LEWISBUEG CHRONICLE & AVEST BRANCH FARMER JAN. 20, 1858. the lUckj ilouutaiiis. Obstructed now ly theso barriers, this west-ward-uioviog-tido begin, to set back. Will it flow to wards Canada? Not at all. It has already begun to fluw over the "Old Dominion !" and into otber States. Missouri i almost inundated with it We can not check this tide of fiowiDg emigration. You might as : colouics among them to aid them to get well trj to shut out from this eontiucnt, ' rid of their oprrossors. This is more j curtains, iuo light of the aurora borealis. than patriotism. It approaches universal J'u such thing cau be accomplished. This j brotherhood. I am glad that that gcntle t rogrcss must be onward,nnd wo must have man is defending the rights of emigration, territory. We must have territory ; and I No man prizes those rights more highly think it most opportuno that the proposi- than I do. I think that I understand tion seems to be before tho country to their power and their value, and I am Americaniza Central America. A better 1 clad to welcome amone the list of Doliti- time could not be ; for, in addition to the population which we now have, which is immense in the Northern States, as I shall show you in proceeding, this financial pressure in the Hast, and in the different nations of Europe, will send to our shores, in tho year IS5S, not less than half a mil lion of men. In addition to that, we have two hundred and fifty thousand of oar own population, who will change localities in that time. Then, sir, there arc seven hun dred and fifty thousand men to be prepared for, somewhere, in the year ISjS men enough, sir, to make cijhl Stales, if we only had Territories in which to put them and if we only use them economically, as wo are sure to do by this tsysteiii of organ ized emigration. Now,cou!J anything bo more opportune, at this time, than to havothis project sub mittcd, to us, of opening Central America to settlement r 1 assuro vou, if the torn- nuttco will report any bill which will ena ble tho people of tho Nortb,without larceny of any kind, without tyranny of any kind, to settle that country, I will postpone my resolution for tho opening of the Indian Territory, at least until the next session of Congress 1 But it is not only for the purpose of furnishing an outlet for our immense pop ulation in the North, that I now advocate the Americanizing of Central America. The interests of commerce, as well as this great argument of necessity, arc on our side. Who has the trade beyond Central America ? We havo wbalo fisheries in the Northern Ocean, which build op great cities upon tho eastern shore of Massachu setts. We have trade with Oregon and California, with the Sandwich Islands,and the western coast of South America. We are opening a trade, destined to be im mense, with tho Empires of China and Japan, and we must of necessity, hivo in Central America certain factors and certain commercial agencies, who, iu a very few years, with their families and relatives and dependents, will make a denso population in Central America. 1 say, then, that.fur tho interests of commerce, wo want Cen tral America, Amoricatiized. This com mercial interest is, unfortunately, a "sec tional interest" in theso States. It is,em phatically, a Northern interest ; and there fore, as a Northern man, I advocate cspe ciclly that Central America should be Americanized. Now, sir, I said I was astonished that gentlemen wbo come from States border ing upon the Gulf, bad advocated this project, and not the Representatives who come from Northern States. Let us see the reasons why the North should be more ealous than the South in this movement. In the State of Massachusetts we have, one hundred anl ticenty sccen people to a square mile, by the census of 1850. In the State of lihoJe Island, we have one hundred and tiedce to the square mile, by tho same census. Iu the State of Connec ticut we have seventy -nine. In the State of New York we have sixty fu-e. So, you see, it was not poctry,it was not fiction, not a stretch of tho imagination, when I told you that tho descendents of the Pilgrims wcro in a tight place I But how is it with the States which border on the Gulf? Look at it and sec. They have, some of them, eiyhly-nine hun dredths of a man to the square mile. Iu another one we have one and the forty ciyht hundredth part of a man to the square mile; and taking them altogether, we have just about tnree men to the square mile in all those States which border upon the Gulf of Mexico. m Now, sir, it would be folly for me to argue, and there is no kind of reason for supposing, that these States expect to do anything about colonizing Central Ameri ca ! They can not offjrd to lose a man. Tbcy had better jicc aicoy two thousand dollars than to lose a single honest,indus trious citizen. They can not afford it. I have left out of this calculation, to bo sure, tho enumeration of the slaves in those States, for the gentleman from Ten nessee Mr. Maynardj informed us that the "question of Slavery did not come in to this argument properly," and I agree with him there. I think ho may agree with mo, that by no possibility can Slave ry ever be established in Central America. That is my belief. Just fix your neutral ity laws, and we will fill up Central Amer ica beforo 13G0 sufficiently to be comfort able. Mr. Matnakd. With the permission of tho gentleman, I desire to ask him whe ther he will pledge hinitelf for all those lie represents, that when they get down there they will not make slaves of the peo ple they will find there ? Mr. TiiATJtR. Certainly I will do it ; nnd I will say more on that subject here after. I will gay to the gentleman upon the other side, who have advocated this right of emigration, and have "no person al interest in this matter," that they can have nj pecuniary iuterest in it, for they i have no men to spare for this enterprise. Aad cecially d. 1 honor !Le gr.t2en.i.n from Mississippi, Mr. Quitman, who professed to be moved bj arguments oi philanthmjy in relation to this question, and wbo maintained that the people of Central America men oppressed, that they needed our assistance, and that it was con ferring a benefit upon them to send oat cal regenerators, the gentleman from Mis sissippi with such large, wide, and noble views upon this question ! I do not here endorse his whole speech. I did not hear tho whole of it. I do not know what be said about Mr. Walker, whether he do fends him, or whether he does not For myself, I do not say that I defend him, or that I do not. at this time. I wait for the report of our committee, to know what arc the facts in this case, and whether he is fit to be defended or not. Now, sir, I am rejoiced that I have found aid and comfort in a great political missionary movement from a quarter where I least expected it 1 This argument of philanthropy is sufficiently potent with the South; while I will not deny that it is always, more or leso, potent with the North, perhaps not so potent with the North as with tho South very likely wo are more material and le. Kniritiial but still, I say, it has some power at the North. Wc do not live so near the sun as do those gentlemen who torder on the Gulf; but wc live near enough to the sun fo have somo warmth in our hearts, and the ap peals of philanthropy to us are not mado in vain. But in addition to that, just look at it,sir ! In addition to that great ar gument of philanthropy, we have not on ly the argument of necessity, but the ar- j gnment of mahing money; and when you tunc tiioso tnree anil comuino them, you make a great motive power, which is suf ficient, in ordinary cases, to move North ern men, though they are not very mobile nor very fickle. So much, Mr. Chairman, for tho com parison of interests between the Northern and Southern people of these United States in relation to the Americanizing of Central America. Concluded next week.' FOREIGN NEWs7 The Europa reached New York on Sun day last, with important news from India. Gen. Ilavelock died on the 25th of No vember, from dysentary brought on by an xiety. On the 25th of November an affair took place, near Cawnpore, between Gen. Windham and his division and the Gwa Iior mutineers, in which the liritisla troops retreated, with tha total Iocs of llio leuts of the 64th, 82d and SSth rcgiments,3000 in number, which were burnt by the ene my. The C4th regiment is reported near ly cut up. A message received by the Governor General from Sir Colin Campbell, of the 7th of December, contains an account of an action fought by him with the Gwalior Contingent, near Cawnpore, in which the latter were totally defeated, with the loss of 16 guns, 25 carriages of different sorts, an immense quantity of ammunition stores, grain, bullocks, and the whole of the bag gage of the force. The British loss was insignificant, one officer only being killed Lieutenant Salmon. All the women and children, sick, &c., from Lucknow, have arrived in safety at Allahabad. Tho Calcutta Gazette Extraordinary contains an interesting detailed account of the defence of Lucknow, being the official report of Brigadier Inglis. The priva tions endured by the heroic garrison, and particularly by the ladies, were fearful. Gen. Ilavelock survived only a few days the relief of Lucknow. On the 19th the women and children were taken from the Residency, and six days later he was a corpse. lie did not live to hear of the high value which his country set upon his deeds, or to receive the honors conferred on him by the Crown. The Advertiser has a paragraph, stating that Lady Ilavelock and her daughters are now residing at Bohn, on the Rhine. Sir Henry has left three sons and three daughters. All the London papers have leaders on the death of Gen. Ilavelock, accompanied by memoirs. Profound regret continues to be expressed for the loss sustained by the country. Tho French papers express regret for the death of Ilavelock. The Daily News says it is clear from the last intelligence, that the final sup pression of mutiny in Ilindostan is not so near as tho adulators have been trying to persuade us. The launching of the Leviathan was continued ; the total result was an advance of 12 feet 8 inches aft, and 11 feet for ward, the vibration of the earth conse quent upon each slip of the vessel, was more continuous than has ever been expe rienced at the yard hitherto. It is stated that the Circassians have at tacked and massacred 1200 of the Russi an garrison at Akcdou. Money matters were improving. No advance on cotton or breadstuff's. The Europa also brings intelligence of the death of the Austrian General Radctz sky, aged 92 years who commenced his military career before Napoleon, and whose history is incorporated with the history of Continental Europe for seventy jar Au f cue cf the best Etateime a of Turkey. And of Madamo IUcucl, the profligate Jewish actress. Netos 3tcm9 from IIjct. dummies. . Williamsi-oet, Jan. 21. William Anderson, Charles Miller, Wm. Lewis and Peter Savier, charged with conspira cy to commit burglary and larceny, and also with a conspiiacy to manufacture and pass gold and silver coin, have been con victed, after a trial lasting two days. They were sentenced to tho Penitentiary for the following terms : Andrews and Miller, to four years and two months, and Savier to one year and two months. A house was burnt at Archbald last week, and Francis Achilles in it. He was a miner, and when he went to bed, lighted bis pipe, as was his custom, to smoke at his ease. IIo foil asleep, and set fire to his bed. Fortunately his wife and children were absent Jacob Hcrtzog, a wealthy merchant of Lancaster, was arrested as receiver of goods stolen from the Pennsylvania Railroad, and committed suicido. The dead body of a child was recently found in Sunbury, wrapped in linen and laid between the chimney and the wall, where it had probably lain a year. By whom and for what reason placed there, is a matter for conjecture. The Danville Band gave a concert in Sunbury, and realized ? 10, which was generously given to the Borough authori ties, to relieve the wants of the needy. Dr. Francis, of Philad., it is said makes such a local application of electricity that he can extract teeth without any pain whatever. Wm. Mullcr, a German, has been con victed of the murder of George Matbias near W ilkcs-Barre. Thos. W. Smith has been released on bail, with lots of evidence that be is not crazy after his deliberate murder. The Woodward Guards, of Williams port, refused to attend the Inauguration of Ucn. 1'ackcr, who they conceived had slighted them. So saith correspondent of the Muncy Luminary. The gang of counterfeiters caught in Williamsport it is stated were engaged to try to rob a rich old farmer named Lusk, at Linden,un the night they were arrested. Ellis Ilummcl, of Mifflin county, for merly from near iNew Jjcrlin, met with a serious if not fatal accident, by the fall of a tree upon him in the woods where ho was cutting. The Teachers of Washington township, Snyder county, hold regular and interest ing meetings, at Frccburg, for mutual im provement. " Welles, Blood S, Co." are starting an extensive and important Iron Works, for the manufacturing of Agricultural and other Machinery, &c, at Athens, Pa. The Commissioners of Snyder county have appointed A. J. Peters, Clerk ; Sam uel Weirick, Esq., Counsel ; and Moses Spec tit Mercantile Appraiser. Tho elegant dwelling of Shepherd Pierce, near Towanda. burned down by fire from a stove pipe. Jonas Young, of Muncy, was arrested in Pioegrove for passing counterfeit notes. Mr. Snyder living near Youngwomans- town, about 25 miles from Lock Ilavon, while hunting ono day this month shot a Panther which measured nine feet in length from the end of its nose to the tip of its tail, and weighed over 200 pounds. During the Sheriff's absence from home, Samuel W.Wright, a boatman from Beach Haven, who was committed for forgery, effected his escape from the Sunbury jail by breaking a hole through tho wall in bis room, and then a hole through tho jail yard wall. $15 reward is offered for his arrest by Sheriff Vandyke. The steam Gristmill of Mott & Co. and some adjoining buildings were burnt down in Pittston, last week. Loss 20,000. The Lutherans of Danville have agreed by 12S to 120, to rebuild their meeting house on the present site. A- C. Menscb, of Bloomsburg, was ap pointed Notary Public by Gov. Pollock. Tho Commissioners of Montour county have appointed Joshua W. Comly, Coun sel; George W. West, Clerk; Joseph Gibson, Mercantile Appraiser. Lyman II. Wilson, of Milton, was ap pointed Notary Public by Gov. Pollock. The Grand Jury of Northumberland county recommended a county loan of 8100 to the overseers of the poor of MtCarmcl. Anderson and Richard son,tho murderers of Mrs. Ream and Mrs. Garbcr, in Lancas ter county, have been tried, convicted,and sentenced to be bung. Rev. George I. Miles, formerly pastor of the Milbsburg Baptist church, died at Mascatine, Iowa, 10th ult., in his 5Cth year. The Lebanon Valley Railway is now complete, and takes much of the travel be tween Ilarrisburg and Philadelphia, via Reading. It opens out Lebanon Borough to the world, and we shall soon have a Telegraph there. On the 11th inst, evening, the barn of Mr. M'Phcrson, five miles below Sunbury, was consumed by fire, with seven horses,a buggy, meats, ic, making it a heavy loss. The horses belonged to Mr. Dougherty. Supposed to have been an incendiarv's work. ' . The Welsh Baptist clergyman at Dan ville recently baptized ten new converts. Jr.n. 11, the barn of Michael Werner, Liverpool, Perry Co., was burned down. Loss partly covered by insurance in Ly coming company. New Orleans, Jan. 25. By the Ten neaseo, the Pieayane is in receipt of pri vate advices from the City of Mexico to the 18th, being two weeks later than pre viously received. These adviecs announce the bombardment of the capital by the op ponents of Comfort and a desperate con flict, which continued for several days, re sulting in the loss of over one hundred lives and the wounding of a large number more. Mobile, Jan. 2G. A meeting in favor of Gen. Walker was held here last eve ning. Speeches were delivered by Gen. Walker, Parson Brownlow and others, j Resolutions were adopted demanding that Com. Paulding shall be tried for violation of the International law, and denounc ing tho government for sustaining him. New Ouleans, Jan. 20. The Grand Jury has refused to find a bill against Gen. Walker, for his escape from the cus tody of the U. S. officials. At Sclma, he said the secret of the op position to bis cause, and the high handed outrages committed against him and his men, was that the Americans in Nicara gua favored the establishment of slavery. New Yoek, Jan. 26. Some excite ment was occasioned hero to day by a re port received by telegraph, that Vera Cruz had been bombarded by the Spanish fleet It was subsequently ascertained that the report was untrue. Albany, Jan. 2G. The House has adopted the plurality rule, and Mr. Al- vord (Democrat) was elected Speaker, and David L. Wilson (American) Clerk. Wc have dificrent reports from Utah. Some arc that the Mormons are only "bragging," and will move to the British dominions this winter and spring, bag and baggage. Another is that they have 80,000 men, including Indians, in their interest, and will fight to the last. Union County Court Affairs. Union C'onnty Court Proclamation WHEREAS, the Hon. AIT M 8.WILKON, President Judge for the 20th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Union, Mifflin and Snyder, and Pai li r Ilea i and Jxo IV Sim ostox Esqs., Asso ciate Judges in Union couuty.bave issued their precept, bearing date the 19th day of Uec'r, 157, and to me directed, for ihe holding of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and i erminer, ana ueneral Quarter Sessions at LEWIiSUURG, for the county of i:XIOY on the THIRD MONDAY of FEBRUARY (being the 13th day) 1808, and to continue one week, Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Union, to appear in their own proper persons with their records, inqui sition s,examinauons and other remembrances to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wit nesses and othcrpersons prosecuting in behalf ot the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not depart without leave at their peril. Juiuis are requested to oe punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agreea ble to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Bhcr ifl's Office in Lewisburg, the 11th day cf Ja nuary, in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty eth year of the Independence of thejUnited Slates of America. God save the Common wealth ! DANIEL D. GULDIN, Sheriff. License. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the following ll applications for tavern license have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court ot Quattcr Sessions of Union county, and the same will be presented to said court on Mon day the 1 5th day of February, 1858 : irtuvm'rt. jo kerp Tatern in Mary Moore.Laurelton.Harlley Township. 2 R. G. Hetzel North Wart, Lewisburg. 3 L.H.Lawshe&L.D.Brewer.SouthYd. " 4 Thomas Green, Kellv Townshin. Fcb.SS,1858. SAM'L KOUSH, Clerk. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given to all con ricJ,that the following named persons have a.iiled their accounts in the Register's Office at Lewisbws. Union county, and that the said accounts will be paac-nted for confir mation and allowance at the Orphans' Vonrt to be held at LEWISBURG, for ihe county of Union, on the third Friday of FEBRUARY next, being the 19th day of said month, viz: 1 Ihe account or William Ranck and Conrad Swartzlander, Executors of Jacob Speese, late of White Deer township, dee'd. liUIIKUK MfJKKILL, Register. Register's Office, Lewisburg, Jan. 19, 1858 Grand Jurors, Feb'y Term, 185S. White Deer Jas Marshall, Saml Berkheimer, Saml DunLle. Aaron Messinger Emt Buffuloe Alexander Penny Krllu David Leiby, Joseph Kelly Hartley John F Wilson, John Deal Mifflinburg James Chambers Lewisburg John Hem, Wm C Painter, F A uonenower, James Kelly, Jona VVolle Limestone John M Taylor, Bcnj Chambers nest Uuttaloe John Gable. Charles Mult Union Saml A Walter BuffaJoe Edward Flick Kew Berlin Jacob Mauck; Jackson Philip Gross Leans John rillman Traverse Jurors. White Peer Rolcy M'Cnrly, Jacob M'Cnrly, Saml Gemberling, Elias Noll.Wm Staddcn, Jos R Ketler, Danl B Reber Hartley Solomon Miller, David Kline, Thos Chnrch,Saml Weidensanl, Root Reed.Chas Emerr, David Fillman. Orl Bineaman Buffuloe Charles Frey, Jackson Wolfe, John uunKle West Buffaloc Andrew Iddinrs, Danl Fisher. Kelly James Moore, Flavel Clark,Jno Moyer, John Hummell, Philip Ueuiberling, retcr Haaeenbuch LewuburgJuhn Brown, Jas S Marsh, Peter nursh, uennis rmuips, Hainan uawn, i no Howard Union M II Taggart, Isaac Eyer, Jesse M Walter, Levi Kooke New Berlin John Seebold, Saml Banra Mifflinburg John V Barber, John Millbouse, Luther Anspach Eart Buffuloe Wm W Lindenmuth, George Kreisher Limentone Henry K Sanders, Jacob DcnvJohn Kinkert Lewis Wm E Smith, Henry Orwig Isnne Lilt, Feb. Term, IS5S North Chase tt, North vs Chs H 8nriner Wm G Herrold vs Smith B Thompson Chas H Cook vs Thos Penny John Wenzel vs Jackson M'Langhlin Hank of Danville vs Lorenzo P 1 eed George Webr vs George Faust Beth P M'Cormick vs George J Swartz Mary Fishbaugh vs Danl D Guldin et al Yor.nsman & Walter 7- Noali Walter Israel Knettel vs James Mauck David Herbst vs Daniel Rentier David Baertges vs Alfred Kneass. Peter Hummel aad Wife vs Daniel Rentier J D Sorrer &. Co vs Saml and Jos W Shrincr James M Bmiih vs Robert Chambers T Church & Co vs Solomon Mayer Ranck & Roland vs Lambert Kanck M OeyersAiltnrs forJn Ranck vs AC High Harriet Jenkins vs Mernt Chappel et al Uccfc Si Reber vs John Zimmerman same vs David Zimmerman Charles Hartzel vs State Mm Fire Ac Ccmp David Fisher vs Jonathan Dielfenderfer Hunsecker for Church vs Jos D Forrey Thos Church vs same Fred'k Bolender vs Thos Church & Co : Chas II Shnner vs Wm Rule I Union County vs Henry Solomon Kmi'l S Barton vs Joseph Meixell Younjman & Waller vsTaggari fur in an Si. John Moyer vs Fred'k Worinan Charles Cawlcv vs John Youngman etal . I. B Christ vs C II Shriner Thos Penny vs Chas H Cook Reuben Steningrr vs Alfred Kneass Price J Patton & Co vs Jacob Meekley John Roland vs State Mutual Ins Co Saml H Orwig vs Saml Guielins T Graham Hutchison et al vs Jac Bridge et al John Locke vs Robert Hilands Jos F Cnmmings vs Chas R Cronrath ' Comrs Un Co for M'Curley vs Sypher's AJms Philip Pontius vs James Irwin et al Reigel & Bio vs Ranck & Roland with not Chas Siees vs Saml L Beck Ilroilhead Sc. Roberts vs Ranck & Roland Weiler & Ellis vs John I.eiserand Wife John Roland vs Martin D Reed Georse Hertz vs Peter Fetzer F W Verkenstock vs Wm Price et al Thilip Seebold et al vs David Spitler et al same Reuben Hldt it al P O Campbell et al vs Teed & Marr Howard Malcom vs James P Ross Ludwig & Ranck vs Isaac I'anck's Ex's gar David Steninser vs Wm H Marr J.ontrstrelh Sc l!ro vs James Gibson L Johnson & Co vs Reuben G Orwig et al Chas II Shriner vs Wm Rule I. F Albricht vs Adam Schrerk surv II IIi"h Henry C Baird vs Henry W Croizcr Mariann G Knoir vs Wesley shannon Steine Warner Sc Co rs Thos G Orwi M Richards Meicklc &c vs Reuben GOrwig same &anie Fredk Klnpfer vs Wm Layhow Geddes & Marsh vs James P Ross with not Noah Bowersox vs Geo Gebhart Francis Krick vs Alexr Amnions Real Estate. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a writ of Vendit. Expo, issued ont or the tonnw common rm of Union county and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale or outcry, at the Court House in ihe Borough of Lewisburg on I Monday, 151 h February next, a certain Lot of ground situate in the township of White Deer and counly of Union, marked in the town plot of New Columbia as No. 123, bonnded on the east by Fourth street, on the south by private road, on the weM by Rasp berry alley, and on the north by Lot No. whereon is erected a two storey Brick f- Dwelling house, Vc. The Lot coniainingJLijl in length 164 feet and in breadih 40 feel,more or less with the appurtenances. ALSO Lot No. 122. situate in the town, township and connty aforesaid, bounded east by Fourth street, south by Lot No.liXwij. Raspberry alley and north hy LH?Tori-l.con-taining in length about 16 1 feet and breadih 4U teet,more or less with the appurtenances. Seized. taken w-1! jumwlln'iu be'SiTifsF 1 r l r. I DANIEL. . Dw-tiULDIX, Phcriit Sheriff's Office; Lewi&burg, Jan. SO, Orphans' Court SALEort alu:ille "" Real Estate! M BY virme of an orJerof theOrphans'Conrt of Union county, the undersipnrd Exec utors of the last will and testament of ISAAC EAXK, Senior, deceased, late of White Deer township in said counly, will expose to Public Sale, nn the premises of the Mansion Farm, in said township, on Saturday, Feb. 6, 1858, commencing at 10 o'clock, A.M., the MANSION FABM, situated in said White Deer township, contai ning 65 ACRES adjoining lands of Jacob I.eiser, John Ranrk Escj, Jacob T fitahl and John Orr, all cleared excepting Two Acres. The l.-ind is Limestone and in a good state of cultivation. The Im provements are a Two-Storey Frame Dwelling House, FRAME BARS', ,fr. with some FRUIT TREES, and a WELL of never-failing good Water. A small ttream of Water runs through the Farm. ALSO at the same lime and place will be sold a Tract of in the sai.re tnwnhip, about 45 ' RT.i, adjoining lands of John Baker, j. p Albrighi Christopher Oarrelt and others, well tltubr.l principally wilh Rock Oak and Chestnut. TERMS Fifty Dollars to be paid on the day of sale ; one-third of the remainder of the purchase money on the 1st of April next, and ihe balance in two equal annual paymenison interest from the 1st of April, l.M. Posses sion to be given on the 1st of April next. SAMUEL L. RANK, i Exec ISA AO RANK, Jr. $ mors White Deer, Jan. 2, 18SS FOR SALE. Ak MY Residence, on North Third street, XoiLewisburg, 31 ft. front, and including back building S3 fu deep. Basement, and Altick finished. Every convenience in the way of out-bnildings. Also, a Half Lot on Market sr.. opposite S. Ritter's residence, with a good Well of Wa ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a busi ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) AltiO, other Lots, some wilh and some without 'Buildings. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisburg. Oct. 8, 1957. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I'Oll SALE. rpHE subscriber offers for sale his Residence J on the west side of South Second street in ihe Borough of Lewisburg, between Market andSt.Louis streeis.consistingof neara lotand a halfol ground, makings fron tof "JU feet on said Second street, and in length 157 feet, 6 inches. The improvements are a commodious three er;storey BKICh. DWELUNft JKiiHOTJSE. f pressed brick, 47 feet front by 3t feet deep well finished with a marble base, marble sills and lintels in front a fire-proof roof with a Wing nttached of 23 by 19 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex cellent water, with a Pomp in, under roof a large Cistern also under roof a large new Stable an Ice House and other necessary ont-bnildings. There are also on saidR5 Loi choice Frnit Trees and Shrubbery-lc The location is a desirable one either for a private residence or public business. It is on the most elevated part of the Borough, near the Court House, and but a short distance from Market street Terms will be made easv. June 9, 185- G. F. MILLER. IIo! Farmers Chance for a Bargain! I OR SAI,F:, near Lewisbuig.a Tract of a airaosi iou .teres ol good Farming Land, limestone soil. It will be sold on reas onable terms at private sale for Cajli. Inquire at th- Mile- tli- VUnnick. hv.: In, Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate of PETER KA L'FMAX, for merly of Lewis township, Union county, dee'd, by the Register A Recorder of said county have been granted to the subscriber, all pers ons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, anil those havin; claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement lo JOSEPH SANDEIW, Administrator Limestone Tp, Jan. a, ISM r-, -v - i w ii 'i i i i s IMS r null, ii 1 J UST received from Baltimore. I assure my customers and the public gi nerallv that they can always get a snperior artirle of FAMILY FLULK bv catling at Ihe sign ot the Red Flag on -North Third street. Buckwheat, Rye and Corn Flour kept constantly on hand. T. a. EVA-VS, Agent. Lewisburi, D-c. 10, 157 T SCHREYLTi & SON are senilis a J new lot of Ili-lainrs and Calicos very cheap for Cash ! Dec. 10 Young America CORN EHELLER: TVie Chrajrtt ,S'imilest, most durable C'Olt.V MIM.I.Llt etrr 1m cnicd! TIIIIE subscribers would most respertfully I call the aitntinn of Speculators' and Fanners to this wondt rful machine, now on sale at .M'FADDEN'S Hardware Siurc, in Lewisburg. I V County Rights in the States of Pennsylvania, Kentucky and California, for j saie on ihe uiot reasonable terms. .Machines j will be sold in Union and Snyder counties 1 1 j all who may desire fo purchase, in orlT to ' test Ihe uiility and durability of the same. Thru 1 iull green corn as uell as dry clean from the ! cub. ail and see them operate. Trice tl2. , Or aiMress J. ii. Kt'RTZ, -.it. 19, 1857y Aaron-bur::, Pa New Arrangements--Hew Goods! TOSEPIf L. HA WX bavins taken Use J well known SPYKEK HA T STOKE, has refilled it, and filled in an extensive variety of Hutu, CVw, Gcnthmcn't Clothittf, t(c. Also a larse and splendid stork of CLOTHS CA&tilMLUES, Ac, which he wilt make up to ordtrta.s he still continues the Tailoring V.xii nes. He is prepared to execute all rj. entrusted to his care, to the saliMacUun oi the customer. : N. D. Cuitin? and Rppainnrjr? done to order. Lewi&burg, April Ut, 1"7 John B. Linn, A TTORGY 4T LiW in Frick's Blucky iNorth 'M St. near Market, Mo its: coons at WEST MILTON ! J. B. Datesman, At the well known Old Stand in Kelly town ship (west end of Mitten Bridge) respectlttlly informs his usual customers and the public in general that he has just ree'd afic-li stock of '3m &,nmn mM at rrduccd prices for Cash cr Priilire. Jrivt call aad st-e ami save travel an. I liriilee tolls. Nu. 2. 13o? DAI'ESM A.N. Still Another Opportunity! Tarly,lhe heap I'itfurc. Man, BACK At! AIM citr " - oVw this meihod of informing the zens of Lewisburg and surrounding ccuiiirv. that we are a-amu uh ihem for a short time, and now offer them a beltcrarticle and at lower prices than ever heretofore. We have taken the old stand above Christ & Caldwell's Drug Store, and having much bet ter light lhan we had in our old rooms, and more convenient rooms in every respect, we shall be better able to accommodate. Persons haitaK pirturw of Jerra.! fricn.U nr rflatirro whirh thry would like to ImTe p' i'd or trausfrrrcl to aorrnD murh Unrrr Mlt. ran har it tlrcn on hnn a"tit-. an'ltUa cov' will W warrantrd to be nDally as cr,o(l. fttid M'Cif ttmra Dettrr lhan thfse whirh lli-jr are takrn froin. PrrronA watitilii; I'liKtorai It ean hare thrnt for prirri ranging from lo $ -t. l'u-turt of pernon ron Hii'l to their rooms through Mrkno... anil of i!rwieil peroons taken at the .hortr.t nolir. at their re.ijenoea: pieturm of Tonne rhiljren taken inonoiieeotiil in a trh:ht liht. OuWoor ie(t of tiui!!:n. ie.t tak'-n to or.l.T. Anjl-rotrj-e picture, taken on dark anl rainy ilay -jniek-er than lafcnerrrotype nn tlie rieareet and bruhlret. lirHirea from SO rta. to J .'it. to suit the pnrrhaat r. We mend a cordial invitation to all to call ar.d eee nt and examine our specimen?, wliether they want piernre. or noL Kemember the place, rooms Terrorist Caldwell's MamiUD'Ji lttugtLTc. WV slujy to flense. M l'AllTY. Arti-t. N. B. Intmctirns CTTcn in t!ic art. and arian:u furnished at the lowest j ric's. Persons wieliiuj l learn the business can now hate an opportunity nolof.en met with. Lcwisbur,:, Oct. 'J, 1.".7. Ilroke Out in a eir riac-! JKSSi: II. tCiM'.K, having irt-JsS taken the establishment rccenilv occu- pied by Mrs. DeNormandie. ailjoining ihe "Chronicle" and Telegraph t ffices, he is prepared losee his old and new frtentN. nnd furnish ihem with all kinds of CO.Fr:CTH XEItlES of the hoicest varieties. He has refilled the establishment, and is certain ofj giving satisfaction u ail. Ice Cream served up everyevening. Aug. 11. 18S7 Jet Goods ! Elack Diamonds ! ! &c. ! Bui Early, cm! Sure ycur Money .' ! j rPIIE subscriber is prepare! to furnMi L at all urnes the very best COAL of every j i ij'iii'Hi nscs-oarre ana na' mokin mines. lie nas on haml an article of very superior quality, sur.b as is seldom bro'i to this inarkct.n hich he will dispose ol at th lowest cash prices Coal weighed, and coed measure warranted. I tTCoai exchanged icr merchantable Country 1'roduce of most kinds as well as for cash. Coal Yard at Tho's Xcsbil's Lumber Yard on South Water sirect. Xov. 19, 1856 tf R. I. XESBIT. WINFIELD FACTORY! .Vrar Hurl Irion. Vnion Co., l'a. TTIF snWrilipr. Ihirlful for past patronage, would inform . his friends and the public in gene. ral, that he continues to mannlac. lure all kinds of Woolru (.ootls, such as Cloths, Cassiraeres. Twccus, Sattineils, Jeans, Illankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of ihe best kind in use, and having employed the dcsi oi wornmen, ne leeis sate in 'ed Tv 'i. ' that ris work shall not be surpassed any establishment in the country. Agoodsnp- piyoi tueaoovegoous kept constantly on hand for sale or lo exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will b Carded in the best mannerand on the shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30, 18i7. IaATKST AUTUMN ANDJjflNTFR GOODS! PETER IIURSII having received JL his firisl (.'ootlsi Tor 'A?. N, would invite the at'rntion of both Town and Country to his carefully selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c. of the latest styles and best qualities, adapted to ihe season and to the wants of the commu nity and of the times. IVCall and see for yourselves and be convinced that Hursh's Store is the place for Bargains! We take rauchpleasure in showing our goods, but more in pleasing enstomers by giving good trades Lewisburg, Oct. If 37 William Joftes, A TTOKAEY at Law. Collections -i a. promptly alleuili d to. Oilire on Souih Second St., rcctr'ly l v II CHul.. i: m j" " -...l.'sS'..-'...' 1. More than 500,000 Bottles sold in Acit England Stnfea in one or. rriir. mtnrali of Prrl o. J. Wood frr 1 j ' f'-luma ifu-r vnlnnv mix til l r"n ttom ) world anl frnrth utOl tlltrrnt tprovK '' i a mru-T lUsToitnK; tut rvwl tbcirtulr it ; V vso nut uvuu, rcaa iro inr iniMwing. li'Tni TIai. IVoj.I- bat far evutatiM Ui J M with foil! hfi. fcnl th not rrmJr, bftrv:T& known, hmm rw-nlhnw Um niahU vies. Uy rJ,. diw-fiwerj d rp.frMtfir Wcm! sm ftrt-lt vUiaj 1 ' tli-fiiMni with. Litt a jrrt ftitny im-i-mis Hill F-'r.i,, t thfUl. ('TttUM tht'V U 1 til f'ftt-n iMIrfM4i L(,l ' 5-" ! si air Jfiiir Tonic of tiffn-ut kind. To all urta ptTKbt.r . ;r""?"vn''': ""iy'-f in W ord'w Ketorftii lWr i no iorb thii u Wekn-w cf a ldw Lo wm b!J, who lh wrw- . th tiui-t iiitl nic-i-t Ivautifii! rurla imi.nabi. know of ttitmeroiii - whr bxir wm tmi.vi.j !, ,, nui, which 11 ri'-iurtu in fgrrawr ptrircaua iiu.ii Jt I mIc Without dnaf;t m ft th twtt rtlI kffrln tif hntr in m 4 rtr4im-n, nftkiBp it n,;t trl-ft-y, Triio)iij( !Dlruff, ai:tl bv rctJ tttll irr t-it runny toaii tbr ilia tlit bair t brir to. it if tliH dutrr-f rTrry cue t improv tfc-lr Frrt anaranr-r rLnu-rb arm may differ in rtfard to lit . rlu"inpil; but e ry Me will admit thai i Ij-nt. ! a-1 ol hair. t ittV r id aiao tr wr.ipaB. i an ('ljt ti, to In Ji-jn-il. an') tlrear no meaiw th"t phpat'l b,. untiV.lto r.i.ta.n Mirh a confioVratioiv (UuBUt a. vwatt', J'liiladtli'bi. Corbotton. Ob to, IfO. IT, 151 O. 3. rVI k TO. niitu: A I bare brra ri;irJ j aJIiur your Hair IBtnratit tl. IWt aann r r.a yr.ur I'-'ai ai;nt i U. M. Ifa kinn. aad LaviBtf tip.:, t-iH-ff the t-i.el.rt-,i t-L--U f it n)ali, I woukl lifc fibtnin an nzw-y f-r th- Slats-1 1 Vbi OT a Mi HU j th M i-t. Fh' nM too wi-h trmnkepneft an arrnjr m a I ant itnior tlr iiif-t.btnxttiiai t rt in tbalv t-U tnt-r, for rstrii' th batr. 1 fca le Djr4 in thr Vrue tuint & r an-r year, aiJ ha Ml-i riou ) r-prvrat K nji f',r the hair, I ut bae frurtd iwtMi; that TrK:Tv the t-T-ti organs OT iBTtrratefl ti ae Ip a wll a ar.s b-tnir fully ernTiit-! tfet it rf.wraiitfi wl at yu n-prt-rent it lt be, 1 wvwirf engage in the ie if jt. f- r I am aUrfi"J it mnat a 11. Your trulB. . STUCKMA3. V aan J, Mam. Tmb. ft. IT. PROF r. J. Wi"Yn A O. irntn : Kavtr'S realised la. f.-l .f.cty nf y.,Ur Jlntr Keftf.rarite. I wib toMiUtk f U'Jinir mr bairrrowinir thin, aa well aa gray, I waj U-ilut-t-it frr-m w hat I tvaii :.nd bapl, to try tba art We p wre-l l y yon. t( in mot- it TOwth and rhanff IU eotf v it wa in ynnth, Hlhif whirh it baa eflVetitd enwipUw ly. In tbw tr-rti"n I have iuad neartv tbr nttl V1(lir- icr JAMK fKA.Nritf. A. J. W'V.r 0.. Pt-Ut.TA1 5roatlwayv5 T fin tJ.e preat N. V. H ire KUtng Utal Uahswat J mja4 1' Market street. St. Loui. Mo. W4j ArJ "ftld by allptK) Drufglat. Sid i Lrwuburg by r. & CJLDHEll. A Medicine That Never Debilitates ! DR. SAKFCRD S" IWVIGGRATOll or Uic r Remedy TTA? alt th- frv4 oalitiM of a porpatiTa mcdMiu. aa 1 1 nwi ritiK the burve.-e f anr Catbartie witbeatie I d Ni.itjihnr nvrt espri rn-ed frr-m Boat poixattTt. I; oirry oIT all tbetrretfd mn.t er, ati4 at tte aama tuna atioiulatiag tlm nr to a propvr porfBisiaae ol m funcLiuiii. The InTrr.mf;r enrca Sieli Tleadarli. Tak en r two teapi-oontiful at earb ttek and it will aeon diaa pear. Kt an otr-rir-aiitd cuoi& b. or wbm luod riaa r w.ur, take the InTicnrator or after eatintr.aftd it willaf. ' r te di.-a: r-. W- in y t reMTe. or Heartburn, Lhltult Br. athiriff taken to-astoonfnl oncror twice daily. K- r Loss ot Ai-i-tit Lanraor or Listneav ttess. iLv medicine is inTa!n.-ille. It will resiorw the aa-j-etite and m:t k the f(c4 die.t well. Nightmare, Use a teasro nrnl on r. tirine, ai.d the dtmcnsof dream-laiia Jii:i le fairies. After eating a haajrt 4iBBer. lake do-ic rf Invi." rator and it will reTise ail oppression sr fullnees. Til- IcTipr.rator it a LWer Hemnedynf anequae ed Tirtue. actiniT'IireitlT on that arran, Turing lyspn. eia. Jnun-lice. ll,:ious Attacks, 1Tsenteer. rilaa. Waring and all iVmaW obstrucuona, tot which It kaaancctual. We know th-re is nothin; now before the AaMrleaB public. p pared wilh such skill by awieatiSe man, pa." ti.-olatlv I r di.-.-as- ol the Lirer. as lir. anfbrd's Insla- I orator, . r Lirer Kemcle. It has attaine.1 a rwratstiea wen d f. noot her artale in the world, simple hseanse It rcs on il. own merit. To conelnce all by trial tl at n L all its pro, rietora claim :t to be. If any of oar raadeas are Mit.tinr fr. m em h di..e as are described In Br. ssufonl a sdri-r: ix m.nt, we know of no reBerdj Lbht will so surely cure them as the Insigorator. There has lately been brought toowr wotica s aaeaVtrts that se.-ms to possera wondeiful, caratire, bbb BewltBf properties in -d-eases of the l.irer, stomach, BBa litgesv iTetireans. It rume to us wilh so bid; iratiBMBials la its fuvor that we buTe n- ted its rgecu IB some of the worst ra.-es of continual debility, eaased by d.ranrei lirer. acd ia eTery instance the ellect was to TeiicTe sr crre a terai.aent cure. lr. ranfird's InTigorator. tt Liver I:, mcly is what we len-r to. We alwaes hset been ercluif us stent cores hr patent Biedicin,'bat w are erniiiicij tl.st tbie medirine. for family are. is net OTer-rat.d ly the fc V or reeoir.mendativns it baa. Oar s.lTice i-. f r all troubled with indieestioa, DeblHty er llowel I'oBiplait.t. tOi;et B blttla BBS tlj it; U WOI for it, relief aiil be eI erienced. Pi SSMSC.sTO THE ITJUM who BS tT. FBfod't IB. . orst. r. b-r it will relieTe theai of their pains as aooft a It is taken into their strmsen. l'ain and misery eanaotra i.t wh. rethe InTigorator is nsod. for it will as rar. drirethem away, as daylieht will lanHh darkaess, cf this ther.-caa be no doubt to those who try it, ft it car ries ronriction with eTery does taken. AnolheravideB-e isthu thousands of certificates from thoca who asa it or hae len cured by it Try too bottle, if it anal cl btuc&L, then we are niftken. SA.Fiil:P t CO.. rrrnrletora. iiH Uroadway, New Tork. SoMly CI1U1ST&; CALDWELL. Letcisturg Kl'l '. R.llEKWIN, A(ent.' Great Excitement ! JIOXEY LOST! IT nc w universally conceded that the pnr cliaii:g of any article of Goods for pnvaie or lamily use, and the paying thereon mora than a fair pnofit, is '-money lost the under signed, therefore, has just opened, in his -V7IF AXD COMMODIOUS IlOl'SL, on the corner of Fourth and Market 8treets, Lewisburg, a splendid assortment of SPIJIXG AND sTHMER GOODS, fi r Ladies as well Gentlemen, consisting, ia part, of the various styles of Dress Silki, ilerege De Laines, Brreges, Poplins, Lawns, Hriliiants, Tissues. Embroideries. Collars, 1'iulersleevcs, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings, tilovcs, Mitts, together wuh i I'inc Lot of Domefciic Good, Trims, Muslins, &c. Also, Ready-Made Clo- ' CLOTHS, CAS1IERES. Vestmgs, Hats, Cravats, Linens, and a In fresh selection of an: Alt, OFF EE, MOLASSES, Teas, Coci a, Cheese, in large or STrTSll juaniiiies. FISH by the ejuarter, hall, or whole barrel. SALT by the sack or bushel, and, in short, almost everyihine anally kept in our Mores, can be found at this corner, aad all of vi hich will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICE or exchanged for Country Produce. All ha asks, is a Fair Trial ; Quick Sales Small Profns and Prompt Payment. TCBUR 9 of a snperior quality, from the Hartley Mills, not ground any closer than the mills fnrnisa in this region, and quite as good, if not snpe rior, which ran be tested by asiTaiat, sold ia large or small quantities. ALEX. AMM0X3. Lewisburg. Ta., May 5, '57. CABINET AVABE E00M Xmiln Jth Street. The subscriber ll most respectfully informs the eitirens of Lewisburg and viciniir, that he has on h4 and Ii r sale a cheap lot of 1 1 KX1TI RE, fur the Spring trade, comprising Ih'Cfsin": and Common TJurcans, Se rctarios and Uook Cases, Center, Card and Pier Table?. Dining and Ureakfast TaMes. Cupboards. Cot tape and other Bedsteads, Elands, ofas, and Cbairs of all kinds. CO F F I N S Jnade lo order oa short notice. The public are cordially invited to eiamins his work, as he is sure thai ihey will & satis fied with his Mock of Ware. anJ price. SOI.OMOJi VOt'NO Lewisburg, SepL 15, 1SS6 C LOCKS, watcbet, and Jewelry, neit door 'o the Post Office Cheap K Cash. A. E. DEXORM AMJ1E, Ag Lewisburg, April 51, 185-1. JOMA1I htLLY, Auctioneer, SOLICITS the patronage of the public Residence on South Kifih street, Lews burs. Pa. PecemberJ 1 .r j-ria-.cJ :o citr.ii Lc t.Meic.t(-i...e