Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 29, 1858, Image 4

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From the "rssi roi.nw.Ti Rntwiknt," and not from
th nnpubiiebiw Mm. of Tnoxus CsMrssu.
The Crinoline Catastrophe.
1 dreamed a dream the other night.
When everything was hushed an J st ill,
Whu-h made each hair stand strait with fright.
"till as the porcupine last quill.
Mtihought thai pemcoats had grown
To such a vast and monstrous size,
Th it ihere was mom for them alone
And none for man beneath the skies!
The heat, and every creeping thing
Ha l died ; the flowers bloomed no more,
Th' grass and lender herbs of spring
Were withered on the desert s-hore ;
Ten million leagues of crinoline
Mreteaed over l:ke funereal pall.
And on the cold and cheerless scene
The sun's warm rays could never fall.
On Ararat's clond curtained peak
The last man stood, with pallid face.
Sick, trembling, weary, worn and weak
Sad remnant of a smothering race ;
In rain alas ! poor man ! in vain
His footsteps sought that rest of old.
For clouds of skirts soon filled the plain,
And hid the mountain in their fold.
Still bigger grew those spheres of white.
Until they reached the summit high.
And streamed above the wretched wight
Like snowy banners in the sky ;
The man looked o'er the precipice,
-Make way for petticoats !" he cried ;
And plunging down the dark abyss.
Made way for petticoats and died!
A sTTvAMi.
The American Hollanders, or Hudson
river and Mohawk river "Low Dutch" and
tbeir descendants, are fast losing those
characteristic which arc rather caricatured
in the numerous writings of AVasbingtoo
Irving. The; were quiet, honest, seusille
people, much resembling their cousios, the
High Dutch or Germans of Pennsylvania.
The annexed story is very life like.
Quite t number of rears ago, in New
York or Manhattan island, near what is
now Square, there stood a dilapid
ated, woouen, Dutch built dwelling, known
as "the Old Bed House." Looking at
that section of the city, now so thickly
settled, the little anecdote I am about to
relate will seem like fiction ; for the old
house stood entirely alone, and above it,
for nearly a mile, there was no other dwel
ling. The Red House was the terror of
tbe young, for it was whispered about
among them that it was haunted. In it
dwelt Dans , fat, good natured
Dutchman. Hans kept some kind of
store or stopping jlacc, where the few
straggling wayfarers, who bad occasion to
visit tbe eity, disposed of their vegetables,
or made purchases for there were, even
then, some cultivated spots between that
point and what was called the French Tan
yards, situated near Forty Second street.
Before the door of that old bouse, stood
a wooden trough ; here, stragglers would
stop to let tbeir horses drink ; here, too,
at all times of the day, might Hans be
seen sitting on bench within the porch,
smoking his pipe, looking happy, and, I
dare say, feeling so. He had lost his
frau bat Providence, as if to console him
for a sorrow he perhaps did not properly
feel, had left him a daughter, his Betsey !
Betsey was the idol of his heart. She was
a good natured, healthy looking girl,
about fonr feet in height, and nearly as
broad as she was long. Looking at Hans,
yoa might snppose be bad not an aim id
life beyond watching the wreaths of smoke
si they ascended from bis pipe. But be
bad an aim. That aim was to see bis
Betsey comfortably settled in life. Hans
had long fixed his eye upon a young coun
tryman of his own, who lived near Spuy-
ten Drivvel creek John bv name and
he, nans had fixed upon, for tbe husband
r f his Betsey. Shon, however, though
be cime regular once a week to give bis
horse a drink at the old trough, and take
a mug of cider with Hans, made little
progress in tbe way of courtship. This,
though it was not exactly agreeable to
Hans, he could not well see how to remedy.
Grown desperate by the delay, he was
determined to make one grand effort.
Accordingly, on a memorable Friday (that
being Hans lueky day,) he filled his pipe
and sat down in tbe porch to wait the ar
rival of Ebon. There was nothing per
ceptible in the appearance of the man to
indicate that t matter of great moment
was on band ; nothing eould be observed,
save, perhaps, that the curling smoke was
a little more dense, as he puffed it vigor
ously from his mouth.
At length, the expected Shon came in
right, and Betsey was ordered to bring out
a dish of her best dough-nuts, and a mug
of sparkling cider. "I think," soliloquised
Hans, "I shall know what isb what, be
fore I see do bottom of dat mug of shider."
Shon drove up as usual, unhitched the
Iridic of bis horse in tbe same old way,
and received tbe same old greeting, and
finally took tbe same old scat. First dis
appeared the cakes and cider. At length,
lifter a long puff, Hans said, "Te cakes
pe goot, Shon."
"Ya," Shon replied.
"Petsey makes dem," rf joined Hans.
"Ya," again said Sbon.
"Now, I tells yon what get something ;
Le" (of course, meaning die) "will get
ore cow, one feather led one goot Fran ;
and, when I dies, everything I has yon
kuows mine Petsey. To be sure, be is
n t so tall lot then he is the wider out.
I likes you, Sbon ; will you have the cow,
the feather bed, and mine Petsey for your
Frau !"
"Ya, ja !" mpended Shon,so he seized
the mug and offered it to Hans.
The bargain was closed, and I do not
believe Shon Las ever had cause to regret
i. The propriety of old Hans became
valuable. .Shon gut not only a good frau,
a cow, and feather Led, but, on the death :
1 1 Hi., nutti ii-.i tome bi':ta j
;'.irs after, "affile tit to L'iy iu estate near '
Yonkcrs, where he still resides, with his
good frau, who is tbe shortest and toidest
woman in the place. Shon takes particu
lar pride in a crop of forty or fifty white
beads, the joint property of tbe children
of himself and Petsey. So, there lives
old 'Squire John , under the shad
ow of bis own vine, where he still has a
mug and a pipe for all the old friends of
himself and of UansYanderdonk,deccased.
ffThe Syrscuse Journal says a man,
not a thousand miles from Syracuse, hav
ing niado an assignment, was called npon
by a New York creditor, to whom he ex
hibited his books,and with whom proposed
to settle at 50 cents on the dollar.
The New York man replied, "how can
you pay 50 cents on the dollar ? Your as
sets will not pay over 40 cents."
"Well, never mind that," says the un
fortunate assignor, "if my assets will not
pay tbe 50 cents, J Kill make tip tlic defi
ciency out of my own pocket!"
itm m fiii
J) Januai
1 2 Si-
7 9 10
rlt, February
l litis! 4) sis
USA t lojii 12I13
VV 14 is!is lilifclisilai
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S 4 t 1 91 .
.JIO 1112 13 14 IS loi,?
Vr u lisiiul. 21 ass l
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t:10 11 12 13 14
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tfH Mill
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l?llBliQl"nl'n tol- Wl
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21i22 23 24 2SSS274
December (jf
,i rt
We liavc recently added a number
of varieties of JOB TYP6 to oar
former large assortment, making
of type, large and small, with a good
variety of borders, and most respect
fully solicit a trial of them by those
wanting anything in tbe way of
Tickets, Blanks, Labels,
CARDS, Circulars, Bills, Ac. The
use of these by merchants and busin
ess men generally, is more common in
most communities than in oars. . A
larger range of operations may be
gained by a constant "keeping before
tne people" of the trade, occupatios
or profession of any man : and a
nearer approximation to a Cash busi
ness may bo made with patronage
attracted by this means.
We think we have the materials
and the experience the taste and the
tact to execute all kinds of Jobbing
expected from a Country Office, in a
style not excelled on reasonable
terms and in prompt time. Call
at THE cc.
THE subscriber has rented for a term of
g years UIC CUiUUiuuiuu. iuwimb am u-'" "
Kline's Hotel, where he carries on Baklnjr,
llread, Cake, Tarts, &c. and hopes to be
alle to render entire satisfaction and receive
a liberal support. He also oners
of every kind and quality, of Wholetak and
Retail. ICE CREAM for the public and for
parties, in large or small quantities.
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
tyNnts, Toys, Spices, 4c always on hand.
Orders at home or abroad promptly attend
Lewisburg, Jan. 7, 1857
L. H. LitiH, D- B. 8ibold
In jLewisbur;, Fa.
This House is directly opposite the new Court
House. It has been fitted up at considerable
expense, with the view of affording every con
venience ; and no effort will be spared to ac
commodate its patrons. The House is large,
conveniently and delightfully located, and has
been newly furnished throughout.
I.ewisbnrs, Aug. 26, '57. Proprietors.
rilO ffest Milton wiih all your might.
I You'll gel all you want, and find 'em right.
J. u. ua I E3MA1M, he is lbs man, again.
Where you're sure to be suited, and then come
When more yon want in the same line,
His rule is, now's the time
To settle" that's why he's so cheap,
" Cash" is his motto, and he can't be beat.
J. B. natesnaan, Witt MiUm,
Has received his second lot of Spring and
8ummer Goods from New York and Phila
delphia, consisting of CLOTHS of every
grade, plain, black and fancy CASIMERES,
also a beautunl variety 01 Keady Made CLO
THING of all descriptions. Also, Ladies'
Dress Goods, such as SUIa, TUlua, De Lainc,
Uhu Caff, fnntt, mite Good; Owgamt, Em.
broidnir; Ritbont, Htmicry, Gluttt, 4rc Straw
Good;, Hard ware .Cedarware.Queens ware. Ve.
All kinds Produce taken in exchange for
bvous. casn paid lor urain.
Also, Joint, Sawed and Lap ghfnarles
constantly on hand. J. B. DATESMAN.
June 18, 1857
THE subscriber con-
tinues to carry on the
Livery Business at
the Old Stand on 8ouih
Third street, near Market, and respectfulll
solicits the pa'roiiate t! his friends and tin
p.iUic (reutrally. CHARLES F. IIKSS.
Lewisburg, May 91, IHll
Vr'ullS 16 liilt, I lC 31! IS IS
fit April
A I II 1.1 J.
ma . . . : i
Jjxll W I3 14IS Mini
j3 May
W' SllO 11 12 13 14 16
TNIfillT 1SI1KI2" 21 22
k'P 24 24 2f. 27 28 1
Hf June
,4 i i i i i i
v , i t i i
- i I I I I I I I I t I I I
Vi ' 6 7 S Biln ll 12 5 ! 7 r! a lu ll?
CVtU 14 117 IS 19 12 13 14 14 IS 17 181T
, Sli21 l3 ! S 19 2U 21 2S 24 'ff
li2Ipj29 j j ijsirpltsl
ftas . rm
1111 IMY
Freebnr;, Snyder County, pa.
THE Fourth Semi-Annual Session of
this Institution will commence on Tues
day, Jn'y 5, and continue 32 weeks. Its
location is pleasant and healthy. Buildings
new and commodious, and Terms low. It is
the constant aim of the Teachers to impart
sound instruction, and carefully develope and
direct the Mental, Moral and Physical ener
gies of the students. The course of study will
thoroughly prepare those pursuing it for Col
lege, the study of a Profession or business
pursuits. The
Of baft ScftYion urcecittMl IWot A eippet&tpant, n4 it
mraben paMed creditable rXmlnatioiM. Many jrounc
ladaca and rcbUcdwh atUniMd ft who b procured
chodft sxad rr now amuasr tb moat aactwfu! tsmclien.
Doniroiu of atTorilinfc oUira the same (act li lira fir tho
rotiKhly Btrrparinff tbemat'lvea to become Tearhfru, tbkf
De par tment will be ropod on the of MAIUU
Milder atiil mtire ikfurmble ujior. The Public School
yntem wilt prove a eomplfte failure nnleaa good Teach
U8 are providi'd rr it, and this raw only be doae by tbe
liNlTKD elforta of Diwtoro,Tab4rr, and frieOflof Kdv
cation. Tblr oo-cpralion U therefor mprctfully aoU
cited. TERMS.
For Board, Tuitton, Knom, stepper nation, fltoHO
Tnition alone, per eaion, to $1
TuitioB alone, in Normal IVp't, per Quarter. $4
Music, Prencb, Draw ins: and Pain tin;, Kxtra.
Boarding In the Til !, $10 to 2 per week.
Gatt a CaJaUotxn eootaininir further particulars. AdJreat
GEO. F. MTAKLAND, Fuocipal
Freeburg, Jan. 1, 1S6S
WILL open for the Winter 8essinn of sil
months on Thursday, Sept. 24th.
Tuiiion, COLLEGE, for the session $20.00
Fuel, Library, Ac. 3.00
ACADEMY English 10.00
Classical 13.00
Charges 2.15
Female Institute, reg'r course $20.00
" Preparatory " 13-00
- Charges 1.40
General Agent & Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Aug. 11, 1857. 3m696
THE FALL SESSION, of this Institu
Hon, will commence on THURSDAY,
Sept. 17th, 1857, to continue 13 weeks.
The Wihth Skssiok, of the same length,
will immediately succeed the former, to be
interrupted bv a Vacation during the Holidays.
As ine public oto twny cqoainftra
with the success of the Principal, during the
lO year of his connection with the Acade
my, all extravagant pretensions and promises
are out of place ; suffice it to say that all the
Branches of a thorongh English and Classical
Course are taught, and that youths are fitted
either for College, for Teaching, or for gene
ral business.
The Bible is a tex boob.
A large class of Young Ladies is secured.
TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including
contingent expenses.
PRIMtRT-ntNdinf. Wririn, IVfliier, Arithmetic
Orr.. linn, and U. S. HMory.l SS.00
ADVANCKD ENUUiU all not Included above, oO
No additional charges; also, no dednctions
except for protracted sickness.
August 10, 1857 Principal
Administrators' Notice.
WHEREA8, Letters of Administration
to the estate of JOHN 8T.HL,
late of Kelly township, deceased, have been
duly granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are requeued to make immediate payment,
and those having claims npon it will present
them for settlement to me.
JACOB HEIXLY, Administrator
Kelly Tp, Nov. 26, 1857 pd
THIS is a large 12 mo. volume, Price $1.00,
with a fine mezzotint engraving, and is
one of the most thrilling tales ever written by
the author. It shows how a man may seem
to the world all that is good and noble, and
yet be a tyrant in his family, and finally send
his wife to a mad house.
We publish all Mr. Arthur's new books,
also works of History, Biography, Ac. for
which we want A genu in all parts of the
United States, to whom the largest commission
will be paid, also an extra commission in the
way of gifts. J. W. BRADLEY.
I 4H North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B. Specimen copies sent by mail free
on receipt of the price of the book.. 708
Just opened on Third it., a few doort
north of Market, Lewisburg.
ARRANGEMENTS have been made to
have constantly on hand a supply of the
Ilent Extra Family Flour, (from the
BaltimoreCm Mills,) Uu k w heat flour,
t orn Meal, Corn and Rye Chop,
Itran, Ship Stuff, Shorts.Oats, Corn, and
FEED of all kinds, at Fair Prices.
The proprietor is induced to open this
Store for the purpose of accommodating the
public generally.and respectfully solicits their
aarGrain of all kinds Wanted.-.
Lewisburg, October 23, 1857.
HYMX BOOKS Baptist.Presbyterian,
Methiidist, German Reformed, Lutheran,
Slc of different sizes and bindings, at
709 Keiiusj Jt Co's.
SAPORIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
wttb lUUetfOUble. With ftnocakcof I.ya and four poanda
oap Fat, yon m rnaka flftcan enllnna good aoft Soup.
Hani aoap can be mad in tbt uaf way. Yt-r aale by
James B. Hamlin,
J. CiOflice on Second St. west side ,2nd
door south of Market, Eewfoburs",
6m593 Union Co. Pa.
RELIEVES all pain and soreness in from
5 lo 30 minutes. See another column.
Price 50 cis. per bottle only. Shipped to all
pans of the U. 8. For sale by
Joniah Bakrr, Uwiab'i I W W Liodtomnlh. IotT IloM
C DKoiub, Nev Berlin 1 lloaTrr, Morrla k Co, WinSxId
Uti Cosily, Tartlnlllr D II Millrr, MiffliDburg
Cumminifa k White, Uartleton. m"00
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
rpHE subscriber having located himself ir
l Lewisburg, is ready to leach Instrumen
tal Music in all its branches, viz. Piano, Melo
deon. Guitar, Violin, Viulincello, Fiute, and
all Brass Instrnments.
He will also teach Vocal Music.
Having been taught in the best Schools in
Germany, he deems himself qualified to ren
der satisfaction.
He will also tune Piano?, and put them in
repair if desired.
Residence on Somh Fourth street.
Jan. 19, 1857. Paor. P. HELD.
NEW and Magnificent Stock of
J. F. EICIIOLTZ A CO. have elegantly
refitted the Storeroom formerly occupied by
:. Menh, on Market Ku near Third, where
they will keep on hand for sale the very best
fcf Confectioneries. Tcy, Fruit, N( uens Ac.
rait and Ket I Ltwiitarg, April , 1857
Combined Carriage Springs
rilHE best Springs now in use.tvarrantai to
I give entire satisfaction.
It posesses nine distinct advantage) over the
Eliptie, and a carriage can be made cheaper
alter paying in, iuiwwihs
Sulkv Springs $10
Slide seat $17
Open Buggy 15
Ton do 16
4 passenger 19
6 passenger
All orders must be addressed to E.T3PROCT,
7 1 5 Hughesville, Lyooming Co. Pa
lluntecker's) CLOVER ntTIXER.
rriHE subscribers still continue to manufac-
ture the above Machines, and as there
are over (MM) of them now in use in Union
and adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but better work than any other
kind of machine now in use.
T. CHURCH & CO, Hartleton, Pa.
Apply to Tno'a Cacnca, Hartleton,
or L. Rooaa, Union Furnace. ly65S
Chester County
ONE and Two Horse Endless Chain
POWER. The undersigned being con
vinced by practical experience of the superi
ority of Vandtrttice't Tread Power over the or
dinary five horse power now in use in the
West Branch country ,for threshing out grain,
have purchased the patterns and right to
make them. We are now making and have
on hand a large number, which we propose
to introduce on the plan if they don't answer
to the letter of the guarantee given with each
of them, the machine will be taken back and
the money refunded, if paid. They are now
almost the only entire Threshing Machines
in nse in Chester, Montgomery, Berks and
aretawnre tuamua. -vuw .J.iagaB tie
that they will do almost double the work, ac
cording to the number of horses nsed, than
the old machines will do ; CF'they will save
at least two hands ;1 and Threshing can
all be done snugly closed up in the barns, in
wet days, when the hands would be otherwise
unemployed. T. CHURCH tc CO.
Hartleton. Union Co, Pa.
Apply to Tao's Cacara, Hartleton, or
or Dr. L. Eooai.Union Furnace. y645
A Call to Fanners.
Farmert, drop your tooltpavtet little
read this, and reflect!!
ANEW anV scientific manuring system,
for the cultivation and increase of all
kinds of grain, grasses, fodder and pasture,
upon all kinds of soil, proved by actual expe
riments and based npon evident truths, desig
ned to improve agriculture in all its branches ;
represented by upwards of one hundred and
fify engravings of the most valuable grasses
and plants connected with the system, by DR.
C. G. REINHOLD, of Boalsbnrg, Centre Co,
In thl- trratlM It will be mo that tbe ohj4 haa fcera
to Rtve the paraMr thatklod of Information which anablta
him to maka pneUeal application to fertilise hia land and
ineiaaebUgrain,f6ddranpaatliTcaa. T tie dor trine,,
aa taught by thta manuring, and foddae, and paatnra eul
liaatiou ayateaa, are rational, clear and rtdeot, and ana
rnl am unproToatent in Mm mode or agriculture hitherto
unknown lo onr faruiefa, and which, if adopted, nad
carefully practiced can not fall to advance the intereata
of the farming community. Such n work haa been much
wanted, aa it Site a void which baa tone been felt, but
which there hat hitherto bean no attempt to supply.
And as farmers of Centre and Huntingdon counties wa
recommend the work to every fanner, as they will Veep
the aieatiat poaaibl tanaSt from It.
Christian tmw,Oaorsw Buchanan, Daniel Wraair.Ococre
Boel, jamb Moaaer, franc ta Alexander, John Baity. John
Kantian. Samuel Duncan, John lioffer, Jona. M'Willlasea,
Jacob Meyer, tieoree Guyer,Jr., Henry Hljm. John Car
per, Samuel GHlllaDd, John Hafleon. Gees, am, Samuel
W ilton, John Herman, Q.W. Meek. Fhllllp Meyer. amM
For sale in Lewisburg by Da. L BRUGGER.
Fralt and Ornamental Trees,
sw3 riotocriflg fti$.
The subscriber has just received a splendid
collection of Fruit and Ornamental TREE.S,
from the celebrated Nurseries of Ellwanger 4
Harry, Rochester, N. Y. embracing the very
best varieties of Apples,Pears,Peaches,Plums,
Cherries. Aprlcote. Nectarines, Grapes,Goose
berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries-
Large Horse Chestnut, European Monntai
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Plants.
ITTNursery Grounds on the farm of Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a
mile of Lewisburg. All orders addressed lo
will receive strict attention. Term invariably
CASH. Lewisburg, Aprl 9, 1857
THE nndersigned have associ
ated themselves into co-partnership
for the purpose of carrying
on the Lnmbering, Planing and
Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Lewisburg Steam Planing Mills,
where they intend to Keep a heavy stock of all
kinds of Lumber, and are always prepared to
fill all orders they may receive at short no
lice, and all work warranted to give satisfac
tion both in price and workmanship.
LtwisBurg. rianlng Mill,, Sept. 18, 1857.
INDIA RUBBER Belting of all sizes sope.
oior Oak tan Leather Belting Mil), Cir
cular and Cross-ent SAWS and every des
cription of HARDWARE Wholesale and
Williamsport, Pa
Orders by Express or otherwise promptly
attended to TERMS CASH lm690pd
Drvg and Chemical Emporium
Market Street - - Lewisburg, Pa.
CLOCKS all kinds of 8-way and
30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
time-nieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $4,
brass 30-hourclocks as low as $1. All clocks
warranted for one year at J.L.YODER'8
James F. Una. J. Derrlll Linn.
S aii vrneji nil anan ,
Union County, Penn'a.
William VanGeier,
1 Ltvrlaburs:, Colon Co., Pn.
IIT (Jttce rf posnv Kline's Uuttl in
1 1 swa
mm ('rnmnr if.vtkt I
Market street, neat door tn Brown &
Bitter's Store LEWISBURG, PA.
THE suberibers offer for sale, at the
L Lewisburg Foundry, in large or small
100,000 feet dry Hemlock Joins. Scantling,
and Plank, at 99 per thousand.
50 IKK) Shingles, at $0,50 per thousand.
S.OOO feet small Building Timber.
Also a lot of Pine and Hemlock BOARDS,
Rails and Fence Bnards, on accommodating
terms. GEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewisburg, May IS, 1867
Cancer InNtltute, for the Treatment ot
Cancers, Tumors, Wens. Ulcers, Scrofula, or
any Growth or Sure. Chronic Diseases gene
rallycanbecured (ifcurable) without surgical
operation or poison. For all particulars write,
slate dieases plainly, and enclose 2A cts for
advice ; Letters must have a postage stamp
enclosed to pay answer. Medicine sent any
distance. Address C L KELLING. M D.
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co, Pa.
Meehanlfsrmrir, is 8 miles from HarrBthure.on theC-V.
Rallroett. aod eierpsible from all parte of the L'uion.
Old and young, poor and rich, come all we wUI do yon
jo"d. 4)a)To Uioee afflicted who can not viait me p-rao-
oatly, I will send, per mall, on receipt of fS only.a Keripe
to prepare Medicine, with run inrecUons lor uee, sc. ctate
all particular. Addreal as above Smo70
TAKE NOTICE ! Tbe undersigned are
appointed Agents for the sale of
Voon, UllndH V Window Sasb
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. fT'Made by L.U.SPROUT,
Hughesville, Pa, and for sale by
67a CHRIST & CALDWELL, Lewisb'g
THE new method of inserting artifi
cial Teeth, Gum, &c, known as
Allen's Continuous) Cum Work,
is, without exception, the best improvement
ever made in the art of Dentistry. This work,
when properly constructed, is the most beauti
ful. ihe cleanest,combines the greatest strength
with durability, and adds more to a clear and
distinct articulation, than any other kind of
work ever brouiebt befttrc tbe public And
not only thia. Ity a beautiful diocovcry
In combination with this atyle of work,
we can Kite the face Ua natural expreaa.
ston. without, in the least, interfering with the uecfulueas
of the tcelh in mastication.
would take this method of infonnine those Interested
that 1 have purchased the Patent Right for tbis valuable
improvement, of the inventor, John Allen, (now of New
York.) for this aod eeveral adjoining counties, and that I
am now Manufacturing an article of Teeth and Hums that
wiil compare favorably with anything In that line that baa
aver lien made in thla or any other country. I aak all.
SnireSTiecTBfij uhm ue. ueed teetn fK m M 1
titan or not,) to call, and examine for themselves.
Office and Residence on Third street, near Market.
Office in MiLros,on Uroadway, near Cad waltader'a corner
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Properly, and other buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doing business on
bothCasb and M utnal plans. Capital,$UOO,000.
Hon John J Pearce Hon G C Harvey
John B Hall T T Abrams
Chas A Mayer D J Jackman
Chas Crist W White
Peter Dickinson Thos Kitchen
Hon. G. C. HARVEY, President.
T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres.
627 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa.
thankful for past favors
wotvl l state that he has re
ceived the Fall and Winter
Fashions, and is prepared to
garments as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, to
.execute his work satisfacto-
rily to all. Lewisborg, Ang. 10,1867
THE nndersigned have this id day of Feb.
A. D. 1857. entered into Co-Partnership
for the pvrpose of carrying on a General
Foundry Bualneas at the Brick Fonn
dry in Market street, Lewisburg, under the
name and firm of Frick & Lilley.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1857.
A general assort
ment of COOKING
STOVES for coal or
wood. Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tight and Parlor
8toves, Ae.in varie
ty always kept on
kinds made to order
FarhKrs'& StfKiwKs' fastirt)lK8 Ceh)p.
a.w. one. id WAUrrr era, PBlLaMUBU.
Capital a,&n OOO.
Assets $108,151 13, invested in Du.j., Mort
gages and other good securities.
BY FIRE I There are but few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neglecting
this most neccaary and tutulantial precaution.
We often see it announced that persons have
lost their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over which they
have no control but by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
negligence of servants and the casualties of
your neie-hhore. It will Impart eoufldenee to your cred
itors, and give a character oi prudence and precaution to
ail your business tranaactions.
It requires but a very small nam to Insure tn sums
run vine from $100 to $10(10, and yet how many there are
who have no inanranee upon tloads, furniture, or nny
thlne elael If your Stock Is small, stilt the Loss to yon
mieht be serious.
This Company Insures Bnr.DIXKX MKKrllAyD
1ZE, UOOt!. ri KMTl ll K, MACWXKH rand STOCK
From 45100 to 35000,
at the Lowest Rates and npon the most Liberal Terms,
and l'soarx Parsuurx on the adjustment si Loss.
Hon Tho.B.norence James B.Neall I F'lw.R ITeTinboM
Geo II Armatrpng I Cha'a IHtteee I F.Carrol Brewster
ha.A.HuMurara I Th ManderDcId lease Leech, Jr.
Uso. Ilelmbold I
Ueneral Superintendent JOHN TnOMASON.
THO'S B. FLOKKNCK, President.
IDWD K. 11EI.MBOI.D. Secretary.
657 LE W1SB VR G, Union Co. Pa
To the Citizens of LetciAurg.
rpHE object of this Card is to call your
I attention to the fact lhat yon can buy
your Books and Stationery cheaper, and have
a larger stock and variety to select from at
KCTlua It CO. Cheap Bookstore,
than any other place in this town. We wish
yoa to call and see for yourselves and thereby
be convinced. If yon were to consult your
own interest.you would givethis establishment
your liberal encouragement. We desire to
see a taste for reading grow up, and to fur
ther this we place good and useful works at
such low rates as to be wiibin the reach of
all. Young men desirous of improving their
minds should embrace this opportunity of
furnishing themseves with Books of Travel,
History, Biography, Narrative, Science and
Art, which we oner at low prices.
SFBSCRIBE for Harper's Magaxiae,
tbe Knickerbocker, Graham's and other
Magazines, at the Publishers' rates, at
SUBSCRIBE for the New York Ltdjrer.
Batlou's Pictorial, Harper's IUuMraied,
ct any tihcr Newsf ar'r. at rnWishcrs' rates,
at P. NCVR'S & CO 5.
No. 403, Commerce St., Philadelphia.
fp'Cash Myers will find it for their interest
to call. Phrlad, Jan 1, 1S58 y
A uctioneers and Commission Merchants.
Ml North 3d St., 1 door below Vine, Phila.
SALES of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods,
Guns, Hardware. Watches, Fancy Goods,
Ac.EVERYEVEM.NU. IV Country .Store
keepers and others will always fioJ at our
Evening Hales a large and desirable assort
ment of the above goods, to be sold in lots to
suii buyers.
.Goods packed on the premises for Coun
try Trade. Sept. 85, lB57m3
rrilB r.NKAT AMIESIVB. M-t turful art id esr
invuti, for boir- Btorw or ott.cn, aurbaiswjaiz in uiil-
Ity fTtrjoth'-r jrlne, rnra. maHtaer,T-tt orr-m-ntner
known. ALWAYS KtAUV Volt Af I'LiCATloN. a.th
niTe no 1'ajjt r, Cloth, laathvr, Furniture, Porovlinn. t'Jii
na, MarblenrliltsM. For mftDttfav-turiiii Fanrf Artkis.
Tf-y-i, tc , it bawt do f uperior, n't oulv pof w-iii kfrtrr
(strength thau any oilier artklcbut adhere more (uiralj-,
lfrttvins no ftam whre thm parti ar? jintHl. Ntvta iitt.
W it bia the Imft tbirwj vaar npwantit of 'MKi bottle-j
of thi-ju-tlvcr.le-l.ri.tevl LIQL'IMULI K hae bo-n ttlJ.
and th Rrvt eonTrnini which it baa prul in Ttrjr
cans., hat dvJwrttJIjF rjrrort j for it a iifm:md vLirh tbe
manufartnrer haa found it,attime difficult to Bwt;
arlaaowleii br all who bare uriit,that it merit-art far
abov any imi.ar article vr offn-l to the pnMie.
w77.w ULt'K if exlnfirrtfi ciKntrrfiUd--itjrT th.
tnl i -'M V'j Odrhratfi Lvjuvi titwJhe UrtM Adhrir;
Tttkf noothrr. T;.Ty-f irii t A.VM A BOTTLJL
Mauutactartd ane gold. W b'.Walf and lUUii, y
WM.O, MrRtA, Stationer,
No. 9(7 Cl.-Btnot 1'bila.Jelphia.
at?-Liberal iDducetneutiiulIcrni U Dvrsona dcMXOD4 of
ellina; the aIoe artirit.
For sale by ALVIVS in Lewisborg
TflHE testimony of Prnf.Booth ami Dr-Brin-1
kle having previously been published, the
following is now adiied:
From Prof. M'CaVlPKET, farnmrTT PiT.fivir of Theory
a Practice of lrUtHn in tbe Kmaij MtMiieal Collre
of lenr.ylTania, and late Prcfe-aXr of Surgwry in the
American Oollfga of HediHne, Ac?.
I'ltlUtMLFlTIA. Nov.27,lWI.
Mr. Joaph E- Hover A trial of your Liquid Hair Dye
will convince the mont fkepttcal that it ia a rale,elv-trant
and ffitracioua pn-paration. L'ulikemany otheni.it baa in
PvT-eral iutaao- proTed ierteeable in Ua cure Of some
cutatieoui eruption on the headend I haT do heollation
in eimairivliiia; it to those rt-14 uirioe uch anarplication
wrj rwfpectfuJJy, J. It. X. MV LUi? K fc. V . 3. . I.
4b Kace St. above Utb
IIOV?rfl Wrllln? Ink, iocludint;
Hover's Writing Fluid and Hover's Indelible
Inks, still maintain their high character.whicb
bas always distinguished them, and the exten
sive demand first created has continued unin
terrupted nntil the present.
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No.
416 RACK street above Foarth,(old No 141)
Philadelphia. will receive prompt attention by
679y JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
the ArE'uwunetn
C II A ifl I 1 O !
Til E KhOKNT T RIAL at Rea
ding have endorsed tbe rnrretit of
public opinion, and conflried the
verdict of more than 13) acrid to
tal STea.prOTinceonrlutiiTrlytliat
llerrint'" ia tha a&Lx wtxri that
K 1 tract from the Committee.
tteport tbm Trial of Iron Safe
at Keadinr:
"On the O th of February all ihemcmbenof therom
n It tee net to witos tbe Sfrs and took and papers,
(placed in lb-n) and wore perfectly ratiitiel Umt all waa
rishC. Tbe day foilowiny. the btuutQa; twua place.under
tlie PUfeerisiU-nUcntja ot tbe Cfmmitt-e . After a fair tnd
imparttNl rnlnfc for fv h-iurs, tba Bafe of MeMrs
r.Tans A Wat.on waK nrnt openrd, tbe r-afe beinc on fira
lwwtde, awd tba coutcnta partially ctnaoe4, while the
contvnta in tbe Sf of M iura Farrela A Uerring wen in
good condition, and no fir in kle.
JU-aditur. Maxell si, li7.
(Signed.) U.F. FKLIT.
p. N. Ci.LKMAlV. Committee.
And endorsed by over W) of the beat nennf Reatling.
Tbe above gafi can be inspected at 34 Walnut Street,
where tba pa bit can Mtiofy themite'.Yes of tbe ereatau
perioiity of the "Uerrinir Patent Chasapinn," over Um
dcteaCtxl and Met-p -innide Iron IWr tnlamander.'
04 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Only mahcri in thii State of Ucmny t Fount Cham
firm Soft
The attempt made by other partlea to boltter up th
reputation of a 8ae which hat fnilfd ao nignaliy in arc
nVntVrf firtt in Philadelphia, (Kanttead TImc,) by taking
on out of an arent't store. (H. A. Lants.) made dumbU
Vncirri'fi, (different frm tlioe they pell.) to "burn up'
one of Herring'!!, .'half at thick t ha met with tta true ro
wan!. Uerring'p safe fxfuld n4 be burnt, proving eonclu
iW tbat the only reliable Safe now madia,rrr'4,"
of whk-h over 1U(V are now in actual use .and mora than
200 hav been tried by flra without a iylt lost.
AVuotnatt Dutia !!
3 Soul h W bar e, I'UilaUclphla.
TURK'S 1SL4..ND and
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit
purchasers. April 3 1857m6
Philadelphia Mana
factnred Salamander Safes
A'u. 26 S. Fourth St.,
Troth is Michtv. and Must Pravail.
Report of the Commiitee appointeil to super
intend the Burnin? of the Iron Safes, at
Reading, February 27, 1857.
RlASnro, Marrh 4.
The nnderaiimed. mrmbera of the nummitue, Jo r--peetfnlir
report, tbat we saw the two fafca originally
ssjeed upon by rarrels IlrrrinK nnd Krana Vi ateon,
piared aide by aide In a turnare.ats: The t-afo in nae by
tbe PaYmaeter of the Philadelphia and Kesdine Kailmad
Company, In his othee at Krading, nianufaetured by Par
rels a Uerrins. and the Safe in ne by It. A. Lants, in
his store, manufactured by Erans A Watson, and put in
hooka and papers preriely alike.
The Are waa etarted at S o'clock. A. M.. and kept np
nntil tour eords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and
half chectuut top word were entirely eoneumed, the
whole under the superintendence of the subscribers,
members of theCommitlee. The eaics were then cooled
olf with water, after which they were opened, and the
books and papers taken out by the Committee and taken
to II. A. Lentss store lor public examination, after they
were first examined and marked by tbe Committee. Tbe
books and papera taken from the hair manufactured by
Erans A WaUoa were bnl slightly affected by th. intern's
heat, while those taken from the hale manufactured by
Parrels A Ilerrinjrwere, in our jndinnent,damaRed fully
fifteen per sent, mors than those taken from krans A
Watson's Ssfe.
We beltere theabors to hare been a fair anil impartial
trial of the respective qualities of both Pntv.
narloe been absent during ths burning, ws fully co
incide with the above statement of tbe condition of ths
papers and books taken oar of ths respective enfes.
ti. A. MlXiLL..
Evans tt Walton have now on hand
300,000 pound of the above SAFES,
which they oiler for sale on better terms than
any other manafactnrer in the United States
April 3, 1857 671yl
Tbs following warned gentlemenesMants of Bead
ing and its vicinity, who saw tbe fin havn purchased
Fafra from EVA3B A WATdON since ths burning ap to
May 1st, iaf,T:
G. A. Mentis. T-epold ITIrab, Inuo Roth, Kirk A Tleis
ter, W. Rboads A Son, Uenry W. Missinger, llr.W Moore,
domon Khoads, Levi L. rmlth. High A Craig, m Kirk,
Kaufman A Ileum, Wm. McParlier, Ueo. 1. Ukert, J. M.
A li. W. Ilanntoek. Kara tliller.Jas. Jamison. J.B. A A3.
Warner. Jacob echmurker, Wm. King.V. B. ccbolli'nber
ger, R. R. Company, II. A. Lanu, W. C A P. P. Ermaa
trout. J. P. Bridcgane. Billmeyer. Follmer A Co., M ilton.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 204, Chesnut Street,
PH1LAD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEALS.and everything
in our line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, and on reasonable terms. Or
ders from City and Country solicited.
s. a. ri lto.. y xv. v. mason.
Clew aUrangei&ent!
AT the tlamnoi. Drug Urniica
Emporium of
Th e undersigned havii.g purchased the eatir
Mammoth Drug Store lormerly kept by Vr
TknrntoH 4 Co., are bow ready to fill Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's nonce. We
have a large and well selected slock of freak
and pnre DRL'CS, MEDICINES, Cheeaicaia
DyeiiuiTs, Oils, Paints, Ulass, Pntty and
All kinds of 1'atent Medicines,
Fruit and Confectioner',
Tobacco,8D offhand Imported Cigars of tht
choicest brands.
Fancy Kotumt and Toilet Articles,
Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds
linens, ... f..s o, av.at va...
Ilooka and MafloBerr.
! a enrral variety ot Literary and School Books
i trie Oil, Lard and fluid Lamps of every
description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Barn,
ine Fluid alwavs on hand.
Pl'RE WLNES and LlyL'ORS of all kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire Frwif and Zine Paints.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, AoJ
nrCustomerswill End onr stock eomplele
comprUing many articles it is impossible her
to enumerate, ana an sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and ail, and see oar
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap foods,
we will not ak yon tn bny.
We are always on hand lo wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Dm-Store!
I.ewisbarjj, Union Co. Pa. 709
jij in. r mm jThr subscribers thankful fo
Piesnw.. past patronaee, would inform
fajfcjjgKiSaiQe public that they continue to
nlJnxrr&eTB manufacture all kinds of MILL
GbAKi.NU and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines and other Machinery repaired in ike
beat manner. C'a.tincrs warranted to be of
good material, and at prices that can not fail
to rlea-e. GEDDES, MAKSH & CO.
Lewisburg, Feb. 151
COOKING Stoves, of various atteras
and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
GcdJes. Marsh & Co.
nTOVES 1'arlor, Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for aale at the
Lewisburg Foundry.' Geddes, Marsh sk C.
WlARD'd Patent I'.aog Plow, a sob.
rior article, for sale at the Lewisbarg
Foundry by Geddes, Marsh & Cm.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Rosa Patent
decidedly the best and most durablt
Grain Drillnowjn use.for salest the Lewisburg
foundry by Geddes, Marsh A Co.
Hussey's Grain Reaper,
for cutting both Grain and Grass
MANUFACTURED and for sale at the
Lewisburg; Foundry by
XTOTirE. 17ai ins leen appointed tie
11 SEXTO.V to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
the subscriber would state that he is prepared
to perform ail duties connected with ike burial
of the dead, on short notice. Also that he will
attend to the re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence in the Lodge at the Gate of the
Lewisburg, May 30, 185,
23 478 1BS- Jnsl ived t
SEPH .VcFAVlE.X. Farmers and Bi.r
sraiihs, call and see the largut end bett as
sortment of Iron ever offered o the West
Branch. Having the exelurire control of the
celebrated Vuntuii Centre eonnty Iron,
he is enabled to warrant every bar. AH
sizes Tire, Scollop, Roand and Square; Horsa
Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac, at Cssa prices to alL
Call and see the Hardware Store of
Lewisbnrj;, May 10, 1855.
Ucltubultl's Genuine rreparatlaaj
Highly eoncentralrd Compound Fluid Extract f
si at r r - at 7e
FOR Diseases of Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel,
Disease. Female Complaints, and all diseases
of the pexnal Organs amis frrai exfeseWe and iatavww.
eneira in lite, and r. movies, all lmproprr IriKtlarRe, frosa
tbr Bladder. Kidneys or Sexttal Orcana,whetaer existing
in Male or female, frun vnelevr cause tAej Bsa, aa,n
and no matter of how lung standing,
giTing livaltb and Vigor to the frame, and Bloom ta tat
pallid, ejieea.
Joy to the Afflicted !
It CTir XrTrmiw ftncl Debilitated Sulfrrrrr, ant rtm.wvt9
ll thai &YUl'TOU,unoog vtucs. b IboW
Iifliopition t exfiiios,, Ioh of power, low f noBory
tiitbcatt of brktbinfr. gmwrmi wm k horrrr ot tn
ta.weiik nrrvv..ivmbliDsz.dmlfiai borrorof dsvtbt
BiLt aWt-fttA, COlU feet, TOkrflUnitM, daaBssVt wt
TificD. laUiKr, unitera! laavituJe of Lb boi
cular et.'m. 0ft-n fiomooi appctil with
tijt.H-ptic v;Dit m", it t hand, fltuhinjc
tbe tly. drTueM uf lb i-kis. pttllla cMir
te-nance and rruptionai on th facr, paia
in tb back. beaviiwM of the rva-lida.
frc4Utjut!y b!a k tu Hying bsftrw
th t With temporary unffunloa aal
l.ic t-1 gbt, waut cf attMUoa, gni
mot ility, and rrtlf wneemw. with horror of
isiHifty. NoUiing is more dmirabl to atveh
perw u' than 50litud, and nothiDfc th-y MPrw
drrsul jbr fsmr of UimwWea ; no repaat of
niaanfr. no fmnwtnfia; bo fprtnlation, bnt ft
hurried transition from mum qua lion tn nnotbar.
Tritw ayniptoins, if ailcw;j to am oa vliirk thla mH
rin inTaiiabiy rt-ms-ira toon follows Loaa o pown.
I .ti ITT. ami KriLLPTic I'ilf in vtu of whi h th antiawg
ay Mf irv- Who ran ray U.at thM exc?t ar o
frt-utntly ft l.owtd by thcaa ditvfbl diaeaava Unnitw
aud 0niumr)ticD t Th nordt 1 tht Idd Aaylnnia.
and th mtriatK-huIy draths by Conanption, bmr aP
ttimoi.T to the truth of thv-w Mwrtit-na. In Lnnatin
Ar-ylumti'the mct wianchty Mbibition appear. Tbn
rouBUnacca i actually M-Jde-n and nuiled?titnta nl
Ut?r mirth or prWf -T-r viiiu it. Sattail ionJ-4 ol thw
Toica eccar, it is rarely atti'ttlntn.
-With woeful mtmfvnt, wan derpai
Low aullvn soundet hia grit?! b-gnii(L
Debility la moat trrritl: nnd haa bronchi thenfanrin
upon tliuU5aBdf to nctimIy gravea, thn hlaatinv tan
ambition of many nttble -oath. It cn b cnxvd by th
iiH-ofthis 1.NFALL1BLB KEMKDY.
If you are nufTfrinj with aoT of the abora diatrrMing
aUnienU, th t LtlU EXTRACT EtCUU will enr Jon.
Try It and t convinced of ita efflrnry.
Blwau or Qr.uE Noimcns a." Qcace Jhcrtmn,
who talwly boaat rf alUitiea and lfcinfe. Cttiafttt
know and avoid tn-m. and aaT kBjt annVrrnir. men?,
and eipnfur. by r ndinpr or tailing fur n botU oi thin
Ttipnlar and Ppecittlc Kemedy.
It ailaya ail pain and InttaniaUcn. is peHMly plaajanl
in itd ta.te ani odor, hut imnwdiat in ita nrtiun.
Is prvpared difwtlT arwltHojc to th Bolt f FHAM'
MM YAXD i litXISmr. with th rtvatast arenrafy
and Chrosiral knonledg nnd rare devoud in ita roniM
naticn. 8-a Prt'tVfaor Dew YaJuabi Work on tbn
Pntr tire of Fhjak, and suat of lb lal nteudard WorU
of ittnliciae.
nr SlOO -a
One ITnnilRd Doll an will be paid to an; rhvririas wto
ran prove that lbs Medleine ever injund a Pacirsl aeJ
the teatinonj of tbonsandsesn be pnnluced torrevathsS
it does arest eood. Cases of from one wevs te tMrleew
veers' aunding have been enVeted. Tbe niaae ef vo'ea
tary Teetiaony in possession of the rropriewr, vonrtis
its virtues and curative powers, is immense, cslbxasuif
names well known ta SClCitl ASD rillK.
100,000 Bottle Bare Been Sold,
and not a single imtsaee cf a fail are has bwa rerortei I
rersrrslly appeared befbre me an aldermsn sftbs
City f Philadelphia, H.I. Banasl Chemist, "10"1'
duly iwom doss say, tl at his preparation eontaiaa s.
Namxir, aicrcury or injurlews Uruw. bnt art purelyae
getable. U. T. 11 in SOUS Ifole Manutsctorer.
e.orn end rebseribcd .! aw thla 2W day ot See
bar, 1S64. Wll.r. UIBBAKO, Alderssan.
Price, $1 per Bottle, or Sx for 5 DeUtercd to
my Address,
arrompsnk d l y reliablesnd tesrcnaibleCertillrstes tK
Pref. aaors ofM.-dleal Ctdleges, Wergjmen sod
f repand and arid by H. I- HtMi-"V,
Sc. 52 South TcA aUlM UhuaUMl J
as TV te si s DrugtiUt mi Deslrra laeeaalawt
I nuU Salts. haas aaet Bntuh Veemees.
.1.. for IttmUdtTukt no Otkcr-Curts
tluarunt'ud. &u Jf . . ,
Cerj F. S. VALL'XLl,L:u.:ig