Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 04, 1857, Image 4

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    h e7
The World, a Barber Shop.
Oar notions rightly Vnitted up.
No one a doubt can harbor,
Thatjall the world's a barber shop,
And every man a barber.
The farmer, he's a barber's friend.
And ready, in a trice, air.
To lather with a recommend.
And shave as with a price, air.
Mechanics, they are barbers, all,
Nor lackeys at the play, sir.
They lather "when for work they call,
And share as for the pay, sir.
The doctor, he's a barber, too.
He lathers with a pill, sir.
And, many applicants or few,
lie shaves ns with a bill, 'ir.
The merchant, he's a barber too.
And who than him surpasses !
He lathers with fine calico.
And shaves the beardless lasses.
Our Congress members lately have
Assumed the barber's station.
Anil, without lather, tried to shave
With doable compensation.
Bnt, of all the suds-bedaudinff host.
With razors whet the keenest.
The lawyer lathers folks the most.
And shaves mankind the cleanest.
A Rich Puff
A manufacturer and vender of quick
mcdiciucs, recently wrote to a friend liv-
fn out west, for a eood strong recommeu-
dation of Lis ftbe manufacturer's) "Bal
D t w.
aam." In a few days he received the fal
lowing, which we call pretty strong :
Deab Sir: The land composing my
farm has hitherto been bo poor, that a
Scotchman could not get a living off it,
.,., tW ma had in nlina our no. :
UUU QU UWUJ tut.. r
tatoes and plant them edgeways: but hear
ing of your balsam, I put some on the
corner of a tea acre lot surrounded by a
railroad fence, and in the morning I found
that the rocks had entirely disappeared, a '
neat stone wail encircled the field, and ;
the rails were split into oven wood and
piled up symetrically, in my back yard.
I put half an ounce into the midst of a
huckleberry swamp in two days it was
cleared off, plauteJ with corn and pump-j
kins and a row of peach trees in full bios- i
KD through the middle. !
. ., t ., . a I
As an eviJei.se of Us tremendous ,
Strength, I would say that it drew a strik- j
iog likeness of my eldest sod oat of a
mill pond, drew a blister all over Lis stom
ach, drew a load of potatoes four miles to
market, and eventually drew a prize of
ninety seven dollars io a lottery.
Haxs O'Blab.ney.
"Asotoer New Name!" The vari
ous elements merging in the great body
of modern Sham Democracy, have sugges
ted many queer titles and quaint attri
bates for that parly. We have liar Js and
Softs, Hookers and Radicals, Old Fogies
and Young Fillibustcrs, Border Ruffians,
Niewer Drivers, Mulatto Democrats, and I
what not but the Ialest and must eupho-!
nious title given to the wing of tho " har
monious, untcrrificj," is that applied Ly
the Minnesota Timet to the Indians who i
v.j:lJ tho Democratic ticket io the l'eui-
l.ina District- The Timet calls them tie ,
' liraxh Clut Itenvxwu," and says they
went to the polls with a bottle of whiskey j
in one hand, a Democratic Ticket in the (
other, ani an interpreter at their side.
Of course, the tickets went iuto the ballot
box, and the whiskey into the Indians.
AVhat a grand institution ii the " Breech
Clout Democracy!' How pure, how
spiritual,, and how intensely American!
Center Democrat.
17 ow to Get to Congress. The fol
lowing story is told by the M.Litc Trihune,
of Judge Hawkins, the present Represen
tative to Congress from the State of Flori-1
da a man, by the way, brimful of genu
ine wit. During tho war with the Florida
Indians, he commanded a Toluuteer com-'
pary. Oa one occasion, they fell upon a
party of the enemy, concealed in a swamp.
The Captain sprang upon a log, with ,
more valor than discretion, waved his
word, ani cheered his men to the charge.
Just then, he was shot down.- One of.
bis offieera ran to ask if he was hurt. ,
'Xot very badly," aid Hawkins, "just j
about enough to send me to Congress '."
The prediction has been verified. j
Erpostrofy 2 thee Fannik.
aaaaain ereecher! aav, w J gpr tot bortb t
Was 'I tome aonrmua rlvaer, on ooac bana
Yw mall sntrli orfut rnna ? DMnl yew no
Thaj'd karet Dew rar, vot nraiaa jav run araonni,
mabia aiii braLin tMogt fto pUrilrtully,
M itb aubh a boleaait ilortert Aiu't yw see ate
Of mab-ppa ant broakan Tittelat Lon't j-w thtnk
Ycw'J bt-tu-r dri up, or else timroar douut (I dew.)
Fbenticic's Last. "As to the Demo
crat ie party they know how the land lies
on ilia Slavery question. Louitrille Dem
ocrat. Yes, and the land knows bow the Dcui
octatic party LIES on the Slavery ques
tion. Lijuitriile Jvurnul.
The best way for young men to rpend
the long winter nights is by reading the
Chronicle, Tribune, U. S. History, Itol-
liu'i Ancieot History, aud other reliabls
standard works. '
A Southern Editor has purchased a tal Music in all its branches, viz. Piano, Melo
raceburae, at an expense of $'-,IJU0, for tbe deon, Uoitar, Violin, Violincelle, Flute, and
porpoce of catching runaway subscribers. " Uras Instruments.
l litre did be get the two thousand
dollar. J That story "won't do 1'
"Ah, Jibn, my uncle has been in New
York, and jour'a baiot' "Well, what
uf that ? my node hat been in jail, and
yourn hain't !"
We know a very ugly and penurious
man wbo work in bis own 6e!ds the sum
mer months to save the expense of a !
"Bubhy, what became of that big bole
yon had in your trousers tbe day afore
yesterday T' "Oh, it's aored out !"
"Bad Eqqs." lTrBa7nurn and
Brigham Young are both printers ! What
"s tie craft t oraiDg to ?
We have recently added & number
of varieties of JOB TYPE our
former large assortment, making
of type, largo and small, with a good
variety of borders, and most respect
fully solicit a trial of them by those
wanting anything in the way of
Tickets, Blank, Labels,
CARDS, Circulars, Bills, &e. The
use of these by merchants and busin
ess men generally, is more common in
most communities than in ours. A
larger range of operations may be
gained by a constant "keeping before
tne people" of the trade, occupation
or rr.OFEssioN of any man : and a
nearer approximation to a Cash busi
ness may be made with patronage
attracted by this means.
We think we have the materials
nnd the experience the taste and the
tact to execute all kinds of Jobbing i
expected from a Country Office, in ai
style not excelled on reasonable '
terms and in prompt time. Call
- ,lS . . a.
"tlwslA" f ff.e
TNDIA Kl'BBER Eeltitifr of alt sizes sope-
oior Oak tan Leailier lleltine Mill, Cir
cular and Cross-cut St WS and everv des-
criplionof HA RDVV ARE Wholesale and
c""' "
Williamsport, Pa
Orders by Express or otherwise promptly
aitended tu TERMS CASH 9m09Hpd
Dr. I. Brugger Dr. J. F. Harvey
snulh side Maiket Si. between 4th & 5th
THE undersigned have associ-
N"i"'ssjated themselves into cn-partner-
.-V!&i3-hip for the purpose nf carrying;
' ' 1 ' - - till. I .nmherinw Ptantnp ftnH
carpenterine; business in all their various
branches, at the
Lewisburr, Steam Planing Mills,
where they intendto Keep a heavy stock of all
fc. , f . . . ..,,,,
fill all orders they may receive at short no
tice, and all work warranted to give satistae
tion both in price and workmanship.
tfwlrtnrs Planlne Milla. Sept- , W.
L. H. La
in Lcwisbtirs;, Pa.
This H use is directly opposite the new Court
House. It has been fitted up at considerable
expenso, with the view of affording every con
venience j and no efl'irt will be spared to ac
commodate its patrons. The House is larse:
conveniently and delightfully located, and has
been newly furnished throughout.
Lewisbtirj, Aug. 2f, '57. Proprietors.
TN consequence of the terrestrial revolutions
goir.( on in lower Market street, GOLD
SMITH At PRO. are compelled to remot e
the young Mammoth Clothing Emporium up tc
next door Lelnw Wu old Mammoth stre-
where, with better accommodations, we are
prepared to sell CHEAPER THAN EVEH
Call and see. June 9, 1857.
t"i?"Ofiice in the t'niversity Building 183
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
.fn i)oJ fiotiv.'ipg Jiqi)..
The subscriber has just received a splendid
collection of Fruit and Ornamental TREES,
from ie celebrated Nurseries of E'twange r V
Barrjlochestcr, N. Y. embracing the very
best varieties of Apples. Pears.Peaches, Plums,
Cherries. Apricots, Nectarines, Grapcs,Gonse
berries, Raspberries, Cnrrants, Strawbeiries-
I.aree Horse Chestnut. European Mountain
Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple
for street planting. Ever-Mooming Roe, and
a splendid collection of Bulbous and other
Flowering Flan's.
ry Nursery tironnds on the farm rf Ja's
F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within half a
mile of I.ewisbnrg. All orders addressed to
m..M(Y J .OI.I,,Agtlor J.MI.KKil.l. LINN,
will receive strict attention. Term invariably
CASK. Lewitburg, Aprl 9, 1857
HE subscriber has rented for a term of
vears the commodious rooms first helow
Kline's Hotel, where he carries on Baking
Itr?ad, Cake, Tarts, &c and hopes to be
I able to render entire satisfaction and receive
i a liberal support. He also oners
of everv kind and quality, vt Whhlesafc and
j Retail. RE CREAM for the pnblic and for
i parties, in large or small quantities.
j Cash paid for Butter and Kggs
t "'.Nuts, Toys, Spices, cVc. always on hand,
i Orders at home or abroad promptly attend
Lewishnrg. Jan. 7, 1857
T" Ef.lEVES all pain and sorenrss in from
j 5 to 30 minutes. Ve unither tirfumn.
lrice 50 cts. per bottle only. Shipped Io alt
parts of the V. 8. For sale by
Joolab Bki-r, Lcwinh't I Mk W Ur-l-nmuth, Darn t(
llaavar. Slorria X Co, U'ilt&cld
D II Miller. MiBtlulmrj
CunrAiugt k M hite, UartleloB.
Vocal and Instrumental Hasic.
riHE subscriber having located himself ir
I I.enrishlir?. is Tpadv In U-ar.h Inalramaa.
f bet. ...., 1D lhe tchooIs in
Germany, be deems himself qualified to ren
der satisfaction. , . .
He will also tone Pianos, and pot them in
repair if desired.
Residence on Soath Fourth street
Jan. 19, 1857. - Pr. P. HELD. -
ATEW and magnificent Stock of V
P. EICHOMZ A. CO. have elegantly
refitted tbe Store roo -formerly ores pied by
C Measch, on Market St. near Third, where
they will keep oa band for sale ihe very besl
of ('onlectioneries. Toys, Prait, Kotiuns, &c
Call nd See .' Lewisburg, April 9, 1857
William Va&Oezer,
ATTORNEY at law,
-TV. laewlabarral'alm Cm., Ptt.
t70JBa opposite Ium'i Hotel K7
nana emwm
THIS sterling machine has within the past year been pot to severe actual tests, ana
been very much improved by the addition of a t!3 inch fly-wheel, new searinc joint bolts,
and other minor improvements, and is now offered to the public with the certainly that ms
made in the very best manner, and that it will grind and press easier and faster than any
other Mill in the market. Dealers and others supplied on liberal terms.
lSwRii W. O. III1HOH, Agent t-iieie nor,, iinrrwm, m u.
AUUv St blwUCU.
WILL open for the Winter Session of sis
months on Thursday. Sept. 24th.
Tuition, COLLEGE, for the sessioii $C0.OO
Fuel, Library. Ac. 3.00
ACADEMY English 10X0
Classical " 13-00
Charsres 2-15
Female Institute, res'r coarse " S?O.PO
- Preparatory " 13.00
Charges " 1.40
Ocneral Aent& Treasurer.
I.ewishnr;, Atip. 11,157. Srafiafi
THE FALL SESSION, of this Institu-
tion, will coiiiincnci on l Ml. mua x,
Sept. 17th, 1807, to ruiiUoue 13 weeks.
TheHmn Sissiox.r l the same lenrtn,
-,. , , f , t
win unmeuiaieiy auccreu inc uinuri, .. t,i tnein, tne niacnine viu ue uuca uact auu
interrupted by a Vacation durinr the Holidays- ihe money refunded, if paid. They are now
As the public are pretty fully acquainted almost the only enure Threshing Machines
with the success of the Principal, during the jn u,e jn Chester, Montgomery, Ilerks and
IO years of his connection with the Acade- Delaware counties. Their advantages are
my, all extravagant pretensions and piomises ,,at ,h,.y will do almost double Ihe work, ac
are out of place ; suffice it to say that all Ihe cording to the number of horses used, than
Branches of a thororgh English and Classical the old machines will do ; ttTthey will save
Course are taught, and that youths are lilted at leat two hands and Threshing can
either for College, for Teaching, or for gene- all be done snngly closed up in the barns, in
ral business. u et day, when the hands would be otherwise
The Bible is a text book. unemployed. T. CHURCH & CO.
A large class of Young Ladies is seenred. Hartleton. Union Co., Pa.
TUITION per session of 1 3 weeks, including Apply to Tno Cni-acH, Hartlelon.or
contingenl expenses. ; or Dr. L. Kooai.Uniou Furnace. y645
PJtlM trtY flleailine. Writinr. IVSner, ArrUimetie. .
Oeec.liram.ai.u f S. Il.l..r. a T-i .,.
ADVANCKD KNUl.lrll (all ot incluJed ale, 6.M , A bail 10 H dUnBl
um;u..is, " ; ,
No additional charges ; also, no dednctions Fitrmrrt, drop your t',ls pnum a little
except for protracted sickness. j read this, and rejlcet!!
Aug.., . I8s7 J-"a RAXI,5a, ' " FARMERS' PROMOTION BOOK."
freebuect academy
; nments and based upon eviitent truihs, desig
Freeburp, Miydor toiiuly. Pa. nei! to improve igncaliore in all its branches ;
HE Third Semi-Annual Session of
this Institution wiil commence on Turs-
day, JultfZ, and continue X'Z Ils c
location is pleasant and healthy. BuiMinR,.
new and commodious, and Terms low. It la i
ihe constant aim of ihe I eachers to imparl
sound instruction, and carefully develope and
direct the Mental, Moral and Physical cner
giesof the students. The course of study will
thoroughly prepare those pursuing it for Col
lege, the study of a Profession or business
pursuits. The
IkORMtL Ii:i'tItT.Mi:T
offer auperior fjrilitiea to TYarlier aoj thom, a i-binr to
tier,irfle(iUrh to a'luire tile n.Tcs-arj iiulili'uti'n,. Th
Cmintv SuperintenJM will frisiuenlly reriew clve,
ami lei-ture on th prai tiral (hitirs ol the FrbtH'l r.4.m
Letuw are alHleliler-d ill ci.nlteeli, u witli Ihe lll j'-rt
of alnily. and every exertion made to .jimliiy a) 0i, nt
f T the Pr.ft'!'-ien. Arratta- mrnt- are triiif ma.le with
IHrertom V pnieore , brjfl- Ine thnjw wbo ubtain credita
ble wtificali-. IKIiWS.
Kor Hoard, Tuitten. Trom, j er kcmoii, f lr.ee
Tuition alr.ne. p, eiort. fs left'.
Tuili(..n nloue. io Nr.mml Ii-'p't. fer 0.narf'-r. $'
Muir txtra. D'i1iol- in ttie vir.ise. Jl.f.ll to er
week. O-t r Catjit'ijni. i-nnt'iiniii!. lurtlier .ar1:enlrs.
Adirea. (iEO. F. M'FA I!L AN It, I'rmcipiii
Choose bclivren tlieiu.
ThM.fnTTii'hftlm BiatriI 1 Try h"tv, mo
fir. Rland nr. I titipf m ttw fauiran frsnii. liniun.
it-truut-. bc.iUI l-Ji'M-rv ortan; wfn-n .urruj-T, it ni !'-
swily rro.Iuct-JiP.iii. IIIL wai Pi tin ofx-rntr dinrt-
iv utx n therbnviitsof the irfim of neutralizing
the princple w -diM-. arnl thua radrIy cunnr the
lirer, tlrf1 tws-la, the muEcb-s, the ?kin,tbe brain, or any
other part of the it steal.
H wxowav' Pit.LS are equally eltirai ious in rvm plaints
cniuion tu the wbfle human racr. and in dicider -
ruliar to certain elimateit and ItH-alitt.
aim; mixc T'toftnrFX
lTfpeifa. and ffci-wnp mrnt rt th- liter, the aonrre of
iiifiruuly and fuflerintt. and tl.e. r.ur tf inanteruble
ileal ha, jlettl to th'M ra ration, in alt ra.ef, boWTT a-
rrnvab d. artinc a a mild purpitiTe. a!Vr:itife and ton
tr: they relieve the bowel?, t ut iff the flntda. and invitr.
orate tbe ayatera and the runatitutiun at tba lane time
When all atimiilanta full, the renovating and braeinz
propefttea of tht-t-e nlla five frtnneaa to U' abaft ihk
orrmi and enttablid muaclef l lh ritliu ol entralde-
rFUCATF rrArrs.
'tZ d
anl at-naitiae orcanK of tut- ftx arc rrrrontl or fre
lv a f w ilaH'a uf tlieiu- ruild. lut Infant i alt rtiTt.
d nioth-r who rearda her own or hrr ehUdri-D health
rbould tail to have thra withia her reaeh.
SfinxriFir jXUousnjif:rs.
Th I,o-lou 'l-ftowt,' the LooJon -Vr.liral PtIw,"
and the nitiit euiu,nt or the frrnlte in lln-at llririau,
t rance and Orxmaiiy, have aakgii.d the 1 ills rid their
laenar.r. -
Hllmtyt' Pills are the hesl remedy Inovm
in the world for the folloKimj Direosrt :
A'thina Biarrhra indireathvn
Bowel CoeaplalntJ Dr)ipr liitloenaa
Conghs lleotilty loSanunatioil
fVtlUa Fever aci Ague lnwar.l We:.kneaa
Cheat Pi5ea aft ' ' Female CnrDrla!oU Liver Cr-wiflaint"
Ooslieeaeaa Meaflacbca Lowweeeol Spirit-
lty.-papaia . 1'i.aa eoerialArletii.ija
&ione and OraTcl - eoonilar7 Symp'a Wenna of all kind
sold at the Slannrartoriee or rroreaanr nniioway.
SO Maiden I .ana. New York, and M Sirs ad. Lrioden. and
, Sold at the Mannfartoriea of Trnteenr Ilottowsy. I
wy all rectall. Urunria and Oealera of Untieine
throoiibout the t'nited Sutea. and the elefUzed world, In
Brxea, and 26 rwnta, 2 eenta. and 1 eaeh.
Tber. ia a eooaidereeit aavion Ij Ukmc Iha iarger at
ca. -
N. B. Dtreetiona fbr tbe gnhtanca of .patienu tn erevy
dforder are aflixed Io aaeh Bos. Jan. 9, 1S67
SAPORIFIER, or Concentrated Lye war-
ranted to make Soap without Lime, and
with littletrourle. With avie eakenf Lyeand Ibovpaande
aan Sna, yon saa make lateen aallona guod Bull Soap.
Uard aoan can be made in the aame a ay. For arile by
...... - CALDWKLL.
cure for Drspensia and diseases arisine
fiom an impnre etate rf the etomaeh also n pure ptw
Tentlve of fJtlMK AUD AGlM-prUm It eta. war bollla,
w p ' - r. . UAa.UWt miM.
, - James B. Hamlin,
ii. CaTOmce oa Second St west side, 2nd
door south of Market, IMlabaraf -
itvn Union t. fa
id ek
i m i u r . a.'r T.-w mm w i t ij tr at
Huiinerker'H CI0 EK llX LLICIt.
rilHE subscribers still continue to manufac
I Hire the above Machines, and as ihere
are over SOU of them now in use in Union
and adjoining counties, we deem any further
recommendation unnecessary.
The machines are all warranted not only to
do good work, but belter work than any other
kind of machine now in ue.
T. CHl'KCH & :0, Hartleton, Pa.
Apply to Tno-s Curnrn. Hartleton,
or L. Kooas. Union Furnace. Iy652 j
Chester County
ANK anil Two Horse Endless Chain '
POWER- The nndrrsigned beinc con-1
vi need by practical experience oi tne supen-
only of Yiindrnlict'i Tread Power over the or- I
dinary five horse power now in use in the '
West Branch country.for threshin" onl ftrain.
have purchased Hie patterns ana ripnt to j
mab. iltm Ware nnw m;ikini? and have
on hand a larje number, which we propose
to inlroiluce tin the plan if thev don't answer :
tn t ie eiler ol thesuarantee given with each
r .,. , . , . , '
I A KEW and sci
KEW and scientific manuring system.
ivation and increase of all
rasses, fodder and pastuie.
. nnnri all kinds of soil, nroved bv actual exnc-
nn . . r",rtvA -.i.i.he svsiem. Uv m
U UtlNHOl.U, of Boalsburg, Centre Co,
In tlii tremtlM U will be wen tht th ohjrt has bn
to fr tlir fa:oir tbt kinl of inf. irmatton wbirh enable
: him to nikf practical a nrtl .ration to rVrtilii hit lantl anJ
luctraiM Ui grjiin.f'ilJar atod panarnaite. ThvJotrinM,
v tauLt hy :t.ir uuuriu. aii'l fultltr, rnnti aiturv cul
! tiTAtion j -t' m, arr rati, nal, i-lettr ant itl-Dt, anj -uc-p
-l m im;tn-Tf m-ril in tb n.i4 nf airricoltun- hitherto
; unknown t our frnuT, anJ nbth. if adoj-tctl. i.1
' e.ireln.Iy ptartictni can not fail to aUTanrr the Ititercata
if th. f;iruiinir -mm unity, foch a work ha la-i-n'mor-h
waiit-tl. aa it fiiN a T(.id which liu lonfr own telt, but
wliifh ih-rv ba bitbf-rtn betrn no atu-mpt Io ufi;ly.
And 1 .rin ra i f iVntn ami l!untiOKtl u count tr w?
rt .imnvnl tbr w-iTk tortery farmer, a th-y will r-ap
tin- trrrut-t h5hi11i bvuHt from it.
Chrifim t'nlt'.Oeorre Borbinan llinW Mor,nir
It nt. J (.!, Ipr. ImurM Aleianda-r, John Kaily, John
. ttiM'ii, li va-1 1'um-nn. John Hofftr. Jona. M'Wtllian.,
Jacob M'Vr, (..frrirr aity.T. Jr.. llury Mvyrr. John t jar
1r. Saiiiiuvl t.iliilau.i, Jcbn llafon. Ueo. Jack, Samuel
M i.n, luLn Il.-rinan, O.W. Mwk. I'hillijj M-yr. JmtH4
I r bale in Lt-uisbury by Da. I. URLtO(jEK.
Important to DagneneotypiststHIaible
Dealers and others.
MONUMENTAL Dajrjerreotype Ta
ses. A method has long been sought for
to insert in a durable manner, Dazuerreotype
: Likences to Head Stones and Monuments.
I have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant the in to secure
the picture for a long number of years.
The outside case is made of Parian Marble,
I and the box which enclones the picture and
keeps it in a slate ol great preservation lor a
long number of years, is made of brass a
crew biix It makes a verr neat job on a Head
Stone or Monument. Theyare usedin Green
wood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill,
and many other Cemeteries in the U. States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers
and Daguerreotypists. Price from $2.." each
to 9.5o. A circular of engravings will be
scnl ,oany a(JdlsS, free. With price IthU Ad-
dresi, A. I.. BALDWLN. Apcnt
of Uaufioktum Cou, Uroadway. Nuw York.
. as W1TESSES,
Jat Oil, TIIK
3 1"MN S. IYK in thr Autbnr. who haa had 10 inn
m axra-rtaficr aa a llaakrr and PatMlnhar, and author
rs whrri for to nucvfmiTr nihta o.cr SHr' eon leopl.
Qi:rei-tl him with riundM or ar-ptau... whilo ha axlit
r bitfd tli4 Baoner lu wbirh oaunlvrfritara exacMtr
ttirir frauds, aud tho a urvat and ahorUfst Mean of
2 rt-t-rIoc th. m ! The Bank Koto Koinncra all ajr
S 111111 U.IB rat;t JoJk of Pa.r Hotter lialng.
5- Orralnt Discmrru of the Present Ven-
2 fnr!fur'Tr,rrtinj Counterfeit BanhNotes.
Hearribintr eerrv aenuirra hill in exiatene. and exhl.
2 bitinK at a glanre every eoQnterSit in circulation!
Arranged aa admirably, thai refer Dee ia eaay and
q dfteetion inaiantaneous. No iod-x to examine. No
pnce hnnt u! Rnt ao alMpllrl.1 and arrantred,
r3 that the Merchant, Jfanitcr and Business Kan aan
CJ ar'J all ut m e'neier
73 Fnati.h. Fr nrh and Rerman, thru may each read
rrt the aame in hia own native tongaa.
g Mst perfect Rank Nile List erer published
Alan a list of all Die rieate Bankera ia America. A
rj rompleteaummaryof the Snaneeof Knropeaud Ataee
iea will be pubtiahed in each edition. together Willi ail
Si the impurtalit News of the Day. Alto,
g . , - - . A FaBIkf OF TALES,
2 From aw Old Mnnaarriat four. I In ILa Caat. ft fur-
nirhra the moat complete hi. lory of oriental Litia, e
(tf acrit-lnir the moat pirplexiair poeithna In wliiek Iha
. . ladiea and Kontleoaen of that eoamtrr have been ao
gi often found. Th-ae atortea will eonliona thronebout
S the whole year, and wlti prora the moat anteiuiniug
3 aver onVrwd to the public.
Q aj,rurtilheil Weekly to ntTnera only, at ft a
ea year. AU letters mast he nddreaaed tn
a - JOHN 8. DVIi, Raoara.
O PoWlfber and Proprietor. 70 Wall St. Sw Yum
a 0. W. SCHAfTLE'S
Drug and Chemical Emporium
Market Street , Lewisburg. Pa.
jTTv rLtKXIall kinds of 8-day ,nd
ftVem3(Miaur brass Clucks and patent lever
'tjaytime-pieces, Bra.s 6-day clocks at4,
brass 30hoarelocks as low as $1. All clacks
warranted (orxne year at .. J.L.T0DR'8
JameiF.UxaL' v J. fierrlll Uaa.
T'F. I J. M. LINN, t
i Allarnewi at lw, .
t'7 Toibn Ouunty, Prnn'a.
Market street, uexl door to Brown 4
Kilter's Store LEWI8BUR0. PA.
''PIIE subc ribers offer for sale, at the
1 Lewisbur; Foundry, in large or small
100,000 feel dry Hemlock Joists, Scantling,
and Plank, at $9 per thousand.
Sfl.MIO tinnles, at $i,50 per thousand.
5,000 feet small Building Timber.
Also a lot of Pine and Hemlock BOARDS,
Ralls and Fence Boards, on accominoaaung i
terms. OEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewlsbunr, May 15, 1807
Cancer InNtltuf for the Treatment oi
Cancers, Tumors, Wens, l lcers. Scrofula, or
anv urowm or sore, t,nriMiii; marasta 6, ,
rallvcantecured(ifcurable)wilhoul surgical ,
to f,,;1
stanip i
operation or poison, torall particulars
state diteases plainly, and enclose 25 c
aduirn I.i-iiprs must have a nostage sta
enclosed to pay answer Medicine sen, an,
distance. Address C L KLLLIrtu. M IK
Mechaniesburg, Cumberland Co. Pa. I
Mfrh.nlf.l.urc if mil"" from ll.rrW.unr.o. tl-C V. I
R.ilro.rt. M iM from .Ii p.rt. f 11- I
Old nd younr, poor .nd rirh. turrw H-w .ill do Jo. .
ir,l. rTolhn.llli,tl who not Ti.it n..prm-
n&liv. l m l pnf. tr uiaii.on wtim o sa quit. .
t prrpnrr MfHtirinf.wi'.h lull DirreticM r u-, Ac. SUt
II partlrulan. Alare a. abov onv-iu
TAKE M)TICE! The undersigned are
appointed Agents fur the sale of
Uoora, Dliuds & Wludow Sash
of all sizes, made of the best material. All
work warranted. l"?"Made by L.B.SPKOLT,
Hughesville, Pa. and for sale hy
nf w f inserting artlfi-
i cial Tecih, (Jam, &c, known as
41lcnM Continuous Cium Work,
without exception, the best improvement
mvmr made in the aft of llentistrv. This work, I
whea properly constructed, is tne most Deauti- !
fu ti,e ceanest,combines the greatisl strength '
w:h durability, and adds more to a clear and
(Jisiinct articulaiion, tliiin any other kind ofi
naaawav- :.raeTeriruirhiber"rvuiepub:ic. ad.i
not only tuift. lly a tp-autifui dl-mvry
viLlIJx -an cir ihe fao.it. n.iur.l expr.
aion.witbnut.in tlie leant. iuterferitiKaithineaavfuturiis
,, .
I woulil take llu Di.-t)i.Hl of iDt.
rorniinet)ioie inUrtnl
that I hat iturfhM-tiJ Ihm Hatat liicht f..r tlii alitM
ininT-mcDt, vt ill- inventor. J'.bo All. d, i nn 1 Nf w
Vurk.) fr tti in u-i m-rcfiU lji.tiinz cmudu-ii. aud ttiAt I
am DOW man ufac lunu an ari.clr ot T-lh modiiumr. that
will eom(iarfiiv'ra)'ly will, auy thing m tliut liu- iUu.1 hm
evt-r l'H niatltr tn tlii or any cthi-r coualrr. I alt,
aoi cRpeciaily Ihum' thatnri'd tf lb il tlin havfrugrd
tbfm or not,) to call, and tx-miin f-r thrtuM.vi;a.
Joll N LlX'KK, Ltiajnai;,
Offic and RtdiJ- Of (u Thirl ktrit-t, Di'ur .Urke-t.
Ofliff in UiLXuN.ou Itrotulway, nearCaUwallaAlfrVvxraer
West Branch Insurance Company,
OF Lock Haven, Pa., insure Detached
Buildings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm
Property, and ether buildings, and their con
tents, at moderate rates. Doin! business on
buthCash and Mutual plans. C'apital,i3uu,UUU.
Hon John J Tea
John B Hall
Chas A Mayer
("has Crist
Hon C C Harvey
'1' T Abrams
1) J Jarkman
W White
1'eter Dickinson
Hon. O. C. HARVEY, President.
T. T. ABRAMS, Vice J'res.
T110S KIT( Hi:.. Secy.
J.Mi:s B. HAMI.IX, Ae-nt,
627 I.ewisbur!;, Union Co. Pa.
th.inkiul for past favors
wonM statr that he has re
ceived ihe Fall and Wiutei
Fashions, and is prepared to
garments as usual. He will
endeavor, as heretofore, to
.execute his work satisfacto
rily to all. I.ewKsburp, Aug. 10,1857
THE undersigned have this SJ day of Feb. I
A. I). 18.17, entered into Co-l'artnerhip I
for the pvrpii--e of carrying on a Cieneral
Fouudry IIuhIiiomh at the Brick Fi.un
dry in Market street, I.ewisburc, under the
name and lirm of Frick & I.illey.
Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, lso7-
A genera! assort
ment of COOKING
bTOVES for coal or
wood, Stone Coal
Stoves, Wood Air
Tiijhi and Parlor
Stoves, Ac. in varie
ty always kept on 1
C ASTINGS of ail
kinds made to order-
iirb)ir$' & SiIilibrioL's' iitJ'irqpce Ccli)p.
Capital l,'25O.00O.
Assets $4ti,l5l 13, invented in Bonds, Mort
gages and other good securities.
BV FIRE ! There are but few who
receive sympathy who incur loss by neelectin
this most necessary and substantial precaution.
We often see itannonnced that persons have
loet their stocks of Goods and Furniture, and
results of years of industry swept from them
by the devouring element over hich they
have no control bnt by being insured.
Insurance protects you from the incendiary,
nelienee of servants and the casualties of
your neighbors. l will impart rtundnc to your cred
itor, and civ a rhararb-r 01 prudence and precanlioa U
all your bueineai tranaaftiona.
It reqnirea but n very small sum to i nun re in enm
ranciDK from $tK) to fllain. and yt b-tw many there are
who have no iiiNUrunre unn lloade, rurnitnre. or any
thing elaet If your Ptock is iimall, atill the Loss to yon
mtcbt tie aerioua.
Thia Cnipany lnnre Frri.PTyn. .VFRrni.xr
From SliiO to ot00,
at the Lowest Katt-a and upon tba mort Lita-ral Terms,
and I'kuMrt I'axnurr on Ihe adjustment of Loaa,
Hon Thn.ll rbnee I Jan.f K .Vealt I Edw.B Ilelrabo!d
(leo il.Armatroue I i'ha'a DtDmo I r.Carrol Brawter
rha.A.ltuliioeam I Th Maadcrfitld l.iaae Leecb,Jr.
Ueo. II elm hold
Uvnerai Snperinienilent-OHM THOMAriOV.
T1IO S h FblKCMJJ!, l'leaident.
EDTf'D B, HEI.Mlnii.n. Se-retare.
657 LEWISBCKG, Union Co. Pa
To the Cithent of Letcisbnrej.
rpHE object of this Card is to call yonr
I attention to the fact that you can buy
your Books and Stationery cheaper, and have
a larger slock and variety to select from at
JVetlMa V '.' f Aeon Baiksturt,
than any other place in this town. We wish
you to call and see for yourselves and thereby
be convinced. If yon were to consult your
own iuterest.you would givethis establishment
your liberal encouragement. We desire to
see a taste for reading grow up, and to fur
ther this we place good and useful works at
snch low rates as to be within the reach of
all. k'oung men desirous of improving Iheir
minds should embrace this opportunity of
furnishing themseves with Books of Travel
History, Biography, Narrative, Science and'
Art, which we oiler at low prices. - A
Sl'lsM.'RlUI for Harper's Magazine,
tbe Knickerbocker, Graham's and other
Magaiines, at the Publishers' rates, at
P. N EVIL'S ic CO'9.
SUBSCRIBE for the New York Ledger.
Ballou's Pictorial, Harper's Illustrated,
or any other Newspaper, at Publishers' rates,
Auctioneersand Commission Merchants,
261 North 3d st, 1 door below Vine, Vhifo.
UAi-r.3 "i mioi-j bum o.i-j", j
t!nns. Hardware, Watches, Fancy C.K,d,
AcEVKRY BVKMNt;. IV Conutry Store-
a. . . j e . l S U . .ao nr. i;..r.rfe
keepers and others will always hud at our
Evening Sales a large and desirable assort
ment of the above goods, to be sold m lots to
suit buyers.
"Uoods packed on the premises for Coun
try Trade. "I"- 25. I'31
antKA's f ELi:i:n.vTED
rpm flltEAT AMIKMYF.
I-.t uiwfil nrtl'-Ia tt
iuvfiit 't. lor hntt. o,rm r ulHcff. urpain in uLll-
i,y erj oiii-M
kiiotru. ai.wavs UhAb. i-.'K aci-lii AiMN.fttttw i
Te on P-K-r-Cloth. I. rh-r. arit.ir. IWli m I hi-
Tuj' ft.. it ins d "H'ttir. ii"t uv mw?-aiof jTmiT '
Hithia ihr l-t Uin "-r o.r.ii f i'-n 'o b.aiu..
of tln-ju.-tij iHiei rtl LUji ili i.l.l t. b.- ii n i.i. i
1 th- t" " ror,l!- hi' h ;' I""'"' ' j
" ; Jr.J. j -cur. d I, .. it a j
ni.uuta. lur. r lia f. ui,. it. at tiro--, difli.lt to ml .
ackno.l..l b. ail .1,.. l.ar ln.il.at ; m. m.ar. fa.- .
j - - .--
ItiLr. ".Vri 'rm't O' t'iruf t.i'in-1 fi't' Ikr Hi'.tt A'lhrnr."
TH'KMl tilt, i US is A biiTUK.
Manufacturil int yo!l. t"..'l.-alr ar.rl r:pl..ii, ty
VI M. C. I.:KI.A. Stationer,
No. 907 I h.-'tniit .-t , t'lii'a-tlrt,iat.
f-Lilwral tndix-rmrulsoairrd It. vr,lia drtuKJI yf
Milium the above rlitle.
riMIE followine. Ircm thnt eminent Phvsi
1 ciau ot Philadelphia, Dr. Brinckl. added
to the testimony oi Prol-ss.T Booth, only ci.n
lirms -hai is evidenced by thousands who
have used JIurtr't Vje.
MilPAr.i P.- W. CUE'TVCT STItT, ) 1
riiiutvi, ini. ih-c. nitt-r iu-i. (
In r?rd to Hwt ' ii n ifjt. 1 ci.n fUi; uithf.tn- ;
tirifjly , that it ciiitaiim on i- lftfrif.iii. inrr-lit-nL, an.t
may be onl itl rnUrt I'r'ymi'l wttli thr utmoil nvji- .
dence and iuecfit." W.I UK!N Kl.t, M. V. ;
JLner II f I'"cti'j e Jn.'S.
Are so well anil wmety Known, as to require
no eulocy of their m-'r.u, 11 is on'y necessary .
to sav, that the steady ami increasing demand,
ivesthebestevuleuce that they maintain their I
character lor superiority, v hicnuisiinguisnea
them when first introduced, yearn net.
Ordera. addressed to the Manufaet"ry, -o. i
4 Mi RACK street above Fourth, (old .No 114) !
Philadelphia. will receive prompt attention ty :
U7Uy JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufieturer. j
THK -J-.N r Till AM at K-a-
Jii g Iia- "nl T9- (1 tli- urrt-nr .f
T ubi t oj-inion. ani rjt:ftrm the ,
..I i.i re 1 1 an ao-iiti-n- '
tal tir. prt mtf ''nclu'sirly th
il-rnuj .- ttifc vl klt jHaI ,
WILL V.7 BflK. I
.i tract Uoin the Committal-'a !
p'.rt' U thelriul if Ir-iQ Saf.-S
at K-'itni: ;
"On th - .t! of Y trur ;i 1 rr.. ui1-t---jf i!i'nin
Diittvv met tu witurjs llv a-nls-f and tf.wki anJ p..rrj',
( Ii,..vd :n th, m. d v.rp- f-rl". t:v it.it at.! ,
ncht. TbeUy f.llowin tin bu: niu( tf k placr.under i
thi up-ruit'-uJe-n'- l il (.'uii.i t'.-r-. Att-r a tnir an
impartial barniiK f r n tK ur. th S-ifr f Vwr
I.vni i Wxtwn ft4 Am o)1'"' I- II" Salt-lii. .it tire 1
inoidc.nnl th cntrnT p.trtially r-i.ini'1. tilf tl.. j
t-ODt- nts in the rafe ot l'Wr.. rarrIa j lltTilurv in
pood condition, ant n f rt inid.n
Kr'ading, March 17.
(JibrntA) H.F FKMT. )
H. N. C'LKM X. Committer.
A IT 'V 'mi K.
Ani endomrd by cr - l ul b tt im ti "f Reftinic.
Th.- ixt- f tf. - i;in b-- in-l ' ! at V;tlnut Mrt.
where the riut.iK Jtr il::y them !! tf ib great ao
Iwri'Tity i t tti "Hv-rrine I'.il. it bam;.i. n." t.wr ihv
d9fe&tei aaid i.w-r 'insiJ- lrn l-vr tlanoandcr."
Walnut Str-ef. I h'hrlflrhlii.
Omv wiVrn'nJ'.j H:al- 'J Ji-mno'a i aieut Ouxm-
av .
i Wi" at:-mpt mad.- by f.tbtrr i rtit U
rfputatiin oft ff- wlil h hut fiiiUtt go
:.e,. b, takinc i
1 d-nUI t r in 1'bila lrlpl,i.i, (l:.tn-U-a.l P;
t-ttf cut nf an apnt' trc. (H. A. I artiO un.lf .'.
tlnci.nrft, vliilerxnt ir-.ia u.'wtiiy an.tta -t'urn uy J
r II rnin. ii ;.-ii-i. ia : it..- ir. -t itn n tru r--
ard. llerrioic ! rt-a'.i 1st iurtt, r-Tii crnelu-
aivt ly tt.at th'-oniy relial-ii- Mit n- w xnWii't If-mnj s
of wbirh ovr LVtHjO are now to aetunl us-.and more than t
2iA) have bt'en trid by trt- wtlhoiU a tiny! V xt. 1
WnnLEIALE Dkaikr is
3.Satii! li to liars e, Ihilad?libla.
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit
purchasers. April U 16o?ml
ET.IXS &. Wii0,
iftfffjtttirJfi f hilaiWphia Manu-
laLiiii en
'! :i? !5s4k Salamander Safes
'lae. . .... ., ...
Truth is Mikity, aDd Must Travail.
Report of the Cummitiee appc.inted to super
intend the Rurninz of ihe Iron Safes, at
Ileadihg, February -i, 1sj7.
Y.r: sivrh 4.
The nndrr.icned. ro mtjera of tlie a nmiitrr.do rea
pettully nf.-Tt. tl.at a ,nw the two vttt!, eriically
atrreed upun liv Farreia A llrrin and Kvan t auon.
plard si'te hv pi-ie in a litrnar. ir. : Tin- ate in life bv
tlie 1'avniaMer of the rtrita.lel.hia and Keadina Railroad
t'ompany. in hi r.llrr.. nt li.-a.Uui;. m:inuf.trturt-d by Far
r'la a lierrinir. and th .l'e in u. ly II. A L.intx, in
aieatorc.manufarturfd hy Lvana A Vataon,and pat in
bof'ks and papera pre,-i,rlv alike.
The fire wa. etartrd at H. o'elork. A. M.. and kept no
until four ctrd of gm-n iurk.iry. twoct-r.li, di v oik and
half rAlnut lop wimkI wrre eniiei-ly cm-ueai-d. the
wh'.ln unilt r lite KUinnl, ii-lr,!" cf the eu i-.-CTiber-,
member f the! omaiitk ... The !ata were I tx-n eooll
oft with e.w. aOee whi.-h tl-y wTe .-(H-ni I. and Ihe
tpk and i ap-ri tnken out be the t'opintittee and l.ik-n
toll A Lantx atiTe fur pul-lic eniiuut;un. a:tt r II -y
WTe firt examined and marked ly thi tVir.mitlee. Thf
book and paHr- Ldt-a fitui the Ml mattutartured be
Kvans A Wat. on were I ut clU-titly alff-led by the inten
hemt. while iboee laki n trom the f ntanulaelured by
Frr !a A UerriD); wre. in i.nr ju.!;;iitnil..lanistl fully
fifteen pT eenL mora thun thio-e taken troiu i.vaaa A
:uon"rt San-.
We DlieTe the above to hare been a fair and impartial
trial of the rei-ective uaiiti, - of t"th nf-..
J A i i ll II. M -HK.R.
HMI.I. S. lll.STt i:.
ftavine been abeent durincr the hutmair. we fnliy en.
ineele with the alc tiil,m nl of the cndiltcn ot liae
papers nnd books taken our of the retpeeitve Safes.
. A. Menu..
II II Ml ill KMiERO.
CvatlA ii. WalNosi have now on hand
300,000 pounds i f the above S.FES,
which they ntler for sale on better terms than
any other manufacturer in the United States
April 3, 1K57 67iyl
W.The f.llowlp on med trrntVmen.ee.i tents of Read
ing and itkinity. wl.o taw the rir,--ave pur.-ba,ed
Safra tr..ra KVANs A W Al'su.N aince lhe burning up U)
May Ut, I8i7 :
ti A. Media, l.-r-.l ! Hlrah. t-aae I'.nili, Kirk A Itfis
ter. Vt". llhoada A s,,n. Henry W. Misainrr. br W M.re,
ti-!i men lih iada. Levi L. eniilh. Ilish A Iraie, Wm.kirk.
Kantman k bi:m. Wni Sl rarli-e. ileo. J. ivkert. J. M.
A l. W. llansb Lra Milter. Jaa.JamiMu. J.lt. A A.U.
Warner. Ja.-oh Sebuiueker, Wm. Kinir.V. 11. Schollrnbrn.
er, K. K. Company, II. A. Lanta, W U. A r. r. trman
tn ut, J. P. Brideicana. Bilimeyrr. Follmer A Co., ili um.
Engraving and Seal Cutting
OF all kinds, at 204, Ihesnut Street,
PillLAD. Visiting and other CARDS,
Corporation and other SEAI.S.and everything
in onr line of business, promptly attended to,
in good style, snd on reasonable terms. Or
ders from Citv and Country solicited.
THE subscriber con
tinues ta carry on ihe
Uv?ry IIuslneiN at
lhe Old Stand oa South
Third street, near Market, and reapectfullj
solicits lhe palronage ol his friends and tin
pnblic generally. CHARLES P. HESS. --
Lewisbnrr. May H, IRfiO
all engaged ia the service of the lT.f
I in the War of 1H. and for Iheir Widows, at
, the Oil-ce of the Lcurisr.'ar; Chiouicle.
jrnr-3 : a.
New Arraig tan en t!
AT the Mammoth I)rng & Chemica
Emporium of
The undersigned having purchased the ei'r
Mammoth Drog Store formerly kept by ltr
Thorntun Co., are now ready to fiJl Orders
I ana rreseripuons at a moment a notice We
I uave a la,se lnd wei rce nloc 0t't,h
,nd pure pKias, UED1C1SRS, Chemieal.
Dyesluffs, Oils, Paints, Glass, Pulty and
DKtoul.-lb OLAbSW ARE,
All kinds of 1'utrnt .V'dirhtet,
Fruit and Confectionery,
TobaccojSnutT.and Imported Cigars of the
rhoicest brands,
Fanrv Aorinns end Toitti Artirl
! Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of ail kinds
liart.nr aD Cosis or svsar naiiTl. '
j Hooks and Statloaery,
a general variety uf Literary andSchoui Books
rine un, a.ani ana riinuLamni of eTerv
descri ptioii ; (reh Pine Oil and latent Banv
fluid alwaT on hand.
li ana Liviiujts or all kindj
for Mrriiemai uses.
Fire l'ru'f an-t Zinc Painlt.
1'resf rvin and I'n tlisp Jars, &c
r?"Cnstoii.ers will find our stock complete
comprising many articles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us. one and all, and see our
stock ; and if we can't sell yon cheap goods,
we will not ask you to buy.
We are always on hand to wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Drugfetore!
I.ewisbnrjr, l"r. ion Co. Pa. 709
.The subscribers, thankful for
wpast patronage, would inform
j he puMie that they continue t
wmanufaetnre all kinds of MIL!.
(KAhl.Mi and other Castings. Thrashing
Machines and other Machinery repaired in the
best manner. Castings warranted t bs o
5"od material, ai.d at prices that can not fa'3
to please. CEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewisbnr?, Feb. 1H51
-i(i(iKQ Slovrs of varimi
I '. k arious atlerna
J an(1 sizes, lor Loal or Woo , for sale
atthe Lewisburg r ounJry by
liedJea. Marsh It Co.
O TO IKS J'arlor, Wood, and Cost
ij Stoves, various patterns, for .-ale at the
Lewirl.ure F.-undry. (iedjea. Msi.h 4 Co.
tUIAKLi'.S rnttnt tiang I'lowTasup.
I V rior article', for saleal ihe Lewisburg
Foundry ly Geddes Ma.-rh & Co.
RMS or Seed Drills Ross' Patent
rlecidedlv Ihe ie and most durable
(rain Drill nowin use. for sale at the Lewisburg
r ouLUry ly
(iedde. Marsh & Co.
Enssey's Grain Reaper.
for cutting Loth Grain and Grass
AXlTACTirRED and for sale at tie
Lewisburrr Fonndrv hr
VOTIi'K. Havin? leen appiiinted th
XI SEXTON to the Lttrisburg Cemetery,
the subscriber m ould state that he is prepared
to pe rfi rm all duties connected with Ihe burial
ol the dead, on short notice. Also that he will
attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons,
CDiier the direction of their surviving friends.
KfMilence in the Lodge at the Gate of ths
Lewisburg, Slay 30, 1S54
23 478 LBS- JBSt recpived al tte
ft.Pll XetADULy. Farmers and Black
smithv, call and see the largest and iff as
sortment of Iron ever offered on the West
Uranrh. Having the exetusite control of the
celebrated Yalsxtiwi's Centre county Iron,
he is enabled to warrant every bar. A:i
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse
Shoe. Nail Knds, Ac, at Cian prices to all.
Call aud see the Hardware Store of
Lewisburg, May 10, 1855.
Ilelniliultl'it Genuine Preparation
Highly concentrated Compound Fluid Extract of
IOR Diseases of madder. Kidneys, Gravel,
Drupsv.Weaknf s.ses.Obsiruciuns. Secret
Diseases, Female Complaints, and all diseases
' i f lh,- eual I irean" ari-inie frrtn en-ea-ive and in. prcd
enei. s in .ilr. and riTn'.vinir all improper lirbarar. fri m
j the Blailder. hhlney. or eexua! Ori:ana.wbthrreiistina;
I in Ma'.eor lVm.iie, fr. a whatever eaue they may bare
' eriuinal'-d.
I and no matter cf how h ng standing,
Kiriui; Hi alth and Via-r tn the frame, and Bloom to tba
Joy to the Afflicted!
It earvH Nr.'.i tin.l t-r-i litntt-sJ ?urTrr. and rtiaovu
all trw tiYMI1TieM.moopr whirh mty b touod
lDli: (tsitii n t ei-rtiuo. Ir.- of -cwi-r. lotM of memvj
diffi' u.n rf trt-.it ti!P. e n t1 w. akn-et. horrr-r of d-tv
tj.t:ak Drnt.tri Bit'liuf, drrfttltoi horror of dvatb,
ti-i' ti. lan.tior. uniT?ral lan-ttode the iit
tu'HT fy.t)-in, f-tu n t'Dormoiir art' tit" itlk
OTst-i't nirtnms. h- t bacda, floabiog f
the? i-!y. Jrvu- of tltr ft km. paihJ cuno-tnn-r
an j eruption on the fmr. fain
' in ihf tut k. haYim( of the TfIida
fre-iueiil.T hlack ru flTtns WlVrri
tin.- eve- with temporary ftufluiiii.n and
if fi'fit. want if attentifo. (treat
aOl-iliEy. and iIlefwoejam. witb borrar of
kk it ty. NoiMrir if ni'Te rJeiraM to nth
j rtin tlun ootituJe, and notiiinfc t-Wr man
tliert'l for fe ir of t h m-e.Trn ; no repfoe of
snnrr. mat e-m rn-i rae-iaat. m p?riiJaaiiia, hmt a
Lurri'tl tratixiu-n from otio queriii'n to asotner.
IT.e-e .rtll., if allowed to t -n whirl, thia nMMK
t ivv inaialiy renicves Mon follows Loo OF Pcwtt,
tr ity. Kptni'Ttc J itx in one of which Ui patierjt
may nXf.rr. Wbo ran Mt tliat UitM (IMih art not
frii(iti fallowed ty tJiof- i iff til di-aM9 Iaaity
ai 1 CooMtMf tron r Ibe rron) x.1 tho Innno inliai,
anl trie niftnrhiiy lr-ih? by Conftvm ption, lar anpia
tt KtiniOBy to tb troth of aerti4nn. In Loratv
A.-y'uni the mint melanrfc--! exbititivn a) pe-ar. Ite
rnmitenanew ta wrtualiy aoo'dn nd quite dmlitotr aev
ther luirth or ftirf - r viatU it. Mauuid a avOAtt of U-
Tr ice orrnr. it io rarely artirnlat.
"With woefal ttK'RwnreA, wn Uotrawtr
j Lew f ulU n MUDtis Ins gritl bepniied."
Dt Hlity in nHiat trriMeI nnd has brovtcht thonMnff
urton tt.usntiJ(i to utitimely ftravia. .nun biaKtiog th
amHtioo of ninnr nob I TODth. It e in cured hy Lh
j u-roflhln INKALLlHI.t: REMK1.
If you are aufferinif with any f the atVre dffetfrtait
aiinienttt. the k'Ll 11) EXTK At T BLi lit will curt yon.
Try :t and be ernviut-vd of it rfllra?.
itaWium or Qcacx NotsmHca.in Qtact lrTtM.
who lkUely tont of aliliti.a and rffrrvneeii. CitiT'D
hnnw autt avoid thvm. and rat IrHfr aii(IVri"Ft ner.y,
: and ezpi -ore. hy M-nJ;np or calling ltr a hulUe cf tht
j l'i aular I S-rtlic Kmedy.
I It ai-! alt (.tain acd iiitlninatioB.is ferfruly pieafast
! In Its taete and odor, hat innnediate to it actum.
U j. reared dirertty am.r !iec to tho Itolra Of tHJM
MM I AXD rilFVrsih Y, with tfco enalost arroracy
atid t'bcDiira. knoa.fle-'e and rxro devoud in ita
nation. lee Pro!ik.r Uewees" a!naM( Works no tf
1'rtM'ttr of tair, and moAt of Ui Into SUtu.axd M wU
of M til i rine.
0o nuDdmi Dollar will ha pnid toany Phyridaa
ran proTe that tho Medicine ei. r ic;urd a Patient raad
the taUni(y of lituusandacaB he retire.) tc j-rcrr thai
it tUm-m tersasat w.-ttA. PtnawM nf fVrtn Ufa W k to tniltn
year-' sundins faavn barn rffrcvrxl. Ti e rf
tary TaumotiT io pts. -sion of tbe Proprift. r, (iochic
its vtrtnea and cwrtm novera. to tmmeo.. ftnltcu
uaKS will knuwn to tlt.i K ANi ilitK.
100,000 BottUs Iare Brn SoM,
and not a sinirle inalanre cf a nailnre baa been report
Personally arpearrd be lb re an aa aldennan of !
f 'Iv of Philadelphia. II. T. Hr"l. rkraliat. wan reirj
duly sworn does ray. that aie preparation coaleiae n
Nareolie, altrrury or injurtooa brtifr, lut arayrreiy 'e
getabaa. U. T. lUnaou. Sola Uaniuae'jrar.
Sworn and snbKlibed beS re me thia 'd day of Sovrav
aer, WM. 1L P. lUBOASD, Aldannan.
J'rice, 1 per Bottle, or Six for 5 Dthverti tl
my Adores),
aerorr panted by rellabh and laararobfcCertiaWfcMB"
proaVKora of Medical tollesaa, tlergj men arel lrp.
i-r.parludsoidby "rHW,nia.
.Vo. H M TmlK .,beiea r.aah,afllra." mrV.S
rn.TV be fimSrf nnfpi-rs irtH Pmlrrt Mr, akai ia.
I'Mirei Ataits, Uaai'iiua end A tOU VVoaaacai.
BrwAHE or cocTrErrn-
A,k for Urmtld'-1dst r I'tker-Carts
f.uaranicd. -"T ..
tMiy r. y. ' .111 iIi-,": "