Tfiuiolmrfl Cjmniirfr. O. K. WOBIjN II J. R. CORNElTuS Itit Thr Lkwinh. kg CitROMrLiv, ht-liwj un Uw- faM S.vM. ro, h tlu larl aul Ust nti-ulati'u if iittv i w ir in ( nu n t'oimtv. ,, . . , ' . .. l-l Dr. A. S. Cummints kF.VL Ziebach. Tbeo gentlemen, while in IV-ausylva uia, were among tbe most ardent support r of liuchamn, and the most radical, aud unswerving advocate of the IVtBocratie party name and measures. Since remov ing to Iowa, aud establishing the "lude pciHJcnt" newspaper, they aro decidedly ui to liboral, and takes a wider view of pulitical affairs. In their paper of the 10th ult., they truthfully characteriae the jjccotupton fraad in Kansas, in terms which we rommcBd to the sincere cousij cratiuu of their old friends in Union, Sny der and Northumberland counties. The following b their language Till: KINSIS tO.VMITITIOV. We pubii.tU that part of the Schedule of the Oouititulioa adopted by the rate pro-s!aviry Constitutional Convention of ty, 800 jJohuson county, 1000; Dourbon, Kansis, which relates to the riucstiou of i;;o. slavery, aud the uiauuer in which it is to j Doniphan county gives 500 Freo State I.e submitted to the people. To say that ! m - ; aJlJ AtuLison cit auout S0 jl is an tiifuni'in outrage tijwi the people j j -tiiocratic i'f Kantat and the principle of popular ar,iy'g as embodied in the law orgaui- TIlc 'Iia s,3,c ticket is probably elect; the Territories of Kansas and Nc- eJ, and the Legislature will have a Free br i-ka, but expresses the views of a great ' State majority. m:.j .rity of tho people both North and i Auout half the vote of the Territory South., The meiubcrs of the Convention ha3 becn fur offi w (bcrc bave manifested a consistent uisregard of 1 . , . , , . . the people, and betrayed a fear, on their 18 a vcry doc",cd "PMon "S" U'e j-art, that, if they submitted the Constitu-: Lccompton Constitution, tho majority tion to the people their peculiar dogmas ' against it being set down at 10.000. In would not bo sustained. Conscious of ' their numcrcial weakness, they hopo to : open. gates between his house and orchard, an J that permanently engraft upon the State the ! Tbc Free State men have becn making !' woul,l' B l",,he fhard and get a ntim institution of slaverv bv stratagem It . r r t 1 . .1 I r "' aPP,rsi ai"' leave half he had and halt intitution 01 Etavcry by stratagem, u arrcsts for fraudulent voting, under the an apple over at the Hrst gate ; half he had was the leading feature of the Kansas Nc- reccnt L islutive Buf. u-n and half an appleoverat the second gate; Aet, and the mam issue advocated , 6 . . .., ami half he had left and half an apple over at by the Administration party in the last ! ,,cnaluun ls suPP08cd to at v cs" the third gate; and bnng one to him, without j residential canvass, mat itie people of um, -Missouri, lie uas Dcen aaviscd not the Territories should regulate their own j to rcturu to the Territory. domestic affairs, and adjudicate all mooted - qaestions, at the ballot-box ; and we see i Sr- I'0L",S. Jan- ncstrroavu.-w... 110 reason why the present Congress and becu introduced in the Nebraska Lcgisla Administration should violate this crjuita-' turc, deprecating the action of the La bia principle by accepting the Kansas j eonipton Constitution, in failing to Bubmit Constitution as it at present atands. The ,uo Constitution to the vote of the people, inalienable right of the voters of the Ter- . A . , ,, , , l . , . ., , , ., and expressing fears that the establish- ritory at large to decide for themselves the 1 . , , , . , character of their State government, is mcnt of 8uch Prfent may have an r-u'-j-ignted by this Constitutional Convcn tion representing but a tithe of the peo ple of Kansas and stultifies the principle .f popular sovreignty. The voters aro left no choice, further than a question of j lion with slavery" the number of slaves i that can be taken into toe icrritory is in definite; if they vote "Constitution with no slavery" tbey prohibit the further in troduction of slaves into the Territory,but j w hat Flavcry there is there now, with its ' natural increase, is perpetuated for ever ! ! The Pcmocracy Shrieking " FOtt Freedom for Kansas !" Washington, Jan. 11. Telegraphic do-patches have been received from Ohio and Indiana, Elating that the Democratic conventions of thoso States have adopted resolutions against tho Lccompton Con vention. The Ohio convention denounced them, but accompanied by an expression of confidence in the President. The In diana convention denounced the Lccomp ton convention unanimously. Gov. Wise's letter against the Lccomp ton Constitution, is the theme of much tonvcation here. The Governor, it is believed, is determined to plant himself upon the conservative Southern ground, against the fire -eaters. Tl,n T.,.msvillo Democrat, the lcadinff 1 w 1 Administration organ in Kentucky, bav- ing from the first, opposed the Jccomp-; tvin usurpation, says : j "W'n linvn reason to know from cvi-1 ilcnee t)iite satisfactory to us, that the mass of the party in tins State are with r.s, and that the rest will be, we have not the slightest doubt " the slightest doubt. Tkenton, Jan. 12. Tho New Jersey L,i,la,urc assembled to-day, and organ- j ed 1 he Senate elected II V. SpcJ, of , ' . , . ' .:., .1 11 ' n WiUUlUHi, 1 u.,UlU., su : Holsman, of Ik-rgen, Speaker. Mr. Mick-, le introduced a resolution instructing tho cnators and Krprcscntativcs in Congress, ! tj vote against the admission of Kansas t.nJcr the Lccompton Constitution. 1'ost j oucJ until Thursday. From California, &c. Nrw Oiti.E.N, Jan. 11 The U. S. M. Kmpire City passed the Dalize, Fteatucr from Havana, which port she left on the !'th inst. The Star of the West has on board the Fan Tranciko mails of Dec. 20th, aud 1,600,000 in specie. XiCAiiA'icA. The U. S. steamer Ful t m arrived at Aspinwall on the SOth ult., I.rinoinp news from Grevtown that Col. Frank. Anderson, who, in command of r..,me Gftv men. the remnant of Walker's Vand. had been left in possession of Fort Castillo, had surrendered to the officers of r S tnn. fri-rato Sns,.tiehanna. The river steamers seized by Col. Anderson from the Costa Rieans, were also taken possession of by the Sufouehanna. He nr.d bis men will be taken to tho United States. The Susquehanna is commanded ' llic cily of jjcxico, had been received with ! Part'' who ,re 6oine in lhe waJ of DouS l Cpi. Joshua R. Sands. much disfavor in many of the interior ! Iaa , TheJ "e no "soro teid8i" or TLe ucwf from Calif urnia is not of special portions of the country, and a large num. j p1' "f a''0"' but, 'Tcndcr-Toad iuiportaucc. ber of States had openly declared in tbe tmocracJ- ,-,.. n 1 m pout A T I'Riim Utah. Tho troops nre iiuartered for winter at Fort Rridger. The Mormons are preparing to emigrate. Noaddiliaual force is needed. Governor Cutuming has issued a proclamation decla- imp the icrritory m a state ot rebellion, and commanding all armed bodies of men -lia'ely disband ot:d return home p. ul if j uiifthuuu! a. lr!t.'it. KANSAS AFFAIRS, fcsi. Leun, Jan. 11. The returns ike roctot election in Kansas, fur State OlfioiTs, tre just Leicg received. The i Kansas corre.-pomlcnee of tUo Democrat savs that the Free State Legislature, and Tieket,hac reeeived an average ! iajity of 1S5 votes. At Wyandotte the majority against the Lccompioa Constitu tion was 273 votes. The Leavenworth TittK8,of the 5th inst., states that the average majority of the .'rue State Ticket in that city will be up. wanls of 1 100, and the majority aguiast the Lccoa.pton Constitution 13701. A gentleman who has just arrived in this city from the Territory, states that there is little doubt but that the "Free State" ticket will be elected by a large majority. So far as reported, no disturbance bad occurred. Sr. Lous, Jan. 12. Tbo " Democrat" has advices from Kansas to the 7th inst , which give the following I'ro Slavery ma jorities : Kiekapoo, SOI : I'ontphan eoun some nreciucts two distinct noils wcro kcDt 1 important bearing upon the character of their own domestic institutions. Resolutions endorsing the claim of F. pr,tllson. . , ; ,,,.,. ; nrnfcr. eDC0 M ch b wbora it u con. tK3tei asc,1 both Donscs of tLe Lc8isla' turc, by a decided vote. The War In Kansas. Tho St. Louis I'ocuimj Xetcs, the organ of the American party 10 Missouri, ap-1 proves of the armed movement of the Free j State men in Kansas. It publishes an J the 21st, their principal strongholds hav editorial article beaded "Civil War in i ing been captured, the beleaguered garri- haiiMs ttt IZtyhtcontncss Let the t opic Arm fjr liautaaee!" The following paragraph is worthy of note : "We turn to the people of Kansas. They have been shamefully deceived and betrayed in regard to tho privileges of choosing their own constitution and regu lating their domestic institutions,and they have sworn to resist usurpation to tbo bit ter end. We applaud tliem for it, aud say, God speed them in the right ! Let them take up arms, defy Mr. liuchauan and his , troops, and return shot for shot as long as ., '. . . - 0 .. . they have a gun and a man to Cro it. When they have all fallen in the righteous causc, there will be a million freemen to take their places and carry on the war." This Editor was a slaveholder, and we suppose is still. WAsnisoTOS.Jaur.-Treu'rv notes r .... .1 :,: r sinn t , i Ul IUC utuuiiiiuiiiit'u ua V'vvj an)0unt of 3,50.000. wcre issued by the j Der)artalent tdav. They present a Cue au j beautiful appearance. n. c.,nn.n aVrr;i,,r;.,l immitlM ns- morDi anJ aftcr a bl;,f ' Minnesota Constitu-1 ""-" . tion. postpoued fiual action upon it until . ,1 ir.i. the IGth. Was.hnoto.v, Jan. 12.-Thc Senate to-day, in Executive session, after a debate j confirmed, bv a vote of 20 atrainst 23. tho ! . ' ' . . . appointment 01 Nathan uuuoru as asso- . ciato Justice of the Supremo Court, in placo of Justice ( urt is resigned. Elections. Daniel V. Gooch, (Rep ) is elected member of Congress from Mas sachusetts, Ly maj., on asmailvotc. He takes the scat vacated by Gov. ISanks. The Republicans have re elected Mr. i Weaver, Major of J'ittsburg, by 2C0 j larger maj. than Fremont'. They carried every ward but one. Tho Opposition carried the Borough Flection in Columbia, IV, which has been heretofore strongly Democratic. The Americans organized the Lcgisla turo of Maryland, throughout. The Ro man Catholic Governor Ligon, published '. Message bef ire offering it to the Leg isIMure, and it containing a long and bit I t series of accusations against the Amcr-1 'na of Raltimorc, the Legislature refused j 10 receive It auu near u reau. From the Mexican journals and letters received by the I'icayune, it appears that the recent revolutionary proceedings of r.n Cnmnnforl. uss'.sterl bv C.en l!.iei in ' niost violent manner against the new order ' j tu"'s Ntw Okj.ean., Jan. 12. 15y an arri- val from Galveston, intelligence has been received that Dr. Anson Jones, Ex I'rcsi- dent ol Jcxas, committed fuicice, at Houston, on the Slh inst , by blowing out bis brmue. The cause of the act is not ttated. LKWISnURG CIIKOIVICLE TUB PUZZLER. Ob! "tia a dwp T.teryt But by St. I"aul l'U 6nd Um bottom of If CVNo answer received to the Cst Enigma in Chronicle, 1st Jan. t IT So answer received to last Arithmetical Problem. Can none of you master that linle "sassage V Ans. to Grammatical Enigma, Jan. 8 "Obey our F'lther and Mather." Ans. by S I. F, Chillis, usque ; Delta, I.ewiaburg. Am. to Riddle, Ian. 8 A bed. Ans. by V 11 , l.cwijburg Answers to Anagrams, last week. Danville." Vileland, or Evil land Telegraphs." Great helps. "Sunbury." Run by ns. "Penitentiary." Nay I repcut it. "Inipaticut." Tim iu a pet. "Astronomers." Moonslarers,or No more stars. M 1', and others. WOK PS t'Oli AX.lVli.tMX Gallantries. Lawyers. Misanthrope. Monarch. Presbyterians. FOE THE LFKUlilT.O CHROSICIE. MISCELLAXEOLS EXIUMA. 1 am composed of S'. b iters. My Ml 7 I '.I I S is a river in Texas U li ii 1 15 .'0, a relative a 25 8 2 SO 'J 10 21, a towu in Missouri 6 213 IS. a .'aly's name 7 2:1 1 1, generally used in schools 13 'J I I 25 5, a town in (ierinany SS 9 3 15 17, a useful animal 21 7 15 10 II, is used for food 2!) 2 25 4 10 27 I a, a town in Anuria My whole are "Champions" of Kuzlnml, Ireland and America. S U F .1 HITHMETICA L PROBLEM. A young man living with a farmer fell in love with his daughter. On hearing of it the 'l I man told the vouth that there were three cutting an apple, he mieht have his daughter. 1 wish to know how he could get her for I couldn't. qui. ruiuuuN NEWS. The steamship Africa, with Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 20th ultimo, arriv ed at New York 10th inst. The Bank of England bad reduced the rate of discount to 8 per cent., which bad occasioned a better feeling. Alexandria, Dec. 19, 1957. Tho Pckin reached Suez, this morning, bring ing Bombay dates to the 4th of December 1S37. Sir Colin Campbell having reached Cawnpore on the id of November, was joined by the forco at Alumbagh on the 11th. Ou the 13th, activo operations commenced, and for the following six days there was a constant series of severe and bloody struggles with the enemy. On son was relieved. On the 29th tho sick and wounded, ladies and children, were sent back, nnder an escort, to Cawnpore. The army under the Commander-in-Chief now amounts to about 22,000 men amply sufficient to reduce Oudo to en tire subjection, a task which will occupy them for some months to come. An earthquake took place on tho night of the 17th throughout the whole Lion dom of js'apieg but itg eff(ictg wcre most ,. ,, . tat severe in the towns of Salerno the walls , of the LUSC3 wcre rcnt fron P tot- tom- Numerous villages were destroyed. In the province of Uasilicata and on the mainland, the dead (says tho despatch) are reckoned at several thousands. This exaggeration. The au- monties had erected huU for the house- . . ... fnmi ,cf- Tho of lNaI'U' ha,J 1" "" "" "-- " I Mnnl.ll.n I...1 country. The Northern parts were cs- CI"P IIexs WisiebK you want the fa . dur:n tbe winter r-ive ucns 10 ,aJ W ourlDB we winter, give thcra chopped fresh meat and green vege- " . fa raw onions and peppers, cabbage etc water to dr'Dk. anJ a bcJ of 6anJ EravuI scratcn !nmon,r. Unrnt bnnea. broken fine shonbl - uu '"e.r Cravei ucu. me roosting places suouid tie well protcc- ted from wind and storm. Do not let them roost on the trees in winter. Hens lay all the better without the company of roosters. Ohio Cultivator. The re-marriage of Senator Doughs has had a good influence over him personally IIc djC3 not cousumo baif tha tobacco or whiskey he formerly did, and his shirt and coat arc commendably clean. Mrs. Douglas is doubtless ambitious enters warmly into bis pulitical position and it is said spends many hours in directing his Documents whilo ho ranks tbem. She is almost as good as "Jessie." It is asserted that Shield and Rice, the new L. S. Senators from Minnesota, arc Douglas men. (By tho way we see some 0f t-09 Southern papers becin to call Gen. Shiclds.'Taddy Shields." The 'TaddyV arc goon cnougn wnen merely voting; but, to aspire to be officers, the Slaveholding oligarchs '.) The Administration papers have found I namc for tnse late of the Democratic tcd to day the caucus resolution in favor of the Kansas Lccompton Constitution. The Senate has postponed action upon the j subject j The New Yoik and Krie Railroad Com pany have issued their annual report, The leading fact it discloses is, that the liabilities of the Ccuii any otei their assets & WEST 15KANC4I rAHMEIAiV. 15, JS58. Union County Court Allitirs. Iitton CouMly Court I'roc lamation WHKKtAS. the Hon. AU M 8.WIUSON, lent ilge for the 20th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of ihe counties of Union, Mifflin and Hnyder, and Philip Ki kl, and J.ioW Si MOKTOsEsqs.. Asso ciate Judgs in Union county, have issued thrrir precept, bearing date the 19th day of DecV, IN&7, ana to me uirecien, lor ine noniiug ui au Orphans' Court, Uourl of Common Pleas, Oyer ami Terminer, and (ieneral (Quarter riessions, at I.EWI.SBI'Rft, for the coanty of LMHJ, on the THIRD MONDAY of FEBKUABY (being the 15th day) and to contintK one week. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables in and for the county of Union, to appear in their own proper persons with their records, impii sitions.eiamiiiations and other rrniembranres to do those things which of their ollices anil in their behalf appertain to be done; ami all Wit nesses and otln-r persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to lie then and there attending, and not depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are reijuesled to be punctual in thi-ir attendance at the appointed tune agreea ble to notice. (iiv-n under my hand and seal at the Shi-rill's Olliee in l.i-u'isburg, the 1 Itli day of Ja nuary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fil'ty-cight, and the cighty-t-lli year of the Independence of Ihe United States of America. tiod save Ihr Common wealth! DAM EL D.Cf LDIN, Sheriff. (Irani Jurors, Feb'y Term, 1858. UVne lrtr Jas Marshall, Saml Uerkheimer, Saml Dunkle. Aariin Messiner Eii't ttuffalot Alexander Penny A' David I.eiby, Joseph Kelly Ibirtlnj John V Wilson, John Deal Mijllinburs; James Chambers ArwiVurjf John Hertz, Wni C Painter, F A Donrh'jwt'r, James Kf My, Jona Wolle I.imcat'inr John M Tavlor, llenj (Jhambers V,st IIhJThIi John Cable, Charles .Mull I'fiimi Saml A Walter Hiiffukie Edward Flick Ai ic Merlin Jacob Mauck .larkmm Philip Cross Lewis John Fillman Traverse Jurors. IVAiVe P'rer Rolcy M'Ciirly, Jacob M'Cnrly, Saml Cemberlin;, Elias Noll,Vm Staddcn, Jos R Ketler, Danl U Reber llartlri Solomon Miller, David Kline, Thos Church, Saml Weidensaul, Kobi Reed, C'has Emery, David Fillman. Orl ilinsainan Buffalijt Charles Frey, Jackson Wolfe, John West Buffaloc Andrew Iddinfs, Danl Fisher. Kelly James Moore, Flavel Clark,Jno Moyer, John Hummed, Philip Uemberling, Peter Haugenbuch Istwitburg John Brown, Jas S Marsh, Peter Hursh, Dennis Phillips, Nathan Rawn.Tho Howard Vnimt M H Taggart, Isaac Eyer, Jesse M Walter, Levi Rooke Krw Berlin John Seebold. Saml Banm ' MiJIImliurg John V Barber, John Millhouse, l.uther Anspach Eart Buffalot Wo W Lindenmuth, Ceorge Kreisher Limestone Henry K Sanders, Jacob I)err,John Rink-prt Lewis Wm E Smith, Henry Orwig Issue LIni, Feb. Term, 15S N'orth Chase & North vs Chs II Snriner Win C Herrold vs Smith U Thompson Chas H Cook vs Thos Penny j John Wenzel vs lackson M'Latighlin ; Hank of Danville vs Lorenzo P Teed Ceorge Wehr vs George Faust Seih P M'Cormick vs George J Swartz Mary Fishhatigh vs Danl D Uuldin el al Youngman & Walter vs Noah Walter Israel Knettel vs James Mauck David Herbst vs Daniel Rengler David Baertges vs Alfred Kneass Peter Hummel and Wife vs Daniel Rengler J D Server & Co vs Saml and Jos W Shriner James M Smith vs Robert Chambers T Church & Co vs Solomon Mayer Ranck & Roland vs Lambert Rauck M Gcyer's Adm'rs for Jn Ranck vs A C High Harriet Jenkins vs Merrit Chappel et al ilecfc & Reber vs John Zimmerman same vs David Zimmerman Charles llartzel vs istate Mm Fire Ac Comp David Fisher vs Jonathan Dieflenderfer Hunsfcker for Church vs Jos D Forrey I nos Church vs same Fred'k Bolender vs Thos Church & Co Chas H Shrtnrr vs Wm Rule UnionCounty vs Henry Solomon Kam'l S Barton vs Joseph Meixell Youngman & Walter vs Taggart FurmanAB John Moyer vs Fred'k Worman Charles Cawlev vs John Youngman ct al 1. B Christ vs C II Shriner Thos Penny vs Chas II Cook Reuben Steningrr vs Alfred Kneass Price J Patton At Co vs Jacob Meckley John Roland vs State Mutual Ins Co Saml H tit-i, vs Saml Gulclitis T Graham Hutchison c l vs Jac Erid"c et al John Locke vs Robert llilands Jos F Cummings vs Chas I! Cronrath Ci.mrs Un Co for M'Curlev vs Sypher's Adms Philip Pontius vs James Irwin et al Reigel & Bro vs Ranck & Roland with not Chas Stecs vs Saml I. Beck llroilhead & Roberts vs Ranck & Roland Weiler & Ellis vs John I.eiser and Wife John Roland vs Martin D Reed George Hertz vs Peter Fetzer F W Berkenstock vs Win Price et al Philip Seebold et al vs David Spitler et al same Reuben Dldl et al I P O Campbell et al vs Teed l Marr ! Howard Malcom vs James P Ross j I.udwig & Ranck vs Isaac Ranek's Ex's gar j David iSteninger vs Wm II Marr j I.ongstreth &. Bro vs James Gibson L Johnson & Co vs Reuben G Orwig ct al i Chas II Shriner vs Wm Rule I. F Albright vs Adam Schrce.k surv H High Henry C Itaird vs Henry V Crotzer Marianti G Knoir vs Wesley Shannon Steine Warner Sc Co vs Thos G Orwig M Richards Meickle Arc vs Reuben G Orwig same same Fredk Klopfer vs Wm Layhnw Geddes & Marsh vs James I Ross with not Noah Bon ersox vs Geo Gebhart Francis Krick vs Alexr Ammons 1000 Bushels Prime Wheat TUST received from Baltimore. I assure my customers and the public generally that thev can alwavs get a superior article of FAMILY FLOW' bv calling at the sign of the Red Flag on North Third street. Buckwheat, Rye and Corn Flour kept constantly on hand. T. G. EVAXS, Agent. Lewisburg, Dec. 10, 1857 J.' SCIIREYER & SON are selling a new lot of lielalnrti and Calicos very cheap for Cash ! Dec. 10 Toung America CORN SHELLER: The Chcapcil, Simplest, most durable tons SIIELXEIt ever Invented! TIIHE subscribers would most respectfully can ine atieniinn ni ,-prcuiaurs anu 1 Farmers to this wonderful machine, now on I sale at M'FAJIDEN'S Hardware Store, in I.rwisburs. I iTCounty Rishts in the i-tatrs of Pennsylvania, Kentncky and California, for sale nn lhe most reasonable terms. Machines will be sold in Union and Snyder counties to all who may desire fo purchase, in order to test the utility and durability of the same. They i fhfll green earn as well ai dry clean from the i ri b. ' all and see Ihem eperate. I'nee f IS. : I Or add. ess L. & J. i. Kt R I Z. uv. 19, ISiiy Aaunsb'irg, I'a Real Estate. Orphan' Court S i LEof Valuable Real Estate! O I") Y virtne of an order of the Orphans'Court of Union county, the undersigned Kic niors of the last will and testament of ISAAC RANK, Senior, deceased, late of White Drrr township in said county, will expose to Public Sale, un the premises of the Mansion Farm, in said township, oa Saturday, Feb. 6, 1858; commencing at 10 o'clock, A.M., the MANSION FABM, situated in said While Deer township, coutat- "8 63 ACRES xz, adjoining lands of Jacob Iiser, John K inek Em, Jacob T Stahl and John Orr, all cleared excepting Two Acres. The land is Limrstonc and in a good state of cultivation. The Im provements are a Two-Slorey Frame Dwelling House, with some FRUIT TRKE.S. and a WELL of never-failini; ikh! Water. A small stream vi Water runs through the Farm. A LSI i at the same lime and place will Le ; sold a Tract id in the same township, about 1C Itl.S. ! adjoining lands of Ilaker, 1. F Alnnht, i C'hrislopher tiarri'lt and others, well timbered ; prinripallv with Rock Oak and Chestnut. : TERMS. Fifty Dollars to be paid on the day of sale; one-third of the remainder of the purchase money on the 1st of April next, and the balance in two equal annual payments on interest Iroin the 1st ol April, 1-H. Posses sion to be given on the 1st of April next. KAMI El. I.. RANK, ) Exec ISA AC RANK, Jr. jutors While Deer, Jan. S, isrs enPHAKS' court S'Ate AGRUKABI.Y lo an Alias order of the Orphans' Court of Union county, will be exposed to public sale, at the house of Mary K Robinson iu Uullaloc township on Saturday, the 'ZZd dog rjf Janunrg ncM, all that messuage and tract of LAND situate in nulftloe township. Union county. adjoining lauds of Andrew Mapcc's heirs, lands formerly of Jacob Vaneida, and of Thomas Robinson, deceased, containing XJXCIHT nngB ul Forty. Porrhpn. I The Improvements are a Two Slo-I'-lArey frame Dwelling House, a stnalli. Frame House one and a half storey, and the land under good cultivation. ALSO Another small Lot or piece of ground in said township adjoining lands of Th , Robison dee'd, Panl llieflenderfer and Daniel t Hamler,contaiiiinq 1 iCTCS aud 52 Perches, also under cultivation. i also A piece of Timber Isanti. situate in said township, adjoining lands of John Stahljacob Hartman. i F and Daniel Rengler, Sr., containing l. Aerett and -11 ferches. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P M, when Terms of sale will be made known by i MAR V E ROUI.NSDX, Administratrix of Thomas Robijieiim. dee'd. j per WM. JONES, Att'y for Mary E Robinson j By the Court Sam'i. liocsu, Clerk. : Dec. 19. 1857 ' SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ of Yen. Ex. issued out ; of lhe Court of Common Pleas of Union ' County and to me directed, I will expose lo Public Sale or Outcry al the public house of ' Samuel Baum, in Ihe borough of New Berlin, I on Monday, Jan. '25, I5h, at 1 o'clock, IV M, a certain Lot of Cronnd situate in the said ' borough of New Berlin, bounded east by Wm j Kessler, north by Old Market street, west by i Widow Swank and south by an Alley, coniai- j ning One Fourth of an Acre, more orT less, whereon are erected a frame Dwel r a ling House, a frame Barn, and other Out Buildtngs.with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Juhn It. t'orneliu. AlNO By virtue as above mentioned, will be otfered at public sale at the public house of Charles Crotzer,in the borough of MilHinbtirg, on Tuesday, Jkin. '.!. 1X5. a rertain Tract ; of Land situate in Lewis township in Union eotiniy, bounded east by lands of Wm Orwig, north by lands of Henry Cat,west bvJeremiah , Tallman, and south by lands of Wni Orwig j and Charles Royer, containing FIVE ACRES more or less, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution ami lo be sola as the property of Tfinma I!. Ih-tris. DANIEL D. GULDIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lewisburg, Jan. 2, Koi F O 11 S A L E . " S MY Residence, on North Third street. Jal Lewisburg. Ill ft. front, an I including' aek building 5"J ft. deep. Basement, and Ailiek- a..K.,. Kvery convenience in the . way of out-buildines. tlso, a Half Lot on Market St., opposite ! S. Kittcr's residence, with a good Well ol Wa-1 ter and new stable ; very desirable for a Imim- ' ness siatid, or residence, (or both combined.) Also, other Lots, some with and some ' without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE. I Lewisburg, Oct. P. 157. VALUADLK REAL ESTATE l'on sai.i-:. ; Timlin subscriber oilers for sale his Residence I on the west side of South Second street in lhe Borough of l.ewisbnre, between .Market and St. Louis strcets.consistiugol near a lot and a half nl ground.!i!akiiigafroiitof'.l'.lieeton said , Second street, and in length 157 inches. The improvements are a commodious three ; storey BRICK DWEI.LINO; jLl fOTJSI-. of pressed brick. 4 feci j front by 'M leet deep well finished with a j marble base, marble sills ami lintels in front a fire-proof roof with a Wing attached of ' 2:1 by li) feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex cellent water, with a I'uuip in, under roof a large Cistern also under roof a large new stable an Ice House and other necessary out-buildinis. There are also on saidjmt Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubbery Sr The location is a desirable one either lor a private residence or public business. It is on the niosi elevated part of lhe Borough, near the Court House, and but a short distance from Market street. Terms will be made easv. June !), 1S57. (. F. MILLER. Ho! Farmers Chance for a Bargain! I?OR SAI.i:, near Lewisburg, a Tract of almost lOO Acre of good Farming Land, limestone soil. It will be sold nn reas onable terms at private sale for Cash. Inquire al the Ortice of Ihe Chronicle. June III, '57 New Arrangements New Goods! JOSEPH L. HAWN havim; taken the J well known SP YKEH HA T STOKE, has refilled it, and filled in an extensive variety of Hats, Caps, Gcntlnncn's Clothing, cfr. Also a larse and splendid slock of CLOTHS CASSl.MERES.&c, which he will make up to order, if. he still continues lhe Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care, lo lhe satisfaction of the customer.' N. B. Cutting and Repairing jy done to order. Lewisburg, April 1(1, 1S57 I I HOOKS Baptist.rresbvterian, I I M-'ho I'M, Ccrmaii Reformed. I. uiheian, Ae. ! :': it'iil Mej and bMidiii;s, at I John B. Linn, TTORM:Y 4T LAW in Fnck's Bl..eW( North 3d tet, nrar Market, !. isbut I g, l'U. Mom: coons at WEST MILTON J. B. Oatesman, At the well kuon irl.t :and in Kelly town ship (west end ol M inn;') repeiluily iulorms his usual rusi. mers and ihe put lie in general that he has ju-t r-c'd a fresh slock of at reduced puces for Cah or Produce. Ju t call and see and save navel and Urnl'.-e tolls. Nov. 3, !:7 DATIUSMAN. Administrators' Notice. WHEREAS, letters of Administration lo the estate of Jt'HN slWHl., late of Kelly township, ilerea-i d, have been duly granted to the undersigned, a!l p- r-r.i,s knowing lllrinsrlves iln'.ebie.l to said estate are reque-teil ti make imi:iedi.:te payment, and those having claims upon it will prrae!,t them for settiemeni I" me. JACOIJ IIEIM.Y, A dir.ini-trator Kelly Tp, Nov. a.'., Is.-.V pi Tin: i:d uimkt, BV T. AHIIICK. T 1IIIS is a lar-.-e 12m". volume. Price M t". with a line no- -t:i.t cnraviic, ate! is one ill tlte ino-l llirilling laie.- ever wriuen oy the auih ir. It shows h -w a man may l,,nn to the Weil l all g 1 n.-M. , and vet be a ty ran I in Ins latuily, and linaiiy .end his wile to a iiiad li. n-e. We pnl'li-h nil Mr. Arthur's li-d.s. als.1 w..rk i f ll.:t ry. tliocraphv. ttf. t .' uhieh ue waiit Au n i in a.l pa:: ot United Slatev,M whom the largest ci'inmis-ii li will be p:u 1, alo an eitia e- iiiuii-ii'Ti in tiie wav "f a.fts. J. W. BRAIiLEY, IS Noith Fourth street, Pliiia lelrlna. I'a. N. I; Specimen copies si t,t by mail tr on receipt of the price el the book. ' " NEW FLCUR AND FEED STORE : Jiift opened on Third at., a fm duors north of Mai kit, Lewisliurg. VRRAN1;EMEN I S have been made lo have constant!-n band a supply of the llvst r.xlia l';imil.V I I '. lr' '"' hn llaliiiuoreCitv.MilN. Iliit lvs lic-al Hour. oru il ;l. Coin aud ltj- t liop. Iti an.MllpXlill. Shorts.Oats, C..rn, atut l'i:i:l of all kinds, at Fair Price;. The prophet, is induced to open this Store for lhe purpose of accommodating the public generally, and re.-pectfuliy bolicri.s .heir patronage. -Grain of all kinds Wanted.-a THOMPSON o. EVANS, Agent. Lewisburg, October 2:1, 1S57. Still Another Opportunity! M'Carty, tlie t heap Pic ture .Han, BACK AHAIX.' "tT7"E take this method of informing th- citizens of Lewisburg and surrounding ci untry, that wc are airam wah Ihem lor a short lime, and now oiler them a letterartn le and at lower prices ihan ever heretofore. e have taken the old stand above Chri-t c Caldwell's Drug Store, and having much lit ter light than we had in our old rooms, and more convenient rooms in every respect, we shall be better able to accommodate. Peison-, hatinir Kliir. nf .l,-rra!.-,l fri.-n t. r.r r.:ioO 10 li lle-y would liketn ri-t iol it IrHif.-rn-'l l 'm-t ..u itim-li Ur-r wjili-. ran h iv it il n- n -li- rl n- :i ftii'l the rej.ipfl will N- warrantr.1 te tw e-ii!ly n. t A, ii4 i,m.tiui.,i l-tl-r lliwn th-'e !i; h tliey ar. I:.k. u from. rvriMi! wanting I'i:' tivrHt'l;" ran l-nr He ei f"r j.rie mniiug tn'lu J te I'i. I lire- i I I" r.-' n-. - li- flneil le Ibir nim. throuw-h niekoe. atel ef tln-v.- A N-r5,ti. tiikrn nt the hl.crt.--t notice, at tl:r rv-i,l,-tirt -: i-lur of foune ehiMivn thken inonrwrr-r.diu a brv-hl liiht. 0ut-iior iw ef 1 uil.lmi., r.. tnkrn tn rr.t.T. AulroIy pirture L.kmn -lark ar.-l rainy taT.piirk er than iairnrrrl - i n the'i lewre-t m'l I'ri.-hl.t. I'lrturvii ir-im irfiru. te e;'i. v in. I'urr ui,. r. ; rxtra.1 aairiiial inritatiuD tr. all to rail nrjl pr u.. ami rsamlnenur i.MH-iineiii, ahelWr Ihnv want firtim'. er not. Kememlr the place. ri-'Uiii orerl hri.-tA CUw UV Mammoth Drui: Store. VVc study to .la.. M'l'allTV, Arti-t. N. B. Tnrurtiorni pirro in the art. and irar:Ou. riirnihb.d at thetewi-i-t rii". IVixt wihini; 1 1 learn the hu.-int-.-a ran nt.w bar,- an oi-poTtunity net i-f. -u Ul- t with. ILewuburg, m-t. X, lsoT j Ilroke Out In a Xrw I'lare"! j JKSSi: II. Wt; having taken the establishment recently ocrti pied I'V Mrs. IieNorinandie, adjoining the "Chronicle" and Telesraph i triecs, he is prepared u see his dd an 1 new I'rien.'s, and furnish Ihem with all km. Is ,.f I OM r.CTK' XEHIl'.s of Ihe rhuicest varieties. He lias refitted the estalihslnnent, and is certain rt' giving satisfaction lj ail. lee Cream s.-rvi d up everyevenim. Aug- 11, !"! Jet Goods! Black Diamonds!! &c. Buu Early, and Sure vour Mniei .' .' rFIIE subscrilier i iircpare! tn furnish L at all times the verv 1'est ('t)AI. of every ilcscripuon, from the U ilkcs-Barre ai -1 iia mokin mines. He has i n hau l an article of very superior qnalitv. siti-li r,s is e!.i m ! i t to this market. Inch hewn! oVp, c ol in t!: low est cash price (', :ii ncit'h'.l. an I : ! llieastlie wau.itite !. I. C-'al, - : I nierchaniahle Counirv rrcoiice 1 1 laosi km-!. as well as lor e ash. Coal Yar! at Tho Xeslit's! er Y.:: '. ,n fotith YV.ner strett. ov. i, ij,.-jt; if 11. I. NirM'. WINFIELD FACTORY! .Vt-ir IllU'llrlOII. t '' 'I l o., '.;. w-L TIIK i.!.HTi!ier. Iliaiikl'ii V&mtrrt''T ''avt ra!r,'n:r'''- wnhl intorm YTT), Ins men-Is ami the puhlic in ; wC-JSSas )a;) j, continues t- inunut.ic. lure all kinds ol vVoatl.'fl .mmIs. mi, h as Cloths, Cass :neres. Tu-eeus.s.irtiiieiis, Jean s. Iilankets aiul riaino-is; also. Carpet ai,,l Stocking Yarns. II : maeliiiiery I en.g .f ihe (est kinil in use, am! having rmpi- yej the l,est of workmen, he leels sale in saving thai l-;s work shall r.ot be stirpasse.I ly any cftat'lislitueiit in the cou'itry. A e,-i!sti;-ply of ihe above --out's kept (-iistiinily on lor sale or to cm hance l".-r w ool, ;)t price, that can not fail to please. Vs'Oi M. u ul l e Car,le,l in tlie best manner an,! en the sh, rtest notice. Terms for rar,lm", rah on the ile hverv of the rolls. M AUK 11 A I.ITL.NJ. Y. intiel.l Mills, March :, IS r. LATI'.ST AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS! lKTF.Ii IUKSH bavins rcccivcl L Ins lii t l.ooiN lor "."i. n. wi'ultl invite the ai't ntu-n c t l-tiih 'i't-nii aiu! LVuniry ti his carefully rlrctfti trek I Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c. of the latest style? ami I est qualities, aifnpie.l to the seas n anil to the wants ul the commu nity and of the t.mes. rtT'Tall and see fr yourselves and be convincetl lhat Hursh's Store is the plaee fr Bargains! We take muchpIeaMire in shcu ni our goods, but more in pU a.sinc customers by pi vtnjr pood trades !.ewisbur, Oct. lS.r particular Holier! T TVUKY person bavin any nnsetilr,! isbtir, is hereby nutitie.l to call upon tin" Mibsenl'er, and make settlement, foriltu nil or If pal measures will be rcsi-rlej tu LV' wi thout distinction of person. JONATHAN" WOI.FE, Assignee. Lewisburg, Nov. 1, 157 William Jones, TT0RNEY at Law. rtl let t i"n rromwly aiti n !',! to. O (!',, r ,.11 ;-, u'a A 1 ' i-.d it., : '!. bv II f I!., k. '.. I! 1. I ' lt'sA( II- I A More than 500,000 Bottles sold in th? At iff England SStatei im cue ytar. THE wtnrlreftf Pn.f. O. J. WwaI t r rtiforiftg hr -tfn-t!y - ruiaiwi.t.y. bmili-T t jt IidrtT,, uluiii r r.fiDi mur-tit l jr.-a frui all yrx thf world ml fri-m fh- most iaulliir-nt to prot that is j in ytMfYj. T KuT 'HATiTt; but rd titvcirculu (Ul JO I tmnuottioubt; lso tlie PAloWm. ! Mi Tat If uk rifplr hv f rrfttur! t IWa itTI-H-I rrl will, b.ild b-n. utl IL 'y ri tii'dy, b-rtTt j kit'two. han n llif- In BiniaLlfl by a rtrj ; Ijf-'.ft-ry f Yruf tt".l lb-- rtii. ar Liik fi ; -li-p u-J .tti. tut a cr-t m-uy r'i,4 ?iUl tfoin 1 th- IU. UifcO th Ull b"TI .rj"B IBirk4tvij upf.O hf Unit T 'tti'H f -iii1T-uI kinJ. T !l wh rrun w 1 r-.,rutnif Hoik- lh r-,utL titut th-j will try ffti. f.-r in (l r i.vUTjtXi tJiT" to no twh thiLg w U,t, We knv of a l-ly Mho was iil, wtio umJ U,. mrthcl m hoi t tint, aii-t I. rwiMl w n-iw n.rr?J rfn.f-l Uly wtt th.-tiiu.t ;irjii mo ft bntiful rorU ioiMtrinitbif. tt ki'"w of inim,r'Uw rnrw-a wltcm tiir wv tm uily f-lUtin; r ut. wl.irh it r t,r-ti in greUr jrfctUoB tbaA it It If wahnst looKt f tiTf th tvtt artlrWf'.r kr the bsir in cr4 ror.'liti"0, mkio It w-ft t. ( clo-v, f-UK-Viiiz (Jitnilrwir, r.J ha prn-l ItjtwK ih kfr- ;it. -t to all the ills that hair t brir to. Jt i- ti .t.iyT rft-ry ritr t. im.rr thir prm-nul :il i 'ei!!!'.' I lnc.'li fUit- muy tiirt.r in r-crI l. ll.- -ii i : i :.- it; ,ut tti ry fii- tli;.t U-au'ifui . J . i : l : ,r. .ti: r it. iiin r.r wi inati.ii nn .l j--t i..m. .1 t- K .: -;r-1. .im. t!.. r. r.- n-. 1:1. .u th-t -h-iul-J Ur.!t : iiii'ri. .j :.i t..,n -u-h a cou -ni. riitii-u. V. ontii Ai- I CUt-ru r. "0T. IT, o .1 wr,i,j i ;r,..r.t : a, I )..vr Wa wem-i -iitr l',i!r I'.:rntt.- th" hft tw n-v i t '0 i f i.r 1 nl fifiil- ( K. M l.a"in-'-n.j nnl Imv n-r ij--n- . li. . - In n-l.r:il . I:.-. t.- . It if. I Vul-1 Iik- ' " ;. -ii n 1 l". f y U t tt"- .-'tat- rt Olnu ft m m? Stale 13 i-r - t. eh- til l vi u-i-li t-niWf hu h rraDnifil( :i- I :tin n r. t iim i ii 1 'if it- o' lImit-Hiitl l it iu tL-1, ni-t- I .-1 1- r r. -I' ll' .; tin- hair. 1 h- U t-n nitfr.t :n li. I. ni.- ..u-iiH-f rtrr;l;.V3r..ili. bf e h-W r.' 1 j r. j i t :t.., Lut lcui.i B'-llm lt.:tt i.-l,,,-. ..rfelil.- .r.lUt" Ot 111 fL." -r.t' tJiT -i- Hi-It ;tn tmif, lo-m-: tuiiy r-uiiiiMi '"Uf r -!' f ;ititc i- i,::t " '1 ri- P .--lit it t I MUi'J 11V Iw tAl , . IU lii" nl- ' it- T T I kLJ i..rlt'l it fi.Ut rrll. iruJy, S.irX'AKliAN. Va iJinJ. Mi . ' h. 5. Ifc"7. rr: f o .r v"-i'.i a r-: i!iTimc fir.- j th? - - I . r.t v. tir Jli-WMiie. i 1.1. b t"tU liiaS I ". i f li;. I .;lir.'ff. t! !H. A- !I m gritW, I MM ttt- l ir. in v.(. u I r. :..lriTi.i ifM. t- tr artkiv jn 1 .ni- t t v v.u. li-pri in.-!.' it- trrviwt h an"i -i au:f it eAfr9 :.- 1: wa in r-oti. I.ti 1.1 wlm-li it .r Ki-. t.dei'inrl;-.-ly. In thf i 1 .-r:ilfn t tia U- i i.-tf!v thr.- oftllw. .v. J. Mb - Y KiM'J.' 1 W' 'li A iv-n r;. t. r.:.v: ! ! y. N . V T .1:. ..T. ;i N. V. V. :r- IV.iIilt L.-U. li.-l.tC'-nt; M-i Hi I ,..l,lUrI.. I. 'Vi'.. , And f-M t.y all Irucl-?9. tiJ-l in L.-ul-r'j l-j V. .V. tALZELK. A -Medium' That Never Debilitate! DR. SAKFORD'S" INVIG0RAT0R, or Mu r i; ii:iy nt? all thi- t'r-4 -I iirihti-- rl 1 -it r- : t ? tiitillt-ina, B . ritia ti. nn ut m i a!l...rtii- itl.t ut tt" !. ! tiit.ii.inf !!-.(.'..- j -ri- n-. ti if m it"-i l-urj-ili!'. II n. t- -I'.wiy Hu.l i:t.. 1 ;,r .ui.-,). ni".li- th.- twwwl t -:.rrv l! nil lli- p..'!'":. J t.-it '-r. ti i t ll- fatlMe tioi.-, -.iti.M'stiiig tLe Lr tu a j-r-i-- r y 1 t'.-iuuutw vt it ltilis'.l US. Tl. Ini'rrtrr niTes -i-k II. a-Uch. Take on or t ti. lea-rnnn-ful at ' h attar-k xaA II diaa . r. K-.r 3Dm, ri- a.i.-.l 10 j li. r rnh- n bi rl-l or ! f .ir-. 1k rt;.- Inviiffrati-r or art. T ration, ami tt illttt I f-x Uij:ut '-ai If -r "firfTfif. i.r lifr-fcurD. lal-r tati.-n, r I;'- ult Kr. athmtr tak-a Ua"Aontul oncrrr ; twn-f lUily. I'. r I .? ol A;-( -tit? Lanztioror Li-tnrra-j Uif n.."li.-iiif i. invaluattjr. It will rntf.r the ap- 1 f r'i dJ m.tkc th- f'-J Ji-e-t wrH. .Niirhtmare. tak t. a if n :ul .n r.-tinnj:, J the ! m n ot Jream-iau J t will nil rv fairi. AU-r Jitimr a brnrtr dUm-w. tk a l I"M" i t luti. mt'-r nii-i it will rfi all optniB or j fuNnr.-. Tl.- !iiT.rfs-r i hi. r KfDi-tly of onuaf ft virtu, ariinj.l.r. . lv rn thut ariin, curinn I'leJ-rp-, tt. Jnuol:i. liuw-ii , t' kp, l -.nti-ry. 1'ilt-a, Vt-rm, 1 an Jail ual vt.-truvUtnw, lor b:cb it bun eial. kif-v rhri icftfitliini ww ttf th imirlno I iilwi. ,r'!ir-J u i"b tn-h -ktli t y a .ntitit Biao. 'r lii urlv f. r di. - th LiTer, r lr. snIorl luvltC i nt'" r. or r I:- iu.-.!j. It fca." attaiii-i r-put..''. . r ,1 :,. n. .(.tli.-riirt in lhe wnrid. Pimply bruw it r 1 rn it.-own Lurii. To mr.iw ali t-y trial li at it i- all ii- prr'Trii t-rs c.'im it to 1m. if any of oof readers r.- uiVri.ii; Ir- n. ui ti di--f a? ar JerTtI'il in Ir. .""wtil- pr-. a ivrrti. ni. nt. know of no trmvtij that Ul .-f ,-ur. y cure tLt tu a tin Invie rat.-r. Tlirr fin-; lati ly t-rn brtjunht toowr nrtice a aMHar.Ba th;.r nn t- j-'Vf.-n w.tnlrful. rnratif-, and bfalintt; t-n ! rtii-fj in !;--a..s f tht. Urer. Stomach, and Ii(-vt-ire or It .'unit- tn u wiih w manv tw-ntinjoni. in it. Lin wc h-iv i .t-. it ttft-ftd tn ( of lb wr.-l ca.-P! of rcntiiiUai tit-l-iiity. rauM-d Vy dratit.Hl liter. at:J in t-t-rr iti-'tjiCe th- ff.- t wm to rtlt-vv- ex :'w i ifrm-'iiii nt .-are, Jir. tanf.-rd i lniigorator. it lc.-m--.!y i -frr to. He a)waa I.a ! --n rrt-'lul-.u, utout fUTeS ly patent medU'itte. ittt nre i', nuir.ii tint tHi mcdH'.nf, for fxuttly am, la not C'TiT-fuhij 1 j the h-t of reo-mnn-rdatK'tn. it ha. Our n-tTicei. f,'r al! trouMetl with Inilj(t. !'ti"B. l'etilitj or lUn-.H"4 iii'-laint. t.'c- t a Utti aoJ try It ; cui trd for it. Teliel wi.l be eSferiencei. niESflTfJTn TliE TsT'.I'PS who tIEe Pr. SftllfrTd'n Tn!f on.l..r. for it m ill r.-in.- ilum of liieir iaan5 a - is tak'-n into thir mnr h. I'ain ami mtn-ry ruk'tfl-i-l lit-r- tl.e Inikrriil- r in u-ni. ft r it wl pieiy trire ttit-m i. it. a- -In-r Iiw:ht will tani ljrk. fcf th:" tl..-n , an t--' no J- u'-t to tLo- ho try it. f r it car ru - - iiTii tion w it h i-t rv d-. - t:tkD. Aaoih. r-idf . - i"lli' tt.' y.tinis t.f r. rtiV.i nU-f tr thne w l.o u tt r I.Nve ln-ti rurttl hj it. Try vM UctLle, if it dttt - IrtDitt, th a we art- tui-tiea. ANrltP & CO., rrrprWor--. o4." Hroii.iway. New lork. s.:',frt,CH!;lST CM.hWF.I.L Urriturg t:: W. R.MIIKWIN.Aient. Great Excitement I MON K V I.O S T! IT is now murtr-'ai'v rmet-ded that the p ur chaiti ofarty nrtifle . .oot!s ivt private -r laniily e, at:d the paying therein more than a l.m p:u i "liu-iiev lost ; the utnlct--inrd. rherefore. has jut opened, in his -;h ax voMMoimws noi'St, u the corucrof Knnth and Market Streets, lsbur, a splendid assortineut of sri;ix; axi su.mmku good., t, r l.;i a? vvril eiit!finrn, conMlin", in part, i f tlie vnrii'us styles el Dress Silks, :, r. v I.a uu-. Ui rfL-e, Tcplins, I. awns, ..'.;.n-. Ti.-ii-s Ku.l ri'iiti-ncs. Collars, I'i, '.rleevr.. 1 1 an I'.ki-rriiu-is, Tiiiiniiing., t;., ve, Mi:t. t.--i!i..-r witri t I'ilic- of ltin"!iC ;ooi), l'r;:,'-. Mu:ini. Ac. Al.-o, Kia.lj-MaJe flu- ,h"a,.G'vt?, easttwGnES. V, -'.::':-. Hat--. 1'iava:, I.inriis. aiul a uiie m 1. ii,-. 1 0 ;.'. Vol. asses. T' -. I . .1, t'V-t-.., ir. hr;,' it small . u. ii.:. ;i,. l'i.-ll 1,,- Uie ijiiarter, ' l,.,::,, rv.h .arr.-i. MU ly .'.rk , r t iifiei. an.', in .Vn. rim. t fv.-ritlt.ns nviialiy fcfj.i I. , . -u r n . r:i' ! i' ""'I at 'I'i' rLcr, an, I all ft w in li uiii ti" at :!io LOWEST CASH PRICE ,T r, !:.ui' , I I'.-r I'.-imirv I'r.-lnc.-. Al! he a-k, i a I'.nr Trial; Quick Sales Ssr-ail l'r, an ' l'r in; t Payment. i t a Tip-r:i r .iii.ilrv. Ir, 111 ilie Hart!, v Mil's II, 1 r. i::i ! arv 1 1, -er fhan lhe mr! !iitii:-i in tin r, '1, 11, ai!,i ,;ui:e a ir.'ttl. if nr-t u; e n, r, u nn Ir te-ie.l t,y iimni, suM in er smalt mianiiiie... Al.r.X. AMVO.NS. i I.- tir. Pa., May -, ".i. !cAlIETAVAJiElj()03i Vi'KTlI lih Strut. The M.!.iril'tr L 111 si r,-spi c;i'i"v inf. rin tlo- -:::; r.s of" at..! viciniiv, 'lia' I.'' ' ' " an ! l.-r sale a cheap Ivi . I I'I l M i l It K, lor the Sprini: ir.o!.-. e. nipriir" Pn'.-.-inir ami C'oimii.cii UuroaiL3. ?cc rrt!irit". aiul H.-r-k 1'uh-. Ccntor. Canl ami l'icr Tul'Ics. Pinip? nnd llrcakfa.-t Tal'lc?. ('iii.l.ank (''" tn.L'f and oihor IJcilstcad?. Stands, Sufas. ami Chairs .,r ail kim!s. COFFINS mai!, Ic l'n!fr ct shi it notice. The public are cordially invite.! 10 etamin his work. as he is sure lhat they ili l' '11S lied with his stock of Ware, an,! price-. mii.omon .oirso I.ewisbtirir, 8ept. 1;, l-''' t l.O( hS, nalthH, and Jent'lt), t '1"t t k.v. l'..t Olliee-I'he.lP let I ash. A. K. I'KNOKMAM'IE, Ag I. Lewisburg, Arr.l SI, li- JO'ltll KKI.I.Y, iurlloiM-er, Snl.H'ITS the patronase of the public. K. M.l. iicc m Souih Kifih street, l.ewis ,.,, ra. IVcember.S lWIS. 1 r li for Justices nri j IV p .'i iisijld. , lor Kftie H'.i..iJ I'J Li-ll.-.i". Li.- tlm t.sii. '-"'i-t