Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 19, 1858, Image 2

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O J VOiii'L: tc J.
W f? .:h r i j. 'P.
HiiWrli..! tv. tl. i .- -. . 1
-V-'. i
tinnal : Slavciv, sccti.mal!
To tho Douglas Democrats .'
If you allow your loader and id'-d
to He cru-.hed in 1 1 : pre.-ent jiositi.vi.
h'j h fur oxer djwu! Tlio II . j ml I i -cnTH
ciui not fcttppjrl the arrliitc-t of
all tho Kansas cviK evr-u if in; .!.,..
t.y at tlio last to repair i:i p;::'! :'
lniichief he h.H done ! '1 i: :
arc! .l;nx' u vv con r.ex . r f.rulv
1 111.'
5MP.il who 1,
tiici.t into Mav
jiasranJii'2 -cheato. .?;
thri;i in the tl'vii: h.tiir
to .1
hupe i!' futliro riirrc-.-j then, ir to bro:ik
i'ov, :i the po.-ition l him. ! tlo..
fet the ;:n 1 xvi.-I.es of tho FroeM'tto
iVi.iecraey. Nov." is von: ttjik i'-1
xx.'.iiK 1". ;r de -i i-in-i :.;i of the L'.
rotnp'.o.'i frtoil. Ilohl iv,i! !ic m ,.'!-it!'j---i:-ivf
l'.ree li yonr xie'.v.s t'tro"
t'te press write to your iscitator.s an.!
tmt I !i:ocrat:c (.'envnT.-soifvi - i o
them to nti.ler: lan I what is the i:i:.i.
seiitirn-T.t of i!.o Iieuoeraev of .!!!
Ma to (I you may' av.Tt tao ox :
aa l .-ltvo x..iir ft-ieiid. Jlnt lt tii
A'i!:iii:i-!iTit;.ni tri:iii;:'!t over hi::i.r:n
he like L:;.:il'.r. '
tho l-t O;
of t! other .-t:U!oii.s in the trifl of tho
Nal:o::fl! Adi iiaiii'atio:i, there i- a
trciiora! nisi! fixed rcjuinanee to the
xei-ntion ff iiie Lecomptoa fraud.
Vi- cat: lilt !:ic proi'iiiieat tn.-u in Union
oo.iaiy !i! cl-exvhi-re, v ho never he
iorc Loil'.d lVo'.a uny !eaiai:;l v.hi-. h'
hil l the iaU! "j''Li!io; :-.:tie." x i.o aovr
oj.caly (!eeh;fe t:::U tiie whole A'.hniu
istr.iti'..i) j-au is xviontr ;;iu-i. not be
pushed ihro'.ti, and that if carried
into effect it x ill rnia the j.arty.
In IV-ar,:-ylvai:ia. t!so State and
National AJsniiiislratioas are in open
o..r.!!let. and xvc rei'ret to .-ay that the
Xatj.jjr.al Administration sTctiM tliiii
f-.r aide to .-tiih the c:-:'iv.-jiou cf any
lldliiii by the I.- jishjltire ro .ol-ut
urn the "hie".- at :he U:ee:;ti e !:.--po-iil.
v.l'aokor'.- friea'h- donht-
vie'.vs are earnest
to Leeotiiptoui-ai. '
:. Packer to 1 e do-:
!.,..-t hi- p.'.'.ver xvith
ia tl.-;- '
If Ih 'y
hi- oxva parly
by orders fru
Were xi .
al.i'-h will be governed
i Wiu-hinjrtoii.
to !. eontrolled bypnr-
tiran views, v.c should desire noihin-'
bettor Ih.rm to .-.-c i.. oomptoa admit
ted. a:.d !::;" I;..-, Fui'iif-v, Walker.
i, an I taeir tons ol tlion-anU.s
r''r.t.Mea'l oat of the 1 'eiaocra-,
tic party. Mut xve want Kansas free
xve will aid loujrla. ii Uo. in ma
VAng it free ami jientiit f.ll in at tors
of nv partisan lo-'(S and quins to
take tii' ir oh:;'''- V.'o xyan't to boon
with ail who sec xvith uj on the queV
ion at Ui-ue.
f?A Jate arrival from Ualifornia
?how? the tninr.! rather Roari.-hiiiLr.
A ercat esoit'-iaeat cr.is'.- among the
Mormons. The State i'c'-t hasXern
assumed and lcali::ed. Ciov. John
sou (Opposition) rinr.our.cc3 that for
the first time, t'ae cxpenditnres of tho
State have been kss (by Half a Mil
lion) than the income. Gov. Wcllcr
(Adjn.) was i:
anLrnrated. A re?oltl-'
tion ai.prov-ntr ot .senator I'ontrias
pasitioii on the KariFfls ineeti,.ii, tre
ited gretit exeitcnie-nt ia tho Lesrisla
ture. It is supposed the Ib in'ieraey
arc wit'u U'oiighis on tho .'ooaii'toa ;
Mn. t'Sttow. While horic of inc.
jirofc?scd I'eitioer.'.tic press xvi.-h to'
throxv tho blnti.e of the mcnt t'on-L'res-ion'.il
ir.clee on hiia. inrmy ol':i-.:-i
licfr.'l hint and I. is art.-. Mr. Hr-'-xv
is uatarally a mild and amiable v rt
less ia stzc ,lii:"i hi.-: assiiiiant : I -nt
his Xcxv Kn-lan-I ldi.od is -i ,o 1. and
s the repi'i'sentativc of the Wiltaol
iliFtrict he xvi'l not r-i;ffer ir.ipositioa
from any rotir.-e. :c .lr,e that the
Senator and .Members from hisis
triet havo paid him a vi.-it at Wa-!i-inirU'it
sinej' he repelled his brutal
assailant. If he needs any help, tie
can jret it by sending out word.
rsrWe arc itid' bicd to CoI.James
Moorf, xvho l;a re.'.-ntly spent foinc
w-ths i'i Mi .-..'uri. for a copv of the
Mi-soriil iMiMoca.xT the celebrated
l-'rce Hil paper of .-'t. Loni-'. It is a
fip!eiu!i.l paper, each j.apc tentainiier
iiinc columns well edited, and xvc
fl'.oald say well supported. x o have
taivon txvo cxtracti from that .ap, r
era ottr first pn-e.
rSTThellarribnr- Daily Herald
formcrlv a tlraight liuov Nothing"
journal, has cho-i.i'ol lianus, and uoxv
f-Ui'ttttllS l'OllL'las
Ai'.v.'ital or ti'.v. L'rnu L'xGov.
W:i;.."..ii K-.l.-b of Ohio, who now redoes
near U.-chford, Illinois, was last fail in
dicted for shooting and mortally wounding
ouu of a party ci reekhss young men. who
were infesting his r- sid.-cce and annoying
bis family xvith b herniug parly on the
occasion of the i .icrrisge of one of Govcr-
.. . . .... ,
Btr 13. s nons. tie was tried tor murder rial organization ot tne u; per pcmusuia men uau visaca xvestporr, ..utssouri, in
Jaft week at llookfoid, and triumphantly tf Michigan. The country embraces some search of Mr. Daiiforth, a member of the
acquitted. Tom Coiiu and Judgi Wm. sixteen thousand Efjaaro miles, abounds in ' Lecompton Convention. .The Missouri
Johron of Ohio c.adaeted tho defence. . mineral resources, and has an estimated ans made no resistance.
The verdict is Eaid to Le in accordance ' population of ten cr twelve thousand. : Mr. Stofer, Democratic Representative
with publi: sentiment in Hock county, ; it imposes at present a part of the State from Leavenworth county, is recovering
. and while tho fatal rc9ult of Governor j of Michigan, from the main portion of j from Lis wounds,
ll. bb's chot is deeply to be deplored, it is ' which it is separated by tho Straits of A skirmish is said to have occurred at
- hoped that the verdict will do Eim.li to ' Mackinaw, aud with which it is said to ! Fort Seott, but no particulars have yet
put dowu lapse disgraceful exhibitions of have no common iutcrcst, and the divis-j been received. Gov. Denver refused to
brutality aud ill brecuiag known as cluiri- ion wiil, it is supposed, not be opposed by ! send his troops there.
- , the peoplcof Michigan. J ! Colonel Wade Hampton, of South Car-
Tlit J'JlATII i-'KNIJ.M' Will.
.l.-r.-. frco colore! man, c-aviclc l in
'r .'ia i of ..triiiog and carribtg
r-.i , b et, ..nfet.cd
to L-.
ConTcss...1st Session
c-.. ....-. -,-..'. ,i'rA
t : , .. . - . '
Itl M01..UOII f I C0U1U10U COUriCSV, us
. i
wli! as i,f parliamentary r.ractiec, Mr.
Speaker Orr, who Laila from S-juth Caro -
' . .
; unit.
, tins refused to allow the major.ty on
the afsa--j f Mr. Harris's resolution, to
have a m j rity in tho select committee '
to iuv.s:i m'o the Kansas election Lusi-!
ncss aud the I.eeompton Constitution. 1 and the Dkmockacv ukfuseu an Inves- ! Tho correspondence of tho Knglith papers ,
Kight l.-eompt.-.n men to bcvcd anti-Le-j tioation ! It is notorious, and is openly i says that tho American Ci.iuiuissi.jucr ,
e.-mptou ni.'ii have been named by Lim, 1 boasted, that tho President is engaged iu : fought an interview with Yeh, but had
ttiiU tl'.e evident design of frustrating the i:i Yt:..; VI- Members of CongreM to pass ' met with a sarcastic rebuff. Loid KIgin's
' will of the majnify in the House. It, the Infamous Lecompton Fraud upon the, demand had likewise been rejected in the
be observed, too, that he has put sev-k galled nceEs of an insulted people yet I eauto strain, and a speedy attack on Cau
m! vf the must vwleat .Ire eating South- his supporters will allow no investigation to" was accordingfy anticipated,
oners tiron the Committee, such as Stc- of an alleged fact which tends directly to ; The Leviathan was cspcctcd to be afbat ,
pheus, ti li'mau and Letcher, while he cat out tho very heart of Constitutional oa the COth ult. j
Iih avoided, as much as possible, the Liberty, and makes tkc President iu fact Prince Frederick William of Prussia;
leading men iu opposition. Tho evident a King ! j was tuatricd to the Princess Koyal of F.ng-;
'purpose is to i,ul.' investigation and Lave If Corruption and Usurpation press on j laud on the 2,'uh ult. An immense fuss
a hasty report submitted by the majority, unchecked as tLey have for ten years past, and lots r.f money were expended oa the
miib.r uliieh Kau.-a with Slavery, may the United States will not exist even with ' reul occasion.
le fuieed intci the Union.
Th.. Speaker auuouueod the following
the Ijoiiiniiitee :
Th-nias I.. IIari'i-.I-!.,(..i.!i-l.econipt.''n Prm.)
A. II. tej liL-ii -, t.'a.. ( I.ee.'mpt'.n ll.-in.)
J.istin S. M.inil!. Vi.. (Iii.pii!.lii-.ni.)
.1. !:ii 1.. t.-h.-r, Va., (I.cr.'iiipti'ii l).-i.i,)
r.l.var.l M'.i !,-, fiiin.. (Krpitl.liean.)
.t..iii A tnin.ati. Mis-., (l.er. mpton Dent.1
Warm. in!..u', .N. t'., (I.re.iii't.in Dem.)
lt.'iiry Il'-hiiPtt, V.. (l.epuMic.ni.)
Ah'on V.'lia--, l'o . (I.ic.'inpt.'ii l). m.)
II. S. Waltiri.ip'. Mich., (tt. ptt'uliraii.)
T. I.- -iinlei s. ii , M i., (Lccouiptou American)
.t. '. . St. 'v.'tis.Mi, Ky.. (Iiccoiiipton Dem.)
i:ir.ict B. A-Uiar.,N. J.,( Anti.l.rrcmpton l)-in.)
j. ;:.!'' i:i!i.nr;i.'ii, .iiaN., ( u.-pttuncaii.i
V. ill.aiii I'. Ku-sell, M.V., (I.ec.inipt..ii l)em.)
Yvmmx;tx, Feb. The I'rcai-
J-'Ut his roiiiovfJ Mr. I'ritv, Postmaster
nt Cliic;., aL,J re-af.oi:iteJ Mr. Cook,
his immediate predecessor. lie has also
lYiiK.wa Mr. .u.iler, I o- tinaLt ,-r at Uo-
Iambus, )liin, and appuinted Fx Got.
MeJarv iu his place. Doth Price and '
..i;:kt were appointea uunng tue re-,
cess of Congress, (dJ am supposed to be !
Iioughis men.) j
Calhoun, President of tho Lecompton :
Convention, to-day placed in possession of !
the Senate Conjiuittec on Territories his j
statement relative to the lato election in
Tie official staleniint slates that the'
whole cumber of passengers arriving ;
ti-.i.n f.-.'t,fMi jnnfitrt, tiiirinc h.t rp;if
. , . JZ ' '
wps l,oo., ol which uumtier, lUJ,UUy
wcrj females. 1
Ail the various propositions-including ;
that to send for persons and papers of ;
the Anti-Lecnmpton members of the
....... .
''" ".ig.,ui.B v,o...,.,uiee-,
'":' rofcc itoicn, un'jvrmiy L one major-
cVjr. They will make further efforts at tho
meeting to-morrow, though they say with
little cr i.j prospect for a thorough inves
tigation cf all Kansas matters embraced
i:i the le.-el.iiinn under which the commit-
WAMllNiirox, Feb 13. The Admin
istraiion Senators iuten.1 to has'en tho
p:isage of tho Lecompton Constitution by ,
a resolution to close debate at an earlv
d.:y. The debate promi-cs to be one of tbu clutches of the law, he got bolder,
., ... ., ,., c and preferred flight to peaching. Judge
the (Trcatcst in the history of Congress. " , , b 1 , , ,
('ato and Lccompte have left, and gone to
I All the LepubhcaQ Senators are prcpar-; WasljiDston or elsewhere. Frank MarsL
' ing to take part in it. Judge Donglas is aj the great bogus elected, is like tho
making ready for a great demonstration.
The serarati-on of himself and Messrs.
Stuart, Prudesick, Harris, Marshall, JJont-
1 1 f ....lit..:. :
V f , ,, " I ; , r : Vi !
ates, from the , L ccn ron Tarty, u looked
urn as Enal ana cDmpletc.
i n; nut wueiiier nu uas rcccixea any.uing
Wasiiinotos, Feb. 11. : moro substantial than sympathy, I cannot
A base Lecompton trick upon Congress learn. The Irordcr-lUillian Stato ticket
ess j'ist. been disc ovcrcd. Itegent Chi- are all in sudden and iut penetrable retirc
hrun a -w fitnlly repudiates Lis pledges to uls. Kven many members of the Leg.
i . islature, with adorable ruodestv, Lave goue
renet he false returns and irive ccrtih- , ' ., ' c
, t- c- . 10 obscurity,
c-at.cs to elect I roe Stato majority to -phcrc was something peculiarly rcfresh-
the Lecompton Jegtslature.
( a Monday morning, Calhoun sent 1
Disirbt-Attonicy Weir to Harris aLd
D.'U'das, declaring that the Delaware
Jlou-ias, declaring that the I'eiaware
., r i i . i ,t .
I rossin'' returns were fraudulent, and that
,, . . , , ,,
a l'rcc-blate majority was elected; and he
promised a published statement thereof
the next morning. This was done to do- knows, who knows anything about it, that
feat Harris' motion for tho special Commit- the alleged vote from these regions is per
tee with instructions. ; fectly preposterous.
, ., . . , ,-, r ! In examining the returns as made from
There xyas a long Cabinet council yes- , T, , . ? . ,
e J ; the IMaware t ros.mg,in Leavenwortb via
teiday,and it is believed that it was then : ie canJl0.box, it appears that those re
determined that Calhoun should not fulfil , t,lrrjS have been got up chictly by virtue
his pledge. Tho imposture has excited , (,f a little paste. Sheets with names record-
groat indignation among tho tree Btatc
Democrats here.
- , -
CoMr'Aa-For three years past,
meui'iuDiiuu j'miuuu.v"siu
the frauds and villainies of all kinds in
!Cansas. We were met at every point by
PouKlas, r0rtiey, &e.. with the assertion,
Douglas, Forney, &e., with the assertion
"EhA Ilepullican lies-political Lm-;
b'-'g '" ic. &c. Now, however, Toughs, :
. Forney, Walker, Stanton, and ten thou-
sand of thoso Democrats are at work as- 1 rec-State man a few .lays ago. The
pertirii and proving ewry allegation ma le people of Topeka arrested Lim, and arc try
by the 11. publicans iu 1S35, 1S5G, and ing him by Judge Lynch nee Cato, re-.I-.-
n. i. -nt .w -t. muved. It is supposed that they will
1SG7. The truth will comeout we hope
not too late tp save Kansas from a worse
war than she has yet suffered !
Teruitoiiy cf Sri'KKic-B oa JIackix
I AW, Under cither of the above cumes it
! is proposed to make an effort for a tcrrito-;
' . . .;
Yesterday's telegram announced that olina, one of the wealthiest and most in
Presi 1. til ' ' iiioufort and General Garcia flueuti.d men of the South, died on the
Go'ide w.re passengers on I oJid the Ten- loth instaut at uij pliutatiou on the Mis-
Dared not Do it !
The Administration Lave teen very in-
dutrious iu trying io fs-rret out any wrong
!.:... . i i.i: -I ... I
1U miiuu 1 iU.ruuii.JI'ilY uu.u v-
. ... '. . .
: gigcd at asliinston anU tuo liopuflicans
make no orrositiou. Uut Mr. HoarJ, of
!.....''. . ...
A. i , last wccK prcparca a uommittccoi
Investigation as to tho corrupt means Ly j
which the Executive power and jxili-onnjf '
icerc us&l to control the passage of Laws, I
the name of a Kepublic one hundred years
from the formation of its Constitution.
Already the will of the people is palpably
dc'piscd and disregarded the ballot-box
is uo longer pacred and tho President
xvith Lis patronage purchases auy tyranni
cal act he may desire as he would buy slaves
iu a Kicliiinx. 1 maiket ! I
i John V. Wolcott, refusing to testify in
the alleged Tariff Act Jhibi iy, has been
committcJ to jirison at Washiugton "Lr !
contempt of Concrcss.
1 he Hetnocratie majority ia the House ;
at xx aslungton lias tabled a bill lor tuci
better security of life oc stcamboats,pre- !
pared by Mr. Vt'ashijurnc of 111
The Senate refuse to take up the case
of the fraudulent Senators from Indiana
! or to admit those from Minnesota i
, , , , , !
they can use the forinct ami keen out
tu0 letter, until thov Lave brought in i
Kansas as a Slave State,
Important irom Kansas !
If IJorder Iluffiauism could be investiga
ted statistically abuut the present writing,
it wculd exhibit an astounding vacancy. At
tue veiy tnomcntwhen thel'rcsidentand the
Cabinet are thundering about Lecompton,
T ...I.... : .. 1. XT
"W("""""1 uu..-.i.g-CTu,u ... ,
ii-,1,1,. tn their iu,1"mer.t. ralhoin. has one
to Washington, from which Le probably
wouia not iiko io return ai present;, ins
suu. lue ga''31" cueau, uas i.
from I.ecomnton in precipitate iliiht. with !
a pf ..Al)ulit-luIlift3" aud a writ after
xiie election returns are in
hands of the Philistines.
Ui side thesj two worthiest, tho rest
of the secret conclave of conspirators Lave
vamosed. Fs-Aftorary General Isaacs
was in Weston at last accounts, as were i
i WarJi0D and other dignitaries, writs le- ,
has yanisl.ed into I!order-KuUian6bIc'urt-ty,
apprehensive of another arrest. He
promised to turn State's evidence against
Lis compeers, but when Le was once out
"invisible priuce." The latest trace we
had of Lim was Lis being iu Missouri
Lis being iu Missouri 1
rouso the Uorder Iiuffians to ;
has been ia correspondence;
with the adjoining li.rder-Kuffian potcn-
j Excellency of Missou. I
. . 3 ,
;ng ;n the census of the Oxford Precinct,
as recorded in my last. Only 33 voters I
to stand against the 1,'iOOthey have been
" returning irom mat piace ,
"JU,t 11 .s.u.u...a ... ...
And it appears that iiist about
, , ',! , .. r,. ,
the bona fides r.rc 1 rcc-Statc l
Tbc CPn5US of xXia c:or jufec
tieit gust annul one-nan oi
men at that. !
?ctcd districts :
w;ji 0f course, be similar. Kvcrvbody
cd have been pasted on. I henames of the
; jud 'cs of clction who ccrtifietl to the 43
i votes that were really thrown, havo bocn
f nt out M? pas,ed on separately. Th.
. docginnii u raiucr a vuigur iiiuce oi uu-
gus architecture.
I Lave Lcard nothing very positive
om the region ol l-ort bcott, savo that
t tic outrages uau oeen conunueu,anu tuat
men were there mustering in
pro Slavery man of Tecumscb sliot a
hanr tho murderer.
Tho weather was mildly magnificent to
the 1st of February. We Lave now pret
ty sharp frost and a light enovr.
St. Louis, Feb. 1G Late advices from
Kansas state that a party of Gen. Lane's
., !, lit- , . ... ..
Advice, a week later from India Lad !
Leon received. Sir Colin Campbell was ;
.till l-.nnnn' ami will bkortlv CO '
"...-t , " ;
. -.i. t.... nf.-.i '
wesiwaru nuu a j.oc.iu. v. w-. ,
Out ram had attacked the enemy at Alun-,
, i j ,i :,i. ;
nagn, ana ueiea.cu .u u - -r :
of four guns
Ilie 1 uioauu ana ten. ;
tral India were quiet,
There is nothing
later from t'Lina. i
Wasiiinoto.v, Feb. 10 The people of
this district yesterday, voted upon the
New ILevised Code of Laws drawn up fvr
their government. The result iu this city
and Georgetown is as follows : Fur the
new ode 150li, against S 1 1" majority
against the mxv code 1012. The rural
districts v. ill not materially alter this.
Uuiialor Townsliip Tcat-Iirrs' Institute.
n npp:iinte.l mrpting was belt! at the
Ti!e schiiol-housc, Nk. i, aiunhiy, F'b. I'i.
All.,,,.....,, If ...n o-.l'.l tn rtr,I..r
M111., ,,f asI mcelin , rt,n. l(n mtv
linn, the C, n-!itutio:i was rea.l. Being the
lay fur election, the result of the rlcriion is
as fi.ll..w : Prtsi lcrit, M. U. tliamhcr : Sec-
relarv. C V.. Hans; Treasurer, J. KVcl.nT.
(ioo-'raphy was then taken up an, I ,!i-,ni-.-,l
bv Xtes.-rs. )!. F. liroun, J,.s. Klrckner. M. II.
"'haml.ers, J. II. Mniih. (MI. Hans. VV li.
... I
U'aziirr. (,'loseJ with sin"iii?. Suhi.vts for
.i...;,, - , ,. m,.,.,; r,n i, i,o
KoyiTs .'v-hoollmu-cin Kc 'h luwnshin) Men-
I and xX r,tt a Arithmetic, in connection
! with (Ji.-mposiiion and tsehi.ol Itisripline. Oa
, mntion. aH-.'.'! ,n meet at Pontius's ."sehocl
' h.'ite, f.'iir week:; from to day, i.e,,,s ,u. i-j,i,
; ct March, '.j-l. On motion, a.!journel to meet
at half past six o'clock,
j livening session, t st, sinim-. 2.1, prayer
. by i:. llaus. :;.!, sininc. '1th. r.-a.' ; - ot
the minutes. TjiIi. essav hy J. M. Mover sn1.
' ject, '-Knowledge is the strongs! po'.ver vf a
i free govern nicnt." f.th, sincn. ",ih, essay
'. hy P.IMrwin subject, '-Youth." fcth.sineini;.
Dili, essay by II. (.'. Slednian subject, IMuca
j tion. l"lh, sinking.
Ucsoluti'ins were ofiercl crprcKs-ns tha.:b
to Messrs. Charles Frey, Andrew Ilauck, ie.
slear. I'eter Siear, Adam cheekier, Je.hn Fre
" l s S
ancel0 Mr. Chambers' sinrin" class for
,lu.,r music-and t. .Messrs. xioyer, irwm
an J Stcdman for their essays, renuestinrj con-
'"! ol the same for publication
M. B. CnA-inT.ni. fsec.
THE mvA'AA'Al.
0!i' 'tif n 'lV mvet.TT.
V.nt by ?t Paul I II t'-n'i tin- t -tt m cf it "
'.7 No answer roceivcj lu the firit tmTiia
in Chronicle, 1st Jan.
5"Nn answer Jo Ch:irni9j-F eb. 12.
t vAnsuer to the Geographical Enimn of
Jfnie hff'phiins Imoh Ans. by l,ii t
II ltiT.l. . v,,. 1 u-.,u...
11 II , Levi A , '
feta," and Killas 1.,!
l.pu-ishur: J R. l:Ull.-.lnp: K C '. tVelK-
Magie F , I.ewisburg
t'j'Aw-. to 1st .Misc. Enigma, Feb. 12 !
The morr hatf th less sprrd.'' Ans. by t' F :
. East lltlllaloe: Marffic A . Kellv :
I. A, W II H, "Tela," and Eillas L , Leiv-
!T"Ans. to 2d Misc. F.mtrma, Feb. 12-
i.cVift."-Ans. ly C F s, '.Tern," and
CHlas L .
-t .
For tLa L.:wi..bur ClireiiiL-lc.
KW!) 1. 1:.
I am composed of letters seven
Hid you ,1 see my rmsT ere eleven
It in the market you ehatiee to stray
In the morning ot s.,:ne July day.
If in the country yo.t should roam,
Whether near or far from home,
Veu'll hear my stroxn on ihe lawn
I'eferc dayl'clit begins to dawn.
My first an ! second put together
struts bcautiHiI in plea-n.it weather.
K E K , Builloe
I am compelled t-. plant a prove
Tu satislv '.he maid I love;
This ample throve must I compose
Of nineteen trees in nine strait rows.
And in each row five trees must place,
Or ne'er expeel to see her face.
Ye sons of art, grant me your ai t
To satisfy this curious maid.
J T E , Hun-aloe
a TUTiiur. ric.i i. vr nr. i. . .v.
Suppose thn diameter of the base of a tallow
candle to be one and one-fourth of an inch.
the diameter of ihe top three fourths of an
' inch, and its height nine inches the wick in
i 'an',;,; '" ,,- '"'-'"inh -t an inch in. dia-
. -',7 itltom
! I am c. imposed ol" 21 letters
; Sly 1 HI H 19 2(1 is a city in Crnrpia
11 S 11 11 is a county in Ohin
12 17 2 7 is a city in Central America
20 to 7 21 17 H is a town in France
I 3 2 11 SI an island in dull' of Mexico
I 1 l:j 20 21 10 UU a county m I'enn'a
I fi 5 It 20 is a cape in South America
4 13 15 IS 1 1 14 2 20 a county in Florida
K9 17 1121 13 11 a county in .-South Car.
! Mv whole is a great and h -bly esteemed
! man. .Xi - E s. & E 1! F.
I am composed of 15 let'ers
My I tl 2 0 8 2 is often used by tailors
2 13 5 9 is a lake ill the United fates
a 10 . 1(1 IS is an eatable root
4 12 1 11 8 2 is an article of dress
5 1 fi 5 IS 1 10 are a class of people
6 2 8 12 II ti 13 2 is one of the U.S.
7 !i s lo 5 is a city in Ilindosthn
8 9 II 5 10, a township in Union county
U l'J 13 is tound in every one's head
10 12 11 may be seen in most workshops
1 1 9 10 11 is a point of compass
12 1 12 7 5 3 is a rnlf east of Siberia
13 tl 1(1 5 1 is sometimes used by fiddlers
11 13 2 9 is often seen in the woods
15 !) 12 13 11 is a seat of life
My whole may be found in Snyder county
W S , Kelly Twp
MiscrLLAyr.ovs exicma
I an composed of 19 letters
My 8 I" 3 1 is a country in South America
I 9 15 17 bites at a hook
fi 2 4 13 fi I t 10 is a prickly plant
12 15 8 is a vessel
II 13 8 10 is a larc cord
3 7 5 10,a plant or dower of many species
10 IS l'.l HI is the best way to study
Mv .vh''!'' was a .....ed rrplorer
XX ' ,"',. .... !.. ..i berr
0l,r ,I;',e9 r''um ( ,rc"oa T' n,u'ry 1 '
January 2. T'uo news is Larc of interest.
The black snake Indians arc rtporcdt,,
'' joinctt
inc ..j'oriuoiis uiiui, me.
i' . ! 4.'. Tln
Lnitcd States, lbc
Clieitatcs are coun-
, Lat t!l jn,j bft da in tl..-
t"1 fc J
j'luiuiua war. iuec.niii Lave cmi.-;a-
. . .. ., . .
o -
i gltf lUcm over upom tiitir hmc.
Tuiiiiikc i:ii iiou.
"VTOTICK is licreliv civeu il.nl an ri-rti. u
l.T Ollicers el ihc l)irrhl.,irn Y.,tr::
htitf"irn TunipiK-f (.'.iinpnuy vi! I i;. h'. i.i ;.t
ihe tiuiisc ct" ;. in. I.ni'lcnmuih in JJ if-
talue i..wnhip .11 .Miiniiay li.c lt i!av -!'
Marcti next. r.-r.Jiis v:iiiil' c j ri : r
pani? sai! I'ik'c by il.r var w.'A r;
1- r
n .1.
aint A. Kr. -Inrk on ..r l-r-f. re tl.e lTj-ti .'.'..irh
next, as conlracls wiil n.-l ! lven alter i::at
dale. Ity (iril'T of the t':.i'!r:iT :
JA.MK.S F. I.I .N.N, Treasurer
IM). I, l5-l pi
Turnpike Election.
"rOTICK is IiTel.tr sivru to the Si..ckh.! !-
ers ul' the lit J itte.Airfufinri: .V Vmin''-
inriiftfwn I urnpike K..a.l e nriipanv. that ari
Kleen. ii will Le he 1.1 at ilie h. u-- d Il.-r.ry li.
Miu.-iiiia in Aari.iit-or on 'I'tu-.iay tii I-:!,
day of .Marrh next, tcuvecn ihe hours of t- 11
mi l two oVI.Tk.to elect live llirectors M man
age ilie concerns of the t'oinpatiy for tl.e
t-nsuiii yar.
I'CTnR WTI.SO.N, Prfsi.Iei.t.
!prms .'ilill'., I'. b. 2, 1.VS pj
ins' i'oiu-t S 1 I.i: ul t ;:lii::l-l-
Real Estate!
1 .4.. i I -
1 V virtue of an r r Irr of !i- Orphan ''('.-i' it
) of l'nion county, will he cxpi-.eo t.
i'ubiic s-ale on the premises on
rriday, flarch 13, 1853,
the fulluwin:; valuaMc Tract .f Land, tat? 1'.:
estate .,f SAMl'KL WA1.TKK. .'.c-aM-.!. !::
"f l i.n.a town'hip. t"ain county. l..-m:.,-,I l y
1;no! ot J.hn l'h.llips, I-aac I.ycr, J avsart,
I'urman & Iiaiton, an. I others containn.;,'
flVC UllMnQCn Pj Cin'sIT A
more or less, whereon arc erected a
Two-Storey Itiick Uiio.
A M'KI.Nti llorSK, SMolvE Hofsfi:, at.-l
other Oiitutiildiiis, a
I . AN K TI AI1N, j
WACDN t'llllll. tvi'lt UW In thn .irn-;
y;ir !. Ti.ere ib an rxt-f Ilenl prins el" ;iicr .
licar ihe '.oor. AI an ;i haul .,i cho.rr
Fruit hear lli- ! ue. Aiso
A y'Uiil&IjY
i n the remises. A!.,. in lOO Ac rrs 1 1 ihe
land is cleared and in a high state i t cultiva
tion. The property i-- situated about three-:",. i;rt:
of a mile from the t-ovn ef Win!':-:.!, a:.,! tlo
ptiblie. roa-t from New Berlin ? I.rwis!.-:ii
by Winlield and Union Furnace passes Ly
the deer.
Sale will commence at 10 o'eb rk A.M.
cf said day. when terms will be ma le known
and due attendance riven hv the undersized
JE.-sF. M. WAI.TF.K, j
Dy the f'onrt : Adminis'rat. rs
Sjx'l I'orsii. Clerk. Tcb. 1", I-'"
.?or 3ltrut,
-JkThe I!iisi', f;-,irl'ii f-.f. ' '
Lx. on Ihe Farm of it,. siib.scr,L. r. . . !
the Cat. al an.l nc.n T. II. Fisher's. A p -r.-. n
who would v.-ork part oi the time ,,n tl.e :a,m
and havinry a smnli I'arnily vrt v' be prelerr - '.
i'ossrssion givtti tae liioi pri:. rr frrs,
enquire of JOS. M. N I. Sill I.
v..k to W3nd c ppjsile I.CU iNl.n.lJ
t v n
' I " fwi" r rarer io
: , ",e "."" """'
l-t .-i
"II"' ""I"-"-' "
Jan. S-i, lSoS. J. & .T. WALLS, A;ts
ri .HE TWO ROOMS occupied at pre-'
sent by Washintion Htttchinsuti as a ,
Saloon. They are suitable for SI lOl'S.
A IX) ihe Ml I 11 1: 1 co.v oee opy.
For '1'.
ms apply to
27, lfo".
john n. mn:
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of Venlit. T.xun.
issued out of the Court ol l.'oi.imoti P.eas
of Union county and to me ,l;ree:e.i, , ,il be
exposed to l'ublic Sale or euterv. at t,V tVurt
House in the IJoroU"h of I.ewisburg on
Iticmluy, 1 "(: I . In tiarv next,
a certain Lot of pround situate in the town-hip
. f W hite Deer and county of Union, mai i.ed
in the fmvn plot of New Columbia as o. ie.:t,
bounded on the east bv Fourth street, t n tiie
south by private road, on the west by Ka-p-berry
alley, and on the nordi by Lot No. 1
hereon is creeled a two storey Uriel: "S
Dwelling tuse.c. The Lot coniainin-jiii
in length l'i leet and in broadih JO fect.nu-re
or less with the appurtenances.
Lot .No. r.s, situate in tup town
township and county aforesaid, bounded cast
by Fourth street, south by Lot No. 12:1. west bv
llaspLerry alley and north by Lot No.12t.coti
taiiiin' in Icieth about Itil feel and brea iih
id feet, more or less with the appurtenances-.
s;ei7ed. taken in execution an,', to be sold as
the property of Mtthi:v Hi.i c.
DANIEL D. !l I.I'I.V. sheriil".
Sheriff's Oil'ice, Lewis!. erg, Jan. 20, ls.".s
F O It S A h V, .
MV Residence, on North Third street,
lLif.owisburtr, 31 ft. front, and including
! bark bui'din? 52 ft. deep. Iiasenient. and
i Attiek fuii-hed. Every convenience in the
wav of uut-buildins.
j Also, a Half Lot on Market sr., opposite
K. K ller's residence, with a Rood Well of XX' a
i ter and new .Stable ; very desirable for a t-usi-,
ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.)
A!s. other Lots, some with and some
' without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE,
i Lcwiibnrz, Oct. 8. I-S37.
IX) 11 SAI.Id.
riHE subscriber ofi'er; for sale his Residence
I on the west side nf South Second sireer
! in ihe Itorouch et Lewisbiin. between aiarkct
andSt.L.uus streets.eons.slitiof near a lot an.l
ahalfotf;round,inakiii!;a Iron lot' 119 feet on said
si-tond street, and in length ir-7 fen, 8 inehes.
The improvenirnts are a eoinniodiotts three
storey tUICIv i V J'. 1 , I j 1 N r
t--I IOTJSl'j. of pressed brick. 4 leet
V...,. 11; ...... ,l....r. i-p Im.s ie, Wllia
...-UI. ...... ,,..l,l .tilt nn.l ltn.1 lt .Von. I
a fire-proof roof wilh a Wing attached ot"
23 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex -
eellent water, with a Tump in, under roof a
large Cistern also under roof a large new
sjtalile an Ice House and other necessary
out-btiildtnjs. There are also on sai.lye.
Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubbery
The location is a desirable one either for a
private residence or public business. It is on
the most elevated part of the Uorongh, rear
the Court Honse. and but a short distance irom
Market street. Terms will be made easv.
June 9, 185- G. F. MILI.l'lt.
IIo! Farmers Chance fir a !,iraiu!i
7 OR Si I.3.. near Lpwisbuis
Tract , f
alinosi IOO Acres of goo,! Farm..'.?
Land, limestone soil. It will be sold on lea-,
ottoble tei tns al pi ovale ale tv Ca-h. Imnrie
a: 'le. il!i.;e pi t'lC C.-e . J'.im I" "
jr'j fJotice.
,.f A'1!.;!' ' r
l K.! i .m.
, l.i.i-.ti ' Mim
. fi:
va. I .
n..-r:v ' ' I.' ''
i.y liiv i;
l.a-..- I a v
IT.'- li
,;rc '(UP .:-
an!!.''! I'. a'..
li:.. '1';.
A !u.i..:-tr:.t r
1000 Biishtls Tiiiiic
t . V if
i 'i a v. a-.'
.(; I! :
t..e ii.. i 1'
l;"-;; t cir :at::!;. .
LcwM-arr. I)-
v. ;.
t srii!;i:vi:;; t i
! ;'.; t s
-y rl..
3 . (a
Ycuzz Air.cr.ca
!(! i'-i 'Sil (1 .
;i '.
Or a Mr.
.N..e. lo. I
IJew Arranr;
.1. ;
A I!
losrrn LHAUN !
.1 w;i I.:: -n si-vf.i:i;
n n 7v;.':. hr-
x'.. ;.-.ve vai.- ".
. a .
.-!: f n.r.TIi.t
I.- 1':: i ' .
r. f.ac.l it. nt, I f.:!
IfiK, '
A! -c, a I.,r...' ai.-l - , '
wif.r.a- he 'I cm.'
n. He is pre; a
rn'ni .! Iu li.s care
.'. i tue :;',. sXiC. a .
i KenRTlvc- - o
Api.l 1 ', is-"-.
C. Lian,
N. B.
ll.e ,
I.. ....
- " -
out: ;:::
D. jj.V.:r.rr
At the we'.i i- e '
sli p (we--', rp 1 ,
ine tins h. : lis;ri
at reduce-! piic- : r .a
call and see ni l tave ti-. -N,.v.
2, 1-"iV
J : :
Ii I i
Still Auo'her C:r;rlun;'.y !
5IrnrlJ-,lhc- :.: !!:, !t:ie'
,.!('.' .I'." -''-'
takr lie: oi-"!:. ! , I r.i- rrr-.f
';.: 'v :. Pi
t'-f ... i:l t:s:.:i
Ii.(T- r nvci:;.
wx- ci y
r tl.au I :.
efo-.s ft,
stu. l n - .
. r
1 ..I I
: I.-,
rro it
-5 t.,..en ;.
'. .-I bv
Ni'l.i II
1) ri'I'UFI.i'
Li:visi;i i t;
prej'ared to see !:.
tiirnr-h thcr.i v.-.ii :i
m:ki::s , f .!: r
rei-Lte ! til? e-'t:i .
;t var
i t. .-n.
ll- h.
qivn:-; a.l-;".le;
up everv e-et;. i
n 1.,
JCL t-t-iJ'--
IU,, r...r!:
Hack Diatr.cR.'.3 1
1"! : .'.1 I
' -1. at a'l tl.-nes lie' ve" 1
1 I I t. I '
!' :nv ::nd :
n 1 an ni::e'
.s s, ,: 1,1 !
in. kin in i ii '
very stipero-r ..':ai,u
to tins in ,! .,- ;.'.. . :
lowes' e.-i-l, ; i c -lnea-ure
loeiel-.atiial ; t c inUi
as well r.s :--r c:'-li.
real Vat I al Tlio"
on fontli V.'at. i" sue
Nov. I'.'. Is-""', if
: c
r.. i.
.e;:r t;;lfl! ton. t i- 'i , i ..
TIM- sii'.se-l'.r il.t'iM'i
J I u , . . o.
.1 t,.r : am r.-.:rLi. v.. tit,: "it. n
WJ J hi- it .ends ar-t the (.;; I:, in :': '
tBSam-n ra, ;htt be cntmite ' ' ni.iioi
lure ail kinds of t uoltll -:ools,, ":. n n
C'oths.Cas.-itirres. iv.T,.-.s.,:!ii,, tts. J-ai.
lilankets ati.l Fl.-.nnels; ;:;s,.. Crip t ar
Stocking Varus. 11, -, n.a,-bu:, rv I. n. . I th
l est kin ! in use. and bavin; ruipyt-.i li.
best of uerknien. he feels saie in s .1 v 1 1 .
that bis work shall n, I be stir
-e.l 1 v
n hat.,!
any rutablfhtneni in the country. A e. ,
ply of the above so".!-, kept c.-r.siai.::;.' , n
for sale or 1 ' e.ehane for we.-', at 5
thai can to t fa.l to please. '. (.,'!, v.
Cai.ied in ill.-l est maimer;'.: '! ea tin- - ti
notice. T rn-,.; 1", r car i e '. ea !i : :: '
hveryof liier.lls. MAitK !!.'.!. Fl'ENT
Wmlield Mi',;., March l'o. Is'...
II l e
A'lTIIILilJ tkn VVl'JTFS P!)?l
nuiUHIII nui ii vwwM,
T) CTEIt III KVH lilt'. !!:
, X his fti'sl ;ot!x i'nr '
would inviie the .ii'enn, 11 , t I , ti
; cVuritry to his carcniiiy selected
b't'i iVOil
, . n and
, t
Dry Cootls, Groceries, Lc. kc. ;
of the latest styles and lest qualities, adapted '
to the season and to ihe wauls of the Co iiiinti- !
nity and of the times.
lv Call and sr.- for your -elves and be
convinced that llursh's Store is pl.n-c f r !
llargaiiis! We lake muchpicasoie in .--howiti-f
our goods, but more in pleasing rust, liters by
.-iving good trades Lewi-burr, Oct. Is.'.i'
TT0R.KV st I.aT,".-(m'al::rs
V. pronipi.v al'tt di-d :. . C ".,e , n 1 '..
s -, ., ' , .- 1- 11 .11 , . ; I'- .
f.'.J ' I' ." '
i si vr i.vr::v u i vvklp? wjtots
i: : l',r th Lira U tte-
nr L n '.ur hum tin - OH'.L.J, Mi'l bf
; i ! - Ii- T,t;ii aii'i.iuary ruo rrn,
. (-;,,. r ) i.. in)-!- 1 to tLi ll4etw
i i :h" t ' piiv i. ia iry v.
? .- fl. iwi nty Jt-nrj, nil Uw t
, .ii,. tlx Inii.;. rjt'.r,
I.. r m- V.'lu- tny pfwerto h-lp.
.1 La.-- ii- J;tw.;ttlify who We i?,
fr-m Vr.- n, rurm, WtM ttut I
! i- rt i. tt. r tl Tikitw y-ur Ir.i's.
. in r .-.i t r lurz" fnu.iy jf fj..l .
. r t r !i- - ttil :VfUj rj -f
.-'f ;.:t- 'i.i r f 'rm. If l.- Ui
i y t'.'.rl n;tfc:u tln-ir rfcri.,tci
l ,
n r, i,t..r.J.-.
tiy r.-; rJ.'
!.- f.t.t-r Uy fcr.
I ' "!4. mt.n wjf iutf
;.-;r t. HT.i 1 t-t
: (tAta;L:r
IV t. MhVtt ft
(" x. In ,- nu? f--r,
, tut '.Ue- Ia:ajri
f '. I. rn ilf-It ti
i.. .1 uh l-.'W ar.l
;n.. l.::n t' his ir-rf-io, Lw
x 'i i li.vj' rftt' r, tu,c
;L .'. h a bit to t-
n 'tr.i lii him t'.
. !- r.izif f H :.l( u lo b?
!.!..; lit ftJiuJf, fStYp
ip' rati r cun.il him.
i ri',f rn vn wk cr
: w r i a mnn, with k;a
. - ii l r B I' Hit ttm- PuUr-
. .. Mi l ur..;h tr tt0 1
.i a ':.:u tc tiny ft rtunJ-i
!. I.i V' t ft-4-B 'Jl U-t
! r r -J - it iuj
i. t,Bi; t;ft"s grTu."
: I .-..r I:
, M n'w cITVr'.Uo
:.. ii..- ir.-l.rkti.nui
I... r ! ,.. . -..'ur. , -. . ir.-jil.,- n.'t I-.i -y t
. i . A'u.'- , ., ,.ut,.Il ltn-rt,fcv
:..-,'.-. r, . r-.u- . f tt.is m.-dlcin Ly
... ', : -: i. -r. it if. wiUi-
:. :L . . ; r ; .. .. i - '- I -1 ' t1' Fit.Ufc
: AM I ' " - I'r' tr'.tr,
I.r, Ntw York.
, !!l:ISTc CM ':... Ituitburj
. U. Ml-liWI.N, JlS.il.
tbn i;i,;hi i ii r.otiles sold in tts
.. y' :;:,.' .V'.ffti one year.
: t. : ;- r-...' Xl-.1 f r r( .torlc hlx
::. t-l. : . -'. -. . I.n-v. r .t I
'. , . i.e.-! .: iV- T-1, fr' m ,1: lrt .t
: - -. I..- n -1 ,nt--i. ifc l: t to J ru. ttt It
: 1.. :,tii; I nt r, ai it,- circu.tf iA Jva
-.1 :: i. :;t . c i llcir.j.
-:. i; .Tr -; ' -1 .v, f. r rt nturi fcecB f,lrt
, i . 1 :':.- ' :- r-c.'iy. l -r-U.f 1
I - ; , : ' . :;.' '. Hy r-.ii:
, . i : : . . i -.!.. . rot:.:. r r. t i-inrf f,,:
. , -1 : ? .. ; ; ; , j . . . :,:' i trt.n
i . , . .i .':,nit'.;-. UI-.-D it
! : i. 0 ii! .u.h p--sen
L '. e : -1., trv , -i.ee rala.
' i'. -r:. r i- :"-. u.-h ttiin fcu.,
: v ,1. ', I. . ! -. u- ii the irticir ft
' I :.'...:..- '.- t -s-mi ltlT wi'.il
- , -i I,,:.:::..' . iu.h.ci.t):w. V
i - vi r.- :.....- r.f.ialj. ftkliir
:. it r Ha ::, n U.n It.vr
"' ' 'I --.:. ,' -r-rf :t. V- fct ftrtirt.ifer
' ;.: ; . I . i , Hi ;. :r it s, ft aai
.. .. - ,-. '- ::, .-. !!T 1 1 ; r'.i. O i:.--lf te
: t . :. -. ; r. . i j , I : I- ... ir l.,
. -., -- . -.. t :.. : : ;-.r5'T.l
..... i :,v .1-.V. r-. nr-1 ":.. wT
- : : .-. ti, , ;io -. '-.u:.'.!
I - r r :.. L. . , , - r rlj flBr-
. ' - V . r. : r- T-it v! t::-.'. .l:i.u -t t...t
. - :. .. I. a rj.tit : ouiftu's - J
i-.n ur TewJ In
r' . ;i f- r C' 4-f
r Vwiiip rpt ri
!. I mA .At t
': i rat ia
. s:i irranrfmBt,
nl t.-, it in tht- Un:-I-
n rr;-l
i .ire o d t-.-
u u: '1 BMJii'm
xvl tr.it ymr
i I w Ui 1 't'lU to
: i r. t-t - i.
r I ; pi rar!'
. IV
- it v . 1 v i-li tf t ti-:
.- ". n- H.: V. I ;r
?.(.!! tTf ittr hri'i-'- ;
. r.
-I '
' '.l - li;.N is
::.' - ; . N V .
let u,.t uni 111
Croat Excitement 1
moj:y i . s rr !
I' - - : "."to v. r : "v f ' i '... ,'. -hat the fir
, : .- e , . (le, f r pr:.a:'
' I: .1 A ."
"rs ;.'"( 'ST.,
; tioi'iH.
r.f n. r : - .a
I r I . - :- v.' '
r' I ' i
I.. : :-. !'
I : r -. -. t!
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,., a sv , . r . n.'.l.'V. ... m ihe Hc.rt'.ey V '
1 :;i: ' at.v '.! s't-r t'.i. n the mi" "
in lb.-, re-o -n.'and ,;::::e as sroni. ii r..:-'"
1 :, r. w i. eh ran I e tested by nintii. --: :
' : , r s:::.;il euanlKies.
Lev. ' ' ur?. Fa., May 2, ".r7.
VullTII li!i Street. The M:!-f::';'
j. most r, sprctl'ttoV informs the e:::-"'"''
l.eu ivi.u:- aiol v:eii.:;v, thai be 1 as
and t. r sale a cheap V't id IIK.Mll"'
f. r the . pro..; tra-.ir. c i,.pr.s:r.g
lr-Mi.:j nail Cotunioii P.ari .".us.
r. taries end lloo'c t.
1 1
Canl and Pier Tables. Pi:,
llixakhtst Table?. I'tpl. -:'
tare and other lle.h-i.
Sofas', an.l Chail'-J
.1 a'l kinds. COFFINS "
rf-.f '
sh'-ii l'.l Iter.
The pul be are cerdlall;. ;:.v '" - ' r' ". .
his uoil:..-:. he is sure that v '
fed wail his sleek .1 Ware. .".:: ' ". .
Lewisburg, Sept. I"'. Is-"''
t rot !..
. . 1 X .... ..I "
t. --
t',,.t Oi'.'- -1
i. A. F. DKNOK'.I A-M.'-
visburr. Aj.r.l 21, lsol.
Ilii UtLLV. Auttitaf'
1 .I'l.li 1 1 s -:ie p.iir, ii.f e , ,
U -si.'c! , e en South Fina
1 Ur, it. lUecen:':'-
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