Lctrisbiira, Ma. Friday Mousing, Feb. 12, 1858. Comma " ,tl . mnnttv t-niitaintnir ft nnSf. S aSim. -treat prodacar., r. d L. Seel(ev Advertisement!.. BSTGot. l'aelscr having declined to interfere io tbc case of Henry Fife and Charlotte Joucs, they arc this day to be Lung for murder, in Pittsburg. ten A. foreign arrival mentions a alight advance in Cotton failures in France and that in China the American Commo dore's offer for mediation haf! been accepted. ra-Thcro have been nearly 50 addi tions to the Lewisburg Methodist Church this winter, maliiug about 100 additions under the two years' ministrations of Mr. Pashiell, which close a week from next Sunday. fSarLecturc IV. last Tuesday evening, treated the subje ct of " Obstinacy" in the pnjatice aspect of the question, and was listened to with much politenesp. Lecture V,, by Ks-Governor l'or.LOCK, on next TuesJay evening. 80Mb. Elliott, who advertises his Course of Lectures at New I5erlin, nest week and week after, is a respectable and intelligent gentleman, and no doubt whatever may be thought of his particular topics endeavors to bo useful. J James P. Koss has presented us a branch of a cherry tree plucked the fore part of this week near Urowu's Mill, in this Horougli, on which are several full- Lloicn llvtsoms, and others more or less developed. We fear this premature com ing on of the fruit may much irjure the crop. The thermometer yesterday morn ing stood 9 below freezing point. BeaJ'Tbe Will of the People" is the professed foundation stone of Democracy. The people of Kansas have over and over shown they did not want Slavery yet the whole machinery of Democracy is uoscru pulously used to force Slavery upon them. The People of Iowa and New Jersey have thro' their Legislatures instructed their servants to vote against this enforcement of Slavery but their Democratic servants refuse to obey, and trample alike upon the will of the people who sent them and of the people of Kansas ! fciTThe last SelinsgroveDtmo.'tii states that Mr. Stoes of Danville is organizing a Band in that Borough, fr which four teen instruments have beou secured. A protracted meeting was commenced in the Methodist church. We regret to seo that Lis Honor the Editor has bad anotSer characteristic breaking out about the Clironiclc, which seems to haunt him as the " man with the poker" docs some folks. Heally, the Band and the protracted meet ing together ought to put him in a happi er frame of mind. (In the same No. are eleven editorials borrowed from the Chron icle without credit, which inclines us to the opinion that the Judge thinks ours 13 not such a very bad paper after all !) The Snyder county Commissioners wish to borrow 53,000 The Middlcburg Tribune has donned a new head and made other changes in its outward appearance. The Frccburg Band, under Wm. Moycr will give a concert at the Middlcburg Court ITousa, Tuesday evening of Court week, Feb. 23d. Four persons have been bound over on chargo of burning school house in Centre Township. Significant movement Last Saturday evening, a meeting of Democratic citizens of Williamsport and vicinity was held at tho Court House and adopted a series of calm but most decided resolutions against the admission of Kan sas under the Lecompton Constitution. This movement at Gov Packer's home was officered, conducted and addressed by such of Lis old bosom friends as Henry IVhitc, C'.B.Bowman,JnoWci6cl, Jnq.V. Woodward, C.H.Dccbler, Hepburn M'CIurc, C.D.Emery, Charles D. Eldrcd, George White, E. P. Ilcbcrton, Furman Field, Il.II.Smith, Clinton Lloyd, and II. C. Parsons. The meeting adjourned with three cheers for Douglas. Let the Gover nor follow up this meeting of Lis friends in Lis usual energetic manner, and be can accomplish much good. aftSfTbc Bellefonte Democrat seems not satisfied if two of the Clerks in the School Department at Ilarrisburg are friendly to the Administration not reflecting, we suppose, that that is not a political depart ment, and that the interests of Education demand that there should bo no ground for partizan jealousy there. If as we sup pose the educational corps is equally divi ded politically, it is certainly under the existing circumstances tho best and saf est arrangement that could he made. On the eame grounds we arc gratified to see a report from a Senate committee against a bill offered by a radical Democrat to put rue cciiool Department again under the Executive control. It is a happy indica. tion that the friends of education of both parties aro determined to protect that most important interest against the evils of partizia strifes and fluctuations. Tho Democrats of Philadelphia held heir Convention last week to appoint del- agates to their Stato Convention. Tho Proceedings show that they had a stormy !ne of it, but tho Anti-Lecompton and f ?DCJ "'"g of the party, came off victo rious, ha,ig FOCuroJ fourtcen of tLci seventeen delegates chosen ftiTTlic Hirer i dc-l get ynur Ice. Beverly Wauoii, the Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died at his residence in Baltimore on the Oth inst. Bishop Waugh was about 70 years of age, and was in the ministry about three fourths of bis life. Concert by Held's Cornet Band. By reference to a notice in another col umn of to day's paper, it will be seen that the above J5jd.J will bold a Concert, next Thursday evening, iu Independent Hall. Tho proper formation and keeping up of brass bands are very expensive and diffi cult at any time, and especially so in the present instance; tho instruments were purchased and paid for principally by the members themselves, and tuition and other necessary expenses paid as soon they be came due ; consequently, it has been thus far a dead pull on their purses all outlay, no income a very discouraging state of financial affairs, during the present "strin gency of the money market." They have - , . , , e, therefore agreed to take a benefit to help to pay their way through, and to give their friends an opportunity to put their good wishes for the success of the Band in a tangible and more efficient shape than mere good wihhes. Mr. James Aiken has kindly consented to do what be can to add interest and give variety to the occa sion by relating anecdotes, reciting poetry, &c. in bis usual happy and pleasant style. ., r. t i -mi it ,t The String Band will also assist; and both bands are rehearsing a largo number of- their choice pieces for tho entertainment. All who wish to encourage homo enterpri ses all who wish to spend a pleasant express their hearty wishes for the success J of the Band and all who want the worth of their money in music, buy a ticket for yourselves, and one for somebody else, and go to the Concert. Our town has not been bored by many strolling conccrters, this winter, anrl therefore our citizens can easily give their own musicians one good easily give their Own UlUSlCianS ONE gOOU ... . , . , , , lift, without any difficulty, if they choose. Let the Hall be crowded. " Oh ! t a deep mystery. Put by St Paul l it ftnd the bottom of It." CiTNo answer received to the first Knigma in Chronicle, 1st Jan. GTAnswer to the Geographical Enigma in our last "An Ox with a teWrn leg." Ans'd bv H D n , Buffaloe X Roads; J PS Shamokin Darn; ACS. Lewisbttrg ; M L D, Lewishury: E C ? Ketlr; AW I.eur. isbnre;; A A , Bntfaloe; I) B M'C Bullaloe : W H B , Lewisburg ; W S , Kelly; Flora A , Kelly; at Datcsman's Store, Kelly; and K E B , Forest Hill. Pretty well answered ! But some of the respondents justly complain that the import ant figure 4 was wholly omitted in the Enig ma a mistake in the copy, which we did notj notice at the time, every figure or -No. should be stated at least once. Ed. tF"Ans. to 1st Misc. Enigma, Feb. 5 "Gmtral William Henri Harrison." Ans'd by T G G , and A B 7. .Lewisburg; W E H , and C A F , BulTaloe ; C F S , East ItillTaloe ; Maggie A, Kelly ; and by Datesman's Store, H D R, M L D, A W, J P S, W 8, W HE, D B M'C. and A A. r?"Ans. to 2d Misc. Enigma, Feb. 5 Christopher Columbus Ans'd by T W F .Lewisburg; J A K , Forest Hill ; and by A C S. M L D, C A F, AW, D B M'C, A A, W S. W E H, A B Z, M , Datesman's Ktore, J P S, H D R. and C F S. tyForty-four different answers iu all! tHP'The following additional persons sent in answers to all of the above Enigmas just as our paper was ready for the press : S E I , S A A & M E P ; -Tela ; and Eillas L , all of Lewisburg. Total, 53 answers ! For the Uaisburg Chronicle. Charade. The breath of the morning is sweet When the earth is bespangled with flowers, And buds in a countless array Have oped at the touch of the showers. The birds whose glad voices are ever A music delightful to hear. Seem to welcome the joy of the morning As Uie hoar of the bridal drawanear. Wnat Is that which now steals on my mtsT Like a sound from the dream-land of love, And aeeme wandering the valleys among. That tbej may lbe nuptials approver Tis a sound which my secotd explains, And it eomea from a sacred abode. And it merrily trills as the villagers throes; To greet the ttir bride on her road. Hew meek is her dress! bow befitting a bride fo beautiful, spotless and pore ! When she wearcth my second, O long may it be Ere her heart shall a sorrow endure! ee the glittering gem that shines forth from hcrlialr! Tis my whole which a good father gave, Twa worne by her mother with honor before But sue sleeps in peace in her grave. Twas hi r earnest request as she bade them aideu, That when herdar daughter the attar drew near She sho'd wear the same gem that her mother had worn When she as a bride full of promise stood there. DA " , Chil!l.ana'iUF. ARITHMETICAL PROBLEM. Suppose the ball on Kt. Peter's church stee ple to have just two-fifihs as many square inches upon its surface as there are cubic inches in the ball : what will the gilding cost at five cents per square inch ? R F B , East Buflaloc CEOGRArillCAL EMGMA. I am composed of l.r letters My 1 12 9 15 1 14 15 is a town in Mass 12 13 6 3 15 10 is a town in Georgia 10 2 7 5 is an island in the Gulf Mexico 10 12 ft 1.1 is a river in Kentucky 5 12 13 15 12 is a town in Hindoostan 6 9 3 is a city in the East Indies j I 9 8 12 is a town in Russia II 12 10 1 14 15 is a town in Penn 8 3 7 13 6 is a town in Scotland 5 4 13 14 10 7 is a town in Wisconsin My whole is the name of a person connec ted with the history ol America Ji.ixii, 12 years old. CT'We hope the girls and boys of 13 and under can soon answer Jennie's favor. MISCELLAXEOCS EXIGMA I am composed of 21 letters. My 1 9 10 13 15 every person has 2 7 4 is a portion of a garment 6 5 3 is a female animal 14 12 16 21 signifies relief 18 17 II 8 is a man's name 19 22 23 24 20 are found in every garden. My whole is an old and true saving. F R F ,' BuHiloe MISCELLAXEOUS EXIGMA I am composed of 13 letters My 9 10 12 7 is a valley 6 4 1 1 is a cob or sea-fowl 12 I 5 13 is a line often used in Geometry 2 8 3 7 is always nice. My whole is inconceivable to many O W B , L'asl Huffa!'- LEWISBURG" CHRONICLE Legislature. The' House instructed tho Committee on Kansas affairs not to re port until after the 10th of March, by a vote of 53 to 38. - The party leaders wibh to hnve no report whatever. There are various and conflicting ru mors as to the appointment of WhUkcy and Flour Inspectors, io. Edwin C. Wilson, of Venango county, is appointed Adjutant Ceneral. A bill to raise tho Governor's salary to $5,000 was defeated in the House. Senator Gregg read in place a bill to incorporate tho Susquehanna Insurance Company of Union county. A largo and Etrong Anti-Lenomptou Democratic meeting was held in Philadel phia, last Monday evening. Ex-Governor Stanton was the principal speaker. Samuel II. Wood, a well known Iron Master, late of Chulasky,Northumborland Co., died in Philadelphia, 2nd inst., in the 07 th year of his age. mere will oe a meeting ot me rrankiin , 1)ebali cbi a, ,he schoo.n,ora basement of the Christian Church, on Friday evening of this week. The members and others who feel an interest iu the matter re requested to attend. W. Miles, Sec'y. A meeting of the Lewisburg Literary Asso ciation will he held at the usual hour and place this (Friday) evening. A lull attend ance is desired. Elder W. M'Daniels, of Scratiton. will ! preach in the Christian chapel, next Sal.l.atli. i at half pat 10 A. M. and in the evening. . ... 1 UPtBev. Mr. Bausman's lecture in the M.K. house, Sunday next, at 21, P. M. WOPS IIAlIt RrSTOHATIVB. Tliia iron.fcrro prennmtiou i lirtTin? iin pttnire rale in all part of tin L'ui'in. It in odi- of the few pntt-nt mi-dirineii which n-.w tiM firrr the rountrv. that are really what Ih. ir inventor t-Lilm for them. IVhereTer it h bad a trial. h rmt h. been preeireir a wood predict., it h . never failed to turn the white hair back to Uie natural ei.ior. where the direction have been etrrctly fdlowej, and in nnraeroo capca It had restored the hair noon head that had been bald for year. It i not pretended that it will make the hair prow in ererT ease, but where It fail there i eertatnlr no remedy. The restoration of I the hair lias been effected In to many instance where the case seemed utterly nopeie, mat It is certainly worm while f r all who hare lost their hair to try a buttla or two of Wood' Ri'Storatire. Molina Workman. 1 Soi br alt respectable Dmwist , 1 .The irreatest natural ornament to the 'hnman form dirine,"i unquestionably aline, luxuriant,heaithy prowth of hair. It has been roeatei-nicd in all aires of I the world, and among nil nation, savsre and eieltized. 1 lleyy. fc. .. reeanfe K. ae. j j as hi greatest trophy. For a similar reason, the fash ionable belle often disguises the region of vanity, as well I usher ether phrrnolopral oreans, with borrowid locks. I He who should discover a mode of prerentint; the hair j from liowinff the iurnad of envious Time by turuiiljr - prematurely irrsy, a method by which it eould be re stored when falline eft" or turning; white,and a way of promoting it continued and luxuriant jtrowui, would he justly entitled to rank amon the benefactors of the : human race. Itead the testimonials in another cilnmn of the wonderful not to say almoat miraculous effect of i rroleur ioli Hair licstorative, and see It In has not accomplished alt this. Capital City Fact. ! Y totiii: woitl.P. The. preatest Medical Dtseoy. I neao tue aujarusemeutneauiu -uelia- hold's Uenuitic Preparation." Fits Fits Pits ! DR. IIAXCES VEGETABLE EXTRACT EP1LFPTIC PILLS, For the Cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps and all Xrrvous and Constitutional Diseases. ' PERSONS who are laboring tinder ihis dis tressing malady will find DU.HANCE'8 VEGETABLE EPILEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epil epsy or Falling Fits. These I'iilrt porsess a specific action on theverrous sys tem : and. although they are prepared especially for the purpose of curiti? Kits, they are also of especial benetit for all persons afiiicted with weak; nerves, or whoa ner vous system has been prostrated or shattered frun any cause whatever. In Chronic Complaints or dtseasea of long standing superinduced by nervousness, the are exceedingly beneficial. Price .: per box, or two boxes ror $5. Personsont of the eitr. enclosing a remittance, will have the pill sent them through the mail free of postage. For sale, by FKTII 8. IIANCK. No. luS RALTIMOUK fTKF.PT, Ifalti more, MdH to wbcm orders from all parts of the Union must be addressed, postpaid. lyTlOJft. Di vall's Galvanic Oil stands without an equal in the cure of all sore and painful dis eases. Try it. None should be without it. For sale everywhere Corrected Weekly Wbcaf...l.00toll0. KgM... s 10 Rye Corn Oats Flaxseed Dried Apples. Butter CO 40 SO 1,25 Tallow Lard Jiacon llnm , no .. 12 . 10 .. 8 .. 12 9 ..4,50 1,50 Shoulder.... 1G Clovcrsccd. MAimiED, In N"orthnm!Tiand.Oth Inrt. bv Itev. lt.A.Fink..TOIIV and Miss CATIUKINK g. KL1NB, both of Northnmlerlan eounty. On theiltnlt..l.yKev.a.n.DoTer,WII.r.IAM URV SflN and 5IAICY Ml'KLY, both or Delaware township. Xorlh il Co. lln th- '."sth ult., WII.IJAW U. KLLUtll and SUSAN K. WAtiXl;i:. or Montour Co. In IiKtiTille on the sth ult tv Itev. M. J. Stover, D. F.nsill.JI and MAItV B.CitrT. both of Milton. 33CC0, Tn Twit-htir?. on ttie 1st but, UENRT ion of Ucr rit Iffitsmftit. irJ 6 yvoxn. In t nion U'Wrinhip, J inst JOHN, won of John and Eliza Mwr, Kft-d f montlm and Jldavn. In LcwiKbitn., 7th int , SAKAII JANE only rblld of John and Catharine Ilcrtx aged 0 year. 9 month and ft dnyn. In Lewibarii 10th inst, of Cnromption, Ir. F. (iltlKR, in th i7tli vear tf bis nm. Dr. Grior wan. w rlicTA, a natirenf Clrtrr ruunty.but had practifwd mr-dicinc in I'wi.'biirjt Hr about thirty yara. l-'jiueral BfuA quarter of Bccf,an a few bushels of Potatoes wanted at this office ; Apples ditto. Lectures at New Berlin Seminary, WB. ELLIOT, of Philad., will give a Course of Seven Lectures on the SCI K:Ci: OF comprehending Phrenology, Thysiology, Physiognomy or hu man nature and how to judee it, fully nnfold- in that complicated thins THE Ml.ND. The subject will be treated with reference Jo men- utl and moral Qualities and Dcfccts,and their improvement; to Talents.their use or business adapted to; Matrimony or companions suita ble ; the education and government of Child ren ; and startling moderv phenomena, as Spiritnalism.Psycology .Mesmerism showing what is true and what is lalse here ; Cifferen ees of Constitution, (the first Lecture present ing lhe signs by which every temperament and constilution is known;) to Healib, Happi ness, Disease, Cure. A course of Lectures most valuable, and which none should fail hearing. First one on Tuesday evening,FeJ. ltiih free '' he following ones Wed. and Tnur., and on Mon, Tues, Wed. and Tours, evenings of succeeding week only 6 cim admission. CONCERT ! Sav liciu s tornet uanu win give an Instrumental Concert, in Independent Hall, OS Thursday Evenlnar, Feb. 1$. The 8TRIXG BAND will assist on this oc casion, and Mr. JAMES AIKEN will vary the exercises by relating anecdotes, reciting poe try, &c. Ko pains will be spared to render the entertainment pleasant. Tickets 25 cts. Doors open at half past 6 o'clock performance, to commence at half past seven. Good order will be rigidly en forced durins the exercises. Peb. 12, '.'S JOS. M. HOl'lSEL, Vf7. & WEST BRANCH FAKMEllPEB. 12, 1858. PAMPHLET LAWS. riHE Treasurer of Union County is prepa 1 red to receive Subscriptions for the Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for the year 1858 at 50 cents per volume. Price tu Don subscribers SI. UP SHELLEK.Trcns. Lackawanna & Eloomsburg RAILROAD. AHKtYALS AXD DEI-AUTIKE3 Of 7R.UXS. ;oing . or Hi. jsr.t nays Lkavc I A'rw Y'lrh ,r-nw mo- JYni. Rupert I'.loonirtburg Kecytown Lime hidge lrwieK liearh llayea lleech tlroT Phickehinnv llun lock Ciettlt NauUcke rimouth aaaivK at Kingston LIJITI Kinipton Wyouiioa Wet p i uston 1'ittston Lackawanna Tayiomlle ariuvk At Scranton 1 ) A t. T 10 ! T IS .Iu 7 30 tlo J 64 do S 10 do S 20 do a H do 8 to do 9 (HI do 20 d 30 do 9 M do ;' do V 66 do 10 00 do 10 10 do 10 do 3 15 f.M a ji 3 33 3 45 4 10 do 4 25 do 4 do 4 SO do 6 15 do ft 20 do & i do 6 SO do 6 1)0 do (I 20 do 25 do 6 30 do 40 do 0 W do 1 r. F.M. 2 lo do 2 M do i : do 2 4 . do a wi do 10 SO do 3 15 do 7 00 do The NewYork Mail Train connects with the Express going East on the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western ltailroad. Arrive in New York at 7 IS P.M. do Philadelphia by Cainden&Amboy Railroad at 8 20 P.M. Fare from llujtert to Krw YorJc, $G. The Accommodation Train North connects at Scranton with the Express Tiain west on the D. L. &. W. ltailroad. Uolus South. t LE1TE Pcrant-n ! Tavlorvillo Ain. Mm'l. Areom'n. 8 00 A.M. 11 30 A M. x. r. x.iit 4 WI f.M 4 10 do 4 211 do 4 30 do 4 io 4 40 do M 10 do 8 20 do 8 30 do 8 36 do 8 40 do II 45 do Lackawanna I'ittslon Wert I'lttstoa Wyoming ADSIVS at KinttloQ LEAVE Kingston Plymouth Naotii-oke Hunlocks Creek Miickxhinny llearhtirove Ueach IIaen Iterwsk l.ime ltid: KVpytowu llloomsburg 12 10.11. 12 15 I' M. 12 ) do 12 40 do 9 00 do 1 00 do 6 00 do 10 00 do f. 15 do ID 15 10 50 do do ; 30 do 6 55 do 7 s) do 7 25 do 7 40 do 7 50 do 8 10 do 8 35 do 8 5 do 8 40 do 10 45 do 11 10 11 25 do do 11 85 do 11 55 do 13 20 P.M. 12 30 do 12 40 do ARRIVE AT ltupert 12 50 do Opl The Thila. Mail Train qniwr South Connects with the Mail Train at Rupert going East at 1 10 P..M. forCatawissa.Pt.Clinton.Pottsville, Reading Ae. arriving at Philad. at 8 25 P.M. Also with Mail Train g"ing West at 3 P.M for Danville. Mihon, Hess' coach to Lcwibburg,) Muncy, Willi.-imsport and Klmi. - v --4 upcis oy 4 P.M. Train going South can take the 11 P.M. Express Train for Elmira and the West.or lodge at Blor.msburgand take the 4 A.M. Train going East, arriving at Pat ladelphia at 12 o'clock noon. Passensers for Ilarrisburg direct will take the IN.Y.Knil Train (4 P.M.) going South, con necting at Port Clinton with the Dauphin & Susquehanna Railroad, arriving at Ilarrisburg at 12 o clock noon of next nav. F J LEAVENWORTH, Sap't. Scranton, Jan 21, ts.8 3m72l 300,000 Hen and Boys Wanted ! NOT to ro to Utah, but to liny CLO THING of J. lib it Co. CirThe above Firm have determined to sell their stock of wcll-inale CloUlIng AT COST, in order to close business in this place. Call and see and satisfy yourself. J. GOLDSMITH & BRO. Lewisburg, Jan. 27, 1858 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to our Firm by Note or Book Account are requested to come and settle immediately, and those who have claims will please present their bills. J. GOLDSMITH & BRO. THE NEW YORK STEAM SAW-MILL AltD MACHINE COMPANY. Capital $250,ooo. TUTS mtnpany bw lwi organliod with th above mp itwl for lha parpoae of vapplying tbc UiduukI for tnc CciflMiMiici, ioi'i-St iii ?;ilTJ-Tj;i!, and other Tmprovrd Machinery. Thfy hut purchawt the entire marhirK ry bntslnem breU)ftr cnrriesl un by J. M. Kmnon k cjix, alo th loutgmery Workfl at Voniasr,n the Ila'iwn, near thM city, aud with the experifnee antl fitrititit combined in itn organization are prfprnl tofurni-h uinrhincryof ill ktnJn at more liberal tali- than fau ever been oUVred at any other ntablichment. The Combination Saw-Mill wm patented October. Ife'ft. undla now generally anknowtaltred to be the rhcapeft. mvt practical, anu emcient lumber nianuractnrinsx ma chine in the world. A large number of thi-tn are in aws Ici-Mfnl operation in di(Trrent Kertioni of this rountr, CanAda, Cuba, and $outh Amerira, and wherever their merit have ben tested they are Irving adopted by luui I ber manufiM-turvTT In preterent?e to all other millx. lue t-llowint: letter expreeei the rnfru opinion oi tboso who are uiting the Cymlniiatu.n Mill : Mcsfrs. Emirsox tt Co. Ocntleinen: I have tried the raw -mil I purchased of yon. and will my that it per. forma well, and morethan met my eTpeetotioni. 1 am well pleaded with iu performance. I t itupon a nnall rtream that alTtiril-d o-nftant wnVr about n thick at my liti le tiagfr, which wa murh more than ivufflrifrtt tn mip- ply the Iwitlr-r. e are able io cut t ct oi tvantilul j lumber tn 12 houra, with aomethinL' Ifri than rtuv enrd of wood- it 1 me Try tniog wc nave no mucn needod out county for a Inns time. With a little trouble and rxpenne. wr are able to move it from five to ten tnilen pr d;.y,utid Mrt it up In the heart of the timlier, which aavea tha (treat bunlen of haulinr the lovfi a hmR di"tane to Uiemill. Yourt respectfully hKltlt. Ja LooiFville, Tenncmee. The Company hare purrhawd Lund's Fatent Feed At ranEfeinent. which in illustrated and decritd o the Sci enttlic Am-rlanf"r tlctober 2i. Ttii adds greatly to the efficiency of the mill. The Combination 31111. with all the recent improve-rasnt-s and itteam power of 1- hoiee, is capaMe of saw inc from U,(XK) tu 4.U00 leet in 12 hour.4, and is aold tot il.OsH". TUB SEW TOKK CIRCULAR SA WMtJ.t. Tfiinaniitactured only by this Company. It i of superi or conrtructioo, and sold for 25 per cent, less than uih-T mill of no greater capacity. A mill with .' to 54-inch saw can he sold fur to $&H). and with a 20 horse en gine and hoiler is sold fr '1,'lKtd. St.-am Engines and Rollers: Knfrinesof from oneto 100 horsa powr; Locomotive. Tnhnlar, Flue and Cylinder Boilers furniined at greatly reduced prices from tbrmcr quotations. Drnwinja, with plans and speeiflcaHons for buildings and machinery, furnifthefl ttratss to our customer. Competent mechanics arc sentout to put up and set in operation our machinery, when required. We also mannfacturc' ahmcle Slarhinea, rianing Ma chines, uMr-Mills, and Machinery in prneral. Special attention paid to ttinir Up Fhiftin end Pnl Iles for mannfaetnries, and all kinds of Ml.l-Wriffhr work. Tliifl Company are selltnit hi irreat numbers a Patent Conical Iiurr-htone Hill, for flour, corn meal, and all kintt.i of feed, which Is pronounced by experienced mil lers, both tn this eountry and Kumpe.tbe llet Mill Krer Conntnirtnl. It will frrind mure frraD in the same time and with half the power, than any mill of the siwue price in the market. We also furnish other strles of RrW-MUIs, when re quired. J. M. EMERSOW It CO., Agents. T2(lJ No. 371 Broadway, New Tork. FREE COURSE OF LECTURES, at Independent Eall. THE Ixwrlsbur Literary .4 so cial ion wonld announce that Ihe gen tlemen named below have consented to speak as follows : O. S. WrmriKtf Tuoadaj eveuin;:. i"t. 9. ISiS. I1..I1.J POLT.0CK do fvh.Ii! K..T. Ir. WATSON 1 Mar. a II C. IIIOKHK. Ksq. 'k Mar. 1 KaT.lTof.l'l'KTIR o War. 80 IUit. 11. A. KINK 4o April 1J Other Lecturers have been invited, who we hope hereafter to announce, so that very Tuesday evening during the course may be occupied. The Public is cordially invited to attend. J be Lectures are r ki.l, out collec tions will be taken to defray expenses. Ijf Doors open at 6. V. M. close at 7J, when Lectore wiil commence. LOT of superior SOFT H ATf? jnst reed SCHREYER & SON o NIONS for sale at Jan 12 SCHREYERS LEWIS PALMER, A RCIIITECT and BUILDER. II LEW ISUVRG, OlRce in Ihe rniversrty Building fA ftn.'tl NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Administration oa the aVitare ef JA'S 1. WALTEK, latetif Limestone Twp, Union county, deceased, have been granted to the nndersignvd by lite Register of Union county in dim form of taw ; therefore, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having any just claims are also requested to present thein le gally authenticated for settlement. EMANUEL WALTER, Administrator. Limestone, Jan. 12, 153 "A Book for Lvery Han's Library." RARE 1XDVCEMEXTS TO AGEXTS! CAN VASSEK8 WANTED lo obtain subs cribers for the Ciinin!ivE Goo- nr ann Hisrnav, Ancient and Modern, Oi TH E WOULD." By S. G. Galium, ("Peter i Parley.") Handsomely bound in eloth stilt and I Illustrated with 2U0 beautiful Engravings and ! 80 Maps. Price 1. Mold only by Agenls, to I each of whom a special district will b given. ! Applicants should mention what conntiestbey j would like to canvass. The book is now ready. ' Conies sent bv mail (post-paid) on receipt of j the price. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. The Home Journal says or this work: "No family should be wiihoui it." For full particulars in regard to an nenev addresss GEORGE W. ELLIOTTuvn jn Publisher Publisher,172 Will St-V.Yr rsTAH kinds of School and Miscellaneous Books,cheapPublicaiions,Slationery and Maps furnished at the very lowest prices. Orders solicited 3m711 KOTICE IS hereby giren that the accounts of Dr. Thornton & Co, Thornton ft Vanvalzah and of Dr. Thornton, have been assigned to us.and ihe Books placed in the hands of Ju B. Lmsi, Esq., for oclleetion. Those indebted upon the same will please smtle immediately. WILLIAM MOOliE, J. Sl J. WALLS. Dee.,11, 1857 WM. L. HARRIS fr ttTAil accounts notselt!ed by the first of April will be sued. $10 REWARD! a, tnere is now in ine n.nas v v v- iiiiuiiuraj " . - singie bill purporting to be signed io i.iitner Rank by me, which I pronounce to be a false paper. The above reward will be paid to any person who wiH furnish me with evidence sufficient to convict in a criminal court the person or persons who brought said single bill into existence; and 1 hereby warn all persons against purchasing said false note. JOHN ROLAND. Lewisburg. Dec. 29. 157 EwaontarnV XlQtiCB. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes tamentary on the last will ami testament of 81 MON HARTMAN. late of Lewis tuwnship, L'nicn county, ..eceasei), have been p ran led to the nnersigned, by the Register of Union county, in tioe form of law ; therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate are requested to make immediate payment.and those having just claims against the same are also requested to present them properly authenticated for scltlement. ' KEL'BEN HARTMAN,?Execu JOHN 8WARTZ, 5 tors. Minheim, Center Co, Dec. SO, 1857 pd I7XEC t"TORS' XOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned have been appointed Etecntors of the estate of FALL tiOODLA.MJEK, late of W bile Ueer lownship.Union connly, deceased. All persons indebted tu said estate arn requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them properly authen ticated for settlement. KUWAKU RANCK, ) Exec- tSAML EL GOOUI.A.MIER, S ntors White Doer, U.o. 33, U57 d Dissolution. TOTICE is hereby given that the Partner J.1 ship heretofore existing between Daniel Weidensaul and Mark Halfpenny, known as Ihe firm of D. Weidentaul 4 C"-. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All settlements of said Firm lo be made with D. Weidensaul. D. WF.IDENSAI L, M. HALFPENNY. LiureltoD, Nor. 23, A.D. 1Sj7 Dr. L Brugger Dr. J. F. Harvey HOMEOPATHIC Physicians, south side Maikel St, between 4th A 5th 1 y6 10 LE WISB UR G, PA GOODMAN & CHAHBERLIM WOl'LD invite general attention lo their J Fall and Winter Stock of GOODS, ' just received. French Mennoes. Alpacas. Debages, Plaid Woolens, Uinghains, Delaines from 10 to 25 cts. per yd. Prints from 61 Io IS) cts. per yd, Shawls, Gloves, Ho siery,&c. A general assort" men! of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Broadcloths, Cassimercs, Salmons, Vestings, Cravats, ulovcs. Hats, oic&c. r.RocniiiEs. New York Canton Co.'s Teas, fine Green and Oolong, Rio and Java Coffees, Salt, Fish, Sugars, Svrup Molasses, Soap, ran dies. Cheese. c. ALSO. HARDWARE, Q L'EEXS WARE, cfc. Lewisburg, October 23, 1S57. Rich and Rare IS the large and choice assortment of new FALL & WIXTER GOODS, now arriving at the well known Corner Store "beaver, KREPIER & DTCLURE. Call and see ! Lewisburg, Oct, '57 $10 REWARD ! rpiHE Burgess and Town Council of the X Borough of Lewisburg will pay Ten Dollars for testimony which will lead lo Ihe conviction of the persons who removed, injn red or destroyed private property in this Borough on the nights of the 31st oil. and the 2J jnsu By order of the Council, Nov. 3d, 1837. S. SCHREYER, Burgess Richard!'' -ev II lack In. k FTER years of experimenting, J. H. jr Richards has at last attained the end of elegantly polishing, aud at the same time oi7 ing and softening the leather at lhe same time. AH who "go in" for a splendid article, will use "Richards' New Compound" sold by Christ & Caldwell, C. W. SchallKAIex. Am nions, P. Hursh, Goodman ft Cbamberlin. J. & J.Walls, J.M'Faddin and thers in Lewisb'g. ct9 w3pd J. II. RICHARDS, Prop'r, N. Y. DR. GREEN'S AROMATIC SAP.a certain cure for Dyspepsia and diseases arising Iruin aa imp rr Mate of the toraarh alo a rare pm vcntiTe of i'i.Ti AXJ AlslE price 75 el, prr NU1, Ibr sale ry F. 8. CAI.HH ELL. Asslttncc'n A'ollcc, TyyOTICE is hereby given lhat the under .1 signed has been duly appointed Assignee of Daniel D. liuldin.of Lewisburg. All per sons knowing themselves indebted, either by note or book acconnt are are requested lo rail and make immediate payment, and those having claims against Ihe same are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHS A. MEKTZ. I,ewisb!irg,.Repl.S3,18S7w BOTJNTY I AND WARRANT blanks lor all engaged in the service of the V. S in ih War of If 1 2. and for their Widows, a the Cilice of llie l.twis-'mr" Chmntclc. LUMIiKIi! LUMIJKIl!! rpHn sirlvseribcrs he for szlt I (in lots to- sit parchascrs)'--! Tanel fituW$i a tare? siouk of Plana tu-.. Alr :,OOI) flSH UMl.s. Which are offered tow lor dsn. at ntir Mill on rtouib Branch of the H' lleer Creek in Hartley township or drlivr.-d on the l.'ruh Valley Narrows road at the end n' our Rnad. Nov.2 JOH.-M M'CAI.L & 15UOS. NOTICE. ITIOR value received i do fierebj assign an 1 set over unio W. R. Hjiieassi the lol lowing personal property, to wit I spring wagon at 50, 1 one horse s'ed at $t, 1 cutting box at $1. 2 t,ns of hay at 1 cooking stove at 50 yards of carpet at ji.oO, 3 pe.irs of bedstead at $15, 1 sell of cane-bottomed chairs at $6. 1 sert of common chairs at I. 1 lare rockini chair at & t. I sink at $5, I bnrean at !2, 3 talil's at 111. I looking srass at lit. I lonnze at J, 1 iron kettle at $2 50, 1 sell of single harness at "', 3 shoals at $.1, 1 sow at 17 s.191. Witness my hand and seal, this thirtieth day of November, A D. 157. ALEXANDER CLEMEN'S. Witness present: Ricitn VB. LisroLS New Goods A. I mi 1 a UKl OilinU e GENERAL assortment of DrTCiooiK m'lde up Clotkinij,lInts,A- t'.ips, iljots end Shots suitable for the season. Hard- Ware, Queens Ware, flrocerii-s, SALT, FISH, &c, all of winch will be soh; at prices to suit the limes. Liberal deductions made for t'asb! M'CREIUHT & 1IALCK. Biilf.ilo X Roads, Nov. :!(), ts.17 ATEW GOODS! I -s- BROWN & STERNER, j At the O'.d 'Xchange Store, having bought a , of Goods in the City at Tiryfaw rates by reason of the HARD TIME", are able to supply their i , fl)rm(.r cxsswtnrts anJ lhe public generally ; Wlln ttie best Ooods on Ihe most accomiuoda- -CALL AXl) SEE! Lewisburg, Nov. l$-7 Impoitaut to FARMERS ! T 1HB subsi liber is prrparfd to ( Iran C'loierseei! at ihe wP-fcnnwu Mill ol Wn.'f. I.mi in Kelly township, l'ni..n IV, on the shortest notice, and uatraol no damage by breaking of the seed, tJ-v the Fifteenth slul mjnaruT lor past patronage he asks a eon tinoance or it assuring his ru-lomers that he will do his utmost to give satitfaeiinn. Not. 157. f;EUI!OE BAKER M. H. Dersham, H.D., DRACTICING Physician, x Xorlh Third xlrrrt. LEWi.SUVRG, PA 7110 Ordinance for Markets. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Burgess and 2'own Couneil of the Bornugh of I sir- . isburg, and it is herebi) ordained lo Ihe authe- ! Srri 83 f 'hey had not the Cash to spare tor nrv of the same. That WEDNESDAY and j lhe Chronicle. We are de.'iror.s of aceommo SATLRDAY mornings of every week shall datin? a!I " ',; possible, and will receive be the Market Times for said Borough, ' al! suitable PRODI LX f. r family use a: when it may be lawful to sell and tnv articles i 'ash rates. Please bring as early in the sea of produce frr family use; and lhat MARKET : on e 'nscnieiii. We want more or less of STRKET.rom J to Fourth Street,, shall j jfw jmtj jalt.K. V.,nlln,, Fresh Meat, be used for stch sales wagons &c. to occupy the sides of the pavements on Ihe north side j me sircci iiutii inc ursi ui vrcioour iu me first of April, and the south side of the pave ment the remainder of the year. I'o nu) 3, tie tt Jurrhcr ordained, 1 hat it shall not be lawful lur any person or persons, either the producers of marketing or their immediate agents, as hucksters or otherwise, to peddle or sell in any street or alley or in any part of the said Borough, any articles of produce for family use, other than at the limes and places specified in the first section of this ordinance and any person or persons violating this ordinance shall incur a penalty of from One Dollar to Five Dollars, to be re covered before the Burgess or any Justice of the Peace of Tnion eounty as like sums are recovered under me laws of rennsrlvama . . l r J . with costs, in the name of the Burgess and 1. e .1 t i. r i Town Council of the r.oroush of Lewisburc; . r ,. ,i, , k. :j ... ' one halt ot said penally to be paid to the Overseer of Ihe Poor of said Borough, and the other half lo the informer. Passed at a meetinir ot lhe Council. Tues day evening, Nov. 3 1S.17. and ordered tn be published. J. SCHKUVER, Burgcs. Nov. 6, 1SS7. First of the Season! j. SCMEYER & SON have received an entire N E W STOCK of I Fall aud Winter oois. j . laro In. r.t I.lrF- IltJr.i ! UOODS,Silks. French Merino.Cashmeres. De Laines.PoiJ de Chivre.a large lot of De Laines to sell at 12 cts ; Also, a general assortment . of Men's Wear. Cloths, Cassimere, Velvet ! and Silk Vest iugs and Salinetts, at al! prices, shawls, men's and la- dies'.FIannels, Muslins, Tickings, tueensware, i CiKOCERlES.and a general assortment of er- f erylhing belonging lo a Country More, wim h have been bought very cheap for casb, and are determined to sell very cheap for the same. Those wishing to purchase for cash will please call and examine for lliemsclres. Oct.9,'57. StOUEl. II. GKWIG, Attorney at Law. OFFICE oa South Second near Maiket St. LEW1SHVRU. PA. LtTAH Professional Business entrusted lo his care will be faithfully and promptly atten ded i.j Sept. 1 1, iw:7 ICE CREAM SAMUEL HOFTMAN has opened a new Ice Cream Saloon over his Confectionery, and wishes lo see his nu merous customers-1 hare. LOOK THM WAV ! XOTICE! XOTICE!! XOTICE.'!.' HAVING just relumed from the City with an unusally large Stock and well selected, and am now prepared tn sell goods lower than can be bought elsewhere on this side of Philadelphia, Hardware ! Hardware ! ! Hardware ! ! ! JValliv-SailS Locks, Latches, Hinges Screws, Mass, Putty, Paints. Oil in fact everything you may want to build your self a lirsl-rate house or barn twenty per cent, lower lhaa ever before. This way ! This way f CARPENTERS, here yon can get llie cele brated Greenfield Planes, Spear ot Jackson's hand, tenon and rip Saws, Butcher's, Beatty's and Brady's Chisels and Plane Irons, patent and common Braces, Brace Bitts, Angers, Squares, linages. Iron Screws, Compass Saws, llamond's Hammers, &r. Blacksmiths' Irou KO.V IRON ALL KINDS Bar, Scollop, Tyre, Oval, Rrmnd and Square Cast Steel, Spring and English Steel, Vises, Anvils. Bellows, Screw Tlates, etc. HOUSEKEEPERS ! Table Knives and Forks, Carvers, Spoons, Kettles. Lamps. Can dlfttrk. Ci.(f Mill. ottrloUi. Slat. f. H"l. e. WALL PAftt; To will fml !l (Ik- alr !lh a tat nunr mora at tb IHSDWJ" ! !"r.T.i r ' JcrsKrll M K.St!KN, tn the old CAK.! Un4, I.KW lr.lil Kil, Ta TtltSnAil in is mil aOLOTHS, I assimeres and Vestings, Hals, I f'l".rir a nti assortment at t;linn a fhnitrlt ' "VfOTK'n is h.r-i.y rive. the ""- ' ,s f"!" ''r,,ri" 1'iitJtr'lt has leu fhi -Me insoiverl bv mu laal eiMint. Tiw It .-.N'wtes and Airaus1 . are left with P. S.CdtJwrll f.-r imm.linos set tlement. TIIEO S I IIIJlsT. f C M. DWELL. Lewiita:;, Nov. :. l-i SOTICE. rflHE n-inVr-lcnr.! wi itinue five tfg, 1 Summery, i'iiinr. lass and Paten Vsilieiuc Lu'-iue-' :tt the ofd staud tl I'briat A. Caldwell, where he will be hapf y to see a. his old entnmer? and r.ew. Nov. 9, l57. K CALDWELL. DISSOLUTION. rfriE r.iparnrrliip in the er.aeh-making I business between the nnJri?ned w dissolved by mniiiAi consent on ihr2ilttf July, 1S57. The boots Ac. srv at the olj stan-iforsrMlement. WM. II. RITTKR. Oct. S-J, '57. PLAMANl SliYERS t.'f YCKSITt AT LHiVISBI R. X'OTICE Pabscril-ers to the Bnildiptr a. s runu are; roprc.iiuny miorairii mat inc i lal luolaliuent on theVnhseripiions is now ilue pti.i payaoie. J .."..sii-.k i ., i.sej.. i; appointed Colleetor.and authorized toreeeive and receipt for the same. A. K. BELL. and receipt for the same. ! General Agent and Tcrasarrr. I.cwisb'irg, Oct. 1, Ij? i TMS0I.l XJ given, t I'TIOX. Notice is tcrebv hat the Copartnership heretofore I eiitinu beureen Ci-.arles S. Criies and Jubn St3nnert ha t'oen this day dissolved by mutts al consent. The bot ks and papers left in Charles B. Cntes' hands for collection. I. HAS. s. CRITES. Oct. :,. l-f.7. JOHN STAN.NERT. The Butcherin" b-isincss will be rarried o:i at the old stand by C. r?. (.'rites, under the so perintendence of John S?iar,nrrt. A7 c o x r ectiox i: i ; Y . TIIHE snbseriber rcpectfnlly tales tlii$ me I thnd to inform the ciliztns of Levisbnrg and vicinity in gene ral.and the l.adiesin par ticulai. that be op cned a IfalafTj and 'on4't JiORCry. on Third street, in .Mr. Beaver's liuilihns, where he n-ill be ready t supply all a lio mry fnror him with a eall with the lei of eTervthinp in his line pf pu ainraa. tiKKAl, CAKES and CONFEt: T1UJMU1V on hand at all limes. Dcmz a practical Baker and Confectioner for rtpwardq of twenty-five years, he feels confident that al! who favi r him with a call cr five him trial shall not be d sappoioted. Weddings an ! Parties supplied a: the shortest notice, oi lhe most reasonaWe terms. AH sorts of Orn'a rr.ental Worlt done to ordrr. BREAD delivered at Hi ti'fs at all limes when desired. CHARLES UEI.NER. Lewisbnr". Oct. 7, IS37. PRODUCE WANTED. Notwithstanding the "hard times," Printers' must continue to try lo live. We are aware that many of oar patrons, in consequence of Ihe short crop of the rreat Wheat staple, mir Ax. ttr. on old or new aecounls but no Cash to pay for them with, as we have other uses for it. CLOTHING!!! T GOLDSMITH & ERO'S take pleas- I ore in annonnetng to the riliirens oi" Lew isburg and the puMie in general that they have received th- largest stock of B'ack, Blue, Brown anJ Mixed CLOTH, FROCK. PREf M and SACK CU7X Cassimcre Coals of all kinds, CasMinerc, Cloiii and Cassiorll Pant-. Velvet. Silk. Satin. CIoili. Cassimere and Sat inett Vests, Hut: Cops. S.'iirts, Vnder Clnthn of every description, which they otTcf to seil Cheaper titan the Cheapest, for Cash. e wnuiti ea.l parucuiar aiienuo, .,., f ..... , stock of llO 1 C I.0 1 IiIAIm r-i,.,!,;- , i. ,i... , . Clothing made to order, rith nea We would ea.l particular attention to our neatness and despatch. J. GOLDSMITH & BRO S. iVt 1.15T. Market rn t-next to Walla' J OS. I. VODER, Pracliral Waiihrna- 1 c-: t . n- r. fi-i i a.-i ""C' CnCCl i Music. j All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired : and warranted for one year, f Spcr'aC'lcsi t uu any eyes f.rsale.and ' new glasses inserted in old frames, i L--wisbtirg,.June 4, hol. NEW GOODS! THE Tiacc to Imv Goods, rlieap ! J- IDU1A(.S K WETZEL Beg leave to announce to the public thai tiny have opened a large and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. embracing every variety of Ladies' and tient" Summer wear such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Linen Ooods, Vesting, Ginghams, Calicoes. Silks, Beiagfs, I'.crage Delaines, Shallers. l awns. Muslins, a lare assoruncnt of EM BROIDERIES of all kinds, Donnas, Hi's, and Cops, also a large a-sortment of CARPETS, SALT, HSU, c. a'iraT en nana. Farmers anJ Housekeeper r rvjapM-i f.,ttT i(iTit-d t elnnfiir crtr twrlment rf nr?in:K;K.s.'rKtH. A r.i: r. ha . a K irK.xs. HA h'K, i.r , w ttr- xliffnl tlmt yen ill n4 mtv n tiling, thf U-'t iiuiitt. uums, ml th ot ifxlcrat nU-. Our v-r? tv'ftfl n!:Ti cntinttt raf. w tir!is T wiii VlruinJ of the th-j tst. rtnlfr Iutt.ilitT) rli.-ap th'-i rut. ri-ei; ll! uU:r'.ii at nj utht r t.f .in tit Wt t I Tr ?. e r-t--'U"Uy invito cur clJ a.-ti-tnf t eH n,l Jv (ror"t-fc, nA-l wt nr ran tvt Psn cin-l cnr want aUvinhilr?. n,-t. tV.T A.t:ON kTtL. T1IK LEE-1I1VE! THE "oM Mammoth" aliea.1 ! Xnl- JL vithstandin the hard times and Bank suspensions, J. & J. WALLS have received and are now opening aunns ually large and well sel-cted ..lock of FALIj AND WINTER GOOU?. consisiin partly rf U ths of txrry ni'fr plain. b!ar!: an ! ..inrv r.i.simTcs,a beaniiln Tnrirtj if V-tu.ft, Iialiou Ckjibs, Jtn, Tweva.' at J Minur wirar, mlo T.nlics Coeds, wwr f Filk". Ti. V1.o. h-rrC'. frrnt". ttrf iIio..-.i..iiripm;-. Ku:T r..J ri Hit-N-ni.. ttfhnr.'ili't( btMaClvd ami V'ffO Mnlins. I;i-b t -ncn Ihaii la, ttt ST J I AW COODS eftfTery raxiaty aadtle- jt a r.r elc:ti-n IIakdwauk, Qi 'crw-wAnr. Cedat; xi Vn.!.juv,Ai;n, m,is, tc. cr. n!tri!tall tVaanf otl.'.e fiU a iiiicrb l:l tt . je.i!l (.;' wMih tb-j 'ir-F to Nr i ufmrr WiliUH t' w 1 ii ;i;P cJ ' rr 4 j V 1 nkn iu -! ..I I i ivii- I.. i.-lu;. -?. 1"-:- I I k i ! 1 'l X SI jo J r