1 ' .; i. ... ! -J I, O. N. WOB DEN at J. H. CORNELIUS. Tm ttmtittra VrM. The T.snmra CnnifiR, raMi'tieri oa tb Ch syai.-.-w. baa tbo lrp"-t and bret rtrc-ulaticn of aur Nwf aprr in I ni-.n County. Freedom, national ; Slavery, sectional. Next Week is Dec. Court f.jr Union county. There is much money ruing us, from man; different person, on CM and new accounts, which we greatly need, and which wo hope will be scot in then. It will afford, also, a good oppor tunity for renewing cr commencing sub-t-crij.-iont-. For those who desire to get the paper cheaper by getting up clubs, c offer liberal terms ; aa will bo seen in Prospectus on last column of next psje. Cut it out, attach it to a sheet of paper, and see what YOU can do. The 35th Congress. ..1st Session. The futlowing is the Democratic, Repu blican or Union, and Straight American, atresg'h in each brauch : SKNATE. Dcni. K- p. An. Dam. baa. Am. o o o o o o 0 0 0 a o ralnf 0 0 N tiampshir. 0 t 2 2 1 2 1 e i i 2 0 1 1 0 20 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 0 e o 12 15 C 2 T$ W a a it 2 2 21 2 10 13 4 3 a i Ttrui' Mn.at:liilt KhuUi: I -land. Cnnnicut cw York; New JVraey lviiiyl.uia. Ohio Michigan t i.-n.05i& Indiana Illiuuis If a. Calilurnia Ttul tat St'a 12 l.lawara S Maryland 1 trmta 2 KaMuekj 0 M i.v.url 2 arkaaaaa 3 Trnnww, 1 North Caroliaa 2 fsmati Cartiiiba 2 riorida 2 ;onr.a, 2 Alabama 2 Miataippi 2 LoUriaua 2 M 1 TxtallsTaSlVIS . AM free Ml 12 91 0 0 0 a i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 VI 63 o 0 0 0 . 0 so o 0 l i Thus it will be seen the Democrats have a majority in each branch, and the Slave States have the majority -A the Democrats. The South thus having complete command, will do as they choose unless the Nor thern Democrats pluck up a little back bone couragc,and do right, in which case Republicans will aid them, and beat back the tide of Southern aggression. ashtxgton, Dec. ,.-In Senate the Vice Piesident being absent, Bcnj. Fit, Patrick of Al. was chosen to preside, he having 2S votes to 19 for Mr.Ilamlia and one for Mr. Seward. In the House, James L. Orr, of S. C, was cnosen speaacr, n.ving vote, .u Si for Galusha A. Grow, of Pa., and 13 acttenng. Col. Orr was a Taylor man in 4S, but calls himself a Democrat, and ... not one of the wltra Nullifiers. Aside from poht- ics, his election is generally satisfactory, I c I 1 . The other Officers were chosen upon a (strict party test, as follows : Clerk James C. Allen, of 111. Scrj. at Aims A.J. Glossbrenner of P. Doorkeeper Rnbt B. Hackney, of Va. Postmaster 51ichl W. Cluskey, of Ga. Mr: Uobiason, of Ind., a prominent can didate for Cierk, was defeated on bis own admission that when in Congress bo voted against the Fu-itivo Slave Law a fatal e!ercitc of constitutional right of private judgment, heterodox to Democracy, and of which Mr. Allen had not been guilty. Mr. Allen ban appointed John F.Carlcr, f jrmorly cf Williams port, Pa., chief clerk, J. Gralz Brown, editor of the Missouri v, ...... ct T, tt t a th Inii!. ran candidate for Clerk. Tiesday, Dec. 8. In Senate, on a motion to print the President's Message, Messrs. Douglass, of III., Stuart of Mich., (A. dm.) and Halo of X. 11., Seward of X: Y , and Trumbull of 111., (Kep.) de clarcd themselves against the Kansas pol . - icy indleated by the President, and argued O.nt " tliB nconla thereof had not teen c'.ly free to form and regulate their ... ... institutions in thctr own way - perfect! own ."1CSSI-. La.US Ol .-11S5., utg.t.. ut a., .a- ( jofl(, an(J mai.u r,nt.ctloll, It Clpell , on of Va., and Brown of Miss., declared , cnce slai prove it to be impossible to themsehes with ihe President, as at rjres- et jny tho facilities which well regulated I cnt advi'ed. The Senate then adjourned, bank's might afford, without, at tho same IJ0USE.-Di.cusscd the Printer ques- time, buffering the calamities which the , , ' . excesses of the banks have hitherto inflic-1 tton. Mr.Growurtcd thatavest amoun !tfd hc .. wuIJ lhea bc , of useless rinting was done, which should far (Le cjlf.tr .vi! 10 j(-pr;ve them alto bo abolished. gether of the poser to issue a paper cur-1 The attempt to elect a Printer, failed. ; rtney, and coulitie them to the functions j It was claimed that it was the money of ' of banks of deposit and discount." j Cornelius Wendell, the late Printer,wbicb ; 77e WiWs remarks on Kinsas nved Pcnnfylvnia for Uuchanan. Dut ' Khiih he tuies tht l' o Slavery side tre the office is the most lucrative of all and ! triVf gice, in fuH,with eommcntf, next tree:. ' although fbe caucus nomination was made j jia vl-Vc Ledger z strong Buchanan to a combination in the name of James L'. paper says : Steadman,of Ohio, (formerly of Lewisburg, j "The trouble in Kansas is reviewed at' Pa.) yet there were so many bolters that ! FOme length, and a speedy termination of tho majority dsred not take a vote. ! it by the adoption of a State Constitution George M. WtSton of the Washington I is considered desirable, for then the ex- Kepublic, is the ltepublican candidate for ! "nenl 17 I iH' ' .' ; country will be confined to her own Jim- Printer in the House. ,fUe VreAict,t ,iliukS) ,nd many The Booksellers of Washington are ! otuer. w;il coincide with him, that entirely greatly incensed at some speculations in j t00 n neh attention bas been bestowed books by members of the Opposition 1 npon Kansas affairs, and the sooner she such stealings belonging of prescriptive ' is lf' manage them herself the better." tight to tbe Democracy. An overhauling j The Murmon Squatter Sovretinty. of the Book plundering, so long advocated I "No wise Government will ljgtjy esti by Greeley, would save much money and j mate the efforts which may be iuspired by much corraption real or supposed. i such phrenzied fanaticisn . a 6t".,ID!DS !i .. j the Mormons iu Utah. This is the first A.notuer Outrage On Tuesday last ; rcbtllion which bas existed in our Tcrri John B. Floyd, late Governor of Virginia, I lories; and humanity itself requires that .j e . t v a from I we should put it down in such a manner nut uorr oei-iviaij ut tt , iciuutiu ' ' his humble position, as a watchman m the War Department, Fielder Dor sett, who, m tba war of 1S12, was a member cf Captain Stall's rifle company, and in more than one instance received the fire nf tl.o .... a . : i t 11 - ... ti.vu.i luu pat to uib piacv aa- s r ... a ...... Mt. ,. i . Lroad a a ten inch plunk. Mtiir.;f(J j "rra i r.'S THf Ixa-KHUKa' CatROSICLE. ; A Proposition for the Times. If what everybody savs be true, then it mast be true that "times are Laid" and "mouey is scarce." The future promises no immediate relief in this community; wo can not reasonably hopo for an im provement cntil the proceeds of next year's crop are realized. This Let can sot and should not be disguised. To enforce payment, now, would precip itate many, othcrwso good aud solvent men into ruin. Can anything to done that can remedy the tuisfurtune that baa befallen us, in common with the whole country 7 I think that I can point out not a cure but a remedy, that, if acted upon, will do much to alleviate the distress. Let a geueral settlement of all iudebt ncss take place say on the first of Janu ary next, and make temporary payment by note, with logal interest, with or with out security as the case may be, payable one year after date, on three days' fight. Large amounts should bo divided and sub divided, aud these notes, made nego tiable, given for all debts and balances. This would fuirn a kind of circulating me dium that would soon settle a vast amuunt of indebtedness. In connection with this, there is, and will continue to be enough cash in circu lation to cauccl a portion of this iudebt eduefs, and meet all the absolute nccessi- j ties of the day. This time would give "o J every cue an opportunity to collect thtir i resources with the advnutage of a prom- o j isiug crop, converted into cash and ar- 2 ranged to meet their liabilities when due. o a Such a course, together with the prac o ! tiee of prudence aud economy in the 2 ! meantime, I feel assured would do much towards "weathering the storm." Tbe propriety of a general meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the above suggestion?, is rroposed. Synopsis of the Message. The President commences with express ing thai.ks to Almighty God for the many benefits which be has bestowed upon us as a people, and especially for the unusual degree of health and abundant harvests so generally enjoyed. Monetary Embarrassment. Tlia .iI..i-i-, cinAnl. tliA itnlltltrff bcn tLrown into hj Kcmt fiaaBeia, , crisifl Qhm &t first anJ t e0UbU ,r. j . , . . iDtim.,ed tuat tbcT mv require a loan to help the Government through the present year. These embar rassments arc attributed to our cxtrava- m q currcncy ; anJ laDk ejg lQ iU spcenh. I tion and gambling ia stocks. The open- j rf m upaa (hc l(isiues3 anJ ; of tli0 couatrj point(;d oul oxpaDsioE3 anJ contract:onj, j mJ vca null;Ce3 tLe cfftfCtof lLe iaciJcD. tal protection afforded our domestic manu fact urea by the present revenue tariff 1 1 The remedy for these evils lies with the . State legislature", who should affurd a ! real specie basis for their paper circulatioa ! , restiict their rates to large denomina- i ! tiots, -0 first, and afterwards S50 and : ; prowuo that all banks whicti suspend, ; fchall go into liquidation absolutely and j i without excej.tion in any case, lio gives j j the dead l. S. Uank another kick. The j I Independent Treasury gives abundance ofj j gold and silver to the office holders. Con-, j gross, he thinks, possess the power to pass j ; a uniform bankrupt law, applicable to all a 1 .-.-. . .1 f- I i fcaiiKilUT insiiiuuous lurounoui, inei.ni ted States, aud he strongly recommends I its exercife. "The existence of banks and the circu- lation cf bank paper are so identified witb j the habits of our people, that they can not j at this day be suddenly abolished, witli-j out much immediate itijuiy to t he country. If we could confine them to their appro- ! I priato sphere, and prevent them from aatntrii? stering to the spirit of wild and j reekl,s speculation, by extravagant loans I I and l'sues, they inijtht be continued with , , advange , the pub:ic. ,5ut ,LU I sa . - , .- . . . that it alkali tin thn 1-iat Tn triflP With it. would be to encourage it and to render it formidable. W'e ought to go there with such an imposing force as to convince those deluded people that resistance wonld be ic vain, and thus spare the effusion of blood. W e can in this manner ueai con . . . ,.--- vince them that we are their frienu and not their enctaira. Io order to cotn- y h ,hu cl it wi k, UMetMTj, ao eorJing to the esttaiate of tin War Do- j .LEWISBUEG CMONICLE partmcnt, to raise four additional rcgi incuts; and this I earnestly reeommcnS to Congress. A new Southern Territory. "I lecouimcnd to Congress the establish ment of a territorial government over Ar- i izona, incorporating with it such portions of New Mexico as they may deem cxpe- , dient. i i . The Parijic Railroad. "Long experience has deeply convinced me that a strict eonstrnction of the pow ers grauted to Congress is the only true, as well as the ouly safe theory of the con stitution. Whilst this principle shall guide my publie conduct, I consider it clear that under the war-making power, Conercss may appropriate money for llio construct! n of a military road through the Territories of the Untied State?, when this is absolutely necessary for the defen ces of any of the Slates against foreign in vasion. Experience has proved that the routes across I ho Isthmus of Central Amer ica are at best but a very uncertain and unreliable mode of communieatien. The distance on the Arizona rouio near tho '2-d parallel of north latitude, between j the western boundary of Texson tho llio ! Grand aud the eastern boundary of Cali fornia on the Colorado, from the best tx- porations now within our knowledge, does not exceed four hundred and seventy miles, and the face of the country is, iu the main favorable. For obvious reasons the government ought not to undertake the work itself by means of its agents. This ought to be committed to other agen cies, which Congress might assist either by grants of land or money, or by both upon such terms aud conditions as they may deem mist beneficial for the country, l'rovi.sion might thus be made not only for the safe, rapid, and economical trans portation of troops and muuitions of war, but also for the public mails. The com mercial interests of the whole country, both Etst and West, would be greatly promoted by such a road ; and, above all, it would be a powerful additional bond of i union. And although advantages of this kind, whether costal, commcrcialr polit- j ical, can not confer constitutional power,. ,', , . , .,. .' yet they may furnish auxiliary arguments ' in favor of expediting a work which, in my judgment, is clearly embraced within j the war-making power. For those reasons i I recommend to the friendly consider- I ation of Congress the subject of tbe Pacific railroad without finally committing myself to any particular rule. Foreign Affair. "Our relations wi'.b foreign governments are, upon the whole, in a satisfactory con dition." The wisest course to have per sued in respect to tbe Central America business, the President thinks, was to ab rogate all existing treaties, which bave only been a source of irritation and mis conception, and to begin anew ; but still tho President is open to all overtures for any reasonable adjustment of the Central America question. Our relations are friendly witn all European nation?, except (pain. otntn2 is said about luti. ... , , France, the President hopes, will adopt the principles of our reciprocity treaty. Hostilities iu China have prevented the revision of the tieaty with that empire for j the extension of our commerce. Our 5Iin-1 ister there is instrttcted to co-operate with . Eugland and France to secure by peaceful J measures just concessions to commerce. ; Under our treaty with New Granada, we I are bound to guaranty the neutrality of the : Isthmus, and the employment of the land and naval forces is desired to enforce the 1 obligation. The Prcs'dcnt administers 1 a sharp rebuke to Slibustcrisni, which be regards as an outrage against other nations 1 which we would bo tho last to submit to in our own case, and he intimates that ad- ditional legislation is necessary to rffectu- : ally prevent such scandulous expeditions , from this country. Why he did not arrest j Wu'iker when be met him at the White I House,' he does not say. A demand for ! redress will be made of Paraguay for its 1 recent aggressions upon American citizens. Institute for Ievisbnrg& East Buffalne. Financial Matters. " Saturday, Nov. 28, 1857. The Tea Turning to the Departments of Govern- j chcr3 wit, s,1me 0f the Directors of Lewis merit, the President shows that the reve- j Lnrg and Kast Buff.loe met to day at nues of tho country have been G8,C31,- Lewisburg iu the 2d St. School house for 513, which, with the balance over from the . tue pBrp0Se of organizing a Taachers' In- previous year, gives ss,oo,5oU tor tue service of the year. The expenditures were 870,822,724, including nearly six millions of the public debt redeemed. Tbo ' receipts for tbo present yoar will bo ouly SOO,C79,000 and tho amouut available for the year's services 575,3S9,431. The es- timatcd expenditures are 574 903,088. A I iimneu aruouui 01 treasury iotes to meet : any deficiency is reeomnicndod. He nnnoMS anr alteration of tl. Taff! i J - " ; jjaws, coactea iasi session as a revenue j measure, until they have further trial. j He recommends the construction of ten j small war stcamera of liht draught, to j enter harbors where larger ships can not. I He urScs more caution in disposing of ' our f uhlic lands, which should be t urvey. i td and brbught into marVct only as they J are needed by actual settlers. Instead of the preearion? policy of giv , ing presents to the 325,000 Indians with in oar territorial borders, he advises such measures as will tend to colonize and civ ilize them. . De considers such measures have in the past proved muoh the most beneficial to the true interests of both the whites and the Indians. ' The expenditures of the Post Office De partment for tho year ending 30ih June last, were : . 611,507,070 Keceipta ; , ,. ; 8,053,951 Excess of cost . (3,453,719 to be made op by tbe usual specific appro priations for that end. There are now 20, 586 post offices, of whom 3C8 are appoint ed by tbe President, and 242,001 milea of post roads, including 22,530 miles of rail road on which the mails aro transported. MiteeUanems. The President approve the 8oatbern mail ronto from tbe Mississippi to Sao Fran & WEST BRANCH FAEMEB--DECL 11,-1857. cisjo." Recommends economy in view of the low state of the Treasury. Asks for at least two days in which to consider all bills before the adjournment of Congress, a be will hereafter sign no bill which he bas not examined. And in conclusion re commends the interests of the District of Columbia, to tbe favorable consideration of Congress. ' ' Buffalo Township Teachers' Institute. Pursuant to notice, this institute met at tbe Pontius School-house on Saturday the 5lh Dee. 1S57, and was called to or- jcr j, tj19 pre sjd0t tt 10 o'clock A. 51. W. C. Benedict, the Secretary, resign- ed bis office, and C. E. Ilaus was elected to fill the vacancy. i r t i ii ,e .1. 1'rof. Jos. Kimball, principal of tho Miilliuburg Academy, being present was elected an honorary member of institute. ' , , , At the request of some of the members, the President spoke of tho "Farmcrsville Literary Association," slating its object, and the DtneDts wuicn nau aircaay rcsui-, ted from it. He recommended that each teacher in tbo township organize a simi- , . . , . I lar association, come remarks were made ; on the same subject by Messrs. Kimball aud Ilaug. Adjourned till 2 o'clock. Aftebsoon Session. Several ladies and gentlemen signed the constitution and i were admitted as members. Geography ' .11. j was then taken up, and the best methods . of teaching it discussed by Messrs. C. E- ! IIius. IT. C. Stctman. J. Walker. Thos. I Hayes, 51. Ii. Chambers, Joseph Kleck ncr, Prof. Kimball, and J. It Or wig. Composition came next in order. Sev eral of the teachers took part in the dis cussion of this subject. It was found ' that this branch is very much neglected in the township, but those teachers who were not teaching if agreed to begin without delay. It was agreed that the next meeU be &, Fi,rmereTille on Sat- , ., , , ., . ., . urday the 19th inst., and that there be an 1 . evening session at that time. The sub- jects for discussion will be Declamation, and tbe importance of havia an elocution chart in evrrv school Evening Session. Opened with sing ing by tho pupils. Prayer by 51. U. Chambers. An Address by 51. 13. Chambers : subject, "The School Direct ors." Singing.- An address by C. E. Hans : subject, "The County Superintcn dency." Singing. Address by Jos.Kleck ncr, subject, "Importance of Parents vis iting Schools. v Tbe following resolutions were then of fered and adopted: ... ,. jitautrcu, i ion wo iwuevo iowusuiji said, bonnded and described as lollows : on teachers' institutes to be of great benefit, . .he east bv the puMtc road leaJins from I.ew not only to teachers, but to tho pupils j isburg m Wiiliamsport.on ilie south by lot of under their care j ac"b MTurlev, the wrM and north by an 2. That we are Whlv leased with the 1 aliey. containinj about forty-five feet in width . . rr . . i . . l , r oj i . . - . " V j .. irusi mat no maw oe aounaani.y success- f , 3 truat 0Qr jhks are due and are hereby tendered to Mcssrs.Pontius.Thomp- j boh aud Irwin for their hospitality to u,to J ! scholars for their sioginj, and to Prof. ; Kimball for bis attendance and aid. . Adj. O. E. Hacs, See. j Aimej ofyimhtrt of Me Lutituti. D Itn.kea.torn. Nfw Berlin P 0 Uonorara Mcrubar. Jo, himbaii, Miatinharf do da ' II..,.. .... H..IT-l.T..a...l.li.T, aih.. .M B.mamnrra frj 'I'hn'fl UttT'-a tlo do Ji. Kirkuer da dn W C. K n.tdtct do da J IT. Sintrt do do J. If. YVaikor, UwUttqrit dt JaiiiM-Ft lrit, M.Hliiiburi School Director ifciti l lti"rr, IJuIl4loiXl.oitH Jo W in..Ste--.nB do tio U- nrj f ry do J. i:.Frcjr :ia llurk do C-i1hrin Y. Duller do Antrfine biker do It. k. Uiowq, I-wlstmrg. Pniin t rtili-rii-k do Ury M A.artwy do J. bit W. lIollIr.r, MilS.Dlurg hnih J- Dieufbsieh do Kliuim Tli'tnf'son do Mary J . 1 houijiaoD do Kwte Millar do A unn Hrll 5lmrntfn do Mary C. 1'outius do stitute. Tho bouse was called to order at I 9 o'clock, A. M.f by appointing James Aiken, Chairman, and It. F. Baown, Secretary, pro tern. Prof. James stated tb object and also the manner of conducting tbo Institute. On motion, aa executive committee of tl)ree as appointed by .the Chair, consist- j ;ug 0f Jleasrs. James. Miles, and Browo. I Ou motion Prof. James read an Address j a t: -a t...... .u. n ar- aCllVerUU UUlUrU IUU UfUturu VUUUI V lUI- ma School, Sept. 14, 1857, by C. N. Hie- j jj. . Criticisms were made by some ! 0f the members. j jj0Dg Division was then discussed, and fullv iiiasttefl. fcT prof. James : also Short DiTisioll exphined by analysis, Mr 51iles ,hcn rcad , part o Page'a Tbeorj ,n(1 pra(.tice 0f Teaching, "Oa the .- ht modcs of Tcachinfi. -hich was ablv disoussc(1 b Prof. Jamea and Mr. Miles. Adjourned to meet at the sataa place Saturday, Dec. 12th, at 9 o'clock A. M. ' R. F. Brown, See. pro tem. The packers in Cincinnati, who con tracted for hogs last summer deliverable this fall at 6 50 per cwt., net, are losing heavily. One establishment on Monday last cut np 300, and found bia net loss to be $536,55.- Tba Gaiette says that pur chases aade now at $5 50 do not afford as wide margin for profit as is desirable. No Scarcity. Specie is now so plen tiful in general circulation, that brokers bave . no - purchasers, as was before tbe case, upon the general suspension of the banks. One keeper of t restaurant in this city states that bo bas deposited ia the bank 125 per day in silver for several weeks past. Boston' Trav.' ' . Corn is offered at from 12 to 20 cents per bushel In various parts of Indiana. , Administrators' Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the cs:ate of JOHN tlAHl.,j late of Kelly township, deceased, have been , duly granted to the undersign1 i, all persons j knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, ; and those having claims upon il will present them fur settlement to me. JACOil IIEINLY, Administrator i Kelly Tp, Nor. 85, 16i7 fl ! "A Book for Every Hm's Library."; RARE 1SUVCEMEXTS TO .TEXTS' j CANVASSP.KS WAX ITU to obtain, subs cribers for the "CiiMfHinoisivK t'looiia rifT a.n lliHTonr, Aneirnt mid MUrn, OK THE WOULD." By s. G. (ioooBirn, ("I'eier Parley.") Handsomely bnund in cloth gill and ni.trrar0i tpnh lieAiitifnt l!n?rrnvin?s and j so Maps. prjCe 3. Hold only by A?ents,to t each of whom a special district will be giv-o. j 1 Applicants should mention hat counties they , , J, h).e tocanva,5 . The bonI i5 nowready. ! ! Copies sent by mail (post-paid) on receipt of 'he priee. Bdls on all solvent banks taker, . at par. The II m' Journal snvs of lhi work : : Vo famiy snnid be without iu" For full ; particulars in recant to an aaenrv address , j Jo t ,-A k(nds nf SrMoo n,. Miscellaneous Books.cheapl'ubl.cations.Siaiionery and Maps 'urmsneo at me very .owes price,. solicited 3m711 Orders ORE GOODS at WEST MILTON ! ! J. B. Datesman, At the well known Old Stand in Kelly town- , 6,,p (west end of Miltcn Bridge) respetluily inror.ns h.s uuai cusmmers an . me puuuc ,n cer.eral that he has just reed afresh stock of " -iif i'ir m rn JAilil St iJll Jtiiil UUUJJi) at reduced rrir.es for (-'ash or Produce. Just call and see and save travel and liridsre tolls. Nov. 2, 1H57 DATKSMA.V John B. Linn, A TTOItAr.T AT l,r in Frick's Block, iorth 3d St, near Market. j ti.tj LewiMtturaT, I'm. $10 REWARD ! j rriHE Burjrss and Town Council of the j L Bnroueh of Lewisbiir; will pay Ten ! Dollars for testimony which will lead n the; conviction of the persons who removed, iniu red or destroyed private property in this ; Borough on the ni:ht.s of the 31st nit. and the ' j i,,i. fly order of the Tonncil, X jv. 3d, . . (. t i ii i- v-1 - n n ! nl'lIX HOOKS I!aptist,Prebvtcrian, Me.hodisl.Oerinan Reformed, Lutheran, itc of different sizes and b.ndinss. at 709 & Co". Real Estate. PUBLIC SALE. BT virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. issued ont of the Ooure tf Common Pleas of Union county and to me directed, 1 will expose to Public Sale at the public house of V m. I Kilter, in the town cf New Colombia, White Deer townshi p.Hnion conntv, on Saturday. Icr. 14. !?. at 1 o'clock, P.M., all that lot ot ground s.tua.e m .ew i oiumoia aire- and ahnut aever.ni-hve t.et in ensm.wnereon i mare erec.e.l a trained IHM'SE, A4 : STOKE, AXD STOKE HoVxE.ILm.1. with the aDnnrtenances. Soired. taken Hit ) execution and to be sold a the property rf , D"'" D- """'VjeoroBJ. RmiilTxn? '' ! Constable of I.ewisburg Borough ! i.ewisbur?. X - v. s... fj ' Sheriff's Sale. , D Y virtue ol'a writ of L'avari Facias 1 ) issued outof the Court ol Common Pleas of Union county and to me directed, will be . . ' . ... exposedto Public Sale or otiierv, at the Public house of Darin Hr.na, in ihe boroutrh ol ! Lewisburg and county aforesaid, 3l0Mla i the I lib day of DECEMUElt next, at 10 I o'clock, in the forenoon, A. D., 1S.V, a certain tract of Land situate in the township of I n ' ion and county of Union, to wit: lieinniu ; at a stone, the south-west corner of the tract, i and al-o a corner of Isaac Eyer's land ; thence, ! by lands of I-aac Ever, N. 74 E. 44 I perches j to a slone; llience, by the same, N.kyJ E. In6 i S perches, to a pine stump; thence, by die I same, Ji. 72 E. 16;. S perches, to a stone; thenre, by lands of isamuel Walter, X. 1 T A I W. 39.1 perches. In a slone; thence, by the ' same, N. 42J E.3 perches, to stones; llience, by lands of John Philips, N. laj W. tl-1 6 I perches, to a pine knot ; thenre. by lands of Ihe heirs of John Hayes, dee'd. of Thomas ! Penny and Peter Pase, S. 73 W. 342 ti perches, to a black oak stump; thence, by ! lands of Isaac Ever, is. 13 E. tin 2 perches, i to the place of besmnin". ronlainin? TWO 1 HUNDRED AND FOKTY-THliEE ACHES AXI) FORTY-NINE AND SIX-TENTHS PEKCHEtS, strict measure, losether with the ; hereditaments and appurtenances. Whereon ' 1Tiare erected a Dwcllinp House, Spring 7H"use- Uank Larn' " "E"" hed. 4c. i urrc vaiudutc Bi fiii urv in inr lann. To be soll as llie property of Horatio G,Tag- . Qfirtt Joxiah If. Fur man. and tUihn V. linron. ' DANIEL D. (.rUUN. ShfT.iT. ShrrirT's OICcp, Lewi5bcrgt Nov. 10, 1S57 . FOR SALE. fV MV Residence, on North Third street, ! Attick finished. Every convenience in the waJ. of out-buildinss. ,"' H?lf L" Market st. opposite S. KillPr rclorirP tnlh a ,,nri WfU nf Wit. ter and new Stable ; very desirable for a busi- J ness stand, or residence, (or both combined.) I Also other Lots, some with and some without Buildings. JOHN LOCKE. Lewisburfr, Oct. 8, 18.17. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE j FOIl SAIaTC. i rpHE subscriber offers for salehis Residence j 1 on the west side of South Second street j in the Borough of Lewisburg, between Market andSt.Louis streets, consislmcof near a lot and a half ol ground.makinxafrontof 99 feet on said Second street, and in length 157 feet, 6 inches. The improvements are a commodious three Msiorey BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, of pressed brick, 47 leet front by 36 teet deep well finished with a marble base, marble sills and lintels in front a fire-proof roof will, a Wing attached of 33 by 13 feet an Out Kitchen a Well of ex cellent water, with a Pump in, under roof a large Cistern also under roof a lare new Stable an Ice House and other necessary oat-baildmps. There are aluo on saidjn Lot choice Fruit Trees and Shrubbery -SSf . The location is a desirable one either for a private residence or public business. It is on the most elevated part of the Borough, near the Court House, and but a short distance (ruin Market streei.-r-Terms will be made easy. Jone 9. 1857. . - G. F. MILLER. Hoi Farmers Chance for a Bargain! FOR SAI.n, near Lewisbuig,a Tract of almost 10O Acres of good Farming Land, limestone soil. It will be sold on reas onable terms at private sale for Caaba Inquire at the Office of the Chronicle- June 10, '67 To Conlable-Coort Et tnrni and otbei1 Bum sold at the CWntcc URVe. i nioncouiiij court I'rot iamnt ton WllEKKAS.the Hon. AB M 8.VUI. ;f ! , President Jad-e lor tl.e-2uth Judicial I ltinriet of Pennvlvama, composed of the! counties of Union. M Win and Snyder, an t l'-,i.. Ruhl andJioWSiT Esi.. Asso ciate Judges in Union county, ha re ivsa-d their precept, bearing date the l!Hl. day of .-pt. 1H57, and to me directed, for the holding of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and General J inner Sessions ' at l.EWIsUI'IMJ. for the county of t'N!., on the second MO.XDAV or DF.CKMBF.lt. (being the 1 lib doj) lijJ, aud to coutinue one week, , Notice is therefore hereby zivn to tr.e tor oner. Justices of the peaee and Contsl'!- in and for the county of Union, to appear in tlicr own proper persons w:tli their record's, ini; n s.lioiis.exa.innaiions ar..i other remeiubranees lo do those thii.Eswbinn nt iheir oii'iees and iu their behalf appertain lo be done ; and ail W:: nesses and other peri-ii prosecuting in behalf of ihe Commonwealih against any person or persons, are required to be th-n and ibere attending, and nol depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in Ihe.r "atiendanee at the appointed tune agreea ble to notice. Oivrn under my hand ar. l seal at ihe fclier- fl's Office :n I.ewisl.urg. the -1th day of No vember, in lb? rear of our Lord one thousand e.L'ht hundred and liny-seven, an.i ih-eici.ty-eth year of the Indep-ndonre of t!ie I'mted States of America. Ood save rl.e fomnioii wealth! DANIEL D. (JUl.HIX.hiier.tr. THE WlTlIKItr.. ISIMKT, by t. s. Ar.Tiun. riHIS is a large I2tno. volume. Price S1.ro, J with a fine mezzotint ensravme, and is one of the most thr.Umg tales ever written by the author. It shows how a man may seem to the world all lhat snni and noble, and yet be a tyrant in his latu.Iy, and finally send Ins w.t'e to a mad house. We publish all Mr. Arthur's t ew IcoWi. also works of History. B.cgraphy, Ac. for which we want Agents in ail parts of the United Sta.es, to tth.un I'.e k.rgcv rom.ni'sK-n will be paid, also an ex'ra commission in the way of cifts. J. W. BRADLEY. 4S North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B -fjpecimen copies sent bv mail free on receipt of the price of the book. "' HEW FLOUR AKD FEED STORE I Just oprned on Thinl t . a f.tc duort north '. M.irL-ri, Lewisburg. ARRAN'UEMEN I s have been made lo have constantly on band a sopp'y of the II.-t Txtra Family I'loiir. (from the UaltimoreCitvMiils. Ilui-kva lira! Hour. Corn jJfal. Corn and Kye liup. Itran.MllpSlIltT, ishorts.Oais, Corn, and l'i:i:l ot all kinds, at Fair Prices. 'Ihe proprietor is induced t; open th;s Store for the purpose of aroominodaiin? the public generally, aud respectfully solicits their patronage. jeTGrain of all kinds Wanted.-Ga THOMPt-OX O. r.YAXS. Agent. Lewis bnrg, October 2:1, l7. t Still Another Opportunity I M'Cart j , the C heap Picture 3lan, BACK AO AIM T E lake this method of informing the 11 citizens of Lewisburg and -.iirrumiiiiig erontry, that we are aain with ih. m for a short time, and now ctVer them a teileraruele and at lower prices than ever h- relol .re. We have t;iken tiie 1 i stand al ve Christ & Caldwell's Drug Store, and havir? much bet ter light than we bad in our o!.i looins. aud more convenient rooms iu every resoen. kc ahall o lM-ltr anir lo acrcninio.fat ft nn t. bi. h l.aTinff .,nirt ol .ufr;t..-l r.in.N Ihy a.ml-l lito'Io l.as rvW'i or lr;t wrrv-i In i vt c a a much lar ,il. ran h-tir il 'ioi u j-t -rt rutin-. D-l tint c-pi''! w rtl h warranted to hn n !y aw iff- and s- m4iiiifj N-tlrr tlian th'.- v I.. l..-v htv ia...-n frfttn. Prr-M B wrtittintT I'lifttfajmy h- -;,n h fi-rr. fT , prio ran-ing from f lo 5 . I'i Iutc t p rmi.. cm tioeil to Ihir r-tir ttiroush fikD' . -f :-r p.-riw.nn tak.nat the 5riorlt noti-f. a: t.-:r r piftarr nf fi-nn- fhi''.lr--n t.-rkt-n :nrnf. . i -1 in n : i'-l-t ii-ht. oot-'iorr V jws ' f l u l-u. . .v.-. r .l.--n u. t-; r. A ml rr t vf. pi-t ur-- I;tl.--n en d.r '-. an.l i Ain t ;! k er than lai?ttrT'8Tira f-n tin? r!.r t ai. l tritatt. 1'irtur.ft from .''it-.'t. .-''. lo unit Ihe pirr. Ii;i.-. r- W . rxtrnd i mr-lial intiUlicn t n I t mil :-r l u niii fxamin' our ri.rrimf r.. h-th- r t !" y wn'it v ,r"-i not. Kt'inrmt'crtbplarf. n-m. ovfr'hn,-ti.,a:dwtl. n Mamoio'.h Inutbtorr. We stud j 1 I M t Ai TV. rti-t. N. P. Intrurt."n piT-r in tb ar-, -j i r.vu fnriti!,. at tl. liw--t m IVr-on .t-i : ' rn lh lnj-itDt'. rn pw Imrn n .'fin::y n Uj- t wilh. l-s L-iiiir. t. 1 Itroko Out in a Hrw 5;larc ! la Urn titr (M;ii..i-S,.u.cM ut-; t'r -.f cu 4T pic bv Mr. IVNi.rsnais.ls.. r.-;j r.ir.z ihe "Chroiurle" and "I'eli-yraph tfj.-e-. he i prtpaied losee h.!k old and mw ti sr.. 1 furntvh iht iiwi:h all kinds of (' ' U'Tii -XF.KIES of the choicest var::es-. H h:?. refitted the establishment, and i certain nf Rivin;; fatisHiction U all. Ice Veam nerved, up every evening. A'.i. M, u Jet Goods! Black Diamonds!! &c. Buy Vtirfy, and Vare ;ur Money f ! rril E subscriber is preparrd lo farnih L at a'l times the verv bttl"fAL ofevrry uescrif Hon. from ihe Wi-kes-Baire and M.a mckin mines, lit' ha on hand an article of very superior quality, siu h as is si-Mom I ro't to tnis market.whirh he will dispose ot at ihe lowest cash pr:ce.s Coal weighed, and frord measure wan anted. tV Ct-al eiehanged for merchantable Country Produce of inosi kinds as well as for cash. Coal Yard at Tho's Nes bit's Lumber Yard on South Water sTreer. Nov. 19, 1856 tf R- I- NESDIT. ' WINF1ELD FACTORY! Xear IlarlllOll. Vniort Co., Va. THE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, would inform his friends and the public in rene- ral, lhat he continues to manniac- : Hire all kinds of U uoU n iiouds. such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeds, Sait.netl, Jeans, Ulankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and. Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the hfst kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sate in saying that his work bhall not be surpassed by any establishment tn the country. A good sup- j ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be ; Carded in the best manner and on the shortest , notice. Terms for carditis, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFrESXY. I Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. j Ij test AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS! "DETER IIUHSII havinu received X his Or st .oo.1s for TT, 'st, would invite the at'rntinn of both Town and Country to his carefully selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, fee. fee. i of the latest styles anil lest qnalities, adapted j to the season and to the want, of the commu- I nity and of the times. CaTCall and see for yourselves and be convinced lhat Hursh's Store is the place for Bargains! We take muchpleasure in showing oar goods, but more in pleasing customers by giving good trades Lewisburg, Oct. ttS7 particular llotire ! TVtRY person having any unsettled j account with Jaa n. ..... r i isbitr;, is hereby notified to call 'upon the j .u. ....n, Bna maae sentement, lorthwitn or k-gl measures will be resorted lo C3Twi thoni distinction of persona. JONATHAN WOLrB, Assignee. Lewiabw-jf, Sot. . ISM (,re than 500,000 Lotties salt in the A'eio En'jluifl Statu in one j'.ar. TnKratf.ra'Waaf lrr o. J. Word tr ratrtnj ht'r b.rfr.tir an.l prMjar.utly, has n ar tt aad ar.vai, T.iura ilrr T..lun m:rftit be arum ait pats ,,f ttv o'4 ai..l fr(,ia ISr u,o-t lDlll:u'.nl lb j,ro tau it ia a i-Ki-rr. T l:i6T'.TiTr ; l.ut np4 th.eir. uiar u.j M caa n. t dcubti read al tbe fl!4iiia:. ' fit Titr. II in Tir-!! hare ft.r turirt Wa affifri. f.l witb hald tfld. au.1 th on'r ft airy, hrna,Krc known, tian l-n lac.-' l.ii.li.l wirfa. tf a rrt ,iiHry i.f l'rof-".r W.w.d tl.ar a. th-U a ar- I.BKfa.t dl.ii'.i wtt l.l.t a KXat maujr nf-ru.ua a'. II patroaia. tlim. lii.-T hare j IVn lrtrta..il a.a l,v 11 .or ! iil fi ol.! ki!:-l. T'.u.l Q b S-raorM r-arn'atir ti.l(r fit fon..t. that tt? anil trrcrws-aea.'B. r r in 11.,, ! hr-tbraii.v ll..ta in uu aucli tluag aa tai! M.kr.,,n , ah.j an- i al.J, w'.o um-. tl. articl. i iiif.il l.tttr. a.Hi l.r i..i'l jl n. a. .wt.rvd n.o.ii.uly a.Vi II r lir:ie-t fli.1 ti.oM b-aiitnnl rnrU imaKiDabl. H, kix.w nf i.uii.eo.u whtr. hair wu rat i'Jij fallir j . ut, wi.irh Ii r .fond id grtattr (rtM-t:on tbaa it ?,vr I, ,.1 l..n lj. t r-. 11 I-a!.. w t; ant douht r.n of tta r.-t arti.le. f.r ki.ii.jr Hi. hair in p.rf..l rtr.!ition. mar inr it aoft ani pi y. rrtn",i.f fJait.lrntr. aijd na. r.,id iut u,a t;- at, t . n Lir t. ah tli ill" Ibat l.air t b.ir to. It i-. t,. .hitT.f rr f,n. to imprt.r it,.ir prabtial a: rw ti.'-ul. tu ma di;rin r- npl tr tt.a aara .f d' ii t il; but .-, ,n will admit tliat a baaunrat 1 . -tI i.t l.rir. . ill:, r ir. n.li or woman, ia an ol.jct Bio.b to lw d- .r'I. a.i't tin r r - no D.-ali- tiit -r:,.u;d b. .alt untri.dto olrn-urb a cf.c.id.'niUon. W otcan'a Al-aL-atr, rhila.i.:.t.:a. r. h.-t',n. ftt.io. Not. 17. 156. O.J WirOn k ri. (i.-nl.: A 1 harr brfi anrrard in Mi.:u .i.ur lltr l.t'.ra'it- I'm ia.t a-i,D fi.r ana of o nr i, al v.ei-1. I:. M. tta-1 iiooc.j r.nd haaiiic axpri rr.rd IV t-r:rt.-i 1 .-I',- t- rf it n-v.rtf. I would Ilka Ut oh.;.... nn nr-r'-T t- r II . s,a , f (,h,o or ar-tna State io tl.. V..t. .1. u..l w,.-1i loiiialttaurbanarTaDyaaafar, . I ii , '-....oil.r-.l tl . i- n tl.ifi-.'iiial to It in tbal'nl t.st.t . I'-r r- j.TifZ ti hair. 1 baa beaa rntracad I. . tl. I r.ix bu.ir..- - f ..-..ral rara. and baaaaoid a r ... pr purtioi.. f'.r tt.r ha.r. but baa round notbins; II. r.t r.rr,- th- rr-r-t(e orp-.na or Inaleoratra tha ra. a. Wfll a. o,urr, la-ini; rully eonviaord that yanr r.-tcra'ivi wl.at r-,n rns-wnt it to re. I woatd lika la an s--t ia th- .s!-f ir, I r I am .iti-'fial it mn w-li. j.-a u-.lv, S-SloCatHaN. Ma vial, J, Ma.a, Fab. C. 1"T IT.or f J W'Vn r.. -li-nta: llarin. raalilrd tha aoi.l rV.t (.f Tour lls.r fta-toratiar. I wih tortaUtbaS tindina mv fcair.--nw.ni tlon. aa w.ll aa (fray, I waa in darol from what I r.a-1 and !iard. to trr tha artWa pra. .r. La v t.- promot.- it. growth and rhansa tta rolor, aa it a., in routb. both tl which it baa rfla.d ebmpiata- Iv. Iu ti a .-T.rrti -n t hate used naart? thra. oottLa. i no K, JAMKj KKIVCia. O.J. Willi! A Ol.. I. ooH-tora, :,12 rlroadwaa. N. T , tin t'.- Rr. at V Y. Wir. I:-ilios t.-USt-blurbt aod IU lsrittr--t. P- I. "'il". sir,. e4j A nd atl.l J all awd trraecirta. .s.I in Iswulmr? hy r. S. C.tl.OHElL. A Medicine That Ktver Etbiiilates! DH. SAKFCED'S" IKVIGOEATOR, or I.M r Remedy nA? s'1 thr c'rfd MU!itie of a ptircatlre nHinB. aa sjwi r;n;r ttt-purj om- .f any ( at hart i- wittxatlh dt..!itiiinr i-lWt?. iri- itrtd trt m But ( nr:alif-P. It art- stii-wiy an-1 c-ntly, t ut ori!y. mr.v ihr h,eIo rairrr f ail tii R- Tfti-il Dllt'T. aiid It l tr MM t.ni. ft-uioliiUrig u.e Lr r to a fSry-T )ituiiuuic ol ita J, Tr,!i'.nf.r fnrrsj ntifarh. Tak1 cn or twr. trc-j -.n-ul h attaik and it will anon dwap j t-ar. 1 ur an orr'adVd tt jnvh. or wlM-n frl nt or ruur. takv Ui I n mvrat r or aft r rin.aiHl it will not I r- Tf di:. -r- ; i-r "i i rr.'siif. y..r lit-artLurn, t.-vtifo. r Uifl'-u't l!n aTbire Ulta tai outtfal ouct-or ticf d;iiv. Jit I"" ol Aj j titr Languor or l..Atn im. tin Bifd ;fi it- i invaluxbl. It will re tor ibrap ..ft.tc i ii i r:t;.kto tl.r- f'-d di'-ft w-ll. N-htmarf, tak a t ti In I on rv tirmr, arvl tbt dtnnii?nrdmm-lBt-d .il t.I. ) fa.r.a-n. AfLrr ratiac hrarty tliti&rr, take a cl tin iirt r: r and it will r.-m ail oj-rnrM-Mio cr fiilltt-". Tli li-tir rr.rr it a I. inr 1:. m.-d of uinjnal rd irtni. artinr dtr-. -Vw rtt tbat orr.n. ruriof l' fia. .l.-.ui. u . Uiimoa Altartf. liy btr. I'ttr. Hortua, and al. rVuialr ol'rirucli- u. i' t t.cU u na. do r.ual. TV., kcw ii.-rai If Do;hinsT - l-t.ire tt Amrifaa fr-r-"rd wi'h Tirh -.i.i ly a fi-nt:- aan.far lit urir t'T Ta .i rf l.irrr, aa lr. S-inird a Ini orator. or L.tt Kriii'-Ir. It hsu attid a rrrotaU-o jwc't d no.!li. r artwl't- in lb world, aim ply btau ,t ref-rn on itf? ou mrrit. To t-nninrr al! Lt trial tl at It if all iu to ruicru riium it to If. if any oluor rradra nrf iir.-nri fn in f b iie-ari" af ara (lfMnbr-i in Ur. S;iBf.inl' nd i .! ttfu. we tuow c f tiortiufdj iLala.rt jo j-urfly rurr ttwm a.- t!! InrirattT. Thr 11' la'f !v Ufn t rnn.ht toor notit-r amfdkino that ni! t.. pm.fr em isondiful. ruratiTr-.. and hfaltr; l-rn . rtit-a" in ii- t lli- l.ivr, rtrm-irlt. and lift if Oi ,-:in--. 1: ra:ni- in u wiLh ao n.Ti ta-atiliioniiil? in it- f.. r ;T::t bo b n t- 1 tV t In ft-n? f th wnrt non t-f witttmial d-btiity. rau-d by d mrjfM i;-,. - jt i ;n . Tcrv ;r.: itir-tbt-T-ct wn to rtire r rin a --r.n neti t n:r--. W. larif.ird' litTit'rj-trr. ct ) ii. r l. i:i-.lv i- wbatw ftfr lf. W- always hi" n i" tv. J i: j . u ;J ut .-urr l-y yate-nt a.fdn-tnc, tot an-ri t,.ii.-..t :l.t thi- liirdir.il.-, Ir fmnily n. ia tart ovf p.r::t-ij r b hrt f rp'-orrinird.itiona it h. Our i-. . .rati Ir-ublt-d with lilifoation. Wtility r .vlnit:t. to p. t a ba ttle and trj it; our word Irr it. r- lift a i.i tx- e . trrwm-ed. rir--:. tup I? valiis who ue Tr. ?aniird'n Inrtf--r:-t-r. f- r i' w .11 rtli-T tbrin of tbrir fa n ax noon a it j- t;.l.. n if'" lli-;r fiti marh. I'ain ard m;ry car D't ci it wr-.i rt tb Intitr'-mtor i urrl. ft r it will a MjtVy I'm- t!.- ai t.v.-...ar ibylibt will tanih iia-kn. r l : tbert ran no d- xxbl to thoMwhotiy it. t r it car ri. rt iw t-t i. .n Wilh trt rv d" t.'ikt-n. Aa.i.thfrrtidfO'" i - 'I.. Il u-..i.'Ji ( f t-frtif 'nta--fri rn thou- w bo use ;t t.r bif rur.il by it. Try on lottia, if it aifa sot bfin t.t. a n.c nn-t-An. f AM-oKD k CtV. Ywrr-r. l'roalway. ew Y'.rk. s,.:,iri t ;;.;.sr.v calduei i.. i.m-isbvr? :.' VS. It. JIK IN. Accr.t. Cret EsCatement ! MOXKV lost: T T is n ow uiifvtri!!y conceded il:at the j"jr ch.j'ir.g t : a:.y art:.-;' t : (lord- lor pr,va:e or :.:..;'.' ue. .int! the fa:i.c thereon mere than a lair pm lit, l. moTier U t the unJer inrti. ih re re. has just ppr.ed, in his .vy; ii jxd yuMMobiuis noi SL. on ih" c i'iuT of j-'fiirih an 1 Market t:rte:, Lewishur, a splendid assortment of SPI.INO ANH SUMMER CHOP?. for I.ai':c as well Uer.tlemen, cnnsi;irff. in pan. ui the various btylts ot lres M'.ks, Hrr.z De I. nines, Uerejres, P. plins, Lawn, Pnlliania, TiMie. Kmbroitlenr;. Co!lar, rn.!crlerves, Har.cikerclueis, Trimming. (J!i'vc, Mitts, tcether with V .'ino Lot ol Diitiu tir Good. Priii-s, Muslins. Ac. A! Kea 'y-Made Co thin?, CLOTHS, CA-SffKEHES. YoiMiss Hats, Cravats, Linens, and a Eoe fr.-sh selertn.n ot" srcAR. tor FEE. MOLASSES, Tea-. l ci a, t'heese. in large cr small ijiuii ities. t'lH tv the quarter, half, or u hole larrcl. iALT by tli- jack or bushel, an.!, in slirr!, alnv.st evervihtni! usually kfp' in mr stores, ran l.e found at this corner, asd all of which will be soKI at the LOWEST CASH PRICE ct exchanged I'nr ronnfr? Prmluce. All he aks, is a Pair Trial; y.nck Sales Small Profits and Prum't Payment. ta H fll aBIXJ WW 9 of a snperii.r quality, from the Hartley M:I'. not ground any closer than the mills fDrnish in this reffion, and quite as jrocd. if not supe rior, which can be teted by usiTmai., sold ia large or small quantities. AI.EX. AMMOXS. Lew isbnrg, Pa., May 2, 'AT. CABINET AVABEEOOM lyORTII 4th Ftrt'et.-The subscriber x most respectfullv informs ihe citizens cl Lewisburg and vicinity, lhat he has on hani and for sale a cl.enp lot of I'l It X IT I tJCf for the Spring tr.n!e. comprising Drcssin? and Common IJurcan?, Sec retaries an.l lii'ok Cases. Center, Card and Tier Tablet, Pining and Breakfast Tables. Cupboards. Cot tapro and other Dcdsteads, Mantis, Pol'as, and Chairs of all kin.ls. COFFINS 10 ordfror short notice. , The public are cordially invited to eiam e his work, as he is sure that they will fe sans lied with his stock of Ware, and P"- SOLOMON .Ol.NG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 1S."6 i.o ks. Hatf'1"'; and Jetaclry, -", P.... niKre heap Cash. A. E. DE.NOI'MA. i-"1" Lewisburg, April "-M, JOSHH KI I.I.V. tuctioBfer, SOLICITS) Ihe ReMdence on South fif n llTrV' .g bu r( , P t nrcemberSJ or printed lo oruer, at ihl in r