Poor Funds.
Weat BnlTaio 1s'iS
I'erry li
franklin 16"
Bnaer M
UarUey IS.7
aa $o,m 63 I
The aboT amount of Takee waa reeeUed by B. II. Laird,
Treaaurer. '
We. tha und.r.lrn'd. Commlarionera uf the eoooty of
tnion, bareby aobmlt tba foragoinr; nccounta of tha re-
cei.ta and aipendituraa of tha aaid euuut; for tba ytar .
A. I. IM7, aa correct and trne. j
Oiten under our handa at the Commiiialonera ome.ln t
the burougb of LewUbur. tba eibtb day of January :
IMia. jaiuh iiujajia.1
Attcat: WM 1ILI.K.
v Commissioner s.
Treasurer's Account, 1857.
nVifrf . Laird, Treasurer, in orcouitf with
l'nion County, Or.
To bal. in lihn.t.oa lb. aettlement. Ift-ri4
loueti iv.:'d from eari-.us acurcca lSi-X 'M, 'S
M from Collectors lai.6
" " lhi7
' from various sourrra
lr-i ro
11.5 ii
MS 4a
ilo 6a
isi!, Jan.6. Bal. due by Ccll'raof 'i7, prey, yaarf 146 TS
He afflnun nf oM.r MOpi t Comml..ion.ra
durlnc llie year IsiT l"l
Tlj ordrr? f.aid 72? aS
CunioiiMioo allowiI Treaaurer
Bai. due County by Tieasurtr i
7136 i
Orders outstanding
We. the un-lemiirn-d. Auditors r.f th.rounty of Union, i
haviinir.-fullyesamined and au'lited the f'Tepiinrf ac-
cunL-, nf llteOunniiM..ura and Treasurer of raid ouuu- i
t, du find and r..rt tha raid account of r.-eei.ta and
expenditure., and Treasurer's account for I-nion county
In witness whereof, we the said audl-fr. haee hreun-
tnMtourhnds.atih. Cnmm.sioners'oc,.intUeboio-
of bewiaburaMbi. eighth dayof January, 1SS8.
j 'u B.a. sn, ajii.
Real Estate.
afNE on South Fourth street and the ether
on South Second street. Inquire of
March 5tf
at Leurisburg Foundry
riTHE nrlt'k House and the T.ot on
l Market street ni w occupied by myself.
For Term, inquire of
I.ewisbnrg, Feb. 56, 1N59
Orphnns1 ( onrl iiALEarTaluaulo
Real Estate! M
I"1V virtne nfan order of the Orrjhans'Coort
J.5 of Union eountyawill be eiposed to J
i 1 ubhc Sale on the premises on
i sr-aaiaiaj, aUraacla 19 aOOO,
i the following valuable Tract of Land, late the
: estate oi ssMlbl, v a i,tri. deceased, late
t.f Tnion township, t nion county, bounded by
: lands of John Phillips, Isaac Eyer, Taggart,
, r urman Ou oarion, anil outers, c(iiiia.iiiiug
. more or less, whereon are erected a
! Two-SI ore y llrlrk House,
fithi-r Outhui!iliiir a
1 I IC V W T
a WACSOX SHED, wuh Water in the Barn
yard. There is an excellent Sprint? of Water
near the door. Also an Orchard of choice
Kruit near the house. Also
OH the premises. About lOO ACri'N Pf the
land is cli-ared And in a hitrh ciai.. ,,f rnltira-
I lion.
The property i sitnatrd about three-fonrths
j nf a mile from the town tf Winlield, and the
public road from New Berlin to I.ewisburg
! by V infield and L'nion Furnace passes by
I Ihe door.
! tVSale will commence at 10 o'clock A.M.
; of said day, when terms will be made known
S and due attendance eiven by the undersigned
1 Br 'he Court : Administrators
8at l hoes., Cl.rlr. Feb. 18, 1868
rpilE TWO ROOMS occupied at pre-1
I sent by Washinston Hutchinwn as a
Thev are snirnhle for T - - T w-
f ALSO the Ol'I'lCr. I now uccupy.j
For Terms amlv to
Jan. 27, 1858,
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue cfa writ of
Vcnd.Ex. issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Union County, and tome direct
ed, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at
the public house of David Moyer.in Hartleton,
on Mosdii the 2Sd of March inst. at I o'clock
T.M., a certain TRACT OF LAXD situate in
Hartley township, adjoining the public road
leading from the Laurel Run Church np the
Valley, thence by lands of Michael Schnure
south 16 degrees east 69 perches to a post,
thence by lands of Christian Gann north 82
degrees east 16 perrhes In a nost a corner of
lot belonging to John Ruads, thence by said j
un norm on uegrees;west 18 and 7-10 perches
to the place of beginning.containine 5J Acres
more or less, whereon are erected a Two
Storey Dwelling House, Frame Barn.andliX
other Outbuildings, wuh the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Alexander Cltmm.
DANIEL D. (it'LDIN. Sheriff.
Sher.fTs Office, Lewisburg. March S. IN68
TIIHE subscriber offers for sale his Residence
.1 on the west side of South Second street
in the Borough of Lewisburg, between Market
andSt.Louis slreets,eonsistingof neara lotand
a halfof ground.makinga frontof 9 feet on said
Second street, and in length 157 feet, 6 inches.
The improvements are a commodions three
HOUSE, f pressed brick, 47 feet
front by 3fi feet deep well finished with a
marble base, marble sills an.l lintels in front
a fire-proof roof with a Wing attached of
S:l by 1 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex
cellent water, with a Tump in, under roof a
large Cistern also under roof a large new
Stable an Ice House and other necessary
out-bntldines. There are also on saidn.
Lot choice Frail Tree and Shrubhery.Sr
The location is a desirable one either for a
j private residence or public business, his on
the most elevated part of the Boronrrh, near
i',ourt f-'onsc, aM !:. n short d's!"-;-from
'.?ar'.(et ftp-et. Terms vtiM he. mr! ea.v.
June U, 1S57 F. YII.LEIt.
f on s a l i: .
t d M V R'idi-nce, on North Thif! trt.
j,laLl.cisbur2. 31 It. Iruut, anu n.ciM'jinz
liattt bmlJini; 53 ft. ilei-p. Iiasement, anil
Attick finished. Every convenience in the
way of uut-hoiMinr.
Also, a Half Lot on Market St., oppoir
S. Ruler's residenc, vrilh a !"wl Well uf Wa
ter ami new liable ; verydi-Mrable for a Lui
ness sianJ, or rfMilftice, (or both combine.!.)
Alwo, other Lots, some with and r.me
without Boildinss. JOHN LUCKK.
Lewis.bure, Oet. H. 1S57.
Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain!
ItK near Lewiabui?. a Tract uf
almust lOO 4rrc- of Rood I arm in?
Land, limestone soil. It will bf si Id on rea;-
onable terms at private sale tor Cah. Inquire
J al the Oltice of llie Ctmmirle. June 10, '.V7
! Turnpike Election.
"VTVTICE is heretijr given lo the Stnrkholt!.
; J.1 trmf e ll'll'J ntr,Aitrviis!itr!z Si Yumi
mimftnwn riirnpilce Koad Co;npany, that an
Klection will be held :u ihe house ol llenrr II
Mntr;ina in Aamnshur" on Tue'day the 9Lh
day of March next, betwe-n ihe hours of t-n
and two o'clock",!! elect five Directors to man
age the concerns of ihe Company ft.r the
eusuing year.
PETER vn.-.SON, Presi lent.
Spring Mills, Keb. 2, l5S j-i
Administrator's Notice.
"1T7'HEREAS, Letters nf Administration lo
y theestateof PI'.TER KAt'FMAN. for
merly of Lewis township, Union rouniy, dee'd,
by Ihe Register & Recorder of said county
have been granted to the subscriber, all pers
ons indebted lo said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those havinj
claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
JOSEPH SANDERS. Administrator
Limestone Tp, Jan. 9. lSr.H
1000 Bushels Prime Wheat
t'ST received from Baltimore. I assure
my customers and the public generally
that thev can alwats et a superior article f
! FAMILY FLOIK bv calling at the siju uf
the Red flag on .North Third street.
Buckwheat, Rye and Corn Flour
kept constantly cn hand.
T. fi. EVANS, A;nt.
I-ewisburrj, T)c. 10, isr.7
New Arrangements---New Goods!
Tfi-.i-T-pir T If lll'V lioi inir t ll pn tllH
: I Uoi.lJl i..Jl.it.i Hat 111 Idftrll IUC
; , We known Sl'YKLK II AT -STORE, hi
; ..i nt.j .....
i refiited it, and filled in an extensive variety of
jj np,t Gentlemen' t Clothing, A c.
! AS , inrP anfJ splendid stuck of CLOTHS
, CAKlMi:RES, Ac. which he wiil mi7e up to
ordrr.zs he still continues the lailonne Busi
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted lo his care.to the satisfaction cf the
N. B. Cutting and Repairing; done to
order. Lewisburg, April 10, lS.i7
J. B. Datesman,
At the well known 0:d Star.d in Kellr town
ship (eFt end of Miitcn Bridge) respeeifuily
informs his usual customers and ihe public in
general that he has just ree'd a fresh stock of
at reduced prices for Cash or Produce. ,Ju-.t
call and see and save travel and Itri.tee tolls.
Nor. 5, 1857 DATESMAN.
Still Another Opportunity!
HTartj-.ihe Cheap I'icture Man,
"IYTE ta'.i
lie this method of infi-rminc the
nr nnrl soret.nnilinBi
cr in, try, mat we are aeam wuh them for a
short lime, and now oiler them a betterarticle
anfJ at lower prices than ever heretofore. We
! have k(.r- lhe o!d MaI,j abovr ci,risi &
Caldwell's Drug Store, and having much bt-
ter liht than we haj in our cli rooms, and '
more convenient rooms in every resj-ect, wc
shall be better ah!e t arrnmnioiiate. Perkins
hminp pi'-tiiTfn of trafs'1 fr-enrli cr rt-latlvm which
tin? wjuld liketo hkv o ia-d or frBnufrmtl tf pp-rt n
mnrh lr-a-r no liai" it don o fth-rl o. lie.
n.llh. to,,.i will I warrant.. i m tenmtiiv u co...
i nJ "-d''d trim tl.n tlior hi-h ih-yiir. tfc-n j
( mm. reriMrD want me i iir-i.t-ri;!.- ran he lb "in lor
pnpfji nncmg irim to 5 v. r.fturt ot pT
lined to th-ir rvm thrumih iikije.-it. at,d f
p-r-f.na taken at the phortr-t notice, at thir r-.idr.-. -;
pirture of jAunrr rhildiVD takn inonfcemnd in a hr.-ht
liht. Outdoor Vfw cf lu;l J,tii, ac, t:krii U rd r.
A 111 trot y p picturi,- taki'n on dark and rainy day quick
er than 1'affUfrrentTpe fn the rteart-ft and hriifhtft.
rirtuif from S'.'rtn. f- to ?uit th- purrhaavr. We
I extend a rordial invitation t" all to rail ard e ua and
1 xaininour r?eim.-np. whHnr th- want piruF op
1 r"'1- liemmt-.-rtheplare. rn rTiTt hrictAtaldw:! s
! M-nmotli lHugctore. Wratudy topieai
M l AKTT. Arti.t.
N. B. Intnirtlrins r'Tn in tha art. an.l apparatus
furtiiKhid at tW lrwt-at rirs. IVr-ros a lAt.inz t ) '.vrn
th- buaini-ss ran iiaw b.r nn nprortunity nut of. .n mi t
with. l.-wi-l.tire. (Vt. 'J. i-:.7 i
llroke Out in a fw l'Inrr !
Ji:SM: If. W tCER. iiavinrr
takrn the ostablivhtr-ent re ccr.tir orrn
piprf hv Charl's Heinfr on MOKI'II
THIRD STKEET. LEWlslil.KC, he is
prfpareJ to see his cl! an.l new frtfrnU. and
furnish ihemu-iih all kinds of COypECTlO
XEKILS ot thr? rhoicest varieties. He has
refitted the establishment, and is certain nf
eivins satisfaction i3 ail. Ice Cream served
tip evriT.T.nina.. fAusr. It. lf7
- . . , Z. . ZT. '
i Jet Goods! Black Diamonds ! ! &C.
Buy Early, and Sure your Mr.nrtjf !
rriIE subscriber is prcpaird to furnih '
L at a'l times the very bet COAL of every '
description, from the Wilkes-Barre and sha-'
mrkin mines. He has on hand an article of,
very superior quality, such as is seldom bro't
lo this market. which he will dispose ol at the
lowest cash prices Coal weished, and pord
measure warranted. I'sT'Coal exchanged fur
merchantable Country 1'roduce of most kinds
as well s for cash.
Coal Yard at Tho's iesbit's Lumber Yard
on South Water street.
Xov. 1!, 1KS6 tf R. I. "ESEIT. '
AViir llarllelon, lm'on Co., Ta.
TIIE bubscribor, thankful
fffi.vBy for past patrcnace. would inform
SfTjJ his friends and the public in pene
al,,T ral, that he continues to manufac
ture all kinds of Woolen (sood, such as
Cloths, Cassimeres. Twreua, s-attmelts, Jeans.
Blankets and Flannels ; also. Carpet and
Sweking Yarns. His machinery being of the
best kind in use, and having employed the
best of workmen, he feels sale in saying
that his work shall not be surpassed by
any establishment in the country. A good sup
ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand
lor sale or to exchance for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
Carded in the best manner and on the shortest
notice. Terms for carilintr. cash on the de
livery of the rolls. MARK HAI.Fl'E.WY.
Winfield Mills, March 30, 1837.
PETER IIURSH having received
his flmt Ceood lor ST, S,
would invite the attention of boih Town and
Country to his carefully selected slock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c.
of the latest styles and best qualities, adapted
to the season and to the wants of the commu
nity and of the times.
l"'Call and see for yourselre and be
convinced that Hurh's Store is Mr place for
Bargains! We take mnchpkasure in showing
inr g.".or!,ut m.re in p'cavrtr. customer
giving g..nil ira.'ea ,I r,r.urg, Ott. IC57
or l.Urr Rrmrdj '
Ij a;c art nil: i hat i.:i.y u.LT.r.iirnf,.,
not In a -rl-t -lal. ..I l.i-ltl., I,r tna Llfu m
Olid 'lllV to lb tl.aM th lUr .4!' Hi j, aad b.
tl at i. d rami.'d I lie al.ol. v.tal aiarbinar, ,UBa 9Jr
T" liPd a uii'll- iu Jecuiiariy a.laud to tbla llm, f
li-n lb. .tii.l 1 1 ..u. . I th. yjoytfU ra. In a large a,,
i xtectli"! , r.n Tifr i,r th. !at Tw.uty vira, aad laa
Fult .1 lit (-r n 1 1 I i. tl.- Inviat ralur. aa a bot
tai.nt r.u.'
alt.rv m tiii'inr tta. ai
" aa
A. J.ltr 11 m.tijr i; lust iu' !,,.. ttU wto
rtn ii inf1? in iUip fl rt . Ui r llir vtaiuw j.r Id 1
i rt- r I. w to ti'V in r"i:ni. lpe Hmtry e4f ei
dr-i, !. r it fci. nrr fni:-l tr. r-W ail tfrtioa
vm hd'i Hi rtmi lr f.(fit ntTt.iB tttkf rrS,
t-T.- tia-tjjht h':W t" il, Ik ir.tlLi IS.J uoto.1 tfpLl
.i af.t uy mit-t It- r-iJ. '
One tf r nr ; rf-mft-a' nf tr nk tp wjm. '-riT vr tii faa,, '
-in-f. I t- mii nt. II iuM.ii f ui tn with a liTfTiiiflls,
tr : r Ttn,- tr, j.jiji Ii.n...ii'.' r. wfi-t-ttr-t.y rtlt?.-
A r'i r :y f.iti ?t;;. r ur t.Ti'f tftt o'tr day
ai-i be t,4l jtitci. a 1 .-Miiau a iiOttlr, who kIIVt
in.-try hftiy fi.ui Li, r 1 iintlaint, at.ij i-elr.ri-u
i i l t.in-n tLe- uf.. ;t- ,i a at work'-ariuL
A .'fni;( iuj.1,. nwriit.i frriin the Wt,t. aart, wh:;t
11.- . la- tltlt.ki W.tli 1 BlUW, Ilt.,(t-rlLg lflar
t).:it 1 r.iii.-,j u ,; ,ki::( ( bjiiriMi,, but th iytira:'
cur1 l.im iu a f. w Javs.
i-r.t- r ( iiir '-if y m- r.-htDt- uii. bHa ra vMt t
'l r- v, a f.-w .1- -in e. . ntlxkrU with toowl ant
'lir' f'ier, -o av- tu fnfinc him t. hi roocai, a
n ut Tft th -irur ,-(.re I . r a S iTle ui Iiaviratcr, ttx
'J h.rh re;KT.'.l Lim mi that h waa kbit to at
Ut I I u.it!..-.
Ati a.-'juuir.-ftr". :,,.. burn..- rwp: him t)
iiit'-t t,t iL jior. r, htt tarw wak aa i tat
cii.iMi at tiu.s-t- fi. id ;.n. nh.ie at othvra, tlaaf
wjuid uftrj.dwtr L.iu, tt th lis. ig rator etmi him.
A ,"-ij;liri ffta Lr(ln rallwl (tea waak w
tw.nr.r.', la r.tf but tl.f rt.a.jfiw of a man. witil ktt
I air m l ii ri: -i e. Il hrd 1id t.r a lo tim auS.r
iue Uistn Jui,.1:cc ami !). t-kit.. and m.tl to ftiUtx
ti. Um l..iMrn-.!. .f:,M L.m ama to day a t hsecm
n.nn, fn t if. h:- ,rt'.ifi' n. l I. a notmiD tha but
t fi ..f tt:r f.rt bt.ttt. mi d turth-r matad mf
in-, i f 1 wji gi ,I)S to awuiLUsptiTa' jraa."
Ap r.fl ih- lt;itIrH4 cfLiv-p Rmt4it-il now fffpivd e
tli ) ul.;n-. Wa rt- nr tifiic ran ' fuily rerfntflaFDd aa
Ir. aiif' rd -i 1m i-iratf-r. or I.i.. r Il mniy. h gt-nvraJIy
kni'wn n.w tljT'Ui:b' ut th li.n.n. 'lhi rjKiatioai ia
truly a L.t-t 1nii;i.rnjr. i twui miftL moat ba.py r
nt it run rail ml.r, r fs- it. Ji iaiot inramt'ritlrrticcts
I l-n f f Te .TTT.t Tjrfja of ttia mdiclD
tin '.f tt,r l. .ft,;' f.iiiiijritr it. iriTw, ad It if, wltlv
t ut iuu'.t, iLt i,n i,r.T-'tf " ti"w th puU:c
fcA.N (" 'HI LO.. Frf prWlra.
iti br&adway, ; York.
S:,!Jly Ciini&Ttr CAlin ELL. Lmtburm
6Tv; W. R.MERWIN,ct.
Mure than Eottlcs sold ia
' .c Etfjhintl StfittiiTi one ytar.
'THE rtoraiite of Prt-f u. J Wwrl for rtorinf atir
-rf't:y and r rtnamtiltr. h? ft-T Tt t ad ana.
T'-Iiju'S tftrr f Irmt m;i:ht 1 1.n fri tu all part of
th- w( r.d and tr' tn tl.- p w intf irtr lit to pro tbat It
is.mifT KiM'.t .ti ii ; tiut r ad tL circular aiul jn
ran qi t doui-t; rt-u-1 at.-o tt-f :ic a ing.
J-Tifr If -rr rir;!- hn.e frr nturia lWi affirt
d witlt laid h-a:v. and th ru rtmrdf. hrtclL
lr,'.n. ha t - n t ho- a' . H'tnal ir aia. By a I-at
il!avroirr f I r t Bti-I iii- artii-.i-a arv liet hit
di-;r!fi l t :ti. ut a s;rt at omri ? n still pal dim
Ti.sin. tratia" t (.at-1.-. d ao rtl-n inprd npob at
Hair T' tiif cf I ff, rri.t kicd-. 1; ail ur h ptat,D
"iro' -p'-y mak' tl.t- ttnt-.t. tltnt ti.j nnl trT.-iicr aftla
f'T in irn.:' hvrr.-aliv ll.frr i no 3rh thiDf aa faii,
Hfkftrfa ld? a ho wan laid, who u-rd tha artlfia a
hnil t mi, ami Lt-r itr;id in a w cot red 'cm pi tly w"k
th tin. --t and n,t b(.r.ti!u) curU ig'Oabla.
know r,T rumrTTios canri where hair waa -at tdly talt;
r ut, b.rh it r Hf itd iu g:tiaUr jerttcUcn iham it int
had u'cn r- f r...
It I!, t tiru. dcut rnff the lVt rt1e?? tor
stf j'itijt I ttr in d rciDditii-n, oiakinr It acft KDd
(.;.-, rfn"T.-!i dan irutT. aid Lna proii-d itaelf to
j;r'f trt .mi:. f an ih-tl hair if b-ir to.
Ii i thf tic'i .f nr r n tr ic f rrrm their paraTtal
aT-ft-ararf- rl-t-uh ff m,- n:ay rfiTrr in regard to tha wim
rlddr-'it; hut M.rtrr il! a.In.it tht a boaotlfnl
h-nd cf hm-. t .il.- r m umn or mn.in aa ct jtrct m9tt
t" If ;,vjr,.,i n .-raT" f 1J) that -houid bereft
uu trim r!nn;.h a lot;? idi-ratlOU. .alM'l 44
.vtale, j i.a.a'- it i.;j.
C- h.-ct n. Ohio. Not. 17, IS
o j TVfN ! 1 r n r.w.t.: At 1 Lai-bM a Trtd m
f-f.Iiur ? ur .ifctr l:enifra it tie lat nea fur wa
yrir itsral net.fp . K M lia- kinT-n.'. and hal riart
rrird rl.e t-r-tt ti it n-ytelf, 1 wcoid like
chrain n c-ri-- i r t tte t f OLw or ku State I
the Mel. ri. u.il m m a :t U DiMkt m h an arraPfroieata
a- I f.ni ri.in :r..-i .1 t r-ie i n th ogrnual tn It la tbel'ai-t-d
i f.-r r. it. Titi c thr J air. 1 have t-B rtteafd
in tl.c l'rt:r l'umr-nii r F-rai yarr. and fcavo acid it
r oui prfporatinp f r the hair, t ut haT fr und DOtbiBf
that rrt' rv the ivfrri-tiie rrp-nf or inTifrorate tba
rra:p a -.! a oura. tvirc !uuy ernvtnrrd tbat year
rtturati- th a 1 u ' u r-r.-e nt ;t to h. 1 would like lo
etiagv 10 th -k vf it. f r 1 am fa:itf"J it Bmt aeM.
Vuma irolT. fi. STOCKMAN.
V.a and, Mt., TK i. lt"T-I-HT
o. j. w.p s -, Cr,,., ; Ialre ivaliied tba
ir-d rtjvap rlTi'iir Hair Irtoratie. I wi-b totatetat
fndirc on haircrrtwine th'n. a w-.l aa -rT. lwaa la
durcl f mm what I read and h. ard. t4 trf tha artirla pr
?.ard It yr . t. pn n.ota- it -rowth acd rhanee it roler,
it was. ;n ut h. Lwt of which it hap .Pftd rompiet
!y. In the terttn 1 hTc ud rearW tbo orttler.
1 r- if. JAMFS J RAMI?.
( J. WOOI .. Co . r Are.-t'-r. Hroadwav. If . T (
Mr. the ,,'rw.ai V W r t;il D i-tatli-hnient, a4 IU
Vr-rktlilrnt. l.otn., Vr.
A I'd .Idly tillered Irnpci!-ta.
S- .l hi I. vi tu-j f-y r S t'j? P M EL L.
Great Excitement!
M N i: Y J- O S T!
TT i ii. w unifera!.
ci,.i-irfr rr'arv rrr
it fan,::v n-e, rhe
than a lair rni Ii'. is
; ct ncr t!cd that the pur
. !f Go .. fVr pr.raie
p.itT? therern iron
rii'Ti'-v lost ;" ihe onder-
sifrne l. ito return, has just opened, iu his
rn ihe corner of Fourth and .Marker Streets,
Lewistorg, a splendid assorin ei.t of
fvT I.a.'.es as ucil Geutleir.cn. crnsisiine, m
pnri, ol rhe various s:y:?s ct' lre.3 Silks,
)-Trze I'f I.a;nc!, Kfreges, IV pirns, I.awnj,
Hci'li-ints. Tismj", Kn.trnderi,s. Collars,
I "ndt-r. it1 .'.. It.ir.rikc rrhieis. Trimmings,
GIovps, Miits. U rcihf r u i'.h
.4 Fine Lot or VonieMlc Coodf,
Prints, Muslins. A.c. Also, Kca-jy-Made CIo
lhir,r. cloths, faAsiftaenes.
Vesiir.gs. Hats, Cravats, I.ilcls, and a ins
fresh se!i-ct:on of
Tea, Ci ci a, Cheese, in large or small
qii.in:.tics. FIH by the quarter,
half, or whole t.irr..'. fALT by
tbe snrk or hovhel,
and, in short, a!m.--t evrrvfhmi: utualy kepi
in our stores, e.-in l e t". un.l at this corner, mni
ail of uh:c Ii will t e sold at Ihe
or exchanged f r Conntrv Tro.iuce. All h
a'-U. is a Fair Trial; Quick Sales Small
1'n.tus and Fn mpt Faytr.ent.
jn s- a .m. ?vjr mm
of a snperii-r quality, fu m lhe Hartley Mtl!.
not croiird any closer ihan the mills furnish
in tins region, and quite as good, if not supe
rior. hii-h can be tr-ted ly sm xaiat, sold IB
large or small quantita s.
Lewisburg. Ta .Mav I, '57.
"VOISTII 4th Strrct. The subscriber
X y most respectfully informs the citizens tl
Lewisbun and vicinity, that he has on hant
and for sale a cheap lot ol I I K.MTt BE,
for the Spring trade, comprising
Drc?rin and Common I.urcau?, Sco
rctarics ami I'.nok Case?. Center,
Card and Tier Table?, Dining and
lircakfast Tabic?. Cuj. boards, Cot
tarrc and other Bedsteads, Viands,
Solasi. and Chairs
of all k mds. COFFINS made tc orcer ca
short notice.
The public are cordiallv invited to eiaaitne
his work. as he is sure thiit they mil te saiis-
fied with his stock of Ware, and prices.
Lewisburg, S-ept. 15, lsSti
( l.lM kS, WaltliM,
and Jrwi-lry, nut doorio
the Fust OihVc Cheap fcf
Cash. A. E. HE.ORMAriE, A?
Lewisburg, Apr.l "I. 1M.
JOMdl Hi:i.I.V, .ucllof-er.
SOLICITS the patronaec of the public
Residence on Soiilh Fifth street. Lewil
burg. Fa. December . I
j-) t T fr VJ ,or -'t,s':,'f
r-r rtnr.ee ordrr.at !he Chr'nif." I