Cljc fcroisbnrg (Ojrofiiclc,! - iiDErnET riwiii jrtra, 1-iSUfJ Ffidtt$t at fjewihfmrtjfUnkm Co.Jt. j TFRVf. per Tr, t. nr. rin r irvrr m l ' t lh rule fir lon.'nr or jhrCir primt. Tim-. M rt trill pay for tour wot In, . rto ttrri ai-'ntli.. I Jot. : t.r right WMtiili, - lul. fur fciUt-a immtlta. J vk-l.ttr j fr, Ar Siiulf Xu.V, ,' ft. I'l-iyim-nt tu.! (inii.l) t r reived i plt, pott? fttitinp. or hank it".- Mt tlirir t VAiUt awn.. .Vwt kinJ Frtxlu.; n-rri.tnl at the -itUee. th time f-xpirei.. fr whU-h pnpr ii paul (uuiu-w wr hv a runniug pc-uuI,i it i $'CVl'i'b ApTKaTltU.Al hn.l'iUt;IputjliIi.-J. at ft nT f tuar.- oui wei-k. 2i et-.ra.-li ttff in-i ti- u. dl f--r hj uuatb, S dot. per .r. iUH ii.nv- J., cl. 1.. el, 2 d.jl, :. J"l. Tjiiirrt-lW.l "-"1- Mi-r-liftiiu.&t. ; bMom on feuTth f aroluu.ii, to Jul. jut irr. Htli.r a-fr. Ac bi may W ftr--wl tifMjti. A -iijrr i I Yuwr -r f.mIU-. I vh. wr 1 next larger. A lvi-rttM-nt- nl ot a 4cntrIi'i" trtiJrory, and Ur cut, u -t iiiimltt-.t. Communications -IV-irr 1 on t-ii-x of .nrral intotfM n-c aiUuu tin ratier of -r .t.ri.ii rotitoft.uuil r.Miupautml i'j the writer's rvl name and midrr---. Thr MAiiM TU'TKi.Ki;i; l'H U lot-ah-d hi tlii-ofW of the Ctn-n-'rU. bv uhi- h ulim iuvrl UujM-riuul V-ks in aUanc of tlir't'liila I. Ma.!-. r(tnnrt- rith t1i OlrW nrf !tn.... mtvrl il iVr mo: l ktn.Ut J.)B PRINTINS, wiii-li will . t tiled fcillt ratuf a aai depalrti and n riMSiti..M- Uriu - It ' uil AivrrtiM-wntji to be --aid fur wben baitj-il la, tjj MVrk Im:u -!!: vr-J. tKKK'K.-u Mirlt.-t ?i-inarp,n.'rlh?iit,.m.v1'iiJ ,-ti'rcv . fid JiMr aWfv tu l''-t tU-c j Voi:ii:y A- CturvKi.irs. IjCtrisbttrf, FuilUY MtlKXIXG. T. ". ls"7. AnVKRTIZF-Mniif i. Inr. r. M. i vtiant. sl-. t: s nii-s Publii. omcni in City an I Cunitry. I' atl -ho wipli ! nr m-II .h.iuI.I l.i W.-II t.. i'iii.!...r cti--t'Stumo ol tho .iirii'mrit t Vi-io., Mliicli l.a. m i.sruf fhJ ilicrftin rimii.iTi.iii in a r..iuiiiuiiit y roiilainin a tir-i inifMrti u nl arltvi'. snlyi'iit jtiuis Tji, 'itu-liiu-t auJ avulvri1, any to l!u stnlf. Oj" Sec Xosv idvoi I Isctiioiit. . ", , . , .yir. .Miles, 1 caeher of he hoys Grammar School, Lcwisburg, will tierform ... . , me uuues ot .ticcrionei r, in louii or Country, if required, on SitarJ-iij only Mr. Miles is well ii.ilifel. rMr. Robt Caldwell, from the upper , end of Northumberland county, returned ; - ,i ..r...- - r ..t.... (,. ' a-jevuiiv Miiei .out leaiii umiiikb iu Australia. (sy-Am ng the American l're'sbyterian Missionaries supposed to have been murd ered iu India of late, are Kev. John E. , Freeman and wife the latter, formerly Mi.-s rcdeuburg, souie tune a rcsiuetit ot Djuville, I'a. Jlhok arrived at his home iu , this place, on Saturday last. He is in the eiij iyuicut of excellent lu aith and liac spirits, 'as bis defeat was anticipated ira ii the begiuning, he is nit at ail dis- heartened by the result of the election.. r.,icn,ra Ar.,,, 37 iast. Gonli Xkws. Gov. Walker and Secre tary Stanton, we are telegra-d cl from K ausas, have decided to reject as fraud n it 'the return of votes from Oxford, 1 , ,-, ..ii : . 1 Johnson Couuty, were a pretended major. J . t ... . 11 7 J 1 r i:y of hixttv.H HumhcJ was scored up for the Democratic l'ro-Slavery candidates. This secures a Free State Legislature, un less there be some juggle with the returns from other Districts. This is the first streak of clear daylight from Kausas that we have seen. A Mass Meeting was held at Lecomp tou on the 19iu, to protest against re as- ii .. .r.l.-l ii :...imn.l IV.n. fcmuiing o. .uc oogu, e,....ui.u. . s ..o- ventinn. It met ucvel theless. in Kausas, instead of Missouri, whore it might have j been welcome. X. Y. Tntuiio: ! A man from Centre county, "f rail cr , rcsvetablc appearance when sober, was ar- j rested iu Lewi-down, fur b iug drunk and t'urowiiiL' a stone at some little "iris, the t-t'iuc breaking two glasses iu a street lamp. The whiskey feat cost him 4 hours em . , . i ti .1 1 fincment in the j ul, and all tho money he bad, to pay Cce and costs. SVKIAS WllKAT. A geiit'.emin friin Alabama received from the Patent Ollico some Spring wheat, from the Holy laud, which he sowed last St ring. It came to maturity in eleven weeks, producing a large, full bead, with a berry iu cv.ry re- i-pect equal to tho original. This wheat , is reputed to ripen in Sria in t.ix'y days from sowing. To prevent litnlots from tproulinj, the old sea captain destroyed the germinating principle in the potatoes. This he effect ed by simply boiling them five minutes, uftcr which they keep for mouths, and may be boiled as wanted. Might not oth er vegetables, and even some fruits, (say apples,) be treated tho same way, aud thus lu Wi ! -VC a"! Ta7 A . 7 VvtltaM tltltn Tl rW 1 - - . I A "Mabbyiso Man." IlevJ.S.Dubs, 1 pastor of the German Reformed Church in . Allcntown, Las married since May, 182-, fifteen hundred' and suej three couples. 7 , , , , , lias niarricet siuce nu.jour iiunaria aun , , I "J ... ..' ... , I should think well calculated to advance all We learn that a horse, a quiet, sedate, ' the material interests of the county. Tho boggy horse, the properly of a family near whole pcoplo seemed to havo coiuo toge Shclbyville Ky., was scared to death the i ther; ladies as well as gentlemen served other day by seeing an elephant. They ' met on the road, when the pony gave one look of affright, fell down and died. A Danvera correspondent of the Salem Gazette sayi that several shoemakers in that place have bought land in Virginia at one dollar per acre so of some of tho ! xhc Federal Government has united in manufacturing hands about Haverhill. tuc general movement of suspension so far Quaint old Fuller says : "Let him who I as to stop redeeming its funded debt, expecte one class of society to prosper in The excuse is that between the rapid re the highest degree, while the other is in deuiption of stocks and the slender receipt distress, try whether ono side of bis face of revenue, the Treasury was being fast can smile while the other is pinched." j depleted, and Uncle Sam would soon be as The sensitive actor who could not sit in ! poor as the rest of us. the same room with a tea urn on account I i;,11Un VA.Uv O. t M A distinct of its hising, has recently been so seri ously injured by a burst of applause, that it it feared he will nut recover. It was never determined until recently, h jtruck Dilly ratterson. No one doubti bow that be was .truck by the Tanic. WA drunken man named Shell was lying on tho track, near Milton, yesterday: l'bil., train !a oyer Jul i..:'. bin:' ftJ-Wc o?o to notice the success of j the UwwW UiiWiTMtv Stui!cnt,ii3 thry enter u-.nn tho busv suea of lfe Fraukliu 11. Uuo, was elected Treain- rcr 01 UuntinjJ luu county, OQ the lolh - . . .a inst. t . . i- Si., i if. i"J,r'- ,vu"y rcinovca irom Shirlejsburg to Jerwy Shoro, atul taken tho Pastoral charge of the IJanlist cliurch 1 iu iua latter puce. ti. Alexander lVllz. ltavin? been mnr ried and oi Jaintd in l'liilad.-kdiia, has underlaken the gathering of a church in a uey Ueld iu the Uj-er J,art ot iNew ork city. lJut MorJecai T. Kulli failej of election as 1'rotli.inotary of Chester county, !y les than 100 votes a "Straight" chajt ru'' iiing off with a few huinirejjj just sulli-, e'ent o defeat Mr. ltuth. j Death cf Gt .. l.Esr. lion. Valcu : tine liest, died at his residence iu l'at vil!e, Wcdiii sd.iy cvcuiiijr, Oct. 2s', acd about lu years. He had been Ivlitor and Publisher of the Ianvil!e JuyHi'j.nccr about SO years, and was member of the Mate N.'u:itc from IIS to IN.'ill .ill, oueyear 1 11. aciing as fjieaKer ol that loly. lie was a tnuu of "rial dcci?iou. unswerving adhc reuee to t'ariy and to friend, and belov.d ; aud (lure iu I'tivato life. lie was the old- est practical printer in business iu Central . , v,m anJ WM ,,,,, j , . , . r .. '. ' his fellow cralisui uicu. At the uioetin" of . .. .... ., . , , ,. iu. OIUUII..I iiniviniij iu .1 UUdl 1JSI, Uls hospitality won every heart. It was pain- fully evident to us, then, that his course was ticarly run. Honor to his memory ! '."" . of the I'uiversity at ' vn ou Wcducsday to t . i . , ... . Q .. ,,,.v elect a 1'resideut, but the Charter reouir- ' iiii. Hill IIU.III' V Ul OlIO Ul IIU.-.IIU ,i i .... , ,. , .., .-u .j.iurcu uau. tuc-Miay me iiiu l'CC. W'u decui it una Ivisable to make any emmo-uts up n the diutinguished names spoken of iu connection wilh that bouora- Llc; nhc' Th'!se w!l"u tl,c mMer c mfi Jed blioul 1 be left un-'utbarrasacd in t!lu'-' action. Like the choice of the pastur of a church, let the preliminaries remain Wltli osc concerned. It is advisable for "-' "' sufficieut for the pub!ic,'.hat the rCiuIt '"Ivci at be auuouuced at the pro- per tnno. U'TX-Finaneial cuibarrassmelit will some vhat iuterrupt the usual flow cf money to bcDCTolcnt ilitutions, but tlsc who 'iavc escaped losses should imvc more liber-1 ped losses should give ..11- ... i. .. c. i. a: :.: HJ ' UlURi: Ull lot PUCll UllllUUlllOUS. ' . uuin-i-a iuii ociiiiuaiics ol iearuillg geu craily show fewer students this fall than hitherto. The American Tract Society is suffering from that cause and from the Course of its Oifi-ltfe-l in T-ioblin In lh imperious demands of the South. The divisions making by aggressive Slavery are E-ajrWe have on hanel rc-Tcrnl Ilulg niarkcd, year by year to tho discerning I ma?, Ac, the inililioaliuii of which vc mind, "diuio or Luin is tue very cs- Kim. The Lykenstown Juinud gives 'ho credit of tho following rich morsel of literature to Snyder couuty : C n Township. Take pertikelur Notes. Xotes is hereby given to all personc finding themselves or anybody else, cju , sarncd iu the Sool business that thcrs will be a mealing held here by the Sool i :.. .i.. H..1.1:.. . i t J'oie. in mu a uoiie, uwi uuuee, uiuiii up nut wfy faf frQm and a utile norsc of the ( anal, on tho Venesday of this Weak. Vours truly be kase the Sool liure will tneate here for finding suitin persons, lo Teach our boys 1 .1' girls I will rcmein as ever bckase lui the President of this Sool liaro. mviu under my hand and sclc this anno domino Suuudrod and usevcn. lours truly J' i triTA business letter from Philadelphia 1 fo the Vliron'ule., dated lst iust. says: ; 'I believe We've lii.l -in l'l olion ,l.orn I liLllcVC l e Uaa an l.Utllon down (lore but T eni't HIV rr-r.t.t lint ut l,wt iiere, nui i eau l say except that we lost our ash barrel from the gate, which I sup- . el r pose the boys wanted to make a bontiro 4 wiih. ''Hut did any one, since the great Flood, ever hear of such times '! 1 have seen Cholera, and heard of Yellow Fever and other sorts of l'lanues. but 1 have never seen any set of uieu look as they d), all around, now. It is frightful, aud the effects are only beginniug to be felt." I.Ai'OUTF. FAitt. The little county of i ' ! Sullivan new, hi"h, broken, Cold as it. is ; esteemed to be had a Couuty Agrieultu-1 , , ral 1 , . t-.i r it r . i ' air On thO lOth, lull Ol Splllt, and WC j as Committees ; and tho Reports show cul- tivated miuds aud practical ability. Al most every family seemed to desire to show sumrthinj to add their mite to the interest of the occasion. Older counties may well imitate their example. , . . j , shock of an earthquake was felt thro'out this eity at 3J o'clock this afternoon. The people were frightened and rushed out of their buildings. No damage was done. It was also felt at Forestville, N.Y. Elder Ilcber C. Kimball, the Mormon chief, goes "Squatter Sovreignty" strong, and it is said is fortifying himself and all his IVmecratie brclbreu to ro.-iJ forviMy t! e V S au'litity LEWlSIJUUfr CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH Written for th fewtbarj Chronict. ATt 'i"AV,UL-t.2 1. Iu accordance wiib ' tLo CJlicluiion of tbc TcacbeM of the S.Tt RiAY,Ui;t.2l. Iu accordance wirb ; (JU1" u"a aoy.lcr counijf leaelien Itli ru n In- M fit Mttl,..l,i.i.. ..... .JthTuh - e, cm and directors of ImtLiIoo townbLip : tin t -it V.i fi S,..i.,.l irnnU --y - - -v ....... ! Alilfew iiauuK S IU 6:iil towusuip for tlic j Vfoae ot orgatuzing a wturicK lostitate. T..OC... K- , i V " " "IT" ""rinan, auu av. v. i.ituw oecretarv, Pr0 ,c,u- , An address was .hen delivered by C. E. '""""-i ,Jll;u luB oojeci, mo impor - tauee, and also the maimer of conduclini' Distr et Institutes l).strietlu.sttut.s. Uu in ilion, it was resolved that the sub- i.etfir discussion at our next weetm O s!ia!I be Heading ; Written and Mental Arithmetic, the best mode of leaching it, etc. lics.ilvcJ, I hat all the le-aehcrs and Directors of the towu.shiii as well as all others who feel an iutcrcst iu the cause of education, are re.-pec! fully iuvitcd to at- tend our next meeting. ... AdjottrneJ to lnivt again at the same: ; .,)., Saturday, 10 o'clock, A.M. ' J' ' ' 11. F. lSituws, See. i The Illinois Ckntual K.ui.itn.Mi is '''-' richest of Western Koads. It runs I!"'es through a j riucely domain, sev- I Cral miles in width, given it by Congress. lt w:ls luilt ly the Mite of Illinois, i .!.; .1, .. L r.. :.. t i. i.. " "---- v..-...j vww..,. ! ',s Treasury are poured every year nearly 0011,000 of, while only about ' ?1,00,M00 is drawn out for expenses. i lis stockholders have otily been called up - . , ... . . . . . on for 10 per cent, of their subscriptions, , , ' , ' , i i .. 1 1, , .,. f.r i . ,. , ,.. , 'he rest. l tth unpiestioucd credit for .... ... """"-, 'uc i.asiern excuauge , ,f4vc3 u,ab,c ,0 oltaia CVCQ a fcW ..,f . , ., tnousai.d for present emergencies, and it is compelled to suspend paytneut until the cii.-is is over. M.VNLV. The fijsUm 11 raM has heard of a very creditable act on the part of an . , I, , embarrassed manufacturer. He employs a lare number of fcmaics.but beins forced i by the money pressure to curt ill his oper- aiinns, lie recently discharged a onsidcr blc poiliou of them. After paying their wages in full, he informed them of his in ability to employ thciu longer,uf his regret , j- - ., i i - .i . i . at dismissing them, and hoping that better , times would soon dawn, prcseutcd each of thcra wilh JM , ,, , All sorts of property trc effected by the times. The Washington correspondent of the Trihunf. says that "Dijr2ers'' have de clined thirty-three per cent ia Virgiuia, j and no sale at I hat. ' Fallen leaves are reckoned among ihe f '"J- of manures. .. ,, ;n 1.n,i,i,.,.r. pvi week. Si. k Head-Ache can be cured by the use of j DC V ALL'S GALVANIC OIL in from fi to iu j minutes. Sore Breasts and Sore Nipples are ; cured soiiiullv by the use of liie Galvanic Oil, i aud it will remove all sore and pain in a few j minutes. I - - - . tioi.l.'iWAY'.-i pii.t.s i.r..tnrc a niKt fnriiri-ins j ! '"' eiii ! iiii'iiiir. Tiiebn.k.n . . il'n.'iraii--rari-. tv fullirii iit Titalily l.i .uIaiu hipiuael. alril l.irtu in mi erivt iH.sillnn, ia ai.n ri-nriTntcil anil l.r:itssl liy tin- iiiTiror-itilitf r-II.-i-t of ttn. pri... rtn ri.ui', ami In a li"i Irani'- la n animalfj an.l til I-1 whit i-in-r-t-v. Ili-a;.irita r..iiuii' llieir Lu-iyaney, ar.ii lie f.-.i a lii-w mail. Siii-li is Uu' i-iliiri.-nrt nl llioiiaaiitl". Lou-ir.-iitT ilt j.-nila in a "-n-nl miri-ur,. ni in tin regular an.l fn-altiiy a.-liniiiif tin" or-rnn-i nl .li.-linu an.l i-n-ri-liKn, mut u-un tlie-a.. ori-ms Iliilluu:i rill'a o, 'irate irn.iat iUy. ar.Th-.T4 t. niilliin-r in tin whole liat'.f tnedieine ire atins uh a al:r aneiny inial: la aa IT. .Kia..r,r, Aoij;-urut-r or l.iv.-r n iinsly. Il i-iim fwh iinirk rf'ief as u. r.iio iii. i' tin-' I'Utn'iit nl ns-i'ii nix lcni'lit alinnal aa iwin a- tin i liriiii' i. tnlo n. VVe ilo nnc ktrnw ol a sinnle in- .tarne rh.r-! it let la-i-n tiken withnat benefit, anil in in nr'y all n-i-s a rnniiiU-li-iMire ia .-iltis teil hy its uae. 11 li;i! n.-iii iri-,1 it i ui'I.t i "l utarity aimfly tas-anae it ilnea 1.1 .L it i. ri i- .lunn U'lt-I li it.', lt ia ismalautly enlarff in - il. rirrle i.f fri'-ii li. rnrryin le :ititr i-n its w m- s. an.) jov tn lh- liearta nl thorn auliiTin-i foini Lifer Com rioi.t. j..ui,i..... ny-i 1-1.1, or i..rat -J.uaiy. ,PAI1. itK.-T.iit.TivR.r.TT en. m. we think. i. n i Uli o. m tl.e i' ini..ii H..I th. Iinniaii hair is tl ..atur,! ..ruanu-ut llut ia paaaaenl wilier I.y a f-i-ntl iiiiui ar a laily. .lu-t yntl atmiri'lei r..;itnres, lhiik,r,, .j , .., u.a,i,,c; '.mm: t.e hf-ahi. hat '" r' " '". ii.e.-hartn haa y,,i-ii.-.i. -.r ,.,:,tMh ia wultfii in lua l.::lil li.-;i,l, and tile plury liaaiieioint uii tin-ms it,- i.a ta tint nnr,. tii.nri-iie.i t ......ti II...... I i. II... .-..j.. ..I ll... msll. , k if (, ai r-1 Ml. Ii -.i-i a rt'liitmiiiii; I nt nl liie rir-euiii-tatit e en alii. Ii llo I .lli.aiu i- ifnaiil la fenna. tl : il civi nt.. fiir Kmtna, a teik nryenr lisir." A I.;i. hill I ymli-; li-v.-r In-.k rnurae anil ri-heil: 'l Mere a rin lit ri-lli-a rai nii.ieat a prayur So lake Till, a Hi'Ll: wiu," tlic .learrn-ature rei-liej. Niw, tn i-n-vi nt .n- Ii a pntn.-lr" le, is within lln- pnw it or i-Tery la ly ami -rmtlt-nten ; rur. liy Halnts l'n(. Wn ! a lliir ileat'iratiyi., hair la nut only nTenusl ft-nm Lillne ell i.r tuni ng i:ruy. hut 'he arliele will reatoTe It-ilr l.'t hal.l .laei.a; alitl eTi-n il it h.1.1 i-hanji"t i-nlnr anil lassime i:rav,it will Itrin,; it tiaek In Ita irialine l-eailly anil luxuriance. Tlu,.e who are a.uainteil with the atiatiiii'iny, pliysinliy anil palhe-livy nl Ihe hair, muat 11 aware llett ri-rl.-tin aiii.staneea naye a ajaTine ar- "i""" ',l Una.' r an.l it hi l.j a jti'lieiitna miiitiiiiathin ot IViaal h:ta am eewh.l in ennit-nnniltne a mlimre pia-a.a.,1 of remarkable tlrtuea iWayirly lo.iaitt e.a 1 1 r..s i s ii nr.o i.i.i iy ineu-a,,., rmi.r, llenulne freparatlen of Klni.t flxtraet el It..- rloi. a umat (aiauiTe ana ajannc renieiiy kit uiMrei.inr; ailiut-uta. Kr.vt the inlviru.-i nieiit iu another column, htaili-il lit llilal-i'a eie-nuiue rrt'iarali..o.' Correcttd Wirkly Wheat... 1.20 to 15 Kggs Rye 75 Tallow Corn 50 Lard Oats "'& Raeoa Flaxseed 1,5 Ham Dried Apples. 1,25 Shoulder Duller 1 Cloversecd... 51-2J 12 12 10 . o.l 10 MAUKIKJi, On the 27 th inat, by Itrv. K. A. fink, DAMP RKATKR an t Miaa MAIIY WOLF, t"Hh of i'hiliiauaiiie Tp. Hy Ker. .Iihn 11. fraehlell On the Xttt inat, al the M. r. larson!,la.wishnrir,NOAll ZIMJIKKMAN of Center IS. and MlfS I'ATHARINK K. .KI.I.KKS of Tnion. On lite aM int t Ihe Itri.le'a lather In Bill. To. Mil IIKNKY MAI..-IIA1 l.ol 111. and loa AMANDA C. JKS.SOI. In llarri.-t.iir;-, mh inat, l.y tUy.T. II. Kotun-am, lien. .lilllN C. KI'NKKU i-nlalive in rnnsreaa In. in Una Dl.lri. t, an.1 Miaa KI.I.AI1KTH C. Uiuehier of Iir. W. " Itulh, rkinl. nt llarn-l.ur. On the Ut in L bv K. i.Hin. Wolff. I'liTKIt IIKCK of l ill m I'o.a d Mi I.AVIS V NKVt I. V VO l Ni rlh d l'o. lln the -Mil Inat, hj Key. 4. II. Orier, Ke. JiVSKPH PTl.VLNS. Paaisi i t liie Preabvlerian Church, and Miaa Lf.AIl I'F'IVrz,- a ll I Jeraey Shore. On tht lsth hist, hf Key. fr. tloamaa.rol. FF. BtKKR of Ilia la--Ifttiall, null JFAXMB w.-ont laUthler of Joattua VV. .Ia k Km. of l.aiteater. In l. wl.bur- -srili Inat. hj KeT. R. A. Fink. KLISIIA B I'l hSKI. ol Kapy IVilumHa fie, I'a. and Miaa 11 AH f KMM1K daughter of Joaeph KriKht of Lewiafcnrg, ftT-Tb. lrintri were kinllyreaamlieRd. .... In LctHir, IDlh in.t, HORKHT fob of William And M .rpiwet Hwn, ajsM ut 10 imntb. in tb -Uta nit. in t a.-liinftt'nri1l-!. M-nntnor Co. "I (s npumption, MAKiiAKKT 6. t4Ubtrr rf ilif. I'. M. Hjrh-;,-,iu Ui ai ot hrr In H - n.bur? lth ult..MMI p T P Wri! -''. f fn 1 -tl W Vl". ' 'r w-ii. I.MVfrlKSITt AT TEWlSBlltW. j ATont'i:.-Subscribers to the u ll Kund are respeciluMy infi.rincJ tl. Itat the ions now due aui payable. J.A.M!RTZ, Esi., is i rrcriTe ;i).uruej Culleclur.anJ authorized to ivi rie j - f-"r- ,..,, ; . ' lielu.ri Agent and Treasurer. i i :... i. i la-.i ; ; Vnlux VmvnT1 . - u ,he maller ,-,, In the Court of Com ' !.....;.. r..r.i........r. of i ' " ..L ,. . Asso-j Tcim. 1857. Wo. 138. I eiation.-- lrit wS T Chamber"" 1 (..r, l .Nesbit, I. Brown M l.auRhliu, J. R,..u,n M'l.anohloi. J. Merrill Lorn, w illiam rnck. las. w. i en - i '",... W.ll.arn A. chreyer, Jos. W. Shriner. ! Mil Slil'er, Henry U. Dcoller, Thomas Haves, j jl.u J. Mu-ser. Jas. V. M Clure. William J.'t"-Ja.. HamSia.Juhntt.l.iuneph Kre- 11... IV ...I I II I'nrn.t;.! nl I Itf. las. . . mil. uas. -TOmi joi " county of Tnioii, presented iheir petition to the Court, SMIins forth that they are desirous ol leruiin; themselves inlo an association tor literary and lienclkial pnrpoes. Ac, to be known and be incorporated into a body politic , corporate, hi deed and iu law i.y the name, style, aud title of the l.t'W Islmi K I- n an Anmm ' aud have pre-1 pared an iustruiiicnt in writing specif) -in" liie j I ,a'JiuU' une' M le. aJ l"le "" J','r wlneli Uiev have assieiated. And now to: u.jt . Senti-mber III. 1"o7. petition and articles '' incorporation were rea l and presented to . .1. . mm... ...:.i :n. lr.....A..t 1... 1. m.. liie e.e iuu i it- jnim in.-o hnihh ..wm ..- rused au l examined and approved, and the Court ordeied the same to l.e tiled, .te., and if no siillicient reason is shown to the con'rary. the piayer of the petitioners will be pranied at next December Term ot this Court. Ill TUt C"lT. Witness my hand and seal of ihe S ) at l.ewiidiurg the 2d day of ' 8- j October, A. I). ' MAMI.'KLUOt'll.rrotlionotary. October oil, 'i7lc Issue I.lsl,ov.&. ncc.TvriuM, isi7 John Uoebuck vs A J Ohio ; Com sue. M Chainberlin vs Hm Win I! Heiinl I vs Smith II Tin ... .. ., , . ' l,as li.i.,,wk. vs J h"! l'cnny. Hoffman & High iiompsoii Sprout, Bur. & Co vs .1 A Stock el al'(2 suits) Mary Jane flint Ac vs Charles D Kline Lafayette Albright vs John Dalesman ' a.u.u. i etl'fr kiirsl vs Richard Doii-rheny fUrwian Dersham vs Jose,,!. ..ever ct al Daniel i.aycocK vs t iiiiam .uoorc j ,)jn. ., jf vs iieot,,t i)Usd ct a, John Wenzel vs lackson M'Laughlin i -"'"J " '-e'lfer vs David Spitlcr wiih notice I Samuel tiaker vs John Datesnian I Elizabeth Vartz vs David drove I "aul: of "--nvillc vs Lorenzo I' Tced Mary A Davis vs William Dans r.corie Wehr vs tieorse Faust Daniel Rangier vs Uasliaii Teifel, with no Wm Uilter vs Charles Dreisbach Daniel Williams vs Kaufman & Reber Wm M'Cleary vs Win M VanValzah Seth I" M'?orinick vs George J Swartz Mary Fishbauzh vs Danl D tiuMin et al Vouugman & Walter vs Noah Waller Thornton ck VanValzah vs John Murphy , - .. . ii i. Israel reneiici vs jamcs .iiancK Uayi(, Herbs, ys J)anieI Kn,er David iiaertges vs Alfred Kneass I'eter lluiumel and ilc vs Daniel Keimli r J D Sorvcr eSc Co vs Samt and Jos V Shriner John I).. Lone vs Jos ii M'Call James M Smith vs Robert Chambers t Charles II Cook vs Uyers & Ritler ! T Church &. Co vs Solomon Mayer Kanck 4 Roland vs Lamb-rt Itanck AJm' tor J. Kauck v s A C Ucn Lippincott A Co vs Ranck oc Roland ' Rosenber? & Co vs same PW.W "Z e,, " HL llarrirl Jenl-in: v: t1,rrit (Misnr.,.1 ri aj Beck & Rebcr vs John same vs Da vol .imnn-rman Chrles llartzel vs state Mut Fire Ac Ccmp David Fisher vs Jonathan Dieflenderfer Ilunseckcr for Church vs Jos I) Forrey Thus Church vs same Fred'k riolender vs Thos Church &. Co Chas II Shriner vs Wm Rule I'nion County vs Henry Solomon Sain 'I S Barton vs Joseph Mcixell Yominraan & Waller vsTasarl FurmanA. R John Mover vs Fred'k Worman Michael Wasner vs Fred'k Bolender ru.1.,, fawlcv vs John Youiiiman ct al I. B CI T st VS C H Shriner Reuben Stenincrr vs Alfred Kneass Price J Falton & Co vs Jacob Merkley John Roland vs State Mutual Ins Co Saml II Orwi? vs Saml Gulelius T Graham Hutchison ct al vs Jac Bridge ct al John Locke vl Robert Ililands Jos F Ciimminss vs Chas R t'ronrath Coinrs Cn Co for MTutley vs Sjpher's .Vims I'hilip I'outtus vs James Irwin ct al ! Thos Fenny vs Chas M Cook DISSOLUTION. ! T IHE copartnership in the roach-making i business between tile undersigned was dissolve.! bv mutual consent on the -Sih of ; .1 ii I v, IBM. The books c. are at the old! stand for seiilemeut. WM. II. R ITT El!. Oct.21, '.V,. FLA MAN IS II V ERS. i?TH IV ! laainill. ! STRAYED from the snbsi-riber. 2 about Ihe 7th inst.,a lisht black e.ol- oie.l Milt'll '', about 4 years ' Id. in good order when she lelt no particular ; 1 in.iriis recoiiecieii. anypi-ismi ifiuinin-s.uo row. or giving information where she may be fouml, bhall be pronerlv rrwantcil. i. HC.NKV liKOWN. I.pwi!nrj. Ori. 21, "hi. fllllE Stockholders of Ihe tit Iilnlip ' I Ilailkw ill please take noiu e, that an election f. t thirteen Direc tors to manage the I aflairs of Ihe corporation for one year will be j I c d Rt tne iiaiiKing House in i.ewisourg, ou Monday, the UUh day ol ."sovcmi-cr next, ue tween the hours of one and three o'clock, af ternoon of said day. F. W. 1'OLLOI'K, Lewisburg Batik, OcL 1 1, IM7. f ViA'r. I.KWISUI it; IIAXK. rilHE Kuiekholders of the IslnirK I Hank will meet at the Hankins House in Lewisburg on the First Tuesday of Novem ber, between the hours of Vi ami .) I. M., to accept or reject the Law passed at the recent session of the Legislature, legalizing Ihe sus pension of specie payment by the banks. the same lime and plaee.ihe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will lake place, in accordance wilh the Banking lawnl' ixtiii. Oct. Ifl, 1857. F. W. POLLOCK, Cash'r. GOODMAN k OHAMBERLIN WOL'I.D invite general attention lo their Fall and Winter Slock of GOODS, just received. French Mennocs, Alpacas. Dehages, Flaid Woolens, Ginghams, Delaines from 10 to a.r cts. per yd. Prints from bj lo l"-J cts. per vd, Shawls, Gloves, llo sirry.Ac. A general assort ment of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Broadcloths. Cassimcres, Salincus, Vesungs, Craval.i, Gloves, Hats, Ac, Ac. UKOCEKIES. New York Canton Co.s Teas, fine Green and Oolong, Rio and Java Coffees, Sail, Fish, Sugars, Svrup Molasses, Soap, Can dles, Cheese, Ae. -ALSO, HARDWARE, QCEEXSWARE, rf. Lewisburg, October 83, 1857. II-OI'lIS, Cassimcres and Vrsuugs, Hats, J C aps, Ac., a hie assortment at Hani -..a a Cbamttei lln. I If ANK Contracts wilh Tearhets and Or d.r-en Trra-?rcr at t luni( le t'it.t-e ; TAMEU - OCT. 30, li57. ! Adiourucd Courirroiafn:illoii. sucni jiihc iur inr utu Jimawi ai-h w u I "etiusy'vauta, cotnpoet ui Ine euntip limun, Milllin ami Snyilrr. anJ Tliilip Kuhle ' a"1' J"'"' W.Siiii.mloD.Ksn's.Aisuciate JuiiRes , ror ;ni,m countv. have llinr precri.l ' bearing dale tl JOth Jay of Septroil.rr, Ii7. I and to me directed, lor the h.iUinii of a nrt ul i.nmon Hleasat Lewbnri? lor the cunty ! ot 'Union on the lonrth Monday nf No. mxt,i - 1 (being me s-u uav) twa,, anj to com..- o.. I week. .MJi ICE is theft-lore h. .-reby Etren to ! Witness and all person, in the ssne List, to be then and there present and not depart without It-are. Jurors are requested j IO DC punctual in iiieir anini.wiic i otw mv . appoimeo, Erer..ic . ..u... I Uiven under my hand and eal at tne nr- oivrn , . ,., , """T, , .?", , " ,r ,i,- ; A 1. IW.anJ the year of the ; Independeiiee f lne L.i. of America. j Ood save i lie U,,,,,,.mwealih ? j UA.Mbi. u. wwin.. nen. i - . i iii.M.Hl on nana at nil nines, iieini a i 1 niVlTiC Jtlnr, ilhj. 1 OUll, SU . . I .w ll.f,ur'ihni llassenplug, laac llubler, Joseph Kilerl ' : ,,rvJai(.s Auble. Kniannel K uIh rmaii, Jacob imlli. John itnlil Jr. U.miel i.oii: Samuel C Wilt, John Obcilm AW ttuffiikit Jacob Wolle Hcuc lUrlin Jnv id M.iuek. Henry Solomon. Lewiitnir Juhn Chamberlui, Joseph tireen. Thomas Urahairt, I'rnncw A iKinachy, Jon-; mlian Woile, John II liou liuau. . H'rsl Hnffulue Isia I Hassenplug, Samuel; K n ii I in ,t n. j Kfli Jacob Kiser. I'hilip Slant, David Hide-1 Iv. I'eter Ilaeubueh, Wm Kagle, Emanuel , Beedy. Mute Deer Andrew M Lienahan, Aaron .Mi s. ti i .... i ... if l:...r... I.., singer, noueri ai luiicy, jicuiy uimiihuci fer. I. imrttnie Henrv K Sanders. Itiiffulue- David lieaver. Aetam Sheckler, Esq. i'eter Mill-r, Joseph Diellenderler, John Di nner. Win I. Irwin, James Deal. L'niun Chailes bleer. (Jranl Jarors, December Term, 1S57. lhirlleij Henry R Charles, Jacob llilhish. Samuel K nailer, Daniel Hunsecker.Sainuel llartman, Jacob 1'raucher. M-jJtinlmrgi.icok Fox, J W Sands John Bad- fer. William t-'roizer. Iiritmrz Jeel C Kelly. L'ltimi John Vouiittman, Jacob Slear, Jr. Iliijfiilie Charles Frey, I'eter Hunmelreich, James W. Simonlon, Jacob lerr, Tbomaa Iddmgs. Krllii David Kelly, John Datesman. II. llufftittie Edward Smith. While Jierr Adam Smith. AW IS iJfalot W illiam Fox.Ueorge Kreish-'r. Traverse Jurors, Quar.Ses. Dee. TV57. HVI llnffiiloe Joseph Orwi;,Haniiiel Young, Win Taylor, Johu Uechtel, I'hilip Sipley, John Deck. Ilujfiihit Jas D Chamberlm, John Wise, Ja - r-.ll..,, VV... It slir.iur John Miltrr. llarHry Michael Schnure, Alrah .Marsden, Solomon Dreisbach. Samuel Olewine. Isai- ah Corl, Christian J)ale, Ueorge Brouclier, 1 nomas Church. Edward iienner, John Vaicer, John Hower. A"iy l'aschal Clingan, Daniel Noll, Isaac Klin:, Joseph Musser. James Lawson. White Itcrr Jacob Troxel, Aaron C High, Robert Candor.JosepliCaldwellJuhn Moure, Samuel Dnnkle. Xrw llerlin James Seiman.Jcseph Kleckncr, John D Iiozar. .liuktttn Jacob Leiby. Luiun -Levi Rook, John van Buskirk. Charles E Morris. l;J,J,('l,ill llassennluL-. John Reber. AW Huffahe Morison W Kremer, Daniel Miller. I.imrUnne Sa S Barber, Da W Pellman Isu'isburg James C M'Clure, Larison l'ross. T IIR following Certificates of Deposites in the Leu isburg savings Instttuiion ; No. 81 1 of Feb. 4, for fjiliW Oil No. :i:l of Feb. 13, ISSS. for l0 (W in my name, havin-; been lost or mislaid, and I bavin; transferred the same tn HI GH 1. SHELLER, notice is hereby given lhat all persons are warned against neg tiaiing for the same, and that I shall apply for a re-issue of said Certillcates. JOHN LEWIS. Lew isburg. Oct. 12, IS.'i7 AtliuinlNlralorN Xollce. JOTICE is hereby fjiven, lhat Letters of il Adminislration on the Estate of JOHN II II ill. late of White Deer township, I'n ion county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned in due form of law : Therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment ) and those having just claims against the same are also requested to prestni tnem properly aiiineiiucaicu lor seme me ut. CONRAD S WARTZLEN DE R. Administrator de bonis nrn. ButV.iloc Tp, Oct. 10, lo7 nUlianl cw lllat kin?. A rTi FTER tears of espenmeniinz, J. If. Richards has at last atiained the end of rlesantly piili'hiw;, and at the same lime f7 in and "itiniz the Luther at the same tune. " who go in" for a splendid ariirle. will ns(. ;i, h-irtls' New Compound" sold bv ii,ris, caJwcll. C. W. Schallle. Alex. Am"-. Ir(,ns . Hursh, tioodman A Chambrrlin. J. & I.Walls. J.M'Faddin and t thers Hi Lewi-b'i 0).i-tpdl J. H. RICHARD", Prnp'r, X. Y. FLOUK! FLOUR!! FLOUH ! ! ! OWING lo the suspension of specie pay ment bv the Hanks, and consequent hard times." we have decided to reduce the rr;r(. ,.i flur. We nte i,nw r.e!lin-r at a low fi"tire. and l;tving determined lo make a regular business o( ,, w, coniiniic to supply the luaikct, at reasonable rales, lor t.ash. CHAMBKKLI.N BROS. Oificc al Goodman & Cbambciliu's store. Oct. 8, ltt.Vif First of the Season! T miREYEIl & SON have received ,J , an entire NEW STOCK of I'all an.l .t inier ;ooI, comprising a larse lot of l.AHIRS PRESS ;tllls,Silks. French Menno.Cashmeres, lie Laines.Poil dc Chivre, a lartse lot of I'e Laines lo sell at 1? cts ; Also, a genrral assortment of Men's Wear. Cloths, Cassiniere, Velvet and Silk Vcst ings and al! prices, shawls.tnen's and la-dies'.FIannels.Mu-lius, Tickings, (ineensware. GKOCKKIF'S, and a general assortment of ee- 1 rrything belonging to a Conntry Store, which I have been bought very cheap for rash, and arc ilciermineil i sell very cheap for the sam. Those wishing to purchase forcab will flease call ami eamine lor themselves. j silsiircs ollrr, AZOTIC ... . , a t villiyr. is nrii-riy -jneii ,oi iu . 1 sicaed has been duly appointed Assigner , of Daniel I). Gitldin.of Lewisburg. All per sons knowing themselves indebted, either by i note or book account are arc re-inesierf in call and make immediate payment, and those having claims against the sunt are hereby notified to present them dnlv authenticated for settlement. . JOHN A. MERT3. . Lewisbuig, Sept. S3.le.61w8 , ' ' ' Stni Ela II. ORWIU, Aftoraejr at La. v. OFFICE on Snnth Second near Market St, 1 EWl.SBVRd. FA. "r?".U! rreffsaion.-.! Business entrusird fo bis rare "tl! be ra"'ifu'fv nn 1 ( ynipttv a'Tii iA ,,. s,., i , IE.. I .... i I US.S0LUTIOX. Notiie h 1' G. Kiveu, id Cuparlm r-hip btrrctirfr t cailiu uciwcen tnarir o. jimih nl NUnuert has trrn Uu wy dwlM t luulii j al C"Iimt1. The bouk o l prrs leii m I'harlra !J. Cmr' bands for c..ll-riion. I'HAS. S. I.-R1TKS. Oct 5. Hi. JillX ST W.NEKr. The Bulchrin bnsinrss will be carried on a, the old stand by V, S., tinder the su pennt.aJonce of John Niannrrt. t.IOt BtHCRV O O N I ' r. OTIONHRY. I1IIK sub crilicr respictlully takes thi me- Ihuj to inform the citiMnsot l.ewibtir; , ,:.,. : -, ,, ,h, I .,.,. D,r r .... ' licttlai. tint he ha opone.l a HakerT anil CwnferlloiM-rj , on Third street, in .Mr. . n.nlJins.where he will be ready ... ; su,.,,!, all llo Tuny favur h,.., will, a call . lhc )f , Ulli ,,,. , hn m(. bKKaII, VAKKH an 1 C.iNFnc- . ... .. ... ,,raciical llaker and Confeeiiotier for nowar I ' I of twenty live ream, he feels contid-'nt that all j w ho favor him with a call cr rive him a trial shall not be disappoiuled. t-J linss an I I'anics sui ; !ii d at Hie shortest nolii e. uu tie- most reasouablc teniis. All soils ol Omu uii'iitat V'irk done to orJer. I I!i:i:.l) delivered at II..nfs at all time , when de-ited. CHAKLKS lif-LNLU. I.ewislmrj, (Vl. 7, Ifa'i. PRODUCE WANTED. ; JV.1lw1th-.lan.liu5 the uhurd timrt" l'l inters ! mnst roiitinue to try to live. We are aware ' that many of our patrons, in consequence of : the .short crop of the great Wheal staj !e, may ; ; u.ri a, lf ,,. nail ( ,he c.a,n Io srare fr . . J ' the Vhrvnicle. We are desirous of aeeeunnio - dating all as far as possible, and will receive '"'nmer l.ooilt Irom Afv 1 ork and J'hila ail suitable I'RUDLCE for family u e at '''l'1"'. consisiin of I LOTUS of evnv Cash rales. J'lcase bring as early iu ihe sea-, tJ bl-,c- "d taoey CASIMEBKf. .son as convenient. We want more or less of fj'"0 " beautilul variety of Ready Made CI.O II l r j t ! f 7. I' I ir "11-"! of all dcscriplii n- Also, Ladies' oo7, L irJ, Tatw, Iiiltry, Irnh Mmt, 1(res, Nacba, .i,(t, 7 iir. et c. JJiu Cuis, 1'riith, White (imi, Oingam: l'.m- on old or new accounts but no Cash to pay IruiJirin, lilhbmu, Ih-iiri,, r. Siraw for them with, as we have other uses for it. j Unnds, Hardware Cedarwarctjiieensware. A c. - i All kinds Produce taken in eiehante lor THE Misses Snoily & Lower.ori'liila., 1 ;""' r'J for crain. X have jua opened their Cheap, New and : A!.-o, Joint, Sawtd and Lap Shlastri ii i. ii a,-,. ... a ' constantly on han !. J. B. DATES.MA.N. I asliinnable Millinery Store, Vy j June in, tsi? in Thir.l street, nnnfisit lh Melhoitisl V.J I Church, and invite ihe Ladies of Lewi biirt and the country around to call and rxainiue Ihcir slock of Fall and Winter Djuntti belure piirchasin!: elsewhere. Making and Repairing to order. Lewisbiirg, Oct. I, lt.r7. CLOTHING!!! T GOLDSMITH & EKO'S take fleas-! I ure in annonnciM? to the cilieus ol l-ew i.sbur and the public in general lhat they have i received the largest stock of Black, Blue, t llr..n an. I Ml. ..I 11 .MTU VRlll'k' llRKSS j and SACK C".l'J'.i, Cassnnere Coals of ail j kinds, Cassimerc, Cloth aud Cassinctt i'anta. ' Velvet, Silk, Satin. Cloth. Cassimerc and Sat- ! melt Vests, Hats. Vcps, ,Vir., Lader t ti thes of everv description, which they oiler to sell tWcr than the Cheope,t,ur Cash. 1 . We would call particular attention to our slock of IIOY.S' I.OTIIIl.. Clulhing made to orJer, wiih nea'nes and despatch. j. goldsmith & Mr$. Mark.-.! ilml. nrlt t U alia'. Auditor's Notice. "jOTICE is h-reby given to all persons in- I ll terrsted. that the undersisned has been j pp0iiited Auditor, by ihe Orphans' Court .7 I nion countr.lo distribuie anions the crceii-, tors the proceeds of the estate of Cstjismiss ; d h, conlmu?s ,h(. Tailoring Bus. deed; and lhal he wil attend w the, lK,.s ,,p u fi u, rra.e all Wl.r.. duties ol his appointment at the office of J- ft,ni,,vj l..,, r n- ih- t alf'-r-i ef on Satur'iay, inc itist nay oi I'cioocr uhi, m : o'clock. I". M.. of said dnv. Sept. .Vl, '57. WM. JONE" Auditor 70S. L. YODEU, Practical Watclinn- J ker and dealer in Clocks, Watches. Jewel ry. Silver Ware, I'ianos, Melodeonsand Sheet j Music. All kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted for one tear. SM'Cisi l?3 to suit any eyes for sale, and new glasses inserted in old frames. Lewisbiirir, June 4, ltr7. NEW GOODS ! rPHE l'laee to buy Hoods, cheap! L iudi.s t wrrrzr Beg leave In announce lo the public that thry have opened a large and complete stork of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, rmSracin every varirtj f La-hf s antl Urnts .sumim r wear tor.h as '!i.ihs, ("asMnu ri's. Iimer (ik-i! Vesims liinhaitu, l'alicrr. Silks, B'raes, I! r rase Urlaines, MirtHrrs. lawn. Muslins, a I arse a-si-niut ut ul KVi bKOiUKKltff ul all Uimi.. aTo a larqe assortment of "AKrri'St j SALT, H.-li, Ac., alwarson hamt. j Fanners ami llousckecpors ! t- rrwtf'lW iBTit-1 t rs.iniin' f-nr awrtni-cnt 'f t.f.nt t-hiys. t K'H A AT. ll.lh'lHt.tKK .- . IVA i''( Ar., DI wi are M.tu-&-4 that jruu Hill fiu - ' r.tlilu.if iIk- UrHqUAUty, t-uiaav d-.eirc, at ill ml m"b fale nt'J. iur lvo,U were (wlPctH with Bnu?,l nr.-. atul w b. lH-eill W ti'Un.1 i f llir " twt,amlifi'r ttt'ulily a-" chntp a tin rail rasuiUj b vilcr-Ma at an; -oili r .t in tha W-i4 hrnnch. J xnf nod w, .itrt- rnn n.r,t w..nts a. tn-tra. I'UtWlt A" trktn - ti:il t'ASH luwt wUbar;:. Arril. U u AAlinN K WHZKl,. THE KEIvlUVP! T 'HE "old Mammoth" ahead ! Xsil- withstanding the cold winter an I the late spring. J. & J. WALLS hatre received antl are now opening an nnns ually large and well selected Mock of SPRING & SUMMER GOOD.-, roiistsling partly of Cloths of everv grade, plain, black and fancy Cassimcres. a beaiililnl TerHlT ! VeMiwiPi, Italian Ck'lba, Jemm, 1 wetda anj i Suuiun-r wear. a'tMl Ladies' DrcsH .oo1m, anrlV aa Silka, Tiaaiiea. la-laina. Kereea, rrinl:. Wh-w rmhritiilerlee. IliM-en. Il"aiery.'ll..iea, bliacht-tl ami bnwa Mualin Iriah Linen 1-h.i!, and STRAW OOOPS ofe.ery .arkly and jlc alao a fin. M-tertmn cf IIaUDWAHB, (Jl'F.KXSWAKE, I'cDAtt AND WllIoWWARE full-J tall th want f tb pyptw a lUfib let tl CAT5PET1W0S, me. Ae. all m wnitn may oner i irmr euaiomerp ai HU,uli. u-m i.neee. loam and uther lnuulr, I uk-a lo ei-ban- fcr ii--rla.liewiab-irs. Arnl, Is " : - Auditor Xutlce. -lyyoTlCE u lierrby given to ail persons ia X 1 trresled, that the umb-rsigned has been appointed Auditor, by the Couil of Common Pleas of Union county, to disiribute ihe pro ceeds arising from the Sheriffs Sle ol the real estate of Taggart, Furman & Carton ;and that he will attend to the duties of bis appoint ment at the Doilalo House, in the Borough of Lewisburg, on Friday the day nf Oetober next, at ten o'clock. A. M.. of said dav. A. SWIXErOKO, W.V.-. September t". lf- , pp A 1 Wksl.-e i ok'" WiiJiam Jones, f.; I'fTOR.NKY at LiUV. (ulit iUuIIJ i i L vruiuuriw alKoilnl to. Ollur va Koath Second St, iccu-'ly by H Hm k-k. I Dissolution. 1 riHE copartnership in the Mereaniile Busi 1 ness heretofore evisim between ihe nn- drisi'iii-Jus litis day dissolved by iiiottticiii seni. Tlir l;o k. Ac, are at llir vid ilia I fur ' t . if .... i. P. HtR.iH. O. It. VOKE. l.ewisbnr, -pt. H, 1-07. Administrator's Notice. If TIILREAS, Letters of A Imimslraili.n '.. y T Iheesiate of Mrs. Keixe ra M I .l..h iis, I. ii. of Kelly Tp, L'lilou ceillniy, d'-eea have been !rranted to the subscnb'T, ail p r -iui indebie.t to said estate ate reijn-t-d t make hiiiih diaie payment, and those h;io, claims against the same ill presenl th. m duty auihrnticated for settb ineiit to H U JKIIDA.N, Adiiiiiii trir. r, 10, is:,; r..pd COMH OXi:, COME AfJ . m rim cheai' im coon .rronK. T O ! Milton wiih alt vonr in.-n:. Ve'u'ii i-iali you uaut. and liud 'em r '-.'.', J. U. D.TfMA., be is the man. I i: ie. Wh-reyuu'rc sure to be suited, and lUc-a come Wh-n more yon want in the same line. His rule ie. now's the time To " settle- that's tvliy he's so cheap. Cah" is Ins mono, and he can't be Leal. J. It. ll:t)Ckiiian. Hf Milton, . "' received Ins second lot ol Spring and Rich and Rare IS the large and choice as-oilmeni of new SpriiiK und Suiniait r Good now arming at the well known Corner Store I of i BEAVER, KREMER ft M'CLURE. Call and see! Il.ewisbur?, April 17 JUST OPENING. flIIE subscribers are now receiving a large J and well selected stock cf , Sl1, Si Sl'IHlllPr fifl fill's ! K'i,lllJ?5 VV JUHI1HC1 UUUUe?y ' embracin-; evervthin usually railed for in a 1 own More -also a large assortment of nail ; I'aper which are offf red cheaper than ever j f;,r ".sl? or ranr Produce, tv Look in at the Athan:e Stole of " I'POWN t RITTEr I l.,wisb,,r7. April 17. 1:,7 , - -' i jfew Arransements New Goods: "JOSEPH L. HA WX Lavin? taken the J well known sfYKEli HXi WUUE, has refitted it, and filled in an eitensive vanetv of ! '.int. C. ,,.', ni,M'i,r . 1 A,s( a Ilrj( anJ s ,,niliij st(,t.k of .,,TH.s , . . K .:s . , h . ... -. B. Cutting an d Repainnn jt j done to order. Lewisbur?, April luj ISO" A -M tlilt 41. ICF.iOl.t TIO. ! Tin, a . . U) ISASi-f'tta aTs iV- HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. mt: t;i.Af fvi'STue it; lit Ayr: i The itU?J .ti-ir.1- ((. B m. - ill" Waj t!t tr n:il orii through ilit- p.-r sof tlir tl.ii. Ttii titrti ttn?ml!iKBt. UiHtln- on.rr tl hand al tt fc rnMw. in, is alusorWU tl rcu-h tiiv muh vlmuut.. d. m h if tli: wat ot it'amroti' ti. pri.tni-My anl inrartaMr riiMun it, mii tLrr I. t ail ii In tUv Lili . lb U.r,tli lurir. ir ar o tl.-T ini -rt:mt ' rtfrn. It iirtrt. tlt furfaf.' t" the inT.-ri.-r, ihrotiftb th o -unlit tuU-.. tbt tuciuun ;it' unb tin- ki:i a suiumrr ruin r-" I ili fitr.l artli, ilitlUfiiig iUcccl anil tfne.aUa.f, i tsks first asks jyn f;r..t.Dt zar furFiiiyt.x. Lun il-.trik'ririit.ithn I quxhlv nuu-r. 1 I t th-iitti-inl1-iinin:ii' rv aitita-tl lMiO.nto.rnt. A h- tTV Kill Pil-'X.-, U' h U-. !tl T I. Hi. I M, liltMA-., Tt TTt . KlI- WOBlf. f l h l-f. ITILK kl.-H. N'(lr F In ?i V j A-f1ic tt, r. turn i ninrr. uMiU-r il: -yli ti n llf-ffT?il 'lrri.-n.'r in all fiJt ff tli w.-rM 'n it "J : inki llat-il it mui.- jM'Ml tLc ktat ti luiiscic.-, Uii- jv-iiil : nuJ tlir t1-'" I i tt rr. wrs. jn rr.r -iv.i j Tlif rif I vf ihu iirivAl-l . xtf rnal t hiIt vjun I' S n-ful.i, an 1 t-'h r ir il nt uli'T r.r. m r, i .iy t Bttmculot1- It tt-t di-w-h.ii jr-: thu i-'i-i-n alii- h fi-Jit i iiH'!i D nti'l JT'-.J Drill. iDtl Dili- tli tiirrd iii !i IL.-- )..-jiin; i n i-vitira altcr-Ail .xiui,Wta am HuiaiaV.s j:i;i isfs. T:rr:yx. jyr stauk I In c;nf-- t f IU- I'ra t'ln- . il l-n. c la;ur!5 Nii-i Vx flam T'l.ii ii3, I:cm.-i. l:i 5cuj, a i I v.hirxt& -v tite .l-faT. uti.l r-'btritrli rf tiir 1 VV., H t- rUipli'J. il aJi-.l wiltllit Tr- WW Utliti by liie l;it-- n,t,. Tlii Biartx-lH-rr-m. iIt 1m Ni ifrw,i:-ra J t- if liiutBf'Or id j.-ritin tiili ail Hm-! attnc U if Hale -rt tJ t'-j-tf, uliJ ui' fruit!-' t!"i -i h nk U- vnbcul U. i -..'i .t.iftM.K t r.JiiM. jr. I Tlw Mcliral St-U yt U,e Krru. U nnl Kali. trwi- i j j t i'rmi- h:iv M.-n-I tiif irari'rw'1 I H.J j m,tv t, ,nu. ia. Jtii.l t!n- l n-h-W-i dn-vii p fc r f hr ria-fw. tnr-. itrl rnn -h- t . un ls. It J- L rJ bv J tlir .-'urfoin.- 1 1 ti-- JIIn l ! h-th IU (hutmfut a,J 1 tluU be UHU 1. 1 HiiDi.-na Mi i. ui il kiulf.-tu w-t-lKrl GInU ;rtiM ril" l' laaJj hhirimtim Fi-re Bnsa. t !:iitl:IU l.ijniniii J-tTr I!c.m) Fl-tula hnlt K 1m-uiil 5trt Thrt iont p.rvw.'fU LinJa : .-iiflJf iot-1 T.ttrr tliTta ViihtuIStm t.xiiiiJ r-f all KfM ,.-';. at thi Msnnf tf-t- fi iwt-itMr II-ttr t Kit MaiVn lean.. Npw Vnrh. ami tT-i oL Lomion. t-r i all (wruMr hru.irl 1't j. rin Mv4ii inm ltirUi;.t- a.nk I .llll V. 1. ..,.1 ifu t--I 1 . . 1j ctnt. tCj:; iviit. :itt fl rm Iu . Tl.-ri.. ft ct-C3-rfkr-LIt- wjrirf ly .akiBg tlic Ur(. rr ctrs. N V. T,rt tH ti" U t tnr liJ.UMt of paiK af. is ty tli-m.lar atii t. tm;h i.t. LOOK THIS MV! xotice: xurict:: xotci:::: HAYIXJI just returned from the t it v wiih an unnsally larj-e Stock and well selrctetl, antt am now pr, pared to s, n geiods lower than can be bon;hl clirwhrie eu thu side of Philadelphia. Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware!!! .all til I -4-Locks, Latches, Huice.. Screws, Glass. Putty. Tames. Oil in fact, rt rn Ihln? rrn mar want tn build yonr. sell a first rate hi use or barn twent. per cent, lower thai ir bcloie. 'Hut uat T '1 his watj .' CAUI'LNTIili'-. '"re you can get the ce-. braled Greenneld t'lanes. Sper A Jackson' hand, trnen ami rip Saws. Butcher's, B.atn'. and rady's t insels and Plane lrcs. patent and common Braces. Brare Cuts, Vm,:i . Sniiare;,, Gn iges, iron Serews, lYlOfassa.- llamoiid's llamiiif rs, ie. niarksinilhs' lriU- SOT-IKOS- ALL mVPSp-ir, Seollop.Tyre.Oval. Honnd and Squarr Cast S'iM'l, Sf g and Lnglish Steel. Vises, Anvils, rell'sw-s, Si-iew I lates, f ic. TP-SFKEi:PrKsr Table and Forks, Carvers. Spoon-, Kiles, I amps. I an dl tie!.-. !.- -Hill.-.isli'lell,. Mala. aiia. Wwl. Kl LL .X Vu ail' nn.l all Hie al t. with n --r;l jst a' Ih- K'"i a"" l-," f " .vt-1 : ii II I vf'to v. .it i.l w i- Pi l;.. r., 1